, 1 - __lL THE MERCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER C1rc dates largely in the Townships of Darling ton Clarke and Cartwright It is a·common plo.tfor1n open to the free lisc 1ss10n of all quea o us 1n -which the general public v.re concer1 cd TERUS WEST DURHAM Steam Job Jilrintinr O:ffi.oe KING STREET BOWMANVILLE S venty five cents per annum m ad vance The Merchant and ' Obser ver $2 00 0 ll \TJ£ S OF AD\ ,1!.RTISING 0 e C< Hali do lurun 19 35 per annum AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME Y BOWMA.NVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY FEBRUARY 13 1874 POSTERS PAMPHLETS CIRCULARS BILL HEADS CHEQUES NOTES HANDBILLS LABELS, CARDS TICKETS, &c, &c,&c Quarter do J0 Transient ad\: ertisements ti cts per ltne first in eertior and 2c pe1 hue each subae(luent one NUMBERXTX EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. looking g o ip ellher n. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY' ll ALL A.JS D I\ !N'.I JJ!R TTME T \BLE PEA.TB, TAILOR MADE I~ POETRY. The Little Boy That Died Ge.atlemen s & Boys Garments THE :tlEWEST STYLES Bowmamllle July 27 1869 ItEI.:C A NOE Mutual Life Assurance Society [li 1011i tie :'\ e vburypo U i o uj May l.5t 1850 J ESTABLISHED 1840 C.ANADA.. C HIEF OFFICES Trams will lenve Bowma!)v1lle Stat10n Ilowrno..nv1lle tune, as follows GOil'.>G '\\ESl' GOING E:AST ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. E xpres~ Local 7 25 ai. m 4 Exprese 8 40 ai_ m io- Mixed Mxed E :q ress 320pm!Iocnl 8 40 a m. .... 3 20 pm Fon. Tickets Lwe1pool London a,nd GlaBgow A N ... ws. Agmt Bowman ille June 9th 1871 tf 30 01 131, ST JAMES STREET MONTREAL 2nft.rmat1on.J,, apply to w DIRE01 0 R S )..fMOlt I 720pm 9 15 I m R R LOSOOMBE, BARRISTER AT LAW b ro- Ont !JOLICITOR Il'i CHAliOERY, lie RESIDEN1 8ECRI'lARl' 0FFICE,- 0ver McCluug s Store 1rame flat a.a J M B1 Inacoinb s Dental Roo1nl! WALTER SHA~r v El:iq M }"> Cbanmnau DU:SCAN MACDONALD EfJfj ~ CAMPBl!lLL C B St H 1la1re lHE H0Non.A1 rE .Jon!\ H\:lrr '.!:Ox H a k a TAu oCRANr S PECI Al FE A T U R ES. New 'l'a,ilor Shop L JOHN A'lE WirlI F Bowmanville Oct 27th 1863 l~ GOOD FITS GUARANTEED A httlc Rhyme came 3ust in trme And 8.11 a.bout the beat of Lune Lli;ne from the West of the very best :Not b~at in any q 1arter nenc1::d business in the Shop next to tbe Eli J me that \\'lll always atand the tel!t press Office 01 e door east of T Milt es "\Vlrnn mak ng- into mortar lia.V'1 g had se elf\\ y _ Q illS e:igienence n the I 'ill t1\ a 1d kee1 a goo l auppl) trade 11c lope:; t 811.t .,fy n.U \i;ho may favo For it is alwaJ s ~ nnted him w1tl a call '!hat wh en )OU all coJile 1n to buy Y ou 11 n t bed sappomted You will alwa3~ find it dry and fres} m49 tf And that is something bonnie So come al ng and try this Lime But don t forget the money Ho ua of debve!'..f from :N me a.. m to Four p m Cornet of {.llloon and Ontario Streot HEAL UOWLF. begs to Ul form the public generally t®t he ha.s corr1 AUCTIONEERS H T 12-JIILLIPS, :f!AMPT0N li'o1 the Township ot Da,rl~ngton -"' I. "HOS BOWDEN Bowmanville 1vI~1cL. lltl 1871 no24 ti - lhe E l\ TIR E Pnor:ITS l elong to and n.ic dn 1d ed a.1n01 gst tl1e Pol cyl oldc1s LIVES DECLINED BY OlllER Conrr ..!..NIES or OD whLch a.n extra P etniuni wotdd be rcqu red can An d when I gaze l on h s innocent fa ce ~s still and cold h e 1av be assured n.t the ordvnary ratc8 of this Somety And thought wl at n lovely cb Id he hR l been u ider a special aria iyc1'ncnt And ho v soon 1 e must decay SPEOIAL NON l OF.JUI .BLE Poi:.r crEs u~ sued 0 death tho i lo vest the bet hfu1 under which o lly 10 15 or 20 Annual P ay In the woe of fil) s1 ll'lt I cr1ed ments are tcqurre<l eai.:h payment acuuung a Pohcy for a s llli assurod proporhono.tc to t he l or sp&iklcd th e eyes and the forehewJ was fair Of the little boy tl at died number of p1 c:npums pa. d an 1f lee /101 i fuiur 'f)ay1 ien~ of pre lt t;Jt is :\ga n T 11 go to i y fathers ho se Go home to the dear ones n.11 l\.foDJ<RATE PRl<:MIUMS an<l rnos t hbc1al con \nd sad1v I 11 open the eardon gate dit ons A n 1 sadly tl e door of the hall Prosj)cctuses Proposal Fonni; &c s J. pl f! 1 on app icat1on at the H t:ad Office or nny of I shall meet my mother but never more the Agencies With her darling by her side She 11 lnas me and sigh at d weep nga n - - -.r:Al\iES GRAN r 'Res Secreta y For the httle boy that died I am all alone in my chamber now mg given was to tlouble the g 101d over the And the m dnight hour is near rng at the gate Captam Dyer m the thick three Ulacks now secured m the strongest .A..n l tl e fagot s crack and clock s dull t ck of it the wh1le, going from 1nnn to 1n11n, room ho could fmd the Llack nurse berng well Aro the only sounds I hear warning thein to keep themselves out of 'I heu qmck looked ofter by the women And O\ er my so ii 1n 1t1:1 solitude "gbt and to film low Sweet foeb ngs of s tlness g-hde almClst as thougllt every ruan "'as at the ' Take care of yol rsel ves, iny lads I I'o1 ny heart and my eves are f ll wl en I think post n8'1gned to him the women and ch1l \nlne ever} one of )011 n.t a hundred of Of tl cl ttle boy th ·t died dren were brought into the corner roon1s by thoc.ie hlack scoundrels -Tut, tnt, whose I "eut one 11 ght to n1v father fl hous~ the gnt!S and ti en 11e "a1ted exclledlv tor that down i V\ en t 1 o n e to ti f;" dea ones all what al ould follow The captam n >W or Corporal Bray, SU"\S aonie ont: Au:l RQft]y r ope icd the gnrden g tte de1ed me out of the httle par y under a se1 A d s ftly the door of the hall Here, Emson Smith both uf yuu lend a geant, and n1ade me his orderl.