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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 3 Apr 1874, p. 3

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·' " -4 Q.U AN'l'ITY of tho c·lebroted A SMALLWHEAT for · :F~\RR 'Yish to h1form tho public generally, tbe.t they have commenced the l'. W. CO:tfSAUL. Bowmanville 1 A1n-il 2nd, 1874. tn26-lw. DR. S. S. FITCH'S "Falllil:V Physict;i,n," Containing descriptions of Diseases and rules for their trcntment, will be sent by mnil 1 free cif all charge, to anyone sending their address to 711 Broadway, New York. March 18th, 1874. bp·lm·m24·ol2. ·Grocery Biztsiness GL:ENDINNING'S BLOCK, where they offer NEARIJY ALL .CO ~IE TO HAND and the assortment will b>e ·found We tho underf'li~ Ilt>l-1, would reE:pcctfUlly inforJu the J1 ub\lc. t hat we have Purt/1a11ed t lte entire Photogra.pli.ic have/ Businese, . FIELD BOLt.EBS. it of lnaking Field Rollers for a number of years, and he is now pr. _to _manufact~re them on the most approved · pnnc1plc. Prwe T HE UNDERSIGNED hM been in the ll&b· $ 16. GARDEN &FLQWER SEEDS~ Sent by 1viail, to all pa1·ts of the DOlVl:INION. -:o:- preparation, l!lade chiefly from tho native herbs (ouud on the lower ranges of tbe Sierra Nev;ad~mountains o,f'Califor· nia, the pledicinal propol'ties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcol101. Tho question is almost daily asked, "What is tbe causp of the unparalleled success of V:umuan BIT1'EltSf" OtU· answer l~, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient rocovcrn his health. They are the groat lJlood purifier and a life-giving principle, ~ perfect Reno\'ator ancl In vigorator of the system. Never before in the qurihtie~ of VI~~GAJ~.BITTER . s iu healing Uie Sick of every dise®e ll1l1ll is beil." to. Thoy· are a gentle Purgative o.s "·ell -as a 'l'onic, Dr. J. Walker's California Yiu· cgar Bitters aro a purely Vegetable Olt, CASH, a complete n.asortment of VEltY CONI: P LETE AND formerly carried on lir R.. &. Ii . .O'RAilA, 11nd Mlt. HENRY, and ·-would aay to u.ll~ that 've First-class Facilities for moJdng Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour, Seeds, PRICES MOD-ER ATE. The Public are solicited to ·o-'V e keelJ on h l\,u<l: a Goo d Stock of _ First-class Work. ALBUMS & FRAMES, of Various d ylP8 and P.l"ices. We '\VOuld also n:imind thoi:;e 1\-"ho whh C·tll nnd see for themselves. . ' Hampton. Sept. 18th 1872 H. ELLIOTT, JUI'. . lip· Ot:tr Chromo, " 'l'HE LITTLE FLOBIBTS ," · l7x22 history of the world has 11 medicine bee11 Com:pouuded posse ~r;;ing the renlarkable TOBACCO, CIGARS, PIPES, &o. ' Their 1\-!otto i~_ to not Mpend the day in ~hopping-. and when fatigued, sudrlcnly d et~ nninc .t1> be Photograpli· eJ, · If you do i t if'l ~u n;: Lu Le a failure. GOOD PHOTOS', E-XT RA PAI NS '. ~ inche::, is r:i ent free to a.U who favor us \Vith Ol'· ders to the