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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 3 Oct 1873, p. 3

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'. / I I THE MEROI-JANT FRIDAY, ' · 'l'o the Inha.bita.nte of J3ow· ma.nville. I a.m about getting a 1873. --o-WITH TEETH DENTAL BURRING ENGINE, Wl'l'i10U'!' l'EETH by which I can Fill Teeth in lees tha.Jl ha.lf the usua.i time, o.nd with less pain to the patient tha.n heretofore, and that I have procured a AUTUMN & 0 BS ERV E ! invites.the attention of Ladies and Gentlemen to his c sh 1 WIN'rER. FALL sTocK. a · 1s73. 1s73.. -o- 1s7a. ---o- - of the OCTOBER 3, 1873. --- Cash ------ 'I':REWIN OF OSH.A.WA Dress Goods Newest Style. Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons? . Bc(Jl11ng Bros. F ALL IS 'Grateful Thol!Sands proclaim VIN. EGAR BITTERS New and. Im.proved appara.tu.s, for gen era.ting Nitrous Oxide Gas, by which I can now EX'.rRACT TEETH WITHOUT PAIN. ARTIFICIAL TEETH ; BEST UPPER SETS, $20:00 GOOD do. $16:00 do. CAS · H YOURS RESPECTFULLY, . llowmanville, 'October, 1873. J. M. Brima,combe, For Sale. ! ed, situate on Ontrui.o Street. Sheds and every aiicommo<lation on the preIDiRcs rden. Apply to Good fruit trees in the ga- VERY CO MPREHENSJVE STOCK NEW GOODS, - of- :S 11 0 0 K NOW - Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont. LATES :r NO-VELTIES 1 - - in~- c01npriai11g , GREY C01 TON 1 of the b est mnko, inclucling the celebrated En tire ly Complete system. vigoraut that cvor sustained tbo sinking the most wonderful In- · -IN- STORM ONT. lOct Cottons at Cowle's---Splendid value. General Servant Wanted.. ·u US'!' HAVE GOOD IlEl'ERENCE s. m5l tf A BRIO K COT'l'AGE. with t a.ere of l:wd lll_ Apply at this office. Bowm·nvillo, Sept. 25th 1873. Wanted Immediately. . F. Y. COWLE. ti. Bowman villo, Sept. 10th, 1873, YOUNG A dentfat1'Y· ~IAN desirous of learning- th· J . M. DRIMACOMDE, .Surgeon, Dentist . bp tf. l3owm·nville, Sept. 9th, 1873. HO USE AND LOT FOR SALE. THA'l'RouD'h Cast Honse, a.nd -q11artcr of nu acre of 1a.ll<l a.t the corner of Ontario and Stylish Millinery, Elegant Mantles, Beautiful Dress Goods, . Tremendous · Shawls, Comfortable UnderClothing, Nice-fitting Boots & Shoes, . Warm Gloves and Hosiery. Also a splendid stock of EVERY ----,o--- - according to ilirectioiis, nnd remain long nnwell, pl'Ovided their bonos nro not dostroyed by minernl poisou or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond rep-5' No Person can take these Bitters · "3ilions? Remittent and Inte1·· mittent } ever s, which are so prevalent in the valleys of om· great rivers throughout tho Unitcil Statos, especially those of tho Mississippi, Ohio, 'Missouri, Illinois., 'l'enncssoo, Cumberland, Arkansas, Rod, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roauoko, James, and many others, with their vast trib(ltaries, throughout om entire country during the Summer and Autuu;m, and remarkably so dming seasons of unusual heat and dryness, at·o invaria1 1ly accom panicd by extensive dcrnngoments of tho stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. Iu thoil' treatment, a purgative, exerting a po,vcrful inlluouce upon these various or;:rans, is cssentinlly ncccssal'y. Thero IS no