'IHE MERCHA~T AND GENERAL! AD VERTISER C1rcult.tcs largclJ i 1th~ To v rnlur B o.f Drtrhng ton Chuke anl Ca:rt gl t T 18 11 comn on platform ope to tl c fr e d c SB on of all l flfl t ons 1n. wh ch the gen al 1 u a.re co c r n e l TER } fS WEST DURHAM Stea.m Job Printing OfRce KING SrnEET BOWMANVILLE Seventy five cents per a nnum m ad vance The Merchant a nd Obsor ver $2 00 R\.TES OF 0 c lumn Half lo Q iru tcr <l u n AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. YOJ.,UME "\ BOWMANVILLE ON'IARIO FRIDAY DECEMBER 19 1873 NUMBER XI Sl1c ha lone cl 1lda daugllter JUSt 1n her jtec1 A about whose W lt\!r Nortl 101 Rat back iil one corner of the I x n I st id cd the 1iary1ng ex press1oas tl nt fi ttcd acro>is the J...,.c.. of l s be1 ut1f I wn.rl Glanc l 0 10 l L!:lt\\een the acts Nina d1rccte 1 I erg 1ard111n s ntton tio1 io al ox l l ti e1r \ c1n1tv t\nd asked l un "ho ti o lovely ace 1pnnt was Look rng t p Walter encountered the pu 7.lccl hew ldered gaz of Belle Kt 1g In u l>1 tef mo neut he contrasted the t \O trices l efo1e I rn Both "ere 1 eauttl l to look upon bit how d fierent tl ey ppearcd tu l im Too well Le kne\v \\ hnt a heartlef!i) nature "a, btd Jen l encnth the 101 el) uxtenor of Belle Kmg , bca t fol face Tl e other the face ui l 10 v td } e tlnted not tr iat l 11n elf to sca.u too closely he \Vante 1 ttn1e and expel eHce to levelop l\ 11 a s cl aractcr er he p ssed J udgmcnt on l or It soon beca lle k rnwn that tl e beauttful stranger""' a \\a1cl uf Dr Northrop s who 1 n.d bee 1 Intl.er I s protection for ) ear~ Thie "'e1ved to venve a 'veb of ron1u1 cc arou1 l l:\1na and she '-"118 soon the ie1g1111i.r belle of N-- PoUte and affable to all her ad1n rerti she o.ccordccl none the prefer eoce 1 irns tic" nter spe1 bi and Nrnn to all n1 pen.ranee wae hea1t free Tire 1 at lcogth of the exc1tement an l l ustle of c1ty 1 le she besought A it t Man (as sl e al ways called her) to gam D1 Northrop s consent to their return to Glen wild To th1s appeal Walter yielded a reluctant as &ent and the) depatted The I eated term upproacl t g he soot made arra1 gcmcnts to JO n ti cm st Glenw1Jd He was hrecl both m body ai d m ucl 11 hen ! c reached G-but the cor !ml teceptrnn "hwh be met \\ th froru Nina ancl hrn aunt caused 111 n t lutget his languor and fat gue Three mo ths after\\ arde "" Belle Krng stood m the parlor of the hotel at "l 1ch she hacl l eeo SOJ ourmng earnestly regard u g tl c wr nklc.,, 1\ lnch cruel tuno was tr \C r g 01 her once fo.tr face her cy s foll on l no" f;paper ly1ng near 1 ror) mere force of hul it she glanced ovet tie hst of ueaths and mar11ages t1 en t 1 ed dcadlj palt: threw herself or a sofa o.nd gav way to a pags1on ol l 1tt J seli reproachf 11 tea1F> SI c I a I J st"'r ad that \\alter N rtbrop "as el letl t!Jlns beau hf ll wai l POSTERS P AMPHLE '.IS CIR<CU LARS BILL HJ ADS CHE~DL t:l NOTES HANDBILLS L o\.BELS, CARDS IlUKE'l S 10c &c lilc EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. BAZAINE I th l t·t 1y of tic woild a pu~e re eor 1 ng a 11 l tary ex\!cuhon e\ er an l inon tr. ets o l } C No1 locs tl at 1agc lnvan ably record u.1 act of J lShce l ro1 th e exe Ct t1on uf fii anl u::; tl ro 'tt from the l'Oi,;k ti o gh tic S J te of tl se vi e rd rs he cv dentlv hd not ti rnk \ orth \\h le otcy :a. entlemen s & Boys Ga rments POETRY '.l'oo L.ate !\ I RE 1ercllct Placmg her trny gloved han l on I at the point of deatl h1s a.rm nnd tt1rning her fa.ce rad.tent \\1th .t.E\\ES T lJ'\TJ .\~D 'IKTER 'Il J V. ' l S TYLES mm RELIANCE Mutual Life Assurance Society l"ritten for tho MH CHANl) AI ELLIE lf. HENRl ES'l ABLISHED 1840 CiN.d.ll i CI:IIEli OFlJC.ES Tra1ns w1ll l a e Do man' nowmom 1lle t n e a lollo\\ s Local Express STEAMSHIPS. 131 ST JAMES STREET MONTREAL M xel Exprei5S ===========:---:_ 1 IJAl1 1~1Jl AT L 1W 'OLICl TOR IN CH U'. ORRI RR LOSCOMBE DUN C:\.N 1-1 'i.CDO~ALD El:!({ J O J E 0 U!PBELL 0 B St H1latre 11 ·1 1E I-IoNOI \RLl!l J 01n~ Ii u11 r TON linwks I" ' DIBE010RS 81 ~ LY Esq 1\1 P Oh111r1nann ,,M ll!I there no roi;t in ]ie&' en ] or the weary and sad ? \Vhen the pn1n pf hf· s over " 11 I g o · bi 0\ t "" l 0 la l · Dut tl t'I \\at ng 1:1sot1eaome .And daya and n gbts are lone And the dark "aves of tl e ocea l In :ingcy pal!s on moan S long ago t ~like a drean1 W 1th n the faaelca9 J a.st S 1cl thdlhng hope an l bea ty tim led Tor> aweot and dear t la~t. &c HJ SIDENI S] CRl LARY rl o E:>iT E PROFITS b 1 Ont THrnH G tANr OFi:ru.rr-0 r 1'-I0Cl1ngs St re s ~u e flat 11s J ~1 B 'l acmnb s D tal R oo n~ S PECI AL FE A T U RES. belong to anll are d1 id u l an ong t the Pol cuholders I I\ ::i J:·XJLJ.N.l!lll BY OlHEH COMP UUEB New 'l'ailor Shop~ ;~~;'.