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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 23 Jan 1874, p. 1

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THE !vIERCIIANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER 0 1 c lates l argel~ in the I ownshtps of Darling on Clarke a.nd Ca.rt"' right It ia a. common platfor1n open t o the f1ee d scuss1ou of all quea t ou WEST DURHAM Stea.m Job Printing Office Krna STREET B o"MAN\lLLE n vb ch the g enera l pubhc are concerned. TEn: us Sevent y Jiv e cants per annum, m ad v an ce The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 Jl i_f E8 01 A.D\ t:.11.TISI~G 3D pi.:r UJ lUlJl AN:O GENERAL ADViERTISER. VOLUJl.IE V B0WMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY Jt\.NUARY .l3 1874 NUMBER XVI Ay br tit ""sexc1tmg thatgettmg readv an l the time W(?nt like 1nng1e before we 19 POSTERS PAMPHLE1 S CIRCULARS BI LL HEADS CHEQUES NOTES, HA)l"DBILLS LABELS CARDS TIOKETS &e &c &c EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE . Short and Sweet The San Lean dro Hertld g11es th s ill 1s trati on of the ::sty le of 1na11 u0 e in a n u ig D. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY t PB.A.TE, TAILOR M\.[El~THE POETRY. [Written for th e MERCH ANT l S'i 1arc of t good ;:;1ze l t "n a d that n1ght up n hIS left side a1 J t1 ei turnrng to u s we \Ver e once n1 ore 1n Uo.rracks But for she c:. ay s I t a bt->n.ti ng strong Gentlemen s & Boys Garmen ts ~EWEST my pail I " "s u 01c gri Lty th an eH1 far Wf at 1s l sai s Ilantem look ngp1zzle l formed a hollow square and the colonel said STYLES lt:E:I.IANC!l Mutual Life Assurance Society The Sleepmg Prmcess TI Y ELLIE ~[ IIE R Y Bowman\ lie J uly 27 1869 J! AUL A'N D '\\ INTEJt IIM:E TA13LE ES1 ABLISHED 1840 CAN.iD \.. C t:HEF J T ia1ns i; 1ll leave Bown1anville Station Ilowr rnnv1lle time as follow s CO l !'G- W:Ef;T GOIN G EAST ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. OFFJCES E x:pres.~ ~f Local 7 xcd Exr resa a m. I Express 8 40 a m I\{ xed 3 2() p m Local !J15p m 2.'.:> 8 40 a. m 3 20 p m. 7 20 p m Fon Tick.ts Live1pool Condon ancl Glasgow 131, ST JAMES STREET, MONTREAL or mf(,rmat on apply t o W A. NEADS Agcn t Bowmatrv1lle June 9th 1871 tf 30 The soft breeze s ghed as it lnsa d h"'t b 'O W And myrtle leave.s can e fl uttering down W 1t]1 tender careas the Jvy v,; \ e 0 er her tre; a <lai l gr en era Like a feathery fl ake of dnftlng s o v SoHlv ahe slept nnd mm.!Se8 r:ree1 ~he 1 urple pansies aroun<l J e bo cd .Ador ng t heir silent sl ee1 ng queen DIRECTORS ' ' .ll.l'EH SttANLY 'IHE HoN ORARLJ.:: JouN HAMH1 0 Y Ha k s BARRifJ JER AT LAW b " Ont RESIDEN'I ffl': CRF1 ARY - J AM ES Gl AM IJOLICITOR I ~ UfAhO/iJRY &c 0.l!'FI C.E - 0 \ier McClung s Store same fi·t at; J M B 'lmaeomb s Dental Roomrs 11 e E~nnE P.ROP'JTS belong to and ~re d1v1d l~ Bowman ille Oct 27tl 1868 ed atnongi-t t l e P ol c J oldcrs RR LOSCOMBE Esq M P Ohiurn aai1 DuxcA,.?; MACDONALD Esq M \JOH 'l E CAMPBELL CB St Hdau e S PECI A L FEA T U RES. lei le1 lj o er l er eyes of l lue \"\ th a cling:mg touch the \\: h te l 1H lo.y Tl e glo 1 ous sun t 0 1 der gazed A t a f ce so cold bl;!neath 1 s raJ. New 'ra,ilor Shop J O H N HEAL . L GOOD FITS GUARANTEED A 1 ttle Rhyme can c ) USt n tune An 1 all about the best of Lime ,\.Tf "ITH l Y CCOWLF. to m L me from the W ef!t of the very Le1:1t r na the: l ;enerally:, t hat b e b ct JS ot b~ \tin any g 1artet mcnced business 1n the Shop next. to t.b Es J 1ne that will always stand the te st press Office one door eastlOf J Milne a \Vhen making- mto 1nortar Having h.a.d tieveral years expenence- in the I v 11 try and k eep a good BUJ ply trade h e hopes to sa.t1<1fy all vho rna.y fa vor ] or it is al~ ay s wanted I l at ¥.1 en you all come n to buy lun tl a call Y ot1 ll 1 ot bed 1:1appomted You will a.lwaJi s find it dry and fr esh An l that is someth 11~ bonn e m49 tf So con1e along and try th e Lime But don t forget the money Houi s of dehve'"/ from Nuie to F our pm Oorner of Queen and Ontaiio StreElt · l h e warbl g of bid fr n lcnfl. ts g ee l illed tlle silen ce v th a tender tone LIVES DEC LINE IJ BY OTHER COMP ..Hil..ll:S or on B 1 t th~1 glad som e vowes thr lled v tl I ain which an extra P cmium v:cmld be requ rtxl can \ s they SI\ v tl e r fallen queen ri.lone be assured at the ord'l.nary iates of this Society A 11 silent t1 e little b1ook1et Ho edunder a special arrangeme t The s song d cd on the 1111 SrEcru. NO?i FO.EEITABLE I>o11c1li:S issued uuder which o lly 10 15 or 20 Annual Pa:y Ihe f!ilencc no soun l of l fe d15tu1bcd The eil of dea t h hmnuid the bnghtness tbe16 ments are t eql ie l each payment scouring a Pabey (or a sum ttf:lS tred proportionate to the \ s dtle n hght through t l e shado v ca1ne n nnber of prem ums pad an lfrec jro1n jutur A bounding atep and a form of grnctt A gleatn of silver ri,nd fl aslung eyea aY1 ient of pre n 1u11ia Aud daik c lrls toss d from a haughty face 1'-lODER \TE PREMi U)l8 a d n ost 1 bmal co l d hon<,\ Carel ssJy he toss ] tJe f lien lea. es now \ve d d no see ti e colo ue s lady o her