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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 10 Oct 1873, p. 3

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I THE MERCHANT FRIDAY, OCTOBER JO, 1573. INDUCEMENTS TO CASFI BlJYERS. AT .To the I11ha.bita.nts of ma.nville.' ., I o.n1 abQut g<::tting a. ANDERSON & GO'S :BOOT AND SHOE EM:PORIU~. Haviu·" eccivcd n. lri.rgo portion of our fall a.nd ' vinter stock of boots and sl~oes, w,: <l ~si r · ow.i to tn~'n tlten1 int<> cash , therefore greater barg:~ins tha.u eve: wil1 be gtvcn. Call ca.rl y 'vhilt: the stouk is large tHlil get barga1nf:.I, .DENTAL BURRING, ENGINE, Wl.THO'C'T l 'H I by ' w~~ch I I can . WITH T.!!;ETH Fill Teeth in less half the ur:m.a.l time, :J.·nd V.· ith less to th t; patiellt than 11c~'i.::to'fore, and tha.t I have procnted ~1 Dress Goods Newest Stylem of the -------·~-·~----Have yon seen Cowle's cheap !Oct Cottons? - --o- - - New and Improve~ Bres8 I · appa:t'"atus, MEN'S GAITERS AT $1:50· . Alt.10 a fo,rge 6tock of our own manufac ttue, m~dc for generating Nitrous Oxide Gas, ;by which I can 11ow bos~ in t lrn best t.ityle an<l of t'.1c'ial EXTRACT TEETI--I WI'l'HOUT PAIN . ARTIFICIAL TEE'rH; BEST UPPER SETS, $20,00 · do. GOOD do. $16,00 CASH. ----..--·- ------· of tho ~st znaku, incb;HUng the celebrated Rubbe1sin Great Variety. ' r - IS NOW ~ Sa.ra.toga., and other Trunks. _l?~o-~nv illc, Oct !st, 18!3. I ALL CHEAP FOR CASH. AT Reed's old. StaJ'l!f.· exped~nced IIE undersigned baa lately received ~prther instructions to lend money on Reul Et>tate, for from 5 t o 20 years, at a. 1H;1'Y low r::i.te o~ in~ terest, and, in other respects, upon t erJl}-B likoly to suit the wishes of any bona 'fide a.pphcant . 'l'he advantago to be derived fro1u · applying to tho subscriber will, in nll casea 1 be ·fully in ado known to the party A.pplying for a. loun befort:: any e:xpense is incurred. WJYI. H. I.o,ve, Barrister 1 &c. Office on Silver .Street, 2nd door north of Kinn· Stre et Bowmanville. B~wmanvilll:l, Sep. 18th 1873. in50G·mos . 1 Licentiate of the J., Mm Brima.combe, Royal College pr :pental.Surgeons, { t £e'i'i YOURS l\ESPEOTFULLY, Ont. GREY COTTON STO R . MQNT~ lOct Cottons nowmanvillc, October, 1873. '· · l . Jil·.n tire ly Complete .. - IN- ~prcparat1ou, Wanted. rr\VO Coat Makers, a.nil }!"'IVE girls. ConstaD.t employment. ml-2in MONEY ! MONEY ! T at ·~-,,~~~~~ Cowle's···Splendid value. ..... ~..,..~~--.., .. '· ,_ F. Y. OOWLE, House To Let. A it11ate oppo::iite Mr. -...t\ 1lply to m1~3in made chief1 y fron1 the na~ ti ve herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sterra Nevada mountaius of C<tlifornia, the medicinal properties of ·which aro extracted therefrom without the nso of Alcohol. Tbe question is n.lmost daily askocl, "What is tho cause of tho unparalleled success of VINEGAR BIT· 1'llrtS?" Our answer is, that they remove the oauso of disease, and the prttient recovers his heitlth. 