~0 t~;;us LIM~~ JOHN HEAL Y ( OWLJ I to 1 fo n tho p bl c gen~nally tl o.t l I tS 01n 1ncnocd b B ness n the Sl T n e:».L l u Ll e 1 press Office o c <loo afJt of 1 ~11 s Ifa ng ha.d sev{' al ~ ::i. 1J. ext er1enco n t1 trade ho l 01 es t sn.h fy a.11 1 o n lt) fo, or hnn with a call or on L ATE WITH F '°" h ch n extr P cmiwrn would be required ca.n I e ~~su ed a.t tle ordinar rates of th1B Soc1ety I was so strong and pro l that dav It seemed a little thin., 'Ios1eaktle 1a.rtngword andg1 e Him bnck tl e golden r ng nut when year after year went 1 y 'I\ily strength and pride ave v; ay under a spec al ~nanyement SPECT T NON FOFEITABLl!l POI OTES issued GOOD FITS GUARANTEED under ' 1 ch onl:y 10 15 01 20 Annual Pa) 1nent aro rcq tucd each pa.yinent !ICC ll'lng a 1 ,.Pol cy f 1 a su1n assured proportionate to the nurnl e1 of I remiun1E1 p rud and free Jroni jut ir lJay ncnt fJf J ie i umu M Dlil ..i'.lE PRE uuM::i an l 1nost hbe1al co1 li ~ 01J I knew I d clouded all my hie And ch1lle<l each hopeful tay 1he mem ry of those bitter or l8 W 1l haunt 1ne every hour r cast away the b :ids that would Ha, e blossomed into flo v rs AUCTION EERS For the '1 uwnsh1p ot Da1 lingt m My fflet :ire t1rerl f the thot)lf:I Il no24 tf. P spect1 8eB I ro1 osal 1 01n H &c supplied o a1 plicat on a.t the Head Office or any of tl Anenc1es JAMES Glt<\N I Res Secret.;.ry \Gl NI FOR BO\\ MANVILLE C BARKER Obsc1 v r Office King St ~:; ] j 1-Iy ha1 d.R are w~ak and cold lbepathaeems dark oncebnght whcntny Young heart waR atroni:r avd boll And now when life i~ growing dim I know it is too 1t.te 'l"be careless word~ aro l a.\!t tecall · I Wl>ll but }'l.ta.y 8.lld watt H T PHILLTPS H \MPTON l"'rom1 t a'ttt.ntio l 0 able t nus en to sales &e o 1 ' 0 l r Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders 1\IIJ__,L S. c r loa l ()f t h ~bove Bowman lltl Jun 24th 1870 -Beechdale Fam> Imperial Fire Insurance Co OF LONDON (I stobhshed 1803 llilAD GE~E!.t\L LITERATURE. WALTER NORTHROP S CHARGE B'Y A }{ T JAMES BIGHAM, P~unter, Gl..zier l'a.ver Hanger &c A11. k 1nls of o l v:-omrtly att n l d to satisf ct on 0 \ i ;tntcl"' l Remcnce-N ext d east of the Jhble Ul tian Cl rch TYI ONE 22 tf T;YTot c March 8t1 lSW n oble articles on 1 ~· l l "" c' \ 11 Ou ICES ~GENO'i 1 Old Broad St FOR and D 0 \V i':l lVfN YI LL E Pall :&fall Lon Ion UAN\DA -24 F a rm I m plement ~orwardmg Agency c ame it 1'Iout e.i.l R V) JI.MES S tbscribe I and rnvested Cn1 ita.1 and Ticserve K l g St Bowman i.llc F i 11 £1 96" 000 St,.lrng Dec " 18 o nlO Fu1 <ls mv sted in Canada--- 105 000 St To Masters of L. O. :L 0. BOUNSA_LL I MPOR'l:l It l'II ~ NU1 \. 0 l IJl l I DEALElt 11 all the v ~r: L cs f "' 1 T ANK 0 B &e ree u ar ra tef:l & c~ It l ll 1< \.ES l.11 hcat1ons be t ocu eJ. at tl ~ ofl ce at I 1suuiinccs ag[l,lnst loss b) Fire arc effected on tl1c lr o t fa o a.blo te1 ua ancl los::i:es pau.l with out 1ef rencc to the Board n Lon Ion J DODSWORTH RINTOUL BROS Inspector Gen .AgentR Montrea E V1 n1 11 J ul ) 7th l S"u R LOSCOMBE Barrister, gen for Bowmanv1lle and V1cm1ty 36 R Italian & Ameican l\iarble A large a l cho e " lcct o uf ARRIVcl~LT F OH .c'1,'1te.in, ,;& Bowman 1lle June l 1tl 1860 mo 43 39 4w Monuments & Grave Stones, ll'ilway 811 h::i.1l of s p er or w 1k 11an 8Wl vv E s TE R N o o R N James SELD, um "lLJ,.-.;,~ ""'in..n.<I!~ ,._.,_Ji:,~J."!I ~ ~ ~- ~~ ~~"~'ll:'\,'f McFeeters. AGENT ru l at lo vest I s lV1 ougnt o Clrnt 1 on Fe icro Ol EOHIEED cnclos ag L (I n 0 lut John McDougall. &c I '" A Furniture '.l'ops Mv n t el Piece· Octobor lat ~ ~ re t p ny Oa1 ta!£? 000 000 $fo0 000depo81te<l m tl the Domu ion Qo' errunent ior the protec lnrnC1~· I l he ISUJ A ( 1i J) RISI{ Fire Inf!urancc Com 11auy of Uanado Cap tal $500 000 -One of tl1e b st an I heape t Co;rr 1 an cs c101ug bu:;; ness in ( t 1 ;') .