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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 12 Dec 1873, p. 4

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· THR l\!IEH,CHANT :rrnIDAl-', DEC.EMBEH 12, 1S73. -- ----- - -----0 -- --- ----~~~~~~~~~============;:==~====;=~~~~===::~=== .-,0::'.TRY . i " l111tiieBucces,offarmiugoperaLions a )007"j} ·"l! A[.:;. · _ ----=--=:::::=-==::::..-=--- - - --= ! H1u c l 1 ::tB )OU are yourself. IU ~a ~&t~ RE.WA:ft!)11 LioJ~ in tl1e Lak':!· II 2 wa:.:cK ul 'l'HE tt\VAL~T\N, ~ov.i,:·,1utc 1t G. \Vhu an a·rn t,1 tm·e The fJ.i.1 .tnd fut...;ile fo1111 Th tt '>ht 1_, ke l n.rni(l th~ 8tl)l Fl, \\""h,n J ) 0 i t\ 1 L lHl.'.l ua th o Vlho ~hov.:<..i l 1 .h1:1 tru e 1n.t 1'::1 he.~1·t. \'iihlJ pLty..:d i;lw lin. 0'9 p::i.rt, \Vl1en t' e f tt:J..l Cl .v of 11 1 ·1~ S .n 'tJ t ' iu :ti,., ' l tl l tn· ~· 1· lH 0 h~1 rflLe ft~1 ue s rn <J',e lU l1a 'B, V ct!1u.; tlu· gl)l·1en ,~~:u ., ? )/',i t one, 1111t ouo, n,\n,fl ! The cuwr1.ord 1ui:<:cr.;,1'lt!-; tore The IJn;'I f1on1 off thpir ])e· !, A.n d <mt of th 0 ii 1·1y p,1':! . l·'nll to th ~ i:;l o~u111!1 c(' ~li<J t c, On \1 ~ll ll they KlJl;d .\ 11tl t,b (.'r ti l'P· 'll th e (\;)uJ, The fr anti(,) feroak!'! st(;Od. To burn a1nid the o\·11.hok i OL· si n1 ~ iuto t h..: ll1lotl '\TithonL oii.; f ;cnotly lia.n(l,, Of ,dl th ot 1nanlJ h.uH1i ']\_1 r;,~ve thcu1 fron1 UH· fln.m : . 1 op111ionfl, 1u1d gl\ c th ei u yours. If at all J l l l ...L_ ,H'cl 1.:nt, ma \:t! use u t 1 eir plans, and when ---o- - \ou ihu l-.. }'Our own bes t, cxpl::i.1n to the1n lf\~aE.:.'!s ~OOd.S u-hy you tlo not adoi)t theirs. Don't' keep J.rl& ld"81W \;{"" 1 Cu1ner~c fu·cly ,v]th t hen1. Get their F Ll. L-L---os-TOOK '"21 · o 1873 · 4, · tllcu1 .lllogctl1ur in dark \Yitb rcf~rcnce tu) our pLtni5 tor the fulnre. N 3 Dou't Ic·111ire them to stay at hom e iu t he cvt·nlngi! all tl1e Li1ne. \:\'hen there ia any n1ccting 01 eute1tain 1nent front \V1nch e .! ~f{!~')',e~ p \oil VV lilfll\11 Ii ot th St l e .J ;. "" c ash F1 i ' lr:n ! Di=Ui?! ti c , .- aco·-h - es l' ll"J'od111¢ to Le nf our 1nakei and to beur om 1Htn11.1 :; t<t..i1nJH.~d th e1't·o11, 'vc hereby c1tution th .J ,, tlJl.l.: .o~ iri...,t .1~ 1 ~ur.:hi1upoQti;irs,nH ~Ieesr:i Y-\'Jlow1 P: '1 & Qn ic!.;_ -~'" cnir Agents in 'V est Lil .. lt.11 t; :wnl :-i. ]~.,.\\ 11d of ~2;), i bbt:r~ by 1>.ffez· I'l'I'eo1l lia.,i11 ·; co1ne t.(.) onr kno,vle<lb"e, that cert:lin u ~ tu 1; :-ii;lli ng Spectacles and Eye Glass- CHI'JJ CHAT. [Tim :Srad.y and Mike FlynnJ OcL. 1672. THI.- lS72 Oct they 1uight receiv e huu:fit, he ~ure to let t hc1n go. 4 Provid e them witb plenty oi good lJooks o1nll paper~ , especially those referring to agriculture. L et tLe 1 n be well paste i11 their own l1n ~inPsi'l-farm ing. 5 . ~.,.. CV'.'!r Rco !J tlrc1n 1JCcuuse th e y don't Have you seen Cov-vle's cheap !Oct Cotto:us? GJlEY !Oct Cottons ~ 1'ic(Jl111m!~ (__)' do tlu·ir werk or attend to the busincf:s oJ Llie t1rm iu; \1el1 a ~ JlHt Jo. the111. STO BM ONT. ______ ______ , ~~~~...,,~~~~~~~~ of th o b<;lst n1u.k0, inclucliu g tht! t.:ele bi a tcU _,_..,,..,.___ ~""1-'l--...,..~""'"'-- ~-- ~ ...,,,..;n-......~......,...~ ........ ~ I_j L s F]~ () (j I( ti. Give tiieru a !to.iJay now an<l thou. r.phev loqk Jor a, c.ncl t.41.:y need i t; tln.d lt will be lx~ttrt' for Jou nnd thcn1 to let then1 a.t Cowle's---Splcndid va.lue. -- I f.:i N OW -JJ'rct Lanec ... 1 1.. ,.. bave it. OLh <' r ii)gre9ie11ta n11ty \\'tlh "alcty be added, bnt the hbo v l!