'l'hey are the great blood purifier and a lifc-gil'ing principle, a. perfect Renovat9r and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the Dr. J: Walker's Califomia.1'in· og:tr B~tters arc a p,1rely Vegetable · · A BilICK I-IOlISI:, ·w ith a.n acre of land, ~1il11e's residence, history of the Yiorld has 11 n1ediQiuo been , 001n_voundecl possessing tho renu1rkable guali ties of VIKEGAl~ BITTERS in healing tho sick of every <liseaso 1nan is heir to. 'l1hey ar~ JAMES MUIR. 1 · Wanted to :Rent GOOD con1fortnblo house, within fl, f~w iuinutes' wa-lk of tho 'l'own I-Ia.U, l3ow-inunvillc. '\VitJ1 hard and soft water if 1iossi· b1e, Address, II. 0. '"1.1AIT, Plwtorf1· Brooklin, Ont. n1l·tf A REMOVAL, S. MASON wii5ht.:1:i to inform hie nu1netons friends ~tnd cus. ton1ers thi~t he has r~moved to rcliev1ng Oongest1on or Inilammat1ou of the Liver and Visceral Organs1 in Bilious Diseases. n. gentle Pur~ntivc as well n,s u, .Tonic, are ApCricut, Diaphorotl c, Ca.rn1~11ati\.~o, Nutrit,ious 1 l.iaxutivc, Diuretic, Sedath~e, Countcr·In·itant, Sudorlfic, .A.ltcra- VINEGAR BI'l"l'l~U.S The properties of DR. w A.L1um·s tivo, and .L\..uti·Bilious. For· Sa.le. rrlI}~ nor~h quarters of Lots 31 and 35 . ill the 2nd con. of Clarke. r l"itle iudisp1\t3.ble. :U"ot· apply·on the promiBea to ltich:::tr d Peardon 1 or to BUCKLER'S OLD) STAND. where ho will be found with tho 1nost coin pletc assortment of PiRICES The Public are-solicited to call :tnd Hampton. Sept. 18th 1872 , lll 'l ·) 4 . Department fI I · Druggists and G'flu. Agtl!., San Frnn('Jimo, Californfr1 IU.'.l.d oor. of 'V(l.llhingt011 aud Cbu.rlton St.a., N. Y. ' , Sold by a.11 Druggists 'and DeMcrs. n. 11. McDONALD & co., CUSTOM PLANING. ;1 l Sz1i!cial Line of G01'1'0NS at GOWLE'S. IS T H;E Subacl'iber lil.J2"1'epared to fill all or dcri:; for cuato1u planing, at shortest notice. n1l-4i11 .fOHN K. GALBRAI'l'!I, Ba.ri·1 '"'er. Harness, Whips, Trunks, &c. in town. Please call. Bucklor·'s old st a nd , one door east of Maynm-d's Hotel. Bowmanville, Sep. 1st., 1873. ~~--------~~~~ STRAYED. 'l'.HE PR];MISES of the ·ttbscriber, I -~'l'O about the lst of SepteniUe.r, " Light Red }IcifeL·, 1 yeat· old. The O\vn,er ca.n her by paying expencea1 and proving proper~. SAMUEL P0LLARD. Lot No. 6, 6th con. Dru·lll1i:ton. 1nl·:Jin se~ for themsel vej. I ; ' H I .. upc Attr, active than Ever, Darlington August 7th 1873. 'l'HOM.\S SMITH, tf TRESPASS NOTICE, O'l'ICE ls hereby given that all pa.rtics found tl·l.lspassing on the :Fla.41, kno\vn as Rayn~s' ]'1ati3, will be prosecuted to f ull extent of law. H. ELLIOTT JUN READY-]lLA'. DE 'f, CLOTHING ' ENCOURAGE Good Clothing and ' Cheap. . ' ()!SI · ' ! ' [') M: D. WILLIAMS . Strayed. the premises, I NTO :unrlingtou, a E\l.