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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 3 Apr 1874, p. 1

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· THE MERCHANT AND GENERAL !ADVERTISER. Circulates largely m the TOwnships of Darling ton Clarke and Oa.:rtwr1ght It U11 a common platfonu 1 open to the free discussion of all quee t1011s m which the general public are concerned. TERMS WEST DURHAM Stea.m Job Printing O:ffi.ce KING STREEr, BOWMANVILLE Seventy-live cents per annum; in ad· vauce The 'Merchant' and 'Obser· var,' $2 00 RATES OF ADV .r.RTISING One column 35 p0r annum Halt do 19 " 11 4 Quarter do JO Transient advertLBements,5 cts per hne first 1n ilertion and 2c per hne, each enbsequent one AND GENERAL ADVERTii~ER. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1874 NUMBER XX\ I 'But not as my mother s companion, , that must be all over now You ruust stay here ns my \\ ife P ~iarian POS'l'ERS , PAlllPHLE'lS, CIRC ULARS , BILL HEADS CHEQUES, NOTES, HANDBILLS L\.BELS, CARDS '1IOKETS 1 &c &c, &c, EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. A Forgotten Emperor B. PBA.TB, TAILOR POETRY. The Answer Gentlemen's & Boy's Garments MADI: IN a'llE ~EWEST STYLES Bowmanvilley July, 27, 1869 FA.LL AND 'VINT-ER Til:t:E TABLl!l BE?.IANCE Mutual Life Assurance Society 1'rams will leave Bowmanv1ll.e Station, Bowrrianville time, as foli;iws GOI:YG 'VEST I~ocal 7 l5, a .QOI~O ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. -.?(' ESTABLISHED '1840 c lN \D..\. CHIEl!' 0JtPICP.8 131, ST JAMES STREET, MONTREAL in. f I .E xpresa Exp reas Mixed 8 40 a in 3 20 p m D 15 p m Express l\.11xed Local c. 8 40 a..m 3 20 l> m 7 20 p m. EA.BT F L'IA{Mpool London, and Glasgow 1n£tXtnation a.p_ply to W A. NEADS, Agent llo\Omanville, June Vth, 1871 tf 30 OR.T1ekcts I' 01 DIRECTORS W ALTEH Sna.NLY, Esq t....~1 \Va.rm the sun of the aummel', Fragrant the breath of the flowers, Shall sweet things be but the forerunner Of woes in this world of ours ? 0 cannot and may not the aummer, Tht! "armtl:iy of our plea.urea last, ...-\re all t111 ngs a,ud all J ikc red foa \ea to fa.II, In glolJ -and then, oh ! the 9 (} mantlA and fall of white snow' 0 flako and icicle pure ' Well, well doth the eye stietng know Your speech as you lodge at tho door Our hearts read the etory of woe And onr brn.ulS so11ud the knowledge\\ o cast, Aro all th ugs and all Like red leaves to fall, In glory-and th.en oh ' tho blast· P , Chairmuan, DUNOAN l\-!ACDONALD 1 .1.!iflq_. · ]!, R .LOSCOMBE, HAMILTON, Hawks BARRifjJ'ER AT LAW, burg Ont IJOLWITOQ IN Cf!ANOKRY, ,f,c RESIDENT SECRFTARY -J.uES GBJ.N< CAMPBELL, Tn~ HONORARL~ JOUN MAJOR T E C B , St Hilaire New Tailor Shop ~i~i~ct;;;68 r.:rx; J O H N HEA L, WITH F Y UQWLE,cbeg· t o in LATE form the public that he h&s com 0 · ,, Or1ncir, ..... Over I\fcOlung's Store same flat as J M.. Bnma.comb 8 Dental n.oomH S PECI AL FEA T URES. gen~ra.Uy, menced business in the Shop noxt to the r l esa Office one door east oLJ Milnes Having ha.d several years expenence 111 the trade, he.hopes to satl.9fy ~u who ma.y fa.\or him with a call Dov; 1 n anv11le, Sep· 4tb, 1572 AUCTIONEERS B'or the Townshvp ,of '1Ja1 lington Not beat in ap.y quaiter I.ime that"' ill alway;s ataud the test ~When ma.king into morctar I will try and keep a good aupply Policy for a sum assured proportionate to the For it is always wanted number of prenuums, and free from Jutur Tha.t when you all come i~ to buy, I You 11 not be d1sappo1ntea 'Oaym.ent of preJniums l Vou will always find it dry and f1 esh, ].:[oDF.BJ.TE PREMICHS and iuoat liberal 0011 And that- us something bonnie, d1t1ons. So co~e it.long- pntl try this LlIUe, J3utj:l.o» t fol'g~t the ll)oney ,. Prospectusea,Propoaal For~~ &c, supplied Hours of deh~e·1 from N111e a.m to Four pin , on application o.t the Head umce, or any of 1Corner of Queen and Ontario Street the Agencies :A t hym/ cam· i';;st in tun., And _.u about the ke,st ofuiwe J,1me from th-0 West of the very beet uai. The E:NTIBE PROFITS belong to and are d1v1d ed amongst the Polic1iholdcr~ LIVES, DECLINED BY OTHER OOHP..U:HEf:I, or on 'vh1ch an extra Prtmium. would be required can The answer we read in the stars God s Jewels and Jnan\:1 keen dehghtbe assured at tht ordm.ary rates of this Society, 0 er ear th a grand comlllohons u.d wars u"il#er a apecial &ITangement Still ahineij HIS meffa.blo light SPECIAL NON FOFEIT.ABLE POLICIES 1ssued under whic..:h only 10, 15 or 20 Annual Pay y,re ft.oat in our hopes on fra1l "1111 reaching the haven at last ments are required, each pa.) meut aetJunng a. Know all things and all Like red leaves must fall But never more, on earth, the blast ' -F1om the ALDfNE for April LITERATURE. THE HAUNTED BOUSE H T. PHILLIPS, HAMPTON Pt 01.npt n.ttmt1011 given to ea.las, &c, on reason a.blo terms Wm; · Barton, s~les , ENNISKILLEN. promptly p;ttended t0 on reasona.ble tel'Illi. JAMES BLGHAM, Pamter, Gli.zler, Paper-Hanger, &c, &c aat1afact1on guaranteed Re!11dence-1Sextdooreastaf the Bible Chris' !