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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 14 Nov 1873, p. 3

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THE MERCHANT, NOVE~'I BER 14, 1873. Osha,wa, Stove Manufacturing Co'y. w· e make the following Stoves, nnd sell them THE _, · ENCOURAGE WJTJ{OUT TE.ETH To the Inha.bita.nts of Bowma.nville. I a.m about getting a WHOLESALE and RETAIL ,·.\ our works in Oshawa, and we ~l'arr·nt them as smooth castings and as well tit.tcd ns the ber.;t. Americ.:u.1 Stoves. ~o stove. v.:ill Le turned out but such as will fit in every Jmn t. ~L ' wrni · t - ~ .si.1.8 -..i.-r1UW..p I ~ , is the prettiest d1:e~t draft Pnrlo~· Coa: ~tovc made in t~e D01n1n1on <?f Canada, a~d '\ 0 aJone huse_ the. nght to 1nake 1t. It htt. s i;uch a cl_·'nJ t ns 'l'flll give a good fire n:~out_M fast as a "ood stove, and at t~e tune is so controlled ~y dampers, that 1t needs only to be fed . onco ill 24 hours, if nec;esea.ry · It h~s a chnkcrlcss grate which will allo'v the chukers to be removed ensily without dum~ing t4e 3-8hes and coal like otbet· sto"·es and it 11a.s at the mouth of tl;c feed a hollow i;on ring which- coni:mmes pll the noxious gas gener~ted-.uone e::icap~ng into the room. It has m1c::i, lights, showing the fire opposite the grate as well tU:I the top li.rhtF:\ ma.king it look very cheerfult a:t'.!d 'Ye .!!ell it cheaper than a.11y stove of its size in Canada., that we know of. Vi.1 e give with it a iron elbow o,nd d.amper to 1natch. ITl!E l!iJ.epha,~t E :Hou~e. Home Manufacture ! to Lis 1n:.tny fritn(lli ~tnd the public geni;inilly DENTAL BURRING ENGINE. WITH 'l'EETII by which I can . . ' . UNJ)ERSIGNED in returning thanks And Save 20 to 25 per cent, Fill Teeth in less tha.n half the usual time and with less pain to Ll1e patient tha.u heretofore, and thnt' J li""v~ procured tt ' h fro1n and after the 15th September, ho will ctury for the liberal patronage extended to him dur. jug the past 18 years, begs to announce that New A.11ui I:m.proved Apparatas foe generating Nitrous Oxide Ga.s, by which I ca.n now on the same bm:;iness, but more cxtensi \'Cly under the name and style of JORN 1\-IaLEOD & Co. Prompt i1ayment of all nccounts is rendcrcJ. ilnperati\';e by this bui;iness arra.agement, r and a.11 persons indebted will please t::ike :uoticu and govern tl 1 emselve1:1 accordingly, JOHN McJ~EOD. BowmanvHJe, September 4th, 187~L NEW AND BEAUTIFUL EXTRACT TEETH WITHOUT PAIN_ EGAR BITTERS tho most wonderful Insystem. vigoraut that ever snstniued tho sinking Grateful ThousmHls proclaim VCT- ARTIFICIAL '.l'EETH; BEST UPPER SETS, $20:00 GOOD do. $16:00 do. CASH. H Liberal . Support and Patronage T1Johw~u~o:::1~~arr~ Col T exter.nleU so long to John IYicLeod, n.nd takes this opporttwity of iuforrning the public, that they have H ORGANS, SE P11 EMBER 2 6, 18 7 3. i Th.e '.Argand,' thu leading Parlor Coal Stove of the United Sta.tes-has precisely thb same improvements ai:; the " 'J'riu1nph "-the benuty <if formJ the double row of lights, tho clinkerless grate, the gas ring, the sa1ue draft under thorough control, and it has in nddition, a ret1un flue carrying the heat around and under the \Vholc