THE MERCHANT WEST DURHAM AND GENERALl ADVERTISER Ci culatea hi.rgely in the Tov; nah1p!'I of Darling Stea.m Job :E'rinting Office Kl~W STREI.;£ BOWMAl'iHLLE ton Clarke ruid Cartwnght It is a commo11 platform open to the free discuss1on of all ques tlona n vh ch the genera.I pubhc are concerned T.IDR.J:l:S Seventy five cents per annum m ad vance The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 .RA.TES Oll' ADV ii.R'TIISJNG- One column H;lf lo Q rn.rtcr do 11 nus1ent 35 per annum 19 J0 AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME Y BOWMANVILLE O~TARIO FRIDAY NOVEMBER 28 1873 NUMBER VIII POSTERS PAMPHLETS CIRCULARS BILL HEADS CHEQUES NOTES L \BJ1,LS H!\.NDBILLS CARDS TICKETS &c &c ~c advertisements (i eta per line fll"st 111 l"e1 hon and 2c ver line each subsequent one f EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. r ' Vi ell well I I am eager to learn the do mg 1t totally Jgno1aut of the ternule tlnng \vhat I u1enn Tlni:i, cross, for \\ h1ch ) ou "11en tb e reporter reachc l the enca1np1nent nouement, sa1d Henri ' If I am not at its blood red color S) mbolize:, I can "en1 ha' e taken such au 11 explicable Janey came Ti,\:o 1011g tubles \v1th l cncbes on each side =======~===~======- fault JU my surnnsc somcth1ng w11l shortl) it no longer Here -remov1ng from her into 1nv possession lnder 'ery pecul ai c r a cou n od ited tl1e sixty under a long lnte ' Light from Darkness Ge11tlemen s & Boy a Garmen ts tent that for1ned an extension to a large cumstanc1::s-circu1ustanc s that invest it shr1nk1ng neck the chain l v w l 1vh Jt "as gro\\ 01t ofth1suffr1.1r that will interest a DY EDWARD WILLETT MADE IN 'IKE Paueio 0 a boarded sh a wh1ch l1ad bee 1 used as a po very wide cucle G1 ve me. the whole par suspended- I can view it with no otbei with extraord1nary interest GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY I l'IEWEST STYLES Mutal Life Assurance Society interest than thnt of horror nnd she threw moznent to note the effect of his language tato house and sen s<l for a kitchen chapel t1culars What folio\\ ed 1 Drunken bo lraggc l besotte 1 unclean Bowmanville July 27 18U9 Henri fixed his burn1ng cyca on the stran and sleep ng apartn1cnt for the " 01nen a1 d it nervously mto her husbands lap Ile said be \\as "ealtby and did not Blotch) disfigured ' 1th hoinblo hn1r F .A.J L AND ' ' INTER TDIE TA.DLE ESTABLISHED I840 Speak mg slowly and emphammg children of the party Passing through the WI ' you httle fool said Heu11, rn a ger s value moneJ ant.l that be had conceivtd so Uglier '1etcheder object I ' con Irau1~ will leave Bowmanv1lle Stnt100 ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. N er in the streets of the city WllS seen strong a desire to poesess the cross that,"' ild Jocose tone, are you gomg to !amt 1 Arn ei; ery worJ, he continued 1 I found this kitchen "here two large cooking stoves CL"i"AD.1 CHIEF 0FIICE8 Bowmanulle hme, as follows vr hy lo I stop at ti n crcnt lrc to stare ? 131 ST JAMESSlltEErJrIO~rREAL PQ as the offer might seem,he "onld not demur Jou u.frmd of 1t 1 It is al:;! harmlcs,-; a..q it bas cross on the 3rd of J,annnry 1849 on the v. ere doing duty the 'ie1tor "ns us:ihered Liveipool London and Glasgow GOING W1?.ST GOING EAST u to the chapel and 'vomen s sleep ng 100111 Rue de Germame on tbe very spot@ wb1cl been and 1ust as beautiful at gmng 500 france for l~ Gau t a.nd 1nh man with re 1 a ollen eyes OR I1ckota 01 infi.,rmation a~ply to Local 7 25 a n1 l Express 8 40 a. 1n DIRl>GTORS rne float WaS forn1ed of tan bo1k CO\Crccl W .A. N EADS Age> t Patel es of black m1x:ed ith pfl.tchcs of blue I do not fear it, replied Irene shrmkmg three days pre' Hl'us, the Compte de St Ar Fne hundred parblrn I the t rnket 1S r xp1css 8 40 nm M1x:ed ~ 20 p Ill WALTER SH.A.NL)' Esq '.;\'[ P Cl :.mruan ~I1xed 3 20 p 1n Local 7 20 p m Bo'""ll'la,n,1lle June 9th 1871 tf 30 Pa.u ted by vice \\itl letestable dyes with straw On the rnde bencl s that fill DUNCAN M \.ODONALD :ffisq uot \\Orth fhe ln:n cs said Henn excited fron 1t ne\ e1theless I uni not that iool i:sh mancle had beep brutally n ur !ere l Ex1 resa Dl:.> l In MAJOR T E 0.A.MrBELL 0 l3 St Hilru. ie Nothing about l er that any coul 1 pnze During tl e utterance of the concluchog eel the space \Ve1e ~coted a 11un1be1 of n1en ly 1 he n1an is either a lunCLi c or- But I dislike rt Its rnnocent cha1m "lost R R LOSCOMBE, Im: HoNOBA:BLE JOHN HAMIULON Hn,vks Why do I gaze at tl1at thing ... s I do' The wo1ncn nnd words of the above the countenance oi tie \\ 01nen and cl ldrcn burg4 011t BARRISTER A1 LAW " hat I more strongly suspect I un of to me fore' e1 RESibENT SECRE'IARY -JAME,5 ,GHANT } o l tnQUthcd foul odored an l 1eck1ng \ tl r; n cl ildren wr.1e n1o::ict of tben1 g:tt11l!1cd around ]u!ten1n tnan unde1wcnt a n1ost nJ pnlh J(") After "'e1bh1ng the n10.Ucr JH h $ mind berng0 liOLIGITOR IN" CHANOERY & 0 Snen.kmg nlong l ko a cowardly cu AnU w bat 1s possible for ) ou to n1ore uutil the specified week had nearly elapaeu, chan"'e, and dreadful indeed as tLou....,h he a stove The bedU1ng wl ich had been used SPECIAL FEATURES. 