·' · THE l\fERCIIAN1' FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1873. THE SUN. Nr1 the premises of the Sbbscribcr, on or I about the first of Auguf!t la.st a lied and \Vhite J{cifer. The owner will pleaso prove 1 To the Inhabitants of Bow· Q WEEKLY, SE)Il.WJ<;EJG,Y, a nd DAlLY. r.l'HE \.V1urn:1,y SuN is too w idely k_nov»n to require any extended i·ce0Jnn1~nda~1n; but the rca1:1ons which have alrcDidy g1ven 1t fifty th?nand subscriben:1, an d v,·hich wi1lt we hop(', g1Yc it many thousa.nds n1ore, are bri efly a~ follw!-J: It is a. first-rate Jlowspaper. All the nc1vs of the day will be found in it, condo.use<l whuu .'u H·bnportti.Ut, at full length wh?n of .~01ncnt, u!1d ahvays presented in i:t clear, 111tf:Jl1g1ble, an d intercl:lting manner. It is a. first-rate fatnily pa1Je 1·, f llll of en,ter tn.ining a..ud instr 1wtivc i·c11.ding of eveyy litnd but containing nothing t hat can offend th l~ 1no:;t delicate and scr.1pulous taste. It is a .6rst-r a.tc story p_11.pcr. 'l'he best taJ~s and romances of currcut literature arc c<i.n·fuLJy sclecte<l and legi bly \)rint ed in its pag?~· . It is a first-rate agrwu lt 11 r::W. paper. ·!·he 1nost fre sh and instructive o.rticl cs on agncultural tor.ics regularly aprea1· i u 1'.h~;, depu.r tment. ! tis an indepondont p{1ht1cal v:i,1;er, hc~ong ' ing to no par~y and ·wearingnoc?llrn. lt ti~ht:,; fer principle, u.nd for ~ho e~cctwu i~f the b~~t men to ofiict;>. Tt cspec1ally deyetcs it~ energwr.i to the exposure of the gi:eat cor niptwus t hat now weaken and disgrace onr c:o':1-nt~y, p . nd threaten to undermine re11 uh1ican inst1tuhons altof{ether . I t has no fcn.r of knaves, and asks no favors fron1 th eir snpvoi·L ers. . It reports the fashion:'! fo_r the l:.i.die~ ttutl tl ~.c 1na.rkets for· the tllOl'.l , cspecw.lly the cat~.le n1a1 k ots, to which it pa.y.s particular nttontwl.1ll'inally, it j!; tl1 e cheapest. .paper pubhsh~d. One dollar a. year \vill sec1u·e 1L foi: any sub?cnber . It is not neccrss~n·y to get up .a club 111 or· der to have the \ ¥El£KLY Su::-f at Unr-! rate ..A11y one who sends a siµgle dolhti· will get t he 11<).pcr Ior a yeru-. We hn.vc no tro.velling ::i,gents. 'J'HE \VJi:E.KLY SUN. - Right p:.iges, ~fty-s i x columns, Only $1.00 a. yea.r, No tlrncountfl fron1 this fii.te. 1 'l HE SE}U-\VEEKJ,y SL:N.-S.11.m e i:>i/\c ~'l..q t.JH~ Daily Sun. $2.00 u. year. A discount of 20 per cent, l;o clubs of 10 or over. - 'l'nE DA I LY SuN.- A. l:w·Yl~ four-pn.gc newspa· per of t.weuty-eiu·l L t cnl um1~:::. Daily circulation over 120,000. R .11 the newfl fur ~J ...:ent s, .. Sub.t:cri11t.ion price GO i.:crd:.~ n inonth ·. or $0.00 a yen.r. 'l'o clubs of 10 or oveT, a discount of 2D per cent. A<l<lrcsi;i "TllE ~UN," manville. DE NT AL BURRING ENGINE by whjC'}i I can 1 \Jroperty, pay expena:es and take her away. JOHN GILBERT, Lot 22, 7th Con., Darlington. T II I·~ Dec, 10th, l87:J, RO~I t he ti~h Con. 10-3ins.·p. Sub.sCI"iber1B vremi'Joa, Lot No. 13, F Du.rlingtoni 11bout the first of Dec. inst threu Ewes and threti lu.tubs . .Any person givi~1g infor1nn.tion lending to their reco.,.