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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 31 Oct 1873, p. 3

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THE MERCHANT, MONEY FOUND. roem of Phillip's Ilotd, Hampton . 'lhc loser can get it by c.', proving property, n.nd })ayiug coat of advert1se1neut. OCTOBI~R 31, 1873. : 1873. -Q- l873. ---o-~ A sutn of money Jui.s bo~u fouu<l. in the B:u- HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. an ucrc of land, a.t the corner of Ont:.u·10 and Albe1·t strocts, :Bo"'man,villo. th e prQpcrty of \\'illiam Jeffery. There ia a good well, excellent fruit t roea, vlood·sh.~d, stable, etc. For particulars, apply to Mr . Johp. J~ffery, Ml)if!on, or to J, :Milne, both of Bov,rmanv1llc. ~ Bowm~nville, rrrIA'l1 Rough Cast House, and q11arte~ of DreSS Goods of\he HATS, OAR s Newest Style., AND FURS! MARX'tTS MA YE:R respectfully announces a FA.LL STOCIC. - --o-_- ANDERSON & GO'S :BOOT AND SHOE EMl'ORJ:'fJ'l\i:. MEN'S GAITERS AT $1:50· . Olts --o-- Have Yott seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons? Ha:?,ng eccived:. la.rgc portion of QlU' fa.11 and winter stock o( boot~ .'.'Lnd shoes, we :ire desii'" to .turn them int o ca~h, therefore greater ba.rgalu~ than eyer will be giv e11. C;tll early ;vhilti the st0ck is lru.·ge a.nd get h1trgai1u1. 13 Ang., 1873. m4o\!, LARGE AND VA.RIED ASSORTME NT -of-.. ... · Also a hLtl{o Btock ~f our own Inl\onufacture, mtlcle in the best style and of the best niaterin.l f.m.itable for the Fall a.» '".Jnt e;· traJ.e. His stock of Furs · ewbrac~ From her fat.ber's house, near t h e 1ro,vn Line, l~t\s t '\Vhitby, on Tuesday afternoon last, a young woman, about 35 ye:m:i of ag:e, na1nc:1 ns well as necessaries in t he department 1vinry Oonner. She ha~l on . a plaid flannul dress with a. handkerchief tied around lier - obeacl '. She has been subject ,to fit$, and is of His Gents' De~artment is equally well supshnple mind. Any pt:lrson hav_mg seen her, or knowi.n..,. of her whereabouts, WllJ confer a fn,vor Uy givil~g information to ~ N '11 · 'J'. C0LE~fA , :Bo,vmauville. WANDERED NC:W GOODS Rubbe1s in Great Variety. Gratefol TholL5:u;,!ls vrochti m v i:KEG AR .RrJvl'EltS the 111ost \ronclcrful In- ALL THE NOVELTIBS, GREY . COTTON of the best n1ake, int:luding the celebrated Sara.toga., and other Trunks. ~ ; vi gu rnn t. t.ll ut e:ver sn.s tnincll sy::;to.µi. tl11..1 ci11ki11g ALL · CHEAl' FOR CASI-I. Reed's old Stand. Bowma.nville, Oct 1st, 1873. ' ;.AT STORMONT. lOct Cottons at '- Cowle's···Splendid value. · ' plied with - o- Oct. 23rd, 1873. ·Muffiers, Collars, Shirts, Braces, Scal'fs, Uip.brellas, & c. H is: If n.t anJ. Cap department, as _}.l SU nJ., i · r eplete with the STRAYED·_ l't01YI'the Subs?riber's premises, ~ot )[o, 4, 8th Con. Darlington, a Grey Ife1fer, threti y1.:ars old. Information left with J1r. (!