\.ll kinds of work promptly attended to, and l hurch TYRONE Tyrone, ~{arch Bth, 1869 22 ti 0. BOUNSALL, MANUFACTURER, I MPOlt'.IER, DE !\.LER m all the \nnctieo of au Italian & Ameican Marble. A liugtl and choice selection of WESTE=RN CORN · Fo R ~~En, s~ Ho! Monuments & Grave Stones, OO'BN,- Oentlemen_of Fa.shion. .,..Iway on ha.ud of supcr1or workmanship, and at lo,vest prices 1 'Only one paMenger by the ommbua,' the landlady of the 'Green Dragon,' as 1he turned away from the wmdow "here " Obser' er Office/' King St ., l .. <) 1\. .. ... 32 ly she bad been watching the vehicle that 1 Bowmam1lle June 24th, 1870 plied to and from the railroad, six miles ~A off Only one passenger-a tall, fresh-lookmg OF J,ONDON girl, with gloss> masses of raven dark hair, Anotb:er ca.i: load of th~ above noble articles on and eyes of a hqmd hazel llfariau Ashley (Establiehod 1800 t)le way HEAD OFFICES -1 Old Broad St., and was pretty, m the real blooming Eughsh Pleoo0 ~a.ll a.t the P-all ll!sll, London otyle, and she "as very self posseasd withal, B 0 fWt M:A:J:-l iV, I L L E I GENERAL ~ OENCY :FOB 0ANADA -24. St as she elltered tha httle mn parlor Farm Implement Forwarding ,4gency crament 1 Montreal ' Can you furnish me 'vith a conveyance R W JAMES, 1 Subscr1bed and invested Cap1tal and Reserve to Moreton Grange? she a>ked of the landKing St , Bo" manv1lle Fund £1,965 000 S\erling. lady, who bustled for\lard to meet her Bo\\ manville, Dec 5 1872 nlO Fun.dB invested m Canada-- 105,000 'To mght, Miss 1' Insurances agaJ.n~t loss by F1re effected on ' Yes, to mght ' the most favorable terms, and losses paid with 'Then you must be the young lady that out ~renoo to the Boa.rd 111 London. LANK CERTIFICAES, Applications is coming as companion to ?t-Irs Moreton j' RINTOUL BROS &c , &c , can be at tlus office, at J DODSWORTH, regular rates .. Inspector Gen Agents, Montrea asked the hostess, with a spice of cnr10s1ty Bowmanvillo, July 7th, 1873 mherited from Mother Eve R R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister, Agent 'I nm,' s111d Marian, as mdependently as for Bowmanville and VlClmty if she were an heiress. Bowmanville, June 4th, 1860. 36 'Its a long drive, nnss,' aaid ~{rs. Duocy, mo43 394w ' ·and you had better take a bit of supper THOS BOWDEN Bo'\!'m·n,illo. Jd·rch 11th 1871 no24. ti JAMES GRANT, AGENT 'FOlt BOWMANVIJ,LE, C BARKER, Rea Sooreta.ry Str~w:cutters ! Grltin Grinders ! Imperial ~ .FEED MILLS. 0 ' Fire Insurance Co To Ma.sters of r.. 0.-r. B ARRIVAL! \\hde 1om's harnessing the horses 1 W1 oiignt o?· _Gast ~1 on Fencco or enclos1ag buryrng lots Furmture Tops, Mantel J'leces, &c kept ou haud or 'vi ought to order re"pectfutly req_uested at t1ie works, A ca.11 UI King St1 ccr, Bowmanmlle October 1st 1869 1 ti REMOVAL. D ::\..\ 7JDSON hn.e removed residence DR and Surgery to the late residence of John I sci on the l\'.larket Square lm~ J.l,.f11n~ m n35 ti MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED BY ROBERT ARMQUB Bo'\ manville,Dec 10~ 18139 So Marian sat down to wait , and Mro Ducey BJ ed her m a s1dew1se fashion as sl1e spread the table 'She s a mcc lookmg girl,' thought Ml'I' NOT SO FAST. FOR. F ,EED. Ducey , and Mrs Ducey was right ?tlar1an looked hke a c1 ueen as she sat there m her I have \Vr1tten those few hnes sober black dress, "1th tho coronal of her Bo,viaa.nvdle, AtJnl 16t 1873m t. And all I have to eay, That you can find me t1till at home Jell) looks "reathect about her marble fair I am not goue a\vay , brow So all my klnd old fr1encla may ome , Marum Ashley was thmkillj!, too She An<l all the young :lnee too was " onder1ng how this new experiment of And get their garments 1nade hers, to earn her own hv1ng, would end In fashions that are new 'Vbere old n.nd Joung dAa. friend 1nay She wos sick at heart ol the bread of depen deuce , yet, I List now, she lelt bewildered J M BRIM.A.COMBE L D S meet A welcome greeting by R PEAIE and strallge, IJke a child lost m the woods Teeth fi~racted at Twenty-five Cente B o" man' Jlle June 1 flt h 1 F7 The only clue she had to follow was a brief Rooins O\ er ~IcOlung Bros Store$ Bownu\n' ille, Oct 1at 1870 1 advertisen1ent in the ne\\1;paper, and that had led her luther She turned suddenly lo Mrs Ducey, as that ti rifty <lame enteied with a cold fowl, AGENT Fo1 the following Insurance Gompantes, and ham, and so forth other Inat1tutions 1 v1z ' Is Moreton Grange very far away l o:BA..cxlt'v He wl10 passes through tlie ·upper treets Our 500 000 dogs furtnslt one of t 11e iuo~t of Prague, the beautiful capital of Bohemia 1m po1 ta nt ecunonuc c0us1deiat101;1s i ow af· And from the "eddrng Jay of the heir or about noontime on fill days, w1ll be cer foctrn g the State In lbe first phee, they f\.Ioreton Grange, a newer, brighter life ta1n to meet, in the ne1gbho1hood of the nnhtate lll") nnst the iiu1tt9n clop u1nual ly to dawn°d upon the old place As the year> HtadschnJ, an old, slendei