amount of JU-VE DOLLAlls. Sen·l for Catalogue, v;·hich wo mail gratis to all who wioh. :B:i:os., & l3o:wma.n, SEEDSMEN, OSHAWA, Ont. Foh.:3rrl,18i4. bp-tf-ofj -ua.18. relieving Congestion or Inflammatiou ·of the Li-vcr ~11:1 Visceral Organ.Si in Bilious Diseases. ,,.. '£110 properties of Dn. ALKER's V1~BGARl31'J"fERS are .Apei-ie11t, Diap .J horetic, <)an.lliuative, Nutritions, Ln.x ativc, Diuretic, w Hetlative, Counter-Irritant. Sn<loritic; Altetu.· t.ivA. aud ..iDLi-Bil:iJ1'J r.; . , tmd l>Ol'. O!' Ww~lli11j.'.'!.ll'l IF '! I: Jlrng~~i;;h " FAIR PLAY, SMALL PROFITS, AND QUICK RETURNS." J. L. STROWG ER J. D. STROWGER. 22. CASH SALE AT Gre~1t (Jleat'ing, ta.ken to pr?cure GOOD Bnsinel'ls - PICTURES OF Cll ILDREI!, hour~ lf?i!" [Je "'"' to Come /i:arly: In the fo1·e pact fron1 !'l a.. m. t ill 4 P- n1. , during the 1N~int ~1· months. of th· doy ; E·peciully with lhe lJA jjJES HARRY TAIT. JAS. ARTHUR FOR SALE. I'H,E'l'ON A nearly new. Hlhmpton. :1 !Hl G(".:.-A:.;ts .. ~· :_. ,_. :;-: Sckl b;,- ·_\!l :· F or t cr1ns, app1y to Rev . A. l{ichard, Solina, or to H. Jl.:lliott, Junr., BUGGY, (Silver Plated) E(; AR BrTrnRs t!Je TllJ1"t wonrlerful ln· vi i;nraot· t.bnt ('.VQr snsta.inctl the 'Sinking Grateful '1'housa11ds jil'Ocfaim Vrx. . · ' . · ; . ANl)ERSON .& CO'S :SOOT A.ND A1' THE NE'W . GALLERY. Prints can be had r.f alt negativea taken in O'Ha.ra's and Henry'8 Galle1-ics, and also pdut~ from negatives takeri. 'in ]'lctcbt~l"$ Gallery by . H. Tait. llown1n.nvi1lo, Nov 12th, 1873. bp·o43·rn6·tf A. RICHARD, IIan1ptou 1 lV!arch 25Lh, 1874. 25-Sin . system. , s:a:o::m EMPOnI'tilvl:. HORSES FOR SALE. old, JG ho.nd~high . Also 1 about 16 hands high, both Bay color, a SQlcndid 1'eu,m, and will be Rold reasonable. Inquire on the pL-en1is6S, Lot 22, ~th Con. Cl:trk o, 1~ mile Ea~t of Orono, Hor~e, 7 years ]\fare~ years old, THEGSUBSCRIBl£RS March 25th, 1874. offer ftn- S:~lti, On~ according· to d irectio nsi :ind 1 ;01nain long unwell, p rovided tlicii· Unti e~ arc not d c·Stroycd by rniucral poison or otbor n1eans, and viral orgaus 'ivasted lieyond No'Persou call take these Ihttcrs --·--·- -- repair. Jent in t.lie YnlleyR of 01n· great l't\.,.c1·s throughout the Onitnd States, especially those of tile I\fississippi, Ohio, 11i~souri , Illinoi.s, 'l'en11cssoo1 Cuu1 berJand, Arkun sa..~. l{ed, Colorar1o, · Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Sa\'etnnoh, Roanukc7 Jall'.los, and n1an)' otllcr&, w1tll their '\-'ft.St tl'ilHJtftri.cs, throng-bout our entire countrv c1urinrr tlle 81u111ner and Antuqn1, nnd-rcinarl~'l-bly so during sear~ngen1outs of tile sto1nach and li\'Ol".: and 0U.1er ;tln1ou1iual vl~ce ra. Iu tlloit .Bilious Ucmitteut aml Inter· mittent ]levers, which arc so prcrn· BIJSINESS CHANGE. 