I THE MERCHANT FRIDAY, , OC'l'OBE!tl.24, 1873. ~-=-======== ~=;===========~~=-= -========~============~==========~~~~~~n===j===============~========= = == P = O=E=T=R=Y=.== Be in .Earnest.' - _-f:==L = IT = E~R=A=T=U=R = E=.== Theology and Morality.· Life i~ brief ; its da.ya arc fieeting As the bird on 11wifto~t \\ring , As tbo pearly dews of 1norning, Or the rill frotn mountarn spring ; lia.$teS the birds through s]ci es of azure, ])uw exhales in moi·ning';s anu, Duwu unto the grand old ocean, j\:lount&in streams unc:ca.:,ing run. Be in earnest; souls a.re Jyiug, Soulij for whom a S::i.viow· died ; Satan with l~;, wiles il'I trying 'l'o increase the blinded tide1 \VllO by night a.nd day i:ne prtisR ing Downward to the re.:\luus of death, '\\rhere the wail of ' voe Ji.'ltressin:;, Upward floats an every breath. [In the Litorai·y World.] These ]~l!su.Y1:1 which have a.ppea.red in t he Contemporary, the J!'m·tni{Jktly, n.nd elsewhere, arc well deserving of Jcpublication. '!'hey a~ thoughtful and suggestive; they are clearly and plea~t.ntly \Vrittcn ; and their subjects a.re such a.~ interest all intelligent and caroest men. "Tb!.l I>ebta of Theology to Secular Influences/' :Ei.Lepha,nt House. T THE ' Be in ea.rnest; hourly nearer Cur.nli's tho solemn judgu11:'. 11 t day, \Vheu with vision purer, clea.ror. V\7 e'll review lif~' s '\'in<ling way. V a.,in all effort then to horrow One excuse for sloth while here ; Still niore vain remorse 01· ~orrow -J W:it our sent ence will 11'i1pear. He in ean: cst; it is glorious On life'l'l h:tUle-ficld to E't.:t.11d, \\-~Lh the :?, i ~· :l'.:! :;\': 1 1nl vi ctcH"iniu1 Ju our vt~.iting ~-illiug ba.nJ. ; Soou the fierce and fi ery struggle In the flesh with sin 1:iha..l1 ce::i.se ; Followiug close tL e <lin of battle, D:~wns the day of rt.:st and pcac<~ . Crumbs for Chio kens. T he mn.n who was " hemmed in" by a crowd has hOO a. stitch in hi~ eide evor since. Now the cold winds bu:-::.-: o'er }'<'Ur blu1..~ coltl nn~, and yolt lJUt on inore clns for yQu're al· · Juost fruz. The Sp.'.l.niarda say : At eighteen mu.rry your daughter to ber anperior; at twenty to .her equg,l ; but at thirty to 1u1ybody \vl10 will haYe her. . A young 1nan at Ev~nsville coughcrl up a 25-cent 0111.'t"ency note the other da.y, n.nd he has gone right bnck to thu honrding·bouse who~e hash he fonnerly con1pla.ined of. " ].111 thcr, can I go and have my photogra1>h t:iken?" "No, I guel'IS it is11·t worth while." " "\V ell, then, you might let n1c go and haYe a. tooth pulled out, I never go anywhere." A vhysician stopped at the shop of a country apothecary, and inquired for a plrn.rmacopceia. ., "Siri" sri.id the itpothec::i.ry, "I know of no such fa.rrner li vbig in these parts.,, rl'he churches wv-re ,.,.ell filled on S unday. 'l'he shape is an hnprov ement, but the trimnllug is not \Vholly satisfactory. '11hey i;ct a little furthe1· bac:k on the he11tl than the sum· mer styles, wo think. - Dambury News. A Utica boy who a.ttempted to a.n1putu.te a cat's tail found that the ::i.bsence of the old ·woma.u who owns tho cat i~ nec~ssn.ry to the perfect sucoes~ of such a.n expcritnent, Bis fact? looks n.a though B nffalo Biil had s1..'ttled n.n old grudge a.ga.inst hi1n. A South Ca.rolina mn.n rouldn't die ha.ppy until hil'I son had shot n ne ighbor against whom there '\'a>j an old grudge. "Did you hit him plumb c1:iutro?" asked the <lyjug man, nud ·when reuciving an affirmative i·eply, ho fell back auJ death's cold sinile covered his fo,ce. 11 I say, Sa.mbo, can you