· / l THE MERCHANT AND GENERALJ ADVERTISER C tc i.latcs largely m the lo vnsh pa of Darli1 g o Clatke and Cart v1 g:l t It ill n. comtno tform 01 en to the f ee d eCl ss on of aJ.l iues t o s n wh ch the general l bl c r co ccrnod p TERMS WEST KING SrnEET DURHAM Bow~!ANVILLE · Steam Job Printing Office Seventy Jive cents per annum vance The Merchant and ;rer $2 00 OF ~DV .tt.RTISI?>lG · A ND GENERAL ADVERTISERm 'VOLUM'E \ BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY OCTOBER 17 1873 NUMBER IT POSIEHS P \J\fPHLETS BILL HE \.DS CIRCULAHS CHEQUES NOrES HANDBILLS LABELS CARDS 'IIUKETS &c &c ~c ~~~!"'!'!"!"!"'!"""'............""""'""""'~""""'.....!!'!'!'""""""""'~""""'""""""""""""'""""""""'~""""'""""'"""""""".....""""'""""'""""'""""'""""'""""'""""""""'""""'""""'~""""'""""'""""'""""'""""""""'""""'.....""""'""""'""""'""""'""""""""""""'""""'~""""'""""'""""'""""'""""""""'"""""""""'""""'"!'!'"""'""""~·~!!'!Wb·&=~ -- ...... ,....____~ Scotland again burst nto n llame The The news si read far nncl near and reach · PB.A.TE, The G1 eat Short Horn Sale POETRY proscribed Earl of !1.rgy ll landcd from Ho! ·· EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. Morton all rms that B idd 1 gton was son e t lUes loose n l s I.:mb ts and rrn.ve offe1 co tu " TAlLOR = Ji \.LL AND '\IN'I.Eil TIME TAlJLE Tra 1 J::> \111 lenve Bo\vmanv1llc Stnt10 Bo vn1n.nv lle time a~ follo\VS ~~~~~---'~-,-- - ., ~-"---'-'-~~~~ New 'I'aiilor Shop. L f r n ti e uie ce l L s · JOHN HEAL I.TE \\ITH F Y COWLF. begs to m p bl c gencralb tJ at he ha.s cou1 ess in tl e Shop next to t})e EY i s~ Office on loor eai:;t of J Milne.s Iln.v1n1Y had several years ex1 er enc.c n th tt :l.(le he0 ho1 es to sat ~fy all ho may favo1 I n with a caij GOOD FITS GUARANTEED lS 2 1n4!} tf AUCTIONEERS ft or the Township ot Darlington H un l PHILLIPS, H~MPIO~ att nt on given to sn.l ;:. &c ou v a.son able t r1ns Wn11. Bm.1,·ton, EN§.ISKJLLEN 11 u1n1 tly at ten 1 d to on reasonable term.-t JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter Gfazier Paper Hanger &c &c and ('. ' fl fl1 T .l;;.. 'lE J 115 t 1ec.:c ved a Clo ce lot of NEW FRUITS, Ra1sms, Curants, Figs, Dates, Lemon, 01·a.ng·e and. Citron Feels, NU'l>::i IN GREAT VARIETY Also Bar els and noxes of Beauti:fml Candies, ith at a"':;ortmcnt of CHOICE BISCUITS. Da. 1 0 ton las aea. h icccn cd anotl e1 lot of th\Jas c 1 J rato<l l"tTRE LEAF 'l'EAS, CHOIC:E:S'l OF GOODS. OualimJ is tie Test of Cl eapness c BOUNBALL, an R l\IAJ'\ U] \.CI URER I ~Il'ORT1 ])] \.LEH, u :11 tl e vn1 et es of Italian & l\.mencan Marble \. lo.rgu a. d t:l u ce select o of Monuments & Grave Stones, ys n ha I of su1 cnor vo1 lonu.nsh p :i.nd :::i.t lowest I ces ... Wrong it or Cast hon Fenoc" ore l S :10 biryn 0 lots Fttrmturo Tops Mantel Piece· \_ &c 11 s rna nville 1 tf TYRONE BOOT &SFIOE STORE ' S bsc b lHE i umeru !: 1 uld es1 · t[ Hy ifor I ' cu::;to ncrs a. l the) ul 1 cg n <11 1) that in co ue ton v th 1 ME· i1a;ADE WOEX, he has 01 o d l a lo. c ru d ell ass01 ted Stock s fo ~ 't.le fo1· Cash. m2,.,. tf AL l D ~v IDSON ) "" ~ rge y to the la. ed D nr. I ..., f"I>lne J sq on the :Marke }11s cs de ce of J h In"' other pnrt ot ti s 1 ml er Wiil te sl o\\ed lis m ul ed dieor pm al He ho~ He gave ] ] c looks of yer ina am ratheI liftl ts llll.'-"J !'\ -¥ADE IN THE krng s forces Jomed lSSue The rebels were hrn1 a 14(1 ml sat slaotory acconi t of or r found n I ill statement of the pr ces obta n c er sco ts the idea that B dd ngton lnll J he 'vages ye offer ill lo ])\.EW;EST STYL S Mutal Life Assurance Society sheltered by a small enclosure and the Scots first ncq 11.untance marriage an 1 ~1Lt: atloJ c ltor ti e several an rn ils sold l y tbc Hon ed Ho\! A f i nu! doc 1ment n >w g vc But then I cant inter yer survrn Bowmon ille July 'ff! J.869 Dragoom (at that time trnmed to 1igl1t on 'vith the mannei of his havu g cntcretl Uc Samuel Ca1upbell at New York Mill· near 1 p to tl e eons I o holo0 raph of Hall l W thot t a. cond1shun or two ESTABLISHED 1840 horoe or foot) dismounted and scaled tho service and my resolution to go in St.!arch Utrna N 1'. on th.e 10th ol September It ' ritten a few doJ s be!ore I s dectl e l re s And llO\V to begin IS the lutch n ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS defences Commodgoous, with plenty of light The rebels took post m a i~ood of lnm My lord seemed \ery \ICU enter \Vill be seen that o e sho1t-l orn co sold ed perfect confidence rn Be du ngtun Tl e CANAf A CHIEF 0.bFICE$ And fit ye k1 o fo1 interta n111 held it till mght, and then d spersed Cap tamed \nth my history an 1 ordered tl at for the enormous s 1m ot $40 600-m u that ere' o.t er that tl c sail ng nK1.ster <lrank Live1pool London cmd Glasgow 131 81 JAM.l!:SSIREET MONTRE \.L PQ Such f1 t lfl as 1 u 1 ke to inv tc" tam Clelland 11 as lolled aud Sir ildam my pay shoald be cont uuecl ' lnle u lei 106 co V8 heifers a i b lls bro 1ght tn but re\ ei vas absolntel) n to" 1tccl ]\for OR 'Iickete or nf rmahou.J. a. 12ph: to DIRECTORS I w !