) TH'E MERCHANT :FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1873. f>OETRY. Tired Mothes. A Ji~Lla clbov.,· letJins upon your knee, Your tired knee, that b~ f:!O much to Len.r; A child's Jt;ia.\' eyes are looking lovin:;:ly F ruin 11ndct'lHmth a thatch of tangled huir i 1->erbaps you do not heed the velvet touch Of warn1, 1noist fingers, folding yours so tight; You do not prize this blessing over-n1uch, You arc aJ.mo:;;t too tired to pray to-night, LITERATURE. Is Spiritualism in the Bible? (Contlnuetl .) B ut on the theory whit.:b ~vplics Spiritualism to the case as it is no\v iu use a1nong- us (nnd which Dr. Baldwin, of 'l'r oy, has carefully ola.boru.ted in his "\Vitch of End.or and 11od.· ern Spiritualh1m "), there are enough point~ of coincidence to 1nake the explanation worth con· sideration. 'l'he woma.n ~aa a 1·cputu.tion for necromancy. She is a.1 1 u-<A~omplished"mcdium, possessin g the power of biolog1zing the 1·el ated natures. fler fa.cultkis, like t h ose of thegipi::;y, thlt ~har11er, the fortlrne -tell1..JJ:, have been quick· ened by t ho practice of lm1g ::i11<l perilous years. Saul is ri.gitated, lle rvous, fnh1t, hungry, and pt·opa.recl to catdli ~Lt anythiug--·j ust in that u1ood when ~· 'l'hu very stones pl'<~te of one's who1·";J..Lout~ Al1U take the present horror from tl1e time Which now suitt1 with it." 'l'r having are come to our kn owledge, that certain selling Spcctncles o.nd Eye POO.lan~ Glass~ 68 $25. B:ElWABD. THE l!iJ.epha,nt :Eouse. UKDERSIGNED in returning tbftnk!! THE to h i.a many friends and the public generally for the liberal patronage ext ended to him dnr· ing the past 18 years, begs to announce that from and a fter the 15th September, be will carry on the same business, but lnorc extensively u nder the name and style of JOHN" McLEOD & Co. Promrit 11ayment of all accountB is rendered irnpcro.tivc by this business arrangement, <·n<l :;t,11 pe1·~01IB iullt~bt ed will t>lease take nctice o.nd goycrn themsclvea accord1ng!Y· Bown1anvillr, September 4th, 18i3 . Bu t it is ble~edness ! · A yeu,r ago I di<l not sec it n.s I <lo to-day\'"l e nre so dull and thankless ; t~11d too slo:v ·ro catch the sunbea.n1 till it slip.!1 u.W<t·Y; .And now it seems S Ul'lJ~ssing strange to urn 'l1hat, while I wore t..h.c badge of .m"'therhoocl I did not kiss rnu1 ·c oft and t en_.i;lerly, The little child thnt brougW IJJl:l only good. FALL i. I· I · purporting to be of our make, and to bear our nau1es stam11ed thereon, ' ve h ereby cn.ution tht! public against all such imposters,3.'} I\-fet'lsr s Yellowlees & Qu.ick i~ro our Agents in V.lcst Durharn; and a. lkward of $25, is hereby offer· ed for the apprehension u.od convict ion of all such imposters a~ try to defraud the public by offering their trash n.s 0111· m.ake, LAZARUS, Momus. & co, l\lontreaJ, ~ov . 8th , 1871. n7 -tf Oct. CHIT CHAT. [Tim ~rad.y Oct 1S'72. a.nd. Mika Flynn) 1S7 2 0 PEN_IN .G JOHN McLEOD. ,~ / And i f, some night when you sit down to rest, Y ou miss this elbow frorn your tired knee; This r1;htlcs~, curly head froJn oiI your hrcast, The }~ping tongue tha.t chn.ttere constantly; e tall figure of the Stately k ing, and the If Crom your own the dimpled hand hall sli p~)cd , general look of Samuel, m~ht ""'ell en ough be An<l ne'er would nestle in your palm :\i;atn; known to the witch, n.nd if not, h er practiced If the ,vh.ite feet into th e grave had tripped, . acutoue!s soon id ent ified Saul, and be introI could not blame you. for your. heart-ache duced Samuel to her attention. And