} m the Donna n for l! armors and Iso]ate<l Ri.8ke -- - -- ·· ll o CA:SADA LANDED CREDir COY th a Sa ngs Dank lepn.rtment. lhe lTNIOJ:il AN! IEltMANENT Bml\tng ::i. For t1 e full u1g IrIBur \ii ce Curupa1 w1:1 a l otl oi Inst t t ons v z '1 t o QlJEEN Fire nnd I ifo Insurance Com d Sn v ng s Socwt:i, f,l \ UIIEUL fEEIH H nl 1!.:stnt b orro' or 1 1 e o latter 1nstlt t1ons D.d'\iance Lou11:1 011 01 t erms n sually easy for the 11 } eb 6th 18 3 TYRONE Bow )lla J i\II BRIMA COMBE L D S Extrac ed at 'I v en ty f ve Cente BOOT & SHOE STORE T llE Su'J scriber would r ~I tf llly 1nforn11 numcr ou~ c IBtomers a1 l the 1 u1li g r ly that n eu ction t h l s bti lta 6 opened up a la ge d 8 B M cCl n B.r s Stor 1nru1vllle Oi.!t l at 1070 01 ] ooms o <>: S<5, HO ! Gentlemen of NOT SO FAST. I 1 a e "r tte these fe v hnC's 1 I lt0Mll1-'.llf ADE of Ite:idy m -te v rk B wo:a.x, ttt Wel\assoted Stock lcctcd fro n th BESTMANUFACTORIES, I , hieh }rn oilers fo sal NE \HLL Fii LE D WII H IHE ' T STORE , or GOO:OS. i ll oy Very Low fo r Cash. Give hun a ca.ll i,:x e the \\ o 1 and J 1 e for yoursclv !:! CHO I CES~ JOHN FfF.TIYU 1 vrouu Apnl 8th 18"3 n tf REMOVAL R.. DAVIDSON has 1en o' 11 " t ' l and 'urger) to tl l:l 1ale re idcn e uf J Milne EW 1 on ti e J\iiurket S iu ur e of l t e1 e1 t ~ a l e D housefl in to r an d st rpasl:ltH! all otJ e l Uou t y 1 ulltf AN U D11!1' ill "'1U Mill l CLOCICS ll S ls rlt! hayugsec O> i dthcable~er\1ces MARRIAGE HH:JU.Sll BY LICENSES A RMOUR ELEC PRO PLATED PEATE, 1:1 ( '1 ca iirl CofJe 1~ v;man'\-1llc D c 10 18G!J S' lo 1 II I I Hen BJ h 1 n al D ishes Pru\1 . t t f' i:i prcpat d to take orders fo,: GE .~ 1J.E~1Eli S CLOTHING ----- - - - Jot t o 1 su11 \Bl:ltl 1 u L l I d w 1\ be gotu1 U; <h· J'C'ST ARRIVED :.rit tl c Fist Style of Fashion, n. don the FASHION HOUSE, Fall and Wmter :t~ash10ns NEW MILLINERY, HA TS & BONNETS, l (lTEST STYLES IN TRIMMING, &C. II ST ItEASOliABLE TEMd:s Plated Knives, J 1 l to "' y I ll &c, vu At lv.L l ea.t. s e lonce on l{ing Strel:t 0 I a. l a en f u asHortn ent (f Eughl-lh a1 d C:u~lan 1 u l)u CLOTHS AND TWEEDS Up four long flights of stntrs rn a \enc ment house 18 one of the der sely popttlated d1stucts of the c1ty of N--, yoong Dr Northrop "c11ded Ins \\ ny It \\as long past the twlhght hour and as he climbed the laat f\ight,he r.onaoled brn1selt w1th the thoflght that this was his last call Hts step \las not ns hght and buoyant as usual ond his countenance betokened somethmg rnorA than follgne from o\ er work A close observer "ould have declared that those long drown BJghs eprang from a hea'; heart. Garnrng the landrng, he sollloqulsed thu· H·vc I lust all self cont1ol I Where b my boosted self mnste>y that I permit tlns cliance encouuter, fl.nd those old me1nor1cs to surge u1 to so d1,turb and ag1tate me 1 I wtll no longer y1eld to the spell bu! bid 1t depart I Th ts was a task not so easily accomplish ed he soon found !or ol l \Jme recollect10ns v; ou1d arise and reassert therusel \ea. Lca'1ng him thus I "ould ask ) ou k nd realer to go back v. ith nie 11 Je,v 'cars I r1or td tl1c tune out story opens that \\ e m1ty unruvel thto mystery of h1' "ords Walter N ortbrop "as at that ltmc · medted student in the town of M- Asptr ing and amb1tlons, an earnest toiler, and an nrdent seeker after knowledge, he found httle tuue fur either soCial intcrcoorse or mcrrJ makrng outside the college grounds The prns1dent, Dr Janee ll"' e a select en terta1nn1ent, one evcn11g in honor of a } oung lady who waa vis1twg b1m ·he be rng the daughter of an ol<l lrrnnd At the earnest sol1c1taltono o( hts chum an class nuteo (for he WM a great fa;onte amongst them) Walter consented to attend As he stood gazmg on the brillrnnt as semblJ g 1thered m tlie sumptupu9 pailor· rnVlarrlly commentrng upon the d1flerent /orms before him he httle ilreamed of the deep impress that would be stamped on hm future prospect· and hfe ere the evemng was gone So with the most of us unsus pectmg mortals Amid the wh1rl and ex ettement o! ever) daJ hfe, we feebly real 1ze to "bat tnlles we o" e the greatest eras of our cxrnlnnce As the source of a mighty mer may be traced back to a tmy spring bubblmg forth from ~ green hill s1de so our P\\ p great Joye and so1ro\\ s mray find a beginmng lll a trtflmg iuc1Uent · It 11qs a bnlhant ·cene upon which he gazed tor vouth ancl beauty were well re When he first entered the presented room, hIS attent10n "as attracLed by the µia~cbless \ieaµty of form and feature of pne wjjp wove4 al>Pnt, awong the gay throng with a home hke ease and grace that pleased Jnpi much The longer he gazed the more deeply fascmatcd he became At length lie sought antl gamed au mtroduc lion to the fmr enchantres· and pro' ed a de' oted cavaher the rcmam:ler of the ernn smiles toward hlm she ernlatmed O Walter ho\\ proud I am of \OU It was enou 0 h All other plaudits and enconuums eve" the pr ze he had won, seemed as mere baubles when compared "tth that une sliort sentence from the llps of one whom he so mad!