· · ----.----~---- ------- POETRY. The Old Barn. UY .\Ll1'HED );. S'.IItEF.'1', l.N CAN"ADA .L\lUt:ER. TEMPERANCE. The Terrible Whiskey Traffic. One hunclrecl ancl thirty thousand places licensed to sell spirituous liquors. Three hundred. 11.nd niuety thousand persons are ur~ 1873. -o- 1873. ---o-- of the .. THE MERCHANT FRIDAY FEBJ'tUARY 6, 1874. ' $25. :Et:BWA:Et.:O. ha.,·ing cop:urto our kriowledge, that c~rtain I TPedlars a.ro selling Spectncles and _ E ye Glasses purportin'g to be of our make, and to bear our na1nes stamped thereon, we hereby caution the public a~aiw~t all ;:iuch i1npostere,as J\.Icssrs Yell{)w]ees l~ Q11ick are oUr ~gents in West Durbn.m ; aliU a l{e"·ar<l of 825. is hereby offert'd £01· tho. app1·chension nnd convict ion of ajl Auch imposton1 ~ tl'y to defl':tU~ the pU:blic by offoring their t1·ash as our 1n11.ke! [LAZARUS, MORRIS. & CO. )lontreal, Nov. 8th, 1871, 117-tf 'J1hc ghostly old ba.rn 1 with its \Yeather-stainc<l frotine, llow ofteu it l'ffles to \·iew ~ employed in these grog shop·. If we add In its 11a1Tov1 gr.een la,nc cut iu parallel tra-0ks, to them the number unemployed in <liatil\¥here the heavy fnrin wagon rolled through. leries and wLolesale liquor shops, we shall Its broad folding doors and the stable door next, have o.t least 570,000 perBons en1ploy~d in _4._ncl the roof soaring upward iu gloo1n, S11vc the net-work of 1igllt from the knot-holes sending their fellow·mortuls to perrnaturc gra vea. In the National Beer Congress, at n.nd clli.nk;:i, \\rhich scnrce could the darkne~s illume. theiL· ninth annual session, nt Newark~ Ne'v . F A_LL STOCK. ---o--:Cress Goods Newest Style . Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons? -'·- Oct. CHIT CHAT. [Tim Bra.dy a.nd Mike :E'lynnJ 1S72. TIM.- Oct 1S7a · The hay-1l'low,howfrD.grant and \velcome its scent Jersey, in 1869, the President presented statistic.a sbo,ving the whole amount of co.piHow soft a.nd elastic t.he hay ! '!'he nooks, what 5afe CO\'erts for " hide-and-go· lal employed, directly ancl indirectly, in the seek!" 1n11nufacture of beer to be $105,000,000 1giv'l'he floor,· what a plo.tform for play ! in§ employment \o 56,663 men. Crime is On the floor, like the bunt of a pnl::ie, weo t the n1ostly caused by drunkenness. Criminals flail i cost America $40,000,000 per year. The Aud t11c hu~k.er.:; , the corn how they hulle<l ! And when ct:a~~d th.e husking, how merry tbe liquor traflic annually sends to prison 100,dan~e . GREY COTTON of the beat make, including tho cclcbro.tetl FALL OPENING CARRIAGE STORM ONT. lOct Cottons at Cowle's-··Splendid value. Autumn Fashions ---oo--- 'll.11 the ttti.u·s i.r1 the Ja.y break ,\'·ere. dulled ! 000 persona, reduces 2,000,000 children to a state wornc than orphanage, sends 60,000 Next the yelto,V-brim1ned oa.t-bin the_straw-cut- annually to <lrunknrd's grave.s, and makeE 60,000 drunkards. The people of America ter stood-; 'l'he barrel of cha.ff by itf'I sido ; according to the report of Commissioner Antl R. cast-awn.y ploug-h broken off n.t the top, "VttT ell:;, swallowed from the counters of re\"1-::h c: .. :,· ...::~:.:J. , .,.; : · . \· ~·!'it rlre(l. tail grog shops in one year, poison 1iquor to A apace, a clafi; grindstone, a buck-saw·, a cttsk, the value oC$1, 573, 491,-856. This !er· ~'ith a b7ace of bright })itchfodcs stood ncal'; .A.ud I envied tlie strength thu.t the loalW t,o tho rible business against the laws of God and l\Iagnificent display of' New ancl Goods. of unequalled !