now, then. magnetized rmd full of Ul)UtLeru.ble t remor , his unbn.lu.nccd inind pieturing the "doom he I won.der so thut uwthe1':, eYi.::1· fret dreada yet dwells nrou,n th11 ·w itch proceeds to A.t. little ('hildren clinging to thei:r gowu, Or th:~t the'.foot-prints, ,.,,~hen the da.ys are wet, rend ofI fl"utn thti.t opened page what sbe finds Are ever black enough to make them frow11. there. The last time Saul saw Sa1nucl h e had on a mantle. Sn.ul remembers it, for in tlie If I could find a iittle muddy boot, fiantic effort t o detain the prophet he laid hold Or cap, or jacket, on my chatnb~r floor ; .:JJn the skirt of it aud it rent (1 Sam . X\.". 'Zr). If i' could kis.'! a rosy, restless foot, It was an old man i}1 'a m nntlc the ,~·.itch per1\..nd hear its patter in 1ny home. once. mere. ceives. The best \yay jn v,.-hich to exhibi t the If t could tnend a broken cart to·day, · value of t he commu nication made by the \\:itch 'fo-morrow make a kite to reach the s~y ~ is to compnre the very words of the living Su.m· There is no womttn in Goi.Ps ea.r: h. could say uel, which must hu.ve burut tlrnir w ny into S h e is more blisr;fully content than I. Sa1.iPs nlemory, wit.11 the words uttered in the But tli ! the dainty pillow next my own ca..vo. Is uever rumpled by a sl1ining head; After Saul's ra.sh sac- 1fo1· ho iJ not a n111n that 1tfy singing birdbng fro1n its neat is fl.own i 1·jfi.Oe (1 Sain. xiii. 18) : he should repeut." The little boy I u sed to kitiB ia dea.U! "1\.nd San1uel said t o . .1..dd to this Sn.u Ps -The .Alwine. ·Saul, 'l'hou h;,ist done own stat ement of his foolishly; thou hiist not con{!.;tion {!Sam, xxviii kept tho eommand1n,ent 15) : " And Sa1nuel of the Lord thy Gqrl, said tQ S~ul, Why .h a.st which he comman <kd thou clisq_ujeted n1e, t o thee ; for no'v woul d bring \tne up? .And Sau l the Lord have est ab· answered, I :un sor e dis· Cobleigh's Cacklers. lialied thy kingdom up· tressed ; f 01; the l=>bilis· forever. 11 tinfs mak e wat' again.st r..1r. Coblcigh, of Nelson Street, lJonght three o~sruel ·" After the episode of me., and God is dopa.rt· h ens on Sa.turday nigh t, and put them u11der liJl.C Amalekites (1 San11 ed from me) and an ~ a h<'x untH h e could build a coop. Sunday xv~ 16} : "'l'hen San1· s\·:exeth nrn no mure, t;w one of them in the str~et, and nel said u nto Saul, Stay n either by prophets nor 1norning he s:. a.nd I .will tell thee wba.t by d1:e:nut1 : thercforo I L.cr;towing- ~L curse 011 the somebody who had tl~e J_.ord hath sa.icl to hav e ca.lied thee that overturned the box, ::i,nd jeopardllicd ·his prop· ~e thIB night. And he thqn 1n :i. yest Jn ak e ei·ty, he started out after it, to drive . it back said unto him , S[l.y on. known u nto me vd 1at I u And Samuel said. sha.!ll do . into the yard. Lt took fHtecn ta..iuutes to conHath the Lo:rd u.11 !lTtul yince h.im. that that hen couldn 1t l)C driven into delight in burnt-offer· '.l' lu;.~·wolo.1tn , speaking that ;y nnl, n.nd then he att1.Jmptcd to c:\Lch it. ingi ~nd s~d ii ces, ll·S in fo1· Samuel,r.;ay1;1 (1 Sa,m. 'l'Ju-ce ti mi:s he i·ose up with his hands full uf obc)'lng the voice of the x:xviii.. lli, 17, 18, 10) : Lord? Buhold, to obey u Y Vherefore then d9st fen. hers, and his chin full of so.nd, but still tlw,t -is l>e"fter than sacrifice, thou ask of me, scoin,({ hen eluded him. Once he got it cornered, and and to hearken tha.n the the Lord is departed from tl1 ee, ::ti,Ld hi beh e though t he had it, but it fl c,v straight up fat of rams. " ~or rebeUion i s as come thine ene1 ny? o\'cr bis h ead) n.ncl flap pe~l its 'flings in 11is face, the SLn of witchcrnft, '· Aud the lo-rd hath a.nd fi lled ]lis eyes with dUl:lt. 0, · how lno.d and stulJbo1·nefJ.8 is us done to him, as he spake l\1 1·. ·cobleigh was. It was Sunday morning-. iniquity and idolat ry. by m~ : for tho J_.otd 'J'he belIB were ringing-, people \\"ere sLart.ing to Because thou h::tat re- hll.th ,rent the kingdom j_ e cted the vrord of th<:! 