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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 21 Nov 1873, p. 4

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·' THE~MERCHANT FRIDAY, ~~~~==-= ~===~=====~ A Happy Home. RECIPES. I have a home, a happy home, Aud friend.a who love me there. \Vith d·ily bread I still am fed Still 'varm clothea to woar; I've health a.nd strength in eveii·y lin1b ; How grateful should I be ! HoVI' shall I show my love to Hiu1 Vlho shows an ch love to n1e? ' While some bHnd, or dcai, or larrit:, I hear tho sweet birds sing, Can bound along with joyful !!ong1 Can watch the flowers of spring; N 0 ,vasting pain my eyes to dim, 'T;"rom want and sickness iree,lI~w shaU I show my lov(! to Hiln Who shows such love to me? 1\. ble1:1sing groater r;till than these ·acious God has given..A. g1 '.NOVEMBER 21, 1873: POETRY. 1 FARM AND KITCHEN. IQ73. ·0- 1873. ---o-- - $25. ltEWABD. ·having come to our knowledge, that certain I TPedlars are_aellil'.lg and Eye Glaes· ~peetac,les Stewed Oystets.-Drain the liquor from two The precious \VVrd of Christ our Lord, 'l'o guide my feet to Heaven. Among the shining cherubim I trust my home shall be ; How shall I show my love to him \Vho shows such 10 1te to me? ?vly God, I run a feeble child ; Oh t, me to ol;>ey, y , iUl !:," ~ 1111~ f.:·:·r ,.o serve t11 ee here, 'l'o watch and pra.isc Wltl pray l 11y love ~ weak, my fn.ith is Jun, But r.race 1 ask fro1n thee, 0 '!'hat I may prove my love for Hhn' Vilho lived nnd died fol' me. -Child:s Compan.·ion. Crumbs for Chickens. One that Bites. IVI:ushall is full of fleas. Ever~,' ne\v town bas them. '!'hey arc the aborigines of the conntry. 'l'hcy contend for their old stampi.D.g' grounds 'vith more persistence than the wily sn.vage. 'l'hough a little h:ss dangerous, fleas arc of nearly t he same color as the Indian, and posscS8 mimy Indian traita of character. principal among which is their unensinese. Fleas 1 have a. Apccial fancy for women, small childrtin n.nd dogs. '.F'leas dislike the smell of to· bacco ru1d whisky, and hence seliom t roublo a. man. In their tastes they are much unlike the Indian. To caipturc and execute a flea confer s tnore happiness upcn a representative of thofc. male i:sex tha.n ,vearing & ne\v bonnet in a.cro,vd for the same length of time. The reade1· 'vill please pardon a Jittl~ personal experience with fleas. '\Ve will first state that \vife ru:1d baby arc ab· sent on a. visit. Also that we cannot afford any "luxuries" while running a 7x9 country news. pa.per, Hence \Ye ! no better off, so far n.s fle:ta ru:·e cencr.rned, than \VOmen and barking quad1upeds. Of wc bo!ltrd. 'l'hinking to save expense, we concluded to furnish our own bed, put up in a vo.cant house rented for house· keeping purposes when our bt.tter btdf returns. fJ.'be house was formerly occupied by railron.d boarders. About five minutes afte1· r etiring \VC experienced a. feeling of a do:!;en or mo1·e needles pricking different parts of the body at the same time, Our hands 'vere :passed spasmodically about to ascertain the cause, but '"e cnuld feel nothing unusual. Just then the printer who bunked with us began a sories ·f quick, convulsive movements, reaching for bis aho\1lJer with one hand and bia left foot with the other at the 8~me time, cha.ngini;:- hands about every secoud, and twisting his body like a streaked snake in the grass. Thinking be d an attack of St. Anthony's da.nce, wo arose and lit the la1np. The printer