1 1HE UNDERSIGNED bog· to announcetd the public generally, that be has purchase· th~ stuck and goodwill of the bnsiDess heretofore ca.rl'ied on in the -· !'elt Goods,r J.!tubbers and Oversho· es Selling at COST, for T~IR.TY DAYS. !ifust be sold to make room for more. Don't fail to call and get Bargains AT Beeil's old Stan~: · Bown1anville, Jan 1st, 1874. GEO. D'.ll.JSOX, JUNR. , 25-2in. PROPERTY FOR SALE. \.VO Building Lots, ~itnn.te iu the :I'own of_ Bowmm"·ille. Lot 1. Situate on the north-west corner of K ing and Libei·ty Streets. Lot 2. Situate on thfl CC'H'ne:· of Lamb and Conce'5si.on )'3t.reets. rfitlc ~ndispnt.r1ible. I'or further particulars apply to T · Village ot Hampton, IlY ANDERSON & co. E.Le:phant House! HE UNDERSIGNED in returniug lhanks to hi'.> many frit: ndA and the public gen1Jrally for the liberal patrQnage extended to him clur· ing the pa1:1t 18 year~, begs to annouu.ce that from and u.fter the 15th St·pteuilii;,r, be wtll ca.1Ty on the sa1ne bu~in~S:! , Lut mure eXtt:llsh·ely under the 11a111e and ~tyle of ,J'u:H ~ ?-.1 cJ.11 oD & Co. Prompt tJaynic IJt t;f all act:uunts i>1 rt:nHlered imperativt: by tLi s b11S1b 1t:~1:1 1uTt1.ll~t:lllt:Ut, suiJ all IJt:rsonH iuctebtt:d will µleas\! takt: ?J u t . Ct) and go,·ern U1emselve1:1 a.ccordtnc.:ly. JUHN' McLEOD. Bvwtnatnille, Septen1ber 4ttl, 187J . · THE T Ja.mes C:1,1yderma.n, as Cabinet maker au<l Underta.kel', and will uuntinue the bu :iiness in the old premisns, "'itb a full a:;aortment of first class Furniture, Coffins, Shxoucl!J, &c., 'vill be ki:pt on hand, and hopes by strict attention to business 1 a11d roucleratc char~ es to merit th" patronage of the pC<lplo, 'l'o son.s of n11us1u1l heat and dryness, nro invaria.l.ily accon1 panicd by exteusive Uctrcat111c11t, a purgittivo, exerting a po\Yorf'u l influence upnn thcso various or- the Inha'bita.nts of :Bow ma.nville. I an1 a.bout getting a :>IRS. DORCAS PINCH. 130wrnti.t1vllle, Ma1·ch 12th, 18.74 . ..... 23: 1m DENTAL BURRING by whic-h I c.iu El\GINE FOR SAL:E:. A 'YOUNG· Nb:'L'l:IE11BY Entire Horse, 5 ..i...~ y~ar.'l old . F o1· iiitetjuultws, :.tpply tu the owner, }\:fn.rc]1 gans, i~ essentially necessary. 1 l'hcro is ,110 call1 for Lhe pnrpusi.: equal Lo E> n . .J. WAr.1~ "1l's VrnroGAJ' Brrnrns, Lot 20, [ith Con. Darlington, l\1Lh, 1874. oo24-7in.. :llR JOHN WIJ"OOOK, ns they \Y ill Specd: ly ro1111)\'0 tlle dnrkcolni'c<l rbc hl 1naltet· with \rhiv~l tho bo~·els ;:1'0 l o: Hl;~!l , < it tl10 F:;1111e ti1110 sti!nulaCn~- il :c :::cc1-e t io11:s of t he livcrJ Extract Teeth in less than. half the usua.1 time and \1rith le11fl pain to the patient than heretofore, anrl t.bat. T bsw> procnred a. Ne'W" And l':tnp:l1'ove"d A.1>parat11s EX'l'RAC'l' 'l'EE~n \VI'l'HOUT PAIN. ARTIFI·JIAL 'l.t:1.>TH Bt> dT UPPElt SETS, $20100 GOOD cl~. . - sns,oo inr genero.tinz !