} aud tiCO it 1\Iy notl e1 c 1.rrw out to meet h son I md here we II make Bantem s quarters happe11cd that u.hHi..'\'S being \\1th or about Sh@kLSsed me a d tJ un. shl.l R ghcd l usp1tal -Now theu, look alive ambulanco him, I kn~'\ bo\v mattcra \vere go ng on, And 1 er head foll on my neck a1 <l i;l e er t pirty For the l ttle boy tl a.t d ed and was al wnys carrying orders, 110\v to the window aa we could gues'! and theu I had my ordera in a minute ' Take two men end the sentr) at theu many 'ear111 of soldienng l \\as now fot the Aa I "cnt down 1nto the court yard, I door ruah u1, and secure them at once first tune to see a 11tU~ "' ar in earnest But it they have f(Ot out Jorn Sergeant found the sn1oke runng 1n puffs as our men Captarn Dyers first act on the alarm be Williama, and follow nie to act as reserve tired over the breast work 11t the 1nob corn thett coming, and caught the hrst ghmpse was the rattling crash ot the firing and I of the ragged column I g" e tlie'ltlarm set knew now that our in~n were answering ting a:iy teeth ba,.d as I did so, for, aftei XII It is of course im poss1blA to say what silent iapturea may b6 trembling beaeuth those white blouses of tbe1rs but \lC?.ed from the outside, these n.i tists have a d ec1dedly_aedate and matter of fact aspect and apart h om special m· sp1rat1on nnght be suppooed to have out h ved tbe tender At least, one of them clearly has done so, and 1s devoting the ex perieuce of grey h urs to the cast1gat1on of I <euteno.nt Leigh now to this sergennt or that corporal, but at the first offset of the defenco of the ohl place, there was ~ dis pule between captam and lieutenant and I m af1 a1d it \\as maintained by the la8t out of obstJ ni.:) nnd JUSt at a tnne when there should hai.: e bl;!en no th n0 but pulhng to gelher Jor the sake of all concerned I must say, thougti, that there was right on both sides fr I t t 11.ttr:. 1 t1on gl' en to sales &c on reason :i.blc terms EN~ISKILLM S al o~ 11on'lptly attended to on -reasonable terms Wn:t. - B:a.rfon, Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders ~ FEED MILLS. B 0 \V l\'.l:AN VI L L E AGEN1 10R llOWMA NVTTIE C Bo\.RI~ER a21, Ob1-;;ener Office l{1ngSt Bowrua.n1l11:1 J une 24th 18...0 I Imperial Fire Insurance CO 01 JONDON I shall nuss hinL when the flo\\ ors come Ir th1:1 ga1den where he played i sl a.11 mu~s him more bv the fireside "hen the fio veri3 have all dt!Cit.\ ed I 1 hall se lns toys p nd lus emr t)" cha,n And the horse he 11sed to nde Ant! they will speak v; 1th a silent speech Of tho little boy that died I shall see bis httle sister ago.uI JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter, Gla.z1er,.Paper Hanger, &c &c Anothei cal' load of the aOOve nob1c article&: on (J.:stablmhed 1803. the WI!.) Huo OFFICES -1 Oltl Broad St Please call n.t the PaJI 1foll London GENE'.RA.L '\.U J!l:-IUY JfO t l \ !S'" \ !) - a nd ~ :) ~ WLth her playma.ttts abo it the door And I ll "\\ ll.tch the children n their sport As I never did before .And If Ht th~ group I see a child Th ts d mpll.:d and lauglung ej ed, I 11 look to !!.ee if it mny not be cra.ment ll-fontre.i,l All kmds of work prQlllptly attended to and Farm Implement Forwarding Agency satisfact-1on gt.1a.rantei:-d R W JAMES S ibecnbed and invested On.p1tal and Reser' e Res donce....-Next il.oot.: en.st of the Dible Chris Fund £1 965 000 St rl111g King St. Bowu1anville tian "Church rYRONB Bov; rn.anv1l1e Dec 5 1872 nlO } unds lll,vested in Canada- 105 000 I Jrone MaNh 8th 18G9 22 tf 0 The httle boy that u1ed To Masters of :r... 0. :r.. Insurances agrunst loss bv :E u e are effccto l on the mo&t fa.vornble tor. .u1~ and losses paid ?irth out reference to the Board London 'V c s11all go home to our Father .s hou!!le Io our Father a house In the slues 'Vhere the hope of our souls shall have no bhght, And our lo-.. tl no broken t1.e.a. 'Ve shall roam on the banks of the r ver ofpeare And bathe 1n its blw ful tide And one of the _J oys of our he11vcn shall be 0. BO UN SALL, MANUJl o\.CTURF.R I MPORTER DEALER in a.Uthe var eties of nn BLo\.NK &c &c CERTIFICAES regular rates BoWlnanv1lle July 7th 1813 cnn be procured at this office a.t Applications J DODSWORTH Inspector .... RIJS TOUL BROS Gen A ge1 ts :h.