THE :MERCHANT FHlDAY, POETRY. Heavier the Cross. Hen, vier t..he cross, the nen.rer heaven; No cross,vitbout, no God withinDeath, judgment from the heart are d.rivon, Amid the '"orld's false glare a.nd din ; Oh ! happy he with ailhis loss, Whom Goel hath aet the Cl'OSS. tho cross, t'he better Cbri1:1tiv.n ; This is £he tounbstone Goel p.pp1ics; How 1nany a garden \vould be waating, · ·uuwet by showers from '\veeping eyce; The g_oldfl fire is JiU\·ificd:-; The Christian i.a by troUblc tried . . He~vier SEPTEMBER 19, 1S73. $2~ LITERATURE. Dr. Hamilton's Sermons.· fln th~ FARM AND KITCHEN. · Girls should learn Domestic' Duties. REWARD. I II~a.viei the cross, the stronger faith ; T)ic 1oa.dcd palm stril{es deeper root, The \'ino-jl1i.ce sweetly issneth · ... When men have press~d tne clustered fruit ; .An1l courage grows where dangers come , J..,ike peti..rls bencri,th the salt sea-foa10. · Ilc11vier the crus1:1, the heartier prayer; The bruised reeds most fragto.nt a.t·e; If sky t\Dd 1vind wen:! ~~ lway13 fair, The sai.lor~·ould not 1vatcl1 the i:itari And D~d'a Psalrn::i had not ~mt sung, If grief his heart had ne"·er wrung. Heavitr the cro8s, the easier dyi_ ngi Death is a friendlier fa.ce to 5ee: T·J life's ~~ 0 ... :~.i-- ·1~1u Li.llJ ·.kfyin~ . Fro1n life'r; distress one then if~ free. The cross sublirnuly lifts onr faith 'l'o Him who triltmphed over Jeatb, 'l1hou Crucified l the croS;:J r carry, The longer, m:i,y it dearer be; And lest I 1vhile hero I tat·ry, Implant thou such a heart in me That faith, hope, lovti, inay flourit!h there, r_]_'ill for the cross my cro'wn I 'vear. - Prom, the German. Crumbs for Chickens. 1.Vhn.t docs o. lady's bustlo Iln.ckga.mmon, reai~mble 1 r A boy defines salt AA "the stuff thr.t makes potatoes t&st1;1 1:-ad "'·hen you don't put on any." Don't loa,f about the streets ti.nd depend on the Lord for your da..ily brea.d. lie isn't running a bakery. It ha.$ been proved tlu1,t, after kindling bis fire, a.n .Aberdeen gentleman stuck a cork in the end of the l'ellows to savo the littlu wind tho.t was left in thern. A Troy d!lmsel wants to be a "Patron of Husbandry," and n.sks why they none of theso organizations here? She says she will speud her l:18t dollar and go 'Vost if 'l'roy doaan't 'vnkc up, ' Get out of my \vay- ·what yon good for?' said n. cross old man to n little bdghteyed urchin whi;> hnppen~d to staud in tho \Vay. The little felloiv, aa he st:eppccl to one side, replied vt·ry gently : "Tht>y ma.kt.: 1nen out of such thing!! as 'Ye are.' A NAitOQ'1'10. - Doctor- " J.. ook here, l\1ra. ltiacCa.wdie, don't give him any more physic. A so1u1d sleep will do him inore good than n.nything." Gudewife- "E·h, Doctbor, if 've coulU only get him ta.e the ki1k." .A.lady, in rapid puL'auit of health at Saratoga,, boasted to her physicin.n, \vhou1 a11e met as she wa.11 leaving the spring, "I just dra.nk fi"·e glasses of Congross." 111rhen don't let me detain you," wa.s the <iuiet reply. The gentlaman who asserted tbat bis friend never opened h:is mouth without putting his foot into it, being called up on to apologizo, said ho wae very Borry, but ,vben he mnde the assertion ho did riot see the size of his friend's foot. Scene in a :!lort 'Vayne dry good8 5tore : Lady- " lfow x:uuch for this p1-:int ! " Gtntlemanly and obliging clerk-"Ninc cent2, mum" Lo.dy- "Nineteen ctints; 1'11 give you eif;hteen." Clerk- " Nine cents1 lllun1 ; you misunderstood me." I~ady- 11 Oh t nine cents; I'll give yon eight." " Ye111, tak(l her a.nd ·welcome," responded an Illinois farmer, ,\/·hen a young n1an asked hin1 for his blushin" da.ughtP-r. " She's run away with a school-mal'lter, eloped with a. showman, shot a. wi1dca.t~ and whipped her moihei·, and the sooner yon her tho better." Two 1\iilesi~ns were standing at tho FairlllOtl.nt wa.ter·works in Phila.delpl1 