man, diessed in th! extent of at lea~t $) aoo 000 secondly, crept on, and the sound of httle ch Lldren 's a very ordinary suit of black, and "al.Jung th ey cos t at nn a\t:rtge of tw~uty hve ceuts O \Vn brother in a sudden fit of passion vulCes made mua1c around the gray walls, in a pa1pfu1, shufH1ng manner, and leaning a \Vel:' k euch, $6,oOO 000 enongh to run o.ll Poor Mr Hugh I he tied the country to es the shadows fied away, and no one eave .A.l every now and then on h1& cane to t.ake our cou1 mo n schools and leave a hug stenlcape from Justice, and died In France It Liebert and bis wile ever knew where the breath Many ol those "hom he meet· abl e s H p1us tln1dlv tlH·y sl n n11 1 ually, nearly killed my mistress, and-Hush t murderer was laid to re~t, aft1:n h1s long ·land still and look n!ttr ,be old man WLlh t hroug h hydrophol rn, at least 120 p~r cir s penance of solitude and re ~norse a curious air The beggars run toward him \\h1cb (at ~5,000 cach-l he uverai{e pr1c~ th13re's her bell no\v, and I must go Moreton Grange was haunted no looge1 as soon as th ey catch fOght of him, to whom paid by nn lroad~ fo1 Llu very poorest grode And with a humed adieu, the old house lie gives a few pieces of stl ve1 keeper hastened away of brH k esmt:n) ntuounts o a further suui of No one who looks at tb1s 1:Hngular £gur.e, $600 000 So this was the history of Moreton Grange Marian Aabley shuddered as she Petticoat Government in San Fran who reserr1bh~s 1nore a subordinate function IIere 1$ a du-ect cxpend1t11re of ne..i.rly ary on half pay, than one that has moved m se~ en in d tbice q11arte1 nlll li on" ior dog~. ClSCO sat alone by the fire fancymg the cry of a the upper sphe1 es of society,\\ ill suspect for not to nu nhon tit ho s co!:it s and 1nore re murdered man in every 1:ngh of the \Vind, and seemg the flutter of ghostly go.rmenta d s~nltHh::ntal dan1agPs TC!inlt1ng A correspondent of the IIour, wntmg a moment that tbe old man bas once pla> tnot e a11 ed a conspicuous part in th e lnstorj of th e In m law·11t11ts about do~ fi 0 hts and conse in the shadows that lurked m the far end of from San Francisco on t!J.e 9th nit · sai s And vet he is not only a punce qutn t sevor1nce ol ln~n 1sh1ps bet\veen the th e huge room "If Miss Becker and 1\.ira Fawcett, Lady world Yet, as the days went by, the old Grange Amberley aud Mr Jacob Bright, were to "born 1n the purple,' but tor many ) e nr~ o ~\ nertJ of 1he co tu b11t1 ve cur~ Add t o tl11s thu minual exp od1ttI1e 111 the asaumed a home hke look to her Mrs. ,?ay a' rn1t to Cahfora111, I fancy tbeJ would wore oue of the proud6st crO\\ u,s 1n the Old city toi ol<l boots cbatnber c1ock i;:r~\' paper Moreton was all eweetness, and Aldebert s be delighted by tl1e out\Vard and \lsible World This aged hab1tue of th e promenad e, neflr \ve16hts, booLJlli.:ks ancl ~uch other a.rlH lee as cluve.Irtc k1uc1neas endeared htm inexpressi signs of subjection displayed b) the rnferior the H1udsthtn of Prag ue lS uo other. Lha n niay be most 1ea<lil) ut11tzeJ oi 1noonl1gl1t bly to the solitary girl She began to feel sex I ho. ve seen over and over ex Emperor Ferd1na!ld of Austria, "ho night s, and It will occui to tbe rr1ost pre the that she had found a refuge But it again 1n this city, \Vtfc, husband, and chit oeeupLed the throne of the Hapsburg· dur JUd1ced fne nd ot t ho doJ that he is an an1 not destmcd to endure (or long dren enter a. car, the 'v1fe leading the \\ ay She was sitting at her window one moon· I have seen her coolly give the conductor rng (1834 1848) when their powei; was at n1 al wheze1n relrcr chment coul d be putc When t1sed to ad11an tagc 1n these economical day.i hght mght 10 July, long after the family cash or ca.r tickets. us the case might requir~, tho highest, and at the lowest ebb Cap1talized, our dogs tep1esent a \V aste of had retired to rest, when somothmg whit· order her husband to stop the ear when be ascended the throne, after the death of and spectral ghded across the lummous, necessary, get out fi.rt3t una ided, leaving the Francis II, the inft.aence of Austria, under $ 80,0001000, aud J ll\ Ested at compound i u space on the lawn-the figure otatall man, husband to extneate and follow "1th the the guidance of the cunn1ng b.1ettcrn1ch," a:!I terest, ono ye u uf di eir aggrebate \\ ortb leas... paramount m Europe The policy of Aus ness \\o n ld pay off the nat1on1l debt before not unlike Aldebert Moreton children, aud aail grandly awai on the side She start<>d up with a scream, and buried walk in serene unconcern nt any d1fficultlea tria at that time towards its foreign prov 1900 itices, was pitiless Tbe lta.ban.s,especiall) , her face m the draperies of the wmdow he might find lll followmg I have scarce Signature of the Cross. ' The ghost " she gasped, almost maud1 ly ever seen a woman attending to her cbil .. were tr~ated retnorselcssly Poor Ferdinand, ,.., hose ment&.l faculties never Vi ere th e bly 'the ghost " dren m any pubhc con' ej a nee or street rrhc mark \\lllch P"'fl!OTIS \'ilto are una'tle Nor did ehe rest until she had taken re But I have hundreds and hmdreds of t1mea brightest, was kept by his deetgnmg and t o \\ n te a.le itq ua~d to 1n11kc lnil.tead of imper1lous chanceUor, in entire ignorance of fuge m Mrs. Moreton'· room seen men out with s~ arms of the1n 1 some the ir signnturc, is in the furtn of a cro s, The old lady hstened to her tale \\tth times alone, sometimc.s preceded by a grand the atrocities 'vh1ch were committed in b1s and this practice, ha' 1n[! iorrrierly beeL fol name .