\.. N1' \.DK Aue t Blair I 1s successor slot thrc ugh tl e neck care Aindnxt a.re :yo sr glaratmal tmcs'> en hlS lordslnp be.rd tbat I yas the aggregate $380 00( or o a vernge of ton chargs Bnc.1d gto t1 sl O\vin 0 tlie 'V.ALTER SnA..."'iLY Esq i_.M P Cl aU"m.an Bo ~"1.n::tn ville \'T ne 9tl 1871 tf 30 Beka~e ta t con aynent ye Eco Dut<CAN W!AODONAL Jtsq Of couJSe the al wl ite feather le tor rocoed1ng nortl il 1ot h Srr '¥'1ll1am Wallace of Cra1g1e "as also well enough recovered to go abrna 1 l e nearly $3 oOO per h ad 0 MAJou 'I E CAMPBELL o n st H ilo. 'le '1 o a1t and 1f I behaves punksul sevcrclv wounded The Duke of Arg) 11 genErously se1 t rne o. parcel of l non fa r JS totally with 0 nt parallel rn an; co n the ice At con· ltations 1 th Hall and 1BE HONODADLE JOHN li.AIDLTON Hawks It s no more than yous ought to l>e burg Ont WWI c 1ptured the same day and ooo 1 after Brigadier Preston made me a present of a tr; 111 I m any age I s brother ol! cc" 1 e c lled hnn 1 l erlcct \ 1 fil en s ) er gu1rela good 1 atured? )1ESIDEN I SECRETARY - JA>1·s C:>1'! \\aids beheaded at Edmbng On the r handgome silk go\\ n every one of our of .r\. vastp1oporllou ot those \ho 11:1\e cowar i yet " thnl a 1n1:u too t rn U to rhe raJ son I lift m~ last 1 lace way to JOlil the ror.al troops who oy_erthre" ficers contributed to the furi 1Shrng me "ith rend the newspaper repoit o[ the poeeed er 1sh an o p to "Were t u dcr lus foot SP. CIAL FEATURES. Ibo Freuch l uss Viit8 such ah g-h Judy flot the Duke of llfonmonth at Sedgemoor the what v.:as requisite for the dress of u y sex Tiigl} at this sale heo.rt Jy u111te 1n setting 'rbe cor1 enter Mr Coffin \ lo maJe tl e IHE E~TIRE PIOFITS belong to !tnd arediVld I s1nt a 1 sl cloth at her face ed amongst tho Policyh-0l.de1 s Rom! Scots heard of the battle and return and chsm1ssed 1nc the ser\ cc 'vith a hand down the purchasers us a body ol ho1 el e's b er foi Hall spcal s of ti e f oe of ti e A1 d have ye the laste of objection lunatics We confeo;i.s tLat on the face of 1t, corpse as hav t g been tl e n1ost natural of eel to their old poaiuou On the death of some compliment LIV.ES DECLINED BY OTHEl COllP NIES or on ro m n diopp n ll hen they choose? vi icl an extra P1 emiwrn would be 'equ red ca.n L eutcnant General Dal 1el I Krng Tames rhe Greys had plenty of fight ng at the tl ere appears eo1ne gro ind for tt 1s con all tie ma 1y dead face· he hos seen I e got so1ne elivcn fust co ts ns It be assured at the ord nary 1-ates of thIB Soc ety That frn.yq,ut-1 tly bt>J.ngs mo the 1 oo conferred the co1 0neley ot the ltoya1 Scots French fortified camp of Malplnquet m cluo1011 but a look bt JO\\ tl e surface-a "as I erfectly cnln dcvo a of co 1tortions u idl!'I a spec al a"/ at gement I 1nust havt: them tra.yted po I tuly on Lrn itenant Coloue't Lord Charles Mur 1709 They and the Royal I11sh had to ca1 fr l 1n\ est1gatlon of ti e reas ns that in Or expre·SIOnB of ra l al J p I l cdar]) S!>Ecr \.L NoN FoFEITABLE PoLIOIES ssued I 0 ve yer fa r \Varn n ma am no 1.' rai soon after created tie earl of Dunmo1e charge the French household cavalrv thr e <luce l sagamons bus uess men to pay such fresl in color Poet n ortcm r g lly tlone un<ler' h ch lft:lly 10 15 or 20 AnnuuJ. lay If the a ry ga.te be closccl. ag1n th m In 11388 the ) onn 0 re 0 1ment 'vas sent to times before they would give "ai fl e 'nst SUlll< for a fow anu 1aJ, n: ght possibl) be·polrn tbe presence f death Il 1 l ling inents a.re rcq ll'e<l each payment ~cc.mnng a You 11 fiu l 1ne comm~ 1c1n a row uvage the lands of Macdonald of Kep 'Duke of Marlborough '"'" especially pleas shake the confidence of ti ese I ast) cu tics ton and tl o doctor ate 1 ot fr encll i fl e Policy for a stun assured proport ono.te to the 11hcsc matthcrs agJjayed o i bet 1.'ayi UR po ch who I au k lied so ne of the Mac~m e~ with these bull dog chatges and peFson Tl c pure] asers at Mt Campbell s sale founm g1 es o t tl 1t he k IO s a deal n lt.'l}Jer of prcnuumij pu.1d n.n 1jfJ cc f om fut, re Id try ycr a. wake so I \VUd toshes \\ho favoured J 1mcs The) burnt ally thanked them The Gre) s lost about ha\ e no doul)t us to the l ropnct; of their -payment of pre n um..s hieh he 10 ild soy to an) one sne { 0 h~ looks like the kind I can mana.ge the Mcdonalds houses and corn from Dam thirty o!Ticers aod men killetl nnd \\ ouuded l vestrr ent. Tbe) state tl at tbe short to tie consul or the Un ted States au ]tfoDERATE P.m11.MIUMS and most l bcral con A thin thing ' ithout any b1: od ) <l tions In 1742 George the Second teviewed her 1 JS non estabhshe l all over the "orld thoi1tiea mas till the 10th of