- 11r~ a few ot i1 dlnite i1 nporu111ce, avd i<honld ue\ l'l' be o n1itted. ]\nn1cr:<, try n1y H·...:1pc; it ncM like o. charn1. - 0h1-istian G11..ardi a11 . Entire ly ----o- ---- of 1nH .:!1n:dled posed t..h~~t n. Cl1uu:h 1 (\ito1·- liko lhi: <·d L i!.r \~l rea<l of-wi'.S ci )J; fHn.:l l 8":d t ..: n Jwu 1.,, ,1 d Eefo·« "" 1<!:~1~~';:,;~11~,:1 iuuo001.t1y · ··1'" ~ FARMK::~ ~~=~riEN_:_ - Thi s h1 tl 1 e M.: i.<011 when nl:larl y every pn.pi::r STYLE and. QU' AI..ITY STO:R~~Ol'iT "Good morning, Mike, shure a11d it-is e11rly out ye n,re. Migh I be bould to axe wh11t started ycos this morni n o-." ,, ~udt olfoii n;.; tl rnfr t r;\,-,h l\i.I (.·llr lU,tke. J\llKli;.-" Jis t be 11isey, Tin:, n,nd I'll tell yo in a jiffy. Ree, I Wt1"S LA,%8.B UB, MO!il!JR. & qo. ton!;': yisterday, that Misther Omy, ov Tyrone, hacl got liorne Jfu ,1hl':~1. NQv . Stli, 1871. n7-tf a1 1 idigant new stock av Goo c ls, olmpe as durt., lllaJl, and its rncsclf couhl lm1c1ly sbpc a wink, all uight, thinkino· a v tho chtipr .goodR. A11d s111·B c1n1 ff. itr; t,ho l'nll sto1·c h e has-piles ttnd av the natesL pattenrn; and he'd give ye the makin's ~v an ilhgttn~ now gown \or Biddy, for. Siventy-ti ve C:ints; T11y " , , -- , for most nuth1n, mid Lho h :cccy for a t11fle less." r101- TIU.-- "~n shure its fonni11 g rn e y e '11'8, Mlke; wouldn't t he lll [Ul be n.tthcr brea k:ing doYvn " - '[Ml KE-" Breaki;1g.down, is iL. '5tu ~' l~e l~t~ow~ ~ thrick wurth two nv that. Ill .11st tell you i t rn, Tnn, ii ye want to get a gni,tc name when youre decl, and he call etl a filtmtrnfizecl. fi losifer and a pub~ic binifacthoi-,j ioL kl! all yourc: nabours,ancl tho rist av mankrnd, llbout Oray'.i chape store, aml you'll do more for the good >LY your counthry, th:w i ver St. Patrick did for oulcl Ii eland, when li e bm1ished >Lil the t<md s awl snakes out av it t hat ni.ver \\7llfi in it.}' ' f l' .d1.c~· 1Jt~};i"a.l·~1; .buildTV.JJ.<l le· TIM.-· " I'm much oblaged to ye, for tho bit >1V abvice, nml '" ou't de· l"!..a.k . "" ... _ ... tni11 ye; there'll ;' !Hiroly be a grnto ru~1, nllll nrnybee I'd mi, ss W .Jg<11is, 'Buggfo~, · a'~,~Outten, some l·argams. I be top :w the rno1w1w to ve."-l'rn off to 0 Grav's. " Q~ J::{~1 y d~rwli,1Jk;._ ~,.. :'?hillt n~ticc, . fil1do ... l'tl fut t hu app i·d 1un:-;10:\ < d convietion of ~·11 Lntpo8ttl n3 as trv trJ dt f1and the public by Yo ,. . · ,s l I I ~ · · ij · · ~ i.c a ~gntth!1l""~cnns. : ' rlen ' fr:Htoon ed I\ t\.h cobwebK. J111ul.:n.:re l v it!l \\> u tak() up .i·~·la.t us ~bn1e h on iblc casu{l,lay from p i lPs of book s :'l.HLl ill( ·~ of v. 1 p 81 .~ m 1·!-;l y- :inf! 1hti ti~plosion of D. ket oscue l:tmp, or th<; like, dnsty, an· old curwr.;"ty sh.ip' 01 . · ,i,u L iqn::-.1·.y'i> . ~n 1 l \\·on1cn 1111d cbikhcn ate l:'i th er killed outs,tncturn,' <JP.l'J"t',d \\'lth t1 ut-ti m:i tl 111,.,ult1' ;, (f 1i{Lt ~)r t.:rribl y burned and scur1ell for life. _i\ ink nnd toba.<.:clJ·jn WtJ-l:itti.~l t:ditni l' )' to tl\3 ~i 1 11ple knov:loJdge of th e infla1nma.ble n ature of ayes 111 Hlt\.llU~utipts 1 , 1 f.iue h a.n'l, uufll ;\l li11Hl, th e fluul \vould }JI ·~bably put an e 11rl to ut!a11y i·outirl. ht"lnd, a.nd fllJl't>w liuv 1 i.oa\l."1Jle ,u ll n11· nll thll .lcritk:nts. 11'irat, nf1 ltL.rnps ahouldcver r cR.d:tble , k;;iLle :i.rnl 111 .. g:J.le, .11·pro\ i11tr h o_; l.J l:c fill 13il .Lttur tl :uk by the lit£lit of n. c,tndle. Alan rl condewujnJ thci ,', ".itl1 L~ p 11 ut cr'.; imp \"a3ll ill' tlt,r; wo1k .tftc.1tbe breakfru;it d1.-she8 ever a.n<l ~ilHt ll t b i , rnti1 1 ~ his iuky no~e n, :'.t tlie a rc put [l."\\ay; .tnd 1.lwn n ot on ly fill thcn11 but d tM)r with lu!-l ~ \cJ la·,tnig cry c:f · Co1i.