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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 27 Mar 1874, p. 1

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' 'l'HE MERCHANT. WEST DURHAM AND GENERAL !ADVERTISER. Circulates largely in the Townships of Darling ton, Clarke and Cartwright It is :.\ common platform, open to the free dfacnSBlon of &11 quc8 t1on$ in whu.:h the general public n.rt> concerned. ' TERMS Stea.m Job :E'rinting OfB.ce KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE 3ovanty-flve cents per annum, m advance. The 'Merchant' and 'Observer,' $2 oo. H.ArE$ OF ADV ii.RTISING Ou~ column Hill do. J AND GENERAL .ADVERTISER. VOLUME Y. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 27 1874 HUMBER 35 per annum 19 H · · JO 11 POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS CHEQUES, NOTES, HANDBILLS, LAB~LS, CARDS, TICKETS, &c, &c, &c., Quarter do XXV Transient advertisoments,5 cts per line first 111° iertion, and 2o per hne, eaCh 11ubsequent one EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STtYE. ' r ll sell you five hundred bushels nmet~. e1dereJ the paper He will, <loubtlese. daylight. said that while the owner of the two,' said the farmer, hoping thai; thlll green think n gooJ. v.:b1le, and rellench at a good marble-yard did not rnveat any new krnd customer 1mgbt be tempted to buy at this rn1iny points before he ordera another drn- of 6\\ earing 1\ hen he came to busiuees, he cont1nuenco advance upon the regular rates iniused lnto the o1d \:ariety a. very unusual R. TRUNK RAILWAr! :FALL ,AND 'VINTER TlllE TAllLE PEATD:, TAILOR M~DB ' l POETRY. An Aim. Gentlemen's & Boy's Garments IN THE ~EWEST STYLES. Bo"·manville, July, Zl, 1869 RELIANCE Mutual Life Assurance Society 1- ESTABLlSHED 1840 CAr.;;.J..DA CHnf OF11vEs T.ra1ns will leave Bo\vmanv1lle Station, Bowinanv1lle time, as follows · GOING WEST GOING EAST -ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Local )Jxpress 1'1lxed , 7,25, am S 40 a m 3 20 p m ~ I Express , l\:11xed I Local . 7 20 p n' 8 40 a 111 3 20 p ln F 15 p m BARRISTER AT LA'W, burg, Ont SOLICITOR ifN CHANOJ£RY, &c RESIDENT SECR>'TARY - J .urEs GR.lNl L~verpool Lon!lon, and Glasgow 131, ST JAMES STREET, MONTREAL. on. Tickets, 01 n1f1,;1:ina.t1on, apply to DIRECTORS W A NE~.\.DS, Agent. V{A1T1~n S1LtNLY, Esq, I\:I P, Ohi:nrmaan, 13owrna1n:ille, .Tune 9th, 1871. tf·30 DuNCA.. 'l" MacDONALD, Esq l"IAJOit 'l E CAMPBELL, U B , St Hilaire R R LOSCOMBE, 'l'HE HoNOllARLE .JOHN IIAMILIOY, Hawks G1ve me a. mri.n with an a1m Whatever that aim may bet Whether it's -wealth, or whether it's, It matters nob to me. bun "1alk lll the path of right, And keep his aim m sight, And \\Ork a nd pu1y in faith alway With his eye on the ghtter1ng height -- . New 'l'ailor Shop ~i'i;~ c:,:r;~ L JOHN HEAL 0FFICF.,- 0ver McOlung's Store same as J 1\-1 Bnuui.co1nb's Dental Roolno! S PECI A L FEA T U RES. The ENTU\.E l:>RO FIIS belong t o and iliv id ed nmong8t the Pol1c11lwl4ers LIV.ES, DECT,IN E D BY OTHER CoMrANIEB, or on which an extra Premium would be rcqu1red, can be assured at the 01dinary Jatea of this Society, Gn o mo a nu~n who saya," I 1uJl do ' aomcth1ng' well, And mal~e tho fleeting d::t}"'I A eto1y of labor tell" I""- Though the aim he has be einall, It 1s bette1 than none nt nll · 'V1th something to do the whole yefl.rthrough He will not tumble or f&ll But Satan weaves a snare For tho fe~t of those who l:)tt ay, ith ne .ror n. thought or care "\Vhere thP. path may lead awa.y The 1nan who has no inm, Nut only leaves no name, \Yhen tlna life lB done, but ten to one, Hti hi ~ves a record of shame 0 868 L:tM;. 'V For the TownsMpJ.oj-JJrwlington. A little Rh;pne came Just m time, And all about the beet of Lime under a, spec1al arrangement A'l'E WITH F Y COWLE, beg· to rn Llme from the \Vest of the very beat, SPEOIAL No~ F0.1:.V:I'lallLE Pot1oiEs issued form tho public genori'11y, that.he has com Not bent in any quarter, undei wlnch only 10, 15 or 20 ...'\.nnual I'ay J i1me that v;ill always Btand the test, uienced bits1ne11a 1n th9 Shop next to the E.l' ments are reri_niretl, each pa~meut secunng a V.lhen mak1ng mto mortar press Office, ono door east of J. bfilne'a ... I Vl'"l1l try a..nd kcop a good supply, Ha.ving h<lid several years exporience m tho Polley for a sum assured proportionate to the For it is always wanted, trade, he hopes to sat1sfy Jill '!.ho may favor number of prenuums paid 1 and free froon futur That when you all come rn to buy, bun with n call ooyment of pr61ll1U11"...,,. You'll not be disappointed Yon "ill alwa.ys find 1t dry and fresh, l\'lODERATE J:>REMIUJH:! and most llberal Cflll And tb{lot is &omethu1g bonnie, m{9 tf d1tions So come along and try this L1me, Ilut don't forget the money. Prospectuses, Proposal Fonn~ &c, supplied Houis of dd1v1;1y fxo1n Nme a..m