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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 31 Oct 1873, p. 1

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THE MERCHANT AND GENERAL] ADVERTISER pl tform open to tho flee d1scuss1on of all q ea t o s n h ch the go ~cral I blic are cancer eJ. Tl! lMS WE'.lT Kr~m STREE r DURHAM HOWMANVlLLE C re la.tes lm-gely 1n the I ownslupa o.f Datling to l Clarke an l Catt vr gJ t It m a comn1on Steam Job Printing O:ffice Seventy five cents per annum m ad vance The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 .u.AT.ES Ol! \DV t!.RTISINC H 1lf do rn f,!u trter do J0 l1a.ns cnt aclv:crtismnents 5 cts per .line first in se hon nnd 2c per hne each ftubseq lent one 0 column 35 per annum AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. ?V"!1!3!!1'! POSTLRS P AllfPHLETS CITIC ULARR BILL HE '\.DS CHEQUES NOTES HANDBILLS LABELS CARDS 11CKE1S VOLUME V BOWilfANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY OCTOBER 31 1873 a NUMBER IV Mother L lore ~ x 1u o B tthcbrJlle>oc a !gentle touch roll ro 1 dD)Wl) a 11--u e soo er h s If I Should Die To mght fa led to aken ti e t el sleeper n1 J the 1 fe al'.Ju cl ild go to the I oor Io se the Gentl~men s & Boys Garments e\efl: no sten 'i 1th tea1s a::i .she wh spe1s to be tcr Jor ti en added he n I Bl 0 ii I J · to n oht :M:AD..E IN THE her,clf She s so hred and sleepy poor My friend vould look upon my q et f co (lo be Ccntrnued ) GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY· i'IEWES'I STYLES Muta! Life Assurance Society mamma I w II slip rnto bed without Defore they laid it in its rest ng- pl;we Bo vmanv11le J ily 27 1869 And deem tha.t deatl h ad left t almoat fa r nwake i 1g l er HAPPINESS .b \.LL AND VTINfER TIME TABLE ESTABLISHED I840 e are '"nt n~ Pe ous JO\Inl"'> Noise es;ly ti I ttle feet I"" about the Tiau o 1nll leave Bo11manvillc Station ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. the bless i,.,s of a 1 an sho l l seek to ex DY \.N OLD ?i!AN room 111a.lnng tl o needful prepatattons 0 '-.NA.DA 0HIEli OFFICES Bo v nan ville tune as follows ten l 1ts 1 oral bcn I ts to ti e homeless I he l llle trundle bed is dm· n out and Liverpool London and Glasgow 131 SI JA!VlESS'.l:REETMONTllEAL PQ GOING Eh.ET GOTNG VF.ST It llas b en n1.) lot du 1 g tne J Hll'.UC:f J ou1 3 n e11 of taeir acq ia utuncC' ]f ti csc k[lee1 ng bJ its side \v1th a ch ld s trust a1 U OR Tickets 01 1 ft.1mahon aprl) to 8 40 n. m Loo.I 72.::>an I Express ])IRECTORS vere I rn tted 1 ou1 l e t c to sl nro W A NEADS Agent cor ftdeuc e she te t ea.ts 0 [ Father and of hfe to mingle alnor g all classes a d 3 90 I 10 l!:xpr ss 8 40a m 1vlixe 1 "\-VALTEll SHAi>L1 EESq MP Cl arrma.n 7 9.Q p m Bo man Ile J ne 9th 1871 tf 30 Mx l 320pm Local tl c eo al e1 JO n c t a l refi ed fema le so DcNCAN MACDON L'D Esq the '01ce \Vaver~ and the e) s are full ol grnde1 I soc1ety fiom the extreme of lflln Express 9 Iv p m ~iAJOR 3: E 0AMI'DELL 0 B St Hi~ar o Otes\ ll nha,sbetbecer tre·of cety o!Chrslrn loc" lolls a feel g l tears as sl e alJs and please mak.c po01 enccawaydownto the dephs to wl cl RR LOSCOMBE 1 H Ho~oBABLE JOHN ii '>.IDL ON Hawks burr!' Dl t 1hcro the pul c of soc10l an! con ua Y sell to pect o tkpreve tthc1rl [S popa bette1 ao l do 1 t let poor rnnmma get po\crty can go yet in all those chflerent ence BARllISTER AT LAW grades front tie top rot il ot the lad icr ot inercial 1 fe throbs 1no1e elro . )> tl an. e]sP. 11 g into lo" soc1ct; ~1d' c ons1 lulge1 ce !JOLIOITOR L."i Cl{ANOl!)RY &c RESIDENT SECRE'l:ARY -J '~ES i;RANT too b rng ' 'l'berebotl goal und e 1are1 Otlercountc1n.tlr~cto1sotan10 tl nl Then the co>ers urn turned soft!) do\rn soc alp sLur }o\nto1tslo\e:i;most1ound \Ylere SPECIAL FEATURES. 0FFIO.E..;:-0"er }'.[oOlung s Store so,mc flat 1} e 1neans an I lel R ous char:tcte1 fo1 Lt nately c ct for tl e an I the hltlc one ca.,ts a w1stf l look at I ha."Ve n1ct the representn.tlve"' of ba.pp11Les.s tens1fictl in tbe1r effects 'I liE ENTIRE Pl OFITS belong to and arc <livid ns J M.. .tS macoinb 8 Dent~l Eoomd sciul le9.3 are ) oung me I ol o 1 c hes ll c 11 11 e ous ed unonpst the 1: oV. C!JI oldt If. rnruuin and mnrmu s I cant go to sleep Son1e the1e are whoso 'vealth a.nrl s cH1l po op 1 ortu111t1es ot Cb $t D. 00 l le force and \flr1cty ten1pe1auce oroan z..'lt10 " 01c1 \YI le their wn1 out k1ss1ng manima good night I need sit1on cannot crJsl1 o it 1 l p nets \vb1Ie g1eatly mt:lt pl ed LIV.ES DEOI IN.ED DY OTllEI\ COMP lliIES or 0 l OlC to others there be \vh o stand 1n the i;::ame po of te npt ton n1e vustlJ i crea;:ied Ih t tho doots an l ofter rabo1 n..1a11usei:1c lts to all which an eztra P einiuni would be 1 equired can not to n. v ken her Qe aBame 1 at the o -di a y 1-atcs of th s Societ)r s1t1on lutncv rtastcof1t ss \ eets 111ere ic sta c