' POETRY. ·The Hills of the Lord·' BY WT.LLlAM C. O.\."t>4\ltTT. THE ltfEROHANT, FRIDAY. FEBRUA~Y 13, _ 1874 FARM AND KITCHEN. Economy in the Household. lfCDY C.AJU,, 11878. -o- 1873. - - -o--- - $26. REWA:R:O. 1 God ploughed one da.y with an e:ntbquak.,, AnJ drove l1iti furrows deep ! The huddling plainR np.'!tart.ed, The l1il ls ,~·eri:, all n.le1tp ! f\ut that i~ the 1ntHtntu.in'a secret, .Age hi.dtlou in their b:eas; ; God's pen..te is everlastu1~, . -~re tli~ drea.m·words of their re~t. Hehn.th uw,do thetn the haunt o{ beauty, Tbe home ell:\ct of bis grace ; Ht1 Kpreacleth his 1norninga on tliem . Ria suni;ets light their {ace. }TiR thunders tn~ :td in music Of foot.falls cchohig l rmg, And carry rnnjestic greeting .Arqund tlie t1i10nt throng. His wind~ lll'ing 1nesRages to them,-· . \Vi\d storin·newB froru the ma.in; They r,iing it down to tho va~lt-ya rn the luve-song of the rain. Green ·tt·ibcs frou1 far cou1c trooping, An<l over the uplands :flock i He 1~ath woven the zoni;!S tog-ol~hcr .,.\s a robe fm· his ritien rock. ')'l ·- V JI' "' i1·w ~ .. ,.:,, :.- f·w yonng rive1~, N~sts fur L.o liylu~ ._lvi.OJ, Homesteads for new-born races. !,{a.sterful, free, a.nd proud. The 1:ieople of t'ricd cities Conic up to their shTines a.ud p1·ay i G()(l fre 8J1ens again wit.hin thmn, A..'i he pa8Ae:3 by ;111 da.y. .Aud lo. l hn.ve cv..ught their scc1·et ! 'l'he beauty deeper than all ! Thia f:titb, - -tbnt Life's hard 1nome11t~. \Vhen the jarring sorro1va befall, .A.re hut God ploughini his mountain!;!; .o\.nd thoeo 1nount.airu1 yet 1:1h:ill bo 1'he source of hi1:1 gnteQ and freshne&", And hh~ pt;:o.cc evP-I·lasting to me. -Old and !tcw. E\·ery 11.dy. who presides o\·er a home,fiatters herself she i6 a tnoclel economist. A hint to the eontrary would receive bet· ut,most contempt. \Ve will not discuss economy in dress, although there may be no lack of tnaterial or need, It is the vast waatojn the culinary department that we have in mind just now, '£here is, in a. la.rge t)ruportion of families, rnuch more fooil vu1·cha.scd than is actually 1nade a.·vailaJJle. The fa.ct e:xiats as 1nuch a.mong tbl:l poori::r classes aR among th11 rich. Nice "roasts" a.re eent home.costing perhaps nearly a day's t:arnings, to be 1 too often, miserably cooked for the famiJy dinner. '!'he meat is put into a 'slow ·oven to cook hu!i...rs, receivin~ littl~ or no attei1tion. It v.ppeo.rs upon the table, tough and juiceless, and is unpalo.table u.nd nnnutl'itious, of course. rl'he next day, shapeless pieces of the oforesaid ron.st are ' 1 warmed t1p" in a. spider, forming- a kind of non-appetizing fry. 1t is found to be about as uninviting nud unsavory as the previous dinner. 'l'he bone, with what is left, iH cnst &'>ide as worthle:J~. ~iany persons, who are almost dependent up· on cha1·ity 1 would think it mean to siwe the bone c1f a. nice i:oaat for a sonp,or the ungairlly pieces of n1eat for a "hMh," And yet 1 many econo1nicnl, pala.table,and nutritious mf'als may be prepared in all private familics,;vith the tixercise of ~ood com1 non sense, and a. little science, from just such material. There are aoroe h011seholds where luxurious lh·ing is a.hnost unkuown, Yet, tht- meals an.i prepare<l. in such a 1yn.y ns to quicken their appetites, and atrengthen their bodies for tnental arid phygic1:1.l labor. When wo havti a, pieee 9f ment to i·oast, the oven should l'.