THE J'vIERCHANT FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2G, 1873. THE K'l'O tho prc1niscs of the Sbbscriber, 011 ur n.bont th<J fir:::t of Augni'!t la...::;t, :.i. }{eel awl "\\lhitc I!cifer. Th1:J owne1· will plens1' p1ove proporty, pay oxpenses and take her a,,vn.y. I Looking Glass ECLIPSED! \V"e the undorsigueC, would rcsp cctfnlly infono the public, that \\'C have ,JOHN GILBERT, Lot 22, 7th Con., D::i.rlingto11 lh:c. 10th, 1873. 10-3ins.· p. fr01n the Suhscriher's prcml11l'8, STRA.Y'ED L::>t No. 1, (ith Con. of Darlington, a l'~V. arded. ~['HE I :Ei.Lepha,nt House ri· 111 g U~DJi..:llSlU·~E D j 11 rctn"nin!.:' th :rn l~s tu bi~ innny ft-ienLl <;:i.n<J tbe p 1lbl:0 i;tiutH aHy for t he liberal p :"ltrunn ,,e e;.h nt!ed to hlm d ur. J13 t u rmnvl'lle ~ t i1 a t in g t he pa st 18 y e::n.:, LC frow nnd afterthe 1·3th8 ep~e n1bt:r. h-e will <· urr y on tli e :-: an1e Lu ~ inciss, tl1t lfliJH.: ext,·n-shc1y under the naT.c aud styl(· vf J o:!-U> 1tlcL:r:o;.:i & 1 J:~ed FA I. L l[ciferi 2 yeara old. A11y pei·son gi\iug h1fm·u1ation leading to h er recoYery, will b(.: !'Ul lalJly Purchased tlie entfre OPENING I W. llUNDLI·:. Dn.rliilgton, NoY. l~th, Photographic }fR. BJ~NllY, :Business, 18/:3. 7-tf. formerly carried on by R. & U . O'l·f AltA, and aud ""ould sn.y to nll, that we h rwe 1874. BET'l'ER THAN EVER! 1874. J\1[00RI£ "S First-class Facilities for nwking Rural New- Yorker, THJ;; GUE.\T l!.LtSTlU\Tl;D First-class Work. --:o:-\Ve keep on hand, f~ G ood Stock of r rou· p t lJa.jiIT!~nt vf ail fl . L 1ur. i,., i tJ l' CLJ<le reL: \1q Jer at i·B liy thi'\ lni~in'~ ~ 11 r1~~11·;mn :n1 t, H!id u ll p1:, t.,.11n::i i-n.delit:d '\ ·:t pL to ,'.; 1:-.1 l;;c uotic.-: tin d (, \).-1,,, n tlrflm ·;r·lvt:-.+ ~Cu)l<.i)D;·..I~ ·. JUl i.i{ l\fLJ ,E OD. ];lJ\ \ m n n die. Se!1lL·i.1 lJ ll' q h~ l\.1 1 }, Co. Autumn Fashions Dr. J. Walker's Califol'ilfa Yincgar 11itters are a purely Vegetable ['.reparation, mM!o chiefly from the native herbs found on t!.io lowor ranges of the Sierra Ncvadtt mountains of Califoruitt1 the medicinal properties of which at~ extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. Tho qnestion is almost daily asked, "What is tho cause of tho unpari>lleled success of VL";EG..m BITrnnsP Om· answer is, tllat they removo the caus~ of disease, aud the patient recovers his health. Thoy are the groat blood puritior and a life-givingprineiple, a perfect Renovator and Iu vigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world bas a medicine boon oomp~nndcd I ---oo--- 1\!faguificcut display of Nfnv anll !{.ich RURAL, LITERARY, AND FAMILY WEEKLY. so long rCCOJlli I .Lil t b:e F u1·ctaof)t \Vcekly of itecl~s , i1;1 under F,tlv for its 'l'went y-tifth Year, a.n d proposes to ctJ' it.,; <luri.rttJr-Oentenn1a.l by fur11.iflh.1 ug, ~1 :11·i11~ 187·1, a. Jh·i~1ht cr and, B etter ]>('per flw.n l!,'11ii· Before. It is the st&nd~\rd ~u~hority on A:.{ric nltnre, IIort ictlittH'll < tn d Dorr1eatic \£. f.tirs , aud :t dwiee, high·tvneJ arid popnlar lit~ 1·:i,1y aud fatnily p .tp<ir. K v otlu.n· jou t'ual in its Bpl10re ha.s such a large and a.blc eorptt of l1~tlil;o1·1 n.nd cont.1·ibut·lr:;i, :i.nd none comp1·il:lc 3 _ ALBUMS & FRAMES, We are Selling of Va1·ious Styles aiid Prices. \Ve 'vould nl .: _;o ron1ind tho!'tl who wi!!U Mo on1~'8 RuH~u, Fancy Wool Goods At Eeduced. Prices HLiberal Support and H Patronage '1 1 Jo~~"~:,~i~:~,:,,~ Col T 1.1-utl ~L'.ktls th='> utitJOl i.u11:ty ut in· )f01mi11g the pnbl1!;, that t h l'Y Lr-i. , c· 1 1 Goods. MUHDOCH BROS. Imm opeul'd out nn irnrneDse stock of Nenv Fall Good;<: , Ur~at c~re lms bee11 t,aken in lJ11yin::\' t.lw ::i t,ock, a11 cl as nothing but FJ1't Class Goou~ J,,wc been pmchased, cust,.mern can rely on aet0 t1ug good va.lue fol' their lllone·;r. GOOD to not ~1wnd the d ..a.'