·o, the p ;i..ying expeoses a~d -~ 1.:011. of ubJige by taking h er awa.y. . J,Ot~ No. 13, £ith o~Yher ,will Home Manufacture ! And Save 20 to 25 per cent, by tiurchaeing one of the Made to ord.ei· · " ---- . I' . MARRIAGE LICENSES ' BAI~GAINS -' . ISSCJ:BD B)'. ROBERT ARMOURBowma.nvine,Deo 10, 1869. J·', DURHANT. 1nl·3in 1873. 0 1873n 1 It is a well-known Fact that Cowle ltas the best Tweeds . in the countr.1f.·. N othing cheaper than the !Oct Gottolls Yt are more Numerous than Ever·1 r I - The satisfaction given by VALUAB_ LE REAL ES'l'ATE ~'OR NEW AND BEAUTIFUL SALE BY AUCTION. -oITI-IE SUDSORIBEH will sell by Public Aue. tion, on . AUTUMN & vVIN'l ER,. --------·------0 B S-E -R"V E ! BLANKETS Cowle s. 1 " expect 11a Sea.son tha.11 BA ·RNUM is ec~ipscd by the satisfaction giveu by Sl\-fAL E. to lusnu1ne1·ous patrons. He ia uoW plea.sud to ~nn ounco that he h :.i..s on h~nd a la.:gu and va,ried assortincnt of 1 'I' XItEWIN OF 0SHAWA 1 invitee the attention of Ladies and Gentlemen to hi ~ IN Wedn'sday, Oct.15th, at the reSidence of Large Variety MR. JOHN CORAM, on the first mentioned parcel of land, the fol· lowing "ery desir:.tble fa.nns viz ;i>arcel of land, containing 100 acres, being Lot !\·o. 32, in the: 8th Con, Clarke, ... '\bout 90 ael·cs are cleare<l, and in g~1od state of cultiYflr tion, the rest being good \vooil:land. There .is faes , a frame d1velhng house. stnt· on the prem. t1b1c lrn,rn, st able o.n<l sheds, also a fine youn.g .orchard. ~L'he lo.nd is well watered. lt is l.·/ithin easy distance of several thriving villages. Second Pa.reel, contains 100 acres, being part ltJf Lot No. iJ3, in tbtJ 9th Con. nf Clarke; SO :acres cle:Jred a11d well cultivated. There ar0 no building-i; ~n th(' premises, A. running strea1n pa."lfles tbrongh the fann. . TER1vIS ..-T,vo h nnd1·etl dolltbrs down OIL d11-y of sale, and half of purchase money 'vben w1· a11e drawn. , The balance iu fi':' e or {lc ven yearn, on 1nortgagc, a t 6 per cent. 'l'itlos indisput:tblc. Sale to com1neuCe nt l p. m. Vi/. IlA11'110N, A.uctioncer. Clatkc 1 Oct., 187J. OB G! NS VERY CO~I~RE!t~ENSIVE STOCK ' rnan ufncturcd by t he READY! BOOTS . AND SHOES ~ citih. , =~h' ,.~ao.;~. ~ as . . ·' c NEW GOODS, - comp1ising Winceys--a. Dea.d. Job. ~. l ' · B. ···Special inducement given to CASH Purchasers. 