\-1tron· Ox!dc Gas. bv whJchl can now and g;.;ncrally rCstoting tllc l1caltlly funct.i o11s of tho il ige;:;f,iYQ org:uu1. Insolvent Act of 1869 and Amendments Thereto. C! Province of, l-nitcd Conntios of No~thurnb1:rland anfl Durha1n, To )Vit: :Furti fy the !lolly against lliseaso by puriryin~ all its Hu ids with \trNEoAg On WEDNESDAY, the Fifteenth day of April next , at the hour of i:leven o'clock in t~e forenoon. the undersigned will apply to the said Court foi· a dischargo 11nder the said ~.\.ct. flfr A ttm·nc11 ad lite11L Dated ;tt Bown1anrille, thia 12th day, of.Mar. .A.. D., 1874. 23-5ins. In the County Court of the United Coimtics of !"!'!"'!'!'!!"!"'!!!!"!~~~~!'!"'!!""~"""~'!!'!'""""'!!!!~""""""""'!'!!!!!!!'!'.'!!i!o!!!!'!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~S!!!P lv-rorthiiniVerland and 1Ju.-rha·1n, In the 11Utt· ter oj JAMES WYLLIE, cm Insolvent. ~ J &W J M 0M urt ry &'C 0· 1 1 · · . 1 DITT.El\S. No epide1uic crin tako llolrl of a 8Ystn'.n thu s forA-0.rn1ed. nchc. Pain ill the Sh oulders, Coughs1 css of tlic Chest, Diziiness, Sour I:: ttlC tiltio!Fl 0f l h 0 8l0I !lat:11, J.1ad rl'llG t.e in e 1\!n11U1, liilirllrn Ali-unks, Pa1pita- 'l'HE HE.A.ESE lrn.ving been })3;siw;rnia or lmligeHtion, TToad· Licentiate of the Royal College of J:)ental Surgeons, Ont .Bo1vmanville, October 873. - J.. JYJ:. :Brimaioombe, · .. YuURS RESPE<.n·~'ULLY , CASH. TJoh~~u~.~~~~~.,~ c.'·T H Lilfo,·al S apport an< H · Patronage E ·xtend ed Fil Inn:.: to John ..\fcLeo . u 1d t·akt'>l thi s HJJJ-!OrtUUity nf- it ·JI Wini; tlw pn hJi.1;, that thty ha1 {j1 l!J Improved and Painted, s now one of the best in the County, Q.era proinptly attended to. All or E'ery 1 · Day tntion of t.lle 1.lcnrt., Inflannnati on of the I~t111g;-J, _Palu in the region of tho l{id ncys, :rn:i n lrnn;ll·nil ot.1101 · painful sy1up· t on1s , nro thr: .or!Spl'ings of J)yspcps:n. On e lJ:JLtle: w ill prt)\'C n I let ter guarantee uf i ts inuritG than a Jcngtlly ndvcrlise11H:nt.. :El.. XA. TERSON. quired, and rep~ra neatly executed. Hampton , Sep. 18th, 1873. JAMES WYLLIE, . by 1\. RUSSELL LQSCOMBE, NEW SPRIN . Q "Vill conLinue to arrive at D '-.:II 0 0 I" ., ' s p _8 .-Furniture made to order 'Vl-·hen re C@ME . ._ 8. l. -s and EE E LONct c~Eti:crrs,E THE DISCi\ RDED OLD SYSTEM, 14 r 9 HI,L L ,8 . . . FOR SALE. T \VO ~ E \'V' CUTTERS. Inquire at this Office. J3owmanvi!le, Jan . 8th, 1873. 41-tf ·McCLUNG . BROS; S \i;e.Jli ng~~: l.1 lr:c:·r.t, Er y:; ipcln,::i 1 S wl' llcl1 :N eek, U(Jitre, Serofl't10ur.: .I nfl~Jn111wti ( .n::i, lndol c nt Inlli111n111di 11n ', J,r ~rc uriul Affec tions, Old })on\~. l'ln:ui ~r·n~ er th o S kin, So re l~rc..:, otc. J n· UH~~(\ t~-; i:t :::l l (iiht~ r conRtiL1ttio1111I Di ::;· o<tsc;::. f:lcrof11fa, o;· mng's F.vil, Whit· ~ . , N E W/ HATS, . L and~illcondocttheircreditbmi· L E E p p . ness as fvllow1:1; ALL ACCOUN'l'S RENDERED will be . Vi'" .:.1. :;:::,'c; \' 11a:r. -\1t }~ITTEIU Laye NOTICE. 1~ O'l' h; responsible for any dobt a I VVIl~L i111)ttr1·f!d iu 1ny nmne, unless by w r itten por · perinfo:;ion. EJet'Y Week, NEW IlVIPOR'I,ATIONS AT 11lH1Y.