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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 5 Dec 1873, p. 4

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, · POETRY. The Worker's Prayer. HY 1'. R. BAVEBG-.\1,. hence s11e carried her hea.U 'vith a1isto0ri.itic dignity, until she reached a fashion able store on Sparks street, when by looking into a large mirror she discovered to her J iord, speak to mo, · ·that I ma.y spea.k In 1ivin~ echoos of Thy tone ; As rrhon sought, so let me seek r11by ~rdng children, lost and lone· () lend me, Lord, that I may lead The wandering and the wavering feet; O feed m ti , "Lord, that I may feed Thy hungering on~s i..vith 1nu.nna aweet. - horror tbe frightful mistake ehe had committed. She did not wait to faint, but removed as much of the paste as possible aud then strnck a bee line for home.-Ottawa Free Press . -o- 1873· FALL STOCK· ---o--1873. - -- o - - - $25. T having come to our knowledge, that certain I Pecllars are sell.ins Spectacles and Eye Glass· es pu!' to be of our make, and to bear our names sta1npod thereon, \Ve hereby caution the public against all such impoatersiaa Messrs Yellowlee8 & Quick are our Agents in West Durham ; and a Re\vard of $25. is hereby offer· ell for the a;pprehension and 'ICOnviction of alL such imposters as try to defra.nd the public by offering their trn.s.h aa our ma.k.e. J, AZARUf\, 'MORRIS, & CO. Montreal, NoY. Sth, 1871. , Oct. Tim LIQUOR QUESTION AT BmMING- Dress Goods Newest Style" of tho 1e72. GHI'E CHAT. ------[Tim. :Sra.d y a.nd Mike FlynnJ Oct 1S'72 O strengthen inc, that while I st~ud Firm on the R.ock, a.nd strong in rrhec, I may stretch out a lovi.n~ hand 'l'o wreatlcrs with the troubled sea. BAM.--The secretary of the United King· dom Alliance bas received the fol!owing Have you seen Oowle's cheap 10 ct Cottons? letter from a correspondent at Birmingham: "The n1unicipal elections are over, anU the result shows a grand day's \VOrk. !Ir. 0 give 'rl1ine 0\1,'Il sweet rest to n1e, 'l'hat I 1110.y speak, with soothing power, .A word in season, as frmn Theo, To wear)' ones in needful hour. 0 fill me >vit.h Thy fulneas, IJord, Until iny very lleat1; o'erftow In kindling thought and glowing wo1·d, (N pt mine, but 11hine) and witn~ ss so. Wadhams, the chairman of the Licenaed Victuallers' _!\.ssociat1on, and who has been in the council for sixteen years, has been defeuted by an Alliance rnun. The secre- GREY COTTON of the best make, including the celebrated . tary of the Licensed Victuallers' Associa· tion has been defeated by Mr. Derrington, STORMONT. at Cowle's--·Splendid value. For thee, tny ~1Mter, whom I own In glad allegiance, yea, for rrh3e ! 'l"hen bid me work, but not alone, Ua~il Th) 'r.]t·S"(.! .l f<Lce I see. 1 one of our Birmingham Alliance Executivft ; !Oct Cottons and the solicitor of the Licensed Victuallers' Association has also been defeated by another Alliance man and teetotaller. The publicans' men have be.:n1 defeated in every '\'ard, and everywhere our 1nen have been successful. Great exciternent prevails, aud B irmiughan1 ia convinced that t.he pnblico.11s are not omnipotent. This day's work S E P 'r E ~I BER 2 6, 18 7 3. O"C":R FALL S'I'OCit ~ - Crumbs for Chickens. of un equalled \\There are " partA unknown?" aaks a corrc~ spondent of tho Danbury News. . 'l'o which Ba.iley answers '\'ery truthfully, " VVhcre they te1npcrance men/' don't advertisA," ""\1hy do you set your cup of coffee on the, Mr. Jones?" said a v..