9ut of thine hand, and church, l\nd tlrnre h e was in tho street, with no I.iord, he hath u.Jso re· giveu it (,o thy!lleighbor, coat or hat on, and v.-itb nothing hut sl ippe1·s jected thee frn.m. . hchtg ci:t~b to David. , I '. ~ -~~eua.u~u thou obey~ on hi.ti feet, and every once in a while one of king_ "And Satucl sa'S.d un.., cdstfnot the voice of tl ie them would couiti off and fly through the afr, to Saul, I will n C\t re- J_.Qrd, po1· cxecntodst and bis naked foot would come in cont act with turn with the0: for thou his 7.fic1·cc wrath upon the cruel gravel, before h e could stop himself. hast rejected the wordlAmelek, therefo1·0 ha\;h Tl;.en he WC'U1d h ave to bop back on one fJ::it of' the L ord, a.nd t.lic lh e J ,orc). µone this r.ord hnth rei ected thee thin~ unto t.hce this af(.cr that slipper, while the h en !;:tood on tbe from bein~ king over day'. wn.lk ttnd elocuted, and tJ1e little S unrla.y-scbool Israel. "l\Iorc.Jver. the Lord " And Snmucl said will a1so dcJi.,tor Is1·acl children. stopped and laughed, and their parn Ll ents r epl'cnied them and laughed, too. Fjnally, u nto him, 'l'l1e ,Lord with thee iuto the hahath r ent the kingdom of the 1'1hilistines : an d the h tn i;ot n.wn.y from hi1n :;i.nd i;t art ed down of I srael from thee ~his to·H1on·ow ahal t thou vell )L D ud t.hy sons lJe with street a.t 3J w9ndcdul speed f(lr a hen, a11tl he day, and hath gi1 st:trtcd o.fter lier. hii; fuoe. redder tho.never, and to a neighh~r of thine, Jne: the Lor<l also shall tliat is better than tl 1<iu, deliver the h ost of lBevery tituo ho clen.retl a rod, ho would stop an d H Aud alt:10 thcr£LC1 i:uto t ho llandof hop bacl;;: two after one of those slippers. strength of I sru.el :wUl l;l 1lil P hilistines.-.. )Vhen be reached the curner of J~sse.'> Btrcet, not lie nor repent it; 1.e jumped out of both sUppers at ouce, but inTba,t Samuel is dcscn~oU. ag the apcnkcr i1:1 r;~e11d of stopping-to go back, he picked up a in ::Lcc.:ordanc e with the usual 1nethod in t!-U<.:h stick G f wood, ancl k~pt on. Then a\.J the hen ca.sea. Apollo gave t he oracles n.t Delphi, 1 lodg:ed into a gateway he huxlell the stick, and though priests sp ok e; and in n.ny number of b1·oke the leg of a strange dog, which added th e B wnncr of Lir;ht, the organ of S]Ji d tuali sm its piercing "ki-yi," to the entertainment. in this co uutry, th e cl.cad-- urighty 01· not, wise .But Coblei;h didn't stov. He tore into t he or oth m-wise----are credit i.:d vrith the declu.r~i :y ard after his pl·operty , in bis bMc feet, and tions, though the trancC·Spca.ker~ :.wul th.e n1c· ~haacd tho hen into a wood-pile and caug~ht it, dium s make the actual comm11n.lcatio11. rrhei·e just as t.he owner of the pr en1ises cam(! out anB. iR absolutely nothing told Saul that ho diJ. not wanted to know what Oobleii;h was going to do either know or expect, for defeat 8tared him. in w.i!.h his hen, and what he meant ,tWywn.y, by the fnce, and t11c only thing not uttered by tbe getting drunk au<l ld cJdng up ·i-;·1d1 n. hulla.baloo living Sa,mucl, an(l now put into h is lip~ i !1 a vcacoft1l neighbod10od . Cobleigh first na.mely, tht\t Sanl and h is sous sl 1 ou1d be slai n :k the 01~11 down with - was ~lre ady in the fallen )non11rch'1:1 . 