said he felt better, but there \vas s01netbing in t11e bed. Oautiously turning do,vn the bed-clothes, \\'O disco\·ered ·what seemed to be a qua11Lity of Qnion seed nicely distributed over the l:lheet. Immediately the t:ieeds commenced dancing like Simul· kernels ot pop.corn on a hot griddle. taneously we shouted "Fleas ! " and rushed to tho attack. There they were, great hungry fellows, that probably had hn.d nothing to ca.t since the railroad hands left, some three ..,vceke before, and they didn't see1n at nil inclined to run. Not nntil \Vl:l ha.d killed seventy-three of th" yarmiuts did they beat a retreat. After clearing the bed and sight.ir1g through one or two unJntmtionable garments for the ' twentieth time, ·we again sought a hori:mntal position, l1oping soon to forget our troubles in' refreahi.rig sleep. hope, Scarcely )lad the lamp been extinguie1.ed befo1·0 the implacable foe ngain assembled in myriads, :\nd commenced an onslaught t1pon our pereons cempared with ·which the first was scarcely a foretaste. All at onoe \Ve thought of a. met.bod, of defense which pro1nised success. \Ve would try kero· i5ene. QuietJy the Lurnl'r 'vas retnored from the l~p, fin gers ·were dipped iu the unusually repulsive .fluid, nua we bcg1U1 our kerosene 'The neck aud one shoulder were nicely bath. AAturated, ·wl1en ther~ came to Ol1r mind the hol'rfrl r ome1nbrance of n. kerosene incident, which filled us with dirimay. Our big brotht ,r vnce poured ker(lseue upon tho back of a ca' lf, to kill certain insects lees n.ctivl and Jes.q re· lipected th:tn the fl.ea, n.nd the result was Xl.ead insects- nhw dead calf. Lucky we thoug'ht of it in timti. 'Vitl- a feeling of relief at b:.i.ving chcu.tcrl s~me editor out of a. ker111sene ite.1 Jl, we a.gain l ie Jown, thinking the smell oi fhe oil wonkl certainly drive a.way anything had life and t~ little Rcn~e. Not ao, howevei'. On tJ c neck aud that greased should et' 'was where tlicy bit tbe worst. It seemed to give them an i:+ppetitti. In desriair the two nf us made a· fot·· 1orn·hope attack with thumb and finger. But ·the enemy camo in countleSB numbl"rS and closed in upon ug in front, flank. and rear, Juijt as t11e printer was coming down handsomely on a bosa flea., he receh·ed u bite on the great toe, which ~a.used him to turn a dflublo somersault and light square upon the 'vhich ha<l lieen placed on the bed. ]fortunately, the la.n1p ..,vas extingui.Bhed: but the bed" elat·s " gave ,v;;i,y, and the next instant two ptinto'.,:s, about 5,000 :flea.c;, and a quart of kerosene Qil were rolling promiscuously on the 1loor. When brimstone \Vas again brought to bea.r upon that lamp wiok there 'Vas revealed a scene for nn artiat. On the floor sat tho printer, his form doubled ~ up in the shape of a letter "Z," the corners of hiti mouth drawn ln opposite directions, inaking it n:!selnblc the sound-hole of a 'Yielin, '\·hile his ha.nds and arms \Vere wil<lly describing circles iu t he like the self-rake gear of a \Vood's hniiroved reaper. \-Ve ca.n't remember j11t1t. exactly ho\Y we spent the 2·e1nainder of tlurt evuntful night . ~l1here comes a.t times a. visj on of a nw.n wltli no f.ii.ipcrfiuous clothlng ab out h:m, cl.riving a regiment of fleas from a. pn.i e of ·white liuen pants, "'·here they were pat~ .ently "'n.iting for their breakfast, and csconciJl,g him· i5elf for an hour or lo.ore upon a table in an adjoining i·ooru, with uuught but a quilt, abuut him. N ext morning we B:t\V the sun :rjsc. So