THE MERCHANT; FRID! Y; APRIL-3, 1874. POETRY. By and By. T.bere'f-1 a little miscbief-nuili:et That is stt>aling half QUI hliss, Sketching pictures in a drea.1n-land 'l1hat never seen in this; Dashing fron1 our lips the plcu.su1·e Of the present v:bile we sigh : You may know this r1'li~(:hi"'f·m!).ker~ }~or his name is " By and By." He is aittio.g by out· hearth-stones, 'Vith his sly, LewiLching glance, ( Wbi.1:11/ti ng of the coming morro'v A.i the !Jocial hours ad""Vance; !Joit'ring 'mid our caltn rcflectipn5. Hiding forn1s of beauty nigh·ITc1s a smooth, deceitful fellow, This enchanter, "'By and By." 'You may know hi.m by his \vinc,>ing, his carolesa, sportive airi = F=A=R=M=A=ND=K,l=TO = H=E=N=. ! Influence of Hard and Soft Water on Dairy Produce. .1.\bout 15 or 20 years ago. the notion prevail· t:!d quite genera.Uy, that good butter could only be produced iu soft 'vater regions, Hon. A. B. Dickine;on, tt1nd other MTiters on butter making, held a.t 'that tiJno, :Lhat no "Jimeetoue soils," or soils containing sufficient lime to render the 'vater "ha.r d,') could be employed successfully for butter-dairying. _<\.nd they. ru.·gued, in case good butter was produced on such soils, .it "'as fit only for nrcor:;ent use, as it soon loS'j; flavor and . heca,mc rancid. The points raiJied aga\nst the hatd water ,yere :-Fir~t, that yo11. could not wash out the buttermilk with S'qch water '\\oith· out injuring the grain of the butter ; and sec. ondly, tho.t the lime acted M a dacomposing agent, thus inducin~ a change in thi;: pn.rticlcs \vhich soon genert1ited rancidity. Mr. son insisted tha.t "soft \va.ter is es indipens11ble to 'nu.!h' butter ::t.s fine linen." rl'be~e <tl'!;rurnents are pla.usible, nud Wtll'8 3.C· cepted b;r u1any iui , facts, notwith1tanding occasional paukages of buttE'l" washed with har4 '\vater, found their way to market, ·which were pronounced in every respect equal in flavor and texture and qua.Uty'to the be.St samples V.'a.shed with soit '\· Henc.e it was asserted tbn.t the "bard water butter" might possibly be mado good for p:ieaent -use. but it \Vould not keep; and as none of the ha.rd \Yater butter makers took the trotJ,blc to kcop their. butter a yt>ar or t·\'O nnd then publiitl1 J sbl\tem~nt of results, the ~u[tt water theory LecaJue establit1hed. ' _,_~gain, it so happen·ed a.t this time th<B:- the rnajority of our Ue·s t butter ,lllakers \Vere located in soft water dfatricts, \Vhile tl,le best chee.;;e 111.:i..kera were in the bard water districts. So both of these classe;i fancied, by virtue of soft or ha.rd '\Vater 1 each bad ::i. royalty over the but· 'ter and c11eeije inarkets of the count,ry, But of Jato ye:u-.s, the ·Qlll. dair,r1nen aeems tu be aur· prfaed that guud butter and goo<l chee&e cnn Le 1n acll~ uu a variety of HoilB, iUHl tliat the \V'1· ter question docs not appear t .o control quality 1873. ·9_:_1878. come to 01Jr kno'\vledge, that certain I TJ..ha.ving .Pedlars are solling Spectacle's and Eye Glass- FALL STOCK. ---o--Dress-Goods Newest Style. of the · es turporting to be of our make, and to bear our flla.Ines stan1ped tberP-on, we hereby caution the public against o.ll suehjmposters,as }'.Ieaars Ycllowlees & Quick al"e our Agents in \Vest D urham ; anrl a Reward of $25. i~ her6Uy offer· eU for the apprehension a,nd conviction of all such impoa~ers as try to defraud the public bv offering their tra..