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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 14 Nov 1873, p. 4

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THE MERCHANT, NOVJ£MBER 14, 1873. POETRY. The Young Wife's" Good Night." [A correspondent kintlly dends us fo~ inset · t. f 010 a recent nu1 nbcr of the Milwa.v.kee 5ont\ ~l the following lines, writte~ by Ellen ~li(';;ton £ Lake Mills, Wiscon(,!tni of.'vhom 0 1 tl. J,_B irast 'Weekly lil"':cws says:-" 'l'h1s lady 10 .e F-Iemans -pro1n1ses t o b"come the Felica . p· ) of tho.t section of Am :nica.-Even~nJ une1. Come neo.t'er, I ,vould feel your loving prasci.1ce-, \VhUe clGser, clost!r, droops a. shadowy .w111g, Xot to be lifted llDW. l1oop up the 0:1rta.111, J__,et mo again look out \1pon ~he spnng, i\-nd catch her warm bright smile I co. linw awect. ! a.nd 'tis the lact, la!!t tune, you FARM AND KITCHEN. Training Petunias. A wdter in the C:k.t1·dcn says that a fine effect is obtained by this 111eth od of training Petunias. He procures a number of h ar.el rods, ca<Jh abo11t two feet long, bends them like croquet hoops, and drives both ends i.nto the bed, 19lacing them at suitable intervals over it. On theBe ho ties anJ trains bis Petunias1 'vhich blossom more abundantly Lban u.<i:ual under this treatment, \Ve have seen Petunias successfully treated as if they wore sweet pea vines, au<l trained on a slanting trellis. '!'he trailing habit of this plant, especially late in the season, iB not suffi· c~ntly considered, 1873. -o- 1873. - - -o--- $2S. ILEW ABD. ./n FALL STOCK. ---o-- of the I Dress Goods Newest Style. Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons? T having come to onr knowledge, that certain Pedlars ~re selling Spectacles and Eye (}· es purporting to be of our make, and to ben.r our names st.t1nped thereon, 've hereby caution tlw r>ublic :J.gciinst all such i1nposters,as Mcssi·s Ycllowlcc:i & Quiuk are ou1· A.!fenta in Wt'lst Durham ; and a IW,vard of $25. lS hereby offered _ for the .npprehonsion and conviction of all such iln1)osters a.s try to defraud the public by offering their trash a.a onr make. LAZAlWS, MORJUS, & CO. }Iontrco.1, Nov. 8th, 1371. n7-tf Oct. CHIT CHAT. [Tim Brady a.nd Mike :E'lynnJ 1S72. Oct 1S72 MONEY ! MONEY ! know. Sec, love, how sweetly the golden sunset! 1 How gently doth the day resign its th~one . It :ietim~ like faith- as if o.. gleam .of morn1ng .1.\.thwo.rt the night's advancing da.rknei58 shone; . And yonder com C's a bird- hark 1 how h e a111ga, E'en .wllile the uold dews gather on his wings. How to manage a Horse. A beautiful aud high·spu·ited horse ·would - - -- - - - never a.llow a shoe to be put on his fE:1et, or any pe1·son to handle thern, In an attempt to GREY-.COTTON . of the be:;jt, including t]1£ ccie"'brated F.A.LL OPENING I · shoe such a horse recently,he resisted all ufforts, kicked a.side everything but an a.nvil, and came near killil1g himself with that, and finally 'v&a brought b;>ck to hi> Btablo un shod. This defect \VM ju1;1t on the eve of consigning him to the So WOltld I e:ing, as nearer yet and nco.rer '!'his night ga.tliers,a.nd the s~n goes down. plough, ·wheru h!:! might 'vork barefoot, when But, oh ! my strength is gone ! Su1g for mo, an officer in our servi,ce, fa. tely returned fro1n l\.fexico, took a cord aboi.1t the size of a comnion dNtre1:1tt bedcord, put it in the mouth of the horse like a.