-orthy landlady one morning at breakfast. ·· It is so very weak, nla.dat_n, I thought I would let it rest." do much to convince the Libeml party that they have nothing to lose by casting the publican's overboard, and taking in the will STYLE a.nd QtTALITY - I S N0 W C0 MP L E T E. WE HAVE THE GREATEsrr VARIETY. TIM." Good morning, Mike, shure and it is early out ye are. Migh .. I ~e bould to axe what started yees this mornino-." ·MIKE.-" J1st b~ aisey, Tim, an~ I'll tell ye i1rn jiffy. see, I was tou~:J~ yrnterday, that Mrnther Gray, ov Tyrone, had got homo an Hh~ant new stock av Goo~s, chape as durif, man, and its meself could hardly sla,pe a wmk, all night, thinking av t he chape.goods. And sme enuff, its the full store he has-piles -. and p1l_es. av the natest patterns; and he'd give ye the makin's ' av an ill1gan~ new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Oints; Tay "" -~,,A lo'Q"',. ~or most nu~hm! an~ the Baccy for a trifle less." . .. ~: .,!;~~·,!" ~.._'IIM.-- ~n shure funnmg,;ne ye are, Mike; wouldn't the man be w1shc~ tQ in, u,umerou"S fric11Ja. .i!:wJ cu.s;. I.. afuher brea.k1ng down . · jomer· 1h~t. he,has-"'llnovf~ to, " , MIKE.-" Breaki~g. ~own, is it. Sur~ J:e k~ow~ a thrick wurth two av BUCKLER'S- · l'\'.T · ~TAJ.TD . that. Ill JISt tell you wlrnt it is, Tim, if ye want to get a grate , ,; ~ "" _ <H.:i.~ _ · name when youre ded, u,nd be called a filantrofized filosifer and a pub!ic binifacthor, j~st tell all youre nabours, and the ris't av mankmd, about Grays chape store, and you'll do rn.ore for the good av your counthry, than iver St. Patrick did for ould Irela;ud, when. h~ banished all the toads aud snakes out av it, that nl'ver was in it.,, "I'm much oblaged to ye, for the bit av abvice and won't detain ye; Lh.ere'll shmely be a. grate run, and n;.aybee I'd miss some bargams. The top av the morning to ye."-I'm off to Grny's. Ye REMOVALa I , ,. I iJ:s 15 J. GB!f, '_fyrone. CARRiAG E : :- Sl~E>P STORMONT FARM AND KITCHEN. How to Manage Poultry. COTTON BAGS THE Ill " Isaac," snid Mrs. Partington, after she from a Baptist church, "there ia to be dreadful doings this :-iJtcrnoon ! '!'he minister . BEST gave out tLat he should dip four adults and t!;ln adulteresses." In Washington, the other day, a feminine rutimbcr of o. colored opet'atic troupe went into n dry goods sto1:e and called for so1no flesh·col~ ored Jiose. 'rhe clerk pill.ced before h er a box. of black stockings, and !!he went 11>va.y highly indignant. To a. ma11 \vho applied to Col. Bert·y, for victuals, the Colonel said, " Ila.ven't you got any money ? " ·· Ko," said the mo.n. ".._r\.d· vertise, then," said the Colonel; "that ,ia the \\·ay P. '!'. Bnrnum made hiB money, " An unrenaonn.blc and somewhat inisauthropic acquaintance remark;, hti has often heard the vroverb, "A friend in need is a friend indeed," but he can't see where the laugh comes in. He har, ~friend in need who is always bon·o>ving 1non~y of him. A. htunurous fcllow bdng subpcenMd as a witne~s on a trial for a.n assault, one Of the counsel who had been notorious fot' browbeating v.·itnc3ses, asked him what distanco he >Yas fTotn the pa1ties when tho assa1.1lt happened; he answ~red, "Just four feet five inches and a. half. " "How ca1nc you to be so ·v ery exact, fellow?" said tho counsel, "Bl.lcause I expected some fool or other wonlcl ask me," said he, "and so I measured it." Tho mo~actical lover has been discovered at Bristol. In one of l1is letters to hi:s swetit· h eart ho wrote ~-" I wish, my darling, that you 'vould not write me such long letters. If you were to bring an action for breach of pro~ rrtise against me, the lawyers ·would copy the; correspondc'ncc between us, nr..d charge fourp ence for every folio of seventy·two words. 