.· THE i-t:ERCHANT, JANUARY 22, 1874 FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. ·m:.1POSED of the North Sixty·oi.e and one qunrte1· acres of the east ha.lf of Lot 23, 3nl Con. C1arke ; 55 acres clear, the remalnder in wood. A good brick house, barn, and other out buildings, a good bearing orchard, and a the fa.rm. For particulars, apply to Wdli&m '\Va.rd, or to l{. Ar1nour, Sohcitor, &o., Bow· 1no.nvi ll c. THE U Looking Glass EOLIP'SED I "~~~ ~: ~- . ~ '..~· ~ "/ ~ i :· ·' _ . -_ : .: . - R~ . lj/.:~1-~ . ·, / ~~ \\:'Cll of good ,Nater. A good stream rans ~!'088 ROBERT WARD, Proprietor. Dec. 12th , 1873. m2tros·p. Mc()lung Bros.' ALL WINTER GOODS, 1 'Ve the undersigned, ·would 1·espeotfully infozm the public, that lVC havo Pw·clzased the entire Ei.Lephant liouse! for the liberal patronage exten ed to him duri ng the pa.st 18 yen.rs, begs to announce that f1·om and after the 15th Septen1btir, he will carry on the same business, but more extensively under the name n.nd style of Jo1u.- 1'-IcLEOD & Co. Prompt payment of all accounts is rendered imrerative by this bursiuess arrangement, and al persons indebted will pleaso take notice a.nd govern themselves accordingly. JUHN McLEOD. Bowrna.nville, September 4th, 1873. TI-IE !'·~:~:~ ~=;Jr.;~~,;~\:_<;:~. .1 «a; I~ " ·-~~< ~~· .. .) ··~ Photogra.phio 1JNDERSIGNED in rctul'ning thanks :Business, THE to hi.ti tuany frit:nds <tnd theJ)ublic genera.Uy formerly carried on by R. & H. O'HARA, and MR. HENRY, and would say to all, that We have First-class Facilities for making - First"class Work. · :o:- f W e keep on hand, a Good Stock of ALBUMS & FRAMES of Variov~s Style~ and P.rices. ' -SUC H AS- W e \\'onld ~lso remind those '\·ho wish iet..rs . mY ' GOOD PHOTOS' t to not spend the day in shopping. and when ff\tigncd suclrlenly d~t cru1ino to be Photograph. eJ. ' If you do 1t :a sure to lie a. fa.ilure. HLibe1·al Support and H Patronage E Eextend~d . so long to J ol1n b-IcLeo<l, Iand ta.keR this opportunity of informing the pubhc, that they have TiJo~:u~o:=~~~.u~ Co T We a.re Selling Fancy Wool Goods At :Eteduced rrioes TI-IE Dominion. Organ. Co'y., Present the following testimonials fl'om COlll· peten t judges of Organs. Testimonia.l from John Camidge, ~[us. Doc.· Canlu a.r, England . . Bo\\-'lnanville, 24th Dec., 1875. To the JJra.nagers. Dominion 01'{/an Co , GENTLEMEN .- I ljlui to play 011 your Ot-ga.ne t11e tone is so 1nveet 8.Jldsteady. And the "'°orkiuaaship rmd finish excellent, and in every partlcnlar they are equal, if not suptitior, to any I lrn,vc ever heard. Hoping they will meet with public appreciation. JOHN CAMIDGE. .Read tl1e following fron1 lWsa D'Erina.: Bow1nanvillc, December 221 18731 BOWMANVIL LE, Shawls, :Blankets, .B:eavy Dress Goods, Clouds, Ovel,coats, Ita,ilro~d Wrappers, For the Holidays. - - o-DEC. 1G.-We received this morning a supply of those celebmted Double Warp Black Lustres. EXTRA CODD PICTURES If.fr Be su· r1i PAI NS OF CHILDREN DISCARDED 'flIE taken to procure . to Oonle 1,~11.1·Jy .