ia., watching the big wheels splashing the ~vater in cve1·y direction, when one of them remarked: "Mike, isn't this a countb1y, whcrf': they have to crind their 'vater beforo they cn.n use it?" A Erooklyn girl has applied to VVise for passag1.1 j_n his ba.lloon, and the professor de· cla.res himaelf willing to take her if she will a. pa,rasol, and we~1· a fnll hoop skirt, M that she Inay be safely dropped out, if it becomes nei,;essa..ry to communicate with the land anywhere bet,veen here a.nd Europe.Father llo~y le, of Wasbin~ton, has doubtless a well-de:r_tiloped buwp of hn1nour. Of hitTI. it i~ reported that on one occosion, -addressing a school.on tE.e subject of--Easttir cclebnit!ion~, a, Y.Qllllg ?vliss l].Ske1..lliiur : "faiher Boyle, what hs the o~igi11 of Eustcr;-e~g-s ? " · '" .A. hen~ 110 ct·onlit:"' l\-1Wt! 1,._...f.i.:pliott-U1e l1'-athe1·;-f1u:i ..ok ly. 'l'hd surgeon of t~ ship of war uBed to pre· \ scdbe Ealt water for his pu.tients: in all disor<lers. H;_i,ving s01rilecl on~ evening on a party of ple;:i.g11n.·, hti happent:d by some cha.nee to be Jost ovc:rbQfJ,,l'd. Tha captaiu, who had not heard of the-disaF1ter, Mked one of the tars ni;.xt da,y' if,h.e had heard nnyUiiug of the doc1tor. " Yes,'" an;1vered J nck, "he w:.w dro'i\o'll· cd night in hia own metlicine-chtist." A school-boy having to w1·ite a. composition. . on "pins," produced the followi.D.g : " Pins .:~re pointed and useful. r_]_'hey have Cone a great deal of good. 'l,hey aa.ved the lives of a great m11ny men WDmcn nnd c}lildren~in fact of whole frunilie~. !.' "How 80 ? " asked th; puzzled teacher. "'Yliy, by not swallowing thenf" replied the boy" ' · A Methodjet minister near "Littlo Heaven" A mother has no right to bring up a.da.ugbtet VVe C)_Uote one or two passages: taken almos without teaching her how to keep houae ; and if she hM a.n intelligent regard to her daughter's a.t ha.p-hazarcl. ho,ppines8, will not do it. 3LANDER, By kno,ving ho\V to keep house. we do not The n1erciful man is considerate of his neighbor's ch11.:ractcr. Perhaps there is no procluct mean merely knowing how books should he nr· tion of our Vi'Orld so rare and precious, and yet i·a.ngcd on the centi·e-table 1 and ho'v to tell servants wba.t is wanted to be done. "\Ye mean none '\·hich ha~ so many enemies, or is ~o genhow· to get a bn:~akf.:ist, a dinnel', a. suppor; hov;' erally attacked, a s character. '\-Vit nnd spleen, to make a bed; holV to swoop a room; how to duluoss and euvy, cold .severity, and fiery bigodo the thousaud a.nd one different things 'vhich try, n.liko assail it, ruid its history is best told in are requisito to keep u 11omo in order, o.nd to the words of the p" rophet (Joel i. 4) : "That which tile palmerworm left hath the lo- ma.kc it pleasant. A person who floes not know how to do a cust eaten. i' 'fhe 11 palmer'\vorm/' or graasthing ·well, docs not know ho'v to havo it done hopper~i:;ome light and frisky per:;iou:tge'\Vcll. No nl-linl]er. of servants up for 1nakes a snap at it, and his jeat does a. little ; then comes a locust, a right earnest the \Vant of knowledge in a m.istre::is . A fa.rrily employed a girl to do general housocensor, with bis trenthant mandibles, o.nd work, She came just n.t night, and the fi..rst makes some severe incisions ; then comes a regular enemy with venom i~ his bite, blasting thing assigned to her to do was to 'vash the ·what he does not E>-waJlow 1 and wha,t the ]o- ~upper dishes. ·· Sho wt"loShed them in cold water3 and without soap ! CU:5t left this ca.nke1·-wor1n de\rours ; and to fin· A gtintleman sent homo ~ roasting piece of ish all, here con1es a. posthumona critic, carping and nibbling at any vestige of verd lu·e, and beef, and ~i. quantity of cut porter·house steaks. what the cnnker-,vorm Jrn..s left, this grub or V..'hen he sat down to dinner he