bottom of the stove. The E E ma.nufacturcd by tbn DISCARDED THE Dominion Orga.n Oo'y., I S NOW COMPLETE. WE FIA VE 'I1IIE GREATEST VARIETY. oun FALL S'.rOCit ' New .A.lll.eriean' Cooking Stove, ia warranted to be the first class in the United States. V\7 e quote thre following fro1n .the circular of 1872 : " ]'or 7 years the New York State Agricultural Socicty t a\Varded it the JJ'IRS:l' 1>RE:.l1IUM, o.n<l hu1 yoa..r it took the Silver Medal over all the l101;t stovcfl in tlrn country at the of ALL NE\V ENGJ.1AND. It took <luring tho last two years no leas tl1au ~ =~~:,~.~~~~~~ 1 p H A OLD ~;STEM, E BOW'MANVILLE. · A. M. DARLEY, MANAGERBow1na.uville, Octobcr, 1873. E ness as follows : ALL ACCOUNTS RENDERED on the 107 FIRST PREMIUMS at various exJ1ibitions, amnng them, The New Y orl~ Slate °, The Ver'l1wnt State Fair, The Illinois State Fair, rrlH3 lf1.ichigan State Fair, 1Vew E'ngla,nd States F'air. 'l'here were sold of it in the Statel:I in 1870, 7,000; 18711 8,000; 1872, 10,000.'i T11is year it has been improved by adding an anti-clinker grate and mica. lights in fi·ont. 'Vc sell it with or without the copper reservoir, and the cast iron warming· closet bebiud the stove and stove pipe, o.nd it will burn coal or wood. Pu.rtiel:I huying from U13 can at .t.ny time replace any 11ortion of our stoves that may get broken-a great J. CARMICHAEL, Pre,, Osha,va, ~ ov. 12th, 1873. 6·2in. 1st J ~,nuary, 1st May, and 1st September E p H A . Our Goods are :Better Value., a,nd Our Prices lower than ever NEW · MILLINERYm Latest Novelties in Hats and Bonnets. EVERYTHING NEW ANDFASI-IIONABLE. Prospectus for 1874---Seventh Year. N T 1n eac~l wnd ever·y year'. In t he ca:;c nr J.f{:tl)U(actnrc1·s, :J.fcc1w.nics, and others, ·w hose accounta rnay < t u1ouHt lo $50.00 or over, their note, if agreed upon,°"'·iU bo taken payable at tbe Bank for a statt"d period. N T ALDINE. An Illustrated ~1'onth1y Jounial 1 uuiv1:1rsa1Jy admitted to bo the handsomest P eriodical in the world. AB.epresenta.tive and Ch run· pion of American tnstc. Cash Purchasers A::-l"D Looking Glass Hcut~I~~ri"iiS:'~i~.~~~t:~J:illbeH ECLIp SED ! We tho unueraigned, wouldreapcctfullyb1!orm the public, tho..t we have IWI 'I~ H E Prompt will alwn.ys get goods at prices Payers on credits short Purchased tlte entire Photogra.:phic Business, formerly carried on by R. & II. O'Ill1..R.t.\., and 11-'IR. IIENH.Y, and would sa.y to allJ that wu have uWell Aosorted u s S I, i.\. "plendi<l variety of Q - StockANDLarge Q Cook, Hall, Parlor, and Box J.tot j o1· Sa1c in Book 01· News St01·es. Tlt'1 Aldine, while issued with all the regular· ity, ha,':! none of the temporary or tiracly interest characteristic of ordinary periodicnls. It is an elegant miscellany of pure, light a.nd graceful literntu1·e ; and a uolle tion of pictures, the rar· est apecimes of nrtistic skill, in n.ud wh.ite. Although each tmcceeding niunbe affords a fresh plea.sure to its friends, the real value and beauty of the The Al<linc \\ill be most appreointed after it bas been bound up at the clo3e of the year. \Vhile other publications may superior cheapneas 1 as compared with rivals of a similar class, The .t1ldine is a unifJ.ue and original con· ception-alone and unapproached- absolute]y without competition in price or chara,cter. r.I'he posaessor of a complete volume cannot duplicate the quantity of fine paper and engravings in MY other shape or number of volumes for ten. limes 1"ts cost~· and then there a-re the chro"Ms, bc.'