1Bowman ville, ltlc(JLUI\JG Sep.11th, 1873. BRO~- of the best qunlity, ·:\.uU is anxlons that tl1ey shall sct to work as ~oon ;m possible. LATES1' NOVELTIES - -in- - : All :Prices, All Sizes, All Kinds, Ladies' Prnnella Congress, at 80 cents. " Balmornls, extra . high cut · · · · · · · · $1,25. Stylish Millinery, Elegant Mantles; Dominion Organ Co'y., Beautiful Dress Goods, S. ct. W:El:BSTER, I.. D S. Tremendous Sha·wls, Comfortable UnderClothing, Nice-fitting BQots & Shoes, BOWMANVILLE. - Warm Gloves ·and Hosiery. .Also a splendid Btock of l F. Y. Cowle. Nofi~:ttg to Bent; i't· > GENT'S BOOTS, Ru.bber Goods, Felt Goods, Trunks, &c. Specia.1 nttentiou gi vcn. ,to ORGAN. 0 A. M. DARLEY, MANAGERBowmanville, Octob~r, A DOUBI1E ltEED OJ1GA~. Sub·ba8C>, :i.ncl 00'£.1.iVE COUPLEit, J\fason and -: l[aullit1 make, £01· sale cheaJ:). 187J. RICE & BARKER, m52-tL For Sale. and cYel)'.' accornmoda,t ion on the prem1se1:1 Good fnut trees i u the garden. Apply ~o j\:(]1., 1'11.l~WIN is of the opinion tha,t n. well a s1:1orted ator.;k <1f first-cl::iss _ gooth1, offered at lo·.vest r entunerutini pricea, in <l. fafr obliging manne1·, the best method <?f "Yrnning ~large and pr.otitable busine.~d . .Ht:: now l'figag\i~ to ::;upply the fonnor~read l:lrs , it i s your i11t e1·est to a.ucord t o h i1 n the latter . ~ Blankets, Horse-covers, Sleigh-Robes, Carpets, · Damasks, · Sheetings, Rugs, Mats, Oil Cloths, Flannels, Rubbers_. Felt-Overs, etc., etc. SURGEON AND DENTIST. -orreeth extracted with0ut palll) by the use of CUTTING AND FIT';l.'ING, ,. and none but first-ulass wOrkmen employed,· thus insuring good value in every caso. · STORE. - One do;~~:::~;a:t of Cornieb'8 Jewi.:l· ry Storo, l(ing St . , Eowmn.nville, NITROUS· OXIDE GAS, 'v1iich is delight.fu l to t ak e, n.nd pe1·fect1y harm less. TO LET. UTIICK 00'rTAGE, and outbuildingt1, ...i-l.... ·with about ten acres of· lo.nd, 1 mile north of llow m;.~o ville. For particulars, app)y lu ~ BRICK COT1"-AGE, with acre 0£ 1an d A 'kttached, tiltuate Ontario Street. on S~ c cls J, SMALE. Bo\VmD..n,·ille, Sept.. 23rd, 18'i3. Osha.wu, Oc tobtlr, 1.873, FEES li10DBRA1'E. J<'. Y. COWLE. tf. .. ,I ' J Bo,vmanville, Sept. lQth , 187;). ltEFERJlXOES BY I'.ER:'.>1ISSION ' D~'. lkid 1 M. D., Dr. Beitl1, M. D.i Dr, ' Boyle, ]if. -n. Roo1ns,·over F. 11'. Mc.Arthur's Store, J(iog Dt1·eut, Bo\":manville. ' G. OOWLE, · n.t R. Philps, J3owmanville. in 52Lf. Wanted Immediately. J"O'ST ARRIVED - a.t the-.. FOR SALE. ·\ N SO ACHJ~ li'AH.M, about l~ miles fr~w I-Ia.mpton, and adjoinil)g the Caml' r.1an \Vl)olen M ills . Intending pnrchasers can v1ew the property, a1~d lea.rn pa.rticul~ra, by apply· in·:on· t h e prcm1sea to the proprietor, 0 A dentfot rv, . $5 To $20 YOUNG }1lAN desirous of lcarnlllg tl1e FASHION IiOUSE, Fall anQ. Winter li'ashions. ~ J. M, J3RIMAOOMBE, " · SO, HO! ___.__ i' SE PT E ~1 B ER 2 6, 18 7 3. OtTlt F .A.LL S'rOClt ~HON IN THE. BLOOD J:l... Surgeon, DcuVist. J3ow1nanvillc, Sept. 9th i 1873. bp tf. pe\' day. Agents wanted! All classes of working peo ple o either sex, young or olcl, make 1norc n1oney at \York for ua in thcir mou1ents, or all the time, than a.t anything else. Pri.rticull'.l.l'S fTcc, _.