·===-·-'---------c===:::::~:=:=========================================================- POETRY. - --- · The Mother's Hope. I s th er e, w1 1cn the wi.nclB a.rt.'! singi11 g, In t1ie ha.pvy s11n1mer·tirn c, \Vlwn t h e raptured air is ringi.ug \Vith eartli's music hca.venward aptingitig, ]fore ~ t chirp, ~11tl. village cbime,l s ther e of th~1 sounds t1w. t flont Unsighingly, 11 si11gle note J-1(1,lf so ;;t weet , a.nll clear, and wild, Ae tb e l:tughtur of n. chili.I 1 L isten! :Hid bu uow deligbte~J : 1'-Iurn hnth t onche<l her golden striugs; B Uorth n.ntl sk~; their vows hav1;1 plighted ; J...iie and light a.re re-united Amid conntless carolings ; Y ct, dclieiolls a.s they are, There's a sound thnt's sweeter far, One that 1;1:l.kes the heart rejoice ~fore than nll,- th~ btunan voice! LITERATURE. "EPITAPHIANA."' [In the Nonconformist.] Epitn.phs are the })i\radoxes of literature.. Nothing could be more curious than a. study of the varied feeli.ngs which prompt them - a record of the quaint, revengeful, humorous, rogretfnl mooda---of the hoJf.waggish, half-<lt'!spera.tc sorrow, and sometimes the whoUy grim joy, that slips into the1n, and preserves itse1f there. 'l'o joke over a grave seems the most inconsequent and irreverent of proceedings ; a.nd yet so strangely is man conatituted, that he ca.n, with almost better grace than anywhere els~, relieve his real feelings by a species of fun. The very best epitaphs arc smile-provoldng. It is as if l1uman gra·vity so long kept on the stra.in could nut survive it8 o'vn expres· sion, and smiled to catch sight of its oountennnco . At nll events, no places have been the depositories of more humor and oddity than churchyards. 'l'here is not one of any age 'vhich does not possess its group oJ curiosities. Perhaps seH·consciousness and egotism have their own share in the humor of churchyard literature. We all ren1ember how that, when Hugh Mil l1;:t tried to induce folks ~) employ him to cut grave-stone insci:iptious, by offering grn.tituitously to write epitaphs for them, as he fancied he could do it better than they could do it for themselves. the v~ry propos!\ol frightened away all po::!sible patrons, nnd he \\'ould soon have been at beggary hnd he not tlied something else. 1\1r. Fairley hai:> ma.de a very good collection, and \v-hnt is even more difficult, ha..ci written an interesting prefatory essay, in which he takes a. very inter esting view of modes of burial <unongst various nationfl. But t.Jrn bulk of readers will, w ·~ fear, notwithstanding, slip 01/Cl' it, \vith a mere glance, to the inscriptions tl1emselves . Thia on an avaricious tnan from Preston is tlX· ccllent :"At rmit beneath this churchynrd stone Li ea stingy J e1runy Wyatt, fle die<l one 1norui11g just at ten, and Saved a dinner by it." This gives anecdote and P-pitaph at once, and both a~e \Vorth quoting :11 So1ne yea.rs since a Mr. DickRon, who ·was Provost of Dundee, in Scotland, died, and by will left the sum of one guinea. to n. person to composo an epitaph on h im i whidi sum he dh-ected his thre c executors to pa.y. The cx~cutora1 thinking to defraud the poet, agreed to meet a.nd share the guinea. amongst them, cncb. contributing n. ]inc to the epitaph, wb ich ran as follows :- 1873~p~1873. FALL STOCK. - - -o- - Dress Goods Newest Style~ o.f the Cash 1 . ... imm CHIT Cash ITha~=~:oto~~~!