'l'he shorter the letters, the more we save from the liiiwyeTs," And yet he was not a lawyei·. During the late war Dr. -- , entering the hospitn.l surgery, inet the ordedy and a·lkcd him ...~hich he considered the most dangerous of the n1any cases then in hospital. 1 'l'hat, sir,' said the oxdcrly, ~\S with an inclicr.tive jerk of t11e thumb, he pointed to wbero, on the tab.le, lay a case of surgioa.l instruments. A V~irgi nia city IN cvnda.) man is said to have invented an ingenious plan of keeping his house clea1· of insurance vgents aud similar nuisances. On one siUe of the path lea.ding to his door, he has fixed eeveral sections of wo.t~r-pipes, filled with smn.U holes, and on the a.p1>1·oach of a sus· picious characte1· a tap is turu ed , a.ud il',lstantly nun1erous jets of water enfilade the path in all directions, and effcctnnlly keep tho in yader at a f! distance . 'l1>~·o convicts iu the California State Prison made an ingenious rtttumpt to rtlcently. They stowed therrs.el ves awa.y in a. box of spokes, and bad the box so m·Tauged thn.t when thny were landed on the wharf in Sttn ]:!"'ran· cieco they ·could open one end and crawl out. But., unhappily for them, one uf the deck· ha11ds on tlio bnat stood upon the box, so thn.t they wtirc lJhv~ ed heads down, ::i.r,d one of them ,was forced to cry out, t'l'.l tbu :wtvuil!lunent of the worlun en, " thi1:1 J.iox don't :=-tand right. IJ.'his, by the w:iy 1 is the first box of spokes t!u~t ever spoke. At Sabup;al, Nhen. the :French cavalry clashed in upon the Fifty-se cond, \\·ho had cal'tured a. how-itze.r, Pri\'ate Pa~_rick Lowe, a. heavy little stout n1a,n1 oot fond of nmning, was chased by a. F1.,.:11ch sabreur, t~nd not having time to get bcl iind thtj vineyard wall ~ith his comrades, he 1oa,de fui· the stump of u. tree, and thi>re kneel· ii~ ; , deliberately covered the ll'renchman, \vho ill vain attempted by curvetting and curses to 1nake hlln thl'OW a\vay his fiee. Soine of b is <.:01nrades at th e \\'f.1.11 \Vishcd to bring down the dragoon, but \Vere stopped by other.;i;, who call· ed oUt that ht! was Pat's lawful, and that he ought not to be taken from hitn, Pr-csently the regiment advan<;ed, and, to everybody's eurprise, Pat allowed his friend to gallop off unharmed. '!'he lead ing officer rated him well 11 for a fool not to ehoot him ; "but Pat Lowe replied \Yith a grave fii.ce and n twinkle of the ey.iJ, "Is it shooting you mane 1 sil? Sure, how coul<f I shoot hi1n \\·hen I wnsn't loaded?" A clergyman wished to kno\v "'hether t he children of his parishioners understood their Bil)les, Ife asked a. lad, 'vhom lie found ono da.y reading the Old Testament, who was the wickedest man. "Moses, to be sure," said the boy. " ~foses ! " exclaimed the parson ; "ho-..v can that be? i' "Wby/' said the lad, "he broke a.ll the once ." "Are you very f()nd of ne.vela, Mr. Jonea? " "Very," rcsi1ondctl tlrn.t interrogated gentleman, wHo wished to be thought by the Indy questioner fund of Jitera.turc. "Have you," cont inued he lady, "ever read' Ten rrhousand a Year.?' "No, madau1 1 I nevt·r rend that n\11nber in all my life." I) I am one of many 'vho not only btilieve, Put kno>v from experience, tb::i,t there is no stock kept by the farmer that will pay so large a. re· Special Line of COTTONS at COWLE'S. turn, for money expended, as a 'vell·ma.n&ged 11oultry yard. As ·we cannot compete with our °'"· ' es tern farmers in the production of pork, with grain at ten cents per bushel,let us devote more attention to poultry, that will-pay us five bun· dred per cent more than pork; and ae to manure, it will produce for bushel of food a. rouGb more valuable qua.lity of manure, Small · potatoes, beets, pµmpkins, c3i._bbagcs,in fact any crop usually fed to swine,can b e profito.bly dealt the World. tt V a,l ue, and ' Our Goods are "" ~e er Our Prices lower than ever NEW MILLINERY, '. . · .