~ worah1pped Henceforth be bowed before her a submis sn e captive That e\Cnrng Walter so 1gilt Bc)lc Klug and ponretl mto her ear the sto;y of hi..; love Kneelmg at her feet he portrayed to 1 o this her the earnest demc of b!S heart p\cn lmg Belle "as a moat w1llmg and nt tentlve l18tener Aud ts Walter put upon her finger a tmy golden cnclet, the seal of their I etrothal he felt that hls cup of hap pmeas was f li l to O\ er flowing But oh ho < httle we know what the future may hold m store for ua I In thlB one partwu lar alone, \\ e can trace the kmd bend\ cnt and gmdmg \\ isdom of 1n All wtse Prov1 de nee Soon came the time of P"\rng anc! they separnted-shc ~lll the familJ at New port- Walter tOinal e a llymg VlBlt to Glcnw1ld the home of hls 'onth then on to ti c distant c1t} of N - - - where he was to commence h10 prachce. He felt that he now had o greater rncentn e than e\er to earnest labor for 1t had been decided that he should make a name aml fame m hie_ profession ere his 1narriage with llcllc sl ould be consummated ;\.,<be tot!ecl amtd the cares nnd d utics of lna pro!cs.s1un he often heard of the sensat10u Belle~ beauty created "herevcr she \\ ent and th!S only served to rncrease his rnfotuat1on Her Jet t<rs whrnh at fast came frequently "ere al wa) s filled "1th glowrng descnptlons of the gay scenes trauspmng about her Gradually a tone of m'11fference crept mto these letters as 1[ the t 1'k of wntmg were an 1rkso1ne one and long inter\ als would elapse between tl em Th1s caused Walter manv honrs of sadness but still he tmled early and late winning new honors dail.} Returning to his hotel, late one evening late she \\as seuuusli troubled · 1th a deep leelmg for loth llother a1 I cl 11 Walter I ronused to take upon h ms 11 the care of the httle g rl At 1tme n I ns le "itnessed the Joy on tbut mothers focc l c felt amply reirnrded for hts good deed Reali mg fully the 'reat respon 1b l ty he had aSBumed Walter taxed his memory for the p u po·e of clectdrng to wl ot g o J motherli peroon he could comm t l s httle charge At el due rnllect10r he dee 1 <l to take her out to Glcnwlicl J 1 i' f itur homo Reo.cb11 g th cu dest nation late m t'be afternoon he lot nd b s au t ~fnr,y nnx.1ously await og his arr1v I Dr Northrop tak ng the sobbmg clnlJ rn hlS n1ms then unfolded to I er so ne of the plans he haclformed !or 1 er flture SI e \\as pleased 11 tt\l the appearance ol his aunt a.n 1 was reJOtced when sl e leaned g JO\'¥r to Uc n 01uent ""hen Ad1n r\l Ily1 g va::; sacrifice l as tbf' scupc goat ot an u co o1petcnt rif 11 sily the in::t,Jor portion f'f the t stai es of t1 e exec 1t10 l of warno1 s, arc r:o 11:0 1 1<le<l "itl u clot d o! personal SI e tn<l atio1 al pa 1011 that it is altnu t in1pos blo to co 1c t any d [ n1te conclu s1on as to tl c J stlce or 11 J tSt.1cc of the sen II tence B t tho Fi neh nati I as a ta l th tt Glen wild""' to be be bo e for ti e present at least Ha\lug perfected hIB arrangements tl e next n1orn1ng '\\'alter reh rued to N - As be pa&ml from tho depot l p one of the prrnCipal tbo1ot gl fares he cncounterei Kate G- - an l Belle Krng Se z ng h m by the hand and clllCho~ huu for so neglect rng ti em of late Mt a G-- rntrocluced to !nm her fr!en<l and guest Mt<s Belle Kmg VerJ politely did" alter Northrop ac knowledge the rntrod< clrnn 1 ut soon ex cused lumsell to tlie ) oung ladies on a pica of busmess These t\\ o, bet\\ een whom I al 01 ce ex lSted a sacred tte me.t often for D1 Nor tbrop was much ·ought after by soctety To the astomshmen t and cbagrm of Belle he ma1nta1ned toward her a stoical 1nct ffe1 pie eu 1 e cc lO 01 g l'.l l.tlo s for the reek less 1 uu r er JU ' hich she has sacrihced h er mt! tary sm van! When anJ d1sustcr to Ll e 1 t1111 n.I arms h a occ 1rred so s re has the nat1oual 1 onor le n sat sfieJ b.) un ex eet t 01 A geucr 1 lu~ e; a lni.tlle ui d the cncm) a Ji; a1 ces pan F i.