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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 5 Dec 1873, p. 1

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THE MERCHANT AND GENERAL] ADVERTISER C rculates largely 1n the 'IO\\ nsh1ps of Darling hon -Olarke o..nd Oai:twr1ght It is a common platform open to the free d1scusc:1on of all ques t1ons ln which the general public are concerned TERMS WEST DURHAM Stea.m Job Printing Office KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE Seventy five cents per annum, m ad vance The Merchant' and 'Obser ver, $2 00 RATES OF ADV tt.RTISING On column 35 per annum. H ilf do 19 " Q a.rte1 do J0 " T1an81ent ath ert1si;:ra.ents,ti cts pe1 line first n1 ~e1 t1on, and 2c pe1 line each subseq uent one AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME Y BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5 1873 NUMBER IX POSTERS, P A~PHLETS CIRCULARS BILL HEADS CHEQUES, NOTES, HANDBILLS LABELS ' CARDS TICKETS &c, ' &c J &c, EXECUTED IN FIRST CLP.SS STYLE. his motbe1 s face, than vi111ch none "ere ' I m a goner, sa d he feebly 'The ea1 henrd her 1t blesoed her , and when the Catchmg Burglars brute has fixed me But busine~s is buSI dearer to h1n1 eye saw her lt ga\e witness lo her, because ' Hullo r heres a horoie 'v1thont n rider l nesq, up and do" n, all O'i er the worJ<l, and A DANBURY MA'N s 1 :X.PEHIE::S cm IN HIS s1 c delivered the pooi that cried, and the The Newsboy's Debt Gentlemen s & Boy's Garments he exclaimed, as he tu1 ned a coiner of the now I m do" n for good More I go, I 11 OW N HOUSE fatherl ess, and b1m that had none to help MA.DE IN THE Sn if you please ll\Y Urother Junroad 'Headed this woy, too Broke lus sa vu one man'a llfe 'I here s no use of two hun 'lb1s clutlnng of good 'vorks is the (F111n tho Danbury NC'i\f:I.) GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY I ~EWE ST STYLES 'Ihe one you gave the bill you knowMuta! Life Assurance Society halter, probablv I gness I will take him dying for only one murder The cu~:-.ed t rnreot rain1ent with wl11ch any woman can Thero IS a peculiar suddcning effect 111 Bo,vmanv1lle July, 27, 1809 He couldn't b1111gthemoney Sir, back to the \Illage, and save somebod.v a horse knrn me I killed Fred Markham awakening in the night and hearing bnrg udo1a herself-the only adorning winch FALL \ND \VINTER rL\[E 'l'ABLE Because ]ns back '\as hurted so ESTABLISHED I840 lTamp afte1 htm and got bis money You 11 find hia wallet at " ork in j our house ·rra Lns 'v1ll leave Bo,vma.nv1lle Stat1on, This was the will nH1ke her lo, el j 1u the eves of tliat STEAMSHIPS. He didn t mean to keep the change It was some httle trouble to catch rn my r.ocket I sbot him, nnd the horae case " ith Mr Henry, on South street Fr1 great asseinbly into \\110.:ie pre>ience sl1e \Vill Bowrnan\ 1lle tu 1e, as follo\.VS OA:tiADA CI:fJF.l!' OFFICES 1Ie got r l ncd o'er np the 2treet b11n But he succeeded at last ll:louutmg went of! hke a streak Walter Leman dnj night Af; soon as he detected the 1101Re, rioon be ushered Oh, what paupers many Live1'Pool London, and Glasgow lill ST JAMESSl'REhl MONIRJ.AL,PQ, GOJYG WES! GOING E..tSI' One wheel wellt nght scroS6 his brtck l"nowa no n1ore about it than you do which appeared to be down stairs he sol tly "111 enle1 the eternal \vorld, "ho Vtere the horse, he saw a " atch ba11g1ng by a OR lickete 01 inft1mahon apply to Local 7 2o a m I Express 8 40 a m .And t. other fore wheel mMhed his feet DIRECTORS \\ A. N EADS, Agent Ji xpress 8 40 am Mixed 3 20 p w silken cord to the pummel of t11e sacldle, There~ I ve said 1t, nnd you need t ask ine crept out of bed, and con11nenced to piowl clothed ln pur1 1e and er1n1ne here t \VALTER SHAN LY Esq t. f'-1 P 1 Oh;:i.rrm3n ~11x.ecl 3 20 p m Local 7 20 p m Bowmatn 1lle June 9th 1871 tf 30 'I bey stoppt.d t he horaus Juat in time DuNCAts M iCDO~AI n J.'.iaq where it had caught v-. hen poor I red an.r more) For O\ et fifteen hu 1dred years the story ExpniSlil 9 15 p m around for a match His \I, ife was boon Aud then they took him up foi lead MAJOU T E C..tMPBELL 0 B St. Hllarie Markham fell A close rnspect10n sho"ed Noth1ng could induce htm to say another awakened by the same noise, nnd believing l1as lJeen told of that bumble \\Oman of R R LOSCOMBE, TnE IfONODABLE JoH:r iiAMILTO:i' Hawks~ And nll thal day and yeaterd3.y BARRISTER AT LAW, burg, Ont ' drops of blood splattered here and there \\Ord, and he died as he had hvecf-aloae that somethrng was the matter with the J oppu, "lJo mule coats and g1rn1ents for He ,., asn t rightly rn hrn head Vt alters susp1c1ons "ere aroused, and and unl"nown ~OLIGI1 Oll IN CHANOJiJRY, &c RESIDEN'l' SECRE'l.ARY -JA>r<s),CtRA>'T children, 'i\ho slept. in the next roon1, she the poori and wl10 was f!O se verely lament Ibey took hun to the h)spita.1 urging the horses into a stnart gallop, he 