did the printer. That d~y vrhen ftlc? tds a.aked the ca.use of our constant gaping, we exp1·e~seU a ft.1 ar of an immediate of fev'-T and ague; but up to the pre:::eut time we have been unable to find anything that will neuf ,ralize the scent of k cros1;nc oil. '\iVc don 1t ~nrnish our own bed n.ny tno1·e, just to save expsnsc. - .llf.i:&· Blzall {Minn-.) St'lwoner. boen withdrawn from the fire, · A good 11.1\d ' ~AR.EY safe })lan is, to heat tho milk in a separate -ve15· scl set in another of hot \Vate.r, and after it is 1 " 'd of the best make 1 including the celebrated mingled with the liqt10r a~d oyaters, stir aa11 · uously 'or it ina.y 11 catch," as the coo~ ~Y~ i. e., Ecorch 011 tho bottom or &ides of the sauce· pan. Jilried Oyslm.-Use !or frying tho larg·at lOct Cottons at Cowle's---Splendid and best oystez1:1 you can find. rrake tl1em care. ·value. " fully from the liquor; lay them in rows upon a clea.n <.:loth, and press .another lightly upon them to absorb the moistnro. Havo ready aoveral beaten eggs, a nd in ·an.other dish .eome crackers crtl.8hed fine. ~n th\l frying-pan heat 11 eno~gh rnlce butter to..poye.r the oystera:entirely. Dip each oyster first in the egg, then into the of unequalled 1 cro.cker, rolling it over that it may become com· pletely encrust.eel. Drop them carefully into the frying-pan,and fry quickly to a light brown. If the butter is hot 1\;:I~ough they. '"'.ill l:!OOn ~ be ready t o takeout . T est it by putting iu one Do not let oyett:r before you risk tho rllst. them lfo in the· pn.n an instant c:.fter they are done. Serve dey and let th6 dish be \V:1rlll. A c1l~fing di.ah is best. · ' ' 011ster Fritters.-Dfaiu the liquor from the / '11 H E OYf!ters, and to a cupful of this add the samt1 quantity of !U.llk,· three cggs1 a little a~lt, and fl.our enough for a thin batter. Have- ready in the frying·pa.n a fe.w spoonfuls of lnrd, or half ]a.rd, half buttez·; heat very hot, nnd drop the l oyster-batter in by the tn.blea:poonful. r11ry a spoonful first to satisfy yourself that tho lard ia Special Lins of COTTONS .at COWLE'S, hot enough, and that the fritter is of tho right size and consistency. Tdk:e rapidly from the pnn L'l.s soon as they done to a. pleasing ycl· low brown, and send to the table very hot; Some fry the oyster whole, enveloped in bat· ter, one in each fl·itter, Tn this case, th~· bat 1 ter ahould be thicker tlian if the chopped ays tc1· 111·ere to be added. Scal_ loped Oyster~. ~cnwh aud iroll seyefa.1 ' ha11cUuls of Boston or other fryable cra.ckers. I .Put a ' layer in the bottom of a buttered pud · ding-dish . Wet this with a mixture of the Clot~ing oyste:r: liquor and milk, Blightl:y wanned. )'.\Text l1 ave & layer 0£ oyste;rs. S~inkle with salt and pepper, and lay small bits of butter U.l;'IOn ·' i Cowle has Tweeds them, '!hen another layer'of n!q:istcned crumbs 1 and ao on until the diah is full 1 L et the top layer be o( crumbs,, tllickcr than the rest, and beat an egg into the milk you Ppttr over them. Stick bits of but ter jthicltly OYCl' it, c~vcr the Nothi~g cheaper than the !Oct Cottons ·· dish, set it ili the and bake half an hour; Oowle's. if the cl iah is large-' remove the cover, and brown by setting it upon the upper grating of oveni or by holdin" a );tot shoYel o\' 11uarta of firm, plurn'p oysters ; mix \vith it ai small teacupful uf hot \vater, add a little and pepper, and set over the fire in a sa.ucepn.n. \\Then it comes to a boil~ add a large cupful of rjch milk. .