&Iettennch troubled the poot man tremblmg silence lady, who may be disco,.red acmdently to lowed b) k inga and Ill b le , 1s coni:::tnntly re as httle as possible with state affau~ He ' My dear,' said she, · you are 1n1staken belong to the gr>np by any change of post ferrcd to as an instance ot t he deplorable The d\\ellers of another world are never trnn that brmgs them all together for a a.llovo ed bun to enjoy b1ni:,;,elf in bis work 1g no1an ce of ancient t1111e:i 1 hb s1r{nature shop as a cabinet n1aker, where he IJrobabh allo\\ed to come back to haunt tins You moment is n ot, h owever, 1uv 1nably a prooi cf sut:h pas.ed the happiest hours of his lite He were asleep-you dreamed unconsmol.lsly ' 1gnornn c0 AIJc1enlly the Utie of t11e mark ' Lar~e fam1hes, by the way, are the rule \\as alwa)S a\erse to appearing: in pubhc1 " Dear :a.Irs Moreton,' persisted Marian ~'a s not cnulu ed to ilhtt<tal~ pt'n1011s , !or 'r \Vas ae v.:1de O.\\ake as I anl now I tell m this State, heaps of people, qmte young and his partic1pallon, lll uniform, in ru1h· a1uong the Saxon:; the nuirk of the cross, as themseh Cl!, have q UlV"rs very full indeed tary reviews, "as abwlutely pmnfol to be you I saw it mth my open eyes It "as au at testation of th<:~ ood funl of the per But whether the number of children he hold Yet he \Vas an am111ble,k1nd 11earted tall and white, and oh, bow ghastlv 1 sou s1g 1 nng was h qn1red to be at t ach~d to large or small, whether the pos1t1on of the mo.n \Vhenever a woman in d1stre&:i,pray She ebuddered as she epoke Mrs the s1gno.t u e of pe1so1H:1 ~\hot.: iuld' rite, n::5 people be prosperous or bumble-you will ing for some favor, succeeded in penetrating :Moreton soothed, explamed, coax·d, but m well as to stund 1u the i 1.1.ce ot the signanever see in street or church, or car, or ho· to him, he not only immediately granted vam Marian would not even go back to ture of those who could not w·r1te In those tel, an A1ner1ca.n \\ onian burdened w1lh the her petition, but was moved to tears by her her own room alone, so con1plete had been times, i1 n tn.J.n could \vtlte, or ev( n read, care of her children One child ·he 111ll fervent g1atitnde 'Vhen be drove out in the shock his kn owledge was vorH:ndercd proot pre the Prater, hls carriage "as constantly sur 1 I will go with yo1i, my dear, said the look after, especially if it be a girl , but it sumpt1ve that he '"ls in holy oitlers The mnst not be young enough to be trouble- rounded by clamorous beggars, and he old lady at length cler1cus 01 cle1k nas synony1nouf:> 1\lth pe:J. She arose, threw on a hght flannel dress some, nor old enough to rnak· her feel un would not allow bis attendants to dme w a n u.ud the l uty or people 'vho \\ere not mg gown, and opened the door of the apart cJmfottable on the score of her own age them a ... ay clerks, chJ. not reel c~ny i.1gent necessity 101 Had he been a sterner man,he "ould ha\ e ment As they stepped cut iota the w1tlc The re·t of them may be left with servants, the USC Of let Celi:; rhe unctent USC of th e or may be looked after by the husband, or certamly forfeited his hfe at the breakmg hall, J\larian uttered a p1ercmg cry There, cross "dH th erefore uni versal, alike by th foe may tumble round in their own fashion out of the revolution of March, 1848 but lull before them, stood the ghost 1 who could uud those 'vho could not \\llLe, Mrs Moreton drew Marian mto her Mumma, 'vhelher strong minded and inde the infuriated populace of 1l ienna, treated 1b wus, ind eed the sy ml>ul 1 1 in oath, frou1 pendent, or helpless and langmshrng, re- the poor emperor 'vith extttime respect, and room, shut and Jocked the door, and sank its sa1Jred associations ae well ts tlie rnark ter Aldebert is the last and youngest of three as noble boys as e\er made an old place ghd' ' And what has become of the other 1 ' ThP. eldest is dead,' Mrs Brett answer ed, 1n a 'vh1sper ' He hes 10 a bloody grave, stricken do" n by the band of h1· Agamst Dogs I I' I "ae 1 l 1 -l John M-0Dougall. tremblmg on the sofa, clasprng both her hands 11efore her ei es ' Did I not tell ~ ou 1 -faltered Marian 'How can you explam away this? Mrs Moreton bad no word of answer , she could only rock herself backward ancl forward, moaning l1Jie one in patn 'You must not go from tins Ioom to .. night, child/ she said ' Lie down upon James McFeeters. ders in