THE !\!ERCHANT WEST DURHAM AND GENERAL (ADVERTISER 01rcuiu.tes largely m the Townsh1pa of Darling ton Clarke and Cartwnght l.t 1a ~ common 1 latform open to the free discussion di all ques · h ons u which the general public are concerned. TEil11"S Stea.:m Job Printing Office KING STREEr Bo\\ MANVILLE Seventy five cents per annum, m ad va,nce The Merchant and ' Obse~ vei $2 00 R\TES OF \DVt.UI!Sil\G AND GENERAL VOLUME V ' ADVER~llSER. NUMBER XXVII One ooltunn 35 par anuum HaJf do 19 ' Qua1 ter do J0 Transient ad-.,; ert1se1nents 5 cts per bne first in (ti t1on a.nd 2c per hne each Bubaequent one POSTERS PAMPHLETS BILL HEADS CIRCULARS CHEQUES JS OTES, HANDBILLS LABELS TICKETS, CARDS &c &c &u BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY APRIL 10 1874 EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE, JI, PEA.TE, TAILOR MADE IN THE POETRY. Only GeJltlemen's & Boy's Garments GRAND FA.LL a Dream TRUNK RAILWAY! l\EWEST S'.IYLES Bowma.11v1lle J' uly 27, 1869 :RELIANCE Mutual Life Assurance Society A~D \\INTER TIME I iULE Tralns 'vill leave Bow1nanv1lle Statton, llo\11rnnnv1lle tune, as follows GOfNG WEST ' STEAMSHIPS. ALLAN LINE Liverpool Londo;;!, and Glasgow ESTABLISHED 1840 c \NADA CIJIE-F OFFICES l ll, ST JAMES STREEI, MONTREAL 7 25 am. I EX.PJl!~fll ' J xpress 8 40 a m Mixed ~:hxed .... 3 20 p n1 Local Express 9 15 p rn r ocal aorNG~T _. 8 40 a. m 3 20 p m 7 20 "'[) FOR Tickets or 'y Only a. drea.m-'a v1aion of air Only a. <, oh how fair Flo,vera and sunshine, muSlc and song Filling the measu1e the whole d~y long, Youth in its apr1ngtime-bea.utiful youth, Filled with its fresbne11a "arm th and truth .Elower decked t-a '"h and murmuring strea. n Tell me, my soul, W&ii it only o. dr~au1' Only a dream- a ptnr of soft 0) eB Blue a.s the depth of Hcn.ven s own akicl'\ Dimples and roses and clusters of hair ::a.ra.1denhood B sweetest and lo' Pl1cst air Lo\ e with it.s tr.:1:nsportrJ that never could cloy Visions of i:;lory and '"orkla of JOY Gn1'Clena of flowers ~1th incense thnt tee1n 'I ell me yo ~hadea is it only a dream' Only a drean1 Whore the poplars wave Near yon old church there a a. httle gi r.en grave ~fouldering in dust, my belo· ed lS there Doath a fingers have braided her <lustenng apply to A NE.t'\.DS. Agent BowrnanVllle June 9th, 1871 tf 30 inf<..rma.~1on DIRECTORS '\VALT.RR S IANLY Esq t,..,,1\-1 DUNOAN l\1&.CDONALD, .1!.isg P Cha.J.rmM.n St HtlalI'e. THI., Ho~oRARLlr: Jo11N HAMILrON" Hawks BARRISTER AT LAW, burg Out !SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY-; i/;c RESIDENT SECRFTARY -JAJlES GRAN! R R LOSCOMBE, MAJOR 'I E CAHPBlr:LL U B New 'l'ailor Sl.1-op WITH F Y eeWLll, begs to m LATE form the public gcnern.Uy .:that he has com the Shop next to the OF.FICE,- Over McClung s f;tore same flat o.r; J :P.f Bruna.combs Dental }{ooms Bov.;roanv1lle Oct 27th 18~8 ly S PECI AL FE A T URES. The E;s-11 1 PROFITS to and are <livid etl amongst the Policu!wlder8 LIVES D.ECLINED BY OTHEJ,l COMP \.NIES or on YI btch an extra Premium would be required, c~ be !lSSUl Cd at tl «Ordittaf'l/ ratu of thl8 :Society, under a special a, ranucmcnt S:PEOIAt NON FoFEITADLE PoLrcr:r::s issued under which only 10 15 or 20 Annual Pay ments i:eqn1red each payment isecunng a Policy for a sum aa.aured proportionate to the number of premiums pn1d and free frvm. fv.tu.r wym.tnt of prcnuu:m.t JOHN l:IEAL, :RHYME AND LIKE. menccd bwune:is in E~ t)rcss Office one doo1 1Jast of-J "M'ilne 8 Having had several J experience in the t1 ade he hopes to sa.ti .. fv all "ho may favor hrm with a call GOOD FITS GUARANTEED 13owmanvil1o, Se1 4th 1S72 m49 ti AUCTIONEERS T!or the Townshvp of ~Da11 lington A. httle Rh; me JUSt in ttme, And all about the best of Lime L1mfl fro1u the · vv est of the very best, Not beat in any quarter r~1me that · w1ll alwaya stand the test W hen