{Cream is betteL·.) Lot it boil up onco, put in the oystl:lrs, let them boil fur five minutes or less- no wore. When tl1ey rufile, add two tablespoonfuls of butter, and the in. stant it is melted and \Yell stirred in, take the Ha.v~ so.ucepan from the fire. Serve with oyster or cream crackers 1 as soon as possible.. Oysters become tough and tasteleBs "'·hen ·~ cooked too muchi Or left to stand too long after tb6y ·hate 1 F A_EL STOC:&. / ---·-- Dress Goods NeV?"est Style. · ofthe ' es purporting to be of.out' ma.kc, ~nd to bear our na.mes s.ta1nped thery:on, we hereby caution lhe public ab'TI.inst all such imposters,M Messrs Yell ow lees & Quic'li: · are our Agents in West Durhrun; :.tTI.d·a Reward of $25.ishereby,offer· ed. for the - apprehension and conviction Qf all i:mch impoaters as try to defraud the public by offering their a,s our , LAZARUS, MORRIS, & CO. Montroa,J, Nqv ,' 8th, 1871. n7-ti Oct. TIM;- CHIT CHAtr. [Tim :Brady a.nd Mike FlynnJ 1872. ," Oct;. 1872 yoil ,seell Cowle's ,, Co,ttons? chep.p !Oct FA L· L OPENING COTTON l:f S T Q R M Q N T. A.utumn Fashions- ·t· . . I ---oo--- Magnificent display of N elv and Rich Goods. MURDOCH BROS. have opened ou t Ml immense stock of New Fall Goods; _ Great care has been taken in buying the Stock, 11nd as nothing but First Class Goods have"been purchased, customers can rely on get.ting good value for their money. · I _ _ _:_ I undJi.signed°bas lately received. furthtir instructions to, lend lnoney ou Real Estate, f~r from 5 to 20 year!!i, low rate o{ interest, and, i!1 other i·espeets, upon ter~s likely to suit the wishes Qf any bona ilde & pphcant. 'l'be advantage t~ he d~~·ived from to the subscriber '1\o"ill, in all C'.n.scs, be fully made kn awn to tlic: ~a:rty : applying for n. loan .befort:i an;y exptruse is rntrurred. _,. . V'r"l\-l. ll. L O \\'e, .varrister; &c. Offi.;:e on Silver St reet, 2.nd door north Gf l{i.Etg Street, Dow1nanville. E·')'m.,.nvil1~ 1 S~p. lSth 1873, ,·1u50 6 mos. ' MONEY ! MONEY ! THE at a ve1·y I Weber?s :E'ia.nos for Sale. lU EBERS' PIANOS.estimated ff throughout ·t be Dominion! man.,ufa.-ctureU at Kingston, in tlie uiost substantial style, a.nd on the m.ost approved principles, with all modern improve~e.ots, of tho very best materials, and paying ·no ~ hnpo1·t dut.iea, are offered on ter1ns far lower than imported .in· struments. A· written gtta.rantee fo1· five years is also given. · . '11he subseribe1:)1as been appointed an .Agent for the sale of these Pia.nos, and hUB a. splendid instrument on view at hii:i nisiJence on Argyle Street, to wliich he invites in~pection. h~hly STYLE a.nd Q'C'ALITY · "STO:Et:M:ONT "Good morning, Mike, shure and it is early out ye are. Might I be bould to axe what started yces this moming." MIKE.-" Jist be aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a jiffy. Ye see, I was tou);J.~ yisterday, that Jliisther Gray, ov Tyrone, had got hmi;io an 11hgant new stock av Goods, chape ·as durt, man, and its meself could hardly slape a wink, all night, th[nkil)g av the chape goods. And sure enuff, its the full store he has-piles and piles :.v the natest patterns ; and he'd give ye the makin's av an illigant new gown for Biddy, fo1· Siventy-five ()ints; Tay for most nuthin, and the Baccy for a trifle less." TIM.- "An shurc its funning me ye are, Nllke ; wouldn't·the man· be afther breaking down." MIKE.