~ · Noted for cheap Goods. (west of the Onta.du Bank.} King Street, Bowrnanville. · GLOTHING and READY-1\fADE T JlE, subscriber is prepared to build and re· pn1r Good Cheap Latest Novelties in Hats and Bonnets. EVERYTHING NEW AND FASI-IIONABLE. .. -~ Wagons, Buggies, and Gutters, of every description, at short notfce, ando :1 reasonable terms. ~ RICE & ' BARKER Importers of the to the shall it be done Without theorizing, I 'Yill give my method of keeping: Select 200 young fOwls,-Nov. 1st, in h~yio g condition; place them in separate coops, from 12 to 15 in each; at night put one bushel of small potatoes, beets, or pu,mpkins into your boiler, which should be conveniqnt to the coops, ndding one quart of onions; boil fif. teen 1uinutes; then add four quarts of corn lneal ; after well n1L1::ing 1 cover Orn iness, and in the morning you_ r fowls will enjoy a. WaTm brea.kfai;t ;:lot a. trifling expen se . _.\t noon feed 3.lld at night corn, taking care tba.t they oats, supplied >vi th clea.n wuter aud Jilenty of sholb. Salt the mess occasiona.Jl), n.nrl once a. \\'eek a little fresh beef is very beneficial. ~ A flock of 200 well.fed fowls can be kept at an expense of 75 to 80 cents yer day, My win· ter eggs sell nt the door at 40 to 50 cents -per dor.., therefore tl1e price of two dozen eggs feeds my flock ; and»vhen I collect from eigbt to ten dozen per dn.y, '\\'e can easily figure the profits. The manure fully cowpt>nsates for the care of fe.edin~, :U~:~::~. questio~,ho:w Clothing to It is a well-known Fact tliat Cowle has the best Tweeds in tlie country. WE THINK IT NO TROUBLE TO SHOW OUR GOODS Nothing cheapc1· tha1n the !Oct Ootto11.~ Coiule's. CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK. Carriages Painted and Trimmed· :BEST O:RG-ANS manufactured on this Continent, are p1·epared to treat with reliable travelling agents on liberal terms. They are making arrangements to introduce some first class pianos. Ware Rooms at the West Durham Stearn Printh1g House, King ·street, Bowmanville. A Blacksmith~s Shop ---------·-----· BLANI{ETS IN on the pre1nise~, "'ere special tLttention is given to all ~· Q. J. & W. J. MCMURTRY & CO. Sign of the Q-olden Lion. ) '· Cfl.rriage work, 1md General Jobbing'. . . !-: - Large Variety ,,~4 ·: '. ' All work done at t7iis Establishrnent war1·anted. A. co.11 is respectfully solicited. ': " ' :'; ~- .T. MORRIS. Bowmo.nville, Oct. lst, 1869. 'Winceys--a. Doa.d. Job. 1 &c. ,N. B.---Special inducement given It fa as necessary for the fxrmer to have a warm room to Btart his early chicks iu, aB a hot bed is for his eady vegeta.blos. Now is the t ime t~ heat this room., Sit every hen you can get, so that I\ifarch 1st. will find you with 200 or 300 chickens. Ha.»ing experienced with nearly every kuown breed, I unhesitatingly pronollllce tho Light Brah1nas ttnd the Partridge CochinB, a1;1 egg· producers and m11.rkct fowla, fa.r .superior to a,ll other,-.T, S. I -ves, in Rural New Yorke-r. CASH Purchasers. ~"- .. The satisfaction given by F. Y. Cowle 1873. BARNUM I ; is cc~ipsed by the satisfnction given by SMALE. to his numerous patrons. He is uow pleased to announce that be has on band a larac n.nd 0 varied assortment of Simmons & Clough .Organ Co's J:1Dp~oved BOOTS AND SHOES 9f