of Ilt en1rntsto e\ 11 <le1clors vlocon1h vtht caal tn.r\. co i;ht101sof \nJ stcpprng IixhLl) to the elle of tb e A l ttle Rh~ me crone Just in trmc uridet a special lll1"1 a1 y&nent And all about th0 b st of L me slce1 er sl e stoopel anu pies cd her lips to arc those\ hom pove1ty w ti oil tis allo I 1 LI c virtuous a oblo tne o[ Ohr ; tan nieml sl 1P r1 e litero y socwt cs ol tt e AfE WirH F Y C01' LE ,.bogs to m I Ul c f1oin tl e 'V ~t uf tl e very bost SrECIAr No.r; FoFEI'I iB1 .E PoLIClES se ed form the p bl c generally that he has com n 1 pi 1 ct aractei tha thut ol ti 0 tri J oc ] Tbe \a u s cl u1cl cs oft r nn a1 na a cl l r sh t e p"l11u cheek But tie kiss of love mg t ulo u >d d ff cull es it t; 1 ='I" ot beat m D.U) quarter mence 1 I s uess in the Shop ne.:xt to the EY l n ler' luch $:Uy 10 15 or 20 Annual ra.;} J DlC that :vJ.11 al Y&.yi! ittadd the test in:ri anlwocbcgoneboiro1s c\.1 tot flng Jlcll 1g toitsse :ic1ot s1 :i.h; tu g1e1te1 ai;::tni1l1sfo11ntelkct1:::il actv1t.} And l ght us it' as wake led the rnotl er and I res5 Office ono door eaet of J Th'I1lnc s ments are Xe<I n1e(1 e ~ch I tJmeut securing a V\i hen ma.k.u1g into mortar Having had se CL&l yco.t'S experience in tl P. degrt!clat on th tn is 1 kc) to occ 1 1 a above r.ll t1 at Ln aluaUle i t tut1on tlle foldinn 1 tI cl J. to b~r Lo ~o n1 ~1 e tn lt its sha:lo s 1 efore so .s to 1 tot t tho s r I ohcy fo1 a s m ass red pro1 ortionate to the I will try un,a keop a goo I su1 ply tr le } e hope~ to sat1sfy all v; ho may fa. or 1 ght of its 1 reeeuco s tnple rural coin nut itv To tl c prt dent X ou1 o 1Ie1 s Chr s ian A som1t o1 seeks l or t s lwayB ' 1ntdl 111 tr d n :unber of I rcn1 ums pa d and /1 ee j1 om. future l mw thncnll Ihat when JOt all come n to buy Oh friends I pr iy to n1gl t rfow man; there arc tl ro g1 o t- t'!.ie ancl diligent ctt\ life 16 ftet}t ently the step to meet tl er 1 ous an l EO ul ne c s1ties ooyn cnt of pre n u ns Well n y \larl g You 11 not be ilisappomtod GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Keer not your kisses for my de Kl colcl brow To the ol 0 ' 1 1 at re It oil rs le>ot onal u eel You wHJ nlwtLys find it dry and fresh Ob Ma nma cxc\011 el the I tile one lei glh at <l urea 1th of our In J 11! osc prng stone to succc s ai;d loitn 1 e ~iODER \TE PEEXIUMS an l most liberal con m49 tf 11· mom1lle Sep 4tl 1872 Tl e ay s lonely let me foe! ti e1n ow Ahd tlrn.t 1$ someth ng bon1ue patl s-nre shcw1 O\er w1lh goldc1 fio vers fzivolo 18 and plea:;ure 10, Dg it 3 often in gs for pro1noti g heart c llt re l le : ny di hons i 1 l q iveu g '\iOlC I went to !\Its So. co1ne along and try this Limo Prospectuses P :-op.osal .E orm~ &c supplied 'lhin.k. gently of me I am tra.vel or -\\.hose l ves scem1uglj sho 111 be Lt t 01 e tl e h1gh road to rui 1 cnle1t i lments a1 ] l l 1arJ 11 tl rea ling D ukc' lmt she ea d she coulJ not pay Jou Dut don t fo1get the money on application at the I:Teatl Uil1ce oi: any of ],fy faltermg feet 11ercc l v th many a thorn Ille ct) islargel, rn<lel ted fonts gro >th roo s for deHloprng the rntellcct ml pow Hou-sof ]el,c?",..tfrom:Ninea.m toFourpm herore to lOtLo a1 d theu I carne to 1be contrn 1ed happy <lream "ho enjoy e er: the .Agenc es Forg ve oh hearts estra gcd forgive l 1lea1 Oorner of (.ll ccn and Ontar;o Street tin r:i else b t hapr incss 11 c r heaTts a1c o. d prosr erity t o the fresh blootl an l vigor er<::i and 1 nui hes in its excellent gy unas b k{)r s 1 l wn1tcd eve o:o lur Ueiore he I or the Township of Dm l~ngton 0 JAMES GRANT 'Vhen Ire:l.mless rest is n c I shtill not need ')'HOS BOWDE!S Res. Sec1 ctnlJ ne er 1v1rmed by this cl cer ng g ace ous young ma!lhoo l ol the country But n in the !ac1l ti cs tor at h e Lc exerc scs t1 ti wot ll speak to me an 1 the he '"cl "e The tt!nde1n ss for I 1c1 I long to u1-:iht Bo\'. 1na1 '1llt; ~fnxch 11th 1871 i 024 tf inust 1vht\t \Ve o \ e 1 nn before be ti cir l veE are a blanl the' e11d ue IJ. ex Vi hen tl e unsopbist catcd Joi: th lea\ es hrn seveicd 1ron1 the le Las1 g au l 11n1no al 1n II T PHILLIPS, Christ an Un ou J S AGENT F01' BOW MA!'\ VILLE HAMP ION istencc I e Lher ln. ng 1 01 dead - useless to r al home \Vb.ere C\ eij 01 e ] 0 ineets 18 a fl cnce Ill-SOI ar Ulc f om saloo s aud dr k C BAURER coi ld trL ;,t n::i anJ n101e Observtir Office I{mg St 1 rom[ tatt i tion gi\:en to saJ.e8 &c on rca.son 11orQtlu.1 isel s to otle1.:i ncghborora frreni:l le oftei feels u the 1 gcl1bs \\eco 1n1e1 lsucl asoc1aho1 s A et ange 1 ard look ca1 ie rnto ti o e) es tlc1nsel\es LITERATURE able terms br.cuu~e they are a::. sl unbhn 0 blocks along lonhnes::, of c1owds a senqe of so1 it1on tl at 1 cartilj to t1 c sv1npalh) of the Churcb of ti e mother but as they 'icet those of oVG h er clac ghter it faded a\\ aJ um\ foldrng tbch1,hwai oflfe thornu0 !f te Oh t impels him