· In the fore parI of the day; ' Especially u,·ith the BABIEs Business houn; from 9 a. m. till 4 p. 1n., Jurin g the 'Vintet n\ontha. HARRY TAIT. JAS. ARTHUR !t and and every description of heavy goocls will be sold A'l' THE NEW GALLERY. Prints can be bad of all negath-es taken in O'Hara's and Henry's Galleries, and also prints from negatives ta.ken in Fletcher's GaJJery by H. Tait. Bowmanville, Nov. 12th,;.187J. bp-o43-m6·tf Unde1~ until Stock-taking. (Jost, - - -o--We are selling one case of Bl>t ck Lustres. (bought at auction) fully THE PROVINCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. (HE.\b 0b' b'ICE, - A N H J> E E E L :d~~c~d:t~~~=~~: L OF nei;s as follows : OLD SY.STEM, history of the "·ol'lc1 hn..'j a inollic~i rw been Q01n1m1111d.c{l po:;Hossi11g the ren1nrkable: q.nn.htics of \rJNEGA n. HITTl~ltS in hc;11i11g the sick of Cl'ery di13ca. :;.o 111a.n is h ei r to. 'l1hey are a gontlc Purguth·u Uli \\"Cl! 11 :j 11 11.'onic, roLicY_ i!1g Congesti.on or Jnflan : 1~1 n t~( '.~ of tho 1.-1n~r an"l VI riCerul Oi'gnn~. 111 1Hlious Diaeaacs. · VIJ..'E?An131TTt-; Rs Rru .A pcr iu11 t, ])i n11h oretic, Carmi.native, Nntrit.iou>), Lax.a.1.i vc. Di uretic, S~dat1ve 1 Counter-Irritant, Sudori.tic1 Altera.· ti\""Q, 11.nd .A.nti-DilW·J;,;. J'r ' ;.! .' : .·, -: unparnlleled st1cccss of VINRG.l.I' BrrTERSf" Our n.nswo r is, that thcy Te ~ova the cause of disen se, and tho pmi cnt recovors his bealth. They a ro tho great blood pul'ifier antl a life-giving- prineiplo, A. perfect Reno\' a.tor and l 11 \·ig-orator of tbo system. Ncrnr Lcloro i u the p1·cpara.tion, made cbietlv f1\1n 1 :li o na... tlvo herbs found on tbe lo\\'cr l'il1wes of tl:e Sierra Novadri monntai 11s of Ci1hfornia, the medicinal propc1tics of 'vhlch are extracted thorefrorn without the nso of Alcobol. Tllo question is almost daily asked, "What is the canse of tho Dr. J. Walker's Califond;1 Vinegar Ilittcrs arc a pnrclr '" '<<'tablo ·, ~~~~~;I .-.~~-:. :~-:'".:>'·:>~-:.. /fit .. ,.. .:·.'·\ :. · .i' 1;-?:/;;;;,~ ':,'t \. ·k·:;. ..,. -~ ;:1 ;: . ~ 'l'hc properties of llil . W "11.KER's ALL A~ll~~UNTS E on the ,.p i ' I ;<' II , ' ·,. , , , " (' ·· ·1 n"l.1i n, ~· 111'1.tJ rn1( , fl1 \\' . ,.': , ., " s,.1 ).1l · ~ ·:. - '· > · ·l ,, ,, ; I 1-. RENDERED 1st January, lst May, and !st September Jn eao?, and every yem·. J> H A N L.A.t>XES' Silk Ties and Sashes, and a lot of 'l'u lhe 11lanagr;·rs of tlwDonti11Wn Organ Co. GENTLEMF~ .- I have much pleasure in tcl:Stifying to the excellent qualities of the Orga.n cu11plied by you at my concert last Saturd&r.v evening. The tone is s\veet antl very powcrfu , a nd the combina t iou of etops most admirable. I am sure your in@t.ru1nents will find fa.,·or in 25 PER CENT ~ · Tonolii-TO.) LESS THAN THEIR VALUE. - - - -:o:- - - -- Hon. J.H. CAMEltON, Q.C., M.P. ,P·rctidcnt LEWIS MOFFATT, Esq., Vice·Presidmt. ' AilTHUR HARVEY, Manar1er. T In the ot Manufuctttrers, Mechanics, and others, 'vhose a.ccounts may l\IIlOunt to $50.00 or over, theil· no&,if agreed upon; will bo taken payable at the Bank for a ·tated period. cas~ T :Eat Ornaments, THE NEWEST THING OUT HATS, CAPS AND FURS! MA:Rlt'US MA YER roapcctfully announces a Churches. as they are singula;rly adapted for fi aCJ:cd music. 