~~:crtMn I a711) Pedlars .are selling Spectacles an<l Eye Glasscs purporting to be of our inake, and to bcfl.or the pnhhc n.gll.tnst all such imposters, as 1\-Ies~rB Yellowlees & Quick are our A~ents in \ Ve.st Durham; and a B.e"' t',rcl of $25, tshercby offerecl for the apprehension and conviction of all , such imposters as tl'y to defraud the public by offering tbeir trns h ars uur make. LAZAHUS, ~WHRIS. & CO. ~\Iuntreal, Nov. Sth, 1871. n7 -tf our nam~s et.mpcd thereon, we hereby caution l Oct. .:O· L.1.;1m. :B rad~,. .J r f'r1G · ----- CHAT~ · and. Mike li'lynnJ Oct 1872 llcCl11ug Bros. Fi-\LL IS Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOc·t Cottons? ST OCK KOW- · of tli'e -bc:st ma.kc, inclndh'fg t h _1;rcolc bTat cd - .$ r o··F?.. :M-ON ::r_:__ -:---v alue . . ,_ Entirely Comp lete -- IN· - Organ finer, deeper, d cxrer, Though it be a. strnngcr's tone, 'l'ha.ii tl1e win UH or wntens d ~ a:rcr ~ 1\f 1JTc cncli:~nting to the bearer, :For it ;,~11awe reth to his own. ]Ju t uf ~d l its witching words, Those ;\.re s·vcetel:!t, bnbLling wild T hrou gh the laughter oi u, child. f,, ltc ti ·1·{'-to11cbetl towc n·, Haunted strains froiu rivul~l~, H nm of bee;, atnong the flo·v urs, H.usUing leav es, ancl silver sh o,vcrs 1 · These, erelong, the ear forgets ; B tit in 1nine th ere is n. souucl ]tingin g on the whole year ruund,H1::~11·t-dee p laughter that I bf.Jard Ere n1y child could sv eak n. \vor<l. 1 i.:'::' - · ... . - EVERY .- ----o---- .....,.. , II:'...:.". ~~· P.R f.NEl?8:_--~=; ~ ,. OH8E LlV1D "" ...... ' Of ui':lL'(jttal1oi:l - . - STYLE and - Q'O'Al'J~~~ .. -- .., ~-· -., TH - TOC K IS - . M igh I be boulcl to nxc what stnrted yees this morning." . MTKE.- " J is t be ais.ey, Tim, n.nd I'll tell ye ina jiffy.- Ye see, I wa,, tould, yisterday, t hat Misther Gmy, ov Tyrone, had got home am illigant new stock av Goods, chape as durt, man, and it. mcself could hardly slape a ·wink, all night, thinking av the ckip~ goods. And sure en uff; its the full store he hM-pilel! and piles av the nate"t patterns; and he'd give ye the ·makin's Cinta ·; T4y av an illigant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five" for most nuth:in, and the Baccy for a trifle less." SH 0 P j T L\'.[· - " An shure its funu i11g me y e are, Mike ; wouldn't the man be CARRIAGE nfth er broak.ing clo"r1i." [ MI KE.- " Breaking down, is it. S um h e know.s a thTick wurth two n-r (wei!t of the Ontario Banlc.) that. I'll jist tell you what it is, Tim, if y e want to get a grate name when yonro ded, and be called a filantrofized, filosifer, and a publi ll bi nifacthor, jist tell all youre nabours, and the rist aT King Street, Bowmtrnville. mankind, <ibout Grny'G chape store, ::>ncl you'll do more· for the good tw your count.Ju y , thtm iver St. Patrick did for ould Ire~ la.n d, when he banished an tho toad s trnd snakes out av it that nive1· \V:ts in it.)' ' . 1H};. subscriber is preparud to build and re· TIM.