-l.1 i i1oir gn!at cu rnti\·c pD\1·cr;;- in tho 1110:.. t ulJ;t in a.hi uud i11tructaL1c cac;c;i. Iihenn in11·: n~, Gont., ' ] }i]juu8 1 l~cu1it to;j t nnd I u: {Tii llLl"<.~ll t. 1· erc:-.~: i)iscascs of 1 for i a lfammatory :mt! Cllrnnic : ~t ul J~lnd<le:1 CAPS 1. \1 (.'.:',() n :1 i;._~ :·.1 !.:1n11~ 0 e:1ua!. iu·~ t·n ( 1:-;1>~l ;.!10 J:Jrn · .. !, i.' -,-1 .,·, E.i d1:L·y1; AND FURS! --o.- Fall &Winter Dry Goods A H ,.. 'ri~: , . . . .·A iH · ·o· - - - - -.. · ' · J'AMES WILLIAl\fS, Darlington, Jan, 15th, lg74. liy YiJ:iLe(1 Bl i!Ud . e JIP ~.:.~!anit! ;.l ]JiRen.srR.-1)e!·sons en- bui::h )Ji".lcasc~ MARXtTS MAYER respectfully anuou..11ccs a I .lo! - A"l"\I"f!'IS' L t6ilad..f rJml His A LARGE LOT OF Wd.D a 'l'ld G'rl"N""S" "l'='IT,.-es '.&ml At. rl8 \ii ..., gag ed in J' ts ;u1!l .Jfi non1l f1, sllch as (!\umLc' r>: 1 Type-~1C't.lCl'·'i , Uo l d- licn'f.\, ~ud 1Jii:c:r,, '" t l:oy ""' """" i11 l ife, nrn SlliljllCt 10 t1t11·:1 ! r .~'.!; HOUSE AND LOT in the KcCl ung :Sros. ARCE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT (' r ag,ciir 1. :!1i", 1 11,c Town of :Sowma.nville FOR SALE. QI'l'U ·.A.TE on ~ing St~r~et, ~eru.:ly op po site U the ·i;:astern llotcl. I here w .l acr.e of land, on wl1ich are all the accommodations . The house is of brlck, <:qnte. infl 8 roo1n'4, and is in good state of repafr. Texms easy, - _.\.pply - t~ the proprietor Ete1~y Pe1'so11 Should see ! ·:{~1 \ [~ 1;1-r·:TT: :ct nh'_,:1.-;io11n !l_\'. ! I.h o D'.;we-lr'. '.l'o gnanl C. c"o , ,f WALKJm's FIN· NEW GOODS suitable Jor -the Fall and Winter trade . . . : stock of :Furs embraces iHf\\·ell :t.s -of- Bownmnv1llc. Nov. 1st, 1873. VER.Y c H E A p N T Zn _ eac.\, and every yea'r'. In the c:ISc· ot " fanufactn.rere. J!r[e,Jrn.nic~. and ntht1r", w h os~ acc,nnts mny amount tu '" over, their note, if ag rl:!ed ll))(')JL \Vi!_J be ta.kt!ll p1~yable at t·1 e bank fol' a ·tated period, ~u0.00 N T THE ]!'\;.;_· fJ~~i:1 .1Ji:··0:j.Sf;S, Erup t ion3, 'l1ct~ j (· r, ~~·~·IL· tl lll111 Hlu~0llC;4_, Spnt,:1, ' P:illlfJlCf!! \> f' ]'" "'" :""' 1:oi l1, Caruuuc·lc,, llillg'WOflll < <, fi 1 ;1', E1·yt:iiwla.;o , 1tel 1, _ ·g!(>h 0:i.:1J h·. · !'i~ E_r1 Setn-r'1', ni.--enlor:ctio1i:i c;f t1 1c . S kin, Jfnn1or.'i and D!-.{~:l.;~t:~ th;~ Sidn of \·;]Jn t cYel·._!li\TI.lO ALL THE NOVELTI~S, ~ _ necessaries in the department. 0_ Great D. ' ! HI ISCOUDt Sale .) f J _ Cash Purchasers AND Prompt Payers on credits short ' MB. LESSLIE SCO'l"l', TI-IE N E'W' AT "'*""Y g STOCK or n;ru.1ri>, litr.nd!.r tl ug ti111b llLJ and carriccl ont cf tl H; ~rir0 r s tc;n in a !"'l:ort b;)-' thG UfiO . ., _ e _ of thor:n I.c,t 14, 4th Oon. Darlingto n. (m22·2mos.) · . g· Efery ThID ]j · ; " · ·. . ·.. , "l\R' · " "4lun0'! .,""1ila -e""o·s. . .· brhi"~-'" u,,, '"';"'"' .,r 1" ' 11rnny thous·rnly, 1 Mufllers, Collars, Shirts, S f: U b II & ~;:~.r .'