cathartic for tbo pnl'pose equal to DR. J. WALKll_R'S VINEGAR llITTERS, as they will speedily remo ve tile darkcolored viscid n:iatter with which tilo bowels arc loaded, at tho same time stimulating tl.lo secretions of tbH liver, and geucrally rcstoriug tho bealthy functions of tho iligestive orgnns. OHSE_flVE - of nucqutlilled Wanted Immediately. A YOUNG MAN to assiist in store and m<lk himself generally u seful. · Rampton Sep. 18th, 2873. H. ELLIO'l'~'. bp m50-o35 tf JR Berlin Wool Store. ll]_ attention of thm:ie requiring such goods, t 0 h er ato ck of faucy goods nnd working mo.teriah1 ; n con1plete u-ssortment in wools, slippci'S, sof a p ill o·ws, ta.ssele, filoselle, hrn.ids~ linen flot18 also a beautiful va.riety iu Brooches, ~a.rring.1 ' , J-Iair pins an(l N eckl~ts. Children's Aproni:i ' Stamping on].:ets, &c. , a.lwa..¥1) on hand. light dark goods done t o order; m513in. classes of wo1·lcing people o either sex, young or cld, m..'\ke more money a t work for us in their spare moments, or all the time, than a.t anything else. Pa.rliculara free Albert strc cts, :Bowmu.nv;illc, the property of Willia1n J effel'y. There ia a g-ood weU, excellent fruit trces, wood-sh ed, stable, etc. For - op a rticulars, apply to I\![r. John Jeffery, M ason, MR. l'REWIN is of the opinion thnt a well a.ssortetl stock of first·claSB good.a, offered n.t or to J. :Mil ne, both of Bowmanville. lowest remunera.ti ve prices, in a fair oblig-ing manner, the best method of winning a large and m4GL(. Bowmanville, 13 .1.\ .ug., 1873. profitable business. Jl"e now engageit to supply the forme t·-rca<lcra, it is your interest to accord to him the latte1·. Blankets; Horse-covers, Sleigh-Robes, Carpets, Damasks, Sheetings, Rugs, Mats, Oil Cloths, Flannels, Rubbers: Felt-Overs, etc., etc. THE - STOCK I S- S'l'YLE a.nQ. Q'C'AI.ITT S'l'OBMON'l' l\/fIS S S1'0UGil~'ON desires to invite th e cusTOM PLANING. Oshawa, October, 1873 . THE Subscriber is prepared to fill all orders THOM.\S SMI'l'H, tf VarJingto n August 7th 1873. for cust om pl an ing, at short est notice. s. 'rrewin. COTTON '.l'RE BAGS, LARGER THAN EVER. Ea, oh · BEST in the World. Special Line of C01'1'0NS at COWLE'S. Depa,rtment IS TR ESPASS NOTICE, found treapnssing on the ]flats, known a.'i Raynes' 'F lats, will be prosecuted to.full extent of law, M D. WILLIAMS. l ., NOTICE is h ereby given. that all parties $ u TO $20 1; per day. Agent~ wanted I All More Attractive than Ever, READY-MADE Address G. S'l'INSON ,~ CO., Portl""d ' J..:Iaine. bu-o!9-m31 lyr Weber's Pia.nos for Sa.le. XI EBE RS' PIAJ'.\OS. highly estimated i'f throughout the Dominion, manufa.c tu red ut King:-:iton, in the most substantial style, and on the mo:it approved principles, ' with all 1110dern iw1J1·ovements, of the very beat mat erials, and pn.ying no import duties, are offered on terms far lower than imported in· struments. A written guarantee for five is also given. · The s ubscriber has been appointed an Agcn.t fur the sale of these l)ianos, o.nd has n. splendid i nstrument on vitnv Ltt J1is residence on A1·gyle Stt"eet, to which he inYites insp el:t,ion. sioians of England, and University of Vic· toria Colleg e, Cobourg ; U nde~radua.te and uizeman of the University of Toronto