{outrea Italian & Ame1can Marble. A larg0 aud i.:hoJce select on of ARRIVAL! WESTERN CORN FOR - SEED, AND R R LOSCOMBE, Barrister gen for Bow:manville and Vic1ruty Bowmanville Jt ne 14th 1860 DI 0 36 43 39 4w The httle boy that died And ulways when Im sitting alone At d the midnight h<l iris nea1 When tbe f"got R crack and the docK F:i d 11 t ck 1...re the only sounds I beai Oh sweet o ei my soul m its solitude Ar~ the feelings of 1adne$E1 thu.t ghde An 1 my heart nnd .ayes are f tll wl en I th nk SO, I-IO ' G-entlemen of Fashion. ---NOli SO FAST. I have wrltten the se fc\ hnrs And all I have to say 1 hat you can find 1ne st ll at hon e I am not gone away So all my kind old friends may come An 1 all the young ones too An 1 get tbeJ,r garments n1cPJy n1a le In fash1ous that a.re ne 'Vhe1e old a.n<l young llcb.r fri end may meet A wdcon e greet ng b) R PEAT1£ l3o'\ n anvJ1le Ju1 e 19tb JE :Monuments & Grave Stones, ?-i P·Y ...-on ,hn.n 1 of supor19r work1n11.nsh1p nnd at l1H\est-pnccf!! OBACEED COHN, FOR FEED. Of the little boy tl at died John · McDougall oi euclos1fl0 bu1 yrng lot.ci LITERATURE. BEGUMBAGH \.N EPISODE OF THJll I~DIA~ Furniture Tops Mantel Pieces kept on hand or w1ou ht to ordei t"'spectfnlly req l ttste,q_itt the \vork~ 0 &c J.S A ca.11 King Street B owmanttlle 1st T8G9 1 ti BEAUTIFUL TEETH J M BRIMACOMBE L D S Tc ,,. th Extl"acted a!.l"Venty five Cent· Rooms o er 1\-Iclfl.Ung Bros StorCt1 Bow1nanv1lle Oct 1st 1870 1 an MtTINY xr (Cont n 10d ) God bless Jot m' darlmg she" lmper ed to he1, as soun as they had done and the poor Jellow was lpng still-a toss up \Hth lmu whelhe1 it should be death or hte and Milne 1 sq on the i\'f t.1ket Sq ta.re R D :A..VIDSON has removed hi s i:es1dence Dand Surger:o, to ti e lat e res dence of J hn m n3o tf Jam es p·ny McFeeters. AGENT $1o0 MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED DY I saw I\frs .Bantcm take 1'11ss Roeis s soft Eor the follov.1ng Insurnncc Co1npan cs ail \\bite h and l ctween her tVio g1 eat rough other InstJtut olls viz 1110.rd pa lm 9;1 and kissed it J nst once IJ:he QUEEN l n o nn<l I 1fe Ia e ranee Goin ' ROBERT ARMOUR C 111·1 £2 000 000 000 deposited NEvV STORE, JUS'l' A:Et:R:CVE:O - at the:WELL FILLED WITH '!HE Wlth the Dom1n10n Govcrnincnt for the protec ders 1n Canada 'And Id al waJ s been abusmg and run good for 1 JnO' her t.lown for a fine mail.am no t b111~ l'I TjiolSOLATED RISK Fne I usunnce Com but to sgueak songs an 1 be !coked CHOICEST OF GOO:OS. AARON BUCKLER Has the b!Mlt and most des:ira.ble lot of · FASHION HOUSE, Fall and Wmter l!,ash1ons NEW MILLINERY, HA TS ~BONNETS, LATEST STYLES IN TRIMMING, &C. pnny of Can0ido Co.p1tal$500 000 - O:ne of the at- Mrs Bautem saJd to me a little while best and cheapest Compau1es do1ng b s ne~s 10 the Don: non for Farn1ers and Isolate J R sl 8 \fte1 11 "\\ h) Isaac Smith "e shall be hav 1be CANADA LANDED CREDIT COY tug t1 at little maid shewmg ne\ t !bat with a Sri.vn gi:i 131l.nk de1 1.1tment rhe UNION AND PERMAWENT Bui) hu g theres som 0 thrng m her and Sa.ving s Society And why not 1 I sa1d gruftlj Ihel'le la.ttcr u1atlt tion s ad a.1 ce Lo.ime on Real ] state on terms unusually eas~ for the Ah to be sure, says she, \v1tb a con11cal borrov;er look out of one CJ c why not 1 But, WAT-CHES of d ffer ent gui.d.cti an<l ffilrpa.sseH all othe ho 1-';l eo llL town ruu.l Gou1 try -- ~ Bowmanville Fob 6th 1873 Isaac my lad she '° d sad Iv, and look11 g at rne ' crv earn eetl y, ' I n afra1d there e eore times conJing and if s;r,..God 111 bea\ en Dana's Patent Sheep Marks hel[ those poor bairns man and been there Oh, ifI d been a Bhu Dressmaking in n105t o- A~ CLOOI{S IMME)IE)E NUMBER fa'tih1on able ar d latest styles ELECTRO PLATED A splend1tl a'3sort1nent of Knitting, Berhn, and other Wools Abo lateet f:ltyles in 'lea ond Coffee Sets F1uit Hemisphm wal Dishes not to be surpassed in the Prov nee RUSHING S and other FRILLING BELTS COMBS BRAIDS SWITCHES AND CHIGNONS, a.nd a large a.ssortmrmt or Fa cy Goods 1 Cl t constantly on hand Pa1 t1ct. lar attentwn I a d to cutt ng and fit ting Stamp1 l!j dor.e too der )) Plated Knives, Forks, &c, :E iual to any m the Dominion Loring Su,lem Mase Prei:i1 lent N ew England Wool Gru"Weni 8Qc1e.ty John S R oss Henno pin Ill Professor M. Miles f t11e State Ag ncultural C 1lt-ge Laumng, Mich Hon Geo Brown Toronto Ont J ohu Snell Edmonton 01 t On each Ma.rk is stamped the owner s name and the Sheep s n u1nber lhey will be sent f ee b}' mail 01 express for on ly fc o encts ach o.nd \Vlll last for TWJ£N1Y YEARS $r Oft.ah m st accompany all orders ARCIHBALD YOU NG J i Sarnia Ont Order,, addressed to the °\:IE ROHN [' a1 d On SERVER Office f (>t 111 y quantity 'Hll be filleJ at tbe above mentioned price aa qm ck ly n.e 'ih it 1rlarks can be ma lt:< aI.l l B ' nt HESE MARKS ARE THE CHEAPES'.!Ji recollected \\hat the trooper h·d told us the most lasting the least tro blevome and most complete 1;1 er ini; ented 'I hey a.re used and she shook her fi st fiercely lll the a i and recommended by many of tht best Bre~ tl(:! I'l:I 'Its what Ia!ways did say soldiers wnes l..ll the U u1ted Sttt.tee and Canada suoh as G B have no bus1ne!:IS to have cluld1en a.rd t !:1. iank cruelt) to the poor !1ttlc things to bnng them into the . . . orlc1 1\frs Bantem tli,en "ent off to sec her pu bent, while I \\alked into the court won <lenng \\hat wouk! com e n ext and "beth er in spite ot all tl e little bitternesses nnd grumthng ever.