\llS Enghsht ten \\ o l l n B e to a 11 1 tu eo1 front such an enc 1 J an l o \ 1 ot i ctur tq_ their hon1es n1t 1 tl e to ti; us ex pelle l f om theu eboreA sad and dtspmted be found a Jetter w1tb the fam1har seal and hand wntmg of Belle Of late he had heaHl many rumors concern rng a tttled foreigner who was a devoted cavahcr to h1a betrothed Theije rumors he was resolved not to credtt satiBfJ mg htmself that eome envious person ' put the As regarded the nnfrc ball m motion qnency of her letters I e would say to htm self She h ts so innch to occupy her ttme and attention, that she doubtless finds ltt ter "r1t1ng a bore And thus ho excused the shortcommgs of thts idol he \\orshtp)?ecl In tins depress10n that letter was a bright ray o' aunhght and he quick!) broke the seal As be drew the tmy missive from its dainty perfume 1 envleope somethrng fell frorn 1t and louk1rig (lownwntl, "alter Northrop be] eld nt !us foci the golden cir clet which he had put on Belle Kmg s finger the mgbt of their betrothal Surely thcie was no need of peru·mg the delicately tmt ed sheet There lay the rmg a atlent test! Unsattaflcd howeHr fter of its contcnUi Ill a half stupefied conJ1t10n, he opened tl1e mlB"l\e when the following wo1 ls lUet lns ~1ew - ing So a>1s1duoua \\ at=i he in his attentions, tl1at it ccas1ont!d T. Paterson. B wn a and eo pleasing and acceptable did they 1lle May 2 ti 18 > t( I] i 3io 2 seem to the )Ollng Jady n1any remarks Dressmaking BROOCHE S - 0 Dana's Patent Etheep Marks most complete ver nvcnted rJ.:hey are used an l econ1me1 d d b) man-.; of th best Bree lers n the Ur t d St t ~ \ l ( a. 11 la R w] n.s G B Lonng SUrlcro i\{(nss President h e v E1!,cland '\oolG 0V1~1 a SoeeLy Toh S Ross I1enne 1 Ill I rofessor J\.I J\-I1les of the State Ag r1cultural Coll ge Lansmg, n.1wh Hon Goo EARRINGS &C ) n I oronto Ont John Snell Edmonton On each :\la.rk s sta:m1 ed the pwn~r s 1 by nysolf ·t 0 t 1 1 e an l the Sheer s n n 1 er Thoy will be Q."lan l scntf ce bi; mn.il o oxpress for on(yfou encls a l t I l fo. t for l'WENTY YEARS ~~ On.sh mu t accon pan~ all ordt1rs ARCIHB ~LD YOU1\G Ju Sttrn n Ont Sit}{ .I::l 8] 'lAHK" AllE 'lHE CHE 'i.PESr Sl?OONS. TJIJi tl c must la t n tl e le st tr Oleflome an l 0 'l Gold Chains, Rings, SP E C "f ~ 0 LES I \. J UlGl 'Bo \ 1 anville iiUPPLY 01 Office fol any g_uant ty will bo n1led nt tl e abo e nent on 1 pnce as 11 ckly M thp, A11 n k:;i en. be made IJ Ot d rs add1ess d t tho MJi:Rt.a-lllJ"~ fktl l OF d 1nnt s Ml\S ,,_ Fl R I cm l vt 26 l 8 FINE CUTLERY, l OGlrnS C BiRKER ly ml3o Ile llec llStb 18"1 LIME! LIME! w. '1i Just thmk said a blue e)ed damsel ot Belle K1pl! ' being so devoted to ono get tle11ian, when !orn10rlJ slie has scared) seen1ed satisfied "1th a dozen in her train "1th all her boasting I guess she 1s not per most fosh1onable thoroughfares he llearcl feetly invulnerable And tossmg her as he thought a faunhar 'olCe m tie re golden curls she mo\ed on as the subject cepl1on room Upon enqu1rj he learned of her comments drew near ti at Miss Belle Kmg "as a guest m tie W1>1ter followed up the acquaintance he house This rather startled h1n:i at fir·t had fo1 med and winter passe I gmly by but he ri1nckly ie 0 a1ued lns co1uposnre st1ll Belle Km~ hngercd a guest of Dr thmkmg thQ voice cod<l not belong to the J nnes The " ise ones with a know1n 0 notl woman he hnd 1n m1n<l But n1ore re\ ela atd wwk assertetl that ioung :No1throp t1ons awa1ted him for the con\ersat1on wts ha I somethm 0 to d<> w1th M1SB Kmg s Sta) carried on u1 such tones that it was verlect Man) a fatr one congratulated hel'Belf that Jy a tllble to tho·e m the sick room Belle at last the das!nng belle nnd coquet had Krny was enteita1mng her fau a u.