<ih &sour make. ~ LAZAIWS, MORRIS, & CO. Montreal, )Jov. 8tb, 1871. n7-tf CHIT [Tim Bra.d.y a.:nd 'Mike Flynn] 1872 Oct H, a ve you seen Cowla'. s cheap lOct Cottons? !'.A.LL GREY COTTON of the best mnke, including the celebrated By STORM ONT. lOct Cottons at Cowle's···Splendid value. Autumn F - .I S Hop (wt!t of tile Ontario Bank,) By his sly, obtn1sive presence, 'l'hat is straying cv~e ; By the trophies that he gathers Wbere..b..ia s":i:nb1·e... victims lie; Jfm· ·a, hold, determined fellow Is this conq11eror. ·' 1 By and By ." WLen the calfa of <luty ba:tuit 111:1, And tlu.i present Beems to be }._ ;1 tln· t.'.. H: _. t.L "t~ e\'·.' l' mort~ls Snatch fl'om dark eternity, Then a fairy hand seems vainting Pictures on a distant sky , ; For a cunning little artist Is the fairy, " By and By." Street, Bowman ville. builtl and re· of uneqnalled STYLE a.nd QU A.LITY STORMONT BROS. luwe opened out a~!_ '4~1iieftsc "atock 1f Nr·tr~~U Goods. Gre.'tt care has..been taken in lmyrng the S,t ock, ,a,nd , as.:·wthu1g . but First Class Goods have been purchased,,customers can rely on £!.,t;., · ting ,good value fo1: theii· meney. " .· . ..... -, MURDOOH 0 of· every d<.:Midption, at short notice, ando · reasonable terrns. TIM.- " Good morning, Mike, ~l{dre and it is early out ye are. Migh I be bould to axe what started yces this morninrt." MIKE.-" Jist be aisey, Tim, iil}d I'll tell ye irr a jiffy. Ye see, I was tou~~! yisterday, that Misther Gray, ov Tyrone, h:i,d got home · an uligant new stock av Goods, as durt, man, and its meself could hardly slape a wink, all night, thinking av the chape. goods. And sure enufl; its the full store he has-piles and pil_es. av the natest pattems; and he'd give ye the mak~n's av an 1lhgant now gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Cints ; T>iy for most nuthin, and the Baccy for a triffc less." 'l'lM.- "Au shure its funning me ye are l'lllke · wouldn 't the man be l afther breaking down." ' ' MIKE.-" Breaking down, is it. Sure he knows a t hrick wurth two ttv that. I'll jist tell you what it is, Tim, if ye want to get a grate name when youre ded, and be called a fllantrofized filosifer and a pttb!ic binifacllior, jist tell all youre nabours, and the rist av mankmd, about Gray's chape store, and you'll do, more_ for the good av your counthry, than iver St. Patrick did for ould I reland, when he bt.Lnished all the foad s and snakes out av it that niver was in it." ) rrl ·. M.-- "I:m much oblagcd to ye, for the bit av advice, mid won't detam ye ; th_ere'll shurely be >t grate nm, and maybee ,I'cl miss son1e bm·gams. The top av the mornin"' to ·ye."