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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 3 Oct 1873, p. 4

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·THE l\'IERCHANT FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1S73. 'a:ittuiu .. = -=================== No More Pain. REV, XXI, 4, " POETRY. LITERATURE. Is Sblritualism in the Bible? $25. REW AED. having come to our knowledge, that certain l .TPedla..ra are selling Spectacles and Eye Glass· ca l)Urporting to be of our 1nake, a.ull to be;.i.r 01u: names stan1peil the1·eon, \\'e hereby caution the public a~ainst al] such in1poetc1·s,11.s 1¥1essrs Ycllowlecs i'£ Quick nre our Agents in 'Vest ])urham ; a.ail a Iiewar<l of $25. is hereby offer· ed for thu a-pprehen sion a1Hl convict-ion of all such hui:)ostert!.! n.s try to defl'aucl the public by offering thell· tral';!h as our nt ake. [Kot long since we promised -an article on Spiritualis1n froin the pen oi Rev. Dr. John 'l1he feyered pulse, the nching li111b, Hall, 'fhe follO\.\'ing is that article, which The \\·earisome days we know, comprises s, c;bl\pter in his recent book, "Ques. ;\11 like a clreo.m \Yill seem. tions of the Day." We consider it one of the clearest expo!=litions 'vhich have been published Jn that realm of joy and peace, of Spiritu~lisin from the point of view of "orVVhcre the Saviour dwell!:! for aye, tho<lox "theology :- PhJ·enol0<;icul Journal.] Night, tfnd grief, a.ud sin shall cease The u.tten1pt to, by special or super· .L\tal pa;is with death away. n!l.tnw1l means, what is not unfolded to ordi· 'Phe hen;rts that piue and Jant,TlliBll nal'y ob~ervation, or reached by calculation, :IB In the shadow of dcA110.h· neither rare nor novel ln human hfatory. Slrnll find tboir griefs all vanish Every diYine gift to man h:i..a its imitation in ~ Like mist8 in morning lw.acr material, and evory form of revelation has its copy; lust of knowledge or lust of pow· 'l'hc bur<le11 borne in ffi.ler,ce. er in fallen creatures making the demand and 'rhe Sadness that none can kuow, moment of drend 1'.!USpenf;e, · suggesting the supply. As early lffl Gen, xli, 8, we find a distinct Worse than th~..fl lien ~low, ~ order of men in the Egypti~n Court, called by T)te tl_pre,quited kindness, various names, "pir.gici:i'ns," "wise m'?n,'~ Th~ deep, hidden wound!'!, we bear~ etc., the indefiniteness of the popular idea re· E -..·ery piing of sharp distress, " "'.f garding thell· peculiaritieH rendering the lan· E'rtcb. ag:oni:t.iug prn.yor." · indefinite, precisely as a1nong ourselve~~.\.11, all 'v.ill he forgotten, 'l'he general public can not discriminate be.In a few short years o.t last, tween electro·biology, clairvoyance, spirit-rap· \Vhcn bliss our souls slm.11 ,\·nken, piug, and tablc·turning, though no doubt the i1.nd !.!a.rthl.r f:ltonns professors in this general line have nice and intelligible distinctions runong their respective l'or in ouc l1v1ne llulilorLal, · inethods and <lepa.rtments. . Ponce and joy fore\fer reign, In Ex. vii. 11 we find " wise men ii and "~or· Sorro'v ne'er dime its portal ; cerere" ca.Jl~d to the royal cOuncil, and -ve have There shall be no more pain.~ conclueive evidence of the zeal, earnestness, - and. Rejlectol'. and apparent, though ten1porary 1 success with which these persons sought to serve Pharaoh. We think tho conclusion probably certain, t11at these in~n did not accomplish anythiog ·outeide The smiles of a. pretty womn.n arc the tears law1:1 of nature known to them, and that '\\·hen of the purse. they 'vere redtlced to hum'i liating confession of .1'-Iake yqurself all honey and the flies will impotence they ~aid quite candidly : "This is the fini;er of God," as di8tinguIBhcd from our Jo.Your it. Oct. CHIT CHAT. [Tim :Bra.dy a.nd Mike Flynn] Oct No more; tho knitted !;>row, THE 1672. 