_~,ich THK_ STYl.E a.nd QtT Al.:CTY STO:Et.MONT MURDOCH BROS. have opened out an immense stock of Nr1~ Ji".,li Goods. Great care has been taken in buying the Stock, and as 'lilt" ing but First Class Goods have been purchased, customers can rely on ;rotting good value for their money. "Good moming, Mike, shure and it is early out ye are. M.igh I be bould to axe what started yoes this morning_" M.IKE.-" Jist be aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a jiffy. Ye see, I was tould, yisterday, that Misther Gray, ov Tyrone, had got hoine an illigant new stock av Goods, chape as dart, man, ftnd its meself could hardly slape a win!~, all night, thinking av the chape goods. And sure enuff, its the foll store he has-piles and piles av the natest patterns; and he'd give ye the makin's av an illigant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Cints; T1iy p for most nu thin, and the Baccy for a trifle l ess-" TIM.-- "An shure its funning me ye are, Mlke; wouldn' t the man be j . , , >tfther ~reaking d?"'.n." , . bvest of tho Outatio Bank,} MII1..E.-" Breakmg down, is lt. Sun; he knows "thnck wurth two iw that. I'll jist tell yon what it is, Tim, if ye w1mt to get a grate name when yo\]re ded, and be called a ·filantrofized,filosife1', iind a public binifacthor, jist tell all youre nabours, iind the rist av mankind, about Gray's chape store, imd you'll do more for Mm good av your counthry, than iver St. Patrick did for ould Ireland, when he banished all the toads aud snakes out av it, that subscdbi.:r is prcpar~d to build and rei1iver was in it.n pall' TIM.-·- "I'm mucl1 o1Iagcd to ye, for the bit av abvice, itncl won't detain ye; there'll shurely be a grate run, and maybee I'd miss Wagons, Buggies, und Cuttei·s, some b><rgains. The top av the morning to yc."-I'm off to of cve1·y t~escJ·iption, at ~ho1·t, notice, a1)do Gray's. SH Q I I I l loft , \Vi th theil' crcsent-bent hnndles could rca.r. iuan is rapidly increasing, and louul v calls for son1e 1neasure of protection. <;011able term.e. ren.. The old ba.r11 is goue,likethe past with itB drer.D.19 _w 11<rc gone-- all are gone! \\Thlcb crowded, chaiotic, my brain ; and yet! ofton wish I could li~·e in that Edell again. 'fhl)ugh the barn, lo'v a.nd dark, is a dwelling of inark, And the lands hi a street~ wide and bright, Yet I long to go back to the pnra.Ui.se track, All flashing and living 1vith light. Carriages Painted and Trimmed· J. GR!f, Ty1~one@ What Rum Did. Walku1g do\Vll town one day r chanced to COTTON BAGS, 'l'IlE meet Jol.n Jones. Now, Johu and I hatl been boys together, and firm friends iu our boyhood days ; but as we grew older our paths had diverged : I was to make my way in the World. BEST ----o--- A Blacksmith's Shop on the pren1isea 1 were t!pecia.l attention ls given to all Noted for cheap Goods. AH are goue-ull are gone ! the .soft pi~tnrcs I in the great city, while John \\-·as to ren1ain on the ol<l. homestead, and cure for his par' . Linc of COTTONS «t COWLE'S . .Q.raw, Specwl ents in their declining years. But John waa Pia.in and figured Lustres, Plain and Tartan Wool Popli:Js, Metz Cord, X ot one has 'l'itne's c1·uelty spared, Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, and an endless variety of other new All tue gone ; a.nd I -wonder and smile to mysell not a dull, moping fellow ; he was a bright '!'hat for such things I never ha.Ye cared. spirited lad, one 'vho, if his manhood at all Dress Goods_ Black Alpaccas, Double lVarp Blaelt Lustres, Black Co'Yet,soinehov; they ~iir iu their presence a glo\Y fulfilled the promise of his youth, would bourg, Black Paramattas, Black Crape Cloths, Bl~.ck Metz Cords. That the present can never display ; make his mark anywhere, be it in a seques· ".ria the light of the urn aJa.br1:ste1· of youth tered village, or in the \vorld of brick and 'l'hn.t soon fades forever awny . DRESS GOODS Cn.ri-iage work, and Geneml Jobbing. READY-MADE All 1001·k done cit this Estciblishment warranteJ. A call is respectfully solicited. ,T, MORRIS. Bo,vmanville. Oct. let, 18G!:t, n1ortar. 