·e,ty, will be suitably rewarded. Extra.ct Teeth Lo in less than half the usual tint e and with les;.,; tlil..! lJaitlc:w.t tl1an heretofore , nnJ that J bo.v(' a i1 ~tin EJ.ephant E:ouse. I IIE Uj.\fDBl~SIQ.KJ...:.]) in 1Y~t1 n·nir 1 g- Lha.nks Lo bi~ n1::i.ny frit:udsaw.1 t.be public gcneTnlly fo1· the liberal patronage extended to hint dur· ing the past 18 years, hogo to announce that fro1n t~n d after the 15th Sqitcmbe1·, he will carry 011 tJw so.n1e b u ~ i i:t ess, lint m0rc extensively under t he nn.mo and style of JoBK l'tlcl~ROD & Co. Pronipt pu.ym~nt of i\11 at:conn ts i!> rendercrl iinperativo 'Gy tLii; lnrniness atrange1ne11t, :.i.nd ii.U pe.r.::ons indchtc{l \vill pl.ease t::i..ke noti0e and govern t l1e111::idves :.wcm'ili ng-ly. Bowtnauvilk·, Sept\:rnbcr 4th, JS73. N e"ifv ..t'\,n d LEVI MORRIS, Da:rli.ngton, Dec. 8th, 1873. 10-3ina·p . TR.A. YED into the yremises of the Subst:ri b S er a.bout the 25th o last month, a two year old r~ni. rrhe owner will plt~ase ta.kc him away EXTHACT TEP.TI-I vVITI-IOU'r PAIN .. ARTIFIOIAL 'l'EETH; BEST UPPER SETS, $2MO do. GOOD do. $16:00 ior gm1er11 Lj 11 ~~· :XiLrouS Ox idu I1n1~roved C it:-i, l~l'o cured b.Y wl.iieh I cn.n now A.:ppa.r.a.:ttis , T l ' and pa.v for advertisement. . W . GLASPALL, Lot No. 24, 9th Con. Darlington, Dec. 4th, 187:.-S. !).;{ins. TU.<\. Y ED from the 3rd Oonce1:1:!ion of l>i~r · Iington , about a. 1nnuth, .two 8tceJ·::.o , corr!ing four years old, one red, vnth a . 1:nnall .piece broke froin top of 11oru, t he othei· 1a a br1nflle, with white lwndo.ndface. near McDougall's )fill. Bo wmnn ville, Nov. 27, 1873. n18·3wks. 1'ltAYED from tJ1e Suhscribcr\1 prctniscs, r. ~)t No. 1 1 6th Con. of Darlington, a lted Ifeifer, 2 years old. Any perso~ giving _ inforUlfl.tio n leading to her recovery, will be suitably r ewarded. S ~rin1aco;n Dr. J. lfaTher's Californfa Yinegru: Bitters are a purely Vegetablo Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont. prepat-ation, made chiefly from the naBowman ville, O i~tvlH:r ~ 18/3, tin; herbs found on the lower ranges oi' ~. .""-"-"= = == = - -- tb.e Siena NoYadamountains of Califor- J . Yl,. "\-:o·cRS RESPECTFULLY, CASH. 'be, JOHN McLEOD. ' are extracted therefrom without the uso nia, the medicinal propJJl'ties of which GllO. 'l'B.lMBLll, S ~overs of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, "What iB the .cause of the nnparalleled success of Vr:YEGA.R BlT~·linS 7" Our answer is, that they remove tho cause of dLsease, and the patient re- JJnrliogton, Kov. l~th, 1873. ~··· --- WANTED. a GenoraJ Blacksmith . . . . ~Uth, ----- W. RUNDLE. 7·tf. blood purifier a.nd a life-giving principle, £ 1 perfect RonoYator an.d Invigorator of ·t he. system. Never beforo in the history of the world has a medicine been OOJ!lVDUuderl possessiug tho remarkable qualities of VINEGAR B ITTE R$ in hoalb1g the t;ick of O\'ery disease man is heir t o. They nre a gontlc Purgative as well OH a Tonic, l'olieving Congestion. or Infl11mma tion o:t' the Liver a.nd \Tisceral Orgm1s, in Bilious 1 bis health. 