\.ddress G. · S'rINSON & · CO., Portln.LLd. ~faine. ":<--- II JOHN WILLIAMS. mti2tf. NEW MILLINERY, HA TS & BONNETS, LATEST STYLES IN TRIMMING, &.re.· Gentlemen of Fashion. ---NOT SO FAST. I Jrn,vc wi·ittcn t})_t:~e few fui l:'s ·l 1h3.t yi;iu 'can f\nd ip.e s~ill ::it' h ouw I 1 run not gone away; ' So aU my kind ~lCl/l'ieptls may cmnc ; 1-\nd all the Y94llf;' O uca too .A.ucl g-et their garuwuts uicAly made J:n fasbjons th at are nc>v, · '\)7 here old anJ youfii:; d B«l friend may meet "' ~ A wclcmne greeting by R . PlaA1'E. Bow1nanville June 19th, 1873. tf NOTICE. into tho Uow1uauville High ~hool, will (D . V .. ) place on l\fondo.y and "fuesday, Oct. 1oth and 14th. f'llHJ5 EX t\MINATlON for the J of Puvils . :.ulro i~~on ho-ol\:l·m31 ly1· Dressmailting in uwj t fD.shionable a.uU. latest rotylcfl . t -o-- 1-IATS, CAPS, AND FURS! --o-- .A.nJ. n.U I have to eay1 .MAliXtTS MA YE:R r u9p t::ctfully :.inuounce~ !t IS NOW COMPLE TE. f . ' I I ,, Farm for Sale. Con. Clarke. Price 860 per ac1·e. Po~ee sion givon i1nmc<lia.tely. - Title in<lisputu.ble. ]'oi· f urt her p ar ticulaJ"s, apply to · , A splendid assort1 nent of DR J_ K I NG, Principal. ,, ·~n ~ct s -o- OUTR FOR'.l'Y ACHES of Lot No. lG, lst Knitting, Berlin, and other Wools. _ Also latctJt f:it.y lcs in LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT -of- to coneti;nct a. l{.ail:wn.y from Port I erry to C:odenich, by-way of Uxbiidge, Newmurk~t, ~t!ld Or.itngcville ; n.J1d also for f urth er powers · ,\ PPLIOA'l'ION will bo made nt th~ ne st .ii. sessi'on of the Lcgisl!l'turc of Ont:H·10} for NOTICE. lWBEWL' BES1', J"Zili~"'\1)]:~~\ or Orouo. RUSHING'S, and other FRILLING BELTS, COMBS, BRAIDS. SWITCHE<l, AND CHIGNONS, ..., n.nd n laJ:gc as.sort1ucnt of Fancy Goods kept constantly on hn,nd. _ _ _ _ Pru:twuln.:r J1ttention pu.1d to cuttu'lg a.ncl fi t· ting . lll!l!I I auitahlc for t he Fall and Winter tl'a:dC. t>tock of F1H'S embr~c:i ' .. NEW GOODS necess~rics WE H.Lt\..YE. IT1IIE GREArrEST VARIETY. " His ALL THE NOVELTIES, as well as in the depn.t"t1 ne1}t .. Our 1 · , ,.,..11 ' Goods a,re Better Value~ a,nd The Pe1·uvian 81f1'Up, a Pi·otectecl Solution of the ProtrJxi<'w of I1·01i, is so co1nbi1ied as to liai.·e the clt<t»acte» of an aliment, as easily diyesterl arnl rtssim-Uated with tlte blood as the simplest food. It inc»cases the quantity of Natw·e's Own Vit.alizin(f Ayent, I1·on in the blood, and b11 Toniny up,Inviyonttlnu and Vitaliziny the S11stcm. · The en1·iched an<l vitaUzed l>lood pe1'nieatcs evm·y pcwt of tlw body, repai?