0FFICF,-0ver 1\-IcClung s Store same flat Sodden with liquor fron marrow to skin strongly to suspect htm of berng 1 asked Henri suddenly and eogerly concluded to hall heard the Bentence for lus 11nn1ed1ate the u1gt t befoie 11 as rolled "'"' m ti e THE ENT1RE PnoJJ ITS belong to and are d1vir1 Only m form to 1 umamt) 1 n · as J M Bruna.cotub s Dental Rooms Irene acquamt the prefect of pohce "'th the execution prono need The musclt:s of lus corners of tl e np1rt~ent l 'I her '\\US a halt ed anionget the Policyli alders Bowmanviu· oct 21th 1s63 ty \\That can it be that attracts me to bet ? lhis ' A knavo In spite of the temptation of story ln all its ben.r1 gs real and suppository face twitched con,u]sl\elJ his under Ja\v upper fio0r curta1nccl \\itli sheets LIVES DECLINED BY OTHEH COMP.A.."iIES or on Something I caught from he1 feat ires bychl\nce 0 tute funct10nar) proved to by an rn hacl e' 1dent1) been used as a sleepitJg roon1 fell, and his ei es rolled m their sockets as That a · wh1ch an extra Pre-m.ium would be 1 cquit ed can Something that suddenly shone and tJ cl fled 500 frane' I see that you sllll bear your be assured a.t t7. e ordina171 ?ate..3 of th s Society Was it a turn of the head or a glance? cross I would have thought the sum snf tclhgent ard 1a 1ent hsteuer nnd was only though fol10\v1ng the fantastic evolnL on of Abo>e ti o pulpit Jn ng a cha1t filled "1th unde1 a special arrangement pro1 he tic t) p1cal pictnres and numbers. Tn AIE WITH F Y CO WLR beg· to tn And all about the best of Lune some horrid gob! n fie cnt to buy np all the rosses in Pans too glad to deto1l two subordrnates to fur Pierced to m;> ht'i \rt hko the point of Ur lunce form the public generally that he has com Line from the West of the 'ery be1:1t SPEOI\L NON FOFEITA:BLE POLIOIES issued one corne1 stooU D n iel 111 chnu1 aunor The paroxvsm lo.steel but a moment By th er a scheme that promised to rest 1t1n the lak1n~ one back tot} e 1ays that aie Jtial and all the women henrrng them How dtd menced bus ness in the Shop next to the E::i:Not beat in nny quart er under which tnly 10 lti or 20 Annual Pay swo1d 1 J1auJ. watclun,.., Ll e stones hc\\:D l less Office one door east of J J'.\.iilne s I ime that "\Vill al' aya stand the test cnptuie of the criannal \\ 110 had succeeded a super} uma.n effort of the \\ill he rr.cover you ies1st 1 mcnts are required each payment i:;c<mrmg a 'Vho ' ould believe that a ereat1 re so vile Having had several years experience 1n the 'Vhen malung into mortar .All If I did not know tl at) our slur on "o in e'ad1ng the pursuit of JUStlce Early in ed his faculties, sprang to his tcct and Vi ith o it of the n1ounta1n \\ ithou hands lhus could remind me of one who 'vas dear trade he hopes to satisfy all "ho m~y favor I ill try and keep a goods lpply Policy for a sum assured proport1onnte to the the ~yn11ohc creat re;.s of Daz el 11s1on the deulon1ac fury of a mad1uan, dashed at I t v th a call For it is ah ays v; anted the mornmg a \leek subsequent to that on nurnber of prerruums prud andf ee f o i future. Pure an l white l earted and guiltless of guih men and their crosses \\as said more 1n hn ' 1hat "\\hen you_all.come in to buy tnU tl.lanJ of the svmbohs1ns of the Book of One who was Uead but whose be"'utiful smile n1or than in ea1nest, I would not giv~ you \\h1ch the supposed cnmrnal had called Henri htscing between lus teeth 'D(],yme:nt of pre;niums You 11 not be dumppointed :Beamed on me then and v; hose rma~e was nea1 ' Revelaltous, rncludrng the scarlet robed You will ahva) s find it dry a.nd fresh another word of rnformat10n I told the Henri sent Irene. into the city on a visit to you the tellmg of that tale is lour death 1'-fODERAT.E P.EEMIUMS and most liberal con m4U tf Bo"1nnnv1lle Sep 4.tb 1S72 And that IS soJnething bonnie 'von1an i1d1ng on the beast w1th se' en dit1ons. Yes it v; as aometb1ng to wonder about man that tho offer was very temptmg hut some friends with the exphc1t understand knell So come along nnd try this Lime, Something to force me to stop and to stare Tuel as his muscular hand closed oppres beads and carrymg the cup of her filtli· Prospectuaes Proposal Forms &c supplied But don t forget the money \bat I co 11 l not possibly accept it "'tho 1t rng that she \\as not to return until he 0 n ai,:>plica.t on at the Head Office or any of Something to cat se me to question and doubt the Hours of delive:t from N1nea.m toFourp m came for her Follow1ng close upon her s1vely on Henri s throat he was v1olf'ntly ness and abominations in her hnntl first consult1og you Corner of (.ll een and Ontario Street " t he AgODCll:lS Yet it 'vaii true and iny heart was dra\.