-- " I'm mn ch uhl~gc d to y e, for the hit tW itbvice, and won't · depMr tain ye; there'll shurely be a grn.to run, and· maybee I'd m!Sl! Wagons, Buggies, and Gi1tfors, some liargains. The top av the moming to ye."-I'rn · off to Gnty's. . fj_'lM.- "Good morning, Miko, shure and it is early out ye are. l 'l of every description, :tt short notice 1 ando · rensonD..blo terms. Ah ! 'twa.s heard by ear far imrer, F ondl iur fm med t o catch t11e str ajn,E ;1J.' of one whotjc love i;; surer,Het'S, thu mot her, the endurur Of the deepest shnre of pain ; Hers the cleepctit blii::.:1 to trea8lll'C ~1e1uories of th:1t cry nf pleas11re ; H eL"a to h oard. a liff:tilne, n.ftur 1 Ed1ocs of tha.t infant lo.ughtt:r. ·--STORM(iN:r.l? ·~~ .--CO'l1r r o N BJ-\..GS, TH E ~- J@ GB!f, Tyrone. N otcd for cl~ea11 Goocls. --·-- Carriages Painted and Trimmed. A Blacksmith's Shop on the pre1nises, were special ;tttention is g1vc11 . lll B EST the World. to all work, General Depart ment IS Jobbing. 'Ti s n. 1nother's large affection Special Line of COTTONS at COWLE'S. IIcat·fl with a. ll1ysterious seu~e, All w-0rk done at this Establishment wa?'?'anted. .A. call is respectfully solicited. .T. MORI\IS. Bo,\·1nn.nvi1le, Oct. ] st, 1869. - Breatbings t hat ev:M:le detection, \Vhis per faint, and fiue inflection, Thl'iU in h er with pow·er ii1tense. Ohiklhood's honeyed words untaught Hiveth she in loving t hought, Tt) ll ('\8 that ne ver thence clt>part : ll'ur 1:1be listens- with hei· }Len.rt. -LAMAI"' B1,:iNCHAn.n. READY-:MADE CLorrfII NG Good and Cheap. Clothing Ma.de t o Order It is a well-known Fact -t!w t Cowle ltas t!w best Tweeds in the countrp. Attractive tl1a11 Ever, ()! SB. are We RICE & BARKER Importer s of the Crumbs for Chickens. young lady being cl1arged by a gentle1no.n wibh having triflt:tl with bis fcelingA, exclain1ed, ·'\Veil, I plc<od j ilty." A. boa.rder 7 of 11 Shakesperi:tu turn, flays that his bed reminda bitn Of Richru:d IIT. 1 because it is "defornlcd, n11finiehetl ." and " scarce half ma, le up." ..\ s 80 n1n.ny articles in every·day use are 1n:1nnfn,ctnrod of paper, it is askccl if it paper lJL:cfst.euk cnn n ot bu invented to take t}ie plA.ce of the leather oucs. "Doos one 'vomil.n in fifty fill the h1wor half of her lungs with n.h?" is the i:;tern inquiry of a ~a.nit<l.tJ.' cxcha.n g ~. 'l'hc editor of that paver never htl<\nl the voice of an iufuriated 1not~ter~ in ~law. A :E'irst.- H ere lies Dickson, Provost of Dundee. Second.- Here lies DickRon, J.Iero lies he. The third waa put to it for a long time, hut unwilling to lose his share of the guinea, vo ciferously bn..wled 011t : ~Hallelujah, hallclujc ! This fi·oin Houghton churchyard, on a b1.1.cka1nith, has some character nnd clearness :sledge and ba1n111er lie declin' d, ).:'[y bdlo\vl3 too bavl! lo1'3t their wiud; l\fy fire is spent, my forge decnycd, ~:'[y vice is on the duat alJ la.id ; l\iy coal is spent, n1y iron gone, My nails are drove, my 'vork is done ; !