to Fourp m , on application at the Hea.d umcc, or any of the Agencies Corner of tineen and Ontario Street. · . ' 'I am half tempted to take you up I really believe I-no 1-I must knock 01·er some wild turkeys first. It y;ont do to come this far without baggmg rarer game than wheat I believe I must decline, lnend' ' What would you say to nrnety one 1' she snw him coming. , 'I haven't got it,' iephe<l Mr Ashbnrn· The farmer had heard a rumor a Uay or two before, of a fall of two or three cents ir1 feehn.t( rather un~on1forta.blc wheat, and if be could get off hve hundred ' Why. Hasn't it come 1 bushels upon this sportsman, who had let ' No, it ha.ant con1e ' Margaret looked very much d1Bappomted the breast of h10 coat fly open far enough to 'It has never missed before,' she said,look- give a glimpse of a large thick pocket· book, at nniety oue, it would be quite n. dcsirn.ble mg earnestly at her father. No suspicton of truth WM m her mind , operation 1 Ninety one-ninety-one,' said the strau but, to the eyes of her father, her count·nauce was full of suspicion Still, he had ger to h1moelf 'That is a temptation ' I Bot the wild· not the courage to confess "bat be bad can turn a penny on that turkeys; I must have a crack at n wild tur done I tlunk, fnend,' he added, ' The Pa~l hasn't coiue " he heard Mar- key or a deer garet say to her sisters, o. fc"' m1nutes after~ speakmg louder, that I will have some sport ·'.!bey will have to do without. There is no help for it' 'If they don't u storm nbout your ears that ~ ou will be gla<l to allay, even at the coat of half a dozen newspapers, I am mistaken,' sa1d the postmaster, laughing Ailbburn rephed, Ill! he turned to walk away, that he could face all storms of that kmd without fhnchmg 'Give me tbe Post, papa,' saul Margaret, runmng to ~he door to meet her father when 'Will you I' mterrogated the atrange1 ~Ye13-1' and p1cturesql\e scenery -From Washing How a Woman Splits Wood. Robmson WM not1fied by his better half, the other day, that the wood pile had been reduced to one old chunk, but he caught to"" Biography Working Girls A bleaker and harder lot can hardly the panic do\\ n to\\ n und failed to send up be pictured than that of the workmg -girls a replen1&h1ng load Just before noon, &Irs of our city. 1'ht>y cannot d1ess ' Rob1uson hunted up the axe and went to to t11e fash1on or their o~ 11 tustea They the Ione chunk She knew that a won1an cannot even iuake theu ov. n roon1s neat could split "ood as well as a man ; she bad and comfortable read n.nd heard about woman's awkwardness, but she kne\V 'twas all nonsense She spit on her hands and raised the axe over her left ehould!!r, right haod loWP.St down on the handle She made a terrific blo\v, and the axe \\ ent 1uto the 1;rrouud They cannot choooe their ow u associate~ 'l hey are pus3cd and crowded together u1 the shop , they are herded together m uncler.n lodgrngs Tbeir food is often nnwliol;some Good people ab un them, and the \ nlgar Jeer at them on the street Thei are made to !eel that GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Gn o me a mfl.n whoso hoe.rt Is filled w1th ambition's fire , Who sets hlB mark in the start And keeps moving it h1gher and higher BetteP to die in the strife, The hands 1v1th labor rife, than toghde v.ith the stream ina.nldle dream, .And & purposeleaa liro Better to strive and climb, A..nd ne'l er the goal, 1 .... THOS BOWDEN Ilowmanvillc, March 11th 1871. no24 ti JAMES GRANT, R ea Secretary ,.JI. T. PHILLIPS, HAMPTON. Pronrpt attentii.."' gl' en ,...__ Wm.. Ji::!' arton, JAMES BIGHAM, to sales, &:c 1 on reri.sonable terms ENNISKIL.!·EN. !)ales -promptly atteiided to on r~nable terins. Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders FEED MILLS. Another car load of the a.bo1 e noble arh<'"lee on the way AGENT FOR BOWMANVU,LE, C BAliKER, 32 ly Than to drift along with tltne, An almlcss, worthless soul Ay, bettor to chmb and fall, Or eow, though the y1eld be small, 'fhan to thtO\V away day after day 1 And never atrivo at all . " Obiser\: er Office,!) King St Boy;manville, June 24th, 1870 Imperial Fire Insurance Co OF LONDON. (Established 1803. HEAD 0FFIOES - 1 Old Broad St , and Pall Mall, London GENERAL :\.G:tNOY LITERATURE. RETRENCHMENT Not ll)any years ago, a farn1cr "Yiho hved a hundred or t\\O miles from the seaboard, became impreosed with the idea that unless be adopted a cloee cutting aystem of re- Please call at tho :Painter, Gl.a.zier, Paper· Hanger, &c., &c ~ll kinds of work promptly attended to, and farm Implement Forwardmg Agency crn.ment R. W J.A:?!~S, BOW MANVILLE FOR 0.A!i A.D \. -2! St , Montreal satisfaction gunrante(>d ot tlie Bible Chrrn1:l::ian Church, TYRONE JReaLdAnce- N ext door K.iug St., lloi.\manVJ..11.e BoWl:oanville, Dec 5, 1872. nlO. Subscnbed And invested Ca.p1ta.l and Ilcserve Fund £1,965,000 Sterling. Funda invested in Canada- 105.000 Tyrone, Mru:ch 8th, 1869 22 tf ... 