!ides! .A.RT DEPART11IENT, 181'4. CALL AND SEE OUR sr:rOCI{. WE THINK IT NO TROUBLE TO SHOW OUR GOODS J. & W. J. McMl,JRTRY & CO. Sign of the Golden Lion. Swelli ngs, Ulcers, l~ry sip o JJ,,~, S\\."elled Neck Goitre, 8crofulous Inrlmn1 na.tions Indolent I nflau1maLions, J,fcrcurial A. ffcciions Old Sores, Erupti~n s of Lilo Skin, Sore ]~ye~, etc. In t.hoso, ns 111 n.11 other co11st itut.io1111l Dis· en.sos., IV.i1.1,1{ER's ·v u.-E GAlt lJ1rr E1ts shown th ei r great cnrat in) powers in tlle u1ust olmtinat.o antl i11tr11etable cases. stroy.ed by minernl poison or other means, and vital organs wastccl beyond repair. ~iliou~ Remitteut and Inter· m1tt_ent 1·evers, which arc so prevalent m the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especii1lly tl:wse of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tenncssoc, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Hio Grarnlc, Pearl, AJabama, I\fobile, Sa\'annah, 1ioanok0, James, and many others, with their vast trib11tarics, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Aut11n:m, llnd remarkably so duriug sca~ous ?f unusual beat and dryness, are mvar1at>Jy accompauicd l.Jy extensive domngemonts of tho stomach and liver, and other abitominrtl vi~crn. In their tr~at.1:r;icut, a purga ti\.,.e 1 exerting a, PO"-'erfol rnfluenco upon these various ori:;ans, is essentially necessary. 'rherc 1s no cathartic for the purpose equal to DR. J. WALIT]lU'S VlNEGAii BITTERS, as tlley will S@ccdi!y remove tho darkcolored viscid 1n.atter with which the bowels aro loaded, at tho sarno time stimlll(!tiug the secretions of tl10 liver and generally restoring tho healthy function_s .of the digcsti vo orgm1s. ;Fortify the body against disease by pµri(ying all its flni<ls with VINEGAR Bfi".l'Ens. No epidemic can take bolu of a system thus fore-ai·mell. Dyspepsin or Indlgestion, Headache, Pain in tbo Shoulders Coughs 'l'igbtness of the Chest, Dizzi~css Sou: Eructations of the Stomach, Bad 1'l"'aste in ihc Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitata\wu of tho llcart, Inflammation of-rho Lungs, Pain in the region of tbe Rid ncys, and a ltnndred other painful symptoms, :no tho off:Springs of Dyspepsia. 0~1~ bottle \VJH pro1·e a ~otter guamnteo of its rucl'lts tl.Htll n. 1011gtlJy advertisement. Scrofulr.., m· IHng's Evil, Whit.a No Person can take these Bitters · Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont. accordiug to directions, and rornain JonoBowmanvillc, October, 1S73. unwell, provided their bones aro not do~ Jg ~d :Brimacom'be, · YOURS RESPECTFULLY SPEOfAL~INDUCEMENTS TO CASI-I BtJYERS. AT ANl)ERSON & CO'S :BOOT AN:O SlIOE EMPORIU"M:. MEN'S GAITERS AT $1 :50· ons tD tnrn fhein into cash, the_rcforo grcate~· bargains tlian c~rer will be given. wlule -~lJe stock is large a.n<l get bargains, }laving ecdve~ a ln,rgc portion of our fall and winter etock of boots n.nd shoes. we are rfosirCall early .Also a large stock of our own mauufactn1·e, nrn.d.e in the best s tyle ancJ of the best m.