THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY JANUARY 23, 1874. -·-·-c;=======:=;;===~====::=:==================:=====;;=='==:::;==jp==:=====:===:=:::::::::::=:==========-======== POETRY. Sleighing with a Girl. Of all the joys vouc1u1afec.l to n1n.n. In life's te1npestnous ,.,,, 'l'he1·e's uaugl1t so near perfection, A!:l slr~ighing witl1 n. g-irl A rosy, lrn.1g-hi11g, buxom gil-1 ; FARM ANO KITCHEN. The Ca re of Meats. HY CATHl<:RINE E. UEEOHER. 1873: ·0· 1873. ---o--of the $25. BEWAB:O. come Spectacles A frnuk, good-natured, honest brirl ~ A. feeling, tiirting, dashing, doting, Smiling, s1nacking, ·jolly j()king, Jaunty, jo\·ial, pose1·-poking, Dear little duck of a brirl. Pile u~ y:o~u· we<1.lth a. mouutaiu high, You sneering, seoffing c11ud, l'll la.ngb ftl'l I go dashing by Vlith lny jingling bells aud gi1l'fhe Orighbst, <, 1nve1;iteet girl, 'l'he trimmest., gayest, nea.test g-id, The funui6st, flushest, fra.nkest, fairest, lWun<l~, ript>st, rogui.Jhest, rarest, R.adest squirn1iest, and the squarest, Be~t-~f &11 girl~, with drooping lashes Half ~Ctncealing amorous fla.shes.Tust i_he i-irl for a chap like rne Jk ef and 1uutton ~e improved by kcej)ing D.Slong as they i·emain sweet. If meat begins to tnint 1 wnsh it and 1·ub it 'vith powdered charcouJ., and it often removes the taint. Sometimes nlbbing with snlt will cure it. Corn-fed pork is best. Pork nuW.e by still· house slops, is almost poisonous, and hogs that livt. -on offal, never furnish healthful food. If D.ogs a:re properly fed, the pork is not uuhE!alth· ful. ~{ea.sly pork has kt::l'nelfi in it, and is unhi;ia.lth· fuL A tllick i:;kin shows tha,t the pork is old, and that it re quires more time to boi1. Jf your pork is very, f..10ak it some hOUl'S. Take all the kernels out tliat you will :find in the round, and thick end of the flank of beef, nnd in the fat, a.nrl GU the holes \Vith salt. rrhis will preserve it longer. Snlt y,our meat, in su1n1ner, a.r;soon ns you re· ceive it. F A.LL STOCK. - - - o--:Oress Good.s Newest Style. Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons? having to onr kno,vl&dge, that certain 1 Pedlars are selling and Eye '1 1 Glass· to be of our n1ake, and to bear ou.r names stamped thereon, we hereby caution the public against all such impostera,as }!et1srs Ycllowlees & Quick are our Affents in West ; and a H.ewa..rd of $25, is hereby offer· tid for the apprehension and conviction of all such imposters as try to defraud the public by offering their trash 0111' make. tl8 _purporting CHIT CHAT. [Tim Brady a.nd Mike FlynnJ 1872 dct GREY COTTON of the best 1nake, including the Qelebrated OPENING STORMONT. lOct Cottons at Cowle's···Splendid value. Autumn Fashions ---oo-- A pound and o. halt of salt rubbed into twen· To eet.U.!.'.t. lJ.UCl love, and inarry, you see, ty.five p ounds of beef, \vill corn it so as to lt\st \Vith rosy ohe ~ks, a.nd clustc1ing onrls, several days in ordinary wiu·n1 wcnther ; or put The ~weeteet an<l tha best of girls. it in Sh'ong brir:e. Do not let pork freeze,if you intend to salt it . ---~-·--· of unequalled Too niuch saltpetre spoils beef, and many say sa.leratus is better. In winter, meat is kept finely if " 'ell pat:ktid in auow, without salting, but somo say it leBHIt is teln.ted that a H.averr;traw, , 1nau ens the s"'·eetness. D1iuw110Ns you CcTTJ~ G ur A HoG. - Split ft.!lt sJ 1rn.llly about thP recent Cubau outr<tge that he' erected a guillotine in his poultry yard the hog through the spine, take off each half of and behua<lcd a.11 hi!