'l'hey are the groat IIaving eceived a l:u·gti pi1rti1Jn 1.1 £ our f,111 w-int12r Rtock of boot;:; and shoc;i, we :l.l'C desir-1 vus to turn tht:tn irito c ~:- h, l! i;o rn fnru g r·lmtel' barg.:;iins t hnn ever wih be givt:in . Onll early whik the .<:i tock i~.i hu·ge aud get Uttrgain::i, A.foo a lLl.rgu ~t.ud.:. of our owu um u11f.:tctlue, inaJ e in th:~ best ::;.t.yk a11ll of tho beB t .nateria.! SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS T IJo~~u:':7i~~l~~"~CoT SE PT EMBER 2 6, 18 7 8. TO C.i-\..SI:I ~tJYERS . · H :Liberal Support and H AJN & QQ'S EI~xtenllcdPatronagi' E ANI)EE SO ~ ~ong J\:IcLc~rl: OtJ':R FALL S'rOClt Jj{)lJ!l' SHOE EMPORI'C"M. publi<;, :J.n~l D JSCAR DE D I S N0 W C 0 MP L E T E. I" -1. · .8J~D ~ \\JI' )., l T. . · " so to J olm. onol t"kes thrn opporturuty uf mforming the t hot they have THE MEN'S GAITERS AT $1:50· I ~1:J..1EDI.A'l'];LY, Apply to No vmnber J. PICKARD, SoLln". 1873. bp-o45-1n7-ti. Diseases. ORGAN A ))OUBLE BEED ORGAN, Sub-b·se, a,nd 00'.r,.,\.'TE COUI'LBlt, 1\-Iason a.ud mcE & DARICER. Jnti2-i.f . IIanilin n1ake, for sale cheap. Nc'v York CH.y . Sedative, Oounter-I11itant, Sudorific, Alterativo, o.ud Anti-Bilious. R. I·I. 1'I1~DONALD &; CO., nrnggiat.s amlGcn . .A.gt~ ., S nu Francisco, Cn.lifornfa, untl cor, of Y\-.,.m1J1ington and Churlton Sts., N. Y. Sultl by all Druggi!its and Dcalcra. Can:ninative, Nutritious, La.xativo, Diuretic, VINEGAR"'BI'I'TERS aro .A.perient, l>ia.phoretio, '.J'lte uropcrties of DB. wALKlm's Rubbers in Great Variety. WE HA VE THE GREATEST VARIETY. '- ---·-- Sarzi.tog(;!,, and other Trunks. CI-IIL~t\.T' :l~ee irl~s .Al' r\J_,L F011 CASI-I. will be ' 7.Gins. THE PROVINCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. {II1r:..\O 0 FJ'HJF., · 'T'ORU!'".'l'O.) Dow1nanvi1le, Oct li;t, 1873. ohll Stand.. BENDEB.ED 1st Janu:;y:ho 1 1 NOTICE i\ NV peraon fou r.d Shooting, FiBhing, or .ii. Tre£passinb in any way 'vhatever, on ·tlie P!·operty known as the Downey and 'l'illey ·Fnr1ns, in this l'own, wi1lbe :prosecured :is the L a w (lirect~. Hon. J.IL C.A.:t\.Jlia{.0N, <.~.()., 11..1'., Pre~ldnrt . LE,\TJS i.\fOli'F .<\'r'l\ Esq., Vfrc·l'1·Cfrident. DRtTG STORE ! M.LOVVRY·, CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, begs uwst respectfully to infor m tho inlia..bi· t a.nts of 1:i1 and SEE H COM..JL!J A ~~l' flt' September H A NEW MILLINERY, · Hats at est N oveIt· 1es 1n and Bonnets. EVERY'l'HING NE\V AND FASHIONABLE. AJl.'l'HUll, HARVEY, lJJanag&r. guided by its own lengtlwned experi· Bdng ence, and desirous of ntl justi.i1g the l'n.ter; of W. M, HORSEY, }Jown1anvilke, Oct. 23rd, 1873. UNION SCHOOL. c~ insurance to each haz~tr<l in accorclanr..:e with tho la;ws of avera.ge, b:i.s }t f> HIL L'S N 1 11, e<Xa:, and wuery yeo1r. ne1:1riay, Ja.uu::i:ry 7th, 1874, at 9 a.m. Candi· (ltttt·s n1ust notify the County Ins pec.to~ not ~t or tbi\.n th e l;)tl1 of n e(:Q nlber, of the11· 1ntent10n to present themselves for Examination. Ji:xalnination for admission of Pupils to TH:B the High School, will take placo on 1\7' NOT JOINED THE INSURANCE COMB!