}body, now some of the stern rrahties of hfc \H:~re coming upon us, T cr1ed, as she Lieutenant Leigh put it forwnrt! as his opunon that short of men as we we1e, it. was fo1ly to keep four enem1ea unuer the same roof who were likely at any time to ove1powcr the one or t\\ o sentries placed over them while, if there was nothrng to fear 1n that wa~, there Vtas st1ll the neces stt.} of aborten1ng our, defensive forces b) a couple of 'aluable men What "ould you do with them then 1 said Captam Dye1 'Set them at liberty, said Lieutenant Leigh ' I grant all ~ ou say, rn the first place, said the capta1n , ' but out reta1n1ng the1n 1s a sheer necessity 'Wby 1 said Lwutcnant Leigh with a oncer , and I must say thnt at first I held "1th him ,...., Because' said the captal!l sternly,' if" o se;t then1 at liberty, we n1crease our ene mies potver not mearly "1th three men, but "ith scoun lrels "ho can give them the fnllest 111formatio::i of our defenceR, over and sbo\ e that of wlnch I am afra·d they are The matter will not already possessed bear further fhscuss1on -L1eutenan L e1gh, go now to your post, ar d do your duty to the best of your power Lieutena 1t Leigh did not hko thJS, anil he frowned but Captmn Dyer wps hrn su perwr officer nnd it "as Ins duty to obey so of course he d1d No\\, our pos1t1on \ a9; such, that, say, a hundred men w1Lh a field piece could have knocked a "ing n, and then earned us by assault w1 tli ease but though our ~nem1es were lull two hundred and fifty, and many of tb en1 drilled soldiers, p eces you mn.y sn.) of a grea.t n1achine together and set in a motion We soon found that out for, mstead of making the b·st of thmga, and takrng posseos1on ol bmldrnge- sheds and hut -here and there, from which to annoy uo they came up 1ll a mob to tl1e gate and one fello\v on :L horse-a 1rn.tive chief he seemed to be- gave his sword a wave, and haH a dcizcn sov;ars roUDll him d1d the same ancl then they called to us ty sur render Captain Dyers oracrs were to net entirely on the defcns1v· and to fire no shot till 11 e had orders, leaving then1 to con1mence hos t1ltt1es '~or sa1 l he, apeakmg to all tho men, 'JI may be u co"ardly policy \Hth such a mutinous set in front of us but "c have the women and children to tlnnk of therefore, our <luti IS to hold the foe at bay, and when we do fire tO inake ever.} shot tell Beat mg them off ls I !ear impossible, but "e may keep them out till help comes 'Wouldn tit be advisable, sir, to trv and send off anot·,er despatch 1 I sa1rl there s the troopers horse' ' Where 1 said Captarn DJ er, "1th a smile That has already been thought of Smith , and Sergeant Jones, the only good horseman we have, went off at two o clock and 1 y this time is, I hope, ont of dan~er -Good heavens 'vhat does that mean 'I be sa1J, using his glass It waa ctmous that I should have thou 0 bt of such a tlung JUSt th~n , at a t1me when fonr so,var::i led up Strgea11t Jones tied by 11. prnce of rope to one of their sa Idle bows, \\ lule the troopers b rB~ was behind ly aud make haate back, my lade mo leaving a large opening-one tbat 1 it noL grav ng of a steel plate is necessar} and this detected, would, no doubt, have done nice often entails a. "\ery senous expense It l8 n1enls arc prec10 s 111 du that with Pm ate Manmng. ly for the entrance of a strong party of eno not Ly anJ mean1;1 uunsual for a plate no laige1 than a sheet o1 note pa.per, to cost wife ~mys !l voice nnd tn1n1ng as \Ve were mi ea Sentri here I said antl leanng the twenlJ gmneaa The parts of the ues1gn to go1og to hft our dead c01nra.de thero "as man at the \\llldow, followed bJ Hairy be l rougbt out in rehef are engra' ed in aoft I 1~ strapping Mrs Bantem and ·nother f.. for I am gomg to make a sally bJ the gate to stop them from the outside I roused Harry Lant and Measleo, and tbev \Vere mth me In an instant We pass ed a couple of aentnes, and ga\ e the coun tormgn, snd then uiounterl o the long stone passage wlnch led to where the pnsoners had been placed As we three privates neared the door the ~entry there challenged but when we came up to him and listened there \\as not n oound to be heard neither had he hea1d an)tillng, he said The next mwute tlie dooi '-'O.S thrown open and Wt>; found an We were about hlLmg tho poor fellow, ompty room, but the bole rn the wall who had sunk down behrnd tho breast wu1k, all douLlet! up hke, hands and knees showed ua which \\ay the pnsonera had a1d head down , bnt as we touched h1m, he gone We none of us liked tho idea of go10g straightened bun;el! out and looked