-I'm off to 0 . Gray's. "By antl by," the \Vind is; "By and by." tho heart replies ; But the phantom just above us 1 Ere ·we grasp it, ever fl ies. List 11ot to thl" idie cha.nni;ir ; Scorn the \'ery specious lie ; l{o'd procrastinate forever, Thi~ d~ceiver, " By and By. n - Selct'ted . J. · GIAI, Tyrone. Noted for cbeap Goods. COTTON B.A_GS, BEST in the World. DRE s·s GOODS IA :Blacksmith's · Shop on tlie preniis.ea, wctt special attention is given to all " If you courting u. girl," says [\, Cali· produced on these soils was properly made and fornia. paper. "stick to her, no mattel' hO\\' · properly packed in the rigltt kind of package a.ud kep~ iu .fl! cool, <:lean, Aweet" well-ventilated h-..rgc her father's feet are. 11 ctlllar, it would rem~n sound a.nd in g0od or~ It John R"eves said to bis boy, ·w hen 9hn.ving de1' for months. proved a difficulty, ",Johu, I wiah yon would 'l'hese experilnents convinced us that the not open any more oysters with 111y razor." 11 so~ water theory" had a slender foundation, , ll recent g11ost 'vM h_ eatcl singing :at least so fnr cw the '\vater of Herkimer Coun" 'Twas a congh that carried i:ne off ; ty was concerned; anll subsequent Dbsetvation "!'was a coffin they c11.rried me off in. 11 ha:s led u~ to believe that good butter roay 00 Cowle's. IIonorable mention is ma<le of a 1\.'IIDne ser- produced on a variety oi .soikJ, ·jf climate is suit· vant girl who is 110·,y serving her eig-hty-second able and good cow~, good feed and cl0;n, sweet winter under the same roof. She _ h as waab.ed w11.te1· be provided in the first instance,and thtn dishes 89, 'HJO times, and com tis yet gaily to her th:it the treatment of tho milk and butter making be properly conducted. IN tf;L.5k. Blessed old girl ! It .m ay be possible that some soils have 'vatlir '· Dwelle1·s in crystal palaces should refrain so impreg:Oated '\Vith lillle as to b,;. fatal to the from thr. propulsion of irreguln:rly shaped par· making of good butter; that point we do uot 1 ticlcs of granite formn.tion/ is the way in ·propose to discuss u.t this ti1ne; but if there be which a California. editor puts the Englislt such soil$, they have not come nuder our ~:ipe1· proverb about stone$ and glass houses. tenue ot obs'ervation. '\VhenJWe come to recog· Said a great Congregational p1·eauher oize the fact that good butier and cheese arc To a hen : ' ' Yon 1rc a beautiful cre11turo ! " prodn.ced on a variety of soils-in New England, . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rrhe hen just for th11t Now Yark, Pennsylvania, Ohioi 1\-fichigan, N. '.B.-··Special inducement given to I.aid two eggs in liis hat, '\Yis)Jonsin, llli'nois, and in other States and in OASR Purchase1·s. And thus did the IIen·re-wru:d Ecuchur ! Canada, wherever skilful manufacturers in '.h~ sai~e woy it w:'" "uppo~cd. .Slieciai 1,_in· of COTTONS at COWLE'S. 1lus c1aun rciwcct1ng the 1nflucn,co of hnrd ~· ------------ \V~tcr o.s nffoc1;:ing the quality of J}utter,a1·rested our attention ·at an early:,da.y,:and ,ye took some Hrothers~in-law-'l'bo judges. _.\. 'V{ifti's Settlement. -·Her death and bitnal. pains to see .liow far tP,e hard water of Herkin1· er County infl~enced !loi: better p,rqdufil, An<f If a publican ,.;m·e to write his lift\ wou1U it we fount! that bµtt~r, wb.en propet'ly, t.