September, and 11 ere The co nmon se::u 1l!n rell se to B t m nd if I comes for a wake ma a1n Prospectuses Proposal .Form!i &c supplied Fme as th best and most p1ofital le race of say anyth ug and genernlly plcu l 1gnorance then marched from I verlychy to the Eng the Scots Greys ou Kew Green I coIDea for that ime ;t.nd no liss on "'1 I ·lica.tion at the H cad Office or any of cattle 1vhetl er kept as a d1stmet funnly oJ what \\as done rn th cab n ~d so tb1n pruvidm ye d \Vant m" llsh border a trump of two hundred miles hardy fellows that want no seasomng The only the Agenc1os J st g1 ve me yer name and tddr SR to reSJst the Prince of Oranges Ja>as10n and sai s the champion of June 24th ell that or crossed \\lth other races I hey pomt to oncl 1s1on we can col e to on the ,\ l olc JAMES GRANT It.ca .Secrota.ry Clo.verhonse \vas created V scount of Dun year They "ere all bound to Flanders to the enorn1ous and yearly 1ncreas ug de testimony 1s tl at eitl et MorLou 'I eaks the JJo, manv Uc no 4 tL help to\\ards m·krng up the s xte~n thou maud from all parts of Eiirope As a a1 d truth or labo rs 11nder n. halluc1natlo1 dee LITERATURE AGENI 10R IlOWMANVIILE At ti s t me the Im ates of the Roi al sand Bntish troops contnbutetl by George America for drafts f10m the short l1orn \ b d · slnrel m by the Cap a n or tl at 0 BARKER Obs rver Oftice Ku g St FAMOUS BRITISH REGIMENTS Scots received one oh llmg and sixpence a to ass st the House of Austria a~ainst the herds of Gieat Bntam and ti c great pmes both ot them I a c foirr cd u lumnable co1 231, t da) and the cornets Ii\ e sh,llrngs In Dun Bavarlauo French arnl PrusSJans 0 1 the that arc Jreely paid for lughbie l ammals sp1ra~ uga1nst au innocent man Tl c THE ·cors GltE~S (SECO~D Dl\.iOOONS) ll v u lk ~me ?4th 1870 300 dee s rebellion a hen tenant colonel and sev 16th of June 1743 theFrencli crn~~el tie tram tl e best herds They allege !too tl at Capt' n and Morton roomed to~cLl er tie ~-,,-~~~~~~~This reclonbtable reg ment that bas so Int penal Fire ' Insurance Co long fut ght to protect the right was first era! captams of t)ie Royal Scots I owever Mame and attacked us at Dettingen all over Europe tl e demand tor butcl er officers ancl er ' err. all roon1u g i l 01 e remained fmthful and were active agiunst Thro 1gh o. thunderstorm of French cannon 1neat is rapidly increasing froni tl c full ein hotel, " th tl e exc I tlon of the doctor Ol LONDOJS ~ enrolled to defend the nrong Iu 16'8 roan cd at ti e Ro) al hotel the fierce and agile H1ghlan lers d spcrsmg came volleys qf musketry and fierce cliarges ployment and I 1~her wages of ti e workrng \\Lo A other car load of the abo e nt:1ble l n.rt les on 'vLen the un,vise Act 'vaa issued for ep1sco the Macleaus who bad attacked the laird of of ca"Valry Tl e Greys at first merel; s 1p Classes that to n eet 11 iA great demand ' here le \VM a Y O LY great ja\ or1te (l etabl ahcd 1803 1 the \vay pac; Prcobyterian Scotland andm 1679 when Grant and JOU mg n1 the battle of Killie ported the m!antry which George the Sec e\ et.) a' illlo.blc so 1rce has been opened t p w th all the g 1e!':t and 'von nol len op1n HMn 0» "" -1 Old Ilroad Rt n.nd Plensu c ill at tbe I 10 the still more tymumcal Act forbidding Pall Mall London. crai kie where Dundee fell ip the moment ond himself !eel on but soon eager for more and all )JUt exhausted and that h gh a, ions by h s exceedrngly I :a k 1leasru t BOWMANVILLE GENEitAL <\.OENCY FOI CAN.ADA _94 St prayer meet ngs in the open a r was passed The Royal Scots also aided fightrng foeutenant James Cn.npb 0 ll led the price of meat has r sen in Europe it IS manner Iiis iet1ce1 ce as to tl e dcta ls of of victory 1\fontreJ..l Farm Implement Forwardwg Agency er ament the bra>e and piouo people of Scotland Tl ey aver ti c capta ns illuest;; ' l.S 1n con;icq 1e1 ce ol a largely m the well e ecu ed sut pme of the h s grey horses agamst a hne of steel cla l certa1n to go n1uch h1gl er R W tJ I.NIES Subscnbcd and nvcsted Cap tal and R-escrvo began here and there to rise in arms In Highlanders camp near Balloch Castle m cu1rass1ers "'ho soon brol e und fleJ to tl e that 'vherever k nc are icared the des re to dehberatc r solutio 1 to \Vl ich be 11e-:iitilent Fuud £1 965 000 Sterlmg 1678 t\\o troops of Scotch dragoons were 'l be Greys tl en share rn the p ofit; ol st pplyrng the E ro ly ands cccssfnlh dl e1ed despite all tie Strathspey \I here som four hundred rea< of their O\\ n !mes ] undf:! invested 1n Cana 1-1-- lOo 000 ralSed to carry out these .Acto and from Highlanders wcie slat and cut ilown The dashed upon the celebrate! French house pcun marl ebB has taken I old of cntcrpris e lenvors of iue1nl e1s of the I rcss to se Insurances a.gamst lo~ by lire ru-e effected on tl e most favorable terms and losses paid \ ith these troops the