'What did I tell iou, father I' sntd Mm care1ully withdrew from be 1, so not to dis cd at her dea 1 h, while of nll the "otneu of SPECIAL FEATURES. OFFIC:X,-0\ er J\.f cCluug s Stor" same 0ne of the ne\\sboys kne'v t" n.s Jim~ was soon at the v1Hage me Fletcher, when she heard that Walter tt~rb her hu!Sband, and started for the door iasluon of her bn1c, not a single namo baa M J ltf Dnmn.oomb's Dental Rooms '.l:e;E EN'ICRE PnoFT'I'B belong to and ared1v1d 111 And I went too because you see liNoddrng to his acquaintances here and Leman bad been set free 'I knew he was An mstant later they colhdrd It 1s 11ot hard to Judge BowmnnYln. oct 27th,1sG8 ty ed amongst tho Polu:ylw7.ders We are two brothers I and h1m What he co1ne clown to us there as he passed, he kept on till he reach innocent, but they #ould have hang thought""' evident enough All the hatd "h1ch one \\M counted most deserving of l.ilVES DEOLJNED .BY OTl'l'.lill VOlIP AN!ES, or on ' XT c had that money u1 h 1s hand ed hrn tnothcr s hous!:) -rhrow1ng the eel him if 1t hadn t been for old Chorley earnings of nn arduous lde "ere at .::take honor bJ the sacred .scr1 be \\ hich an extra Preriiium would be requu cd, ca.n ..tlnd never saw 1t any more be aQsured !lt the 01 dmary rate.' of thlil Society bndle over the hitching post, he ran to the Pa, ) ou must g1ve h1n1 to b-11 Leu1 an Ile Before bun stood one Or inorc robberci Indeed he didn t tne:in to steal A Night Ill the Station House A'IE 'VIrH F Y (.0\VLE bogs to in And all about the best of Lnne under a special ar-1angcment sa\ed h18 hfe ond he 18 entitlecl to !urn iioor \\here b111 mother \vas standing He never loet a cent before ' With an exclamation of con<lcn>ied elo form the publtc generally, that h e nas com Lime from the \Vest of the ve 1 y begt SPECIAL NON FOFEI('ADLH POLICIES issued 'I have already, replied Lhe fatl er sbud quence he clrnched her What she thought It....¥. i:ts a follorn sight ' I -.:a.n but stop a mo1neut, mother, he 1 rneuccd busin"BB lll the Shop next to the E:ir Not beat1n any quruter, He was a.fra1d that you might tlnnk under\\ hich &nly 10 l fi or 20 Annual Paypress Office one rloor east of T l\.f1lDe s I nue that 'vill always stand the test sft 1d, giving her a kiss ' I was so near I dermg, as he thought of the great "rong u; not quite so evident, but it "as doubt A drunl en ittther, blear C) ed. and bl out Ile meant to keep it, any v;ay ments ru:e requrrcd, each p i..ywcnt securin g a IIu.ving hnd several years experience in the 'Vhen maJnng mto mortar thought I must run ovf'r for an hour or the) Vi ere so near <l.01ng 'And I ba'ie less other husband and children and lJe ed, to whooie hund 1 child of five years This monung, when they brought 111m to trade, he hopes to satisfy all who may fa\ or I "ill try and keep a. good supply, Pohc) for a sum assured propm t1onat(l to the h1rr1 with a call For it 18 al"ays 'vanted, He cned because he couldn t paJ two Just below the village I found tlns done mo1e, b11n:::ne I hu' e offered him ing plucky withal, she at once twined her clung with tenacious grasp 11umbe1 of premiums paid, and/1 ecj1011i futu1 e 1ha.t wl1en you all come in to buy, horse without a rider, nnd I am afia1d poor Markham s place, and he is coming fingers lil h1$ hair, and h1n1 a "rencb 'What o this tnan brough~ iu for? asked 1Jayment of preiniunu Re made me fetch blS Jacket here, You 11 not be d1sappo1nted the cine! of Police You \vill alwaya find 1t rhy and fresh, the1e has been !oul play As so0110' I see tins atte1 noon to let me know It a torn and dirt1ed pretty bad m49 ti 130\\man,ille Sep 41b 1872 3.!0DRR.ATE PEBM:IUMS and most hbera.l conthat made him thmk of death Then both And that 1s someth1ng bonnie, Its only fit to sell f·r rags to it, I \\1 1 be back and stu.y to du1ue1 Walte1 accepted the poS1t10n The salnrs '\ent doi,.i,n to the floor together, ibe ha,1ng 'D1sordcrl.} conduct, thro\\lng atones at d1t1ons. So come along and try this J..,nne, Dut then ) ou kno'iv its all ]te had l But don t forget the money Prospectuses Proposal Form11, &c supplied A.she 'topped before Sqmre Bertram's was larger thnn Waite & Belden h ad been the advanta;:e m the fall, and geltmg on people, cu1s1ng and aweunng Honra ( f debve?'