Measles heart oays Mrs Bantem and s s ter tl ougU I n1 ay U!i well o vn th a there I ahvays know tt \vas in the r ight pluce \Vas son e one with ti c1i LI at I v1anted to The r ext minute she ga ve ~f ea::;Jes a slap on the buck a, echoed ti rough the place see 1nore than e1 her Tb1::y were all of course at the colonel s sen d1ng htm staggering forward but be quarters a fi ne old palace of a place ~1th a only laugh eU und ::;u1d Praise the sa1nUi co lrt yard anJ a t a..nk. n tLe centre and I a1n t Ba.1 te JJ trees and a fiat root by ti e s uc of the There was a fine d eal of exc1tcrnent great square vl 1 l e on one side 'vas an other though now The colonel seemed to wake great rambling place separateu by a narrow t p and \\ tth hnn e \ er\ offict!r for we ex 18h sort of alley used for slorcs and hospital pected not onlv I1e vs but orders evety m o purposes and on the otl er s d e still go ng .n1ent 1)1sc1pl 1 ~ if I may Sa.) so v.:as along I y ti o SJ le of tl e great market buckled up tight with the tongue m th e square \\as u.nother building t he \ ery i el last hole provisions and \ ater were got lU lo\\ to ti e colonels quattera bit separated seu tr1ea doubled an<l a Qtrange feeling of b~ a narrO \\ foot"' !l) sorr e ten feet \\ ide c hstrnst an l fea r came t pon all for we soon a few \V 1da to t s n1ounted as he was 11ov. couu!Jy Dur 1g th e \\all 1 erJury case l11s \: 01ee firn1 as firm except once when I an rntercslmg auc\ poetical little ep sode oc 1:10.v; btjll glance at 11.n upper wind " and curred Colonel ~ te\ cnson was in the tn11st then 1t trembled but o 1ly for an mstant of im porlan t test! n ony u.a to the ln1t1ul poi nt!\ H1s words '\\ere not many and to tlns day of the Great E astern and G rea t Wester 1 when I lhmk of the scene under that hot lodes Much" lm permg had I ec n not1cable bl ie sky the~ come rmgrng back for 1t between Doctor Chuton aud mc mbcro of th e lid not seem to us that our old colonAl was police fore~ 1or so1ne little time n1t e1Jer1ng speaking but a. new man ot a d1fferent n1et tie tho igh 1t wao on!J that the right stuff had been sleeprng 1D his breast ready to be wakened by the bugle !vI v lads he eard and to a man "" all burst out into a r1ng1ng beer when he took with the thread o! the stOiJ berng told by the witness when suddenly fiom the back roo1n er tercd two lad es aud th1 ee 1ue!1 one of the for 1 ner and one al the ]utter plant 1ng the1nselvea close up to t he " itnesf:: and tb18 place " as occ11p1cd bi the officers saw that th e peo ple of the place hung awav Our barracks took up another side f the from us and thou0 h from such an 11 offen square and on the oth ei s \vore n1osques ~nd flat roofed bmldrngs m d a sort ol bazaar while all around stretched awn.y 1n narrow street,:: th e hou ses of 'vha t we m en used to s1ve looking Jot as we h ad about us there d1<l.n t seem much to fear }et tbe1 e \vas no knovnng what treachery \\ e 11 1gl t have to A UCTIONEERS H T PHILLIPS, 1IAMP101' 0 11 t he Agencies Prospectuses l 1opo.saJ. .Fourui &c a 1r l h ed application at the Head Office 01 Mlj of li'·n the Tow nslwp ot Da1 lmgton. rHos BOW DEN Bo\v nan ville M Mch 11th 1871 no24. ti. J,\.MESGRANI R es Secretary An 1 severed tl e vy s clingi 1g gr~en Tl e 'l' iolets neath h s ft.: et he trod And knelt to 11\vake the woodland q een Ihen gently l e r:JJ.sed her from the ground And bruabUlg the \\ ealth of golden hair Back from her beaut ful blue 'e ned b10\\f P illow d her head ,,.i~h tender est care call the nrggero Tbou 0 h speak1 1g for my sell I t se l to find th err \ I en welt treated a n1ce clean gentle sort df p eople I used +-o look upon then1 ns a big sort of ch1l lren in tl en wl ite in ushn und cnhco and th eu su lplest \\ ays of p1 n) 1ng hk e at hv1ng encounter and as he had to thmk ar.d act for others beside himself Colonel !viau1eGod bless hi n-took every po,a1ble preeau t1on agg,,1nst danger then h1c.ld en, but w lucb otl lus ea1 and waved 1t ro md-' My Jaus tb1s JS a sl arp call but I ve been expecting it a nd it h as not fn1nd u s a.sleep I thank JOU foi the sn1art \\a~ in which you have nnswer·d it for ti shews me that a ltttle easy going on my part m the p1prng times f peace has not been taken advantage of My lads these are stern times and this despatch tells me of what will bnng the honest B rtisb blood mto e\Cry face, and Everybody g1zed \\It! open mouths at this Take the other side, said the Doctor t hen th e lady march ed arou id to the Jett 'I hen tcodrng from unexpected inte1ruphon a shp of paper on \\ hich \Vere n ames the off1c1ahng magistrate co1 tunted Augus tus nr e 'ou willing to take Auna for your wife and be true and faith! ii to her Yes, n o.k e everv strong hand take a firm gnpe of its p ece as he long() for the order to ment charge t le rnut1nous traitors to the1r Queen, There were n ot 111 :i.n y Engl ish 1es1denta \\ho taking her pay, sv.orn to ser\.e her · nn<l. even now I haven t at Beg umbagh, but what th te were cane have tur ied aid m cold blood butchered replied Augustus ln1:3 vt hole cou nt enance beaming y,; 1th prospccL vc ha pp1ncss !