present Scots Greis des Royal Scots we are glad to say had no hold cavalry bro] e them too and co:pt ired ing far1uers and tl a.t f r;,t class an1mals c ire nforn 1t 01 tram I m Both Bid out ip'fer nee to the lJoa'td in London cended TI e first troop was commanded a nhite standard a trophy that ha l hitbe1 are eagerly sought to fo In U e i 1clcus of d ngto aid tl e c actor are pre1 a1ed io1 ar share 1 the cruel massacre of Glencoe RINTOUL BROS by Lieutenant General Thomas Dalziel an LANK OER1IFICAES Aj p\ cat ons J DODSWORTH Fresh enenms now awaited tl e Royal to never been seen in Westin nster or goo If it ire herds w tho it mncl rcgurd to rlst imn1c 1 atcly Oii lLc r urr al n Nev &.c &c can 9e procured ut tl s office at Ins1 ector Gen Agents l\fontrc&l olu cavalier officer \\ho had fonght lot the !I.I vi o lrn\c cnJoycl Dr Ilessel s Scots In 1694 Kmo Wilham sent them Guildhall George the Second de! 0 1 ted the pnc· pa d for them 11 ey po nt to the York iegtl lrl iates R R LOSOOMBE Bamster gen Czar against the rartar.s the second by over to Flanders In 1695 the) helped to at the overthrow of such troop· the flo\\ er nu 11crous p lrchasers ftot:n. all couutr es acq ta 1 ta icu 1 rny Oou that the lnrk ace Bowmamillc July nh 1873 Lord Charles Muray second son of John for Bowmanville and V1cwity cover t11e setge of Namur and \Vere also of ti e French nrmi at the close of the bat \\Ito now flock annually to Eogland to p ck sat1ona 1 rt.) prove utterly gro lndless Di first Mar'!u s of .A thole and afterwards the Bowmanville J ne 14th 1860 .:i6 employed m observrng llforshal V illeroy s tle nommatcd Colonel Orn1pbell a Kmfiht 1p eveiytbmg m the sl a1 e of a short ham Ilesscl an l tl e other officer~ au l 1ne 111 ~rs Earl of D mmore of the thml troop levied mo 43 39 4w movements I hey returned to England at of the Bath The standnrd captu1e<l by ·he that can be secured to tho Inn ted m 11be1 of the c1e' ua not bP. ~ n1 l to l c very fr e1 a fe · months later Lord Francie Stuart one tic peace of Ryswick JU 1607 Ia 1702 Gre)s was of\\ hite Damask finely cm of choice animals now to be 1 ought in ly BudJ 1 ~to1 I as bee 1 lrn k g sl 0 htly of the Life Guards and grandson of ti e It s cert..1111 the Roi al Soots \\er~ ~ent to Hollan I to broidered with gold and SJlver o thunder Bntarn and the vast sums wit! ' h ch the d r g l 1s stay n D 1 l~c Earl of Bothwtll a gentleman not unknown JOln 1n tl e "ar ef acct::ss101 In th s year boltm lhe.n11ddle upon a blue nnd wh tc b10edei; are tempted to port with tl em for that I o " 11 " state of eon id rnble t eJ da 0 to u thanks to the pages of Old Mortabt\ Tl ey con t1011 a1 d anx ous al o t son1 tl 11 g Prol a Sensere fore g l or colo11al ex1 01 tat 01 the iegm en~ \\as first called the Grey ground and bear ng the motto '"as tl o conunander The Gre) s liad fougl t w1th ten l fu1ther that tl e Duel cos !arr I) stan ls bl" b.c a 1tic l te~ n se\ ere O\ crl aul J g fro in Dragoons and it i , s pposed t1 ot W il g1gai tes The murle1 on .Magus Moor of Arch ns · 1pa.ssci and unst rpa.'3c:in.blc thro gho 1t t c na.\) de1 art1n nt So I r as the cha1ge such swiftness a-nd ap111t that 0111) a 1 eu bishop Sharp excite I the rongh soldiery to Imm s Dutch t le Guarcls I avmg been the "orld as the 'cry best iam y of the of po SOI ing gu t::il D <lJ. 0 lo gees 1 t 1s f..ennnt an l a few troopers v. ere vc led mounted on grey horses (a la\\ ouvermaus) 11 c SuLsc be l :.i.y ug sec red the able ser ices crnel repmuls fhey fired mto groups of "'hort ho1n 11ce tl at tnonc) can b 1y Ibey negati \ cd l y Bce;:,cl \ l o affirn s so stat: tl\ wl en the Dutch left England the K bg and !om horses killed OF praying men and shot arrested aud tortured In 1"88 George II cl an 0 ed the dress ol do not om t moreover to cull attent1on to ti at Hall died a natur I death His co1 mounted tl e Royal Scots in u. surular n1an man) prcacl1ers au l leaders of the poor UIE NEW LA~E STEAMER the Roy ii North Br ttsh Dragoons The tl e great prices no i.: ever v.: here obtain duct on sl Ip boaiJ is ' nU1c tecl by a for ner The Li'e Guards already affected LS C Lter is pret ared to take orders fo1 " :indcr T g folk ] orcmost among the per W1tl tie eruw black horses and ti e French had the ons new coats 'vero scnrlet do tblc Ureaste<l and ed for all tbc old fan iles of ,1 ort I orn· 1 al1a1urldt bv Hall GE1\ 1LE MEJ'i S CLOTIIIliG sec l lors at U. the n oat untiring the n1ost tom of J stn gu shn g their corps l el to by auu Imel with blue with silt eleevee turn e\ en fo1 lhose classn1g mttch bclo v the generally Bu ld u,.,ton is on c~1 It 1 tcuns I t less woe Car tan Robert Gmham-the h cl 11 )Jo ,,,ot up in tl e the color of tier horsc 0 fo Marlboro 1gh s ed "I witl bl ie butto1 s of vh1te metal D el esses rn val 1c $2 000 s auout the rhc IllOSt 511 gul'1.r