WE ST DURHAM Steam J ob l'rinting 0£6.ce I T E H 1$ K rna Smr:E1 Bo1HH'l1 I LLE ~ eventy Jlve cents per a nnum m ac l vance The Jil[erchant and Obsc1 var $2 00 R~Tli::S 0 1 .iDV !.!.llil6I::.>i0 AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRID;\. Y DEC E~1BER 26 1873 NUMBER XII arose an] po1nt ng np" arl n1a] e a 1:;i VP.r da1te l lo \Il tl e 1 le to rd~ the 01 tcr 'Before Ilea\ en I uu rnnocet t door bt t ere he cu lltl le lCl that pl tee For se\ eral moments a death like s1l nee of cgre3.~ slron 0 tu ins e circle l h 1n and pe1vacled the 1oon1 an l 1111 rd tLat stl lues9. after a fe,\ 1esperute stru 0 gle!-i he sv k when I could even hear the p 1l : :i ::thons of to LI rJ flour as l elples.i a8 a clultl tny heart a voice seem ed to "'b1sper 1n n1y Thei; r JSCd h1m b lt the tens1 n l po ear ' She is innocent 1 s nervo 1 ~ svsten1 ha 1 bec'l so great tl at 'Tl c evidence\\ us all u0 1st tl e pui: : uu tho hght ol rea80ll haJ gone 101e\el The er flc1 trunk h[J.l been sc:ncheU nnd a int of hts 1n1irdered wife seen e 1 to C\ er sn1all package found ti c1 c1n contn o 1 g stand a~ an accu :i ng w1tn et>s berore hu 1 arsenic The post ni o tcm exanunntiot1 re r n1d in l.n s wild rn= 1ugs he tnade a f 11 vealed the san1e ] nd of po sou n tl e confe s>i.i on of l 1s ,.,ult an l of th e re son stomach of thr. decease l in q tn ntlt.} Rl.lfti for doing the deed - <.i.he having d1~cov e red cwy'-to, "'"'1<111ce <l eath an l th e testm 01 y t h 1t be \las the cl ief of a ba ><l of com ter vt *a?.' 'sta 1Bt~11 'th&ttttdbti 1tf.-ijf trt~tt 1~ ~~e-1Uln...::w:~.y 011ly to drag ed \\O. a d rect The prisoner had at d1fier out a few \\e eks of tnttScriJ:ile ex steuce a d ent t 111es aud pl uee.s du1 n the spnc o1 then 1 3 gruced n 1 U (Sh;.iriuru I he fillcLl a three or fo 1r months 1 rev1ou:. to his l c mu1derer s µ;ravl' reaveu1e1 t expresse l alfect101 fur h tn and \_ftcr \;hit h d tlan sp re<l the in11ocen1.;e a stto1 g 111)bkc of Lis \\ 1c ind she LI l<l of the tccuscd w ts 1uac h: so appa1ent tl t sa1:J only two \\eeks pre' 0 1s to 1er le shC,\rtS1mne l1at,.ly lschargcl frotn ens cease If she "ere 01 l) o tt of the w 1y \Ve tod' As to j self nll vas do110 for 11c could be hap py together ti t I tend 0 b p could d1 tate but fe er set T11c defence was vcrj n1ra 0 r - f l 1n1 I) .'.l tu g I wa,:o, ior weeks u1 cot sc ou hover den 1! and did not amount to mt ch 'I he ng t t 1e 11 l le 11 Id ath a iJ ti t I <lid JU lge de1ncretl hi"' cl rgc to tl c J 1r:v an l even! ally recover, I 1.Jehe\e rn all theu u c.1.rc of an offi cer " e 1et1re l t J de th e as>:iiluous ca1c of tnv hbern.tc \ son l w w we1 c bJ o n ~ch e \\as 11 ss \i err 01 our foreman propo,erl that \\eshoull ballot f lge \\ hoh otte1 ""t I me toascerttnn wLat 011 1erhct slonld le wh en Ibec1me con\alescent pffere 1 ne a Scarcely kn '\\ngw1j Td1 l is [\ot~dnot s1t1at1on11lrnoftce wh h 1 gladly nc gmlt) l I e ballots " re co ntel and 1t cepted 1 vo J ea1a frmn tt e date of the cir was found that I stoo 1 alon e n fa, or of nu Cl 111 stn.nc1.:s I ba\ e J usl rt.lated I \\as ~u ac 1u1tlal ~r 0 l n1ents lncl µersuu.s1ons nutted to th e ba r an<l soon U crcaftcr an were ahkc of no ava1l tor ln: thu~ tim e I nounceu ent \\as n1ad e of rt 1 e v firmhacl decider\ what posit on to tal e ancl de "h"la an l Ha1111on In the me1uhnrn I tenn ued to a lhe1e ihe1 eto for the t1111e be h tel not lost >..1 0 ht of 1\-Ii;:is Vernon a id noi; 1ng 11t lenst hop ng tl at son1<>Lb1ng \\ o ild v,;1th bn 0 ht prospects before n1e, I Vt r h re 1 be le1 eloped that wo ill turn the !Jde m to dee! Ile my lo\ c- to a k her to become In} i ct\: or I 1 r1elly g l\ e 1 J} i eusou1) fo1 d1s n1y hfe parti er n all the JOJ s or arrows sen hug front the' erd1ct ol th e maJar ty I thnt I n ft n te "1 dom might bestO\\ I fell belle\ ed tl at the a.ccuac 1 "a::. 1JJ,noceut fron1 ff\: !:!ll th en t] at I '\\ t'3 uot '" orthy of l er the fad \haL I co 11lc1Sco1 er no obJect for !eve-that she \\as by fai m> supeno1 the con m1ss1on of the cnn1e I U ougl t that Jl al1e accepted me I \. as gettiug tl e that the evidence of M1 Stamfo1t should I best of the bar,a n An! tl s has pro1cl not he rece1ved because i f the 111sunc1 L<.1.l true to1 lo her co n1ael-to l e1 \\Ord~ of expressed affect ou for lnm 1nless he ha l chee1 an<l. cncouragcn1ei t-a.nU uot tLe recq rocated J..t and even 11r0 cd l ..:r to J.o leaat to 1 er love and von~tat C\ I one all the deed of which she \ a s j,CCused she nt_} succe ~s ... 