· 'rbe song: :l.bout. a. day st:tr and a crown, A <:·.1 ~l.i:.: ··~·u· ,! t,-,.11 , ·vi t h it.i~ tra.nscendeut glGw- bit, and tied it tightly on the nnimal's hea.d1 passing his left oa1· under the string, not pain· It is not far beyond th1,; i1iolit, I kuuw. STORMONT. lOct Cottons at Cowle's···Splendld value. Autumn Fashions -·--OO--- IIE 1111Jersig ned h:\8 lately received further instruction>:! to lend mr·uey OH Real Est"'te, fgr from 5 to 20 yea.l's, at a very low rate of interest, and, in othcl' r espects, u:r>ou terms likely to suit the wi!lbes of any bona applicant. The advantage to be derived from al,)plying to the 8Ubscribor will, in all ca.scs, be fnlly inw.1~ knuwn to the party applying for a loan before any expeuse is incurred. WM. H. Lov.·c, Barrister, &o. Office on Silver Str..:et, 2nd <hior north of King Street, Bowmanville. l3C1wrrn-..nville, Sep. 18th 1873. tn50 6 nto8. T Yon c::innot sing !- and yet you aro not weeping. down 1.~nd the cord in itl! place. This done, he Your cnlm is dreadful - like a beaten sea, , patted the horse gently on the si<le of the head, 'Vhcn Jil'f;t the stor1n swoopri down, tho;; wild and commanded him to follow, and ini:itantly recoiling the hon;e obeyed, perfectly subduedt aucl as Ot gathered wa,ycs will come and, fiorcdor bo. 1 gentle and obedient a.s a '\Yell trained dog, sufh' · h still an t eep. . h Fur this drea. d h us , t 1s anguia · ld fetin;;:- hUi feet to be lift~d with impunity, and There's healing co1ne of you cou acting in a.ll respects like an old stager. 'Ihe gentlern3u who thus furnislted this exceediugly Gd¢\'C not so terribly : this bitter pa1·ting, simple mca.ns of subduing a very dangerous pro1'1uit bow~ you sG, is only for a night. ponaity, intimated th:i.t it is practised in !i'IexBeyond it lies the i·a.diance o~to morrow, . ioo and SQuth America in the )nanagcment of With s'veet clear skies for ever cahu and bng~t. wild l1orscs. Then '\vait in pn.tience: grief is short a.nd lH\tn, Haste and Health. But joy is long-we shall not part ngain ! ---~--- fully tight, but tight euough to keep the ear .PRINTS of uneq~m.Ucd 1\fagnificent display of New and !?iclt Goods. MURDOCH BROS. have opened out an immense stock of Now Fall Goods. Great care has been taken in buying the Stock, and as nothing but First Class Goods have been purchased, customers can rely on getting good value for their money. Weber's E'ia.nos for Sa.le. lU EilERS' PIANO,g, highly estimnted l'Y throughout the Don1inion, are manufactured at Kingston, in the moat substantial style, anJ. on the most approved principles, with all modern improyemcnts, of the very best · materials, nnd pa.ying no import duties, are uffered on terins far lower tbnn importetl instrumente:. A written gutirZt.ntee fo1· fini years is also given. The subscriber bas been appointed an .r ' \gcnt for the sale of these Pianos, ao d hM [L splendid instrument on view at his residence on Argyle Street, to wliich he invites inspection. STYLE a.nd Q"CJ' A.:C.ITY STORMONT TIM.- " Good morning, Mike, shun~ and it is early out ye are. .Might I ~e bould to axe what started yees this morning." MIKE.-" J1st be aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a jiffy. Ye see, I was tou!