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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 6 Feb 1874, p. 1

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THE MERCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER 0 c tlate.s ]al'gely in the To vnsh1piJ of Darling ton Clair re and Cart vright It is n. common [lat or n op on to the f1 ee drncu ~ s1on of all qucs t ')n tl WEST DURHAM Stea.m. Job Printing Office KING STREET BovnnNHLU vluch the ~ e no 1al p bl care couccrntHl TERM S ~eve n ,y five cents per annum, m ad v.t nce The Merchant and Obser v e $2 00 R \ TES OF ADV 1!.RTISI?JG 19 JO 35 i1e1 .a.nnum AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME Y BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRID.ti Y F£BRUARY 6 1874 NUMBER XVIIr en pipe, 11 b1cli POS'.IERS PAllfPHLE'.I S CIRCULARS BILL HEAlJ'CHEQUES NOTES HA:NDBILLS L '1BELS CJARDS TICKE'.IS, &c &c &c EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. B. Gentlemen ~~- POETRY. s & Boy's Garments M\. ) } L""I THE Days That are no More GR AND TRUNK RAILWAY' l'IEWEST STYLES R EL IA NCE Mutual Life Assurance Society Bl ElJOENb: T H:\LL F \ LL AN D "INT.EU rr~IE TABLE Bo\\ monvtllc Tuly 27 1869 ES'I'ABLISIIE D 1840 C ~N ADA CHIEl Or: F J CI ~ [rains "ill leave Bo,v1nanv1lle Station, Bo\vma.nville t11u e, us follow s GOJ.N G \VES'I: C,.O lNG EAST ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. '\Vheu 11: ~ny )earsha\e rolled a~ay When we no mot e are young 'Vhen other voices may 1epeat The so1 gs th1tt we have sung L ocal 7 25 a m { 20 p m I Ex p1ess M1x:cd Lo cal 8 40 a lll E i\i1x ecl 8 40 a m 3 20 p m 7 20 p m Fon. l1cketa Liverpool Lon don and Glasgow 131 ST H MES S TRE ET MO N TREAL Y\ hen all thy yout h~ 11 heat t y pales ~ ;) 01 ll fumatton aprly to W A NE UJS Ayent Bow1na11v1lle Juno 9th 1871 tf 30 D I E EO T OI1S E sq J\1 P Ohaiu:uaall D u:t1C \N MACDON\.LJJ Esq MAJOR 1 E C A.111 UELL ( B St H 'I RE H Ol:\OR '.I. ~LE Jo JN l1A MJ1 rON H"wks bn Ont R1 SID] JS r SEOl ] l ".RY - fa}lEo GRAN1 \VAL'IER S H :\NL'i \Vh1ch t ime w1 l lot resto1e e tender thoughts may c01ne k clung ont of the1a.nks means a.good deal and I take it that he 18 excited with the Dew a th it he has fJon1ehu\v 0 ot hold ofn ewa that 1s t ettn g into lns hea 1 1 ke so 1nuch gr eun i ucl I -re thon 0 ht vf 1t some little ttni~ r o v sn a1 d 1t strikes 1ne that it rnste!l of our short company bemg Eng hsl n1 c n, they \Vere all Ch under Cho'v"', be fore to ru oirow morning begging your par don Dyer and Lieutenant Leigh would hav o said Right wheel for the Inst tia1e Inv where I bad dropped it 1 uto five mmutes, puffing and blo"mg J wns sit >1de h10 calico That lad me open and then going o lbe next roon1 where ting on his chest, ta1nng u paper from 1n h1a t!Llc, ll.nd ultnnnLe] \ d e 1noth e1 o l rn under the wi do v lnJ the brt ofcottou cob \'ob nod cat~ cradle \Ork I1iz.y hn l been doing and had left bclnnd I 8"'" a lnt of a gulp as T poked that up, aud I "<Vas tuck ing it rn,1<le m J oket when I stoppe<l short, for I thought J I HIU a wbmpe1 I listened au l It 'vas again-a lo,,, earnest wb1 >ipe11ug of firl:it one and then an other voice 111 the next. rootli \\hose wide broken doo1wa\ ~t l upen for there \\Rsn t Parepu s I n1neJ1ite ut cestors emb1ttce l 1c pre:oie1 t tJves of a.hnost evel1\ cn1hze l n n while belore nnother thought could pass tlonahty of E nope fhus her rna1 ernnl through my nnnd it was atlck1ng through grandfatl Pt "as Frcn cl his \\ 1fe ' rrs \\ elsh my Jacket and the skm of my ribs and my wh1Je her mother the great grandmother fist was driven down ng:ainst hia month for of Euphrosi ne wns n thoro i~hbre<l Mus him to kIBB for the second time m his hfo aaw tl en that he had a k111fe tn one band for 1 ke a fil'b, I offgpru1g Eunhroayne - the subject of th s sketch It is an u te1 stulg fact that AI 1 c Next mmute Captam D) er and a dozen 01en \vere 1n the roon1 Chun ler n:a::J hand eo11te On the fathers-De Boyoslm s- .J xpress 9 15 p in R R LOSCOMBE, l31lRRIS1ER AT LAW IJOLIOITOR IIV CH 1 ~ ORRY i c 0 FF10:F.:,- 0 New 'l'a,ilor Shop JOHN HEAL, S PECI A L FE A T U R ES. er l\1:c0lu g fl Store aatne flat o.~ J :&f lliimncon1b s De} 1tal Roo1n~ T he ENTU E Pnor ns b long to and a1e <ll\ id l3 o n1anv1lle Oct 27tl 1868 ly c l ainnngst the P oi1c lwldei s RHYME AND LIME. L GOOD FITS GUARANTEED A httlti lthJ me came JUSt in time And all about t he beat of L1.n1e I 1n1c from t1 c West of the very be~t form the p lhhc genera.Uy, that he ho.s com Not beat in nny quarter mencetl burnness 1n the Shop next to the Ex J 1no that' 111 a.lway8 atru l the tei;;t l te ':ls Office one <loot enst of J 1f: lue s When making into mortar IIrr\ilng ha l several year s ex ponence n the I ~ill try and keep a good supr ly tr::i. l e he hopcf'I to satL':lf y all who tnay favo1 ] or it 18 aJ.