\' air')' WHti{l l he cl,iiT.tin<:fJ~, fQt if they a1c chm :i11d "\\.'ontler if itnp af1)i.' said kl)OWf:I f\ny \~md n i c;u1oky, you ca1111ot expect to h :.n·e a. bright , , lio ht. 'l ,1ke th~ chnnnev in one ba.ncl, and ir1 thi.: gn.rlish lu.u;nil.~e bt.J,,i le ' ' cqpy · . J '1Vornle; if ",hen ]1 iH u10tl1e1 8L ndi; hi1u e,i.1 ly h. t.:tti lrn llu vuglt it; .then ch<t\\ u. large \VU:!p 6f to tnn.ikct n.~d th..: hntchr.; 1 a.-k~, '\Veil, pi ct L y JJllJ)..:rup;i,ti<l down it,. o.nd. all the blur will be sit' 'vh ' wil! ynn h,ivc th1,; mm n ir.g- '? , hv 'rrruv .... tl If th e ciitm~ey ia blackoned ·with doesn't sciu.tch h'fi li1· .. d a.11d d u:r~rn i 1 y nnS\~el'. !.niip ::-;inoke, tur~i wr..rmi sli water t hroug-h the ,C , , · -J;uhe, clll<l t"Qt~ll.- Wl pe out \Vi th pa1:iet in tLe srun?llp} · · ~· &t:rh· .t::; l>efore. if the lam1)s nre gln.,.s · ·and "\Vo·1tler "'l1utlu.:r whe n ht~ "0~ " to ·.: nil!' "' th1·v Uecoruti clou<l.eJ with.a d.cposite froin t h ~ o:cho(!l o r L'h-:.i.1 Gli, a nd pre:-i.d1e1 \\l' tt: i1(.her JJ f1)- 1 1 ~ · , , t '"H'J t '1 I r ll I f f .~~·Dmene, ta.k~ lune "-ater . puuntI8 t 1 lO (1 1\ b ~ I IOll, " IU L':I ,, ~ v li t; <.: ( (I 1 . . that lS n1ilky \\1th tnl\n? ·he du<:!~ iir,t lwumtu , UopJ , t1~~,l1me a~ d. sha.J...t; it u p lll the lam p . Do tbjo:i "\V :.Hlei· if R .illl .imp !;.hoiil<l go iu rpw st of a i\""l tn t" o a1Jleient w.wb1n g, t\UU all thll dcposite ' · 11.ill l·e letn1.n ed. ~ l i ttle chloride ofJimc cli~lady tu lo' e. a:1 1l Rhe :,hould lwuc ,·o1eut 1.} e nt: . ' 1 ). . dc~\ro1 tu t.;:J< ·a 'C thv l.Ht:-hf, 1 1 \'tH.tb. i n conv e ,· $ O \~(t, 11) \\ tt lln '~rn,~i , H.QU left JO. lt huup or ca.n . "'. ,, l . 1 t ~ r l I 1 t \.\h:,J1 l.urn heltl kcrl)M. m e, wi1l 1.leod1)IiZI;.! it verv sat1on by :tt>king :1m " 1 :~ g.ollle , e, i -.. Cl l~ ~ 3 ' ITT;6n . Lt~111ps nm~t be fill ed every rnoruin.,.· 0 'l 'h ' . . he ,vouiJ u oL hlu~ n and l),a~;iuie1·. ( (1Jl). 1nty f or e" cry houseke cp rfi 1~ an Hnp<:rahn, ic fi\\S<.;.p }Jetfonnccl, £01· ft$ the oil bu tns down The mc.1 n ._ ·,L Hl. Lll lll. :.he wmli1 li11:!1;. in 0 1 11- e1 · in a.Jat1,p, there is cren.teJ a highly infl a mn1ahle u,i.;o 1[u :-;tul0 Ju,., w1fe'~ fn,l< ic teeth, .~l"! d then got ,L di\ o~ ( (· l'll ...;.cunJ1 t uf hu " phy~ ica.l .1,:. gn~, v.lHeh gatlle18 itnperceptibly over tho sn1f.·l l', and ,\s fi;t.$t M the oil i ~ consume d t hia gae feet >).. " iIH..: 1 ca~ l'l:1, so whJl1 the 011 ii; 111..·u.rly out of thl.! A n1u-ic de·tll r in L -l L,ite ~ l rl't: t h,L:; in 1::; - Limp. t he i:-li ~ hh·>:t jar of the taLlu "\Vtll set the wj uJow :~ s1.mi..11UPn l:S ·11i; ma1kld : - '· Thv11 g-,, .. nn flt e; an explo1:;ion folJows jni;tm1ta.neons· hn8t love<l 111"' mi.I :t.:r~ n1<'. fu1 t\1 ly, a1r1l...\ htHn' ),;h ·Jl wnitlll 11ot be more clcsti uctCP.nts." i\ o, fur ihs touchc::i :\ t'C d ... athly. B ut if t h e 011 ..A. f<1.cet10na J 1~ustc:-u Gruca a11n11uucus .111 ,\. i~ bmuecl only hn.lf \\UY dowu ju yonr IamiJ, pl.~c; .1nl :tt t hl rl,101, "A. frc·~ h i1L\f!tc1· of cl1oic 1J t h e gtJ,8 b not of sutticieut p <l \\'Cr tu do u. 11 y in· licl~ ets,"' wl,l'l\ ht~ llCeivei; ,\n ew lot of s1nok u,l JUlJ , th erefore: let ine bt::I{ of you, 11cvci to do· t()ngncs. for the opcl'ati on of Lw.n1i·hlling to anotl1>'1' clay, rrho n.drv;u "of t wo evils choO<'O tho }1 ,t-i, :· bn t Ste y,1'1rself t.hnt it ig clone. ' Vheu I r~ad i8 helpful wb<:H t ..11l' j11cl c1m·11t ll:> cqu.