\.f.y fire·driecl corpse here lies at reat 1 My soul, s1nokclike, soars to be blest.'i '!'his is from Ockham chuJ·chya.rd :"'!'hough many a sturdy oak he laid along, l-.ellctl by Death's 8tu·cr hatchet,here liea Spong. Post.11 he oft made, yet ne'er a place could get, And lived by 1·a-iliny, though he had no wit. Old Raws be liad, alUiuui:h no antiqua1iru1, And stiles corrected, yet was no grammarian." This, on n. London cook, is curt ·a.ncI apt enough:- Oit~ANS " ~fy --------·-,,----· l1lolhing chccipcr tha n the 1 Oc t Cottons Oowle's. rY· BARGA INS more N11mero·us than expect " Bigger " Sea.son than The satisfaction given by Ever e A R 1 N · uM I BLANlCETS :'< Large Variety I is eclipsed by the satisfaet.iou given by S}-11\L·I~ . to his numerQUa patrons . H e is uo\V p leu setl to announce that he has on baud a larg o ~t..."ltl varied assortu1ent of rnrtnufactnrecl 011 this Cont.inent, 1'l'e prepared to tre11t with r eliable trnvelling agents on libernl terms. T hey >01"0 making arrn.ngements to intr ocl uce some first class pianos. vVnro Hooms at t h e West Durh am Ste;i,1 u P rin ting House, King Stree\ Bowmnnvi.lle. .Gver. .A Dutch1nnn when d1:1scribi11g n. span Of horst':S h e had lost sa,id 'Dey was vt1ry mootch alike_ speciaJly t he off one. One loo k t so tnuch ike buff I couldn't t ull tothe1· from wich. VVhen I ·vent aft1:r one I alw::i.ys cang-ht de oder a,nd 1 whippod de one inos det.1.d beca11 se de o<ler kick:ct at mo . Anclre·v J aekSQn w as once making a stu1np s peech in a Qo1.m try villago ont West. .Tust as be wur.t conclmling, A 1no1c1 K endn.11, \Vho sat beF>ide hin1, whisperefl, "Tip 'en1 n. little Latin, G eneral: they wo11 1t be satisfied without it." 'rhe ."heroof Ne w Orleana" instantly thought of u. few phrases be knew, nnd, in a voice of t hundtir, ·vou1Hl u p his speech by exclaiming : " E pluribus unu1n, Sine qua non, N e plus ultra, }-!ultuu1 in p~avo." The <:'ffec.-t wn.s tre· tne11Uous 1 and the shouts could be heard for 1niles . Ouo l)tol'Jny 11ight la6t winte r t\ poo1· ivcathcr· )Je ~itc n tavell e1·t w-l1 0 bad stood the peltiog oI t he pitHeiom storm through the cour!ltJ of a severe winter · ch~J, arrived at a sn1all town in the North 1-lighlands, uutl being b<:nmnbed with cold, and almost fl'<JZt,Hl to the saddle, he matle for the only house where he uould see light, and mW.led for o.ssist:iince. N ot finding him self attended to, l1e rc urt d out :tt the top of his voice, " '\Vill no gooJ Christian ccme nnd help inc off tny horse? " Awake1ied by the noise, a sturdy old Celt Of!t:l ie( l tho door a.nd n-sked if it w :YJ" OhiRholiu 's h ri wauted ." ·· N o," said the impatient in :, p~ctor of l:(pigoto, 1 ' I wa.nt Bmne good Christian to h c-lp 111c off my horse." ".A.h, ~fr." Haid Donald, "we don't kno·v thmn p e:npltfl, we're ti' Canwrmw here." A Kcok.uk lady, wh ile eng f\.ged iu tl~e p11rsnit of lir,,,r clom e:;ti(; duties, enconutered a 1nonso in t11 e ilvlH' IJ;i J"rel. K ow, most ladies u nder si inil a.1· eircm 1 1 ~t1~nces would have ntter cd a fe w fen1i11ine shrieks and tlrnn f!Ought sitfotJ· in tlw g arr~t. B ut this one possessed inoro tJnM t th e onli11<tt.Y degree of female courage. S he a prnmon~d the hirt1d man and told him to get the shot gun, call the bull-dog, nnd st.at iL m h irnse1f ;;i,t a convcnil'nt distance. 