\.nna are you '\1l h ng to take Aug lSlus for your was lrkolv to sprrng rnto 'ght at any mo husbaud and be true and faithful to him 1 I i um1 t att t.lltiOJ given to sales &Q on reason· able terms ~'j; W :itn· Barton, lfr.11 TSKILLEN.- Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders ~FEED AGENI l0H DOWMANVILLE C BARKER 32 ly altered my op nion of tliem m general for the great burst of fren.ied passion that ran through so many of them " as JUet hke a child s uncontrolled rage the regular l fe there was a !tttle drill of a morning and th en the rest of the day, the heat to fi~ht with which seem<u to take ill the moIBture out of our bC1d1es and n1nke u. long for mght I did not get put oµ as sentry once at the colonels quarters but I heard a httle now and then from Mrs Bantem who used to wash some of Mrs lifa1ne s fin e tL ngs th e black woman dorng every thrng else and she d often have a good grumble about her fine ladyship ae she called her, and ; he d pity her clullren She used to pick up a good d eal of uiforo at1on though and t ak1ng a deal ot interest ns 1 rhd in M1sa mto c1uartei s d iecllJ ar d th e very 1 ext mormng we Jeart ed plamly eno1'gh that there was danger thre at ening our place bJ the behaviour ot the natn es who picked up as fast as they could so that at noonday tbe ma1ket place 11 ae deserted and sa1 e the few we h ad 1n q lat ters, there \Vas not a black face to be eeen The nex t inorn1ng carur. \\Ithout ue\vs an<l. I was orcle1l y and standing wa1t1ng 1n Obf:iorver Office King St Things \Ver e not long in settling don: n to their few tbmgs and filed out of the towu I · OU Bowu a11alle June 24th 1870 :Sale~ 1 ~ou ptl~<(l.ttcndeU tG> on r easonable terms_ MILLS. I mpenal Fll'e Insurance Co OF LONDON AwakC' sweet L1han Qu en of Love The birds are sad and the fl.ow rets d1t1 My heart 1a lonely 'vithout thy 8lU1le W1tho lt the glat ce of thy azure eye .Softly the roae to he1 \ axen cheek Auna. bad iotlung to Qa.J or else "as too slow as her !rps did rot open and the D oc tor con tu ued I hen bv v rtue and au th vr1ty of ID) officeJ as 11agistrate I pronounce then ofiiccr· slam women and backed to you man and wife rad may God a1d I t· pieces rnnoeeul babes My !ado \\e are go bless ng and enable you to kee p ~ o ur co' i:: 1ng aga1ust a horde of monsters but I have nants I will g1\c )OU yo r certificate to bad ne1>s - you cannot all go-n1orroy,; Go on with y onr testun ony Mr There \\as a murmur here Stevenson I have to be pre1 ared for am 'That muimur ts not meant,' he continu (Established 1803 liliD 0FFIOES - 1 Old Broad St :u l p all Mall Lendon. BOW MANVILLE All kind· of work prompt!) atl.euded to and· ··Farm Implement Forwardmg Agency GEN ER \ T <\GE NOY FOR GAN \.DA -?! St .satisfaet on gua.rantee-d eramsnt Jvlontre.i.l Jlostdence-Nextdooreastof tne Bible Clms R W JAMES tia i l hurch IYlWNE Subscnbed and ln\ eated Ca.p1tal and l{.eaer\ e King- St Ho\\ maiiville F und £1 965 000 Sterling 22 tf Ty one Ma1ch 8th 18G 9 Bow1nanv1lle Dec 5 1872: nlO Another car load of the abo' e no1Jle- art1des JAMES BIGHAM, the wa) Pa1u ter Gla.z1er l'a11er Hanger &c &c · Plc se call _at the Crept ~ith its '"a crmg fingers fau \.nd the spb.rkhng eyes with Joyous b"'b.t the outer co rt close be! md the col onel \\ho was holding a sort of council of \\ar Drooped neath tl e veil of l er golden hau Up from the waving w1llo vs bending 0 er the bed where she long had slept Came a. rn e1ln g of music that tilled With the officers when a sentry up m the broiling sun on the roof calls out that a horseman was corn1ng and before very long, cov~re<l \Vith S\Veat and dui:.t, an order 'lhe tremblmg breeze that i n pa1n had ,,. ept 0 I BOUNSALL, To Ma.sters of :r... O. :r.. CERTIFICAES Appl cahon· BLANK &c &c can be proc ired at th office a t l:l l MI ORTER MA N UFACTURER an D~ALER 111- all the varieties of egula.r rates BowtnAnville J11ly 7th 1873 Ben.ut1ful Lilian Queen of Lov e Fl.UldB mvested 1n Canada.- 105 000 The dai:k eyed stranger a vrutfl !01 thee I nsurances against 1089 by Fire are effected on Go reign with him in the gladsome dells the most-favorable terIDB and ]oSBos with Queen of the ?ti'Iountaui and wild oods free OUt reference to the Board in London. - Beeckd i~e Farm J DODSWORTH Rl1'TOUL BROS Inspecto1 Gen Agents Montre a Ross I got to know that it seemed to be quite a aettled thrng between her and Cap tain Dyer and Bantem, \\ ho got t 001'. on no v as Lieutenant Leigh s ser\ ant used to lt Italian & Ame1can Marble .A.. l u-g1: nn<l cho1ce aeledaot of ARRI::VAL! FOR SEED, \.N D Bowmanvdle June 14th 1860 R LOSOOMBE, Barrister, gen for Bowm.anv1lle and V!cmity 36 LITERATURE. BEGUMBAGH A,; EPISODE OF TITE INDI \N MUTINY mo 43 39 4w Monuments & Grave Stones, WEST E R N C 0 R N a.i i' SO, B:O (.lentlemen r tell hIB wife abot I l1ow 11eed to seen oue toward And so the tI ne \ ent lvay th e n en getting ·J on l n. d of su1 e vr '\\ oikn anship 1\lld at lo ;vest pnces "' CRACKED CORN FOR FEED Be\ n :n \ Ile ,A pnl l (;f 11'73 Wr ocoyht or Cast lion Feneco 01 ' NOT SO FAST. of :ti'a.shion. ---- black those two the other on in n qui et sleep.) 