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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 20 Mar 1874, p. 4

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THE lVIERCHANT, FRIDAY MARCH 20, 1874. POETRY. Beautiful Wttter. SeJ!ing a Home. We are such a fickle and migratory people, that' .selling out· i':' not an unusual ex· perience. Even I have gone through the 1873. -o- 1873. ---o--- REWARD. havlnR" come to our knowledge, that certain I TPedlars are selling- S'j'eotacles and Eye Glasses purporting to be o our make, and to bear our names Rtti1nped thereon, \'l"e hereby caution th~ public against all such imposters, a.a 1\-Iessrs Yellowlees & Quick are our A~entR in 'Vel!t Durh1un; auU a R·e\'l·ard of $25. 1s hereby offered for the apprehension and conviction of all Bnch imposters as t.r·y to defraud the public by offering their trnsh a.a our make. LAZARGS, MOHRIS, & CO. Montreal, Nov. 8th, 187l. n7·tf Beautiful water my bev'rttg"e 1;1hall be, ordeal twice before this; And yet, were it Beautiful water so bouuteou5 and free ; the twentieth time, it could not fail to be .Friend of the living 1 joy to the world giving, In streams ever gliding, through va.lley and plain sad und trying. Here is the scene of a Fro1n cloud co.-orecl inountain atill flows the thousand memorable incidents of personal f<>untaiu, and family history. This room, this win'l.'hat a.ll may eojoy without sorrow or pain j 13earutiful \Vatei: iny bcv'rage shall be, Beautiful wu.ter so bounteous o.nd free. FALL STOCK. Oct. CHIT CHAT~ Oct Beautiful 1:iver of wisdo1n and grace Flowing forcn·er the righteous to blt)Ss ; 'Vhere holy feastin~ and joys evcrlasUng, Bright angels and saints- of a.ll ngea are found Sweet emblem of blcasiDgs,thy irea.sure possess· ing, rm richer tl10.J.1 morchants or rnunarchs around; Beautiful \Yatur my btlv'rage shall l>o, Deo..ut1ful \vater~so bounteous and free. J3eautiful dwelling where abstinence 1·eigni!, Joyfully telling religiou's bright g:\iina; Children all g!lither arouud a loved father And hear tlle sweet story of Jesus so kind; Bright visions steal o'er the1n, for heaven 1s beforo thAm Alld 01nvn.rd they t)"ress lea.ving co.rtlt'ij jo:YB bobind; ]1Pant"f·11. wn.tcr 1n} bev'rage sl1all be, lieautiful \\ ... ~~1· tiv ,.,,'-OU3 and free. dow looking out upon the lawn, this portico that faces those noble forest trees, bring np memories of the past that will live for- Rave ever. Beneath this ruol bus been the heart's oanctuary for year· ; yes, here it has fled Dress Goods Newest Style. · of the YOU 1872. [Tim :Bra,d.y a.nd Mike ·:rlynnJ 1872 seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons 1 llcClung Bros.' ALL WINTER GOODS, -SUCH AS- fur refuge w beu the worlU around was cold and stormy ; here its best nffectionsJ entwined ns a vine upon its trellis, have grown GREY COTTON STOCK-TAKING· SALE. CARRIAGE of the h~i5L SHOP broad and high, have yie!Jed their sweetest fragrance and their ripest fruit. l\o\v the vine must be torn frorn its trellis, the m<'like, including tho celebrated · ("\'/·est of tho Ontal'io Bank.) STORM ONT. . olinging tendrils must be cut away. Though lOct Cottons at Cowle's---Splendid value. the necessity for this is imperative, and the pro;ideuce that demands it is accepted as divinely wise and good, and though hope whispers that the vine shall find a nobler tr·lli· in a sunnier clime, yet the process is painful. There is alwavs a risk in trans..l planting. We know wh~t resources for enof uuequ:l.lled · ~ King Street, Bowm:rnville. PRINrns ,... TIM.- "Good morning, Mike, shure and it i1l early out ye are. Migh I ~e boul~ to axe what start_ ed yoes this morning." MIKE.-" J ist b~ a1sey, Tim, and. I'll tell yr) in a jiffy. Ye see, I was ton'.?! y1sterday, that M1sther Gra.y, ov Tyi-oue, had got home an ilh?'aut new stock av Good.s, chu,pe as durt, man, and its meself could hardly slu,pe a w1~k, all night, thinking av the chape.goods. And sure enuff, its the full store he has-piles and av the natest pattern~; nnd he'd give ye the m:ikin's av an illigant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Ciut.s ; T.iy for most nu thin, and the Bn,ccy for a trifle less." TIM.'