up at through that lole to be taken at a disad CaptaJD Dyer rnntagc but duty was dutv mtl rnnmng Don t touch n1e ) et, he says in a '\ h10 forward I made a bold thruot throngh r er l\.fy stripes 101 son1c one, on.pta1n with m~ piece in two or three d1rcct1ons Do lo> Ioaae Smith there Hooray I he then I crept through, followed DJ Harry s ys family , and be took off his cap w1tb Lant, and found that room empty too but one hand gave it n bit of a wave-' God thev had not gone by the doom ay "h1cb sa' e the Q 1ec - Bear lnm carefully to the empty ground led mto the women s part bnt they had enlarged the wmdow and drol'ped do,vn floor, south side sa.va Captain Dyer stern voutbful follies by means of burlesques l:le has a sheet of 11 lute paper and a st!Ck of churcoal, an<l. IS engaged in produCing tho rough draught of a 'cry large } OUAg J~dy, with a' ery arnall bonnet a cr1nol1n~ and an infi1 ites11nal dog AnoLher is engaged upon a very clever hLtle \\ tLter color .:kcti.:h of an amorous sub JCvt while 11 thud has before h1ni a similar sketch which he,, hthographwg-that ie, dra" 1ng with u1k or chalk on a slab of stone, pre1 oratory to it. bemg prmted by tho lithographic process To the next room th1a pnnt11:og 1s being corned on Drav; ny armed n1echan1ca are t lrn1og ont a stranbe medley of lovera and bo \er<;;, flowc.:rs, b1rJs I earts and arrows, bai.;helors aud pu llle. spinsters Some of t11e shee~s produced at the pres· se:, in thi s roon1 are now cut np Into sec tlohs and handed O'i er to the superintend ent of the valentine mo.kerj:I Others have to he em bossed For Lb JS purpose the en ld1er s \\ ite and she then sa1d a few w rds to the capta10 Gone! says Captain Di er Quarter of an hour ago s1r' saj s Mrs Bantem and then to we ' Poor hooper, Isaac 'Another man here, says CafJtain D; er - No, not you Smith -Fill up here, Bantem' Joe Bantem Wa\ed hl8 hand to his wife, a11d took the dead corpoial · place, but not easily, for Meaolos \\ho was next man, wa~ stepping into it, when Captain D) er order ed him back 'Eut theres .such n much better chnace of droppmg one of them mounted chaps, sir, says Measles, grumbling 'Hold your tongue, sir, and go back to your own loop hole says Captam Dier aud tbe "ay that Measles kept on loadrng u1 d fiI11 g, ra1nnHng do.vn bia cartridges v1c1ousl) 1 and then taking long and careful aun ah' tu d "1th wnat good eltect, too was a sight to sec .All the while we \Vere exl.lecting an as sault, but none came, for the mutlneeJS fell fast, and did no· seem to dare to make a rush while we kept up eucb practice Then I had to go round and ask Lieutentenant Leigh to send six more men to the gate, and to brmg news of wbat waa going on ronnd the other sules I found th lieutenant standmg ot the Lant and Measles, I ran back gut do" n to steel, "Lich is then hardened, and thus fit the court vatd, crossed to where Sergeant ted to susta1n a preBBecl of several tons W1lltams, with half a eozen men, \Va1ted In the next apartment these plntes are be our com1ng and then 've were pas"ed ing used Au operative sits in o. hole 1n through the gate, and went along at the the fiooz, besuJo a very powerful screw dGuble to where we could hear noise and press, worked by nieaus of a be11n1 s1x or ehoutmg eight feet m length at the ends of which We had tho narrow alley tu go through are globular masses of non, designed to in -!he one I ha1 e before ment10ned as bemg crease 1ts n1owentum The picture to be the place ""had atrengtbened and the next embossed 1' laid upon the steel plate, and but1d1ng and no sooner were we at th placed m the bed be1 eath the scre11, which end, than we found we were none too aoon e lS then brought down with a terrible thump. for there, iu tho dim starlight \Ve coul 1 sea There are several of tttes"' presses at" ork in Captam Dyer and four men surrounded bJ tlus room, one or two being engaged in the a good score, howhng and cutting at then1 emboos1ng of lare paper, which enters large like so many demons and plomly to be ly Into the compos1t1on of \:alentlnes seen by their white calico thiugs. This lace paper, ho,\ever, as it lea\:es 'By yo ir left, my Inda shoulder to these preases still req nrea to be perforated, shoulder-double, says the sergeant and the 'vay in \Vl cl th s is done 1a cun 01 s The ew Losomg 1 late JS fixed upon a bench a eheet of the paper which baa been upon the scoundrels to give them theJr firo~ 1mpre'8ed by it JS Ima upon lt, and carefultaste of the bayonet, cutting Capt>rn Dyer ly, though e 'pe<l1t1ously adJ usted, and 10 and two more ruc11 out JUSt as the other then sul~ected to a vigorous rasping \\1th a two went do,vn large ft it file, wrapped m sand paper This It was as fierce a fight, that, as it was rnbs away every portion of the paper which short , for we soon found the alarm spread JS supported l y tbe pr0Ject1ons in the plate and enemies runuu1g upon all sides It beneath, and of course, when the sheet 16 was baJ onet lrill then and