THE MERCHANT AND GENERAL, ADVERTISER C re lates largtily in tho 'Io ¥nah ps of Darling t n Clark e an l Cartwr1g] t. It s a common platform open to the free discussion of all ques ions u '"h ch tl e general publ c are co1 cerned. TERMS WEST..ll.DURHAM Stea.m Job I'r!nting Offi.ce KING SIREET BOWM rnVILLE Seventy five cents per annum m ad vance The Merchant and ' Obser ver $2 00 H.A'.rES 01i \DV!!ll.'.rlSI:NO 0 1 e col uun H lf lo Q JO [ n.ns ent advert semc its 5 cts p er hne first in sertion 2c. I e1 line each subsequent one ter do 35 per annum 19 AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME IV BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY OCTOBER 3 L873 NUMBER LU POSTERS PAMPHLETS CIRCULARS BILL READS CHEQUES NOTES! HANDBILLS LABELS CARDS TICKETS &c &c &c EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. :a. (,RAND TRUNK RAILWAY I Pl!!LA. TE, TAILOR POETRY sure they will contm ie 1 NO\ I am re Gentlemen s & Boys Garments :M\DE I:i THE RELIANCE Muta! Life Assurance Society ESTABLISHED IB40 l3l ST JAMESS'IREErMONIREA.L PQ WALTER SHANLY OCTOBER. I here comes a montl in tho i; ea ') J ear A month of lo su e a1 d hea.J.thftil rest 'When the M-I c lcll.vcs fn.11 an l the u11 l):j clua1 October tho bro\'in the crur the blost l'IEWEST STYLES llowmanv11le July 27 1869 solved ne\iel to niarr' a \'iOn1an who IS not ear to ear I IJeath must have come to hnn a thorough house keeper \cco 11pltshed sudden!) s suddenly as 'o rre' ent any beauties too often prove the ruin of their outcry nnd the nnkno\\ n O.,:;Snss1n bud no husbands and be8ldes I cannot ailord to trouble in n1aking hlll escape 1na1nta1n an expensive estnbhsh1oent Now Bit I said, I cant make out why anJ pur ty !\. ba l 'Com p r 01 ho o 1 ore rnllu lay uoon the bed, with Ins throat cut from place.:; lvith Edgar ~Iorton wl o \\as O\ er ence than a good one ar d boldnc ' and bad JOJ d at his release company lhru1 g the street& at e1 ent le Courad Smithers \\I o "as tncl for the Ke ep yo r girl out of them murder and 1 nowmg that any defense would be useless after lus confession to ine plead ed gmlty, and threw hnnself upon the mercy of the Court which sentenced hun to un pnsonment for hfe About a year after I iecmvcd an covelope conta n1ng a.n 1nv1to.t1on to th e \Vedd i g of Cectle R·ndol ph and Edgar l\forton 1 l o live l long and happily togeth er an l never ceased thankrng me that E lga1 was aavc<l by a hmr It "he has. a legit1ma te lnv1tat on o ut C UANGE Oli TIME 0 rnl oiler June 24th trams will leave tl e Bowmanv1lle Stallon as follows C-OlN G~fa ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Liverpool London and Glasgow CANAD\ CHlEF 0.ll'FIOES My h fe b"' little enough of bhss I drag the lays of tl c odd eleven Ct.1111t1ng t he t nu ti ~t shall lead to ti s'l'l rnontl ti at ope is the b ntc 3 hcrn e1 An l ol I for tl c 1 ouun.,,s c1 s1 an 1 white \V tl the s v l of tl e 1 ounds pon the track ri e ba1 k roofed cabin the can p fir s 1 ght ] h brcal of tl c deer and t l o r fle s crack V1!:8 1' GOING E \ST P. l.'3:-J e l 0 er 720am.!Moil a20 a n M1xe.d 9 20 pm M' ! l\fad 3 35 Passe1 ger Mail 730a.m 8 36 1 35 t> m ll OOp m F W A :NEADS Age t Bo maTI\ill· Jtne 9th 1871 tf 30 OR I1ckcts or infvrmation a.pply to DIRECTORS Esq ._M P Cha rmai IDl.arie Ha\ I 8 Muon T E lHE D N(j \N l\{ACJ)ON\JD .t..iBq 8 G WEBSTER, L D 8 Do yo cn.ll t1 s t fl g I tell you fnend \.. l fc u the forest s past rul I ra:we 01!FIOE,-0vcr McCl g s Store 5amc fla.t THE ENTIRE PROFITS belong to and arc c h vitl G ve mu a lozen such inonths on entlas J M J3un10.comb s Dcntn.l Roo1M ed amongst the Policyholders Y o 1 n ay tale my balance of ye n; nl U:&.ys llowmanville Oct 2~th 1868 ly RR LOSOOMBE BAM,ISTER AT LAW 1;JOLIOI70ll 1/>l CHANOERY &c CAMPBELL 0 B St Ho.NOD.ABLE JonN H..a.MILIO:ti RESill]!]NI SlWREIARY - J\MEB Oum burg Ont SPECIAL FEATURES. your co ism Ellen is the most lovable crea turo 1 ever beheld but then is she not a fine lady unable to exist without servants to wait on her ? By no 1 H~an s I at S'I\ ered Ellen is as notable u.s she is accomplishel and re fined everJthrng ·n the )louoe is under her dnectwn m d all the order you obser' e in their domestic arrange ments is the ellect of her good manage ment You surprrnc me cxclauned Plnhp nay, surely lo 1 JCS\ To confess the truth I have 11 RHYME AND LIME. A1 l all about the best of Lime Lt me from the West of tlie "ery best Not beat in o.ny q art er I ime that v.111 alwa;> s 1:1tand the test WJ en tnakil g into mortar A little Rl yme came JUSt n tune on all tho latest pnnc1plcs TEE III inse1ted ti ])ental Roo ns ovvr F F M cArthur a store 1(1ng St Bo :v1n l.UV lle m n35 t f of tho a.rt I eeth J Ue 1 w Gold and S1h er Leeth cxt1:.i.cted for l'wenty fho certs A ti st class tooth p ~ste alv; o.ys on hand. New 'l'a,ilor Shop. ru~11cc l I will try and keep a goo 1 supply I or it 11:1 ah~ ays wanted Tho.t \vhon you all come 1n to bu) You 11 not bed saripointe I Yo \V1ll :\hvaya find it dry an<l fresh And that UJ someth ng bonnie So come alQ ng and try thIB Lune nut don t forget the Jnoney llours of delhe,.1from Nmea.m toFourp m Corner of Qt een an l Ont..Y10 Street JIVES DECLJNED BY OTHER COMP \NIES 01 ol For b 1ck an<l 1 orta1 brct>d tilth and er me which a1& extra .P1 ani um would be 1equ i1ed c.