\'. a) s "ianted lum w1tl n. call That when you 3,ll come in to bt y Y Ou 11 not be d1sappointe 1 You \\ill al a.ys find it dIJ and fresh And that is sometlnng bon1ue Bo" to an· ille St.> p 40 So come along and try t}na Lune But don t forget the money llvurs of delive ...r from :Nine a. m to l ou1 pm 001 ner of Qneen and Ont l::n o Street b'o1 the 1'ownslnp ot Dc~r/;mgton THOS BOWDEN llo\v1na.nv lle ~fnrch 11th 1871 no24 tf ATE \\ IIH F Y (OWL} beg· to 1 1 L n ES DECLIN:h: J BY O'l lJEU COM !' \.NIES 01 on \Vlnch a i extt a P re1nium u ould be rcqurred can be assured at tl e ord1n ary ratea of th s Society under a special arr t'flge 1 umt SPECIAI N oN F J.l'E I1' \.BLE l " OLIClES issued un ler \\ luoh Gnly 10 p: or 20 Ann\ al Paj Iuents are rcq_ nrcd each payment securing a rohcy for a:; Ill. :.l. $8 l l p 101 ort1onate to the n rrnb e1 of l Cll l ~ pa.i.d, an IJrcc fro i. jut1 r nay1u1 t ofp e i u1 s }_too RA. TE PRE1- l CJ.!S ant most hbcral c o1 tl1tions Prospectuses P1oposal 1: orml:! &c supplied on apphca.tlou u.t tho H ead Office 01 any of the \genc1es AUCTIONEERS H T PHILLIPS, IB.MP'.ION 0 J'AMESGRANI l~es S t1cretary - r:1 t attention gn en tQ aal able term$ ~ &c on r easuu Wm. Barton, EY~ ISKILLEN. .... .11 e rn umptly attend ed to on reasonable terms Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders ! }.,EED MILLS. BOW MANVILLE ,\GEJ\ 1 101' BOWllfAJ\ Vll LI<: C BARKER 32 ly Ol server Office Kmg St 'A.nd ti a \\omen untl clllldreu he rnut a bit ot \VO dwoiJ I t cuffed and ruarched off and the Captain 'Ihc soul but slumbers to aw al e I have bearJ nbot t I eople sayrng that was eagerly quest1on1ng me \ered softly bit I heai<l him 1.hkc to JOY and pain He <ltd 1 t speak then for qutte half a in son1e g1eat s 1rpnse i/J fright their hearts But is tnat fellow shot down or taken \.nll ever~ hol:; t1 o ,.1 t al l dr a l nunute "' l n he turned to n1e w1th n. pleas stool! strll but I dot t b h ve 1t because tlie one outotde 1 I asked Are <iure to come ::i.g: :n n 1t ah.\ a) a strikes me that when a pereon a Nerther Ratd Captain Dyer and it 18 Rut s1n1le lhc JOuthful heart unmarr<l bycarc ' But) ou i:e e hougl , Snutb he said heart does stand st1l1,it never goes on again too late now he has got far enough away But o.rcnms of days 1 efort: lhe old hes.rt lives on 1nen or1cs our abort company is n1adc up of d1!!erent All the same thot gl mv heart felt then as Then I told him what I had seen, and be Of days t11at are no more stutl and theielore theres some hope for us if it did s\and strll " 1th the dead dnll, looked at the packet his brow kmttmg as [h e1e s a i lrn.utmn' orld to c u e yet but-- Ah, Leigh chd \ ou hear miserable fcclu g that came upon me Only he tried to make it out Who~e gat wa.y is the to1nb to thrnk that ot th1a ·he second llrne I hnd 'I ought to have come round, and gn:en what he said 1 Where vn1ces v; ill be he:\r<l agau Yes s '1 l the lieutenant \vbo haJ heen 1,;;0me through thei;ie r uneU rooms, and they the alarm ~aptam, I said bitterly :Beyond the htdden gloom It was plain enough stllnding 11t the door for n. fr." rr101n.ent s, were heTe agau1 ' Yes, nn good fellow, yon ought he said, " here sbapea and sl ado vs or the past Hnrry Lant an<l Lizzy made this their ' and I ought to ha. e bod that black scoun sco vi Lig a.t U:> both \V1th1n the 15oul \ill stay u d onlv thuy knew how drel under loek and kev day· ago But it W.JI vh tt do you thrnk 1 '" l Captain meeting plac "- hE'n humn,n hearts aud human 1 lang many times tl ' d tnet before ia too late no" to talk of what ought to DJ 1 Ha\e c1u1nblcJ tu dec11y Tnne l ack I co 1ld have langhed at the ham been done we must talk of what ' rhink 1 aa1 l Lieutenant LC1 0 h contcrnp An l thet v. hen ) ear s bin e ivlle l awa.v tuously us he turned a\\a\- nothing tdea ot me a great etrappu g follow feeling there l· to do-But are you hurt 1 ~nd \Ve no more nre Joung But, sai I Caplarn Dye1 q me\i y really as I did , b 1t now I felt very wretcbed and 'He sent lm knife through my iacht, 'Vhen other \ oices rr aJ repeat I think th ere is 1nuch truth in "hat he an as I thought of Harry Lu t ktssrng those sir I said bnt it e only a ecrateh on tlae Ti c songs that \\ e ha\ e sung \Vhen heavenly "u.n!:'l ue on the l!Olll bright red hps aud looking 11 to those deep skm an<l fortunately thats what 1t provt<i observant man sa~s lhy beauty may roi,to1e 'I here was a challenge lrom the roof J l8t daik eyes, ar d betng let p:t'-'S h1g, hand over to be, for we had no room for wounJed Sonte tender th ought~<> \v1ll come then and 11 e all went out to find that a the glossy hair w1lh the prosueet ot some men, etnce Vi' e should have them soon Of daya that arc no mo1c mounted man was in sight, aod on the cap day calling it ull I JS o~ u I chd not bum enough CIJICAGO ILL tum making nae of his glass, I heard him all over with a u1ad rage inU pas>1on, but 1t XI tell I 1eutenant Leigh that it was an ordcrlJ was hkc a great gnef c n11ng upon me so Of days