1niud; thou'""ht he wou1d kno1 en and wha~ he would not eat of him b ury fo 1· how could th:tt 1:1pirit brook "to )i \'l- and under a barn, but the new cotner succeedt<d in be the show and gaze of the time ? ~ · In fine, proving to Cobleigh that the hen was bis, and the wo1ntm on ly put int o ·wu.rds whn.t in tlw then the miseraLJe man burst into tears and clnirvuya.nt state she !3:l.W in the bl'ain with limpecl back h ome, wb e.rP. he found the three which she came into what R ichard.sou c1W.ls ])ens under the )Jox.-Da11.fJ11,r!J },Tew$. " uncousciou.s cel ebration," or wl.mt others cn.11 " 'l'b e best "nJ.;y to keep cool!" i;.aicl a witty ' 1 abnormal psych ic r eL.1.tions." person~ " is not to gt>t warm ." It only remains to be added that while real A lnn..-1 o{ \YOtJd sh·c11 to a poor l1ers0n , wru·m a satanic influence was belie,retl in, 311(1 witCftc£1 wero supposed to be _ in ci:tnuection witl1 evil · y(Jn alnwst as u1uch aR it d·ll'!-l hin:t. supexnatural powers, Samnel'B <i..ppearaJLco was }fe wl10 1wkos his nose everywhere, will supposed to ho.Ye been imagi.nary., bnt effe(;ted so1netimcs poke it Lttwten a thumb and fore- through supe1 ·uu.tura1 agency. J,o.t.~1· commenii n gorS. tators, remembering that that fo.l'm of witchEvery mi111;ow wflnts to b~ a whale; but it theory is exploded, differ with Calvin, Luther, a.nd the Fathers, and are compelled to frill bauk is Le~t to be a little tinh in lit-tle water, on tlie theory of a p cr1nitted appco.t'a.ncc of the 'l'lwse who mn.rry old people tnerely in expec· real Sn.mucl. It mn.y ;i..pperu.· th:tt the whole tu.timl to lm ry the10,hang themselves in hope episode \Va s within the limits of llatural htw, Lhat s~me 0110 ..\li.ill cut down the halter. and that a.t tho sanie ~bnc the process was one A rival nf a ccrtD.in grent lawyer sought to of imposition and deception on the p:ut of the J. urnHiutc hin1 publicly by i:ia.ying: "You sorcel'cl:IS, n.nd an interesting illustration of a blacked 1uy father's boots 011.cc." ")'.es," re· point of contact between tbe heathe11isn1 of plied tho lawyer unabn.she Ll, ":i.nd I ilid it Canaan, as describod in the Scriptures, and tho h eathenism of Greeks u,nd 'Troj ans, u.s do well." i::cribed in Homer. A.n old lady-. not rcmarkn.blc for the clearnesi:i l\'.fany .persons haNing seen und cnin.b1e facts of her i<lcM describing a fine summer evtlniug, of whkh they could ghve no expL.1.nation, con· said : " It \\ras a bei\utiful night- the u~oon clnde that the denicra of S1~ritnali sm · at·e ig· m:td('! C\'erything as li~l1t as a. fcath!.-!r." norant of t heae facts, ::rn cl ' hn.t t heir denial '.l'wo 'l'jtuMville, Pa., lawyers entered into a \Voul<l be less strenuous h ad they opportunity solemn compact not to drink intoxicating to witness t he1n. For the sake of such J'eadliquors for n. yc-ar except when out duck shoot- ets' Wtl o.t.fel' a brief sketch of ·wh ~t may be ing, urnler forfeit of $100. One of them called the scientific histol"y of what now a.s. quenches h is thirst \vithout losi ng the ducat.3 su1nes to itself the honol"s of :i. 1·eligion."'" rrhe subj ect gained some scicntlfic interest in by k ccping-n Clucl.::in his back-yard to firo at whtin h e is dry, nnd UHl other has invested i:u th(;.l ha.nds of l!..,rederick A.. J!i.fesmcr, a G<'r10.nn, born in Baden in 1734, ·and edllcated al'! "" one alflo. physician. }~o pulilislrncl in J_7GG a work ca.1Je<l