Canada.. pony C·Rital £2 000 000 $150 000 depoSlted wtth: the Domlll.lon Government, for the protec The ISOLATED RISK Fire Insurance Com pany o! Canada Capita.I 5 00 000 -One of the betit and cheapest Compames doing business in the Don11n1on fox Far1nera and Iaola.ted Riska The QU.EEN F1re and Life Insurance Com 'Fou1 nHles, m1ss J'C'ST At V Z:O ..,, ""- &tl;)fe- ') 1" ... ' r;:, Knitting, Berlin, and other Wools A thnll o! apprehens10n ran tbrol1gb The CANADA LANDED CREDIT COY v. ith a. sa~1ng_s_~ank de2,artment ltiaria.n s nerves The UNION AND PERMANENT Buildmg 'Why not 1' a.nd S-av1ngJs Society i Thel!.c latter instltutions advance Loans on ' Well, mLSs-there H no accounlilng for Estate, on termB un.u!.lun.lly tMY for the . . Real such thmgs-but people do tell stories about borro\ver ~as the beat and most deenrable lot of · the Grange berng haunted ' Dowmn.nT1ll"1 Feb 6th, 1873 HA TS & BONNETS, ' Haunted I' Marta.n's clear, ~ell hke LATEST STYLES IN TRIMMING, &C. laugh rang through the room with an rn-ooI different grades, au.d surpasses all othe d8l!enbable accent of rohe! · What non' hottsos in to\\ n and Couutry sense r Ai:i lf any one in the possesmon of HESE MARKS AH.E :rHE CHEAPES'.1!1 their senses could credit such a.n idea 1 Ul most fa.sL1onable and la.teat styles the most lastm.g, the troubleanm0 a:dd ' Snpper is ready, m1ss ,' said the land· most complete e'er wvented. They ar'J used AN IMMENSE NUMBER A splendid assortment of a.nd recommended by many of thf best Breeders lady, primly in the Un1ted States and Canada. such a.s G B The Grange, as Marian Ashley first saw ELECTRO-PLATED LonngA Salem, Mass , President I" ew England it, by tho light of a farnt sprmg moon, was l:i'rowers' Society John S Roal!JI, Henne Tea a1id Coffee Set8, Friiit, and Wool pin, Ill , ProfeBSor M. )[ilea of the StD.te Ag a glarmg red brick house, its nothern gables Also la.test styles in ncultural Oollege, Lansing, Mich , Hon Geo Hemiaphencal Dishes, Mrs Moreton Bro\\D 1 loronto, Ont., John Snell, Edmonton, entirely draped with ivy RUSHING'S, and other FRILLING Ont On each Mark 1s stamped the owners 'vas on the <tteps to greet the ne\v·comer-a not to be surpassed in the Province BELTS, COMBS, BRAIDS, name and the Sheep's number They Vi ill be sent fru by mail, or express, for only fourencta faJr, palhd o!J. lady, with Siii ery cnrls and SWITCHES, AND CHIGNONS, ach1 and 'v11l for TWENTY YlllAlJS a dress of pearl gray silk 11.nd a large aiasortmcnt of Farney Goods kept F ASllIQN HOiJSJ:, NEW STORE, - ~'.!f1~ r\11~D :WI~H THE · ' It must be very lonelJ Mrs Ducey shook her head 'I" ouldn t hke to hve there-that's all I've got to say 1 Fall and Winter FasliioliS. NEW MILLINERY, AhR,q~ , ~~CKL,.ER~· WATCHES CLOCKS O:EOXCJ!:ST OF ctOO:OS. my bed, and try to rest Toy;ards morn1ng, Marian a\\oke fron1 a bnef, fevered slun1ber, and found herself alone, and when she next met Mrs hiore ton, it was at the breakfaBt table Aldebert entered the room later He was pale and strangely agitated, and his mother looked wistfully up m h" face as he entered He nodded a!Jgbtly ' At last, he Mtd 1 Thank God ' Mro Moreton murmured And Morian noticed that neither mother nor son ate a morsel of the breakfast so temptingly laid out Manan went to Mrs Moreton, as Aide bert had withdra" n, and falterrngly im parted to her he" reeolve to leave Moreton Gr.nge Their kmdness had made it very pleasant to her , she had been treated more aa an equal than a salaried dependant , hut the shock her nervous system baa last mght received, rendered it iwposS1blo for her to remain longer I>ressmaking Dana's Patent Sheep Marks T constantly on hand C-@I » CJr Cash must accompany all orders ARCIHBALD YOUNG, Ju , S!lriua., Ont Orders addressed to the M.imoHNT and OD SERVEU Office, £01 any quantity, will be filled at the above-mentioned pnc0, as quickly as the l\1a.rks cau be made and sent C BARKER, Eowmanv1Ue.Dec 28th 1871 1~ mlSo Particular attention paid to cutting and :fit· ting Stamping done to order Plated Knives, Forks, &c., Equal to any in the Domuuon. FA.BRION H011SB MRS A FLETCHER Bowmanv1lle Sept 26, 187l m.52 LIME! LIME! Fon. SALE in nnyquantity, .April;;, to Church Street 1 nearly oppoSlte the Alma. Hotel B owroan,ille, June 19th 187~ tf WILLIAM SPi>AH SllOONS. SPOONS. 