1 C LOTHING and lVIa.d~ Aull in that S\Yoct light the h eart gro\\·s pure and bright, In the paradise s1ni1ing around ; i...ncl ,.,.e ,vish o'er and o'e1·, we were childl'en u11co tnore. And roa1uin~ tha,t In{igical gl'ound. lts sce11es 1 ho'\' gl·otesque, and ho~v trivial a.1Hl t ant· ! And yi:·t, as upon it ·we dwell, I..ike the pool of Ilethosclu.,it refl"<!ehes tb c hon.rt 1 And bright ens our thoughts with a. r;pe_ l l. Years passed on, and such was the confidP.uce with \vhich Mr. Jones \Vas regarded, that e\·ery office in the girt ofhIB tO'wn, from Good Cheap. JYiiLLINERY RICE & BARKER Representative to tho State Legislature down,bad been his. I rejoiced in my friend's Clotliing to Order G. D. Lockhart, DENT I ST we claim to have the largest assortment to bi founr'. Importers of the prosperity, but of late had bcartl nothing from him; so it was with more than passing interest that I said to hini. on that 1norning, 'How· are you getting on?' I saw at once that something was 'vrong. It is a well-known Pact that The assortment of Millinery and Millinery Goods is very extensive Cowle 11.as tlte best Tweeds and in trimmed or untrimmed Htits and Bonnets every taste can be conin the countr;lj. ulted as the variety is so great. The Fhnvers and l!,eathers, Laces, &c BEST O:Et.G-ANS manufactured on this Continent, are prepared to treat with reliable travellin" agents ·on libera.J terms. 0 They are making arrangements to introduce some first class pianos. Ware Rooms at the \Vest Durham Steam Printing House, King Street, Bowmanville. Crumbs for Chickens. rroiler1 of the see.- Opticia.ns. What conld it be7 Evidently Mr. Jones "Nothing chC<qJer thrm the !Oct Cottons u. Ooi<. .le's. bad something on his mind that he wished, yet dreaded to tel11'1e. In the privacy of my inner office --------------BLANKETS IN A had omen.-To oi1:e-nien money. Sleight of lland.-.Refusing an offer. 1t1erc matter of forn1.-Fittiug a dress. Some son~ rue chius of the old block-head. QLTERY ... - Does fl. ii \\'as. bu~ it came out, ·and th is in brief He bacl been grievously wronged, In Black and White real Laces and Lace Collars, we han a large assortment, at prices to suit all. lie felt that be had suffered for truth's sake, that he \vas a rnn.rtyr to principle. An unpriucipled and gro\ving element had arisgn Large Variety Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Sugeons, Ont. Office over F. ]j', dunih ma,11 always ket·p 11fa in Easton, to counteract which he had used all bis inftuence; but this corrupt clique h,ad Our Stuck of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beavers, Petoashams Meltons, etc., will be found unusually large. J\-IcAi·tbur's Stul'e, King St., Bov;manville. Eowu1a.nville 1 Oct. 23rd, 1873. m3-tf. come into power, and cor1·uption and wrong An invctc1·ate an1oker sfl.ys tbn.t tobacc..:o "-n.s immorality and vice now reigned BUpreme in Eaeton. It was not that he cared for berliscov1:1l'cd in the ]{1'.cot tim,c (nick o' tintc.) \\·ord? 'W'inceysua. Dea.d Job. ~·. Bowmanville, 1vfoy 7th, 1872 B.