- "An shure its funning me ye are, Mlke · · wouldn't the mn,n be ttfther breaking down." ' MIKE.-" Breaking down, is it. Sure he knows a tllrick wurth two av that. I'll ji~t tell you what it is, Tim, if ye want to get it grate name when youre ded, and be called a filantrofized filosife r and a public binifacthor, jist tell all youre nabours, and the rist av mankind, about Gra.y's chape ~tore, and you'll do more for the good av your counthry, than iver St. P1itriek did fo1· ould Ireland, when he bttnished all the toitds aud snakes out iw it that joyn1ent we have here. \Ve kno\v v;hat Crumbs for Chickens. trials we must nerve ourselves to meet here. \Vhat those resources n.nd those trials 1nay 'S'I'YL"i!' a,n,1,1, .i! Q.,.,AL., IJ .., TY be in a new home we imagine, we anticipate, but the 1uists of distance haug over them-' the shadows 01 th'e r.r away; arc -- !'Urfll . ~, Shawls' :Bla,nkets' T HE. subscriber ia prepa1·cd to build and re· pan· niver 'va.s in .it." ' lVago n.s, Bilggies, and Outtm·s, of every d ~::1c1·i.ption, at short notice, audo reasonnble tc1·m::. TIM.-- "l'.m much ob~aged to ye, for the bit av :Lbvice, and won't de· tam ye; there 11 shurely be a gmte run, and maybee I'd miss some bargains. The top av the morning to ye."-I'm off to Gray's. · Indians .charge for shaving. A child wishes to know why the dolls <tl'e all girl& A and newspaper sheets alike in t11c respect th"'t <\ greo.t rnany people lie in the1n, upon them. The waking reality may be malicious person says that cotton eheets widely differeLt from our dreams. The Bible, which is the great mirror of hu1nan nature, and epitome of human Lis- COTTON i·n STOILMONT BAGS H E S T TH B ' Jones says ho always makes up biB 1nind regarding the value of a hot'Se~by the nbund;i.nce, length and beauty of his tail, for it's n- vtell-atteeted fMt that "all's \\'ell tbn.t ends well." So1no young mc\1 in G-recn Bay preeented a pt.eacher with a horse and reeeived l1is hen.rtfelt than". 'l1"To days after the presentation the horse. was tn.lrcn a'vay by the farmer from Noah, who n1oved by water, a weary voy .. age of twelve months, and found himself 'vhom it bad been stolen. tory, does not encourage us much in this matter of moving. The fiist case it records i$ that of our first parents, who moved out of Eden into a worl<l of brier. and thorns. The next is that of Cain; who moved away Special Line of COl'l'ONS at COWLE'S. from the gate of Paradise into the land of Nod, or vagrancy. The next is lhat of the World. '!38 -...ea, vy Dre SS \iifOCdS, ClOUds, 0 vercoa,t s, "'!!11" lroed Wrepperl!! ili"Wlill ~, ~ Carriages Painted and Trimmed · J. GRAY, Tyrone. Noted for chea1l Goocls. A Blacksmith's Shop on the .Pre1n.i'Scs 1 were special attention is given to all lill W and every desceiption of heiwy goods will be so1d work, ;,,nd General Jobbing. READY-MADE and At and U11tler Cost, until Stock-taking. AU wor·l" done at this EstabUshrnent iuananted. A call is i·espectfully solicited. .T. MORHIS. Bo\\o-mn.uville, Oct. 1st, 18G9. A Duluth couplo were ma.rri~d on the ice the and his family at the end of it, alone in the other da.y, and it '"ould been highly ro· world, all the woiety and civilization of mantic if the bride badn~t fallen down and dis- centuries, submergeu. Thell we rea<l of the placed her ai1bnrn tresses, and kicked the min- moving of Abraham from Ur to Canaan,and ister's feet out from tmder him. how like all mo\Tera since-' He v.