_f from N me a m to Four p m , on applicat1on at the Head Office, or any of office, Ncrn1nn Fletcher alighted f1om hi s giving him and it was so much nearer top, with her hands still in hIB hair, she '\~lhen he gets "ell-1t il'On t be long'Y""ery '\\elJ put h11n into the cell-Lut the Agencies li'o1 the Townsh~p o/ Da? hngton VorDer of Qneen and Street If )'Ou \\lll call the money lent carriage The old gEntleman forgot tofus hotne JAMES GRA.Nr, shook Ins head against the floor "1th an stop theres the cl11Jd '.l'HOS BOWDEN He saya h~ 11 "ork ht:i fingers off There l\O.S vet another inducemGnt It eneigi and courage that would undoubtedly Res Secreta.ry ton !11s hotoe, tor he felt sure that be bad The httle fdlo\\ was an except10nally Bowmn.nv1lle 1\farcb Jlth 1871 no24 tf l3ut 'vhat hetll pay you e' ery cent H T. PHILLIPS, was some months b fore he ackno\\ledged have filled him to overflOVilDR wi th adm1ra beautiful b.:iy He 11ad grave blne eyes, r.o found L?rcd 1fnrkbam's assassin AGENT <OR BOWMANVILIE, HA.:11PTON And then he a rueful gla.uco ' Yon dr1 ve a fine horee fol' a person of it to hm 0 ell, and yet longer before be tuld t1on had he known "ho 1t was, or had he large and eo pitifal tl1at thm glance apC BARKER, f:'101 npt attnt1on gJ.ven to sale~ &c, on re l.8011 11 At the soiled 3acket \\he11;i 1t lay Obscrwer Office Kmg St 1iu1n1e She ~ent bun to her father, and kno\\ n ·nythmg at all yom eloth, said Fletcher, sleppmg up n.ble tenlll! Every time she p ealt!d to tbe chief s stout heart. His com23 ly "No t10, my boy' Take back the ooa.t, Walter, though poor, was yet proud and :Norman Fletcher, after much thought, told rapped lum she shrieked for help, and rn a plex1on, where it was not d1.:icoloreJ by dirt Bowm·nvdle lune2lh. l~TJ Your brothers ba.dly hurt, you say' high sp1r1ted The sneeung worcls cnt deep, h m to take her and be happy H1a 1Jr1ef space of time the children and Mrs and tea1t:i, "as the finest and fairest "~here d1d they tn,ke hnn? Ju.,t run out £NNISKILLEN Old Charle), for he IS old now, is dmng Ebden Davia, who hvcs down sta1rs, wete Ii ps \\ere h1\_e cherries and, under the impnlee of the moment, he His J ellow hair .And a cab, then ' for me ~:-Jes promptly attended to on reasonable terms good sen Jee yet, for he has bad the hest of on tbe scene retort ad1'-frs Da,1s was not dressed culled thickly over a nolJJy sliaped head Why, I wo1 ld give a thousand coate OF LONDON care 'I perceive that clothes do not mak the 'That man has seen better day" said the for company, but in the excitement sbe And pounda ftr such a. boy as he JAMES BIGHAM, Another car load of the abo' e noble articles on Walter says that, if he eHr gets. Jealous gentleman chref to h1m.gelr 1 Cn1ne, huh your father d1dn t mmd adornment She had a candle the way Pamter, Glazier, Paper Hanger, &c, &c (Establ>;hed 1803 A half hour after th111 we stood it wtl! be of the old ho1~e, for next to her Squ1re I3etLram was uot 1n the ofi1ce in oue hand aud a long c..'l."\ 1ng fork u1 the must go in to the cell , \\ e 11 find a place for HE~n OFFICES -1 Old :Broad St., and Together 2n the crowded wards Please call a.t the Pa.111i-Iall London "hen Walter first went Ill, but he enter>d husband and, Minn1c luvee the othl!r, and" n.s about to drn e the latter into you somewhere All lunds of '"ork promptly atteuded to and And the nur:;e checked the hasty steps BOW MNVILLE 1 GENER~L <\.GENCY FOR CA.NAllA -24 St aa.tiisfttchon guarantee-cl soon [lfter, followed by No1u111n Fletcher fu.1tl1ful 11n1rnal No, no, s11 ob, no l cru:id the boy ln a That fell too loudly on th.P boards. tbe legs of the \: illain, when the recognition Montrea.l Res1dence- N ext door eaat of the Bible Chris Farm Implement Forwardmg Agency Cl o.ment ].:J:any a. fiue n1orn1ng, 'Volter Le ensued and a constable lerufied vo1ce ' I go with }Japa O, plerum Then Mrs Divts laid down her tian Church rYRONE ll W JAMES I thought him smi.hng in h a sleep, Sub;icnbecl and investfjd Capit::i.l and Rcse1, c man nd s ov er the estate, mounte:l on ' There is the 1nurderer I S.'\td Fletcher, don t take 1nu from 1ny papa 22 tf Tyrone, March 8th 1869 candle in one d1recl1on, and the fork in King St, lkn,man' lllc And scai ce boJte, ed her 'vhen she stud Fwid £1,965 000 Sterling Cha1ley s back, a.nd Th{1n1 1e watclnng by another and t"'1mediately retu1ned to her po1ntu:g to 'Valter ' But clnl<l, Jou tuuet see he1e, Col Bowurnn'iille Dec 0 JS72 nlO Smoothing away the tangled bau l~Ullds lnvested u1 Canada- 105 000 From brow a.nd cbt:Jek ' The boy is deatl Tae young n1an WM too much astounded the 'v1udo\\, pray>i that he1 pet 1nay never 0'1in appatrnents 1 her jellow flannel night bert, you n1ust ta] e the child away ' How Insurances against loas by Fll'e are effected on to speak, and be allowed the haudcuff, to come back rzderl£ss the most fnvorable tenns and los.~es with cap, us it shot do\1. n the stairs, be11lg the clln be cling to such a 'i\11 tch 1 Dead' dead so soon 1 Ho" fair he looked? out reference to the Board in London be put oo, b fore he fully rea!JZed "hat Easier 1:m1d than done The httle fello\V One streak of sunslnne ln his hair first thing Mr Henry saw on sprmgrng to LANK CERTIFICAES Applicahons J DODSWOlUH, gomg on Poor lad 'i' Well it 1s warm 10 J1e~n en RINTOUL BROS his feet The children 'vere returne<l to caugbt his father s hands, clung to h1S body &c &:c can be procured at th1s office at The T1chborne Family No need ef ' change and Jackets there' 'Search him, com1nanded Flecther regulnr rates their room and put to bed, but the parents "h ch staggered at hrn touch, all tho taue Inspector Gen Agents J\.font1e~ Bo,vmanv1lle, July 7th 1873 'You need not do that,' said Walter, the _.