1nz1er every <la' 11 ere was natl ing to stir us onlj 1 ow nnd th en wed have a good laugh at Measles IJ dragoon dashes up h s horse all p intrng and blown and th en con u::g Jlnghng and clankmg 1ll with thos e ·purs and that ·abre of hrs, he hands deopatches to the colonel I hope I may be forgt ven for wJrnt I thought then but as I watched his rut1dy face while he 1eau those d·spatcbes and sa\\ 1t turn all o! a sickly greeny white I gu' e him the crcl1t. of being 11 co\vo.rd and I wa· not the only one \\ho did so " e all knew that hke us l e had never seen a shot fired in auger and so tn~th1ng hke au angry f .. ehng of vexation can e over m e I kr ow as I ti o 1gl t of what a follow he "odd be t o handle and r sk the hves of the lour hundred 11en under I" charge there at Begumbagh D ye thmk I d look hke ti at 1 says a voice close to m) ear J n~t then Di er thmk if Id been made an officer Id ha sbew ed th e 11 bite feather like tba 1 And turning r ound sharp I saw lt "aa Th-ieMles who was standrn g sentry by th e gateway he was so c h sg uste l tl at he spat about rn all du ect10ns fo1 be was a mm who d1dn t smoke hke any other Oh rist1an, but che\v ed h s tobacco 1 ke a satlo1 ecl 'and I kno\V 1t will be regretted when We have 11omen here I expl·m myself and children n11ne- your., -and they mu>it be prote led (1t ""s here that hlS voice shook) Captam DJ er s company will gar r son the place till our return and to those men many of us leave all that 1s uear to ua on earth I have spoken God save the Queen H ow that place echoed with the l1earty Hmray that rung oul and then 1t was 'Fours r ght March and only our com I ai v held firm while J don t know wheth er I felt disappomted 01 pleased, ltll I h·p pene l to look up at one of the "mdows to se· Mrs Mame and Miss Rose "1th those \\\O poor httle innocent children clapprng their hands "1th dehght at seemg the sold m s march a\\ ai one of them the httle girl with her \\bite mueltn and scarlet sash 01 er her sho 1ldc1 b~rng held up by Lizz} G1 een and then I dtd know that I was not d1sappo1nted but glad I was to Ala) thmg D 1r1ng tbe latter portion ot ti ese r e marks "b1ch at ti e fir. t th e cou ple " ere incl ned to consider pa1t of the. m arriage ce1c ruonj t i e ne\vl y rn ndc br ide and groom dis opueared thro1gh th e un c door by which they eute1 ed th e testimony as t o tie mm ing ledbes bein g at on ce resntned The Beauty of Woma n Is not u crease! by gaud y dress r or heightened by costly orno.n1cnts F e nnn1nc lovhn esa 1s not 9. p'li1 cbaseable con1rn odit\ Like tbe absolt te nece~sa r1es of life an and wa tt:r gra ce ancl lo, l n ess are \V1tb1n th e (Conti ued ) " enclos a,P .bu1 ying lots John McDougall &c A call is Furmture Tops Mantel Pieces kept on 1 a.1 U or rought to eirdcr r,pcctfully r eq_ sted at tt e vor ks Octobe1 1st 1869 K i ig S treet BowmaiwiUo 1 tf REMOVAL BEAUl'lFUL TEE1H J M BRIMACOMBE L D S - . R D AVIDSON has removed h M residence ::i.ncl Sur 0 el') t o t he late residence of J ohn T e <-tl'l Extra c ted nt Tw"enty ftve Cents M ilne Esq on the 11Ia.rket Square Rooms over J\:CcClung B11oa Stores n n35 tf Bo vn1anv1llc Oct 1st 1870 l D MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSU ED HY ROBERT ARMOUR 130 ;v1nanVllle Dec 10 1809 JtTST A.:R:BIIV:E:D - n.t t h e- F ASHION HOUSE, Fall and Wmter Fashions NEW MILLINERY, HA TS BONNETS, LATEST STYLES IN TRIMMINC 1 &C. Dressmaking 11 -o he QUEEN Fu e anrl I ife Insurance Com but the next min tte Harrv L ant l ursts out PM y Cap1tal £2 000 000 $150 000 deposited w1th the Dom mon Government for the protcc laughmg and !vieasles does the same a nd de ra in Canada.. '[ he ISOI ~TED RISK Fire Insur ance Com then they two d d what I should thmk y of C mado CCap1tal $500 000 -One of the they never did before-they shook bands , t a.nd cheapm1t Companies do i S'_ bmnnees 1n but Mrs Bantem had no sooner lumed the Dquun1on for ] anners and Isolated Rmks. The CANADA LANDED CREDIT COY away \\ ith tearo in her eyes because she \\ i t h a Sn.v1ngs Tiank department WELL FILLED WITII THE felt eo cross, then the two chaps fell out 1 he UJSION AO<D PERMANE!'T Bu ldmg aga1n a.bout aome stupid thmg or anoth er and Sa.v1ng s Soe1ety I heRe latter 1nstltut1ons advance Loru:is on and kept on enarlmg and snapprng at each Rea1 E state on tertna u1 usuall y easy for the other all along the march borrower AARON BUCKLER Bow1nan~1lle l cb 6th 1873 But there bless you ' that wasn t all I H as the best nnd most desll'able lot of saw Mr1 !viame talkmg to her sister m a qmck earnest sort Qf waJ an:;[ the) both seemed ou t of sorts and the t't>lonel S\\ OTe of d1ffere1 t ~rade5 and R urpneses all othe at the tent mon and b~lhed the adJ utan! ana's Patent Sheep Marks '" D '[ Bantem and th en begm gorng on about the colonel s \\ 1fe and that tine 1na lam her sister, having all soi ts of lux 1r1es while poor: 1 ard\\Orking >io1tl1ers "\\Ives had to bcnr all the bi 1de11 and heal of the day while by way of wmdmg up sho goes up to Harry Lant and Mea.les \\ho