µa4e on be his beer·ogra.phy? these hard water ·soils, wa£i not inferior to that A young lady) talking about wig:l, said tihe niade in the soft water districts) o.nd \1lould sell would rather dye than we~r one. in n1~rket for an equal price . We then iuh·o· " Cotne in out of the wet," as the shark f; u,id tluced soroo experiments to test its keeping qual· ities, and the result was that 'vhen ~he bµtter when he 8\\-·a}Io·w~ the boy. Crumbs for Chickens. READY-J\IIADE - C~n-iage work, ancl General and figured Lustres, Pl01in .and Tartan Wool _Poplins, Metz Cord, Jobbing. Figured Repp!l, Empress Cloths, and au endless vanety of other new 'Dress Goods. Black Alpaccas, Double Warp Black Lustres, Black Cobourg, BlackParamattas, Black Crape Cloths, Black Metz Cords. All wo1·lc done at tlds Estabz.ishrrwnt CLOTHING· and Good Cheap. MILLINERY 'fhc assortment of ).llillinery and Millinery Goods is very extensive 'll'a1'1'anted. Bown13Jlville, Oct. 1et, 1869, A cail is rcspcetfuJly f)Olicited. . .r. MORRIS. RICE & BARKER Importers of the . · Clothing , to Order _______________ BLANKETS Large Variety is a well-known Fact and in trimmed or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets every taste can. be. conCowte kas the best Tweeds sulted as the variety is so great. The Flowers and Feathers, Laces, &c we cl~m .tq;have _!-I~~ largest < t.Ssortment· to be founil. in t!te countr.v. ...., J!n BlaeR .and White real Laces and Lace Collars, we havt, a large sortmeni, a.t prices to suit all. 9.S- G. D. Lockhart, DENTIST B:E:ST OltGANS manufactured on this Continent, ar e prepared to treat with relil1ble travelling agents on liberal terms. They are making an-angements to introduce some first pianos. Ware Rooms at the West Durham Steam Printing House, King Street, Bowman ville. Our Stock-of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beavers, Petea~hams Meltons, etc., w;ill be fot\rld unusually large. Graduate of the Royal Oollege of Dentat 8ugeons, Ont. Office over F. F. ~:J:cArthur's Store, King St., Bowmanville. Bowmanvillc, Oct. 23rd, 1873. m3·tf. Bowmapville, May 7th, 1872 MU'R DOCH BROS. .:\oool'ding to the latest definition, a. bachijlur a. man who bar:; lost the oppottunity of 1uak· ing a 'vo1nan W mp.en are said to n1ake better postn1a.<;tel's than men, They have n1ore tongue for· licking J_Jurposes, A young inan in N~w York, who \Vas ..:ros:;ed in love, nttcmptcd suicide recently by taking a dose of 11:owder. Hij immediately 1·ose nbove all his troubles. A dandy, ordering a pa.ii· of pantaloons of bi~ tailor, said that he wanted them very tight, ::i.e. cording to the lattst fashion. "If I ean't get then1 on," s.::tid he, "I ·won't take them." A French paper point~ out how tho pii.s~iun . for gnmbling i1: 1 showu in. this country, ~o that even in wedding notices it i.8 necessary to &tat0 that there wera 11 no c.'l:rds.': Au Indiana. ellitor mildly remarks : (i Jf. you ca.n't bdng u1::1 woo~l, reu1e1nber us in your prayers, It is so1ncthing to know, ~ we sit and shiver, thnt we are not forgotten if the stOYl:l is cold," CoN.-'"\>.,.hat is the cEJYer~ncc bet\\'CCl1 a tweed suit and a, C'hnncery sttit? }'er the first named ineasutes a:r~ quickly takc11, and you pay for the ~nit if you get it ; in the llt\J.ncd incnsurcs rwo Alowly tri.ken, Ull(l you pa,y for the sui.t if ~ ou lo~c it. 1~.~ i.~ F.PruR.\ll o~ ~·H . ii: N·1~w AP.P0II:':TMJ::N'l' :-· Fie '\vho · ~sends cmtl to Xewcastli:l" The u._roverb deern3 at !!;last uusober ;But here's 1'1AcK.ENZiz - a.lways "~tr~tighL "..t\.·s~ ndi11g 'i"tOOD to ::t :'.