···Special inducement given to CASH Purchasers. MURDOCH BROS. lt is difficult to understand 'vhy solne veopll.! ooncPrn themseh·es about their lungs, 'vhen their lttngs tuk~ a'i.r of themselves. ing deprived of every official position, and left almost penniless, but that be loved dear old Easton, ¥lhC'.re the bon es ot his father lay, and it almost broke his heart to see her ...'.\. count1·y t:d it.or spen..ks of a conte1nporary '"'ho is <!so dirty that every time hu goes up- \vorking out ber o·wn ruin. I was thonderstruck. Had tlie earth st:~ira the1·e i>i a i·ise in rea.l estatt:." ·~Pa., ,d1a.t is 'Dead - BOWMANVILLE citt-ren.ts, f Sea fruit?'"-·" It's Eng1and village, I 1:1houtl have been scarce· euppost\ n1y dear. 11 opened and swallowed up that staid old New ly moro surprised, than that people had F. Y. Cowle. 1873. rl'ho subscriber wouhl"beg tu ca.LI atte11tion to hi:, stock of Ka.chine a.nd Implement Manufacturing Co Simmons & Clough Organ Co's · "It1Ku 1'.r."-" I hope this lH\nd is n otcouu. lapsed from protity in such n wholesome terfeit 11 said:~ lio1Vel', as be was toying -..dth hi1 1ua nner. 1 detern1ined to view the strange sweetheart's hn.nd. - " 'l'he best \Vay to find it nno1naly fur n1yself, so one morning I out. i.s to ring it," was the reply. 1nountcd the rickety old stu.g(l, en route for Easton. to another, and begged him not te repeat it. Judge then of my surprise Yvhen I learn· 1 ,, It'::i all right," wo.~ tho reply. ' I will be as 11 eel of a still greater misfortnne which had closo as you were. befallen Mr. Jones, one w·hich '\'as the fath· \.Vhy a. re photographel'S the uiost uncivil of alltro.despeople?-Beca.nse when 've make ap· er of all bis woes-he had become intemplication for:.. copy of onr portt·ait th oy al wayf! perate. For a long time he had secretly in· dulged his appetite for strong drink, bul reply with a negative. A woman collected inoncy ior the soldiers' there came a tio1eJ as there always n1uat, orphans, n.ud used it to buy a bonnet. She s::i.icl when secrecy was no longer possible ; bis orphans 1 after tJ1ey got used to it, could get br.st friends, try as they tnight, could no lonalong without hrea.d, but won1en 1nuEt have ger bide the sad truth. Honest men could bonnets. not be assoc_inted \l'ith him; knaves Yvonld A celcbr!l.ted b::u-l'ister wanted to know what not. ]'ricnds he believed he had none ; his any one could ece ri<licnlouil in hi!i wig. Only wife, best friend, be rega1cled M bis worst the head, they told b-im. enemy. REMARK Q::>I J ANUAUY. -]~very month as it Shutting himself out from all the sym· pt'l.ssea may be called the c~irren t month ;. but, pathy of the good and true, and spending to be stl'ictly accurate, thi1' should be described his life in gratifying his depraved appetite, p::j the r0ast-suc:kli11~..:-pig-and-currant month. C:LOSI<:.-..<\..?1 · indiscreet inan confidell a sc..!rct Manufaoturers of Im.proved. WOOD AND IRON Cabinet Organs AND WORKING MACHINERY Groceries, :Ory Goods, :Boots & Shoes 'l'I-IE LEPFEL'S Most Wonderful Invention of the Age. J Moses' Electro·Galvanic, Pat. June, 2nd, 1868. Attri.cbed to these patented Spcetu.eles are twt) scientifically constructed G·a1vanic Ba.tterieaunseen when worn-delive1·ing through the nerYes of the head, a soft and continuous stream of electricity, vitali:d.ug and giviug healthy action to the enti.re beautiful system of those parts absolutely and certainly curing Double Turbine Water Wheels, And Ca.stings Qf a.11 Xinds. OnDEH?r. - A trade paper is gi..,·ing "Hints on Ti-tkin ~ Orders." Our " kitten " says he knows aometbing l\b?ut that subje~t. His ijwecthen.rt\., old man once gave him u or· ders" to leave, and gave hin1 a "hint'> with the ioe of hii'l boot. 