-ent out, A returned Californian, being asked how lie not knowing whither he went.' He found liked the v:ater there, replied, .. By (leurge, I ~e Canaanites ill the Promised Land ; a never thou~ht to try it." famine there drove him down · into Egypt. A Chinaman stepped into a jewcllry store in He \Vns a \Vanderer all his days, and never Duffin1s Creek, and inquired if they ho.d any owned any of the land but the burial place ~ 1 consistencies." On being a.ased to explain for hi8 'vife, \vhich he uurchased of the eons himself, he didn't kno\v what conffistency \Vas, of Heth. Jacob moved into Egypt, and bis hut had been told it \Vas a jewel. CLOTHING Good Cheap. We are ---o--selling one cu,sc of Black Lustres. (bought at au ct ion) fully RICE & BARKER Importers of the It ii a well-known Fact that Cowle lias the best Tweeds LESS THAN THEIR VALUE., ----:o:---Try our 1iuw 25 PER CENT G. D. Lockhart, DENT I ST :BEST o:a.ctANS ., l'handfa:ctured on this Continent, are prepared ~o treat with reliable travelling~ents on liberal terms. They are making arrnngements to introduce some first pianos. Ware Rooms at the ~Test Dnrh:i,m Steam Printing House, King Street, Bowmttnville. in tlie coimtrv. - A Port Perry doctor went out to Bexley for a day's hunting, and on coming home con1· plaiRed tho,t he hw:ln't killed anything. 'That's because you didn't attend to your h:gitimate eration perished in the wilderness. busines~,' said his wife. --------·wwdescendants became slaves there for four Nothing cheaper than the IOct Cottons 0 ., hundreu year.. The llebrews moved out Coiule's. of Egypt with Moses and Aaron, led by a pillar of cloud and fire. Yet all that geuEli1n- HALFC-DOLLAR TEA. SUGAR. TWELVE POUNDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. at Lowest Prices. A Brooklyn !nan who sat down to meditate in his aweetheart's lnp, had occasion to caution her about looping up her skirts with pins. He found that the consequences had a tendoncy to we have here no continuing city, that our disturb his mental poise. elech and Naomi moved to Mnab. In a few years she came back a child less widow. Thus Scripture facts illustrate Scripture statements, that this is not our >rest,' that earthly homes ure at best but tents pitched in a wilderness. Yet, even \Yhe11 one has to sell a home, BLANKETS IN Large Variety White Fish, Salmon Trout, Herrings &c., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Sugeons, Ont. Office over F. F. ?vicArthur's Storo, King St., Bowmauville. · Bowruanvillo, Oct. 23rd, 1873. m3-tf. "\Vife. lYhat has become of the grapes?' ' I suppose, n1y dear, the hens picked them off,' waa the bland reply. ~I-lens-hens !-some two-legged bcna, I guess.' sai<l. the husband, \Yith aome impetuosity ; to which she firmly replied, ' liy dear, did you ever see any other kind?' The Savannah News says a uegro was buried alive in n. \Vell at Butler ro.contly. His friends dug do\'l"ll. to hin1 in about fou1· l1our<i, and found hhn alive and 1o1.rcll. He said tl1at 11e never 'vnnted to sneeze so bad in bis life, but wM a.froid he would jar down some more dirt. A gu::i.rdian of the peace in New York made his first essay, as a" mounted policeman," one clay last week, by grasping the horse's tail and attempting to climb up that way. The aurgeon 1:111.bsequently temarkcd that no horse ever had a finer opportunity, or took adva:ctage of it with i:mch infinite f:!COrn of the consequences. Among the gifts to a Pennsylvru1ia. bride, a fe\Y days since, w~u1 a broom 1 to which were attach.;,ll, the follo·wing svteet, sentilneotal lines : Winceys--a, :Oea,d Job. he should not regret the labor he ha-· ex- N. B.-·-Special inducement given to pended in beautifying and adorning it. CASH Purchasers. SoUJebody will enjoy it if he does not. One little spot is brighter. He has done what he could toward preparing the earth to shine in its millennial glory. 9wmanville, Jan; 22nd, 1873. SAL'l' AND PLASTER: BOWMANVILLE God, by increasing F 1 our knowledge and wealth,and by developing our love of beauty, will make the earth · nobler paradise, a grander home than Eden ·was, and \Vhoever contribntea. his Y. Cowle. Ma.chine a,n.d. Implement Manufacturing Co mite in planning or toiling toward this result, does not labor in vain. The seed he sows "'·ill germinate, and the trees he £lant- cd will grow and bloom ,\.hen he is far away. They vl"ill. kindle in some mind-the 1 . 