.' in shopp iug ;ind whun f~~Li g n··(l, sudden ly d etel'lnine to h i:l .L-'hotogr::ipb· E :.:>:. t~11Cled ~o lon;.r tu J ul.11 f.J.:...:Lcu 1, . E J?or the Holfrlays. --o - - td. If you do 1t is sure to he o. ure. DJlU . 10.-vYe received this morn- »ll hjects, illnstr.'l.tion>1, \· e. rl1n.r· i1et~-r and ohjects, and ad~pted t o both to wn n:nl country, itlia<:i <u·dent .\Chuire1.:1 jn cv0r y 8tfl.Li:, 'l'erdtoty aud Pr,1vuwe on tlio;:, U11utintjnt, Ever Oltl'll<Jt-itly r\(_ h octttiHg- the dµ,-htfl aull intcre1>tt1 of th::i indu:itri,~l elnsse~ , l\fnOre's ltm·.1.l N'ew-Yorkcl' h:l.s li;mg- been the tli Vf'lJ.'i .i: n.t~On:'l. 111 O EXTRA DISCARDED TUE PAI NS possessing tho rentarkabl~ h1rr :i sn1111lv of th ose eelubm tecl 0 " llon blo Wat p Black Lu stres. $1.Ck of evory dise.ase man is heir to. 'l1hey are a. gentle Purgative as well as a 'fonic ~eliAv~g c.,.,._.~estjpn 01· ln.O.;iunna.tion of L~o Liver V wcern.l Organs, in Bilious Disease~. 9.Ualities of VJ::-l"EQA.R BI'l"l'ERS in healing tho a;; 1 FARM AND Fi!lESIDE fAVORITE, to-uay Jrn.s no p eer in it;, i1npo1 t.~nt :-iplt,,·ni uf"UJ. Believing iu t;;tct, t ·tl cnt, and the dhicmhiou of t1uch t iuiely toJJ' e ; lH a.1 1,1 of 1>ara1nount interest to J'L·od.tH·in~ P0¢ovlu1 it 1111 11 1 1i~ e1n/)loy1:1 the n.blest iu the J.-,,1ul, au·l ft, 11u:,J the b est paper for THE F .ARMER, THE HORTICULTURIST, THE STOCK GROWER, THE DAIRYMAN, THE HOUSEWIFH, &c. I u the f u tLll e 110 p:;i,ins will bu spo.1·ed t n reu <l er th e paper indispensalik to the Run~l :tnd 1 nrlur,trial l'opulation of the C ountry, mld a wdcon1e guest at cverv fir('sidc it rnay vis it. 'l'lw R e:;i,diug fo r the Fam ily n.ncl Young I 'eo- aud H enry's Gn.llc1 ies, a nd ~l~o prints ft·on1 ne;;u.tivcs taken in l"Ictchel"a G::i.llery by O '.ECar~t 's Printr; can bo ba<l of ::i.ll negnti\·es t:i.ktnt iu ' IL Tait. LADIES~ Bowuiauville. l\' ov. 12th, 1873. bp-o· 13-n1G-tf. Silk Ties and Sashes, nnd a lot of FR~IT, AND p H A VI,NEGAR Bt'l'TERs are .A,pel'ient, Diaphoretic Garminative, Nutritious, Lax:ativt', Diuretic' Sedativo1 Counter-Irritant, Sudorific1 ..A.lteru~ tive, sud A..ntl-Bilious. Grateful Thousands proclaim VmEG4R Bl'l".llERS the most wonderful Iuvigorant that ever susb1inetl tho siuking syf'tem. The propertiell of Dn. w aLKER's J)RESS GOODS . Phin >tnd figurncl L1rntrcs, l'lain aml Tarta n Wool l'o]lli:1s, Me tz Core\~ Figured Rnpps, Empress Clot,hs, ttncl au eudlc.'8 Ynricty of other Dew Dress Good~. Black Alpaccas, Double Warp lllack L ust.res, Black Cobourg, Black Parnmtittlts, Black Crnpe Cloth s, Black Metz Con1". lib'XDBRED 1111 tile 1st J niluary, 1st May, and 1st Saptember A N T _,, according to directions, ancl remain long unwell, providecl their !Jones '1re not destroyed by mineral poison or othc1· rcpalr. No Person cau take these Bitters JYIILLINERY 'r~e as?01tment of MiHinery and Millinery Goods is very ex tensive and in trunmecl ~l' nn.tr1mmed Hats and ponnets every taste c:i.n be consulted as the va~1ety JS so great. Tho Fivwers tmcl Feathers, La.ces, &l'. we chum to have the largest assortincnt to be found. means, and vital organs wasted beyond " plo, with appl'Ouriatc llh1$trn.tion (;i 1 w ill rt·ce i~·e 1ncrcn..'ied e a.rd a.tH l ::1.tti:ntioa. while nono 