.:[;;L·~~·;:i i:;~~~- 1 1~\~1\!~(\';·~~ ~:/1'.~ 11 ;~{:.~~~~-~:o . ~d~ -~races~ car ~o- m re as, c. l'i!i, 'i'n11r, aml othn- Worms, 0 n;,,,,,.,, HiS: Gents' Dopartmcnt is equally v.'oll sup ;;;: ·-·tpliedwith c .i\. p~·Jor s Desirou:-.. of cncuura.ginf! .._, tl1C- H . . s y S T E M . _... ' ,,,., and determin~d to redu~e. our, p1:esent large ~tock, to the lowest point thclllli lli (irl wi ll fr c:· t'.:n rcnl!.Clll fro:n "°Jill> li ko :be -c :: ' 11,c t· . . , · 1.'.:J;~:;;r;;,:}[i~~\;,:;~.'~';,?~:.:f. . 0, . t:tt, };',';f~.:1 1 ·,~ ai: ll ;.,,d . 1.:· .- ~~,~ t: :rn '[' lifP., t'.h e~e 'ro11i6 improv c·11 """ i:.1 " '"' i""c er:ti· le. 1 .1' " 11 " "' ' . H' H t d () · " a an . V.ARIOUS STYLES 1- ,0;\: 1 :~~tb d rlment as usual is the' ' ]Jitters ·fop!":··"" A ,:.c,,:,J<.cl Jl~~inflncnco TO ATTRACT ' ' AT Cl\. :~,nsc th3 ,. il,intetl 1-HoQ!l 11~hen"' · _ · TO E 's ' .E . ,A· ' s oN ' · cn·r :t< .in; p· ·if'Qa lr :\· .;ti'1g thqn1gh. LICI'rED AT THE CORNER s R THIS . ,. '7 1the-;.ki ,,,,in N in;;!·.,', Ed:pc;,,, ;,,, '" . ~ln·cp; . ALL KINDS OF FURS ALTERED . _ . ('] 0[1.1i>:c i t \· :he;1 yo1 \ fintl it yil'trt.!'uct~.:1 anl]. · ~ A~D REP...\IRED. tlia.t. · . 11.nd intending pur..ch_ M ers \Vill find no better .· . stock in thecountt1·. A CALL IS RESPECTFULLY SO- Ten per cent · D1"sc 0 unt o'"' all purchases of JJ. $5 and upwards, for Cash. 1 Also Ftve l'Jer cent. off. l if $l discoitnt l ·· d till pivr· · · · to rece1v1ng Bpr1ng Importat1onsJ I 110'\v offer u Well Assorted u AND 0 \will .1,,.,.ye ~et goode ot prier·" cut :FINE, as our great aim will be tocoul't thi s cht:i ::i of tra.dt1. ,_ 'I' H j Stoo~ Ja&t\t~e c;, 0 . E s _ . , I · Cook. A 8 T 0 V E 8, fo· \\·ond or coaJ. xr~J.' P~J~;,ya~d Box I d'd a. -t f C1iltSeS 0 . . ll'llt u.-nwar ; . r 'S· l.lo"'m"'w11!0, September ·lth,'73 JOHN. McL~: uD & Co. E s . """ ,.... ,-. · - ""\. .,_ · - 1 "' .: ' " " " "' I slm.!gid1 in I I ·ci!I MoClung :Sros·.~: ~ . : 1 Will be Lho r 1 ;in"; elef!nW ic vd1cn it iH foul;" ynnr i'e<!i i 1q~,.; will tdl yon when. Ket>p th e l1lonll pn n ', al!1.l t!H: l.H!a.!1,!1 pi' tlH~ t<yr;t.oiu ---:o:--- c ' ' . ' Ete1·y Depa1 t1nent· ~ :c:awci- \s~o:a:m. -~:,:·l h y .;~i ~ ' .i ,~ 1.,,{~ ~. u;l D<,alc~IS. 1~· 11 t::·, ,f,,fi(·>;~~.,, & (: '.) .. ° ~:Slf/~· 1l1~ .t-;,~·:\\'.:\~ ·1·i ::1:,'.·7,'./·:1 ~i,: ;;;X;;;.;~~~i~ :'~)t,~~;:6J~·~:1·1 in, .. J:' noid for Ba"W ~:fAYER. ---- ;\ly Goods n-re rna,rked in plain figures, 11s low as any ho11est dealer can 11fford to sell. . . Bowmltnville, October, 1873 . 1\f. - - - - - - - - - - - -- ., I I 1 FRUIT, AND Come a.long then, and get as much for· $S a.s ca.n 'be · · got elsewhere for Ten, . besides t Le advantage of' ha dug p :Sible Ch:ri~tian . A:\D M.LGWRY, taµt~ , /l AT I~~!~r~~=tfµ~~:, ~~;,:,?~.