~! yisterday, that Misther Gray, ov Tyrone, had got home an 11l1gant new stock ltv Goods, chape as durt, ma,n, and its meself could ha,rdly slape a wink, all night, thinking av the chape.goods. And sure enuff, its the full store he has-piles and p1~es. av the natest patterns; >1lld he'd give ye the makin's ~v an 11!1gan~ new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-fi ve Oints ; Ta,y for most nuthm, and the Baccy for a trifle less." TIM.-- "An shure its funning me ye are, .Mlke · wouldn't the m:rn be u.fther breuking down." " ' MIKE.-" Breaking down, is it. Sure he knows a thrick wurth two av that. I'll jist tell you what it is, Tim, if ye want to get a gmte . name when yome dcJ, and be called a filantro£zed, filosifer 1md a pub~ic binifacthor, jist tell all youro nabours, mid the ri5t av nmnkmd, about Gray's ch ape store, and you'll do more for the good av your counthry, than iver St. Pa~1·ick did for ould Irelaud, when J\c b1mished all tho toads aud snakes out av it that niver Vr'~ts in it." ' TIM.-- "I'm much o1Jaged to ye, for the bit :w a1vice and >rnn't detain ye; th.ere'll s~mrcly be a grrLte run, and 1~aybee I'd miss some burgttms. 'Ihe top av the mon1ing to ye."-I'm off to Cray's. cn,utLES ROBJ£1"1' LOSCOMllE. Smo~. Bowmanville, Sept. ! 25th 1$73. J. GR!f, Ty1~one. COTTON BEST . Ill the World. · READY-}IADE THE BAGS, -----o·----"- N otecl f'o1· cheap Goods. CARRIAGE DRESS GOODS Plain und figured Lustres, and Tartan Wool Popli:is, Metz Cords Figured Repps, Empress Oloth.q, and au endless vmiety of other new Dress Goods. Black Alpaoctts, Double W urp Black Lustres, Black Cobourg, Black Paramattas, Black ·Crape Cloths, Black .Motz Cords. SHOP I need not-ar;k that you v.·ill not forget inc \Vhile t he world whelms you with its tide of cate: You 1· empty arms I know will reach to fold ~ne Oft in your dreams, and clasp but e1opty n.u . ~ 1 cannot see you no'\v-fast fades the light, Still hold. iny hand- now: kiss me- 1:10, Good :K:ght ! ' ~ * Crumbs for Chickens. Josh Billings on La11ing. Anato1nically ko11s1dcre<l, laffing iz t11e i;enP.ashuu ov phct!ling good all ov~r, nnd sho,ving it principo.lly in one: spot. Morally konsi<lcrcd, it iz the next best thing t.o the 10 co1nmnndrnent~. Philosopbikolly konsiJcred, it brnts !for. ricks l)ill-:,, ;~ pills in the ga1ne. ·rticoretikally konsidcretl, it kau out-rugy all the loaik in exir::tancc. Analitik1111.Y kousidercLI, cnny part ov it it. equal tew the \'·hole. l{onstitushionally konsi<lereU, it ir. villi cs :u1d sumtb ing tew drink. · ~1u1tifariously konsidcred, it izjutit n:.-: different fron1 ennything else oz it iz fron1 It is not at all wholesome to be in n. hun·y. Locomotives haYc been reported to have moved a inile in a minute for short distances; but Special Linc of COTTONS at COWLE'S. locomotives have often c.:aine to grief by such great rapidity. 1\-Iultitudes in their haste to get rich are ruined every year. '!'he men '\vbo do things maturely, slowly, deliberately, are the men '\vbo oftenest succeed in life. People 'vho habitua1ly in a hurry genertilly have tG do things twice over. 