11( the P1·:u;t.ical Dcpn.rt1nents will be nc,;lcck,l - our ;'\in1 b eing to MXLEL in every and all fe,i tlll."'JS, ;'l.!l!l to fnrnish the b est combi11cd H.ural, Literary n.ud li'amily Now:o;pnpc1· obtn.inn.hlc. .Next to your lucal p~pet· it is the one for yo1n'Relf, :Ra,t Ornaments, THHNE~VESTTHlNl!OUT Confectionery Depot. JYHOLESALE and New Frwit and Confectionerys, J &i W J Mo:M:urtry & Co. SIGN OF THE GOLDBN LION. N RETAIL T H J ,i cac 'i u,ricl Just o.rrived, n.nd for Si1ile, u.t the a.hove depot, I n the 1.;<· 1.I i\ilc .... lrn.nic.s, aud othe1s, "1.v h oi=::e a-ccv11uts tnfliy runou11t to $:i0.00 or O\ 1:11·, t.l1 ei1· note,if :.i.g: l't!eU upon, will bu t:1l wn p :ty:; e at tbe Bauk for ( a f.l tn.ted pe; kd. _1[1n1uf<\e~L1""ers, f3'Ve1 ·y ye(.Yl'. lent in the Yalleys ol' our great iivcrs throughout tho Unitorl States, cspecinlly . _' those of tho l'ifississippi t Ohio, 1iisson1 i, Illuiois, ·rcnncst:iCC, Cun11Jcrland1 Arkansas, Red, Colorallo, Brazos, Hio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, llfobilQ, Ravannob, Ro- :Bilious Remittent nnd Inter· mittent Fevers, wllich arc so preva- f,11nily 1\w.l fri~nds. THll STYLE, TEI-UUS, ...~th Moo1::i,:'s RunAL N.:::w·YoRK1:u containr1 8i xtec n quarLo l'agei!, weekly, finely ;_'\ind j)rof;1se· ly illustra.tcd, and n c<Ltly p,rn1tecL Oll y $2.50 Jl'-'r ye~l' in clubs of t en or rnorc, $2 'Per copy. _Ynw ix tJ1r time. tr. S11U1cr1bc fm· 1874. Great Prcu1iuw3 or Cnsh Com1nis"-ion~ t0 Club ..c:\g"('Hts. ~peci.tneu~ Pr1 mium J,i,.t11, !. . ,.,, s~n t r u1:;... to a ll Lli:>pol:led l,o ni.;t ::u; .\gL·nt.... _i\.ctthe;;;; ,,' "· ·-' ~ DATES, FIGS, LEMONS ORANGES 1'0 Alifll VE !:'oft Shell Alrnond.,,fi'ilberts, Brad! and TV all l!:11t.s, Keillcr's Marmall~de, TVest India Preserved Ginger, Pears, Plitms, 1'0- Choice Lemon, Orange and Citron :Peels, Cash Purchasers Al'iD Prompt Payers on credits short will :.r.lways get goods n.t iwic e ~ cuL F I NE, a8 our gre(tt aim will l to cout i this dt1 Es of traU.e . H b el 'i anoke, James, and n1a11 y otllers, \\'ith tbeit \·ast tribtJtaries, tln ougliout onr entire country ,dnrjng tho Sumn1cr and Autu11)n, and rcnJa.rl~aLly so during seasons of unusual heat a111l dryness, arc In Black: and White reftl Laces and Lace Colhrs we ]i;we a large nssortment, at prices to suit all. ' invariably dccoo1pauied by cxtousivo clcra.ngeinonts of 1110 sto111ach and liver, nn1l other abdonii11al \·bcorn. In tb eh · trcnt1ncnt, a p11rgatiY0 1 cxt>1ti11g a po\vC!'ful innuellee 11L1011 ilicso \·ario1ts 01·gans, is es:;ontially necessary. rl'bc1c is no cathartic for the pnrposn cqnn.1 to Dn. J. \V"aT.KJ~l{1 s \"1.z.;EGAB. 13rL"l'EHs, ns t hey\' ill f:il!CC<11 ly l'ClllOVC Our Stvck of Tweeds, ]fancy OoH.tings, Pi lob_ ;, Ueaverr.., .Petcnshnn1B Ilfeltous, etc,, will be found unusn:1\ly large. , D. ]), 'l'. ~tuonE, !\~o ,v ·y o-.·J[ t.:U.y. {bp- lw.) m..r.i.toes, c1; Peaches, Gteen }.Jeas, Green Gorn & Linut. Beans. - nlE BEST PAPER! TRY IT!! BE [l_UTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. The 801J~N'l'I f' I C AM:BRIC. A N, now ju it · 29th ye11ir, en3oys t11e widest citeulu.tiun of ;on\· weekly u ev,·sp:t por of the ],incl in the world. A n uw voltnne t:01nweuce1:1 J a11un.1')· 31 ·d, 1874. lts conten ts e-1nbracc tl1e l:1test and n1ost in · tcrc'itinq- infornia.tion pertn.ining tu the Indw-itrial, :\· I cchan ie'1.l, u.nd Scientific Progress of the '\"'orl~l; Descriptions, with n~.Lutiful )~u gravings, of )Tew Inv entions, Xew Jm\)le1ueut1:1, N ew 1'1·ocesses, n.nd Impro\·rtl luc nsttie:-; of ~tl l .kind~ ; Useful Note!';, Ticc i pe~ , S ngge8tilms a.nd All' ice, by Practicnl Wr1t.1rs, fo1· \Vor k1nen a.ud -11J1nploye1s, ln oll th<· v~n i ou2 arW. 