~tcrial · Rubbe1s in Great Variety. Sara.toga., and other T1·u11ks. ALL CHEAP FOR CASH · AT Bowmanville, Oct 1st, 1873. Beed.~s ol"l Sta11d. COME and SEE F. HILL'S NEW Fall & Wi11te1~ D1~y Goods ---;O;- A LARGE LOT OF First-class Facilities for making E JOHN McLEOD & Co. Bo~\'Inanville, STOVES, fo l' wood or cmli. E September 4tli,'73 First-class Work. -:o:- 'Vc keep ou baud, a Good Studt o[ ALBUMS & FRAMES, of Vciri.ous Styles and Prices. "\Ve woukl also remi:nd those who wish ·------------------ GOOD to uot ~v~nd the day in 8h oppiug:. ant.I wl1en fatigued auclilenly deti:l'lnine to bo PhotograpbeJ. ' If you dolt-is sure to be a failure. JUST ARRIVED FASHION HOUSE, Fall and Winter Fashions. EXTRA t~ken P Al NS tll p ro:.: urc NEW MILLINERY, GOOD PICTURES OF CHILDREN. HA TS & BO_NN,ETS, ~- }]13 snre to Conw Ea1·ly: In the fore pwrt of tlw do.y ; Especially with the BABIES. LATEST STYLES IN TRIMMING, &C. Bnl:lin('.1$8 hour$ fron1 ~ D.. in. till 4 P- m .· during the '\;\linter n10ntl1s. The illustrations of 1.'he .4.ldine ha\·e won a world-,vide reputation, and in the a.11; centres of Europe it is an admittecl fact that its"·ood cuts itro examples of the highest perfection eveJ' attained. The common pi-ejudice in favor of "steel plates," is ravidl.y yieldin~ t o a more e<l· ucated and tlisc1'ilnrnat1ng taste, \vhich rccog· nh:es the adn~ntages of superior artistic quality with gTeater fncjlity of production. '!'he woodcuta of The Ald· possess all the delicacy and elaborate fini sh of the most costly- steel Plate, while they afford a better rendering of the al'· tist'8 original. · To fully r~aliz;e the wondel'ful work which Tltc Ald· is doing for the cause of art <.mlture in 1\.me1'ica.,lt ia only 11eceS1Sary to consider the cost to theJJeople of nny other decent rcpresenta.tioJIJ; of the iwocl uctions of great painters. In addition., te designs by the me1ube1·s of the National .A.cada.n1y, and other noted American artists, The .Alrltne will reproduce examples of the best foreign masters, selected with a view to the higheat artistic succesf:1 and greatest general interest. 'l'hus the subscriber to 1.'ltc Aldlne, \\.ill, at a trill.iui; cost, enjoy in his own home, the plensw·es and refining influences of true a1·t. 'l'he (1uc1.;rterly tinted l?la.tos for 1874 will 1'c by Thos. Morgan and J. D. Woodward. 'I.1he Ch issue for 1874, will specia.l designs appropriate t o the season,by our best artist s, and will surpass in attractions any of its predecessors. PRElUIU.lU FOR 18'1"4. ton t nud rnterini ttcnt Foro1·~, J)iscnscs of arc cnu~c(l Ly 'Vi tinted ]Jlou<l. For !ufinmmnfory md Chronic lthcumatism, Gout,.' nil ions, lternitthe ]3loocl, !JiYor1 Kidnor::i fU H1 JHutll10r L:A.:CIES' and. G·EN'I'S' F't1ItS, VERY Bowmn.nvillc. Nov. 1st, 1873. OI~IEAP thc::;c Bit1,c1·..; ]11~~·n no eqnn"i. Sut:h Dison.set =::::=::=::::=::::===========================c:=~========= · --·-r gaged in I')a.ints an d J\lincrnls, snch as Minors, as th ey ad n~uco in life, s~bject to par..1lysis of 1..-h,o nowols. 