v. ere as usual squabllmg about somethmg and AGENT For the follov. mg Insurance Companies and boxes both tb eu earo as 1! they had. been oth er Instltut ons v z ba l boJ s I saw them both colm up fierce I have written these fe h ea :\.nd all I Jun c to sa.y I hat you can find me still at home I am J ot gone Rt\ ay So all my lnnd old fr euda may ( :Oii e \nd all the young 011es too .And g-et their garments n1cely 1nado In f a.sb1ona t11a.t arc ne\v \Vho1 c old a.nJ. young dew fricn I inay meet A welc me giceting by R l E .AIE Bo\ i anv11JeJ i e irth l t 3 Off again the next 1norn1ng and over a hotter and dustier road than ever o.nd I must say that I began t o \V Ish \Ve \vere tJet who d get on e of bis nasty h ts on ancl swear at all the offi cers r ot nd ~a ) iug he was as tied down m barracka agarn 101 e;erytl mg seemed to grO\\ more and m ore crooked and people more nnd more unple a~ant Why even Mrs. Bantem that mornmg be forn startmg must she\\ Im teeth and snub J ames McFeeters. NEW STORE, E:: CHOIC:E:ST O:ti' GOODS. WATCHES houses 1n to\\tn and Country ari.d he came round and dropped on t.o us - t m ost fa.sh1ona.ble and la.test st) lefi A splendid issorltocnt of Kmttmg 1 Berlin, and other Wools A J so late~t AN IMMENSE JS UMBER CLOCKS ELECTRO iJ'LATED stylea RUSHING S and other FRILLING BELTS COMBS BRAIDS SWITCHES AND CHIGNONS an 1 a lru ge assort 1 nent of Fa C ) Goods kept const antl;: on h a1 cl Parrt lat atten t ion paid to cutt t g anU fi t Sta1n1 mg dor:.e to order Cl Teet cincl Coffee S ets ]!',nit ancl HemVJphel ical Dishes not to bo s 1r1a.sse1 11i the Pro\ inc )J ng F,.,'\.SHION HOUSB Plated Knives, Forks, &c, HESE MARKS ARE fHE CHEAPES'Jlt findmg fault with the men s belts and that the most la.sting the least troublcaom~nd 'Ibey arti u!:!ed up·et the sergeants Then some of the bag most complete e\er in"\ ented and recommended by many of th beat Drcedera gage didn t start right and Lieute1 ant Leigh lU t he U.n1ted States and Canada. such as G B Lonng.J. Salem ~1asa President l'lf ew E..!!_Bland had to be taken to task by Captam Dyer Wool uro\\ ers Soc ety J olm S Ross Henne as m duty bound "htle "hen at last we pin Ill J>rofel:!sor ThL ~!ilea of the Sta.te Ag \vere starting 1f there \'lfasn ta tre mendous ncultuial College La.nSlng ~11eh Hon Geo Bro wn 'Ioronto Ont. John Snell Edmonton oulcri and the voung colon el-httle Cock On -each l\.iark HI stamped the OWTier a Ott They will be Robin you know-k1clnng, and ec1ea1111ng name and tho Sheep s number sen t free by mail 01 ex1 re1:1s for o ily f uu encts and hgbtrng the old blacknorse, becau se he acl and will last for TWENTY YEARS. mightn t dra W bIS httlc 8\\ ord UilU march fr must accompany all orders alongSide of Harrv Lant I ARCIHBALD YOUNG ;r~ Sa.Tua. Ont Now, Im very parl!cular about puttmg 0 rders addres&ed to the l\.1EROHN'l' and O-B- all thu~ down beC'lUSe l \VUllt JOU to see T I ne1 er felt before that 1t woulJ be hard to do my duty as a solJ1er but Gou help How dare you s r aa' s Captn.1n Dyer would sn1ooth lnn1 all over with Ins trunk n1e I eball b 1ve to lea\. e .A.nnie and the ·lernl) though I could see plau ly enough There »ere a couple of te ars it was only for d18c11>hne for he waa I ma W aJ that used to make Mrs Bantem children rolling down the poor fcll o\v s cheeks as he thought pleased at Measles wontrng to' be oay that per! ap· liter all ti e nati 1 es u the thick of it Then he abouts agam to weren t such fools as hei loo! cd aifll tlrnt spoke and I e took Captam D1er s hand Look at him Cu's b1m whispers Me a~les T ention-present arms and what the) sad about dead people gorng mto ammal s bodies migh t be tr ie aft er all for Measles agnm and 1 krnketl. out sharp be MeMles falls m to bis right poSit1on for a 1f that great O\ ergro1"n be ast hadu ta so 11 hmd, and lut !um m the slnn H es a prct !enh v when tioops are marching past March eays the captain agam , and we of it· 011 n and couldn t tluuk ""She didn t ty sott of a - know nothing so no'v then He d1dn t eay ai y more JUSt tbe1, for, marched mto the market place and- all hke me he was staggered by the ehange bu t those told off for eentries-\1 e were dIS vr. IDlssed and Captam Dyer then stood talkthat look place B u t it was a hvay a the satnl:l and though I tbmg Ive snid Colonel Mame was a rng e irnestlv to Lien tenant Le1gh,for 1t !rad time \\as \\ ben I co 1ld have laughed as httl e easy gou g pudg) man \\ 1th a red fallen out that they 111 o w1t.h a short com merrily · ' did th at httle J enny Wren of the face but Just then as h e 'tood holdmg pany of eight and thuty rank and file, \\ere colonel a at Hany s antics I couldn t laugh Cnptn1n DJ er s band a change seen1ed to to have the guardmg of the "omen and now becatse 1t al waJ s seemed as 1f they come 01 er lnm be dropped th e hand be cluldreu Jett m quarters at Begumbagh were m ade an excuse t o get AI1ss Ross \II had held ti~ht ened In s sword belt and then and Im n aid out With tl e cb ldrcn took a step fornard to <tand thoughtful, It seemed to me that for the time bemg, A part) of Jugglers or dancmg