$ Spani:sh fo·wh.i. It relieved the head behind the e::i.r, then take off a piece in front of the shoulder and next the head, say l1i1n. four or fi\'e pounds, for sausages. Tlien take A poor e 1n;:i..ciated Iriishman having- c~ll c d a. THE out the leaf, which lies around the kidneys. for lJhysioi&n-in a forlorn hope, t11e latter gpread a. lard Then, with a la1ife, cut out th" whole hu~e tnu5tard lJlaster a.nd clapped it on th~>vor mMS of the lean meat; except what belongs to fd~w. Pat su.ill : "Doctht:r, dear, it str.ikcs the shoulder and the ham. Then take off the nie that it's a d:~lt~ of tnnstard for so httle ham and the shoulder. 1.'hen take out all the 1nate ! '~ fat to btl used for lard, \\'hich is the loose piece, TH:Z VVAr TO 'Ill.EAT IlORE8.-'l'hcre are two directly ia front of the ha1n. Nex~ cut off akind~ of bores in the \\"odd..-thc rich ::tnd the na1·row strip fro1n the spring,' or belly, for anus· Bpccial Line of COTTONS at COWLE'S. pwr. Y ou c:tn get l'id of the latter by len<lin,i;: age meat. Do 11ot cut up the remainder;which him ti\·~ollal'l:!. Yo\l can free you1'Se\f of the ls clear pork, for salting, fur· if cut small it will Lay a stone on to keep it under the otlier y attempting to borro'v twenty-fivo:: dol- swim. brine. 'l'ake off the cheek, or jowl, of the head laxs fro1n 11im. Try it. for anloking with the hnm ; MJd nae thf. upper ·'I'll come down ruid gi,,e you u. Llirt1s~hing , part for boiling, baking, Ot' head-cheese. The if you don't Btop your impudence," said a man feet are boiled aud then fried, or used for jelly. to CJ.. politlcu.1 opponent from Ireland, w~n '\:as It is 1no1::1t economical to try up the thin, flabby railing at'l1i1n from the street below lns win· piects fo1· lai-d to cook with. '.rhe leaf fat tl'y dow. " Come alOng/' said Pat, 11 purty soon1 by itself, fo1· the nice1:1t cooking. : Clean all the ef ye- plu.z~; ft.Jr I'd like to be close by when ye intestines of tLe fat for lard. That which doe. <lid ibl !1~ / not readily sepani.W fiom the largest intestines, ui:;e for l:!Oap grt>ase. Of the insides, the li~er, \YOULDN"J' S'l.'.EAL THE rl'ltAl'.-" Billy, how heart, Bweet-breads and kidneys are sometimes It 'is a well-known Fact did you lose your fin~rt::r? ,, used for broiling or frying. 1.'he smaller lnteB· Cowte ltas the- best Tweeds " 8-;;ily>-cnongh," said Billy. tines are used for sausage c r..scs. In .salting "I suppose you did, but how? ,, "I gue~s you'd it lost your'nJ if it h\.t~l h1,,..:n down, leave out the bloody and lean portions, ., and hem for sammges. where n nc was. ·ro r ou·r I.Ano. - Take what. is called the ,\'othi'.ng checvper than llie lOcl GoUuns CJ. ·' 'l'lii .t don't answer iny que5tion ! 1.: H)\~, :if you must know," B~~Y1 "I leaf, and ta.kc off nil the skin, cut into pieces 001..Vle's. n.n inch square, put it into a clean pot over a had to cut it off, or else steal tLe tt·ap. slow fire, 'vith a tea-cupful of water, and try it Pot1,1NG .l Too:ru : FOR 1.;NCLE JEn1n: .. . . .,. till the look ar:cddish-brown,tuldng great " ".Vh.a.t's the inathw, ·c:;ncle J eITy ? " sa;d ~1r. care not it bul'n, which would spoil the ~ 1 d.