'J'A'KlNG he bewails the fate of his beloved Easton, and believes himself a rigbteoua Lot,-in the a veritable Sodom and Gomorrah. It is sad , very sn.d 1 to see iuy etc, etc which for REPAIRS done on the midst of a wicked and perverse gene1·ation, old frienU wrapped in self-righteousness, and going A t Fair fi eld, Iowa, a mother leal'ned that down the dark, swift stream to- WHERE 7 lwr fiaught.e1· 'vas a.bout to elope, and she put Well may poor human nature shrink back laudu.nu1n in her taa. She slept until noon the from the brink and tremble. next dn.y, and the chap, after walkiug past the And you, sir, of powerful intellect anu J1onse nearly all night, 'vent home to sa.y cussed strong will, who think you know the bounds words. He i8 going 'vi th another gid now. of prudence, is there less of human nature .A. boy named Tl1eopaeritus Bumberga.r<len· in your own position thau in that of your bugin, aged fuul'tcen years, hns been isick ever fellows 1 You c.i.N NOT handle fire and not since he '"as four years old. We eho11ld think be burned. There is no half-way house ; ho 'vould be sick-of bis ua.me, a.s soon a.s he you must conquer the drink demon, or it got old enough to comprehend anything. Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve Weak or Diseased Vision, Neuralgia of the Head or Face, Nervous Twitches in the 'Muscles o fth face, Noises in the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, And a host of ~ erYous SHO:Et.TEST NOTICE, \Vo have no'v on ha:qd a large quantity of Quality and Cheap ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED IHi::easea, arising fronl depression of tho nervous energy of the systen1 Contributing in a most astonishing degree, to life, vigor a.nd h ealth. By the mean s of the soft and flowing strentn of Electricity, Giving Brightn1.::ss to the Eye, Qniekness to the Ea.r, and energy to the Brain. They aro set 'vit}1 lenses of the finest u1nnufacture, to suitall sights, and '\\o·ith glasses for those 11ot n eeiug Spectacles to read with but desiring the benefit s to be derived from wearing the Batteries; and are only to be had in this vici11ity of Common and Gang Plows, that wil\ be i!:old a.t LOW PRICES AT THE SflOP. Bowtna,nillc, )..farch 6, 1873. If Sw1rrCIIED OFF. -"' Boyf:, 1' said a school teacher, the other day, "what is the meaning of a.11 Feeding Hens for Laying. thn.t noise in tl1e school?"-" It is Dill Smith. sh» who is hni l:ating a locomotive."-" Come J[ow to ha,·e ple~ty of h~ns' eggs in "inter, here, '\Villiam, 0 Ra.id the teacher. "If you are is a.n important question with housekeepers in turned into a lecomotive, it is high time you the country. A neglectt!d poultry stock is an \\'ore switched off. 'i unprofitable iucumb1·anoo upon the farm, and \Vrn;RE HE \VOCLD BE.-A London gent, farmers &re apt to suffer a good dcnl of los1 by 1valking in Dublin f0r the ilrst time, got into reason of neglect in this as in oth<'.r mnttcrs of easy confersat ion with a_J1a.tive, and chaffed fa.rmmMlngemenl, justbeeausetheydisliketo hiin uonsiderably, 'vinding up with this smaxt be thorough in the det.n.ils of small attentions. observation," l\~ot<.·, tell me. Pat, where you It v·as late in tJ1e fall ]:iefore I got fairly intiteil"'-ould be if Su.tan got his duo."