IHE MERCHANT AND GENEltALl ADVERTISER C c 11 tes largely 111 the Tov· nsh1ps of Dn.rl ig ton Cla1kc and Cartwright It u1 a. common pln.tf rm opt.in to the free diacuas on of all ques tons in 'vh ch the general 1 ubl c are concerned. TERMS WEST DURHAM Steam Job Printing Office KING STREE1 BO\\ M ~~'ILLE Seventy five cents per annum m ad vance The Merchant and 'Obser ver $2 00 H !..l'l!:S OF \DV r..RTISI'i'\G rn 35 per annum AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME Y BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY OCTOBEH 24 1873 NUMBER III v itneso: gave a low eager fierce moan Jrorn u1 icr a ver' heavy cross fire therebv the Inniak1lhngs \Vet t 111 'vtth \ rcJoictng savinr:i l ts life the spot \Vhcrc he nlust in POSTERS PAMPHLETS CIRCULARS BILL HEADS CHEQUES NOITES HANDBILLS LABELS CARDS TICKETS &c &c ~c EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. Sayrng tb1S she ubn ptly close I tie door u. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY F\.LL AND WINTER TIME TABLE 1 P TAIL ATE, on POETRY. Gentlemen s &Jloy s Garments MADE IN TH1<; RELIANCE Muta! Life Assurance Society ESTABLISHED 1840 The Voice of the Night Wmd "'\'\hat a tb.;o n gbt nd say ng As it ehr e'l\:s on t) e mou too.n Wlld Or comes through the forest v. M1 ng Like ti e watl of a 'vt:ary ch ld ? ils it that JOY 01 aorro !\lakes the b r lei of its ltCJ ? Bodes it :i. sad to moITo'v Or Ill) rna it a dark t 11) ' Ah 'veU u1l.y lt shr de on th A1 ll sol;i n the lonely vale I 11 all eai tn a veary "' a.tuhe B IIn c 1 cnrd I s mo rnf 11 tn.l 1 tale of st rmy 1i\ nt~r~ Of the age of Rngry vaves A We of 1eq 1 t:!tns cha ited 0 e n1nmb er d 0 ra:ves ~EWES'l: S;I'YLES Bow nan-v1lle Jnly 27 1869 Ira ns ,,111 leave Bo,vmanv1lle Station :Bo 'mn.1\1lle t1n1e as follows COI~G ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Liveipool London and Glasgow rmation app1y to FOR 'l'ickets or inf vi A NEADS. Agent WES!' GOING EAST 0 \~ WA CHIEF OFFICES 131 SI JA!YIES:;>1REln MONTHEAL PQ ~{ od ~1tas Local J xp ess 7 25 a..ro 8 10 a m Express J\'1ixed 320pm 1 Looal 9 1opm 8 40 am 3 90 p m 720p m Bowmn v Ile J unc 9th 1871 tf 30 DIRECTORS W ALrnn SHAl<LY E·q ,)'I P Chrurman DUNCAN ilfAODONALD ..l!iSQ MAJOR T E CAMPBELL 0 J3 St 'IIIE IlONOBAllLID JoIHf fuMl.LTON The capturu of the Irench eagles is th us by ],rave SerJeant E vart hrmselt '1 he encn1.} sa3 s the hero be 0an forunng their I nc of battle jlbo it mne m the mormng of the 18th W c did not commence till ten I think it was about ele\: en 'vhen "\e were reo. lj to r ecel\ e them They began upon om right with the most tremcnduous fir1ng that ever was he.rd and I can asar re you that they got 1t ns hot ns they ga' e it Then it came relat~d on 11m With slow and sorro"fil steps I e tuu ed toward I is n1othC!r srea1dence \\be1c des p te l JS appea>a ice of poHrty and wont of tno nta. n down to tl c leJt 0 anJ. "118 received by our R R LOSCOMBE, BARRISTER AT LAW SOLICITOR IN CHANOERY &Jc Hila.ue Hawks bnrg, Ont RE$IDENI SECRllTAllY -JA ES GnANr 8 G WEBSTER, l D 8 Over :&'{cCJung a Store sn.me flat 'lnE ENTIRE PnoFITS bolong to and u.re<l1v1d oo J J\'( nnma.00111 b s Dental Rooms Bowman\ ille Oct 2 th 1868 ty e 1 amoi g8t tl e Pol cyl olde .i: OFFICE SPECIAL FEATURES. l'tHYJ.VJ:E AND LIME. \ httle Rhyme en.roe Just in time And all about the_ best of L me I ime from the '\\ est of the very best Not bea.t in an~ quarter r ne tl at' "\vill alw:i.ys stand the te i:;t 'Vhen makmg nto mo:i:tar I will try and keep a good a 1pply 'E"F rII 11serte<l on ~ll the late st princ11 lcs For t 1s .alway13 'vauted of the art Tl at when you all come in to buy lecth filled ith Goll and S lve You U not bed B~Pl muted leeth extracted for Iwenty five cents You w 11 al vaye find it dry and fres] A first class tooth 1 astc alwaj.1> on hnnd And tb.11t is ometh ng bonn e Dental Rooms ovti F F 1\ilcA1 thur a sto e So come along and tr~ th a Lime K ng St Bo,vmauv1lle mi 3o tf But don t forget tl e mone~ I-I ours of dehve:._r f om Nine a in to F ot I p m., Uorncr of ttneen a.nd Ontario Stre~t LIV.ES ECLil\"']jD BY OTitEil CO::iIP :t\IES or on wh cl an extra J.J cm. um wr.mld be 1 equ red can be ass U'e l a.t tl c ordinary~ ate8 of th1a Soc; ety undC1 a special ari angr:ment Not,gra. ¥ al: SI eak t ~e 1 tlJ 1 s onl:i tl t the deep -i!;:i:s lull l wine ho u;;eho 1 fl dc rn Io lon 0 and p aci;if l l'leep on~ I ssued \nu w.l Pay mentEI o.re req ired eacJ payn cnt c;ecu ~ng a Policy for a sum assured pr po 1 onnte to the number of premiums p::nd an lf ee f o fut tre SrECIAL NON l!OF}l'l'ABLE POIICIES u1dur' h1ch O!lly 10 lo or 20 (lo them ti e sio n hM ended lhe cares tl e fears the stnfo And the vcazy hearts fil\Ve ent i d On ihe cM.1n of 1wmG1ital life) ~t telJi; of lov d nes watch H g' In a fa.r off cbe-r1sh d hom For nccents never utter d ·· A . i 1 steps tl a.t never como. vayment nf p1 e:in ums MonERA E P.EE.1 nr.ru:s 001 l most hbcra.1 con ditions New Tailor Shopm JOHN HEAL, ln P1ospectuses l'ro1 usa.l Forms &c tmpplied on a.ppl cat1ou tt the Head Office or any of the Agencies IHOS BOWDEII Bo-,, ma ville Marc] lltJi. 