>4J bot enough to close the pores imn1ediately, theriby 1·etah1ing the juices. The meat muat receive a.ttentiou, and be frequently " basted," or else ·we OH\.Y as well expect to masticate sole-leather, and can do so R.bout as successfully. The next dt~y thero will be nice idiees to serve cold. Or, if not 11ufficient for the family dinner in that way, we ca.n mako it enough by preparing it thus : chop tho- meat vory fine; add two or more bard-boiled eggs, chopp~d. Sea.sou with salt, pepper, and butter- sage, too1 if desired. Then toast, and spreW with butte1·, slicoo of b1·end. Place the bread upon t.he platter, and cover with tb.e hot, chop-ped meat, alten1ating bread and mcatt,until all is used. 1V[utton1 veal, or boef can be prepared in thi3 way. We think it is decidedly relishable, and enough of tbe substantial, for tho main dish of an occMional fanlily dinner. There is still n.nother dinner from the 14ame r,rnst. \Vo break the bone;i,with 1uoat adhered, and put theni in a kottle, coved1111 them with cold 1vatcr. 'Vc now want to extracCthe juices. Boil \·ery fllo"\'.\-·ly; Cold water should bo added occasionally, en.using the fat t.o rise, '\'hich should bo c1H·efully slcinimtd off'. Our soup wo prefer to be a 1 ' vegetable soup." So \\'e add one onion, a little turnip and carrot-sliced thin. Ric1:1, tnaeciuoui,and sliced potato, too,improve!4 the soup. If the soup ha.a been ca,refully skitn· med, so that globules of fat are not seen floating over the top, 've will juat add a. little salt, pepper, and a bit of clovo, and 1ve have an economical, nour:ishing, a11d })alata.ble meal :Be· cause our fa.nlily cooking iii considered economically1 it does 11ot follow there must be a corres· ponding- Jack of nutrjruent. 'Ve no longer wonder why some people can never " afford)' to attend lectures or concerta, or enjr:iy thu luxury of a new book, picture, or piece of statuary. If thoir economy in other matters corrospond~ 1vith their economy \?) in the culina.ry department, the enigma is easily l!olved. F A_LL STOCK. ---o--Dress Goods Newest Style. of tho I T having come to Olll' knowledge, that certain \ Pedla.rs ru-e selling Spectacles a.nd Eye Glass· es purporting to be of our make, e.nd to bear ou1· names stamped thereon, we hereby caution the pnbli<.l against all such impoat1;;rs,as J\.-feasrs Y cllowleeR & Quick are our Agents: in West Durham; ands Reward of $25. is hereby -0ffered for the apprehension a1ld conviction of all such. impostera n.a try t() defraud the public by offering their trnsh as our make. LAZAHUS, MORRrn. & CO. Montrca.1, Nov. Sth, 1871. n7·tf Oct. .-- CHAT. [Tim :Brady a.nd Mike :&"lyn:a.J Oct lS72. 1S72 Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons? GREY COTTON of the best mA ke, including tl1e celebrated FALL . _::_PENINGI STORMONT. lOct Cottons at Cowle's-·-Splendid value. A·u t u m i1 F a s h i o n s - -- uo- 1\-Iagnificent display of New au{l Goods. of uneq11a.llod !