167 E.Lepha,nt House. 1HE UNDER.SIGNED in r(lturni11g thanks to Lia many friends and the public generally for the liberal patronage extendod to hiu1 during ttJe past 18, begs to announce that fJ.·om and after the 15th Scptomber, he will carry on the sarne busineas, but more extensively under the name and style l)f JOHN McLEOD & Oo. From~t payment of all accounts j$ render· ed imferative by this business arrangmnent, nnd n.1 persons indebted will please take notice and go.v ern t}icmsclves accordingly, '1 MORRIS, & UO. ;,\fontrcu.l, Nov. 8th, 1871. n7-tf FALL OI1ENING .JOHN McLEOD. l3owruanvillei September 4th, 1873. E T Support and H HLiberal' Patroµage Magnificent display of' N e'v ancl l'. ould 0 John McLeod. & Co solicit the same T Autumn Fashions ----oo--- ' · B cxtenlled so long to John McLeod, and t:\kes this ·opportunity of informing the public, that they have E Rich (}oods. 1'1 URDOCH BROS. have opened out an inim~nse stock of New Fall Goods. Great care has been ix:cken i11 buying the Stock, nnd M nothing but First Class Goods have been purchnsed, customers can rely on getting good value for their money. ---~o-~~~ DISCARDED THJl TIM.- " Good morning, Mike, shura and it is early out y e are: Might I be bould to axe what started yces this mornin"." MlKE.- " Jjst b~ a.isey, 'l'im, and. I'll tell ye in a jiffy. c 800, I w1cg ton'.;l~ yisterday, tlmt M1sther Gmy, ov Tyrone, hi1cl got h ome ------~--·-------~ :i,n lJ.Ligant new stock av Goods, chttpe as durt rnttn ttnd its FARM FOR SALE, rncsclf could httrdly slape tt wink, all night, . tl~inking :w the BY chape_goods. And sure ennff, its t he full store he hn.s-pilcs and p1l_es. av the na.test pa.~tern~; m1cl he'~ give y e the. mak in's PUBLIC AUCTION, :w an ilhgnnt now gown lor Biddy, for S1venty-five Cmts ; Tay OH. S A L E [ for most nuthin, 11nd the Baccy for a trifle less." PRIVATE TIM.- "An shure its funning me ye are, Mlke ; wouldn't the man be afthoT breakin" down." 0 BING lilD acres, part nf Lot :So ll, in t he MIKE .,.·]{lng · d.o,vn, . ' . he 1 · k wurtj1 t\V O ;:i.,y 12th Cou. of J¥Irun·era . Particullil·s "·ill . -"B lea. lS l"t . " oure ath r1c b· shortly made known. that. I'll jist tell you what it is, Tim, if ye want to get a grate Homi>to ; j!AgKs, ~ame ~he~ ;youre de?.' and be called a filantrnfized, filo.,sif~r-, ·1nd a pnb!ic bunfacthor, JlSt tell all youre nabours, and the ""n st 11v .m·n16-tf. ROBERT, YOU NG, mankmd, about Gray's clrn,pe stoxe, and you'll do more foT the VETER [NA Ry s u BG E 9 N, good av your counthry, than iver St. Ptttrick did for ould IreonauuaTE oF ONT.o.ruo V<«·lll>Al<Y cor,r.wi< hncl, wlien he bfrnished till th e toads aud snakes out av it, that niver 'vas in it.]) · · y .Al'POI~T1¥IENT Vctcrh1 aTy S1.!_greon to the West Durham anu Dnrliugtou Union 'TI!'IL-- · "l'.1n much oblaged to ye, for the bit ·w ab>'ice, and · won' t de· Agricultural Sbcieties. till n ye; th ere'11 Sj mrc1Y b e lt gmtc run, and may b ee I'd rnlss Agent for the Live Stock bt»noh of th e Jloa"er & Torouto Mutna.l ]fire Insurance Omnpa.ny so1ne, bttrga.ins. The top av the i:norning to yc."- I'm off to Vet'erinary mcdi<:h1 cs: constantly on hn.nrl Grays. · LAZARcS, Y ·l B Calls from the country promptly atterlded tv Crumbs for Chickens. He who takes an eel by the tail, or a wG1nan ad.a. 