answer this conuntlerfru1n? S"posin I gib yon a. bottlt: ob ,\-h iskey corked e"Ltut 'vith a cork, how 'vould you get the ·whiskey out without pullin) de cork or brcakin 1 de bottlt:! ? " '· I gibs da.t up." " 'Vhy, push de cork in . Yah, yah ! " 04 Pomp, was yer ever drunk?" "No, I 'toxicated wid ardent spirits 0 11cc 1 nnd d::i..t's 'J1uff for dis dl).rJ.:ie : De Lol'd bless yoll, Cresar, ni;.r head felt us if it wns an outhouse, while all de nib;ge.ra in de world app eared to be eplitting '\'ood in it." "11hat dog of yourn flew nt ine this morn· inrr and bit rot: on the leg, and I now notify y0~; that I inte~1d to shoot it the first time I l::lee it." "'fhe dO g is not rn:M.l." " I\fn.d ! I knuw he jg !lot mad. VVh:tt's he got to bu UJftd a.bout ? It's ine that'l'I 1nad. 11 A little ~rl attending the SQ11th -"trcet school ]1ad her dinner stolen, and no clne could be obtained of the thief although it was sought with tears. li'inally a. mild plan \\'n s hit upon. A tcmptiug dough·nut with u. filling of cayenne pepper was placed in her i iail, uuU the r"esult watched. Beforo noon a little boy w:1.1:1 i:ieen at t he pump \Vorkini.:(it in a lively 1nan1ier. It 8(Jemed if he had two liundl'cd pa.ir of n.rms he couJd have UdCd tbetn, rl'lrn fire \Vtl.S put out, howovcr, and f'nuug l1 uf the str11ctul'e saved to tak(' across the kru~e fnr a few min11t.es. ' Got n.ny mudicinc?' asked a buy entering a dn1g !"tore the other day. ' Yeij, lots of it. '\-Vhat llo you \Vtlnt ?' inq1ind t.l1c clel'k. 'Oh, it dou 'L n1ake any difI<>rcnce, i:;o lou g a."! , it's 1:1onrnthing li vely. D::i,d is :Wn.rful bad.' "\-Yhnt a,illj him?' asked the clerk. 'Dnnno,' said the bny; : but he's ruu down a.wful. He just sits ::i.rouncl tht:i sio\·e ;~Jl day a.od mopes; he hoon't walloped 1nother sinc:u Christn1ar; . I guess he's Christian Theory of Duty," "Vleo.k }"Joints in Utilitaria.nistn," "N<1.tur" and Pray· o·r," "'l1hc Continuity of Creation," "The J3e. gir1nings of th~ Church,"" Erastus andExcom· rnnnication," " Paupel'iem r.s Produced by Wealth,"" Combiniitlous of Agricultural Labourers," and H Oo111m.uniam 1 " make up the ex· pressive anU attractive table of contents. ]14. Davies is known as a frank and vigorous main· ta.in~r of tha·t general view· or version of the Chris-tian religio:p., ""hich is given by the Ilroad Cb.Urch pa1ty. I..fe shares the disadvantages attacL ir18' to that 'pn.rty from 'vhat we must call it."! equivocal position. It advocates £rccd01n of opinion, with the same pen '\·,:hicb hni; signed its nrune to the s1.i:ic~ly dogtnatical Thirty·nine Articles, and it lam.ls teligious liberty from the pulpits of a State Church. It is ~m ecclesiasticaJ party-the fact is indicated by its very nru.ne, and _among its members are ntuned an 1.1n1inent Dca.n, a.nrl a. rational, if not a rationalist, Bisho,P ; yet it has littlf:! or no occleaia1:1tical spirit, <liatrusts the capacity of the Church to govern itself, nnd corolnits it to the governn1cnt of law;yers. But whatever disad· vantages may be experienced. by tb.o l3rua.U Chui"<:h party in general, and by ?t-Ir. L . Da· vies in particular, from the hybrid character of the pttrty, it 1nui:.t, 'vc think, be in ca.ndonl' · admitted that eomc of the most important, seasonnblc, '· ital, and vitaJizing truths on the ologica.1 flUbjects spoken, ,vrittcn, or published iu the present day, emanate from Broad Church cle1·gy1uml, And although it is, of course, legitin1ate to criticise. their position, and point out wherein it seems contradictory or equivocal, common souse instruct1:1 us th.at we ought to make tho most of what th~y teach us, hav· ing respect to its intrinsic \'alue~ and wn.i'Ving questions as to the position or consistency of the tcaohCis. 