~ old J ere1niah K. 'va'j pMSing by whole. Then strain it through · a. ::itrong clotl1 IN into a stone pot, ~tnd set it away for use. Take wrowling most forociously . 41 "M~ttCr J ': 1mid the old roan ; '; I'v e been the fat to " .·hich the t:1maller intestines at· lnggiH' water all the morn in' for D.r . . C. ';; ,vifc tached (not the large one), a.nd the flabby pieces to wa!!h with, u.nd what d'ye s'uo~e I got for of pork not fit for sa.lting, try these in the same it? ·t:..\ .. . way, and set the fat thus obtained, where it will f1·eeze, a.n<l by spring the strong taste ·will "About niucpt:nee. 1' " Nru"'ei)eucc l She told me tho.t the dot:tor be gone, and tllen it call be used for fryiug. would ~\'ill a tooth fo.r u:.1.e son1e ti1ne ! " The t1:J:.t-Qupful of vnltl:lr p1"Cvcnts burning while .... ......1ch l\f agnificent dis1llay of' N e'v and D' Goods. MURDOCH BROS. lmve opened out an immense stock of N <'w F·.li Goods. Great care has been taken iµ buying the Stock, and as ·10t 1' but First Class Goods have been purchased, customel'S can rely , qn '. ctting good value for their money. Crumbe for Chickens. STYLE a.nd Q'C' AL:CTY STO:Et:MONT corrTON BAGS, TIM.- "Good morning, Mike, ·"hure and it is early out ye tcre. l\ligh I be bould to axe what started yees this morning." LAZARUS, MORHIS. & CO. MIKE.-" Jiat be a.isey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a jifty. Ye see, I was lfont.roal, Nov. Sth, 1871. n7-tf tou!:J~ yisterday, that Misther Gray, av Tyrone, h~d g~t hor~1e an uligant new stock av Goods, chape as durt, nm.ti~ its meself could hardly slape a wink, all night thinking :w the KOBBIS' chape goods. And sure enuff, its the full .skre he has-piles , and piles av the natest patterns; and he'd give ye the makin's av an illigant new gown for Biddy, fo1 · Siventy-five Cints ; 'f;cy SH 0 p for most nu thin, and the Baccy for a trifle less." CARRIAGE TIM.-- "An shure its funning me ye are, Mlke; wouldn't the man be I afther breaking down." · {west o( tl1c :Bank.) MIKE.-" Breaking down, is -it. Sure he knows a thriii"k wurth two av that. I'll jist tell you what it is, Tim, if ye want to gee a gnite name when youre <led, :md be called a filantrofized , filosifer, rwd King Street, BowmanviJle. a public binifacthor, jist tell all youre nabourn, and the rist >LV mankind, about' Gray's chape store, and yotl.'ll do more for the good av yam counthry, than iver St. Pn.trick 'did for oulcl Ireland, when he banished all the toads and snakes out av it, that THl~. subscriber is prepared to build and re· niver was in it.>' · pan· TIM.-·· "I'm much oblaged to ye, for the bit av abvice, and "IYon't detain ye; there'll shurely be a grate· run, and maybee I'd miss lVagons, Buggies, and Cutten, some bargains. 'fhe top av the morning to ye."