that no 1no1 c s1de Euphros3 ne a grandnlother was the d t lKLter of a Turlo 8h 0 1and v~ 1 e l \\ho had !he honor of l c1 g strnn 0 led b y I 1· subl1n1e 80\t"rcign U e 81ltan T h10 mixed or ~in an<l. to l er n lch tr1:n el o le rrught attJibute the pnma donnaa f ctltly in modern languages :u d oer cntlrely cos mopohtan tastes But 1 er father \Vas l 1m self a cos1nopohte a1 rl RDO.n_e nine languages and dialect· with I crfoct fluen ) Mme Pa1epa. Rosa. ht-rsclf spoke ancl \\rote hvo European lialects \\1th an elegance and ex actnees not urual nm0ng th mm "bose speci allty 1B rnua1c So far as 111 ts1cal gcn1u9 is concerned 1t doea not usually exte d throuRh more than t\\ o or three generations and in the case of tbt S l'lu ns, it did not extcu l back H any et 11 en t dC'gr~e further than to the ~rand father of P·re1a Tht ea.rly man1feRt<1hona. of inu51cal gent us in Mme Pur( pa \\ f're very marl eel and pro1n1~1ng WI en two ycara and H half old she was able to su1g such ni.:1 ai the ronda of Amina ui Soni ambula and she nsed to entertain musical people ; ah snch exb1b1hon0 The p gn1\ pr1n1a douno, ho~i!lCr nl\vays man1f ste l nn1ch rescrv upon such ocefleionA ln 1 1f any is were present ahe wonld onl} sing wt en scteened in so le n a1 ner horn 'le 'f L1ku manv otheri \vl10 ha' e tltHl1 g111shed thetn selves 1n the mui:ncal 'vorld Eupbrosyne showed ' wonde1ful f1ci!1ty for retalt icg tn the memory every 1 elodv \\l11ch fdl upon her cars Altboul'.'Jh the ino·hcr re a1eted for son1e years the tc nptat1on to ti t her prornunng duughtf.1 for the stage she Bown anv 1ll1 J lne 24th 1870 LITERATURE. BEGUMBAGH dragoon Imperial .Fire Insurance Co m l ONDO!i A few n11nutea af~er, it \Vas plain enough to everybody and soon, man and horse that, 1f it hadn t bee 1 fur be11g a could have sat do~ n i1DC1 crte l man, I A1 hour oJ council and then anotherour t\\ o leaders not seeming to agree as to JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter Gl:.zier Paper Hanger &c , &c :\Jl kinds of wo1k ;promptly attended to and satisfaction g1 wantet-U R esidence- !\ e xt Uoor co,st of the Bible Clu1s t a t Church TYRONE Another car load of the\ u noble articles on (Es tu.bl1~hed 1803 the way HEAD O<>~o~s -1 Old Broad St Please call nt tho Pall Mall London GEN'FJRAI '\.G.ENOi nn l l :-; FOU. U . 1. \_ ) - Farm Implement Forwardmg Agency R W JAMES Subscr1bc l and lll\ oste l Cap tal and I\.eser\ o Fund £1 960 000 Sierhng King St Ho\vtuan\1lle Uow oauv1lle Dec 5 18 2 crament lt' 1 yr on· Mm ch 8th 1869 22 ti nlO Funds 1n\ested m Cana l a- 105 000 Insurt.1tncea against loss by Fire are effected on dead beat, the order!; 'nth a despatch ·trot ted mto th e court A::il HJllISODE OF THE INDIAN l[UTINY It "as a eight worth secmg to look upon Mrs Mame clutehmg ~t the letter enc!Jsed for ~er m Captam Dyers despatoh Poor IX \Voman 1 it wa5 a treasure to her-one that (Contmued) made her pant as .she hurriedly snatched it I d'n t wonder at the people of old pamt frorn \he captam s bur a for all formality rng devt!R with bhck faces for I don t know anvthmg moie devilish lookmg than a "as forgott on rn those <lays am\ tlien she blacks pluz \>,;hen it is driwn with rage,and hurried awav to \'ibere her sister was " C BOUNSALL, ORTER MA N UF AC IURER I MP DEALER in t.ll the variet ies of au To Masters of I.. 0. I. CERTIFIC <I.ES A1 phcations BT,ANK &c ca.n be procured at this office at ~c. the most favorable te.rrne and losses pa. d Y.'lth out reterence to the Board lD London. regi1lar rates llowmarmlle July 7th 1873 Italian & Ame1can Marble. .A 1 u g~ a 1 oho1co selcctio l of ARRIVAL! WESTERN CORN Monuments & Grave Stones, F o R s EE D , Gentlemen of Fa.ehion. ~·Y on 1 , 1 of s ipenor voikm n<l 1p and nt lo ~t:at prices 01 IC"" ~< ~-"~'"'JliL~.,1,1.JP' AL l'l'll'll!"~~ .no"lfi>'l!i. T ~ ~A.~' W1 oiiynt 11on Fencco &c lB F 0 R 11 1' FE E D 1b or eud u~na 0 bntj11 g lots John McDougall I"' A I 1 l I Ct 3 IT the eyes are rollmg about, now all black ing to hear the ne\\ s x dash now all white while the grmnmg The order! v took back · despatch from ivories below seem to be grinding and ready J DODSWOI\IH RIJS rouL BROS Captam Dyer staitmg at daybreak the next Inspector Gen A gents Montrea to tear Jou in pieces mornmg but before then, we all knew that It "as after that faslnon that Ch under R R LOSCOMBE, Barrister gen niatters were getting to wear a terrible as looked at me as he turned at the door , but for Bowmanville and Vicinity pect At ftret I had been disposed to thmk Bov."ID.anVllle J ine ] i+h 1860 36 I wns then only tlnnkmg of the tremhhngo that the ordcrlv \Vas romancing and giving m o 43 39 4w frightened girl I held m my arms llymg at us a rew trin cllers taler;: , but l soon found the sn nc time to whisper n. fe\'i gentle out that h e \\a.a 111 earnest and more than t ~ ords while I bad hard work to keep from once I felt a slu \er as he sat with our mese, pre'Brng m~ hps to her wh1to forehead telhug lS oi ho\v regunent utter regnnent But the next m1nute she d1sengllgf'd her had n1utin1cd and murdered th1,;1r officers ---self from my grasp, and 1 elcl out he1 httle ho,..; stat on ufter station bud been plun<lel NOT SO FAST. 