~ich STYLE a.nd Q'CJ' .AI..ITY STORMONT MURDOCH BIWS. have opened out nn immense stock of NPw F-.li Goods. Great care has been tttken in buying the Stock, and a.s 'l0t" :ng but First Class Goods have been purchased, customers can rely on .?ct· ting good vtLlue for their money. TIM.- " Good morning, Mike, shure and it is early out ye are. M.igh I be bould to axe what started yees this morning." MIKE.-" Jist be aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a jiffy. Ye see, I was tould, yistcrdarc, tlmt Misther Gray, ov Tyrone, had got home an illigant new stock av Goods, chape as durt, man, and its meself could hardly slap1" a wink, all night, thinking av the chapfi goods. And sure enuff, its the full store he ha.s-piles (J;nd piles av the natest patterns; and he'd give ye the makin's av an illigant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Oints; Tay SHOP fonuost nutliln, and the Baccy for a trifle less." CARRIAGE [ TIM.-- "An· shure its funning me ye are, Mike ; wouldn't tho man be I _ afther breaking down." {"vest 01'.the Ontario Bank.} MIKE.-" Breaking down, is it. Sure he knows a thrick wurth two av that. I'll jist ten you what it is, Tim, if ye want to get a grate nan1e when yonre ded, and be called a filantroftzed, filosifer, and King Street, Bowmanvil\e. it public binifacthor, jist ~ell all yonre nabours, and the 1·ist av ~""".,.._,"'.rn..ankind, about Gray·s chape store, and you'll do more for th<i goog av your counthry, than iver St. Patrick did for ould Ireland, when be banished all the toads and snakes out av it, that HE. subscribe1· ia prepared to build and reniver.. '\vas in it." pa.1r , TIM.-- "I'm much oblaged to ye, for the bit av abvice, and won't deWagons, Biiggie~, and CitUe1'8, fa>in ye; there'll shurely be a grate run, and maybee I'd miss sotlle bargains. The top av the morning to ye."-I'm oil: to of every descriptior., 11.t 's hort notice, a.ndo Gray's. . i·eawn..1.ble terms. I l T Carriai::es Painted and Trimmed. Je GR!f, Tyrone. Noted for cheap Goods. CO'rTO N THE BAGS, A Blacksmith's Shop on the preroise5, were special attention ia g1von to .11 . Ill BEf..;T the World. .· DRESS GOODS c~.iTiage work, "1H1 General Jobbing. Special Line of OOTTOHS _ at COWLE'S. Oru1nbs for Chickens. lloptid in-Ha.nged for niurdcr. A Capital UusineB.'1- Lending roonby. F ruit- The apple of tho eye. V"isionory " J~ight Employruent-- Building castles in the air. .b,. young inun wlio had a light incipient moust.n.che, one di\y, wl1ilc tinger1ng the fuw ha.ir8 , said to Harry: "H11.dn't I batter dye tbi~ moustache?" ·' Oh, no!" l'eplied H1tri·y, "let it alone, 1t11<l it will <lie it.<11-11f." At a crowded lecture the other evening, a young lady stn.ndin~ fl:t the door of tho cburcl1, wa.s addreAAed by an honest lfibernian, who 11 Inda.de. waa in atten<lnnce OD tl1j;! occn.<Jion. miss, I should be glad to ~iYc yon .Ii- eate, h11 t the tu1pty ones arc 11.U full." 'J.1he Princotci1 (DL) Clarion blo·w~ a blast about n. dry goodi; tnercliant of t11at town who u a fit of aom11a1uln11is1n arose fn· · his couch, neatly cut the bed-quilt in two .rit.h his pocket l!!cissors, and then a.aked his terr ified wife if bf! could not ~how h·~r anmething eho. Said I.01·d ,John Ru!:'l!ell to Hun1 e at a. aocia.J dinner, "Wbat do you conaid~r the object of legislation f" ' 1 The greatest good to thogre&t.. est t1umbcr. 