'Ve are to remember al.so that, if l3rond Church clergyman err through lxi~ Dg t oo little clerical, dogmatic, and theologica.l, other varties in tl1e religious world go to the opposite extreme. If they rely too little on th~olo"Y tl1ere are not 'vanting sects ancl pa.T· · o. , ' mtt ch . " It . . 1 II sa~·~ ties 'vho re ly too )S c ear, -\ Mr. Davies, "that "'e cannot trust the ca1.113e of theolo!!Y to the religious instincts of man· kind, or to i;he expository labours of clivjnes. From i:;u.-:h agencies corruption and formalism aro n.lwaya to b~ dreaded. 'l'lic h'.ope of the· ology is r ather in 1novementa outside of its own provinctt. " 'fbia sonucls very mueh like a. cle· pr1;:1ciu.tion. o~ the rcguhi.r nrmy1 and a eulogy of the vohmteers, by n.n officer in the Guards. Vl t- think thnt 1 if thi:i history of theology a..~ o. whole is considered, the instinct.8 of mankind and the labours of divines, viewed in relation to theological prosres~, are unduly disparaged by 1\1r. Dt.\'Vil;l8, l>utiin out own tt ~e, after divines ha.ve been at work on the Christian r('Copls for nearly two thousaud years, and 'd1en knowledge previously uudree.nleJ. of rel.a.· ting to 'the phy~ical . .....-orld bas ·been pouring in upon us, and when moral and cthicu..l science has made great gro"·th 1 it is 1 we think, strictly true that theolO'JY lu\i) been deriving ino.<;t from movements outside its technical provinct>, and n1ay hope for more from lilf'king a right use of materials externn.lly sup1,lied to it tha,n by tnerc collating of Scripture texts fJr adjusting of theological form\tlas. The first_ of theeo CS· says is devoted to the illustration of ~his propo· aiticn. nfr. Daiviea exhibits, under various head'O, tlte ' 1 debts of theology to secular influ· ences." Jiis conception of the 'Vord of God and the snbject·mn.tter of theology is large enough to embrn.ce all that is true, all that fa honourable, all that is bcautifn1 ; and he "ill on no account have a hard-and-fast line drawn between ~10 Bible, as the sole inspired book, aud other manifestatioDB of God. '~e. "pow· ers of the spttitual world 1 " ho holds, "net and react on each other,?' i\nd theology g.'Lins, in· stead of loses, by l.JeiilB" corrected by \icieuce. It is only tht\ " fungoid growths 1' of theology that science caD injme. A'. few sentences taken . from this essay ,vill indicate lts. g~neral 1 1~nc auJ. teno1· bcLter than a set descnption. '.lho change of attitude with regn.r<l to the l3ib1e, which Rdence is forcing upon ua, only brings us b:ick to tbe Apo~tolic principle. The faith of the Christian Church in its first -days cer· tainly did not repose upon an infallible book.·, " It was the desi'gn of God that the world should be govei·ned by the spirit, and not by volume is, therefore, ex· hihitcd in the face of the 'vorld, to the incredU· Ions dismo,y of th(! general multitude of Christi.ans, as not wholly trushvorthy. The Chris· tian will no longer be able to avail himself of the short and easy tnethod of the syllogism, ' All that ia in the Bible ia truo; tbis is in the Bihle, t11en:;fore this is true., :But the le.as ought to be a great gain: r.l'he '\Vord of God, texts. The ~a.cred "Th~ TIM,_:_ "Good mor_ nin-!, Mike,..shure and it is early out yo aro. Migh t e; I be bould to axe what started yees this mornina." I -MIKE.