'l'hc RCIEll"l'Il~IO A~iEH.IC/tN i1> thu cl1l':tpest n.nd ber.t illu:-tratet! wed.dy papi.:rpvb ]j~hcd-:- l~"Cl'Y numbet"---eontains from 10 t t.>---l!J oi·izuu\l cngraving:R of ucw. 1nachi11el'y and novel i11 ventions l::NGRA VIN GS, illustr:ttin ,:: T1npro\· cmcnt~, D:sco\eri~.s , and I1npo1tant \\rorks, pertt~inirig t.o Civil :tnd l\lecht\.nit:,tl Ell!:.:-iuce1iug, Milltug, J\Iin1ug :lnd 1\Ietri.llur..;y; Reco1ds uf t.lHJ latest progres~ Jn tbe ApplicJ.ti.ons nf 8tea1n, Stea.n1 B1igi.u ecring 1 Railways. 8h1p Huilchug, Navi~ ,1tion, Tderrr:\phy, (l'el e&?' ~n)h ]£11g incer:ing, I Electricity, ~fagn ctisn1, J ~;g}1t !'l.Ud Tit.i:i.t. FAJti\-iEHS, l\olt'ch :->.uic1:1, Eng-in c era, Iuventma, 1\fu.nnf:i.cturer.:;, Uherr1ii:;ts, LOYl't'd of i~)<.:j . - ----·------·- --- -- --· Our Dominion Excelsior RaspberryVinegar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines Tomato Sauce and Pickles TLcy b a,re come mid are coming, o.t the Fruit Depot. Q Stoc~'" 1 ~al'g'e Q U Well Assorted 'fU I tlic rlrtl'k- SHELL & SHELLED OYSTERS. llUAiJTY io the lest of CHHAPNESS. · BowmanYille, Dec. 4th. 1873. T. DARL1NG'l'0i{. nS-tf S E Cook, Hall. Parlor. and Box 1 I .i\. __~h, ndid \·aricty of s colorcd Yisd<l niattc r "ith which the l>owcls nre Jon.clCd, at t he san1e tilne ow11Hwv1lle, May 7th, 1872 . MURDOCH stiluu1a.tit1g tile scc rl'tions of tho li\·cr, and genornlly re storing the henltliy 1 1 S1 0VE S, Jo~N"1!~1iob & co. JJ0,v111 .:nni1le, s. . 1_.1tu1uber 1th,'73 E Fortify ihc hoily ngninst di~easo Ly pnrifyi11g all' its llui<ls 11 itb Vr::o;im"rn i'~ll"iERs. "-No opidondc c,111 tnko holLl of n. systcn1 thus forc-anned. functious of tho dlgostlre organs. THE PROVINCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF CA l\AD:\ . (HE,\U 01n'rc1., ··· Dys11evsht or Imligestim1 , lfo ulnchc, f>a1n in tile Shoul(lers, Couglu..;, 'J'iglitncss of tho Chest, Dizziness, Soul' Ernctntions of lhc Stornach, JJacl rl'a ste iu tho Mouth, 11ilious Attacks, rulpita.tation of tbo Ucart, Intla11u11ation of tlic f_, \111$R, ]> in th o regi on of the ]{_id ncss, and a lln11<lrcd other pai nful sy1 nptorn.'3 , arc tho oft:Springs of J),rsp cpsia. One bottlo will pro.'lO...i.:L better g ua1 an to_· or its merits than a lcngt!1y ndvo1 t isc- 1873. - - o -- 1873. 'l'ouox-·ro. ) lfon. J.H. CA!i-fEHON, Q.0., M.P.,Praidc11t. LEWIS MOl,'FAT'l\ E sq., Vice·l)re$fdc11t. ARTHUR HAl,VE'l'; Jlt<rnager. - SPECAIL INDUCEMENTS TO CA Sk-I B lJYJ_iJR.S. AT EI~POR:tiJ'M. B eing guided by its own lengthened expe1·i. cnctJ, and desirous of ad1u8ting the 1-ates of insurance to each hazru:d in a cco1da11ce with the laws of average, }u\s wcnt. ._ NOT JOINED THE INSURANCE COMBI· NATION. Ou some rll'Scrivtiom;s of proJ>erty its 0bargei:; ENCOURAGE Ho me Manufacture And Save 20 to 25 per cent cnce, 'l'eauht':IS, Olergyrnen, J>coJJlc of H.11 Profo;;sious, w1ll r11~rc .A.Mr::lUC.\.N usdul to then1 It sbouhl bLt.V(J a vl:ice in t vet·y F.:i.nnly, Library. S t1Hly, Officti , aud Roon1; in cvo1·y Itcad!ng B.ootn, Culkgc , .L\cade my 1 m· School. A vear's nun1 ber1:> cont1tii1 81 12 p~ise a aud Scve1:nl 11nndr ed Engrav ing::; 'l'hou1:1a.ucl'l of \lolumes arc pr.:se1\ied {01· Lintling aull r efe1· en cl:' 'l'he v :r n.cticm.l receipts an.: well 1~ or th tt.'n t.illlu::; the i)nbBcript ion price. Term s; $a u. year hy Di:;iconnt to Clubs Spccll)1cns :;ent free. ~Iay be had of all Ne1vs D ealers. lic~1~yers . and find the ::\c u~N 1\Nl)ERSON & CO'S :BOOT Al'fD S:tiOE l:I<.tv iug t·cdvt:H.l .i lrw1to p1a tion of our fall :.