guls, or a with despatch es 1u hlS left hand It ~ ae L1eutenant Leig h was too much of e. sold1er n1 an or tno with pipes and snakes were all then that I saw rn a moment that I had to let private matters and personal feelrngs very well but I ve known cleHr parties wronged bun and I !cit as ti I could have of enmity mterfere with dt ty , and those cone tou1 d ar d those I ve nam ed ,,.o lld gone do\\ n on the ground tor hnu to have t\\ o etood talkrng together for a good halt hard!) come out to look and my hea rt, walked over 1ne f r \\h ate' er he nnght h ave l our "hen bavmg apparently made t heir suppose tt \\as if 1t wasn t rny mind, got very sore about th at tun e and I used to get looktug as evil at H arry Lar.t as Lieu tenant Leigh <11<1 at tlrn ca] tarn B lt 1t was a di eary time th at al te1 all one from whi ch we \\ ere a vaken ed in a sudden wav \bat startle<! us to a man Fmt of all there came a sort of sh do 1y rumor th at so1ncth1ng was wrong \\1th th e men of a nat1ve reg1ment somcthin,., to do with thetr caste and before "c bad veil real sed th at 1t was hkel) to be any thwg serious shnrp and S\\ ift ca1ne one b1t of news after an other that t he BntI h ofttcers m un· na\Ive regnn er t had be )), shot d 011 n - here the1e in all dn echons an 1 tl en \V e unden·tood that "hat \\ e had takt n tor the fla sh of a soh tary fh e \vas tJ G fir11 g of L big train and that there \Yrt s 1 great mu t1ny 1n the land And n ot m111ll th e mu tiny or riot of a in ob of roughs but of nJell goou as any of th em and that i f he bad \ 15 righ t s he "01 ld ha\ c 1 een mnd c officer be lore them H arry I an t too used to do blS b1t to make time pass a"\vay a httle l ess dull srngmg telling stones, or gettrng np to some of hts pr nks wilh old Nabob the eleplia nt makrng Ch rnder the mahout n ore mad th an eve1 fur no n1a tter -.vl1at he did 01 sai 1 on!} let Harry make a sott of queer nwe of b s and JUSI hke a great flesh mountam tbat el ephan would come It (hdn t n1atter who "V \j in the \Va) regi ment at drill officer ra1ah at ybody old N abob would come straight away to Harry holdrng out his trunk !or !nu t or putting 1t m Ilany a breast "here he d find some bread oi b1scu1t. and then the gi l:lat brute Dyer SO) S the colonel !he next mo me11t, and th ey closed up together but close to \Vhere '"e t\\o stood- ' Dv e r~ he $8.)S reuch o! all and th ere is tr 1th m the sentt men! tbat A \Vo..nan has not a. n atural grace iuo1e I t 1' hke bewitch ng than a ' 1eet laugh the sound of flutes on the water It leaps from her heart rn a clear ' park! 11g rill and the heart that hears it !eels as if ha\h cd m the cool exhtlaratrng spu ng And so of tl e Bnt to show you how a n1an a heart smtle A be·u\11 l smile 10 to tl e fe male changes abot t when 1t is blo11n by the hot countenance \\hat tl e su1 bea m is to the breath of 1>! at }OU may call love let me landscape It embel11:: J ea in 11 ier1or face tell ~ou that only hall a mmute Jater,I \\as nnd 1edee1ns an ugly one A suul e h o ' d foappo1n ed again at not going and dared ever should not beconH: h abitual or ins p1 d I have left the ranks I ti ha\e run alter the 1ty 1s the result nor should the moutl departmg col 1mo for I caught Hatty Lant break 1nt.o a sn11le on one s1de th e otl er r e lookrng up at that wmrtow, and I thought a 01a1n1ng pass1te a nd un1no ed for t lus nu l andkerch ef was waved to him parts au ~\lr of ucce1t and grot e q ueness to Next mmute, Captam D1 er calls out the face A disagreeable smile chstorts the ' Roun four- deep Right face Mai ch Jines of beautj, an 1 ia m ore repulsivP than a11d he led ts to the gateway but only to a fro\vn 'I here urc m any k1n ls of sn11les halt us there for Measles, who was sentry, each ha v1ng a dist1 nctl\ e charfl.cter 1;1ome calls out eomethrnP' to Jam rn a wt!d ex announce go odness an l sw eet ness oth ers cited way betray Bdtcas1n bitteinesc:i anJ p11dr. son10 What do yo i want man 1 ·ays Captam soften the counten lncc by their l nslnng Dier tendern es<:i otheis bnghtcn it by t l e r bril 0 m, if you II ouly let r1c exchallge hant and s piritual Vl\ a ci tJ Gaz 11g a nd Tami too late Let me go, captarn poring 'Lefore a nnrror can not aid in acq u n rng beautiful smiles half so well as to tm n the gaze rnward to wutclt that th e I cart keeps unsulhed from the reflection of evil and is illunnned aml bea it1ftetl by alls\\ eet \houghlB How he Was Detected A niurder was co n n11 t ted at C oldwatet Mls.e Dr Ritchie a c1t1 zen of n neighbor rng town a local pa per eays was on a httle spree, and the inurder a.t Coldwater bei n g fresh 1n bis nnn<l he aecuse<l. every one he met, 1n nJocular \'VllJ of b e1ng the 1uan who h ad comnntted th e murder Frnal y he met a stranger and bemg JUSt tipsy enough not to care "horn Le accost ed or what he sntd he addre ssed the stranger in the sntne manner ' Yes-you-you are the m an wh? iuur dered Tohnston at Cold waler A look of guilt overa pread th e mans lace and be s1mnltaneou sly placed bis hand m I us bosom as it to draw a weapon Dr been n peace easy going cnre] ess and fond