malung into mortar I will tcy and keep a good supply ..For ;tis al)\; SU a 'va.nted That when you all come lD. to buy, Yon 11 not be disappointed You will alwa)s find tt dry and fres]1, l\ioDEU \TE PRElHUM8 a11d most liberal C{lll And that is BQIDeth1ng bonnie dit1011s So Come along and try this Lime, Eut don t forget the money P..rospectue:es Proposa.1.Forme: &c , aupphed Hours of de1ne~ from Nme am to Fonrp.m , on application at the Head Office, or any of Corne:i: of lol.Ticen and Ontario St1eet the Agencies ha.11, Plucke 1 from her checks the fresh rose.s aw ~y '!he lo\ ely lfl den<l.- my idol" as clay Shadows of sunset are d1mn11ng lif s beam Youtht Joy nnd Lo' e, ye are onl) a dream LITERATURE. THE STORY OF JOCK WILLIS TON (E rom the Aldme for Apr I ) ' l>ome of our folks go over to the Island to meetmg to duy , yon d like to go along maybe 1 queried our ho·t at breakfast, on the mornrng of onr second Sanday at H T FH±b-kl-PS, HAMPTON }2"1 o :npt attnt1on TIIOS BOWDEN Bov. manville Mn.rob 11th 1871 no24 tf JAMES GRANT AGENr FOR BOWMANVILI E ~2 Res Secreta.ry given to....s~s, &c on reason a.bl6 terma: Wm.. Da.irton, ENNJSKILLEN: !;'3.l es promt>tly attendedte on reasona.ble terms ' It s ·good piece of walkrng from the landmg to the church, you know (Established 1803. the w·y 'How farl Hun OFFICEB.-1 Old Broad St , and Pall Mall London Plca~e un.11 n.t tl c 'About two miles-up lull and do1>n All k1nds of work promptly attended to and GENERAL A.GE1'C1i l'OF CANADA - 24 St ea.W&action gua.ra.nterd BO"\V MANVILLE dale Montrca.l R esidence-Next door of the Bible Chns Farm Implement Forwardmg Agency cra.ment 'Only t\\ o nules A mere nothmg ' v e ~ ian Ch irch TYRONE R W J .. UIES Su:bscnbed and nn ested Capital and Reser' e 22 tf Tyrone March 8th 186~ chorused, smll1ng at each other a;, \\ e re Fund £1 965 000 Sterling IC1ng St Howmanville membered how impassable two miles of BowmanY>llo, Dec. 5 1872 nlO Funds wvested m Canada- 105,000 our native pavement might have seemed on Insurancea ag1unat lose by Fire are effected on that midsummer day But here, with the the most fa11orable terms and loss08 paid with. wooing note of the sea 1n our ears, and the ou.t reference to the :Board in London. 'nl>!PORTER MANUFACTURER an BLA::\'K CERTIFICAES, Applicatwns otrength ol the salt air tmglmg through our &c , &:c can be procured at thu1 office, n;t J DODSWORTH, RIWOUL BROS .l.. ID EALER m all tho varieties of regular rates vems, what might we not do and dare 1 Inspector Gen .Agents, Mont ... ea Bowman ville, July 7th 1873 So light wRB the breeze, as we stood wait Italian & Ame1can Marble. R R LOSCOMBE, Barrister, Agent mg on the beach, that we scarcely felt it for Bowmanvllle a.nd Vicinity strike our rarned hands , yet the httle boat A laige and choice tselection of Bowmanville Jim· 4th 1860 36 which caihe to take us off cuught the soft mo 43 39 4,v breath m her ~mis, and wafted us across the Monuments & Grave Stones, channel gently and n01;elessly aa a spmt ...-h"Y "'Y {IIl hand of supena.r \Vork1nansh1p and FOR SEED, I need not pause to describe the "alk at lowest pricea that follo11 ed, although we remembered it Wrougrit 01 Cast 1° on Fencco long alter\\ ard with keen dehRht The un or euclos111g burying lot s dulatrng slopes robed with spruce and fir of NOT SO FAST. FOR FEED marvelous symmetry and color, the gray Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c I have "r1tten these few lines John McDougall. JAMES BIGHAM, C BARKER Straw-Cutters ! " Observer Office Kmg St. ly Bo"mall\ill· June 24th 1870 Grain Grinders ! Im per1al .Fll'e Insurance Co OF LONDON FEED MILLS. L-' To the Island 1 Delightful Let us ao, of course " ""PainteT, Glazier, Paper, Banger, &c, &c Another car load of the'e noble articles on C. BO UNSf\-LL, To Ma.sters of L. O. L ARRIVAL! W ES TE R N CORN