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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 28 Nov 1873, p. 4

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THE MERCHANT, NOVltMBER-28, 1873. POETRY. Weary Feet; l[o, 1na:n with the cold keen eye, This, thfa is no pauper-lie i-\t the doors of our busy mart, Ilut a true ttud a womanly hearti Though it beat jn the breast of a ch. ikl \'\7 here (Coutinue:l from :First Page.) At the close of the services the whol~ congregation repaired to the landing at the 1873. -o- 1873. - -- o--- $26. :B.E\VAR:O. ferry, where the preacher baptized, by in>n1ersion, seven ~andidates-two lads an¢! five young \VOtnen. The sacratnent 'vas gi\·cn in the simple n1unner of the ortho· ouly thu < s1niled. As grn.ud a toiler as you Is she who sha.ll da.rl:' a.n<l do, l!'or the promise that holds the d1.1a.d And th1:1 living tha.t pine for bread; And grancler than he ·who woulU l::!LaktJ Ilis soul for the gol_ d's 0"'ll sake. Co1uo,' close up your ponderous books, Aw;:i.y '\Vith those h::i.rd cold looks. of tho dox Baptist clrnrcbes. 'l'he water must haye been icy cold. The young girls shived fearfully es they were led in, bnt did not "'m to snlfor after the ablution. '!'hey were wrapped in shawls and waterproof Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct cloaks as they came up from the water,and Cottons? taken in the \Vagon to ~it. FALL STOOK. Dress Good.s Newest Style.. I T having come to our knowledge, that certain Pedla1·s _arc selling Spectacles and Eye Glass· et> purportmg to be of our make, and to bear our names st11u1ped thereon, 've hereby caution the 1111blic ·againa:t all such imposters,o.s :&fcssra Yellowlees & Quick are our A!feUtH iu West Durhrun ; and a R1nvard of $25. is hereby offered for th1:1 apprehensi<in nnd conviction of all such im_oosters as try to d1:ifraud the public by offering thcit· t1·a.ah a.s our make. LAZARUS, MOIUUS, &. CO. Montreal, ~O\'. Sth, 1871. n7~tf GHIT CHAT. ['l'im :Brady a.nd Mike !'ly:nnJ Oct 1S72 rrerry's house on FALL OPENING I I the opposite siue of the island to change their clothing. One of the Adven\iAts told That drea.111 of sotne ventUl'C vn,st That shall narrow n.ild dwarf the last, And follo\v the vt'eary foot, 'rhrough alley a11d dismal street, of eternal the reporter that they w· uot heJ~eycrs iu the in1111ortality of the soul, nor in a place punishment. The gilt of immo1tality is only for the believera in Christ. and death to them is eternal-annihilation. GREY COTTON Au t u·m n Fashions of the best make, including the celebrated REMOVALa s. MASON 'Visher. to infor)U hjs in~~ez:bl.i.a fd°endfl 11nd CUS· STORM ONT. 'l'o where, amid squalor a.nd gloom, rrhcy enter the desolate roo1n. Sel:l now the fair young beu.d J3ending above that bed, Where, cla.;iped in the bonda of death, A. little babe gasps for breath. Ilai.:k to the kiBBes that fall n 11 t h·_ · !ipF: ihf'it. will call and call }1'ur the lov~ that lied u,.di..:r LLc 111ould, And thn.t died for the lack of gold. Succor the brave young life That nobly faces the strife. IIolp for the struggling poor, \Yho auffer and still endure ! 