~l to .t of J tJ2 d 1 s OCC'H'ting fro1n fayiug ti) li;;lit l11 ea chowc, but\'. l1at y,i to be t1uu (.' \\ hu1 t be lil·o·i c ~1 ith k erusell\', I ahYn.ys t11 i11k the verdi i::t of the lll'R b etween fkttH n,u rl m(~!'lqnitocl:l? c ro1iel 's Jury sbonlll be, "Served thctn l ig-ht," Th ere js a ll1 ' l ll i a ·riny \\ ho did b i rniuci-:~ fol it :;eeuis i1HpO:!t.ibk to b e1i ~ Yc thn,t nny ruoin.l.rnnt a ye.u :t,:{o w;tliout expcn~ling :o. dll!l ir i 1 ~;~] co1il~ jlJe tW foolish us. to tarr.pcr with s:ich a allvertising. JJtJ h r1q ::i.t fo <>t c· in: f'n tc d t u aJ- . . .i g"lih LI~tlamm.~ble hqt11J B(·~te1· try to k111~1c \'Crti.-;e. His li rst ;idwort io::e1uent \Vf'o>; } 1cad~d, Ui es wi!n ;"!. pow<lt1 c;i,n well filll·<l, tha.n w1tl.J. "Sheriff'"' S:il u ., tl1c contents of you r keroar.n e Can. · . D <tlS!J Eye !Ji ·1yl1t ni Conntrv Ucntlc mr111, J ea n Pnul, 111 .~ Sar'ltog:n. il!, l'! pl'aldng- of the a.r11val t if lh u I'.ev. Dr. Hu r1dington, ~u.Y.'I : Recipes for Yeast and Bread· "'Vhcn C\ iuan wn.11-..r. m1,·n.rcly up to the cle1 gy1na n who 11 1:uricd liin:i thruo y c r~rt1 b1.:fo101 'l'he f.illo\d11g iH L he li eBt. k in d 0£ home·n1 ~t10 hike~ liim by tl 1e h:tn1l cordially, .11Hl. "ill .out y £1,fl, nrnl ' "° ill keP.p good t\~O ur three weeJ;~ a wo1d of rt'pl°l1l!cl1. i nc1uircs nfter hi'j lie tdtli, 1t { fop anrJ, Potato Yea st. - Piue and slice ft\'e is ustilcl:'::i fot a11r t o maintain that ('h i LtJti 1n hl.1ge potatoe;i., and boll thctn in one q11 a.1 t of fnrg iv ew·CI:. ni ::i thi n~; of tL" p, :ind tltH~S 11ot w u.ter with a ln1ge hnndful of crnn1non h O}lS entt:i· l.~rgaly 1nto th .Lt tuan'e d:.u .i· ·t 1; 1, nr t11f~t (or a HJlHUe ineh of pr<:ser\'e<l hop!!), tied in a the l1eroic \irtn c1:1 h:t\O all d.:-;.~ 1 '1 d f101n u, usliu i::~g-. \\'hen soft, take ou t tho hovs nnd eai·th ! " · pres8 the potatoes through a. col,u1der, anJ :lAk1 ~<\Ji ]~vnn 8 ,, ille spoouey ,, as th L · vh t1111 of a. a ~nl.tll cup of "'"'hit!;\ sugar, a tea.spsonfu1 of ginhca.rtles.<J JOke 1·cc!;Jntly. ·Hie eot11panion!i t'oun· gl'r, t wo teasvoonfuls of salt , and t\\o tea-cups t e1feitcd a. letter frl'nJ o, }'u un~c h· i1t·fl:t. \\hich uf co1u 1nun yc~t , oe half itf:I 1nuch dbtillery. 1'a,i(l th at hi s 1nanly b<.:;',ri~i:,: 11afl. c1pt1vi~tcL1 her A tld the Jea ~ '.:l en tli e rcstiSonly blood war1u. heart, i\nd hoped he rrci t'l'( c"ted. 1 i e thrl w \ Vhite sugar keeps Uctter tha.n brown, au fl the awo.y J1is toolK , itn oste<l J,l,i 1noncy in 11~w "' and ginger l1elp to prcser\'e the yeast . c1oth1 s. nod lit·escntcd h;n, ~l' lf to th~ t ·1ly, "l'o l) o not boil in iron or use an iron spoon, as it indigna11tl .v tol d bnn t) 'f\":° r hoJ di.1 1 1't 1\ an t it culo1s the yeast. l{eep yeaat iu a stone or Ci\L t11h u1:11.i~in<l who lut ku1 l 11!.-;:o a '" o .:i.o..:tl pech ull t n wr~re j .i , ', tLh :· plato fittin g well to the rim. sqt.1:-1.sl1, an rl if 11_, th.11.'c 1ea1 o ~.e'_ ~_; 1 ·1nove Iii:. This i$ lJeCtet ~ bhan a ju~, u<i eas ier to fill ,tnd to ha.i t·. He rctu .11. . ~cald thtJ jar liefo1e u1:tk iug lHlW ~r 0 '. E , 1-J> >,, V I~ Carriage· Painted · ~d'rri.fim_\liJ., .'l.._ ., · J~ GRAY, Tyro11ee 111 a COTTON 'J' II J: BACi-S S r.l' ........... ' TH rs - A Blacijs1i1ith's_·snap 1o1i .. Noted for 'c heap Goods. ~p1fjial __ in . l-3 T~ tli·~ lll"l utif!l:H, t'>'t.:lc....~ r cclalattcntion . i.Q n.11 fa g1vc11 the World. f , of c'O'!"f'O.i'./f; at work, a.nd Ocnernl .._..,.,,... ~- -------UOlVLli;'S. J ohbiug. I READY-JWADE (J]j or11 1~r1NG Good and Cheap. ,:i t Cl ,,.. d Clothing "·F, kb~~ \Jl.4 er Each . ~n ll is n·n p· _ctfnlly sol1ci t etl . Oct. 1:-.t. · 1J o w111 n1111 1J 1~. 1sun. .T. ~!ORHlS. / l ·i;; rt well-known F11-ct tlwt Cowle luts the best Tweeds M ore Attractive B A Jt Ci ...!