-'\l\ At l a l ufae of evil that th :-obs an<l l e t s be ~sured n.t the ord11u111 y 1 atca of thlB Society A n<l mon gro v w1tl ere l befor~ tl e 1 11 no under a Bpccial ar1 angement 'V th th e c 1 ser ;ived on U e ln. esn.n lstreet.s SPECI AL No.N Fo1E11ADLE PoLrOIES urnucd under wl ch f)Jly 10 15 or 20 Annu 1 Pay A.J d lungs re"' cl oktd n l J5hou1Jcrs a1 e bow d !1 the smotl 01 ng reok of n 11 and m nc ine1 ts are req red each I ayment seclllllle n Au 1 D atl stall s n on tho st11 gghng croYI d Policy for a sum asmued pror ortionnte to tl e B t b e sh1ms tl e f-11 ado v of oak ru. d pmc nurnber of premnun.s pad andfreef o i fut ire A1 ] uf Wl to wl: 1cl the n cmory 1 ngs :uaymcnt of prm iiums 1111:1 e ij n n. gl t so swe et a.a the sunny spote l\fODERA'rH r EEMIU.llS and most libcrn.l con ¥l1 ere our sl 111 tics stoo<l by t1ie crystal sprmgg d1txons r ho , a1ushecl houn ls a.nd the I icky sl ots Prospectuses Proposal .Form!; &c supplied on application a.t the Head Umce or any of l 1on1 the AL1 INE for October the Age1 1,;1er; order to clvicover her sen tuneuta soinetunes luntell lt the desirable ness of the useful being uddcd to the oraa mental in a. womau s education but she bas so cm1'tantly shr mk from the subject that I fcare 1 ·he "as to tall' opposed to my view s sa d I That is p101 s ' eak but co1ne \\Ith me to morrO\'i and pa) her a ~1or1nng 'rn1t and I pronuse yon shall see her m all I er glory Accordrngl v the next day we \\ ent to gethci auil I desired th e se vent wl o ·ho\\ el us )nto the parlor, not t say that I had any one with me but J ist o tell my consm that I wished to speak t her and Ah point In two minutes own she came the p1ct ne ot health and g d l u r lOUl Mil ne a I-Ia ing had several years experience m the tia. le he hor es to satisfy all 'vho may favor and Orga1 Burrov.·s I un v ti a call t 1 css Offi ce one door east of J L form busrness t he that he 1n the Shop next to the ArE WI TH F y 1 lbl c gen t:.rally Bo :vma.i-.. iUc Sep 4th J S72 m4~ JOHN HEAL, COWLE begs t-0 lll THOS BOWDEN Bowmanville Mrucch 11th 1871 no24 ti JAMESGRANl Res ScoretarJ LITERATURE CHOOSING A WIFE FilO.H '!..LA.DYS !'iOTE DOOK has com M"(JS I 0 ! I MISS forming she is prepared 1\.{ AGENI 23 ly Fem BOWMANVILLE C BARKER Ob>e vcr Office King St \\oas ni ltaste E~ GOOD FITS GUARANTEED tf AUCTIONEERS For the Townsh~p ot D® lvngton H T PHILLIPS, IIAMP'ION t' uu l t a.ttcntion g en to an.lea &c on reason able terms W:u1.. Bar ton, ENNISKILLEN oro1 tly atte1 ded t<i> o l reasonable terms: JAMES BIGHAM, Painter Glazier Paper Hanger &c &c; and I l acl a cous111 a clever charuunn gul Rhc could dance gracefully draw beault Imperial .Fire Insurance Co fully, play thvrnely sl e \\as a del ght Hampton Sept 6th 1872 m4tf ful compamo1 beu g both sensible and OF LONDON \11tty and she could also perform nuy sort (Established 1808 al household" or! Tl e latter she was HEAD 0Fl!ICES - 1 Old Broa 1 St and comr cllcd to do as there was a long Jamil) Pall ]..full London of them My aunt berng unable tu alford GENERAL -\.G~NCY FOn C\NAD\ - 24 St to keep more than one servant and my er amcnt 1.-:(ontrea.l cot srn Ellen berng ti e eldest a good deal Subacnbed a.nd rnvested Co.p tal and I eservo Ibis she of Lard labor fell to I er sluuc Fund £] 065 000 St>rlmg .A.notbar oar load of the above 1 oble arti les on d i not n1uch nund but a]vi:a'\s performed Funds invested 1n Ca ada- 105 000 tie way InsttrllJl.Cefl agrunAt loaa by F re effocte I on it chcerful!1 and well onlJ takrng care the Inosl; favorable tenns and losses paid with Please call at tl e tha.t it should not b e kno\vn atnollg her ac o t re!erence to the l3oard in London BOWMANVILLE quamtanccs-fcarrng tl 1t were she should J DODSWORTH illN'IOUL BROS Farm Implement Forwarding Agency lo'3e U e r espect nnd cons1Ueration her su Inspector Gen Agents Mont1eal R W JAMES per1or ac ldress a nd accomphahnients every Kmg St Bowmanville R R LOSOOMBE Barrister gen 'vhere ensured her anU. us at all tunes she Bow~n in ville Dec 5 1872 nlO for Bowmanville and Vicmity was St!en d1 essed like a lady und never at 13owm nv1]le T 1 e 24th 18 0 great pleasure 1n in tho lllha.b tan t s of Darlll gton that to receive I p lH ou tho P ano I art culara by application to Mis a1:1 ~KE l Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders FEED MILLS. To Ma.sters of I.. 0. I. Bowmanvillc Jnno 14th 1860 36 mo 43 39 4w BLANK &c regular ratos. ~c CERTTFICAES Applicatt0ns nny occl pahon more seful than knitting I notttng or \Vorstcd work no one suspected can be p1ocurccl nt th a office at Ilowmam1Ue July 7tl 1873 ARRIVAL! WESTERN FOR SEED, ANJ) I cannot say sho was w1thout lovers iot she \Vas uni\ ersally adnnred nd so 0 Lt but AGENT Fot tie follov;1ng Ins ranee Con p an oa N.Ld 1:;011 eho v the y oui g n cu seen d l1nnnin1ous otl r Inst1tut1ons viz l he QD l .b::N lire