'vi ite band to n1e, thanking me as sweet!) ed collectors butchered and 11 ca\\ ives and as thanks eould be gn en I lut\ e writ ten thes6 f ff\\ 111 C'S daugbtcra somettn1cs cut down, so1net1me! ' Perhaps you had better not s"' ft word .A.n 1 all I ha. o to i:;::i.y carried off by the \Hetche· who had made about lt she wh18pe1ed c lies come under Tl1~t) OU can fi i l me st 11 H.L ho1 nc a sport of t hrowing inf ~uta from onlj to the SO, HO }'u rmtura '.fops Mantel Pieces kept on ba.nd er wr u,) t. t o 1r ler r :oi1ecffully1 eque~ tcil at the \ V O k$ J(i A call ig Street Bo1nniani:ille 1 ti October, ls\ 1869 BEAUTIFUL IEErII J M BRIMACOMBE L D S l REMOVAL I D :\.VTDSO:t\ has remo, ed i cs1dence D and S irgery to the late res dence of J o] hi 1lne E q on the Market Square m n35 tf lu~ - I a tu uot gone awn.) So n.ll 1ny lun lol l fu cn ls ina:, t me A n <l all t he :, ouug ones too And get then garn1cn ts n er.I\ In fMh ons thu.t arc ne'" 'Vheie old n.u l J ouue de . . 1 fneu l llHJCt prctcnco of .seeing the 11 urse, and been rule other on their baj onets to tne once or t" ice before I ca1ne he1-e Ina) A oleo ne greet g by R P EAI ll Bo' n ;:in llt: Jui c 1011 Jt 3 to sit at that wmdow with my w01k and did not see him come behrnd n e I started aa ahe spoke 11bout that open wrndo1i for it looked out upon the spot where I sometunes stood sentry, but then Harry Lant somctnnes stood Just rn the r e,th ~xlractod at Twenty five Centa R0om s ove1 1"Ic0lung Bros Stores Bu ma.n ille Oct 1st 18"'0 Jam es McFeeters. AC.ENT I never had anJ children sobbed lvfra th eu and I never w1shed to hove any, lo1 the; re not right for soldters "ives but on!; to thmk-the poor sweet, suffering httlo thn gs Oh, 1f Id oni, been a. man and been thete ' We none of us said an) lbing but I be s:ime place, and I don t kno\V whetber 1t ltcve all thought as I dtd ti "t 111\frs Bau was a strange H· press1on caused Uy hts coin te1u bad been ther~ d lu1ve Jone as n1uch tn" that rna<le me thmk of !urn but Just Bant~in, 'S111nc mnn, Sl\ld Lieutenant l.1igh, look most thoro 1Jh m 1a1et l h1.1.n ni:r exe1c1 i g I "as red hot then 1u a n1oment snd as mg through hIS glass and before 'ery long, herself the fuuct1ona of ate cher Ind ei:d to tbmkrng whether this or that was the poor fellow" ho I ad gone awa' at day l!l~e \l"as well q 1e.hficd tor tl at office h~' 1 g straightfor11ard, or 1hether I was plannu break rode slowly up to the gate, 11 as ad etuched 1nceilie.antly fur fo r yea1s 1 i ic.r the spy, or anJthmg of that sort such an nntted and tben had to be helped hom his auch 1nasters H.8 Crescenti 1 Penscron and idea never came uito iny head Chunde.r bc1ae giv1ug a great sobbing groan as It Bordogtn Tlle trannng ot a 'oculist for was ev1denth talkiug to L1Z>y Green lD was done tho stago in Europa 1s som etlung so se' ere that room and for !l few seconds I felt 'in here quick I said, for I thought I rn itself that if n pubuc hat! a heai t not bhnd with a sort of Jealous, savage rageheard the ladies votcea and \Ve earned outright of stone t Ol ght to nccord u agamst her mmd no11 and gomg on tip hu111n to where Airs Bnntem was as usual to e'cry blesa£>d \\arl 1cr ol theu1 if toe I looked roun l the lo..iiway so as to gettmg rca<lJ for drnner and there 11 e laid only for the heroism of \he effort they ha,-e see ae well as henr made, \vae no ex\.:ept1on notw1tl standing hnn on a n1ttttress I was back in au instant 'v1lh 1~ fr(:l!h set Despatches captain he sa~ s holdmg the wondeiful precocity of bet 111us1cal 1n ofs~neationa l:nsJ in rny brea.f:!t It was up the cnpt1an s letter to Colonel Ma1ne tellect and the pbr.uornenal for1nat1on of Ch under but l ~"ts alone there v;ae no ' Thev dtdu t get that Thev were too many her vocttl )rgans n ade I et like J en y] nd Lii>y there a1 I I don t knoll whether my Drill was for me I dropped one, though, \Hth my a pr1ma donn11 1 y intt it on heart beat then for 10) at kno\\i iug it, or for pistol, an<l cut my way through the others necessary however and at la.