11 "\Vha.t do you co11sider tbe greatest number?" continued his lol'dsliip. u Number one, my lord," was the commone1"8 prompt reply, "Talking of lo.w,1' says Pompey, "1nakes nie tink of whnt de uiortal Cato, who li\·ed most a thousn11 1 ye.::i.r~ a.go, once aaid : de law n.1n like l\ ground glass winder 1 t!:tt give light enough to Jig-ht us poor errin mortals in the dark pl:\.EB!l,,g:tire o( dis life ; but it wonld puzzle de debble hisaelf to eee trO!/ it. ' ' _.'\.servant girl in a c6untry town, whog~ beauty formeJ. µ, matt.er of general admiration and dil:!Cussion. in pal'\8ing a group of officers in the stretit, beard one of thein exclaim to his fello\v : "By hea.ven, she W painted I 11 11 Y t-s, sir, and by hent· ~n only I "she q11ickly replit1<l, turning around. The officer acln1owledgcd the force of the rebuke and apologised. Young Smith was walking 011t with the idol of hie licart, the other evening, and they chose tbe favorite i·csort of !oven;, the gon.t pasture near the dam. \Vliile admiring tho falls o.Dd getting their nose reddened hy the north wind, she burst out raptuouli!ly, "l!n11t that dam splendid? 11 She nearly fa,inted owl\y 'vhen Smith answered t.htt.t he wasn't usr.d to bearing J>OUllg ladies swear. aud another cnga.gement ia b1·okcn ofrl A country pctlngogut.· i·t.qu~eted tt.11 of his scholars to "write 11 piece," uncl~r penalty of a thrashing. A ri:~in~ ~e[l~U~ got off the follow- READY-MADE Plain and figured Lustres, Plain and Taifan Wool Poplbs, Metz Cord, Figlll"ed Repps, Empress Cloths, and an endless variety of other ucw All work done at this b8tabz.ish:ment Dress Goods. Black Alpaccas, Dou.hie Wttrp Black Lustres, Black Co;J.Xtr1·anted. bourg, Black Parnmattas, Black Crnpe Cloths, Black Metz Corda. J CLOTfIING Good and Cheap. Clothing l'4:ad.e to Order NfILLINERY A. call .is reapec.tfully solicited. .T. MORRIS. Bowmanville, Oct. lst, 186!1. RICE & BARKER G. D. Lockhart, DEN 'I1 IST Importers of the It is .a well-known Fact t!tat The assortmen of Jlililline1·y and Millinery Goods is very extensive Cowle has the be.~t Tweeds and in trimmed or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets every taste can be conin tlt e coitntr:i;. ulted 1ts the varietr is so great. Tho Flowers and Feather.;;. Laces, &c we claim to have the largest aBsortment to be founrl. J\7olhing BEST O:RQ-A.NS ) chcap61· lhan the 10&t Cotto-ns (l ' Graduate of the Royal,College of Dental Sugeons, Ont. Office over F. F. _ :J\IcArthur'B Store, J(ing St., Bo1\·wanville. Bowmanville, Oct. 23rd, 1873. m3·tf. Oowlc's. BI.JJ\Nl{ETS IN In Black and White real La.ces..11nd Lace Collars, we havt, a large assortment, at prices to suit all. manufactured ou this Continent, 11re prepared to treat with reliable travelling agents on liberal terms. They are making arrangements to introduce some first class pian.os. l,Vare Rooms at the 'Vest Dur. ham Ste~tm Printing Honse, King Street, Bowmanville. Large Variety --··- ---- -- Our Stvck of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beavers, Peteashams Meltons, e.tc., wi] be found unusually large. I Bowmanville, May 7th, 1872 N. B.