'Love, love your fellow-kind, And, lo ! in your heart you shall find 1 \. treniaurc tha.t fades not away, But groweth fro1n day to duy. -E11g. jfar;azine. .1\..11 other bun1 un beinga are mortal, fu1ite, ---oo--- torom that lw h~1ymovcd to . BUCKLER'S OLD STAND. where be wili. De fuulltl. l"\vith the ·moat C'om plete aasortmont of .. I I I Mr. Charle· Kittredge, of New Haven, is lOct Cottons an A&ventist. He has an ample fortune. He WM on Terry's Island last Friday, and seemei to be happy in tbe thought of trans- at Cowle's---Splendid vitlue. Magnificent display of N e'v and Rich Goods. MURDOCH BROS. have opened out an immense stock of New Fall Goods. Great care has been taken in buying the Stoek, itnd as nothing but First Class Goods have been purchased, customers can rely on getting good value for their money. Harness, Whips . lation. I-le laughed at uscension robes, and told a good story of one that it was said he \Vas having n1ade in New Haven. He hnd of unequalled Leard of that robe, but he bad never seen . it. lt was of white cloaking velvet of the :S~YLiE a,:n,d 'Trunks, &c. Q"O"A.J:.I'l'Y in to.w n. Please call. J3nckler's old stand, one door east ofl\faynard's Hot<.;11. B~\vmau-ville, Sep. 1st., 1873. TI. M .- "G_ ood morning, Mike, s1mre and it is early out ye are. Might I be bould to axe what started yees Lhis morning." MIKE.-" Jist b~ aisey, Tim, and. I'll tell ye in a jiffy. Ye soc, I was ton!~: y1sterday, that M1sther Gray, ov Tyrone, hncd got home an llh~ant new stock av Goods, chapc as durt, man; 11nd its meselt could hardly slape a wink, aU night, thinking ·av the chape. goods. And sure enutf, its the full store he ha.s- piles and av the natest pa~tern~; and he'd give ye the makin's av an ilhgant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Cints; Tay for most nu thin, and the Baccy for 11 trifle less." TIM.-- "An shure its funning me yo are, Mlke · wouldn't the rnau be . afther brealcing dO"¥.,.Il," ' MIKE.-" Breaking down, is it. Sure he knows a thrick wurth two av tht. I'lljistten you whn,t it is, Tim, if ye want to get ,agmte name when youre <led, and be called a filantrofized,filosifer and a pubµc binifacthor, jist tel) all youre. nabours, and the rist av mankmd, about Gray's chape store, Etnd you'll do more for t he good av your counthry, than iver St. P ittrick did for ould Ireland, when he banished all the toads aud snakes out av it that niver °'vas in it." ' TIM.-- "I'm much oblaged to ye; for the bit av abvice, and ~-on't detain ye; thcro'll shurely be a grate run, and maybee I'd miss some, bargains. The top av the morning to ye."-I'm off to Grays. r best quality, costing $18 a yard, and \va.s- bcingmade by the best artistic dressmaker at an artistic price. When completed, with lace a.nd embroidery, it \vould cost $500 ; " butt" said ].fr. Kittredge, "I'll give J. ·GR!I, Tyrone. Noted for cheap Goocls. S'l'ORMON'l' anybody a reward of $500 to show me that robe or any other asceusion robe \ n1ade to my order for any Adventist."' COTTON BAGS, TIIE in C1·um bi;s for Chickens. \Vben you hea.r a. lna.n say the world owes h im n. living, <lo11't lea.v·a o.ny lying around loose. FARM AND KITCHEN. Take Care of your Implements. A good-natured sy.iinstcr boa.c:its that she always bas two reliable beaus at hand-elbows , " Ho\V does that look, eh?" said n. big-£stcd Wall street roan to a friend, holding up one of his bra.wriy hands. "'£hat," said the friend, "looks as though you'd gono short on soap. 11 A foolish young ma.n in Sava.rn1ah, Ga.., fired his· revolver into the bung-hole of an empty kerosene barrel. 'l'he barrel burst, brea.king his nose, gashing his forehead, a.nd knocking hitn tnore senseless than he ~·:is at first. 