-" Jist be aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a jiffy. 'Vo SOC \ I was HE UNDERSIGNED in r<ltul'lling th·nks tou!~~ yisterday, that Misther Gray, ov Tyrone, ha<l got home ~o his n1anyiri'onds;.w.d tbtt public generally for the libern.l pa.trona.ge extended to hi1n dut·· an i1hjl1Lnt new stock iw Goo~s, chape ~s dmt,. m~n, >tncl its ing the pa.st 18 years, begs' to announce that FARM FOR _ SALE, meselt could hardly slape a wmk, ull mght, thmkmg av the ff-om ·8lld after the 15th Sevte1nher, he will can·y nY on the same business, but more extensively chape.goocls. And sure enuff, its the full store he has-piles under the na'l.'llc and style of JOHN McLEQll & PUBLIC AUCTION, and piles av the nategt patterns; and he'd give: ye0 the makin's <J1o. Prompt payment of all accounts is render· Olt ed imperative by thi.6 bueineea arrange1nont, av an illigan~ new gown for Biddy, for Siveuty-five Oints ; T11y a.;nd a.ll persona indebted w·ill plcn.sc t ake n?tico for most nuthm, and the Bati'.y for a trifle Jess." PRIVATE S A L E [ and govern tliem!'lelvea accordingly. ' ' TUI.-- "An· shure its funnincr me ve 11re, Mlke · wouldn't tlie · luau be JOHN McLEOD. 0 Bowmanvillc, Soptcmber 4th, 1873. t"b b.reak' '. " · ]~ING 150 acreA, part of J . . ot No. 11 in th6 _ ta \.I er _ 1ng d?'~D . 1 · 12th Cou, of Manvers. PMticulars will MIKE.-" Breakmg down, is lt. Sure he knows "thrick wur th tw o tW 00 sl> ortly made known. S. JACKS, ·[ tlmt. Ih'll jist tell Jd·ou wh>1t it is, Tim, if ye vnint to get a gmte - -- oo--Hampton P, o, name w en you re .ed, and be called a tilirntrofized filosifer and iu·nl6-tf. a public binifacther, jist tell all youre nabours and the ris'~ av p· ~,,lC l manki11~, about Gmy'. 3 chape store, and you'J{clo more for t he ROBERT YOUNG, VETERlNARY SURGEON, goqcl, av your .countlu·y, thar;l i ver St. .P11trick did for ould IreGRADUATE 01<' ONTARIO VE'rERIN.\RY COLLECJ!: land, when he banished all the toa.cls aud snhkes out av it that niver was in it.n ' y APPOINTMEN'l' Veterinary Surgeon to the '\.Vest Durham a,nd D:irliugton Union ~ TIM.-;, I'm, much oblaged to ye, for the bit ,w < tbvice, ttncl ' w-on ' t de Agricultural Secieties. Agent for the Live Stock branch of the J3eatain ye; there'll shurely be a grate run, and may bee l'd p1i.ss .MURDOCH BROS. have opened . out an immense stock of Ne w Ftill vcr &, Toronto Mutuallt,ire Insurance C01npany DISCARDED some, bargains. The top av the morning to ye."-I'm off to Goods. Great care has been taken in buying the Stock, and as nothing Veterinary mediclnes constantly on hand. 'l'HE G·ay.s. CalW from the country :promptly 1~ttendec1 to 1 but First Class Goods liiwe been purchased, customers can rely on getOffice at Gloyer'l5 livtiry office, residence a nrodie,s Jliotel. . ting good value for their money. OLD SYSTEM, Pedlars a.re a1:illing Spectaclea and Eye Glc.ase'li puxportin~ to bo of our make, and to bear lour names stamped thereon, ·we hereby caution the µublic against all such imposters,as Mcesrs Y ellcwlees & Quick are our Agents in West ])nrham ; a11d a. Ite"'·ard of $25. is he1·eU~· offered for the a.pprehcnsion ruHl conviction of all such imposters., try to defrAud the public by ofierlllg their trash as onr make. , LAZAltUS, MORRIS. & co. ."l!ontrc·l, Nov. Sth,1871. n7-tf l'l'h~~n~::e to~~~!~~:ertain r Oct. 1 CHIT CHAT. .. ['l'im Brady a.nd Mike FlynnJ 1872. 1672 O ct FALL OPENING A u t um n -Fa sh ion s ' B - ! Magnificent display of' N e'v ancl (}oocls. 