the best quaHty, and is anxious that they Rhallset to >vork as i:;oon as posfilbl1:1. About Sfok Anim.a1s. -Neai1y all sick 3.nimals becon1e so by improper feeding,iu tb'e first place, The suh::;cribcr would b(."g to call attention t 0 Nine cases out of ten, the digestion is '\\'rang. his stock of Charcoal i:; the most e:ffieient and rapid correct· iYt\ It will cure in n. majority of oas es,if prop· erly 8<l.ministered. .An example of its lli:IO : the hired man came in with the intelligence that one of the finest cows >Vas very sick, and a kind neighbor })reposed the usua.l dr1Jgs and poisons. IJ.'he oi.vncr being ill, and u~able to examine the cov..·,conclnded that th~ trouble from overheating, and ordered a. t eacupful of pulverized charcoal given in water . It 1vas mixed, placed in n. junk bottle, the bead held upward, ~tnd the water and charcoal r1oured dowU'\'.'l:lird. In five , minutes improvement "'as visible, n.nd iu a few hours the animal was in the pasture quietly eating grass. .A.nothi:lr instance of equal success '· occu1·red ·with a young heifer which hnd become to~ally bloated by eating green apples after a hard wind. 'fhe bloat was so severe tha.t the sidea were almost as hard as a barrel '];he ukl 1 rn1edy,---f:!nleratus 1 'vas tried for col'rectbig the a.cidity. But the attempt to put it down ahvays caused coughing, and it did little good. Half a teacupful of fresh powdered charcoal w as :t:teyt ' ' given. In six.hours all appearance of the bloat ' war~ gone, o,nd the heife1· >Vas well. -LW.ic S'tock which for Groceries, THE Most Wonderful Invention of the Age. J Moses' Electro-Galvanic, Pat. June, 2nd,.1868. .A.ttachod to the~e patented Spectacles are two scientifically constructed Gal vanic Batteriesunseen 'vhen ,..,-orn-<lelivering through the nerves of the head, a soft and continuous stream of electricity, vitalizing and giving healthy action to the entire beautiful s~stem of those parts absolutely and certainly curing All Prices, All§Sizes, All Xinds, Ladles' Prunella Congress, at 80 cents " " Balmorals, extra high cnt - - - - · - - - $1,25 Cabinet Organs AND Dry- ~oods, Nothing 'to Beat it. GENT'S BOOTS, Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, :Boots & Shoes etc etc ' Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve Weak or Diseased Vision, Neuralgia oftl!e Head or Face, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of the face, Noises in the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, And a host of ~ervQUS :;)iseases, ariaing fro1n deJ2ression of the uervous cnerg_y of the syatem C-ontribliting in a n1o st astonishing degi·ee, to life, vigor and health. By the means of the l30ft and flowing st1·eam of Electricity, Giving Brightnt:5S to-tho Eye, Quickness to th!! Ear, anrl energy to the Brain. They are se.t with lenses of the fiitetit manufacture, to suitall sights, and >vith glasses for those not neeing Spectacle~ to read with but desiri,ng the benefits to be derived from ·w earing the Batteries; and are only to be had in this vicinity of Trunks, &c. Special attention given to CUTTING AND FITTING and none but first-clas.s workmen eu1ployed, th:i~ insuring goud. value in every case, STOllE. -One door of Cornieh 1s Jewel· ry Store, King St., Ilo-..vmanville. . Journal. Gape8' in Olticken..