IHE MERCHANT, OCTOBER 3, 1873 RATES OF ADVERTISING AUCTIONS Samuel "est Lot No 30 in ti e 8tl Co ess on o 'Ve lnesday next Mr Tre on Lot No 15 n tl e 8tl on I\-Ionday next See advert se nent. Mr B llwood s s le ot 11 orougb breds o Tb rsday e t at\\ 1 lo v Gro e Farm T J of Clarke THE PUBLIC SCHOOL::; The spec a l Co nm! tee appo nt·d to v s t our U n10n Sci ool attended to their duties on "edncsda) Inst and v I n due course pres nt tier 1cport to tie Boa i of .,chool rr 1steee. Meant ne VG take th 3 011 or tun ty of say n0 tl at th y vere u ucl pleased w LI the general "Pl e ranee o! tl e p m sos Mr D aper · the Tao tor has every roon n good order self an l all onccraed en~ SJ e nJ. contra t-fo apace ma.de on appl w Bowma,nville School In the semor section of Mr Hugi es d via on 1 the U on Sci ool for the mo th oi September James Mu r stands first havrng a total number of credit marks of 156 Jol a Cmt s was second with a total of 148 re<l. t narks Harry a lberl \\US tirst n vr ti g and J ol Curtis i:tecon l In the JUU 01 sc t on of tl c some div s on Frank All n stootl first I av ng 143 d t morks I homas Lee Nas second them an attractiveness de! ghtf l to int ne.· All aro nd the clty there s a sue ceatt1on of 1omant c resorts wb cl for plea sure cannot be ·u passed Shad v inv1t ng the travel er or the vcnr v. oru merchant to tbc r treu.t o haud B t to day e l a c left ti e shady tetreat a cl the c ty s d n to e JOY t i u v gorat ng br ez a of tl c s cuu.r;t Nu. u. t an sland on tho !lorth sl ore Report of the!Orops on the Lme of the GT R WESTERN D STRICT ENCOURAGE Home Manufacture ! 7 And Save 20 to 25 per cent, by u cl go ftl e New Advertisements Railway Meetmg NEW AND BEAUTIFUL f Fred Mayer "as first n J ll umphry second Teeth Filled by Machinery A meet ng "as hell accord g to p 1 bl c S hool House No 5 auno nee Cl t (Rehoboth) o 1 \\el e day cv g I 't to tal mto cons derat10n tl al sab l ty ot gm t ng bonus to the Bown anv lle '< Georg Tl e meet ng npj o t d an Ba) R l v y llfr Jo! n Hoar Senr Chau na anl M R Bragg Secretari Speecl es v re rr ucle by Messrs Fo ler Cub tt J r1t ng and ';V P I and" m '.Lhomp&on of tbe meet ng the follo ng rel olut 01 vas carr cd on mot on of Dr B rd -That ORGANS, nan a.c l )J he BO"\\ MANv ILLE 001 ten be I\ e un lcrstand that M1 J Iii Br m ncombe s abo t gettrng a De ital B rr g Eogme by wh cl he can Ill teeth m less th n I alt the usual t nc anl " th f pan to ti e pat out th"n l crctofore an l lat he 1 as proc red a 1 ew an<l 1 nprov l apparatus for gen rating N tro s 0.x de Oas uy "L l h c u DO\\ extract teeth thout pa u Barn m 8 F rst Bau Dominion Organ Co'y., BOWMANVILLE. A. M. DARLEY, lllANAGER l 873 t1 In conse 1uen e of tic chang of g ge o stop[ age ti e Grund fr nk l e ess t t g ol raffi ti e Post Office dcpartn cnt I us ma le a.r au 0 mcntfl to for vard m 1 matter by st an er The al at tho Bo vman· lie office v 11 be close l on Fr day and Sat r