-ray, Merchant, Tyrol)e, will!be,thankfullyrrrcce1ved. · of uncqu~lled . WL'l'HOU'! IEETB To the Inhabitants of :Bowma.:n:ville. I a.m about getting a repair. ~ilious1 Rcmi ~tent aml Intci:rn1ttcnt l' cvcrA, wbiph :we so preni. lont iu the -,of our great rivers tlirougbout t llc U11iL~d States, especially those ol' the hlissi& sipp i, Obin, :!ltissonti, Illinois., Tenn essee, Cu11 1bcrland, Al'kansas, l{c d, Colorltdo, Brazos, Rio GraniJe, Pen.rl, .8laln11na, Mobile, Sava.una.h, I~o anoko, ,Ja1ncs, and n1any otllers, \vitlJ t,beir \'c:tst tri!J1Jtarics 1 throughout our entire couutr.r tlnring tllo St11ntncr n.nd .Autnn.11 1 , and rp111arka.bly so duriugsensons of nnus· n nl heat Fiinc.1 dryness, aro invaria1ily acco1npa11iod hy cxtonRi\.~o de .. l'fLJJg'ClJJc'n t.1 of tho f'.ton1ach n.n<l lil'Ol."1 :rn rl ot~ alJtlo;nipcl risccrn. tlleif' trcnt n.lrnl,.t 1n. pu1'g'.,. t ~vc, cKcrting a. poi;\rcrf1il jn Uucnc.o npon these yarious 01·~nli S1 iG . c ss!~ nt.:ally ucccssary. 11..'hcro 1-::; no cnt11n r Lic fo r tho purpose cqnnl to Dr: . ,T. WA'r,Jrnn's VINEGL.Jt llrrr1rns, as 1hQ .Y will speedily romovo the darkcolorec l ri8cid n1a tt c1 · ·"·ith \Yhich the bo\Ycls n.rc loade0~ nt tlio sa111c ti1no according to cl irei;tions, an{l roruain long mmoll, provided t!Jeir lJonos arc not destroyed JJy mineral poison or other means; and vital organs wasted beyond No Person Crtll takQ these Ritters .SE p._ T E lVI B ER 2 6, 18 7. 3. -· · OtTR FALL S'I'OCX ~ F VARIOUS STYLES, A CALL IS RESPECTFULLY S.9 . LICITED AT THE CORNER STORE and intendi ng J1U1'eha.sers 'vill find no bettei· stock in the coun try. DE NTAJ.. BURRING ENGINE, WITH TEETH J. HALLADAY. PY. whirh I ca.ti" I S N0 W C0 M P L E TE. ------·- Darlington, Oct 23rd, 1873. ru8 ·3in. NOTICE Trespassing in any way v,1ha.tever, ~':.the property known as the Downey and Lilley Uarma, 'in this rovtn, will be prosecuted as the 'D ALL KJNDS OF FURS ALTERE AND REPAIRED. in less than half the usua.l time, S'l'Yt.ll: and Q'C'AI.:t'l'T Fill a Teeth nJ. " 'itb l ess pain to t l1c pn.tiC'nt than l1 er otofore, and that J have procured a New- :.11nd. :In-I.proved appara:tn.s, for genera.ting- N i\.l'OUS Oxide Gas, by which I can now A NY person found Shooting, Fishing, or Cash iior Ba.W' Furs. lli. Bo\VllHlnville, October, 1873. STORMONT L a.\v 1..lil·ects. W. M. HORSEY, n13-tf. MAYEJl. Bo\vnianYille, Oct. 23rrl, 1873. COTTON BAGS, '1 H E .. 1 , ' EXTRACT 'l'EETH WJ;TI-IOUT PAIN. ARTIFICI AL TEETH; BEST UPPER SETS, $20:00 do. GOOD do : $16:00 In 'VE HA VE ~I'I-IE GREAT.EST VAHJE'l1Y. FARM FOR SALE. About 70 acres under good cultivn.tion, 15 acres of prime \vood. A good stone house nud good out b uildings ; fine \Yater privil~cs, \vith t wo wells 1 one in the back kit chen . 1r wo crchnrds one newly p lanted. 'l'erms easy. The la.nd may be entered upon im1nediately. "For particulars apply on the _J1remisca. m45\f. JUST Alil't.IVE:O -at t he - ·· loo ACRES, 8th Lot, 3rd Con,Darlington. . Ill ' BEST the World. . Bow1nnnville, October, 1873. J :M. :Sri:m.acombe, a _ YOURS HESPECTFULLY, CASH. Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont . Our Goods are :Setter Value, and Our Prices lo~rer than ever NEW MILLINERY., Latest Novelties in Hats and Bonnets. EVERYTIIING NEW AND FASHIONABLE. FASHION . HOUSE Fall and Winter :t,ashions. sti111ul t\10 &oc1·etioos of tllo liver, fun c ti on ~ of th o d i~~·es ti \·c nn!l p;cnerally r estor ing the llcalthy SpcciM Line of COTTONS ·afr COW LE'S. ' RICH'D. SKINNER. FOllr SALE. on lvfonday n ext, a.t '£. Lyle's sale, a young, \Vell·brod Can·ingc Horse. and harness, nearly new, wrapper nnd whip included. 'l1erms c:ia)1, J . C. BA'l'ES, Proprietor. NEW MILLINERY, HA TS & BONNETS, LATEST STYLES IN TRIMMING, &c. l\TE W GOODS · , by p~ 1l'il)'i n g all it:) !luitls \ri fh V.un~GA.R Fmitif.r Ht() lJ(Hl.r ngaiust di'~caso IfeaL!- 01·gans. H1·1"1·1rns. No epidemic can tako !Jold nch c, Iain in l htl Slwultlors, Coughs, of a. ssste1 11 thns forc-arn1ed . 1\l'ilgC!)S b Ill' l mHg·cstion, O BE SOLD T Also Buggy lwk. Dressmaking .iu DlOr;t. -0- · READY-MADE 'J'i ghtncss or tlio Chest, l) iz:dncss, Sour CLOTHING Good and Cheap. My New Goods have Eruc t:\t:ions of the' Sto1n nc!J, J3nd 'l'asto in tho 1\fontli, B i livus A t t.ncks, lJalpita- fa:ihionn,ble and latest styles. A splendid a..<;sort1ncnt of NEARLY ALL COME TO HAND, and the assortment will be found t ntion of tbe ]fen.r t, Tn,flau11nn.tinn ofPJrlJo IJungH, l'ain i n tlie r eg i<Jll of tho 1'.i.ia i1cys1 :uid ;~<l (:tlHJl' p n.i11ru1 sy1np~ t o:ns, ii:·c l ho ofh:;pr1n gs ot J)yspepsi n.. RAILWAY MEETINGS. Knitting, Berlin, and other · Wools. A lso latest styles iu Clothing Made to Order It is a well-known Fact that Cowle li,as tlle best l'weeds in the country;. },rothin9 0110 1Jo1tic will 11rorc rt !Jetter gunrn..u tco c 1f ils 111 0ri ts than a lcngtliy a<lvcrtiscn1 e nt. CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK. WE THINK IT NO TROUBLE TO SHOW OUR GOODS 'l 1J"Tone School Housl.1, T h ursday Oct. 30th, BELTS, COMBS, BRAIDS, at 7 p. UL SWITCHES, AND CHIGNONS · Hampton Town Hall, ll'riday, Oct. 31st at ' a.nd a largO,t\880l'tment of l!.,ancy GooU.8 ke 7p. m. Osbo1·ue's School House, on Base Line, on con13tn,11tly on hand. Tuesday, Nov. 4th, at 7 p. m. Bradley,s School House, 7th oon., on '¥edI·::u-tioular attention paid to cutting and n esday Nov. 0th, nt 7 p. m, ting. Stnmpiug done to orde1·. J.i.:nficld School Honse, Frida.y, K ov. 7th at Enniskillen School Hou&', Friday Nov. 7th, a.t 7. p. m. 'l'he object of these meetings is to discuss the Question of granting a bonua to the Bowman· ville and Georgian Bay Ra.ih\1"1ty, as pl'oposed by the By·la.w ROW before the Rate !>ayers of Darlin gt on. By order , MEE1'INGS will be held in the PUBLIC ·rowuahip of Dnrlington as follows : RUSHING'S, and otlier FRILLING VERY COMPLETE AND l:lc1·of1 ib, w lriiw's El'il, \Vh ito S wd li11 :x. r;i [JJc~cr:-i, E1·y,-: ipc1aR , S \r1.. lJcll -:Ncck 1 Goit.i\1 1 l111!a.n 1mnt.i011x, ,;.