- I'm off to of every 1..lescription, at sho1·t notice, undo Gray's. reasonable terma. as I I I I Carriages Painted and Trimmed· J. GRAY, 1.J!one. N otecl for cheap Goods. . in BEST ---o--- A Blacksmith's Shop on the prmnises, were special attei:ition ia glYcn to all the World. DRESS G 0 0 D ·S Carriage work, lLnd General READY-l'l.ADE and Jobbing. and figured Lustres, Plain and Tfil·tan Wool ~opli:is, Metz Cord, Figured llepps, Empress Cloths, and an endless variety of ot~er nnv All ~ooi·k done at this Estciblishrnent Dress Gqods. Bl!tck Alpaccas, Double Warp Black Lustres, Black Cobourg, Black Paramattas, Black Crape Cloths, Black Metz Cords. wa1·1·antea. CLOTHING Good Cheap. M J:· I~ - L I N E R Y The assortment of:Millinery and Millinery Goods 1s very extensive and in trimmed or untrimmed Hats and BQm~ts every taste. can be conulted as the variety is so great. The Flowers a11<l Feathers, Laces, &c we claim to have the largest assortment to be. founc'. hiw~ A call is rer,pectfully ~olicited, ,T, MORRIS. Bow1na11 villo 1 Oct. lst, 1869. RICE & BARKER . Clothing to Order .... _______ · in tlte count1:1J. ,__ .. _____ tliat . . G. D. Lockhart, DENT I ST Impo1:ters of the BEST OBQANS manufactured on this Continent, arc prepared to treat ·with reliabl~ travelling agents on libcrnl terms. 'rhey are making am:ingeni.ents .to introduce some first class p.i(tnos. Ware Rooms itt the VI"est Durham Steam Printing House, King Street, Bowmanville. BLANKETS Large Variety In Black and \Vhite real Laces :tnd Lace Collars, we sortment, at prices to suit all. c · - a large as- ~ f ... (. . - Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Sugeons, Ont. Offi.c~ Onr Stuck of"'l'-weed~, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Bro,vers, Peteashame MelLons, etc., will be found unusually large. over F. F. ?vie.Arthur's Store, King: St .. Bowman ville. Bowmauvillc, Oot. 23rd, 1873. m3-t£. Winoeys--a. :Oea.d Job. CASH Purchasers-,1£NTAKr 1'0 Eol'l'ORS. - .t\. horse dealer, tle$cribing a~ ul!e<l·Ul) 11orl!e1 said he luoked ' 1 a:Wf..he had been editing n. claily news1)a1)er." U11t"the pohcenl:.m 'vho l'escuet.l froul dl'lH'lll· in:::- a nhaggy sp<1,.niel who hail been in th e brine 1::5onw fifteen or twenty minutes, 'vas n1ore i::ar· c:1stic: "He sa.iU of the grateful cur, a>H h e \\·agged gl'ace£ully his caudal appendnge, " He l·>Ol.ui like the editor of ~1 rnontbJy tna.gazi:ne, t1-y.i11g to plea:;e cveryboJy and juflt n1issing it," ]_..lTEHAL AND :F1GURA1'I \"E, - '; I wi~h," Haid a.n anxious ma to her ratheJ· careless Hon,1' I wish Jrou woulJ pay a little attention to ,your ~· trying-. Dut1W'l' 1o~s 1~uR Bowmanville, May 7th, 1872 MURDOCH BROS. BOW MANVILLE N. B.···Special inducement given to SAL'l'IXC- DO'VN PonK. - Al- i.irithmcfle. i' "'\Tell I do," was the i·eply. "I ru.y ;U!liltlo 'l'l1e tn1bfl Urib(;)r would beg to t:all a.ttentiou tu attention to it as possible." hi:J stock of In the same "cin w·as Murphy's reply t o bis kin<J, f:ri~ud who asked him, politdy, "Do you ing : enjoy g·odhetilth, Mr. Murphy? n "Faith, then, I do ; and did you en.ff know SAt: S~G E I\IEA'l', - 'l'ake ont:!-thlrd fat .11ud t\vol\nybody tho.t didn't?" thirdB lea..l1 pork, n.nd chop it, and then to enJry ]Jut Terence U'\Vhack wae still nwre literal : twelve pounds of meat add twelve large even "r.rhe top of the lnOJ'lling- to ye, Misthcr spoonfule of poun~led salt, nine 0£ sifted, l 1 erot; I've becin told yc'rC' in W[lllt o' help." a.nd eix of sifted black pepper. · Some like a ··I've but little to do," r evlied 1'f1._ Pe1·()t, little summer-sn.vory. kvep it in -a cool an<l dry place, \vith merca.ntile gravity. ' 1 l'n1 the Uoy for yec:i. rt·~ Out little I C<tl'e BOLOt: Kd. S :.US.