'Viehing you every success, and t hat t he p ublic mu.y pn,tronize l'.Ult1ve ma.nuf&e· t:r.u e. · I rcmA.in Gentlemen, · V cry re11pectfull;y, ROSA D'ERINA. + guided by ita own lengthened experi Being encu, and desirous of adjusting tho ra.tes of insurance to each hazard in accordance with the laws of average, bas . ~ THE J & W' J MoMurtry & Co. SlGN OF THE GOLDEN LION. --o-- Cash Purchasers . Try our new HALF--~DOLL A R TEA. NOT JOINED THE INSURANCE COMBI· . NATION. fully invited to call . upon Tuos. CHRITSJE ' Agent at Bow1nan.villo, or T. M. }"'URBY, Agent at Port Hope, anj ascertain the Com. pany's ratea for insurance before in.suring elao. may be nboVe the established TariJI, on others considerably lower1 and the Public a.re respect· Every_Instr11ment Warranted for 6.Yr'e H , O·HAHA. A.M'. DAllLl!Y. President. Manager llowman villc Janua.i·y 1518i4. bp 03°ml6.. 0 On aotne descriptions of propert>.: its charges 8UGAR. TWELVE POUNDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. at Lowest Prices. CE is here:by given that afplication.will NOTI be made to the Parliament o the Province White Fish, Salmon Trout, Herrings &c., of Ontal'io, at its next Session, for an Act to ablc the Council of the United Counties of Nor· t h u1nberland and Durham, to a.e~ume na Count;r ' IWa.ds, certain roads, situate v.iithin the Mun1cipalities of Bowrnanville, Newc11.stle, Colborno 11.nd B dghton, and if nccessary,to legalize auch B y-law, or By·la\vs, Agreement,o:r Agree1nent11, a::i havebt"en passed or made· , in reft:rence thereto. D ec . 16th, 1873 . ~n H O E will al ways get goods .at prices cut FINE, ae our great a.int will be to court this class of trade. . Prompt Payers on credits AND LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT - of- short StockANDLa.rge H O E NEW GOODS e:uitable for the Fall and \.Vinter trade. His stock of Furs embraces ALL THE NOVELTIIi:S, ~·· as woll as necessaries in the department. -oHls Gents' Department is crinally well sup· plied with ,~·here. Premium Income, $250,000 Per Annum Persons not within reareli of the Compao.y'e agenoies·are requeste<l. to con1municate directly with the Manager. m8·3mos. U Well Assorted I U mll·6t. SALri~ .Bowmanville, Town Lot for Sale. E under1:; ignell is authorised to sell tbe THcorner lot, on corner of \VelJington and Ont a1·io streets in Bowma.nville . ia one ri.~his AND PLAs rrER. Jan. 22nd, 1873. s Cook, Hall, Parlor, and Box A ...'.!Plendid variety of s Mu:!Hers, Collars, Shirts, Braces, Scarfs, Umbrellas, &c. Hie Hat and Cap depart1nent, as wma.1 1 ie replete with the and intending purchasel'B '"ill find no betWr stock in tht- countty. STOVES, for wOod or coal. - o-- FRUIT, AND Confectionery Depot. TVJ!OLESALE and RETAIL Just arrived, and for Sale, st the above depot ' Net~ F1'Uit and Gorifrxtfonerys, JOHN McLEOD & Co. 4th,~73 llo\vma.nville, September VARIOUS STYLES, of the best buildiug Hitos, and in one of tbe best 1oea.1itics in Town. WILLIAM JOBLIN. 1~ 11·tf A CALL IS RESPECTFULLY SO· LIOITED AT THE CORNER STORE ALL KINDS OF FURS ALTERED AND REPAIRED. DATES, FIGS, LEMONS Choice Lemon, Ora.nge and Citron reels, Cash paid. for .Baw Purs. Bown1nnville, October, 1873. M. MAYER. Bus1NEss 01-IANGE. 