\{erc ti ria.l l.ffcctio nR Oltl Sores:: , En1ption F:> or L!1 e ~.5kin, Soro Bro~, etc. Oftsc::o , "\'\r.u,1~i-:r~'.·i \.'1 ~:EG,\ct Dl' I TEtt ~ ll ri. Yo l:!hPIYll Llieir grr nt cnra t.i\'c p o\\' c r:; in tbc ino~;t 1 Scnirulutt!l- I u!ln111 11HiticllJl-!1 I nr.Iolcnt :l l:l J. & W. J. MCMURTRY & CO. pt 2p. ID. fit· FASHION HOVSB MRS. A. FLE'l'CIIER Bo\\."Jll<invillo, Sept. 26, 1873. m52 --------·------- PRICES MODERATE. cheaper tha.rr, the !Oct Cottons u. Ooiule's. l n thC:'lc, in all o1 li er co1J fi tiL11Lioi 1nl Dis- Sign of the Oolde:c. Lion. W. Secreti\ry B., L., & B. Railway Co. THOMPSON, -mHJ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~ G. D. Lockhart, DE NT I ST undersigned lately received furth instructions to lend money on R eal Esta for from 5 to 20 year!'l 1 at a VC1"!J low rate of interest, and 1 in other respects, upon termB like ~o suit the : w iahes of any bOna fide applicant, 'l'be advantage to be d erived froin applying to the subscriber \Vill, in ·an caaea, be fu made knov.rn to the pal'iy applying for a lo an beforti any expense is incurred! WJ\-1. H. Lowe, Barrister, &c Office on Silver Street, 2nd door north K ing Street 1 Bowmn.nville. B ci wma.nville 1 Sep. 18th 1873. rn50 6 moa. MONEY ! MONEY I· has er THE te, ly lly of . JN Large Variety BLANI{ETS . The Public are soliciLed to call and see for themrnlves. are causoU by ·vi t iftt r.{1 Hlood. Jllcchu.~ rical olJH tin a.l.o n: 1d iut.rne l1;l>!e c· a~e ~. 1u ff au u n1~t(n:y nntl Chrou.ic ]~J10 a n~:ttisn!, Gout, ]3ilions 1 l~ca1 it tcn t anLl f ntcnn i ltcn t F o.rera, l) iscascs of 1he .Bl oorl, JJi rer, Eitln ('j'"S nn!l l31 achh:i r 1h csc I3i!iLen-; li rv:~ llO cqu;t. 1; 11ch JJisou :; o~ 1'or , Hampton. Sept. 18th 1872 H. ELLIOTT JUN . bp- .!li s eases.-Pcrsons on¥ gngc1l in l)aints nnd l\li nc rals, sucU as to pa.r{l!y ~ J1'.i of tho Il o \\'cl~. 'l'o gnt1rd 11gnini-t t.h l K, t.a1.:{J a (1 ()f'.', l) IJf '\V ALKER'S.VIN· 1:0,\R U l'l'T!,; Hs ocend cmallr. Fl.umber.\ 'r rp0-:·:oti or;;, Gold-be1~tcrs, n.nd Ji!Inc r, :; 1 n:_, tL::i.r :1 d r .~ ucc in .l ife, uro snlJjcct W'inceys--a. Dea.d Job. .N. B.···Speclal inducement given to CASH Purchasers. 1873. .LL\_UTuMN - -& WIN'l~ER-o-- 1873. REMOVALa Graduate of the Royal Oollege of Dental 8ugeons, Ont. Office over F. F. Mc. A . rthur'a Store, J{iug St., Bown1anville. Bowmanville, Oct. 23rd, 1873. m3-tf. F. Y. Cow le. · TREWIN OF OSHAWA. invites the attention oI Ladies and Gentlemen to his OBSERVE! Also a splendid stock of tor, Snlt·l t hr:un1, Bl otch e ~, SpotR, Pi m pl es, l'u;-;ttih~ :-:i, lhiiJ ,,,. Uttrl >'. t u t: l.e~, lti11g-\vorn1s, Scnhl-hr,i(l, f: 1i l' C1 JDsc;., J 1~ry sip n l as , Itch, Sc11r f'::1 , D! ~:.;o l u r al io ns of tho S kin, n:un1ors nad 'Hk:o.,·asos ur Lh o Sll i11 of' y,·h a tC\'Cl' nn.ino or natu re, nrc JitCl a. ly tinp:1-.~l-ea.1:rio.cL out of r.]1 0 s.r q e1n inn ~llo ~· t ti u:.o Uy U.1 0 uso of t,hrn-.;c Hi t ter s. l u rl~i 11!