and 1Liversity of Queen's College, J{ingston. iviem· ber of the C ollege of Physicians aud Surgeon of Ontario. Surgery and Residence , opposite the market Bowmanvilie, Oet. DR. DAVIDSON, GR.ADUATE of the Royal Colle~e of phy- CLOTfIING Good and Cheap. ·clothing Made to It is a well-known Fact that Cowle has the best Tweeds . in the conntrp. Noth~ng CA SD BAR. GAINS '11rns11 1 MAR RI AGE l SSU E!J BY LICENSES are more Numerous than Ever We e:x:pect a. " :Bigge1· " Sea.son tha:n Eve~. Swellings, l,J lcors, Erysipelas, Swelled, by P\ll'ifying all its fluids wil,h VINEGAR na" .rEI<s. No epidemic cau take hold of a system thus fore-arme·a. Dyspe,Psfa 01· Indigestion, Headache, Pam in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Diziiness. Sour Eructations of tho Stomach, Dad 'Taste in tho llfoutl.i, Bi lious L\ttacks, Palpitatatiou of the Heart, Inflammntion of the Lungs, Pain in Llic region of tho Kiel neys, and a hundred·o ther painful symptoms, arc tho oITspriugs of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a bettor guarnnteo of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofu1a, or J(ing's Evil, Wh1te Fortify the body against disease l ROBERT . ARMOUR Bo\v1na.nvi CHARLES ROBER'!' LOSiJOMJ:l}]. ~mos. llowman.Ville, Sept.· 25th, 1873. TO TAILORS. SPLENDID CRANCE for a good 'l'ailor A. in the of 'l'yronc. AP:ply tO V~illa.g-e LI ----------- ---------·----cheaper than the IOcl OOUons O ·t Oowfo's. In thc~;c, as i11 all other constitutiunnJ. Diseases, "\\T j.LliER.1S YINEO~R Bl'J" "l'J.::lt8 bavo shown t1Jeir groat cunitivo lJowors in tho in os t olmtinato aud intractable cuscs. Goitre, Scrofulous Inilu inm::i.Lions, Intlolcnt In fhuun1ations, 1.{crcul'.ial .A [actions, Ohl Sores, Eruptions of t.lle Skin, Soro Eym~, etc. m48tf. J AS. llLLlO'l'T. qua.ntity, Apply tn FOR SALTI in an)r_ WILLIAM SPEAH. Church Street, · nearly opposite the Abna Hotel. Bowmnnv· ille, Jnne 19th 1873. t( SE P1, EMB ER 2 6, 1 8 7 3. O'tJ"It :&'ALL S'l'OClt WANTEDTOPURCHASE ../:l. hom~ , under aadcUe or in harness. at this of£ce. n1'i8tf. BLANKETS IN Large Variety W'inceys--a Job. JS, B.···Special inducement given to A HORSE, wit h a. pretty good character, at Apply APPLES ! APPLES ! ! READY I Cash I --- Cash I Bowm:i,nville, Sep.11th, 1873. For Intlanrnrntory aml Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Uemittont auil Intermittent Fcvori, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Ki<luoys mul Bladdtr: these Bitters hn.vo n o eqw: l !. Such DiseaseS en.used by V itiated 131oo<l. .ll1echauical Disoases.- Persons engaged in Painls au<! Minerals, such as to paralysis of tbe EGA R DITTERS Bowel~. l'l n m~crs, rl'ypc-sct tcrs 1 Gold-bcater:;i, and Miners, as t hey atl vaucc iu life, are subject THE under signed will pay the highest IJriae for any q uantity of go o'd merchantable hand Olly underaig n~d received h1rther in:otn1ctions to lend n1oney on Real Estate, (or ti to 20, nt a low r"aie inte.r est, and, jn othe r respects, upon terms likely to.suit the wishes of any bona tide applicant . T he advantage to be de.dYed fro1n applying to the su,bscribet will, iU'trll cases, b e full y n1;w:l~known to the party a.ppl)·ing for a loan Oeforo any expense is _ incurred. WM. H. L<nve, ]3arriatcr, &c. Office on Silver Street, 2nd door north of ;King Street, Bow1nanviJ1.c. Bowrnauvillc, Sep. l8th 187 3. Ju50 6 1no1:1. lVI ONEY ! MONEY ! b.'