'fo guard ngaini:::t thifl-, tt~ko n. Jose of W Al.KER'S YIN· EGAR Ilf'l"1'ERS OCCO.Bi oua.lly. J!Ieclianicnl IDfa11ascs.-Persous en- l-'Ju1nbEn-s, 'I.1ypc·scttcrs, Gold -beaters n.ncl NEW ter, Salt.H.heum, lllotchc:-:1 Spots, Pimples ]<'or Skin Dis.cases, Eruptions, TetltcJ/ My New Goods · Scurfs 1 Dif;color::i!.ions of the· SJ.:i n. llumor~ n.nd J? isca;: es of the Skin of "l\·hntq\1cr 1uinie or 11utnrc, literally dn g np n-ntl catTicd out or t-hc s)Tsto1n i11 rt &hort timO" bv th o usu of those J3illers. ¥ Sca.ld-h ca1l 1 Sun) J~yof:, Brysipclft:-J l'ustulcs, lloils, Cm·Luuel 0:::, J\.in g-wonn s' NEAllJ_jY ALL OOJVIE TO lIAND ' ' and the assortment will be found 1ur1ong Pin,_ 'l'apc, aml other Worms, 111 the syst mn of r:o i nm1y th onsn11d~, Cash! HARRY TAIT. P1·inl.s cn:1 JAS. ARTIIUHS. Dressmaking in inost fo.i;ihionable and latest styles . - 0 -· AT THE NEW GALLERY. be bnd of a.ll negatives taken in O'Hnra's and Henry's Gnllerics, and also prints front negatives taken in Fletcher's Ga.Uery by l:L 'l1!iit. Bownw.nvillo, NoY. 12th 1 187J. bp-o43-m6·tf. ·i\. splendid assortment of Knitting, Berlin, and other Wools. Also latest i:;tyles in NOTICE .Y pti:i·son A N'l'respn.saing in any way whatever, on tho property known na the Downey and Tilley Fauns, in this 1\nvu, will b(J prosecuted as tLo Law directs. RUSHING'S, and other FRILLING BELTS, COMBS, BRAIDS, four.d Shooting, FiB11iug, or SWITCHES, AND CHIGNONS, and a lai-gc n.Ssortment ,o f . J!,n..ncy C oodi;i kept constantly on hand. Particular D.ttention paid to cutting and fit · ting. Stamping doue to order. W. M. HORSEY, BowmanYille, Oct. 23rd, 1873. m3·tf. MONE 'l FOUND. s um of money has been found in the ])al.·· roorn of Phillip's HotE"l, Ha.mpton. 'l'bc loser cau get it by calling, proving property, and payins- cost of advertisemeut. u4-3w· FASHION HOYS:E MRS. A. FLETCHER. Bo\vn1anville 1 Sept. 26, 1873. m52. Every sul;~criber to :Z'he Aldfric for the year 1874, will receive a. of chromos. 'rhe orig~ inal pictures \Ycre painted in oil for the publiehera of The Alqinc1 by r11bomaa?tforan, whoSe great Colorado picture was pu1'chased by Cong· 'l'he snl;>jet.>ts ress for ten thousand dollars. were chosen to represent ·· '!'h1:1 J~ast" ;md '"l'he VV eat. ii One is a view in The White l\fonntains, N cw H111npshlrc; the other giYes the Cliffs pf Green River, "\Vyoming Tc1Titory. The ditl'e1·· ence in the nature of the seen~ themselves, is a pleasing, and affords a. good display of the artist's scope and coloring. 'fhc chrmnoo are each worked from thiL·ty distinct plates, and are in size {12 x 16) a.nd appearance exact fa..c· similes of the originals. The pI"esentation of a. worthy example of America's greatest laud· scape painter to the subscribtirs of 'l'HE ALDINE was a bold but peculiarly hap!Jy idea1 nnd its succe.ssful realization iii atteste( by the following tP~qtimo~1ia.J 1 ovc1· the signature of 1-h1. )lon.t.n himself. NEWMAJ;!lU~'r, N. J,, Sept. 25th, 1873. 1\.1css1s. J Ams SiirToN & Oo. GentlC?nen,-I am deligh ted '"·ith the proofs iu-.color <lf yonr:, e;h1·oroos. _ They wonderfully successful repreSentations by mecl)a.niea.l process of the oi·ii;.".inal paintings. Very re.spectfµUy, --- Cash IS " NOW arc effectually Uestroyctl antl romov etl. No s,r::>tcm ·Jf u1cllicinc? no ycnn i l"u_gos, no nn· thchniui tics will free lli c sy2tc1n frun1 wonns like tlicso Bitters. or olt\ 1 lli:irrietl or si11glc, o..L da.wn of '\"O· - . 