\G l::S. - Take equal portions of abo~t· doin"- sure it'>:! Uie money 1'111 <t !t.her." veal, pork all(] ham,chop them fine, season with sweet her]J~ ,and pepper, put the in cnse.s, boil A tlaf'hlng f1::dlu"+ · who secme(l tu thi11k he them till tender, nua then dry them. 1na~ifestecl hir:; superiority by the <lisdaiu 11e A NO;·m:n REoa·E-.FOH :SAUSAGl!l .!\fEAI.-·'fo exhibited of anything like co1:1r~eRy to the hnn1 · ' ble/'"·11.s ch-iving his gig ouc rniny day, when he t1renty-five pou11ds of chopped meat, 'vbich t:itnl ~<; a toll·hal', hlH.l hn.nghtily asked what should be one.t.hird' fat and two.thirds lean, put he ,\fnHto pn.y. ·· 'l't'n cents, if you please, n t'i\'f>nty sp9onfuls of Bc.i,ge, twenty-fixo of salt, s;i,id\tl1e civil gt\te-kecprn'. Instead of handing ten of pepper, anp four of sumnier·S!l,YOry. the ;ooncy to hirn , ou 1· gntndce threw a. quarter tarelessly ull the we;:t and muddy groiu1d. The Sheep Maggot. .. Tb ere, tu.kc your cba.nge out of that. " The i ' ki::epcr stoovt)tl fol' the silver, and placing the Shepl1eNing in England requires a careful change rxuctly iu the !!ante spot, \"Valked uoolly connting twice every day, 1nore particularly in which for in, t q}-hc cot.tng('. July and ...'\.ugust, for the blnck beetles there strjke tbt1 ~rt.lX\'j a.a the fiy; and the maggots ~\ '1'.ENDEll RErHOOI·'.-A very littl e boy had 1::1triped along the back with ::i. blnck mark; they t,ne day done wrong, and was sent, u.fter· are: so large ru:i:d voracious that they soon get tal co1Te1;tion, to ask in secret the forgiveness into the poor sheep's ·JJside and cause instan l of liis heavenly Father. llis offence hatl been death,. ln snoV.'e.rJL nnd sultry' \':oa.ther, ip. pati~ion. Anxious to hear \vhat he \vould say,. surrune_r, the beetle wil_l strike in any damp his mother followed to the door of his room. · place iri th· )'l'ool, espeolally if soilP,d V.'ith the In lisping accents she heard him ask to be Jnade sheep's own dung or by lying down on cow's better·· never to be augry again ; antl tl1en 1 droppings. ;ith ~b.ildlike sin1plicity, he adtltd, "Lord! A shepherd beconies practiseJ. so that he <:an mn.'s teiuper better too." detect the placl.l where ·· fly blown:' or blown fly bect1es, bcfort.:J n1~gots 1 begun to worfT~ ;uAD COMl'.A..:.'O' B.ET'J.'.EH 1'HA:i NoN.&. - A la.w· ry the sheep; a.ncl, by applying some lotion, _ o/;q.-u-'itling through a to\Vll·, stopped at a. cot· (tnercury \vatei-,) which he generally ca.iTies in 'ftl;l\O t tf inquire his way. ·The lady of the homse his pocket, \vben the animals are in 1nany tiel<ls 'lata him he 1nnat keep straight on for son1e 118 they gene1ally 1t'he evil is checked a.t once; time, then tu1n to the dght ; but said that i:ihe but when rut over~igh ?-has given t-iine foi.. the h~l'Se]f was going to pass the roa.d he must ma.b<gots to begin gnawing at the skin, the· TYRONE., ~ ancl that if he would \Vait a few 1ninutes 1naL5truek will be very uneasy lying down and 1 iJbe \\'o~lU tihow hiin the wa). "Well," risii13 again directly,11..r unning fast som e steps he, "bad is bettei· than none. ~fake <~nd <§tainping ; ru:nl if it bas sought some ha.ate.:· After jogging on five or six miles the privato corner,or other place out of flight, it ha.s gcntlefu:iu asked if be hnd not co1111:: to the road becpm.e sick fron1 ,the continued \\'orry and the 1 .'