1871 no24 tf. JAMES GRiNT, Res Secretary AGENT Y0R BQWMANVILLE C lliRKER 23 ly It spen.ks of stornudr aters That s eep o er the trouble l f:mul Of [!,Jl 1 fc a fa rest " s ona \V reek 1 ere thcJ near d the:: goa.L AIE WITH F Y COWLll begs to m Straw-Cutters i L form the I blio generally that 1 e bas co1u menced b iau1ess the Shop next to the E~ p1e;;s Office one door euHt of T ~:blne s Ha tn"" ha.d sc\ eral years experience in the traJ.e hll0 101 s to s t sfy n.11 \'ho may fa;'ior OOOc1 vc1 Office IC ng St 396 lum v th a ca.11 <l-OOD FITS GUARANTEED l "o' manv1lle Sep 4th 1872 m49 ti ~ Grain Grinders FEED MILLS. Please call at tht1 J3owtn nv1lle Tu1 e 24th 18 0 Imperial .Fire Insurance Co OF LONDON (Establliil cd 1803 HEAD OFlICES -1 Oil Bwad St and Pnll Ma.II London GE:-i©llAL .\.GENCY FOil u \NA1 A - 24 St cra.m nt ~Iont e '\.l 0 te. s of guef des'pa r1ng As the lai;.t last hopes depart I1ll \ c dectn the n1ght w1n] vaih g 'Iho wgbs of ab calang heart ih yes the wind has' o c~ We len.rn in sorro s night Too mru y th nga ne er thought of It A1 other car lond of the abo e noble nrticles on the way In I a1111n sss 1 gl t -Zet~ A , J C T I 0 N E E RS 1 BOWMANVILLE Parm Implement ForwardiDg Agency R W JAMES Krng St Bo vu1anv1lle Dt:c o 18""2 Bow~n' dlc LITERATURE FAMOUS BRITISH REGIMENTS 'Il:lB SCOIS OHEYS (SECO~D DUA.GOONS) 11 1 PHILLIPS, HAMPION 1 t tl.t. J.t o 1 given to sales &c on roasou .a.ble terms ulO To Masters of I.. 0. I. WH1. Ba:Ftou., EN:Eo ISKTLLEN a.\eti 1 om1 tly attended to on rcOBOnable tcrma JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter Glazier Paper Hanger &c &c All kinds of ' otk promptly attended to f1t d satisfaction gua.i. antef'd }.., sidence- :Ne.x.t door east of tl fl Bible Chris CERIIFICAES All heat ona J DODSW01<1H RINTODL BROS can be procured at t}us office at l'eg-ular rates ' !1 s1 ector Gen Agents :r,fontreal Bowman ville July 7th 187.:i R R LOSCOMBE Barnster gen for Bowmanv11le and Vicmity BLANK &c &c Subscribed and inveeted Capiti.J. and Reser e Fund £1 965 000 Stei li g Fun ls invested m Canada- 105 000 Iruiurances aga1nst loss by Fire are ellecte loµ the most favorable terma and lossea paid v1tl out reference to the Borud in I ondon ARRIVAL' .1..~o llowmanville J ine 14th 1860 ::l6 mo 43 39 4w ti .A. -*""1 '.r~-~~._,, ~ ~Ol' tho-foll(AI. 1 g-lns li:mc~-Oompanies and -~-------,,.--.,,.-.;-;;,.,......--:::-~1"4~B-~~ ""' ~~'-'~"3.-.-, other Institutions viz - ( hul'ch IYRON!l I yrone M .rch 8th 1869 WESTERN CORN FOR SEED, FOR FEED James pn.ny 22 tf AGE NT McFeeters· John McDougall. 11 e QUEEN lire nnd I ife Iasurnuce Com Capita.1£2 000 000 .)loO 000 lepos1ted with the Dom1111on Government for the protec t1on of Policy holderB in Cana ln The ISOL !\.TED RlSK l 1re Insurance Com p a.ny of Canada Capita.I ff;t>OO 000 -One oftl e bl:!St an 1 chear est Companies do ng b t)incs.s m the Dom1111oniJ01 :E ri.r ners and Isolat d R sks rte CA£\AvALANDED OREDI'I CO£ AND with a Sav ngs Baik departmei t BE .:\UIIFUI TEETH J M BRIMACOMBE L D S Teeth Ex.tractcd at T 'Venty five Cent:J Ropms o e1 11-ic Uhu1g Bros Stores l Bo "lnan'\lille Oct 1st 18"'"0 a 1d S ~ ng s Soc r.ty 11 e~e lc~tter institut oi s ad ance Loans on Real Estate o tern s un t a.Hy easy for ihe borro ver l3o vma.nv lle l! eb 6th 1873 19 ly 'I he U:N ION PERMAMEN1 Bu lrl ng Dana's Patent Sheep Marks the most last ug the lc~t tr ouble£iome and 'I heJ n.re use d inost 001nplete ever inv:ented and recommer dlld by ma1 y of tht beet Dreeders n the Un ted St tes and Cv.nada. such aa G B Loring,.;. Sal(,Jm :J\1ass. P eld lent 1\f o :England Wool urvv,;er:, So01ety John S Ross Henne p n Ill rrofesso '!\..f Irfd s of tl e State Ag nc ltural College Lans n 0 1\-Iich lion Geo Brow1 loronto Ont Joh i Snell Edmonton Ont On e::i.ch ?vI tk 1s :,t3illlped the ov.rner s u Ln1e and the Slloe1 s num\ er Ibey will be sentf,ee by mail 01 expless for onlyfourencts ach an l ill In t for '.IWEt>TY YE U8 l,'i".: Cnsh m -r fl DARLINGTON, T.FlllSE l>l.A.RKS ARE 'IHE CHE \PEST AVE J st rece1 ed n. Choice lot of NEW FRUITS, .Ra1sms1 Curants, Figs, :Oa.tes, Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels, NCTTS IN GREAT V,ARIETY A1!3o Barrels and Boxea of NEW STOliE, WEI L FILLED WITH THE (Cur clu led ) At Waterloo the Greys purtJc ilarly <lis tn1gt shed themsel\ ea carr) 1ng a\vil) one of the special trophres of the battle Vi hen we got clean thro gh the H gh landers aa;s James Atmour of Glasgow a rough rJCler of the Scots, Grey;;: we were soon on the chntg~ o.nd o. e:hort one 1t was. A cross road being in our 'Va), we leaped the flrstbedge gullantlv tmve1sed the road and ha<l to leap over anotl er hedge At this t ime the smoke from the firing on hath ardes made it so dark ti a t "e could not eee di·trn tly Vie had nor cbaTged- ,eiy many y lr<ls till \\ e came to fl. coluu1n As yet ve had stuck prett< "ell together ul tho1 gh n great number ha<l fa)len about the cross roads In a very short ti1ne we v. ere <low n t pan the col un n1ak ng pret ty clean \\Ork of them Numbers by tins t me ha<l <lroppe I off at II we I usbed for "Cl.rd a11d very soon ca111e upon an other col 1n1n ,\] o cned out I nson ers th1e\\ do\Vn their arms stripped them selves of the 1 belts m occorlauce with the Fiench disc·pl me Anil ran I ke bores towards the rear \\ e pushed on st1ll, and soon ca.n c I to tu othct coll tnt .son1e of whom wetedo'n on their knees calling out Quarter in tones of Rupplicnllon l\ ow ti en \\ o got auiong the gtin::: which ha<l. so ter 1blY annoyed us and pntd back the 0.1 noya.nce in slaughter such as ncve.r before was "itJ E!':sed artiller.) men ' ere c lt down and rau througl horses "ere h ag!.icd harness \ a~ cut and all i endered nseless So1ne "ho \\ere good Judges at such "ork udds Armour bj ,Wav of pa rentbesis reckoned Vt e brave High landers No men could ever Our br gade of ca miry behave b tter <'O' ered thern OIA 1ng to a column of for ~u troop~ g:i-ving wa-v out brigade \\M fdroed to a(!vancc to the support of the brave fellon~ \\h1ch \\e certainl; did in style We chargea throngh two ol their columns each about five thousand it\\ s in tl c first charge I took the eagle from the rnemy be and I had a hard contest for it he thrust !or my grom I parried 1t itI and en~ Lim tluor gb the bead alter "h1cb I v.as attacked by one of their lancers who thre\\ b1s lance at me but nusaed his marl by my throv.rng rt oJI wrth my sword b) IDJ nghtsule 'I hen I cut} lrh from cinn up\\ards vl ich " cnt through his teeth Next I waa attacked hi a foot soldier ' Io after firmg at ure charged me with In.a ba)I on et but he 'cry soon lost the com bat for I parrwil it nd c rt l im lown through the l ea<l so that fin1slied the contest for tbe eagle ilter "h1ch I proceeded to follow my co1n10.des e11gle und all but was stopped by the Generul sayrng to me Yon brave fcl lo" take that to the rear You have done eno igh unlrl) ou get q nt of lt-wl ch I was obliged to do bnt with great reluct ancc I retired to a height and stood there for upwards of au hour v. hlcb gave a. gr.n era! '1e v of th e field bnt I cannot expre" the bqrrorA I beheld tl e bo lies ol my brave comradeR "ere lying so thickly upon the field thut it WM scarce]) 1iossible to pass and horses rnnumerable I took the e igle 11 to Brussels amidst the o.c 1111nat~ ns of tbousands of the !':pectntorti who s1;n\ it The eagles taken belonged to the Forty fifth anil One b 111 Ired and fifth regrments and were superbly ornamente<l with goll trmge rLat of the Fort) filth -~· 111 scribed with the name of Jena Austerlrtz Wagram Eylau FricdlaI d &c bemg the battles m whrch the reg1rnent-called the Invrnc1bles-had SJgnahzed it.·clf The cheer I he Russ10n° unable to foll bncl struggled m vam " rth llre enemy the; hail im bedded In some open spaces says K1n 0 lake ten 01 tVielvc Russ ans 'Viould foU out of therr rn:l s aud try to o'er wheln\ t"o or three Greis or Inmok1!lrng, who seemed lost in the crowd of Jostling hor~emen Our men hewed and slashed "1th then s"ords and "'th therr bridle hands tried to tear the Rusa1ans fr6m their saddles In many case, the swo1ds of the Greys rebounded from the throk coarse grey coats of the Russian horscn1ea The Russ a 1s nearest the Greys seeu1ed to en counter tLen1 'vi.th, distrust and Loµeles"' ness for their asSl 1ln.nts "ere t illet and reached further and seemed conte1nptuous ly eert:uu of victory General Scarlett re ceived fi\e slight wounds and had l11s I el met cl°' en tl rough Ellrot "as pierced JD the forehead had his face dmdccl by a slash n.nJ. r eceived a sabre \VOund Jll th~ skull He had altogether fourteen sabre cuts Olar! e who led the squadron bare beaded, rode deluged \\ ith blood from a \\ oun<l l 1 the head of winch he \\ ns h1n1 self long unconscious Afany ot the Grevs cut qu te through the column and tl en be11ed their ""Y back In the m 1't of ti is entangling struggle the Iumskillmg· came plump on the Ruos1aus left front Thei;r the RoJal and F1fth Dmgoon Giard· eeemg the Greys lapped 1n by tlie enemy s r gl t "mg broke m also to their aid Alex antler Miller the act "g adJulant of the Greys famous for J s tremendous '01ce 10arcd out of the mrdst of the melce the "orls Ilally-tbc (,,c;s Face me Cornet Prendergast aloo and Clarke JOJDed u th1s endeavor Another charge of Hunt d squadron of J1 n slolhngs shook the gicnt c10\\ d of Itu ss1ans and soon the col 1011 s waver d trembled sh9ok aid fled In this desperate combat the heav) dra goons lost seventy eight killel and \mun 1 ed the H 1Ssmns suffere I heavrl) 1' hen Sir Oolrn Cami bell g1llo1 po I up soon alter m 1dvnncc of the ~meti tbir<l H ~hlarnl ers he uncovered to the Grevs n.nd so.id Grc1 s gallant Greis I a 1 mty 01 e 'ears old u d ii I \Vere Joung aga1n I should be proud to be 1 y ou1 rai I s A French general officer present declar ed he bad never seen anythrng so gloriqus us the defeat of the enorn1ous nu1nbc1s of ev1tably have fallen havrng been imrne<lr ntoly aftern ards crossc 1 by the Russian cavohy As long as o. regiment can furnitih heroec lrkc tl I· who can den) 1\ the righ) to bear on its banners thl! motto of tl e Scots Gre.