anU Life Ins r [tnce Com ly to set her down as a fiue lutly Ull l she Dommion Government for the protcc t on of Policy. hold.era n Ca.nada. James McFeeters her of berng able t do what she really lid pa1 y Cai tal £2 000 000 $1DO 000 de1 o· teu bad completed h er t wcntJ second year Her co111 w1tho 1t hnv1u g an offer FOR FEED John McDougall Bo m on 11 Ai 1l l6t 1873 lhe ISOLAIED lUSK Fi.., Insurance Con poi ons alt mar velled that she sl ould i e pti.ny of Canada.. Cap tal '500 000 - Oue of tl1e main e 1 gle so long ancl I atnong the rest bi;ist a.nd cheapest Companies do ng bus ness in tl e Do1n n on for] armer s and Isolated Risi s thot ght it very odd that tlwugh ti ere 1 he CAN ADA I ANDED CR ED II CO Y '"a often au act w.l co1 tent1on tor her with a Savings Bank dopa.rtmcnt 11 e UNION '" o PEHM !\MEN'l Bmldmg band at a. bal1 110 o 1c wfol c i to sec 1rc her and Savings Soc ety as a. pa1tner for hie 'II ese latter inst t tons advance I onns on I cal Estate borro er 01 terms unusually e lB) for he rn 1y An ong our uitirr ates ' as n gentleman re Bowmoi v !lo F b Gth 187:J IT I-I VE J uet rece ved a Cho ce lot of NEW FRUITS, Ra1sms, Curants, Figs, Da.tes, Lemon, Ora.nge and Citron Peels, NUTS IN GREAT VARIETY Also BaueIB a l Boxes of Beau'ti fnl Candies, "it~ r;i.n asso1tme1 t of CHOICE BISCUITS. ])n.rlmgton has a..,a1 l recen ed another lot of th os t:l b at ed P'C'RE LEAF 'l'EAS, QualifJIJ " the 1 est of Cheapness BoWlna.nVl llc D ec. 22nd 1870 n12 ti 0 BO UN SALL, ai h M ANUFAC'IURER I MPOR'll DE \.LElt iu a.11 t he' a.net1eS of Italian & A.mer1can Marble. A ln.rg and cl o ce select on of Monuments & Grave Stones, ah ays on ha.n<l of in 1 ei1or wo1 kmanship and at lowc8t I rices Wrnug it or Cast Iron ]]encco 01 enclos ae b iry 1 g lots Furniture Tops Mantel Pieces k rt o h"'n l o:r iougI t t;o o <lei rei>t t,f Uyrcri cstclattho'\\orks &c A call 1a King Slrcel Bowma1 vilw October 1st 186~ 1 ti TYRONE BOOT ll ' SHOE TORE S bscuber wo ld ectfully nfoun 1 s Tl{E nero a customers d the ubhc geu ral th at ct on ith hu1 Hist 1 J ly co 1 1 lIOME-l\!CADE WORX, l:l h::i.<.1 opened up a large and Well assorted Stock of Rea.dy mad \ ork selected from the BEST MANUFACTORIES, which l e oilers for salo Very I.ow for G ve 1 ma ca.11 exam no tl c · o k and Jndge for)o rs Iv s JOHN HELLY \l I yron 18 3 tl REMOVAL DAV IDSON l a-! removed hu; residence DR. an 1 S go y t o the ]ate res dence of John l\ililno E scr 01 the Mnrket Square m 1135 tf wlncb the three h mdred thousand more c1t1zens ol bly by s per101 ty natl cite out bee 1 sc ill great respectability slip up three dollars iE1ier1or thing ~ are dootned th 1s to th e Dana's Patent Sheep Marks ' Well sir she said rLS1ng au l pre par apiece to prove their faith in tl is Ueclara Fmdmg a BootJack t v lue of Uus HESE MARKS ARE THE CHEAPEST ing o accon1pouy 1ue ') ou will find e\ ery tton We kno\\ the {!re 1 c1 tcrta11 cd for another nnd s.s the match the moat ln.atmg the least tro 1blesome an I BEAUrIFUL TEETH tlung :ts it \\as \Vhen fll'st d1scO¥ered The Jo11rnal, but 've are not go1ng to Lio'" about A h ousekeeper writes the 1o1lo \v r-. co111 seen cd so s ntal le I 1esol ved to fl nd ot t mo ~ t co1npletc e er m' ented. 'I hey are l 8 d it because .::elf prals( is h o.H sca1 da l ru 1 1 la it t o th e Clevelun t L eederofficer oncluded not t o distirl 01 yt mg and rocoIWUendod by l ru1y of the best Bree<lers A Jong chat I la I what kept them apart J M BRIMACOMBE L D S ~ 1 eu the avt..:rage husb u1d of th e n riod ln the Un1ted States n.nd Canada s ich as G 13 until alt the mquest wln ch takes place suffieient unto tl c cvrl rn the day tl t be \ants to fJ id a 1.Juutjack he tep' to the ono evening with the geutlouian favoured I oi1ng.J. Salem Mass. I res dent l~e'v EngL'\Ild cat thereof I to n1orro\\ forenoon Wool li"l'owers Society John S lloss Henne r th Extracted at Twenty f v e Cents n1y defngn After i.;onvers ng for a time on butter) doo1 \U l lean t g agamst tl c doo1 R~01 u:1 ove1lricOlwg13108 Sto1es vm Ill Profess IT M. Milos of the State Ag An) man of 01drnary mtelli 6 encc can way "ith !no b nncls 111 his pockets wins 1\ rapp n myself up m my great coat various sul~ects \\ e began to talk of o lr I nchlt rn.l College Lansmg, l\f1ch Hon Geo Bo man" 1Ie Out 1st 1870 1 we set out a d alter a brisk \\alk of ten read this wonclcrlul ~ aper and be hapIY for tles mcd1to.ti\ cly us l s e \ es v; a l er al or B Drown Torol to Ont J uhu Snell Edtnontm fen ale acq 1au1tances n.ud in order to tbs en a !Jre tl m th e Ont On I\-Inrk 18 sto.mpcd the OWJ rs sham h1l sacrilice of the t pper shelves rumutes reac d the ralatial restdence of three uollurs (oh a.nn Sl SI Cl011 I r ui posely ll\ 01ded inenilou Saved by a Hair t une occurs yon ma} I o l e l ::ta fo n 1 name a.nd the Sht1e1 s 11uw1cr They will be sense ) ~)ear m ac' L vance that is to say niy con1pat.1ion I was at once sho\\ n to sent free by mail or express for only Jou cnc:ts rng Ellen s nu1 ie tl e cake wlnch he le\ ours absently st ll acl. and will last for ~ ENTY YEAI!.S l t 1vas a <lark stormy n ght "1thont, md the room of tl e urdered man aod then brethren you can pay the three doll rs J t Jookrng fo r th e boOIJack Be og i o <le It 1s unaccot ntablc to inc Ph1hp s i d Gfi" Cash must accow1 any all orders stanter lUld ,vorry out the year in rending pnved of ti at md to rcilcct101 - \\lnstlu g that you d on t begm to look out for a I drew my chair close!J to the fire as I sip began mak ng St h an examrnatien as only .A.;RCIHBALD YOUNG Ju. - he executes a \Valtz i n sl o\\ lnovc111ent ( rcun1 the pnper if your spelling })ropensitles ar e vife Yon know \vh at an advocate I aiu ped my t ea, and regaled myself with th e a detective kno\vs ho\V to in tke Sarnia. Ont. sustn1ued by n htrge piece of cal e l ll one ncwR of th e local column ol the even ~ng sta.nccs of the most trivial character wh1ch equal to the effort m a "eek for matnmony and poSltively If you be hand a Blzeablc pickle m the other Alter Ordets ad lrcsac l to tho MEROHNT a.nd On Takmg for our motto the 1Jme honored a II b1le 1l8 th e UOOIJack does llOt TI al e l IB come an old bach elor I ll ct t your uc lnuu t paper As the storm and sleet ruttlcil fu\ 1 would be overlooked by an ignorant person SERVER Office for nny quantity 'v Il be 1 Ued at a l pedestr ans are often seized upon by a skillful detect!\ e maxim that gold is better ban glory we apl_)cr.tra ncc the busba.nd does at t i e d oo1 ousl) aga.mst tbe w d the above mentioned price as qmckly aa the anc~ altogether l\farks can be made and se1 t humed b) ar xious to rcacl a pince of shel and so11el 1ueq co1 stitute the most damn shall consider it not labor to count cash aud of the room " l ere you ai c gettn g tl e [ 1 ave i o s ch iutentlons I aseure babv to sleep ai 1 sho ts J ane \ t t1 e C B!\hKER te1 I felt thank lul that I \\as not obliged Ir g ev dencc of gmlt WELL FILLED WIIH 'I.HE In this case how will spare no expense of m1 ncl or muscle to top of b s 'oice un ler ti e imr r cs<:i on tl t ) ou, answered Pl th\ nd to tell the induce the curJency of the c.ount1y to come to leave lllJ comfortable I ome for tLe ly mJSoo wmam 1llo Dec 28th 1871 e\ el everJ tlnng had been done m the most you are up sla r s n u11pr essio11 BJ ecd1h truth I have been scekrng for a wife n1gl t sklllfol manner and I could not succeed m an<l see us 011r paper will be I 1 1) illus removed 'Io co' er the co:nfus on of lus re lo1 a long tune post trntcd (\llth patent medicme cuts) and \Ill! treat he steps on the dog s t ii aod bun ps \\hat ' tlns I I said as my ey e ahgh ed. n1aking uny <lmcuvertes Indeed And are) on so impresoed contain several atones (\vh '>ppcrs) e'\ cry the bt cl cage 1\lth his head th en \l at ts to AARON BUCKLER on a starUu g \ ua.grapl I 'vas about to leave the room in despa r with th e idea of J our own excellencies that know wl at you l a\c lone with tl tt boot TO Has the best and n1ost demrable lot of 'MY STERIOUS MuRDEu -'John Ran when, g1mcmg toward the bed 1 not1cec1 "eek etther from ·he ctltl\ al ed pen of the iack and why ti is ti at yo 1 ne\ er I ec1 yon cannot find a \ 01nan \VOl thy of you 1 r~nrng maniac who docs the re gu1 ir ed1ton dolph one of our old wealthy ci\!lens '"'" what ippearcu to be a slight scratch on the thn gs rn their place II yo' are wise and I asked s mply aml calmly ro1 1t like Columb a t o this n1orn1ng :found clead Ill l 1 s ioonl bav neck of the murdered mnn JUSt al ove th e ala or from some other 0 iftcd rnkslmger Not so rephe l P lubp but I fear of different grades and ~ urpaisses all otl e ' A.a an encouragement to C\gents \vho the obj ect in r1u est on h angin 0 on its o.ccns houst:s u to t and Country the woman I a m 1 ost cl armed \v1th l S not mg been murde1e<l Ji uug the mght by gopmg "ound wluch had so cruelly let out may wJSh to embark m the lugl tly lucrat1ve tomed 1 ail he seizes t pon it wrath! illy Edgar J\.:lorton a his life s blood On exammat1011 I found a fit "ife for ine I cannot n1arry a 1ncre some un kno\\ n person \V1th the solemn 'o'v that twas not tl er e au<l. houorable occupation of rop1ng m sub \V I e1'1] e vent through th1;; roo l 1 c£ore fine la ly u d yet I rq ure an accompltsh clerk 1D his emp!OJ and \\ho report sarB it to le nothing n1ore than a hair v,;hich scnbers to thrn paper we are autho1 tscd by The oJlendmg boots are fh ally Jett m tbe AN Il\Il\1EN SE ~UM!lEI cd "oma My\\ le must be c tltnated an l 'iVas soon to be married to 1 is dal ghter has 10 some manner p1obabl) beco1ne loos been arlested for the murder and en cum e ned from the hoad of the assassm and had the hcavi stockholders m E irope \ o olle1 doorway '"I ere ti conven ic1 t to t i p O"VGl refine l a d I sbo kl hke that she should THE NEW LAKE STEAMER them nnd sercn ty tn1.ns1 ire<:i unl ess y 1 the tollow1ng startling I 1cn11u1n1;; - \ po<:isess por15ouul ch urnui n1au' such wo stances arc sa d tv be 'ery o::trongly against ~ tiled on the neck of the uctim where it ELECTRO PLATED have occ son to go tot u<l. then ·w en yo l 'lo an) first claBB loo! senlmg a .thou \Vlll a t once sec the1r , alue ns l nutnr 1 n w lay a dent ) et latthful