\ia:nitoba ! Ole Dull was .vnue seeing the sights at Dou· nybrook ] 'air, '"hen he was atracted by tho sonnd of a ·ve1c y luud violin inn, tent. IIc en· tertJd a.nd said to the player : "My good friend, llo you play by noto 1" "The deuce n note, Sur. 1' "Do you p!a-y by ear, then?" "Niver i1u ear, yer houot." "Row do yon play then ~ 1' 1 ' 13e rn~n strength, be jabers." A 1uan in 1farshaltown, Town., i~ tryiug to get u. div_:orce from his wife, just becaus~ she r'111fos him out of bed in the morning 'vith a dogwood club. fool! Alwo:it any other ..nan in the worl(l woulcl tak~ Uelighi, in working for suuh u: ... . ·on11.w. . A few ·aa.ys ago a Ycry hn.nd::some lady enter· ed a dry goods house and enquired £01· a "beau." rl'he polite clerk threw himself back and re· marked tha.t he was at her servico. ·"Yes, but I want a buff, not t~ green one," '\VUS the reply. The youug inan went on n1.casuring goods immediately. found and the-ot·her requiaites ..,.,..e have nau1ed, such as .climate, f..:cd, &c., &i_u., are uot 'vantjng, tib6 barrl and soft water theories d.o not seem to hii.'Ye so much weight in practice as on paper. , · "\\Te kn<.nv t11e1·e la a vast an1ount of poor but. ter rnt~do, a11d it is an cti,sy matter for butter makerrs to shift thcir:Jnrapncity. negHi;encO or other faults upon "hnrd ".'.ater " as the causP."" of au info1·ior product; but us pevple progress m their knowledge of the dai.i:y, faulta will not so readily be hid beneath this veil. If (·uws.f;l.te jlJ nsed,if tbey a1·c forced to 8lake thirst in mud· dy, stag1111ut pooIB 1 if the is done in a i:lov:enly, uncleanJy µ:ianner, if the milk n.nd creanl.' D..l'e not attended to il~ ihe proper tin1e and the butter in1propcrly hn.ndledj no soft 'Ya· tei- ~hat ,~·e Lave ::eeu1 will tYaf:ih out impurities ud put upon the ULa.rket a good '1\rticle. n our tour through th_ e Shenandoah Valley and \V'cstern Y irginil!J1 summex, '\Ye saw no '"'at.el' snffi.cicntly imnregnat~d with lime to af. feet butter unf u.vornbly; and if butteJ mak,ng prove unsuccessful in that regiOJl,the fault .may be attributed to cli1nu.te or some Qf the causes >Ye have :named. \Ye had favorable impres· t:1inna o~ ~ ome pa.rts ·of ·virginia as a d~iry region, though frnrn. th1:1 l'apidity with 1vhich ,ye jour~ ncyed only ~~ superficial knowle<lge of tlHi coun try could be had. It is needle:;~, perhili!lii, to say that liinestono soils, where ba.t d water extensively u~\'ulotl Lo chce_ sc dair:ying and embrace so:ne of the ol~lost au!l . best cheese districts of New Y rk L ~l'his v.:ate1·, so far as knowu, ha.s had no injurious effect on the cheefc product, nor have we ever hco.rd it claimed that lime 'vatcr vnts unfavorable in th~ "Production of ebeese, or in 'fay Ut:.traqtell from ·i ts flavor, quality oi· keeping. -Rii-ral .z1te·w Yoi·h:e~·. Sl'ONOE C.\KE.