'l'he tortoise beat the at last. e10,v men seldom knock their .brains out aga.i.nat n. post. Foot rn.ces are injw·ies to health, a.6 all forms of competitive exercise; -steady laibor in the field is the beet gymnasium in the wotld. }lither labor or exercise, carried to cxhalU3tion or prQ.Stration-' or even ~rea.t i.irednes8, ·expressed by" fa![gtJd out," always does more ]1anu than the previotw exercise hns done good. All running upstairs or to catch up in tlie countrp. with a vehicle or ferryboat ::ne extremely injurioua to every age and flex and condition of life. It ought to bo the most pressing :n:lcessity ]\Tothiny cheaper than the l Oct C·Uo11s o. which should induce a person over "fifty to run Oowle's. twenty yards. '!'hose live lGngest who deli.berate, 'vhose actions measured, "'ho never cmbllil'k in nny enterprise '\·ithout "sleeping over it, 11 a.p.d who perform all the every day IN acts of life with calmness. Quaktira are p1-overbially ca.Im, quiet people, and Quakers are a thrifty folk, the workl over.--D1-. JIall. (wc$t of the Ont;;U'io Bank.) King Street; Bowmanville. - - - ----- ·- - -- - - - "' -Good CLOTHING and Cheap. MILLINERY T HE. subsuribcr is prepa1"t1d to build and repair RICE & BARKER Importern of the Wagons, Buggies, and Outters, of e.very descrjption, at short notice, ando rcrnmnable terms. Clothing_ to Order we chum to have the htrgest assortment to be found. :S:E:ST OE.GANS manufactured on this Conti neut, are prepured to treat with reli'1ble travelling agents on liberal terms. They are mttking rLrrangements to introduce some first class pianos. Ware Rooms at the West Durhum Steam Printing Honse, King Street, Bowmanville. . The rLss01-tment of Millinery un<l Millinery Goods is very extensive It is a well-known Fact that und in trimmed or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets every taste can be con- · Cowle !tas t!te best Tweeds suited as the variety is so great. The Flowers and Feathers, Laces, &c. Caniages Painted and Trimmed· ' A Blacksmith's Shop In Bluck and WhiLe real Laces and Lace Colfars, we have a large assortment, at prices to suit ull. on tlte pre1nises, 'vcre special attention is g1vcn to all BLANI(ETS Large Variety Co.rd11ge work, tmd General Our Stuck of Tweeds, Funcy Coatings, Pilots, Beavers, Pcteashmns Meltons, etc., will be found unusually large. Jobbing. All wo1·k done at this Establishnw.n t RECIPES· R.oa,~t itself. :Pnun1atik::illy kouaidercd, it huz a goo<l. tlcal ov essence aoU sun1 botldy. Proteknikally konsidcrcd. i ~ iz the fireworks of tlie soul. Syllogi·tikally konsidered, the konklu· dn1ne fl.1l wus follows the prc:.n1ises. Spontaneons1y konsidcrcd,. it iz az na.traJ ai1d ret'ref!bing nz a spring b1 the 1·onds1de. Phos1)horescent1y konsidercJ, it lites up like u globe lantern. L:iffing iz just az nat.ral te'v cuu1 tew the surface ~:r, a rat j:r, tcw cnrn out ov bizo. hole 1.'v.rkl',.'!).- After dra,ving tho turkey, wlre11 be ·wants te"'· Yu kan't keep it back by swallowmg . cnnv iuorc tban yu cnn the hckups. 1t a man knn't 1aff there izo sunl 1nistake n1ade in putting hin1 tugether, ancl if he ,\·on't laff hr~ wants u:r, inucl1 J(!!t:l' a\vay frotn az a bear trap ·when it iz sot. 'Jho ln.p of luxtay-A cat enjoying he-r milk. ').'he tnau who t.ak"s t.hin:;a easy .-The city pickpocket. A dangerous charucter.-'l'he luau who "takes life" .cheerfully. \'.Vhy \s a dishonest l1n.nkn1~it like n.~1 honet>t poor man ?-13ccvuise botl1 futl to ~·et rich. .t\.n Irishu 1u,n gidng his testimony iu nne of our court~, ~few days Bi.nee, ju a. riot case, s::tid: ' r 'J'l:e firtJt man 1 is11w com1ng at me, ,vb.en I g-ut ny, '\\'V.B two Lrickb:.i.t8. B \"{hy i~ a prosy preacbcr like the inidclle of a wh eel ?--BecatlF'C thfJ fellows nroun<l him are ti1·ed. Ri:.tiP.EO'f FOH A{n:.