---Special inducement given to CASH PurchaEers. _ - - · ·MURDOCH BROS. BOWMANVILLE Tliey " practice tho most rigid economy," Nevertheless, it is positively ainfut to aee the stale biscuits, mouldy pie, and pieces of meat that so1ne familiei; consign to their V.'~te-buck- F., Y. Cowle. { Xaohine a.nd Implement Manufacturing Co Simmons Manufa,cturers of &; Clough Organ Co's_ I1nproved ets, daily. . · is. JO \Ve have heard of aomo " wivee throwing out at the windo\v with a tcaspoun,faster tha'n their husbands 1,;ould shovel in at the door," and seeing the la.-..: economy practiced in son10 hons~ bolds, · we do not. dou15t it. The subscrib\:)r 1,·ould beg to cti.Jl attention to In 8ume fa1niliFJs, if there is not enongh of c n1c his stoek of article oi food for tho fainily dinner, a. frosh supply mul:lt be provided. 'Vhereas1 a. good dinner ma.y be prepared, ainply sufficient,if we will include different dishes. A "picked-up" din· ner is one of the most attractive ~eak 1 if r:iuit· ably served. 'Vhat numy a woman would throw away W3 worthless 1 or ailO\\' to remain untouched until it became so; a good housekeeper would provide from it an inviting and substantial meal ·!'he wa.ste-buoket 1:1Lould never receiv:e der:o& pieces ofBtale b1·cad. Tliere is no need of it. jug:Any housekeeper who permits it, is guilty of J,m·J of J.:we. gross extraivagi\nce. '\\1 hy do some persons alLook down fro1u ab1Jve, low large pa.ns of bread to collect? Why a.re On ufl poor flcholars ; not the la.rgc pieces used in making nice dip \Ve have hired a fool toast for breakfast f 'rlu:J 1:11naller pieces ahoul<l To teuc~1 oul" school, be dried and kept in a. covered ba'::lket,to be U!Y!d _.'\.nd pay J:{i1n fifty dollars. for fritters, puddings, or "d1·easing " for fowlEI. 'Vinston. l'ra~ (:tnd probably is now) Ont:·eycd \Vith ord inary care,however, there will be: little :; ·neg1·n pn~ s.cher in Viri,:inia, and hir:i i<leai3 of to use (or such purposes. theulog y 1;nd Lunpu1 nature were O ften very In col<l \\'eather, our n.Ionday dinner should origi1,,.,1, fi8 tb e f<lllvwing a.n"cdute may prove. A ~(·ntlema11 tlni~ qnestiouetl the old preacher invai·iably be l'aked beans and bro1"·n bread. It is a good New England mea.l. and should not b~ nnc f)uud:-iy : Our loaf of brown bread should , · 'Vinf!tcu, I understuu<l you believe every lost sight of, which for wurnau hss seven devils. Now1 how can you be haki'-!d- not ateam&d-in tlte range·oven 1S11.turdu.y afteruoon. Two-thirds corn 1neal, oneJ"·I'· ,\.'t) it 't. · Vlell, 1<ah, did you eblicr nmd iu <le l-\ib1e thirCl rye, a little yeast, mo]aases, and 1:1odn. Low the s('ben de bbilB won~ ca!lt outer Mary 1nixed-not stiff-with milk and water, Rnd allowed to rise four hours, rtnd our bro\\'n brand l\,l;i.gda.lcnc ? ' ready for the oven. · Ob, yea; I have reM.d that.' '1Jid you cbber heur of thl'ln hein' caat <iut of It tA.kes very little time to prepare the boa.us ::iny oth('r wnmnn, i;a.h ?' Monday morning, and they requiro compa.ra'Ko. l never did.' tively no attention. Bridget has no iut~e~"i:PP~ ' 'V ell, <len, all the u<ldtirB got them yet., tlons in her wa1;bi11g. · · It was about two o'clock on l'. t iday morning Our Mo1lday dinner is economica.l a11d healththu.t ~I rs. l\1aguire, thinking eh ~ hea.td a noiHEJ ful, s.nd one such as every family, however sit· in the kitchen, crept out of bed a.nd to that uated, would '\'ell to ru:take. room, to ~ee if it wns not M~uire. who had The waste n the kitchen is not sq much oi;~:ing I been expected for sevcrn.1 hour3 . On reaching to the ignoraillce of the onti who, nomina.lly, suthe kitchen she found lier lord :1.nd mastt!r sit· peL·intenda the household, as to her indifferenc!.! ting on the Hool', with his new silk ha.t between and utter thri£tlessness. 