-" Brea.king down, is it. Sure he knows a tbrick wurth two .av that. ·I'll jist tell you what it is, Tim, if ye want to get 11 grate name when youre ded, and be called a filantrofized, filosifer, and. a public binifacthor, jist tell all youre nabours, and the rist tw mankind, about Gray's chape store, and you'll do more for the good av your counthry, than iver St. Patrick'did for ould Ireland; when he banished .all the toads aud snakes out riv it, tlmt niver was in' it." TIM.-- "I'm much oblaged to ye, for the bit av abvice, and wun't detain ye; there'll sburcly be a grate run, and maybee I'd miss some bargains. The top av the morning to ye."-I'm off to Gray's. CHARLES ROBER'!' J, OSCOMBE. Bowmauvillo, Se11t.l 20tb 1873. 3mos. J. GRAY, Tyrone. Noted for cheap Gooqs. QG>TTON BAGS, BEST . in the World. DRESS GOODS Plain 11nd figured Lustres, Pll1in and Tartan Wool :1'oplh1s, Metz Cords Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, and an endless variety of other new Dress Goodq, Black Alpaccas, Double Warp Black Lustres, Black Co. bo1,!rg1 Black Paramattrui, Black Crape Cloths, Black Metz Cords. CARRIAGE SHOP (west of the OnLario Bank.} !READY-MADE King S~reet, Bowmanville. . " '.· Good , and OLOTHING Cheap. MILL .INER Y 'I1HE_ subscriber is pr~pro:ed t o build. and repmx . · · RICE & BARK'.ER Importers of the 1 ,. Wagons, Buggies, and Cutters, of every description,, a t ahol't notice, nndo::i ... i·easonable terms.. to Order llli:S'l' ORGANS manufactured on this Continent, are prepared to treat with relil1ble travelling agents on liberal terms: They are making arrangements to introduce some first class pianos. Ware Rooms at the West Durham Steam Printing House, King Street, Bowmanville. The assortment of Millinery and Millinery Goods is very extensive It is a well-known Fact that and in trimmed or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets every taste can be conthe best sulted as the variety is so great. The Flowers and Feathers, Laces, &c. in the conntr_1J. we claim to have the lai·gest assortment to be foun<!l. f ·carriages Painted and '.\'rimmed· ---In Black and White real .Laces and Lace Collars, we have a large assortment, at prices to suit till. A Blacksmith's Shop on the p1·e1nlsea, "'ere spi;:cial attention is glvea toall · _ Apples for Foo Apples are now coDsidered to contain far more brain food than any other fruit or vegeta· ble, and to be 1nuch more nutritiof a than pot11.~ toes \vhich enter ae> largely into the component parts of meal At pre8ent, apples principally used in the form of puddings, pies, tarts1 and sauce, a.nd are also en.ten raw, in which stnto they are more w olel'lome thall when mingled with butter, eggs "1J.d flour. l3ut they are very delicious when simpi:r baked, and served at every Jnca.l; a.nd sul:istituted for pick.lea: and such, thoy wouldaurtlly be found beneficial. Sweet baked apples are a moat desil'able addition at the lue' tfast and tea table, and are fp.r more healthful, appropri· ate and susta' irig ltbnn ha.if the Jil:ihes: usually esteemed N.sEf,tial a.t such ti1nes. Serve ~vith milk and brcL¥1 the:r make tl1e best diet , hit young chileren can partake of, and , nre v satisfying in t heir nature. Baked apples ~thout mea.t, are fM more sub· stantial food than potatoes ca.IJ. possibly be made, and to us tho delicious aroma. and flavor are always n1ost a.ppetizing. VVe w<'iluld father go without our daily bread than our daily baked 1 sweet npples. et, although there is such a.n ab·1ndant crop df. apples this sea.sou, "Yie pre· sume there r any families 'vho will not use a barrel of them for the taUle season, but will devour n.t least six barrols of potatoei:s. Let u~ ~g of them Ito equa.liz~ the two a little more ' of a.pplos to and purcl1a.i;o at e(!St. three ba.