learned that caterpillar, thia devourer of decayed vegetation, the new cook roasted tho sttia.ks ! Y ct many a boa,rdiug-school miss at tho time eats. Most of our grea,t meni Luther, l{nox, Crom1\·ell, I\-filton, Jeremy 1 l'a.ylor, Geori:re of her marriage, might 1nake either of thee e "\Yhitfield, undergone this prOccss, and be- n1istakef!. tw:ixt the gibes and calumnies of contc1nporaries, n.nd the prejudice or hatred of agcR sue· Curing by Kindness. ceeding, they been _represented as JuonThe was the old remedy for all faults stel's or marriacs 1 firebrands or fools. And t11c process 'vllich has passi:U on the grea.t and good a.nd vices in horses; it is now supplanted among of past times iB apt to be repeat.eJ on ordiuary the be!-!t horsemen by kindne&! and philosophimen of our own generation. 'Ve are ttpt, in cnl methods. One horse-the story ia taken heedl1.:$Slle8!:J or bittorne8s, to take up or· even fronl a. book on dogs and horses by ShirJey Hibget up a prejudice against particttlai· pers0ns ; ber<l- ahvays shied at an cipen umbrella. How "1. e will let thei-r:- oddities, their opposition to our opinions, to cure him was the problem. their successful riv~lry in our own line of life, the owner tell tho story of th e cure in hi2 own makes us ee-vero or hostile censol's, and too 1\'ords :" Horses are generWly fond of raw potatoes: . ready to bo\icve and repent what is spoken to their disadva.ntage. But nothing can be more I provided 01ysclf with a few small ones nicely alien to the spirit of the Gospel. It is fulJ. ·of 'vashed; a.ud taking in my left baud a. shut h.mity, u.,od candou1·, v.nd kind constructions; umbrWJ.a, I 1vcnt into ihe stable; :i.nd after it" ]10TJes better things" of tho~e of 1vhom it giving th.: mure llr potato \vith iuy l·ight lumd, I has heard inUifierent accounts, mid by this presented her with one stu~k on the point of Shortly afterwards I very '"11ope" 1nake1:1 them better. of the closed umbrella. waiLing for men's halting, or exulting in theh- gave h er another, with the uinbrella slightly overtlirow1 it thinketh no evil, it ri.·joic~th not opened ; then anoLhor and another, each timo in iniquity, it hopcth a.II thing-$; and whil:st it open.iog the umbrella still farther, and so on, inl$ist.s on honesty, u.nd discourages :.i.dulat.i.on, until it \Vas presented fully open. At first, its 'vholc tendency is to encourage benevolence ' l!~anny' appeared nt what she doubtand brotherly kindness; ancl inst ead of nib- less considered aa her old enemy ; but seeing bling and gna.wing at our 1;1.eighbor's good name, the potato on the point, she soon became recon· instead of a.cting as the canker·.,,.·orms and ca.t· cited, and took it off, thou~h sho"9ling a litt1A el'pillars of character> it urges ill! to inake our shyness. The next time she took it with ACO.rTl1ia lesson was repeat.ea a. own go'ld, and to hold our neighbol"a sacred. cely any· fear. It urgea us to resemble God Hi1ns<'lf, who is few times until she became so fn.miliar \vith the the great guari.liti.n Q.f i·eputations, and the open urn brella, and so foncl of the potato preavenger of injured rectitude. "Lo1·d, who aentc<l. 'vith it that she permitted it to· be furl· shall abide in '11hv taberua.clo? who shall a.bide ed and unfurled, under and over her head and in Tliyholy hill; He that walketh uprightly, about her in evtlry direction; and, being eV!;!l' and 'vorketh rl~hteousness, and spcaketh the re'\'arded by the potato, in the end she actually truth in his heart. He thnt backbitetb not bccamo fond of eeoin~ me carry the '.unbrellai, But with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbor, or ma.kc my appearance in the stahle. nor taketh up a reproach ngainst bis neighbor." how ·w ould she act out of the st;:i.ble? tha.t was the quf:stion. T}l l!l ll'Al1~H OF l"OAII. "N6t Jong ~ter these lessons v.·as given, an And in ihe .same way we might instance leaopportunity occurred for testing her out of sonS 1·lhich the Lord has set out in the hiato1·y A. person was met 011 doors 0110 rainy day. of o~he1· patrlarche. 'l'ake, for example, NOAH. the road carrying- rut open umbrella. }i:auny liis ark wa~ huilded, auU the time vntS come was left with a tolerably ft·ee head, and the sue that be ::;hould enteJ: it. But thero was so1nti· ceas of the expe1·iment ·was clearly provud. The thing- very forn1iUable in thab final and con· actually 'vent across of her 01vn accord, to clusiv·e step. 'l'o look oYer these- coming the other s id~ of t!:ie roa.d, where the umbrelln. months aud think of u.11 their chances and all was, doubtless exp"lcting a ! She was thei.J: perils-to know that for a. yea,r together disappointecl for the n1nmont but 1\'tltS rewarded he should be a. "'·aif on the world of wn.ters,with one when i:.he got home, nnd nover n.fter and ·what if the flood should nev~r ebb, and the that did shc~shy at o.n open umbrella." co.rth never again should dry? And what if The w1·iter of this ha.s a horse pertheir <lrcary slip should wande1· age by age, fectly kind and gentle, but nervous and excita· and never touch anothe1· shore? ...<\.n<l what if ble, 'vho bad a habit of starting back whene"·er sonie ca.hunity sboulU occur meanwhile, n.nd, llrllyone went to take her by the bit or \mfasten dai:;h~d on some beetling coast, the frail and her from a post. VVhat was the reason? I clu1nsy ves9el tiliould go down? .._'\.nd then judged that in tiwe::i past she ha<l beeu struek there w~ something very damping in tl1 0 upon.the bead by some surly or cu.reless groom. sense of po,vcrle.ssness. ~ro feel that he had no Every ti1ne, therefore, I 'Yent to he1· head I control over his floating hou$c- to ha,·c no rudcarried her o.n apple or potato. The conseder by wb~eh he could regulate its course-no q11encc is that the now a.ssociu.tion of iden.s bns s<Jrap of canva.s that he might stretch- no padentirely obliterated the old. There is no londle thn.t he might pull, so as to speed it past ger a.ny shying or jerking ; she expects a the pl11rce of danger, or p-uide it into smoother srnn.11 luxury in the form of some favorite food, water- to not even a loophole or look·out nnd the- old fear is quite goue. Kindness, except a bole which sbo"\\·ed the rotten ~ky- to ealmne""' a1 (l the tlu·ec conditions of true borscbe th,1s delivered in the dEn·k, to be thus pr.e· trajuing, served by being made a prisoner, 1\'llS a paiinful inversion of that indcpendcncy and sclf.r;ufficieney which natural to us all. And then to sec tbe lofty mountains, \\ hich looked like rcady-mn,de rotreats-to think Jiow unlikely it wne that the8e ever 5hould b e overwhelmwdand at all events to rcn.<-1on bow much Iil(elier 'l'he subscriber would beg to call attention to and more lastjng asylu1ns they v.·oti.ld prove his stock of than this precariouh timber-rnft-a.nd to see the vast majority couutjng on these as abundantly 1rnfficient. 'l'o bid lldieu to ull these cha.n,ces of preservation, tlll1 <l adventure life and every intere1:1t on Un.· ~ingle cast of this one contriva.nce, looked a. fea.rf~tl and tre1nendoua step. But the patriarch took jt;, He felt that this contrivance 1vo.s n.s mighty n.s the Di vino command, and lie rejoiced to be the prisoner of n promisekeeping God. Fearless and unfaltering, ho stepped in, and v;'hen the clap of the closing door the signal to t]u~ thn1nleri11g sky, Noah felt tl1at he "'as nl)W the guest of God, and need fear no fw·ther ill. And \vhen the drowning year was done. a..ud front the opened doo.1.