A 'FE \V El'lTAPHfi, "De Plnnetarum influxa,n to .show t hat a fine A Look on fl.ncient epitaph H, published in subtilo influence pervatleHthe 1u1iv1;.1r~c, affected E ngland, brings out some genuine curiosities. like air and water by the heavenly bodies, in A car~ful study of their style may p1·o vo nsc - tu1n a1Iecting tlw ncr \·ous systcn1 of n.:nimals, fnl t o writers of obitua.i·y poetl'y, No. 1 is a.nd infl uencing hu'11a.n disorders. rJ'hen, Ji e fonntl in tbe Old Grey Fdars, Edinburgh : concluded, if ru:tifi<:ia.l 1neans of exercising this in fluence could be ob t ainet1, eures iniglit be "Here snug in g1·ave my wife dolh lie, effected ; anll ]u.' triCll mag nets. Now she is at rest 1 and so am J." Tint I\ rivn.l in ·vienna., With the Olni UO\I S 'J 'h e 11CXt one shows how Jnuch may be ac- name of Hell, claimed tho prior u se of this decompli~hcd by t1tc use of a little jndicic.us po·vice, and so fo..1· u.u~tle goPd hi.s C:.18f:l. h t -vain 1:1 tieu,l Jicen1:ie: l\f esmcr tried to obtain the cndorscmmit of Hero lies John llun.o, learned bodies, ; and hi:, :ttt cnip t to e11rc M adc1noisellc Par[t.dis, n. public si11ge11 , in 1777, Y'lho wns killed by u, gun. Hi.s 11a.n1e wa&n't Brn111 hut his real n~une was left h ee as blin d ;;~s cvur. Wood , J -:;The su bstance of t he followiug- ]>:i.g~s a pBut W ood wouldn't rhyme with gun, so I peared ovet· the author's name in the Nmv Yo1·1.: thoi1ght Bunn would. L edgci·, and the writeT h~ reason t o k111 nv, with the e1Iect of 1'ati:-sfying some wJl o ,yere The followin~ is a bcnutiful inskmcc of con- perplexed n.nd in dn.u.c:tir of lo.sing- their h ol d of revealed t..rut h. 'J'l 1~ t·csu.l t Of tht! .pub1icatiou jugal affection: was a correspondenc~ tif s01ne intuxcst, in wJ1ich Hero lies rny dear wife, atfn,d slattern and ::;hrew; the strongest nr~nments a.n<l evklence~ <H't~il· able were la.id bcto;rc t1"1e author. 'l'hc effect If I s.'.lid I regretted hi..!r, I shouhl l ie L1Jo. was tw0fold : l. '.t;o co'nfu·n1 t he t bi.·ory of th t;i ..,\.uotlwr of a similni· nattn·e, though it scctns text, a.ud to d ~ (.]p~~ n th e' <',flUYiction t ]ia.t Spir:t· a liltlo hanl to eteal the last word from :.i. ualif:m is a. C(llUCt with a. F.Jnall body of n::itnral fact a.nd au i.:nol'Jn01u1 t ail of gi.H::s©ng, of s.cns:l· ·won1a.it 1u this wa.y. In "' churchyard nf'n.t· · tio1~, of superstition ~md ig11or unt foa.r, and of N e\Vn1.'.wket lie bu ried the two wi vcs 0£ Totn conscious and. inte rested in1po:>ttu·e. 2. That Sexton. On i lie to1nlJstonc of one is the fol· it is, ns far as i t is intclligtmt, anuuntcd by ii malignant disl ike of Chl'istia.nity, th oltgl1 oci.:u.· lowing : sionall y clai1ni11g t c 1 offer evidence in f.'.t.vor of ··Herc lies th e body of Su.rah Scxtonits grent fact s. ~rro be Con tiDu1~ Sbe was a. wjfe th~t never vexed one. T c::i n't 1-my so much for the one at thenextstone, " T Jo~:l~~i=~~~.~ Co T HLiberal Support and H Magnificent display of New and Patronage E E -·--Ou- - Autum11 Fashions {~oods. ' · B Rich extended so long to John McLeod, and tn,kes th is O;J!portunity of informing the pnbho, thnt they have TIM.- " Good morning, Mike, shure and it is mwly out ye are. Might I be bonld to axe what started yees this morning." MIKE.