~l teacup of flour, 1 of sugar, 3 eggs; · beat the Wliites and yolks separate; ~ tcas:Poon soda) 1 of crean1 tartar. · COOKIES. - 2 cups 61.lgtl.1'. ,j3 eggs, 1 tCD£11p so11r ctc1tro, 1 teaspoon · ::iale1·atu~; flavor with len1on. F. Y. Cowle, 1873. aOWMANVILLE Ma.chine a.nd Implement Manufacturing Oo, '!'he sub:;,.cri!Jer wo)lld beg to co.11 attention to , hi,s r;,tock of JI.Canufaoturers of WOOD AND IRON Groceries THE :Cry Good.:;, Most Wonderful Invention of the Age. J Moses' Electro·Galvanic, Pat. .Tune, 2nd, 1868; A ttR ched to these patentt,i(} Spectacles aro two scientilically coni.:tructed <ialvanic: Batterieaun'seen '\Yhcn worn- delivering through the nerves of the head, . ~ soft and continuous stream of electricity, vitalizing aind ghring healthy ac. tion to the entire beautiful isystcm of thm1e parta absolut.ely tLnd certainly curing WORKING M.A.CHINERY LEFFEL'S Double Turbine :Soots & Shoes Water Wheels, And OIG!NS! Messrs. Bice & Barker Have received another l!npply of that superior etc., which for Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve Weak or Diseased Vision, Neuralgia of the Read or Face, , Nervous Twitches in the 'Muscles of th face, · Noises In the Read, Loss.of Mental EMrgy, :t-\.nd- a host of ~ ervous Dis.eases, ari$iug frou; depression of tho nervous c_ncrgy of the 1:1y~tem. "' Contiibuting in a most astonishing degree, to life_, vigor and health. By th\j means of the f!oft nnC1 :flo\ving ..sti·eam_ of .Electricity, Giving Brightnes.s to the Eye, .Quickness to the EaJ", and eu.e1·gy to the Brain. They are set with lenses of the fine5t manufacturti 1 to euit all · sights, 'n.rld '\Yith glasser;i for those not neeing Spectacles to read with but desiring the benea. fits to be Ueri ved from "'earing the Batteries; nnd are only to be had in this vicinity of C-a. sti:n gs of a.11 Xi:nds. REPAIRS done on the . claes .of Organa known aij the Qualit.y and Cheap SHOBTEST NOTICE, °"'Te have now on hand a large quantity of Silver 'l'ongu.e, ....... ( A'f PRICES \_ FLO'\P:&S. ,_ Flovrers stimulate indust:ry as \\'ell aGi lighten toil-for we must have them. We ore cu!tl without them ; but to have them , requires patient cultnre and i1npriog Ueti;_r· n1ination. Every one must be studied alone. ness, · Common and Gang Plows, th·t wilt bo sold at Lower than any previously Imported, aod having reaolvetl to give the public the be~e · fit of reduction in cost, they cal~ special attention to the following Price Lil:lt for the current month. CANNOT BE SURPASSED J. ELLIOTT, TYltONE. YELLOWLEES & QUICK. LOW PR1cn AT THE SHOP. Bowm a.nille"' March.6, 1873. tf mUtf ll) nerfection they can be bad only in COn· nection with art and a kiml o[ horticultural geni~lS. Their culture is an art. , How they .A. question from Punch. -:.\iinnie (inqi.tlsitive breathe, and eat, and drink ~ How they child) - " I\>1ammn, you told 1ne that ladies should a.hvays be first. didn't you?" :i\iammn. vary their species-under wbot laws l ~ ' 1 Yes, my darling, cei·t:.tiuly.'j M:innicFlowers ru:e also servit9rs of our imaginthe poet. Th!l'Y " 'l'hen, if you please, why '\Yasn't I born before atioo ; they briQg food to . \\Tillie'?" "" produce au atmosphere that is peculiarly One of the chubLy clas;-; of four-year old Sun- conducive lo rhythm. I do not know why tlay school scholari;, \Vhen talked to by his it iR that colo~ antl grace of niotiori, and TO THE PUBLIC 'VALTER WIGG & SON, returning tbanks to tl!eir numerous Cur.itoruera il.nd the P ublic gei,terally, for vast Cavote I Nwonld respectfully invite their attention to our presentstock l!"'u1·n1turc, as we have lateJ;-,: added