1nanliooll, or tl1c tnl'n of life, tbcso 'fouic 11iLLers t1ispla~· r.:.o dccidcll. an iu.fluenco tllat i1111H'ovon1ent 1:1 ::non percep ti ble. crcr y~n~:1:Hl i~fl impuri!.ies lJ~U'i.itiug through tho sluu. in Pimples;, ~rnpt1ons, o r Sore.=,; clcallse i t ·when you fi1H11c ol.Jstructctl nud 8luggish in tho veins; clcnnso it when it ia fo L 1l; your feelings "'l\ill te ll you when. Keep the blood pnro, nud the health of th e systcu1 ·will follo\\". R. II. DicDONALD & CO., DruggiRtfl ~\-ml Get~. , San 1',rtute i .~co , California, For Ji'cmalo Com pfaints, in young AND Clennsetlw Vitiated lllood whcn- PRICES MODERATE 'l'he Public are solicited to C··ll nnd see for themrnlves. Hampton. Sept. 18th 1872 WWWIZi McCl11ug. Bros. FALL : STOCK H. ELLIOTT JUN b1)- . an tl cor. of\Vnshmglon mu1 CJia,rlton Sts., N. Y. Sold Ly all D~:uggistlj ancl Dcalca·s. JI. 1\lcDONALD ~co._, D1·11 ggi'!h; nH ·1 Go1~.Agts., 81111 J~ranciisoo. Californ ia, lWld cor. of\Vo.slu11glo11 mi tl Charlton Sta., N. y_ Sold by all D.l·uggi8ts un.d Dcalc1·s. " n.. 1873.. _i_L\ UTUJ\iN TREWIN OF OSB:AWA iuvite1:1 the attention of Ladies and Gentlemen to his )~lr-~:b;r'-~-pi::;---i--= & WIN.1l 1 ER,. . OBSERVE! --0-- A (S;gned) · THOS. MORAN. · t FOl:JND ! N the 3rd ult, a. rocket Book, con~aiuiug Cash. The ow1rnr may recover iti by pa.y· lug expenses, on application to JOHN HOAR, Senr. Dowmo.nville, Nov. 7th, 1873. pd-m5-3iu O HATS, CAPS HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. Rough Cast House CJ.nartcr of an T aero of land, at the corner of Ontario and A.lbert streets, Bowmnnville. the property of HAT 1 AND FURS! --o-- anJ. MA:RXUS MA YEit respectful~ a.unol~nccs a. \Villiam Jeffery. 'l1here is no gooJ \Vell, excel· lent fruit h·ees, woqd-sh~d. stable, · etc. :For -ofp1:1rtic1Utlr3, ELpply to ~Ir. John J e:ffery, !\fa.son, or to J. !t'Iilne 1 both of Bowmanvillo. Bowrna.nville, 13 Aug., 1873. n145tf. for t;he l1'a.ll and- )Vjnter trade ! His __.. Et.ode of F tu·s elllbi-a.Jes , LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT 'l'hcse chfon1os aTe in every sense _·\J:ncricnn. 'fhey n1c by a.n original American process, with 1nateri11.l of A rn erica.n manufactul'e, from designs of Amerionn scenery by O.u .Au1erican pa:intllr, Mid vrei;ented to Sl1bscribers to tho fb:st succc dsful An1crico,n .A.rt Journal If no better beca.usl-'l of all this, they will certainly pQs.sess an :interest no fo1·tdgn production can inspire, anrl. neither are they any the Worse if Qy reason of peculiar facili..ties of prodlJction they cost the publishers only a trifl e, while equal 'i'n ei)ery "C·'IJlCr.l t(J uther chromos that ·arc sold Bingly fol' double the subscript-ion in·ice of T ,lIE' ALDINE. Per'f.t(>na of ta.ate will prize these pictures for the1nsel \"es-not for the price tbey (lid or did not cost, and will appreciate the. en· tcrpl'ise that renders thr:il' distribution po3sible. If anjr subscriber sl~ou~d indicate a pr·efer~ cnce for a fig ure subject, the.. publishers