1873. The t$Ubscriber 'voulcl beg to call attention to his Manufacturers of I WOOD AND IRON The Independent has four good recipes, that Dr. Cuyler gives for procuring s11nsh~ in the soul. Here they are,· 1. Look at your mercies with both eyes ; at your troubles and trials with only one. 2·. Study contentment. In these day· of inordinate greed and self-indulgence, A good story is told of a German who hnd keep down the accursed epirit of graspiug. a. a1nall fortime · this country, by selling What they don't have makes thousands milk, and having turned his capital into gold pieces and placed them in two bags, he \Vent on board a. veBSel to take passage for his fa.ther· land. A 1nischievo"IJS monkey watching a.n opportunity, sei~ed one of the bagf'I and ran up to the maathoad, whe1·e he o~ned it, and taking out tho 1noney, dropping"'"n1LCrnllrtoly onC! piece on deck and the other in the water, until the bag >Yas emptied. \Vhen the .Germain at last found speech he exclaimed : H He must be de Tuyvel, for ·what came from de \V&ter he doos t;ive to the water, aud what came from de milk he gives to me 1" No-w if thi..s little etory bo t!ue, we are really sorry. that German v.·ent out of the milk business, for no milkman ,ve ever heard of considered half and half Ao deal a.t \vretched. "This trifling gift a.,;copt of lne, Its use I 'voti.lcl cOJnmenil ; In sunshine nsc the brushy part, In storms the otbe1· end,., An elderly gentleman bejng greatly smitten \Vith a young lady in church, pa&ed 11cr an 01Jen prayer book with the passag~ ina.rked at the marriage service-, a 'Vilt thou ta.ka this man to be thy \Vedcled husband ? " The girl quickly returned the book with this sentence strongly underlined, -" No 'voman may marry her sraudfa.ther." 'l'wo neigh~rs had a protracted suit at law concernU1g a spring wl1ich they both claiinod. The Judge l5eca.lne weary of the case and said, 1 ' What iB t1 1e use of uJaking t:iuch a fuss about a little wo,ter? )' "Youl' honor will see the use of it," replied one of the:lawyers, "when I inform you tlw.t the parties in the suit both n1i1lnnen. " Jones has got a wonderful dog, a truaty Uog, for if he is lying- on a rug you can't get it away uul;;i,:;:, you pull it from uruler hi:m ; and such a. 'Yatch dog- if he fa lying in the paasa,;e there i~ no getting into the house unless you step over him. He is not a bit of rats; for he fa auch a. aagaeious dog that he knows if he lets them :lilone they \Yon't trouble him. The other day be can1e ho1ne with a tin kettle tied to hia tail, ;::i.nd Jones a~ya it '\'as quite affecting the way he smelled at it, to i:ice if there anything to eat in it. A 1nan '\'ho had n~centl y been elActed a major of militia, and 'vho ·vas not overburdened with brains, took it into his head on the morn· ing of pMade, to exercise a little by himself. The field selected for this plupose was hia own apartme11t. Placing himself in a military at· titude, with hi.a s\.vord drni"wn, be exclaimed, 11 Attention, company ! . Rear rank, three paces, mai·ch ! " and he tumbled down into the cellar. His wjfe h..earing the racket, caine running in, sa.ying, 11 li'Iy deal', have you killed vourself ! ,, "Go a.bout yolU' business, '\'Oman," f!ai<l the hero; 11 \vha.t do youkn_ O"' a.boni:...war? 11 emotion of beauty, and in some heart, grnti.tu de to God. And even if men foil to enjoy and be benefited by what he has done, tbe birds will build their nests on the branches of those trees, bees will gaoher honey from those flowers, and tbcy,nt least, will praise God. But there is a home from which sickness or poverty can never drive na; 'I1here is a refuge for the heart's affections that ·we can tnke with us and enjoy, go v.·herc \\Te may. stock of WORKING MACHINERY Groceries THE LBFPBL'S Most Wonderful Invention of the Age. J Moses' Electro-Galvanic, Pat. June, 2nd, 1868. Attached to these patented Spectacles are two constructed Galvanic Batteriesunseen \Yhen v.