\'l' 'l'H}~ he must take. "0, yes," snid Q}1~, "we have shepherd fillds it as soon as, on counting-, One is passed it two or thrtc miles back ; but I 1!eeu to be misi;iu.g. thought that bad co1npo.ny was better tba.u HoWevor the shepherd feels himtielf ilisgraced po1w, so I kept you along with mu." 'vli'en tL e 1naggoti:; arc a.Uowed to get this head;:,'rro'* l'O DE'J'~O'.l.' 'IH~}'l'.- Some tin1c ago ' a way before being disco vereu; hence, overy carti· llTOULD 1nost respectfully tender his sin' f ccre thankH to ltiij numerous fricnda a.nd gent1ein<111 called upon a wealthy but inordj. ful ~hepho:rd will,with tl1e ass1staJ1ce of his dog, n:~tely iue;\n luan, ::md found hi1n at tlie break- trail the flock in every field, steadily along, so custou1~ni. and to thu public g~ne1·ally, for the very liberal H upport he hn.s received since hi1:1 fast. tablo quite a.lone, u.ud doing his n.t1noat to that he can look closely into the wool on each com1nencing in bu.siness; and 1:topea by conti· uatch :1,. Uy which wal'! buzzing around the rooJ.l'.i. sheep, as they file pui:!t him or as he slowly goes nuecl strick personal a.ttentioI" ·O business, and t~"W1!_a:t th~ ~leuce are yo. u about ? " clemande.d by theu1;; an{i after viewing one side, he goes offering nothing but the puret r n.rt icles, at the n1ost reasona.blti prices, to ensur1;: a. continuunct:: the a.stonisb.~d visitor, to whom the speofatcle Of round andrexa.mlnei:; the other ; or 'vhen he has of pnblic.t'patronage. an okl n1aJ arnusing himself by catching flic3, a first·c1ass dog, 'that 1:1agacious creature wjll J. H. "·uuld call sp ucia..l attention to hit3 very aeemetl very aingula.r1 to say the lca8t. 'liwh ! ' nrnke th ~ ·wb6le number lengthen out eo that superior stock of cx.claiqit:<l the other, 'I'll tell yoH }Jrescntly.' they can be clearly lookeil all over in a. fc,v mii:After many ~ffurts the old fcllo'v succeeded at utts. - 001·. lluJ'a.l New Yorker. la.Ht in traJJping the fiy. 'l'n.king the insect 'vhich are sure to give tb1:J best. sa.tisf:wtion carefully between his thumb and forefinger, he A well-selected stock of "God is Love." put it into the sugar bowl, a.nd quickly dropped DRUGS, t.111J lid over the prisoner. His visitor, u10re The other evening I h~ard a preacht!r- n. aunvred than ever, k11o·wiug, as he ditl, the GIIE1Jf1 GALS, good and ablt~ u1an to boot-say, 'The sin· avaricious character of the 1nan befo1·c, rc1Jeat· eel ~question. 'I'll t ell y 0u,i r eplietl the nel' cnnnot escape fron1 God's anger,or front PAT E1'l'll J.l!EDl Oli!l.b1S nibmr, a .triumphant i:,<rin o\·erspre~uling his His povf~r, I.Jut he niay escape front His BR[]'S ffES .. ~.u.,i>1'irrulce as he apoktJ, 'I want to asct>rtain lov<:".' My soul tvas stirreJ lVitliin n1e at ' 1ftfie servants steal the sugttr. ' the unccinscious Ubel on the r>iviuc charac· 1 001Jt.!BS, low a peck of salt for irixty pounds. f'.t0ver the bottom of the barrel '\'ith salt an inch deep. Put down one hi.y ~r of pork, and .covi;,r that ·with salt Lulf :~n inc..:h thick. Co.ntiuue this till the ba.rl'el is fnU. Then vour iu as rnuch strong vickle ~ tLc batrol \Vill receivt::, I<ee p ('oa.rire f,alt betwc-On all pieces, f!O that the brine can circulate. 