Kei l da (to lay and to morrow) as fol o vs go ng east nt 4 p m - '°'t at 8 p m o colt Special Inducements CASH :BUYERS t to ANDRESON & CO'S B0 0 T & SH 0 E EMP0 RI UM. D F F McArtb ir calls special attcnt on to l s stock of caq ets-!l!l d to te the cl cap best"' ) r old roads er st n to vn o J Galbra ti Clarke Beat 3 yr old De on l I 0 Mann Tho pro I ts of the Un on l r to take 1 lu.cc to da;: are ve y good Tbs eat es arc ess o{ last year A BQ u. ln. e t1toc of o 11' o nQ factur m11de n the e t s yle and of tha best a t .1 RUBB1RS1N GREAI VAR!ErY TOWN COUNCIL BIRllI SARATOGA TRUNKS and OTHERS ALL CHEAP FOR CASH tho M ON ~f FakMa o ofaso 0 S nda, 28th lt fe of REEDS OLD Sl!\.ND Bo FIATS, CAP S, RELIGIOUS SERVICES SUNJ)A 'i OCTOBER oth 1873 MAitX:tTS MA YE R r SI ect.f Uy anno nccs AND FURS! --o-of JOHNS CHlRCH ANGLWl.N th LARGE AND VARIED ASSOR TMENT su t 11 for the hll and W n>ef t B to k of F a emb c NEW GOOQSlo cn t 0- H ed subJect to call of the ALL THE NOVELTIZS a well a.<; necessar ea n pie <lc1 ~ t R. WIND Tr 'I C --- .........- ,..,~::;:.:.>~~~..............,.,,.~~\!l!+i-~.iM.......__....,,.,,;.--. pl e I" tl CLARKE FAIR 0 no on DARLINGTON COUNCIL Ha npton Sept 2 Regul r neeti g of Co mcil I resent ti e Ree e Messrs W ndatt S n th a d Bro l M ute~ r~ad and confit'llleu n Con mu ic.at o s J?resente l ferenco to state of ¥r and Mis. Do vn ng econ me dmg add ti~nol a d by prov1d ng an nttcnda1 t lrom Cl nton Gifford, apph cat o f r c rt fl.cute Granted A pet t 01 \Hts pr seuted 10m 0 org Avery a d others pra~ ng ti c Counc l to allow Thos Avery lo occ py a ! 01 t10n of ti e oad allo ance bcf~v en Jot.· 14 and In n the 9th con esl!1on Rece ved and la l Mufflers, Collars, Shirts, Braces, Scarfs, Umbrellas, &c 0 H f:I Hat nd C3.I department ns sn l er leto 'l'.!)h the The Smitten Cttl an l V ARIQUS STYLE'3, tending I ur h;wera will finJ. ~tee mthe o t y o be t A CALL IS RESPECTFUL'LY SO LlCITED AT THE CORNE'J. STORE t Al L I9NDS 01 I UI S AL l l l ED \ND REI All E D Se e t e eve y S bbath at 10 30 o clo k 1u tho m·rn g and at 6 30 n the .e em g by the Iiev Cash. p :?!Ud foi· Ba w Furs. M ~LO.YER th present a report f o l the Mi J Br d n Sunday Schoo at 2 30 'P m l ayer !ieet g c erj F day e e uug nt o clod 0 JT1S':t' All.BIVE:O at t1 c I ec al comu~1t$ee apJilOinted to confer w th tl c oa.rt ea in respe t \ o v den ng the r U ac oss lots 21 to 28 n ltbc 9th on Messrs Jam · Sm th and W n Pott r 10 30 run g FASHION HOUSE, Fall and Wmter Faf-lhions NEW MILLINERY, HA r:s & BONN E rs) LATEST STYLES IN TRIMMlN C, &C 0 t 2 30 · & <Jordon e b ted an as o tment of excel 'lent nlotl sand Flannels from ti e r Fae were I earl at the bar Qf the Co nc1l rn r ~ reuee to the matter fter vl cl t s Mo>ed by M " ndatt second tl I y M Sm th -Tl at this Council fa; orabl) en tert.a ns the l a of w1den1ng the road acroas lot· 21 to 28 Jl the 9th con accord og to pet ton ol J s. W II ams and others I ro 1d g :reasonable arrangements can be made nnd " th a ew to th s end ti Clerk s bcr~by structetl to cor espond · th "hit'>\ ell Halt requestrng l 1m to of !er tl e mos fa orable terms he can tor I n l necled fo the purpose of v den µ s d road througa h s I. d on the north s de earned Me,,..,. Cu'b tt M Leod and] o vier I ad Y O C ~G MJ NS CH!US rIA!