·i1ig lla1J'tages and 'IVaste~ searclting otlt 111orbid secretions, mid lecwiny ~iothin(f fo1· d'i.sea,se to fee<l ttpon. This is the sec1'et of the wonde1'ful success oftMs 1·emedy 'in mwiny Dyspepsia, hivm· Complaint, Dropsy, Chronic Dia1·1'h03a,Boils, N ervozts A.ffections, Ch'llls an<l Fevm·s, Hmno>'s, Loss of Consti.tzttional Vi(fo>', D'iseases of the K'iclneys a,nd Bladllm·, Female Complaints, a1ill all di.'lea.ies . o·rigin_ a tiriy iu, a bad state of the blood, O>' accmnpnnied by dcbilit11 01' a low state of the system. Beiny f1·ce f'ro>n Alcohol, 'in any fo1·m, its ene1·giziny effects are uot followecl b11 c01·1·espondln(f 1·eiictiori, but arc perrfl(l/fterit, ·i:Jifu ... sin(! st1·e11.r1th,', and uew li fe into all pct1'ts of the system, · cm<l buildi lny up an b·on ConsUtution. 'l.'ltonsand.s luwe been chanyetl by the use of thl s 'r cmcd11, from ciit·es ··a tlio'us<t1id ills," sbni1>ly bp·tf-m5lo30. ;---· Splendid Farm for Sale. ~ __ .ilt.. .t;;ll\. ·. l{,~~ihoo,d Coinpany, and. for po)'i er to.. , conHtruct ~. hrauch f1·om so1ne :i101 n t 11\. t~e Uou.nty of to the Bo":mn.uville, Lindsay, "'.'d Bobuaygeon uIlcis G ents' Dep artment ,is cqnD.l ly wc:Jl snp· I plict'l w.ith · U urkuu, to the Northern fa~1lway m t he (J 01 mty of Ycrk, an~l to c11a..ngc it1~ naru.e, uud for aHlt'l"HChn ents to 1ts .A.ct of Jncorpora.t1(!n. ~ A. ~~ ~~ 14:i. '&.7~"\'n1 _ 0 __ 0ur Prices lower than ever NEW MIB,,.LINERY01 -., AIO"l.l.i:::a.·'I'"~ ~JE:il.~/l."* "-".- C'l'i'ii'c"li!'ION :&'II &~g~ ~ 1 .., · St:!mping clor:e to onler. ~.TOT--'l'C'.!~ J.i~ ' v : Mufflers, Collars, Shirts, Braces; Scarfs, Umbrellas, &c. l{is If at · g ·a JOHN FOWLER. September 23rd, 1873. ; nG2.Sw. I TO TAILORS. _A :;iPLENDill QtiA:NOJ<: for a goocl T:.;Jor - in the 12th Cou., 200 acres, ' 180 and in i good st ate of culth,11-tion ; good frame bn.rn and il' houee::. 'i'he soil is first-class, ;ind·tho lanU lays beautiful. Possessi ou for fall ploughing co.n ~c given a t once. A. !ea~on· able pn.yment r eq 1 urcd down. :Balance ln LJme to suit the purcha$el'. 'l'itle indh1putab1e. Apply to N the 'l'OWNSHIP of SOUGOG Lot a, MltS. A. FLETOIIJm_ Bo\v1nanville, Sept. 2U, 1873. 1n52. ~1nd'\:r(p de~~t'ment: as tIBuri.l, iti replete 'vjth the BUSINESS OHA'.NGE. the stock and goodw1ll ntthe busmes!) }for9tofore ca.rriod 41) jn tho · . 'Wanted Immediately. MAN to assbt in store n.nd make A YOl.-NG; hi1111:1elf genera.Uv useful. ' · H. :llLLIOT'l'. ,JR '4 -,, :. VARIOUS. STYLES, and int~n(lillg purchuser~ )Vill {ind no b el ter · ,::;to~k ~nih a c(1untry ·. UNDERSIG~ED begs to (l.nn9unce to T 'ftE the public gCner~ly, thu,t hc~1aspu,i·yha~d , 1 ) ' - -- -r ,;' 0 ·e of 'l'yrone. i n t11c Villa9 A.pJJlY to . .JAS. ELLIOTT . m IStf_ JOSEPH BIGELOW, Port I'erl'y. H a1 upton _ Sep. J.3th, . 