~!' I 'l1YRONE, of - - - _ and 1:1Lu1·otrnding country, thitt he bl.lo~ opened a Drue· Store in the above named v1llagf. :Confectionery Depot. U' !IOLESA LE and RET.AIL Ju::l t arriveJ,"and fur Si~le, at the-al;iove d(;pnt, Large Stock of First-cl~ss Goods to select from, comprising BOOK ROOM Sa.'bbath ~ch.col Ne1J} Frwit uwl Conjectione?:ys, . THE ~oCl ung Eros. .MILLINERy ana. MA.N'I'LES, of our own rnanufactme. D6pot, KIKC UHE.T, Et\\MPJiV!lLE. The Rube;cdlwt Lns on hand a. ~vith a well assorted stock ef Dominion Orga.n Co'y. BOWMANVI LLE, .Pre:::1ent the following testimonial ~ f1·om co1n· petent judges of Orgru1s, 'l 'ostin1onhi.l fi·o1u John Cn1nidge, ~'Ius . Doc. 1 Canluar, Engla.n d. Bowt.uanville, 24th Dec . , 1873. J.'o the ,_lfanagcrs Doni4nion Orgain Cv. G1·:ti"'r 1, 11JM E.N .-I like to pln.y on your Organs the tone iii BO sweet and ::;tbady. And the work· 1na..oship and tiniah excellent, and in every ·pa-rtlcular they al'e equal, if not superior, to any I have ever heard. Hoping they will meet v,;ith public ap1lreciation. _ Ewery llan ~ Should see Drugs, 1lfedicines, Chemicals, DATEs. PIGs, LEMoNs ORANGES TO ARR. VE Patent .Medicines, PerfumSofl Shell Almoncls,Filberts, Brazil anrl Wall ery, Brushes, Combs, Euts, Keiller's 1lfa..rmalade, Tf'est India Toilet Soaps, Preserved Ginger, Pears, Ptum.s, To· Horse and Cattle 1lfedicines. matoes. &: Peache.~, Gn;c·n Peas., He ha.a: also Choice Lemo.:n, Cra.nge a.nd. Citron :Peels, Ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoes. Large stock of Books, _ · Finest claso of - -o-- Clothing to O:der. King St West, Oshaw1t, J an. suited for Sn.bhatb S chool L ibraries, Sa,bbath Presents, nnd the Study. THE A.1.' Green Gorn & Lirna Becftns. TWEEDS, JOHN GA.MIDGE. ,lV.CcClung :Sros. Books, 1tlaps, CJ.arts., .Frames, En,qravin_qs, Stationery, School Books, Ph11 ::;icians1 prescriptions_arnd Family ~:[edi. cines carefully con1pounded. Public piitronage respectfully solieited, 'l'yTone, ~ov. 12th, 1873. m7tf Our Dominion Excelsior Raspberry Vin egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines Tomato Sauce a.nd Plck!es The;Y have come and are coming, at the F1·1nt Depot. S. TREWIN, 17th, 1874. PI.. OTJGIIS. I ha.Vil ILLUMINATED CARDS, TICKET SMALL BOOKS, &c., for Sabbath Schools! SHELL & SHELLED OYSTERS QUAf.ITY is the test of CHEAPNESS. T . DARLDIGTON. Bown1anvillP. 1 Dec, 4th. 1873. 119-tf Dressmaking, &c. Heal 'V'ould beg to inform the ladies of Bowmanville and vicinity, that she is prepared to tnke ordf;'!'<i for Dreasmakiog,aud fill the same with despath in the To the{!ei'3 of the Do11Hn·ion_Ot·gan Co. GEKTL,EMEN .-I . Read the following from Rosa· ·D 1Etina: Bowmanvlll", Dcccn1ber 22, 1873, have tnuch pleasure in te1>t· ifying to the excellent qualities of the Organ .supplied by you at my concert Saturtlay evening. l'he tone is sweet and very po~erful, and the combination of stops most Mmirable. I am sure your instruments will find favor in Ohurche.s:, us tbt"r arv si1Jgul a.rly adapted for ~acred music. 