- -Pat .l'eplied, le<l in my new countr:y house at " The Ev·e r· \\·ith feigued simplicity, "Sl1ure, then I'd be greens," but haNing been a high official in-poultry associations, ou paper, during the years of alQne, yer honor." wy editorial life, I determined to lta.ve a etook A Y Mkce ar1 iving in Bm;ton without inOnoy of nice f0w1s UJ.l9ll "'-hicb to put my fancies into Tho best I could do at tho or friend's was revolving in bis mind 'vhereby practical effect. he could raise the chink, aa be expressed it. time wns to procure a lot of broody old hens Jonathan had never visited"" cit}- before in his whicll a bloo.d stock-poultry 1nan was willing to · l · · h 11 life. fie .strolled into a shocronker's where an spare, a.nd I went Jnto tie winter wit ama. advertfoeinent, " Wanted, a fir~t-clasr:1 boot- ho-pcs of eggs until next spring. I wa.s soon on mnker," appeared on the windo,v, and accosted familiar terms \\ith 1ny fea.the1·cd flock, and put thetn upon a course of feeding for practical the proprietor : "Do you "'aut A. :first·cl<i1:115 buot-makor ~ects. Every morDing I fed a dish of hot rnush, made of coa.ree cont inea1, in which woo here?" put aJl tho potato peelings a.nd leavings from "Yes . 11 11 the table, and scraps of refuse meats. This What do yuu pay? " . "That depend.a on yourca.J.ntdty. Have you feed yvaa washed dov.·n with clean water, of which the fowls drank very £1·eely. During the 'verke<l Gil custom ·work ? " II I reckon. y OU jest try me, c:~ptai..n ; I ctay, when the weather was fair, the !owls ran hain't skeercd a- bit nt trying." out under the h edge rows, and among the ever'l'hc proprietor gave his new 11and a bench green trees where they picked up a few health· and materials, and bacle him make n. pair of ful n101·Bels of aeeUe 1 buds, &.c., and had free M· la.dies' gaiter.:!, Soon after he left t he store Oll cese: to heaps of old limCt, mortar and g1·avel sit· tings. Just before rQosting time in the after· business. Jona.than made a shoe, but such a. horrible noo.n, they h~ a light !··dof wbol: ..dry corn, affair that, asibarned to show it, he hid it in the which put their crops m good condition for a sha.vingi:i. Just a.a he comploted tht! secon<l night'srepose. 'l"hisalternation produced the shoe tho proprietor returned. H e flinv into a desired effect ; the hot breakfast ·Warmed them up in the morning and kept their bo,vels free, passion n.t beholding the bot. c hed ahoe. " You confounded rmwal, so bad a shoe as and the dry corn at night prolonged the ·w armth th~t has never been ina<le in this establi.sh- and furnished a nutl'itious ali1nnt which canied them over the cold of a.n otherwise torpid 1nent ! ii h~ exclaimecl. oontinent during a winter's night on the roOlts. 11 \.Vould you like to bet on that, stranger?" "Bet. Yes; I bet ten doll.are no such work Tho reeuJt \Vas, that before New Yen.r's day,tley' broody old hens were giving us till the eggs we aa that \\'aS ever done in this store." .Tonn.than yvalked to the shavings, dra.gged needed for the table, and the lt1.y~ of the poultiy forth the fus,t $hoe, and, coolly pocketing his yard, in both time and production, were very gmteful.--S. JJ. Hari·i3. e n dollt'tl":I, he walked oft. will conquer you. YELLOWLEES & QUICK. . m25 If J. ELLIOTT, TYRONE. .--- - - -·- - - - - - - - - - - C!Bnmha0nmnmmmn<IDrymrn FITTED WITH THE NEWLY I~VEN'l'ED DRUGS AND MEDICINES AT THE TO THE PUBLIC WALTER WIGG & SON, I SPLENDID NEvV HEARSE, The satisfaction given by Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, An invention having a most important hearing on the future repntation of Reed Instrnments, by means of which the quantity or Volume of tone i s very largely increased, and the quality of tone rendered N rt::turltiug thanl{s to their nurourou~ Custo1ners and the Publ~c ge1?