\n out seven candleeticks of the se,en churches of fi'o1 the Townsh~p of Dai l11ngton Jeiked backwards nnd found h1111self m the de1)aI'ture came the nrnval of tv; o gen That was a noble rep!) my d ufing JAMES GRANT TITOS. BOWDEN Even to her in her wretchedness there Asrn and tho typical figures of J 235 uud tenacious clutches of the two gendarn1es Res Secretary uarn1es who ";ere fotthw1th secreted ln her said Henri dra ving J 1s wife close to his BoV\m&n"\1lle March llth1871 no24 t f ~:loney T her she stared m amaze In one aect1or was a tQrtp of the H 1 ' So ho 1 my fine fellow ·Jacufated one I 2GO side bestOVi 1ng on her an eloquent glance but recently vacated bedroom, thereafter to AGENT 'FOR BOWMA:.>lVILLE Soon I .suppose it was sq landlril1t1d for gin HAMP'ION \vorld as known to the anc1enta a1 d its ch of the officers '\.Veare altol'J"ethe1 too inake their en tree in. tl c preflencc of the ex and several passionate kisses Hereufter C BARKER Well I should pay for my wantlouug gaze t io1 npt a.ttenhon g1 en to sales &c on reason Observer Office Kmg St vision into three parts to SJ em Ham and deeply concerned for the future "elfare of peeled stranger or not as he uught or I shall conSlder you cheap at 50 000 francs ablo terms )Vhen froni her foulnesa thete came tome praISe 23 ly What said old Urresus to your pnceless an might not cr1m1nate h1n1se1f 111 the interview your soal to permit you to perpetnate such Japbct In another section were the "ords Bo\VlU., nville June 9 4tb Jt ( ' isions 0£ purity o it o{ her sin '\>v>1th lien11 n crnne You ha\ e done bad enough al 111 large letters 'I he three unclean spmts s" er 1 · The ENNISKILLEN All the prehmmary arrangements berng ready to bnng you to bangmg and that is -lnhdelit) 1 Papac), P1otestanl1Sm 'At first be appeared very much:d1scom I LITERATURE. t3 :1.lcf! 1 romptl:,. attended to on reasonable terms Adventists sa, they are not Protestant· fitted After a little while he said he was iuade, our a1hst detectne t)ok station at quite sufficient for our purpose OF LONDON The foiled v1llom glared suddenly from The) entered at once iuto conversation w1tb going into the country to remain one \Veek tbe wrndow and behrna the cloeed bhnil be BIGHAM, JAMES Another oar load of the above noble arhclee on THE CORNELIAN CROSS came a silent and intense wutcher He was one to tl e other nnd made no attempt to the rcpo1ter relative to their beliefs and (Establ shecl 1803 and that he should return this way nm! if the way Pamter Gli.z1er Paper Hanger, &c , &c hopes each one having a Bible in his or h<::r lI·AD OFFICES -1 Old Broad St and but ne,erthc escape Henn Cardone was a ) oung French art I in tho mean time gained your coni:i,ent, or a lirave and resolnte man Please call at the p all ~fnJ.l London hand and ne'er ansi;\ crn g a question vr1th les1:1 an occas1onnl 1n1sgr~·1ng fbttcd across ' That is right remarke l the officer "ho All kmds of work promptly attended to and BOWMANVILLE GENl:!:ltA.t t\.GENOY FOR 0A1'ADA -24 St lSt of d1s·rngulbhed promise Hts neat ht concluded to part 'nth the cross without it out reference to a text of Scnpture as a bis mmd The busme s befoie b1m ' as of spoke before 'Take it easy-shows ) ou s it1sfact on gua a1 teed would 1nake good lus offer And then he er amcLLt Montrea.L Farm Implement Forwarding Agenc y tle dommle and his pretty little "1fe were Res denco-N ext doo:i; east of the Bible Chris Thei disc 1ss Sc ipture an exocedmgly hazardous nature Should to be a philosopher ancl a n: an of couunon ground of belief Il W JAMES tian Chwch '.IYRONE subscnbed and invested Capital and Rescn e situated m surburban Pam One early bad n1e a rel ictan 11dicu '\\t!nt to the post the incessantly w th each other in a nlost ami sense supposed crun1nal prove to lie a real King St lk>wmanville F nnd £1 965 000 Sterling 22 tf Tyrone Mn.rob 8th 1869 twilight m the month of Novewber of a chaise that ""s waitmg m the road, got m, cable n1anner and endeavor by this means cnmmnl, lus capture would be likely to be The prisoner coo]] v folded bis arms nlO Bowmanville Dec 5 1872 and Funds 1n' ested m Canada- 105 000 au p drove rapidly towards Cholons certain year as Le entered his home l s to elicit all the I ght tl cy can on tbe sub 1 F1nall) "e the finale o1 nct Insurances against loss b, FlXe are effected on firi:;:t, preceded bv a aespernte encounter If fatal stood silent t he most fa.vornble terms and losses pni1d "ith wife ran unto h1m, t\\ 1f ed her ph mp arms Ject tl at so deep!J mtcrosts them fatal ·o whom 1 Henn thought of tbie, 1\{01 s1cur Cardone continued the offi around hIB neck, be,towrng a full blow kiss 1e1narked Henri 0 ut reference to the :Board m London T11ere "\Vas no in<l1catton ofpovertj among then of Irene und cloi::ed h1s e3 es Then cer 'ns your friend scen1s to take k1udly 'Yes, responded the musmg Irene toy upon his responsive hps an1 nnmediately RINlOUL 13ROS L <\.NK CERTIFIOAES Apphcat10n s J DODSWORTH he thought of the gendarmes m the 1 ext our interference w1tb tlns little plan to these forest \\ orsh1pperci They '\\etc: pla111 exclaimed ' Oh, dear Henn ' I had such a ing with the object of so much disc lBsion &c &c l:lan be procured a.t this office a t 'fhere was nothrng Inspector Gen. Agentfl Montren. room set hls Jaw in a s1 i11t of gnm defiance, ai; 01d you a long rest1ng spell you will ly ) et n< 1tl) dressed regular rates surprise, such an old visitor, th1s atttrnoon wh1cl1\las1n rca!tty of but little rntrrns1c 13owmrumllc July 7th 1873 Mormng with cqu~l d1sinteresteclness pro\ 1 lt! us grote:'.