\ I N 18 RICE & BARKER Imporkrn 'l'he satisfa ction given by or· the BEST rnanufactmecl on t l ,;, C01 ttin en t, <ire prepcircd to treat with ie!ittblt> tmvelling a.gents on liberal terms. rrhev are lIUtkiuo· it~· ranae 1ncnts to J " " i ntroduce H01nc first elnss pianoB. l in t/1e couutr;u. 1\Tothing chcujJCr than lhe Go1ule';; l Oct Collons u BA UM is ec)ipsod l1 y the H<~tiJ:ifaeLion givuJL IJ.Y 8:\1AL l~. tv bJS nu1ncrou~ pat1 on!i IIo is uo'v p l eased tv :tnn oun co tha~ lH' h~~ i-l 011 ban rl t\ ln.rgc aud vun eU t o;,;,1Jl LmcIJt of ·ware Ro0111s at the \Yest, Dnrham Stc'1m Printing House, King Street, 11owmnn ville BLANICETS IX Large Variety Dead Job. N. B ---Special induceme nt given UOOTS AND SHOES of th o be <t qu~licy, ~tntl is a u x:ious t ha.t tl1 ~y t.h :tll set 1o wol'l'- as ~oo n as pvr:;~1 bl~ . are more Nu1nerous tl1an Ever A ll I':rices, ., All~Si:i:es, I We expect " Bigger " than. All Xindii!, Ladies' Prnnella Congress, at 80 cents " u Bal1norals, extra high cut - $1,25 REA DY I F. Y. Cowle. Cash ! _.,._ Cash I CASH Purchasers r11" othing ·to Bea1: i ·t . GENT'S BOOTS, Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, 1873. ' L'hc ~u t:i,.,criber w~ F~wnw, nvi lle. ·- llcCIAIJ~'i Sep. 11th, 1873. - -- -- - BllO~e ...,.,... r~ -- ~ Simmons & Clough Orgain Co's Inl.J)*rov:ecl Trunks, &c. ___,, - - ~--...-._,,,... _ __ _ Sp cci:tl attf.:n t iun gn·en to uL \ lJL'f.: t\' c,ill <1Lle11 L1\iu to Li·1 r;t ·H; k of CU'fTING AND FITTING n.nd ll(lne Lu L fi1st-claaOJ woil.tntn employed, thus iuf>u ri n g g ood value in e\ 01 y ca.~0. Cabinet Organs A~JJ Groceries, Tl ~ IE j ST OllE. - OJJe do0r en st of Cornieb's J ewelry Sto1!;.!, K ing St , l3ow'Xlanville. Bo ~Y11 i:i1n, illo , J. SMALE. St:1vt. 2:3rd, 187J. :Ory Goods, Most Wonderful Iuvimtion of the Age, , J Moses' Electro-Galvanic, Pat. J nno, 2nd, 1868. Attached to tl1esc µu. tcnled S 1 ,c cl.1( lt.:8 lUtl t wo seientilic<tlly co11sti ucted!ic B attcne~ ~ (l rn --dcli vering t hrcnGh tli o nerves of the he~a. n soft nncl uuuH :,1tre·n 11 of tllectrieity, vita.hz1ng and g i~·iug }ic n.ltLy ac- .ti JORJI~ E ~l~1. ; J. 1;, ..; _n ' ly '" j .Lu:.u1 ap· yeaP.~. proa(·h e·I tli · .:: clclk of t1 iv S· !rii <irw Jutlic, Li 'l'h~ inlc for 1zw.111titJJ is one ktUle -spoouful of C'oHrt ut Nn.Kh.n::i, ..l' \(l t>L .. ', ·J d.i ·· t 1t wi ~·ulil lit.! !j,;ewotf;' 01 lli1:5tillery yua~t to every quart of i iupo:-1~ ihl (· fn.· 11;,u tn , .... n e. ·· \Vlly not? " 111 t ·Jtlr;.. 1n· .t wll'd as much hon1e-1 nade yeast q ni1ed the c: 1.; 1k ' } ' o.t t, 11 "'U rm dt·n.f," lCf\l) OHOto tl Yta~·t i,,, lIJ,t(\ tJ "\\ i th ho1ne- bre\\'t d ylJu.:it, d ctl the j ,,,, 1', ';.'h .. d c1 l~ l1ad rr.::-tsou fol· h1- thic!d ,HC:l with Tridi::tn meal an<l fine nou.r in credulity , ,t11·l ~~o iufonn.(l th1 i <leaf mau in tli 1 eq.Uill pt,,,rts, .!11,d. t hen n1n.cle int~ c~kes an. i1 1:h ·1bi ::>J c::- ti n,t hl· \Youl(l re port lii.'l c:J se to thu thick uud tlu ee 1nchcs by tw o in size, J11ed in .Jnr1;· o. '.i'ul11'llJ io his honot, he A.tid : " 1\£1· J Ibo lvind but not in the sun. K eep them tied l:\odinan of ~\fanchu;.;tcr d c~.i 1 cs t o bu ex.culled.)) ln a Un.:; in :1 Ury, cool place, ·whexe they v;iJl " \\' h.~t ,~ro hi ~ re.1:.ion s? ,. 