\.nd something riSiog in my thr·at did not resun1e tLen couch It vras EO scream1 JS' in hentt bieak ng toues thut he R R LOSCOMBE, Barrister, gen truth flaah1ng upon hun ' I have notlnng AN INTERESTING IIISrORIOAL INCIDENr pleasant that Mr Henri concluded to re must, he "ould go "1th papa l!ifade it so hard for me to speak, for BowmanVllle and Vicmity I turned awfly and felt ate i.r \V1~h ine of consequence i,a\ e b11ls and re A correspondent sends us the folloMng mum up the rest ot tLe mght and en;oy the ' L nn lone said the nlan, at Jaet seem Bo"\nnanv1lle June 11th 1860 36 Lymg upon lna sunbtnned check ce1pts belonging to my employers, Waite interesting 111c11lent in the hi:-.tory ol the scenery, and Mrs Henry thought it best to ing to come out of lus stupor for a moment mo 43 39 4" -Extract from a poen1by H R H1,;DSO::f, m & .Belden T1chborne fam1lj,no" made still more fa sta.} up too, so as to change the cloths on 'l)on ) e sec-be sh got nobvcly bu' n1e Harper z Mauazw1c for ;lfay L in1 'Jone ' What " this 1 asked Fletcher, as the n1ous b) the trial of the Claunnnt his head as often as po s1ble officer took Markharn s \Vatch from the In the celebrated tn.-.1 no\v 111 p1ogress, 'I cant allow the child to go mlo the FOR SEED, ' M1 Whulley,M P, bemg called."bclore the side picket, where Walter had placed it for ceJI sa1a the chief ' but 1 cant bea1 to The Best Adornrng A~D AGENT court, .:.aid, that he was under the fir1n 1m safe keepmg hear his cries I suppo e the1A s nothing Far the follon ing Insurance Compan1es and other Institutions viz 'I had forgotten that, .:i1r The strange press1on that the p1oeecut1on JS the result Put them 111 to Qtuetand uuassn1n1ng as was Lucy lvieaU s else to do-he must. go RIDERLESS 'Ihe QUE :t±:.N] ire ond Life Oomposition in winch I hnd myself confused of a Jesuit plot or Pop1sb conap1rat:.} to hfe in the village vrh1 re she d\-;eH,vet there gether, Colbert FOR FEED. PL\DY Oap1tal £2 000 000 $150,000 deposited with the Domu11011 Government, for the p1otcoThis was scarcelv a person in an} rank\\ hose in So they \\Crc pnt in togethe1 111 the dDrk, A puff of gre)isli \v:b1te sinol.e, a sharp, me at first I "i 1 make it clear to you de.pr1\e the defendant of h1s rights ders in Canada !\VF. J Jst rece1 ved a Cho1ce lot of declaration will brmg to the nund of the fluence was more a power in the commun shfltng den, and the door \Vas .::hut The 111 if you mil hst~ n The ISOLA.I ED RISK :E ne Insurance Com st1ng1ng report, and tbe hors£', g1v111g one .rc\lmlln\1ll~ .Apnl 16t 1hl3 m pany of Can ado Capital $500 000 - One of the qu1ck, seated look at tho dark, e' il :fate ' We are not prepared to bear your de render of lnstory a p1ltnful c1rcun1stance ity Poverty had not crushed out the de httle fellow cuddled Jnn1sclf against the best and cheapest C0In1 a.uies doing business in 1 You "ill wh1cb occurred in 1585 ln the reign of sire for self ia1provemeut, alwaJS strong in hnlt inse1is1ble foun and Ja1d his head the Donun10n for Farn1ers and Isolated ll.1sks. ansmg out of tho bushes, galloued """) fence, aa1d Squire B~rtram lho C~NAD~ LANDED CREDII COY r1der1ess Queen Elizabeth, and m "Inch one of the her breast have your exam1natlpn to morrow She al ways, in her bus1cst upon Ins lathers bo·om So theJ slept to with a Savings Bank department Public op1n1on \Vas favorable to '\" Valter l1chborne fam1ly wa~ a prom1nent figure vears, found time for read1r.g 'I here 1.s no get her In the dust of the road,lay a per.on m the 1 he UN ION L'<D PI RMANEN'.1' Bmldmg and Savw~ s Society The f~ int light looked 1n throngli gnmmy full flush of hopeful manhood The aim pre\ious to the exn1n1qat1on, for there were There is \u inte1est1ng lnstorical UO\ el, en other \\ay in which a 'voman, tied down These latter 1nstltutions ad\ance Loans on BEAPTIFUL TEETH titled " The J c>su1t, ' whose story 18 found bars \'\hen on the follo,"1ng morning few young men 1n the ' ,\ho bore so "ith fa rnily affairs, can keep even tolerably Ilen,l Estate, on terms unusuilly easy for the bad been sure, and from ouc the deathly borro,ver ed on the circu1nstance Some youths abreast with the world There arc few who the father a\\oke anil bestmed himself Of good a reputation , but when the facts of white of tho fac· stared the eyes of letty J M BRIMACOMBE L D S Ilowmanv11lo }cb 6th, 1873 NUTS IN GREAT VARIETY the case were brought to hght,many doubt! worthy of ranking "ith the heroes rather cannot find time for such means of impro' e conr~e, as 1a usually the case, he wondered blackness, -yet seeing nothing rceth Extracted at Twerity~f1ve Centa than the t1a1tor3 of England, hacl