'l'Le tribea among whom la.y Jewish inter· by the tongue, is sure to come off c1npty·han· course must have been much addicted to such dcJ. devices, ii 've iuay judgo from the earnl:l8tness '1Ve~ 1nust p~ thl'ough this world to unlock and frequency "'ith which the Lord "U\raed the mysterica of the noxt, and it is only h1 the as in Lev. xx. 6- against the wizards aa<l fa· next t11at we can find a key to unlock tlie mysmiiiar spirits. At this point 've get t'vo tc1·ic,;; of this. branches of the lino, one in the direction of ~ Young 0 cnt. - " ~light I ask yflu, miss- a communicatb1g \'lt" the dead, the other of im· - 1Yliss.- "Very sorry, sir, Lut I am engaged pressing the living by the feats of ventrilofo1· tl1e next three da.nces." Y. G.-" It is not quis1n. Probably both 'verc fre<i,ucntly com· dn.111:i11g- t:1.h- it -tis- it's-beg your pardon, bined, the unwonted sounds verifying to the client the supposed voices of, the deo..d. 'fh~t "foii;s, you sitting on my hat l 1' ~..\.n inscription on a. monmnent in I~ast ·rell· v..·omen often cultivated these art1:1, and with pesee winds up with t11e folio wing touching b'Uccess1 appears from the prevaltiuey of femin· obituary: 'She liYe<l a. lifo of virtue, and died ine 'vords which, like "witch " among us, hold of the cholera. morbus, by eating green fruit, in an important place in the popul11r language. By the thne the book of Deuteronomy is the hope of o. blessed immortality, at tho enrly 41 n.:;e of 21 years. 7 month.a and G days! Read- reached we have divina.tion ;" "observing of times,"" enchanters," "\Vitches," "charmers," er, ·Go thou aud do lieewh;e," " consulters with fa1uiliar spirits/' " wizardBi" This is from an Indiana paper : " Some boys 0 necromancet'S." ~I.1hesc ru·e n.11 described by dropped an anvil weighing two hundn-d . pounds their a:pprorn·iate words, the etymolo6'1' of on the head of a 11egro who was passing, and which sometimes approximately desl.:fibes the bl:' had then\ arrested. Ile said he 'vas willing method of each . It is not nocdfl.ll for our pres· to let the boys fun; but, When they ent i~urpose to follow these minutely. ,jartimecl a jernmon's hat down over his eyes, Later in huu1an history we begin to notice ·and spoiled it that 'va.y the law must take its the similarity beti.veen the Bible forms of super· <;1)111·1Je . " stitious iilq·.frry and those encountered in the A Blone·cuttor received the following epitaph classics. 1\-licah speaks of the " observer of from a Get·n1a.n, to be cut upon tho tornlJ·stone times," and Isaiah of "soothsa.ycl'f)." · and of his wif1.·: ' Mine wife Susan ish dead, if ~he "monthly prognosticators ; ' 1 to whom comets, had life tiH nex Friday she'd bin dead shust lightnings, clouds, and meteors were the mean.s two veeks. 1\Ji a tiec fnlls so must it stan; all of suggestion and enlightenment. Then came, ting is impoa.,.iblc init God., in long and inotley array, the enchantel'l:I Yin~T 0hn Ra11d(Jlph, U. S. ~ was one of the most dica.ting their claim by pov.'er ovt>r serpents ; sarcastic men that ever live;,,~. One time a "diYiners," 'vith their cu.p s and rods and aryoung man atttrnpted to make his acquaint· row·s; augnrs peering into the entra.Ua of shiin ru1cc. He obtained au introduction, o.nd, beasts, as in Eztik. xxi. 21, " looking into the n.1nong other reruatks, said, " I passed by your liver," and the tindlosa variety of oracle-man· home lately, l\lr. R .n.ndolph. )· " I hope you gers, from the richly endo"\\·ecl shrine with a national repute, to the ha.g that, from the i·ea,l ,va.yii 'vill," waa the reply. ccsses of a cave, domineered over. the fears ru:id .1.