'l'he yeaat is allowed hi.a knees, and in that b:it severu.1 dried ber- to get aour; bread is t11cn madl! from the so.1ne TYRONE. ri.ngs 11.nd about two qnarts of water. 11-laguire poor yeast, aud miserable, ind:ige;;tible bread i8 was eyioing the niixture 1vit.h pr(Jforu1d gratifi. the result, of course. B~tter is left uncovered, j cntkJn. .. Pet.er ~f!Lbruire ! " screamed the and vinegar jars open; preserves aro kept too - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - lady. "\.Vhatareyou doing?" "l\iie?"in· wa.rn1, and fe1·ruent; jelly is not t igbtlJ sealed, quirerl iWr. !t:Iaguire, with..,.u. 19ok of surprise. fond moulds-not injuring the jelly 1vndei·1u!a,th, .AT TllB · 1 Why, ~Iatildy 1 _ 1'1!1 Jl1ic) starting an (hie) but a needless \Vastc of any. Bread jars nre aquurinm fo:c_y-0u a.t Christ.mn.i:J 12!.not scalded as t.hey should be, and the bread Gr.A!tI),l~\R ..::.. ·'Jim, ·C!id yo\~ eYer study gran1- - if good ·when b~ked-haB a. musty taste. Oheeee and meat are left uncovered in hot weath n1ru·?" er, rendering each unfit for.t~e table. Suc~.~i~d I llfOULD inoi;t rel!;J<:l~tfull; tei:ider h~s sin"I did." " "What, ctiac--ia Sc1uire -X-?"n\11nberless other leaks, will keep a family in Yl cere thauka tv bu; numtrons fri\:)nds and vxint, when a Httle c..1.re a.nd economy in just / , custo1ners, a nti to tho })Ublic generally, for the ,, lie is an ohjlctive case." such n1inor details \Vould itunue a fait compe- very libe~al ~uppor~ he line received since h~s "How so?" 1n bus1nesll; .1~nd liopea. by conti"Because he objected to paying his aubacrip- t e11 cy. -Woodi8 Household M«{fazine · Feb. 1874 · commen;-1ng nued strick pcrr;owd t\tt..:ntlu1· ,o b11s1ncsa, and tlon1 wbich he has bocll owing for fi.\·e ycarR or offl:)ring nothing 1ut th~ µurt! t. ·articles, at the n1ost reasonablo priceB, to tlnsnre n. continuanc~ more." Don't Give Liquor to Children. of public pv.trona.ge. "\\'hat is a noun ~ 1 ' J. H. 1vould caU speciu.l attention to his very "Don't know; but I k1101v w}w.t a re·noun One of the first literary n1en in the United superior stock of 1873. WOOD AND IRON Cabinet Qrgans AND WORKING MACHINERY Groceries, Dry Goods, THE Most Wonderful Invention of the Age. J Moses' Electro-Galvanic, Pat. June, 2nd, 1868. A-ttachcd to these pn.tcuted Spectacles aro twe ecienti.ficaUy constructed Galvanic Ba.tterieaunseen when worn--delivering thrcugh the nerves of the head, a soft and continuous stream of electricity, vitalizing and giving healthy a.ctiou to the' entire beautiful system of those parts abaolutely a.nd certainly curing Double Turbine Water Wheels, And :Soots & Shoes etc, etc Ca.stings of a. ll Xinds. REP...l\IRS done on the Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve Weak or Diseased Vision, . Neuralgia of