111 lite N O\\ 'o 1 1ave n y \\ouhl not have done t 1 cl f he had b~ sto1j and true to our cout1 act rny d !:!i.;k nstJgat1 ng and plann g l een A party to for two thousanl clollaro a vats ) o t 01der the crin1e it v,;as not reasonable t suppose tccord1ng too 1r agreen1ent that he wo ild have w llmgly appeared m ~ 1e<l H ti"f rno I exclaimed 1'hl\\ do court d01ngnllleco1ld toa1dtbeprosec1 )OUJ eau ? Yot hlvc 1ot1n iJ 1y respect t on v 1olated tl c terms of o r ugreen1 nt and I An hot: r was thus spent inf utlc8s dis \VO 111 do a] most a y t111ng ye,:; go <lo\vn to cuss1on \\Ji en I i:xpla1nec1 a des re to be en tbr 'ery gates of Jea.th-1f tl ereb, I nugbt 11ghteneJ upon eert u po1ut a1 J. \Ve again 1v1n the affection of one a s lovely O :; v. or presented ourselves before the cou1t Th<; thy ot rc~pec t esteem a1 d l fe long de'o usnal formaliti es \\ er e none th rough aud l on- as she is \\ho pres1Jes o' er your then au11d a Urc \U less ~Jlf,:!U 1,; - \lth all ho n o and hea1t ej cs fixcdupo1 n e- I aro,:o,e and askel a Th e fc1,1; days that 1w1a 1 erritl ed to fe1v !H ill 1 le 1ueist :o ns T l e J dge gave tl e !5J er d 1 i LI e e c1ety of the~ e fr1en ls WI U desired i 1fotm \t on nr d ti en reel irr-it.! U U e1 er Uc lookc l Ll ck to as the ha.1 p1est of Jury I had notced that Mr :;wnto1Ls nn Ile tor love \\as the 1uh1 g 1011er at eje \Vas upon Ine as tho 10 1 if ios ible I e their thes11 <: und ruadc their hon1e an "ould read my 11 1 JS t tho 1 gl to up Lo ti e cart! 1) I arad sc time when the J l.ld 0 c aro,.,e and theu n1y at tent on be1ngcallc<l 1 a ott er dtrection I A Domestic Scene lost s ght ol huu Lor ~h ~ l l l! Ue1ng But a.s nnnwlo'\'\llltvewtl1 a n 1e weret1rcl,I enw I u1 stunl n b r car the doo1 s wifes n1other n1ust e x1 ec.t to cnd.u1e the of the Jury 1oon1 and as I pa<.ised h11n he tn:Jls 11ntl tr1b ilat1ons of th1B l fe with pa qmckl) tl rn·t l rn h ml mto r y coat I ock t encc and rcs1g 1at1on Ile need not ln·e et at a as quickly" th d rcw it I iusta lt 111 ex1 ectat1o u of S.) tnpathy 1ronL lus ne1 0 h ly d co c1 111 :-. p1r p )se an l as soou fl f> I hors for l rol a.bl) in ~t of then1 know h \V could unperce1vctl by niJ com pa1 1011<;l I It is theu1sel\es ex,arrnue l u1y pocket and lou ld therein a So thought l>fr Piper ' hen be ~ame follel1 11 er L\\l:tcl \ase ncl ~eJ l nk h n1e to dinner 1ud fou11d his 1oev1tal.Jle note for oae l 11 ]1ed dollur!'l u] a " r ttl:ln n1otl er in la\\ loel ng U\ r l 1 s store Look note to nn wh cl.J aa 1 cur a.s I can rernl:Dl and read ng so1nc of hrs lctle1s r ct Mr Uer \\ h ai:; follo \ s Piper d1du t get mad and te r aroun I he ' Do not let J ou1 sc.r 1 lcs l<.:tcr \ u \\a$ n ,ed to such thrng 111d gcnernlly frnm agreen g to a Hrl ct of gu1l tj Tl e passetl tl em "1tho1 ta word althot gh he enclose l rn but as a d top before a 11 re I cpt 1p u goo I I al ufa LI t k ng plent1f 11 showerto \\h at U\\a1ts JO 1( JOU P iper i:; mother in Jaw 111vanab1) seeo1cd lo as I 11 JSh to co1ne hotue "hene\ er he hn 1 corned b eef I knev; our fo re1na l to be tn hon st t r ln t r and on ti s parhcu]at Jay, as inan an l no\\ 1 n otionu g lnrn to inc I 8tat the man of t he house is nli- t} e u 1 1 ls 11 alle ed 1ny suspic1oas and then sl o veJ h1 a1 on the b 0 e piece of meat bought that morn '"but I lial received He Wat:i aln10Bt in 11 g l 1s vts1ons of hash and sand w1chee fad stantl) com 11 ecd th it I was r ght und to getl ct "e soon fix.r.d upon n ..:oursc of nc ed beaut1tully "" ·) Tl en other i 1 law saul sheall,R.)S rch:,h t1 1 Oa11 ng our co1npan1onc.i one by one ell he1 dinner at I\fr Pipers he v. as s 1ch to us 1i;c explau c 1 our po:-.!t1on and 111 a. she could a gooJ ham\ to p!Ck out meat ver:; short hn1e "'C\en oJ us fa\ore l an ac eat n1ore tt lns houf!e than she could at qmttul 'Ibe ot her fiv e were obd tratc, home Mr Piper tho1 0 ht so too ancl seemed detern11ned r ot to 1 ehcve b1:1t Ute1 ou uer he thought he would smoke what everj tl11ng waa all r ght in regard ~o Loolo ng for his p11 c and tobtcco be findti Mr Stamfo1t \\ 1thot L 101estalh11g my that the' hav e token up their abode m tho , \ory I would snnpli aid Lhat those meu · nk ou1 board "ere after\o,;mds dealt '\\1th by thti v1g1lants, He instantly Zl <l ll c urt1elcs anl re n.nd th e place ~ that on(;e kne\v then1 k no\V lurned then1 to their tecustorned plaoe on theni no more for ever We cJncl utlel now the clocl sl elf } s 1uothcr 1n laws no>:ie to go in o.n 1 re1 ort Jlrog1e :; a1 <l as ' e 0 01ng up t\\ enty degrees thc.r at passed into the roo1n I gave the prisoner Just ae he was gong onto( doors h1R w1fe nn cnco 1rag1ng look- a look \ l ch c1used askeJ him if he 11oul l get her an ounce ot her to hope tnd io sonte n1 ca:;1 re 1 Itc l en1 ff :.b e n:unted it fo1 n1oths Fill 'vell the hen\ y weight of des pa r from her