will send " Thoughts of Rome,' 1 a new and beautiful chroma, 14x20 inches, repl'esenting a. little ltn.lia.n tixilt~ whose ispeaking eyes b~tt·ay the longings of hioi head. ,, _, BIJSINESS OI-IANGE. lJNDEitSIO N"ED begs to Mn1ou11ce T IIE th <J public generally, that he has purchased tb VERYCOMPREHENSIVESTOCK .r ' \lso =~ ~pl~nllicl st(Jck of T H .E ., ' ' IS the stock un<l goodwill of the bn~iness hc-rctofore carl'ietl on in the · Village ot ·Hampton, BY NE'V GOOD'S, comprising Ja.mes Cryderma.n, as Cabinet n1a.ker and Undertn.kc~·, a.nil will cont.iuue the bu:-;incss in the old prc1niscs, with a full assortment of fit"St class Furniture 1 ~Ueflina1 Slfroud8, &c., wil~ b <J kept on hand' nnd ho1jes By istxict ~ttt ell tion to buSinesS nnd inoderate cba-rge8 1o merit tltCJ patronage df the pcoplo. .LATES'l, NOVELTIES -in- LARGER THAN EVER. Department / StyliSh Millinery, Elegant Mantles, .Beautiful Dress Goods9 · Tremendous Shawls, Comfortable Undera ClQtiling, Nice-fitting Boots_& Shoes, · Warin ·-Gloves and . Hoiser.y. i - NEW GbODS FARM FOR SALE. c. ' TERMS. · $5 PER ANHUM IN ADVANCE, WITH OIL CHROMOS FREE. l!'or 50 CEN'l'S EXTRA, the ch1·011ws will be Also a. · stock of , ACRES, 8th Lot, 3rd Con. Darlingtvu. tts well as necessaries in the department. About 70 acres under good culti vat ion, . ~O15 acres of prime wood. A good. stQne house llis Gents' Department is equally well sup· und good out buildiuge i fu1e wa.ter pdvikffea1 ' plied with ·with two wells, one in tne kitchen. 'I wo orchn,rds, one newJy plauted. Term .$ f:.ll.Sy. t 'l'ho tc~nd 11u1y bo entered uµon im1nediately. For particularB, apply on the premises. loo ALL THE. NOVELTIZS, M ufilers, Collars, Shirts, ' -o. RICH'D- SKINNEil. Braces, Scarfs, Umbrellas, &c. Hia and CRp dep;u:tmeut; aS uSnn.l, is reple-te with the. · sent, 1nountc·l, vurnishcd, and pn.paid by mail, 'l.'BE .AEDTNE will, hereafter, b e obta.ina.ble only by subscription. '!'here will be no i·e· duced or club rate; for sulJscriptions must be ~ent to the pul1lishcrs di.J:ect, or harnJ.e(l 1 to the loc;tl cau-yasser, withou.t reJSponsihility to !he pubUshet·s, except in cnaes ·wJu;ire tbe certificate : is given, bea,ring tho jac-simHc sigi.1ature ' of J .fAJIEs S-t:?~ON & co. ~ ~ IS More Attractive than '· ~ver; TIIE . T Carpets, Horse-covers, Sleigh-Robes, Carpets, Damasks, Sheetings, -Rugs~ Mats; Oil Cloths, Flannels, Rubbers. Felt-Overs, etc., etc. . · 1\fl{,. , TRE\VIN is of the ophiion t h at n. well assorted stock of fi ri:;t -clar~ good.i:f, offered nt ren tnn~ra.ti ve 1)rice~, ill a luit: ubligiug IDaJJner, the be;;t method o~ w.iwiing "'. largo a.n.U profitable business . He now engages to snpp1y the fo1·mer..--- rendern, it la your interest to accord to him tlie 1;1tter. ' · having been ' -o- m45tf. CANVASSERS WANTED.' Any person 'vishing·to act perm:i..neutly as a, local c1111.vo.sser will l'eceive full and protnpt in¥ forrnu.tiou Uy applping- to · BA RGAIN· S ... , ,Improved and P~inted, S 1lo~f mlf of tbe 4e'st i~ the County~ de1·s pro1nptly atti:nded to. :All or· Oshawa1 Qctobe1~ 1 1873. VARIOUS STYLES, and inteucling purcha.ael'a will fuld no better stock in j;he country . JAMES SUTTON &CO., PUBLISHERS, 58 MAWEN LANE, NEW Y.OJIK. A CALL IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED AT THE CORNER STORE ALL KINDS OF 'F'URS ALTERED P. S.