fe tu1e of the cl U g is Clo\ er house-the Donny Dundee of Scotts First Style of Fash10n, best balla I W1th no religion 1 o com pas battles tl use grey horses were no\v to str ke an<l white worsted a~ ullettes on the r gl t lowest flgl l\;! at \vh1cl a good an1 nul ot u re tornled by cu tu ie uue sol Dudd 1 g stra ght pcdigiee can be purchase I toi s party bu uga st abotl er u I ' il al terror among tie FlCI cl In 170~ ti e sho ild~r The n [l.tstcoa anJ breeches were atlo1tle s1on lnu self he ,,.trod the poor f g t1ves ti at $3 000 $4 000 $u 000 are con man blue with blue cloth grenadier CO) s I av Scots Greys "ere m "I an sh G ielderJ,n l rvIOSl liEASO ~ Al!ll under I is horses Teet .At Drumclug the and covered the sieges of V enloo Rurc mg on the front the tlnstle with n the c rcle pr ccs Jar such-a1 U that far even be' 01 d Rehg10us Differences At ]..fr 1 eats its1Jr cc I{ ng Street Covenai Lcr;:i at last 11 1rnecl upon bun he mantle an<l. Ste\ cnswacrk one squadron of St Andrew with the motto Nemo me these .fig res ma y sales arc be 1 g con t111 1 UJ hand \ o y f 11 a S< rtmc t of Engl sh ru d lost th I ty n1 I 111 u sharp 1::k raush and serv10g as a guaid to Marlboro 1gb Inn self ltcl go s <l llcrcncc<::i 1n ot r JUdi;1uent Ca.natl aJ 1n1pnn lacess t on the red flaps was the all) 1 Je In short they ti nk bat sl ort Will le ~"o Charlotte (Port of Il chester) d<lJly had a I or<c k \le 1 beneath !nm The next On his way to Holland escorted b\ a nre among the ass1gnn c:nts of al n<l. and at !J ] in ex.c:e1 t Saturdays hen tsl u \\ 11 horr s J l 0 an l Lhnt rare good t u es are white horse of Hanover \\ ith the inotto CLOTHS AND TWEEDS day the elated Co' enanters attocted Glas lea'ie u,t 2 p m. for Il1'1gbt01 \vise P1ov1dcnce to } 1 '1.t ty l3nphstl: sr1uadron of G1e) s Mailboroi gh and Gen Ne aspera terrent over it The boots ID store for tl e breeders of pun: sl 01t Lorns Dea.lei s in stocl &c will find this the chea1 no but vere rep 1lse l Tl e battle of Both oral Cohorn ere capture 1 on tl c :rt-Iaese by fl ng o tic bum er with tic i otto 1he est an l nost exi:>e l t ous ro 1t to Eostor Al AnJ it is not to be denied that the\ have \veze of Jerked leather the cloul s scarlet b:l.ny &ew York &c J3 ble tie whole Bible and natl u g Lut tie J3o 1 anv llo M ·o 27th 1873 tf bp mg3 o2 well Brig soon followed whero the wild a French partJSan leader and only escaped w th blue collars and hn1ngs 'I he officers prO\ ed ti cir fo th by tl en works Neither For flll'tl er u forma.t1Qn: n.p1 ly to young D ke Monmouth led on the Scotch b) an attendant slipping a French pass mto Bible Tl C) ass n c to ,t rd I' tic "t" were chstmgc lShed by silver lace embroiuer tl e Glo ccstcr la idcd proprietor vi o comes R CRAWFORD .,. lortlop Dana's Patent Sheep Marks Dr goon!; a few Engh.sh hor~c from the Marlborough s, I and he hav10g JlSda'bied es nnd crimson sill sa'3hcs vorn a1,;ross the four tho oan l miles to bui a con for $40 dard aa by i gl t But they c n re,pect 01 C l \}ILDEf SLEEVE Border and the Eai 1 of Mar s regiment of U e1r con\ ichons nn l at tl e Sftn1c t n e tc l{ ngi:;ton HESE i\URKSARE IHE CHEA.PESI fool They "ere faced hy four then.sand any such saleg'uar l In 1703 the Scots left shoulder The sergeants had blue and 000 nor the sharp Kentuck an who payo uord to otl er lcno nat10 s u. I rov1dentlal 014 ti don n Jns $2" 000 for a ten 1 wi h s old the most last lg the lcs.st tro bleflOl e and Greia dIStrnguished thcmsehes by defeat yello'v worsted. sashes rot ncl their ' a1sts While preach most complete tn:er in ented 'lhe) arc 1sed grim an l sou Co' cnauters ca.It-can 101 a u 01ne1 t hrl\ o l 1s s1nce1 t; ass gr mc1 t also To tno Co gieg t1onal cts and ieconunende l b:,: many of thf best J3reeders iug and ' ranghng tl e Covenanters were mg a French detachment "h ch had cap tured a quant1ty of E 1ghsh specie and re Tue Philosophy of Accurate Thought doubted "hen he declares hrn al 'Olute 1 e for instance whose ro.rly z l for Congrega n t1 e U tcd States an l Cana.<la such as G B Lorrng SaJ.tiru Mass I res dt:nt -.J e v England attacked by Captam Stuart· Scotch Dra coverrng the spoil 1 cf in the good t me con e ad the st1'l honal independence ns 1 st. ~u1sl ed fro1n W ol Grv vei'l:i SoClety Jol u S Ross Henne goons 'Ihe three hundred stubborn Kip roo much stress cannot b1:1 la1d upon the better tm e close at hand tl c Old \\ orld l 1erarcb) togell er \\rth In 1704 Lord John Hay son of the Mar I Dl Professor M Mil s of the State Ag r cultural College Lansing, Mich Hon Geo pen and Galloway samts who held the qu s of Tweeddale was appomted colonel f indan e.ntal 1mportanccofperfect command W1Lhoutendors1ng every arguu1ent tl us ' hose zeal for an enl ghte1 ed Christian Bro vn Ioronto Ont John Sr ell Edu on ton bn<lge comn anded by Hackston of Rathillet