1\.. young man advertises in a. Ne"· J orscy pa11er for a situation aa son-in-1a"' in a respect· able family. VVould have no objection1 h1; said, to go a short distance into the country, A Rochester editor went hunting the other day, for the fu·st time in two years, and he was lucky enough to bring down an old fD..rmer by a shot in the leg. rl'he distance '\'nS sL'!:ty·six An eccontric l)nt populai· prcn:::her observed one Sunda.y iu chnrch a n1::t.n sleOJ_)ing whom he knew and whose 'vife was sittin~side him. rl'he doctor called out to tho latter, ·Go home, Betty, and bring John's night.cap." Daughter-" \Vcll, to tell the truth, I do not thjnk much of the close of the sermon." }'nther -"Probably you were thinking more of the 1.:lothes of the congregation." ADERnEEN Aw· A'-" .l!"at's this I hca.r yc're gu.un to den., J en.nie? :· saicl n.11 Aberdeen lass to a.nother young woman.. 11 \Veel ~{aggic lass, I'm just..go.un to ina.rry that farm ower by there, and Jive wi' the bit nlannie on't." A bunch of shingles fell fron1 a ·wnggon on the Troy fro.·1·y boat, last ]/[onday, and struck fairly upon the head of a coloured \Voma.u, who said, "Y 'oughtcr b' to muss a cullud ,vom'n'B ]ui..r dat way, I \Vish de shingles fell ov<~Uonrcl ! " " ..,.\ horse ! a. hun:;u ! my kingdoto fur a horse !' cL·ictl a cel~brated tl'agediau. "\\..,.ouldn't a. jackass do a.s \vcll?" inquirC'd an affected young mau rising in his seat. " Yes,,, triumpha11tly exclaimed the actor, "just step in this way, ~ir." 'l'he young man sat do,vn. '\Ve beard of a. chap tho other day who: comb1g to a rtcilroad crossing and niading the sign, "J,ook out for the 1oco1noti ve," climbed to the top 1 and ga;,,irig up tho track, wanted to knO\V ,vher<:l'll thunder the old thing \Vas." "Dea.r me ! How cold it is up here in the mount~\ins. :Jlriy tcth is fail'ly .ch1it.t1:1ring," said :-i.n 1;ilderly la.dy. 11 Don't let 'em: t:hatlcr too 1 nucl1, n.unty," yelled ll. frightful boy of ten old, "01· they may tell where you bought 'cm!" A v.ira.tcrbur.r tui~n hns chrjstent!U l1isda.ughtcr Gly('crine. Ile sn.ys it ,.,-ill ho 1;ia~y to profix "Nitro" i[ her tcn1pc1· rcse111bles h1.·r mothei·'s, " V.' ·v~ e you guarded in yonr conduct while in J ,on1lou ? " nsked a father of hiB son, who ha{l just returned f1·v1n a visit to that city. ·· Y 1:s, sir ; p:u·t of the ti1ue by two p111iccmen." The e(Utnr of tho 1-Iuntsville! A:lfl., Hcralil pops tLc question i11 his p:oq1cr in this public fashion: H. 'l1here's ~~ cortain girl in this town who 1.:n.u carry our smoke-house keys for life if sh.u'll orily rm.y the word. a "Unless you give me aid," silld a beggar to n 1wuevolcut lady, "I am afraid I shall have t :.1 n;~Ol't to something which I greatly dislike t.u do." 'l'be larJy handed hitn a dollar, and co1npa.ssionatcly nsk~d, "\Vhat fa it. poor n1an, tha.t I have so.ved you fro1n?" " "\iVork," was the mournful answer. A ,vag \\l'Cllt to the railread station one even· iug, a.nJ finding the best car full sn.iU in a low tone: ·' \.Vhy, this car isn't going I" Of co11rse this caused a general stampede and tht:i \vag took the best seat. In the midst of the indignation the 'vag 'WE\S rwked : \Vhy did you say , thiscar\vasn't going? '\\Tell, it wasn't then, but it is now. A co,yatdly fellow having kicked a neweboy for peste-ring him to buy n11 ev1:1niug news·, tho lad waited till another boy accosted tho " g('ntlewau," and then shouted 111 the hearing of all bystanders, "It1s no use to try him, Ji1n, he cnn't read." A p~ront w-ritee tl1a.t he ia annoyed and pn.ined by his y01.1ug son staying out at night, n,nd asks a, re1nedy for this rapirlly g1·owing evil. Tl: ~ re several r(Jmedies . The inost effectual is to compel him to \Ve~t· 11atched <;Jo thing. The nem· approach of the " marriage Beason' temptR us to riuote : " Tell i.Ul not in idle jingle, ' marria~ti is an empty dream J ' for the girl is di.:~d thart's single, and things arc not what they a<::cm. Life ia real ! life is earnest, aiD.