>qu0 or lnd1cro a 1 l then 1nn.nncr or R R LOSCOMBE, Barnster gen -a man w1th such an mcxphc able fancy value, and in no'v way remarkable except put all forebodrngs from !nm for Bowmanville and V1cm1ty It "ills n clear noon afternoon and even1ng glided bv "ith w1th n rope for brn benefit 1 Un luck1ly we appearance They ate certa nly th' calm that I have been \\ n1Ling these t'vo hours from peculu1r1ty of design Bowman-ville June ]4th 1860 3G est n1ost n a then n.t cal ent}n sinsts ever for your arr 'al aml (bestowrng a playful blood red cornehan,the upnght p1llnr bemg no result Henri yawned \\ ith impatient came from the town an<l forgot to brmg ti e mo 43 39 4w seen The services we1e s1niple, and tll discouragement HlS allies took to the led professional bi Lceletsan nn1ntentlonal carvetl to represent a tlescendn g a.rro\\ and cut thereupon) your ears n n1ketl. hy 01 j enthuSlasni or CYc1ten1t>1 t .ar And no'v the cars h.:ne arrived Irene the croBa piece a verJ fine \\rought innta room floor and c ids earlJ in the forenoon oversigl t \\h1ch I assure 'o 1 n ldrese1ng Hltberto the excitement of the ehnse bad the pr1soner ~e deplore e\en ino1e ths.n They do not shot t as MethtdlSts do an l my pet I suppose your r erry tongue \VI 1 t1on of "in11;s been quite strong enough to suatn1n Henr s you yourself can In fact '\ e were rather tbe1r h:i;;mns nre sung 1 y traineo \ocahsts What attract10n thlS b1 t of a t1 mg FOR SEED, r~ttle away :J.!1 n1e;:r1 lJ as a newly wound AGENT uucerta1n of having tho pleasure of your who nnd~rstaud 1111 s c They began with interest Bat now would the expected not \:ND F or the followmg Insurance Oompan1ea and up music box a1 d, once started I shall not "h1ch aSJclc from berng your gilt, I look pra) er three of the n1en fol1o\V each otl l;!r co1npnny on our return 1 come at all I A bnef 0011sultatton "rth the other InstltutH>llS viz have an opportunity to put a "ord ln edge upon as \Vorthleas, can posseea to render it .Q,l."11 f The QUEEN l 1re und Life Insurance Com fhey l Iflj eel not as other de Nor vnll you have that pleasure growl in ucvohon officers -..\ho adhered to the op1n1on that he so exceedrngly presc10us rn the e) es of thlS \\tse Ulltll you have rtn do"n coinpletely pa ny Cap t·l£2 000 000 $lu0 OOOdepositod Jlom1nut ot s Uo fur any te1r.pornl blessing FOR FEED ed the lntherto qn1escent c ~pt1v e suddenly "°uld come and that he" as morn likely to W1 th the Dom1n1on Go..,; ernment for the proteo But for tlns old mn1 with the rnexphca inan I cannot conJectu1e, continued the le rsm Canada the) rnvokcd the Hol) Spmt, and pra)e<l str1k111g out with h s t\vo powerful arms make h13 appearance "1tl in the next: three Did he, utterI) regaulless of puzzled Irene The ISOLATED RISI( Flre Insurance Coro hie fanc' ' VE Just received a Choice lot ef pany of Ganado Cap tal $500 000 -One of tbe the divine set of Jns trowaers go do" n upon I tlnnk I can furnJSh you "1th a clue hours than at at any Luue fprel'Ious dunng upsettmg Uc officers l 1ckrng over the table for faith and expressed their gratitude to m best and cheapest Companies do ng b lSiness m the tla5 especrnllv if Le \\ere a rogue anl on which atood the light and leapmg oul (:.Tod for giving thcn1 n kno' Ie<lg:e of the tho Dorr inion for Farmers and Iso1ated Riak1:1 bis kr ees and beeeech of you to fiy with to the fot ndat1on of Uus extraord1narJ in Tt c b) mus 'vas not lacking in tbe usual cunning, brae rnto the darkness As he vamsbed "bi !let trutl1 an<! forth to bel e' e it terest rcmarke l Henri What was hu1 The CANADA LANDED CREDI'l COY ht 11 to son1e ru1al retreat, tl ere to suUs1st th a. Savings :Bank department L1ghtmg a lamp for lassed by either eor an<l he escaped un \Vere s tn g by leadcts tLe entire congrega general appearance 1 That of a coarne, ill ed Henri some\\ bat upon 1noonslune and I s u.dorable 1 1ous The UNION AND PERMANENr Butldmg Llor J01n1ng 1u the cl ort s The following the ~uondant ga1nsters an l 1u otl er for lum hurt an d Savings Society tache? and "\Vns it his inphcable fancv tbnt bred person 1 Theii:e latter 1nstltt1t1ons advanl:le Louns on you should be accompanied by such httle Tl e report of the pistol hurried Henn is one of the nal.uj they s1ng 'Far from that He was tall not over self, he camped on the