over thoflght How' man) a student finds put forth w c place ent1re fa Lh 1 the;: firn1 scl olarsh1p entitle then to l onor lo tie the Sept.. Greys ThlS year Marlbor of 0 t. On each Mark is stamped the owne1 i:s name and the Sheep s number 'Ibey will be fought till their last cartridge was gone and ough crossed the Jlhme and Moselle and a lack of this power the chief hrnurance to posit on of the short horn as the firot and Method1Sts of the 'vi esle) an ·tamp for the sent free by 1uul o express for o ilyjourcncts then gloomily 'ell bad Tho key of the pushed on to the Danube to asoist tbe l m progress How many a page must be re best race or cattle on good soil.!. ' hell er recovery to Englu <l. u u to A1ner1ca of \ acl ru. d ill Wt for T 'rfi°IY l EA.HS Covenanters pos tion was lostfor ever The peror Leopold then threatened by the read how n1nnj a lesson conned o'er and 1 r beef or milk or cross ng \VIth other sp ritual frntl that no learning or ar cestr il $J CA.sh must accompany all orders ro tie Pre·bytci foot guaqls soorr cleared the bridge the French and Ba\ ar ans "ho bud brnken O\ er to compensate for lapses of though~ races \\ e beheve that ti e cool dry atmo> ml eutance can supplv AROIHil.ALD YOUNG J WELL I !LLED 1' ITH THE Sarna Ont army passmg across opened wl at waa then through the Black Forest At Schellen In the possess1on of absence o.c this po\\ er pl e1e of Canada and the al mdance of tans for their staunch adherence t ti e 0 lets aldicsscl to the 1\fEROHNl' and OB To Le 1 s VEI Office for a y cp 001t1t) will be filled at considered a heavy cannonade an<l. at the bc·g the Scots Grevs attacked the heights, over mind lies the clncf d1ff~rence bet{\ ecn goo<l forage crops renders our Do1n on fran ewo1k ol Cahn she ti oolo 0 Y the abo e ment onod pnce as qu ckly na the ea1ne tune the Scotch Dragoons w·cnt to and serv10g as mfantry m the attack of the ment~l strength and mental "eakness pccul urly fitted for the ra 'll g of fine heal astonIBhed t clenom1nat1onal d Uerences l\-1a ks ca.r JJe tnallt! aJ <l. s-ent work " th their swords on the msurgents trenches helped to dr ve the Jc rench across Some men thmk as a chilcl plays with a thy ohort ho us and that the dai is not argues total bl id e8' to the purpooes u1 dcr C l)ARKElt AARON BUCKLER flanks The game was hopeless The cove the Danu)Je The reg ment here lost Cap hammer str1krng little blows here there far distant when the export of Ju t class GoJ. the; ina.v be <l.e~1gne 1 to s bser\ e II as tl beat a.nd most desiral le lot of UowJn :mv lle Dec 28th 1871 nant l orsernen fled One thousand two ta1n Douglas aud seven n1en and nineteen anywhere at any object \\ithm reach The animals fro1n Canada to r i u ) p :rts of the Becau·e of these veri d ffcrei ces there will action of a st...ong mind may be com1 a.red world will be 1 large and lucratn o branch doubtless be ' or! e I o L a h gher umty and b 1ndred foot surrendered "' thout strik ng others ,,. ere wounded At Ramihes (1706) tl e Scots Gte\ s coY to t'ie stone l reake1 s sledge hammer deal of 01 r export trade a blo 1 one! the remamder ran back to their It Ins become a We hope to see the symmetery of trntl of d ff rent grw.le!i ro l rt asses :.tll othe morasses Then came the legal butchery ered tl emseh es with glory \\ hen Church ing stubborn blo,vs success1liely upon one dll) when every cntcrpi1su g farincr 11 On pretty gencr!llly iecc: '\led op non savs Dr hou!!es in tow l an 1 Cou try R illU ~IE of the Ut iv rs ti ca of Trm ty an ong tl e leading incu of College 1 oronto at d V ctono. College Co of those er 1el u.nd persecuting tln1es t\VO ill and Mordaunt s regunents descen led spot till the haru rock crocks and ) ields. tar o will l "'e nt least one pure bred ·hort Barnas Sears hour.ff ] cent ate of the Coll1;:0 u of Pl) s1y1ans pre cl ers and fh e lenders \Vere hu1 g and from tl e heights of Foi ltz and drove the The po\l er to classiJy, an l arrange ideas m a all sects ti at each s ork og o t sorr e prob horn co'v 1u hits sto.blt~s a.n l " l c1 g1a le nnd Du gc ns Ontn.r10 three h n lred honest men transported to F..rench into u tnorasB \here they sank or I roper order is one that comes niore oT less bulls w ll he dmen !ro1 tbe c!ittlc Jaids lem Jnorc or 1 fSS 1 uportn1 t to be i1tt natl! AN IMME:> SE NUA~Blll Office l\.1ng Street on door ' est of r Oorn1~h s J Vi ellry Store Bo vn a.n v lle In pro and replaced b) good ti oioi gl b1e l am ly ador tcd bJ all tl at a mo1e com pre ten the plantat10ns In mm y a Scotch home were butchere I the Scots Greys attacked slowly to e\On the beet of mmds Bowman; Ilg Ap1\oO 1872 o le m3l ft sive vie' of Chr tan ly ' ill be possiule m the 'car 1679 a Rachel mourned for her the enemy s left ronteu ti e French Ca\ al port10n as tl e facu ltj is strengthened de 1 I Bf.ECTRQ PLATED