0. BOUNSALL, MANUFACTURER, an I li!PORTER, !DEALER in all the van.et1es of To ;cvta.sters 'llf L. can regular rates o. L CER'.qFICAES, Apphcations BLANK &o., &c , be procnred at this office, a.t Bowmanville, July 7th, 1873 ARRIVAL! WESTERN CORN FQR SEED, :Italian & Ameican Marble. A largtl and ch6ice gelcctioll of :Monuments & Grave Stones, CD.A.CED COBN, :..?>1way on hand, of superior workmanship, a.nd at lo\\ e11t pncee. FOR FllD. " Wrought 01· Cast Iron Fenceo John . McDougall. Do" mu.nv1ll~, Appl 16t Jo73 or enclosiag burying lots. :Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c k ept on ha.nd, c.r wrought to order respectfully requested at the 1vo1ks, A call ia King St1 eet, Bov.'rnanmlle October, 1st, 1869. 1-tf BEAUTIFUL TEETH J.M. BRIMACOMBE L D. S Teeth Extt>acted at Twenty-f1..;e Cents !looms ove1 McClllllg Bros. Stores BolVJnan villa, Oct, 1st, 1870 J REMOVAL. D :R DAVIDSON has removed hu~ residence ocid Surgery to the late residence of John !\.Illne 1 Esq on the ]farket Square. _ f ' m113ot MARRIAGE LICENSES I ISSCED BY ROBERT ARMOUR t)oW1nnnv1lle,Dec 10, 1869 NEW STORE, WELL FILLED WITR THE J'C' ST -at thc- A IVED CHOICEST OF GOODS. AARON BUCKLER IIaa the be1s~ and mqst desirable-lot of · F ASHION HOUSE, Fall and Winter Fashions. NEW MILtlNERY, HATS & BONNETS, LATEST STYLES IN TRIMMING, &C. WATCH "E AN IMME?'!SE NUMBER of d1ffc1 ent grades, and surpasses all othe houses in town and Cou11try s :Oressmaiking ,i.n most fashionable and latest style8 ,A splendid assortment of - o- CLOCKS trenchment, he would certamly go to the Insurances aga1nst loss by Fire are effected on the most favorable terme, and losses p:. u d 1v1th wall. Wheat, durmg the prececrng season, out to:terence to the Board ln London bad been at a high prioo, but unluckily for him, he had only a small portion of his land J. DODSWORTH, RINTOUL BROS. Inspector Gen. Agents, J\oiontrea m wheat. Of corn and potatoes he had If,. R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister., Agent raised more than the usual quantity, but the pitce of corn 'vae down, and potatoes for Bowmanville and Vicinity, Bowmu.nville, June 4th, 1860 36 ""re low This :1ear he had sown double mo 43-39 4w the "heat he bad ever sowed before, and mstcad of a thousand bushels of potatoes, as he had generally done, only planted about an acre m that vegetable, the product of winch "as about one hnnd1ed and fifty hush els. Unluckily for Mr Ashburn, his calculaNOT SO FAST. t10ns did not turn out" ell Alter his wheat I have \Vr1tten these few lines was ha1 vested, and his potatoes nearly ready And all I ha'l e to su.y, to dig, the price of the former fell to nmety l'hat you can find me still at hon1 e ceuts a bushel, and the price of the latter I run not gone a1vn.y , rose to one dollar. Everywhere the wheat So all my krnd old friends may on1c , And all the young ones too crop had been abundant, and almost ever)· And ~et then gaiments nic~ ly tnade "here the potato crop promlSed to be light In fasluon e that are newJ Mr Ashburn was sadly disappomted "1th \Vbe1e old nnd young dell. friend may the result tneet ' I shall be rmned,' he B!Lid at home, and A welcome g1eet1ng by R PEAI1l~ earned ~ long face wlule abroad. When his BO\\ 1nnnv11Jc June 1 £th, 1873 wife and daughters asked for money with whtcb to get theu fall and wmter clothmg, he grumbled sadly, gave them half what enough to cat and wear, tlns year' the'V '\ unted, and said they must retrench. lvlr. Ashburn's n111nner wa.R decided, auU A G E NT A day 0r two afterwards, the collector of hia tone repel!mg 1 For the follo\'ing Iustu-ance Co1npanit s, and tho Post along and presented bis bill Margaret and Phrebe cou!U oay no more, other Inst1tut1ons, viz I l 'rbe QUF..EN Firti and Life Insurance Oo1nAshburn ptud.. 1t in a s ow,re uctant mnn- but they did not leave their fatlier's prespnny Capital£2 000,000 $150,000 deposited 1 .ner and then eiud1\ith the Domnuon Govornment, for the protoc/1 h t h , th tier stopped Mr ence without g1vmg his eyes the benefit of ders1nCanada "WlS o a.