'l'hcn· s1iu dirn betl half way i.1p the stairs n.nd co1n1 nenced to pun ch the flout· barrel vigorously with a poll"'. Presently the 1nouse n1ndu itfl appe:ir<.m ce rtnd st..'ltl'ted ncr053 the floor. 'rho b ~H-dog at onec went in p1~rsuit. ...r1 'l'he rr1an fired and the dog dropped dead. rl'he lady faint1:d a nd fell down t he B tair1:1, and the hired inu.n t l1 inking that she \vae killed, :Mill feariug t hat ho would be arrested for murder, lit out, ancl ba-s n ot been scon since. The inouse escaped, .A .. Dui'I FUUNHED 0Ln NE&BO.-·Not loug ;.tgo a country store in close proxin1ity to . the city, had one or two boxes of torpedoei;, t hat are about the size of a \Yreu's egg, left over front i ti;i holiday 8tock. Iu re-arrru1giI1g the shcl \res one of th e little boxes 'vas opened a.nd :111 its contents gh·en 11wo.y, except on e single torpedo, wh.id1rt!sen1bling 11 11 bit:d's egg" candy, a..o;i tbo colourecl folks ca.H tt·emt was left on the counter. A w:ise-looki r1 g old negro rode up to the :.;tore eiu a. lllu.lii.;iuus lookini; horse about 9 0 1 <.: lock n.t night. Ile h itchod his "cri tter," a..ucl en1ne into t}ic stol'c to get a. dran1. \Vhilc t he clerk was pouring thia outt old grizzly head, t biukiog that where even the smallest things arP. n.v:-dla.ble o}Jportnnit.ics should not be lo.st, s'id hi [) horny hand over that "bird'$ egg 11 candy and ha.uletl it in. Th(:)Jl hv n1n.du out like h o wns putting a ch ew of tobacco in his m :rnt h. Ile rolled hi s apparent quid "\vith Li s tJnguu back to bis ja"\\' teeth, and then he must have shut do~vn upon it tight, Ior the explosion of yelli:;, antl shrieks and howls and sulphur smoke cornmingled, that ensued was perfectly awful. ']]1c old n cgro tore out to hi1'3 nag, ho'\\'·ling, ::ind under tbu huprcssion thn.t he had got 41 conjured/' fled fl.<J fast as sorry lJon es could fly. - JV-t 'W Orleans Pfrny1l 11.c . 0 Winceys--a. Dead Job· J.IJ. B.---Special inducement given READY! Cash . ! =-- Cash ! H"wrnctn vilfo. Sep. 11 th, 1873. BOOTS AND SHOES I pf the best fl.Uality, and ia nnxiouB t~1at they shall set to "\\'Ork as ooon as possible. CASH Purchaser s· "reas to his .hashes.'> [,Pe:i.ce to J1i.s ashes.] '!'his is a good anecdote with a da1:1h of genuine Il'ish ·vit :"Patrick O'B1·icn ·vas one day strolling with a. friend through n. graveyard, v,.-hcn his eye was arreated by an epitaph ·vhich shocked his . sense of p1·opl'iety and ver-&city :11 Weep not for 1ne, my children clear, I an1 uot dead but sleeping here." " \Vell, 11 said Paddy, "If I w as dca.d I should be honest enough to owu it ." " '!'his ha.s a touch of the more hiconic Scotch liurnor; it itj from the Old Gl'eyfria.rs, Edin· burgh:ci He.ce snug in gt-ave my wife doth lie ; Now she's at rest, and so nm I." 'l'his is a,nothcr of the snroe from an Am;tra· lian graveyard ;'1 IIere lies 1ny wife POLLY, a. terrible shrew. If I said I was so1 Ty, ~ should lie too ! 11 There is a pawky communicativeness nbout this other Scotch one :" Herc hes interred a 1na.n o' micht, Ria na1ne \\'ll.f5 b-fAt.coL~t D::>WNTIC , H e lost his Hfe ao market nicht, By Cv..'in off his pownie." This, on Mr. Pa.t Steel, ra.tbcr errs t he otho1· way in its sardonic int1Jrroga.tion :u IJere lies PAT STEEL, That's very true. w·ho was he? what was he? '\Vhat i!5 that to you ?" Pat \Vas certainly not a Scotcl1mau, and as ccrtainly not an Irishman j it breathes of York::shire \Vit. 