1 E I.ONG CBEDITS, E L 1 OF Bowman ville .Tune l!Jth 1873. tf J._:GR!f,1Tyrone® Noted fo1· cheap Goocls. 0 Pl ff 1 E ALL and "i.11 cond uct their credit busi· nl'&i as follows : ACCOUN'J:'.S will be ,f RENDERED' on th~ A N T I lst January, 1st May, · and 1st September ~very 1n eac.'i cmd yea:r. In the cnse ot iv[n.nuf:.~ctnrers, Mechanics, and others, 'vhoae accounts ma.y amount to $50.00 or over, ~heir note,if agreed upon, will be taken payable at the Bank for a s't ated period. E p H A N DR _ E SS GOODS Pia.in and ' figured Lustres, Plain and Tartan Wool Poplins, Metz Cords Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, and an endless variety of other new Dress Goods. Black Alpaccas, Double lVarp Bluck Lustres, Bluck Co' bourg, Black P11ramattt\S, Bl11ck Crape Oloths, Black Metz Cords. CARRIAGE SHOP (west of the Outa.rio Ilanl(,} King Street, BowmanviHe. MILLINERY The assortment of :Millinery and Millinery Goods is very extensive and in trimmed or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets every taste can be consulted as the variety is so great. The Flowers and Feathers, Laces, &c. we claim to have the largest assortment to be found. THE. subscribe1· is prepared to build and i·e· pair THE Cash Purchasers AND , T Wcigons, Buggies, and Cutters, of every description, ~t short notice, ando · rea.<Jona.b]c terms. RICE & !BARKER , Importers of the ' Carriages Painted and Trimmed. :BEST QltGANS ma.nufactui:ed on this Continent, are prepared to treat witu reliable traveUing agents on liberal terms. They are making arrangements · to introduce some -fu:st class pianos. Ware Rooms at the \Vest Durham Steam Printing H ou e, King Street, Bowmanville. H j '"·ill always get goods at prices cut FINE, a~ our great aim will ire to court this class of trM.e. Prompt Payers on credits short H A Blacksmith's Shop In Bluck and White real Laces and Lflce Collars, we have a large assortment, at prices to suit all. on the .Pre1uiseR, ,.,.ere special a.ttcutiOn is given to all 0 Stock Large Q U Well Assorted ! U A,,.'<D c~.nfage work, and Genera! Jobbing, S 1 Cook, Hall, Parlor, and :Box JOU~T A 1:;plendid vat;iety of ' E STOVES, ·wood or coal. f( ·l' McLEOD &·Go. E s , Our Stuck of Tweeds, ]fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beavers, Petca:;hams Meltons, etc,, will be found unusually la.rge. All wo1·lc done at this Establ!ishment A call is teepectfully ~elicited. H 'N lll <riv i i le, ~fay MURDOCH BROS. 7th. 1872 ]3Q,vma.nville, September 4th,'73 ,T, MORRIS. Eowmanville, Oct. I.st, 1869. -~ --------------,,---- _ 1 : JUNE, 1872. ~=========================~~ - 1873. 'l'be oub8criber would beg to co.ll attention to hh Rtock of - ;, Simmon~ & Clough Orgain C9's Spring and Summer 1 . . ' . mt:: ~EJ I:m.proved Groceries, . DRY GOODS. AND Cabinet Organs 'AND New, Fashionable, and Cheap Dry Goods, 1 FELT, STBA.W, THE Eoots & Shoes etc, :etc Most Wonderful Invention of the Age. J Moses' Electro-Galvanic, Pat. June 2nd, 1868. .A..ttachcd to thetie pa.tented Spectacles a-re two scientifically construct ed Galvanic, :Batteriesunaeen when worn-deli\·ering through the nerves of the head, a soft nnd continuous stream of electricity, vitalizing and giving healthy &C· tion to the entire beautiful syat.em of those parts PA.NA.MA - --o--- HA.TS. Clothingmade to order, tho best trimmings only used; and the lowest price charged . GOOD interpreted by history nnd life, is a grander object of faith than even the l3iblt1. Theology ~ases to be the mere exegetris or documents, and bccotnee an attempt to