'fHE 1JNDJ£RSIGNED begs to anuouncetd t he pu blic i;entl1·ally, that he has purchase. t he stock an d go odwill ~>f the business hereto. fore ca.rl'ied on in the Great Disco11:ut Desirou· of eilCourn.ging tho ORANGES TO ARR. VE" Soft Shell Almonds,Filberts, Bra· iland Wal l Ei.ts, Keil'/er's Marmalade, West India Preserved Ginger, Pears, Plums, Tomatoes, & J'eaches, Green Peas, Green Oom ct! Lima Beans. l3ible Christian NEW GOODS. SMMONS & CLOUGH ORCi\N GDS My New Goods hnve IMPlW V Il D BOOK ROOM AND CASH . SY STE JYJ:, Our Dominion Excelsior Raspberry Vin ' egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines Tomato Sauce and Pickles They hnve come and nre coming, a.t the Fruit Depot. Village ol Hampton, BY and determined to reduce our present brge Stock, to the lowest point, SHELL & SHELLED OYSTERS prior to receiving Spring Importations, I now offer Sa.'b'ba.th School --o-- Depot, KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. 'l'he Subscriber has on band v. NEARLY ALL COME TO HAND and the assortment will be found CABIN ET ORGANS James Cryderman, full ~ssortment of first class :Furniture, Cu ffius, Shrouds, &c., lYill be kept on hand1 nind hopes by strict n.tWntion to business, anu wodorate cb ai·ges to merit the patronage of the people. Ca.biuet ?naker anU Undertaker, and will continue the b?Jsiness in the old premises, with a.8 ~~ Ten per cent. Discount off all purchases of $5 and upwards, for Cash. A ls-0 Five per cent. cl iscoitnt off all put·· 1 QUAllTY is the test of CHEAPNESS. '!'. DARLINGTON. Bo\vmanville, Dec. 4th. 1873, n9-tf . Large stock of Books, School Lihl'aries, ' uited for Sabbath Pr~sents., and the Study. VERY COMPLETE AND -""\ ND chases of $1 a/Jul U.1pivards. 1 · ~ ~ H ,_ Sabbath ' - - - :o: - -- ' ILLUMINATED CARDS, TICKET SMAtL BOOKS, &c., for Sabbath Schools. My Goods are marked in plain figures, as low as any honest dealer can afford t o sell. · J>RICES MODERATE . The Public al'e solicited to call and see for _themselves. Hampton. Sept. 18th 1872 Come along then, a.nd ~et as :m.uch for $9 as ca.n 'be got elsewhere for Ten, · 0 besides the <tclvantage of h;iving a ,, t.J --o-Our Books are marked lotv. A special dis· count for }l.{inisters, Teachers, and Sabbath Schools. ~B:E ·:a:EA:Ets:m Large Stook of First-olass Goods haviog been :0 Ea H. ELLIOTT, JUN hp· 'l.'he l"rgest stock ol Stereoscopic Vie'Ws ever shown in this section of tho country; nlso Grand Combination Organs Improved and Painted, s no' v one of the best in thtJ County. det'H p r o1npt ly attended t o. All or to select frorn, cornp1·ising ' , MILLINE:EtY and of our own· manufacture. Finest clas· of P. S.- Jt'u1·niturc n1ade to order l\'hen re quired, and repairs neatly executed. Ham pton, Sep. 18th, 1873. Ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoes. . Clothing Made to O:der. · King St. West, Osha:vn, JmL 17th, 187'~. Microscopes, :Rea.ding G-la.sses, etc., etc. C. BARKER. A RARE CHANCE. homestead and farm, cotnposed of a.bout 70 acre Great ()Iearing CASH SALEI AT Fitted with th~ newly invented Scribner's Patent Qualifyiug Tube An in"·e11tion havini; a most jn111ortant bea.rln on the future ret=iutation of Reed Instroment.a by melUlB of ,.,.hich the quantity or v olumeof tone i~ very largely increased, and the quayll of tune rendered Dressmaking, &c. ~fiss S. TREWIN, Heal LEASANT HOMESTEAD AND FAru P FOR SALE. 'J'he underaigned hereby of ers for sale, by private contract, his valuable f D:Ett7G S'l'O:EtE M. LO-WRY, CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, ANDERSON & CO'S Felt Goods, :Rubbers and Overshoes Selling at COST, for THIRTY DAYS. Must be sold to make room for more. Don't fail to call and get Bargains AT BO"w1utu1ville, Jau 1st, 187·i. 