lounge He bad got n cal Estate on terms unusua.lly easy for the Lone pilgnms 1n tht"- land we ro 1n articles of avallahlo value as tlns poor fleshy, well ilressed refined m bea1 mg and but comfortably settled however before a back mto the room from wl11ch he 11ad borrawe1 \\ e long h "\Van<lcrcd beio rap ar the street door brought h1tn mstant gone in quest of a rope IIi~ countenance betokened Bowmanv Ile Feb 6th 1873 J M BRIMACOMBE L D S hovel nnght afford 1 Or "as he a "onder language 1 he B1blo pou1ts us to out hou1Ely to h!S feet Scboohng hunsell to meet NUTS IN GREAT VARIETY ' Quick ' exclanned oue of the oflicers much illness at some early JlCrtOd of bis ltfe mg gipsy lord who predicted ·hat you "ere Ancl b1 inga t1 e Lo d th s ycn1 reeth E:xtracted at Twenty five Cente: The de\ 11 has outwitted nn ! e caped us the probable """" with qmet dehberat10n Rooms over ~:I:cClung Bros Stores to be the queen of all proud France instead or excessive dissipation lo Da.n el God to Gab1iel Also n~rrels and Boxes of Bo,v1nan1i1llc Oct 1st 1870 1 Sha 1ltl J our cross enamoured friend he lmsureli proceeded to the door and "°'"e n1ust 1Je after him at one~ It 1 Leene Ihe tbiee hn es and a purt of one humble French heart 1 And did he, From Irene s giaph1c descrip 13reme tl e n1ost ieckless and ferocious of 'l vo ii ousn.nd th1cc bun lred l J s call agam oud I should have much doubt if opened it JUSt as he \Vas about to surroun l your au " itl.t an assortment of Ate al o~n upon o rd ait I a1u the person hon be bad no hfficulty in t(;oognunng h1!i the many cit t11roat~ w·ho infested Pai s SIX gut brow"\\. tl tl c 1n1pc1 ul ctO\\D snl he e\ er does send Henr f'IS1tor Tbe expected. n1an of the cross stood vears ago He most miraculo 1s1) d1sap Choi us- Yes e shall n1eet aJ l rr se ou1 with whom he must deal tlcnly suspend it and take an 1nexphcable ---Rug before} 1m II1s heart gn\ c a treniendous about the tune of St Ar1nau(te mur fancv to have bis duty palm fitot crossed Why \Hth ) ou dear 1 NOT SO FAST. l 1om f:!llt uu<l tn:tli:: f1ec Darlington hae agatn rcce1\ ed anotl er lot of w1Lh a crown uf snvcr 1 OrBecal\lle the obJ ect he is so ei..1;remely thump agarnst lus breast but b" vowe was der and tl1e Jepurtment had given !um up Ou gl:i.1 lel v icncewo 1l 8 <:i those celebrated I have -w:r tte1 these fe,v l 1 ('S ' There there do cease ~our bachuoge solicitous to posses'5 hns a myi::ter1ous hwtory steady and qmet ns he saluted the stranger for dead We must not allow him to have In eighteen seventy three And all I ha\c to say Ins length for a moment Our first move with Good e\ enrng, m said the poulrng little woman, stamping her known only to myself After the prayers a 1d l ymns B10thci S That you c:1.n find ine et ll at home Quahty is the Test of Cheapness 'Good evening respon lecl the \ 1a1tor 1s to lodge mformat10n at the three be «ls 1' B1sl op "ho, t\\ell\) )ears ago gave up small toot impatiently You \1tll never And tl1at mi sterwus history affords a I am not gone a.way Ile " an astute his profe~sic.n ts a la\\' er to become a scrut1n1z1ng Henri closely 'I::i tLe n1ada1ne of the police department Bowmatn ille Dec; 22n.d 1870 n12 tf become "rne lrntcn1ng to your O\\ n "\\ s key to the solut12n of the aeemmgly insane So all my kn1d old friends may coJ 1e dog of 1nfin1te resource nnd tl e whole force p1eacher of the Second Ad, ent and who 18 at home i <lorn offer of 500 fran..:.s 7 .t\.nd all the ) oung ;:,nes too WELL FILLED ~ ITH THE l!iy wife lS the lady to "horn 'ou refe1 on the scent "1!1 lia1dl) suffice to capture the echtor of the "fVc~tch1na is Cry an organ ' Nor \Vcary hsten1n5 to) ours,mJ cl arm 'I apprehend such to be the C'1Se Thrn And get then· garment8 nicP-lJ made In fashions that are new mg sage laughed the voluble Henri caress was found upon a spot wl ere a few· days I presume, said Henri 'She ls absent on him of the AdventlStR published m Menden Breme "as eventually taken But so Conn ascended the rude puJpit and talnnd Where old v.nd young dn l frit1nrl inny rng her soft brown hair fondly p10ceed- p1e,1ously a re,olt1ng crime had been a visit Can I sene you manythrng1 Wtll meet from this on I am all eare. committed If ID) su1m1ses are correct this you not dtep in sir 1 Henri threw the door adroit \Vil.B he that he contrived to rcn1ain a sho1t '\\an<l 1u Jns hanJ begfln an expla A clcorue greeting by R PE.ATP.. AARON BUCKLER MPOR'IER MANUFACTURER an Well let all ears listen At about three strange VlSltor of yours was the author of wide Opn, that the man might see tho at large for three weeks after his escape nation of the ch8rt descnbecl above and his Has the best and most des rable lot of DoV\manv Jle June l9t1 1S73 DEALER in all the var1et1es of o clock this afternoon as I was s1tt1ng in that crane If so he and that httie red room was vacan ancl hence 1m gine him to from Cardone s houee He wall. tr1e<l con ser111on He said It 1~ imposs1\Jle fu1ly demned, mu executed for the murder of St - - . - - -, - - - - - - - - - - tent upon takrng the finest possible stitches cioss are old acquaintances, .and. he would be alone to explam all that JS dep cted on tb1s chai t & reo.