~ls iive of pot.'.lrtoes . ~l'hhy wi]J. £Wi that less flour, eg!,"3, aui;:-n.r n.nd butter, \Vill be eonsu1ned in :a. fronily when n. plentif\ll supply of npplea is st~ored in the oellaJ:-. One of the most celebriit'cd physicio.ns of l)hiladelphin. eats two raw ap· ples every evening before be retirea to rest, and th~nk~ that they not only supply food to his brain, but keep ·whole system in a healthy condition, ~or yea113 I have follo":ed hi~ advice1 and a1n confidenlt that f.he fruit ~as b.een of b"l'&at Bervi~. to me~ ~ '· There are duieh.9 of i·00ipes for preparing ~p· ples for the table, but almoi:st all of them require t bo addition of b}itte1·, eggs, &c., but to as either baking, · boilihg or e~aming them, r lnako tl\e wost paliatable dishes. Oµr family favorite is prepared:. thus : Wipe the applea per· fcctly clean, dipping them first into boiling water ; the11 'Yith · ~ "corer" remove all t11e seeds und stem, by pnnching it through th~ ap· ple. Place th~. fI"itlt into a deep baking dish, put :a tablespoonful f V {hite sugar b~to the mid· dle of each apple, turn a. teacup of boiling water with throe tablespoonfuls of aug~ dissolved iu. 5.t. Bake in a. slow oven till quite' soft, tak· inf; care not to burn $the skill.8. · Talfe out into a ·dish and serve -.w ith crea1n; n1ilk v:Q.l do, but it, is a poor 6\1b.:stituto , for the richer a rticle ; <concentrntecI milk, 110,vever, is equally as goocl The apples. can also pc pa.r ed, cored, a.nd 1:n\.·eetoned, ancl put in ilr 'deep dish on · tJia upPer pD1 rt of the stJye; a la.1·ge tencup~ pf 'boiling '\'ater poured over t}_l.em, nd a plate laid over the dish. Boil tl1em ull.ti\ soft, and there is no trouble about removing th\? skins when ea.ting them. Sweet apples can ·,oo treated in this ,,ray, using molasses inatead1 of sngtl-r, µ pre· ferred ; ~nd they will be deLtoious in flavor. Pjckled apploa are ahnost \as appetizing as pickled peaches, and are easil,y prepared. Take one p1ciu11d oi coffee crushed sul;a.r, No. 1, and dissolve it in one quart of 9id'erJ vinegar; add to it one ta?f.esrioonfnl of whole clove~, two of allsplcc. ~e ~ nd 1 two c;if st_1tk cannamo , broken fine. and skim it for\twenty min· utes. Put into the syrup small s ~eet .apples, let then1 cook until a broom cow w:i.ll run through t11 emr but do riot let tli,_, ~Skins ' ~i-ea.k badL:y. Skim out into a jnr, and turn 9vcr the bolling liri,uor. ' .BLANKETS IN ., ~foltons, Cn.rriage work, u.nd General ' L'arge f Winoeys·-~ I , Variety :Oead Job. ' Our Stuck of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beavers, Peteasbams etc., will be found unusually large. Jobbing. ..All woi·k c:Wne at this Establishment warranted. A call is respectfully aoJidted .. ,T, MORRIS. MURDOCH BROS. Bowmanville"May 7tlt , t'8i2 N. B. 1--Special indu~~ent given ' fJA~ Pufchas~~s· Y..Cowe. · The satisfaction given by l-;~73. The Jubscriber would beg t o call attention to stock of BARNUM i.a eclipsed by the satisfaction gi.von by SMALE. to his'ntuneruus patl'ons. H e is uow ple ns~d tl> announce that be hai;i, on band n. and va.ri(ld f\SSor tment of Simmons & Clough Organ Co's Improved. noorrs THE AND SHOES t Grpoeries, Dry Goods, of the best quality, ru1ll is a.nxious that tliey shall set to \York as t:oon as pm1sible. Cabinet Organs J AND All Prices, All~Sizes, Most