'YoulJ bo:ii; to inform the la.dies of Bowma.nville aud vicinity, that abc is prepared to take orders for f) H~f:IRmn kin g,<ind fill the same with despatch in the LATEST FASI-IION. 11.ei· experience fully warrants her in promising satisfaction. Res1tlen ce, Corner of Church Street, and To the Inhabitants of :Bowma.nville. I t~In a bout getting a J.f arket Sqn.'.'Lre. Bo-..vmau \'illc, Dec . 4th, 1_ 87:1 . Q.tf. solicit ed. for favors, fl'ienda Blacks1nith V illa.;;l'!. of Ha.t npton, n ort h of Phillip'H Hotel, n.nd h av~ en ~n:;:OO a. general black ~nuith, par· tkularly govJ at ~b 0t-ing. A continuance of f avorH from mY ·:n . . t mt.X , aoJ a call from all, Teeth -in patient lessth::..n tha.n heiJf the usua.l time .Ce t 0· th e p Ubl" N0 t I lC. Eztra.ot with less pa.in to uuct that 1 have proci.1red a. New And Im.p r oved Appara t us arc f,ri. veu pa.st nnd I T tor Ox!de £.t which cnn nolv beg to inform rny and others, tllat I have t-rccted a ne'v Shop in the EXTRACT TEETH "\VI'l'I-IO UT PAIN. 8.lld the herutotore, Gas, H A.N ICS generatin~ .. r-i::· DENTAL BURRI NG ENGI NE by whid1 I cu ll fi'Om \\·hom all particulars ca.n belearned, '· moat pleasantly situated on the Gravel Roa<l just north of the yillage of Ha!Ilp~n. 'l'he ~a.n d is mostly good ao1L The d\velhng is converuen tly arranged, and in excellent condtiou. Th e begs n1ost respectfully to inform the inhabitants of barna, stables, etc. 1 a.re commodiou is. T?ierc is n. good ga.rden, and orchard on the premises About ten acres of the land is: v:ell timbered The whole will be sold either ln one lot or i n au<l surrounding country, that he has opened a parts, aa may be agreed OD, 'l,erms eMy. Ap Drug Store in the aboYe named village, lllication to be inade to the undersif,rned, owne r, with a \Yell assorted stock of :SOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM. ---- Equal to tbnt of the Best Pip& Or I TYRONE, gans of the Same Capacity. · .JOHN 1"ARLEY. Hampton, Dec, 16th, 1873. ll·tf. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED BY Nitrous I Drugs,· Medicines, C!iemicals, Patent Medicines, Pei'fmnery, Brusltes, Combs, Toilet Soaps, l£orse and Cattle frlediGines. lfe ha.<> also Deed's old Stand. ANDERSON & CO. -o-Our celebl'atcJ " Vox Celeste, n Loui Pate11t," 11 Vox Humana," ··Wilcox Patent, 1 Octa re Coupler," the charming ' ' Cello 11 11 Cln. r ionet" etops, and l ? ! ARTIFICIAL '.l:EETH BJ::ST UPPER SETS, $20000 . GOOD do. $16000 · I l a1npl on, :1t) V . WM. Bl>ER. 27t.11 1 U:!73. m8·3tnoli. Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont Bowmauvill1:1 1 0 i;tober 873. · J. M.. :Srimacombe, L OST. JlU.l'· Y OlJliS RE SPECTFULLY, CASH. Cherrywood Post·ofll.ce, Pickering Ontper day, Agent~ wanted! AII $ 5 To $20 cla.