(hly sacrifice several times the five bun 'Ah you are the hllilband of the lady, Armande, several w1tnesses being found but on it is seen sufficient to explain the of different graJes ti.Ud t'!Urpa.BSea all othe n~ lll the 1.Jorder Of your finest Carobr1c, there ho i.aes in town a1 d Countr) ~ g came a sharp rap at the door 1 listened, dred francs to compass its possemon Wh) I remarked the stranger who after peermg who Jdent1fied him and testified to havmg \Voids of my sermon He rap1dlj 111n over A la.\g1;1 and choice selection of seen fastened to his shirt bosom on tbe the prmc pal flg ies of Dame! and the stone opened lt and foun<l myself face to face w1th Snnply because so long a.a it remains in m, walked rn evemng of the murder that blood red cross cut out of the 1nouuta1n the "oman sitting ' I have the honor Pray be seated & n~ a man of middle age, "ho bowed politely other hands than hts own, l e " parnlully Irene "as never after" ard persuaded to on the beast 'nth se' on heade g and enquired if he were on the Rue de conscious that at any moment rise up in I will trespass upon your bosp1taht) but AN nrMENSE NUMl3ER ' The Pa always on hand of superior workm..'l.Jlship and \Vear 1t It hung over the mantle in her pac) has gone du>1u latel; hke a mill stone Chalons On berng mfirmed that he was Judgment before him, and cost him tho for a. fe,v n1oments-n.t lo"\ est prices rh e Subscriber bri.y ng 1:1ecu1cd the able ser 1cee he thanked me affably, and was turning to mere irreparable Mcnfice of hIS head ELECTRO PLATED N o trcspns~ I nssure 'ou Sohtude is boudoir and mnny 8Tl evening v1s1tor bas to come up no inore NO\\ we expect the OF beeu begmled by Henn "ith a recital of resurrection of the dead In 18'"';) We, en depart when his glance fell on tins little 'And you have kept all this dark mys not the best of compamon< Wrought or Cast b on Fence. Tea and Coffee Sets Fruit Corneltan wluch then, as no\v, was lying on tcry from me complamed Irene Without rewovrng his bat the stronger the t\\ o dark episodes in its histo1y which lure everytlnng on it ::\ o, I don t hke the Hemisphencm Dishes Qr enclos1ag bury1ng lots took the proffered clial!' ' I can tarry but are embod1od m this story, and have de word venture for it ie no venture It is a my bosom He stopped s)iort,gazed fixedly ' I haye but will no longer I have re as Cutter i11 prepared to take orders for not to be surp ~ssed m the Prot 1nce Furniture Tops Mantel Pieces, &c a short time he snid 'Probably your wife parted shudderin~ at its sang111nary hue- sure prouhecj that Wti have seen in part at it, as though ti possessed sorre deadly fas fram d from makmg) ou acquainted w1tll GE VTLE11fEN S CLOTHING cmat10n turned first deadly pale then hv1d the c1rcum'3tnncea that are assoc1ated \'i ith bas mformed you of an offer she rec"" ed a Overla 1d Monthly fulfilment and we kno\\ it will be all aecom kept on hand or wrought to order A call is which will be got up in tho r spectf ully requested at tho works ~"""""'"""""'~~ ] pl1sbed purple, and in u hoarse 'vb1sper articulated mi fmdlng of the tnnket solely from a fear \\eek ago for a small fanc fu1 carnelian cross Its gomg to be a paymg mvest The End of the World KM1g Street, Bowmanvilk ' b-!adame, you "ill pardon me, for it 1s no that the kno" ledge might cause Jou to con that was in her posse!'l.s1on 1 1nent He 11 corr c thls year as sure October ht 1860 1 ti and on the Y e<:i, she did mention the matter to me THE AnVENJ:lSTS AlTING '.l'.O BE lUGllT as there IS any t1uth in hlStOIJ, and pro ordinary cu11os1ty that pron1pts the ques ce1ve a morb1d-d1elik&, awl as 1t is tlon but might I venture to ask how that really a pretty ·oi ,I like to sec you weant and \Ve both wonde1cd at the stiar ge fancy phecy, and a sunple sum rn a ld1tion "hy 1V:OST REASONABLE TERM:S TO HEAVEY-PICTURE OF TIIE B \Nn-80 Equal to any in the Domnuoo trinket pointing a trei;nbhng fiuger at And now for the mysteri At ~fr Peats iesidcnce on King Strc!:it Do you remem ~the man ancl the excessn e pr1 e ho offer JOURNING ON AN ISLA.ND I~ THE CON· are we 1 eru on Terry s Island to day 1 On hand a. very full a.ssortment of E1 glish and the cross, ' can1e Ulto your possession-un ber the murder six years ago, of a noble ed I rhcre lS a certarn type lll the law that has NEC'fIOUT Ca adum ' \ ell iephed the stranger with a forced 'vhat mrcumstances 1 man b) tho name of Compte de St Ar not bad its an 1type All the IJres up to (From the Bosten Globe Nov 4) Jaugl, the fancy caunot matter to you LOTHS AND TWEEDS '\~{ell queried Henn to u. lo,v, inter m>nd m the Rue de Germame l Ou Teir) s Island, m Connecticut river the last ha\C lad their accomplishment ested voice ' \\hat ,.,as my httle ,vife s re D!Stmctly replied Irene All Paris and as for the price, if Jou get 1t that ought about seventeen miles abo\e Hartfort, are and prophecies fulfilled up to the time and was tl rilled with horror at the mystery and to sah!