>.n tl wint~ r· atock 1Jf booL'> ~~1lcl 1:1l1oei:!, we :tte d eB ir~ o ns to tnrn the1n i n v) 0ash , therefore gren.ter bare,a1ns tban c·.er will he , ,. i~·~· u. Uall uarly 0 wliilc the stuc!... is l nrgo o.,nd get b.'.1.t'gain~. """\hw lar;~e s t·Jck of ou1 o,.,n n1::i.nuf.:i.ctur:!, nu1de iu the be~t ::;tyle r u al of t he b1: ~t eases, Swolliugs, Ulcon~, E r.) s1p~Ja.., f:)·,, l'll fll l': 1J<.: k, Goitre, Scrnf'ulouo Iu!\m11111t~Li ( n ~, Indolent. Inilam111~tio1rn, 1f 01 en 1iul ,\ ffoctimrn, Ohl Son~s, i;ru1Jtions of the Sk111, Hore E.10::; 1 cl .c. Ju tlwsc, u::; in nll olh cr f'Oll:"t,i tutionnl ])i:;. \\TALKER'~ 'V!NJ.'G ,\ I{ ]J 1 · 1 ~1'F:l :N h fl \ 'C Scrofula, 01· lUug's ]~1 il , White AUTUMN & 'WINrl1 ER . 0 BS ERV E ! 'rREW:CN OF OSHAWA invites the attention of Ladies and Gentleu1cn tu his 111ay be above the established Tariff, on othen1 consitle1·ably lower, and the Public are respect· fully invited to call upon ri'11os. C.t-JTtl'l'811~, Agent at Bow1nanvillc, or 'l'. M. Funnr, .L\gE mt at Port Hope, and ascertain the Company's r;ttes for insurauce bcfon.i insurin g else· "1.vhere. sh0Tr11 their gica.t Cl1t'at.1ro lJOW e1'.-; in the H1ost olJstin nnd intractabl e c n::;e,-;. VERYCOMPREHENSIVESTOCK .A..lw a splendid stock of tent m1cllntcrn1ittcnt Ferc1s, Diseases of 1hc Blood, ] ,ivcr1 1\ a111l Blndde:1 lliesu .Uittcl'o h:n·c no 1·q11ul. Su c h J)i sc a sc~ For Inflamnmtory ami Chronfo Rhcumntism, Gout, Bilious, Homitnro cansc!l by Viti t~tcd NEW GOODS, comprfaing -in- Premium Income, $250,000 Per Annum. Persuns not within rcw::h of tho Con1p;"1y'i; agencies: are ret1uec;ted to coiumuuicate directly with the 1\-Ianager. Blood. MEN'S GAITERS AT $i:5Q. p;rigod iu Paints and .hl1nernls, such n.s Mechanical Diseases.-Pcrsous cn- LATESri' NOVELTIES StyliSh Millinery, Elegant Mantles Beautiful Dress Goods9 ' Tremendous Shawls, Comfortable UnderClothing, Nice-fitting Boots & Shoes Warm Gloves and Hoisery, ' .A.lso a. splendid stock of .L .11 ,1tt!rial r A~ENTS ~~thi.:o~;~~·c~~;~ & Go are Rubbe1 sin Great Variety. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL KN'Jll<'l U _.._\:iium.1011.w, 1\Iessrf! JviuN"::-r Saratoga,, and other T:vtlnks. CHE~4...P FOl~ AT Ca,binet Ma.king AND l'lmnl.Jcn;, 'J'.rpc.scLtcr~, Goltl - bcatf, r~, nntl Miners, ns ~hoy iul\~ nuco in lifr> 1 arc subj ec t to paralysis of tile l3o"'·cl R . T o gnm d again<.:t, tn'k c n. <lose of W ,\LKEtt's VIN· BG.AR ill'ITEHS oct:asi mrn.llr. · \.h e Scicntitic Aine1i.can the week they i~u e . Sen d for 11n.mphlet, 110 p<~g-c~ , containing ;~ud fnLl directions for obtaining P<tt entR. Adclrees for the Paper, or conclirHing l'a t euti:i, 1'-J UNN &. CO. , 37 l'ark Ro,~·. N. Y. l3t\u1ch () tl1.0e, < '< 'r. li' and 7th Ste., '\V aslllng-tou, ]). C. bp-2wks-o501nll. S ohcitora of A1ncric;:i,u and li'oreign I >atents, .i,nJ ba vc the large~ t establishruent in the ·w ork!. ~lore t hitn fifty thousand 1\pplicati ons hll.v0 IJecu maJe for patent s th rough th~ir ageuey. l-'a.te11t:; are obtainetl on the b eiit tcru1s, lHudd s of New bn entiona n.nil Skctchc~ ex ainined :t1Hl n<l.vice free . All p atents 1ire publ i:sl~e J in _ .A. LI, O.t\..SII. '1'}1 0 GENERAL UPHOLSTERING. Deed's old Stand. ]3Qw11111.nville, O ct 1st, 187J. Subscriber respeutfully informs the iuhab itants of Boi.