\e e pa.r , It would be seemg a tree gush of tears 'rhe ISOLA'rED HISK :E'1re Insurance Coin Qollector ' pany of Canado. Capital 500'000,- 0ne of the , Ob d 't that Mr Ashburn doing an lllJUBl1ce lo Mr Ashburn'· state best and chcapcRt Compa111ea do1ng businesrs in 1 no, on say ' of romd to eay that he felt comfortable, or the Domuuon, for Farmers and I solated Risks You are one of our old subscribers, n.nd we had done so smce stoppmg the Pod, an act The CANADA LANDED CREDIT CO'Y 't th k of partrno with you· with a Savings l3n.nk de:pnrtment can in n for whieb he had sundry times more than The UNION "" D PEllMANENT Building 'Sorry to give up the paper. B·1t must half repented. But as it had been done be and S1:1.v1ng1s Society :l 1t ' t rued the former 'l{heRe latter 1nstlt11tions a dva nce Loans on to ' re U eould not tbmk of recalling it. Real Estate, on terms unusun.lly easy for the ' Isn't 1t as good as ever 1 You used to Very .obcr "ere the face· that surroundborro,ver say you'd rather give up a dinner a 'veek ed the supper table, and butiew words were Bo\\manville, Feb 6th1 1873 than tbe Post spoken. Mr. Aehbnrn felt oppressed, and _ 'Ob, Jes, it's as good es ever, aud aomc- also fretted to thmk that hlB , daughters tlmes I !hrnk much .better than it was It's should make both themsel ~es and him un· Dana's Patent Sheep Mark s_ n great pleasure to read it But I must re- happy about the triJle of a newspaper when HESE MAllKS ARE THE CHEAPES'lli trench at every pornt, and then I don't see be had serious troubles to bea·. . the inost lasting, the le~t troublesome, ancf how to get along \Vheat's down to nu1ety On the next Saturday as Mr. Aohburn most complete ever nn anted They e.t'e used and recommended by many of the- best Breeders cents, and falling daily.' was walkmg over his far.m he saw a man SO, FIO ! Gentlemen_of J:'a.shion. James McFeeters. 'l'hen, maybe, I'll buy up a few thousand bushe1' of wheat, if the prices haven't gone up' ' I shouldn't wonder if prtces advance a little,' said the farme1 'Wouldn't you 1' And the stranger looked into the farmer's with a very inn a_ cent expression ' It can't go much lower , if there should the \\'elcome face, that had so often an1uscd, be any change, it will doubtless be an immotructed, and mterested h1m. prOvcment.' On Monday morning, the i<irla were very 'How much wheat h.-e ~on 1' asked the urgent for tlle1r father to ride 0\ er to the eportsruan. po1t office, and see if the paper had11't come, ' I've about a thoueand bushels left' 1 A thouoand buebels but, of course, the father wae' too busy' for Ninety centaOn Tuesday and Wedneeday the nme bundred dollars that. I'll tell yon "hat, excuse was On Thursdg,y, lr1end, since talking to you hag put me into Margaret asked a neighbor who was gomg the not10n of tryrng my hand at a specnla to t!le office to call and gel the newspaper t10n on wheat I II JUSt make you an offer, for them Toward· evemng, Mr. Markland, which you may accept or not, Jnst as yon I'll give you mnet,y cents caeh for the neighbor, was eeen rtdmg down the road, please and Margaret and Jane ran down eagerly to all yoll've got , oue hnlf pa) nUle now, ani the gate for !he newspaper the other half on the delivery of the "heat ' Did ) ou get the paper for us 1' asked at the canal ; provided Jou get extra force l\Iargaret,showrng two sm1lmg rows of mJlk- and deliver it immediately' wh1te teeth, while her eyes danced with anAshburn stood tbougbtfol for a moment or two, and then repliedticipated r lewmre ' No,' answered Mr Markland ' Very well, au, it's a bargain' ' Why 1' asked both the gll'ls at once 'Which, to save tune, \Ve will close un I will go with you to you1 ' The postmaster says it bus been stopped mediately ·Stopped I' How changed were their house, and pay you five hundred dollars 1 faces, and the tones of their vorne. cash tlo\\ n ' For this arnount of mone) 'Yes He says your father directed 1t to he wrote a receipt, and handed it to tbe struoger, who, after rcachng lt, saul ___,_ be etopped.' ' I wonl<l perter your makrng out a lnll · That must be a unstake,' saicl Margaret 'He would have told us' for a thousand bushels, and "ritmg on it, Mr, Markland rode one, and the girls ran ' Rece1\ cd on account, five hundred dJl· Jars.' back to the house. ' Father, the postmaster ea)· you have 'It may overrun that quantity,' said Aastopped the paper 1· exclaimed bis daugh- burn, ters, breakrng m upon 1\11 Ashburn'· no 'No n1atter a ne\v bill c111~ be 1naJe out very pleasant reflections on the lo\\ price of for that. I'll take all you have' wheat, and the difference m the return he The farmer saw no object10n to the form would receive at ninety cents a bushel, to proposed by the ~tranger, and therefore tore what be would have reabzed at last yenx s up the receipt he bad wrttten, and made a price of a dollar twenty-fir.e. bill out m the lorm de·ired ' It's tiue,' he replied, trenclnng himself 'You Vt ill cocrunence delivering to·day Qi beb1uc1 a hrm, decided manner. 