-! i n lhe i::.\·~ to :n o f t~o 11Lfti1y thousand.:;, aro li ffvcl uallv dos,·c1l :;,ntl romcr1ed. Ko 13_r .~tl'1 11 !Jf 111i~ tl i c i u P, ·110 Y ern tiJ'n~c.:i, no nn- 1\ir Ski a ]~isc;ts~;,, I~ r uplions, 'rot~ = Pin, 'i', and otl<C!' Worms, tt10 S. MASON ...... wish es to hiform his n umerous friends and ct ton1crs th at he hu.~ reinoved to ,,. BUCKLER'S OLD STAND " 'here he will be found with the n1ost co m plete assortmc11t of VERY CO~f PRElIENSIVE STOCK NEW GOODS, compl'ising tl ielmi1:iLle:'i will {'n· r. liko 1.hor:o!" . sy$ tern fruu1 'ronns or old: 111'11 Ti cd ur :--i n:.du , al t.h c<lu.\rn of1"1·01nn.n h oi :d , or th(l L11n1 of life , these ~l1on ic Hitter::; db 1 )l'1.y so (lec:id\:(l nn in fluence tbnt i1111n·o1· um c11~ is 1:( )(111 Jl4~rc o pt· i l ·lr~ . 1'\1r I ,ornnlo Cn:a1p1 n.Lnts, iu young Cash! FALL - --- Cash I will be at th~ next session of the Le'l.,..,.ialature of Ontar12.?. _for an Act to constru ct a. tailway from Port J:'erry to Godcrich 1 by way of Uxbridge, Ne,vmai·ket, u.nd Ora.n·.,eville · and also for further powers to the Ilo~vma.nvillt', I .. ind.Bn.y, and Bobcaygeon Railroad Oo1npany and fo1· ;po-wer t o construct in town. Please co.11. Buck l<!r's old stn.n d, one J.oor eaat of 1\ftl.)'nard's Hotel. a b1·and1 h·om so~e point m t~e Cou.nty of Do1·hn.m to the Northern Railway 1n the Bowmanvil1e, S ep . 1st., 1873. County ~f York, an.d to change its iui.m.e1 and for aru<~)Hhuents to its Act of Inco!l2orat1on. A {'TOTI CE. PPLICA'l' ION made Harness, LATESrr, NOVELrrIES Stylish Millinery -inElegant Mantles HE UNDEllSIGNED begs toannounco to Beaut1 ;fu'l D ress Goo d s J T th· publicg·ner~ny. that ho has purchased t he stock and goodwill of the business. hereto9 1°'"carriedon in Iha Tremendous Shawls Comfortable UnderVillage ot Hampton, Clothing, Nice-fitting Boots & Shoes, BY Warm Gloves _ and Hoisery. Whips, Trunks, &c. BUSINESS_.QHANGE. I-i. !iic DO!"JALD t.~ en., D r nf!';.d sts am\ G cu. Agt :~ .. 8: rn Fr:in ei6CO. C11lifnl'Ui l\., no d o:.;111'. o :· ,\.1u1l1i r: ,:;10a 11:1d c :1:ir!to11 Si:'! .. N. Y. f>'. :: 1i5- 11 :r :l-1~ J ~"tlf~\! i !;t 'ii tu!d Dealers. cYor ,ron find its im}llll'i t ic ~ bur::iting thrui.1gil the sk in in Pi1n plc.oi,. E n 111tio11:-., ot' Soro3; olca1rne ir. " ·h rm you fi11ll it ob,tl'l:wtod nuc.l s\ugg ifl h i11 t h e y c~ i n:> ; clcnn so it when it is foul ; .)'O Ul' rccl itJ g- -l will tell )'O ll \V hc11 . Keep tl1c IJloo<l pure, und t.1o h qaiLh of tbe r:ystcw will J'ol hn··. Clcans:i i.lw VHiato1l Illoo!l when- n. McCl11ng Bres. . Drnggist.s ::mtl Gon. Agts., Snn Frmrnfaco, Cn.lifomin-, nntl cor. of \\7 nshi11gt.on ancl Clm.rlton Sta., N. Y. . Soltl. by all D1·uggts:ts u.nd Dcnle:r.iil. ' n. H . McDONALD Qi; co., STOCK IN- JOHN FOWLER. For Sale. - I S NOW- -- September 23rd, 1873. ro52·8,v. FOR SALE. \.Voolen Mills . ' Intending purchasers can view the property, and learn particu~ars, by apply in,..,. on the premises to th& propl_'letor, 0 . ACJ.l E and F AR:>f, about lj mUes from A ""1fampton adjoining the Cnml'rian N SO ::i.ttached, situate on Ontario Street. She <ls and eYery accoruu1oda.tion on the premis cs Good fruit trees in the gnrdc1!'