Wonderful Invention of the Age. J Moses' Electro-Galvanic, Pat. June 2nd, 1868. AttaclwU to theso patented Spectacles are two acieutificaUy eonatr;.1cted Galvanic Ba.tteriesunaeen wllen worn-<l cliv~ring' throug_h the n erves of the head, a soft and con.tin11ous stream of' ele ctricity, ·vitalizing and ~iving healthy action to the t;!ntire bea.ut:iful system of those parts 4" absolutely and eertninly curing All Xind21, Ladies' Prt\nella Congress, at 80 cents. " " Balmorals, extr:i. high cut - - - - - $1,25 the ' :Boots & Shoes ! "' to Beat it. eto, etc which for Partial Paralysis of the Opt ic Nerve· Weak or Diseased .:Vision, Neuralgia of the Head o.r Face,. Nervo11s Twitches in the Muscles of the face, · Noises in the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, And a host of ~ervous Diseases, arising from depression of the nervous·cnergy of the system Contributing in a most astonishing degree, to life, vigor .~d health. By the me~~s of th~ s.oft and flowin g etrea.m of Electricity, Gn··1ng Brightntss to the Eye, Quickness to the Ear, 1tnd energy to the Brain. They are set with -Jenaes of the finest n1 anufacture, to auitall sights, and with glasses for those not neeing Spectacles to read with but desiring the benefits to be derived from wea.r ing the Batteries; and are only to be )lad in this vicinity of · . GENT'S BOOTS, · Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, . Trunks, &c. Special attention given to CUTTING AND FITTING and none but ftl'St- c1Ass workmen emplOycd, thus insuring good vah;to in every Case. STORE. -Ono dor.-r east uf Corni::!l1 's J cw el· ry Store, IGug St., "Bowmauville. 1 "" Quality and Cheap I . "ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED I , J', SMALEBow1llan,·ille1 Sept, 23rd, 1873. YELLOWLEES & QUICK. · m25 ti BOWMANVILLE ; J. ELLIOTT, TYRONE. rro THE to ' M:acl;ine a.nd l:mple;m.ent <!Bnmh (10nmhinafinn ®rnans FI'rTED WITH THE NEWL y INVEN'rED PUBJ~IC · Manufacturing Co Scribner's Patent Qualifying T~bes, DRJ~ AND MEDIO.INES A'.!! THE WALTER WIGG & SON, returning t.h11.nks to their numerous Customers and th e Public g®'}erally, for past favors I N·would respectfully invite their attention our presentsteck of Furniture, as we lately non How to Cure Boils. A phssician of Lorraine1onc Dr. Siln1non, states that as soQn ar= the ~harncte~istic cul . ' n1inu.ting poi:rat of a. boil makes its appear- ,vhich are aure to give' the best so.ti'sfaction ance, he vut in a saucer, a thin1blcful of A ,Vell-selected stock of camphomt<>d u1cphol, and, dippini\ the end f!R . UGS, added the:reto, that \Ve I:Qay thert!b;y be e11able<J to supply n;ll parties who in~y please to f.a.Yor hi \\<itb a call. 0-reat ip.ducements held out to ~hose purCal:lWng at our Eet1t.bhsh~ent. P 1~tures, J.Jooking Glasses, &c., framed to order, a.nd 1n every style, Samf?les f)f t11e d1fferent ~nd of Mouldings can be seen at the Ware-room. 'Ve woul(,l also bog to inform you, tha.t 1 havmg pur· oliLD roost respectfully tenller his sin· ' chti:sed a. cere thanks to bis numerous friends and cust0"1nJre , & nd to the public gen~rally,. fol' tl~e very lilkt.BJ suppor~ he has 1·eccivcq smce b~s comm0n,cing in business; .and '!iopes. by oont1· we sh;.ll be ready at o.11 times, to attend Funerals, on short notice, and reasonable terme. N. B. Coffins k ept o~ ha.nd, t~nd made to order, a.t the · nned striolt personal attention i.o ~ustneaa, and offering nothing but the purcs: t articles, at the n1ost re~sonable, prices, to