tolooksomc\\hcrelorsocalen \\hoso ha1dnoda1 lrotuvul tley arem SAVED Imperial Fire Insurance Co inustl>eana\f1llle tohve tl nctle1 1o;n1ent 1n bs hours ofielax:i.tion fioni carryngout the Uc eficent 'otk We her still closer she said 1 NNISKILLEN A TEMPER\~Cli: sron.Y OF LONDON h\ ngnorllead busness Oftenw1tlo t anacqua ita.nce \01ldurgeevet) )Otng n1an co1 g [l. ' Are ) ou very hungr) Grace 1 ti ~le~ 1 ro1 rtl:-; attcnU.ed to on reasonable terma. There is an th er cl a~::; of the ht 1a i fa111 in the c Ly \\Ith uo Ol i 1stian ho c open to stri 1ger to uy of our c1t1es to see] :ffil a No mamma returned the little one BY JEROME A ANDERSON A otl e ca 1oai:I of tlie \bo e noble art des on (llstobli,hed 1803 JAMES BIGHAM, ily also wl o are closely allied b wea!Lh hm le , 11 11 seek co nparnonsl p m places t10u Vlth ti esc ·xcell nt rnsL tul1ons They w1Lh a voice iune11~g with sympathy but George Hor ton I do love you bettei the way Hl!:AD 0.FFIOF.s 1 011 13roa l St an 1 Painter Glazier Paper Hanger, &c &c to the for1ner and rie er taste of} n.ppin ss o[ 1 npioper resort Ands lch l Jaccs alas \Vl ll Le a afcg ad aga1 st e\ 1 an la no Pall M 11 London than my own hfe a ld yet I can1 ot dare I a.1 l afHnd you are call at the They compnse these 1nean sorhd con t eset b ni on c\ery J::ll le a1 l nn lttply then an 1 rel g ous ben cti t of 1nc1Jculable a lvan GE~ERAt \OENOY FOR UANADA -24 St No I a1n not n1y darhn so 've n1ll 0 not., consent to become J ou1 N l'e unt1 l you BOWMANVILLE era.m en I\il nt ed.l \.11 kinds of 'vork riro1nptly attended to a.nd '7ir papa an l try to sleep teu phblc oner: ' Io cont nt: a1ly grind the all ren1ents to Uegtnlc} IS u 1 :v;:ny foot:::;teps tageQ - E x - - - - - Farm Implement Forwardmg Agency hrn e made a soleu1n pronuse } or both of pray for I o sa.tisfact on guat a.ntet>d S <le by s1 le J ndt motl er and child and poor Res lence-Next door of the B1blo Chrui Subsc 1bc I a.nd 1n est d Capital nnd Eesc1 vc o r saxes George prom se never to touch lhe) ' ho 0ten1 if not rnlanl 11) ~to pnths of s i often to I s cHrlaotrng To Dance and yet be Prudent R W JA~iES Fund t:l nG5 000 Steili g Lan Church IYRO:N E do most ungodl) b1 tok n 0 ntl at ta0 e o a ndo ng prnycd at d ' omauhl c for tl e blcs<rng ol Kmg St Bo ~manv1lle >:trong dnuk a.gau1 I unds int ested m Canada- 105 000 T) 10ne March 8th 1869 ·2 tf One of the mo 0 t pcrmc10us >ar et cs ot Be \erv cruel l 1 ot to vull do l JOUt Bo nan 1lle Dec a 18"'1) nlO For an mstant the 1 ot blooil 1 ,, tled tne h a\en on l 1 n vhJ was so cr1clly \Vroug poor and "eake1 brother Such mav take 11 surances against losSl by I rre are effectc I ou great pleasure in dorn th10 but ti y ore the class we refer to IS ti e popular concert shrtslce\CS orupy0Jr~oll1r 01 n htct 11 go then1 0 the niost favorable terms and losses pa. U w1th bro" of t1 e young rn n ml then sud lcnly out reterence to the Board u London saloon of \Vh ch se'\'eral ex st 11 U is c t\ of to doanyth11g to vo r cost11 eas.)01cnter Scoroelv had they a1 sen wl en ' lea\) 'erv far fro1n L g l ap1) disappeared lcavrng h1111 pole nu l tren \; J DODSWORTIT Ho" very oitcn \\Cl cur sucl ex pr ssions loronto ~i!tny a )O 1tl \ lio 1voultl not the ball roo 11 RINTOUL BROS uncertn l etep sour letl on the wa1k ancl It n)pl1e::. nervous1 ss or lmg almost md1gnnnt Was he the moot L \NK CllRIU ICAES ApJ \lea\ tons ns these- I really Jon t kno v what to do erter a saloon to dr nk w1 ue led by J s 1 neasn ess "1 tl Jo rse 1 to do so a11d yo r Inspector Gen Agents ~1ontreal pro m srng la\\ yer m :ti - - 1 tl the pth the l ext mo1 ent the father st1ggcrcd 1n &c &c can be I roe eff nt th .s office at R Ho'i\ d 111 it is and taste for in us c -1t n ay be 'lt Tallj b e 01 e a1e it e leu\ or l GreJ.t Ilea.'Ycll If the change in Ethel " th In.) self ll !';OC et es ,.,I onld re!!Ular rates R LOSCOMBE Barrister gen to fame and affiuence fair uncl J 'iti lgly \'io vmanville J uly 7th 1870 many oll elS of l ke p irpo t No this a d s iccessl 1ly cult1vatcl-wlll rn the be to nppear tl oro JgLly nt vo 1r case au l for Bowmanville and Vicmity open to h1a1 - was lie in danger ot becoming ha 1 been so gieat tl at she could harcll) !Je n1ay be b t a carele1:1s ob;:,Cl vation spl ere or it~ pern eio lS u fl ence An l the sal1sf e<l \ 1t ho tvauty 01 cox.couUrv with Bov,,rmanville J me ] 1860 3G a common dt unkard 1 Muat be at the 'ery re o0 n zed it \\as nuth1n 0 ompnrcd to th at speal e1 or it r a.y 1 ot l 1 tit ]ooks ver; rn s c i sht enta and vocal fun1 hedat vour dress and a.p1 earance mo~ 394w wb ch hat! t ken place rn George Horton Do not stni d dcclart10n of lus Jove to J 18 1eart s idol be l 01 the manly form tie rntcll1gcnt eye m lch ltkc t DJ rol tablcness a1 l I thUJk tlwe places lS ofte 1 of a Sl l er or character iJle b 1t lo not cl :t lt;e o\ er 1 ct 