after the good an l ev l evcr.y: sy ste.u La\ c children und refuse:l to be cornro1tP.d ry and cut several eg_ tadrons to pieces s iltory nnd "astn g effort d1m1n1shes VY hen lea and Coffee Sets Fruit tH cl They then spurred m o the village ot A it the 1n1nd acts it nets to some purpose and distinctly 1nade tl e1nsel\ es apparent to tl c Again in 1680 tl e Scotch Dragoons. '"ere The Polaris Mystery Hemisphm icaZ D!shes hole worl l The greatest men of tie age employed in ruore of tl s hatred ser\: ice. reghze and sabred all the mfantry they can begm "here 1t left oft without go ng J ot to be s rpassed in the Pro UG 'VAS CAIT!..IN H~LL lllUilDEilED 1 are str ving more pJulosoplucallv and n ore In :i hot fight at Ayr Mos~, 1u ti e 1::il 11e of met Emergrng from Autrcgh e !lushed over tl c 'vhole ground aga1 l to take up AGENT (D nd c Scotland Cor of N Y Her 1 l aatiefactor1ly to au8,ve1 (tl e ft nda1ne1 tal \\1th v ctorJ they broke mto the French the threri. ls or lis rat1oc1natio1 '3 Concen For the follo\\ ng Insu ance Co ni ani s and A'r t\venty covcnanters 1nclud1n 0 a preach other I st tut ons Vli Se1 t 26 ) Regiment du Ro, w1 ch at once E>urrender trat1on and syste1n are thus seen to be the iuestion Ho is Ohr shat ty to be coucc lh QUF.EN Frre and L fe Insuranc· Com er were slam and Hackston al Ihthillet I Lad an interv1e'v with ilforton i1 e sec ed of as aw bole J Old tl eologies are de '.! pany Cap1tru £2 000 000 $lo0 000 lcpoS!tcd one of the murderers of Archbishop SI arp ed and gave up 1ts colors and arms to the ehiel elements m tho art ot thmkrng w ti tie ])om o l Goveinu ont for thl!I r 1otec Theolog ani':I 11a e so1net1mes Leen a leader at Bothwell Br g was taken fhc I deie at the gre) horses In · Dutch ac cultivate tl e firat constant watcl fulness to o id n1a e ' ho vns Halls fnvor1te attend t Q~l of Pol cv 1 oldcrs 111 Ca;n da Plated Kmves, Forks Tl e state at f It 11 their I ctuph\ s es n ti cir cr1t1 Tl c ISOLA I EI) RISK l io Ins irnncc Com dragoo1ls lost several men und hor~~s and count of this battle it" stated that one reg:i detect the least wander ng and ti e immed t£1n l d r r ng l 15 last sickness Eq tJ. to u.ll.y n tl e Dow u n pa.1 y of Oa a. lri, Cap tal $000 000 - 01 e of the Lie ncno.nt Oriel ton was eevcrciv '"ouudec1 1nent of o r dragoons took s ~teen or seveu 10te exertion of tho \ 11 to call back and n en ts he mate he b~de me i at U sclose c ;:,llJ 111 the r nterprctat1on II e age b 8t a.nd cbca1 c t Com1 ad.ics lo ug b s e~~ lU Jt IS probable I old them nd upon the subject rnder con They wc1e 1 O\\ ver of so startl ng n. nu reaches liter o. cf)1npletc c1 r stuunt; -not ti o D 1n1111 n for !Pn.rmeri:; ~d Isolat d R1skl'l Hackston n d ti ree of hia comrnde 0 "ere teen coloro and standaros lhe C l.N AD\. LANDED Clt.l!:DII 00 Y soon o.fterwa1ds hung at Edinburgh that th s reg ruent \\as the Scots Gre)S siaeiatwn ·boul I be v g !anti) exmcised ture that I felt it mJ duti to give them to tl e Im ited one of the .chools - Watcl woid th a Sa gr,i Bank d :Rartrn nt jlacto One of the pm ate solliers of the Scots 'lo secure the later the practice of analy day to the vrnc consr 1 to ail hnn rn the rn and Re lhe UNION "DI EUM \"\!ENI Build ng In 1681 Charles the Second ordered \ and Sn\ 1 gs Soc ety vest1gat on he '\as prosec t ng I ac ord Grci s ' ornded at the battle o! Ramihes "' ng and constitutrng the different parts of lhese latt r nst tut ons advru ce Loans on three additional troops al ltagoons to be 0 EN SOUND Oct 8 - The Toronto Ingly yesterday wa tcd o i the '\1Ce consul proved to be a wo1uan Her name ' as a subject first separately and then m the r '.L:Wal Ji state on te m~ IllU3 ally ell.SY for ihe ra1ocrl 11nd the so.: troops were incorporated and gwe lnm my toforruation that he Grey a d Br cc Ratl ·) ' as fornially borrower " to the Ro) al Regiments of Scots Dmgoons Mrs Ohr stian Davies and her hte and relations to each otner 15 a chsciplme to The President Mr John 19 ly Bo \.'ll.1atlv1lle Feb 6th 1873 adventures were attcrwarda pubhsl ed in a whrnh every ) 01 ng w ml should be subject might get it efficrnlly from Morton I fur opened to· do) 11 c circitest n.nd best asso1tmcnt ever s.;:e1 u Lieutenll1 t G neral ])al el the coarse and smnll octavo volume Sl c stat s sl c wa~ a ed and \vlnch ~ e are sorry to say is much ther sccrta1ned the test1mo1 y of certu1n Gordun se\ eral of the D1rect . . 