· -l>ig-go1·y says he alwn.ys respects old nbe 1 cxct:!pt ·w hen some one ffticks bi10 with I\ pair of old chickens, '1'111c D1rn'1'ES.-Flr~t l3cnc·<lict-" \.Veil, docs his w<:ather $nit you?" Secoud tliLlu -"Capital, capital! .And you?" Jfi r::;t ditto-" I believe you-my wife has 81' t.:h a cold 1;Le can't speak!" Sccou<l tlitlo- ·" So hus ! " I can't find bread £01· my family," said a la.zy f~llo\v in company. ~ ·~Nor I~' ;repl.ied an industrious iniller. I am obliged to '\Vork for it. 11 .A N AcoOMPLISJ-l : RD JuSTICE. - Thcrc 'vas once a little gentleman-one Peter Pattcrson1.1ppt1inted as Justice of the Peace. '1'1le first day hi>i clerk handed him a duplicate wdt. ;, \V ell, 'vot ahaJJ I do with it?" "'as his query. "Nothing bnt sign y,o.ur initials," was t11e reply. "1\-fy ni sbuls- what are they 1" " 'Vhy. two P's," replied the clerk 1 impatiently. Uold porapiration stood on the forehead of the nnhappy magistrate, a.a he seized a pen, :ui<l, with dc~pera.tion in his face, wrote "Two peze.'1 rinse ont 'vith several waters, and in the ne:xt to the last tnix a. tea.spoonful of soda . 'The inside of a fo,vl, e>ipecialJy if purchased in the .N. B.-.:special inducement given rnn.rket, is ao1nctimcs ve1-y sonr1 and imparts an CASH Purchasers. unpleasant taete to the stuffing, if not to the inner part of the legs and side·bones. Tho soda will act as a corrective, and is moroove1· very cleansing. Fill the body with this water, well, empty out, a.nd rilll!e with-fair water. '!1hun pre.varc v.. dressing of bread-crumbs, mixetl with butter, pepper, salt, thyme or sweet majoram, and wet '\\·ith hot water or 1nilk. You may, if you like, n.ddthc beaten yolks of two eggs. A little chopped sf\ is esteemed an i1nprovcn1ent when 'veil incorporated with the other ingredients. Or, mince n doien oysters and stir into the dl'e~s ing ; and, if you are par:.tia.l to the taste, 'Yet 'rli e subscribei· would beg tu c::ill attentiop to the bread-crumbs with the oyatcr-liq_uor. Tho bis stock of effect upon the turkey meat, particularly that of the breast, is very pleasant. St'.1ff the cra'\V ·w ith this, and tic a string:tightly n.bout the neck, to prevent tl1e escape of the stuffing. Then fill the body of the turkey, and se'v it u1) with strong thread. Thia and the neck string are to be removed when tll.o fowl is <lished, In l', if your fire is brisk, 11ll0Yt' about t.un nliuutea to a pou11d ; but it 'vill depend very much upon the turkey's age whelber this rule Lolds good. Dredge it 'vith fioul' before roasting, and ha.ate often ; at first with butter and '-rnte1·, uJ'ter,\·ard \vith the gravy ill the dripping- pan. If you r:oll.l:it ill a.n oven 1 o.nd lay the turkey in the pan, put in with it a tea cup of hot 'vate1·. Many roast :thvn.ys upoii a grating placed on the top of a In tlHLt case the bqiling vrater steams the underpart of tho fowl, :.~nu the !!kin to a f.rom drying too fast, or cra~kiug. fine brown, and if it threatens to darken too rupidly 1 lay-a sheet of white paper over it un· til the lov.·cr pa.rt is also clone. Stew the chopped giblets in enough water to cover them, n.nd when the turkey i1; w iCh for lifted from the pan, add these, with the '\Vater in which they ·wcro boi:le'd, to the drippi~gs ;: thicken with ri. spoonful of brownud flour, ~vet with celd 'Yater to prevent lumping, boil up once, anll pe)qr ipto the, graNy-boat. If the turkey is v r fa , ekhn the' drippings '\Ycill before putting in the - giblets, i Serve '\\'ith cranber.ry sauce. Some lay fried oyster.a in tho dish a.round the turkcy. -:Conimon Sense-in the H ou.Jclwld. 