· NATION. On some descri ptions of property its charges 1nay be above the established 'l'ariff, ou others oonsiderably lower, and t he Public are respect· fully in;vited to call upon '!'HOS. CH U I'.l'.~Iii;, Agent n.t E owm r.t nvflle, Ol' T. ]\{. }1'u11DY, .Agent at Pm·t IIope, anl a.scertain the Cotnpany's rates for insu1·111,ce hr~fOn! )ns1..uirig ul::iewhere . . country, that he hn.>i 01)ene1l a and E:Urrou·dn1g f)n1g Store in the above nanwd villa.go, with a well assortr.d stock of TYRONE ' · NEW T In tho c:a.He ot .L\':In.nufactnrcrs, J'tlellho.nivs, und nthers, whose a.ccount, .m.y a uwuu . t to $50.00 or ov~er, tlleu uote,if agroed upon, w1U lie tu.ken pa.yablo a.t tbc 13:.ni k fo r ~ stat«d period. NL T 'l'lllJ: J', KING, LL.D. Principal. l3owiaan"·ille, Dec. 1874. 9~2ins Christmas Examination. Chri1'trnas Exa.miuations of the Bow· T.l:-1.E nui,.nville Uu.ion School, will he held (D.V.) during the v.reek beginning Monday Dec. 15th. ':f1he ])i\'ifli"ni:i wLll be ex amined ae follows:Mrs. Ricka.rd'd, 1\fonday :Forenoon. Miss Hori.r's, " " 1".(iss Gordon's, " Afternoon. .&Ess rl'hon1as' T uesday Forenoon. Miss Farewell's, . " Afte.r noun, i\fr. Hughes' ... ... Wednesday " ~Iiss J\>Ioorcraft's ... ... " Afternoon. High Sc110ol. ... ... Thursday and Friday. South "\Yard School . .. Wednesday, 1~ p. m. 0-2ins. :Bo\vn1anville, Dec. ·ith 1 1873. Drugs, J.11 udicines, Clwmicals, Patent Medicines, PeJ'/uinery, Brus!tes, Combs, Toilet Soaps, Premium Income, $250,000 Per Annum. Elorse and Cattle Nedicines. Ptirsons not within rea.<:h of tho Cotnpn.ny's u,gcncies ru'e requested to con1mnnica.te directly with the )fanagor. He hfi..s al so Fall"Wi11te1~ Dry Goods ---:0:--- Cash Purchasers A'.ND CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK. I Prompt A LARGE LOT OF FRU IT, AND nooks, ·1Waps, Charts, F1Ytmes, EngTa'cing11, Stationury, School Books, <%c. i·espectfully i;olicited. LADIES' aind G·ENTS' FtJ"ltS, Q[ Stoc~urnLarge Q. VE. l={. Y c I-I E A P . U wen Assorted 1Ju Bowm11nville. Nov. !st, 1873. 1 H will _alwayt1 got gooll::! at p:riecs cut ll'INB, our grcn.t 11irr1 will court thiA cla.~~ of trt\clo. :o ai; Payers on credits short be· IH WE THINK IT NO TROUBLE TO SHOW OUR GOODS J. & w. J. McMRTRY &co. Sign of the Oold.en Lion. Confectionery Depot. JVIIOLESALE and RETAIL Just ai:rived, and for Sak, a.t t he aLov e t..fopoL, PhyR iciri,11 .-;' prel!criptions i\n.d Ffl.ruily 1\tfcdicincs carefully con1ponnded. l:'ublic patronage '£yrone, Nov, 1201, 187i: . m7-tf. Wanted Immediately. Nei1J Frivit and Co11fectionerys, TFIE NEW A dentistry. YOU:NG· M..A.N desirous of learning the J . M. BHIMACOMBJ<:, Surgeol.J 1 J)enti,st . DATES, FIGS, LEMONS· Choice Lemon, Ora.nge a.nd. Citron :Peels, Looking Glass ECLIPSED! I'hotogra:phic :Business, GOODS · C()~IPLETE AND S E Cook, Hall, Parlor, and Box .A. "!