been ment The tnne spent over elaborate, 111 ~here he 'i'V As, and how be came there The were expressed Benchng O\eI Lun "Was the 1nurde\er-a Rcio1ns over McClung Bros Stores Also Bari els n.n d Boxes of Poor Mrs Len1an "as nearly prostrated practised on by the subtlety of Ballard, a lookrng patch "01k, might far better be last tb1ng he remen1Ue1ad he had gone into 1:1hort, thicll set man, his boq:y shaggy with Bo" man ville Oot 1st 1870 1 1ags1 his face with unkempt hair-a brutal, Although she neHr doubted Walters m- d1st10guIShed J esutt of great rnLlcp1d1ty and gn e>l'to a book 'fbe simp!eot quilt of dell a saloon ulone, and drank a few glasses, and with an assortment of Wl:ere was his s,1.vnge, beastly loolong personage repuls1v~, nocence, the evidence '\\as so strangely talents, "hon1 Camden calls ' a silken cate furrntu[e calico is u thousand times then reco1lect1on ceased hrs veroatile in rnore beaut1fu1, and a spread ot snow wlnte hat 1 ~here l11s coat 1 u.ud look1uh round e\ en loathsome One woulu scarcely look against bun, that she feared for the result priest in a soldiers habit ---for htunan attributes in th is semb1ance of a For Ins sake , be kept up, hopmg agamst tnguer "as however entrapped h) a crafty 1narse1lles is far more elegant, tastcful,fash he cried out 111 n0 on:.h Darlington has aga.Jn rccened another lot of n11111ater of the name of Walsingham Ballard 1onable 1 and I may add, econo1n1cal Girls, 'God of hea\ en tLere s little Benny 1 man, yet he gazed in admuat1on at the hope NOT SO FAST. those celebrated Norman Fletcher 'vas very pos1t1vc from who succeeded in inducing fourteen young let no one beguile you into this l\ aste of Ye::i, there was httle Benny, the pure, handsome face and shapely fo1m of his I 'vritten the::1e few lines the first, and bis op1n1on carried great gentlernen of the best Catholic aristocratic time, in getting up your" sett1ng out, even J ~ur child, the Jdol of a brol.en hearted victim .And all Iha.veto say Not so v;1th }f1nme Fletcher fauuhes in England to JOHl h1n1 in a con 1f your poor rnothcr! were foolish enough to n1oth1 r '1.,here "as little Benny, and he Quality is th· Test of Ch·apness 'He ls a beauty, nhoever hG IS,' he mut w01ght That you ea.n find mo still at home It JS strange how tb1° had spent the mght m th at hole Bo\\ man ville Dec, 22nd 1870 n12 tf tered ' It does ~ec1n a pity to drop such a When she first saw Walter, she declared spiracy for the a·sassmat10u of E' izabeth do so before Jou I am not gone a'ivay The youths were of congen1al tempers and paes1on grows 'Y. ith years I saw at CL fair The n1an laulv beat lus breaEt as he look feller , but business is bua1ness, up and him innocent So all my kind old friends may cninti She went with her father to the court studies, and in their exalted imagination laat fall, a quilt composed of over 7,000 ed down on that bright curly head And all the ) oun g ones too down, all O\ 01 the \\ orld So here goes for WELL FILLED WITH Tlill room they could only VIC\? the in1prisoned Mary pieces, made by au old lady over 75 years ~nd get their garments 1n0els made Husband and child both be muttered \\bat plunde> be, got alJout him I11 f[ tha.taro ne" ' I tell you, pa, he never coulU do such of Scotland, a sovereign, a s1unt, and a "o old ' Oh, if that time bad been spent o\ er bitterly ' too bad, too bad ' A \\ell filled purse was the first tbrng 'Vhere old and young dei:..1 fuend may MPORTER MANUF AC ruRER an At t hat moment the blue eyes of tho boy brougb t to light Then followeil a ring a'.rdeed, said she, looking at Walter as he man '13ut friend~b1p the mcst tender 1f not her Bible, 0r any book of heavenly wiodom DEALER in all the va.ncties of n1eet opened He raised himself 1n wonder, but the n1ost sublime ever recorded, prevailed stood in the pr11noners box, p£Lle o.nd what advances the aged p1lJr1m might have AARON BUCKLER and other articles of less 'alue, which the A wclco1ne greeting by R PE.A.TR lias the bel!t and moj!t des1rahle lot of troubled,) et out\\ ardly calm among thl6 band of self devoted v1ct1ms n1ade Jn the ' S JHritua.l hfe 1 ~nd what wa~ as he met l11s fathers gaze he smded like robber returned, muttering& J30~1uanv1l le June 1!)tb l~J3 ' There, there, child what do l on know The mo~t remarkable inst!lnces ure inter the gn1n 1 Nothing but a most n1ele;::rant an a:ngel ' Money is about all I want here This -Zw1i s ll11ald When this Jumble of three cornered patcbe:-; far infer about it 1 exclauned her father, tel::itJJ) voveu in tbis dark conspiracy h ere J e'ive1rJ S\\ a.g 19 about the inca.nest 'TLe bad man \\ould put you 1n here A large and choice selection of of different grades and 8Urpassea all othe romantic band of friends on tnal \vere call ior in beauty to the plainest fiJured calico pnpn bnt I \\ ouldn t let +he1n t.ali.e me 'Im JUSt as confident that be is