~le bles· "}Ian thou art1 to man reti.1rn· 5 .. clness a fib. 1;:r,t/' bas been spoken of the rib. Livel:i ?f married folks remind ua, 'vo can live our lives o.s wel1 1 and dcpa.rting behind us such c-x· u.n1ples as shall 'tell.'" ~farri:.-i.gc notices ins~rted in the 11~RCHANT free. 1 An intelligent farmer observed to us th1:1 other day, that the amount of money he had annually to expend in purcba.sing now implements and repairing old ones was, to use his own, "purely preposterous.·i 'Ve questioned hiln for a few minutes r1d found his replies at once so candid and instn1ct. ive that at the close 've congratulated him in t.he smallness ..of his _e~r,ienditnre. Ho told us iu tho fhst place, that whenever he v.·as thro\.igh ploughing, 'Nhatever the seaaon, be left I his plough sticking in the ground at the end of the furrow, and there it la.y until required again for uae. Every plough about him, h e informed us l'emained in this wanner out of doors a.ll winter. The san1e '\·ith his harrows, scufflers, cultiv<\· in t!te tors, dl'ill.13, and even hi?.. 1nowers and reapers. Now '\'e know this to be a very common oc· currence amongst many, "'e hn.d n.lmost said, most of our farn1er, and !n view of the f:~ct, in- Nothing cheaper than the !Oct Cottons u. stead of the expense being complaineU 'of a,,ci Oot/.Jle's. "preposterous,,, V>'e · hold that the coin plaint itself hi utterly preposterou::!. Leave a plough out under the \YOather for any length of tilne, and ,.,-hat "'ill, what must be IN the result? Rain comes to-day and the 'vood. 'vork is all swelltid up-the joints literally burnt· ing, rJ.10-morrOW comeR the SUnshin~ which not only dries up the water absorbed, but also fl_Or· rotles a.nd disfigures tl1e woodwo1"lc to the inmost depth of abso1·ption. Let this be repeated 'Winceys~-a severa.-1 time s,a.ntl we soon have a rough, rickety,_ era.eked affair, loose a-nU creaking at every joint and in fact almo~t uttel'ly useless. All the N. B.·--Special inducement given tin1e too the atmo!!pliere ia rapidly oxidizing the CASH Purchasers. parts exposed of the iron-"·ork-eatill6 deeper and deeper into it every hour. A11d if this is thr in spring, summer, and autumn, hov,' much more are the8e injuries supplemented by the keen £1·osts of ,vintcr. Extend the reflection furtl1er to the larger area. of the cultivat01: or_ reaper, a:nd the injuries of course increase ·with the extont of surface eXposecL Lending o.gricult1nists, after long expel'iencc, o.ssert that. such a course of treatment shortens the duration of an implement by about one-hnJ.£ 1 that is to su.y, a i·eaper which would ten years with thi!S rough usuage, would ho gQOO for t~enty years if properly cared for. '.Yhut then r.s the ~J.1bc :-;uhscriber woulU beg to cn.11 attiJntion to proper .mode of treat1utint'1' It is very si1uple his atnck of and enta.ils but little extra tiouble. l{e~* yo'?r implement con.stantly under cover wheu rot in use, and if it happens to be ¥.tot or muddy,clcn.n aud dry it thorougl1ly. And agaiu, when laying it by for the season, 1·ub off the metal por· tions thoroughly n.nd them ; don't stint it, give then1 a. good thick coat, and in the spring you will find your plunvh, mo\ver, or what~n'Cl' it is, nearly ~ ~on ud and fresh as \Vheu new. Plain and flgured Lustres, Plain and Tartan Wool Poplias, Met~ Cords Figured Repps, Emfre>s Cloths, and an endless variety of other new Dress Goods. Black Alpaccas, Double Warp Black Lustres, Black Cobourg, Black Paramattas, Bl~ck Cnipe Cloths, Black Metz Cords. Special Line of COTTONS at COWLE'S. . BEST DRESS GOODS CARRIAGE SHOP the World. (west of the Ontario "Banl·.) King Street, Bowmanville. READY-1vIADE and CLOTHING MILLINERY The assortment of Millinery and Millinery Goods