}llcudill v;;n·icty of s 1 llow1nan~·ilk, Septcmber 1th/73 JOHN McLEOD & Co. STOVES f0r Ot' uvaJ.. ' ·wood E ,.I My.New Goods have J3o w1nanville 1 Sept. 9th 1 1873. hp tf. WANTED. J-:iEJtfAT,B Tt:ACRER.,jn SchooliSeetion _f}._ No. li1 ])a.Tlington. AppJy to ORANGES TO ARRIVE Soft Shell Almonds,Filberts, Brazil and Wall \V c the unlleri;igne~, would rospcctfully iuforro E'l!.ts, J(eiller's 1.V.larm.al(ule, fVest lndi}i· the public, t hat w e ha.v e l;)rese1·ve(l Ginger, Pears, Pli1,m.s, 'l'omatoes, ti.: l.Jeaches, Green Peas, I'urcltasecl the ·entire Green Corn J; Li1na Beam. NEAllLYALL COl\!IE TO RAND, and tho assortment will be fou nd K SOUCH, W. WHITE, Our Dominion Excelsior RaspberryVinegar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines Tomato Sauce and Pickles 'rhcy Jui.vc come n.nd 1uc coining, at the l!'rtut Di:ipot. ENCOURAGE Home Manufa,cture And Save 20 to 25 per cent by purchasiug vne of tL e fonnedy )fl~. J. JmAGG, Iiariington, D!:1C . 4tL 1 187:1. Ca1'ri~~d 011 Ly J::,. & l:I. O'H.t.\.11.A., u.nU IIENRY, n.nd would say to all, that we 9-3in l.m vu Hillier Grist Mill. H.1£ SUBSC1llBER to return thanks Tto his 11uston1e1·s for fa\'ors, l\lld takes this opportun.ity of informing cattle fccdcrs,and dc~iros SHELL & SHELLED OYSTERS. QUA UTY is th e test of CHEAPNESS. 'l'. DARLINGTON. Bo\vmu.nville, Dec. 4.th, 1873. 11£l-tf First-class Facilities for making First-class Work. -:o:V'l e keep on ho..nd, a Goo<l Stock of I'A!:l'f PRICES Hampton. i'!ept. 18th 1872 MODERA TE ~cc · nthor1:1 that he is pre_pared tu chop feed at the low p;ice of 'rwo cents -per bushel. Flour and feed delivered to ptll'chasers. 'vhen required. H. FREEMAN. 1n7 2 wks. Act:E:NTS TO SELL OUR OF '!'HE WAN'TED EVERYWHERE NEVVMAP Profits fi·ont $200 to $300 per znonth. n1anent employJncnt. Dominion of Canada. TROY &CO., bp(}i.11s·1n7o45. on J,ot No. ll, 9th Concesf;ion, a Lout 83 Acres of Good Lan<l, in . a convenient place; within three 1niles of the V~illagos of E nuiskillen, Haydon, and Tyrone, antl nine tniles fron1 the Town of J3owmanvil1c. '..l'heri.! is about 55 acres cleared, a.nd in g~iod culti vittion; ti.H:l re::1 t in va.lua.ble Timber~d La.nil. 'l~hcrc _ is 11,, bagc li'RA~IE B . A.RN an(l FJ{.,\J'v:(E HO USJ£, uev..rly new, with a. good \VeU and Soft \Vntc1· Cistern attached. Also a SPLENDID YOUNG BEARING 011.CI;I,A.RD, and a never-failing S12.:i;ing Creek. . · Thfo\ above property will be sold cheap. ]!'or urthor lla.rticulars, apply to FJ. B. TOJ,]1, RoNDNau P. 0 . , Per· Co1ulty o( l\f:nt, Out. mtf-1144, I FARM FOR ·SALE. ALBUMS & FRAMES, -oN the TOWNSHIP OF DARLHl-GTON, of Vcirivus Styles mid Prices. \Ve \vould also nm1ind t hose who wish Tho Pll hlic are solicited to c;cll and for themselves. NEW bp- FALL OPENING - - -·o o - H. ELLIOTT, JUN. . GOOD t·.i nut 1:111t;nd Ulc 1h1.y i1 1 Hlu)p11iug, and when fo,tigucd, s~1ddenly ~et.er1nin e to be Ph u~ogrnph eJ. AND BEAUTIFUL I f ,YIJl"l LlO 1t Jr: ::111r._.i to 11 1:1 a, f1 ulure. EXTRA GOOD PICTURES ~t PAI NS OF 1873. - - o- - 1873. mn.nuf::ictured by tho Autumn Fashions ~Iagnificent ta.ken to procure vVIN'l1 ER. CHILDREN. 