thereto, that v;e may thereby be ena.hlcd to supply V;ll parties ·who please to f.aYor h1 o~ m~y The satisfaction given by t Style 9; Five Stops: Diapason:1Picolo, $115 Violina, Octave, Tremolo. Price ; - ' DRU GS A ND MEO IQ IN ES .'i.'l' Tll.E BARNUM iS oclipscd by the s~tisfaction gi\·en by S~lALE varied a~sortment Style 10 ; Six Stops Diapason, Picolo Violina, Octave, Tremolo, f Forte and Grand Organ Stop. !'rice $130. · Style 30; Sev~n Stops: Diap_ ason, Vio· lina, Tremolo, Forte, Voxhumana, Subbase, Octave Coupler. Price $150, i Bowmanville Drug Store. teacher about the sins and frailties of the body, delicucy of form and perfume have such a \vas asked : "\Veil, my son, what have you tendency to make, every eighth or tenth bof:!ides this sinful body 1 11 Quick a:; thought syllable rby1ne, and every line begin 'vith the little fellow res:ponded : u A ·clean ahht a capital, bu! so it i.$, WLa.t a constant and a nice new pair of b~eechcs." tribute poetry pays to flowers. Gan you l~li Love, of \\."ayne County, Ohio, clilnbe<l find one of the grea.t singel'B \vho has not ut a tree to shake out a coon. The dogs heard somethiug drop and went for it, but it \va.,; not least~ line, aml ino·tly a poem, in honor tb.e coon . It. wa..s Eli. Church in Perrysburg, Ohto, ancl presented it to his colored brethern as a. place of 'Y.'Ot. h k ta t. It doubt- 1 v " 1 v ..u 1" , coarse wor or vu 1gnr con c I , l , has a powerful in!luence in making the and WJ[lTE LEAD, ANoBLEEXA>IrLE-Acoloreubootblack ··· , , . 1 : _ h J. wbolC family more neat u1ore tasteful,more at the ve:ry lowest prwes. · 0 in 'l'ol~do, having by mJustry made an ~ J courteous, more refined.' I like to take out Horses and Cattle Medicines; some f')rtune, has purchas~l the Luthera th . . nal-thti feecliocr Plague of e9'tingN. B.-Country Storeheeptir8 8upplied on tltc e ann_ e . A little four·year old Watertown girl \vent rntining into the house the othei· day, exclahning, "Mamu1a, l'Qam1no., I've seen J }"rost ! I've .seen .r ~}\Frost ! ' 1 '1 'Vhere did you se~ hinl, my darlin~. ?" queried the n10tber. "Oh, I saw the tip of'his tailha,nging.over the eaves." She had seen an icicle. ri'o"J'HE PoINT.-An exchange sa:ys: '"Com· pare the publisher of a newspaper, Who has to go all arouncl the country !.o collect his pay, Lu a fn.rmer \\'ho sells hie wheat on credit, o.nd not more than a bushel to aDY person. Jf any farmer 'Yi'ill try the expe1·i1nent of distri~uting the proceeW:i of })fa labor over two or three counties, with '"' .,Jtlitional one to two or three distant States, for one year, v.'e will guarantee that he k · will never, after that yea;r'. s oxpmence, "" · publi~er to Bl111ply him ~viii\ a pupern year or t\vo WJthout the }l~~Y for it. ""ith a call Great induc~mentfl held out to tho1:1e pui-caslung at our Esta.bhshment, Pictures, Looking Glasses &c. to 01·der, a.nd in eve)'y ~tyle. Samples of the different kind of llTOUJ,D most respectfully tender his sin- Moi.tldingt; can b~ 1$ee~ n.t the YV·roo1n. · 'V'e "'ould also beg to inform you,,having pt1r· f f cm·e thanks to his nu11101·uu11 friends ~nd cha,sed & custome1·1:1, wd to tht: public genera.Uy, for the V6rY liberal suppoTt he has rccciYcd since his commencing in