} s Second to none 1 sue e s t e tnet " th a li eorty welcome gncn "1th n11 the warmth of a mothcra true affect on He di.'jpatvl c] a note to his afi 011ced asking h"'r to call at h1<.i mothers res dcnce or allo,v him to call on her ']he note w1a ret~:trned with tnese words \\rt ten upon it LOV:tj VERSUS WEALTH ll HOAG '.U D BY J Tie crty of Hudson 1s situated u a pc tires 1ue locuht) on the banks of the mag n1ficent rn er of the aume n nae ~ dcscr1p t10n ot the place need not be g vcn farther than t o sav 1t is SJt io.tetl in u Jovely spot wlme nature had endantly spread her tllos In\1ting cha1nrn Here <llyelt my hero tn 1 herome Cha Jes Ashley 11 IS the onlj son f his widowed 11otl er \\ho '\as the po,asei:.sor of an 1 Ulnble hon1e n tie city of 'vealth and fttsh1ou, an<l rnpported bersell and fatherlc>s boy by h 1ncst 1ndustr.) and tho moat rig1d econ on1y Here ul'Jder the fostering care of a most ffect101Hi.tc mother be i;:re\v to n1au I ood By strrct application to stud; he mn.stercd tho con1mou sciences an(l, at the u.ge o[ t\\ enty t'vo years was poqsessed of n;iore ti nu ord1narv attainments and some wbut noted in his own Clrclc fo1 h1a supe rror scholarship lj"ere rn thJ.S benut1!11l city, Ameha Fil morn first saw the light Her father was a retail groci;r of moderate inea.us, but 111d ts tr.io tl;l prude it a.ad sagacious be succeeded in rearing a lur~e family reapectabl) 1 and conferring on each of J1113 children the bene ' I wish you to trou blc me no 1nore I release you from .} our e1 gug tncnt ~ b1ch you in11y cons1dcr lt un end After \\ uting all these years to \Vcl i 1 cl 1nan I ,~111 not mnrry a poor one This 11as the last t 11e be sought for the prn1l<'ge of hav ng '.Xll u terv1c\v l;Vlth he1 In tl e course of n few "eekR ( hnrles prevrnled on h s mother to d1.'j1 oso of l er propert) a 1d aecompa ii h m to tl e West On aruvn g at Nc\v York le drew his mane' froni the bark 11nd took his course for the young and ria1ng state of\\ 1fCons1u Herc he p irchaaed a la1ge tract of land and w1th his tnother for 1 s houRel eepcr, CDJO.)ed the irurts of Ins foru1er JaUors. and the re" ards of Ju<lrc o s applicat101r to !Ju, ntss T\\O years after l 1s urinal at h s 'veF>te111 home a gcntlen1an can e to the neighbor hood from the Southern pa1 t of i\lassachu setts m ')_Ucst ol health He "as a young p.ccon1p11 l ied but unfortunately a v1ct11n of l ered1tary con sun pt1on aggrn\ated by tv.:o cloee apphca tlon to study a~d b ~Jncc.is 11 rough tl e advice of friends, he \\1th l is youug ar d lawyer, educated rn d one \\ Cl8 a present from the E1 lpre::.a 1J..1ou ISe to the One hundred and fifth regiment One was m ich defaced with blood anA dirt asif it I ad been struggled for a1 lthe ea glo wo.s also b\'.Qken off from the pole as if from tbc cut of a sabre but it \\as nev er ti)elesa preserved Tbe eagles taken hud only been gn en to the rei;vecti\ e reg1 mente nt the Champ de Ma On the !st of June they had there g!Jttercd oHr the Russrn.n ca\ o.lry The Russians sard Mr Russell "hen descnbrng tin& gallant atfarr advanced down the lull at a slov. ca ter "h ~c h thcv changed to u trot and at last merely lialted Their first hne " s a.t le11st ncarl,y douUle the length of ours-it '\as three times as deep Behind then1 "as n similar hn e equally strong and compact They e\ i der tly desp sed their m· gu fican t lookmg enem; but their time \Vas co1ne The trumpets rang out agam through the valley and the Greys and Inmsk llmers went right at the centre of. the l<us'1an cavalry The s1 ace l ct 'een tl cn1 \Vas 0nly a .few hun dred yn.1ds it' as scarce P.nor gh to l<>t the hor es 'gather 'vay nor had the n1en quite spice onfilcient for tbe fall pay ol their sword arn1<l The R lS>l1an lin0 l nugs for 'va1d each w ng a.:i OU" cava y advance and threatens to annil ilate the1n o.s tl cy I :lAS 01 Turning a ht le to their left so as to meljt the Russrn.n r gl t the Grc;s r 1sh on \\Ith a chee1 that thi1 ls every hen.rt '!'he " Hl sl o lt of the Inn1slnlhn0rs 111st:'s tl rough tiho air at the Silme instant '.A:s I ghtbmg flashes tlnoogh a cloud the Gre\ s un<l Iun sk ]lrnera I rerced ti rough t1 e dark masses of Russians The sl o k \ ag but for a moment There \\ ae a. clush of steel and a lrght play of sword blade' m the arr and then the Ckeys and tl e red coats drsappear m them !st ol the broken and qu1vc:nng columns In another tbo ment we see them emerging and dashtu.:i on '~ ith d1mu:!1shed numbers and oroken or der aga n~t the secon l l1ne which is ad 'anc1ng against thetn as tast aa it can to retrieve the fortune of the chnrge It