is very extensive aud in trimmed or untrimmed Hats and Bonnet" every taste can bo consulted as the variety is so great. The Flowers and Feathers, Laces, &c. we claim to have the largest assortment to be found. subscribor is pre11arcd to build and rcTHE. pa1r Good Cheap. Wagons, Buggies, and Cutte1·s, of every description, at short noticc 1 ando :1 ren.sonable terms, RICE & BARKER Importers of the Clothing Made to :BES'l' ORGANS Carria,ges Painted and Trimmed· manufactured <m.:fuis Continent, are prepared to treat with reliable travelling agents on liberal terms. They rtre making arrangements to introduce some.first class pianos. Vfare Rooms at the West Durlrnm Steam Printing House , King Street, Bowrnanville. It is a well-known Fact that Cowle has the best Tweeds comitr.1J. In Black and White real Laces and Lace Collars, we have a large assortment, at prices to suit '111. A Blacksmith's Shop on the :pr.emises, ,Vere attention is given .. to all C>'.rriage work, "'nd General Our St0ck of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beavers, Peteash11ms Meltons, etc,, will be found unusually htrge. Jobbing. BLANKETS Large Variety AU work done at this Establishment MURDOCH BROS. Bowmanville, Mct.Y 7th. 1872 warranted. A call ia respectfully solicited. . Dea.d Job. ,T. MORRIS. Bowrr1an-ville, Oct. 1st, 1869. F. Y. Cowle. · The sat~sfaction given by BARNUM it:! eclipsed by the satisfaction given by Sl\-1.i\.LE, to hisnun1el·ous patrons. I1e is 110\V IJleased to announce that he has on h:i.ncl a large and varied assortment of 1873. Simmons &i Clough Organ Co's l'.mp~o·ved. BOOTS AND SHOES of the best quality, anJ is C1.11xious t~at they sl1a.llset to work as 1:1oou as.possible. Groceries, · THE Most Wonderful Invention of the Age. J Moses' Electro·G:alvanic, Pat. June 2nd,1868. Attached to these patented Spectacles two scientifically constructed Galvanic Ba.LlerieEunseen when worn-delivering through the uervi::::i. of the head, a soft and continuous stream of elcctriqjty, vitalizing ~nd giving healthy RC· tion to the entire be3.uLiful system of those parta u.bsolutely and certainly curing All Prices, Alli Sizes, All Kinds, Ladles' Prunella Congress, at 80 cents " " Balmorals, extra high cut - - - · - $1,25 Cabinet Organs . Dry Goods, derstand fully ihe ren~on why wet clothes exert such a chilling influence, It is siu1ply this: Watei·, 'vheu it evaporates, carries of nn in1mense l).lnount of heat, iu 'vhat is called the latent fonn. One pound of water in vapor conta-ins as much heat as uino or ten pounda of liquid water) and 8,ll this heat iuust, oE Course, be taken from the body . If ·our clothes are moistened "'ith three pounds of!r, that is, if by ~·ctting they are throe pountls 11r.avicr these three pounds will, in drying, can-} off as much heat as would r~ise three gallons of ice· cold 'vatcr to the lJoiling point. No V'Onder that the da1np clothes will chill us.-Ha.ndicraft 1l!edical i>a7.uc of Aspc(ragu.s. - ...<\. b;Jedical c61·- · respondent of an English journal says that the advantage of aapari:i.gus not sufficient1y ap· preciated by those who suffer '{-1ith t"henmn.tism and gout. Slightcaacs of rheumatism ar' cured in a fc'\' days by feeding on this delicio $,.. esculent; and more chronic cases are much r71ie_ved 1 especially if the patient avoids all acids1 v.·bethcr in food or beverage. The Jerusalem artichoke J1a.