287:·1, l;p n150·o35 t~ A CALL IS R;ESPECTPULLY SO· LICITED AT THE CORNER STORE m4!J -Uw. WANTED TO PURCHASE FARM TO SELL OR RENT. LIME ! LIME ! ! F OR S.-\J,E i i1 ALL KlNDS OF FURS ALTEREJ) ' ANU REPAIRED. · Village of Hampt:on~ . Latest Novelties in Hats and Bonnets. ' l .t ' . BY EV.ERYTHING N:GW AND PASI-IIONABLE. A JIOJtSE, with ::ipr~tt~good cha.raut ~r, a.t ll1Jf1P., uudl:ll' sadtlle or 1n harness . Apply :it thia office. m48tf. - - - - - -- -- - - - - - General Servant Wanted. lll .c'\..pply a,t this office. M DST HA YE GOOD REl>'JlHENOES. · BowJna-n ville, Sept. 25th 187:~. m5l tf Con. Darli agton. About 70 acres under good cultivation, 15 acres of prime wood. .A. good stone house nnd good out buµdit.1 gs; fine \Ya.~et· privil7~N1, ,vith twe wells, one in the back lntohen, lwo orchanls one u ewly planted. ,.Perms easy. 'l1he land may bo entered upon' im1nedicttely. l!'oi· part icular s, apply on the' pren1isea. l 00 A.ORES, Sth Lot, :~rd 1.1.ny qunntitv, .1.lpply to C~sh. WILLili>I S!'EAll . Church Street; neady opposite the Alma Hotel Bo\vmnnvi lle, ,f11ne l!Jth 1873 . tf paid :i'or Daw ' . Fu.1rs. . October, 1873 . i\L MAYER Ja.mes CryQ.erma.n, as Cabinet niu.kcr and Undertaker, anfl will continue the busllieps in t he old l!l'Cmistt:i, · with n. full assorttntint of first class Furniture, Coflins, Shrouds, &c... , \'i'ill be kept Oll h and, D.11 d J1opes by f>trict attention tfo business, a.ud moderat e chnrgea to merit· the p ;:.:tronn.go of · tlw people. d1\.LL ·AND SEE OUR STOCK. . " WE 'T HINK IT NO TROUBLE TO SHOW OUR GOODS B o w1111\nv.ill<~, APPLES ! APPLES ! ! RIOH'D, SKIN::<IER ' 1 1RAJ) U 1\Tli! of t he lloyal College of pl1y1 1uri.ntity of g-oo.J tt1erchanta.l1lc i::i.nrl and University of Vicpiekcd a11ples 1 a l1:1u t he highel'.lt cash price for. :r sicitnlll of Bnµ-land, 1 i.ori~ College, OoOOuI"g" ; and ·J ,ony qltn.ntity nf gootl pack ell b~1tte1·. priz.e1nu.n of tho Univ1'.4·s.ity of Toronto, and S. JlUR~E~CTniver·sity of Que cn 'i,i Co1lege, ){ingston. 11.fem--0111?-:l:· t.r. bcr of th~ College of PhYl'Jiciana ancl Surgeon h tho TOWNSHIP 01' D~RLINUTON. '1. 1 1' lSS STOUGHTON de~i~·cs to iu\' ite t e on J)\lt No. 11, 9th Cou<.:ession, about Sa of Ontario. Su1·gery nnci R esidence-:, ·opl)oflite llJ. :ittcntion of those rcqtnnng 8.uch good~, t 0 Acres of Good Lund, in a oon venicnt place; the rriarkt!t t:1q1uue. her i-:1tock of fancy goods and workin.g materials; within three miles of the V illa.ges of Enniskillen, Bow ru ~:.uv i 1lc:, Qc:; t. a complete a~rtrncnt in wool~d shl?pcrs, aofa Haydon, u,nd T'yrone, and nine miles from the l EHHJ:.S' I'l.A:-IOS , highly estimatlltl pilknvs tasgele, filose1le, brru s, . li~~n !loss, Town of Bowman ville. There ~ s about 55 aure~ t hrou g-]1out t lw Dorninion, arc 1nanuf:tc· also a. L~oautifnl variety in J31:'o<_Jches ,, EarrD 1gf.!, cleared, and in good cultiv!l.tlon; tho rest in turcd a.t Kingston in th~ nwst subf!itantial IIair ping and Kecklets. Children a ~prom:;,_· \'alua.ble 'l'in1bered ]..and. Tl~ere is a laige style, nnd on the 1 1 nost a pp1-oved pri nci111e::;, having been .Tackut.:::. &c., always on hn.ud. Stanrping on .E'R.A. 1'IE JlA.RN and IfH..1.