-The fatal disease . caus~d by the presence of the gape ·vorm, a1)peara 11uusually prc\'alent . I have had it in my own t·nns 1 ,,,.h ere it has attacked some Sebright Bantims; but I hive found no difficult y In curing it by the means of carbolic acid. So potent are the fumes of this po>verful remedy, and so destructive are tbey to parasite life, that their in· ha.lation for even a few moments,tmems perfectly effectual in. destroying the life of the "'orm. It is not even necessary to employ any special np·r parn.tus; a few drops of ca.rbolic aoid may be placed iu a spoon and held over the flame of a candle until the va.por ll$ seen to rise, when the h ead of a. young chicken or pheasant (held in the other hand) tnay be placed in the vapor >vhicb the animal is fol'Ced to inhale. Care mmt be taken not to carry on. the process until the fowl na well as t,he worms killed. I find after exposure to the fu1u~s for. a fe>v seconds, the birds may be regu.rdcd tH1 cui·ed, and may be seen running 11bOllt quite well on the follow· ing day; if not, the treo.tment should be repeat~ ~d . ' The meilioi]ui.l carb~lic acid is preferable to the tarry liquid used" fo1· disinie'ctiug sewers an cl d.rains .-'-Tcgctemcie1· in London 1!1ield. ..· J. SMALE. Bowman"t'ille, Sept. 23rd, 1873. - n.ess, a ANOT BE · SURPASSED YELLOWLEES & QUICK. m25 If BOWMANVILLE J. _ELLIOT.T, TYRONE. ----------------~ :Ma.chine a.nd. Implement Manufacturing Co ®nmh ~mnmmrrmn ®rgans FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED . TO TI-IE I PUBJ~IO Scribner's Pa.tent Qualifying Tubes, An invention having a most importaut bearing on the future reputation of Reed Instruments, by means of which the quantity or Volume of tone is very hrgely increased, and the quality of tone rendered DRUGS AND MEDICINES AT '!'BB \VIGG & SON, Manufaoturers of lVartn Wat&I' for Plants. -There is no mista.k· ing the perfeut effe<.:t of warm spring rains upon young grass U:ntl plant.a, and it,S inllnencc upon """""'~~~""' The Result of an evil Habit· the germiuation of seed!S; whilst autumn roins -unle1:1s they, too are 'Warm-produce no such One of the most ludicromly cheel~j feats sudden and vivifying effect. Let us learn caro \Ve have ever heard of, v;ns wi tnessec.l n few from thuse effects in nature, and not chlll our clays ago in this city. It appears that a flowel'f:.I with cold iWaterJ nor poison them with young lady \vhosc place of residence ls up· filthy >Yater.r ·C'anada Fa1·1n1w on one of our public thoroughfares, n.nder· GJ·idcUe·Oakes, Waffles, Etc.-!£ you have not took on Saturday evening to give an \\Bed your griddle or waftlo·iron fur some time Which are s1ue to give the beat satisfaction extra color to her cl1eeks before going out. waal1 !t off hard with hot soap a.nd wn.ter ; >vipe _4,. well-sehicte d stock of · It so happened that ·he kept her paint in a and rub well with dry salt· Ileat it and grease DRUGS, tin box, Bin1ilar to that in which pnste- with a bit of fat, salt pol'lc on a forlc. It is a. OIIEMlGALS, blackening is usually found, and that, it be- n1istake, besideb being 1:1lovenly aRd '\\'f'.8teful, if,:) put on more gre~\se than if! ~b~olutcly necessary PATENT lfIE'DlOINES ini:: dusk at \he time of the facial operation to pr&vent the cake from sticking. A piece of she in son1c unexplained \Yny hnd recourse pork an .inch square should foraevuraldays. BRUSHES, to the wrong box, llDd adn1inistered an ap- Put on a s.rioonful of butte1· for each cake, &nd GOJ;fBS, plication of the black mixtme to ber fea- before 1illiug the gfiddle 1 teit it with a single tures. Being in a hnrry f'he di(l 'vhat wo- cake to be sure that all i.a right with it n.s 'vell SHOULDER-BRA GES, men seldom do : ' 'iz., ·w ent out without as the batter. N returning thanks to their nu1n.crous Customers anP, the Public genera.Hy, for past favors would respectfully invite their attention to our prl:lsentstock of Furniture, as we have lately ·<l ded thereto, that ·v,·e may theraby be euahled to supply all parties who n1ay µleuge to favor hi .,; th a call Great inducements held out to those purcashing at our Establishment. Pictures, i'{TOULD most resl.1cctfully tender his sin - Looking Glasses, &c., framed to order, and in every 1:1tyle, Samples of the different kind of 1l' cere thanks to hui numerous friends and M ouldiugs can be seen at the Ware-rooru. 