'Winceys--a. Dea.d. Job ·. Bowmanville, l\hy 7th, 1872 MURDOCH BROS. warnmted. A call is reBpcctfully solicited. ;r. MORRIS. l3nw1na.nville, Oct, 11:1t 1 1869. F. Y. Cowle. 1873. The satisfaction given by BARNUM ' is celips~d by t11c aatiisfa.ction given by SM.A LE. to bis numerous po.tro11s. Ho is nO,\V pleased to announce that he has 6n hu.ud a large and varieJ asso1·tment of Simmons & Clough Organ Co's Im.proved. BOOrrs AND SHOES of the best quality, anJ. is anxious t!ta.t t.Ley shall Bet to wol'lt aa HOOn n.q posSiblc. Cabinet Organs !AND G;oceries, TI-IE Dry Goods, v Moses' Electro-Galvanic, P11-t. June 2nd, 1868. Attached to these patented Spectacles arc two scientifically.constructed Galvanic Batteriesunseen when '\Yorn- delivering thrcugh the nerves of the head, n soft n.nd continuous strca1n of electricity, vitalizing and giving heoJ.thy ac tion to the entire beautiful a~·stem of those parts absolutely and Ccrtc:unly curing , Most Wonderful Invention of the Age. All Prices,All:Sizes, . All Xinds, L<tdtes' Frunella Congress, at 80 cents. " " Balmorals, extra high cut · - $1,25 Boots & ·shoes etc, ~ etc Nothing ilo Beat it. GENT'S BOOTS, Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, I Partial Paralysis of the Optic N ervc Weak or Diseased Vision, Neuralgia of the Head or Face, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of the face, Noises in the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, And a. boat of~ ervous Di.Eoases, arising frow depi,:ession of the lwr,·ous energy of the system Contributing in a most aJ:itonishing degree, to life, vigor and health. By the means of the soft and Ho,\·ing stream of Electricity, Giving Brightness to the Eye, Quickness to tho Ear, and energy to the Drain. 'rhey set 'dth lenaes of thp finest manufacture, to suitall sights, and with glasses for those ttot neci ug Spectacles to read with but desiring the benefits to bli derived from wearing the Batteries ; n.nd are only to be had i:n this vicinity of Trunks, &c. Special attention given to · CUTTING AND FITTING anu- none but first· "'orkrueu employed, thus insuring good value in every c~c. Quaiity· and Cheap ness, ~1'0RE. -On~ do~-;a; of Corni.ah's Jewelry Store, l{ing St., "Bowmanvjllc. . J. SMALE. .Bowman"ille, Sept. 2?rd, 1873. YELLOWLEES & QUICK. rn25 tf Crca1n St.HlCC. - .A.dd a. cup of sugar to b cup of thick sour crcru:n. Een.t these together ten minutes. Grate in1tmeg_ovE:r it. Nice for Indig.n :pud~l.ngs. ,.. .., .. CANNOT BE SURPASSED BOW MANVILLE M.\NE.-Lord Charles So1nl.lrset '\VM telhng a long story about bis walkh1g in the wootla at tl1c Ca_pe one da.y1 when he came sutltlelllY upon.J!o hnge, shaggy lietn. "Think· ing to frigh00!1 him," said the noble lord , ur ro.n at him with all my niight." "'Vhere~oni" aa.icl another, iutetrupting, "he ran tHvay with a.U his nianc." u Just tiO,n l:!l.'W.d hi.a lordsl1ip. M1GH1' A:>lD l"oun GOor POINTS IN "\Vom~. - A Chinefle max.irn 13ays :~ "\Ve require four things in 'vomc11. 'l'bat. virtue dwell in her ·heart; that . ~OJ.eB°t~y 0)1 her btOW ; that B'\VeetneSS flow ft·op.1 her lips; that industry occupy her baud.', .t:\ CRAJU.UKG CusTOM.