expla.in. and com· ;::-oin' to die .' mend to the human intelligence the spiritual 1\ gentlc ma,n was sin prised, during the late r ealitiea with whlch men have to do~ The which fol,' frosty wenther, to see his little daughter bring Ne\\· ~Cesta.ment 'vill not hinder but. ('n )urage ,, home fron1 the Sunda.y·sehool, a grave treatii:;f:! us in aiming at tho most spiritual apprehe~ions on "J~a<:kslicli ng ." "My child," sai<l he, of Divine energy. It testifies of order a.s the " t hii:; is too old for you ; you i.:an't inake any- necessary product of the Divine mind in na.· thing < ·fit." "I know it papa : I thought it ture, and the order it poiuts to is not dead or stagnant, .but inatinct with life, and ever wo-t<~ would teach me ho'v to slide ba.ck'.V-nrd." There is a li'·ery-sta.blc keeper in Albany ing itself out in higl1er and more pet:fect fow .q,\ \'.;ho won't let his horses to anybody 1~ithout having its se&t in the loftiest provinces of 00· exacting a pro~11ise that they will drive sloJV, ing, but including in its dominion 'vhatever il'I l\.e. cently a youth \Yho wanted to go to a funer· inost outward and tiiuw.itory." The rcmat'k is likely to occur to thA reader al applied to the livery man for a h 9rse. "1\fy friend, you can have ono ii you agree to drive that these 1:1tateme'nts are of vast jmportance alo'v." "Well, see hm·e, I'm going to a funer · and '\·ide comprehensiveness, but that they rea.1, a.nd I'm bound to keep up l'lith the proces· quire <lt;liberate and explicit proof. We cu.nsion if it kills the horse.,, not say tlmt lYir. Dades fG",rmally proves them; A fe\v days since a. u · wee bit of n. boy" as· indeed, like others of his school, hia method is tonished his mother. She had occasion to chM· rather that of indefinite appeal to sentiment, tiRI) him slightly, for some offence he bad com· than of careful display of logical evidence. He TYRONE. witted. Churley sat very quietly iu hi.a dw.fr takes for granted inort! 'an all read~i.! . .vill for some time afterward, no doubt thinking concede. Neither the ort,hodox people, nor the very profoundly. At la-st lie spoke out thus : physical philosophers, 'viPJ. oocept his ipsc di~it " l\fuzzer, r wish pa'd get aouzzer housekeep· in place of proof. The a!rthodox may reqwre detailed evidcnco for ttle sweeping assert.ion e:r; I've got tirerl Heeing you around ! " that the _.\.postolic Chuxich did not accept an .<\.t a recent ex.Mnination of one of the schools infallible book, ancl tTn.e most consistent, tho1·· itt \V u..~hington , the question \Val~ put to a cla."!s ough-going, and philosoribical of phyaical in· AT THE of er.nall Loya : "\.Yhy is th e Connecticut )liver q11ire1·s in the present day reiuac to admit that so en.lied?" \vhen a b1·ight little fellow held up man is able to discov ar either tho.\ order is a his hnnd. "Do you know, Ja1nes?" 11 Yes, fact of the universe, <n· that a principle of order lnn.'am ; beca.U!SC it connects v~ crmont and New will account for phen;omena. \Vhich we know to Ha.inpshil."