the Head or Face, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of th face, Noises In the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, And a. host of ~ ervous DIBeases, arising fro!fl depr1:1saion of tbe ·ne:rvous energy of the system Coutributing in a mot>t aBtoniahing degree, to 1ife,4'igor and health. By the me.ana of the soft and Bowing str11am of Electricity, Giving Brightnoes to the ~ye, Quickness to the Ear, and energy to the Bra.in. They n.re set with lenses of the finest manufacture, to suita.U sights. and \Yith glasses for those uot neeing Spectacles to read with but desiriug the benefits to be Jeri \'ed. from 1vearing the Batteries; ·and a.re only t·o be had in this vicinity of SHORTEST NOTICE, 'Ve ha.ve no'v on hand n. la.rgo quantity of Qu_!tlity and Cheap ness, Common and Gang Plows, that will be sold at LOW PRICES AT THE SHOP. Bowmanille, )!arch 6. 1873. tf =--- --=-=-================================= <f CANNOTBE SURPASSED YELLOWLEES & QUICK. m25 tf J. ELLIOTT, ®nmh (IEnmnunumn <lbrymrn FITTED WITH -THE NEWLY INVENTED TO ~ T1IE . PUBJ--'IC The satisfaction given by is eclipsed by thl! satisfaction given by SMAIJE to his numerous patrons. He is now pleased to :mnoutice that he ha.a on hanrl a large and varied assortment of Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, · An invention having a most important bearing on the future reputation of Reed Instruments, by means of which the quantity or Volume of tono is very largely increased, and the quality of tone rendered ' DRUG.8 AND MEDICINES I Bowman ville Drug Store. J. HIGGINBOTHAM WALTER vVIGG & SON, returning t"n~s· to thflir num.;::ro~s Customers and the Public generally, for paiffavora I N\\'Ould respectfully in¥ite their attention to our presentetock li'urniture, as we have o~ l.at~ll; added thereto, that we ma.y tli:eraby be enabled to supply all parties who may please to favor h1 -Y..ith a call. Great inducemcnta held out to those purcashing at our Establishment. Pictures, Looking Glnases, &c., fraxued to order, and in every sty]e, Samples of the different kind of l\Iouldings can be aetin at the \Val'e-roonl. We '\Vould also beg to inform y-0u, that, having p\lrchaaod a BARNUM Equal to that of' the Best Pipe of the Same Capacity. ----o--- Or~an~ SPLENDID HEARSE, ,. we shn.ll 1e rcad.Y a.t all timps., to attend Funen~ls, on short notice, aud rj;!asonable torms, N.B. Coffin8' kept on hand, vnd made to order, at the BOOTS AND SHOES ~ of the best quality, anll ig a.uxioug thu.t they 1,3l"iall set to work a.a soon aa po1:1sible. Our celebrated " Vox Celeste," "Louis Patent," "Vox Humana." " "\Vil cox Patent" "Octave Coupler," the charming "Gello" or "Clarionct' Stops, and NEW -DOJJ1LNION RETAIL FURNI'l:URE WARE-ROOlh Oahawa, A.u g. 26th, 18.0. '.' Well, wha,ti'dit?" "Ruuning off withol1t paying the printer, and Setting on the black list as a delinqut';lut~ 11 " Good ! \Vha.Cis a conjutiction? " "A method -of collecting out1:1tand~g E.uh:;criptione, in conjnnction with a. constablenevcr em_ploycd~ by _l)ril~terB until tl1c ]a.st ox:t~en1ity ! " . rrwo Irishmen w}10 1vero tru,vuling together J States said to a writer, after speaking on tbe snhjcct of ten1perance: "Thero is one tbiug, vvhicb J as Dy~-.. 