w1tness,po1nt \Jlen I hu >e known but then she must be lnro Tea and Coffee Sets Fruit Nov although I am usualh th e firRt to ill4l" out the "u lty \Hetcl1 to the eve ol )Us sun l dollars ad vert1sement w "v ll r n11t iu eans of obstrr ct ng a paasa~ e wa.) I t L':! amiable and though qmte at home l!l the Hemisphm wal Dishes 11.TII Lon or abot t 1st of At r l l ext c in hear ot crmnual ne\\ s from the natt re Q f tlce The 1 a r vas a deep red color ' which by ret irn tram c o cl a picture >f the estimated that one I 111r of boots 1u<lic1ou dra~ ing roon1 ahe st also l n lerstand th e ll' mence her regular tnps on tl 1s ro t e ] ot to be s I MSC<l t] I CO\ lU Ct' editor, and a lock of hair from th e ilye ly d U1p osed abot t an ap artinent of med1u a1 my business this "as the firs t intimation details of ho t sc kcepmg and be compotent was totally t nlilrn that of any of the house LEAVING s1 e 'vill pr even t either u \vell d1sposecl per hmsh th at I had recen ed that such a mtudcr had Cobouri,: e'\i ery mornmg at 7 30 and Port Hope son or u. professional b lrglar fi o Ln q u etly to inanagc a.1 0.t111ly a.ntl direct her ser\ ants holcl It WM mueed the same color and at !J o clock foi: l{oi.:bc..:ate co ect l g there .;mnkmg his \l ay about it been done This seemed very stran ge as I shade as that of Conrad Smithers. ~by it is a prodigJ rndeecl that y ou Keep Your Girls Home Nights with Ne 11 Y ork Central and Erie Railways t tea tune the average husband loes fo1 a.ll po1nt.s East \Vest and South require S.. 'L d I lri. 1gbing I adin1re your was on the best of term5 "itb Mt Rau I placed 1t carefilly in my pocketbook ndt .caie about any cake lt isn t inuc} l ke dolph and his whole family RETURl"ING and Ba\ rng nothrng to any oue of my dis I l11ve a word to say to you good b rl1 that,;P s motl er \ seu to make mode st~ young gentleman I 1nust confess Will leave Charlotte (Po t of Rochester) daily Plated Kmves, Forks, &c, Aid suppoorng vou were to find ouch a And so this is the way that Edgar 111or covery storte l for tho residence of Smith worl mg mothers who don t know 1 all that at 9 p m except Saturcln.y.s ' hen she will 1 Eq al to anj n the D omu ion J.\. ni,4uJLbou t to marry can conu 11t no phwmx ' hat maJ 1 ask do ) ou propose ton repaJ s the !Jenelactor of 1 s youth and ~rs mtent on domg a httle ~ctmJ I found goes on ll1 this world- mothers \\Lo 1o Jrn, lea.\o e at 2 i 1n. for Brieihton soon to be father 1 1 et no I cned I Dealers m stock &c will find this tho cbca1 as a1 e I :.i valcnt 'l or do you nnngiue 'onr ]\im as hrn attendant said 111 rn bed a> I bo,1, wash ion Bweep ai u scrub all lay \ grea ter erf(!E ti an to 1nte1fere 111 a1 y w y est and most exped t1ous ro to to Bo:ston \.1 own I ret\J person th e privelego of bearu g Wlll stake my life 011 !11 t yot ng mai s 11 on no account must be disturbed. Tins and go to bed dead tirctl glad that tlxeu ,vtth ret:i anl ~~ hi 1ntendecl \\lfe s t1o ussei 1 bMty .New Yol'k &c By so do n he~· not o 1 ly g u ltJ ol an act For furthet 1nfoim~tio1 apply to your nanie anU inak ng use of , our nicome, nocence sickness 18 but a ruse I tho ght to divert dnughterB nre young yet and can ~l' ] O) of extren1e 0pi:esuiTIPt1on but h e a lso inc lrs R CRAWEORD ~s I spol e t here catuc i ncntle rup at would constitute a frur excl ange l '\hut su icon '1cll1ng the woman tbnt I want themsel'\es a pecuniary 1esp oI; J oft en of a ser1ot a Port I ope co lll ) uu ofier to n duce such a rare piece the doo1 folio vecl almost imm ecl at cly bv cd \ o see hlill but fo1 a moment on the Do you know wit ere Jo Ir gul, go m the natm c In a dispute~ t a brides tro lS or C F GILDERSLEE\ E seau S her ff Lees, at Ai r(~w, m Scotla.r l Kingato1 of perlcct1on to accept Jon for her lord and the entrance of a lady thickly 'e1lcd "ho mo·i urgent lmaness ·he finally reluctant· evemug 1 014 ti has JUS\ issued an rnterlocnwr winch fully at once threw aside her veil, d18closrng to ly co senteil to my entrance I found bun 'Oh yes, you oay 'to sec somo young enters mto the law as to a husbancl s h rhe greatest and best assortme1 t e er t1een t i ruaster 1 WI at could I oiler I r eturned Ph hp, me the features oI lllJ lecca.sed f uend B !po upon the bed apparently m great friends to spend the evening with Betsv ab1!tty 111 Uno iespect I Q the ca'l<l m c lown None to excel t 1 es daugl tor Ccct!e Randolph ue l by tlie tr des with war mth 1 by I would offer mJ self pam n my yon th I had studted medicmc and Jane F rnny You thmk so bu t arc t on the hus!Jmd w" H 1 Pardon n1e Mr E erguson for cn tcr1nb and w s conse<1uently " cll mformed of such you s1te Z Oth01 peo1 le are as sute of their man who supplocHt o o tfit and it " as - not u u t1 Jou al ter the fas1uon ot too uu1uv1ted but ur 0 nt Ltt ~ I eeS' m rnt be matter· an l I saw at once with a quwk daughters, and 1f yo11 take tho trouble t o m clearly prove 1 that the\ were st pplted on UHlll.