\.1\:Il{,IiOl;SE, n01:i.r- ,.,..ith aU modern in1proven1ents, of thf': very bC$t .. li·~hJ; n.n'cl dark goods done to onler; . ly ne\V with u. good \Vcll a.nd.ieoft '\Yater Cis· uiateri<tll:I, and p aying' no import duties, are . ,. , m 5~ Siu. tern u.ti:.achcd. ..Uso :i SPLE DlD YOUNG offered tiil tenns fa.r lower thn.n imported in· llJ~ .AH.ING ORCHAlt D, and n. n strun1enLi:i. A wi·ittcn guarantee fot· fi ve Tl{ .ti'.(' l{o\ Cast Ifouso, :1nd q1rnrter of au snow one of th.;i bc~t in t be County. if! also given. ,acre df la.nd, at the <.:orner of Ontario and d ers promptly attended tq, Spring Creek. Th~ aboTe property will be i:;olcl. chea.p. For 'l'he subac l'iLer has been appointed au Ageilt .Albert ~tri:itJ't!S , ]3owu.mnville, the property of IBflCE D JJY for the s.'11e of these Pianos, and ha.. urth er particnl~~rs, apply t o <i a spl endid 'Villiarn Jeffery. 'l'here i8 a good 'voll, excelE . D. TOL'E, instru1ncnt on Yi <;w· a.t hia r esidence 011 A.rgyle lent frui t lt'ce;;;, wood·shecl, s table, etc. ]'or P . S .-}'nrnj ture 1n:ide to 01·dcr Stt·ect, t o whi~h h e invites i'llspcction, I particnlan~. :tpply to 1{1'. Sohn J effery, J\.fa.son. 1ioNpEt1 u P. 0., County of Kent, Out. CHARJ;Es ROHER'C LOSQOMBE. I or to ,J. ~filnc, hoth of llowinanville. - quired, an<l r ep:-1.irs nca.tly exacnted. 1JhIrywoecl Post·office, Pickering B ow1nanville, Sept. 25th, 1,873. ;:;1nos . Bowmanvillc 1 13 Ai1g., 187;:;. m45tf. mtf-n14. Hc.\mpton, Rep. 18tb, 1$'1'3. ·" Ont. m45 tf_ 'I for ri.ny lHE un<lersi:;:netl will pay tbe high est /)d ee DR. DAVIDSON, G J. & W. J. MCMURTRY & CO· Sign of the Golden Lion.. ·- - Berlin Wool Sto:re. IK weak, sickly, szt/fe'r in,g crea-1~1.e1·es, to stTung, healtliy, WYt(l ha1J1JY 'Hie:n <t/n,<.l 'UJO'llt&n,; atid i:n oall<.ls catinot t~easo1iaf>ly liesita,tc (five 'it a t1'ial. w Weber's;i foi· Sa.le. -------- Sec tha,t each bottle ltas PERU· VIAN SYRUP blown in the ol«ss. Pamphlets Free. W HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. J, P. DINSJIORE, Propriet01·, No. 36 DEY ST., NEW YORK. Sold by Dru.ggi.sts ;;11net'ttlly. or· I ~A.1 1 Improved and Painted, MARRIAGE LICENSES "' JOHN J. WILLIAMS. I ItoXATERSON. j NOTICE. t~llo,v<:d 1n tented t ho p 011tl, known as \V'ood· HA V.t NG P?nd th er" will be uo fif.;hing ley'~ it. 1 . n10re A, J .BOOTII, Bowmu.nvi lle, June lttth 1 1873.

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