~n1anville and its vicinity, he is prepared to execute Scurf::i, Di scolorutious of the Skiu, }fu1uors nml Discnscs of t.110 SJ,111 of ·> rcr naiue Ol' nature, hLcrnlly llug up a11Ll Cllrri~tl ter,, Hlotch cs1 Spots, PJJnplcs, J>ur1tuh~s , Hoil:i, C:ubuncloR , H.i11g-1rormr;, Sct~ltl-hoad, Soro J~yc~. I~ 1 ·ysip el a~ . Itch, For Skin Disr,a~cs, Ernptions, Tet- ALL KINDS OF WORK, COME and SEE " in the above lines. Horse-covers, Sleigh-Robes, Carpets Damasks ont of the systc111 iu a short tim e 1Jy tho use Carpets, of Lhciic Bi ttcrs. ..,.,. Sheetings, Rugs, Mats, Gil Cloths, Fla~nels, ' Pin, 'l'apo, nml other W Ol"lns, .Rubbers. Felt-Overs, etc., etc. lurking in the ~yi;tcin of so inrt11y thousa,ncl~, l'or l'emalo Complaints, iu young MR. 'l'BJi~\.VIN is of the opinion that a well :t::iso1·tct.,J f:ltock of first-clas.« r·oor'id ofiuiet.laud low~st renun1~rativo prices, in u. fair obliging manner, the best method of win~ing ~ lai ge t to profitable ~us1nes~. He no\v engages to f'!upply the fonncr-rendcrl:! 1 it is vouc interes a cord to h1rrt the latter. ~ l 1'UllNI1'URE NEATLY REPAIRED. Shop, Corner of l{iug and Division Streets. :Oo:rni11ion Organ Co.'y., i:u c offcctun.lly dcstro,rctl nn(l removed. No sr stc1n nf 111cdici11c, no vcrmif'ngcs, uo o.uthclininitl!:s \\ill fl eo the F; fron1 'Yonns ltko tbcsc Bitters. or olcl, n1arrlcd or single, nt t.hc da1vn ofwo· 1na11hoocl, or the tnrn of life, tl..ieso 'l'ouic Bittors display so clccitlctt an iufiucncc that improvc1ncnt is soon p e1ceptiblc. --o-- ltt rrHE SUN. WLo:NKLY, SEMI-WEEKLY, ;mdllAILY. ttllll'l' au)' Gxtendcd rcco1uro~ndaVn; bnt the JOHN HOBS. Bo~vman,·1llc, II ILL 'S l)ec. 4th, 1874. 9-tf. 'l' V\-'EEJ<l.Y SvN is too w iclelykuown to re- BOWMANVILLE. , A. M. DARLEY, l'IIANAGER. ]J1·W1 J\8,IJVl ll 0, Ol· t ubei', rs7:~. Oshawa October, ]87~. S 'l':-ewin reasons which h ave ah cady :;1ven i t fifty tb onanLl snbsoribers, :tnLl ' '"hich \Yil!, "'e hopL', give it manythousandl:l u1ore, arc biiefiy 11s follwf'!. l tis a first-i·nte newspaper. A.ll the news of tlie will be found in it, eo1Jdc11sed when unhnport ant <ttfu1llcn'>th \~h sn of moment, lnlll alway8 pr~Sl.llltt:ld ia l';c1c<1.r, intdligible, a nd int eresting ma.nner. . l t is n. firRt-rate f.-unily pn.p er , full of en.t el' t·1iuiug t\1Hl inl'ltructive i·ea(hng of every lnnd \Jnt couLain ing nothing tha.t can otfc:ul the n1ost dclict~te autl scrapulou~ tltste. It i~ :~ ti11lt·rate 1:>tory pape1·. rrhe b~·st tnlm-1 :tn< l rm.uanc<::-; of cul'rent literature :; <·arcfully $ ·k<·Lc1 l n.nd 1~gibly vrinte1l in iL::i pages. - I t is it lirst·ra.te ag-r1c11l tural paver. 'J'hc n iost lt :tnd instructiv e articles on ag1·icultura l t0eic. ':! reu11larly appea.t iu ~h! s depru·t1ncnt. It i'i a.11 indt:p~n1lcnt p < ilt L1cal p a per. beloll).!· to no parl.y "'nd wear~ngno c~Uar. 1t-fi.ghtu for pl'inc:ple, ai:d for ~he election c;f the b~st men to oL1ict>. It espemu,lly devotes its cncrgie!'! tu the expofituc of the gr oat connptions tha t 111 nv weaken ~ud lliagracc onr count ry, ancl th!ea.tcu to undenniuc repub1 ican int>titution8 r.l together. [t has no fear of knaves, and Mki> l JO f:i, \'O"rs fr01u their supportma. It reports: tbld fu,.ghions for the la.J i(S 3.:nd the nia.rket ::i fol' the lilllll, esp«ci.1.lly the ca.tpe 1n1ir· kLt", to which it pa.ys varticul.\r attentlot~Fina.lly, .it i.; the cheapeflt p np e1· pubh1:h~:l. One dollar a. yer.r 1vill securll it fol' n.ny s 11b~ cnb c1·. ] t is uot neecf'Sf!.ry to get np ,it clnb 111 l1l" dcl' to h the \\7 1~EKf,y Su:-< at Lh1e r[ltc . .t.