111 'rho greatest and best a.BSortmcnt P.Ver seen Town None ti:> iexcol it G Bic1ans of England, and U ruvereity of V 10 tor1a College Cobourg , U nder~aduate and DB.. DAVIDSON, RADUA 'l'E of the Hoyal of phy Colle~e Gold Chains, Rings, BROOCHES, EAR-RINGS, &C None to surpass them Selected by myself \t the manufactor1ea in England Tailoring ! Clothing! Iht:i Subscnocr haying" secured the able services OF P!1zeman of the U ruversi of 'I oronto, Uruversity of Queens College, Kingston Mem ber of the College of Phys1ot.ane and Surgeons Ontauo Surgery and Residence, opposite The Cho1ceHt ofg1ades. Gold and SilverfrRmes he ma1ket La.zaru!3 J\.lorns & Co a on hand, to fit all s1ghtij Bowu1anville, Oct. 5th, 1871 These I mll sell a.t re(1uced prices an.a SPECTACLES I A LARGE SUPPLY OP B :E'EATE, as Cutter, is prepared to take orders for GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHIJJ G, "h1ch will be got up lll the REMOVAL wi.s Fist Style of Fashion, and on the FINE CUTLERY, (ROGERS' MAKE MOST REASONABLE TERM!S At Mr Peats residence, on King Stretit On h&nd & very full aSBortment of English and Ca.uadtan. hes to inform his numerous friends and cu.!l tomcre tha.t ha ha.R rem("oved to S. MASON BU 0 KLER'S OLD STAND ,vhcre he will be found w1tll the niost cont plot ~ asso1t.1neut uf TRESPASS NOTICE. rICE hettby given thot all parties NOfound tre.spas31Ilg on the Flats, known as ll! CLOTHS AND TWEE;DS T. Pat:eraon. Bo\Hnanville, M·y 27th 1873 ti hp mS:!o Harness, Whips, Trunks, &c. n tov; u Pleaso call l3uckler's old stand1 one Joor of 1'-Ia~ na..rd ij Hotel Bowma.nville, Sep. 1st , 1873 Bovnnanville, October, 1873 Itanes Flats, will be prosecuted to full extent of la.\V llf D WILLIAMS MARRIAGE LICENSES issued by W. S. BOYLE, M. D. RADUATE of tho Umvereitiea of l'ruuty G College 'Ioronto and Victoria College, of Cobourg L1cent1ate of the College of PhyBlCJ 1 W R CLIMIE At ihe Statesman Office, Bowmanville Bowmanvllls, Nov.lrb, 1868 ans and Surgeons, of Ontario Office, King Street, one door 'vest of Mr Cornish'e Jewelly Store, Bowmauv1llu Mrs Moreton listened m silence ' Al<l.ebert,' she ·aid to her son who had JUst entered. '~flss Aohle) lS going to leave us' ' ro leave us I And why I Involuntanly Manan s heart leaped up, ILB she saw the sudden flush npon hlB pale forehead ' She saw-the ghost, last night " said Mrs Moreton, speakmg the words with an effort 'I am glad to see you, my dear,' she said, · Sbe "ill never see it agam,' said Aide pressing the cold little band ·You mnet bert Moreton, sadly · Manau -he had have had a dreary ride ' never called her Marian before, and the And Manan Ashley knew that she should "ore! sounded strangely sweet in her ears love her .emplo) er -'will ~ou come v;1th lne 1' It was all so new and strange to her He led her to a darkened apanment m The wide hall, with narrow strips of Per the disused port10n of the old Grange,where sia.u cE\rpetlng laid along their centre iu the upon a. canop1~d couch, a corpse ln.y, robed, echoing corridors, where weird faces stared m the garments of the grave down at her !rom the canvass of okl family ' There is the ghost you saw, Marian,' be portra1~', the light streammg down through said , it will never haunt these glad ~a stained glass casements, and or1els, seem aga1n mg to bar the floors with sca.rlet, and gold, 'Who is it ! she faltered, elmglng to and deep, tremulous '10let, while all the h1a arm, with awe stricken face dwellers m the roomy man·10n, except the 'llfy bro·her Hugh, who has long dwelt servantc;i, were Mrs. Moreton, her !:lOn Alda· concealed within those 'valls, that w1tneas bc>t, and herself ed bis crune, and his daily atonement of Aldebert Moreton ' The name was hke remove, and "ho 1B at length set free by the a knight of romance, and so v;as 1ts owner great pardoner, Death Immured m n eecs Marian s heart throbbed mth a smgular sary retirement throughout the day, he used sensation, as she \ entured once or twice to te seek air and exercise at night , and the glance sli ly at him as he sat oppoSlte to common people, "ho had fancied him dead her at the table ID France, long ago, and "ho delight m 'I hope ~ ou hke your room, IDlSB, said aught savorrng -0f superstition, behaved, tbe old housekeeper, as ebe glanced around from an oceas10nal g!Jmp<e of him, that the the apartment to which she had conducted Grange was haunted IVs let the story ~bas Ashley gain credence ' better anythmg than d1vul 'It IS a beaullful roo1n,' said Ma11an, gence of the truth The long d~eeption ls but it lS large enough for hall a dozen ' over at last, and the poor prisoner, thank ' The whole house lS large, nuas.' Heaven, is set free Last mght he roam.ed 'Tell me,' said ~:1ar1a.n, dra~1ng cloe:er to out, half·delmous, m the temporary absence the old \\Oman "what is it about the of his nnrse, returnmg only to die house bemg haunted 1' He led :Mauan from the rootll , she Mrs Brett souled breathed more freely lll the fresh air of the ' PAople 1vi.U talk, miss,' she Bmrl, ' and portico 'v1thout it s no u se trymg to stop em And the Mar12.n, pursued Aldebert, in a l ow, car truth i s, strange tl11ngs have happened in nest-voice, 'you \\Ill not lea\e the Grange thlS house, although it s haunted by noth· now 1 \V1th j ou all 1te eunshine wouhl de ing wo1se than sad memor1es When I 'vu.a part' m my prime, it was o different place, Mao· ' I "1ll stay, she a~swered quires all the attention l)he 1.;an obtain, and laid all the infamies committed dur1ng b11:1 gen erally adopted flencc the 011g1n of the Elispenses none in return It is good to see reign npon the shoulders of Metternich ex.press1 on, 'God save the Ulark, as the