<it \'hen fifteen shame at myself for bavrng thought such a As he ·poke I untwlBted hIS lentber ii was deeded to b11ug her out a.a an aper thrng of her sworl knot, winch w~s eutt1ng mto ht· attc soprano, abe was made to unJ ergo a What did it mean then 1 wrist for hIS hacked and blood stamed sa course of vocal gymnast.1cs, before which I did not ba1 e to ask mJ ·Clf \he questwn the most of our sopranos \Vho sing \\Tith bre """ hangrng from his band twice for the ru sn er 'Wouldu t go back mto tho sc>ohard, he veraure clar] and Uni voca at our an1a. And stealrng to I , slit of window m the said family , and then with a harsh gasp teur concerts or even 1nany who trll\ cl roon1 1 waa in I prcprd cautiously out in about the country with tbetr Luce d1 ' \\ ater-water time to S<e Chuodei throwing out what Here\1\edthenabit, Bnd as Cupta1n q ue·t, and then Comm \Ju o ti e Rye, I should thrnk ten mi oute· passed, and the \\ h1spenng sL111 weut on, \Vhen I sa.1d to 1nyself Be a rnan, I~aac if she hkes lum better, has11 t she !l noht to her pick But still I felt \ety 1uu1cr~ble as I turned to go away,\\ hen a. sorr1ettnng s111d a little louder than tlie rest, stopped me That am t En~lish I says to fllJ self 'What surely she· not lt<temog to that black scoundrel i the exten· of the commg danger Challenge from the west roof 'Orderlv rn s ght Sure enough, a man on horseback r1d1ng very slo" ly, and "' lf hIS horse was dead beat 'Surely it tsn t tLat poor fellow come back becnus }us horse has tailed 1 lie ought to hn\e \\alkcd on,' said Captain Dier did not fail to lay tl e ~ro rnd 1ork of a "' looked hke a white packet I could see !us arm inove as he thrP" 1t do vn to a man 1n atte11d1ng to and bmdrng up Ins wound· a turban- a dark w 1 i look nJ iascal and he told how he had been set upon ten mil.a Ln tho;i.e fe\V seconn : 1 1 seen1ed to reud tl1e Dyer and MlS Bantero. between them were would quail tu abject l<rror For mglit th~n MARRIAGE LICENSES I SSC.KD BY ROBERT ARMOUR I 0Wlnanv1lle Dec 10 1869 \\ELL FILLED "ITH THE HOUSE ASHION FFall and Winter Fashions ' CHOICEST OF GOODS. __ J'TJS'l' -at ARRIVED ti e NE\V S1 0RE' 1 NEW MILLINERY, HATS &BONNETS, LATEST STYLES IN TRIMMING, &C. .....__ _ 0 WAT c H E hou~~ ;~~~~ry ELECTRO PLATED AARON BUCKLER !In.a the best and inost desirable lot ( f s the l 01 the follo 1ng Insu1 ance Co rnpan 1~a a nd toned Harry entered the room otl er Ins t1t t. 01 s v z 'I he QUEEN Frre and I ife I sura1 cc Com Beg pardon d1 in t kno\\ it was en l ""1Y C 'l bl £ 9 000 000 $150 000 deposited gaged he saJ s lightly as be stepped back w th tLe Dotn 1 o L Govet'1nri ~ nt fo1 tho protec lers 111 Canada. an J then he etoppeu lot Lizzy called to h m lhe ISOJ A rBD l ISK F ne Insurance Con1 pany oi Can ( "-P tal $r:JOOOOO -Oneoftbe by Ins nan1c beat 1nd ch~npeHt Compauiea do ng business in Pleaoe walk back '"th me to M>e the Dorr 1n1on for Far ers 1nd Isoln.ted R1sk21 ~f111ne s quarters she &nd softly and once 'lhe CANAD\ L ANDED CREDIT COY more holu1ng her hand out to me with her \\ it h a Savings Hn.nk department 'lhe UNION AND P E RMANENT 13uil lmg eyes cast down, she thanked n1e and the and Saving a Soc1et:v 'l hef-le latter l stlt tinn s advauce Loans on que·trnn [ had been askmg mvse\f-D1d ~ at E state on term s u nusually easy for the she love Harrv Lant better than me 1-waa bono,'i er to my nnnd ansl\ered, and I gave a groan as Bow man· lle I eb 6th 1870 I sa\v tbem walk off together, for it struck -ah, pexbaps mo1e-thnn some men \\ould there \\ere footsteps, and with his pipe have done Ble'8 my soul ' as [ ti mk of n his n1011t h a nd fatigue Jacket n.11 unbut of d1fforcnt graUes aud sur1 ~se1:1 all Dressma,king lU 0 Dana'!! Patent Sheep Marks HESE MARKS ;\ RR THE CHE \PES'.JAT the most last ng the least troublenome and most eom1 lete ever n vented 1 hey used and r eco1n1 uet\ led l y n an)' of tht best Breeders in the Untted States and Canada a ch aa G B Loring.). Salen1 !vla.r,i:s .P1es1 lent New England me then that they had engaged to meet rn that room only Horry Lant WM late 'i<e\e1 mmd I eays to mJself l\e done a c m1 ade a good turn And then I thought more and more of there being a 1nost onahlc ancl laLest sty les AN IMME:<!SE NUMBER feelrng m the blacks mrn<ls tlint thea day "as connng, 01 that 111 look1ng sco udrel ViOUld n~ncr have dared to insult A splendid assortmet t of a 1'lnte Kmttmg, Berlin, and other Wools .,1_\ latest 1>tyles 11 Teet and Coffee Sets Fnii t and H emispherical. Dishes n ot to be st ipassed in the Provu1c1; RUSHING S and other FRILLING BELTS COMBS BRAIDS SWITCHES, AND CHIGNONS a.n l a large a<.i ortn eut of Fancv ( oo hi ke1 t constH.ntlJ on h an l I ut cula.1 att e1 t10~ l to c tt 1 g n.nd fit ting S tan1p ng lor.e to order Plated Knives, Forks, &c, E iual tu a.ny 1n the Do1nunon "ll'ASBION HOUS:B MRS \. FLETCilER 13 tL'<l:UV Wool l*ruwers SoClety J ohn S Rosa Henne woman in open day pin IlL Professor ~t. :l\-I1le1:1 of the State Ag Ten minutes after I was o:.i my \vo.y to nculturo.l Oo11 ege L3.t sing Mich Hon Geo "aptum Dyer for rn sptte of what Liziy Brown loronto Ont Join Snell Edmonton 0.i t On eacl Mark IS stamp ed the owners hnd satd, I felt that berng under order it and the Sheep s number They will be sent free b\ ma1l o ex1 iess for only f ou cncts \.