· h.e and his whole fan1ily, and his mu~e fellow ~paasensers, issued one by one, and none were missing, he s1.1rw how saie is the craziest cro.ft v. hich Omnipotence bolds in the hollow of His ha.nd, and ho'v sure the port, the etrangcst voyage, where .Tehov&h holds the helm. "'.bich thing wa,s written for our learn1 Liter21.ry \Vorld.] T hn.ving cQJUe to our knovrledge, that certain Pedlars are selling Spectacles and Eye Gla.!Sef! purporting to be of our make, and to bear our names stamped thereon, v.·e hereby caution the public ag-ainat all such imposters,as I\:lessr1 Yellowlees & Quick arc our .Agents in West Durhain; a.nd a. Reward of $25. ia hereby offered for the a-pp1-ehensiou and conviction of all 1mch impostere as try to defr!l.ud the public by offering their trash as onr make. , Oct. CHIT GHAT. ['l'im :Bra.dy a.nd Mike i'lynnJ 1S72. Oct 1S72 LAZARUS. )fORRIS, & CO. )fontrcal, Nov. 8th, 1871. n7-tf FALL O:PENING FARM FOR SALE, JJY - - -- - - - - ---- - PUBLIC AUCTION, Autumn Fashions ---oo--- Olt PRIVATE be shortly made known. SALE. EING 150 acrest part nf Lot No. 11, in thf. B 12th O.on. of I\-{anvers. Particulars -will Ilampton P, 0. m·nl6-tf. Magnificent dis1,Iay of New and !tich Goods. MURDOCH BROS. have opened ont an immense stock of New Fall Goods. Great care has been ta.ken in buying the Stock, and as nothing but First Class Goods have been purchased, customers can rely on getting .good value for their money. ~~---o~~-~- S. JACKS, VETERlNARY GRADUATE OF ONT.It.RIO ROBERT YOUNG, \'E'l'EilJNAUY SURGEON, COLiiEOE B y .A.PPOINTMENT Veterinary Surg-eoo to the West Durham and Darlington U nioo Agricultural Societies. Agent for the Li Ve Stock branch of the Eea.ver & Toronto ~Iutual Fire Insurance Company eterinary raediclnes constantly on band. Calls.from the country promptly attended to Office at Glover's livery offico, residence a. Brodic 1s Hotel Bowmo.nville June 19th 1873. tf 'r TUI.- "Good morning, Mike, shun'! and it is early out ye i1re. Might I be bould to axe what started yees this morning." MIKE.-" Jist be. aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a jiffy. Ye sGe, I was ton~;!! y1sterday, that Misther Gray, ov Tyrone, had got home an 11ligant new stock :w Goods, chape as durt, man, and its mesclf could hardly slape a wi.nk, all night, thinking av the cha-pe.goods. And sure enuf!; its the full store he lrn.5-piles and piles av the natest patterns; and he'd give ye the makin's av an illigant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Cints; Tay for most nuthin, "'nd the Ba.ccy for a trifle less." TIM.- " An shure its funning me ye m:e, Mlke ; wouldn't the mo.n be afther breaking down." MIKE.-" Breaking down, is it. Sure he knows a thriek wurth two av that. I'll jist tell you what it is, Tim, if ye want to get a grate name when youre ded, and be called a filantrofized, filosifer, and "' pub~ic binifacthor, jist tell all youre nabours, and the rist av mankind, about Gray's chape store, and you'll do more for the good av your counthry, than iver St. P::ttrick did for ould Ireland, when he b::tnished all the toacls aud snakes out av it, that ni ver wa..~ in it." TIM.-- "I'm much ohlaged to ye, for the bit av abvi.ce, and won't detain ye; there'll shurely be "grate m;1, and may bee I'd miss some bargains. The top av the mornir1g to ye."-I'm off to Gray's~ J ·.GB!f, Tyrone. Noted f'or cheap Goods. DRESS GOODS Pl11,in and figured Lustres, Plain and Tartan Wool Popli:is, Metz Cords Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, and an endless variety of other new Dress Goods. Black Alpaccas, Double Warp Black Lustres, Black Cohourg, Black. Paramattas, Black Crape Cloths, Black Metz Cords. HOBDIS' CARRIAGE SH p (west of the Ontario Bank.) King Street, Bowmanville. MILLINERY THE. subscriber is prepared to build and repai.r Wagons, Buggies, <md Gutters, The assortment of Millinery and Millinery Goods is very extensive and in trimmed or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets every taste