<JBea of worlung people of either aex, young or cld, µiake more money to 'vork for us in theil' spare moments, or all th time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address G. STINSON & CO., Portlan JOHN J. WILLIAMS Books, 1lfaps, Cluzrts, Futmes, Engravings, Stationery, Scltool Books, re13pet..'tfully solicited. COME and SEE HILL'S NEW ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS can be obtained only ·in those Organs. ~c, Cabinet Making AND LUMBER. l ion'~ Maine. a · Phy8icians' prescriptions and }ilmnily ~Iedi cines carefully compounded. Public pa.troll age Tyrone, Nov. 12th, 187J. u17-tf. Tfti1ty·fi~ Diffcrel!t Styles, Fo1· tltc Parlor and th e Ohu1·cll, 'l'hc lJest J.l fute1·fol and 1Vurkmanshfp, Qm~lN,y an<t V(lhimc of 1.'onc UnequaU«f~ 019 'ta t 1 11 HE Subscriber resJ;ectfully reques ts all E TWEEN Bo wmanvill.e and N cwcaatlc.ou T :Robert Young, ties indebted to lnm for Lumber, to settle B Chrii;tma1:1 D ay, a Cutter :&_ug, lvith a figtheir accounts v."ithout furthe1· delay. A:nd li e ure of h ead tho centre ; ul1;10 two rings MONEY I MONEY I · ]".l'ERINABY SUBGEON, Gmduatc of hereby informs builders, au<l others iu want of io. t tvo of the co1·n era. 'l'he finder, h:a.ving it V the Ontado Veterinary College. lly ap'> Officti, will be suitably 'l'he Subscriber respectfully inforn s the in.hab lnp:1.bcr, tha.t h~ is prepared to supplr; t~em at thi. HE undersigned has lately received furth er pointment Veterinal'y .Surgeon to the 'Vest T B \ ·manville aDd its vicinity that he cash rates for.Cash. Henceforth be inte nds to instructions lend money on Real Esliat·· Durham and Da.rlington Unio11 Agricultural Bowrn auviHe, J an. 7t h, 1374, 14-::Jins. so for from 5 to 20 years, at a. ve1·y lO\V rate of in Sock-ties. s prepared to execute !do a. cash business· THOS. SMI'l.111, in other respects, upon terms likel terest, Agent for the Live Stnck Branch of the ALL KINDS OF WORK, I Nov. 28th, 1873.Lot 19, 6 Con. Darliligto!l. to auit the \Viahes of any applicant. Beaver and Toronto Mutual .l:',ire Insuranoc CEDAR RAILS. m8tf. '.Che advantage to be deriYed from applyil GENERAL f UPHOLSTERING. 1 in 1·~ward ed. ftt 0 1 ~ ' ' to Fall& Winter Dry Goods _ _ _: o : _ a.nd, botia ficle y PRICES, $50 TO $1100 in the abov e lines. FURNIT URE NE A TLY BEPAIRED. Shop, Co1 ·ne1· of Kin g a.nd Divfaion Streets. JOH:-< HOBS. Bowman v1 lk , Dec, 4th 1 1874. O·tf. IT'VOffice. O ?\E'\V CUTTERS. , FOR SALE. lnqufre at tbis 14-tf 1i.; Eow1nnntllle, Jan.8th, 1873.. l'osts a.u cl R11iYs 1 which he offer~ fol' aa]e, in 'V.lvI. H . Lo'\'e, Barrister, &c, L ot 21, 7th Con . DEl rli ngton, about SO n1ds Office on Silver Street, 2nd door north of fi·on1 the G·u'idc b oartl belo\v Enniskillun, King Street, Bowman ville. 11-tf. S1'EPHE~' C01'1'0N. Bowmanville, Sep. 18th 1873, mGO 6 mo.a. ru1y Subscriber lJegg to info1 m the puhlio, to the aubsmiber will, in a.11 r.ases, be full y ~ H.B that he is ,...eL"ti11 g out a q uantity of Ctidar made koown to t11e party applying for a lo fill before expuui:ie is incurred. 1g Co. Veterinary )!edicines COl\.<:1tantly on ha.nd. Calls fro10 the country pro!J:lptly atten<led to. Office :- One door e:vit of :R.. 1\.Ian1iing'i> Fur· niture 'Vareroom, / Reriidence ovor S. Bunlcn's BLol'e, corn et of l(iug and Sougog Strl;'etj.(, Bo,vtn!l.nvillo. j ml tf, A LARGE LOT OF LADIES' and G·EN'l'S' Bowmiinville. Nov. 1st, 1873. 'm'P'Plfts m W 9\1 ' ICongress ·Fa.ctory and 'Vareroolnri, Cc:rn<31 Qt.b etreets, Det1·nit; Mi<.:bigan. 8ii IEstahlhilied in l!!IO,) ~t (11], ('f VERY CI-IEAP. Rice & Barker, Agents lJnj J:] j 1' , '"( J l (l };' Bowmanville, Au~. 21st, 1872 r I lJI).- '\'U]e ~ 0 - ·