<1 a.lao a similar effect in relieving rheumutism. '!'he heads mn.y be ca.ten in the usual wq.y, but tea ma_!J.e from the leaves of the stalk, and drank three or four tin1es -b d;;t)\ is a certain 2·en1e~y, though not equally agreeable. .Dan[JfH' fro;n, I Vet Clotlics. - Few persons Uil· :Soots &i Shces etc, etc · which for Nothing to Beat it. GENT'S BOOTS, Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve Weak or Diseased Vision, · Neuralgia of tile Head or face, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of the face, Noises in the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, And a host of ]l/ervoua Diseaaos, a.rising frorn depression of the nervous energy of the sy.stern Contributin[ in a most astonishing degree. to 1ifti, vigor and health. By the means of the s<>ft and flowing stream of Electr.icity, Giving Brightness to the Eye, Quickness to the Ear, and energy to the l3rain. They are set with lenses of the finest manufacture, to suitall sights, and with glaAaes for those not neeing read with but desiring the benefits to be derived from wearing the Batteries; and are only to be bad iu this vicinity of Trunks, &c. Special attention given to CUTTING AND FITTING and none but '\'orkmen employed, thus insuring good value in every caee. STORE. -One door cast of Cornfab's Jewelry Store, King St., ·Bowmanville. Quality and Cheap I J. SMALE. Bown1a.nville, Sept. 23rd, 1873. ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED YELLOWLEES & QUICK. m25 tf BOW MANVILLE Pomade to Prevent Baldness.-Lard, fourozs; Spe.rltl;;\Ceti, one dram; Lemon juice,six; Cantharides, one-half dram, Perfume. to tnsto. J. ELLIOTT, , TYRONE. DRUGS AND MEDICINES AT THE Ma.chine a.nd ·Implement <!Branh <tnmhinatinn <lbryans FI'fTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED THE a~ded PUBJ~IC pa~t Manufacturing Co Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, An illvention having a most importa1,1t bearing oii the future .reputation of Reed Instruments, by means-of which the quantity or Volume of tone is very largely increased, and the quality of tone rendered 1 I A Thought. \Vheu the day dawns, and \Ve arise to WALTER vVIGG & SON; returning t.h:i.nka to their num..:!rous Customers and the Public generally, for favors I Nwould respectfully invite their attention to our presentstock of Furniture, a.a we have lately line! the sky clear and the bright hmm all before us, ho\v lath we are to lie down upon our pillow· again. 'fhcre al'e so n1ariy thingR to do- such pleasant tliings some of them ; our friends ate con1ing, or we are going to visit them ; there is a. walk, or a. dri\·e, or a little feast in prospect-it seen1s so pleasant to Le a wake ! But when the day has goue, and. nigbt has cou1e again, 've nrc generally ready for it, W ~ · are, at b~st, tired 'vith our frolic,~r our pleasure. Ten to one "re arc disnp· · pointed in sotnething. Some little unpleasant incident has rnarred the brightest hour. SQme skeleton has taken its seat at Manufacturers of therett:1 1 that we may thereby be enabled to supply all parties 'vho may please to favor hi "With n. call Great inducement.a h~Jd out to thoso purcaahing at our Establishment. Fictures, Looking: Glasses, &c., frame~ to order, and in every style, Samples Qf the different kind of itTOULD most rcsl?cctfully tende! , his sin- J\1:ouldi11gs can be seen ~t the Ware-room, would Mw bog to inform you 1 that 1 havi.11g puril core thanka to bis numerous friend s and che.sed a. c.:usto1nerfl, and to $e public gt'n~rally,,for t~e very liberal support he has received mnce h~s ' commencing in business; and l1opes by cont1· shall be ready at all times, to attend Fune:rals, on short notice, and reasonable nued strick personal attention le business, and we N. B. Cotl:ins kept on hand, f1.i1d made to order, n.t the offering nothing but the pure?. _ t articles, at the n1ost reasona.ble prices, to onsurc a