'J.1 hfa on a famot18 boxer t:nay be cited from u. Wiltshire eh,1rcbyn.rd: "Death took him in the lil'I'ZU View And g ave hitn. such a. BMCE; The grapple turned hhn black and blue, And ma.do him shift his place. P .AIITS of AocESS he next assailed 'Vith such a KNOCKDUW.N BLO'"i As never yet to mortala fa.it'd 1\. tot.. il overthrow. 0 Our last quotation will be that of a VPl'Y Jlllllning epitaph on one Cn.ve Jrom Ba.rrO\\'"Upo'nSoa.r, JJeicestershire ;" Here in thia grave there lies :t Cave; 'Ve ca.11 a cave a grave, If cave be grave, and gra.ve be Cll>ve, Then reader judge I crave VVhether <lath Cave lie herb in grn.ve Or gntve lie here in Cave ; If b'l'ti..ve i1t Cave nete bude<l 1ie, 'rhcn, grave, wher~ is thy Victory? Go, rcader 1 an.(! report hete lies n Cnve, 'Vho con querr; Death, and buries his own Having given these fe·v specimens, we mus~ leave tblli interesting and a.inusing volume for our readers to perrt.ijC for themselves. ...Epitaphiana; Ol', the Curiosities of Churchyard Litei·ature; being a !\fiscellaneous collection of Epitaphs. '\Tith an Introdttction. By W. E'AiltLEY, }!',S.S., &c., &c. {S. Tinsley,) llcCLUNG BRO~Q All :Prices, All Sizes, All Itinds, Ladles' Prunella Congress, at 80 cents " " Bal.morals, extra high cut - - - - - - $1,25 F. ~Che owle. Y. O t'; 11bsc1 ·iber would b lig to c.:o!l n.ttl.! nt iu11 to his stock of N o'thing -to Bea.i;; i 't. ---- GENT'S BOOTS, Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, Simmons & Clough Organ Co's In1.proved Trunks, &c. Special attention given to CUTTING AND FITTING o.nd n0ne Lut first-clnss \Vorkrncn c1nployed, thus insuring good value in t:ivcry case. Cabinet Organs AND Groceries, Dry Goods, TFIE STOl~E. -One door eMt of Cornish 's Jewelry St.ore, King St., UoW1Uanville, Most Wonderful Invention of the Age. J Moses' Elect ro-Galvanic, Pat. June, 2nd, 1868. .At tached to th ese patented Spect acl es arc two i:;cicnt if:ical ly coul;ltr·ucted Galvanic J3attoriet>unf'! ccn 'vhen wnrn--dclivering tb r'C'u g11 tl1 e nerves of the head, n soft nnd cont inuous f!troa1n of el ectr icity, vitalizing and giving healtl1y act ion to the entiro beaut iful syat e1n of those pa1·ts ab::iol utely and cel' tainly curing J. SMALE. llowma.n,·ille, Sept. 2:3rd, 1873. G. D. Lockhart, D :;ENT IST :Soots & Shoes etc, etc whi.ch fnr Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve \Veal< or Diseased Vision, Neuralgia of t he Head or FaceJ Nervous Twit ches in the Muscles of the face, -· Noises in tho Head, Loss of Ment al Energy, .A.n J a. Lost of 1-.: erYous ~i.:~en.scs, arisi ng fro lfl llepr e:rnion of t be ner votu:1 encrgy of tl1e sy stt'1n Con tributin g in a m o~t aston ishin g degre e, ·to · 'Graduate of the Royal College of Dental ugeons, Ont. Offici.l over F. l\icArthul"s Store, King St. 1 Bowman ville. 