forn1 an American "ornan (I beg pardon, I should After the expuls10n of tho latter, pool of eJaculal1on 11pp1011ch1ng the character of say lady, for there are no An1encan 'vornen, Ferdinand II , found a "orse oppressor in an exceptmg m the speeches of Mrns Anthon) bis 1mper1ous sister in lnw,the Archdui.;bess and her hke) march solemnly up the dmmg- Sopnia, who constantly urged bun to Elane Keepmg Faith room of her hotel 'lhe ste\\ard has no tion her despotic m easures The Emperor necessity to show her a chan, she knO\'i s steadily relusod, but otten ·aid he \\ould be Sir \V1 l!ta1n Napier was one day tul 1ng where shfl is going to s1t, a.nd she hkes it only too glad to get nd of the cares of gov a long countly \\ alk) when he 1net a littlo g irl about tl\ e years u!J zsobl)Jng O\er u. to be as far fron1 the aoor as possible Se ernment At length, "hen bis strength was exhaus br oken 'Jo\~ l 8lie hnd d1oppt'd and Uruken rene and steady she goes as much of tbe \\hole l ength of the rooru a.s she can, show· ttd, he thrc\1. do\\ ll his crown, and retired it, in bu ng ing iL bi.l l k Jro111 the field to H nce ln e<l in ob \\ h1ch sl c..: had takc;u her i lthe1 l:i d1uut-r, . .~ mg plarnly by her demeanor that she eon to Prugue, where be has I . s1ders tbo.t she sheds a humnn1s1nginfl.nence scurity He never goes to puLhc entertain o:1.nd sh e sa1tl she wou!J be btlaten on her A~ !:!he a.rounU her by l11~r p1 esencr., as 1ndeed she l!lents, and rarely leaves the Hradsclna, ex retui n hon1e f r La \ n L"I bi::oli. cu tt 1nva11ably credits herself w1 t h doing in her cept to take a bnef ~ alk H 1s family pa> saul t\n >1, a sudden gleam of hope Bec; 1necl His onl~ to cheer he1 wn tings and her speeches After lier, nt a no attention to b1m wb:itever She innoe<:!ntly looked up d1stnncc to preserve a proper effect for cornpanions are two old sl'.!rva.nts, who have into Sir \V1ll ia1n s lace u.nd i::ulJ, .But )OU All the can mend it cant )OU 1' thenu;el ves, and not to interfere '\ ith that been with lnm from hrn yontlL tle expla1ued ";h1ch she erea~e, follow n.ny s1nall fry in pleasure he has, cousists in rua"k.1ng httle 1n that Le co ul d not tneu<l the bowl, but the the shape of girls het11 een five and fourteen gen1ous to) sin his cab1net malnng shop troub le li e could O\tlcou1e bj the gift uf 1low<;\er, on 'ears of age that she may posse·· The He has an undoubted talent m that direc a sixpen ce t o buy nnot 11er bus band and father comes in later on, with t1on ope ui ug lus purse, ll wa.a e1npty o1 silver, He never reacls ne\\Spape1e, nnd har<ll) aud h e p1on11atd tt meet lns little fnend ou out any effect at all, ~nd the httlc boys, when there are any, usually dme with the ever opens a book Few visitors call u por c.h o ,;ca111e spot at tlie same hour neu OUJ' servants at an early hour If there he a.oy him, except sorne priests, who con' erse \\ 1tl1 11.nJ t o bring sixpence wtth h1u1 , lnddi ug Re dtshx:e a to b ~ r, iuean wbi le, to tell he1 u1othe1 tsbe had girls of suo:teen or so, they come first, as by h1m on rehgioua n1atters that time mnmma bas had her reign and have his reign alluded to, and 'vbenever Jt seen ll. gcn tl en1an who would bitng her the must abdicate bersovere1gmty Young la· 16 mentioned, immediately changes the sub rr..on e) for a b owl ucx.L <lay The child, en dies do not pay any very groat respect to JCCI ttrely tr usting h 1n1, \\.Cat on h er "a:; co in His ta hie 16 simpler than that of bis scr fortell On his 1eturn ho1ue he fournl an elther munimn. or papa here, and it is not at all unco1nmon to see in the newspapers van ts He never drinks "iqe, and has nev lnv1lation to dine at the follow1nti Hts b~drootn eve1uug, to 111 ec t souu::: 01 e who1u he t.::spec1 where everythrng is reported that Engh·h er used tobacco in his ]1fe There are four large ally y,; tshed to E!ec He hesitated 1or soru e people keep to themselves, that ' MJSs So looks hke a chapel and So gave ·ball last mght at the resi crucifixes m it Such is the evenmg of the litt le tuue, trJ 1ng t o calculate tl;Je posstL1hty of g1 v111g ihe 111eetit1,... to 111.s little i1ie111 of dence of bet parents,' &e. Tho young lady hfe of this modern Diocletian lA U8Ually called the, ' faacu1at1ng hostess,' !\!ark Twam once bought a horse bv auc th e br )ken bon I, and 1::111ll bClng in time for the house is usually called the ' elegaut tion 1 In the afternoon,' he says, ' I brought the dinn er par ty u1 Ba th , but. fiu h ng tlus residence,' the arrangements ate invariably the creature into the Plaza, and certain c1tl 0ould no t be, be "rote to decline accept ing · complete, and the ball, which, by the zens held him by the head, and others by the in\ 1ta.t1ou on tbe plea of a previous ~n .. 