-" J'ist be aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye ina jiffy. Ye see, I was toulcl, yisterdny, that Misther Gray, ov Tyrone, had got hom e. rt, ill:ignnt new stock iw Goods, chape as durt, man, and its meself could htmHy slape a wink, ttll nigllt, thinking av the FARM FOR SA~E, chape goods. And sure enuif~ its the foll store he h as-piles BY and piles av the natest patterns; ancl he'd give ye the makin's PUBLIC AUCTION, av an illigant .new gown fo1· Biddy, for Siventy-five Cints; Tay 01~ for most nuthin, and Lhc .Riccy for a trifte less." PRIVATE SALE 'l'L\1..- "An shure its fanning me ye 'we, Mike ; wouldn't the man be aither breaking down." , EING 150 acres, part ()f r_.ot 1\~ o. 11 in the MIKE.-" Breaking clown, is it. Surn he knows a thrick wurth two nv 12th Con. of l\olanvers. I>ru-ticulard will th>it. I'll jist tell you what it is, Tim, :if ye want to get a grate be shortly nm.de known, S. ,TACKS, mime when yome cfecl, and be cttllecl a filantrofized, filosifer, m,td u~impton p. 0. a public binifacthor, jist tell all youre nabom's, and the rist ttv m·n16·tf. mankind, about Gray's chape store, and yoir'll do more for the ROBERT YOUNG, good av you·· count.hry, than iver St. Patrick clicl .for ould IreVETERINARY SURGEON, l1111d, when ho lxmished all the toticls 11ud snakes out av it, that GRADUATE OJ:' 0N'l'.ARI6 V.h"l'ElUNARY COI.iLEC:E 1 y APPOIN'l'ri.fEN'l' V titerinary B to the Dtrrha.in and Darlington Union · Agricultural Societies. Wf:~t S~.~eon ni vel' \Yris jn it." DISCARDED 'l'H:E Cri"l.mbs for Chickens - L E ALL p E I.ONG CB:ElDITS, E m' and \\ill conda ct their credit b1u1i· nesa as follows : OLD SYSTEM, MURDOCH BROS. have opened out an immense stock of New Fall Goods. Great care has been taken in buying the Stock, and as nothing but First Class Goods have been pnr.chasea., customers can rely on getting good value .for their money. 0----- .Agent fo r the I~h·e Stock branch of the Bea. ver & Toronto !viutual Fire Insurance Com-po.ny Y eterinary mediclues constantly on h:111d. Calls from the country prorn:ptly attended to Office at C:lover's livery office, res idonc~ a :Broc1ie;s Iiotel. Bowman ville J uue 10th 18'73. tf TIM.-- "I'm much oblagcd to ye, for the Lit av ;i,Lvice, and won't detain ye; there'll shurely be a grnte run, and maybce I'd miss some lxuga.ins, The top av the morning to yc.":._I'm off to Grav's. ·,. . · · ·J® GR!~, rry1~011e. ACCOUNTS wil~ be RENDERED ou the A N H T !st January, 1st May, and 1st September eac~i 1n and evm-y yem'. whoae · aA:vounfiff inay amount to $50.00 or Jover, their note; if agreed upon, will 1bo taken payable at the Bank for t a stated period. In tl1e case 01 !\IIcchp.nics, and others, A i~ianufootnrers, N short H T L E p N otetl for cheap Goocls. CARRIAGE SH p , (west of tho Ontario Bank. ) DRESS GOODS Plai~ and fi()'ured Lustres, Plain and Tartan Wool Poplins, Metz Cords Figured Repp~ Empress Cloths, and an endless variety of other new Dress Goods. Black Alp>tccu,s, Double Warp Black . Lustres, Black Cobourg, Black Paramattas, Bbck Crape Cloths, Black Metz Cords. King Street, Bowmn.nville. M'I LL INER Y The assortment of Milli-nery and :Millinery Goods is very extensive and in trimmed or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets every taste can be consulted as the variety is so great. The F lowers and Feathel'S. Laces, &c. we cl>iim to have the largest assortment to be found. THE. subscriber is prepared to build and r e· pair Wagons, Buggies, and Cullers, of evory description, at s)1ort uotice, ::i..udo 1-en.so·n able L ern1s. RICE & BARKR 1.'fIE Importers of the 'Carriages Painted and Trimmed. Cash , Purchasers BEST 011.c.tANS manufactured on this Contiu ent , am prepared to treat with refoible ..... travelling agents on· liberal terms. They ar e making arrangements ~o introduce some