was ' Gou help tl cm a ten ble moment They are lost. ' was ti e exclaruatron of more than one man and the thought of many ">th unabated fire the noble hea>Ls dasi ed at the r enemy It was a fight of heroes The first !me of Rnssrnna, which had been smashed utterly bJ o n charge and.,bad fled otI ut one flank and to" ards thi:: centre were coming b.ick to S\Va1low up our hanclf-ul of men Bv sheer s teel and sheer courage Inni::.k1l.!1ner nud Scot were vd 1n1ng their de8perute \'i ay through the enemy s squadrons and already grey horoes and red coats had appeared right at \be rear of tho second mass \vhen '\\Ith irres1s hble force hke one bolt from a how the ~ irst Ro) als the Fourth Dragoon Guards and the 1'1fth flragoon Guards rnshed at the remnants of the first lrne of the enemy \vent thruugh it as t 1 lough 1t 'vere made of pasteboard an<l da hrng on tl e secon l bod) of Russians as they "ere st1ll <lISor dere<l by the terrible ··' r 1lt of the G 1ei s au l their co!Ilpan1onti put thcn1 to utter rout This R is ian horse m less than TI\ e minutes atter it hud met our diai:;oot s, ~as flymg with all 1ta speed before o force not ha f its strength An ong the Scots Gieis who were recipi en ts of the V1ctorra Cross we find tno of fiLs of a good education WJ rle they "ere ch1! lren 01 arles and Amelra attended the same schools, ana pur sued tl e same studies togetl er The\ early formed m attachment for each other and at the time o[ the opemng of our t»le the~ were betrothed At first their rntent10ns were to tlcpend on ti e salary "h1ch Charles recei' ed in a large mercantile esta bhshmcnt an I ha<Lnrndc up thm minds to be content '"th the I app ne>S afforded by connubial bliss n the humbler \\alb of Irle But be Jpre perfcchr g their plans the rurnours ti at "cm alloat relative to the fabulous ' ealtb eas ly obtarned m tlw gold ml! ea of Oalr forn111 induced Cba1lea to suggest to ]us affianced the p1opnet; of postponmg their 'veUJing for a few ) enra and in t} e n1ean h1ne he \\ oul<l try h s fortuue in the ]an<l of gold m the hope of rctmmng po·aessed ofwellth that would enable tbeill "hen married to hve 1n a st) le that n11ght gratl fi: their h ghost amlnt1on an I place them on a l"'vel with their ruoat anstocrat1c n11ghbort) accomplrsl ed vile and. two small cb1lc1ren sought the weatern 1v1lds hoping that a , t f a.1 Iing f1eal'l bu t -"'-ns ~1 ch mge of cl mate would b bc1 cfic al to J " d estroy er rt1as t1 ~c had aimed Ina shaft too surely Alter ho gcrin" · n a f e\v 111 on tl1s Hl h is new I101ne 'IJC bade adien to earth au I I ft h 8 darh ns to tbe mercy of str'lngers Durrng Ins last illness i\ir '1.silley to whom J e wns a nmghbor show<.:cl l iui every possible k1nd1 .'js \vb ch he cont1nued to his stricken w dO\\ lnd fatherless cb111ren beads of the I Emperenr Par1sia~ u1n1 l cries of Vn:e 'V'iccount \ l1. n lcr!omie in :i. li:>tter to Sir Joh i 811 cla r especialli pra1Se I the :;>cots Greis for the r l mumty to tl e French pn::.o 1ers The l 'nl perm19sion 'vas g v en after Waterloo for the badge of an eagle to be drspla} e I o i the gm lons of the Scots Gre) s and he word " aterloo on the gren11J1cr corp::. T1 e bnn e w1nne1 of t} e French st and ard Sergeant E~\ art was: rewa,rdeJ in 1816 lJ.} an cns1gr cy u1 the Thud Royal Veteran Pattalron At the l eacc the rcgnuent was reduced to fl\ e hundred and fort) four officers and soldiers and ti r e h n lI 2d u1 il tlmty three troop l orses CHQlCZST OF GOODS. 1 Deani'::i:hd Candies, with an assortment of CHOICE BISCUITS. Da :rhngtou bn.s thoas ~ clob ate 1 A~a~t~ ~'ta~~g ~s~a~c~t WATCHES of of d fferent grades and t1urpa.8ses all othc houses in to vn and Oouutry J -- a~a~eived another lot of l"t..'TRI!: L:E:Ali' T:E:AS, Qu ·lity w the Test of Clwapness Bo vmwn VJe Dec 22nd 1870 nl2 ti AN IMMENSE NUMBER CLOCifS ELECTRO PLATED O. }30UNSALL, :M ~NUF AC'IUilER I l>IPOJ11Elt DE \.I BR n all t1 " variet cs of Tea and Coffee Sets F1 uit Ilemisphe1 ical Dishes >n not to be sur1 n.sacd in the 1>rov1nct! a,11 cJ, Italian & !Ufiencan Marble A la.rgt: ~1 d ch01ce selection of Plated Kruves, Forks, &c , Eq ial to nny m the Domm10n Monuments & Grave Stones, nh ays on ha.nd of s ipernor workmauel p and a.t lo est I rJces lfi oitght oi Ca,st Iron Fencco or en los a.g bu1 ying lots S:POONS. A call is 'IQw1 i. SPOONS. seen in Pt1rmture Tops Mantel Pieces 1 cpt 0 1 nnd UJ. vro ght to 01-<let' r ~pectfully 1eq ~ted at the ·work!'