\.N UN.E XPECTED ~SWER TO A 0LEROY:lIA:f superstitions of a hamlet. IN tllE PULP1T.-On Sund~y evening a. \.Val,. 'J'wo remarks u1ay be made nt this. 8tagc. worth congregation (All Souls) was ratl1er 1. It would Le unfair to imagine thnt all the .a mused by the following: incident. The clergyoperators of this machinery were consc~oi.1s im· '"ii1an wa.s 'eloquently <.:lnlargiug upo11 the duty postors. l\len, by long telling n. lie, come to ~if forg·vini; one'8 ene1nie~, and m11ong the believe it. Etlucation molds the mind, as questions which he put to the congregationample observation proves, to accept thingi:i withont, of c0urse, expecting an anBwer to them moet unlikely and incredible to others j and _,vat., " JJo yon lnvo your enemies?" To his thcro is a blinding- and hardening judicial :pro· surpl'ise, sorrie one immediately 1·eplied, "No, ceRS 'to ...vhich men aro given µp \Vhen evidence sit' l " The speaker who thus unexpectedly produces as little effect Qn their intelligence aa nl£de rms wer \Vas a. little b_oy sitting in on.e of rays of light on the sightless eyeballs. 'l'het·e the front seat~ . The result, aa may be imagwere, no doubt, then n.s now, sincere antl honined, ·was the upr:;etting of the gravity ef both est exponents of these plans, who were, in part, clcrg3·1na11 and congrega.tien,·- Hour. dupes, and, t:!O far, uucouecious impostors. It A 0Al'ITAL JoKE. - And all the more palnt· is so still. able bec...'l.usc it is true, and can be vouched for, 2. ltt the course of life·long application to took place [I, few Sundn.ys since at one of . the one set of facts llJlcl studies, and this often pron1inent New J 'eraey churcheR. It -scen1s carried on in one place, or by one undying corthat a wo_ rtl1y deacon had been-very industrious poration from age to age, it is exceedingly likein ::sell a new church book, costing seventy· ly tl1a.t acquaintance 'vas with occult fi\'e cents. At the set'vice in question, the ruin- of bun1a.n being, the knowledge of 'vhich ister, just before di~missing bis congregation, 'va.s turn1:d to n.ccount, and, ·which a.vailed for :rose a.nd sai.d :intpressing, overawiug, and B'\\7 ~tying the minds All you 'vho ha,·o children to b;lptize "'ill of n1en. 'l'he posseaeora of this exceptional present tht'm next Sn.bbf\t h. 'l'he <lea· knowledge had secrets-not snpernatura1 flecon, wh0, b.:'i.:'t he ,~·ay, 'vns ·a little deaf, having crets, indeed, but such as made them miracle· au eye .to selling the bt11>ks, arn.1 1:mpp· o!-!ing hi:. workers to the mass of men, because t11e mass ]Ja.stor ,.,.·as rcferri:r::g to them, . itnmcdiately of n1en "'ere ignorant. Thia nppears to be the exact state of tho case jnmpe1 l up a.ud shouted, " .,\nd nll you who }..ny one who has h::i. v~n 1 t any, can g'et n.s 1nany you want by in 1nodern Spiritualism. seeu an exhibition of electrfJ-b~ology must haYe cc.W.liug 011 nie, at .seYenty·five cent1l each." 