h eurt he kne'l 1t \\as (or th e old moth her f\..1r Stmufort too s<Hv 1vh a ~ a change l1ad rnother an<l 111\\ardly wished it \i;as tr) ch or.cnrrrd nn l now ghastly pale anJ tren1 nine sturtc l ior his place of bue nness an l l hng 11 e,,:cry hmb inab1e e\en to stan<l m et lns fathe r in Ja,v con1 ng in 1t the gate he .:ank in to a seat 'lhe ehado' of com ~ Rea\ mg a B>gh as he thought of another 1nr::i e' l ti I! 1 eel t l LV e f ll en upon hun attack iUo t to le tn l<le on h s co roe l beef an l yet he coulct noL poss 1 ly ha\ c fore~een be then a"Q d there fo1111e l t1 e 1e9ol 1t1011 that the lescend un blow " ould cru sh !um to ha;e come! leefonly on the Sa\Jlath rnto the >ery ! st \~ ulk1 ?g al ong he wondereJ 1! all flesh was \Ve took our seat and aug ;i,i 11;: U to o 1r grass and if so '\hat a respectabl e1 names as they were calle \ Ly the cler k hn) stack tl e corned beef '\\Ould make that I hen ca1ne tl e U,:o, Ual i ue::; t 01 he had cu rie l homt fro1n time to t1n1e POS I E RS PAMPHLETS CIHCU LAilS HILL HI ADS CRF,QUES ::S OI ES H c\_NDBILLS Lc\.BELS C \.RDS TICKETS &u &c &c EXE C UTEDIN F IR ST CLASS STYLE, D. G entleme n s & Boys Garmen t s Ji! '\.DE Il'I 'l l{E illtwuritnce. ----=== = == = = POETRY. A Christmas Night Vision 13\' } H \.NCIS ~ RELIA N CE ES1 ,tlJLJSB EJJ 1840 0 .AN.A.D.1 C H lJil)j 0 FFTCE:':) SMI TH Glt.A ND TRUNK R AI LWAY I Jl l'I EW E8 I S T YL E S Mutual Life Assmance Society 'I was Christmas Eve--a.nd l!lb ry H<tll H fl wJfe and uh1ldren th1 ec "'Sat in their w etchodhttle 10011 In a.bJCCt misery Ih ei; had no fire th ht l 11u (uod lhe l fl :1;u ~ ~ nl ost h 1 11 1. he: sa d group a 'P ctt re formed ma ille J uh 27 1869 E \.T I ANJ> WI NTER THIO '.I: :tULJ!: r rui lS will lern c RownH\.IlVllll! StaL1on OINC EAS1 ALLAN LI NE STEAM SHIPS. LiiC? pool L ondo n wnd Glaogow 110J t l 1 k~t s the pre 1dmg Jndge my ol \ fueno Fred Harmon A u 1 ncl "s1 l le sliowed me th t I ~as rcme 1Lere l an 1 then business cugrossed my attention L1 t luck1h the caso ' a.s tJOt BO co1nphcated as I had. ex peeled anJ abo 1t the m1Jdle of the after noon, wa,., Lrou 0l t to a clo,:o,e ar l 1n1n l:!d 1ate ly the conrt a 1JO 1n eU to the i ext 1norn well \\ as cor. rng A 11 aun clasp of th e I an cl 01 d a st II \\armer gtcctn g showed 110 tl at ..:ontact 1nth the 11 orld had not cb1lle l Lho!e purer 111uulses of that heart wluch character1se<l. tr H manhood ~l~lCl J '\\ i\S ihe fl.µ ? '*t' l t> 11 ther l a) i. sr to u nd l3J v1u t 1\ illc t 1ue as follo \i S F.xpresH 111 el 13 1 SJ IA1USSil\1':El MONTREAL 8 40 a m ;j 20 p Ul Local 7 20 p r nft rmat1on apr!y to " A NllADS. Aue l o ntl 18 J tl 30 DIJ.Ec101. s ca ftl :TI <tan Of hopeless blao k d(.'1 1;11 au di; c n.~ O FFICE -Over ~lc Clu 1g s S to1e T New 'railer Sltop JO HN HE AL, B" ~ tnan ::vr M a.m e ll1 n a.con b s D ental Room He Oct .1)7th 1868 tla.t l'.'. L L 8 DEUL NE U .llY OIH..Ell 00Ml.ANlES 01 Oll wh cl a1 xtra P emiu n wm ld 7c i cqu red ca.n l e it sure lat f hc or li a r y a t e:; of tl rn 8oc,' lcty un l r a ip ec a l ar all.[J('. ne t ~nd an:l then rcih l ~ :i: clotl ea au I b11;-1 ,u JI ens 1R.l A aiutnt1ons O\ r l "1s iut10 duced to the u.1.e1nbers of the profession and the1 Ji red tl rn1ng to inc w1th a m sch1e' ous smile excla1n1etl - RHYME AND LIME. i h t tle Rhyrne ca1ne ] 1st iu time \.nd all bo1 t the b est of L une ] e f vn the ' ' est of the ver y be8L Not l efl.t n a.r.y q 11n ter ] m e-: th11t \Vlll a.lw:i.J s :.t nnd th t e st VV her n1a.k 1g n to rn o1 tar I 11 t ry an<l k eep a g ood su p1 ly l t is a,l ay s 1\ ar tc l ]hatwl cn:\ Q a.ll come 1n to b) Yo H not beduia11 0 1te l Y u w1ll al"" ays fi nd t lry a.n d fl efll .Au 1 that 1s son1eth1ng l 011 1e So me u.101 g 1 u l ti«y this L me B t L on t to -g t tl e mone1 )for f lehve" ff oro N1nea. 1r to lo r1 n1 CO er of Qr een at 1 Onta o St eQC eo the '\\I etched family '\\ eut to tl e1r led of st1 a.w A 1 lfa.uy H 11 t.t tl1:J iAl of 0 1 t \.. YlSIOll Co u e EJ you in us go hon1e \\.1th n1c I have i little re,:o,1dence of Ill) own now Cotn I shn n t take 1 a for nn auswi; r I ht s I rEssed I co 11lnot1cfuae A car r1 Lgc av. aited s nt the loor nnd a few nun ltes d ti\ e h1ou 0 ht us to :t palatial n1ansn:m at 'ii h1clt \\ c stor pe 1 As "c entered the hall a "om lll, ~eamrng with all tliat iegal a1)(l 11 t~llectu il brJ uty that e1e1ywhe1e co11101 in ls respect nd l l 11rut1on 1uu:kly a lv n1c1ng g1ccti.:d the Judge wt th n k11:1s, an l 0 l Le l I 111 so glatl) uu i.ue !Jorn~ early to daj , \\ l i.:n '"'Ccing ~L stranricr she hes lated I noticed th tt sa1ne 1n1r.ich1e\ ou~ sunle \\hen 1 e prei:;eulc<l 1ue Delle my ol<l fnen 1 Mi tny \\Jfe Oassauu\lu L A1 B W ll ll F Y C0\\ Tl<: begs to n form the I 11 h e gene1aU3i that h e 1 Ui); c mcnced b s 1c:5s in tl e Shop ic x:t to tl v, ,.. prc r:; s Office on e l oor east of 1 l\.f l 1c ,,; OLIO iES U:!IRH!d lnnuu.l I O.J m e 1ts a.re l cq u1c d each p:i. tncnt sc ur ng a S I ..lli UI \. L N u Y] OF~i'l All lbl ... u1 de1 ' h ch only 10 lu or 20 A. l le$R ed s o s:1v. of ol 1 Santa. Ola 8 H a. u g ha.d se e :-1.l years ox1 e1iencc n thP. t r::t lc h o l O T es to Rat 1sfy all l o 1 :lj f or lu i ' tl a c a.U n GOOD FITS GUARANTEED l obey fu t s m R.3 m l l r o1 orfaonate t o tl e nberofp1 em1u1ns p a ! a1 l f1c c fror11, fut r nay e t of pre niv is ~.fOD lV\.I E Pl EM Rei leu al 1 0 the .tir And loaded down '"1th e e yth ng His ad heart could I s re U I 01 l s shoul lcri! l oad nn 1 st1 011 0 I n.rgc packn.ges 1 e bore C ntn. nmg ' holeso1 te bre id ~ l doth A nd nea1 1111n on the iloo1 A 1:mck of co ~ls v.:aa op~IHJ l w1 l From which " th lool a elatl:l H ti filled wl ilti I ullinl:'> u.t l 1s l l e c ~ a l 1 nos t l l e1al con l t u 'l tJ - AUCTIO N E ERS H T PHILLIPS, H~M P IO N t h'l.t- \gen c1cs l 1 $p ct 1 c::i I 1 l o il Fora &c. s 11 l cd n applicat1ou at tl II ea l Ufti.cc or any of THOS llOWDEN ]Jo w rua1 n: lle M nr ch lltl 18"'1 no24 tf J \ Gl N I ;; l ; Jlo t 01 urns GR 1.N1 R s Reo1eta1y A Sc l Lt.le ntla.r tl l:'I g A ~C l t atti;.nt n g vcn to sales &c :1.ble 1, 11U S 01 re ri.so Straw~ Cutters ! !JOWM \IS VII LE C ll \ R KER Ku1,g St 0 1 scn er Ofhce § JAMES BIGH AM, P ainter Glazier Paner Hanger &c &c A tl et cu.r luu 1 Grain Grinders SO, HO' FJ:DED :l\'IILL S. G-entlemen of Fashion. uf tl ---e a.bo e 1 oblu u tu.l!.l ~ VJ It was a blissful blessed dream 11 at Harry H tll 1de1 t Lhro1e.h An 1 best o( all wb6n n1ol n1ng b1 oke li e foun l the \ is1on true A brother v.ho had ;years befo1e lhe ocean gone ac1oss Had Just returned JU time to b Poor H t.rry s Sa.uta Claus th o . . . ay All l tn ls of v. od t omptly atten l('d to a.nd F arm Implement Forwardrug Agency s 1t sfa.ct n 0 "1.l a. a le<" l B W J AllIES ] clldn ce- .Ncxt door a.st of the B1LlG Clu us t1m ( l h IYROC<E K u 0 St Bu l li'IJ v ll!.! 22 ti Dec o lB72 n10 no vv P le we c ~u at the NOT SO FAST. M AN V IL L E I 1 i e vr1tte i these fe l n l:! An] all I have to sa} 1 1 t ) o ~ ll n 1 o st 1l at l n ..1tn l no \ a ' 01d to Santa Ch~u11 The generous nnd tr e ~ nd then I 11 have acco1nplrnl t.= l The end I had in v1ew Heu1e11 be1 in tLesti ptullr.: t11 a 8 Tl at tum J g r lf:I an 1 bo) 8 \Va.nt bread a.nd meat and clothes au 1 tire 0. BOUNSALL, I MP OR TEH M "NU ~ < \ J 11 U Jt EP. DJ J.\ LER u n.ll the v rw: et e,, of 'l'o Masters of :r... O. :r.. B 1eg l::tr 1 ate 13ow1 i1 ille Jr ]J: 1th 1873 L <l.NK CEE'III IC A ES Apphcat 01' ~c &c C [l,n be p oc red at tl s office at I a1n n ot g o e noway S o all my k nd old fuends n1aj come A n 1 all t h e J oung ones too :\nd g-et the r..,, rrr ent °' J r.:f!ly ma le I n f:i., h1ons tL a t a r n w '-' h e c old a n d yo n 0 d e t fnen 1 nut.y n eet As v.:ell as sweets and to:,; s LITERATURE. THE FORFEITURE Bl: E L C:\~SAl'lO,l Italian & A.mernan Marble \. ln.r ~ a d cl o u sel e-{10 ()f ARRIVAL! J ames McFeeters. A G EN T Com1 a n1 s n. d Mon11ments & Grave Stones, W l:. STERN Tl e QU] E N F ire and L fe Instu ance Com p ~ll) ~1£2 UUO 000 ~ 15 0 000 dcpo itcd w th t he Dom'in n Go\ ernm nt fo1 the p1otec le1 1:1 pEliDJ I: or ti fullov.111g I n ra c o llm Inst1tutJons v z - r o R u 1 FEED p 116\ ," 3 JU clo a.g b tr)' 11g lut9 · :r urmture "'ops Mant el Pieces \_ &c :\ll ill I · u J ohn McDougall l O tol c King f:J lr , Lst 186V Doi na nlle 1 ti TYRONF.J BEAUIIl UL ILEI H J M BRIMACOMBE L D S T t!:'"' tl Bo~ a t Tl e CAN <\.D \LANDED CREDI1 CO Y w th a Sa v ngs Bank department rl e l; NTON "" PR RM \:'<RN1 TI ic l<lmg and Sav1n0 s Societ" lhe"'e la.tter 1nstlt ttons ad a.nee Loans on Real E state on term~ m usu 11) easy for the BOOT & SlIOE STORE I 0oms o er lvlcClung Bros Stort:s nanv1llc Oct 1st 1870 E x.t r ac t.e d T vveu t y f ve C e n ts 1 lie has op e l up a large anU Wel assoted Stock. of It a ly made \York ~ 1cctcd fl oru th BESTM AN UFACTORIES, vl ich hl' oife s for sal e NEVV STORE \\EI L FII LED WI'IH 'I HE Very Low for Ca.sh. CHOICEST OF GOODS. Gl \ e him a call 11c the u I a.nd J dg e.x ~ for } ourselves J OHN HE LLY \I rY!'oue Ai!nl 8t1 18 3 u 0 tf AARO N BUCKLER H U e bes t and 1nost lesu ablo lot of REMOV AL J\iI1lt e E~q on the ft.Ia1k t S 1 a c WATC HES of l ff r l t gr.a.des a1 l surpasst: s a]l otl e ho ~ s i 1 to n m d Co 1 t v n D A V"lD SON has re n ov d 1111:1 Dar l Srr g ry to t he lat residence lll l uce I J h1 8 -- ""ti I U ! nnrnN SE :1'I u JY113Jll CLC)ClCS MARRIAGE LICENSES I in 1 ROB ERT ARMOUR Ile D c 10 180 I ELECTRO PLATED a ' l Go/Jee f) e/< 1!1 uit ail <J JI en i'phe1 wctl Dz shes t t l c su p assed in th e l rov1 JUST ARRIVED at t he F ASHION HOUSE, Fall and-Winter .l!, ash10ns PlP.ted Knives, Fo1ks, &c ,.. E I al t o a y th Dotn n on NEW M ILLIN ERY, HA TS & BONNETS, LATEST STYLES lil TRIMMING , &G -o · Dressmaking 111 SPOONS. I he t> 1uo t f as! a.l l ru111 J..: !:It style e l i:;~ · l l f.J l a>1R o t mc1 t c e1 sec1 .