'V'hen a "<bite scum or bloody-look· ing 1na.tter ris~ Ol\ the top, scald the brine and add more Leave bloody and lean pieces for sautiagcs. Pack p.s tight as possible, the rind next the barrel; and let it be a-l-u.:avs kept undm· the brine. Some use a stone for this purpose. In salting down a. new supply, take the old ll1'ine, boil it dow·n a.nd rcmovt! <:1.ll t.he scu~ 1 und then uB e it to pour over the pork. The pork may biiuscd in six weeks after salt- F. Y. Cowle. 1873. Ma.ohine a.nd Implement Manufacturing Co Simmons & Clough Organ Co's I1nproved Manufa,cturers of WOOD AND IRON Cabinet Organs AND .. WORKING MACHINERY Groceries, LBPl"EL'S Most Wonderful Invention of th~ Age. J Moses' Electro-Galvanic, Pat. June, 2nd, 1868. .A.ttacbed to these patented Spectacles two ~icientifically constructed Galvanic :Batteries-unseen when worn-delivering . through the nerves of the head, a aoft and continuous stream of electricity, vitalizing and giving healthy a-C· tion to th~ eilt;ire beautiful s:yijtem of those parts :Ory Goods, THE Double Turbine Water Wheels, And Boots & Sl:toes etc, etc Ca. st in gs of a. ll Xinds. absolutely and certainly curing REPAIRS doue on tht: Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve Weak or Diseased Vision, Neuralgia of the Bead or Face, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of th face, · Noises in the Bead, Loss of Mental Energy, And a liost of ~ervous Diseases, arising fro1" depression of the nervouf!I energy of the ayatem Contributing in a. most astonishing degree, to life_, vigor a.nd health. By the means of the soft anct flowing '" stream of Electricity, Giving Brightn~ss to the Eye, Quickness to the Ear, S:U:OBTEST NOTICE, "\Ve now on hand a. large quantity of Quality and Cheap ness, Common and Gang Plows, thn.t will be sold at CANNOT BE SURPASSED and energy to the '!'hey are set with lenses o( the finest manufacture, to auitall sights, and with glasse1:1 for those not neeing Spectacles to read with but desiring the benefits to be derived from wearing the Ba.tterice; and are only ·to be had in 1iihi.s viciDity of LOW PRICES tf AT THE SHOP. Bown1a.11ille, ~fn.rch 6. 1873. YELLOWLEES & QUICK. ro25 If ®ranh<f~n,1rru1mltmil <IDryaus . FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED J. ELLIOTT, ---·--------- -- ---DRUGS AND MEDICINES THE PUBEIC WALTER 'VIGG & SON, N rcturuiug thanks to their nnmerous Custotners nnd the P\lblic geJ?Crally, for \n;vofs ,vould respectfully inYite their attention to our presentstock of }"'urmture, a.a w,e .a.v<: at<;h~ adcled thereto, that ,ve may thereby be enabled to supply ~ll P,arties "110 m~y to f.avor. l "'ith U: call. Great induce1neDts held out to those 11urcashmg at our E"°tabllflhm.ent, P1~ures, 'L ook in..,. Glasaes &c. framed to order, and in every style, Samples. of the d1ffercnt ~nd of ~fonldi~gs can b~ seed at the \Vire-rOom. We would a.lso beg to inform you, that, having PU~· chased n. ~ · ' Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, The satisfaction given by ' Bowmanville Drug Store. J. HIGGINBOTHAM, I - I BARNUM it> eclipsed by the sati:;fnction given by S~fALl!: to his numerous patrons_ He is llO\\o" pleaaed to announce that he baa on hn.nd a. large and varied assortment of An invention having a most impol'taut betiring on the future reputation