first class piano2, w,.trn Rooms at the West Durlmm 8te:.tm Printing House, King Street, Bowmanville. , H will ahvn.ys get goods at pricea cut FINE, as our gre. a t aim will be to court Gl~is cla."8 of trade_ Prompt Payers on credits AND H A Blacksmith's Shop In Black and White real Laces and Lace Collars, we have a. la.rge assortment, at prices to suit all. ' on the premises, were special a.ttention is given to all QI Stoc~"-"'illLa.rge A _')'lcndid variety of Q. Co.rria.ge work, and General Jobbing. All wm·k done at this E stablislwwnt WCM'ranted. A ca.11 is resp ectfully solicited. UWell .Assorted !U s S STOVES, Cook, Hall. ·Parlor. and Box JOHN McLEOD & Co. Bo 1\im an v ~ll e, Our Stuck of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Betwcrs, Petea,shams Meltons, e'tc., will be found unusually large. E fur \ \' ood or coal. E . MURDOCH B)wm'tnviile, Ma.y 7th. 1872 eaos. September 4.th,'73 .T. l\fOliRIS. , Bowm::~nvill e, Oct. lst, 1869. · JU_ NE, 1872. Simmons. & Clough Orga,n Co's limp~~'ved 1873. 'l'hc ~ub$ eribe r wtiukl bttg- t o ca.U attention to his· stock of . A full Stock of Organs New,- Fit~hionaUe, 1md Clwap TI-IE FBLT~STAW , ·~ a.;e, Groceries, Dry Goods, Most Wonderful Invention of the Age. J Moses' Electro-Galva.nic, Pat. June 2nd, 1868. Attached to these patented Spectacles arc two scientifically construutud Galvanic Bn.tteriesunseen when worn-- deliveI'iug-· thrcugh tlie llerves of the head, a ~oft ctnll continuous stream of electricity, vitalizing and gi~i.ng healthy Hl> tion to the entire beautiful syst em of thuse parts absolutely and certainly curing AND PANAMA - -- o--- Soots &i Shoes etc, etc which for OJothingmade to order, tho best trimmiugs only used, and the lowest price charged. GOOD Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve. · Weak or Diseased Vision, Neuralgia of the Head or Face, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of the face, Noises in the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, And a h ost of ~ ervoµ s Dise~ses, arising frolfl depr~ssion of the uervou.s energy of the aysten1 Contributin~ in a most astonhhing degree, to life1 vigor aotl health. By tho means of the soft a.nd fl.owing stream of )~lccti·icity, Giving J3rigbtntii5S to tlrn Eye, Quickness to the Eat', a.nd energy to the Bra.in. They are set with lenses of the finest manufacture, to suit all aighta, and with glasses for those not nee ing Speeta.cles to reo.d with but desiring the bene· fits to be derived ft1)m wea.rill g the :Batteries; and arc only to be had in this vicinity of .New Groceries, . :Oolla.r TEA for 86 Cents. EGGS and BUTTER Wanted S· F· HILL Quality and Cheap ness, CANOT BE SURPASSED YELLOWLEES &QUICK. m25 tf !?OW MANVILLE (lf)nmh <ICmnhim1finn <IJ)ryans FITTED . WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED J. ELLIOTT, TYRONE. TO c~ased" T~HE PUBLIC o~ Ma.chine and Implement Manufacturing Co Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, An invention having " most important beming on the future reput>ttion of Reed Instruments, by means of which the quantity or Volume of tone is very largely increased, m1cl the quality of tone rendered vVALTER WIGG & SON, DRUGS AND !VIEDICINES A'l' TB£ Bowmanville Drug Store. N returning- thn.nks to their null!