? &c !he g1ell.tN1t n.nd best assortment ever Nol,le to QXcel it · ](mg Street Bou manvilw 1 tf Ootobei M 1860 Gold Chains, Rings, BROOCHES EAR RINGS &C N 01 e to SW'pass then1 Sel~cted by myeell l\t the mnn factories u England TYRONE T J:LE S 1bscr ber would respectful1y1nfotm 1 s n n ero ll'l c 1storners a.nd ti t.i public goneral ly that 11 connection WJth hus J1e has ope ed up a largo au 1 BOO!J1& SI-IOE srl'ORE SPECTACLES I Laz~u B Morr Ihe Choicest ofg1adcs Gold and S1herfrmnca. s & Cos on hand to tit alls gl tkl. I hcse I -will sell at reClt ccd I nces ltOME-MAD:E: Well assorted wo:a.x, FINE CUTLERY, "NO!tSEM AN Stock (ROGERS MAKE A LARGE SIPPLY 01 of l:W~ ly made work selected from the ' BESTMANUFACTORIES, ,v} 1ch ht: offers for sale MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSl.iED BY Vary I.ow for Ca.sh. Give him n. call ex n.n me tl e work a d JUdc-e fo younselvt:a JOHN J. WILLIAMS. Cherrywood Post office Pickering Out JOJ:LN HH LY !l.R Tyrone tlcpnl Sth 1873 ru27 ti W. S. BOYLE, M. D. G RADU~'lE D of the Un1ve1s1tles of 'lnmty College lorouto ar l Yictor1a College Co· bt1 rg L1ce1 t. ate of tl e College of Ph) sicut.na an 1 Sure.eons Onta1 o Office l{1ng Street one door w cl:!t of r I D \' IDSON 1 ~ removed h1t1 res dence and Surl'.{Cf) to the late residence of J hn CornIBh s Jewellry Sto1 e BoWln:ln'\ He "Iilue Esq ou the Maiket Squaie Bowman die Apr 130 18 2 ol8 mo l ft ~·· Jll n35 tf REMOVAL JOb of it I was engaged amongat;. six or San1 a 01 t se,en gins all brass, where ne~rly all the Orders addressed to tl c MEI CHN'l' and OB arhllerjmCn \\ere c ~t dov.:r and nearly if SElt\ ER Oftioo foI n.ny quantit~ w1ll l1e fil~ed at While at tl e above me1 tioned puce as q 1 ckly ::i.s the not all of the horses boughed Marks can be ma.de and s nt work among tllese guns no thought had \Ve C BAhKElt but that "e should have notbmg to do Bo=· iv lie Dec. 23tb 1871 ly m13o \\hen 've '\\ere done but to retrace uur steps I owu I v.: as much surprised 'vhen "c be gan to return \vhence \ve came to behold great numbers of cu1rassers and lancers pusl cd betw1xt us and o 1r O'\n force-: They were the first ;;roops of thIS kmd I ha<! e'er beheld m my hf< and now theJ "ere for1n1ng up to cut off our retre::i.t No Ihe Subecube bn;y1irig secured the able serv ces tbrng daunted, we faced them manf.ully OF we l ud none to conunund us no\v Lieut Colonel Hamilton had been killed, and <1.s C tter 1s p1epare 1 to take orde1R for many of the oJticers krlled and wound cd But every i i n d1d "nat ho could GENTLEMEN S CLOTHING Conquer or dro was the "ord When the wh ch w111 be got up m the regiment ret1u.a1c<l fro1n this charge tl e First Style - of Fash10n, troop to "hrch I belonged dll not muster nbo,c one or ~wo so ind men unwounded and on the belong ng to the front rank Indeed the 11IOS1 REASO~ABLE 1ERM!'J ,.vhole troop did not n1nstcr above a dozen At Mr Peats reMlen e on lC ng Street On bro <l. a. "Very full asso1 tment of English and ther were up" ards of t venty of the Cu.nadinn front rank killed ancl others wounded CLOTHS AND TWEEDS Such "us the bot haste of the Gr ys to ti ro v themselves mto the thick of tne but tie that one of the GreJ' m reco min g to now1nanv lie l\[a.y iJ7tl 18 3 tf tr m33c ~9 Sher tI Ahsoa the h1~tor'"n of Europe tl e story of theu charge states that m many mstances they rode o\ er the Hrghlander., \\ho galln.ntl} retorted ho"c' er1 the ohout llO of Scotland forever and although occa i.nonally remonstrating the horsemen in camne Scotch I <,11dna thmk 'e wud hae used me ae clung in inost instances to tic st1rrt ps of the Urcys and were ca1r el fL l th er mto the fig] t L rnr e one of the Scots Grey· from Ayr sl 1re had c1r:.hteen s\\orl and sal re \\Ounds THE NEW LAKE STEAMER the greater number of which t\ere 1ntl1cte 1 '7 by the heucl1 itter he was on the g1 ound drsmounte<l A fe" lays prev10us to the battle he had accounts of hrn fathers death ILL on 01 about lat of April next c01n mm ce her regular trips on tl is ioute bJ wl ich he bec<Lrne rossessed of tweh:e LEAVING h rndr d pornds He aa; s that he saved Cobotug C\;ery morning at 7 30 and Port IIope !us hte m the end only by c ill og out m a.t 9 o clocl tor Rochester connectin0 there w1tb New Yo1k Centia.1 and ~ne Rail v<1.ys Frenc1J o.s the e11en1y 'v-cre charging over for all points East " est and South lum Oh mon D eu man D1cu !vies l<ETURlSING \ms tncs amrn By wh1ch cpntI1vru1cc V.: 11 lea. e Cha1lotte (Port of l~ochcste ) da.1ly ~t 9 p m except Saturdays vhen she v,: n he \ as tu.ken for one of thElr o \ n tnen leave at ... p :rn. for Brighton Colonel Oho1 ey o! the Greys on whom Dealers 1u l:!tock &c v;11l fl ] t1 l:! tl e cheap e1 t devolved on e~t and most expeilitio ui ro lte to Boston Al ti c con n1ond of the regu 1 ban) ~ew York &c the l8th of Jrne m consequcn e of the For fut ther nformation apply to death of Colonel Hamrltoi a1 <l tl e' ounds R Clli.WFOllD of other officers bad hvc horses k1lle l t n Po1t Pope or C F GILDER"'IEEVE <ler h n Yet a lmost by miracle he h m Ku 0 sto1 self eoca[ ed wrthout a " ouud 014 ti st nccom1 any all orders AI\CIRB lLD YOUNG Jn ma.de a" ery good Nev er perl nps says Ah.:.ion speaking of the Hen vy Bngade at Waterloo had a charge of an equal hody of horse achieved a greater succcss for besides destroying two columns five thousand strong a1 d \al mg three ti ousand prisoners we have the anthonty of the ~rCl!t imhtary historian of Napoleon tliat they earned cut the