'Ve would o.lso beg tn inform you, that,; pur· customers, and to thti public genera.Uy, for th ch ased a very liberal auppo1·t he has received since hi ' couunencing in bufilness; and hopes by conti nued strick p_er5onal att entiou ~o busiuesl:I, and offering nothing bnL the pure ~ T articles, at the we shall be ready at i·U times, to attend F11nerals, on short notice, and reasohable terms. N. 'E, Coffins kept on baud, nnd made to ardor, a.t the most r~aso nable prices, to ensure a continuance of public patronage. NEW _D011 I LN ION RETJr.IL FURNI1 URE WARE-ROOM J, H. would call special ·attention to his very superior stock of Bowmanville Drug Store. WOOD AND IRON J. HIGGINBOTHAM, Equal to that of the Best Pipe of the Same Capacity. ---o-- - Or~ans WORKING MACHIN&V: · ' SPLENDID NK'IV HEARSE, DYESTUFFS, King Street East, Oshawa. Qsho.y,·u, Aug. 2Gtb, 1870. Double Turbine Water Wheels, And Our celebrated " Vox Celeste," " Louis Patent," "Vox Humana." " \VJl cox Patent" "Octave Coupler," the charminct " Cello " or " Clarionct ' ' b Stops, and ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS JI Can be obtained only in these Organs. Thirty-five DUJerent Styles, For the Parlo1· and the Ghiirch, The Best Mate1-ial and Wor1cmansh'ip, Q·u ality and Volume of Tone Uneqiwlled ) Ca.stings of a. ll Xinds. GO AND SEE REPAIRS dono on the paying a visit to \he looking-glass. Once on the street, she attracted pretty generalattention, and was mnch annoyed to com· prehend the 1neauing of th.c sn~ers and im- In· Btead oi a rc1:1y hue she i.vore an ebony coat· i11g on her cheeks, that would have ta.ken a pertinent laughter of the news-boys. good polish under the boot-blaok's brush. The attenoion given her by \lie public she may have mistaken for admiration, Ulld '1.1he same rule apply to waffles.- ...<\.lways la.y hot cakes and waffles upon a hot plate as soon kept con:.tantly on hand. as baked. OILS, PAINT; Buckwheat Cake.s. -1 quart buck\vhea.t flour; 4 COLORS, V AR1YIHSES, tablespoonfuls yeast ; 1 table.Ipoon!ul salt ; 1 and WHI'l'E LEAD, ho.ndful Tndian meal ; 2 tablespoouf ula molaeses -not syrup. warm ~va.ter onough tO a thin at tho very lowest })rices. Horses and Cattle Medicines; batte1·. 'Beat very wella.ntl. st:t to rise in awArm N. E.-Counti·y Storeheepers suppHed on tho place. If tbe ba.tter is in the least sour in the most advilr?lta.geoWJ terms. 1norning, stir in a very little soda diseolved in A clloice selection of L,.,'\..I\fPS, for 13alo cheap 1 B<Jwmanville, Doo. 9, 18Li8. l)m hot ·water. SUPPOR'l'ERS, Etc., Etc. · BA TTING'S NEW ----()----- l-fOTICE, We have now on hand a large quantity- of PBICBB $50 TO $580. ----o---Factory and Warerooms, Cor. 6th and Congress streets, Detroit, Michiga n (Rst.blished in 1850.) FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS AT THE Man.ehes~er Bowmanville, Sept. 18th 1873. Common and Gang Plows, that will be sold at LOW Bo11se, B owmllnille, PRICES G. 1873. If RICE & BARKER, Agents, AT THE SHOP. ~farcll for Ontario, West and North of Belevillle Bowmanville, Aug 21st, 1287 m7-o34 · '

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