can be consulted as the variety is so great. The ]!'lowers and Feathers, Laces, &c. we claim to have the largest assortment to be found. of every description, at short notice, ando reri.sonable terms. RICE & BARKER Importers of the Carriages Painted and Trimmed· :BEST O:S.OANS manufactured on this Continent, are prepared to treat with reliable travelling agents on liberal terms They are making "'rmngements to introduce some first .class Pianos. Ware Rooms at the West Durham Steam Printing House, King Street Bowmanville. In Black and \Vhite real Laces and Lace Collars, we have a large assortment, at prices to suit all. A Blacksmith's Shop on the premise8, were special.attention il5 lo all gi vcn Ca.rriage work, and General Our StCJck .of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beavers, Peteashams Melton.s, etc., will be found unusually large. I Jobbing. / MURDOCH BROS. Bowmanville, May 7th, 1~72 All woi·k done at this Establishment I war,.anted. A call i; respectfully solicited. .T. MORRIS. Bowma.nville, Oct. lat, 1869. I JUNE, . 1872. 'I'HE A lull Stoek Of Simmons & Clough Organ Co's Most Wonderful Invention of the Age. J Moses' Electro-Galv11nic, Pat. June 2nd, 1868. Attacl1ctl to these patented Spectacles are two soientifica.Uy <Jonstructed Galvanic Batteriesunseeu when worn- delivei-ing through thencrvea of tho head, a soft and continuous strea-m of electricity, and giving healthy action to the entire beautiful system of those i>arts absolutely and certainly curing Spring and Summer DRY GOODS. '!" -. / Q b. t O a ine - rgans AND Im.proved 1873. / - / I ,New, Fas!tionable, and C!teap Groceries, Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve, Weak or Diseased Vision, Neuralgia of the Head or Face, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of the Noises in the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, And a. J1m'!t of :t'll crvous Disea.sce:, a.ri"ing fro01 clepression of the nervous energy of th" system Contl'ibuting in a moat astonishing tlegree 1 to life, vigor and health. By the means of the soft and flowing stre_ a m of Electricity, Giving J3rigbtncss to the Eye, Quickness to the E&r, and energy to the B1·ain. They arc set 'vith lenses of the :finest ma.nufooture 1 to suit all sights, and with glasses for those 11ot nee inr; Spectacles to rea.d with but desiring the bene· fits to be derived from 'vearing the Batteries; and are only to be had in this "icinity of F -BLT,STAW, AND face. PAN.AH.A. ---o--- Dry Goods, Clothingmade to order, the best trimmings only used, and the lowest price charged. GOOD Boots & Shoes etc, etc New Groceries, Dolla.r 'l':EA for S6 Cents, EGGS and BUTTER Wanted S· F. HILL YELLOWLEES & QUICK. 1 m25tf ~ was invited to take tea,,_ by a inembe1· of that church. 'fbe food consisted of cake lnade of Indian meal. When the Elder opened bis Blice he noticed some feathers in it. "It t1tiems to me, ~ister 1 " said he, ." thn.t ·your Johnny cake is fen.the.ring ottt.,, " rrherc," the losti;ss replied, "I told my husband· the other day that ho must _ oither get a. cover fo:r the meal baITel or remo\'·e the hen"l'JO.!:!t ! " .A TRUE STORY .- A lady was stopping \Vith her littlG. son at a. Chicago hotef, and he ""BS fretful a.t ~hti dinner-table until rilie beca1ne exm;pera.ted 1 and said to him in an undertone : " Come ·with me- up stairs nnd I will attend to your case." '. Pulling, ht} bluUbered out, in a voic~loud enough to b@. hea.rd over moet of Urn well-filled dining rou10: "Say, 1notht1·1 arc you going to-fake Your bu.nd or your slip· per?", .A. Detroit mBn recently forwarded the fol. lowing letter to the insui-a.uce company in v:hieh hia wifc'e: life "'as ius~i:ed: ' 1 Dear sil'- I takti 1ny pen iu hand to let ·you kno\V that I a:.n well. but that my deat wi£t>, in.su1·ed for $5,000 in your eomp~ny, ie no