'T'J e one u et with a pledge of total abstmcnce 1 ,No clearly sho vs +hat tho person \vho UlaJ 1 B 1t w Lh tl e n11s1c a1e also tur isl- ed seduc i pl s a sn1all u 1 ber of tr er 1.:i tl e otl er he knew. her .strength a~ well as his ou:.p and the gentle accents of ti.::n J cnr~ ago we TO made the remark is not as bappy as 1 e hons to vice of a mot baneful tenlency vnstcs 'al ab]c t n e, a LI. prevents 'o lr have i ow tl e reeln g ste1 the glormgjook \\eakness and l 1::i lo\C 1n1;;tb;"1net fullv obe m1Jl t be ~ _,._..,.,'""" TI_~ceit, it" trµe lS free 1 ut its pat kcep1 g that co tar t Jo 1 out nil 10 u l 1ul L1 e harah tQfil§_ of the rem manmc FOR SEED, Ir t l ly n il without iny 001 d1t101 s e ions are expecteat{?p1iriltmll'esllmc<I ng to yo 1 \ l ch is cs cntta.I to i:iUQ e1:>s Good deeds p10motc In1 pmess \\I at are Joi !\\ o np lhlS llme o mgl t AND J3c in Like the rnp1d1t' with wh ch the dee ls a no J a look a k nd "or 1 a c ol ten ot more dri k for ti c be1 clit of the ho lSe fro11 the t od iced to 1 nowoble I eoplc qr telly tl ere for I 1 like to know 1 he gro\\ led fierce!) of a dro\v111ng man are sait1 to pa s b fore value than all the gold ands 1 er to tl ere 1tter ll\e \Hiter, wl o cont n illy Jase 1S no nccess ty to bysk r c\ers that ) O I il !Jo to bed, boll1 of Jou tl rn m uute blS sight cai ie the n emory ol u any a w Id FOR FEED c1p1ent and the doer is a thousLtnd li ues nrot: t1 which tici.J s la lcn w th var1uus not know them before N e>er talk m ich The a"e str cl en wife made no rep!) hut and iecl less} on vhen u.n orig conv1\1al more than rep:ud 111 t.he kno vle l:rie of h s k1n<l.s ol 111toxicat1ng bev~ragcs to a Tiomau JOU have o ], Jt st the ac John McDougall coui panions he kne\v he had far O\ erstep Giace plcadrngly mm creu good 1v1Il toward!'-l ] 13 ne 0 1 boi .£\t so le of ll cse 1 alls a profcsSJonal 'l Hl ntance of noi eagerly Sne nlaj be al Please papa we I ave ha 1 no dmner 11 Ap l lGt 1873 pcd the bounds of snfoty and now look VE J wit r eceived b. Choice lot of THE NEW LAKE STEAMER I ha>e met" th pe ons who o ic could s nger is emplo,ed 'bo n ghtly regales tie lo\\ ed to 811 ppose ) ou wished to know I er " mg into the beau\1 fol eyes turned so 1ovrng n0r suppe1 n atnrna. ani I an<l \Vere so tell at a glance "ere l vrng tor a p upose ti r01 g with the popular soi gs of the claJ b 1t that l er uc iua1 tance ti i ot a ' I r lJ and blusl mgly upon him the 0 trong hcngry B it the gentle to es ll t1 m1 ltl reproof ancl that pc rpooc the Golden U ilc- Do the ompany being muted to JOlll m the tic llar acq n::; t1on to you !\.I ave nll tl iugs tide of lovu like a tornado swept all else Tl cy revel rn happ1 cl on s Yoh nteer contr bnt10no to the my dear boy J enlreat yo not to etai: 1 rn ILL on or about let of Apr 1 next coin from lns heart and er fold1n only mad lened the poor 11 retch the more good unto othe"' l E:r in Ins Cuants, Figs, 0 tnonce he1 regular tr ps on ti s ro te BEAUTIFUL TEETH as drunk us hi! \\rt.S a sense of bis guilt was ness It lS all aro nd them thev are con muth an<l good fello1'sbip of tl e occ1 Lhe door,va_ys nor herd w h 0tl etruenu1 on arms" ith an cn1bracc almost convulsive 111 LEAVING stanllJ bath mg t1 eu I earts rn that s ilub1 eon are alwap "elcorne and \rnrmlJ up thclandrng Ttios1 HJ ly advcrtis n 0 ) Ol i.eH forced t pan h n1 Oobourg e ery morrung nt 7 30 and Port Hopo its energy he wh spcrel J M BRIMACOMBE L D S o rn founta n the} ha\ c al mys a 1 leas,nt plauded Any one therefo1e who posse, Talk with the Hr est\ o 1 f!o\ e gosB! p ' ith at D o clock for Rochester connectmg ti ere You l u j ruoet sac1cd protn se Do ie thrnk setlm ) here all mght JI with New Yo k Cent n.l an I E11e Ha1lways snnlc or n lnnd worl read) und they are seo a. good \oice a1 d a httle 'urutj n1a.y b\ the c1o'\ d est n othc1 la lee wit 1 he moat Teeth Extr&1.cted at Twenty f ve Cent"' Ethel l clp ye any 1 he fur o i,h a s\\ cred Go for all points East \\est and South NUIS IN GREAT VARIETY Roo ns over IvlcOI ng: Br s Stores Jot afraid to step a httle aside out of the r the cxcr se ol one grat fy tbc other to h s d1sappomted of ma denhoo l rather tlrn l Far 1noce 1t and bea t1ful a.s n 1 ew to be I " ' tautly both of) ou HF'.l:URiSING Bo man1 lle Oct 1st 1870 l "ay ma, be to put a sho il le1 to the hearts content Son ct1mes the p oless on sink to this S1tLing·i corners "ell ni d Also Barrels and Iloxes of W11! loa e Cl arlotie (Port of Rocheotet) druly blo vn rose Jovn g trastu g as iltc l l~ o[ Tbe 110thcl and cl Id temfied although \\heel always ready to ass st or tlo a J lnd al singer is a let ale \lto appears ii male pr tdeHtlJ rcq_ 11es a vaot experience nnd a a.t 9 p m exce1 t Sat r lays vhen sl e will the vallcJ ' as Ethel Kane as she stood m lea e at 2 p m for Brighton accnston cd to snch ~ccI es 11u1rkly sot 