1nqu1red the sportsn1an, 'Vho nll u.t once be' But why did you stop 1t, father 1' ln· gun to mamfest a marked degree ol interest quired the girls in the business. ' Because I can't aftord to take it lt's as 'Yes,' replied the farmer 1 How many wagons have yon 1' much a· I shall be able to do to get you wards, and their cxpress10ns of dIBappo;nt· ruent fell rebuk·ngl:1 upon bis ears, It seemed to Mr. Asbburn that he had heard of little else, while m the houee during the whole day, hut the fa1lure of the newspaper " 7hen inght can1e, even be, as he sat with nothmg to do, but tbmk about the low price of wheat for an hour or two before bed tune, missed his old friend with m these parts for a few days fir>t c·n afford none that 18 smtable They na· Lura.Uy crave the society of the otl,er sex, insou "ent over the asli heap She bi1t this JS full of perlls, and such com pan· rose \\·1th less confidence 111 her eye, ionsh1p subJect~ them to suspicion when it and the boys playrng m the alley heard does nothing worse There sei::ms to he no some or1e softly eay "Darn it to rrex.aa I" bright and chi::er1ng outlook , nothing to but of couroe it wasn't Mrs Robmson She make their hearts glad and \heir burdens m1g-ht have mo\ied the stick a little, but easy ; nothing for thelll but steady grmd of she didn't Sbe went Jn and got a cha1r toil tbat weard iuto tbt:: vi::ry bunt:: and mar· and stood upon it to take down the clothes row of cx1stence1 and cousunu:s their hfti. hne, then she coiled it up and bung it m And yet tbeati young \\omen have all the the t:hed, a11d ca1ne bal;k and sur~ eyed the insllncta, and yearnu1gs, and poso1lnhtu.!s ol chunk and turned it over and walked \\ oma.nhood, and under otlier c1rcuu1stancea around 1t would be devoted wn:es und 111oth~1t1, orna- and she fell over the chunk She got up and looked all around to see 1f anybody was watch1n$", rubbed her elbowa, and then took up the axe the othGJ: way She mennt to .trike the plump centre, but she forgot the clothes !me above her bead aud the axe caught, Jerked up and down, and Mrs Rob· they belong to i:i p11orer class, and every effort they make to rise in the \vorld is met \11th obstacl·s hard to overcome. They need recreation, but cannot affvrd the time to take it They want amusen1ent 1 but The clothes lrne was to blame, and now 1uents of socu~ty. ben~facto1s of the 1ace, She got Go into any of our lower street.a bet\\ een there was nothing to mterfere the ax(>, arrned it once or tw1c:e,_ and finally fl\ e antl su: o'clock at night, and yon shall gave an nwful blo\v It clnpped off a shver see girls cowo from their l.:>ng toil, weary and \\·as buried 1n the ground'1 and the knob and worn out, hungry and Jonel), craving on the handle knocked the breath out of sympathy and affect10n when there is none her She gasped and coughed and fumped to give them, who, under slightly up and do" u, and the boys heard some one altered oond1t10ns, would be the pride and 1ay "If [ had that mon here I'd n.op the ornEuuent, and JOY ot almost any household ground : 1th him, I wonlcl !" After a while 10 the land. It ts not surprising that, now she g1 e\v calmer, and picked up the axe to and then, one of these girls is enticed and see if she bad lnJltred it She lmdn't, and pushed actosa the hne of virtue The won· she s1nootbetl down the handle, sptt on tbe cter is, that so wan) keep the111a1::lves above edge, and finally went 11J and got a r111d and reproach, and bloom and fade, hke lthes greased it, suddtJnly re1nen1bet1ng that no axe ws.e .vorth a cent without greastr.g By in a pool, pure 111 the n11dst of corruption as the Leaven that bends serene above their of JUst1ce and huwamty The appeal lB backed by every reason of pohcy, of health, hors were looking, and then she ra1sed the of virtue, of good fcehng It lS n1ade for axe She \\ould hit the stock Just 1ll the daughters and s1stert1, who cannot P.pea.k f0r centre and lay 1t open at one b1o\v She themselves and have none to speak tor put out one toot, dre\v a. long breath, and them It JS runde for future 1nothers," hose then brought <lo\\ n the axe "'1th a " Har" children will pay the terrible penalty of Just as she ha·l seen Robmson She saw the1r over work in weakened constltut1ons forty thousand stars to the equare foot, her ··nd preroat"e death The future ot the nose was" bark~d," an<l. several teeth were world hes almost entirely with the women loosened until the.) see1ncd half an inch too Humamty d·peuds upon motherhood long Somebody has aain that those who are well When she rose up sho uetermrned to born need no second birth The mother butcher Rob1ns.:>n the tnoment he appeared clnss, the world o\ er, is the work1ng class Then she concluded ohe "ould not kill hlm New Y 01 k D"ily Graphj.c at once, but torture him to death and be two days about it After getting into the house n.nJ putting a sticking plaster on ber knee a.1lll sou1e lard on her elbow, ehe con- and by she "as ready She sat the chunk on end, put a stone belund it and then sur~ ve) t~d 1t horn nll sides Sne ha.d lt DO\\ Just where she w,mtod it She looked all arnuud to see if any of the meddlmg neigh· beads while they labor, and over their graves when they Aleep The question 1s not one of gnllnntry, but Maxims for Working Men. cluded to only wound Robmson m ' As it is down hill all the way to the abonlder with the butcher kmfe After canal, they can easily like a hundred bush pinning up the t"o.r in her dress and getels each ' 1 0h,)es.' 