} "0 ug 1nen of the pt C!:l CJ t lay the defen dants orlcr the sl en f! hckl l m BROOCHES EARRINGS &C \\O llbt lm) scllto ler,l10d' aul so 1 lliJ only ex:c se gl rncc that he ' as only feigning sic! ncss vest1gate, you \1111 fm d, I cil ups that SallJ I able m the amount of th e nccom t £2 7 Be seated, M1os Handolph, [ sa1 I 11smg H c started ip soi ewhat at ~rlly us I enter spends her tmie alt'" darl rn runnm.g the 8 "ill £3 ls ll J eoste No e to s p s tI e1n Sel cted by iuysolf at For s cl a' om m I' ould to1l ltke a sla\C The deTences the m :tn factor e~ n Engl i d stated "ere-let th at it' as tl e tlut} ul it it \ ere DCCCS'10.I.} for BLch a. \VOlUan .i nnd handing her a chair cd but I a kno:?d I im vith a motior of mi streets Oh Mr F e1guaon she ·Ohbed forth hand It is a fact as anv one with ordinarJ the bride s fath er to prov de her ' e llrn~ do not say I \ ould die- tl a· is tame but olltfi t und 2u l that it WM extra\ a.gnat Jor 'I I e Subac ber having- sec rred tho able services burying 1 er face in hei hands " th at I for sucl a \Voma.u I \V O ld 1 vc I \Vould Conrad Smithers this i s a desper~tc power of observat10n can discover, that the the p0Stt10n of the tlelen lant e w fo Tl e OF l1.11! Cl ol!;i;'st of grMle1;1 Gold n.1 d S1h er frr:i.m es st ield her ft orn evil I " o il l l ghtcn lrnr sl oulcl ever be obi gel to co 1e to yo u ou 0 ume you are playm 0 but it will avail you dai ghters of respectable parents m ordinary lear led sberiil in a long n ot e enters into La~u11s !f.lorr1s & Co a on ha d to fit all s gJ t:;. of evelj i.;aie I v ultl s lTro nd l er \\ it h s ich an errand as thm n otlung ranks of life, who are not properly 'vaWh ecl th e law on this po nt and im ls ti at while l hese I '\vtll 1:;cll at rccluced pr ces as Cutter ifl prepare ] to t ak e oiders !01 I endeavorec l to q11 et he1 aud p;utmlly e\cry cumfo1t in short I \YOU] l dedtcate Wha do ) ou rn ea i 1 he exclauned, by their elders, llock the street s after dark 111 01du a.ry the Lusbrn1 d would not loe hable Jet ' hen "' rn tlus case the 0 ouds A LARGE SUPPLY m GENTLEMEl1 'J CLOTHING in) ·whole ex1 st c1 cc to the pron1otlon of her succeeded 'v hen I dre\v fro1n her "hat fe,v spnngmg to I rn feet hte s ckness all gone now a days and are d1screchtably bold 1ll 'vere got it 1 H\ express or cler he must be fa cts she k new regardrng I er fath er s happiness I mea11 that tl e game is t p and tLe the tr nmnnera 'I hat they e'en flirt as it h e,ld to l e the r espo1 s1blc party an I can wh ch v ll be got up n the GenllJ gcnll) cned I moderate leatb n t rdercr of John lumdol ph 10 discovered ts called and allo\\ stro.nge yo in 0 m en to 1 ot be allov1c~l to complall of extrovngau ce First Style of Fashion, (ROGERS ~fAKE 'Ho i cttred last m0 ht at h18 usial l10ur yo r tlans1 or t!l an 1 tcll n e if vou know a I hrow;n corr pletelJ off his guard us I hacl speak to them and oiler them refreshm ent s Tb s seems onl y :lair for lf h u-.b uds hrne and oi;i t1 e ordered th eu w1vet:) trousBea s. they cuu la ly l o U J proachc, near !Le pe1fect10n appa1 entl\ in ~ ool s11r 1 ts ald. no aouud antic pated he 'anl mto a chau and b\ ry and that each girl keeps t11e secret of the not complum if tl c; are subseq cntly It MOS1 REASOfiABLE TER~l/S was heard tl ro igh the nig1 t to eat so any mg h s Jace m h1a hands sobbed out you dcmat d 1 other that she Ill tul'll may keep I ers In ~d u1on to pay l 1 t ofte n I oth l sband At ~fr Peat s s1deuce on King Stref::t I kno" one li e~ ! 1 d sl gl tly h e>l al aim I n he m ormng as l eo fn.Jl ed to ap Lost I o t f this co lntrv the poor :a an 8 dat ghter shou ld and , ife a te v 1nontl a lter 1n rr at>e bit llAD U AlE of th Univers1t es of 'I r nity On hand a verj full assortment of Engl sh a d Coll ~e Torunto a1 UV ctona College Co tat1ng tllat I "o ld g \ lnch to peat at bre k!lst a servant \tos d , pate! ed Do 'ou confes tie n ud er, then 1 ~ be as much ol a lady as th e daughter of the tct l\ n::0 ret tl at a large su1u ,vh1cl ui gh t Cana l an bot rg L cent10.te of the College of Phys c ans have been useft llj expended In J ayn g the to si m 0 10 11 k 111 K 1 ock nM ~t tl c doo1 I o::iscsses tl ese rP.qu1s tt s-.;ion11.e, she ha8 I i ow that conceal-I' mill10nrure At least she should be well grocer a, 1 utcher 8 and b tker s bill"' oi: 111 I do b e aus ver CLOTHS AND TWEEDS and SurgecnB Ontario I u t tl c 1n st csscntrn.l I fear she " ants an ti recc1v1ng no 11ns \ e1 he f na.Uy 01 e el n1en t is no l onoer of use mannered pure an c l) on est as we are proud ! ut n sh1ng tl er hou1.1c has iot nd its 'vay Office K rug Street one door est of r CorushR J ewellry Sto1 e IloWlnanvillo Oll1 \\Tbut n L ::;ten to me 1 ny friend I am at present it .Lnd nd \ auce <l. nto t he t > I took hun a t once in to custody, and S!J©Jt to say, n1ost of t-ll em nrc into tl c nulhncr s pocket 1n the purchaf3e ~fy I o r JutncI l a<l tic sat1·fact10u of seern g him cb~n!!· Bo vmanville May 27th 1873 ti bp m£3 o2 Bo wmauv1lle Apiil 30 1872 1n gooU cncumstances, bu t how call I be SJght dt IM t heµ bel1olcl o1S mot fl The mere co:qla~ with bold pess sulhcs of a vaat ntun ber of u~elea~ article.a lll T lated to mJ husban l who I oft 11 suo1,ctetl. giealy adn ired IDJ co ism Ellen but ·till I e mnUe no proposal By m ere cl ancc I ascerta.ine l that sl e regard ed him \Vith fe!.!hnbs ino11.:: !a.