well we showed turned over, the parts of the de.1gn winch Then we gave a cheer, and with bear ts bounding w1th excitement dO\'\ll we ruahecl were inerelv depressions, holes hale become the prachce till we retired slow I) to the entrance of the alley , Lui the pattering of feet and cries told that there "ere more comrng to meet us that way when follo" w1ndow ~here I caught Chunder,and there ing Oapta.1n Dyer s ordP.ra ~ c r1: treated in was a man each at all the other four little good forUl m the other hrect10n so as t' windows "h1ch look eel down at the outside get round to the gate by the other all°' on -all the others as I ha> e said lookmg m the south SJde upon the court And now for the first llme we gave th em The lieutenant~ men had a shot nu1~ a volley, checking tbe advance "for a few and then at any one who auproacbed, but seconds, while we ret1~ted 1ond ng to tur11 upon forcing the gate, and so far as I could checked them again Specimens of the entire productions of printers, ernbosse1s, and per1orators together w1lb ioreign 1mportatio s in the Rhape of nbbons, leather1 ·hells and ornaments of 'ar1ous other kn1ds, are now spread upon a table presided over by one or t11 o clever ) ou11g women, t pon "hom devolves the duty of des1gnrng the valehtrnes '!he Object they ha\e to mm at 18, of the mutineers seemed to have determined again, and give them another' olle\, which course, the p10duct10n of the greatest poss1 but only for a few blo vauety ol striklilg and pleasmg effects by the con1binat1on of the 1nater1ala before the1n and the most snccessful are adapted ei.:t', there 'vas very little dang1::r to fear itoLn nnv other quarter seconds, when they came do\\ n upon us I kne11 Lieutenant Le·gh was not a co" ard but he seemed very ball benrted over the defence, doing h!S d utJ but m a sullen sort of wa~ and of course thnt v;ns because he 11 anted to take the lead now held by CaptaJD Dyer, and, perhnps it was mis 1udgrng him but I m atra1d JU.t at that ·>111e bed have been very glad 1f a ahot had them came at us with a rush brea1ung our il.ruppea hlB rival, and he could ha\e stepped line, and driving us anyhow, mixed up to into his place gcthcr, down the alley, winch wao dark aa Captarn Dyers plan to keep the rabble pitch but not so dark but that we could at I Lill help could come, war:i, of course, make out a turban or a cuhco cloth and hke a s1varm of bees right upon our bay onets and as fast as half a dozen fell half a dozen moie were leaping upon the steel We kept our hnc though one and all, retiring in good order to the mouth of the second ourt which ran do~n bj the eouth 1ule of the pulace , 11 hen as 1f mRddened at the idea of loamg us, a whole host of as patterns fur the other hands N oth1ng 1t lS satd can be n1ore capricious or wl11n1s1cal than the '!elections ofbhe pub he, 1n any matterl;i of taste, and in the cllse of valentrnes this is especially observable Very frequently the part1culor designs which the mo::st 1.:x penenced of manufactur era "ould pronouuce to be tnumphs of taste and or1g1nahty, p1uve utter failures in the warktt, and the great bit of a season may L' q ite right and that n1ght1t \\aS an un 1.rstoo 1 tiling that another attempt should be made to send a n1ei,senger to Wallahad, a1 other of our corporals being selected for the dungerous mission The fightmg was kept on man on and IT way till even1ng 1 we 101nng several men, be some produouon whrnh barely escaped the "aste basket t}: ose bayonets of ours were U"cd to eome purpose Ilnlf a dozen t1mee over I heard tho cap ta1n a voice cheering us on anJ sh ut111g ' Gate, gate Then I saw the flash of Ins sword once and managed to pin a fello\l who was making at hnn,Just as \\e got out at the other end with a fierce rush Then I heard the captain shout Rally and saw b1m warn his sword and then I don t re collect any more, for it \Vas one \\1ld fitffce scufile-stab aud thrust, m the rn dst of a surging, howhng, maddened mob forcing ue towards the gateway I thought 1t was all over 11 lib us when there came a cheer1 and the gate \Vas thrown open, a. dozen men formed, and chaigcd down, drivmg the mggers back like sheep and tllen 1 sonlehow or another we wer~ cut out, aod, under cover of the new coiners reached the gate (lo be continued) On1y a verv la.sh and inexperienced will produce any great amount of stock, until orders come in ellers anJ. their sa1nple books are al read) ubroad however, and the production 111ukct, th~1efore, rra' of goods now on order is bemg rapidly pro ceeded w1th Here 1s J l ,, a good many lallmg on the other side and not 01H~e d1a. v; e have a. chance of touching a in11u with a bayonet Saine of our men grumbled a httle at tlnc.i, s11y1nfi: tho.t it was T~ry hard to stand there hour after hour to w h 1cb made them mart' cautious, a 1arg,. room, fitted up w1·h Joni; benches, and occupied by some scores of girls of various ages Each girW1as on one side of her a pile of incom pkte 'alentmes, a1 d on the other, a heap of little objects of aoine kind, which it IS F A.SIUON HOUSE MRS A FLF.'l'ClIER R o vn an\ Ile Sept 26 1873 1n<J2 SPOONS. Sl'OO:NS. Ul LIME! Fon s u n LIllLf.