0 ht n ss to a brotl er V\ 1 e1c tl ere 1s anv coslu1nc U9. \\CH as 11 tie halnl1me1 ts of steady bend so unt l yo ha1 e i ch ex Dea.lers 11i stock &c ' ill fit l this the chea.1 het budal 10bcs to receive her n iprnl vo· · their re spective rest ng placeB 1vh c he v1th an assortntent of cat an l most exped hous ro te to J3oston .Al A poet, dream of perfected ma1 hood seem trouble their hearts arc f llly cot pcns'1.tcc1 he1 o 'n sex but it is chffic llt to ay l 1 h tended yot r acqun uta1 ce \TI 1 yo r kno1v ba.ny New Yuk &c n.t er gro\vhn~ muttering n11d curtin g did ledge of h rn'am\\ I would rccommt d t ed the handsome form at her side An l the same and lay down by the side ol her the hearty Thank you ampl) iepais for garb JS the mo·t immolest Fo1 f l tber mformn.t on llPI lJ to all And these saloous arc i 1 tly ti ro1 gee\ yo to avo rl that most ag1eenble of ball 0 R Cl\A1' FORD not one of the many :tr ends guthcred theie "horn m ycalS gone bJ he had solemnly Da ling-tou 1 a.s n.zatn received lot of But 1 o fe\ stop to pl wk the flowers from dusk till nndr ght ns a Urnl lie1 of gou b It. s not ior a uo ice ut once to pe1 e I ort Pope \\hen he looked upon the bea titnl form of those ce ~el rated or C F GIJ DE!tSLJ EVE promised to love cheru~h and protect along tic h ghway Too often are the the c tv 1 ol ce mformed u bv a cro v I ut trate t the 1nne1 tlc1 t1 s of f h1on s in"B lungston Jndge Kane s d·ughter and the talente<l 01 U m if not first born tl e vcr) t11cescorc ndte1 'euro tipcnt un1ro yotnginen ~ho nn1d reeking clods ol \er es a cl I shall therclote I t oJT Ill) ad ol4 tf young law)Cr beside lier but said rn h s Quaiif/IJ (If the Test of Cheep wss cl ief amoog the sons of Satan such arc the litabl) rn the I msu t of mone) r cl cs tob tcco smoke and a babel of to 1 Jest oath v1c1:: on ti rn subj ect until l come 01 a 11 heart ' They are mdeed "ell mate I paths rn h ch thou leadest thv votaries I k!lo\vledge fan10 honor and \\ orl 11) re 1;1o1 g 111d vociferous El l I lau ~e lea1n tl e l cs lute letter to the ~1 t! 01l 1cct ot fi rtn g B manv !lo De '1. 221d 1870 n12 tf \\ELL FILLED Wirll '.HIE Solcmr!J the lo v spoken 'ows am given Need we ask how thlS dreadful change was llO\\ n Ho\v oitcn spGnt 1 1 : :; igl g a d ~ans of c1 s1pat on all vice h ch 11 al es a \ 1 1ch of course con1p1 :;es the att of sit on earth JO) fully ure the) heard am! re eO' cted 1 The ans" er i .::. that solemn vow mournn g of 11msm 0 sorro s an l botth > g wrecl o[ both body au! so 1 in coincrB cordt.'<.l in heaven A "Jd George IIorton 1n the fl lsh of exc tement and victory was grief selhsh1y ni the heart. Two 01 t} 1ee of tl ese conceit saloons and Ethel Kane have promised to lo>e Keep It Up I recollect of rco.d ng at school a p1ece fia1 nt then metr c?ous attl uctions 01 our fo1gottcn and brokei and with its break AARON BUCKLER honor and cherish t ll death o s 1 u~ IIaa the best and most deSlrable lot of called One secret of a I appy hie 'l be most pu bl c thoro ighftrc The Cbnstian 1ng departed peuce home fr ends occ lpa The Sul Cllbc:r- bayu g sec ued the ble se1'\'1Ccs The dea 1 head system is g1ud rnl!\ Jcce v BJ tl l d [ <lwth she had 'ivr1tcr opening his subject says- \Vere l aent1n1ent of tho con101n1nt) should de MP OR rnR MANUF AdTURE n OF Ten hn1es R111ce the opening of our stor) ton-all DEALER n all the anct es of Ing its leath blo\\ii:; h .. eep It al~vayo 111 lost her only emn n ng parent wh le lw to hve mi life o'er agarn I silo ilcl make it mand tho abatement of this soc 1! 11 sat ce has old Father Tune tolled the knell of a of d fferent "'rades nd surpasses rdl otl1e rn n l thot the people 1m st pay because eh a pou t to <lo a kmtlness to a !ollow berng a!ld rns st that man tr ps so oppos d to \\ itb honor lost his sole1nn prounse broken departed year The world seems the same ho ~1;8 in town an 1 Qountry: Itahan & American Marble as Cutter rn pre1 arcd to take orde1a for And, pub! c moruhty le p t do rn uy tbc stro g toia must pay-for e>erytl ng-ai1 l tl e busy .ceoe of rcstleES turmoil of st1.ignle a~d his selt respect gone ropdly traveled whenever I had the op1 ortumty newspapcia will! nd tier account m it GENTLKMENS GLOTHn'iG and otm · of v1cto1y and defeat life and the do Vll\ ard road auU 110 v, las p1ope1ty truly th10 is one grand oecrct of a happ) aim of the !all A huge and cho cc selection of Wheneve1 a gentleman ' a.1 ta :'.l.Dj tl 1 0 hfe Exper1euce bas ta ght n1e tl o,t kinll Another and scurcel) le s pern c1o~s io the I and.s of tl c rumscllerg h occu1 a death and yet how changecl Ho v many !l.N IMMENSE NUMBER which will be got up rn the p1 bhsl eel wt ether it l !er st tl e p1 bl e pluce of pop Jar nmu scincnt is fol l t1on gone h s fnn 1lj ~1th the exception of nesa ber-iets k1ndness,J 1st as tr le is Gr e\ 111 Monuments & Grave Stones, First Style of Fashion, of its bus est oud most impo1tant actors t1 is one n iser:i..l.