1\.UT-UJVIN & TREWIN OF OSHAWA invites lhe atteutivn of Ladies mid Gentl emen to his ' · J]c sure to Con:w Early: In the fore part of the cloy ; Esvecially with the BABIES 32 ICing St . Ea.st, Toronto. Town Lot for Sale. is nuthorised to still th corner 14Jt otl r,orll t:ffof 'Vellington and On tnrio streets 'in Bowmanville. This fa on ..of · the heflt buHding site1:1 1 and in one of th ·;t-,cst localitie s in Ttlwn. for rrHE n,N-d~r.sig-i1cd WILLIAM J'OBLIN. . m4-t f 1'i:.otice to the Public. .,. "'are W,vcn for past favors, and I r11H 1\NI\.~ · .. my friende and othcrR, that I beg to info. w ...,w Bln.ckswith Shop in the 11.,.a;ve t-rccte~l 11. n,_ . i·th of Philtip':J Hotel, Villa.go n( H ii,1npton, ~~ral blMk1:1mitli, par· }i:ud baNe engn,gcd n. ~L,i\. coutinua.nce of twulady good at shoeing. fi. call from all, fitvors fro1n 1ny r,ustmners, a.1. solicited. . .·'~~EH .. · Han1pton, Nov. 27tb, ~~ . W l\., . terest, and 1 in other rospeetf:\, upon tonn~ likely to suit the wishe.s of a.11y Uona tide n.pplicant. 'l'he advantage to be d erived frmn a.pplylng to the subscriber will1 in n.ll co.seA, be fully 1nade known to the ;Ja.rty apvlyin:; for a loau bcforl: any expense is _ i ncurred. Wl\L H. Lo,ve, Barrist-or, &c. Office on Silver Street, ~1lll door· nm·th of King Street, Bowmanville. Bow1na.11vil1Cj1 Sep. l8 th 1873, 1n50 (i inos. MONEY ! MONEY ! unU.erBigneU bas lately recei vco:.1 fu1'tbl.\r TfIE to lend Estatc fro1n 5 to 20 yenrs, at a low l'n.te of in instruction s 1noucy on Real Vc(..'J"Y B usiness hours fron1 l) u.. in. till 4 p. m., during tLo "Y'"iuLc1· Jnu11tlrn. 0 BS ERV E ! ~\Ji:lo Dominion Organ Co'y., clisplay of N e\v ancl Rich Goods. HARRY TAIT. JAS . ARTHUR A'l' 'l'lflt NA' W GALLERY. P rints cau ho Ju,.,,d of ~t1l n l;lga.tives taken in 0'1Iara's u.n<l fl cnry's Galleries, nnfl alflo prioL"> frou1 llegati vcs t:ike1 1 in :B'letr..:ber'B Gallery by BOWMANVILLE. A. M. DARLEY, .t:owm.anvillo, Octob12r, 187:3. IL 'l\tit. Bow1na11vilk1 1 N" o,.... 12th, 1873.' bp-o43-mO-tf. --------- - - -~--- ----- VERY OOlVIPI\EIIENSIVE STOCK NEW GOODS~ a sple11ilid stock of l\1URDOCH BROS. have opened out an immense stock of Now Fnll Goods. Great care has been taken in buying the Stock, and as nothing but First Cluss Goods have been purchased, customers can rely on geLting good value for their money. MANAGER. ---o,---- com; cn1sing Dressmaking, &c. V.loul<l beg~ inform the ladies of Eowma.uvilJe and vicinity. th:.it she is p1·cpa.red t o take .o rders for Dressnrn.king,and till the SD,me with despatch · in the ljr\.TES'_r NO-VELTIES -in- DRESS GOODS Miss Heal :JmOR ~ LUMBER. rrHJ~ Jf.ert1~pcrim1ce fl~l!ri:r:~i~l;l:l> her in 1Jl'OU1i1>i11g Reiii.dence.., Oorner of Church Street, and LA'l'ES'I' FASHIO~. StyliSh Millinery, Elegant Mantles, Beautiful Dress Goods, Tremendous Shawls. Comfortable Under- HATS, O.i-\_PS Clothing, Nice-fi:tting Boots & Shoes, AND FURS! --o-· Warm