\ uy ow:i who .o:~uds a siuglc d ollar will get the pnroJr ft11 u, yefl.r, , . \Ve h .tvc no; .igents. . . 'l'H n \i\T1>:F.h_ L, S u~. - E ight po:.;ol! , fifty·Ri...: <:olnmtts. Ouly $1. 00 I\ ye:tr, No L1i-sco1n-: ta f r onl tliirl r:.Ltt!. '1~ 111 , Si.;;.u-\V.EEKI .., Su:i. -Same :.:izc tis t hu D,l.lly Snn. :i;z.oo a. yc:t1'. 1-\. di:-scuu11t of 20 p..:r 0out. to club1:> of 10 or ovc1'. 'l 'ar: ]),n 1. Y 8 L'" N.-A bxge fonr-p ll('\n,pa pe l' of t wontv-t'ight culu1uns. "IJ:11ly cu·cnla~wn o \-cL· 120.000: .AJI tho ncw::i f·)r? venLs."' Snl J8<:ript10 11 pl'ice 50 cenl::1 ,1 iuoHth. 01 ~~G.00 , &. year. 'l'o d11h1of10 or uvcr, :"\ di scount uf 20 J:>0 l' cent . At1c1rcss "'l'IIE 5UN," l\e'"V "'i"o_rk City. 7-Gin.i, NEW ---:0:--- Cleanse the Vitiatecl Bloocl whcne1er yon fiud its impurities bursting through the skin iu Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when yon find it obstructed autl sluggish in tho veins; clcnusc it when it is fonl; your JCelings will toll yon when. Keep mil follow. the ulood pmo, and \he health of (he system n. H. ~reDONALD NEW GOODS. My New Goods have k co. , Druggists nml Gen . .Agts., San I·'ra.ncJsco, c.;n.Uforllill, and cor, of Wnshmjiton and Chai:lt-On Sts., N. Y. A LARGE LOT OF and. VEl~. Y Bow111;111vil10. Nov. l st , 1873. G··ENTS~ C I-IE AP. begs to anuouucL1l.d lJublic that purchase· the stock and goodwill of fo 1·~ carried un -:ill- th e B!JSINESS CHANGE. UNDEliSIGNED T HB the generally, he hns the business heretoBY - -- ---- --- and Sold by all Druggists and Dculcrs. n. H. McDONALD d£: co., Drnggist-s rtml Gon. Agts., San Francisco, Cnlifornia, COT. ofWn.~hington and Oh.-1.rltori Sts , N. Y. Sold by ull Drngglsts and Dealers. NE1~RLY D:RtrG S'I'O:et:E I JYl. LOVVRY, HATS, CAPS CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, begs nlost rei.pectfully to infor1n the iuhabi· tante of _Lt\LL CO:NIE rro HANJ), AND - ·.=--1111t:Ftheussortment ,v;-1rbe fouud Village ot Hampton, rzj . REMOVAL. wi<.:hes b> i nfou n hi:; ll1L1nm ou s fr iond r; t\llHets Ll1:it br. ha ~ r c1noved Lu ~nd cus- VER,Y COMPLETE Cryderman, us C:.ibinet n1aket' a.nd Undertaker, n.u<l will continue the btlsb1eaa in the old premis('ls, with a. ft1ll assortment of fm~t c1ass :F111·nitu1e, Coffins, Shrouds, &c , will be kept on .ha.nd, and hopes by ~trict attention to bu~ine ss, 1n1d ino1leri1te cLa.1·ges to merit the p::1otronage of the peo1)le. AND FURS! --o-- MARKU'S MA YER respect fully llllllOUllCCf! anll n. Dt·t1g S tow~ in t110 tthOve Jl! village, "i th a welt asso1·ted stock of ~urrounding 1 YRONE, he h:\s opened a 1 couutry, that PRICES MODERATE Tho Public are solicited to call and sec for tliem ·elves. lfampioD, Sept. 18th 1872 LAP.GE AND VARIED ASSO - of ~1MH BUCKLER'S OLD STAND. whc1 c h<J... will be fuund wjth th e in os t t·01n pletc n.3sortnwnt uf NEW GOODS 1:1u1L.llJlc ior the lfi\ll and \Vinter ti·,i1le :-;tuck uf F111·s crnL1"1cc~ ) fil:! Harness, Drugs, Jl1edicines, Chemicals, Patent frledicines, Pm·finnery, Brztslzes, Combs, Toilet Soaps, Horse and Cattle Medir:ine.s. Hehafi ruso H. ELL IOT r, JUN. hp- \-Vhips ALL THE NOVELTII:S, 'Trunks, &c. ,v.i wdl a~ n <!en1~n1 ic:-< -in - Llu: d t!pa1 Ltn t\ut. i n tn,~n l?leas1;.1 caiL Bnclder\1 old :;ilanJ, ull<J J oor of I\In.:vn:inl'i::; 1-[oLel. l)own1:Lt1 ville, Sep. 1st,, 187J . IIE.A.:RSE been . H l.; G ·.:11t»' 1J"p i-i.1 tu~1:1ut ~ o {; \j t1,tlly ·1 u11 nlic~l i.