business; and liopes by continned atrick personal atteutioi~ ~o business, and ,.,.8 sha.11 Ua ready at all times, to attend Fune:rals, on short notiee, a,nd reasonable 'terma, offering 'nothh1g but the puret> 'articles, at the N. B. Coffins k~pt on hand, t·nd made to order, at the ... most reasonable pcicCs, to en/ntre a continuance of public patronage.._ NEW' D01'!11VION RETAIL FURNI'l.URE WA·RE-ROO.l~ of floral charms 1 Take away 1JOble land· J . IL wonl<l call spcci.;i,l attention to bis vel'y scopes, level down the hills, make the sun superior stock of King Street East Oshawa. J. HIGGINBOTHAM, to bis numerous patrons. He ia no\v pleased to announce that he has on hand a large and of SPL,ENDID HEARSE, FIVE PER CENT. OFF FOlr CflSlf. rr11e J.:I:anufactnrers issue but 0110 quality of '\York, and that is BOOTS .AND SHOES of the best quality, and is anxiotl~ that tlicy 1:1ha.ll 1:1..:t tu woi-k as 1;10011 as possible. CO JIBS, only do. they inspire~ much of tho - rhyme of life. \Vhat do you e_up_ p.oo_ e JllJJ5t be the SHOULDER-BRACES, power of a single.fuchsia in a family 1 It SUPPO RTERS, Etc., Eta. never catches the eye ofth.e.Jllother \vitbout k t , . . ev cuns 1 ·a.11 ll . y on h .resulting in a song; it calls the attention, of , OILS p AINT· the children, abd displaces .th~. rudeness orj ' "OLOios' , ,. AR "IHSE'S rise and set in <lrab, kill out the flowel'S--"."' and the poet's corner would hec.01ue Vel'y which SUl'C to give the best satis:fo.ction speedily a bean patch. Now the flo\vers A well-selected stock of come to the bl'ain 'vi th a delicate touch,like ])RUGS, the finger of a m6thet in slee'p tho.t takes the wrinklCs out of <lreams-.tiny children \\'ith their arms :fnll of every imaginable PATENT 1'vJEDICINES grace. you can 'lee· purity, modesty ,benevo· lence,ambition, '\\ atcfifuluess,pa.tienc.e 1truth, HRUSJJES, all i:ion1ewhere u.lJout ':fOUr feet. But not I 7 DYE S':I,lJFFS, Osh·w·, Aug. 20th, - is7o. - All :E'rioes, A.11 Sizes, All Xind.s Ladles Prunella Congress, at 80 cents " " Balmorals, extra high cut · - · · - · - - · $1.25 THE VERY BEST thci1· cxten8ive f:.LCilith::s and long cxpedtnce _ enable t11cm to produce. GO · AND SEE· 'l'hese Inst'i'Wm.ents an cased in solid well sec1;1;oned, Black Wcclnut, elega1itly ancl beo,utifidly finished _ by ct new Fnnch process. Nothing to Bea f: i't. GENT'S BOOTS, ----· - BATTING'S NEW · A'I~ '.rHE DURABILITY -of the 11 Sih·cr 'Tongue,1' ir:i 011e of its ino!$t n1· 1 markable charaut~tistica, l'heir llUaJ.ity Of keepi.J.10- in good tone, nlso iM one of the n1u~t Q practic'11 itnportance·. Rubber Goods, Felt Goods Trunks, &c. Special attention given tu FALijAND,VINTERDRYGOODS-CUTTING THE Ma.noh.esj:er Housl!; Bowmanville, Sept. 18th 1873. AND FITTING o..nd none but first-clMs )\rorkmen e.n1pluyed, thus insi.tring good vnlue in every CMe. STORE. -One tl.001· east of Cornhh's .Te.welry Store, l{ing St., Tie~.a.nvillP-. RICE & BARKER, King Strdet, Bowrnanvi!le Bowrnanville, March 3rd, 1874. by putting a bonqnet a.tnong the dishes,- GHrdener's .}donthly. most ad,·· ons terms. · A choice sel~ction of LA~:f PS, for sale ohe<i..p Bowman ville, Dec. 9, 1..,68. , 11m · J. SMALE. 13owmanville, Sept. 23rd, ]873. 'P· - ~~---~--