. . Apply to - BRICK COT'fAGE, with ! acre of land A J<. Y. BoWinanville, Sept. 1Qth, 1S73. James Cryderman, A lso n. splendid stock of COWLE. tf. as Cabinet maker and Undertnker 1 anrl 'vill a full assorttnent of first class Furniture, coll tinue the business in the old premisE'ls, '\·ith House To Let. JOHN WILLIAMS. m52tf. Wanted to :Etent GOOD comfortable h onsc , th in a fe,v A minutes' 1valk of the '!'own llal.l, Dow:mn.uville. With ha.rd n.nd soft \\'f.l,ter if possi· \Vi A Apply lo l BltIOK HQlTSJ~, ; ith an a.ere of Iancl, situate ovposite Mr. Milne's l'esiclencc. oftins, Slu:ouds, &c., will be kept on hand, ll.lld hopes by stl'ict :ittentiou to business 1 and m odera.te charges to n1erit the paLrvuage of the !·a,ople. c Carpets, Horse-covers, Sleigh-Robes, Carpets, Damasks, Sheetings, Rugs, Mats, Oil Cloths, Flannels, Rubbers. Felt-Overs, etc., etc. -oMl't. TRE,VIN is of the opinion that a well t\:1!sorted stock of first-class goods, offered a.t lowest r enlnw;iru.t i ve prices, in a fair obliging n ianner, the best method of winniug a lu.rge and pvofit;able busines.'l. He now cug-agea t o supply the fo!:'mer- rcadeNl, it h1 yo1Jl' interest to accord to l1im the latteu. Entirely Complete EVERY DEPA.RTMEN'r. -~~- o~~-~ ml-Jin JAMES ll'rlJIR. Oshawa, Octobel', 1873. 0 HSE.f:iVE .ble, u ' !( Addr ess, H. C. TAI'l\ Plwtograpfwr. ml -tf \ Brookliu, Ont. NOTICE. rented the vond, known as Woodley's pon(l, there will be no more fishi allowed in Bowma.nville, June 19th, 1873. S~~JED. Hb . .,.rro TIIE PREMI{;ES the I); b th(.! let of SePtember, !1' ' of 0· HAYING it. ng having been The satisfaction give.n by· . STOCK ENCOURAGE Home Manufacture! And Save 20 to 25 per cent, by purchasing on e of the A. J.B001'H. subscriber, IJight l{ed old. The '\owner cw1 have her elfer,, 1 ~ ..., iwea, and prQviug _property. y pay ing ex.. SAMU El) POLLARD. Lot 5, 6th Col6 Darli ngton. ·'1.ji 11 TRESPASS NOTICE. 1 BARNUM AU oris eclipsed by the satisfaction given by S:ThIALE. to his numerous pn,trons. He iR now pleased to announci; that he has on ha.nd a. large n.nd varied assortment of TI!E GREAT REMEDY FOR - IS Improved and Painted, J\1:(). rnl·:Jin Stray~d. -, 11th con . of 13 I <.. 0 O, - ~ oblige by D:1rling ton, 11 Ewe, t~e owhcr \\1.1 .. 1a.i... in!., expcvsos ac J ta.king her a.way. .,.m 1 0 '· ~', u1 1-8in n.nynes' Fla.ts, \Vill be prosecuted to full exte of law. M is h ereby i;iven that all parti es s 1ow one of the b est in the County. NOTICE found t re8pael:!i11g the Fla.ts, known ., de rs pro111ptly attended to. ol1 nt, - cinus to be tl)e most Itehablc l'repnration ever introduced for the RELIEF and CUUE of all CONSUMPTION nudacknowlcdgcdbymonypromin<ntphysl- LA . -RGER .TI-IAN - . . '. R EVE . · .D. WU,LIAMS . I . . . -L7N N 1'0 t he pre nnse::i, LIME! LIME! · F any quantity, Apply to , .