continuance NEW JJ011flNION RETAIL FURNI'l·URE WARE-ll001"11 · of public pa.t:ronage. · J. H. would call special attention to his very King Street Eas1'., Oshawa. supedor stock of Oshawa, Aug. 26th 1 18"10. Bowmanville Drug Store. J. ·HIGGINBOTHAM, WOOD AND IRON Equal ·to tl1at of the Best Pipe of the Same Capacity. ---o--- Ortran~ SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, WORKING MA.CHIN tt 'i LBFFEL'S ... Double Turbine Water~ Wheels, And Our celebrated " Vox Celeste,"" Louis Patent," "Vox Humana." " W11 cox Patent" " Octave Coupler," the charming· "Cello" or "Clarionet,' St_pps, and ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS · ADVEltTIBING. DYESTUFFS, which are: sure to givo the best satisfaction A \Veil-selected stock of Can be obtained only in these Organs. J ust as we wearily clin1h the bedroon1 COLORS, VARNIHSES, ~ome subsequent tiu1e ¥.' iu need of the stairs with our t.ired feet, so we will climb and WHITE LEAD, very article the circular represented, but ,..,.e life's last steps. We have d1nced and toil- a.t the very lowest p1·iccs. cannot recall t-he n1erits, terms, or address and Cattle :Medicines: Naturally we seek the newspaper-and then ed alternately ; w·e are as tired of our joy N. Horses If-0.ountry StoTchcepors supplied on the as our sorrow·, an(l we "'ill hail rep::ise is the specific t.ime the advertisement that inost ad·vanta.rreons tern'l.s.· eternal,us "·e hailed the repose of the night A chofoe sefection of L~'\..MPS 1 for sale cheap regularly appears in the newspaper \Yins.llm :Buwma.nville, Deo. 9, 1868, when lil'c wns all before u~. Union Aclvocate, Atchison, Texas. that last long, 11uiet sleep, no doubt those Jes!'\ he has a passive inclination to do so. The crreat advan. tug(l of a ne,vspaper advcr- who Ii Ye to be old hail it as their best o I . friend. The loves?'"! hopes of early life tisement~sho\vn in this manner. n printhave ended in disappointment. Their ed nd vertisi ug, all transient methods, as dear ones have left them alone. The life circulars or the J ike, are thrust upon us b.uthat seemed so s:weet has changed to bitter- kept conatantly on hand. sought-scarcely glanced at-flung into the ness, and all tbe sweetness is v.·ith death. OILS, PAINT; waste-basket, and wholly forgotten. A rl'hc object in advertising is to increase the feast, or peeped out of a secret closet business. Au advertisement pro1)erly inIt is so delightful to fling oif the finery it serted in a newspaper is more effectnal than rejoiceU us to put on; to put out the light nnv other 1ncthod, because it is read when and lie down, courting slumber. a r-eadcr is in a 1noocl for it, No one " 'ill So though, in the heyday of life, we dread take the time to rend an advortiscn~eut nn- Thii'ty-five Different Styles, For the Pn1·lor and the Ghui·ch, The Best Materictl and W01·km.anskip, Quality mnd Volume of Tone Unequctlled ---cl---- DRUGS, CHEMlCALS, P A'l'EN1' 11fEDlCINES BllUSIIES, C03'IBS, SH 0 ULDER-BRA CES, SUPPORTERS, Etc., Etc. GO AND SEE Ca.stings of a. ll Xinds. REPAIRS done on the BATTING'S NEW SHOi~'ll:S'l' NO'l'IC:m, V\-l'e have no\v on ha~d a large quantity of $50 T 0 ----o---~ $ CJ 0 O. FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS _(fommon AT THE Man.cheste:i~ Bowmanville, Sept. 18th 1873. and Gang Plows, that will be sold at Factory and Warerooms, Oor- 6tll and Congress streets, Detroit, Michigan (Established in 1850.) or LOW, PRICES tf AT THE SHOP. Bowmanille, 1\-In.rch 6. 1873. j RICE & BARKER, Agents, for Ontario, West and North of Belevillle Bowmanville, Aug_ 21st, 18(_2· rn47-o34-

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