'l'hH vreti.cher looked crW8·eyed at the broth· been convince<l that tltero arc persons of such ers, tlw brothers looketl l'Lt U 1e clergy1nan ; the temperament that their minds can be reduced ctudit.:11ct1 punched the n.11dicnce in the si<lc, the to abnormal states, can be tul'ned into the curbnbhl e·grew large1· until it burst into a large rent of other nlinda, so ns to feel as they are di· g-uff.i.w ; l'atlies coloured up, cri1nsoned, blushed rcctcd, and to ·will ru1d command their rouisclca th<1.J1kt!d the Lord for the low price of peo. n.s they are instructed. },rom this it seems a.n piing th\~ earth. There \Vas no benediction e.asy and not an unlikely step to the control· tlrn,t morni11g wol'th speaking of, ling: mind gaining a. pcrception of the and 'J'he deacon, after he ha.d fo1u1d out his mis feeling of the mind controlled, so as to kllo'v, chauged his pew from the front of tho what it knows, and, for the time, comprehend church to the third frorn thti rear ; a.nd though and sy1npathizc with its feelings. w c say. " to know what it knows." rrh:it hi he c:inuot hear the sennon, hi;, is consoled \Vith thn thought that the young ladies· cannot the inexorable limit. Tlwre is no case of the mind rising above the attainments of snid<CJ' at him, the mind with 'vhich it ia in sympathy. The .A.. 1'.fISSION ...o\.cco. MPLISHED.-V'lhen n. woman inquirer at the oracle gets nothing but \Vha.t he pute three inackerel to soak iu u. dish·pan, brings. If he nsks ns to what is in bis own "'hooo sides arc eigl1t inches bigh, and leaves rnind the mediu1n haB entrance so far to his own . the pnn on a stainvay, she hns accomplishr:id lilhal 1 and ran read off what ia seen there. If her 1nission and should go hence. This is wh~\t . he inquire of what is unknown to either 'one or n. Division street woman did Friday nigl1t, the other, the oracular current doe{I not i·ise :F illed tho pa11 at tl1e pun1p and then left it above tbe level of the supply, and the i·esponse stu.ntliug 011 the steps to tht1 stoop, ...vhile she is only a guess more or less accurate. went b1to thti next house to 1:1ce ho\v many butThis is the result of all obser\'ation j it is n.lso tons ,~·ould berequirecl to go down the front of the verdict of scientific in,Juiry. We do not a rediugote. And a mighty important affair no·w touch another and very interesting case of that wns, to be sure. And thpr~ '\~as her 1 1ua· occult or partially kno"'"!l law-in which huma11 band ten.ring through the ~ouse in search of a will secn1s to have pc"ver that is differti,nt f1·01n handkerchief, and not findillg. it of course. Aud conscious mechanical power- over dead matter, then he rushed out into the yru-a, - wondering except to say that mau may have been-,vho where on earth tJ1at woman cou1d be, and star· can tcll ?-in an unfa..tlen state an image of tlrc ted down t1,c steps without sceiu" the pan, or Creator in His conti·ol over matte1·, and reeven drcan1ing that nuy one could bo eo idiotic stored r,nd glorified, majr it given back ne to leave it there. Of eonrso lie stcppcfl on ng~n, and in this be 0 equal to the angels." . it ; 01· a.t least th<\t is the st·pposition, llB the No,v, when 'vu apply the pt-iuciplcs above neighbours, '\Vho "'ere brought out by the c1·ash 1:1ta-ted to the one wcll-dofincd case of necrothat followed, saw a horrified ll!;UJ1 1 ;.1.ncl 'ti high mancy, or Spiritualis111 described in the Bible, tli~h-pau, antl three 11orrified mackerel shooting there ia a. solu~ion of questionis not otherwise acrm:ii the g:.irden, und.. SI11at1hing down the satisfactorily u.nswered. ' We refer, of 'course, 1SlnubL1try. And he '\'aS a rlico sight, was that to Saul's intw·,·iew· with the witch of Endor. l{happy 1nan1 when they ~ot hirr1 on his feet. 