.ts TI-IE 1rom vci·y 0 picked apples, aJ.130 the highe ~ t cash price for quantity nf good packed buttcl'. . S . BURDEN. ln44·tf, IS NOW COMP LE TE. VARIETY. Mc(JLUNG BRO~$ To guanl n.gaiu::;t this, take u <lose of W A.LKER'S YIN· occasimrn.lly. ter, Salt-lthernn, Blnt.chus, Spots, Piinplcs, ]·'or Skin Diseases, Eru ptions, Tet- CASH Purchasers. Pustules, J3n ils, Carliuuclm,, H.l ng-worms, Scalll-hond, Soro Eye~· . I~rysipclas, Itch, 8curf's 1 JJisculorutions of the Skin 1 Humors and Diseases of the Skin of ·wlHttever nan1e or lli.Lturo, aro literally dng np and carried out of the systc1n inn. short ti111c by the usu of those B itters. R EMOVA ...:.: L~ :J ........\-~4-.!IlAY1l1filt GJIBATE~T "" "'- F. Y. Cowle. S. G. WEJ3STER, L. D S. GO AND SEE S. MASON wi8h e~ to infoi·m his nu1neroua fri~n<ls and cud· tomers th'at h e re1noved to STRAYED. BUCKLER'S OLD STAND. where be \Vill Our Goods a,re :Setter Va,lue, and Our Prices lower than ever NEW MILLINERY. BATTING'S NEW Iurkin[? _in th9 systo111 of so thousanUs, ·, 'l'apc, and other Worms, al'B eflcctually dcstroycl1 u.n U removed. N" o syste1n of uieclicine 1 n o vcnnif"ugcs, no autheh11iuitics will frco the sys tmn fro111 \Yorms. li ko these B itters. or ollJ 1 n1a.r11cd or single, a t thG Uawu of womanh ood, or the tnrn of life, thcso To:uio Ditton; displfly so decided an iu.U.-uonce that improvement is soon perceptible. cTcr you find its i1npurities bursting thl:ongh the skin in Pi111ples, Erurtions, or Sores; lfor Fema1e Complaints, in young S "'rR.A.YBJ) into the premises, Lot 6, 7th con of D11.rlington 1 n. lrnnb, the owner will oblig by tu.king it awa.y a.ri<l paying expenses. bo found with the most corn -pletc assoI"tmcnt of · 8. POLLAHD. n1'i0-31u Harness, Whips, Trunks, &c. FALL AND WINTERDI{Y GOODS SURGEON AND DENTIST. Teeth extracted with0ut pain, by the use of Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whcn- Fa-rm for Sale. S AOnEs llOBERT DES'l\ JOHN BE81', hp ·tf-m5lo36. Amherstbu~, AT THE Bowmanvillc: Sept. 18th 1873. clc.nso it when you fintl it obsLrnctctl anu fonl; your feelings will tell you when. Koop will sluggish in tho veins; cleanse it when it is O"[T'l'l:l FORTY of Lot N 0 · 161 lst I in town. I>lease can. Buckl~r's old stand, Con. Ol arke. l'rice Sl:iO_ per acre. P088es· one Joor eaat·of l\fn.ynn.rd s Hotel.· Hion given immediately. Title indisputable. Bowmanville, Sep. 1st., 1873 . l1'or futther particulars, apply to 'Latest Novelties in Hats and Bonnets. EVERYTHING.NE'\V A ND FASI-IIONABLE. NITROUS OXIDE GAS, which is d elightful to, and perfectly ha.rm l ess. Manchester, · the blood pure, nod the health of Lho system or li'EES J.fODER.ATE. IiEFEJ:tENCES BY PERMISSION: Dr. Reid, j).f, D., Dr. Beith, j).f. D., Dr. Boyle, :rvr. D. Roon1s, over F. F. ifcArthtn"s Store, l<.ing Street, Bo-w1nanville . Orono. The satisfactiOJl given by CALL .A. ND SEE OUR STOCK. WE THINK IT NO TROUBLE TO SHOW OUR GOODS. THE n. H. ~IeDONA..Ll) & co., J)ruggi.st8 nnUGon . .Agts./San JJTn.noisco, California., nnd eor. of "'~nshillgton and Charlton Sts., N. Y. Sold by n.11 l)ruggists u.nd Dealers. It. JI. lllcDONALD & CO., Druggists ancl Gen. Agt1:1., Sou Frcmeisco, Ualiforuia, aud cor. of "\;on and Churlton Sfi-8 ., ~. y · , , Sold by all rii·ugglsts und Dt!alt!rs. follow. Fa.rm for Sale. A BAJIE CHANCE D- BARNUM is eclipsed by the aatisfnction given by S~:C.!.