'vav, is somet1meo called a' hop, 1s u.l"ays the tail, while I mounted him As soon as gagemont, AO.Jl ng I can not u1eappo1ntht: 1, 'admitted by all who bad the privilege of they let go, he placed all h is feet lD a bunch she trusted me 1 atteni11ng to ha\ e been of the most recherche together, lowered h16 back, and theu sud Jo H~ WEBLEY AS A FBEE MASO~ -JoLn descript10n,' and hereafter follow not only dcnly arched it up·o.rd,and shot me straight \.Vesley as a !tictlivd1st lt;:for1ner Is well notices of the young lad1eo eo·lurriel!, but n1to the, a. matter of three or four feet 1 kllO\\ n th e \"\ iUe \\ 01 ltl over , Liu t J ohu \\i es.. statement· of what the reporter thought I cam e straight down agam, hit m the sad Icy as a it ee n1a~on I~ no~ so \\~I] kno\vn to ' Miss Ella dle, went instantly np again, came down al of theit appearanc'l, as thus the pu blic, nnd ~et the Christian Age, wh ich Binnk a lively brunette, looked particularly most on a high pommel, shot up again, and is pu blished in N en Y 01k, puLJ tljb~s the charming in pink tarlatE\ne, with natural cnrne down on the horses neck-all in th t: fvllo\\ 10 0 staten1ent wu1ch tibowe that Wee lo\\ ere in her luxuriant and Jetty r1nglcta, spo.ce of three or four seconds Then he lev \\ as n mcmbci: ot tl1e orJcr - ' Tbe <le but the acknowledqed oelle of the evening rose, and stood almost straight up on hHi cease a nd inneral uf l-lngb ~lin tin, of Down was the beautiful and accompLsbed llhss h1nd feet , and I, clasping bis lean neck patr1ck, are reported in tbe Doivnpatrick Re D ..h, an cxqu1s1tc blonde, "ho dobuted on desperately, ehd back mto his saddle, and c01d e~, wh1cb states that Mr Martin was tlua occasion, and \vhose sparkling salbes, h eld on He camA down and nnmed1a telv knO\\ n uncl rc>lpccted as 1 the Jat her of l\..fu. not less than her unsurpa!ieed personal hoisted his heels into the air, dehve r1ng a son1y in t he clistr1ct, b~ having been con .. charms, secured her a. crO\\ d of atll!lirers v-1c1ous kick at the sky, and stood on his nect cd '\ 1th the craft fur 'hHL\ six .)earl!, during the whole evemng fore feet, n.nd then down he ca1ne once more, 'and more pa1t1culatly \\1th lodge <!67, and began the or1g1nnl exercise of shooting Dov;npatr1 ck, in 1\ h ich tho ltev Joh n \Ves me straight up agam The thml time I hiy, th n founder of ~Iethodism, \Vas inihat .. went np I heard a stranger say, ' Oh, don t A Curious Custom ed. into the secrets ot the order on October he buck though I While I was up, some 30, 17~ 8 A buut I 00 of tb· brethren ut It was the custom, m Bab) Ion, firn ban boay stmck the boISs a sounding th waok tended the funeral nud clergy ot various de .. dred years before the Cbr1Btlon era, to have with a leather strap, and when I nrnved nom1n a t1 one were present The Itev David an annual auction of the unmarried lad1P.~ again ' the horse W!ls not there ' Gordon deli vered llil addrcq.e, in which h e In every yea1, on a ciartain day, each dt~ BAN KRU!'T LAW-' &niUo, 'vh!tt yo1.,;r refetre<l to the Ueceased as u Protestant of tr1ct assembled all its v1rg1ns of marriagaLJe ·ptmon ob de bankrupt law 1 the true stnm p, and stated that but a fe\.v ' T1nk um fust rate, Pompet age The most beautiful weie pttt up first, hours b6fore Lis d eath, b:T 1 1-larttu r;poke to 'I imply for the appellat·on mysell and the man who paid the highest price gained possession of her The second in Just splam hims prmmple" 'Vilhy, you see here, now, JUS len m e <lat personal charms followed her, and so on, so that the bidders nnght gratify them·olves half dollar you got for whitewashing Pompey hands him the money, and Sam with wLves aceordmg to the length ol their purses There might yet remain m Baby- bo dehberately put it m his pocket him ( ~fr Gordon) · of J uhn Wesiey, a broth er .Mason, whose enrolhuent ID that craft, it seems, to ok place 1n Downpat11ek in th e I) ear 1738 B is relcrcnc· to the g1eat an i good mi s ~no n ary , howe\.er, "as chi1;fiy in commendat10n of a broad Catho!Jc spmt l\Iethod1om If a nu1u e' er tee ls himself utterly con· t emptable, it lB "hen he has been allowed to gt vc ex p1ess1on to Ins fech11gB in the ex citeme.1 t of p rn '!Oil 11 Jou :va1Jt to 'heap coals of fire on hnu nt e.uch a tune, Just s1m loo same for \Vhom no n1oney was offered, ' Dere den, DO\V I owee de shoen1a.ker wb1ch am mated t he founde r of Weoleyan bnt provident Babylomaua managed that three sh1llmgs, and you half a dollar, be Now, dis half do! When all the comely ones are sold, the crier sides de grogshop bill orders the most deformed one to stand up, Jar am all de property I got I dmdes him ai J for a email sum she ts adjudged to him occordm to de debt ' ' Sambo, I takes dat ball dollar back ' \\ o 15 satisfied with the least and in tlu s rn_nner the money raised f10m the oale of S ambo, \V1th amazement, 'You tn1k <l1 s the handsome ecr\: es as a portion to those ch1le green l You gits yo share "'d de v. no are either of dun greeable looks, or that oder cre<\1tora h ' e any other imper!ect10n Sombo wao Ill h onCEt ns some othel'I' pl) say notlur - do oothrng , only look at him m oilenee -Anon ·

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