the man stuff a feller ever lifted There amt mueh houses m town and Couutry & ed for their defence, the tnost pathctJC in Dut even the mothera v; ho do not wuRte Yon d1dn t kno'v an;tl11ng para, when I mone) in it, and it's o.lwuys sure to foller a as though I saw bun do th e deed' stances of domest1ca:ffect1011 appea1ed, they time over fa.DC) qutltsi put far more labor found )OU in the i;:treet You !oat )Our bat, 'No, no, pa 'ea1d 1'rlu101e fircnly ' Yau chap Haik jt.l lf'it) 'ilfi hand, of superior workmanship, and at lowest pncel! were four1d guilty and the1r execution last on trunmed garments than is at-all needful I gue;i_s the wind took it and the boys were The sound -of an approaching carriage are wrong AN IMMENSE NUMBER ' Wait till you hear the evidence, child ' ed two daJ s, and \Vas a p1ocess of the most A "slazy' dress, made up with folds thM nll Jangbing fell upon bis h sten1ng ear, and, darting in You WClS .:ncl, \\ asn t ) on W1 ought or Cast Iron Fencco 'I don't a cent about the evidence,' barbarouo kind One of tlte:ie generosi adol draw, and ruffles poorly set on, looks r1d1c papa 1 And when the bad man took l ou the bushes, he v;ns far out of hearing \\.hen ELECTRO PLATED 'l'he Subo:cr1be1 haying seoured the able services the carnage dro'\ c 1n sight e'cla1med Mmme What "ill it all am elscenluli youths of generous blood, wa" ulou:i, 'vb1le the same mater1 nl, more s1m off, I came too Now lets go home and or enclos1a burying lots Tea. a.ncl Coffee Sets, F1uit, and OF rl he high sp1r1tecl an1ma1s pricked up ount t9 Hes condeinned now, if thats Ch d1oek T1ehbotne (spdt m those davs p1 y made, v;ould call fo1th no cnt1c1sm tell mamma all about 11 let s tell her we Hemisphe?ica.Z .Dishes, Furmture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c T1tchbourne) who appears to have been That is the standard "ith us all-it is other \VUS stoled ' antl the dear unconfiClOUS ht their ears, swerved from tlie path, and all " e are to go by ' not to be eurpasi:!ed 111 the Pro) ince kept on hand or "iought to 01dcr _<\.. caU is dra\vn into the conspnacy reJuctanLly by a. people s eyes that cost RS so much 'But what else have we 1 '~ould 11ave \Vlurled the carnage over in Trim tie fellow lau&hed merrily over the bnlhas Cutter lB prepared to take orders for r"'J:Spectfu1ly requested at the woilu~ strong t10 of friend ship for one ot the band, simply, and save the llme for tbe better ant idea ' Common sense, pa their flnnt1c endeavors to escape from the GEN'1LE1WENS CLOTHING, King Street, Bowm,anvilfo his false and terrible pos1tton gn.1ned for service of improving the mind God has en Fletcher smiled dead wh1te1 ghastly face in the road 1 But that father God helped h11n II18 wh1ch \\ill Oe got up lll the October, 1st 1869 1 ti him much sympathy at the time HIS let trusted to you, and for the improvemen t of heart '\as touched as it-never had been be ' \Vait a1 d see, my daughter' uot N or1na.n l letcher, with Ins ueual pre~ ter of farew~ll to lus wife is one of the inost which he will call you to strict account ence of mind, lashed them 1nto obedience And she did wait and see fore He could not speak~ ould sea rcely au<l on thti I urning them up to the fence, he secured All th:rougn the trial she "as thl:!re, ond touching composit1ons in lhc Enghsh Ian When yon go before Him with all tb10 tn1nk \Vhat \\as the 1notb er s dienng that them, uud then had time to look up the V\7' alter becan1e interested in the S\>\ cet face guage, nn i Ins address to th9 populace be elaborate neectle work) on tlnnk so necefl: moment 1 And th IS awfu I sm that had led MOST REASONABLE TERMIS Equ:tl to any in the Donun1ou~ fore execution was one cali ulated to excite sary here, He inaJ SCLJ '\\ho requn At l\fr Peat s rcs1dence on King Streot whicfi looked upon him so p1tymgly ca>l'e of their fri~ht h1m into ild to1l9- 1t. never ha<l. looked as On hand a very full assort1nent of English and The tol ed tbl8 at your hand 1 'Fred M"arkban1, as I live he exclaun When the JlHY came b10k with the \Cr the utmost pltj and admnation · it louked to Lun no", with1n the uns1ght Oannd1a.n Lucy s horne was tldy and sweet, ana ly cell, the hght l\ i:ng on tbe curls of h is ed, in disn1ay ' What 1 shocl ing niTa1r t diet, GUILTY, lm first look was for Ina lowing 1s au extract - " b!J denr counhy rnel:', tllj sorrows may b~ jour Joy, Jet m1:x: fresh as a rose1 but 1t \VllS not always uuder lDllOCCllt boy CLOTHS AND TWEEDS Murdered m cold bloo 1 1 Poor Fred 1 inother-lns next for 1'I1nn1c lrE S lbscnber would i espectfully inform b1s nu1nerous customers and t he pubhc gene1al 1\-!1un1e t i\f1n11ie 1' 'I hey 'ivere both carried from the roo1n, '01 t smiles \\1th tears and pity my cal'!e I 'vater to keep 1t so I ha'\e known honse ly, that, 1n connection \nth hlB And \\I en they went out,tl1ere stood the am descended from a