\.LE, to his num~rou s patrons . H e is now p leased 00 announce tha.t he has on httnfl a large and varied a ssortment of SMITII ORGAN is one of the I the 12th Con., 200 11cr,es. 180 cleared and N the TOWNSHIP o! SCUGOG, Lot n, in in a good state of cuUiva tion · good frame bat'n an d fra1nc house. 'l1hc soif is first·class, Possession for a nd the liinU lti..ys beautiful. fa.11 plo11gbing can be given at once. A reasonable payment required down. Balance in tin1e to 13uit tlie purchaser. 'l1itle indisputabl~ . J. & W. J. MCMURTRY & 00· Sign of the Cl-old.en Lion. ! Gentlemen of Fashion. SO, I-IO B EST ever 'bi·ought to this Country . BOOTS AND SJIOES NOT SO FAST. I lrnve written the:ie few lines And W1 I have t o say, That you can find ine still at hotno I am not gone away; So a.11 my kind old friends may come ; And all the young ones too And get their garments JJ icHly made In fashions tha t arc new; '-'V h erc old and young de:.1.1 friend ~1 ay meet A welcome gr eeti11 g by R. P E A_TE. Bowmo.nville Juno lDtl1 1 1873. tf Apply to J'OSEPH BIGELOW, Port Perry~ n1,19-6w. of the best quality, antl ia a.nx_iou s tha.t th ey slrn.11 $Ct to work. as soon as possible. 51,000 now in use, J. M. J3BIMACOMJ3E, Bowcnanville, April lGth, 1873. General Agent, Bowmanvillc. m28-tf. Jf ramtJ I i'ouse antl Barn on JThqll'lllJliaes. ]lull posscsi:iion given the lat of March next, the purchnsor t o have liberty to do fall plowing. li'or p:Lrticulars apply to F AB.M 'l'O REN'l'. , pa1·t othe Township of Brock, 50 S..1,.\-.crtiB · n the 5th Con. Good r l i · 1 · All Prices, All Sizes, All Xind.e, Ladies' Prunclla Congres$, at 80 cents. " " Balmorals, extra high JAS. HEAL, IlO'WJ\IANVIJ,J,}] P. 0. qut · · · · · · · · - $1,25. 1mbp.. m48o3G. F ARM TO SELL OR RENT. About 70 aci·cs under good cultivation, ] 5 ::tcrt:s of })rime wood. A good stone house :1nd good out buildings i fine water privileges, ·with two wells, one in the back kitchen. Two orchards, one newly p lanted. 'l'er ms easy. ~rhe land mn, y l1e entered upon immediately. For pn.rticul[, apply on the premises. Nothing to Beat it. GENT'S BOOTS, Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, READ THIS. - - o -'fhe following list of Shop wom Books a,re offered for sale :tt the Bible Christian Book Store, King Street, Bowma,nville, at the undermentioned exceedingly low prices :'.l'he Christian Hearer-Biskcrstcth ... .... The Poetical W 01·ks of IIenty Kii-k White Elernents of N atural Philof5ophy. . . . . . . . . Crook's General Gaiett1· ..... , ......... . ... B opley's Comprehen.aivc l(nitting Boole .. 'l1lw l\fagic of Science ..... ........ , ......... '!'he History of the Church of Christ--Lon· don Tract Socicty-6 "ols .............. TIIE GREAT REME_DY FOR and acknowl-cdged by many prominent phy sicians to be tbe mot~t Reliable !'reparation ever introduced for the RELIE~~ and Cl!UE of all CONSUMPTION p ublic, sanctioned by the experience of over fo riy years, and when resorted to iu !!