~lILI1IA1\f SPEAR. . Church Street, nearly opposite the AJma Hotel, J3ow1n/1.ttv ille 1 J·un e 19th 187~-L tf Olt S.l!..L "Ir: ~n DURRAJ:> .'· ' S.-Furnilure mn.dc to ordor qtiired, und repairs neatly ~ xecuted. p. Hampton, Sep. lStL, 1878. 11.. XAT:EliSON. when,... BOOTS AND sr::roES =-. t of tho best quality, is anxious that they sluiJl sct to work as i:ioon ci..a LUNG COMPLAINTS. This "·eU-kno>vn r.emedy in offered to tho :rinbUc, sanctioned by the cxperienoo of over forty years, nnd when roaortcd to iu season, seldom fnll s to effect a speedy cure of Ea, ch Depa,rtment IS TO LET. C::OTTAGE, ancl A lIR:lCTC with about ten acres of la.ntl, 1 mile north of Bown1anville. lfor pn.rticulars, apply outbuildin &~ , to at It. Philps, Bowmo.uvillti. n1 52tf. G . COWLE, picked appll"a, n.h."-o ~he ~·~hest casl) p1·1ce ony quantity qf goc.. auked g~ttB'URDEN. .t'.'PPLES ! APPLES ! ! rriHR 1 ~~ ne.d w:;;-;.y the highest pri cc for ~~~hty of g_ c:od inercbantab!e haud ' All Prices, Gentlemen cf Fashion. All Sizes, ----All Xinds, NOT SO FAST . I have \vritten the9e few lines And all I have to say, That you c(lrn find n1e still at hon10 I a.m not gone a.way; So all my kind old friends may- Gnm o ; .Antl n.ll t he you11g ones too Au<l get their gatmcuta uicoly In faS:hions that ru-e n ew, Vthere old n.nd young de<i.1 friend may meet A weloome greeting by R. PE.A.TE. SO, HO! possible. NEW -AND BEA TIFUL Couglls, Colds, Cr011p,-11J:.ouchitls, In· :llncnza,Wlloopil1g' Cough, J{oarsc· ncss, Pains 01· Soreness !n tile Cllcst and Bille, Blec1ling at the Luugs, Liver complaint, &c. by a timely resort to thla atanUnrd remedy, zu is proved by hundrecl11 of tc11 timouials rccciveci by the proprietors. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY dpcs not dry u11 a Cottgh,, and leatie th<J cause beltJn(l, as is t h e case wUh 1uoat rc~nou ·ing t!HJ More Attractive than Ever, f or Ladles' Prunella Congress, at 80 cents, " ·~ Balmorals, extra high cut - · · · · · $1,25 m44-tf. No-thing 'to Dealt iit. GENl1'S BOOTS, Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, OGBANS, } l,OB (J!SI. proparations, but it loosens an(l clea.nses the luuos, a nd q llays ir·ritation., thus catHW Qf the conl-plaint · · b;j H mauufa.etnl'cd by the b;j . S Con. Clarke. P riC'i :$60 _P,eX' Posse sion gi \·on imm ediately. Titlo c . l! "'or further pnrticula.,rs, a,pply to Farm for Sale. - oOU'l'Jl FOR1'Y ACRES OJ( J,ot No. 16, a t ,. l{.QBETt'l.,. ES'l', Orono. . CLEIIGYMEN, LAWYERS, SINGERS, and all t hose whose occupation r.cg_uircs an unusual exerciBe of the vocal organ!!!, will find this the ONLY PREf".AH.A,'.l'ION \Ybich will effectually and instantaneously relieve their dlmculties. :Dominion Orga.n Co'y., BARGA.INS Bowm;mvillcJune 19th, 1873. Jam es Capital AGENT JOH:N B'.!iSl', Amheri:!'tblira, or Trunks, &c. BOWIVIANVILLE. ne,vare of Counterfeits. McFeeters. and n(IUC Speci'al attention given to CUTTING AND FITTING Remember that t7ie genuine 1Vista·1· 1s Balsam ha11 01i the 01-t&sfde iorapper the si9nalta·e of "I. 1J U'l 1'.1'Si:! and the t?t·~ntc<lname of_thc1n·o; 11rict01·s, "SETH JP. JtOJVLE If SONS1 BOS'l'ON." All otltet·s arc base imttations. ft.'