~11 h o- fi up-1 . Books, j?1·anies Eng 1·avi1igs Mf.1ps, C!tarts, ' ' To the Inhabitants of :Bowma.nville. I am about getting~ Mufflers, Collars, Shirts I Statwncry, &c!tool Books, Sjc. " Umbre 11as, &' c. cines Plrvsicians' prescriptiorrn and Fn.?"ily ~ff.! diBraceS; .~ . caris, carefnllycomponnded. l'ubhcl_)atron'1ge - o}lb H.~t .~nd CatJ de-parLmcut. a.<; 'iWanted Immediately. A YO LNG 111 AN"" cle~irullfl of l e~\rniog L!ie ..J..'1... dentistry. Dressmaking, &c. LUMBER AND LATH. Improved and Painted, s now one of the best in the County. deni promptly atteudecl to. usnnl 1 i!. respt!ctfully solicited. 'J'yronc, No\-, 12th, 187:L 1n7·tf. r er,lete with t he Ol' DENTAL BURRING by wh"'..('h I cnn ENGINE All ,T. M. llRIMACOMm;, Sur..,.con, Dentist, Bow1na1nille, Sept. Dth. ··e>pcc\fnlly infunns fllE'}o(u·0rl 1.0 f111.r11s}1 them wilh lumLer andl:tth, rtt the Jas. 'Vooclley 11~1 [l~ u 11t1"rsi·,n e<l ls anth· Jl'iflcd lo s.:l l Lht· .\ili!ls, ).r)t 10, 8t h C'<>Jl. J)arltngton, :it n1oder· ccll'nc~· Jot ;in corner of \\/~ll.i.n~tc .n n.11(l Un- ate princ!l for ca.s.h, a s hP int(:lntls doi ng: n. t :uiu :-c.1cet ~ 'in )1owm an villo . "'L'his l!:l o!H! bt12 111c~s . Uu:::tom sawing- exe.::ut e<l in short of the her:.t huil<ling sites, un<l in one of the Ot'{lct. Intend ing l1uild crs, p1eflse send 1n your bills e.'.ll'ly in the sen.son. best locali t.1es in 'l'own. 1'~. 'VOOliLEY. WILL1A~1 JOBLIN . Darling-ton, Dec. 8th, 18/,). Gw-bv·n110-o48. mHf , ___ Town ....J.o'G "or "'~.10. i1 ;;J...., 187~. Heal 'Vou!d b. ·g: to i D(nrtn the lnrlies .,( F\(lw111 a.nville n.nd vicinit-.., t1111t >;Lo is preparl:'d to tnke orUei·s for D1 ("" f-.lll'ak!ng-,nn d till the s::i..nw with despatch in Lho Her exr1mience fu llr -...·~rrn.nts her iu promif:linrr It. XA 'l"ERSON. qui red , a.nd rep 1~ rs neatly executed. and inte11d 111~ ptucli<1.Se1 .s \~ill find n o bt!tt~r stock in the connt.l'y VARIOUS STYLES, MONEY ! MONEY ! lately received fu1 ·the.instructio~H1 to lond mouey on l{c.>al :Estatef or h·o1u 5 to 20 y ea1·g, n,t a 1 er.11 low rate o( i n terest, and, in other 1 e8pcct1:1, npon terma li1o..ily to suit the wi1:1hea of ~iny bo11(' fide :tppl'ica11t . 'l'h e advantage to b e tl>.!rlvet! fro m ap1ilyiJJ g to the subscriber will, i n all <·as e:i, b e full y in known to the pin·ty 1 q:qilyi n3 fo1· a. ]0!1 1.l. befm·t :lllY expcirnc is inr:n1·r:-d, ,\.r:i\r Tr. I .,-we, r. 1· i;,ika' 1 &c ·. llffi ce 011 Si! n .' r 8tri:;~ ~. '.:a'l d wh· no· '.h of Kin;; ::-lt r~a t . l:ow n1 '!l· · , P.1n\'n1 t~nv11l1~, Stip. l S:h 187J. 1n!iO 6 mos. bp tf. A CALL IS ItESPECTFULLY SO· ALL K I)[DS OF Jil'R::i Al.TERi·:D AND REPAIRFI >. rrIIE unders igned ha:. - I r11n I~ SUBS() JlfGER th e Jl llblic that h f" ie P. S. - 1---.urnitut·c m::i,de to ortler '"h en zo LICI'£ED AT THE CORNER STORE Hn.mpton, Sep. 18t h, 187:1. Extra.ctTeeth. in l~ss than half the usual time n.nd 'v1th less pa-111 to tht:! patient th&n herctofopi, and t hat I b!\vc p1octiretl <t Ne'W' A.n.d APp~atns toi· genera.ting Nitrous Ux!dc Gn..".1, b y whwh1: can now EXTRACT TEETH WITHOUT PAI~ YO tJ RS mcsi'EOTL LA'l'EST FASHION. ARTIFICIAL '.l'EETH Bl:ST UPPER SETG, $20 00 - · GOOD do $16 0 00 CASH. sa.t isfnction. -=Hesllknt"." Cl)rnc!' of Ch u1 ch Street, and Ma1ket Sq nr11·e 9-tf. J3owm an ville, D ue. 4th, 1873 . P E1lSONS wi.Bhi11g for J3oard a.11d Bowanv ill ~ . :N'ov. 18th, 1873, neartheFa.ct1n-y,shonlLlt>,p}Jly::i..tthh~Ofli <:c . Cash. fo1~ J .od gi ng J Fn.rStt 7·tf. ~ BowJnau ville, O<.:t0Le1\ 1S7:J . R::-t.~>v :i\J'. \l \\El:. L~~~;,~.t.~~1~~ ~~E~~e187 ~oyal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont. J.. :M. Brimacom" be, · u LL y -~- _J_