-So1nebody, evidently an old bachelor used to s·1ch things, thus desC'ril.Jea h0w they do in :&f aine : " Quaker young }:~dies in tho 1':1aine La'v State, it is .15Uid, still continue to kiss tho lip,s o_f__ the young temperanc~ Jnen to sec if they been tampering with lh111or. Just imagine a beautiful young tempera.nee wo1nau, '\Vith all the dignity of an exeouth·e officer, and-the innocence of a dove, '\Vith tho- charge, "J\.fr.--the ladies believe ,..Yeu ar.e hi the habit of tn.mpcl' with liquor, .,. an<l they have appointed me to examine you u.cconling to our established rules ; are you '\villillg?" Yo. u nod nc;qui<;scc11Q,e. She gently steps closer Lo :you, 1a.yH her white a.rm around your neck, dashes ba-0k her raven curls, raises her aylph·like :fo1·1n upon tip-toe, her snowy, heaving bos0n1 U.!;."ainst your own, and with her ruigelic featurl::!s lit up with :i. smile as sweet as hea.i-en, places her rich, rosy, po);lty, sugnr,;cs, lily, rose·bud, cream tart, apple pie, 11 each pudding, apple dumpling, ginger-bread, 11ecta.t· lips against yours, and {0 .Terusale1n 1 hold us ! ) kisaes you. Hurrah for the girls and Maine La'\Y, Mtd to an Ppposition ! " Cold Saucc-4 ta.fileSJJOOtl.'J of sng-Ar, two of butter. When thoae have been i-ubbed until very ·white and smooth, add the bca.ton 'vhite of an egg. Flavor it and mould it into some TYRONE. pretty shape. Quine~ P'l.tdding. - Stcvr and strain eight quinces. Add~ pound of sugar, e eggs, a Pint ofmilkorcrca.m. Season or n1Jt, .as _maybe . vreferred. - .:Baked in a <lisP, lined .and ' otna· AT THE mcnted with pastry. Sun.dl'Tland Pm1di.n{} .-Beat 6 eggs to·n froth. Jtrlix l cup of flour, 'vith 1 quart of n1ilk, 1 t~a spoonfnl of salt, and Rtir the eggs illto. it. £\Dkc in oupo ri.bout twenty n1inutes . Servo 'vith OULD most respectfully tender his sinI cere thanks to hit:; numtirous friends and sa.uce. x.usto1ners,- n.nd to the public generally, for the Del11ionico Puddiny.-3 tablespoonfuls of Very liberal su:Pporl ho has received since his inaizena, 1 quart of )nilk, 5 eggs. Use the conunencing, in business; and 11opl.l~ by conti· yolks cf the egga 6 tablcspoonfµls of sugar, nued atri9k personal n.ttentioI' 10 business, and and add a. tefliS,P\lOn of le1non or any flavor pre- offcring"n9thing but the puret. t articles, at the n1.ost reasonable prices, to ensure a. eolltinuan~e f~rred. First mix the roa.izeru. with !\ little of public patronage. cold lnilk, and stir it into the quart of milk just J. H. wo_ u ld call special attention to his very bt:forr. it-boils. '!'hen add the yolka and sug1tr, superior stock of . stirl'ing it until it begins to b'TOW tllick.. Tnru it into the pudtling-diBh, n.nd set it in a s1ow oven to h11rden . Beat the whites Gf the eggs which. arc sure to give the best satisfaction A well-selected stock>:of to a etiff frotb 1 add 3 ta.blcsy~onfuls of sugar, fiflNOr it, and when tllc pnU.tling is baked, cover DRUGS, it '\vith the 'vhites of the eggs, and let it harden GHEMlGALS, for a few 1uinutcs in th~ oven. To be eaten cold. ... 1 .. P .J..TEN'l' JfEDlCINES Pl'um Pudclinfls,-.l7. ~~an ci:aokcrs"pounded; BRUSHES, 2 pounde: of snlt.Mla rai~ins; 10 eg~s ; 2 and n. ha.If quarts of milk:; 2 tn.blespoon(uls of moCOMBS, fo.ases i a little salt; one pnp ·or mor e of sugar. Season ·Nitb cloves, 11"1,Jtn1eg and cinnamon, ru1d, SIIOULDER-BHAGES, if tle&ired, a. glass of wine. Bake moderately SUPPOR7'ERS, Eto., Etc. four hours. 