·orn-delivering t1uough the ne1·ves of the head, a soft and continuoue stream of electricity, vitalizing and giving he0ilthy aQti.u to the entire beautiful system of thoe1;i parta ab~olu~el,y i!Jld certainly curing FA LL OP NING Double Turbine Water Wheels, And Dry Goods, :Boots & Shoes etc etc, which for Autumn Fashions! ---oo--- We wrote about this in a former letter. While Abraham was a wanderer and dwelt ic tents, God -was his true dwelling phtce; and so with Naomi o.s sbe came balik \vidowed and childless to Bethlehem ; so with Ca, sti:c. gs of a. ll Xinds. Magnificent dis1llay of N e1v and l~ich all who ' obtained a good report through faith.' And the fruition of the present, is the earnest and foretaste of the future . God, in whom we now' live and move/ wbo is ' our refuge and fortress,' has prepared for us mansions ?.dthin the jeweled ?.'alls of an eternal city. homes; '£hose who enter these man- Partittl Pttralysis of the Optic Nerve Weak or ,Diseased Vision, Neuralgia of the Head or Face, Nervous Twitches In the Muscles of th face, Noises In the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, And a host of 1'1ervous Disease!!, arising from depression of the nervous energy of aystem. .. Contribliting in a most astonishing degree, to life, vigor a:D.d health. By the means of the soft and fl..o\ving stream of Electricity, Giving Brigbtn~ss to the Eye, Quickness to the Ear, and energy to the They are set \\'ith Ienses of the finest manufacture, to suit all sights, a11d with glasses for thoRe l'.IOt necing Spectacles to read with but desiring the benefits to be derived from \Vea.ring the:-i3atteries; and ate only to be had in this vicinity of REPAIRS done on the - Goods. MURDOCH BROS. have opened QUtan immense stock of N\\w Goods. Great care has been tttken in buying the S tock , and as '1ot" ;llg but First Class Goods have been purchased, customers can rely on ..,~tting good vttlue for their money. " SltO:Et,TJ!:ST NOTICE, We have now· on hand a large 11.nantity of sions, go no more out forever. They never need, or arc tempted even, to sell their Quality and Cheap ness, C _ ANNOT BE SURPASSED Common and Gang Plows, that They never require or long for a Letter city, sunnier clime, a larger or n1ore commodiou,g home, but in those ~ansions of the blest have ' fullneSP of joy ' and 'pleasures forever.' Since, then, we are all wm be aolu. at ----0---- LOW '"as AT THE SHOP. PRICES ti DRESS· GOODS Plain and figured Lustres, PhLin itml 'l':<rtan Wool Popli:1S, :Metz C ord, Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, and an endless variety of other new Dress Goods. Bl!Wk Alpaccas, Double lVitrp Black Lustres, Black Cobourg, Black Paramattas, Black Crnpe Cloths, Black Metz Cords. strangers and pil&rims here, how comforting to think of the ' continuing city,' whoee maker fl!!ld builder is God.-Exchange. Sunshine in the Soul· ~ Y'ELLOVILEES& cjUICK. Bowm anille, March 6, 1873. m25tf J. ELLIOTT, TYRONE. DRUGS AND MEDICINES AT THE TO - THE PUBLIC WALTER WIGG & SON, N returning thanka t.o their nu1n.erous Customers and the Public genera.Uy, for pa!t favors I would reapectfully invite their attention to our presentstock of }.,urniture, as 've have lately added thereto, that may thtireby be enabled to supply all parties wbo ma.y please to fo.vor hi - 'l'he satisfaction given by MI:LJ_JINERY Bowmanville Drug Store. BARNUM vru:ietl assortment of Keep at ·ome work of usefulneBll: Active Christians am ,·eldom troubled wil)i the bluee. Work for Christ briugs hearthealtb. 4. Keep your Jieart's window al ways open toward heaven. Let the blessed light 3. all. An inebriate, ""Some little ·while back, got into a. car, aud became very tr<1ublesoms and an· noying to the othe.r passengers, so 1nuch so that itwa.s proposed to eject him; but a kindhearted and.l'eYereud doctoi·, who ,vaa alao a passenger, interposed for him, and soothed him into good bebavionr for the remainder of the joqrney. l3efore·leaving, ho\v~ver, be scowled upon the other occupants anU muttered some words of conte1npt, but shook hands v;itb the doctor, and, '·Good dn,y, my fl'iend; I see you know what _it is to be drunk," ousto1nera, and to tbti public generally 1 for the I!tfouldings oi:tn be aeen at