\. splend d " u1tJnc1 t f l OJv :::l"oncto oxoel it Kmttmg, Berlin, and other Wools Gold Chains, Rings, at BlWOC!IES EAR RINGS, &C ~Lso late t t J l s n R U SHINGS ·nd other F RI LL ING ~o e to s r1 a>1E tl em Selected by n1yself LI c 11 fa.cto1 cs 1n En !;{lan l BELT S COMBS, BRAIDS SWITCHES A ND CHIGNONS 'i.n I ~ large <:1.s-so t nc t uf F n cv G oo b k c1 t staut1y I an 1 SPECTA C LE S I 1'-101 ~ <.. u :>, n l ar l to fit nJ.l s ,,.,ht8 11 e e I w il fl 11 at re lu ce l I r ce ~ estof~ - P ait la at t e1 t on ta 1 t cut t ng t , g Ht L "' }0 1 e to o le1 nl L I'I heC l u Liz r i ler: Ool l a.t 1D1ve ft;l.m es ~ A.SRI ON H O USE :i\rns "" Fl i r em ii J o vt11'nl 11 Sept 2u 1873 m> . \. LARGE S UPP!\ 01 FI NE 0Url1LERY. ItOGE RS MA l'>- E LIME! LIME! llJt SAL ll F ' Bo -MARRIAGE LICENSES JOH N J WILLIAMS Cheny\vood Post office P1ckerrng Ont y 1uant1t' "-Vj ) , t o W lLLIAM S ,,,Al ( h rch SL tiet n arl} 011 OH t c tl e .Al ri a Hot el oa1 \ 1lle J 1 tl l!Jth18 ~ tf 11 " TRESPASS NOTICE. fo N lhi.:y nel:) .Jo l·w OT10 ~ ~ la ta w d ~ h reby trei:ip [\Sfl ng 11 l e 'Fl~ s know n a p roHec teU t full extent g ven tl o.t l-11 1 J. ie tl e W. S. BOYLE, M. D. G RADU 1 tl e U sties of Tnn1t} G for an 1 \ cto1 n C of om Phy ;; Coll OUl ,.,. 0 --- -c \.'I e of nto lleg e L 1c nt fit C of t l e Colle of Cl an a1 d ~urgcc11s uf 0 tcu Office K 111 0 St e t Conusl 5 hl D W II LH'<IS Jewelly Store Bo" 11u1n, ill~ 01 e doot \vco:t of :\Ir WI y, Fred Harmon I am surr r ,ed to hear you speak hke that you "ho have "on such honors here and before whon1 such a bright future opeus 1' h.t m the 1vorld has clouded 'our mind that you \lee onlv the dark side ot Ille when all ah ng J 0 I OV. C its pathv;av are br ght flowers and deltc1ous Il \\ llHtD Ille 1 eb 6th l<i73 frmts readv to I e plucked 1 A) I tell \OU hie is a reahty but sncccss h i sure to crown all ,\ho p0 rse,ere fol' unhke the Ol\tnp1c gan1es all who run iuay win \\hat E 1 Har pine a I tl ut one Vtor<l u1::i wer your qu estion and I '"II farther "ager that not 11 e 'I. b f:>c ibe 1 1 er sect HJ 1 the nblu s r.,:1cel!I man' J ea.rs hence, by 'our own fires1d e UF 13ecure nt tl e Jo, c of so1nc la1r o c ) ot wtll )Ollr t lt ad 110\\lcdgc thnt 'on lave ittrt111 U 1tter HI J l \ l tut le r l tl t~ fu ed to th is UL.A 1 L l!,Jlli.\ S OL 01 HIJ. G C\Iamed I ·l'hJ EJ "bat nrc ) o 1 ti mkmg oP You know ti it I dc, pse h ch ill Le ,., vt up 1u ti c \ ee utte1 ly Ut:!te!it the "hole sex, "1th one F ,st Style of Fashion, except on r lY n other an l 'on profcsc to an 1 ou tJ o do the umc I\ ow 1f yo I want to lose a Tl 1 :\< 11> httle son eth1r.g here 18 pen, ink, and pa per Take it and write An ar\1clc of agreement bet\\ ccn E L Caf!sauo\ ia and F red Iformo1 The undersigned do hereby CLOTHS A ND TWEE DS solemnly covenant and agree that it either one of the said parties to this instrument do ever comnnt i:io fearful an act us matt11 on) n Vll l :-\ v 110 l\[n.j 2 th I R > tf bp tn3:..Jo 2 he ~hall uules.s the chosen one I ro\ ea to be Dana's Patent Sheep Marks not only a compamon, but also an e 1ual forie t l 11:1 er tire income fur one year HESE :M :\.ItK ~ A JU I HJl UH}; \l'ESI comn cueing fro1n the date of the consum the Of:! huit i:i tl e l ~L t..10 1 l e~ o1ne and Have most complet ver nvcnte L They are used mat10n ol tlns supreme net ol foll; and recommendeU b" t any uf th~ best Breedem yo t wnlteu 1 in th Un t ed St at sand Ua1 a la such as G B Yes L o g S:"tl em J\J ft.8 P eo, lent hew England 1 \:V ell then sign it if yot ' ' o 1 G1 o ers Soc ety John S )loss H enne 1are t in lll :Pr of sor 1\1 ].Jiles of t he St a to Ag ' rhere It lS nO\V Jor.) our Dan1e 1 GUlt i al ColJ ege L ansn1g 1I1ch Hon Geo Brown I 01 onto Ont John Snell E lmonton 11 a inoment tnore and Jll!';t a~ the Ott On each M a1k s sta1nped tl e o ner s '\ }n~tl<:! of the ap1 roaclnng train sounded na ne a 1 t he SL er s n 1 be r1 ey ' ill be f:ICJ tf ee by ina.11 o ex p esl'! for on ly fvure ttS tlus inngulnr doc1un nL \Va:. co1nplete 1 A acl and w 1ll ll1fJt fo 1 VblN IY YE us and a mutual Go l lile s clasp of the I ~ C t1sh n ust ac orn pru: J all orde1s