\lt0rs succt mbed to one of Oup1d s darts and they \\1th a recttal of la·t J ear'e campaign Sl1e no Jouge1 feared the "itcheri o! her eyes ie!erred to her Vl9ll at Dr Jan cs b lt made for their own adorers The closrng no mentwll to Dr Northt0p of the door relte' ed "alter from his uu and be soon left the pres,,un sl o leuned ti at she \'las naight to him and her heart sank hke lead ·11tbm her She daily learned whut a 1 ri"e she had lost as she heard h10 noble endeavors Y\ as he going mad or had he 11wakene<l and ph1lanthrop10 deeds rcco utc J But t1om some hom lle dream were the first she I al coolly and rnthleseh severed the thoughts that flashed Gero@· I\ alter Nor tie betueen then1 and nov. she ruu~t .ilJ clc throp s mmd ""' I e comprehended more the consequences fully the letters conte11ts ' 1',g a base forger)"-a ule labncntwu ! Three Jear· passed away Un ler A nt I search out the author of th1S calumny Mary s loving care htlle JS u n bad n pened She "horn I have so tenderly loved and cher shed around whom nil my fondest into a rnote luvclj womanhood than even No expense had hopes and \vrnhes have centered pe\ er pen her cluldhood promioed ned thes" coli) uufoelrng, heartless words bee!l ~pared to pertect her educat10n m all Of h,r guar !mu she I ad I cannot for un instant harbor such thoughts 11'1 branches seen but httle for, amt! ti e arl 10us du of m) ttlohzed one Yet there 1s the rrng Whence came that btlt trom the false fnir Iles of fast mcreas1ug pradtce he found but little ttme for vrn1trng Glelll\lld Hts let one 7 ters reached them iegularly but :Nma Oh the extreme heart agony D!lC endures tho ght she detected a vein of sadnes~ e~en when she sees an u.lol stripped of 1Ls caver m the most cheerful amon~ ti em as it at rng and the lase decett an 1 !reacher) of some tune rn his hfc a great alllictrnn h 1.Cl its nature shown forth none realize Ba\ c passed o'er him ou l sh often y, on<lered those to \\ hon1 the experience has come wh v h had never mnrrle I )'lo sleep came to those wakctul cic· and One ilay, while slie was thus q ier; 1 g the stron 0 1nan boy.; ed low in agony On Auut Mary entered the roou1 with ~u open the monrow he gathered up the treasured mementoes of bB false loved one al d, put lette:r she \Vat\ e' i2cnt1; n11 ch rxc tc I Well I tlu cleclare If that boy haon t trng theru a·rny plunged rnto Ins "ork sent for us to come r ght on to N-more '>gorously than before Fe" "ho en ,\a Nu a I "' uttm 1ed countered he young pin Sletan dreamer! of He·r "hat he s n s the sad heart h1storr ti ~t pleasant face con an a0 e ~u1table for here it ee. into soc ety I ptopose that o close the ho lSe at G-~~ed · rhe1r betaotb I, at Mrns Krng s request and spend the wu ter wt th n c l thrnk lt had been kept secret so he was spared the 1s about t me I becan1c more ft llj ac iua1 it con Jolence of go~s1p1ng frl,ends 11 ese two ed with \he httle "a f cot 11mtted to n y had no' er met ·tnce theJ parted at M-- keepng Oollle I nccl ) ou both for I The d1y our etory opens wbtle Dr Nor a1n grow _n1g lonely and ruorosc I sl all ex throp \\as attending a. patient on one of the pect you on W dnesday witl o t foll I return to you the rmg which ) 0 l once placed OU nt) finger { thought I knew my heart "hen I promlSed to becon1c 'o ir w1fc but tuue has proved to me my m ·W:ke All I ·n s y tS, for s nncl forget BULill !{ ' \\ \LlEit ence 'l his wa ver) 0alhng to the dasl n1g Belle for she pr <led herself o l the mes sl b1hty of lier charms The secret uf her nc quarntance with Dt N orLLwp she J cpt safely locked "tthrn her O\ n l reast St 11 chenshrng a hope that sl1e m gl t w m him on-.::e agn1n to I er s1tlt=1 she 'lO 1ght 1 s soc1 ety nt a.11 times 'Walter ho\ e"'\i er ma l aged to avoid an enc untex w th her unle"ls she 'vae surrounded by I er friends ~o sl1e How to Bette1 One s Self bad no 1neans of 1-uicerta1n1ng tl e ex u:t state of h10 foe! ngs to vard her "lat shall I do to better m)felf and un 01 c o\ eu1ng at a bnlhant gatben t:i Dr prove my cond1~101 rs the a.11 ~bsorbn g an l Northrop found htmself be,e1ged by a he\ y tr\ iug q l estion of 1nany \\ l ose ncorr1e has of fair ones among w lwm was Belle 1\ ng fa1le 1to1neet expenses nn] whose f1ture Maud S1 auJdmg hts cousu L I been b1n seems dark and clo l lj Such have perplex terrng htm on hts bachel01hood whei spy 1t es l ttle apprecmted by ti eir more fort rng a tmy rmg that he "ure ·uspended lJate ne ghbors An evening without n sup from hl8 guard charn she declare 1 that she :per Io fuel to spare to\\ arm ti c< l l 1oo n knew Cousrn 1' alter had been crossecl m a scanty covering for then gbt ar1d the dnrk love for that ~as certatnly a h I) s Ill g prospect of n, cold to 1norro '!