\ .ASS0CIA I IOJS A 1 ayer Mee mg e ry Sa1'batl f\fte oon n.t 4 o ock n the South Wa 1 S ho()l IIow::e Young ~fen s P ayer M eting e ery f::: ~ day ven n at Roon ou K ng st Also Sunda.y Mo 1l n mec mg n.t 9 l'u sd y cvroung prayer me t n to be I el 1 at the x:s denco of l\{rs Cool 0 Dressmaking ill most fUBh on ablo and 1 t e t st i sr len lid a so tm nt of COM~iERCIAL J30\\ MANVII LE Kmttmg, Berhn, an d other Wools Al o latest ty lcP. n CORRESPONDENCE JOTTINGS L TF.R te1npera1 ce nsp c pol St es No VIII An er ca BERLIN - Fall vheat a good crop av er ge 12 to 15 I us! els per ac e spr ng wh t a poor rop average 15 to 20 b ·h els pe acre oats 40 bushels per acre barley a I gl t crop J\a s first cla s root rop· prospects good potatoes nolr w thstand ng the beetle ar£ fine m fields turn ps a Leavy rop I ay ~ood crop and veil saveo GUl<Ll ll Fall wheat 18 busl els per acre spr ng vheat 17 bushels p r acre badev 30 bushels per a re oats W bushel per ere rJ e 9o busl els per acre good pease 30 bushels per acre very good potatoes above a\ rage ;y eld hay l ton I r acre root crops good turnips show great pro m SC RUSIDNG S and other FRILLING BELTS COMJ::S BRAIDS SWITCHES AND CHIGNONS laJ"ge u.ssor t neut of Fa.n y Goo s constan tlv o l 1 Pa. t culA attc t on 1 d to u t tns: Stam ug I ctoo<le 0 e1 f; n l fit FASHION BOUSE ORGAN. es and 1 o se olla '8 YMCA meet g of tl e .A.so ut on lay even ng Ji13t it wa lee tied to me ce the library n med ately and seve ral olun es ve e prom sed by I urt s I re sent There IS scarcely a fa n Iv n to 11 \J t ha e bool s l) ng o sl elves u e d and nuscd and an opport n ty ts now I re s nted to set LI em to vork It s proposed to get the book in tl s manner as oth r towns a.nd part es des rous of contnbutUJg su table book· e1tl er old or new ll ple se lea e then v th the Pres dent or Beere ary let .A._ucrrION SALE of TO LET. enclose J.nd occur y part of the ro d allo"' ance bet vcen lots 14 and 15 m the 9th co tl ~ vouo l g a ts tile dee! Mr Bruma o be pays $2 per year lo~ the same 1: l e R ive "t' as strucWd to gra t o ders on tl e Treasu1er for tl e lollo\\ g sums -Jas CrJ t!ei:man f rn1ture for fa n s Malcolm sleep To n Hall $22 d gc t poor $29 Our s dewalkll m several port ons of the k !led by do 0 s $" 66 town are no" promended by the mduetrl 2o ous notato-b g The street corner loafers Cou c I adJO rncd to m gl t take a leaf from the r bo<jl s and November ut 10 a m R "INDA T T p Clerk no keep on the move FAR11i STOCK IJYI ple1 11ents, &c. 'rbe subs be <ts b en W TREWIN c:\.tonon FOR SALE Oct. 8th, into Oct 183 m52 2 n, lru pnl