plan" fat gue parties were ordered out and Rltch1 e olserved th e n10\ e1uent collared of idlenP-i::s and good h v1og-cotne t n1e for what I remember then th1nkrng was a Wl8" h11n " ith Ins l eft la t d and " ill lus 11gbt action there he was with the true British n10\ e the soldiers \V1ves and chlldreu in drew ad 1k lrom hts I ocket and holding 1t officer fl ash ng out of blS face Ins hps p nch the abOve mentioned pnce as quickly as the how we all were one \nth th e othe1 anu Marks earn be made ands nt how nght through the battalion httle C BARKER things rnade us out or sorts \Vl th one anoth ly ml3o B owmanv1lle Dec "28th 1871 er anJ hardlv friend ly enough to speak so that the difference may str ke you anti you maJ see rn a stronger light the allerat10n aul the beha1 tor of people when trouble OR S \.LE 1ll =~ q 01 t t~ ,\.-pJ>l;\ lo came WILI IAi'«-llP-"'AR All the sau c tl ough I don t thrnk its Church Stieet lhc greattli:;t ru1d bctit a.ssortme11t ev.:;r seen ill 1 nth Pl o ~ t e tl e .AJm to Hotel To n None to ex'.! el it possible for anybody to make a long march Bo v n.nv1lle J ne 19th 1870 tf m India without getting out of temper It s fbo Subsc iber hay111g sec ired the able services my beltef that the gnt does ti for Jon do OF TRESPASS NOTICE, ha> e tl at ternblv and 11 hat wtth the bent BROOCHES EAR RINGS &O the dust the thmt, the government boots OTICE is 11e eby given that all I a.rt es surpass them Selected by ll y ~clf at as Cutter is l repared to tnke ordt:rs for that always seem as 1! made not to fit any found tres1 ass1ng OJ tl e } lats known a8 N 01 e to the n an t:facto1 1es n Euglun l Ra e~ 1 lat::; will be p os ecut d to full extent GENTLE!JfEN S CLOTHING body and th e grit I believe even a regim ent of la ;v all cbaplau s would fot ge t lhetr trade MD WILLIAMS 11ch will be got up 1n tho '!ramp tramp tramp day alter daJ Fashion, anu nearly always over wide, dreary dusty Fist Style The Cho1ce 5t of gra<lcl:l Gold a.1 d 8ilver frAmea L aznrua Moru s & Co a on hand to fit all s1ght~ a.nd on the plam· Now we d pass a few muddy pud '.I heso I \Vill sell at recluced pncea !YIOS1 REASO'VABLE TERMS ly flehls or come upon at ver but uot of A. LAltc.lE SUPPLY OF At M1 P eats residence on Kmg Stieet ten and I many a ttnrn used to laugh grim On hand a very full assortment of English a 1 d lJ to mvself M I thou ght wha t a very dtl Canadian !erent place hot d llSt) drearJ India "as CLOTHS AND TWEEDS to the glonous country I used to pictu1e all w1i;hcs to inform his uuincrous fl e U!! aud 1 s (ROGERS MAKE beautiful trees and iower·, antl btrds 1utb torn1;1rs thu.t h has i emo"\ed to MARRIAGE LICENSES dazahng plu1nag9 There are bright places MRS !I. FLE'I CHER Bo vI ·llv1ll<t Sept 26 187o m52 Eq1 al t o any in the Domunou BER VER Office foI any quantity will be filled at ed b1s e~ es fl ashi ng, and a stern look upon since It was the only ltkely spot for put his countenance that I ha I ne\ er seen be tng 11 to so1neth1ng hke a state of forr. 1 have called 1t a palace and I suppose LIME! LIME! ~ F SPOONS. SPOONS. 'l'a,iloring ! Clothing! P:E:A.T:E:, of N ow then 1 says m a wlnsper to Measles I didn t say anytbu g els for l e k new wl n.t 1 1neant 'NO\"\ then-no\v th ~ n I Vi ell says Measles ti et n a "h sper ' I s pose \\omen and cl ildren \Vlll br ng the soft out of a man at a t me hke thJS but cuss h 111 what di l he mean bJ hum bugging 1s like that quarters were brought rnto tbe old palace, threatenrnglv above him told him 1! be at tempted to draw a " eapon he would plunge the knife rnto h s h eait He then com mantled the man to withdraw Ins hand that a raj ah did once ltve 111 1t, but, mmrl trom hrn bosom, "lnch " as epeed1ly obey ed. Jou 1t '""as neither a very large nor a ver} when instead of 11 \\capon th e mq.n '"'1th grand place, being on!J a square of bmld d rew the s nn of $1 1001 wbicl b e dropped ings, facing inward to a little court-yt1.rd en on the ground at his feet an d which had tered b\ a ~·teway after the fashion of no been taken from the body of tb e murdered man M<anv. bile a c10\\ d had gathered end oI burl<lrngs m the east arou11tl the doctor and h a prison er, and the Water we had m the lank but provJSions were b1ought ln, and \vi o.t sheep there were evidcnce of the man s guilt ""s by thIB J<or\unate!J there was a good supply of hay t11ue so palpable th at he was rleclared to be under arr est and secur e! v tied Gold Chains, Rings, SPECTACLES I N REM OVAL· S. MASON drilled and drsctphued by B11t1sh office" with l en lers of th ei r o ~ n. caste all well armed aud pr \1ded v1th a mmun1t1on and the talk rot nd o 1r m es~ \\h en ., e hear 1 n.U this "a~ Ho v \v1ll 1t end l FINE CUTLERY, 1S8Ued by Paterson.. BUCKLER'S OLD STAND ;v} llowm ~nv1llt: M .1.y 27th 1873 tf bn m"'l W R C LIMIE 'I don t Clunk there were ma.nv \\ ho J1d not reahse the fac t that eomethmg U11ful " ns com mg to paas l\1eaal cs grinn ed he as be stood o 1t~ 1de the 0 atewu.