&ii&J J. 'l\Jll~' 11 e grc~test a.nd best assortment ever seen 1 l 9wn N~e to e.i:cel it ll m ""l qu;;;;;;;;,y l.pply t WILLLDi SPE li.R Gold Chains, Rings, BROOCHES EAR RINGS, &O None t o surpass them Chui ch Street r eat ly ot poe te the Alma Hotel O\VUlCl.iUTlilc J \DC 19th 187~ tf Selected 1 y my.self nt the mri.nufactories in Ene;lnn 1 Tailoring! Clothing! rhe Subscl'.llie1 haviug secnrcd the able services OF ;w SPECTACLES I The Choicest of grade!'C Gold and Silver fnimes. Lazarus Morr s & Cos on l and to fit all s1ght8 These I\\ ill sell a.t re<Juced pnccs A LARGE SUPPLY OE FINE CUTLERY, (ROGERS MAKE Cutter is prepated to take ord~rs for GENTLEMEN S CLOTHING. ' &Clans of Eno-land, and UmverSity of Vro. tona College c;bourg lTlldergraduate and Q!12Cman of the Umversi of Toronto and Un~vers1ty of Q 1een s College Kwgston Mem aud on the ber of the College of Physicians ancl Surgeons of Ontn1 u Sw g(:!1y au l Residence oppomte Atlil:i1 REASONABLE TERM' tl e marl et aq_ua.re At M r 1 eat f:l r ea1den ce on K ug Sttei;:t BoYI mano,: illo Oct 5th 18"'1 0 1 h~· 1 n. :very f lll nSBGrtment of E ngl ~1 and Canadian which will be got up Ul the G DR. DAVIDSON, Colle~e RADUATE of the Roy.I of l'li.Y Fist Style of Fashion, Captain n, er ViO 1ld not t:h~w, though that he was pnt out by the fmlure of that "ould she' up the bright Bl le of lm or her hope he onl> pa,.cd the wort! for the men nature ancl somehow I got very hopeful to etand firm, and then se.ut me ,,. ith a mes that they "ould C BARKER I felt JU·t th en that I should have much sage to Mr .. Colonel Mame "equestrng that every one might keep right away from the Bowmanv1lle Dec 28th 187J ly ml3o liked to have " few words with Lizzy Greeu but I had no chance, [or 1t 'vas a bu~) time "indowa, as the enemy m1g:ht open ti.re at with us Captain DJ er felt atrou 0 ly enough any time He was qu te n~ht for 1ust as I knocked hie i: esponaibiht), and not 11 n1111ute did he lose 111 domg all h e could for our defence at ])f rfi Maines door 11egular sqnWldcr1ng o that after au aux1ous da) with notlnng scattenng fire began, and ) ou could bear 1uore occurring when I looked 1ounU at the bullets strikmg the "all "'th a sharp what I ad been done n1 barr1cad1ng and ~o pat b11 ng1ng do,\n showers of "l 1te J101e w1shc~ to inf rm his numcro J f;) fr e1 J::! ru1<l cus on lt seemed t o nte, speak1ng as a soldier du't and I owdered stone ton\e11:1 that 1 o has r cmo el to I found Mrs Ma DP. seated on tho floor that as far as I could Jndge, there\\ as noth BUCKLER'S OLD STAND mg more to be done though still the feel 11 ith her ch1lclren, pale and trembhng, the where ho \Hll be found v, t] 1 the most com tng woulcl cou1e hotne to me that it '\as a little thrngs tho wb1le lauglnni uml pla.ymg plete »wrtment of great place for forty men to defend, ii at over son1e pictures M foS Ross ,,. ns l ea1nng tacked by any number Captam DJer ov ei: her s1:,ter and Ll zzy Green was \Valt Harness, must have seen that for he had arranged to ing to give the children spmetlnng else Whips, have a soit of citadel at the 21orth end bv when the) were hred of the pictures the gate 1 ay and this was to be the last As the rattle of the m1 ·ketry ])egan it Trunks, &c n to vn Please call Buel ler s old !)tan I refuge 1 where a l the ammun1t1on and food \Vas soon plain enough to see who had the: one door east of Ma)n::i.td s H otel and no eml of cbatt1es of water were stowed stoutest 11earts but I seemed to he noticmg Bo vmanv1lle Se1 1st 187J down JD the gieat vault place wb1ch went nothing though I did a great deal_, and hs Bowman\1lle October 1813 under this port of the bu1ldrng and a good tened to ~1rs Bantem s v01ce 111 the next deal ot the court Then the watch was set room, bullying and scolding a W"Qtnan to1 treble this time un the roof and at 'v1ndow, cryrng out 'ol1ll and upsetting everybody an<l we waited imp·t1ently for the morning el~e RADUATE of the Un1 vennhes of Tun1ty Collegfl Toronto and Victoria College of Yes we all of us I believe, "a1ted 1m I gave my message, and then MJSs Ross Cobourg Licentiate of the College of Physw1 patiently for the mornrng, "hen I tbrnk if asked me if any one was hurt, to which I ans and Surgeons of Onta.no " e hall known all that was to come, 've ans" ered as cheerfully as could be that we Office l{ing Street one door \\est of M r ohould ha\ e knelt do vn and prayed tor the wern all ri ght as yet and then, talung my Cornish t.1 Jewelly St re llov. manv1Ue her be shot down and could they h"' e done as they liked, they d have made a sallv 1 hen came the mght and a short conGu! sat on l: etween the captain and L1euteuant Leigh The rr>utmeera bad ceas d firmc at sundown, and we were In hopes that there duty to udt!