&at1i· inc the wrapper cureJ'uUy bPJ01·e purcJuwlng. are more Numerous than Ever We expect a. ":Bigger" Sea.son tha.n Ever. r or the following Insursn ::e Companies, n.nd Weber's Fia.nos .for Sa.le· ot her Institutions viz :'!'he QUEEN Fire nnd Life Insurance Com.- On< Dollar a ll<ltlo. 8i1 Ilo ttles for Fire Dollaca, 1·Rll!PAR~D 'U .7EBE.RS' PIANOS. hi<,l>ly estima\cd l'l throughout the Dominion, 'f,.re manufa. C· b '!'hea CANADA LANDEDCREDIT CO'Y. Savings Bauk degartmcnt. nt w ith Th· UNION PEllMAN}cN'l' Building DOUBU> R.EED OltGAN, Sub-uase, a nd Sa.v ing's A a1id OOTAVE COUPL:t!:It, Ma::;on and le rl'hese latter instltution s ad vance Loans on Hauilin make, for sale eal Estate, on terms un usually easy for the R llWE & BAHKEU. CHARLES llOBEJi'l' LOSCOM!lE. b orl·ower. m52·tf. ! Bowmanville, Sept. 25th, 1873. 31nos. Bwn1aI1 ville, Ftb, Gth) 1873. 19ly- 'al tt1red at l{ inget on , in the mo~u~st~nt1 style, and on the inost approve~ pnnc1ple v.;th n.ll!n1 imi;roveme~1ts, of t ll v9:ry be n1aterjaJ:-i, and vaytng n o import uties , il. ro offered on tenns far lo'Net thft>n imported i n· strumenls. A w-ritten guarantee for five ye ara is a.I so given. The subscriber has been 11ppoint(;ld an ,Age for the sa.le of these Pianoe, and has a spl~did instrument ou vi e\\' at his residence on Aigy Street, to which he in vites i118peotion. ' st " £2,000,00U. $150,000 p any. S'J'ORE. - One door of CornIBhis J ewelWlth the Dou1in ion Government, for the protcc · ry Store, l(ing St ., 13owqianvillu. era in Cana.dn... J. 1'he ISOJJ .<\..TED RISI{ 11'ire Insurance Com BoW1nan\·ille, Sept. 23rd, 1873. of Capital $500'0C0 1-0ne of Uie est and chen.pc!'lt Oompnuics doing bn':lincss in th e Dorninion, for li'arruers and I solated Risks. deposited but first-cl llSS \Vorkmcn employed, thus insuring goo<l value in every case. UY SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, lloston, Mase., And ~old by Druggi~t ~aud Dcu.l-ers generally. d S:\iALE. A. M. DARLEY, MANAGER. Bo\Yll1an\'illc, Octobel', 1873. OB.GAN. cl1e.'l~. Wanted Immediately. .Ll. dentistry. Hll Soui~t;\'. A YOUNG :\{A!\ - desirous of learning the J. M. BHIMACOMBJl, Surgeon, Denti st. bp tf. ola.ssts of working people of either sex, you11g or old, make 1noro money at ' vork for u s in their spare inomonts, or all the time, than at l'I Hything else. Particulars fre ~ 1 l & l\iaine. · !; TO . $2" $ "' \!I per day. Agents wanted! All READY! Cash ! --- Cash J B<>wmanville, Sep.11th, 1873. A.ddreos G. S'l'INSO::-< .CO., Po,t!ana, ltlcCLUNG BRO~. no,vmru1 villc 1 Sept. 9th, 1878. bP·OlU·m3l lyr I',

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