traces and tendered U:,elcas for the remain der of the day no !ewer than forty pieces of cannon -i !railoring ! "Clothins ! Mli :R PEATE, iJII. Paterson.. DAILY LINE ROCHESTER. W In the battle of Bala1da' i tbe Scots Greys dISpluJ ed a, is well known a hero ism against overwhelnung numbers worthy of old Rom It will be remembered that the object ol the stealthy Rnssran attack 011 the mcmctrable 25th of October 1804, was to seize out outer hue of defence, th.e carr p of the Nmct; tl rrd H1ghlnnders ll.8 well as the 1 urlnsh com near Kad1koaf l;Jeg1nnu1g "1th the work on Canrobert s Hrll This Russian surprise begau by the ad.ance of General Grrbb at five u m The rnst ll erd of Ru·s an cavalry tbat our six htmdred dragoon~ had to wedge thnr "ay mto Mi Kmglake com Lord Rag putes is at least t"o ti ousand Ian ha:l ordered Lucan to ad' mce om1 Lu eon had ordered Scarlett who command In the first !rue cd the He"' y Bu gale rode those old comrades and lrrends the Inmskillrngs w th the Grq s on the left From deeue to ease the i 1en helmet plurnes shoulder scalrs stocks tu il gaunt lots bad been lard as1<le The four horae n1en \ ho led the char0 c were Gr Scarlett Alexander Ell ot his ai I de c·rn p be'h ad them the general s order!J She gog and a tru1npeter To.I ng ad,antage of the RueSlan c.valry hultm;; and cager to strike his blo" Sca1lett sounded at once the charge sl1ou\mg Come 01 to the Greyf as with a 'vavc of 1 IB sworil he dash ed In nu1ong the Russian troopers far ahead of his mcu Elhot cutting do vn a .R iss1an offi.ce1 sprang J 111.:.i follo\ved by She 0 og nod the trun1petcr The Gre' s sprea ling almost Into a single line in their advance were rece vt!<l. with a 3.ropp1ng caro1ne fire one b llet d!Sablrng Colonel Griffith who commanded them Bmdes l'vfaJor Clarke "ho led the fu st squadro1 the ofticeIB ' ho charged with the Greys were ti ese Oar ta1n '\Vdha1ns with the second sq 1adron Marley Hunter Buchornr anl Sither Iund the lo r troop leader. of the regi neut the Adjutant was L cut llf11lcr the ser 0 the h~i;oea. thus recorded of Bal tklava, \vhoae scr\ ices arc Serge:i.nt Major Joun Grieve in the he··) cavah) cl nge ut Bal dduva, saved the lite of an officer \\ho was surroun lt!d b) Russian cavalr; by his gallant conduct in 1 Lhng up to Ins rtscuo antl cutt1 lg off the hca<l of one cne my aud dISabling and <l1s pcrs111g the other!:! Se1gent Henry Ha uage, tt the battle ol Balaklava galloped out to the ass1~tancc of pm ate M Pl erson of tl1e same regHnent o Bee ng hun surro u1de l by seven lll c;, sians am! by !u s gallantry chspcrscd the enemy un l saved I ; co i m le s hfo On Jea its \\ere Boyd Nugent and Lennox Pren the same <lay" he1,1 ti e Heovv Brigade \\"' der 0 0.~t coverrng tl e retreat of the hght cav.lry he ':hq 0 a1!i.c 1 o v redly tl e lea lor ot I fted from I s hor e In vate Gar tl J gl s1 lro of t e Oreys lost l t) h 1 e 1 Vt l o \ s d sal led fiom a Sc\ ere l rode to the ll lSS a l ra.nks fract1 re of tl e leg by t roun l Ehot Ser The Svots G1e\s say~ u1 eye geuut l1an ngc tl en c irn d bun to the rear men Its allays the way ' 1 lhclQ meek faced ueople Youn oys ""ll let a lmg o feath ers as to talk to cn1 I ve 110thrng to SO) again Craig on y its · p1ty he conldna be hitched o er agarn and earth """ Immedmtely on leavmg the wharf he hatche l different wendecl his wa; with eager steps to the If yon \rush man let hun )le a bach reSI<lencc of ti e lat! er of his betrotlied and elot rung the door bell His sum1nons \\as ' The common,,,at 1nan \\ho has lus ounce unswerc<l by Amelia in porson "vho recog of sense ot feeling is cousc1oua of the d1,U'er mzc i hrm at once Instead of the hearty o.:nce between a h\ely, debcn.te \vou1an au d greetn g nnd th e t.endet embrace \\h1ch he a coarse one Even a dog feels a difference hnd the nght to e:-q cct 'vhen she ea'v him in the r presence The 1110.n may bo lo in Im labor sporlecl ·habby suit she started better able ti an the dog to explam tl e rn bac \. 111 dismay a.1 cl cxcla1med fluence the more refined beauty has on him Is it po·,,Ylc that, after keeprng n e but be feeh it wa1t1ng so long to enJoy the l\ealth w.h1ch Poor relations are undeniably 1rr1tat nb }OU \Ve1e earning yon nre al)}c to present -the1r exLBtcnce JS so e11tireJ, t ncalled for no better appearance than this 1 on our pa.rt and they nre almost al\\n.) a verv He replied,faulty people I have done the best I could If I ha\ e It drn cei n1e past pat enc.e that 1nuny ot tlecn i nfortunate I could not b.elp it and the n1en-alwoy~ \\ant 1g a:id \\anting and ·hould not be blamed I thought you never easy with what tbey ve got thcv cant would be glad to see me even if I h id sit cor1fortablc u1 tl elr charm wl ~n tht:y 'e 1 otlur g to brrng to make myself welcome neither ncl e uor pn n bit either t, cy wust A preUy idea mdeed I sire retorted stfck a pipe 1n t1 en· mo1 t hs to inakl! em n ) OU have done no better \ban th rs after better ti ·n well or else they m