('ason, seldom fnil e. to ctrect n. speedy cure of loo ACRES, 8th Lot, 3rd Con. Darlington. LUNG COMPLAINTS, Thia well-known Nmcdy le offcrccl to the C-Onghs, Colds, C1;oup, llronchitis, Ill· lluenza,Wboop!ng Cough, Hoarse. uess, l'alns or Soreness In the Chest and Side, Jllee!llng RICI!'D. SKINNER. Trunks, &c. Special attention given to BUSINESS CHANGE. dW 0 40 0 35 U 90 mi1:5tf. FARM FOR SALE. - -0 - CUTTING AND FITTING, and Il(llle but firat-class workmen employed, thus insuring good va.luc in every case. STORE. - One door east of Cornis h's Jewelry Store, l{ing St., Uoy,.'""Qla,nville. - on J ~ot No. ll, 9th Conceasion, about 83 .Acres of Good Land, in a convenient place j ·w ithin t}ircu mi les ui tho Villages of Enniakillen, Haydon a.nd rryronc, and nine miles- from the 'T own of llow ma.uville. 'J'here is about 55 acres c leJ.redi and in good cult ivation; the rest in va.lua.hle Timbered ]..Jand. The1·e is a hu ge ·1-N the 'rOWNSRIP OF DARLINGTON, NEW GOODS. My New Goods tmvc HE UNDERSIGNED begs to announce to T th e generally, that he has purchased thu stuck n.nd goodwill of the business h eretop ubliu 0 50 0 !JO fo1·e carried on in the Village ot Hampton, DY · Dow1nn.n·.. illu, Sept. 23n.1, 18'73 . J. SMALE. James Cryderman, as Cabinet maker and U ndertakm·, mHl wil l conLinue thij business i n tho old prenlises, with a full assort ment of firs t lt'u.rnit urc , Coilins, .Shrouds, &o., will be k ept on hand, ~IJld hopes by strict a tteutlon to busineas, alH.l inoderate charges Io ·1nerit the pa.trouag:e of the p eople. """" t ·, m attached. Also a SPLENDID YOUNG .. \ 1EAI\ING OlWHAlW, and a nev er-fai ling 81, ~htJ abO're property will be sold cheap. ." to 11 \er particulars, applyE. UJ. B. '110LE1 RONDEAU l y n ew, with n. good Well and Soft Water Cia· · '{ing Creek. .lfH.AMl' BAHN andl<'RAME HOUSE, near- ~ Worth and LY ALL COJYIE TO HAND, Beauty NEAR. and the assortment will be found For Wood's Household Magazine and the chromo, Yo Semite. IIaviug cor.trol of th e magni ficen t Oil ChTomo Yo Semite, we are able .to offer o. ~mu ~ binntion of lit erary and arti stic WOl"k uC geuuine wnrU1, a wl at p dces unpi·ecedentecl ·rhis fine copy of a. piece of l\-,-~t uni's-gL·1).nde$t work, js not presented in the usuallimited style - it s d im ensions, 14x20, nlaking- a pict··Jre of very Ueaira.ble size, in itself n.n ornu.mcut to the room grn.eed by its presf'nce . But few copi es of t!"ds beant ifnl Chroma will be aJlowed to go to the retail stores, and those will be sold at their actual retail p1·ice, $6.00 while if ordered in connection with our 1naga.. zine, both will be furni shed for $1.50. .As a. P1·e1nium the picture inay be obtained by sending us t'vo subscriptions for t he )fagazil1e at $1 each, or by subscribing for the M" aga.zin_ e two years in o.dvance, at $1 per nnnu1n. . A ddress, P. 0., County of ]{cnt, Ont. \7 ERY 001\!IPLETE AND LL per· m1 ha.vinfi' any claims .against tht> 8 ubsur) , er, and all 11crsons indebted to n· l h er ~by respectfully rc_g uestecl t·· call 1l 6 resident >e, on or before thoFI~TEENTH l . f Septem b next, and settle their account s, ~~)1 ~ inten ds g "Ql fro tn honie, hoping to recu, ., tc his het~ll ·p.. :\Jl N otcs a.nd Book debts ve~1l~ after the i\bove a.te, be placed in the ~~nds '.)f Lis '·rn~y fo ollection. N .B.