1n3-tf. Bowmanville, Oct, 23rd, 1873. ]i'. Quality aud Cheap ness, ' "' -, CAN:_NOT BE SURPASSED llfe, vigo1· ancl h e.a.1th. E y t he n1ean s of t h e soft and flow iug- stream of B lcet r icity , O· ivin~ BrigJi t ness t o thG Eye , Qu i ckne.~8 to the Ea.r, n.ud ener gy t o tho l3r aiu. 'J 'hey nrc set ·wit l1 lenses of t he fines t manufact ure , t o su itall P.iglits, unJ wilh ~l a.s F>e 8 for t h uso J1 ot Deei ng Spect~1cles to rea d wi th bu t dc-" iring t ho bene fit s t o bo dcri ved fro1n wearing t he Bt1tteries; and arc only to Le had irt this v ic illity of Y ELLOWLEES & QUICK. u1 25 t f --- ---~~ - ----- - --- - BOWMANVILLE - -----'=--====== Ma.chine a.nd Implement J . ELUOTT 1 TYRONE. TO -N t·eturniug- t JiaJ1ks t o ~tdrled Manufacturing Co ®nmtr atmnnmmnm ®rnans FITTED W ITH T HE NE WLY INVEN'l'ED TI~IE WIGG SON, 1 Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, DRUGS AND MEDI CINES A'l' '1 '1 1 ..1:: Manufacturers of Bowmanville Drug Stor e. J, HIGGINBOTHAM, How to Use Your Experience. If ere is son1e goocl counsel fron1 :rvlr. A Co ~tf'L'JEN 'l' ¥tI'l'NI:SS .-" \.Villi<im r.. ooktell u s, 'Villian1, who 1nade you?" Willian1, \vho waa ~nsidered a. fool, scr ewtld up bis face, and looked thoughtful n.ncl sou1e,vhat bewilclerc :l, and anS\\:erecl, " Mose::i, I 'spose . " "rfhat \viU do." said Col.1nscllor Grey, n.ddressiug th1J Co tut. "Tho witness says he supposes j\foses m;tde him. That is u.n intelligent ans,Yer, 1norc th:;i.n I tbou1~.ht; h im c:tpable of giving, for it shows t hat he has some faint idea of Scripture. I submit that it is uot sufficient to entitle hin1 to be swo1·n as n. witu es:;s capable r,f giving evid ence ." ' ' l\f l'. Judge, '1 ~aid the fool, "may I ax the ln·wycr a questiou?" ' ' Certiiinly;" said t he Judge. "V.."ell, then, Mr. I,a.WJ·cr, "'110 d 'yc s'pose mad e )'OU? " "1\aron, I .t:i'pose, " s:tid Counsellor Gruy, ir~" ; tating the ,~·itness. A fter the inirth had 80h-~whnt subsided, the \\'itnes£ d1·:;i,:wlcd out, "\? aJ, now, ·we do read in the Bovk t hat Aaron oncc ina.de a. calf, but 'vho thoug ht t h e critter h "d got in here?" The ,Tud,.: ;- e or<l ored t he witn-e'1<.t to be sworn. Spurgeon, concerning the duty of experience: \Vhen an cxperiencedOhrist.ian merely uses his ex pcrience for his owvn con1fort, or which n.re sur e to gi ve t he best i :w.tisfactiou as a standard by which to jmlgc his fellow· A we!l·scl~{ct~cl stock of Christiaue, or make use of it for sclf-cxultu.: DRUGS, tion, as though he \vere infinitely superior GHE1lf1CALS, to the rno.st zcr~Ious young men, auc:h a man PA1'EN1.' JlJEDlGiffes mars his talent, does mischief \Vith it, and l"ATOUT.JD nwst rcH JH!ytfully tender his sinl'f cere tha 11ks to his n nincrous fricnc{,g a.11d ci.1sto1ner1-.:t a.n d to tho:: p ublic.: i;en'enilly, for the very liberal support he h~s rec<::i vcd sll1c1J his n·e ilh:tll he reMly at n.11 tiin1.:1f:'., to atli.:ntl Fnuera.ls, on shol'L notice, a 1~tl r ec1tS011;.tblc Lern1s, 001n1ncmcino- in 1Jueiues$; n.nd 1 Hipcs by con tiN. 'B . Coffi ns kept 011 h tmd, imd niatlc to ordi.:1·i nt t he nued strickQ perf"Ot1 a..l ~1ttc11t.ior -P businerm, :uid offei·ina nothing but the p1u·c1_, < '1J:ticles, ~it the NE W D OJ'dl liJON RETJLIL FUBNI1 UB E WAHE-lWOM mo8t r~a.sona.ble prices, to onslu'e a eontiu uancti of public patronji.ge. King Street East, Oshawa. J. II. would 0C1..U sp ecin.l ~\tt·: n tion to .h is ver:y Osh awa , A ug . 