more. She died to ·da:y. Her pqlicy is ?fo. --I can truly flay thr~t she was a fond v;·ifc and a good mother. I 11avc the doctor's ccrtific:.trtc, sa tlulrt there will be no trouble a-bout the policy. She was only gick a short time but suffered nn1ch. Do you give a check in advanc.e or must I wait sixty days. for the money? Yours, &c." A traveller coming up from the Welland d epot lately etopped for a 1no1nent to ex:an1ine a coat hD.nging in front of a clobhing store. The proprietor rushed out and a.tiked: "\\r'ouldn't you t1·y on some coat8 ?" "I dunno but I would," responded the traveller, consulting his time-killer a.nd he "'ent in and began work.-· No rnatter' ho\\' often be found a fit h 0 called for inore coats and after he hn<l tri~d 011 about thirty he looked at his watch a··ain ;esumed 0 , · bis own garment, and walked off, Ba:y_ing : "I '\o'on't charge a cent tor what I've done: hang a man 'vho won't oblige another· when he can *Sermons and Lectures. St!le<Jted from the do it! If I'm ever around this way agin 1 and :i}fanusoripta of the late James Han1ilton, you·v~ got Rny more coate to t1·y_un, I'll do an D.D.,F.L.S. London: Ja1neaNisbetl).nd I can to h'dp J'OU J " Co. 1873. I ing · , l'here iB one a.rk which aU of 11s must enter, and thc1·e are two others which 've aught . One ark is t~e great A:onement._ 'l'? e::1nba-r~ our souls, with all their everl.a.shng intereats, in the finished wo1k of Immanuel,-this is a step which many cannot take. They look \IP and they see the lofty pen.ks. 'l'hey see the ~ i:iublim e heights of piety ·w hich hnNe been reacbe<l. "Oh! if I were only as good as or John; if I lvcre only n.s devout as David Brainerd, o1· hcu.venly.miudecl as Hc.UJ'Y :i}fartin or Ed ivaird Pa.yaon l" And they try to clamber up to sorne holy or virtuotrJj elevation ; for they think if they were only good unough 1 high enough in atta.inn1cnt and character, they would escmpe the wrath to cC>me. Or if they can be pet'· suaded to look ti.t the provided means of safety, they wonld like the atonement far better if it allowed lhem something to do. nut merely to euter into it, und f:!O 00 rescued by it-, there seems something utterly inadequate and ignobly easy in this e:imple plan. To steer the ark, to l'O'v it, to thrust it uloug, to sp1·ead the sails, something activo and positive th(ly ·would desire, but merely to go in a.nd stay iu, to be not workers or promoters, but merely Uunv.tce: and paiirrnngers,- oh ! there is self-denial a.nd aelf-eID}ltYiug here. :Beloved hearers! have you got the length of Koah, and No:i.h'a family? Do you ieel that the Divi.11~ constitutic)n-do you perceive that the cornmand a.nd promise of G'Qd make the Surety's Righ~eousness safely sufficient? And are you content to be neither the builders nor the navii:;attus of the ark, but its mere oc~upt1J1ts? Oh, happy are you if thus reconciled to God)s gracious and e(~sy plu.n, and blessetl. will you be on that day when the ark opens on the Arn.rat of Eternity1 f1lld gives good account of all -who ever entered it. 'Vben Ua.rk and clifficult questions in theology are to be disputed, Dr. Hnmilton'a treatment ittnot always so .satisfactory. The reruioning in the sennon on e'·erlasting punishment is nei· thcr comprehensive enough nor strong enough. It is basEid osaentially on the Purit~o 11ypothesis that man stands convicted b~1fo1·e Godi and must shrinl< in. t:rro_r f~om applying hum":" standards to D1vrne Justice. Once grant tlus j and thorough reasoning on the subject becomes impossible. VVe are uot saying\vhether it i~, in itself, true or false, bu~ it is essentially · a l d . l begging of t he question, and prec u es rationa. argun1e11t. which for · TO T_HE PUBLIC WALTER WIGG & SON, "ith a. call. Great inducements hd<l out to those purcash1ng ~t our Esta.bltshlll;ent. P1?tnres, J..1 