~rons Customers o.nd the Pu'blic gei;crally, fot· past fa\rors I ,voulcl respectfully invite their att<ention to our preseutatock Furniture, as we hu.v" Ia.tel)'." w:lrlP.d thereto, that we rna.y thereby be enabled to supply ~11 parties ~·ho m~y plcn.sc tQ ~avor 1u Xa,nufa,cturers of J. HIGGINB OTHM, llTO'lfLD most respectfully tender hia sin· l1f cer<:J tlrnnk.8 to lits nu1ncrous friends ll.lld cust o1ners, and to the public generally, for the yery liberal suppoi't be has received since hi3 eom1nencing in business ; and hopes by continued stdck per sonal attention ,. biwinesa, and offering nothing but tlie purer. t articles, at the most r~asonnb1e prices, to ensure a continua.nee of p ublic patronage. J. II. would call spccW attention to his vecy sup erior stock of llith a call Great inducements held out to those purcaslung a.t our E stn.bhsbment. P1cturea, Lookin g Glasses, &c., fn\med to order, ruid in every style. Sn.mJ?les of the different ;ltlnd o{ ?r-Ioulclinge can be seen at the Ware-room. We would &lso beg tu inform you, that,ho.v1ng pur- Equal to that of the Best Pipe 0r2'alll'J of the Saine Ca1lacity. -·---o--Our celebrated " Vox Celeste," " Lo uis l'tttcnt," "Vox Humana." " 'Vi:l cox Ptttcnt" "Oct<we Coupler')(' the clm11ning "Cello" or "Clarionet' Stops, and WOOD AND IRON SPLENDID NE'\V WORKING MACHI ERY we shall be ready at nU timeR_.. to attend Funo1·als, on short notice, and renaonable terms. N . B. Coffins kept on hand, 1ind made to ordf>lr, 3.t the LEPF:IEL'S NEW DOMLNION RE'l'AIL FURNI'l·URE WARE-ROOM Oshawa, Aug. 26th, 18'10. King Street East, Oshawa. DYE, STUFFS, which rtre SUl'e to give the beat satisfaction. -~ well.selected stock of Double Turbine 1 Water Wheels, And ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS Can be obtained only in these Organs. 1'hilrty-fi·ve Difj'erent Styles, 1"01" the Parlor and the C/w,rch, DRUGS, CHE'MlCALS, PA1'EN1' 11fEDICINES BRUSHES, CO~MBS, GO ANl) SEE Ca.stings of a.11 Kinds. 1'/w JJeot 1lfate1 ,io,l cintl Workinwnslrip, Q'lml-ity cmd VoZ.Mne of 'l'orie Unequalled Here is u more practical, com1non sense epi· tapb, of the 1n edical order: Extraordinary vi1·tues nr0 eve1 1l 1~Ht ~eJ by thoi:;e ,~·ho \Vnnt t ho conra.gc to irnita.tc SllOULDFJR-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc,, Etc. kept constantly on hand. BATTIN'G'S NEW REPAil-{S <lone on the ' - - - - 0 ----- SliOBTST NOT.t J ~ .,/ PRICES TO $500. ~---- o ----- t hcnL "This little hero that lies here Y.l a3 0onqucre(l by the diarrhccr." 'l'lwrc must be some mistake in t11lli la;;;t extract. It is ultogt:ther too liigh a complimtint t,) lw deserved by any t.'1erely human being : "A.n hone!:lt fellow hcrt! is laid, Hii:! debts in full h e ahni.ys pa.id, .ltnd what 's more strange the neighbors t ~ll t:~, lie brought back borrowed umbrellas." Weigh others as yoll woultl l>8 lrdgllcd yotn·se1ves, and tl\c sc:il es \'/Ottld buve a sinecure. Too ulten u. l1°s' 1 ~ to excr;l, oftez~ s.Gt~ ,\ tnan below his 1·1 al worth 1n the est.uuatioo 1 OILS, PAINT; COLORS, VARN IHSES, and WHITE LEAD, FALL AND WIN1,ER DRY GOODS Common AT TI-IE Manches·t er House, Bowmanville, Sept. 18th 1873 . , .Vo have now on hand a. lax go quantity (·f Factory and Warerooms, Cor. 6th and Congress streets, Detroit, Michigan (llstnuli,hed in l s:;o.) and Gang Plows, thnt will be sold s.t RICE & BARKER, Agents, m47-o34· . I m:! dangerous as to he vicious. at the very lowest prices. Horses and Cattle Medicines~ of othcrfl. K. 13.- Countiy Storehcepers supplied on thu 1 t _ _ nwst a.d v.'..l.ntn.geous terms. ro Le utterly ignu1v1Jt ol vice, JS alrnost A choice s_el ection of LAMPS, for aalt1chflapl LOW' PRICES Boumnnille, ~{arch 6,1873. I AT THE SHOP. tf for Ontario, West and North of Belleville Bowmanville, Aug 21st, 1872 Ilo\Yro.anville~ Dec, 9, 1868. IJm i