yon and tl en these tv,; o ·who bncl bcrn \TICI Hlhl D YOUNG J1 pla:v mate:. n cl 1<llJo 11 claso1nates at school Sa.r.:n1~ Ont --OrcteI'!'r'Llid lr~1:1Bed h r ll ~ -<l.1c:ERCtH'f'l: iurd-On a nd e QlJege anil \\ bo toge!! CJ h tU J Ust le SER\ EU Offi c ful ru y q_ a t t '.'I will be illled at tb e abo en e1tiouc 1 1 rice as rr H;kly as the ce1ved the h1gbest honor "Inch a.11y uni\ er l\.la.rks ca1 be ma 1 an 1 ~n t s1ty cun c<l fe1 sepa1ated each to curve out C ll i RKEI! for l unself a dcst r y n1 Uc con11ng future 1 y m 13o Bo m[l. v 11 D c 28lh 18 l I he one known na F red Haimon \Vas au1b1bot s to excel 10 .agnculturnl p ir1iu ts Fn Insurance a1 d the out going Lrrnu bore h1n1 on towur<l OF L O ~J OIS the fa[ 'Yest where as he so.id, he intended to locatt anll by actna.l demonstrat1on con (l t ·bhl 1130 J v1nce the n atn es that far nung can be cou Hr \.D OF.E ICES - l 0 1 l Broad Rt an l ducted on scientific pr1nc ples ancl ~ct Le P all M 11 London prnfitaL!e As lo Ill) sell Il a I decided C EN E AU \. J fil NO Y f O t u \.:-l \. \. <) 1 St cuJ.. ncnt. 1\f )nt1 e l. tl at law was 1ny fort e and had 1nade r lj Subsc:nbo 1 <l n' cstcd Ca.1 t al nnd I c er-..: c a1ra1 gements nccord 1 gly Find £1 965 000 St 1ung T n years gilled a11ay and [ 1 d morn F tn ls n1ested n Ca.nail.a - lOo 000 than rcahzeU rny 111ghest ex.1 ectatlous I naurancc>1 a g a1 1Elt losE! b J } ire arc cff ct d on tl em st favov..1.olil L rJ u; :i. <l lo ses I :ud wlt..1 '\-Vealth wns n11uc un l as a consequence out re1erence to the Board m ] ondon tl1 re J I \\as honored and Hatlt:!red 1 t J I>OilSW om H RINTOUT llROS I had learned to estuuate thn gs at then: f n<;pcctor (T(ltl \ 0 ent fl 1'fonh e n tr te 'al lC ber ec this adultahon I counted R R J"OSCOl\I BE Barrister gen ti; 1ner~ drosr:! an 1 longed for the fr1eud,.,lnp fo1 Bowmanv1!le and V1c1mty that had existed between u J sell and Fred Bowllrn 11 T o l ltl 18GO 36 Hatman Ouly once, in all those long Ill 0 4 3 39 4\\ vear::i ha l Theard from lun1 and then he wrote that he bad locate I nd be expected MARRI AG E L ICENSES that in a fe\\ ) earR he wot ld be the owner i sedby of the rnoc'lel farn1 of Amenca I im1ned1 \1 l C L BI I E ateh rephed but not hearrng !tom him :\..t tl e S t tes na Oft ce Bowman\1lle B o Tlilrt n llo :Nov 1 h 11868 again lo~.t all traces of Ins "'he1eabo 1t~ Just at thi3 poiot an 111l01tant caoe, requ r 1ng mj prese1 ve nnn1 ed1ately Jn a dl8taut wes ern city was p1aceU in 1ny ha nds RADU \l E of t h R oyol Colle e of ph' Ha:)t r 11 g to the designated point upon B1c i-. ~o f R ug o,nJ a.1 d Uni cr s t y of V1c t or a College Cobourg l 1 le gttt.iU ftte iu 1 n1y arn val I foun l thfj court in sea 1011 pr12cm an f th e Un er.e1 of 'I oronto ru d "'d tl e case Uj on vi d I was engaged nad l Ju1 er1:1 tv of Q eons College ]{ n,.., ton Men be1 of tl (01le0 c f P l ) i n c a ti a.nl S 1ge on!I J 1st been ull e 1 of Ont J.r S u gc1 ' an l Res rl,(l1 Ce 011 fl te <\s I took m) place at the bar, I coul 1 tl e mail et s J ate bn1dl y cred1t nJ) ei es when I recogmoel Ill 1 o\ ma n\ ille Oct ~th 18 1 tl e D on n on fo F a ner ::. :i,11 Cap toJ $000 000 - One of the best a.nd che pest Co1npan1es do ng b s ness in l I soln.t en R1 ~k !ll 11 e I S OL~ I E D RISK :E re In;;iuran ccC01n Ca.n la of Co.undo 'Vell now \ve have seen our happ1eat di.)~ and the tug of ~ar now beg1nis J EH I say war for life it a conflict a struggle to obtam somethrng True far m the d s tu1ce J y i J 111p r !.!S S Sl r 1 io :i.w 1t us but llke the mirage of tl e desert fa le from v-ie\V as v, e a pproacb or as is sa1 l of t] e appl es ol Sodom crumule rntu d st rn d ashes within our grasp Tailoring ! Clothing I R :PEATE, 'I'. Pater son.. Vi 1th d1gmty she corl ally welco llled her husbar do fue l at d then led tbe way to the prior In the conver!ln.t1on tl at ensued I found Mrs Harmon to 'be rndeed a lady of culture On all the topics ol the <la\ she expre sed herl:ielf \\1th t clearness b 1t also "1th a modest,}, that \Va.s trt ly charming wh1le in the \ast field ol literaturc l 1story poctr\ or romance she R e1ued to be perfectlJ [at home So cngros(';ed had I been-yes so e~t1rely O\ ercon e \\ ith surp11 e and a<lnura t1011 that I had not not1 cJ tl1at for son1e t1a1c Fred bad rema1ned silent, apparently rn deep meditation And [ was only bro tght to realize th s fact "'hen turning to me, he said I have an unpo1taut decision to render to 1uorrow and as I am somewhat 1n the f g 'o 111 \Jc glad o 1 little ISSIS!ance IIe then proceeded to state a case in \V-h1ch \vas in\oh·ed soveral int11cate law po nts Although I hild consideied m vself sou1e in 1ny pro ~ s1on [ '\\us obliged to con fess 111y 11;1nb1l1t.r to cioha tl e cou pltcH1on Mrs .IIanuou llO\\ arose and \ ith a lJll!us ant I lea c excuec me left the room The confereatJon turned upon events cou uected with our for ner 1 tt1mac\ and an hou1 glided plcasaut!J a way 11 h en Belle (dropprng formality I uae her g ve 1 i arne) reente1ed the apartment a.1dplaced111 I reds hands 1 wr ttcn document and then 1n1we a1atel\ \\1tJ1dre" He tnerely ga1e it 1 glance and t hen passed it to me It I had not ulread.) reached that con htion, rnental ly where111 noth ug is rega1ded as extruor drnury I d10uld I ave nln ost doul tcd lllJ sanity, lo1 I I eld m my hai d an elabornL op111oi tul d u g Ll on ever v J hr sc \.\Inch "us at all an1L g 1ous and r nd rn git clear and I lam, of the legal 'luesl101 "hi oh I he<! been UlHtble to sc Ive I exclnuncd \\ ho,e work 18 this J ;:,n 1hng l c rcphc i rhe \ O rk ot the VOS\ J lUI t llJ thlo IJs trict- 1JJ wile Yo r wife I )'. o t dor t p re ten l to tell mo that y onr "ifc, or any other \\ ou1 u wrote th1 1 "h) mu lo J Oil lrno11 thut thrs is th e Lest exprc'<sed the xnost con1p1e hen:-.1\e arLicle I ever pe1used 1 I cau t I el1 that he rephe<l ' <\n l farther I can tell you there is not a book m my hbrnrJ lbat sh e h as not oa1efull; ar <l. un lcrstand1ngly rea] \\ell I gtve 1t up but tell ne wh en whc1e and ho\\ yo i found and won one so g1ftetl so truly t he t'pe of 11h 1t Goll rn tended won an shot!! be ns hrn best gift to J 11\ 1 '\\ l Lt l llJ C tho 11oald ue 0 P ftnally ie<.\cl e 1 b1:. 0 a t ~ \\ i ) u l 1 as apparently n r g tb rougb 1 1 1 0 11 \\h en n:oior tnnate h tl e l a11 0 v cal 1e ~o fo1 c Ll' Ill ontact w th so n e obstr cl1oi tl at 1 I ~r I. tchP. l t e l I t.st o~e ti e I a r ru i; 0 1 l thq: bedstearl. 1.;a1ne c1 att u ni:; over 11 1 Then there vere a f \ i-. n otl red Jacul a t 01 s nn1 ng wJ 1ch cot l l l h tu g n s l cd tbe- s de 1 ght- "\ er uont co isin old catern1 ua.n of amotl c 11n la ~ etc ~f 1 P11ercr n\lel f .. n1 ti u ' e k felt h1111 elf t o se it he 11°ck Jn my grip ~h ut ti tl a t Jo u ~ay 1 cnctl l s \ ilc .N otl 1n 0 on \ [ \\i sl o 1: l ody ' o tl i nelp u e up i:it urs \ nl ti u1 tra1 At luot I c got tie tn 1 g rnto tie cl 111 Ltr v. here he tr ed to put t together F tr.st l e set one p0st 0 ll.ll1 St the '\\ ill l t>tuck one cn l of tl ia 1 t hvre1n Tl en he d1e\\ a fu ot pos L l p 1n l e1 tered the o\h r 01 d of tl e r:ul ] ust fl,S the flr::t end anle down on Lhc tioor I p r th e1 sa J 001net1 n g uoL in ti e d cl 0 1 ry Ne xt 1 pit 1 D one e1 l of the l il uto th e h·VO head posts S~ r\JTI~ the loo t [ rt hk e s I e soo 1 p 11 t he al fn. r toge th 1 Th1.:J n xt 11111 tc he <l1scov ere! th t he I a 1 I it o t ti e headl>o11 d He sco11 lod l ttl l t R d as l e ti 0 1 t }- ow l e could fi x it \ 1tho1 t nndo1nn l 1s. ~ ork 81I etoo k11 e 1 1endl om d and gmi uall' spr1::a:hnt> tl e l osls 1 e rly acco l p I 1 ect il e bt ineS$ w1 en the foot b en1u1 to lean H e t 1etl to save Lh1 u g~ Lut Jt " as 1 o goo l I e bu l J mt t me tu get o t ol th e b ed 1\hen th e whole arr ge ne1 t catne ao~~ l 1,1; ith L tl eafe nu g crash I:h s "de s r oth r came d o,vn to tl e j ot ol the ola 1s an i ash l 1f be cot ldt t tonk e l ss r t!:!e a ~ it h st.u1he1 t1 c i.;ui: panv :i\fJ P t hen ad 1 e vo Id be c l>S d 1f he d put t ho th n0 UJ m less I a I nd help 101 rtecn 1nen a 1cl a 1 oy cot ldu t do T ? Jo 1 how n1y acquaintance Impenal e Co DR D.AVIDSON Mo 0 t "tlhngly f e replied '" 111 I tell v; 1th Miss Belle '\ ernon began for nlthough it \\as und er verj l ecuha1 circt 1n:::1tancea it '\\as the har hinger of all my after success 1n hfe You remember I nrote to JO t concerning ny fnrrn h 11 ed soot fter mal 1ng the purcbaee th t\ I had paid a i exorb !ant price for it 1 t not drncourngc l l J tl 1>i I empl ye! all tl e I elp 1 c uld get u 111 e1 t to work At the end ot t\\ o l ears 1 found that my s\J le of fa1 mrn 0 rega1ded from a financ1al po nt b tl not bet t 11 fiLal lt:1 a l not pa1d exoen~es .!'if} capi tal was ex I austed and although I had made exten 1ve 1n1pro\e111ents my propertj "ould eell 101 b t little more than firat cost I ' " gl u 1 y 11 I <l sl eartene<l But the old & ay1ng The 1arkest hour is JUSt before clay, for once pro, ed tr1c Thew fe of n ""ell k io,vn it~ en had d1ed uncler s 1ch l,; rcumstan c.:.s a to 1.;ause susp c1on th:-tt her d1se a~e was due to other than 1 a tu1 al ca 1 es u l t y r 0 la ly \\ho 1 aU ie s1le1 in the fo.m l} for son1e time \Vas ar re ~ tcd nt.l cl a1ged 11,. tu the er u1 It so h L[ I ened-01 pell aps wa~ predes tn ~d so to be- ti at I \\Mone of the t\ elve JUrors 01 tlus part c 1la1 case an 1 I s.'