2Gth, 1870. superiol' stock of <1u1· p rcRcntstouk o~ -li'tunitnre, !lS \\'c have late))'.' tl1creto, t1u1t v:e 1nu.y thel'~Ly Le un:oblt;d to sup11ly all v ar tles ·who mn,y }J!ease to fayor ht \vith a call. Gre::d inducc111 cnts helil uut to those 1iu i·en.sh ing at our ]~stabli sl11 nc11t. J>ictures, L ooking Glasses, &c., fra1ned t o order, t~nd in every style. Snim1)lcs of the different k ind of ~:[ o nldi ngs c:tn be seon ~t the '\\' :.i.ni-room. \Ve v.'onld also beg to infor1 :n you, that, having }lurch ru:icd a. l _ wou ld l'espe c.;tiuHy in vit e tludt· fl tteution to tlHi i.r nun. ~1 ·i.:·U B Cnsl·u1ucrs and t l1 c P u bli c gcn cr u.lly, for past fa vors AH invc11 tion h(cving ::> moot impo r bid~licaring on the foture re1mttttion of Heed Instruments, by mean ,i of whi ch the quantity or Volume of tone is vary largely i11crcaoctl, nncl t h o quality uf t one rendered . . vVOOD AND IRON· WORKING MACHINERY Equal to th~tt of' the Best Pipe O:raans · of the Saine CaJlacity. -·---o- -0lll' celeLm Lcd " \Tos Celeste," " Lo uis P :t tcnt," "\T ox Huu1ana." " 1\T il cox Patent " 'Oetavc Coupler ," tl1e charming ' ' Cello " or " CJa.rionet ' SLops, and SPLENDI D NEvV HEARSE, Double Turbine Water Wheels, And AL L THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS DYE S'I,UFFS, Can be obtained only in these Organs. 'l'hfrty-juv11 Dilj'erent Styles, · Ca.stings of a.11 E:inds. Foi· the Pv,r l01· aml the Gfnwch, The Bcsl lifolei-i.cil and lVorlcmcmskip , makes himself heavily responsible. I be· seech you who l1ave long walked in the BR USHES, GOJrfBS, 'vay of godli.nesr:, to use your experience contin11a.lly in your visitation of thE'. sick, Sll 0 ULDER-BRA G l!JS, in your conversations with tLe poor, in SUP PORTERS, E'tc.,Etc. your meetings with young beginners ; in your dealings ··th backsliders ; let your kept const antly on ha.n il. paths drop fatness; let the anointiug God OILS, PAINT; has given you fall upon those whoare round COLORS, V ARNJIISES, about you. and WHIT]!) LEAD, Habit inn child is nt first like a spider' GO AND SEE BATTIN~G'S N~W REPAIRS <lun e on the Quality mi<l Yolume of To-n~ Unequalled SHORTEST NOTICE, $50 We have now on hand a la.rge quantity of o. - ---Q-·--Factory and Warerooms, Cor. 6th and Congress streets, Detroit, Michigan (F:st:i.blished in 1850. ) FALL AN"!) 'VIN~rER DRY GOODS A '1-:1 THE Mru1e:hes tei· Ho'll.se, Bowmanville, Sept. 18th 1873. Common and Gang Plows, tha~ will be sold at at tho vory lo·Vest 1Jrices. N. B. -Oount.ry .Storehe-.pe1iJ supplied on the 1nost adva.nt<~gco ns tcrm_e. A choice- selection of LA.:\iPS , ior ~~·lt.J ch e11v 1 Bvwmanville, D ec. 9, 1868. G n; \\~eb; if neglected, Jt becomes a tliread of . . Horses and Cattle Medicines. LOW PRICES tf j twine i next, a cord, or rope ; finally,a cable -then ·who cn.n break it ·1 AT THE SHOP. Ilowmi\nille, .l\fnrch 6, 187:1 , RICE & BARKER, Agents, for Ontario, West and North of Belevillle; B owmanvillc. Aug 21Ht. 1287 m7-o34 - -- --------- ---...