'J.'hat Sa,u1uel Rhould have come in tbf.l circutn· 'J.'libte 'vasn't a dry thread 0 11 hbn, nnd his luiir eta.nces to n1eet Saul and announce the tragedwaa fun of bits of mackerel, and one of his ies of the mela'.ncholy morrow, 'vas a thing so ~ho11hlil"i-\ was out of joint, 1.tnd lii.15 coat wa$ antecedently improbable tha.t it could only be split the \Vltole lt.mgth of the back, 1.i..nd h~ ap- t'.xpla.ined,. by the theory that G9~ so judged, l the doo1n of Saul. There etill peared to be out of his head. He was .,;:a.rried a.ud aggravatc1 1:1ee1ned to be some; n~ed for exp)a.nation of ill t he house u.n<l laid on the bed, while otberi;i went after u. doctor, and sixteen wmnen a.<Jsem· Sa.mucl'~ language of complaint ' 1ui to being bled iu th~ fl·ont roo1n and talked in wh~!!J.lers ' ' di SU\1lfilt~ 1 ". and 0 brought up"- nnd of the about the inscrutu.ble '~·ays of Providm1ce, a.nd announcement that ·Saul and his sons lihonld be wllN-t a wu.rnini; this was to people \\'ho never "with him," · (To be continued.) louke<l " 1here they ]{ews. E LONG OEJ:::DITS, E L L E E p p H H A Ol' and vi OLD SYSTEM, B:;:~~'~ '~~.~~or's livery omco, residence · tf Bo"·ma.n\·ille June 10th 1873. J GRJ.I. If' Tyrone @ . Ue ill condact their credit business as follows : '·Noted for chea1l Goods. CARRIAGE ('w~st ALL ACCOUNTS will be DRESS GOODS Plain and figured Lustres, Plain and 'J.'artan Wool PopJbs, Metz CoTds Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, and an endless variety of other new D~ess Goods. Black Alptcccas, Double Warp Black Lustres, Bhtck Cobourg, Black Parnmattas, Black Cmpe Cloths, Black Metz Cords. SH p RENDERED on the of thu Ont<w:io Bunk.} A 1st January, 1st May, and 1st September King Street, Bowman ville. N In each and; evm·y year. T of l\'Ianufucturers, biiechlinics, and other;:i:, ,vhooe account s may amount to $50.00 or over, their note,if agreed'upon,wi!J . . be taken payable at tht1 Bank for a stat.ed period. In the cas~ N T MILLINERY The assortment of Millinery and Millinery Goods is very extensive and in trimmed. or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets every t.a.sto can be consulted as the variety is so grctct. · The Flowers ttnd Feathers, Laces, &c. we claim Lo have the largest assortment to be found. THE. subscriber is prep~rc<l. to build anll n.:· patr Wagons, Buggies, cincl Cutters, of every description, at short noti1.:e, anllo · reasonable tOl'ms. · RICE & BARKR THE Importers of the Carriages Painted and Trimmed· Cash Pur<;hasers .lKD :BEST ORGANS manufactured on this Contin ent, are p repttrcd to treat with relilcble travelling agents on liberal .terms. ~l1hey n1ak:ing arrange1nents t o .introduce some first class pianos. W ttre Rooms at the West Dur h:tm Steam Prin ting House, King Street, Bo wmanville. H H Q StockANDLa.rge Q U Well Assorted !U will ahvays get gOods at prices cut FINE, M our great nhn ,~·ill he to ooui·t this class of trade. Prompt Payers on credits short A Blacksmith's Shop on the .Prronises, '\'ere special attention ii:i g1veu to all In Black and White real Laces >till! Lace Collars, we have " brge assortment, at prices to suit all. C11.r riage work, ttnd Gener;;] Jobbing. S E of Cook. Hall, Parlor, and Box A _"Plendid variety STOVES, fur '\\'ood or uoal. JOHN McLEOD & Co. E s Our StCJck of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beavers, Petea.8hams All work done at this JJ:stabUishmcnt Meltons, etc., will be found unusually large. warranted. ])o,vn1a.nvillc, S~ptember 4th,'73 Bowman_ ville, May 7th, 1872 MURDOCH BROS. A e:ill is re~pectfully solicitecl. --·--------------- - ,T. MOlUHS. Bowu1anville1 Oct. l1St, 1869. 1873. 'l'hc sub~cribcr - THE JUNE, 1872. AfuU ~ Simmons & Clough Organ Co's would bC.g to ct.111 attention to hid 8tock of Spring and Summer DRY GOODS. PELT, S1.