'T" o.' ' Ver:1 "ell Tbev can make two leads ap1ece to day, and by startmg earlJ, three loads apiece on Monday, which will transfer the whole thousand bushels to the caual I will go do" n irn111ed1ately and see that · boat lll ready to commence loading You Cd.ll go to work at once.' Bv extra effort, the wheat was all deliver· ed by Monday afternoon, and the balance of the pnrchase money paid. Aa Mr Ash· burn wae ridmg home, a neighbor \\ho bad noticed his wagons going past lus house \\1th wheat for the two dayA, o\e1took h1ni 'So I see, friend Ashburn, th .tt, like 1ne, you are content to take the firat advunce of the market, 1nstea.d of runn1ng the 11sk of a The savm~s bank is a safe debtor. Fifty cen·s for a good lecture, JS better hng a piece of court plaster for her nose, than half that money for a circus. Dress neat! v A well clothed mah comshe went and borro\\ ed some woucl, and hearing ~\ lule on her way home that Mrs 1uands favor ~nd respect, Vt lule one in slo.;rPnndle suspected that Miss Sprndle was enly a.ttlre can hardly borro\V his neighbor's go1ng to w~r her last ye lr's cloak through saw horse H you wish to personally comprehend the another \"\i Lnter, the good wo1nan concluded rne·nm~ of the old adage-a tool completest to let Robmson off entirely, and tell him she hurt her nose falling down cellar -M. and h1s money are soon parted.-buy a lottery ticket. QUAD Never sacrifice money. for what people will saJ It 1s better to buy a fair piece of beef at filteen cents a pound, and leave the A Good advertlse1nent for a working man, 1s a ..-eat in church the A Grave Mistake s1rlo1n for son1e other man, who would buy When Waehwgton stod1e<l medicme, a J our kind except for the name great deal of d1fficnlty "as experienced 1n procuring dead bodies for dissection, and T ELECTRO· PLATED Knitting, Berlin, and other Wools. Also ta.teat ~tyle$ 111 Tea ancl Coffee Sets, Fru~t, and H emisph§1·ical .Dishes, not to be 8Urpassed in the Province iu the Un1ted States a.nd Oana.da, such a.a G B 'But tho paper ts only two dollars a year, sitting on one of his feucee, dressed 1n a.jock, Loring, Salem, Mass, President 1-lew England- 1 Wool Growers' SoCJety, John S Rose, Henne- Mr Ash burn ey cap, and wearmg a shor~ huntmg coat. pin, Ill , ProfeBSor I\'L Miles, of the State .:A.g· 'I koo\v, but two dollars are two dollars. He had a rifle over hts shoulder, and carried r1cultural College, La.using, Mich , Hon. Geq, , lk M C 11 to Brown, Toronto:, Ont , John Snell, Edmon.toil, However, it B no use to ta 1 r. o ec r1 a po" der fiaok, shot and bird baga In lac RUSHING'S, and other FRILLING BELTS, COMBS, BRAIDS, SWITCHES, AND CHIGNONS, 1i11d a. large a.sBortment of Fancy Goods kept cousta.nt1y on hand Pa.rt1cular attention p::nd to cutting and fit ting Sta.mpmg dor.e to order )] he "as a fully equipped sportsman, a somename antl the S11eep'R number They v;ill be I lI t t · sen,t free, by mail, 01 express, for only fourcncte luck nbXt year:, Wl ry l ag:atn · v; bat rcna avM tn those parts. ach, and will last for IWENTY :YE.A:n.& 'rhis left the collector \\1th nothing to 'What's thlB lazy fellow domg here l' said _., muet ac:company all orders urae, aud he \VJthdrew In his next letter 0 Ashburn to himself ' l wonder "here he to the publishers, he ordered the paper to comes fron1. 1 Orders addressed to the l\fE1tcHt-iT a.nd OB· be discontinued, "Yi'bich was accordingly · Good mormng, ne1gb bor,' spoke out the BERVER Office, £01 any quantity, ~"Jll be filled at Ont On each Mark is stampetl the owner's the Post must be stopped I! I liave better Plated Knives, Forks, &c., Equal to any in the Dormn1on. ARCIHBALD YOUNG, JR., Sarnia, Ont. t11e above ment1oned price, as ql)1ckly as the done. stran&cr in a familiar ·way, as soon na the Marks can be mWe and S!Oont 01 this little act of retrenchment, Jane, 0 BARKER, Bow 1nanv1lle,Dcc 2S th 1871 ly ml3o p .A.SBION HOUSE MRS A FLETCIIER 1Jowman.., 1llc, Sept. 2G, 1873. ru52 time, o.nd the farmer WM rather loathe to LIME! LIME! "'11 SALll F'-' in 'Ihe greatest and best .~sf:!O)tment ever tieen in Town None to excel it I Church Street, ·.:!~ opposite the Alma Hotel nil!