the "-rare-roonl. "\Ye would also beg to inform you, that, having pur, .._,.ry libe:·al ~uppor~ h(l bas received ainco hia chased n. commencing in business; and liopes by oonti. nued strick personal attention i. (I . buBil1es~, and 0Jlerit1g nothing but the pure~ t articles, at the n1ost reasonable prices, to enstu·e a continuanoo we shall be ready at all times, to attend l!,une1·als, on short notice, alld l'CMonable terms. N. B. Coffins kept on hand, nn" d made to order, a.t the of pu'blic pati· J. H. '"Oul<l ca11 special attention to his very NEW DOMLNION RETAIL FUR1YI'I.URE W.ARE-ROOM of Jesus' countenance shine in. It will turn superior stock of tears into rainbows. The author of ' NearKing Street Ea,sF~ Oshawa. ~r, my God, to Thee' has a\veetly snug : Oshawa, Aug. 26Y!,.M/.O. which sure to give the best satisfaction "He eendeth sun, he sendeth eho\ver, A vtell-selected stock of .Alike they're needful to the BO\Yer; DRUGS, And joys and alike sent rro give the soul fit nourishment ~ OHEMlOALS, As conies to me pr cloud or sun, PATENT MEDlOINES li""'afher ! Thy ~ill, not n1ine be done." W Tl:e as~ortment of Mi.llinery .and Millinery Goods is very extensive and m trimmed or untrimmed Hats ttnd Bonnets every taste can be con\11"0 OULD moat rcsl?cctfully tender llis liin- -Y..ith a call. Great inducements held out to those purc~bing nt our EstabliBhment. Pictures, is eclipsed by the satisfaction given by Sn-IA.LE sulted as the variety is so great. The Flowers and Feathers, Laces, &c cere thanks to his numerous friends o.nd Looking Glaaaes, &e., fra1ntJtl to order, i:rnd in every style. Sa.1npleR of the different kind of to bis nu1nerous patrons. He is UO\V pleased we claim to have the htrgest assortment to be fouurl. to announce that he has on hand a large and J. HI~GINBOTHAM, SPLENDID NEW HEAR$E, of BOOTS AND SHOES the best quality, ant\ is anxious that they ·hallset to work aa ooon as po,.ible . In Black and \Vhite real Lltces and Ln,ce sortment, at prices to suit all. Coll1~rs, we have a. large as- DYE STUFFS, All :Etrices, All Sizes, All Xi:c.ds Ladies Prunelfa Congiess, ttt 80 cents " ·~ Balmorals, extrn high cut · - - · · $1. 25 Our Stucl~ of Tweeds, Fancy Cotitings, Pilots, Bettvers, Peteashams Meltons, etc., will be found unusually large. · There is room in the Church, and need, for all manner of workers. The poorest and least recognized l\!"C as much needed as any. Open your watch, your eye falle on jewels there. But the sparkling jewels can not say to the modest coil of steel beside kept conot.ntly on ~and · them, "We have no need of thee," for that . OILS, P AiliT; · is t.l1e mainspring. And the mainspring 1 COLORS, V ARNIHSES, can not say to the tiniest cog wheel, "We and WHITE LEAD, at the very lo\\"t:st prices. BRUSHES, OOJfBS, SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTER$, Etc., Etc: GO AND SEE N:mW No' -to Beat ii;. GENT'S BOOTS, Rubber Goods, Felt Goods Bowmanv1lle, l\'fay 7th, 1872 . . . MURDOCH BROS. BATTING'S FALL ANDWINTERDRYGOODS ' Trunks, &c. Special attention given to ~ CUTTING AND FITTING and none but first-class workmen en11)loyed 1 thus inauring good vn.lue in eve1·y case. STORE. -One door east of Corni!!l1'1:1 ,Tewelry Store, King St., u.,,.wanYiile. J. S'.11.1.LE. Bewm anl'ille, Sept. 25rd 1 1813. " What would become of us if the brake was bnve no need of thee," for without it the to give away J" exclaimed a nerYous lady as the works stand still. lt is just so in the Church car U1 which she \Vas riding was goiug down a. of Christ. One little 'Vorker can mar the teep decline, "Tbat would depend entirely There uponhOwyouhaveli\.:.ed in this world," was whole by failing to fulfil its office. is a place for each. the consoling a11s,ver of the conductor. Horses and Cattle Medicines: N. B.-Oount1'Y Storeheepers supplied on tha most advantageous terms. A choice .selection of LA~fPS, foi~ sale cheap Bowmft>nville, Dae, 9, 1868. IJm AT THE Ma.n.ches~er Bowmanville, Sept. 18th 1873. House, t -

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