(1 1 and cute through l\fa. .,snchussets ! " exist. r.t'Lo most adi,.1 nuced acicnce, . . . . as repre· llTOULD most rcs:i;>ectfully tender hfa $in'~'as the triumphant reply. sented by ~fr. Herbert Spencer, woilld tell you f l' cere thanks to Ins nun1e.roua friends and u blie generally, for the A little girl, in a Ne'v York orpha.n u.sylu1a, that all we can any 0[ the wii~rae 'is that it is eusto1ners, and to the p_ v e l')' liberal tJUpport 4e hae received eince his quarreled 'vith a.nothei· girl, a.nd acratchod her an a,vful and wonderful fact, 'Wltich we can, to Commencing in business ; and liopes by contiface. For this she WM punished, (andJrequired some slight extent, observe, bnt ,.., ich we can~ nued strick personfll attention i.e business, and offering nothing but the puret t articles, at the t"Olea.rn and repent a verse fron1 the Bible. not in the least explain. In }lr. Davies' cs· Being allowed to make her own selectio11, sLe say 0 11 the 11 Continuity of Creation, ' there is inost reason&ble prices, to on.sure a contlliuauce of public patronage. chose the first verse of l">salm cxliv, which is as a. tone of optlmUnu, as well aa ru 1 a sumption J , H. wouldcallspecial attentiontohisvery follows ; " Blessed be the Lord my strength, that man ca.n discern tbo purpose of God in superior 15tock of which teacheth my hands to wa.r, a.nd 1 ry fin- creation, ,.,.hich the highest authorr.ities in gers to fight.:' physleal science \vonld hesitate to sanction. AN A.."fXIOUS 1-loII:IEB.-- " Ephr.Wie1u, con1c }1r. Davies thus runs the risk of fo.llLug be· which !l.l'e sure to give the best iia.tiiJftu.-tion to your mudder, boy, wba. r you bin?" tween two stools, giving satiafnction neitlifr to A well-selectecl stock of "Playin' wid cle ·w hite folk cs's chillun." the out-and-out orthodox, nor to the out aJ1d- D~flUGS, 11 You is, eh? Se(J hyiu·, chile, you'll brokl:! out scientific party. This observation \Y'Onlrl t[EIEMJGALS, · ycur ol<l 1 nudder'a bea.rt, and brung her grey apply n1oi·e Ol' l eos to th!;! entire section to \V"hich hair;; in ao1Tow to de gr11.ve wid yor l'ecklum- Mr. Davies belongs; perhaps, however, be PATENT JJfEDJGINES ness and earrings on '"id cbil ooso::.yshans. would conBider it u. con1pliment to the Broad BRUSHES, IIa.bn't I raised you up in do way you aho uhl Church party to sn.y that it is a con1promise ought to go?" between other: JXlJ"ties, and is 8uro to offend COMBS, "Yeasun1." the ex't.reme men on hotb sides. "Habn't I been kind nn' tender wid y 0 u1 an' Formal pl"oof can with le1:1s plausibllity be SHOULDER-BRACES, treated you like my own chile, which you iR?" dem..'l.onded · when the discussion turns upon mat· SUPPORTERS, Etc., Etc. HYeasum. :' t eli! connented with t he ~utl1oritative moral inkept constantly on hl'lJ1d. " An' i.~n't Iyer naterl rletector nn' garden stincta and judgments of .mankini:J, If the ul· fo' de law ?" timate testimony to be ·~ppealed to is the testi· OIL'S, ·p AINT; "Ycssum.:' 1nony of consciousncss- -the testin1ony of our COLORS, VARNIHSES, " Vlcll, den, do you 'sposo I'se gwine to bab ~e uae oI what is right 11nd reasonable-then and WHITE LEAD, yer morals rupturtld bv de white trash? No t~e introdu9tion of ~oi,1.cal processes ma.y be . , h, d' , t , 'f I <lfar,iensecl "Ylth. ·at.the very 1o,'le!!it pri~os. Y s:ih ! ou get in ue ouse is 1ns ·ep ; an i l'l'o be Ol)ntinued.) Horses aud C: t tle :Medicines; ober cotch you 'my.nica.tion' wid de v·hite trash - - N. ]~.-Coun try Stor theepera supplied on the an"' :no niggar I'll broke yer 1'1.ack ~ead wid n. * Theology and 1\-lor'&lity : Essays on Ques· 0 most ad:va.ntn.geou!! term~. b . k 1 ,, ' ' · tion:,i of Bdief and Pr nctice . 