~Fnrnit111·0 made, to order when re· rj_uircd, and repa.irs neatly executed, Hampton, Sep. 18t11, 1873. G. D. Lockhart,. DENTIST AND RE:I'AIRED. · Cash paid f.01~ Bm:w REMOVAL" S. MASON wii,}1015 to inforiu his n'Qm:orous friends nnd customers that )lq;_hna removed to are more Numerous· than Ever LIME! expect a. "' Jigger " Season than ~IME r! ~uautit:ri 0 Tl Fulll's. M. ThiAYEH. "Eowrnanvillo, October, 1873. to FOH. 8ALB in iti:Y\\ ILLIA:!YIAJJ.tilv 8PEAU. Church Streot, _ -J?Cn.rly opposite the .A.Jma Hotel. Bowmtl.nnlle, .Tuno l!J}h l8ii:l. tf toria College, Cobourg ; lfndergr~duate -and pri2;ema.!1 (1f the University of. Toronto .i}nd Uruvers1ty of Queen's College , K1ngston. Mem~ bee of th.e -Collego of Pby~il.:ians and Surgeon of Out.:l.r10. SJirgery and Reflidc11ce, opposite the n1ark1;:t Bown:lan ville, Oet. 'qq.!'.)871 DR. DAVIDSON G si01ana o.f England, a1ld Univcysity of Vic. · '. < ' RADUA'l'E of the Reyru College of IJhy- 1 ::0 f.a ,l \J will be made nt the next 8est;ion of tl1e L egi8lttture of Ont, for an Act to construct a l{ailway fro1u Po11; Perry to Godel·icl1 , by 'v"°y of U xbridge, ~Tewmarket, nnd Orangeville ; and also for further powers to tho Bowm&nville, l.1ind~a.y, and l3obcaygeon Itailroad Con1pa11y. and for power to construct a b:ra.nch fro1n tiorne point in the County of Durhn. m, t o the No1·thern Itailway :in the County of York, and to change i~s name, and for a1ncnchnent3 t o itf:l .t\.ct of Inco1·poration. A NOTICE. PPJJICA'flQN BUCKLER'S OLD STAND. where lw will be found witjl the p:1_wt eum plete :issortment of Harness, ·whips .'·rrunks, &c. in town. P lease call. Iluulcki-'i,i old stand, one door t:10..'5t of J\:(a.yn:u·d's lfotcl. Bowm:\uvill e, Sep. l st. 1 1873. .TOHN FOWLER September 23rd, 18'73. READY I T Cash I --- Cash J TRESPASS ltlc(JLUNG BRO~~ D""wmanville, Sep.11th, 1873. APPLES ! . APPLES ! ! HE unden,ign~U will pay the highest price for any qttant1ty of good mcn:banta.ble hand picked apples, also the highest cash price for ony guantity nf good pttcked butter_ Graduate of the Royal Ool!ege of Dental Sugeons, Ont. Office over F. !\fcArthur's Sto1·0, King St. 1 1:So,~wa.n ville. m3-tf. Bowmanville, Oct. 23rd, 1873. }i', DOUBLE REED ORGAN, Snh-baS< and OC':tiA'lE COUI)LER, l\:1ason arJ Hamlin make, for aa.le cliea't). RICE /!;_BARKER m52·tf. A S. BURDEN. m44-tf. NOTICE. Wanted Immediately. )-OUNG· MA.N de sirous of learning the A dentistry. . "'"O per day. Ageut· wanted I All $5 · To r:.lll& cla.ascs of wnrking people of either sex, Y.oung ?r C'ld, in:Jcc mote inont!y to work for \IS in tbeJr ~pare n101r11:mts, or all 110 time, than at anvthjng else. Pnrticulars free, Address G. S1.'INso:q & CO., Portlar.d 11ainf". PJl·ol9·m31-lyr m52.s,v. t11a.t all parties Jrlats, kuown a.s Ilnyues E l~i..ts, 1v1ll be p1·osecute:d to fnll extQI1t offa.w. - is her~by · given N OTTO]~ foi:n~ troAp~1'1sing on tho J. M. BRIMACOM.l3E, l3owmDinvilleJ Sept. 9Lh 1 1873. U D. WILLI.AMS. Sl.U'geml, Dentist. bp tf.

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