Gloves and Hoisery. ll .ITSINESS CI-I1\.N GE. MAitX"O'S MAYER ~ilso Pla.in and figured Lustres, Plain and Tartan Wool Poplins, Metz Co)'(h Figured Rcpps, Empress Cloths, and an endless variety of other new Dress Goods. Black Alpaccas, Doublo Warp Black Lustres, Black Co· bourg, Black Paramattas, Black Crape CJoths, Black Metz Cords. a :;il!lcUllid l)to9k of . ""1i:'3t Square, Subf! criber respectfully requests all pn.r- ' tics ind ebted to him for Lumber, to settle MaB. ' """lfLllVille, Dec. ,1th, 1873 , ow .. ~ · their accounts without further delay. And lw hereby infor1ns builders, and others in want of l nmbe1:, t hat he if:! propa-red to · supp]y them at cash rates for Cash. Henceforth he intends to THOS. SMITH, Lot ] 9, 6 Con. l)arlington. Nov. 28th, 1873. . ruStf. 9-tf. ~ Tl1.1£ 'VNDEl"tBIG NEJ) begs to ann.ouucetd the pnbd~ic ge~er_a 1 Iy , th ha.t "\.,.he ~las pn1h·qhfl,se. t1 w stoc1 {an . goouw1 o t e vus1ness ere1o. - do a cnsl1 buslliess. Ca,bUt~~'K~a,king Villa;; ~td Ifi~'.;pton, 0 GENERAL UPl::'OJ.STERING. BY 11 1 Carpets, Horse-covers, Sleigh-Robes, Carpets, · Damasks, respectf11lly aJ,11ouncef:l ~~ Sheetings, Rugs, Mats, Oil Cloths, Flannels, LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMET Rubbers. Felt-Overs, etc., etc. - o[-u- MILLINER1{ The assortment of Millinery and Millinery Good.s is very extensive and in trimmed or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets every taste can be consulted as the variety is so great. The Flowern and F"ea.thers, Laces, &c. we claim to have the largest assortment to be found , "Thill. 'l,RE\YIN is of the opi.i1ion thnt 11 Vi'tll a"sortcd sto ck of first-class goods, offered at oweet ronn111e 1·a.L i vv pt·k~i:!, iu a Ia.fr obligir1 g mann er, the be.st nwtholl of winning o, large and profi.ta.ble b u.sineHH. J:Jc uow eugagv8 to ::mpply thi.: forn1ee- rc&clcrs, it i~ yow· iutereRt to ccord to 1iiu1 the latte1· . suit ttble for the Jhill and \Vin'tex tr~td(;.!. l:! tock of It1u·s 01nbrr.. c~~ NEW GOODS nccess<U"i c~ 1-1i11J WANTED. A. SCHOOL TEACH-llR in Section " · Cart· ...L:-1.. ,~·.right. Apply to 0. TRICK } A. 1-IOJU{.IS Tncs'l'J!.a.:s. ~n.rtwright, R BYRllS Nov. 28th, 1873. m 8·4iu, , theinh·b. , The 811 hsc1·iber re1:1pectf n ll y 111 1onn s "-t. · . '"1 itants of Bow1na.uvillc :.tud iW ·~:icinity, ·h.a!. he as Cabinet inaker and Undertaker, a.url . will is prepat·ed to oxccute ~ eontiun c the business in the old i1remisfts, \vi th <:'.! ' N ull :1.'80rtment of first class l!'umiture, l:J · ' Coffins-;-~SJn·oud~. &c., will be kept On hand, and hopc3 by 1:1triet v,ttention to business, :u.J.d in the a.bovo Hues. moderate cha.rgl:ltl !"I.) )flt'rit t.lte va~n.111tige of the FURNI1'URE NEATLY · REPAIBED. piU1plc. Shop, Corner of l{iug a.nd D ivi»ion Strect8. J a.mes Ch"'rdier1ua.n, 0 ~ hcH1·· S. T:ewin n. , Octobe1·, 1873. ALL THE NOVELTIES, as ·well as in tho depnrtment, ALL KIND OF W-ORK REMOVAL. S. l'l'!ASON wi sh er; to l nfur1n hiR rmruorond frie11d~ }Iis Gent s' Duparttucnt is cqnally well su p· p\ie<l 1\-Hh -o- fzj . · Mufflers, Collars, Shirts, Braces, Scarfs, Umbrellas, &c. lii~ In Bhtek and White real.Laces and Lace Collars, we have a large a~ sortment, at prices to suit alL FOUND. ~l'yronc. · JOUN HODS . H- tf. rzj Buwrnanv1U e, Dec. 4th, 18'74. and cu.s - lint i.