st be ""al k p ug me w ut ng all these vears in the lowrng someth11 g slIOTI![ th or gh thcJ 1e hopes of rurir1y1ng a r1eh man you can go forceil to make buste before the next meal j - I C\ er ·want to see veu again come.a on, ro th s proposition :\.meha most gladly as.'jente 1 for she was not destitute of thoae 1unb1t ot s feelings ' l11ch so often find a lodgment in tho human Lreast Iu due t me Charles started on l s \\ind ing way to :vard bis El Dorado of \Vea.1th with UIS nund f1llecl with bright visions of the ea(';)e and a:ftlueuce that in connng years hould reward ! IS tr als 11 the land ol gohl Tl e lovers h ail a.Tranged to con\ erse fre quently b> the silent language of the pen nnU true to Ii & promiBc Cha.Iles informed )1 s lady 101 e ~± I is safe arrival at the Em pirc city and b1s p1obable early <lepnrtnrc to the lai \of l IB future tr al he also <l1s patcl e,1 a letter to her of hra safety Fre l cntly nuss ves pa.c.ised beiv-; ccn thc1n o.r d at the expiration of three n1onths from the tnnc of Ins umval at the far off home ( l arlcs 1nron 1cd Ameha. that he bad for tunately earned and profitabl) im ested one thousand 1ollar.:i Who can tell the v1s1011s of hn.ppineas that floated through the mmd of the be trothed m her humble homo as she read of hei Jo, e1 s sr oc ss n tbe golden El Dorado and of his prospe1>'s 1 Su'rely for the sake of wealth-for th,.e sake of lrvmg rn a ·tyle infer or to none in th Lt city of ga; ety nncl fnsl ron -she could afford to wart and tl e fact that tlus "ealth was this trral and sac nfice and the proof of the u!Iectron I e bore her would make it all the more dear to her an! be the more thoroughly npprec1ated Who can blame her i( she mdu!Hed rn day dreams I Wl o '"ll chrde her if sh_e al herselt to build arr east)es for the futme 1 rune passed on and though Charles "rote ofteu to his betrothed after the letter referred to \Vas sent 1 ta said nothing of 1 16 s icce!'!s or prospects further thau to asstue her oJ bis contmue I ummpmred health .U !liter five; ears absence Charles agam set hrs face I omeward It was ob·crved by his fellow pMsengers that he maint>nucd a remarkablt'! reticence concerning huuself and he wore u dilap1duttd m ncr's smt Armed at Ne" York Charles male a depo'1t of the comfortable s 101 of erxt; thonsand dollars m the Merchants Ex change bank m that cit) and w1tb b my ant feelings: step peel on board a steamer wh1cb lll a [e\V hot B \\llS to COTI\CY htm lo the home of hrs childhood and to the ~n brace of those who1n he loved best on In a httle a' er a 'etn I on1 1 er b111:1ha1 1 s death he led l er to the altar-made her ,ustress of his } ornc a cl r1\ ce11 of lns heart a1 d 111 ult bis after hie l u.d icaeon to bless the )lo ir rn ,vh ch le d d so Time passed on Our heto s age<l 1noth er slept the sleep tlrn.t know!:! no \Valnng and though this wrl! g I rs l cart w th grief he found a balm 1n ti e 101nest1c felicity that had fallen to Ins I t Hi:;; cons ituents apr tcc1at1ng his '\\ 61t h, repeatedly sent 1nn1 to the legii:;l1tu1c nn<l. his I opulo.rit) con>ltnntl y 1ncreae1ng he w a1' chosen their represent t \e in Oongiess He h\ es 111 the enJoyme11t of a ha1 p· home and poesetises the confidence ot those \\ho are acquainted with h n And what of An eho' She strll llves iu l er ho1ne on the banks of ti c fl 1dson She is ahnost n. peifec~ type of a soui v111 egar laced old maid an<l In"' to bewml tl e mis Lake she m lde 111 gnor ng i1 e clauns of true affection a1 d preferr ng wealth to other and higher cons1dero.hons Render if this true t1le coutau s an oral '\h1ch JOU apptec1ate my pun ooe \\111 ba\obcen achevcd Good Thoughts Wit AND \VISDOl[ o~ en on. .!£ ELlO :.t'I (Extra ts fro I b r Works ) Its all ver' fine b::n 1 S' a reC\dy 1 a le ucl man but may hap1 en hell !Je a ready made fool and its DO t se fillrng yom I ocl els full o monov 1f vou ve got a bole rn ti e 1,;orncr It ll do you no good to it 111 n. spring cart of J our o 'i if you\ e got a soft to drn e ) ou he 11 so011 t lrn you o lt 11 to the drtcl I ul>iays said Id 1 ever rnarry a man as had got ro bra ns for ' heres the use of 11 womun ha\ 1 g brn cs of her O\\r f shes tackled to a geek as c'\ierybody s laugh 1ng a.t 1 She might ae "ell dresK herself fine to sit baok rrds on a doukeJ Some foll s tongues arc like tl e clocks us run on str1lnng not to tell) ou tl e tnt e o day Uut because tl ere s's tnmat \lrong i their o'\11 11 s1de tbe Ile h an l blood folks are umade on as makes the d1ifere 1cc Saine cheeses are mad<> o sl tmmeln11lk ~ndsoi 1 eo nc\v milk , n1 d.1~i'! no T utter \vhnt ) ou call e1 you maJ tc!L wh ch is l'>h oh I y tl e look and the "iell I Folks 83'. ha' e no mind to be o usr lun: e alla) s the luck to be out o 1he toaa when theres anythrng to be <lone I I Its them as like adrnnta 0 e that git 1 d \antage i thrn world I tlrn k } ul s have to wait long e1 ough a.fore its brougl t to ' n, 'i'On en arc iooltljl eni to xnatch bhtJ · ·