>le I ove1,v11at o ts \Vor ls stir up sti fe ancl ca se \\rang b1lhElrd parlors cot nect~d \vith m:i.ny of the or only an i dn ilunl I e is vill ng auc\' ill have passed off the stage and gn en a re ELECTRO PLATED and o l the al vays: on hn.nd of s lpCr or ' orkmansh P and Tl e Cjl 281 ies1 eutable propose to pay Sornel o 1) must paJ for it luctant place to those 'vbo are so eagci ly rema 1 ed of l le to 1 n1 ? She for a 101 g lrng thoughts Every clay preoents ar. op saloons of the cit) at lowost prices Tea cmd Gofjee Bets F1 nit ani MOS1 ll.1£A SONABLE TERNli!! portnn1ty to do a k ndncss to soine persou character of the game only rnalics 1t ti e aud hereafter it ill 1 ot be the punter t me had been kecr ng the ' olf from her and relentlessly lorcmg their way nto the HernisphC1 iaal Dislws At M1 Peats residence on K ng Street The fact that the propose I pu bhcat10n W1 ought or Gast Iron Feneco How have tl e door by 1 er own exertion.:.i but llO\\ through we need i ot step out of our road to ht it more seductive anc1 more dangerous Those On hand a veiy full asso1 tment of Eughsh and begnn1111 0 of the drama not to be aurpaf!se] n tl c ProVIncc would mtercst tlie public ha· nothmg to do 18 sickness and the fa lme of her patrons to fol our path" o.v thionged " th those v; ho are fond of this amusement can point Canad an lngh fallen arnl the low boen up! cte l the or enclos1ag bl ry1ng lots with the matter 1n 1ss e .Ne\\spapers n1e pay her had as we ha\ e seen come to ac II ho need a smile an encourag og "ore! of to the example of man) of' hat ate called JOj ous made tmd und tl c sa ldet ed to re CLOTHS AND TWEEDS pm ate not p1 bl cir ieit) Tbc) arc pub counsel-perchance of gentle adnion t1on the first famihcs wl keep the r prnate &c tu·l want EverJ thrng !bat he could make 0 Furniture Tops Mantel Pieces ] J01Ce hsbed to 1nul e Inone\ for tl c r o\i;neJ<::i and by little odd Jobs went to the clramselle1 bill n1d tables-the cost of \\ 111ch 'o ild Al\d nm1d all ti is chongc d n ac d con kept on hanU or '\\rought to order A call is Humors of the Telegrnph Bowmanv1lle May 2"th 1873 tf bp m33o 29 fos1oi shall we attempt to trace the th1eal aid "1th it many a clollai of lns r ..81 ectfully requested at the wotks ma1ntn1n !1. l oor Jan11ly for ~e\.cral montl s if a ) body wo ild lSe them they m et P"Y Kmves, Forks, &c, Plated the cost ~c·c1 ch l we go to a mercl ant har l carnrngs Aud ,1 e thro gh all thlS King Street BowmanviUe of our story further! '[hen come with me Not long since n count ymnn canto lnto -au l claim the r ght to a s1m la1 enJO) Dana's Patent Sheep Marks an E l o.l to o,ny n the Do n n1on nod use I is gouds lot 1 v i 1 l he p rrposc want and "oc antl ab ise et ll clui g with O tobcr L st 1809 1 ti n ent \\ e 1 eat much of the bealtl ful ex l \\ e will lift the latch ol this uuserable a tele 0 rapli ihce in Bangor Thi i 1e \\Ith a. v1tho t paving _;.nd f e and 1 un lrec1s of HESE MARKS ARE THE CHEAPEST old h ellrng Softly very soft y See ti ere all tl e lo"\'e of u tr1e won1an ti hea1t to her inessage o.nd asked tbnt 1t be se1 illln1e erc1se aoU n1e:itul Pt mulus an l d s ip l L e of othe,,-the p bl c-emploJ a luw,er abo1 t the most lasting the least troublesome and is onlj a ?ian wasted won1an who jro1n wretchcc l h isbaud I oprng ugu nst hope for d1atelj In aetault ol personal expert Ine operator took the message as the game most complete eyer invented. 'I hey are t sed a street or other l igh,vay we pay tLe la\v b s reclamat1or cnce oflts benefits or the iever e w beg a.nd recommended by n a.ny of tht best Breeders sheer exhaustion has bowed her head upon l snal pit bis instrument 1 co nmun1cnt1on yei The :lodge is ve1y tireso1ne 1t is ve1} 1n ti e Un tcd Sta.tea and Canada. such as G B Muther" id cl rd sle1 t i l 0 ht, t10uhled with its dest1nat1on tlcked off the s1gnals leave to quote the follo11ugrelerence to a Lor1ng.l. Salem Mass. Pres <le1 t l'>I ew England au old table and l S per! ups lll d1eamlon J old and \\ e hope to hear o[ it no more fo1 Wool l:*rowcrs Society John S Rof:!s Henne treadrn~ paths of love and hght she may sleep "h1le he lay rn a drunke11 stnpor' n u po 1 ti e ke, and then accordrng to the recent articl e ou the sul~ect by a contr1b p1n Ill Professor M Miles of the Sto.te Ag t1l mornrng and then awoke soher but with r llc of the office l ung the n1essnge paper to the Giapl IC newsp·per - He chmgco e\er If you v;ant on1e scheme i;ent1lated Can this ill clnd sor i1cult lral College Lansu g 1'I1ch Hon Geo here n e"rer kno\V whether it mterests yourself alone or thou Bro vn I oronto Ont John Snell Edmonton row str ckcn auffer1ng woman be the l right a bu ~rng mtolerable thirst i pen h1w He on the hook "ith others that had been pre that the persons who habitually man Jes I [E Subscr be1 would respect( 1) infor1n b i! Tl e g eatest 1 d best as ortu er t fWCt seen iu sands you and ) o 1r tI ou~ands nit at not ex 0 t 0 1 ea b J\'.