< fy you on that point I an1 the man, about sixty pero::ions of both sexe.s assembled litenlly at the time except the Feast of plJ l{E Subscriber v;ould res[ ectfullyin!o1m h s l3owmanv1lle ~hy 27th 18"3 tf bp m33 o 2 Your little mfe told him that 1t "ae a barbarity of the Ueed But \vhat,ociat1on and I r \lle\'i the offer tumero 1s custo1uers and the p 9hc general uwa1tm~ the second advent o! Obrist, wl 1ch Tabernacles wluch has never had its anti l~ that in connection with his present from her husband, and that it bad 1 Ah 1 No, certainly not, the fancv doesn t can tlus cross ha' e with that dreadful they confident!) expect to day or to mor type and if tlus type is eHr to u folfilled Ihc g e 11test r.nd best assortment ever seen 111 D been in her po sess1on about fot r year~ affa1r IO\ n ~one to excel it concern 11s of courRe not and Henri eyed ro\\ or at any rate before the cloee of 1873 it must be betn een this and the t>th of No HESE MillKSARE THE CHEAPESI How or "here yon came b) it she could not ' An 1ut1mate nssociat1on rha.t cross the stranger keenly he has opeue 1 up a. larg-e and But yon kno11 that They begun to congregate on the island vember Yes between this day au<l that the most lasting the least troubleaome and wa fot nd by me on the 1drnt1cul spot of unusual oc.currences \Vlll set the least ctn about two v. eeks ago The attendance has we expect to be caught up rn the au wtth rao st con1plete I:! er mvented 'I hey are used inform lnm an d recommended by mauy of tl best Breeders Then he departed satisfiecll the mu1dcr and but three da\ s thereafter ans of mort11.'1s to ~u1n1unng been' ariahle front the begmn1ng of the Chuat until the heaven and cnrtb shall pass lU t he United States and Oanada such as G B of Ready mOOe "\YO k selected fro1n tho BROOCHES EAR RINGS, &C 'No, mdeed 1 If you closely examme the l ndero1de you 'Of course, of course the stranger meehng iea bing as high as 200 some days a~ay a1 <l. a ne'\v heaven and eartl1 \1ibere Lot"l.Dg...t Salem Mass l:>res1dent 1-{e,v England surpass them Selected by myself at Wo ol u-ro>vers Societ) John S Ross Henne 'Then he inquned }Our na1nc age anl will observe a small hole dr 11ed at each ex "1th strong syn1ptons of ineas1nesR BESTMANUFACTORIES, None to the Pea and droppmg off on other da) s to thJrty or m thcte shall be no sea shall he create I manufa<...-to1ies 1n England pm Ill Professor 1\1 ~Illes of the State Ag trem1ty From these holes I am led tom ple cannot lielp tlunkmg thats what brams forty which he offers for sale When the /Sun reporter reuche<l the Some of us expect to stay on th,. island rw ulturaJ College ng, Mich !Ion Geo profeso1on Br own Toronto Ont. John Snell Edmonton Did he 1 I don t know "hetber I ought fer that it was worn by the unkuo'l,\:n ns "ere made for unt1l we are translated Vi7e expect the But to tbe porn! if you island, last Friday morn1ug, about s1xtj Ont. On each ~:fark lB stamped the owner s to feel comphm 0 nted or nsulted D1u Jon sa.ss111 on the fatal night in question and still possess the cross and 'vlll exchange it five Second Adventists, mcludmg the chi! Son of God thlS year, 111 le>Js than ten Joi s name and the Sheep s numbex I hey will be (}1 e bnn a. cv.11 exanunc the v;o1k and JUdge The Cholcl:!et of grades <:t0ld and 81lvor fr11,mes. sen t free by mnil 01 express for only fourencts tell bun 1 furtber1no1c that it "as wrenched frotn its for the sum offered that sum is yours Your dren, were found 1n the tents nnd te1npor If nnJ body tlnnka \Ve urc monomau acs ]Pt Lu.z[!.rus Mori'ls & Cos on hand to fit all siJiihtl:!. aoh and will last for TW'Ell'IY YEARS f.01 yoursel vts [ hcSitatei and told !nm faatenrngs by the lland of the hapless ans,ver 1 You will excuse n1y secnung nry acccmmodat10ne they have erected on him come and try ua ~ e have btd fare These I 'v1ll sell a.t reclucod pnces. A- Cash must accompany all orders JOHN HELLYAR I 'v1sh you had not hes1tateJ. \nU then Comptc m bis dyrng struggle Naturally abruptness I un pressed for tune and can the south Side of the island fot their so well to earthly rewards aud emolum ent.; ARCIHBALD YOUNG JB ~ yrono Ap11J 8th 1873 m27 tf A LARGE SUPPLY OF not told lnm So1neUnng of ruoruent will nuongb Jtfcll to the ground, "here I found not delay S uni.a Ont Journ while ·till on the earth Mr D 0 ~ e don t m the least rngrct what ne have Orders addressed to the M i<;IlOJ U..,T ar a OB grow out of thlil cmios1ty But 1t \Hl! not it To this day, m spite of the superhu 'I hold yoii perfectly exeusnble said Terrv, "ho JS one of the congregation and done We have g nncd an eternal \\eight SEUVER