11::ike h is hon Qr, not froez;e. One eake.. l:loa.ked in a piut o1 w:.uni wil \,0 11 t l'ahung hifl eyes froin the pn.1 Je:r J1e was water (u.ot hot) i;; enough fo1 four quart8 of r<~a· iui ~_r. ' '] {e l$a/jj:sbe i~ devf ,' 1 replied the f1ou1. Iti;;a.gOvJ:plri.nto 'vorkiu 1nashedpo', k L iL " ] [u fa excused, " s:...itl the j\:<lg-e rniick· t.atot3s i nto th1s yc11st, and let it rise ·w ell befor e Ly; "if h ~ istieaf \VC don't ,L . . ·it hiu1; if Jw is t1f'.ing- it. 11 his 1nakcs th0 nicest bread . Son1c a. h.11' v. e U()n 1 t wunt hU11." l\ft }kl.elm nu 1s at h o·tsckce p._rs sa.v, pour boiling water un one· hoine now·. third of the Uour, ti.ud then n1ix the rei; t iu i1n· . ."\.. correspoudeut o[ a Richnivnd p<tiwr snyei : med1atdy~ ruul it has th+..J srnne t.ffect as t.11:1ing Just after we left Re.nnt.:cvillc., J udge 0., of potatoes \\Tlwu tb.l!re i.s no ve,i:st to stat t "'ith, jt cau CharlotteYille, cow1uenced his jokes, nn (l 'Klon a.ll the pa&;engcrs m 11 ron.r. "I'll tell yon be 1nade ..,.,ith orie pint 1)f new milk, 011e tea· \\hat I can do," said t he .Judge to a. conesp< ln- I sp~Jon~ul ~~ ~in~ ~alt, and a table:spoonful of dent ~New Y 01k p11per, ,1 you inny think of l!on r "\,i hen it is ':10,ht!_<:::e~l , use twice .M 1n nch any tune yon 1~leo..:w, \\h ethl'L I havu be<:~rd it ~1;i connnon yeast . is 18 called 1\-ltlk Yeast or not, and by seeing you koei) the tinie with or Salt Rir-,n1fi~. nnd bren.d of it is poor, your finge1 s I cuJ.1 tell you \\ha t you iu e pl:~}'· and· ~oon spQils. ing." The 001 rc~poiident wus !:ikcptiu::tl . Af· \.Vhcn ycas,t c:.:ct:.-Se:> to look foamy,iin<l beu01n e11 t{'l' thinkin g a moment he cbmrnei:ced piano '\ i;tt c1y , \Htb sednnen t ott tho botto1n, it nnuit he renewed. "\Vhen good 1 the :smell j>i pungent, p laying on the b.:ick of tho ~ c at in front of hin1 with aH the g i-1.CO of rt. piofession,U. "\Vh.~t but not svur . It sour notliing can restore it. Eoots & Shoes llDJ:Seen wbon G. D~ Lockhart, l ) ENT IST -.J 1 0 tin1:i. ti) t he e11ti1 e beu.utifu l systcni of thofic 11n.1t s absolutely and c0rtai:n~y cu1ing etc whi ch f,,, Partial P aralysis of the Optic Nerve Weill< or Diseased Vision, Neuralgia of the Head or Face, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of the fac1.1, Noises in the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, And 11 h ost of !'.:erYous ~>iseast·is, a.1-isi11g f ro1 :n deprtiEsiou 0f tlic J1 c1\ous eue1'JY o( the ~y ~ t e 1n UontributirH~ Graduate of the Royal College of D ental Sugeons, Ont. Rtor~, in a 111ost uni ~Liu g dl til e c, l.o Quality and Cheap ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED life, vigor aud hoaltl1, Hy tl1c nH·nn >i of tho f'vft a nd flowii1 g strcan1 of E lectricity, Ci virir, Bl'igh t n1::ss to the Eve, Q ui ckness to the ] ~ u.r, ,i..ncl energy to tho l.hn1u. 'l'li ey nre s1:1t \.\Ith leusc rs u£ th e finest m ..un1 f.tct11re , t o i;n it ;\ll sights, ancl 'v ith g lasi;e!-l for tho;;c i.ot Ul'ring Spectacles t [) r enrl wit.h hu t desiii11g thu bent.! · fits to be derived fro1n we::niug tbe lJittted eti; and are < inly to be batl in tliis vicinit y t> f I > lli.i.:L:l O\'D L J<'. F . J\l(cA.i tluu 'i! Bow rnanviJ le. ]{ing St . , in:.:: tf. 'f£ YHLOW LEES & ~lllGlt · in25 t£ BOWMANVILLE Machine and Im:plement l\olanufacturing Co ®fftunc acmiiilii1~iiuu J1Jrnaus FI'L'TED WITH Tl-11£ KEWLY IN\' ENTED J. ELLIOTT, 'fYRONE. - an 1 I phiyh1g llO\\' ~ ·i lie ask1:1l eage1 ly, and w ith an air of tr1un1Jl]l. "You n.rc l~Jn.y1ng- A lLHillFl" I i~r U.NDJ:ll, -TI.?'-'hful11 e~~ i~ 11. Word of Protest from a Farmer, It Lus ofl!:! n been a cause of regret t o n1e, in Iooki1ig- ovct th o t1ifYe1ent Agricultur~~l pa.per.':!, to so nta.ny complaints frorn fa1mers in re· J:i.tion to t hefr lini:;1nes1:1 nol p<J,ying. AiHl then "\\C quote or i1oint to the rn f!1chants as a n examp l<- of p1of:lpc1ity compared with oursel ves, litt 1 0' tbiu l,jHg tbat if th ey published.their coin· phtint:: ~ J freely, i:1honld find t hoir papl'l 8 -and 1 11~1J1u;j11 ;8 ovc;1un wit11 a1;counts uf f'.l.11ui es-. - It is wit h farn1iug- as 'vittl t: \'eryth ing ul "c, nvt tlu.i b nsinesi:> t hat t11HJ.