[a. k a sta n1 od the o ner s Tl)Wll N 01 c to excel it ancl lrnppJ Ethel Kane of onl, ten years gla1 ceil at wife and dill s Ibey lay i their v10usly sent Lhat al 1 0 ! t they m1gl t all the lUO t lUterest Ill the gau1e UI d r tc 1 1 umero s c stomers a d the] blic general nnme and the Sheer s nt mber I he) ' ill be l cct us to I ay the cost -llienph s Appnl ly tl at u1 connectio l vith 11s It cam ot he and yet theie r guft IH g 1nnoccnce before hin1 ar:d 1 s he1nL be fled for prescn nt on The man lounged p ayeis am persons usually of the lo 1 est sent f ee by mail v1 l:'xpress for o ly fo cncts ·go I ach and -n ill last for '[ \ ENTY YEAU.'S lu g~r1ng traced of lovhne~s a remnant of troote l 1 1 a;::. 1 e remetnbercd little Grace:; arot: ud some tin1e ev1dc1 tly t satbfieU type of countenance tl e best profe s1on1l ~ must accompany all orders M u:f!lmg the Throat worls Mammo and I ha' e had no dmner 'At last says the nnrrato1 of the mc1dent playern a1 uoual!J bill arl ma1kers a chss the old bcautv that ells us it rnu,t b J e bas opene 1 p a large a.nd AUCIHBALD YOU:NG Ji BROOCHES EAR RINGS &C recrtuted fro1u the most sh1ftlesi:; worth nor s pper and \\ e are so hu 1cilY 1 Bit An old clock on the mantle is telling the hlE patience " a<::i. exhaust cl ind h belch Wl aL is the 1 est rr ode of p otectu g th e Sarna Ont Well assorted Stock None to s rp lSS them Selected by myself at Orders a Idressed to the !i.1EIWHNT and OD hour of ten so slo11 ly and softly that lt the deiuon of drink wae. still his nia3ter and ei out Am t ) ou 0 omg to sen l that ells les i ~norant c1aso of the community He throat from col ls '\\here a poison is vei.} the 1nan factories ln England SER\ ER Office for a1 y g ui.uL ty vill be tilled u.t oI Ready \Vork selected from the The operator politely mlorwed po -:tts out also that a bar 18 almo~+- an in ::; iscept1 ble to the1n 'l The con1n1on \vn,y the above mentioned pr1ce as qwckly a-s tbtl seems to fear it will \Vaken the sleeper he arose a1 cl tottered forth to go to the patch 1 Marks can be inade and a nt Let us glance arounQ. t1 c room An olcl drarnshop to quench h1s bu.1'111ng thirst It h1 n that I el ad sent t Noyer ant re deHpcns1 ble nccon1an "D.ent of the bL!hard for protecting the throot is to bundle ancl ~ESTMANUFAOTORIES, C BARKER w°' alread) open and ieaily for its harvest plied the indignant m tn bureat a co.nmon deal to.ble a fc\V rickety t11ere it is no\v room nnd tl atJts assoc1nt1ons arc corrupt wrnp it up closely thus overbeatmg and which h~ offers for sale Bo ·manVllle Dec 28th 1~71 ly m13o lhe Choic<>st of ip. ad es GolJ. and Sllve1 frAmes. rng Did any one eHr kno v a billiard rendering it sens1t1\ e and more liable to chn rs a bed nnd a fe\\ cook ng utensils of death but as he reachecl the door the on the hook Laza :us l\101ris & Cos on.hand to tit all s1i;hta. So far as the exact use of lnng1 age \\as roon1 \V tbout a bar 1 complete the h st of fmmtu1e Not a srn wurds of Grace seemc l ag:uu borne to I is colds and mflamm 1t10n than before Th · I hese I ' ill sell at re lui.:t:d 1 ucca D d a1 y 01 e ever know a billiard roo n pruct cc s n11 wrong flt cl iesultE; 1n 1n1 ch and concerned the man t\as r1ght Shll 1nore gle appl ance o! lt 1 y 01 C\ en ol comfort, ear- Mat n a unl I are so 1n11 0 ry f:::rl e 1 m " ""' "'11 exnnune the Vi 01k and Judge '.for :) ouri:ocl\ ts A LARGE SUPPLY OF -oplay fo e\ll Especially is this tl e As le Llil so tho vo ce ol the luhcio 1s mu~tal cs ,son1et1mes oc :u 'Illus vhere pla> crs do not hub tr ally except perhaps an old Bible ancl a L cl he paused tSe "ith N the TOW!" SHIP OJ DARLINGION of faded flo 'ers that looked\ ithcrcl arnl ha1me er came to lns earn "ith '-. JOHN HELLY ill the drml I '11 e Gra1 l ic co1 tr buto1 pro cl 11 lren and ' lieu m add \ on to 11 111 0 the Ge1ma l pnpeis iepo1le l that at Oail on Lot No 11 9th Ooncess on about 83 lyo:on· Apnl Stli 18 3 n "7 ti lh tt ho e a1 d lot of Hortons 1 cs cul e to11arl the close of the late 'ar an cee<ls w th his m hctment charg g th t ol tile Un oat th extremities are insufficient Acres of Good Land in a convenient place "an a thougl o t of S) mpathy fo1 the \V)thlu three m Jes of tl e \ illages of Ent 1sk.illen lone]) nn les (ROGEUS MA 1rn ght close o rn nc md Ill ha vc tbcm 1 c ugcd motbeJ ca 1e to the telegmph offi e the gan1e ia nu unhealthy o le aQ exerc1~c ly dad is is oftm ti e caoe the best poS> I le r Can thrn he the 1 ome of llaydon o.1d ]'jronc an] n t e miles f om the carrying a disl fo l of sauorl raat \v] ich it a1nouuts to notlung tL.e h eated gaslit condition are I resented for the prod ict1ou REMOVAL