( "itl1 r o n1eans and it must have a. Inst )J \ or power to 1 1tigate the suff\!J; ngs of the Don t you th nk so ? she sa l [ l roach I conun,.., la.J s of want and tnental t bo.pp1 rng to Mtss Krng ll"'SS - ltca lcr what \\Ould J our thot ghts Turning aside to conceal her lg1tat1on be i! th i; 'vere J our con ht10 i 1 E ro1u snch Belle rcpllcd n s n1 d po 1t you JU:.1j perhaps ne,er l a\e ' CcrtamlJ Po 0 otbly Dr N ortl ro1 Wlll seen hfc but there are those wl o ho.ve nn l fa\ or us \\ ith his 1easuu fur wearing the tl use too whose povertv is not the re.,t l t cham of evil habits Say., another - t seems s1u Raising the i.;hau thug bringing into f 111 g liar that o. 1 intelligent 11u1.u 1n the middle 1 le\\ the ring with a sternnes:;; co1npletely life sho lcl ha\e sa\ el not! rng he muat foreign to !nm Walter tephed lun c been in1p1ov1 ler t or expensive habits ' I shnll only be too happJ to grant \ o u and 1e1bap" 1 nproper II dnlgrnces ha\e request I \Har that cl a n as a safegt ard kept l 1m poor Stlil tbta ts the condJt ou And bo\\ mg 1011 lie w1thdrcw from the of ma1 y \\ho are not vicio IE uor inter lpcr company n.tc l or t ufa tl f tl Their rece1pts are None but Belle Kmg detected tie lutlden Not so ti c l re 1cl Tl e o ltragecl uot10n sl o ts itRelf hoarsc- 01ga izcs a deinouet1a tion to t e r the ua l of the unfortunate officer ro u tl e Qtreet to 'luch it ls u.fhxed -perhn.1)s ps ets t1 e 1 Ii )0 guveru ueut u d finall) yell 0 I l l lo I "tr ke' orf LI e hea I ol the defea el officer at d then their Woll le I I Ot r s uud cate 1 Tl el they i.;omn1c1 cc to tight amo1 g themselves and all goes merry as a n arr age bell Tho l rench re 0Hl 1n th s r"spcct 1s a pecnhar one \\hen the D k1:i of Bruns~ ick was pas.,1ng throu 0 b the \ 0 oune at the 01 (!IL I 1g of tl e great revol 1t on a id the re' olu t 01 y truu1 ' \\Ck fl) ng I ke shec1 belo1e tie lclhe ' e k 011 tl it the I 1 ly exec l \. l ttle 1 t<rnnd ,j I } ,l ·l any 1 tore tl n t1 Ba nne wh bas conde1 u ed to de rueanu1g of these ' orde In that one ex b"' '"11 HastllJ \\ere all p1eparatton~ inade ior .I Fon SALE TRESPASS NOTICE, lt was a short not ce to them <\fter a long and ted10us nde late i l the evcmng they reaehed JS-- Walter met them ut tie station and tl cy were whnled a\'\ ay to ti e hotel wl tch "as to be then head iuartcr. for the winter i\ alter""' lilt ch pleaoed with tl e a1 pearance of ! ts ud lhough se< tcely inore than a ch Id sl c was a \\ 01nan 11 though\ 1 d nnn l au I po sesoed fie·l sunphcity 11 heh charmed all Mth ' hom ·le cume m contact Dr Northrop pla el hlm·elf e1 tirely at her dlSpo al and nuu er ouo were the balls u 1 I parties wh ch they attended One e\ emng they attendee\ tlle opera Many \\ere the glasses levelled at Dr Nor tbrop s lox for Nina \'ias one to co1nu and attenllon Her face wa, not of ti c orlmary type of bea1ity In icl I t on o bnl hant e;es u1dng1lor feature~ lt bore tl e trt e stamp of a true \ 01nanly cl nacter B tt feL 1u1 the er u1~ 1th vlnch l ~ has beeu clmr0 ed has to be see I f' "1 iliahon who is ceita11 1) ti I onorable 111::1.1 lares t' b1ave the ho l no pa sing over Erat ce on the st bject he will I a lly perm1 lus ol l r.:01nr L le to J e i t1 t t; Ue LU Nor ran he if 1 e be 1 one t a d t s not Jn the lush nature to be l ~hone~ t sh t his eyes to the d sgrace!ul rartt·atlS\ l ol tl1u tr>bunal winch has tlle J the M rshal The coud tct of the Prestde \ ol the Cont bas 81mply been ll lstio 1 Jl e b::ti"i l en lte l l 1:; per small hab1to of J te foshrnns thr exam1 Jes sonal 1nal cc to l'jl o v iteell on every I oss1 of ac 1 unnta1 ce~ and tie ab olntc demandP. blo occa ion to U e 1 t1 n1 el t ul LI e } tU:!Oll for nece.,sarrns make tl e present d1fficu1t e1 ~ hatev er maJ l u. el een tl e errors ot aud the fut ue dark the Marsh:tl and it doe s not necc~sarily 'Io s lch '"c sn.y there is 1 ope e\ el here follo v tl it l c i L bo d sold1er beca. se he fo1 those who have heart and wno wish to li:. a \{arsbal - the ev1 I c b s scarcely see a better la) 1 he fir t step IS to 8"ve ti sentence so nethrng ' lnle t me ts passrng It \Ill! l owev r wh o be saul th ~t expe1 ses consu u c <J.11 we re wo 1ld 1 i re to sa\ in view oJ the autec~ ply expenoes m l6t be dtmnnshed Let deals oI the F1cncl I at on in respect to foocl be cheaper clothing coaroer rent les slaughte n n tnpopulnr n1en that It w1U i idulgcnces fewer 1n short retreui.;hn1e1 t not be can1ed out It cannot be expected must begin It n1ay not he easy ta save ut that the 'o cc of the arn J WJll be m1sed oo o 1cc