~utl C!lp dcp1u'tment 1 as usn n.l, fa replete \Vi th the bctt....;~· -o- PAIR of B. lank~t s, on the rol\d F.ast 0£ . A The ownc: ca_n have ·the1u by Weber's Pianos for Sale. })aying- cxpcnse.:i, on applicatiou to S .A.~'.l'L. POLLARD, Senr., Lot 6, 7th Con. Darlington. :-;tov. 28th. n18·3in 'T'Jrn snhscriber Juis been 'tppoi.nted an ...'\.gCl~t for the .sale of the1::1e Pin.n(ii:I, a rnl has a sphmchd ins truruent on vie\v ctt hi!5 1·e1::1iJ t:nce on Al'gyle Street, to which Ju; it1vitc inspection. tmners tba.t he has n:1uor0d t v , a.nd intending p1u·chm;ers will find no VARIOUS STYLES, ;,tock iu the country. Our Stuck of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilokl, Beavcrn, Petcfdutms lVIeltons, etc,, will be found unusually large. BUCKLER'S OLD S'l'AND. wherl:l he will lie fvuud wHh the ro c·:,; L c~1111 plt!te it88ortme11t of WATCH FOUND. !\-the l+th in~t., on the main road, jnst ( ) \'{est ot Bov.nnanville, a '\late~ a.nd Chain. · The Qwner uu.u ha \'e them by provmg property . and p.'1ying expenses. . l{. H. PERKINS, Lot No. 2;:!, 4th Con. Dorlingtnn, Nov. 28th, 1873. m8-3in. Cl!Al<LES RODEil'l' LOSCOMBE. BowwMnilfo, Nov 27th 1873. 3mos. _ THE having been Harness, and Painted, .A.lJ or A CALL IS RESPECTI'ULL Y SOLICIT ED AT THE CORNER STORE Bowmnnville, May 7th, 1872 ALL KlNlJS OF fURS ALTERED AND R EPAIRED. MURDOCH BROS. LUMBER AND LATH. T BOARD. · pERSONS 'Wishin g for 1300.r<l and !.-·odg_i ng ~ near the Factvry,sbo uld ap ply fLt this Ofl1c:e. Bowmanvillc 1 No·I', 18th, 1873. ' 7·tL HB SUBSCRIBER respectfully· informs th e public that be is prepitretl to furn ish them-"\\o·ith huuber a nll ]i),j;h 1 11,L thiJ JaK. Woodlf!y Mills Lot 10, 8th Con. Darlington, ~~t rr1()d..::r· ate p;ices for cash, as h,e il~tend8 doiug. a cash businef!s. Custom fll1\v111g executed in short order. IntBndi11g builders, please Rend in your billC! eady iu t ho serMmn. R. WOODLEY. Darliugtou, Dtic. 8th, J873. Gw-b11-rnlO·o48. ~mproved I I Whips, . . Trunks, &c. Cash pm,id fo'.l.~ Daw F1111.rs. R~ ·:hnn.nville, 0l.'toL~r , R now 0ne of t he be;:; t in the County. den; pi:orn11Uy attended to. I I Bowma;~::e~. ~:· ;~~t. AI'PLY at J. 1\-L Btimaccm1he'a. Bowmanville, ~ov. in town. Please call. Tiuclder'.s old st.iJ.nd, one door eaRt of l'oiaynard')j Hotel . M .MAYER 1873 . WiWk1ng $ 5 To $ 20 per day. Agent· wanted ! AJ clas8'cs of people of }'>. S. - . F urnlture n1adu to order whe n r e quired, aod repa,irs neatly executed. Jinmpton, 8ep . l 8t1l, 1873: cithi;;r i:rnx , y oung Ul' c1t.1 , u1uk0 rr11 n·c m01wy to work for us in thdr spo,re n1onwntr;, or all he tim~, tlnJ..11 :c~t anytJ1l11µ: el r;o. Pa.1·ticnlarA free. Addre~s G . STINS ON & UO., Port.la11d ~Iaine. 20, 1873. in7tf. olQ · ·