- No p er 'ilOn orpers nshave~y ~t~tho.r· ity to -contract ebts .. or a!ly other habJlity .~n b is name , wi_tbo 11t lus written order, nor will bs b e respons1ble- therefor. A atl PRICES MODE RATE The Public iire 'I'HE HEARSE having been Improved and Painted, 80licitecl to call nncl see for themselves. s flow one of the be st in the County , derR t1tomptly attended to, a A.ll or· 0 25 0 15 0 lti 0 25 0 25 0 12 0 20 Pa.toral Office ...... ...... ........... ........ 0 10 Children's Friend, 1871 ........... ... ... ... ... .. 0 20 Parents' Cabinet of an~l In· struction ..................... ............ . ..... 0 20 The Infant's Delight, 1870 . .. ... ..... , .... 0 20 J3n.rnea on Dn.niel,,.2 vols ....... . .... . . , . 1 ?.O Lectures on the !3ooks of lfoly Scr1pture, byDon:ild }1·D.aer ... . ... . 125 Cobbin's Concfonced Com1nenta.ry on tho Holy Seri ptures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 !1ilton's Pocti \Vork s l n 1 voL, Ro:;i.n Gilt .. . .............. .. .. . ......... . .. . .. 3 uo The Interview, or .a .Journ ey oflJhcovc1·y All A round our H ouJ:;e ..... . ............ 0 .VO Maynru:d on Matrimony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O 25 Original Fables and Ski;tuhes ...... . ..... 0 25 _.\.dviec to a Married Uonple ... ...... .... ...... 0 10 The Holl:y-Tree i~·arm .... ..... .... .... ....... ... 0 20 Life and 'Vritingt! of Phi lip 1Joddridgc .... 0 30 Discourses on the Ohristi::i.u ftevelation .... 0 50 T~e Do\~ rueoe fl.nd l1is ~!aster ..... ... 0 50 Life of rnhop E mory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 40 l\:J:en1oir of h'I. 1vl. Han1mond ....... Ccelel;is in Search of a. Cook ................. D01n1:1atic Cookl)Ty-·lly:l. Lady ............. ]\fl's. }3erton's Dictiona.ry of Every Day Cooke:ry .. . ....... .. ..... .................. Pi1u1ocks Goldsmith's History of England Tho Histo1·y of the C: rn.velyn Family ...... The Frugal House ' Vife .. .. .. .. ......... ... . Guide to DoJncfStic Ha.ppi.neas. . . . . . ... . . . . 'J'he Y oung Men's Clas..q ... , ........... ... .... . The Infant Cla.5a .......................... ...... il-l emoir of Mrs. l~liza A stm· Rumpff, &c. Ch eerily Cheerily ... . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . Lile of J. Hallock.. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . 0 50 \) 25 3 00 0 ~;O 0 2G 0 75 0 tiO Baker's Livy,~ vols .. ................. .... ... ·:: Preadimitu Earth,Harr1s ... ... . .. ..... , .... ' M en of the Time .................. . , ........ -Rr. Hopkins on the Corn1 nandmen ts ....... f,urHuntcr~ 1 .:J.vo~\by]3. o~ ...... . . .. .... lhe N ew D1v1111ty, J.£xa1ullled by }Jodgson .......... . ..... .. . .. .... ,. .. ........... :E'oxe's Book of 1\-lat"t.~'r·s . Cobbin's edition :ho Great Comn1andm::nt .... ............. . l'a.ylor's Indications, Crofton's C t.mei:;is and . Geology ........... .. .............. .. ... Notices to Oor1;ei:ipoudents .. . ....... . ....... Glol'!sat"y of ~nglish Vlords, (!'.Jc ......... . . ... TI~gly's D1gcl-l:-, d:c., of the ].16tl1 odist Th Ji~ C:onne:x1on ......... , .