'By the Rev. J. A choicEI selectio:n ·of L,.U\1PS, for sale che:tp 1 ric · Lle\Yellyu Davies, 1\1.A. Henl")~ S . King ani;l Bowmanville. Dt:c. 9, lfl68. ~Ul "Yessum. " , Co. 1873. · absolutely @nd certainly curing Qu~lity -and , Cheap Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve, Weak or Diseased Vision, Neuralgia of the Head or Face, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of the face, Noises in the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, And a host of~ ervotis :Diseases, arising from depression of the ntll' \'OUS energy_ of the system Contribltting in a moat astonishing , degree, to life1 vigor and health. By the means of the soft and. flowing atrerun of Electricity, Giving Brightnr::se to the Eye, Quickness to the Eur, and energy to the Bra.in. rrhey are set with lenses of the finest manufactnl'e, to ~uit a.11 sights, and with glasses for those JJot nee ing Spectacles to rend with but desiring the benefits to be derived from wearing the Batteries; and are only to be had i.rt. this vicinity of New Groceries, :Dollar 'l'EA for SS Cents, EGGS and BUTTER Wanted S· F· HILL ness, 1 CANNOT BE SURPASSED -------------- - -- YELLOWLEES & QUICK. m25 tf BOWMANVILLE ®nutb <tnmhitnrfinn (I])ryan£t FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED J. ELLIOTT, Ma.chine a.nd Implement Manufacturing Co . : Scribner's Patent Qualifying_ Tubes, An _ ipvention having a most impo1fant bea1-ing on the, future reputation of Reed Instruments, by means of which the quantity or Volume of t one is very largely increased, and the quality of tone rendered THE "'ould PUBl~IC DRUGS AND MEDICINES Bowman ville Drug Store. J. HIGGINBOTHAM, numerous CustoJners and the Public generally, for past fa,yors attention to our preaentatock of Furniture, ns we have la.tely added thereto, that '"e may thereby be enabled to supply nll parties who may please to favor hi "'ith a c1JJU. Great inducement~ held out to those pureash.ing at our EetabliBhn1ent, Pictures, 1 Looking Glasses, &c., framed 'to Order, a.n<l in every Htyle, Sa.mples o[ the different kind of 1 Mouldings oa..n be seen at the 'va .. e-room. \Ve would also beg to jnfot'm you 1 that, having pur· 'chased n. 1 'IN re.turning thanks to their respect(ully inyite their WALTER WIGG & SON, Manufacturers, of '\VTOOD AND IRON Equal to that of the Best Pi1le 0r2'anl'.l of the Same Capacity. -----o--.Otu· celebrated" Vox Celeste,"" Louis Patent," "Vox !Inu1ana." " W'i l cox Patent" "Octave Coupler," the ch11rming "Cello" or "Clttrionc t ' Stop.s, and ·- _SPLEND~ _NE\>V HEARSE, t ,., WORKING · MACHI ERY LEFPEL'S r . . .... _ ' " · , h , "vc ~h&ll be rcai:iy 1 a.t .~11, tnne is1 to attend l! unerahi, on s ort notice, and reasonable terms. .N . D. Coffins kept on ho.nd-;r_i;,µd-nn.~le t o order, at the il ' ' -- · NEW -D01lfllHON 1J,ETA'1L FUR111'1 URE WARE-ROOM ~ ; "--: ':"'I ;i--,. ... :-. · ?- ' · r , Double Turbine Water Wheels, And ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS , UFFS, ' --Oshawa.; 'King Street East,oOshawar."" DYE ST A.mg. 26th- 1870. . . ... ,.., 1 11 (- · Can be obtained only in these Organ s. Th,irty-five Different Styles, For the Parloi· and the G/mrch, SEE 'I Ca.stings of a.11 Itinds, ·~·:.z~;,ti'-~A ;rt]mIN"G'S ~=u:~,~~ ~;~-n~I~ ... - -· l . REPAIRS done on tLe The Best Jliatei·icil and Wo·r .hna1rnh,ip' Quality and Vo li1 mie oj-'l'one Unequalwd l - ---·0----- · SHOlt'l'ES'l' \Ve have no\v on hand a largo quantity of PRICES . TO $ 50 0. ---- o-~-- Common and Gang Plows, Factory and Warerooms, Cor. 6th and Congress streets, Detroit, Michigan (Establislied in 1850, ) I AT .THE Bowmanville, Sept. 18th. 1873. l\lanoh.este:r Rouse, RICE & B4RKER, -Agents, LOW PRICES for Ontario, West and North of Belleville AT THE SHOP. BowtnaDille, ~1a.rch that will be sold at 6,1873. tf Bowmanville, Aug 21st, 1872 m47-cll4- -~~~------ -- -~ -