·~., ., 'lJJ.6 19th 1873 tf Bowroa.u1 ~ ·nY auant1tyc Apply to WILLIA~{ SPEAR 'l'ailoring ! Clothing! Gold Chains, Rings, BROOCHES. EAR-RINGS, &C OF SPOOJ::fS. S:E'OO:N'S. there any good game about here, any turkeys or pheasants I' tell them When the fact did become known, 'There plenty of squirrels,' returned ae 1t must eofJn, he expecLed a buzzing 1n Ashburn a httle sarcastically, 'and the the hive and the antlClpallon of tblS made \voods nrc full of _robins' ]nm half repent of "hat ho had done, and 'Squirrels make a first rate p.e Bot I almost wish the collector would forget to needn't tell you that, my friend EHry notify the office to hR\e the paper stopped farmer kno\VS the taste of squ1rrels,' sa1d Margaret, and Pbcebe knew nothmg at the far1ner came 'v1tb1n speaking distance. ' Is But the collector wo.s a prom pt man. On the second Satu1day mornmg,Ashbum went handed him a letter, saymg as he did so' I can't find any paper for you to day, They made a mistake m not mailing it th!S WC< 'l'he Subscriber hay,ng secured the able services to the Post Office as usua.l. 1~he postmaster - None to s1.u-pass them Selected by myself at a the mannfnctones HI Enqlanll REMOVAL S. MASO:N' SPECTACLES I The Chu1cerst of grades. Gold and S1h er fritmes. Laza1us Morns & Co's on hand, to fit all s1ghtl:I. These I v.111 sell at recluced p1iccs ae Cutter, lS prepared to take ortlets for 'No,' replied Ashburn, ' I hve stoppeu it ' wluch will be got up 111 the · Indeed ' The Post 18 an excellent pa· wrnheio to inform hie numc1oua friends and cue· Fist Style of Fashion, .. per What other do you intend lo take 1' A LARGE SUPPLY OF tomers that he hali remnved to and on the · 1 shall not take any new spaper tb1s B UOKLER'S OLD STAND MOST REASONABLE 1'ERMb. year,' rephed Ashburn. where he Wlll be found with the n10st com 'Not take a newspaper Mr. Ashburn I' (ROGERS' MAKE At Mr rcat's residence, Oll King Street. plcte n.ssorbnent uf On }land a very full assortment of Enghsh and said the postmaster, With a look and a tone Canadian Harness, of surprise TRESPASS NOTICE. CLOTHS AND TWEEDS ·No I must retrench. I must cut off Whips, all superfluoue expense And I believe I Trunks, &c. OTICE " hereby given that all parties as anycan do without a newspaper as found trespassing ou the ],lats, knov. D M l Buckler's olt.l ~tand, Bo\\1nanv1l1Ei, .i\.fa.y 2ith 1873. tf bp m3~J n town PIcase c al Ranes' Flats, 1.;ill be prosecuted to full extent tbrng else It's a mere luxury, though a 1 on0 door east of J\'Iaynard's llote very pleasant one, I own, but at1ll dispenof l·w. M D WILLIAMS }1ownu1. nville, Sep. 1st., lS7'.S GENTL"EMEJS'S CLOTHING, ]J;~ the sportsman with great good humor ' Sllll I want to try my band at a wild turI have come off here mto the counkey. try to have a crack at gawe better "orth sbootmg than we get m the neighborhood of P--.' 'Yon are from P-- then,' said the farmer. 'Yes, l hve in P--' 'When did ~ ou leave there 1' 'Four or five weeks ago' FINE , GIJTLERY, 'Then you don't know what wheat is sell1ng for no\v 1' N Bowmanv1llo, Octob~r, 1873 :MARRIAGE LICENSEE! il:ISUed by G W. S. BOYLE, M. D, toria. W. R. CLIMIE. .,_ .i\.t the ·siatesnian Offi.oe, Bowmanv11Je College, Cobourg, Undergraduate an~ of the Unn er8l of Toronto.!f an: RADU.A.'l'E of the Universities of Trinity )t:'Jzeman nivennty of Queen's College,Klllgston. J.'; e1nCollege, ·roronto, v,nd V ictor1a. College, Of ber of the College of Phys1ciana aud SnrgeontJ Cobourg Licentiate of the College of PbyB101~ f Ontano. Surgery and Residence, opposite ans and Surgeons, of Ontario he market square Office, King Street, one door west of Mr 'Wheat I No, I thmk 1t was ninety-five or a dollar, I don't remember wbl<;b, when I left. · N rnety is all it 1s selhng for here ' 'Nmety 1 I should like to buy some at that ' I ha>e no doubt you can be accommo· sable' dated,' re11hed the farmer itADU ATE of the Ropl Collc~e of phY· 'Not n luxury, but a necessary, I saviand sicuin~ of England, n.nd_U ruyors1ty of Vic· Tbat is exceedmgly low for wheal lf T. Paterson. ""ll DR. DAVIDSON, indispensable,' returned the postmaoter 'I G tf don't know what I "oultln'trathe1 do with· 1 What m the "orld the "ild turkeys, and the hope of berng out than a newspaper able to kill a dee1, l'·l stop and buy a lot on Phoobe, ancl Jane, and Margaret gomg to do 1' t wasn't for having a week's sport ar;nong Conush'e Jewelly Store, Bowmauv1lle. Bowmanvlllo, Oct. 5th,l187l $owma11viUe. Nov,l<b, 1868. / - 2peculation.' Tbe nuu1 is always 111ost honored \\ho is most excellent m "hat he unde1take· It the students at hrn eolleg~ used lo make is better to s.:t.w wood Wt!ll, thiln to plead tora.) s upon lhe cemeteries at night for the Jaw poorly Be honest : a ·tove cold is helter than a deolme for a further tt·e m prices. What purpose of rnamtamrng the supply. One did you get for your wheat 1' day they heard of the interment ol a person stove hot with stol~n fuel The labormK man hold· the same rela'I sold for nniety cents.' who died of a myster10us ma1ady, and they · Nmety cents I' exclaimed the neighbor determined to resurrect the remain.a 1. bat tion to the merchant, manufacturer, attor'Surely you didn't sell tor that 1' mgbt w... h10gton and his friends et~rted ney 1 -phys1ctt1.