} It \\as a did a n 1 said that there \Vas go1nf, t o be au strange silence that seen1ed tu make itsel t end ot BntlSb tvranni m Indta a nd that felt and then th o colonel \\ OJ<e mto life, th e natives \\ ere only goi ng t o se1z~ their stuck those despatch es rnto l 1s >word belt· 0 rn aga111 uut the next nuu l ie a lthou~h gave au ord c1 here au orJer there and the the1 e no doubt, but I ne'er ca me across it \VM quite clean he takes bis piece at t of n ext uunute - Tau tnran tnntnrn.n, r a n t aran one and IDJ r ecol1ecLlons of Ind a are none th e rack cleans 1t t horoughl y all o\ e1 ag~~ o I should thrn k Colonel Mame stoo<l alone thoughtful aud st1ll m tl at court yard "tlb the sun heatit g down upon bis muslm cov erei forage cap "h1le )OU could aucl hke a pendulum beat co mt tlnrty It was a tremendously hot ruornrng with the sky a br ght clear blue and t he shado vs of a d eep purply black cast down and cut as sharp as sharp I t "as so still too, that ) au coul l bear the wlnrr1n 0 \\ h1zz:y noi se of the cmkct tlnug' and no v and then the champ champ o' the ho18e rat tlmg his bit anu that we got m but one thmg we did not bar~am for and that was the company of the great elephant Nabob he havmg been left And what does he do but come slo11 ly up on those Indrn rubber cushion feet of his and v. alk through the gateway, hl8 back actually brashmg agamst the top and then eating 1 ~ The men laughed and son1e Jokes were made abottt bis takmg up a deal of room, rnd I suppose, reallJ 1t was through Hairy Lant that the great beast came 10 but no more waa said then, we all bemg so bus) 1 and not one of us bad the sense to see what a. fearful strait that gr eat inoffensLve animal might bring u s to I beheve \\e all forgot about the heat that day as we worked on elavmg away at thmgs that man ordmari way we ehould have expected to be done by the mggers Food ammun1t1on " ood, parhcularl v planks, everything Captam D~er thought ltkely to be of use and soon a breastwork was n1nde ulstde the gate,vay such lowel' wmdows as looked outwards carefully nail ed up and loopholed for a shot at the enemy should any appeat and when mght did come at last pe 1ceful and still the old palace was turned rnto a regular little fort (1 0 be contm te I ) once 11 he goes q uietly O\ er to where the hay was stac ked and coolly enough begms WHAT MAKES A BusHEL -The follow rng table of the number of >nTious a rtrnl · to a bushel ma\ be of ll terest to our read ers Wheat "xty poun tls corn shelled fifty six pounds corn on the cob eeventy pounds rye fifty six pounds oal8 thirty Blx p0unds barley fo1 t) six pounds buck wheat fifty two pounds Ir sh p otatoes oixty pounds B\\ eet po tatoes fi fty pounds onions fi.ft) Se\ en pounds be ans, s1xtj pounds bran tw enty pounds clover seed sixty pounds ttm oth v seed forty fi ve pound" hemp see l lorti five pounds blue giass seed four teen pounds dried peaches thirty fi ve pou nds ere h e w ll be fo 1 d # 1tl .t.b.o most con1 nl te fti:! ortme1 t.. of .A.t the Stat esman Office Bo'\\--ma.nville Bowma:rn:1lle Noi; Ith 11868 Harness, Whips, Trunks, &c t own .Ple&Sc cnll B t cl ler s oJil st and one loor on;.;t of 1viaJ nnr 1 f:i H otel Bo~ manville Sep 1st 1873 novrnanv1lle October 1873 r WG R~~·\. r~o~:.U~w~~tle~;~; Collog I oronto and \ cte1a. Oollege Oobourg L cen..t1a.te of the Uoilege of T'hys c1 ans and S irgeons of Oi taro Office K lg Street one 1 001 \Vost of l\.fr Cornish s J ewe11y Store Bown1nnv1lle fixes the bayonet Jeels the p oi t, at d th n of the most chee1i But at !Mt came tile day w heu 11 e were stands at th e present RADUAfE of th· Royal Coll e~e of phy G s1cians of England and UnnerBlty of Vic crossing a gt eat "',le spre ad pl u n 111 the I tl ink we can l et e1 n kn o v wl at s toria. Co11egc Cobourg Undergra.dua.te and wh at it ounh 1ny la ls if t r ey come here middl e of whi ch seen1 cd to be a te w hou sea pnzeman of tl e U n1ver si r of Toronto and o[ U n1vers ty of Queen s College Kingston M ein wi th somethi ng lir ght 1 ere and t i e1c sb tn he with ::t g o s Il e wl en 1:h~ tantar u1, Tautat an tan ta1an Tantaran tay - the buglt ' " ' n gmg out the assembli men were bur Ji ere end th ere th ere was ti e trn '>1 i ~ of fc t the co11rt J ard v. as full ot b i·y fi r s hadows were pas sing bacl " a dB anLl fv ~ P \r.i a. ncl the n ews ber of tho College of P hysic ans an d Su rgeons i ng in t] c ~ un ar. Q as we marched on the Dai ten I ose. hr uth 8eeu ed qu t.e tal ei "a." abro\,{l tb;i o r rt 0 1ni r:t was tofor1n a of Ontario Su.1gery and R ernrlcncc op1 s t e cll.lster of ho11>es app enre! t o gro\\ and a\\U' .)Je fo e 11 the 11 ay I e t ilked J r pe l fi) in 0 col u 1J n ;v1th a.noU r and t hat we tl c ma ket gtow !tll "e bolte<l at last m a marlrnt up q u te ha ppy !ti e Jell her greot hnud "ere off dir c I> Bo\\ monv1llo Oct otl 1871 DR DAVIDSON, It wa, George H erbert who sail a band ful of good I le 1s wor th a bushel of lea n mg Con\C) tl y lo> e to tb> fuen \ as an tr row to th e mark to sttck there not as a ball ngau t the "all to iebo ond back to ti ee that fnen rtsh1p " ill 1 ot coutu ue to ti e end that I S begun for ar end - Qr urles

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