'Vishing you every success, and hn,t the public 1nny patronize native manufac~. tu r e, Ewet"Y Woman. Should see the MONEY ! MONEY ! 'f"HE undereigned bf!.$ Ja.tely recelved- furth6r T instructions to lend money on Real ;Estate. Jo!- from 5 t o 20 years, nt a lo\\' rate in vc1~11 ~~ NEW DRESS AT I'!!.. ~ oo s _ FTERINARY SURGEON Graduate of V the Ontario Veterinary Colfege, By .ap· pointment 'ret_erinary Surgeon to the West Durh~m :Robert Young, Ploughs, Gang Ploughs, and Iron Hai rows, for sale. JACOB NEADS. B_?wtnanville ~~arch D, 1874. Our Books nre nti:ttkeil luw. A spe-d:ia1 dis. cot1nt for ~Iinisters, 'l'eaubt::rsi and Sabbath Schools. The largest stock of -.-o-- ' LATEST FASHION . (ru22-2moB,) ever shown in this f!cction of the- Co:g11try i a.lso ~·..,.__ - _ and Darlington lTnion Agricultural ' I remain Gentlemen, 'rery iwect.f111ly, - /I ROSA D'ERINA. :Lt.tanager Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yr's H, O'HARA. A, l\f. DARLEY. President.. McOLUNG BROS. Bowmanville, l\1arch, 25th, 1874. Bornnruivile January 1518i4. b9·03-ml6. terest, and, in other respects, up_on tern;is hkely to 1:1utt tJ1e \\'if-ib cs of UflY l1onct 1lde a.pplAca11t. Thfl to ht~ dt,1·i ve(l from applying to the subscriber \\'ill, in all oa:;ies, be fully inade known to the po:i:tt;y applying fox I'. loan b efol'c a.ny expense l':! incu1'red, 'VlVL !{. J,o\ve 1 B a.rrif'ltCr, &c. Office on Silver Street, 2nd door north of 1(iug Street, llow1nanville. Societies. Agent for th0 Livo Stock Branch of the Beaver :i.nd Toronto J\fut1lal .l!lre lna.u rance Her expt;irience fully \V&ITants her in pron1ising · satisfaction. ReSidence, Corner of Church Street, and ~Iarkct Square . pet· ctay, llgent~ wanted J All cla~st"s of \\"orking peoplu of either sex, young or ". ld, .make m . ore mouuy to WtJrk for us in their spare n1ou1ents, or all the t ir.::.i e than at Jl n:ythi~ else. P~r ticohc r~ ·free A;P'l;·e1:1a G. S'l1INcON & 00., P ortland Mo;inc. ol9 Co. Veterinary 1Iedicines constantly on liand. Calls fron1 the country prompt]y attc-nded to. Office :-One door of R . .htianning's Fne· niture Vf :. u tiroon1, Reio!idence OV' Cr S. B nrd cn's store, corner of R ingandScugog Strt:ets, 1101vml1.nvillc. tt "'5 TO $20 ·1' _ l.l .c o_wm_an_vi_ll_ e,~lJ-ec _._ 1_ th ~,_l_S_ 73_.___ __ THE Subscriber respectfully requests all par· ties indebted to bun for Lumbe1·, to settle Microscopes, their u.ecounts withou t f'll1tlitir delay. And lie LUMBER. I do a cash business. hcl·t1by informR builders, and others in want of lnn1her, that- he ia prepared to supplY, them at cash rates for., Henceforth he intends to . _ TIT.OS. SMITH 1 Lot lD, 6 Con. Darlington. Reading Glasses, eto., etc. :Bo wmanville1 Sep. 18th 1873, mUOmoa, llll Nov,28tli, 1873. inStl . 0. BARKER,

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