onsure a continua.nee NEW DOMlRION RETAIL FURNJ'l_·URE WARE-R0011{ of publ\c pall·onagc, J. H ,. wo11ld call special attention to his vory King Street East, Oshawa. superior. stock of Osha,vn., Aug. 26th, 1870. ~owmanville Drug Store. Manufaoturers of An inv~ntion havin~ a most important bearing on the future reput11tion of Reed Instrument~, by means of which the quantity or Volume of tone is very largely increased, and the quality of t one rendered Jl .HIGGINBOTHAM, WOOD AND IRON Equal to that of the Best Pipe Organs of the Sam.e Capacity. ---o--· Our celebrated " Vox Celeste!'" Louis Patent," "Vox Humann ." "vV1l cox Patent" "Octtwe Coupler," the charming " Cello n 01' Cla1·i 011et ' Stops, and H W SPLENDID NEvV HEARSE, WORKING MACHINERY LEFPEL'S Double Turbine Water Wheels, And ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS Org~ms. DYESTUFFS, Can be obtained only in these Thi1·ty-five Difj'ernnt Styles, ' ~ Don;t be afrald of trying to do good to/juries of th the 1nost hardened . Mnke no calculations pain or t()d that any_ar~ so strong, so pro.ud, so \\·icked, be soJkerl f so unbehov1 ng, t he Gospel will llOt subdu e alcohol tPt-e: them. CHEJJflGALS, the in:flatn ed surface, especially the central Reason is the glory of hu1nnn natur·<? anJ portion, : repeating the c.i peration eight or P A'l'ENT JYIEDlGINES one of tho chief eminences 'vher cby ·we are teu time8: , conti::iuing the rubbing at each BRUSHES, ndsed above the beo.sts iu tl1i!.' l<nver 'vorld. time for a .l1out half a minute. He then alCOMBS, .surfnce to dry, placing a slight It is one of the worst errors to suppose lows tho 1 coating of campl.iorated olive oil over the inthat there is any other path of safety, exSHO LDER-BRAGES, fLuned su rJ'ac<'., He states that four such cept that of duty. SUPPORTERS, Elc.,Etc. npplicatio us \Yill, ih altnost nll casee, cause ' . Vt'"e can see at .sunset the bean.tihil colors 1 boils to ib ·y up and disappear. The appli- kept con r.;ta.nt1y on hand. streaming o.11 ovel' the western sky, but no . cation sho uhl. be 1nadt at rno:piing, noonJ OILS, PAINT; eye can behold tl1e finalhandthatoverturns and in the evening. He avers that the Same IJOLORS, V ARN'JHSES, the urns whence these streams are poured. trea.hnent. '"ill cure ,vhitlolvs, and all in~ and WHITE LEAD, 1 of his mid0.le fingers with the liq1li<l, ru ba GO AND SEE Ca.stings of a.ll Xinds. Fo'r' the Pa1·lo·r and the Clinrch, The Best Mate1'ial ancl Wo1·kmanslcip, Qiialily and of Tone nequa I led REPAIRS done on the BATTIN'G'S N:ElW SHOBTES'I' NOTICE, We ha.vo now on hand a large quantiily of ----0---$&0 TO $ ---- o---(Established in 1850.) · o o o., FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS · Common and Gang Plows, that will be sold at Factory and Warerooms, Cor. 6th and Congress streets, Detroit, Michigan e tips of the fi.ugers. ' J _ camphoWllll! l sweet oil. .t-\s soon as at the very lowest prices. ness appears, the fingers should Horses and Cattle Medicines: N. B.-Oo1tntl'y StorehcC'pcrs rmpplied on the JZ. je~i niinutes_ iu Cr:nnphorat:d most advantageous termH. a drit:d, an<l fina.11y e-oaked in A choice selection Qf LAMPS, for 1:ml6 ch~ap l3uwtnauville, Dae. 9, 1868. t~m AT THE Bowmanville, Sept. 18th 1873. LOW PRICES (,f Malllleh.este1· House, AT THE SHOP. Eowm8nille, March 6, 1873. RICE & BARKER, Agents, for Ontario, West and North of Belevillle Bowmanville, Aug, 21st, 1872 m47-o34-

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