\ arable than sh e bad e ver My dear cousm 1 she sa J rot cen mg Philip yuu me u pr vilegerl ei son for) ou ki o v I am 1nv1s1ble to co l pany at this hour What can vou want Is 1t a nc\\ pattern or have you come to h elp me toss up he ueds and dust the fur n1ture 1 At this moment her e\ e rested on the i1gt 1e of Ph1hp reflected in the leaking glass but Ju a ng herself fmrl~ caught she had too much self reopect to b·iTa\ any conlm10n Gracefu!lJ apologtsmg for her de.51 abile which by lhe way was most be co1n1ng she entered easily into convei:sa t10n and thus complctcl l er conquest of the heart of poor Phihp Six months after tlus mcideut Pl ili p and Ellen pronounced their 'ows at Hymen a shrine and I ne\er heard that either of them hau found cause to repent Now let \ oung ladies be sure that Pl ti ip IS not alone mad sltke of fmc lady wn eo it is a feelmg sharcl by the 0 reatei portion of lus ecx- milecil OJ all the sensible por tion of his sex As long a o g1rl1:1 study only to excel rn the lighter acquirements of fen ale cducat on ncglcchng na.y desp1s mg the usrf ul ai d es 0 ential let them not wonder at the number of ) oung men re mmn111g un1na111ecl Ho\v can a n1an "' mv forethought b it shnnl at connectrng bi nself with a woma.n v. lo is 1gnorant of tl e conunoncst duties of a wile o.r U n11ss tress ! Bl nd rnuee<l mt st love ha' e ren clcred L m "ho would take to \ns heart and bis bosom a being \Vhoi;i c clncf reGom mendut10ns arc that sl e can play and s t~g dance the polka and entertam compan) n.ud th1 s 1s tbc g1oss amount of requisites manv cand11ates fur m9.tnmon1nl l onors can co i maa 1 8 1ch uccomphshmeuts arc dul a1 prcciatcd ma ball room, or at an c>emng party but they are not for every day wear Men will choose s ich ladies for partners m a q 1adrille but not 101 wn cs From t me in ue111or l the v l<l. I nd an roan1ed thiot gh the 1\.1n ei c.a ioi!::ot with out let or l u dra co but 1 an evil hour the E lopcan lau Jed on th ose slto1 s and now see the change ! he nfcr or I 1 dian i::i none wl ile tic l J..!e n at r les n1onnrch of u.ll l c s U\iCJ ]ollo\ ng thc san1e ltv c me all th e 'Oi~y tlus sometime ago Conrad whom hut no ho1ne is perte:ctly furntShed \Vhere 1n1pro'\' etncnts ideas o. ld un eullous of ,.. ha e ahrn) s re gar led as one of the famt the Sta.r noes not "eek.Jy \Vend its 'von men h olll before tljC r Oe ol t!Je pale h oe Jy pro osed for my haml and I told bun it d1ous way and on the table its li 0 ht dis tl e arro v of the IuJ.1an tal i:.s its lo nn a 1U waa not u1i11e to give [ suspected as play I nalfl ght On tl e battlefield the old style and from Josh Billings and we lave also taken a glance at the product1011s of the Jo ker "ho n ns the Dan bun New b 1t for ieal honest p 1fhng we th uk ' c can com mend the gcmns "ho owns the Florcyv lle llflll , Star who gncs Ins JOlUl ii ti e fol lo" mg elabornte pull 'A \\eek!} ne\\spap01 p tbh,hed m th e city of Floreyv1lle, Bolivar count) ~1iss 1s s1pp1 by ouc of the inost elcg u t r 1cu in An1encn at the extren1cly lo\v price of throe dollars a year-cash m advance or hands crossed 01 er the bloody chasm Ae freemen \\ e kno\V our rights a11ll knowing dare mamta o "c shall i1cld obccl encc to to order that lS not aeMmpamcd !Jy tl c cash but will al\\ ai s 'rally round the flag boys when the greenb wl sate unft ti eJ rhc Star will shrne b1 ghter ti an u revenge pewter dollar on a black stumr and " ll Now then who of all your acqnam be a blessmg and a g nJe to all "ho shall lances could do such a thmg 1 walk m its light We shall lead the p e<ple I cannot posSlbly BOY Futhe1 hod not from the gra ves of buried m1sta1 es o it 1uto n enemy m the world to my kno" ledge the clear paths of It vrng progress and ie Edgar neither unlo 0 s perhaps, it might form No ammal is so happy a· a hog on b'\ Conrad Smithers my father s book corn and 110 hunian being can be grea t ke~per and trusty clerk but 1t \\OU!d be glonous and f1ee u1 less he I as tl e Star to in1pPas1ble for h1n1 to do such u deed colnfort and cheer hun There arc degrees \Z,hat reasons have you ror suspecting of excellence in ne\\ apapers, as thoro n.rc of that t e 18 not Edgar's frten I l beauty in \Vomen and v11tue HI ' lu~key one sl ould suspect Edgar of the murder ' lhat is the most mysteuons part of the sad affaJ.r This mornmg "hen Edgar was told of the murder lie turned very pale reeled ana would have fallen to the gro1 nd had not support been given !um Some of the ignorant beholders ofthts scene thought !us actions denote l guilt and an officer was s 1mmoned o,1,: ho at once lllsistcd on searclung ll'ls room A rnzor on \Vh1ch therp \'i ere se' cral spots of blood 1vas found concealed under the carpet together w1tl an old smt of elothes belongmg to Edgar "h1cb were bespattered w th bloo l This \Vas considered sufficient ev1dcncc to war rant lus arrest and he now hes in Jail cl a ged with the awful crime of murder Oh Mr