1s and a 'Iown None to ex el It e cen 11c old bearded C"' aher bemg ap others '\: ns corroborntn: e 150 far of 1-!orton ti large number of invited guests \ ent o'er po ted colonel w] Le a second regiment natl ve of Ircl· 1d an l that her I isba~d neglected m most methods of mstrnct on au 1 I am sail (eel that the' ice consul who the road ai1n ing here nt a quarter to four ha\ mg entered the army she put on men; ,\a.'3cntrstcl to the Claerhouse The At a ce·!am large dmner patt) where is o. JawJ er leans to a theory ser10 tSlJ lnl o elock rne trm.n con 1 ted of tiJteen car"" but Scots dragoons at th s time '"ore Lack ancl clothes and went n quest of him \\ere tllul3tr1ol s \1nericar and fore gn states· phcatrng Dr Bessel BROOCHES EARRINGS &a BE~UTIFUL TEETH Morton ,a) s "!all Ile patt) 'as aecurnpanicd by tie Grnnd breast 11eces and a I ut helu ct fhov nud not u eetrng "ith hmi she enh.ted m men Dr Collux declmed to take \\me :t\ one to s 1 riss tl n S lccte<l by mysolf at and Bessel \ ere not on good tern s Hall Trunk Ha l uy baud On arm i g at 0Mn a re~nnent of foot a1 d in l '""02 in S\\ onls t l carried carbines and horsepistols tl e r o,n fl\ctor es In Eu..,ll\nd J M BRIMACOMBE L D S the Scots Greys served 11 ti e cam "here pon a noted senator "ho had already rett rned frou1 theJ ourne) wh ch precede] Soi nd tl o vi itors 11 ero met b) tie bud fourteen incl cs long 1n tl c barrel T\\elve r th Ex racted at T ;venty f vc Cents pa gn o[ that an l the following ) car and taken too mucl exclaimeJ, half Jest ngl v h s fatal illneHS m perlect healt)l and 11 as at the 31st BattahQI) and ' large cio u of sol<l1ers each troo1 antlthe non commission Colfax da es not dnnk !l.t abo it fJ 0 clock the l an llo ms ove1 1'IcClun0 B;i;os Sto es only 1 sl ort time iu ti e cabm \\hen after to vnsr eople m 1~04 as wounded i 1 tho leg at Schel accroos tie table ed ofhcers \Jore halberd· the other soldiers l Bo ma.In·1lle Oct 1st 18 0 You are right \Vas the ausw c1, I la.re tc1k ng so1ne coffee he becan1e sick and quet at the To11 n Hall commenced Mr II e Cho c st of g ::ulcs Uoll n IS I c frnme lenbcrg After the battle of matcl locks nnU bayonets or great knife Laia.r s Mou>J.a ~ Cos on hn d to fit all s1ghtf:' not !l.nd a braver reply could not have van 1ted He solemnly aifirms tl at tl e Gordon pres1Jed and several speech~ s ' ere 11 ese I \V 11 sell n.t re(luced prices. as it lo called lll a warnnt at 1672 In 'vhen escorting French prisoner::i to,vard been uttered doctor told Jum on the secon<l da> after made laving reference to t~ progress of Holland she met with her husband who 1687 the dragoons were ordered to carry A LARGE Sl:PPLY m A Ohristarn be ng aske l what be would Capta n Hall a illness that t "o ild be fatal tleroadaidtle torn snap J anse m skets with bright barrels "as then a pnvate sold er n ti e First Roi gn e if his children "ere l l heathendom to H1 cu plained to Morton that 'The \ ienna Board of Henltl has ~sued they three feet four niches long cartouch boxes al Foot She made herself k1 own to I nn All \ere po soi ng hi n a1 d 1ro1n th s tune passed las I s brother enl ghll!.l and Sl\ c them ar S\\ f!red Be~sel gH,.ve Hall a report sho\ rng that there hu c been 2 b 1yoncts grei a le po iches I uchets and lWGERS MAKE Arc 1 at all I eathen ch ldren J lSt Injecttons ostensibly of q in1ne but it lo 7<>o case~ of cholera n '\ ennd. s cc tl e until after the 1 attlo f Ram1he· wl ere I have FdR SEED, hammer hatcl et as prec10u, m the s gl t of CbrISt and God hn tcd that rr orph1ne 'Yao ised OUl led by a s] ol] 1YI orton !ii trc 0 l r ie1ort " ' I el l lll of AND A..ftei in1.1cl shooting of po r consc c1 as yo 1 ch ldren a1e 1 If Chmtw.:r s d d appaiei ti) belie es tl at Bessel k lied Hall those caoo or t vo Mtl s 1 ro\ dfut,] On !\IA:&RIAGE LICENSES to ates nts v.:lo\YO 11 ot nsovn b) not fa l to real ze this self e\ dent truth n order I bat he n ght rob h n ol tie hon the la beJo e LI e E pc I n l started oatl all plots agarnst tie 1 rng tl e Roval ti on .l v ft nds be contr1butcd 01 of cl covcrrng th e Nc1t FOR FEED Pole Busse! fort.) 01 e fr sl ca es' ere ant o n1cec1 wh ch l':'.icuts hacl at lns o ice fi)OfC nru ed enen eo 10re readily and largeh th n they believe l ti at the c:x ped1t ou \\ o..s sure to be \Vas regarded as sl o r g n. se n ~il le d ecrease JOHN WILLIAMS John McDougall to 1neet \'f ho 'vere "orth i,; of th ell' strcl In 0.IC I 0 V Rdi[!W " 1 e/escope Oharrywood Post office P1ckermg sacce,et ii Wit h regard to Iluddmgton m the chsease, 1685 J amcs 1I ascended the throne and Ilo nan ill· Ap l lG 1>7 l m Ont hon began N car D 1nibart0n the car'l and my lord called for my husband Gentlemen s & Boys Gao: men ts A Cook of the Period land with three hundred men ancl a rebel mg my Lord J ol n Hays ears bo cane to see m~ ns did my forn1er oou rades aud .Fior.i le Canadic ilaimei ~qr 3Ul IIall \ bo on more than °one occo.sL01 ~ F "I 0 Straw-Cutters !, Grain (Grinders FEEB M'ILLS. B DAILY LINE ROCH ESTER. 'I'ailoring ! Clothing! It ?EAT:E:, "NOitSEMAN ,, T . JP.a:te1.-son. T NEW STORE, WATCHES ~ W. S. BOYLE, M. D. CLOCKS G James McFeeters. ' &c' Sl'OONS. Gold Chains, Rings, SPECTACLES I ARRIVAL! FINE CUTLERY, WE-STERN CORN CBA.CKED COBNi J ·