·.. .. . .. , . . . e 1 amily Save A ll ............... . ............. The Gardener'sand},a.rmcr's Reason \Vhy f;he Historical l{eason '-'Vhy ...... ... ...... .~he R ea.son Vlhy-General Science ... , ... ,11he Hou sewife's Reason \Vby ... ... . . ..... ~be Pret..utical Housewife ... ........ ,. . .... ... Oowp~r's Poetical \\T orks in. 1 vol., Ilonn Poeticn.l \1"" orks by !{irk \.Vlritu ............ .·. 'l'!1e DJ:ama of Drunkene88 ............... Pinkc~t~n'sGeogrn.phy, 3 VC1ls ........... ~bbot s Young .A:;trow.)1nc1·.... ............... l~e Art of I.ett~l'-,Vritit1g- ................ : .. .. ~;~r,~.~: . ·.: · : :·: : : · : :-: : : : : : :: ~ ~ o 30 O 80 2 00 O 75 2 00 O 40 O 75 I T:J O 50 at Complaint, &c. the Lungs, Llvc1· by n tlmely resort to this stanr1ard remedy, aE is proved by hundreds of testimonials rccc1vc0 by the proprietors · CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD GHERRY O 50 O 30 0 50 O 40 O 50 O 50 o 50 O 50 O 50 50 O 20 docs not d7'1J up a Congli, and tlw cause be1dnil, a8 i~ the case 'f.tJ'ith n 1 1-wcp_a~·ations, but it loosens and clcan.o;c:J the luny ..,, and allays i1"1·itati<J1 1-, thtts romovtng tli.e c:ausv of the co11i.11luint. CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, SINGERS, anU all those whose oecupatioi;i require:; an un~ usual cx:ercii:ie of the \'Ocal orgnus, will find this the ONLY PnErAnA1'10N whicll will tifltlctu:i.lly and justfUltnncoasly relieve their diflkul~ tics, Dewai-e 1,f Conntet·felts . Remember thae the genuine 1P:lstm·'s Balsam /! as on the 01.dsi<lo wrapper 'he b'iv ·11utU1"t~ uj "I. E U'1"1'S," a11ll tll.c vrinted nrpne ofthe11roprieto1·s, "SE'l'a )Ji', ):l'OTVLE (\' SOJ!.lS, BOS· 1'0.N.i) AU others arc base imitations. E:i:am,.. ine th~ 1L"TllP'l' '-'T carefl.tlly fJcfOrc J)urclw.slny. Gil t ............................ .. .... 350 1 50 O 51 O 12 B1ble Ch1'isti::i.n :,yragazine Botmd foi· 18· 53 ..... .... ········· ...' . ......... ~ ........ 0 25 ~~o. with portrait, for i8,16 ... ... _... ... ..: O 30 I he Rt.:v1val Songst er for specio.l services, p erdoz ... ... ..... .. .. ... ... ......... .. . , 0. 4C NO'l' SHOP WOltN. Ooo Dolbr a llottl· Sil lliltles for Fire D ollar< l"EEl'Ail"t:D llY SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, lloaton, Mass., An<I sol<I by Dtl!iSi·to JWd Doalcn generally. -The Poetict~l \Yorks of l\Iilton, ]..frs. 1-Ie· · inanR, Ma.ry Howitt, Cook and La11gdon,D:Ioorc1Shakspf.-lare,Burns, David· son S1st!.!l"!3. Cloth gilt each vul 75 Longfellow in Stiff p up er ...·' .. .... .. , . , ,'. :: · 30 Course of 1'ime, Pollock. In paper .... ,. 25 NOTICE. '\Vood· fishing alldwed in. iti, '- JAS. WOODLEY. Pioneer :U'a.t"m J_,ot 8, $th Con. Darlingt on, WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINJ!, S. E. SHUTES, Publislier , Newburg, N. Y. Auguat 22nd, l872. m46·7in, Hampton. flept. 18th 1872 P, S. - .F urniture rr1tHlc to order H. ELL IOTT JUN I quired, a.nd rt:pall·s nca.tly executed. lipHaw1Jton, Sefi. 18th, 1873. ·w hen re· And a number of others · all of which must be sold t o make room for \·ented the poucl, known n.e Fall Import:i,tions. , ' H·A.VI.N~· 1ey's pond, tb ete Wlli be 110 lllOh! C. BARKER. 13owmauvili·, J1111e Wth, 187~. A. J.BOOTH. ti

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