{es tbe nutu, Uut the n1an t he busi11es.;.1, :U'auni;rs, M J, class, t11-' t o i1o too inuch It i8 on e thi ng putting- in a cron, 11wlanothu tl iing triking ctue of it I th11 1 ktlui~ifwe weie to g1v:e thtithought~nd th e fool," repli ed t h e Judge, n d1n.HI!ing and c11gaging quality, b11t it is a.11t to be .in occa::iunally t1ncn1.r.ifortable one to tlw ptli:i~ ei!::>Ol' thf!icof. VYitness the case uf nu ox( elku~ a nd fa~ t,ichous youu.1; gcntlenu1n of Sn.u F1 a11 c1:;c:o, who lately,\ f1n·mn l c;,tJl up ou a. f.i.n11ly of his acquaintance. Il<l ~·1ug Cuter· - -- -- - -- ,\ 'l' THE - - - - - - -- TO N ltitur11i11g t 1 1auks lo their ntll'llelOUS Cu8to1ue1 s I woult.l re1:11wctfnlly invite thd.r n.tteu tiou tc, 1)lu· add1Jd thereto, th!l.t \\'e ru;;i.y tb er:;by be eunblcd PlJ]3J~IC \VIGG p lesen txtot.:1~ of Fu1 u itu t·u, a ~ \\C J.1 ,1vo lat e ly LQ.~UJJl) ly all prwtiel'I wh li 11111.v ph·a,;e t o f,~v· t11 h 1 Scribner's .Patent Qualifying Tubes, M~nufacturers ·w oo n WORKING of DRUGS AND MEDICINES An inven tion havi ng ct most irnporlaut bettring on Lho future reputtttion of Heed InsLrument,s, by rne·m" of which the q11antity or Volum e of tone is very largely increased, >rncl the 11unJity of tune Tendered Bowmanville Drug Store. gucl the r 1iblii:: gc:ae1·[1,Jly, for t: h :ict f il V"Orti AND IRON ta 111cll t,be ~aid fatnily 1dth ur1u~11n.1 ' biillia.n...'.y uf Ci'11vc; r::iat1011, a.nd q uit e fa sci nating its yotu1g lady 1ue1nbers, he p1<;pared t t) clepurt. Thi.ti i{; a.]w.~ys th t0i h')'ing 1nou.e11t t o1 :~ bashful Ul ·HL Tluis pa1 1 ,1c11liu· one inat1e ln 'J fi nn.l Uow au~l gracefully retired, f:teing bit1 frwu di-;, t1i \\ h ,tt ]10 fondlyi1 n,i.,g1nedwas thu nght duol' of ex 1~ . A.las! It 1i-d to a clunn. du;:;ct, u.ncl h e wa~ i11 - l11bor to the diffe rent crops which they di-n naud, side and h ... d shnt t1ie doo1 bt>fur<.! h e q111lrti 1e· .alisetl hio .:i.goniting blunder. .But even th.ii ,.,e \dth a. call. Great inducen1en t$ 1 1cld out to those purcai>lnng :l.t 0111· E st nbl 1 al1nient. Pictn1cs, rOUl~D 1oost respectfully tender hia sin· Looking Glasses, &c., frruncd to orller, a11d in ever~' i;;tylc. Sanq iks of t he c\iffcrent kind () f W c..:re th'tll ks to las n111JJE:ll"UUS frie nd ~ a nd Mouldings c:J.J.1 be i:wcu a t t he \V.w e·roo1u YVe ,\~ould al::it.l Leg t v info n it y vll,,hu v1ug p i..11·custo1ne1f$ anll to the p u blic ge1 wially , for t he char:iet1 '" vc1 v libe-r'.,,1 ~uppoit h~ Im.a reci-ivcd since hi s cnn:;mcnciilg in IJ\tsiues»; mid 11op eR by conti· nued ~ti iok per;oonn.l nttcntior. .o business, and we :;ha.11 he ready nt all t nnca, tu attend ]fi.J.Jl(T,tls, <n1 sh ort Hotice, aud tl.'Nl1Urn.l1J c tt 11ni'I. offering nothing bi1t the pun:l. 1 .~rtic;leij, at the N .13. Coffin::; ki::pt on hu.nd 1 · ~nd iri<i.rl1.1 to uuler, n.t the Jnost re;:i~orin.ble priucs, lo ensure a. eOntinunnc 1 · J. HIGGINBOTHAM, Equal to that of__ tb.c Best Pille of tbc Saiue Capacity. -·-- - o- --· SPLENDID NEVv HEARSE, Double Turbine ' a\T ux.II1n11aua."" \.VJI Our celubrnted- " Vox UcJe,Lo." " Louis ] ':clout," cox Pa ten ~" ' Oeta,ve C1oupler/' Ll1e ehn.1rning :< (; eJlo" or u Cl:.11·ioneL ' Stops, :rnd of publ1c pu.tron:tge. .T. II. w01..1ld call speci·tl atteri ti01) to his very superior stock of NEW DOMlJ\'ION RE'l'.11 IL F'URNI'l UHR lJ',I RE.JWOfl, King Street East, Oshawa. Oshawa, Aug. 26tb , 1870 . Vil a.