~A W A)!D C b. Grooeries, Dry Goods, a Ille t Organ~ " Most Wonderful Invention of the Age. J Moses' Electro-Galvanic, Pat. June 2nd, 1868. · Attn.chod to ther.;e patented Spectacles arc two scientifically constl'uctcd (}alvanic nn.ttcrieaunseen when worn·-delivering through tlie nerves of the head, a soft and continuous stream of electril:.-ity, vitalizing and giving healthy ac· tion t.o the entire beautiful system of those parts absolutely n.nd certainly curing New, Fashionable, and Cheap ~ PANA.HA - o- - - :Boots & Shoes etc, etc which for Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve, Weak or Diseased Vision, · Neuralgia of the Head or Face, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of the face, Noises in the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, And a boat of J\' ervous ~iseases, arising fl·ooi deptession of tbe nervous energy of the ~yste1n Contributing in a wost a.stonishiJ1g degree, to life, vigor and health. By the means of the soft and flowing stream of Electricity, Giving Brightness to the Eye, Quickness to the Ear, and energy to thti :Brain. They set with lenses of the ·finest ma11ufacture 1 to suit a.11 sights, and with s:Insset1 for those not nee ing Spectacles to re<J.<l with but desiring tl1c benefits to be deri vcll frotn 'Ven.ring the Batteries; a.ncl aro only to be had in this "icinity of Olothingmadc to order, th o best trimmings only used, a.nd tho lowe~t price charged. GOOD New Groceri~lll,;. I [~ Quality and Cheap Dollar 'I':E:A. for SS Cents, EGGS and BUTTER Wanted S· F. HILL I ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED J. ELLIOTT, TYRONE. -- ------~- YELLOWLEES & QUICK. 11125 tf TO THE PUBLIC \VALTER \VIGG & SON, N retumini thanks to their Customers ancl the rublic generally, for favors I '\roulcl 1·espectfully invite their attention to our presentstock of FLtrnitnre, as we have lately added thereto, thu.t we roay thereby bo enn.bled to 1:1upply a.ll partieR who mB-y please to favor hi ni.un~rou s BOW MANVILLE ®nmh (tnmhimtfinn <IJ)rynnt Fl'l"l'E D WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED Machine a.nd. Implement Manufacturing Co Scribner's Patent ·Qualifying Tubes, ~ ---- - -- - DRUGS AND MEDICINES AT 'fHE v..ith a call. G·reat inducements held out to ;those purcashlug n.t our Establishment, Pictures, Looking GlMaes, &c., framed to onler, and in every style, Samples of thti different kind of 1\-Iouldings c.a.n be seen at the \Ve "'ould also beg to inforrn you, that,ha.ving purchased n. An invention having a most impor.tttnt bettring on the future rep ntat ic of Reed Instruments, by me>tns of which the quant ity or Volume of t o1 is very largely incrcrtscd, aud the quality of tone rendered SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, Bowmanville Drug Store, Ma,nufa,cturers of Equal to that of' the Best Pille Ort:!au of the San1e Capacity. ---o-- Om· ceiebn1ted " Yox Celeste," " Louis Patent," " Vox Humana." " \\'11 cox Patent" " Octave Coupler,': the charming "Cello " or " Clarion et' Stops, ttn cl we Rhall be rcndy n.t all t,i1nes, to a.ttcnd :U'nne:rals, on short notice, and reasonable terms. J. HIGGINB OTHM, · llTOULD most resp~tfully tend"r his sinf V ccre tha.nks to his nurucroua £1-iends and CUStOJnere, "iJ..u<l to the !)Ubli.c generally, for t}1e very liberal support he ln~s roceived since his eomtnencing in business j and liopes by conti· nued strick po.rsonaJ attcn~io~ , o bu;;inel!s, and ollering nothlng but the pur~s. t articles, u.t the most reasonable prices, to ensure a continuance of public patronage. J. H. v..