of Reed Instruments, by means of which the quantity or Volume of' tone is very largely increased, and the quality of tone rendered Equal to that of the Best Pipe of the Sa111c Ca1lacity. ---o--- Or~an~ , SPLENDJD NEW' HEARSE, B001. S AND SHOES 1 o{ the best quality, auU is anxious that tbt1y shall set to \Vork aa 110011 ns possiblu. we ;,1hall Le rca<ly at a11 tbnes, to attend Fuuc.rals, 011 !)hort notice, and reasonable terms. N. E. Cloffi UH ke1>t on band, l~nd made to order, at the _ Our celebrateu " Vox Celeste," " Louis PaL-ent," " Vox Humana." " \V il cox Patent" " Octave Couplel'," the. chal'ming "Cello" or " Cla.rionet ' Stops, and NEW D01 1f11VION RETAIL FURNl'IURE WARE-R001li Oshawa, Aug. 26th, DYESTUFFS, King Street East, Oshawa, l~tO. All l'rioes, All Sizes, All Xinds, Lad!es .Prunella Congress, at 80 cents " ·~ Balmorals, extra high cut · · · · - - · - $1,25 A LL TH E LA T E I M PR 0 V E M E N T S Crw be obtained on! y in these Organs. '1.'hfrty-five Dit)erent Styles, Fo1· the Parwr and the Ch1wch, The Best 11fotei·ial and Woi·kman slt·ip, Qmility cmd Voliime of Tone Unequalled ·ao· AND . SEE Noi:hin.g to Beat GENT'S BOOTS, i&J _ OIE'G l\L.i. Dt EASY.-An i1nperhtl high. · nesswaltzecl thricein-the same evening with ~ ~~~ljsh lady u.t the Court uf Berlin. She iiturally f~lt, and frankly expressed, herself (~l!Jlalkr<'cl by the .compliment. ·~I <lid te_ '" I sh.oukl liave liked an. _opportum."ty SHOULDb'R-BRACES, f d h 0 P.ropos~ng to my reverend frien t e !ol· 1 SUPPOR'l.'ERS Etc. Etc. lowing c.11leu1u1a: Can the sinner escape ' ' fron1 God 1 If you say, he can, then plain· kept constantly on hand. BATTING'S "NEW ---- i~. ----o---PBICE8 $50 TO $500. Rubber Goods, Felt. Goods, Trunks, &c. Special attention given to ly be can escape from His anger and from OILS, PAINT; 'Doi. intend 1t asa comphm·nt," was tho an· His power. But if you say, as I appreCOLORS V ARNIHSES a.D·!!c;-"Then,"~aicl the lady. somewhat r e- hend you ?1ust, 'No, he cannot;' then, as~ a'l~l l}rHJ1lE LE.i.iD bq~e,d,,.. " yoru' highness znust ha very f{md flf ~~ ~.':'·" "I detest," wo.s the still un Sn.t1sfo,ctory response. 11 )Vha.t, t11en, 1 nay I a... ~:k, cp.. 11. be your Unpcrial higbness'A otive for · dancing?" '"Ma.<lam," wa.~ the exaltc·d per· sonage's reply, "I dance to pernpire," suredlv, neither can he fron1 Joye; ' for ' Guod ·i.5 Wve ' nnJ. to escape· ft·om love is a.t the v1~ry lowust prices. ' Horses and Cattle Medicines; to esc~pe irom God. The love of God n1ust N . B.-Country Storehecpo:r-s supplied on the b urn lll ti1e Ye~·y [jires 0 f Ge h cnna, or th cy must advanta.geouB termti. A choiet:1 selection of LA.1\'IPS, for salecheap 1 never ca.L1 be kindled of Uod.-TV1n. Jiau*' BuwDl~villo, Dec. 9, 1868. firo ----o---Factory and Warerooms, Cor. 6th and Congress streets, Detroit, Michigan (~>stablisbed FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS AT THE CUTTING AND FITTING a.nd none but first-class \Vorkmen employed, thus insuring good value in every case. STORE. -One door east of Cornh!li's Jewel· ry Store, King St., 13ow\U.anville. J, SMAJ,E. Btw1nain·ille, Sept, 23rd, 1873. in 1850. )· l I Manchester House, Bowmanville, Sept. 18th 1873. RICE & BARKER, Agents, for Ontario, West and North of BelevilJle Bowmanville, Aug 21 ~ t, 1287 m7-o<i4 -