-little bunche· of Jlowere, or glittering mottoes or aching hearts,or break· n g hearts or trusting hearts, or hearts REMOVAL. S. MASON "ould be a rest tr 11 day light, but all the sarue the stncteot "atch "as kept, and only half the men lay down at a tune Half the mght, though, had not passed, when a baud \\as la1 l upon my shoulder, and in an instant I was up, piece in band, tu find that it "as Captam DJ er Come heie he said quietly and fol lo"' ing lnm into the room underneath wl ere the w<. rnen were placed, he told me to hsten, an l I d1d, to hear a low, grating, tew ing no1se as ot something gmt1ng on stone ' Thate been going on, be sa11l, W. S, BOYLE, lVI._ D, G for a good hour, and I cant make 1t out, Smith 'Prisoners escap1ng I said qu1et11 'But they were not so near as that They are confined in the next room, but one, hA said JD a willeper ' Broke through, then, I said Then we went-Captam Dyer and I <lUletly up on to the roof, answered the challenge, and then walked to the edge, \vhero, lewrng ovm, we could hear the dull gra.tmg noose once more then a atone CLOTHS AND TWEEDS l I MA R RIAGE LIOENSEFI Ull:IUC TRESPASS NOTI CE, l by T. P ateJt"son. llowma1mll· ~by W R CLIMlE At the Statcman Office Bo\'imn:nv1lle BowmanVllle Nov lrh, 11868 27th 1873 If bp m3>o OTICE 18 hereby gn: en th at all paihes <l.1d upon a r a b blo of black f::tces 301ne o\ei never :,CP. her l grin She gen e n1e .bc1 land pho e~ an(l thev were w1Jen1ng this. fo1n l trespass 1 g on the F lats kno 1 us white c ott es, so n1e over the Br1t1::.h nu1 and s&1l Gov l 1 vc n n 1 iltcru g sort of Qmck heri , scntrJ says the captam Ranes Flnts vr1ll be pro.;ecutcd to full ex.ten foi ui tL t they h ad J.1s taced and as I who way, aud 1t see ned t inc U at she R ln 11n k The next mmute the sentr} lmrr1ed up Of Ju, o M D WILLIAMS ""s on the " est roof heat.I tne firat bum of from ine rh e next i ustant thougl ther e nnd we bod 9' man postet! aa nearly 01 er seemed to fall out ou to the sandy way by the palaeo walls da1kness to ha \ e cont111ued hour atter hour self off L zzy Green came v; 1th me to the I t was oll plom enough they had bro fur days uml weeks and months, ooner door an l I I eld odt my band t.o sav good ,... ~ n through fion1 one roon1 to nnothe1, than tie mormng sbonld have bioke as it bJC for I tne\\ 1t \Vtts poss1b1 I nnght ' 1ere theie was a 11\ inc1ow no b1g~er than a. N I trnnsfixed by arrows 01 it may be a heap of unfledged little Cupids The aud~c10us ht tie god i. unceremomously prnked up on the pornt of a gum brush, thrust up mto tb1 br1ghtec.it of blue skies, and the sheet 1t:1 pas sed on ready for the next stage, each gir usnalli addmg only one feature to the gen era! design The poetiy of valentrnes lS a study, and Love Stationary so perhaps, would the poets be if they could A stroll through a rnlentrnc factory is con1 emently be got at They, however,are Aomewhat dl8encbantrng The damty,deh not uoually kept on the prenuses, and it is cate nnss1ves, "beautiful as love, and irag to be feared that they have not partlC1pated rant as roses, with which the stationeri:; m the general progress of the bnsmess , for wrndows burst mto radrnucc in the depth ot the exper1en<'e of shop keepers IB rather wmter, properly speakmg, ought not to be agarnat the effus10no of the bard mannfactured at all Thev ought to be the The longer the poem, the more ·1me 1s oc creation of sonic magic wand, or at least cup1ed JD reat!mg it, aud consequently the should be the work of fairy hands, and lont>er it takes to serve a customer What shoult! be imported from a regwn of moon w1th the study and discussion of a1ttst1c em· ht groves, pale flowers, perfumed fountams, belhshments and poetical effuSJons, lt 18 and aerial lyres sometimes found to take no small portion Th1· ho" e>er, is not precrnely the or1gm of a day to serve a sB<pe1my customer Conoi >alentmcs densed feehng therefore, compact a:id con The mqumtive explorer, who vmts the centrated emotion, combmed of conrae w1th premises of a manufacture· of these fancJ a sparkle and or1gmahty, is what 1s requir goods JUSt now, for the purpose of seemg the cd of the poet, and for such of his lucn process fr"m begmnmg to end, may per brat1ons as are acs.epted, threepence a hoe haps be conducted, m the first place, mto a is the usual re1nunerutlo11 Not such very barely furmshed apartment occupied by five bad pay either, one 1' apt to thrnk until it or six J.i111lent 1ncltv1duaJs, who 1n1ght as reu is considered vhat bram cndgellmg and aonably invoke the insp1rahon ot ·venu<i as parox1 sms of poetic rnptu·e have prohably Sophocles might that of Melpomene been expanded 111 spu.in111g unava1hng yards These re the a1t1sts of the establishment for C\ ery 1111e th at finds acceptance to sa.y and this ao1newhat cheerless apartment is uothrng of the time I e may have to spend the fountam heat! of pictorial se111lment 111 seeking out those \\ho ore open to put Tbcy are not a partic11larlv s·nhmental chase lines of any kmd -Exchange '