-ter Wheels, And A LL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS mig ht h~v c been bo1nc \\'~re it not tlrn.t thi:: fAmily ",1tuh·<log bnrltsec1ctly crepL in t1:1e11:: b1 J.oze. 'Jhe u1t1u~io11 hurt h is feeliugM , autl h~ nfl.turel1y and pJ01npt1y rcscuted it. 'l'be s11ul - anrl the g<H llieuts- of tl1:tt youllg- m.u1 mu bitterly rt'Ht. So tn uuh fo1 b .w-ihfl1ln l%8 .- ..."r·. Y . our o..;rn n plail1t1:1 woulrl Ue fru IevFc·r th an they are. .AH the l' ·\t1ous of b1rnbfl.ntlr y, all the dulis. n,11 tlH1 -~giicultu1·c1.,l P[lpcrs in the conn · I L1 v w ill not li~lv tu;, if wc do uot ti·y and help ou1 ::ielv<.: S So {,u ,is I nbscrvecl,those who dn the mt·l$t trnrn11Jlini; do the }!;.!,ult wo1k a.nd tb111king.- Oou11tt'JJ Gentleman. DYE s r-ruFFS, wh.ich ru e sure to giv e t he best satisfaction A w ell-selPcted stock 0£ Cn.n be obtained only in tlwsc Org:cus. Thirty-Jive Jh{fcnrn t Styles, A. Reraetly for Wounds. 1'1·1bunc, '1',Lkc n.. 1i:1u o ~lwvel with bur11lug e0al1>, tiUU HtH i111.le 11po11 t l.if'lll b lOWll Sllg'llT , and bvlll the \\oHn(l.;d p:u·t th 't'I tl1c smoke. Ju .t few inin· A Gooc l Receipt. u lef;I t,hu Jlt\ 11 wt!l bu .i1layt.:d, 3.ntl recovery ptO· SllO ULJJ.t:B-JJJl,.t OES, . , . 01~1;1ds rapitll ~·. Jn 1ny 0"'ll llaee, :tr usty nail I have a. rct:tlpt lo u!ler. j t ui a C·illl · l..wcl ni· 1 ~l e a h~l wo.uHl 111 the bottom of my fori t. SUPI'OBl'ERS, Etc., Etc. i1ouud, being co1uposrJ of ~(' \..,.:rn] H'!P l · , The P<tb1 and iu·n irritation were ~ev~It'.. kept c.on:>ta11 tly on b1111d . dirnt!!. It i::i an Elxcelle11t ll' lll t' Cly, ,1u(! ' 'l'hif. wa.".! all i·emoved l1y holdin.; jt in the sn1oke OILS, PAI.NT: \Yh ti n propl.'11y ,\pp l i1 d, lia h an aui,1z11t g) for fiftuen ute~, rind l wa.<J ,ible to ri,H1)rtre COLORS, ifARNIHSES, good effect uron ftlTT\leJS 1 \Jn\·-=- ket' \JllF{ my l'<:!:1diug iu co1ufv1 t. \V<;! ha\o 0iten rec.ctn · theni a t, ltoni e in th.e P..,.eniugo. ,~heu tilt>;' n1enr11::1l it to otbe1 a 1 "it,h l~ke resu~ta. La..-,t and WHITE LEAD, ouabttobetlieie and in r. kino tlJlin Jo\(' '"etlkuneof u1J· menh::idu illl ge1na.1l to1'.n011t rtt the very !owo.. t p1·1<.ws. r:i ' n l1y ~pai r of -'. c e-to n~s:. lt beca1 11 e \·ui·y palltfn l, RorGes antl Cattle Medicines. hon1e betlcr tban flllj' oll. cr pl art~ on N1Ttl 1 a.<J W::tl:l to h h"YC lJe en expected. R.elcl i n SUHar K . B.- Conntry 6ro1eh et.'] er'3 ~upplied on the f iere. are the ingredicrit s : ~~noke fni t\i·enty miuutes, tlie pain censed an d 1nnf:lt·:1nta.geous t erm;:. L \. choiee 1:1ckoti011 of ],._ 4..1'.-.tr8. for salu chmq1 l. Treat tb ein aa pnrlncrs \.\ 111i ~ ou . G 1\ e promiS<~d i.l- l· 1·ecovtiry.-Cor. in Gount1·u llowma.uviUc._ Dec. !), l S!:if.:. 'in1 the1u to un . 1. . ers tand tlH~t they a1e i~h:'. l'<·r.~ - Gentleman. l DRUGS, OJIE1l!lOA LS, PATENl' MEDJOINltS BRUSHES, CO JIBS, Oa sti:n gta of a. ll Xinds. llor the Parloo· and the Chunk, A.NI) S.EE l~El)Al11S tlvu v ou the Volmne of 'Tone Unequalled 0 BATTIN G 'S AT 'T'H E ~·K~JJ·u;.Jiostol!.' NOTICE , \V~ h<t H. : - - - - ( ) - - -- $5.0 o. n o·v on hand n. l.wge qu an t it y of -----0----Factory &nd Wax:erooms, Cor. 6th and Congress streets, Detroit, Michigan · (EBtalilitShed in 18JO.) Common and Gang Plows, th~t \dll h u sold at PRICES Xl"'.tl!, AT TH E SHOP. J~ rn>on1 8. n1llc , Ma1d1 I Bowmanville, Sept. 18lh 1873. 6. 1 87;~ LI l lfor RICE .& BARKER, Agents, Ontario, West and J)"forth of.BelevilUe m7-o34 BowmanYill e, .Ang 21st, 1287

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