'l'his is very nice cold, and cn.n be cut in slices and used '\\'hen needed. ltept consta.i::.tly on hand. - J. ELLIOTT, Ma.chine a.nd Implement ®ranh <ICnmhinafinn ~rymrn FtTTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED TO THE I ' PUBl~IC Manufacturing Co Scribrrer's Patent Qualifying Tubes, An invention having a most important bearing on the future rnput:ttion of Reed Instruments, by means of which the quantity or Volume of tone is very largely increased, and the quality of tone rendered WALTER WIGG & SON, N returning thn.nks to their numerous Cnstolllfil'B and the Public gcncrally1 f0r Pust favor~ '\vonld respectfully invite their attention't.o~onr prescntstock of F'1rniture, ns we f1avc Io..tely added thereto, that we...may thereby be enabled to aupply all p:ll'ties who may pleal$e to favor b,i "'ith a call. Great inducements held out to those purcashing at our Establishment. Pictures J_,ooking Glasses, &~., fr.i.aned to order, and in every style. Snmples of the different kind of l'rfouldinge ca,1 be seen at the 'Vare-room. We '\\·ould also beg to inform you, that, having purchn.scd a Bowmanville Drug Store. Manufacturers of .J. HIGGINBOTHAM, ; vVOOD AND IRON W Equal to that of the Best Pipe Or2anrJ - of' the Sam.e Capacity. · ----o--Our celebrated " Vox Celeste/'" Louis Patent," "Vox Humana." " Wil cox PrLtent" ·"Octave Coupler," the channing "Cello" or "Ola1fonct '. Stops, and · sPLENDID NEW HEARSE, WORKING · MACHINERY LX:Plll'EL~S we $h~ll be ready a.t :tll times.,, to attend FunQrals, on short notice, aud reMonsthle tern1a. N, B. Coffins kept on hana, :~nd macle to order, at the . NEW DOMl1VION RETAIL FURNI'iURE -WARE-ROOJi ' Oahav.·a, .Aug. 26th, 1870. King Street East, Oshawa. Double Turbine Water Wheels, And DYESTUFFS, '. Al,,.L THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS C·tn be obt>tinecl only in these Organs . Thfrty-five Different Styles, GO AND SEE Ca. st in gs of a11 Xinds. For the Pwrlo1· and the Glmrnh, 'l'he Best Jrlate,.fol and Worlcmcmsh'i2Qualiiy anll Voliirne_ o/ 'l'one Un e2iiallccl --- - - < ) - - - - .! REPAIRS done o~ the BATTING'S NEW NOTICE, "\Ve have now on hand a larg e qunntity of ~---0·---- Appfod01·c 1'udding.-T...ine a vudiliug dish with eta.lo cake. Fill it '"ithin three inches of the top with berries or currants. .Allow~ cup of sugar to s\vell berries, and one cup to curw rants 01· anything tnrt. Cover the whole with at the very lowest p.{'ice~. Horses and Cat.;Ie Medicines:, aud w et it \Vitb ~ cup of '\vinrJ. Bake half N. B. - Co'c!n t.ry Store.h<Jepers 8upplied on the an hour and frost it with the whites of two eggs moat adi,·anttt."cous termfl. and one cup Of sugar beaten to a stiff froth. Re- QIA clJoice aefection of LA.MPS, for salecheRp 1 Bo"'1nauville, Dec. 9, 1863. lim turn it to the oven and let it brown slightly. OILS, I'AIN'l'; COLORS, VARN IJISES, and WHITE LEAD, FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS AT THE Bowmanville, Sept. 18th 1873. Common and Gang Plows; th~t will be sold at Factory and Wareroems, bor. 6th and Congress st1·eets, De.t roit, Michigan (Established in JS.){).) LOW PRICES tf Mancheel'ter House, AT THE SHOP. Bowm.:l.nille1 March 6, 1873. RICE & BARKER, Agents, for Ontario, West and North of Belleville Bowmanville, Aug 21st, 1872 m47-o34·

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