ooking Glasses, &c., framed to order, and in every style. Saml"!les of the different }find of 1\fouldinga can be seen at the Ware-room. "\Ve "IY~uld also beg to Jnform you, tha.t,bavirg pur· chased a. N returning tha.nks to their numtirous Customers and the Public ge';lerally, for past favors I uld respectfully invite their attention to our presentstock of Furn1tnre, as we have latel)'.' added thereto, that we may thereby be enabled to supply n;ll parties ,vho m~y please to ~avor h1 .,....0 Quality and Cheap ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED BOWMANVILLE ((5ranh <tnmhinnfinn dbrnnns FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED J. ELLIOTT, TYRONE. SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, Ma.chine a.nd :Cmplement Manufacturing Co Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, An invention having a most important bea1;ing on the future reputation of Reed Instruments, by means of which the quantity or Volume of tone is very largely increased, and the quality of tone rendered we shall be rendy at all times, to attend Fwierals, on short notice, and reasonable terms. N. B. Coffins kept on hand, t~nd made t1> order, at the · NEW DOMlllION RETAIL FURNI'l."URE WARE-ROOM DRUGS AND MEDICINES AT THE King Street East, Oshawa. Oshawa 1 Ang. 26th, 187~. Bowmanyille Drug Store. Manufacturers of Equal to that of' tile Best Pipe OrganR of' the Saine Capacity. · ----o- - Our celebrated" Vox Celeste/'" Louis Patent," "Yox Humana." "\V-1!cox Patent" "Octave Coupler," the charming "Cello" or "Clarionet' Stops, and J. HIGGINB OTHM, llTOULD moat resl?cctfnlly tender his sinf f ce1·e thanks to his numerous friends and custo1ners, and to tha public generally, for tlie ve1·y liberal support he has received since his commencing in businel:!S ; and hopes by continued strick personal a.ttentiov ··business, and offering nothing but the pm·er. t articles, at the most reasonablti }Jrices, to ensure a. continuance of public patronage, J. H. tvould call special "'ttention to his very supel"ior stock of \VOOD AND IRON HENRY ELLIOTT J11nr. WORKING MCHINERY Hampton. Offers for sale one of the most extensive aud complet& assorment o Goods to be found in any country store in Ontario. LEFFBL'S DYESTUFFS, which l1re eure to give the best sa.tiafaction. . A. "'-en. selected stock of Double Turbine Water Wheels, And · ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS Organ~. Can he obtained only in these Thi?'ty-five Ditfe,.ent Styles, For the Parlor and the G/w,rch, , DRUGS, GHEMlCALS, PATEN1' 1lfEDlGINES BRUSIIES, GO JIBS, SHOULD.ER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc., Etc. kept constantly on hand. Hardware Ca.stings of a.11 Xinds. REPAIRS Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Paints, Oils, Patent Medicines, etc. Dry Goods, Groceries, doDe on the 7'he Best Materio,l ancl WM"krnansh·ip, Q·ua!Uy and Volwme of Tone Uneqtiallecl ----()----- SltORTES'l' NO'l':CCE, We now on hand a. large quantity of $50 TO $500. ~~---o~---- N. 13.-0ountry Store.heepera supplied on the most advanto,geoua terins. A choice selection of LAl"\IPS, for sale cheap Bo\vma.nville, Dec. 9 1 1868. 6m GENTLEMEN'S SUITS made to order in the latest and most a,pOILS, P AIN1'; proved manner, and on the shortest notice, from Fashionable and taste COLORS, VARNIHSES, and WIIITE LEAD, fully selected Clothes and Tweeds. The latest New York Fashion Plate~ regularly received. at the ve1'Y lowest prices. Horses and Cattle Medicines; Hampton. Nov. 5th 1872 Factory and Wareroems, Cor· 6th and Congress streets, Detroit, Michigan Common and Gang Plows, that 'vill be sold a.t H. ELLIOTT JUN bp- LOW PRICES tf AT THE SHOP. Bowmna.ille, biarch 6,1873. RICE & BARKER, Agents, for Ontario, West and North of Belleville Bowmanville, Aug 21st, 1872 m47-o34-tf, (Established in 1850.)