\ v blui::, '\ e1 :ion f r the hrst h n10 " J en $l e "10 con luct<.:d to the bar \Vhe.re her gu1lt or innocen e \\as to L e ~ tabh>i.hed l\.fy impre s1on f5 ev( 1 Hen ,.., ere IJ.ther frl.\: or able for I tho ght 0.8 I looked u1 on he1 can 1t be possible that one so ~o lng-\v1th the bn 0 ! t Jlu, J1 ol yot thanl beauty mantl 11 g cheek and brow - ts so hanleneJ- 1s so lest tute of those better impulse:. \\b1ch lead u~ to abhor WLOI 0 do1ng-thl t sl e ol ld e1en tor a moment contemplate 'll e rnd ct 10 1e " e ll [ Genth:n1en of th e JUrv l a\ c yo u ag1 e 1 upon j o ir verdict? Onr fore1nnn aro<1 c and t 1ade au swer \'.\ e ha' e seven of us 11n cbargin 0 ~Ir Sta.n1fort '" th the con11u1ss1on of th1~ cruue and we dc1)a i 1 h1'1 n11 ne 1 ll ar1ei:;t 'Ve k nevv that tlu::i '~as il ver\ n regular \VllY of proceeding "1th some r sk attend ing it but no' 1t 'H\8 done "'e \\ere i endy to aln le U-..: tl conscq 1encc~ If a thun derbolt hn I tullen t co 11 not have create I greater nstonrnhruent I or some nlon1 e1 ts it seen1ed as thou ~ h e' ery in<livid ta] pies er t wat5 pa1aly:!Je l - not a. mot on "as ma le -not a c.i on 1d 'vus h e 1 d I he Rilence 1va,:o, b1oken ho\ve1 er l y ~Ir Stam for t \\ho sprnng to hta feet \\lttl tl e e\1lent intcn \10u of esca1 ng but tile hand ol t he she1 ff fell hea v1!\ on !11S shoi lder tl e word:> Yo 1 aro ll)\ pr saner sulLtlcd ht~ ear \.:, quick a tho lght l c t lrned 1:u1U atrncl... tl nt off cet 1on n anrl then drt\ lllg a 1istol ::i.nl panti ng 1t cl rectl y at 1ne 1 c T llle l ti e h ggcr a t1h;:i 1p re 1 ul t an 1 n l rn1n 0 st ng1n l'.' ensat1on 11 n1y r ght s:ho 1ldcr an d I knew· e\cn :l~ T ft!ll for"' nr 1 l n y <:.icn.t tl nt l s a 11 I "J 1 ee 1 1 t too trno He th en of t} e \ enno1 t co u:a 1 a. black cye<.l g tl \ol ur tte1 l to go u p and I el1 !nm She t up a c l r per le clared l e ue v r s w i lJ cJstc:a<l go up so oleek n I s I le He 1 t l eel a do" n lim e, 1t would tall do\\ n a0 llD an l once he wa abont toy lSl it O\ er wl en he sa \\ h1 old flt 1 n1 n y 111 law JUSt usu g the tup stai r "hen tli e ar rangement 8 for tl c 1 ig1 t ;vere conclu l ed Piper \Va1:1 u f orn1 e l tl t he \\ aQ to sl eep Iii Ilh } S \VI CS faL hel TI th lllCll retucd togeth c1 bu t later in the 11l::i ! t 1 1n \!: 1th nothin g on but o. \'\ h1te 0 ::u1ne1 t w s s1ttn g on the i: .he l roof silen tly su k ng a inc er echauru ,vh le an OCCci.bl Ol al sl ap told th e dl:l tth o[ some nn fortu i tte Iuosqu1to 11 e ma i "as 1I r P1pe1 1I e prete1red to pass Ll c r rn ai nder of the i ght under When be came home at rn 0 ht he fo uu th e broad ca t op' ol b ea~ en rntl er than 1 s inother in la v haJ not gon e She end re th e !u1ious tr on bone of I ~ sn Jr111 ;;:, thougl t she \\ Onl :i stn.3 and go home u1 tbe relatn e -D b y Nwt ,.; e\ en1ng llrn wife asleJ l u for the an 1ff lint he The Whole Truth hacl (01gotten t S he s l h er ti mg· "ould It ssmdottl e b te J oln D uwun LID spoil (01 ti e want of it He secret!; bupe 1 bD but p1onnsed to get the article when he Profc<:iso r of If el i cw a1 d Or ent l lunguug es N cw College E dt l u1 0 tl1"t 1) '1 mple went down thnt u gl t state1 ie t of tb e Go>:p02l h :ul a 0 reat attr tc He gJt rca lj to ..,;olor l rnoustael C' b 1t to 1uC h1s \Jfe hll u~ed all the dJC on her tr1 n r l 1 1 -an<l the 1n1pler 1t "as he en \ er mothu1 tJ h ~ 1 Tl en he ah a\:ed oft his Joy ed it l ~ ru o1e-1 it \ l 1 ot conh O 1 <: . i 1al J t t ho 0 enCral utter nee of tl e l eat t nn stache II1s 'v1f c11cd and sa1l he l:l c n~x.t Tl t acCl u nt ofr.c l cmrttou Jron the h 1s of looked hkc eo1ne other ln nn on \ll a 1:5 !.:n e i mpressed found ti at h1' mother 11 laws scalp had an '.\Jr ca i bu n dcc1 l\ l e 1 k e 1 to re pe L 1t 1u c n absorbe l the greater port cf b1:-. baj 1um au 1 ll o J ud 0 ed f.1:0111 h cav. l v-w that s e ve1satlon u. d on one occa<:.1 10 1 at a n eet haU llck led her pal1te w1Lh Jt once or t" ice inti fo1 l r :ty r h !': tu o l 1 anil @ <I " ith 4 I have Gc1 n0 1nto a ehe l } c espied a co' erecl l a ~ o 1t h rth cr 1 n1arl cf ht owl neve1 hear l t c G ,, el Cl tat eil L han I 1 t I e d1,co vered half ~ peek of shell rx~' cl er.I ed <l I l I ) l ~ ~ l i ~ j uet bean~ t\VO ::lozen ea1,;i ol · n r fifteen or t enty cl 01co ton1 atoei:; and a lot of cl u ce c 1c 1ml ers 101 p ckhn 0 Ll e hie r \Jtcr teal e \vc1 t lt tl1e ga1de11 n d ot I fou d t hat somebo]y I al stc1 pcil on the , tl I hc I 1st sl al! lnc l ..: ct n1l r \ ll es trod lo L th e ton1nt i; s pulled icr th e I a 1 I ulc ai l l 1ok e do1 n He that I ti uu t J ra) t -!" ' pray. the corn "'\ t lfo ' l a I 1 ul t 81 i t" o (,loci I