house, from 200 years, keepers who scarcely let the 'voo:lwork get There "as no answer from the carriage insensible rnother, \\ho half destrnctecl, hnd been llowm on ville May 27 tb 1S73 ti bp m33o-2 }11nn1e Fletcher s face was as pale and The verdict '\\ aa no surprise to Walter: before the conquest, never stained till th1s dry before it must be scrubbed agam This wnnderrng and sea rching all mght 0, wht he h:}S opeoed up a large and He had expected it-was prepared for it, by my Ull'lfortune I expected som"' favor b1-Lb1t which sornet1n1es growg to be a mania, deathly as poor Fred Markham s I he greatest and best n.s~ortment e'er seen in a Blght for her gentle, lo> mg eyes 1 With l'Jwn None to ex.1.:el it He "alkcd though I de·erved nolhrng le<s, that the re 18 quite the re"Ver::ie of neatness, and n1akes ' I declare 1' exc]a1med the father, hurry so t liat he bore it manfully a wild cry she fell upon the neck of the rna1nder of my )ears nught in ao1ne sort, thP home more nn"omfortable than th e rng to the carriage, ' I don t kno-v. "What to with a flr111 step to the "a1t1ng to of Ready made \vork, selected flom the child and du\\\ 1ng h1n1 a'i,;ny .er:ink to the HESJi: MARKS.ARE THE CHEAPEST, h!ne recompensed ln) for1ner gtult, "h1ch abode of the tolerable elo' en the most lasting the JeQ,st trouble1mrne and rlo 1 1\i1nn1e 1 M1nn1e ! Oh, I \>VIsh some take huu buck to prison fiooI v; ith lnm, sobbing [<fl if her heart BESTMANUFACTORIES, most complete evor invented. 1: bey are ul:!ed help would come for I cannot take care of rhe Wa\: was croli\ded A stra.nger seeing I nnssed, let n1e now u1°d1tate Lucy acquired the habit of sifting l1e1 \\ould break and recommended by runny of thf best Dreeder!O BROOCHES EAR RINGS, &C which he offers for sale pushed Ins way through the throng on the JOYS I hope to ·nioy From old read1ug, and reta1n1ng most of that \1. hich 1n the United States u.nd Canada such as G R both 1· TJunk of the bittei anguish so manJ good None to surpass them Selected bJ m)self at I or:mg Salem ~lass, President 1-./e\v England ' Is that the n1an 7 rr1anuscr1pts of the tunes there Io e'1dence of would be of prncbcal benefit to heraell or In aus" er to his w1::.h, a waggon apnear tho inruJufactor1es in Engla.nd aud gentle "-omen are called to endure, and W ool Gruwro'S SocJetJ John S iioss Hennelas being a learned and noble iouth 'lhe others To read and then forget It all, is 'That'a the n1u1derer !Ur pin Ill , ProfessoJ" M M1lc~_of the State Ag· eU in sight, nnd soon reached the spot then look in the face of the 1espectaUle ium al\ e him a call, exa.n11ne the w·ork nnd Judge ncultura.l Oollege Lanmng, Mich Hon Geo. ' J3rtd busn1ess, said Fletcher , ' but v.; e The strn.11ger pre.::secl forv; u1tl,ear;erlJ > for following verses 'vere com nosed by him in no more profitable than to pour 'iVater for ) ours ch es. seller and ca] L him a gentlen1an if you can Hroy.;n loronto Ont , John Snell Rdmonton, Especially was she W18e 1 ake the body into your he had not yet se( n the pr1sooer'tt face the Tower of L~:itlon the mght before be through n sre>e 01 t On each 1'-Iark is stamped the ownC'r s have no time JOH~ HELLYAR lhe Choicest of gradee Gold and ~:h]verfrfl.mes name and tho Sheep a nuwLer suffered death , in Vi hat perta1ned to good house" ifery and They will ho He drew near to the edge of the walk Just \1i agon, and carry it to the village I 1nust ru27 ti A Beautifutl Idea l}rone Apnl 8th 187> La~~n us.. 1'Ion1s & Cos on hand to fit all sight!:! sent f1 ee by ma.11 01 exprer;1:1 for only'ij attend to n1y cluld, an(l then I will co1ne ns "Ta.Her was stepping- 1nto the carriage she became gradually an d almost uncon lhese I will sell nt rci:lueod prices ach, nnd will last for TWENTY YEARS 1".ly prime of jouth is but a fro:;t of ca.res, sc1ousl) to be regarded as a reference book awaJ nrnong the Alleghan e, there is a ' C1rcumstant1al evidence, muttered the GW must accon1pn.oy a.11 orders o'e1 ~:fy least of JOY is but a d11sh of prun REMOVAL. A J,ARGE SUPPLY OF Youug house !5pnng so sma 11 that a fnng le ox could dunk for all her acquaintances ARCHIBALD YOUNG Jn , The men complied without hes1tat1on,for "'trange l\fy crop of corn is but a field of tares it d1y 011 a surnme1 s day lt steals its un R DAVIDSON haa removed h11:1 res1denoe San.11a., Ont Th~ next LUOment he uttered a cry ofter Noimao Fletcher 'vns so 'vell known that And n.ll my goo ls is bu" vain hope ;,, gfi:u keepers and mothers alwa3 s sought he1 obtrus1 ve '\\ a 3 amonJ the hills, ti 11 Jt spread a Orders u.ddressed to the ~{EROHN r and OB ~nd SurgerJ to the late residence of J h11 '1.he day is fled, and yet I sa.'v no sun SERVI:R Office £01 any quantity~ "ill be fi lled nt be 'va~ abo\: e suspicion , and \\hen they 1or nnd Jumpel back 1 but he w·as too late' -.:ounse1, and "'ere nc\:er afraid to confeSB out into the