\M ro'\ duty to report all that occu1red a cl and \\tll lµ,stfor 1W.E:X'IY 'i"EAitS '"th the blacks for we might "t any twie GW" CMh must accompany all orders have been under siege and to ha' e bad un ARCIHBALD YOUlSG Jic known and treacherous enemies in the cnrup Sarn1u Ont Ordc1s al hessed to the )in:ECHN'l a.ud OB "uuld have been ruin indeed SERVER Office fo1 any quant t) ' ill be filled at Well Smith be sa1<l smiling a· I enter the above mentioned pnoe as q uckly as the l\iarl s can be made an d s J t ed and saluted ' what news of lhe enen1y 1 it, and recall tt from the bvgonc there I rect hst ol tb u delen lcrs of the place the np to a horn ble gnsh, <leep and long enough can see !\rlothcr Banten1-though \'i hv v. e \von1en and ch idreu, an 1 \\hat nrrns and it seemed to me, to let out ball a dozen called her mothei I don t kuo,v, unless it nmmunihon there \Vore etortd up t poor fellow' aoul· · was because she "as hke a mother to uslt "as all plai enough au l the '1llam Just JD the middle of it, I saw Captam with her great strappmg form uu<l thmk was sending it b} a man who must have D)er start and look strnnge for there was a brought lnm t1 lings of son e k nd of the " ay in "luch she -~ sh ado~ came ncross "here\\ ewe-re kncehng What wns I to do 1 That rnan ou~ht lo Halt Retire b1 fours irom \he Jett and the next mstant he was standing be be stopped at all h 1zir\s and what I ought Just m tm10 !or I fin I handling my tween ~I1as Roas and the wounded man 1 Pray, go dear E181e pen s like handhng a con1mander in chiefs to have done ' i' lR to flt al back give the thie is no place for staff, and that I ve got letters winch make ala.rm, and let a party go round to tty an<l. you, I heard !nm wh1·per to her cut him off \vords, which make phrase~, " h1ch make Indeed, Lawrence, she whispered, 'am Thats what I ought to have done but I sentences, which make paragraphs \vh1ch I not a soldter s daughter I I ought to say make chapters wl ich make up the whole ne\er did have n1uch Jttdgruent th1a is no place for you Go, and make J our Now for "bat I did do story and that is for all tbe world hke the a rrangement1 for our defence Shpprng back from the wrndo", I went a11111 with its prnates 1uade into compan I rlon t th1nk any one but tne saw· the eauuouol\: to the doorVliaJ a d r.nt re<l ll f' ies and battahona an 1 regiments and br1g look of love she gave him ao ·he took sponge aclc~ Well there-., l art: if '\OU don t old room "here Chuuc\er ""s stand ng at an l lmt from bis hand, pressrng 1t ao she bu-re d1sc1phne, auu C\cry pnvate 111 his the w1ndoi;:i; an I r Wt'I t l so quietly, and did so and then her pale foco ht up with · r ght place, \Vh~re are yon 1 Just so with he was so intent th tt I had crept close, and .ennle as see met his el es, the next moment me n1y words were com111g out in the was rn the act of leaprng on to lnm before she "M kneelmg by \he wounded trooper. \Vtong place1'1 and in another minute I should he turned round and tucll to avoid me He \vas too lnfk- thon~lt for with a and m a qmet' firm "ay helpmg Mre Ban have spo1letl my storv b.} letting you know tern, ID a mauner that made her, poor wbat ,vas coming at the "rang tune bound I 'vas on hlm µ1nion1n 0 his hands and holding bun down oa thP. 'v1ndow rol1, Well " e all felt very deeply the ne"s with bis head half out, as bearing down months previous to stu l \ i ng h t-r operatic repertory, Enphrosy ne \\ as allowed. to s1n2'. no note of au vtht!lg but exerc1ses-exerc1ses off an<l been obliged to fight h10 way back packet word for word thongh no doubt the and, poor uhnp he had fought, for there -exercises But the re i<ler m 1st under writing \Vas in one of thu native c11alects v.:ero no less thnn ten lance wounds 1n his stand she hnd plenty of th em so thnt she anl my reading of 1t wa.o tlia.t it \Vas a cor .Be arms thighs and chest from a shght prick did not suffer for m1uncal pabulun1 fore she made her debut ·I e had acquired (memonzed) the melod1'" of fort~ prmmpnoperas Her debut m En~la ii m 1855 was ;o prom1e1ng o.nd brought her int> such llll mediate popularity that engagemrnts pom ed upon her thtck and last and sl1e at once becnn1e the lyric attruct on of the day In Italian ope1aa for y Rts-1n ta.ct until 18159 -she hehl an honore 1 pos1Uoo HKR FIRST APPEARANCE IN ENGLISH OP.ER\. Up to this lune Parepa had been su grng JD Italian opera only holdmg it, doubtless in that high and exclus1'e estee1n which the devotees of the Itahan I a\e for that iCh >ol of opera But a I ecuni<try inJuce mant or some other took her to Londo1 where, earlv 10 1860 B1 e made her appearance rn English opera under the '1 he opera s1.:aao11 being over, b-llle ean.: on Aeh Pyn~ and Harrison adn11n1P.trat100 ~rst \\ omau, stare '\V'tth o.eton1shment. (To bo continued ] brought m by that orderlJ for soldier. are tot such h aruni scar 1n1rougbsas1:1ome peo ple se6n1 to uuag1nc For the most µart, the; re men "1th tl e san1e feelings as CI\ il o BA.mam Do w1nn.nv1ll~ D~c 28th 1871 1, m13o llo Se pt 26 1873 m5t MADAME EUrHROSTNE r.i.RUA RO~A rnns and I don t thmk rnany of us slept 1he black fello" below drew a long a\\k HrJ sound that mg! t, feeling M "e did [From tho Now York Herald J·n 2-3] "!mt n charge we had and lhat we nnght ward lookrng ptstol, and aimed at me but only for a moment Perhaps he waa afraid The cable announces the sad news of the b-0 attacked at any tune and a good <lea] ol 'Not much sir, I said what I hid to n1y anxiety \Vas on account of L1zz:y Green of k11lmq Chunder for the next JDstant he death of Mme Parepa Rosa,at her residence had stuck the p1Btol back m hs cah"o belt m London Inst mght In the fnst thmnmg tell going, as J have before said, very much for e'en if she »ouldn t be my but agtunst the grn1a ' I \\ ns 1n one of the Ilarry Lant s I eonld not help takmg a and, with head stooped was ruun1ng as hard ranks of great artJSts who have shed lustre as he could run, 'vhen I could l1ardly con on the lyric drnrna, and whose names st.and en1pty rooms on the south side, 'vhen I \\ ond e1tul dt:al of interest in her upon hrn1, I leaned out as far as I could, yellmg out Sentrv m the next ro )f, tn irk man be 1011 Stop him or Im OBITUARY Wednesday 1n Ro~a.rd Glove1 s concert The sumn1er was de\ oted to concerts ora. torios, and feslivale 111 the nietropohs and in the p1ov1ncea In fact three 'vu tera pa8Scd away with Parepa still \he sopiai o of the Prne and Harmon troupe and the vary1nglJ successful opera seasons a1terna ting with the re1nunerat1te concerting the · oratorio bus1ner.;s THE LOVER DRIDE1 MOTHER \.ND \\ IDOW '"fe In 1863 ·he married Oaptnrn Carvill, an officE.r in the East Indian 1:ierv1ce Jt1St re tired He wa~ br1l11ant and pronnsing and iuost rm~pectubly connected 'l hr 'cnet SI'OONS. ,1 uint1tv \ppli to LIAM SPJ<:Al! FOlt SAL 13 n ;;;;;WlL Church St1eet early o-ppos1te tfte_ Aln1n. H~jel )30 vm au-.;1lle J 1nc 19th 18 3 J SPOONS. Sl;lcn 11 Tailoring I I he greu.test an l be1:1t u!laortment ever I J n None t~ excel it tho 1na.nufactor1cs 1n En~la.nd OIIOE is hereby given that all parties found trespassing on the 'Flats kno,..;n tti~ R anes ~ la.tsy-' ill b e prosoc iteid to full extent of l· v ~ 111 D WILLI \MS The Choicest of gin.des Gol l and 81herfrA mes Lazarus i\forns & Oo s n har <l to fit all s1ght1:1 Ihese I v1ll Soll at ie luced pucea TRESPASS NOTiCE. fellow Clnmder, the mahout tryrng to !ms ber on e becau>e Capta n Dyer was happy , fellow inade a houud Was he hit 1 Ihe Su1.if:l cllbe1 hn;yin;.;- seo ied tho alilo set V1(.:t:!S her though perhaps I 1mght have been onl; 'Vi ell j he said with a blaek nngry look hke lots 1nore bot sighing noodles, I n evei 0" No he only seemed to run the fMter BROOCHES EAR RINGS &C over spreall1ng l11s face once thought ol askmg the g rl tf she u have None t o surpass them Selected by myself at Bang Chains, Rings, Clothing! l'EATE, heard a scream a runn)ng up I found 1t was M1ss Ross - ' Whnt I he roared in a voice th&t woul 1 have startled a shonger man than I, l\'.hflS Ross s n1au. 1, sir, with that black B 1t all the same it was a ternblJ awk important it was for h1n1 to bave been stop ward t1111e, as you tnust own for fo.lhng in ped love and I don t kno\\ barllJ whom I Banv p tied lno<.i t Captfnn D\ er or lllJ eelf but A sharp r port from the roof, and the I thn k I lad 1uorc leau111gs towards t um ta1n my self for rag~ knowJng ad I did bow as beacons to asp1r1ng singers Mn1e Pn1epa lv'.!: It :a. "'-ell s\r I said feel 1ng quite red as I N as Cutte r H pre1 to take orders for SPECTACLES! A L!lRGE SUPPLY 01' GE NTLEMEN S CLOTHING 9'h1cl \ ill b got p in the spoke he kissed my fist rnstead-tbat' tll Captam Dyer beg tn to walk up and do" n pla) ing v; ith one of the buttons on Jn brea~t, :ts was lus v.a; when eager and ex citecl n1e As for Lieutenant Leigh I ne ver once Rosa could be the least easily spared lo able Ed ward Seguin, Pare pas grandfather the prime of hfe and ortIBllc fame, restmg then m blB 85\h year ga>e the bnJe aw iv awliile :h >man 1.1nprecedented career of n1u Carvill unfortunatch: &oon developed an SICal trrnmphs, dlVlded equally among the nncontrollable passwn for specula\1011 and concert orotor10, and opera departments ot 1n a short time had sunk nearly £25 000the d1v1ne art, the grent singer has rassecl the whole fortune of the pair-m some away leaving a blank not eaSily filled On Peru vi:.i._n muung shares Indeed, he be Monday, September ll, 1865, Mlle Eu took himself to Lima after hvmg seven pbrosyne Parepa made her first ·?pcarance in America. in Irving Hal1 under the man thong ht of gn mg !nm a bit of pity for I t\1d not think he deseryed it Another report llS the runner s1ght ot the second sentry came 111 months with bis bride and she never sa'v REMOVAL S. MASON Fist Style of Fashion, al1 l on the Well \he troopm stuted off at daybreak so as to get well on his Journey rn the earl; But I saw no more for nll n1y tune was FINE CUTLERY, (RO GERS MAKE \VJ.shes to infortn h s numerous fneuds and cus tamers t11at Iv· has i emovcd to BUCKLER'S OLD STAND