Ferguson ' If you can do 3Jlythu g to save lum and at the san1e tune b11ng the g i ltv pernetrator of this deed to JUS !lee I "ill amply reward ) ou. Do you kno\\i of o.ny cnen11eti of your lather or of Edgar who "ould be likely to com1n1t such n crime., eith er for robbery or revenge 1 I asked Ob Sir, she replied, it was not done for lobbery, us everythmg in tho room was as fat! er left it t1 e mght before Hts "atch and pocket book the latter con tam n1g quite a sum of rnoney 'vcre tound un der I ts p1llo\\ where l:.c always placed them so that the crime must Lave been comrrnttcu to gratify a tiend1sh thirst for Imo" all abo 1t her esco1t or mal e her f th er or brother tnl e ca[c of her ou th e \\ ay to and fron1 the house to whi ch she 1s to bo If she has no escort a 1 l no 1nale i el :il \ e it tni ght be best to do as a n E gl1sh inoth er would go t cl fe tch l er ) o ir,cll Ne er let 1 er coutract a hah t of stay r ~ lll n ght \\1th he1 girl fr1en1.1s It is ai 1clle sort of a waJ nn how a id ta! es ho1 o t of '.\ OUi CUJ tIOl A Newspaper Gemus '\Ve lave occasionally co1uc acroas adepts in the art'i of a 1vertising v; e have seen scraps on Uus line of bu$ ne8s fron1 B arnt m If yon I ave been lnx l U J our ltsv 11" ' your g 1! may I out a little at f rst und fu l Lome some" but dt ll bt tit she I ves to be a woman an l to n ar1y she \V 11 t h yo l at lust - than\ yo u fr om the bottom of her so il as sl e look, back on the sud fa te of so1n c of those tiu1s hose moth ers I ad 1 ot pr tdence oi anthor ly c o 1gh tu kee p ti cm l om at n gt to - Ai t 1 o l ~ J m th' Le ly Fate of I nfenonty Notl ng A ecn: 1s i.;oi atan t in ti 1 ~ "0 l x c l t ch tngc At all t 1nca and evc1 y vl ere \Ve scc tl e effect of cli:u 1ge and it h:: chos t hat the ten l e icy of ull infc 10L tluu gs to perish 1s ::i. e re t un1vers tl law S l er o ty in tst 1ule Tender trees will not grow an l 11onr1sh 1 nder tt c "ulc ,,,prea h g b o 1gh s of t l e ' maJ cstic oak they re the mfo1 or l l u1ust die 01 t Far back in the J1n1 ar:ii:s oJ tl e pu,t geology !encl es , th t tl ei e "' i sted on the einth s surf nee pla nts J.1 l n iuals in al>unlnuce bit th ey 've1c far s l per1or to those now in ex. stcnce A.n 01 ;::i the diffe rent IaCt!;, of 1neo too i t sec n s tl at t he infor101 1nust g:LVt! \ ay to ll e bcttc L one mucb I e muttered And then while Ins lace grew dark fill mght and his feat ires assumed an appearnnce perfectly fearful be contmued Bt t you shall never become tl e wife of ] dgar Morton \\ h1lst I ha\ e life to prevent it He then wheeled ol out and abruptly left my presence I was con s1derably alarmed and thought of speakrng We advocate the cducalton of the peo of artille1y is s lcnced for ever a tl t en der pie and an appropriat10n of nnlhons of cd u seless Ill the prese nce of l ou 0 er r au 0 e c1rculat1on of this paper woulcl not co.use us and greater aocurncJ I h· ol l I sh1ouou to shed a tear because the light shed a uong horn c pistol hllll been s in Ian tel b' tl e the peoule by the free c1rc 1fat10n of tl e modern revolv c1 '11 e n1i e1101 ty ot t he Star would l c too s'veet :tor sinners V\ c s ckle 1 as gn en place to tl c 1ea1 8 ma shall make this p per so marvcllouety rn ch ne wl tle tl e 1s un] n own \~ h c1c tl1 e terestmg that tl1e good clnldrcn will cry thrc:j l ing in ach n iIB u ed \V l eu a supc r1or ID\ ent on s Iu tro J lced i t pcu o.l vzcs und renders 1 1.;e]ess ::1.1 d ]cad all n1fcu or ones 'I he n eeJle 18 u.h lOS t 1 lai.;eJ OU th e rci LCd b st on cco u 1t of U e sewing l tel ne R ail vay carriages nu<l stean b'-la ts lave to iny father about it but during the after for 1t 'iv1th their n1orn1ng lntters ana the noon he retu1ned nnG. beg 0 ed 111y Iotg1ve bad be encouraged to E;Oodneas by the hope ness for the 'W ord E he had ustd and inade ot securing 1ts VIrg n sheets fork te fly ing such professions of sorro\\ in regard to them As Bolivar L'3 one of th e most fc rt le that I freely forg we lnm ancl have s nee bodies of land rn the world >ne t Florey thought no more of the mattei ville the future great city of the l\fosu;.s1pp1 '!he fact is r1u1te clear to me I said delta so it 18 our firm con\iction 1 surp ed the plac, formerly occur eil by uuawcd st tg e coaches :.u d sa h ng cruft \\. ti u ~us 1 kno\\ thtB follo\I well and the sort of hy rnfluenee 01 unbHoetl by ga n that ti e it is tho sau e The inferior c h es a t 1 t he companJ he keeps anel I should not be sur ~ loreyv1lle Star lB the most. wo iderful pro "'pr sence o1 a s11 enox rl c 1 est u 0 ci of pnsed to hr d ti at I e corn1l 1\ted the 11ur dnctlon at hun1an genius that C\ er ihckcicd to day " ll be Sller ce l m le v years uy der Now then, I \\ant to sec the body of on the tide of time, and we don t care if so ue supe1ior 1nus1c u - s len ed n cv1Lu your father an l the room cleed \Vas Uonp "I NEW STORE, CHOICEST OF OOODS. D.AILYLINB ROCHESTER.WAT-CHES CJLOCKS · "NORSEMAN " 1 SPOONS. SPOONS. Gold Chains, Rings, 'l'ailoring ! Clothing! SPECTACLES I MB. R. PEATE, FINE CUTLERY, W. S. BOYLE, M. D. G T . Ps:terson.. !