beautiful Ohio '!hence 1t IYI1lne Esq , on the Market Squro-e m n35 tf And now I 11~0 and now my llfe is done 1 their fa1lures to her The~ knc" her S}m stretches nwny a thou:;.and nnles, leavn1gon (ROGERS' MAKE the abovtJ mentioned price, as quickly as the \Vf!re gone Fletcher took another road and The a'\ enger wns upon him 1 i\{arks can be lnadt> and ssut MJ spring is passed, and yet it hath not patlnzmg heart would be open to them,and its ban ks more than n hundred villages nnd N orn1an Fletcher B horse-the same C BARKER, · hastened to tho village. been apnng, cities, and 1uan) thousand ctdtivnted farms 'Here I a1n, almost home, thonght Wal which Fred was ndmg on that fatal day Bowmanv1lle Dec 28th, 1871 ly ml3o The fnut IS dead and Jet the leaves are that the ample book ot her experience aad an<l. bearing on its Uos.:im nlore than halt ~ ISSUED DY ter Leman, M be leaped the fence, and once had broken lns halter, and, rearing alrr oat observation would hnve something suited to thousand stean1 Loo.ts green ISSUED BY more tool\. the h1gh,vay ' Ive saved three erect, with v; 1cked eyes and swelling nos Then, 1ummg the l\11ss1s81pp1, it stretch es J\.1y j outh is and Ji et I aro but young their needs She gave her advice and help ROBERT ARMOUR JOHN J. WILLIAMS long miles at least, by cutting acroas the tnb, be \YGnt crashing down upon th e I saw t he world a.Dd yet I WM not seen , 'iVhen needed, so \Vllhngly and pleasantly, awray sorue twehc hundred nnles Jllllle Uuwntanville l:>ec 1-0 1SG9.---~ unt1l 1t fal1s into tbe great emLlern of eter' l1y thread is cut and ~et it is not sptrn, Oherrywood Post office, Pickermg fields I do not kno" but what Im domg stranger, telhnJ him senseless to the eartb that 1t was al'\\ays a plea.sure to ask a favo1 nity It rn one of the great tubutariea of RADUAIE of the Roi al Collc~e of phy. Ont And now I live and now my hfe is done s1cums of England, and University of Vic- wTong , but th en I could not go 9y so near Then lie 'vheeled and dashed 1:nvay of her No matter how but!y Rhe WflS, she thi: ocen u, 'vlnch, 0Lrd1ent onl, to God, I sought for and found it in the womb could spare a nunutc ~or one \Vho needed shG.IL ioar nnd roar, till the angel, \\Ith one toria College Oobourg, Undergraduate and without seeing mother rhe C fHVd gathered about the fallen I 1110 1t all prizeman of the University of Toronto a.ud I 1001 cd for hfe and yet it was a sha fo MARRIAGE LICENSES help foot on the sea and 1 he otlur on thi;: land R :\.DU ~TE of the Univcrs1tiea of Trin1t in::in "ho lay like c nc dead Unn ers ty of (lueen s College I(1ngston ~fem r bht '\1th Wa1te and Belden' I had tbei ground ami 1--ncw it \\as the tomb, lSSUed by College 'Toronto and Vietona College Co shall hft up h1s lrnud to he JHn and swea: ber of the College of Physic1.'.lllB u.nd Surgeons B l d d ff A }Jff\S1c1an ' as s 11nn1 011~d, but his He stepped hgl1tly along, thrnkmg ol a ut. it '\lo'. as tot ie nee y an su enug tn that tiriie sba II I)e no 1oJJge1 S' bourg l.ncent1att.l of the College of PhJ s1cuin . A.n<l now I die and now I Eun but w l\ CLIMIE, o \VI tb n1ora l of Onta110 Su1-ge1y and Residence opposite nl and Surgeons Outano .. httle cottage nesllt:!d among till tree<i., an l skll l \'us of no rn: : particular tbo.t she \Vas an angel o1 mercy infl.ueuce It ia a rill r1vnlet. an ocean the market 'lhe glnss is full and yet my glass is run, At tho Statesm'hn Office, Dowmanville Office Kin S ;i eet o!la door Vic t of .1.tlr Th.e man ievivedso1newhat ' .of a pleasant, kmdlJ face at the w mdowOf her 1t might be easily said-" When the boundlee<s nnd fathomlees as etermty Bo\vmanv1lle, Oct nth 1871 And now I hve a.nd now n1y life is done B 'In ~Li'l ll e Nov lfh, 11868 Cornish s ;J ewellry Store Bowmanv ille R. PEA.TE, TAILOR POETRY. 1 ) ALLA LINE F New 'l'a,ilor Shop. J 0 H N--H E A L' L ii~;~~me~m~~tlll::.~m. GOOD FITS GUARANTEED AUCTIONEERS 0 Wllft. Barton., Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders FEED MILLS. · Imperial Fire Insurance Co 0 To Ma.stars of :r... o. t B ARRIVAL! 1 WESTERN CORN lames McFeeters CBACKED COHN, ·========================== LITERATURE. T. DARLINGTON, H Raisrns, Cuants, Figs, John McDougall. NEW FRUITS, Da.tes, Lemon, a.Dcd Citro:c.J'eels, - Beautiful C111.n.dies, SO, HO! CHOICE BISCUITS. Gentlemen of :ra.shion. I'tT:RE LEA.:J:' 'l'EA.S, NEW STORE, BOUNSALL, I CHOICEST O:r GOO:OS. Italian Ameican Marble. Grave Stones, WATCHES CLOCKS Monuments 'l'a,iloring ! Clothing! MR 0 :PEA.TE, TYRONE Plated Knives, Forks, &c., First Style of Fashion, BOOT~ SHOE STORE T HO:ME-MA.:OE 'W'O:B.X, SPOONS. Wel-assoted Stock SPOONS. T. Pa:terson. Gold Chains, Rings, T SPECTACLES! Dana's Patent Sheep Marks Very Low for D FINE CUTLERY, MARRIAGE LICENSES MARRIAGE LICENSES DR. DAVIDSON, W. S. BOYLE, M. D. G 0 G I 1 '

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