Office fo1 any quantity 'Vlll be filled at REMOVAL man e[c..;rte of a by no 111cans obtuse pohce Henri, drnw1ng the coveted cross from Ins "ho ov. ns a greater part of the island, an of glory '~ e arc satisfied with the com tl e above tnentioned 1 uce as q uckly as the matter rhen l c departed 1 Morlrn can be and a nt No he stood absorbed lU trouble! and the incentH e of a fabnlous reward l v pocket and noting the eager fia<bmg of the sw ercd the call at the ferry R D \.. VIDSON has removed h1i:1 l es1dence We are salts! cd (ROGERS MAKE In at swer to pani "e aJe kcepu g (J 13ARKEH ar d Surgery to the late residence of J hn thought a few mrnntes, as though "eighrng St Armande s relatn es, the murderer 1S strangers eyes as his gaze fell upon 1t De the reporter s mqmry he sa1 l ' We expect tl at "e urc the clullren ol the Mo't High Milno Esq on the Market Square Bo'vman1'1lle Dec 28th 1871 1, m13o a deep problem and then sa1d he bad taken unUiscovered, and the 'vhole affair remains c dmg to thr mt the probe home at once be the Lord to come before t he 5th of Nov God aud that rn shall be translated m n3o ti v; e a.'\ e1y stiong and eccentric fanc) for the wrap] ed m unpenetrable mystery Alter dcltberately ud led Another reason, other \Ve are assembled here for pra) e1 and ha\'e portions ot our comp1ny 11 c'iicry trmket,and asked 1f I "ould for a consider all these unrevealing years who shall say than want of time may exist to occasion pra11;;e and to a wait His coming ISSUED BY We State and section of tie Umon nnd m the ISSUED BY ut1on part with it that the comrng together of this man and )OUr abruptness, n1y fr1end-,vant of con ha\ e no obJect10ns to us1tors if they do not Bnt16h Provrnce 0 lll England h eland JOHN J. WILLIAMS of tho Royal Collc~c cf phy ' ~ hat '"'"' yo 1r reply to that very btm the cross ts l.lot the working of a retrtbut1ve fideuce ROBERT ARMOUR Chtlrrywood Post office P1ckermg RADUAIE come to scoff and turn our 'vorsh1p 1nto Scotland and N om ay We tlunk 1t piovt sicians of England and Unners1ty of Vic fate 1 Too well does the man o! rnex 'Wba· sir epc ilated the man, sta1trng r1dic1tle ton a. College Cobourg lTn lergraduate and ne8" like propos1t10n 1 Bo ~n111.nvil1e Dec 10 1889 We are happy to auawer any dentlal that we are so scattered We num Ont zeman of the Urn e1s ty of Toionto and 'That berng yo ir gilt [ shoul l much phc " J mcy l 1 " that the little toy he up ln a threatening apprehen lYe '\a) questwns a1'Cl snt1,fy any who doubt OL r ber about 84 000 1 t 11 It" i nposs1blo tr~ ivers tj of Queens College K1ng ton b'lem d1shke to let it go so covet:, lt:! adequ \te 1t 1t tall~ into proper What do ;ion mea 1 b) that rer ark to dcsc1 Le the ca tuneso::i of COU\ vncn that bor of the College of Ph) su:aans and Surgeo1 s oomty or our groundsJol behef Mr Terry MARRIAGE LICENSES of Ontario Su ger~ and Reaidenco opposite 'Of coun1e that must ha :re terminated tbe hand '" to wo1k the \,;rns1flx:ion of n proper LJSten aflll I will tell l 011 replted conducted the reporte1 oo the ter ts wl ose rested upon the pi ench rs fact and \vhich uieued by the inu.rket square conversation 1 sea lrel rrHE s 1SCl'lber18 p1epared to f 11 all orderM IIcnr fully convinced that be " a1 on th6 white tois bad been seen peeprng aoo' c tl e '\vas reflected in the co atcuances of h1s R CLIMIE B-0 vman nlle Oct 5th 1871 for custom I larnng at shortest nohca Of cour,e but 1t did not though And I l ave r ght tracl , as h11;; VISitor 1ndec1s1vely sat forest gro1' th as they crosoed the raptd Cjngregat1011 Ugh shud lerel lrrne It At the State.s nan Office Bowma.nville 'IHOMAS SMITH, became more pointed "ban ever beeen \\-Ca11ng it all this t1n1e,. itntl adm1r down agam Listen and I wtll tell you nver Dowmau ville Nov Jrb 11868 Dxrlm 0"1ocn August 7'b 1873. If The ,A.dvenllsts were at breakfast {Contin led on l ourth Page ) TAILOR B. PE.A.TJC, ~tt.llttt.autt. POETRY. ,v RELIANCE F New 'railer Shop.. J 0 H N--H E A L ' L :a~::~!e~!~tm~=eME GOOD FITS GUARANTEED AUCTIONEERS PHILLIPS, Wm. Barton, Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders I }1-,EED MILLS. mperial Fire Insurance Co To Masters of L. 0. L B ARRIVAL! WESTERN co RN Jam es . . McFeeters. CBACKED co"D·T HA John McDougall NEW FRUITS, Ea1s,rs, Cuants,F1gs, '" Dates, Lemon, Orange and Citron :E'ee1s, Beautiful Candies, BEAUTIFUL TEETH SO, HO! CHOICE BISCUITS. Gentlemen of :Fashion. :P'C':EtE LEAF TEAS, NEW STORE, 0. BO UN SALL, CHOICEST OF QOODS. I Itahan AmerlCan Marble W AT CH E S CLOCKS , 'I'1'!11lor1" ·' Monuments Grave Stones, . Clothl ! :Bi P.EATE, Frrst Style of Fashion, Plated Kllives, For:Ks;- &c, w c TYRONE BOOT & SHOE STORE ·;r<;; c T S:E'OONS. T. Paterson. SPOONS. HOME-MADE wo:a.x, ana's Patent Sheep Marks l I Well assorted Stock Gold Chains, Rings, T SPECTACLES! Very Low for FINE CUTLERY, D MARRIAGE LICENSES MARRIAGE LICENSS DR. DAVIDSON, G CUSTOM PLANING w - -