2-.t STUFFS ' King Street East~ Oshawa. you visit different pln.ces, I 'vhich o.re sure to give th1;1 best sa.tisfaction A well·selected stock of All Prices, All Sizes, All Xinds, Ladles Prune!Ja Congress, at 80 cents " " :Balmorals, extra high cut - · - $1,25 ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS Crm be obfa·ined only in these Organs. Th-i1·ty-jive Di!j"ennl Style~ , wisb vou to do everywhere, that is to ·"· treat ~very mother never to givo a. drop of strong DRUGS, were out of money, and being in wa.nt of a. drink of wbiskj;!y, @vised the rollowing wa.y" aml meana, Patrick, catching a frog out of a brook. went ahead, Dnd at the very first tavern }1 e carr1e to he ~eked tlie landlor!l what eort of 1 a Creature tbat ,va.s? H 'Vby, it is n frog,' ~aid the lun<llord. H B1;;~orra, me dear sur1~' said Pa.t, "it be u. lUOUSe ! n ., It is n. frog," '"id th· landlord. "An' sm·c it'· · mouse," said rat, u n.n<l for the trut11 of it, we will. be alterJayino it to the tu·t trov!cr that pop·m to decide it fo1· a lioteen o f wIu'sk ey. ,, "Agree d·., said tbu lan<llord. Ivlurphy soon arrived, and ..,,... liim the appeal 1vns made. Aftc-r much ex- . · d d J'b t' he declMed it to b., am1nah111n :in e 1 era 10 ~ . " . a m011se, and the landlord, ~n sp1Lc~ of the ev1· dcnce of bis O'\Yll sc11ses 1 patd the bet. OHEJ.flCALS, fight ""' for my life all P.dT"8NT MEDICINES frtlltl dying a drl,lnknrd, because I 1\'8.S fed I BRUSHES, with spirits when a child. I acc 1uired a taste for it. .?ify brother, poor r~11aw, died C 'OJ.l !BS a drunkard. I would. not !iave a child or.I. SHO ULDER-BBA CES ' 01 ine take a drop of liquor for anytbin~.'· \Varn every mother, whel·e\'er you go, never · 'Id 11 1 to give a drop o! I iquor. to a chi . · B\· lu a perfoct faith tliere is no iear. Je,,s how n1 uch n1ore ·we f~ar, Uy so much drink to a child. I have bad to my days to keep I GO 1\ND SEE NEW Fo1· the Parloi· ancl the (JJiiwch, The Best lvlatei·fol and Worlonuwship, Quality cmil Volume oj Tone Unequalled Noi:hins 'to Beat :it. GENT'S BOOTS, 1 · '1 I d . k · 1 -cpt cons1n.nt1 you 1 l!lll · · S[TPPORTERS, Etc., Etc. · ' ----<)----- Rubber Goods, Felt · Goods, Trunks, &c. Special attention ,given to TO $509. OILS, p Ail1t T; -----o----Factory and Warerooms, Cor. 6th and Congress streets, Detroit, Michigan (Eatalilisho<l in 1800.} :· ) COLORS, V.ARN I HS ES, I b Ii eve. ac. ". WHITE LEAD, 1 we e I :~t the vory Jowest p:r . Ile docs nothing who consolmila despond~ Horses vnd Cattle Medicines~ ing ruau \Vlth wor.Js. fie is a true friend N. ]3. - Cou1.tl"'y .3t01·Pheepcrs supplied on the . 'd , I most advanhi/'eous terme. wbo. under doubtful Clrcumstancc. t:u s in 1 A choice .se"ec'tion of L .1'1rS , for saleche:i.p deed when deedH are neccs~ry. ' Bowma.nvilJe, Dcc.~9, , 0"t;. fini FALL _LitND WINTERDRYGOODS AT THE Bowmanville, Sept. 18th 1873. CUTTING AND FITTING and none but first·class 1Yorkmen employed, thus insuring gooll value in every ml..~. Manchester Bouse, ·r STORE. - One door eMt of Con1fab's Jewel· ry Store, King St., Uow~n.nville. --.. J. SlvIAL"F.. Bownu~1nille, Sept. 23rd, 1873. RICE & BARKER, Agents, for Ontario, West and North of Belevillle Bowmanville, .Aug 21st, 1287 m7-o34 - '