Io vn of Bo If anville Ihei:e 18 about 5o ac1es her that "as reared aver) pet 1thel1p ul fore tl J?Ce niontl s rolls over n1j head clen.rcd an 1 n gQo ] cult vat on the rest in kxury 1 Great hea>ens ' Was thts tbe man who she desiretl to have telegraphed to ltasta lt couh ed a r 15 noxious and the, te tlenc ea of sore throat coughs c10np ancl all krncl" MARRIAGE LICENSES 'Yaluable l1mberelLand rhere is a la1gc R D \.VIDSON hns remove 1 his res de co ' th honeye<l "or ls a~d m>D) emph t\Ic He1 soil must recene th e kraut by S mday of the game are phySlcally as well as n or ot throat affections If the neck is over ~nd Surgery to the late residence of John Haik Tbeie ia a step con: ug up the .ERAME llARN and FRAME HOUSE neai ISSUED BY M l 1e ~wq ~ 1 the Market Square ly new \Vlth a good \Ve11 and Soft '\\ ater C1s \rnlk a cluld s Jootstep and yet 1t 'eems protestations that he \\fiS l 1s best fr end ] mally it is nothrng heated ~ portion of the tune 1vhcn 1t a ex rhe operator could not COl Vlnce her that ally corruptrng m n31> tf tern attached Also a SPLENDID YOUNG JOHN J. WILLIAMS BE posed so1ne forni of d sarrange1 ent of the UING ORCH.lJlD and a neve fa1lu g to tread slowly and sadly as though op l ied h n day alter day into Im den 1 It the telegraph was not Co) able of s ch a per more tha11 pla) i~g marLlea' iih a stJck office Pickenng Spnng Creek St ndjng rlose no\\ he fo1rnance }lo'\v cot:. d so rnany sok11ers It impro' es the mm-but for wl at nood throat will be apt to occ r The r le m pressed b) sorrows 11'C gl t Gent!} tie certa lly \\ns LICENSES Cherrywood Post "'MARRIAGE 'Ihi prope ty w 11 be sol l cheap l or Ont 1 "' e been sent to France by telegrarb ! she partrn ilurly 1 What benefit I> it to mu 1 regalC\ to clot! u g tho neck should be to latch ia agam 1 fted an a 1 tUe girl ol eagerly listened to "bat followed urther po.rt culo. s np1 ly to ISSCJ.H Di EB IOIE that he knows where to punch a ball rn or keep 1t as cool as comiort will a lo v Iu But you will deprive that poo1 'oman asked 111l:fi1 lli depa1ted gr mblcng per! 1po e ght simmers enters the room RONDUu P 0 Ahnost ev e1 v operator n1ccts ' ith cq :i.l der to rna ke it gJ s far Ill tr 0 ven d u:ic do ng !')0 'o l \'i 11 s flc1 u1u h le s fr01n And ii tie lays ol sp tes and fa aes e1e of a roof to cover hi.:r l end 1 ] ct ie1n be.r Bo ARMOUR County of Ket t 01 t 1ntf n:14 f1::nr not loug s nee past vc oultl r, relv Uc she i.s T <l 0 e l\..ane s daughter to' born ~ou lJ a.musing 1nstances One ieccutl' l 1 tel t Oil 1 Tue game lS un1ntellect 1al-t de tnro1t "'ilru<'nt thaJirJ[ \OU are nl a RADUATE of the U1 i;er ties of Jrin1ty o ;\: e j our O\ n eta t n 1 fe tl e following nc1 leut A gentlen1a l came velop· neither the m~themat1cs nor the iu ef ha-rug ti. l1tLle c ld k- I co c in cou heivc tlns to be n good angel sent to cor Colle0 e roronto and V uto a. College Co MARRIAGE LICENSES CUSTOM PLANING bourao L1cent ate of the College of]: hjsic ans None of lhe i ct \v1 th )O tr ni.::cl lort the poor gr el str cken 1 eart b fore h r An\. o e who has It v ts tho i::.cll~i: 8 fe ' ho s1 oke o mv oft c to send a 1nei:::sai;,e n d uHer hu1nunit es o the nund 1~ue<l by and !:;urgcons Ontario 1 gher 11e till fa ulwes am called 11 to plaJ Dun t c tre a d-n whose tla gl te1 sl e ' rit1ng it \ n tcd us people often lo t Soltly she goes to the slcepmg one and ~el?n 11ec1". 01ned to have b u1oaL In-um.:.d JIE S d.>1:1c1 ber is 'Prepared to fill all order1:1 W R CLIMIE Office Km., Street one door 'vest of r for custom p]anmg &t shortest notice I wai t enrn" offices to see it sent I called Office ty it and no man is made better bv its ex ·hnld be core ti to leave off g '" e1ly anl Co1wsb s J~ elliyStore Bowmanville la,s her hand lovm 0 ly on the 'eary is hue! led the son of Sa an At the Statc111nan Office Bo?.'Illan\:ille !HOM \S SMlfI! that lot and I rn gorng tp have it, too Ole! audlthe operator at the o 1e1 end of the erc1se not all at once -H.rakl of Health bead Bowman ville :Nov Uh l y 1868 Bo vmanv11le April 30 1872 018 m31 ft Darlington August 7th 1873 tf POETRY RELIANCE F New 'I'ailor Shop. ;;-;n;~ ~;;s LIM~~ JOHN HEAL, L ;;:i AUCTIONEERS W:m.. Barton, Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders FEED :I\1ILLS. To Masters of L. 0. L B ARRIVAL! WESTERN CORN ROCHESTER. CRACKED COBN, T. HA DARLINGTON, NEW FRUITS, Raisins, "NOESEM: .AN W Dates, Lemon, Orange and. Citron :E'eels_, :Beau'tiiul Candies, CHOICE BISCUITS l"C':Wi! LEAF TEAS, NEW STORE, CHOICES1' OF G-OODS. 0 BOUNSALL, 'I'ailoring ! Clothing! l'EATE, I ·nWATCH ES CLOCKS Q T. Paterson. '"fc" TYRONE T BOOT & SHOE STORE SPOONS. SPOONS. T HOME-MADE 'WORK:, Gold Chains, Rings, SPECTACLES I Verv ,, Low for FINE CUTLERY, FARM FOR SALE. I D ma~~~=~~SG9 W, S, BOYLE, M. D, G T I '

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