-ould call special attention to his very superior ~tock of N. B. Coffins kept on hand, t~nd ~rule to order, at the WOOD AND !HON NEW DOMUIION RETAIL FURNI2 URE YVARE'-ROOM King Street East, Oshawa. Oslrnwa, Aug. 20th, 1870. WORKING MACHINERY ... L'.BPFBL'S · DYESTUFFS, which are su1-c to givo tho best eatisf:\ction. A well-eel('.cted stock of ANDERSON & Manufacturers and dealers in a o. Double Turbine Water Wheels, And ALL THE LATE C:cn b e ob~ained IMPROVEMENTS only in these Orgm1s. BOOTS AND SHOES. 1'hi1·ty-five D ifferen t fitylc s, For the P cirlo1· an d the Chunh, of every description, beg respectfully to return their sincere th auks to their DRUGS, numerous Customers foT their very liberal support during the year, GHEMJCA.LS, n,nd by PATENT MEDICINE'S A 01rnlBT-LIK.E SENTilllENT.-1\cv. Dr. BRUSHES, Ilrrr ONll PHAY En.-If I had but one ~Tohlls, nn :Cpiscopal . c)ergymau in Baltihopes to secure a continuance of the ~ame All orders which we may be pra.yer to offer for the h.1te~est8 of Ziou~ and more, sa.ys of 'excessive denotninationalfavore · with will be filled with CObfBS, Ca. stin_ gs of a.11 Xind.s. The JJcsl Jllate,.frd and lfo· J.·kman sh·ip, STRICT ATTENTION TO BUSINESS, PROMPTNESS We keep constantly on hand a FTJLL RTOCK of all kinds of Boots and shoes, at the Very Lowest Bem unera.tive Priees. AnCl we are confident that we ca11 place before the Public REPAII{S done on thlj Qv. ality ancl V olvmw of 'l'onc Unequalled - - - - <)- - -- - · but oue minute in \vhicfi to utter that pray~ is111s;' "Vherevcr this goes beyond love !or er, it ahou'td be couched in laugnngc sorne~ souls, somelhiug is wrong. So fearful 11nl SHO U.LDER-BRA CES, SUPPOR2'ERS, Etc., Etc. wliat like the following:--' 0 Lord, for the I of this spirit, that I have been accustom- SitOETEST NOT IC:E:, W c no'v on hand ~ largo qua,11ti.L y of >. $ SO ~---o~~-- sake of Jesus Obrist, give to the children, ed for years, in passing a house of worshi}I kept constantly on hand. ] ot so1nc other P,enoniination tl1an n1y O\Vn, QI.LS, PAINT; l)ot grea.t prcnche~s, ?ut pious pastors. The \earo of aflectwu are tbe dew-drops to lift my :(ieart to God in prayer for tliat COLORS, VARNIHSE/'f, front ibc blue sky of the soul. rninister and bis people.' and WHITE .LEAD, Wis<lom is the abstract of the past, while If we never have hea<laches through re- at the very lowest prices. beanty is the promise of the future. buking our little children, "l\'e shall have Horses and Cattle :Medicines: Factory ancf Wareroems, Cor· 6th and Congress streets, {Rstablishcd in 1850.) D ~troit, Michig<l!l Common and Gang Plows, that will he sold t~t N. B.-Oountry Stor~heepers supplied on tht If we have li ttle means, it will be well to plenty of heartaches when they grow up. roost advn.nta.geol.IB terJnR. have little desires. Poverty is no shame, but Christiauity is the good man's text; liia A choice selection of LAi\-fPS, for sale cheap; llowmanville, Dec. 9, 1868. f)m )Jeing discontented with it is. life the illustration. than auy other house m the trade, at P10neer Boot and Shoe Emporrnm Bowman ville. Highest p1·ice in Co,sh paic lfor Ilides. Bowma.nville, June 19th, 1873. m37tf. CMEAPER OOODS. , . LOW PRICES tf AT THE SHOP . Bowma nille, l\1a.rch (.i,1873. RICE & BARKER, Agents, Ifor Ontario, West and North of Bellevillf j Bowmanville, Aug 21st, 1872 m47-o:J 1.i1 tv 6 I ·

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