bit tbc ne-ces 1ty iuu~t le seen :l\-1any h1S belmlf rhe Ir sent army of Frnnce '" famil es h ve con u enced with sa' ing a cluefly compose 1 oJ tl e ioi:ce~ o r1e1 der l n1e1c trifle a day aud 111 tu c l tve found it at Sedan and Metz ur d no lo lit f el stu1 g ~ 1 a t of dn1s1onal \;on1 easier to '"' e double that alllot ut .N otl mg b\ tLe d1sg1 n~e is ino1e ce1tau1 tlw.u that in cstabhslung a m u1len-1 of l gl rank a1c ll valved JD sa\1ng habit the n.l1htv to nccumulatc J<i: lh7.a n s h sg1 cc a d \1tll i o doubt tl " k accrutred fm the act gives strenoth and that h s I n sl inent w 11 1 1 o. mco..,ure tc. strength. JS necessary in every occu_r:atiun quit them -L a I r \'\ c cnrc not what rr1a; be a man s sta t1on calhng or ab1htJ unless a I a.bit of Bad Language savu 0 is e8tabhshe<l as n part at the chv.rrtc [here is as mt ch cor 1 ect1ou l ct'-l con th e ter he cannot in the ei d bn othc:rw1se than \\orls and \be ti oughts s tbeie 10 bet,,een an unsucee~!nl 111au the tLounhts and actior y, Tl e latter IS 01 lv tho exprcBSwn oft! e lorrne1 b1 t they The Courteous Highwayman ha.\ ea po\ er to re act I 011 the "0 1 and Mal) \cars ngo the 19uke of Moutag 1e le::n e tl e "'-la n of corrupt1on tl cic A \ as one n 0 h11 sto1 ped bJ a lu 0 bway n1 in at )Ol 'l o tnan \\ho allo:i,; s h1mselt to use out F 1 cl le) and 10bbed of all he hud about 'ulgar or profane \\ oru hasr ot on]~ aho1rn htm Ai o g the spml ""'an old fann!J tb tt there 1S o t ul spot U! Ol l 1' i nnd but \\atcL wl 1ch hen uch pri ed He entreat by the opr ca ranee of tl at one word he ex ed the plunderer to ret lTil lt to lrnn rlead tends that s1 ot ut tl rnflame' it t 11 by rn n g the great rn!ue he set upon it ns t Jun dl lgence it\\ ll pollt le ax l 1u n tl e su l ly rehc n I uJd u 0 If you "tll name a Be ca ref ll of J Otr "oi1s as of your th01 sl ts puce for it an l will call on me to n10Trow If 'o 1 cut con trot ti e tot g e ti at no m proper words are p10no rn el l v it yo i w111 I lll]a>)otfortt 'lhe higlwaimat in tl e mo t courl"OUs nanncr retnr iecl it' soon be able to cot trol t} o 11111 d antl save lll med at ly \eel m g Jnmsclt neap ule it fio1n cori 11 tion 'Yon ext ngu1s1 the of deprn u1g the Du Ke ot so precious a 1ehc fire l y l'.lff1otl ering it 01 l y i 1 e ~ e1 tin~ lm l and pr ornmd to do ! miscH the honor ol tl101ights bmstmg i to language N"' er callmg t l l I I n the next clay rr le to utteI a var l a1 y wl re 'i l ich 'ou are h1s appomtmcnt I e came an I the D ll c asl amcd to sr eak m \1 e ire,e1 ce of the el ally trlte to b1 ~ '"ord at once paid h1n:1 tnost rtfine l f1,;!.n1alc or the 110 t reb 0 1ous the prorui~e :l sut I h s bu"!UCF;S settled Ill HJ the Duke ol>scncd MaJ I be allowed to a k how Jou co 111 \enture to place 'o l 'Ile Rev Muk" II s one ot tl c r rk self i 1 n IO\ er \\'ill the gallows as your etl 1 cu l Ll e 1 1e1 i1ng Eugh h n 1nistry ' le doorr I Nay 1ephed the h ghwav 1 ad q_ t an t an i stllk11 g inctl cd of 1llt s mun I kn e\\ that to be impo·SJble tie tro.t r g Set l t ral trt th He 01 c~ l tro D ike of 1'.1ontague .::! 1 01101 w i:i u y re <lucecl} is t ext iu this nHtnn r l\.1y hefLr guurantce On "' sbing hnn good niorn ere. d1l,ot evcr seea cat \\n1k1 D l~ou ru orn1nn the Duke, witl.i b !:! l Sual love oi e\ 01 sec a ctt t \\ Il k n1 on ti e to1 of a J D a kcd hrn1 to drne with h m m the af 11 all cove1e I "tth broke1 glaos I How t e1 noon 'I he invitahon \\ 11s u ceptcd un 1 caref1ll) ~ he h ltcd <ach loot ncl how mre a large pa1 L\ "'keel to rnee the man Full fill) ,J l ut t lo rn ogn l ~o ' od lthe of nnec lote and most polished in manner, text fro1n wl ch I p ak 1 a\ C' jOt uct all weie enchanted w1th h m When I s See th t ' e ~a ] en t: tr R per th hour of 1 usrness arm Cd I e 1 lea<leJ an e 1g: gt! ne tat l w1thd1e'i\ As soon ts be 1\ as go1 c tl r. l r.st1 01 at 01 ee arose D kt' '"ho us that inan-the mo~t ge1 tlen ln 1 c out U.nlt!eaUlt: u an ve e\ er met 7 - I 1 l 1 J JS ma cute 11 tUe tor tie' 1 utiou her be u Sl e became eo "I II) e 1 1u ti e tr u~1c uf tLc 01 era t!Jut I l t 111 R rr11 I c c pres 01 to h ot CO Ut e [ a i ' l l do t k O\\ said the D ke II I l l o ' or l u rn that I e stoppe l me on F t cl ley Cum 1 uu lasL o 0 ht and 10\ bed l J \i ol all I ha I ,) out n e 11 \e w1l e (_ ol \\e w1ll 1t 1 I l M D \\ILILUIS ot lo a greate1 l -1