~ and n11n1~ttH 1 that the. loco· ·I certamly did I t11ed to get mnety- nut l\ithout a lantern, but "!th plenl~ ol 111ottve uoea to the tra111 of ~legant and "ell· two, but nmcty was the highest uffer I spades and shovels When tbeJ came to filled cars , they would stand still for ever could obtam ' the plaoe and saw the~ bite marble tomb· it the engrne d!U not move them. There 1s many an honest, hard-"orkmg · Kmety cents I Why, what has c;.ome stones, they clunbed over the fence and over you, Ashburn 1 Wheat 1S aellmg for alter a while fonnrl a epot where the earth poor man, who nses himself and calla his a dollar and twenty cents I've J uet sold was app.rently fresh Then they began lo family before aunme, three hundred and In nme cases five hundred bushels for that' rlig They dug for two l1ours, and went sixty-five days m the year 'I1nposs1ble 1' ejaculated the farnier Aftei they out ot ten, when his children arrive at his down about twenty-four feot. 'Not al all unposs1blQ. Don't you know bad cxcamted a big enough hole to u1ake a age, they will be called up by servante. A meenmliaum pipe and bank· book althat by ihe last am val from England have couple of cellars and a rifle pit, they con· come accounts of bad harvest, and -w he&t l;luded that they must been at the v.: ays quarrel, and the upshot of the enbas taken a sudden rise 1' wrong spot 'l,'hey picked out another count~1 geucrally td, that one puts the other ' I don't know any such thing, re1narked ploce where the ground had JUSt been up- out of doors Work harder at dr11lrng rocks,for i ustance the astoniphed Ashburn. turned, and after nearly bursting a blood'\\Tell, it's so \Vhere ts yonr new&pnpcr 1 vessel apiece and getting out a fey; hundred if your e1npluyer never v1s1ts. ~rou than if he He will know of your Haven't yon read it 1 I got mme on Fnday tons of l.hrt, they knocked off, and ns they trequently Joes he prys for the drills fa1thlulness when 0\ ening, and sa.w the news Ea1ly on Satur eat down on the edge of the hole to rest and The poverty of childhood is more freday 1uorning I found two or three specnla \"itpe off the perspuahoD, they ex2ressed t01e ready to buy up all the wheat they their astonishment at the scarcity of bodies quently than olher\\lSe the stepping-alone could get at old pnc·s, but they didn't re· m that particular burial ground It was to wealth. It is better to eat one meal a day and quire many operations. One fello'v who gettrng on toward mormng then, but they pretended to be a fancy aport.slnan, thrust determined to try once more Just as they pay for it, than to eut three and have two b1ruself mto my way, and pretended he bail. removed the first ohovelfal of earth, Wash- of them charged, The larger~ our acoount with Trust, the not known of a rise m the price of wheat- 1ngton, who had been wandering around the I should have suepectetl it .us soon ae I saw place mean VI bile, suddenly sa1<l 111 a. rnourn- sooner J)ebl will take your bnamess into hie bands. him, for I read last weekofJustsuch a look· ful voice It costs a poor man more to let his ch1ld· "Boys, I tbrnk we hacl better go home mg chap as him having got ahead of some ren wander in their e> ery day elothrng, ignorant country far1.11er by buying up thctt now. 11 Sabbath days, th·n it does to drese them produce on a 9udden me of the market/ nt "Why 1 What for 1" they asked a price much b~low its real value ' " Well, I thmk, anyhow, we'd better for church. Want 10 a far less uncomfortable com'Good day I' eaid Ashbmn, suddenly lay- knock off new on account of various things' pamon than debt mg hIB whip to the flank of his horse, and " What d'you mean 1 What d'you \\ant Never envy a rich neighbor, his boys away ho dashed home at a gallon to go home for 1' asked the crowd The farmer neve1 sat down to make a "Well," said Washmgton, "I tbmk it drive your children's carnage·. regular caleulat10n of what he bad lost by would be J ud1cions for several reasons, hut A poor man's character 1s worth two dolstopprng his newspaper, but it reqmred no principally because we've been roohn' lars to him, where his hands are worth formality ot paper and pencil to arrive at arouncl here all the mgbt rn a marble one. this A d1llerence of tlurt:1 cents on the 'ard" A lull purse and a Lraud) bottle rarely They had gotten occupy oppome pockets ln the same coat. buslwl m·de for a thousand buebels, the 101· · They did go home portant sum of three hundred dollars, and 0\ er the ,vrong fence, the .cen1etery being a Never dodge a dirty Job. The richest defew steps further down the road rrhe this Ins mmd mstantly ea w posits of gold are frequently overlaid by By the next nunl, he ehclose<l. two clol· membe1s of the class \\ho \vent out after the deepest debrio. Jars to the pubhsber of the Po·t and re· breakfast to see how the rume looked by 7 ] l I l l j ~ ) _)

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