-eral1y, for past favors \Votdd respectfully invite their attention to our pi·eaentstock of Furn1ture, a.s we ha.ve lately added thereto, that we inay thereby be enabled to !!upp1y a:U parties who tn~y ylt::n-se to f.avor hi w'T"OULD most respectfully tender Lls sin- \vith a call Great inducements held out to those purcash1ng at our Estabhsl1ment. P1ctureat Ctll'e thanks to llif.l numerous frie11ds and Looking Glasses, &c., frruncd to order, and in every atyle, Samples of the different kind ot 1,,:usto1ner>1, an<l. to the public genertt.lly, for the ],.fouldinga can be seen at the W ai:e-roonl. \.V"' e 't'Onld also beg to inform you, that, having purVel'Y Jibe~al ~uppor~ '"he has i':'eceived since. hia chased a , conunenc1ng 111 bua1nt::ss; and ":lopes by conti· nuecl strick persona.I a.tteutiov ~ · bu!!iness, and offering nothing but t]1c pure'" r articles, n.t the moat reasonable prices, to ensure a continuanci; \\·e ~hall be rtJa<ly at u.11 timea, to att<:in<l. l!"'unerale, on short noticc 1 and l'casonable tt::rlUS, )[. B. Coffins kept on hnnd, to,nd made to ordt!r, at the of pllbUc patronage. J. R. "'ould call apeeia.l attontion to his \·ery NEW DO,'!JllJ:HON RE1'AIL FURNI'IURE WARE-ROOM superior stock of Bowmanville Drug Store. BARNUM is eclipaed by the 1;1atiafactiou given by Sl\IAL}j to his numerous patrons. fie is no'v pleased to announce that he has on hand a large and varied a ssortment of J. HIGGINBOTHAM, Equal to that of the Best Pipe of the Same Capacity. ----o--- Or~i:anB BOOTS AND SHOES of the best qt1ality, au<l. i.s auxious that tht.!Y shall set to ,.,.ork aa !!Oou as possible. Our celebrated " Vox Celeste;' " Louis Patent," " Vox Huma.mi." " 'Vfl cox Patent" "Octave Coupler," the charming "Ocllo" or "Clarionet' Stops, and DYESTUFFS.., which nre sure to give the best Batisfactiou A \Vell-sclcctcd stock of Osha,va, Aug, 26th, 18·1 0. King Street East, Oshawa. All Prices, All Sizes, All Xinds, Ladles Prunella Congress, at 80 cents " '·' Balmorals, extra high cut · - - · - - - · $1,25 A LL TH E LATE IM PR 0 VE M ENT S Can be obtained only in these Organs. DRUGS, CHEJJflOALS, PATENT Thi1·ly-five Ditf'ere1it Styles, MEDlCJN.ES BRT.lSHES, . GO AND SEE Fo1· the Pai,lo1· arnd the CMirch, The Best JJiate1·ial and WorkmansMp , -' No·t h.insr 'to Beat it. GENT'S BOOTS, Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, ' 002dBS, SHOULDER-BRACES kept constantly on ha.nd. ' SUPPO RTERS, Etc., Etc. OILS, PAINT; COLORS, 'llARNIHSES, and WHITE LEAD, at the vel'y 1o\\·e.st prices. N. B.-Country Storeheepei·a supplied on the moRt advanta.,..,eous termr:1. A choice sefection of I..1AI\:[PS 1 for salecheap 1 Bowmanville, D ec, 9, 1868. lim BATTING'S NEW ---- Qiwlity and Voh1,11w of Tone Uneq·ualled ----o---PRICES $50 TO $~00. Trunks, &c. Special attention given to FALL AND WINTER-DRY GOODS \. ----o---Factory and Warerooms, Cor. 6th and Congress streets, Detroit, Michigan. {Established in 1850.) CUTTING AND FITTING a.nd none but first-cla1:1 s,, workmen employed, thus insuring good value in every uase. STORE. - One Uoot !!tl.t:it of CorniP.h's Jewel· ry Store, King St., l3ow'Uanvill~~. Horses and Cattle Medicines: AT THE Han.ehee'ter House, - - RICE & BARKER, A~ents,, Bowmanville, Sept. 18th 1873. Bewmfl.Jlvil10 1 Sept. 23rd, J873. .T. SMALE. for Ontario, West and North of BeleviHie Bowmanville, Aug 21st, 1287 m7-o3-t