where h e ~.,_n .L W. S. BOYLE, M. D. RADUATE of the U mTersities of 'lr1n1ty College roronto and V1cto11a College of Cobourg L ccntlnte of the College of Phys1c1 ans and Surgeons of Ontnr10 Office K ng Sti eet 01 e door \Ve.r:st of ~:h Conush s Je\ ell) St re Tio\ manv UiJ 'l'i ow, Smith he saiJ at last, stoppmg short beforn me "hat does that mean 1 \..t Dfr P eat s residence on K ng Stretit 11ean sir 1 I said, feelrng qmte as ex On hand a. very fl 1 aa<.im tm ent of English and ctted as himself Well, sir, if you nsk me Cunadian I say that if it "as m tm1e of peace and C 0 THS AND TWEEDS quiet, it would only mean that it was a btt of his damned black-- I beg your par Pa~erson. MOST REASONABL E 1 F. RM~ T ... be found w1t h the most lete SJ"Sorhnent of COD'l. G don, captain, I says stopping short for you Bee it was quite time Harness, n to 11 Whips, ·rrunks, &c Bt t MARRIAGE LICENSES nd l.SSUetl by 1 lea~c call Buckle1 8 ol l one 1001 ea~t of 1t'Iayna1<l s IIoteJ Bo rn anville Sep lJJt 1873 W It CI JMI E !\..t th e S t itesn an Office Bo,vm:l.nv1lle p1·izema.n of the Un ve tn of roronto and Un 'i ers ty of Queen R College Kingston lVIem untl through be1 of tho College of -Phys1c1ans and Surgeons \\ell su I sa1u I don t want to crool of Onto.n o Surgerj and Ites1d en ce oppoc;.1te nor !01 other people to believe "hat I ·ay tl e m arl ct f!Cj_ DR. DAVIDSON, of ! hy G sic10.ns of ] gln.nd al\d U n1vers1 t) of \I(: r a College Cobour..., Ur leigraduatc H A.DU A. J E of the l'oyal Coll e~e 1 Go on Smith he said qmctl) c II10:: bJack 11npudence sir But as it is not in tine 01 pe \CC and ruul qu et Smith 1 he satd, look ng me th1ongh -0" nmnVllle Ootobe1 1873 BoWlllrumlle, Nov l h 11868 Bo" manvrllo Oct 5tl , 1871 a loss such to bO<tSt 0 l I "'L ppcse our renowned basso and herself a 1u1mn donnn. as the operatic or mu· c I stage lllll long She accepted feel ,end to those who " eie acquarntad "!th as I \\ :i.11 el fro 1 roo m to room slowly a nd colJ noit.he1n l o".l e a1 d 11 tscle aie tougher of eonsitlerable re~utatiou the hand of tie Duon became the share1 cf her m eoc1ety sho " a personal le~' but it seems to me that that blacl fellow· t]ioughtfnll 1 stopping to prnk up Ul) I rok and shon~er tl ni l CHo an l at the end of tnken up with Chu Hier tor a.· the second shot rang uut be gave a hoave and nearly morn1ng and abont nu hour aiter 110 was sent n1e throu 0 h tL.e open w1ndo\v gone, I had a fancy to go u1to the old rtun It was bv a nmacle almost that I sa>ed ed room again, \\here there was the bit ot a scene J >e told you of Mi orde!S from D1J!lelf from breu.k1n g mv neck, for it \\as a but I held Copta1n Dyer "ere to" atcb Ch under strict good height from the ground ly hoth M to seerng that he did not agam on hie arms and n 1;:1,;k before and then, \11th a s·rength for 11 b1c h I shouldn t h"' e insult any of the women and also to see 1f given lum credit, h e tnse1etl \V lth me, now he bad any httle game of h10 01\ll that be tuggmg to get away no w to tbro' me f10m 11 as playrng on th e sl; for though Lleuten he wmdow, hIS not breath beatrng all the ant Leigh on berng told pooh poohed it all time upon IBJ cheek, and ~ " teeth grin and o<l n sed a fioggrng Cai tam D; er h·<l h1s su8f c ons- ~lrong er ones 1t seen1e<l than mng, and las eyes rolling s rngel y It was onl\ a. spu1 t though ond I soon m1nc \ll l I ence Ill\ orde1s, and 1uy betng got thu better of hmi ex cu r:o e 1 h o1 r 1ount ng gn urd agement of Mr l!iitemau ru!Slsted by Carl Rosa, v1olln1st, Dannreuther p1an1st, and Theodore Thomas orchestra On that occa~1on she sang Gounod s ' !\.. ve Maria, Ganz s' N 1gh tmgnle · 'I rill, and Arch ti s ' II Bac10 Waltz Smee that memorable dobl!I, her name has l)ecome a household word m thlS country,and the career of Mme Parepa ha.a been unexampled as a ouccess fa! artiste since the days of J eume Lind HEit EARLY HISTORY him more He i1ed m ~ pril 1865 Then child, too was buried nnd the doubly be reft young w1do\V soon ret nrned to the etnge both to repair her shattered fortunes, and to d1~ert her actl\ e mn1d fro1n her do meshc gnefo HER SECOND M.illR!Mlll After two years successful concert tot r m thrn country the great prim a donna mar ried Mr Carl Rosa, the distmgu1Shed piamst lier second marriage pro' ed happy rn every sense of the word, an<l w1tb her husband as manager s]1e sang or t\\o seasons in Eng Mme Parepa Rosa was born m Edm burgh m 1839, her father loemg the Barou Georgrardes de Bovesku, a gentleman of Wallaehrnn btrth He hac\ been captivated bv the beaut; and accomphshments of ~hss Segurn srntcr of Ed 1vard Se gum, the llsh opera and for n few "eeks on the ltahan stage Time and spaee prevent us from speaking o tl e la : >t seasons in Amert ca of !h!B truly great a1110t knew her profess1otinll; lie To those who IS It t s IL vc1y "till au l cool anJ qiuet, r don t WU! /

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