SO, HO! -- CB.A.CUD COBN Gentlemen-of Fashion. ' 1 "'Sl k ept on ha.nd or wro 1g ht to 01 der ectf illy r:eriueated at the works A call ia: outcrop of bmesto11e roe]\. rcnd1ng the cr1~p Bo' mam iJ J, April iot l!l73 m King Stred Bo omanmlle October 1st 1860 1 tf REMOVAL BEAUTIFUL TEETH MARRIAGE l'- D A.VIDSON has removed b11:1 residence J M BRIMAOOMBE L D S a.nd Snrger) to the late rea1dence of J hn Ji!Iilno Ec:iq on the l\.farket Square Teath Extracted at Twenty five Cents m n35 U Iteoms o\ er Mc Clung Bros Stores Bo\\ ina.nville Oct 1st 1870 l D LICENSES And all I have to say That you can find me still at hoino I am not gone a,,vay So all my k1ud old friends ma) 01ne , And all the ) oung too And get their garments n1cr.lj In fashlona tJ,at ne\v Where old and j oung de& f.rtencl may meet ~ welcome greeting by R PEAI E n o"\\mnnvi]le June 10th 1£"3 I.SSL.ED ln: ROBERT ARMOUR now m ti1 ville Dec 10 1869 JUST A.BEIV:&D -at tl1e- F ASHION HOUSE, Fall and Winter Fashions NEW MILblNERY, HATS & BONNETS LATEST STYLES IM' TRIMMING, NEW STORE, WELJ, FILLED WITH THE &c.- CHOICEST Has the best and OF1 GOODS. desirable lot of Dressma,ki:c.g in fash1011a.ble and latest f!tvlos A splendid assortment of -o- AARON BUCKLER mo..~t WATCHES of different grades nnd surpa-sses all othe houses in town and Colmtry It was the fouith 'veek, when I n11nded grown faln1har in these latt('r years even to one mormn, as MlB W1lhston eat by the on the water \\ ould b::n e a. great cha1r cnn AGENT moat careles!! e3 es lied, that her hair was turmn, but by the r1ed dow·n t0 the shore, anl sit there in the I Ol the folloV\ ing Insnrance Co1npan1es, and The small, white chmcb, 111th its odd seventh ina nm when the fever left him, lt otherJnstitut1ons viz sun Mabelle would rum hie up and down .. l"'he QUEE.N :Eire and Life I.aaurance Com cupola and slowly s11ingrng bell came m was as wh1te as m1ntr IB no\v the beach or chmb a.bout among he rocks pany Cap1t'1l£2 000 000 $lo0 000 depoBJted sight at length, cro11 mng the snmm1t of a 'All but the last breath of hfe Wa3 burnt comm around eHry little ·hile to see if Wlth the Domnuou Government for the protec gentle t:levat1on Eutertng, 've took our out of lum, and \vben he did once begin to elem in Canada... her father wanted anytbmg Jock got by The ISOLATED RISK Fire Insurance Coon places among the 'vorsh1puers mend, i'" \'ias so slo,v that it took us a great degrees to followm' her for all the world pany of Can.Jo Capital 5 00 000 -One of the The greater part of the simple discourse while to find out that anyth10g was wrong best and cheapest Companies doing busweee in as1i~ed to h1" mother before she died theJ)onumon for Farmers and Ieola,ted Riak"- I have long s10ce forgotten, but the closmg The CAN ~DA I ANDED CREDIT COY 'vords, spoken tn U1e low, musical voice of It came to me firi:;t, when I \\ cnt into the Some girls wouldn't have wanted the great '\ ith a. Savings Bank department bedroom, one afternoon, of a sudden He foolish fellow around, or "ould e'en have '.Ihe UNION rnn PERMANENr Bmldmg the preacher, as he bent above the pnlp1t d1dn t see me for a mmute, and laid there a been afraul. of him, maybe but it wasu t so and Sa.' ing s Societv 'Ihese latter institutions advance on rail, sound in my memory still playm with hIB fingers,-then, all to once, ' Hear, then, once n1orc, tho \Vords of the he looketl up and laughed That laugh 1 with Mabelle She used to speak to Lim m ReaLEstate on terms unusun.lly for the borrower her qmet, gentle "·J, and he mmded her text 'That was the true Light, which 0 ma am 1 all the rest was as nothrng to vmce hke a little child Bowmanl"ille, Feb 6th 1 1873 It waa wonderful hghteth every man that cometh mto the Jam es McFeeters. corpet of short grass, and dry, brown moss sp1ead along tlie roadBide , the half <core htUe coves ot "onderous beaut), ,vhere fleets of small l1oats, like white wrnged 'Water lo" 1, rocked la:t:dy nt anchor, and the blue water plushed soft!; upon hny islets, whose quatnt rock \Vork 'vas veiled and ga1lan<led by creeping vme 0 and nod drng harebel's and-fur off-the !me \vhere s"ky nnd ocean met en1broclng all with euggest1ons of wfimte harmony -all these, then aln1os'" unprofaned, are The old dames eyes brightened, and she ' I need to be a maater hand to ieud mJ paused, us if to please herself with the an Bible m them daJ s, though my old ei es t1c1pation of an 1ntereated hate:ier have been too dim for it now th1'3 niany a 'You kne'v him, then, this Jock, as you yea1 Thank the Lord though, that I can call him 1 I bmted gen,\y see the page a most as \\ell as cve.r in my ' Kne\V him 1 she answered with B in us mmd ' I had a habit of readrng out loud mg smile I dressed him the mgl1t he was a great deal, seemm to 1Nt the sense better horn,-a strong hm bed, hearty babe, with so-especially m the Poalms-aud queer as bright black eyes, and hair as dark and you _might thmk it,there Tock d lay stretch curly as Janners here That '~as Chr1otmas eel on the rng, belore the fireplace a listen E\e nndJLISt one week after\1iard, on New m by the hour I used to tbrnk twa, the Year's Day, the brig Sea Gull foundered of! sound o my 'owe he hkcd, for he d1dn t the coast of Nellfoundland, with Cap n kno"l\ enough to unllerstallJ a single \vord Williston and all hIS men, and so the poor rightly But howsoever that was, hearken baby never saw his fathers face u1 to n1c read n 'vas one of the t"o things ' Poor httle Mis W1ll1ston ' I ·an see be seemed to like best m the "oild JllSt how she looked, lym there day alter The other \Vas to go out with the n1en in d.av, as "hite and helpless ns a broken day the boats Of course he 11asn t of any par hly, with that bttle brown head tucked ticular use, but they all Lun1ored lnm, and agarnst her cbeek, twas only the baby that ao1nehmea, 111 the mnckeral season, they d kept her alive Shed make me hold him keep !urn out for clays anu weeks to a tune to the hJht a doJ.en times a day ' You re 'But I must burr; along ma am, or I 11 sttre btS e} es won t turn any lighter, Mis be hrmg you out All this "bile Jock was You see the cap n grow1n up and a.t t~ enty he \Vas ::L great D;iwson 1 ·he'd Sl) had a coal black eye And then agam, 'He strong fellow sta-ud1n' a good six 1oot .lll his grows, 1.Iis Da"son 1 You think he's very stockm a He didu t look that tall though, "ell don t you 1 m a voice that Wll!tful, ow1n to his stuop1n some, and \\ alk1n "i~h that I had a master fight with myself to a shultlm shambhu sort o grut such as kcop the water out of my ejea, 1natead of you ve minded in others maybP, when the armvenng her up right cheerful, 'Well i I bram d1dn t hold the tiller should tlnnk he did, the little cnp n And 'It 11as that same summe1 wheu Mabelle growm 1 that arm ' Why ' Devereux first came to the Island 1 Jiook at Her he 11 be hftrn hlS mother off the bed before father wus n French gentleman, 11 ho ha<l she kno" s it 1 Then shed smile a little lived a great many yearn m this country pale smile, and put her two arms round my Bem out of health, be thought to try the neck, poor thing 1 for she was scarce more n sea air for .a~h1le Im an o1cl "oman,nnd a baby herself Ive seen many a fresh face m mv time,but Well, ·be hmo passed on and httle Jock never another that \vas fit to set alongside gre" up, as bra'" and handsome a lad aa Mabelle Devereux There was a picture m ) ou could \Vish to see It was real sun- Parson J,Jlet s parlor,over the mantel piece sh:.ine to ffi} eyes to see him walkm along that came from over se!\s,-a Maa.onna he side of bJS mother, dra11 m h1msolf up, and called it,-and I '° beard tell that 1t was keep1n step "'ltb her hke a grown man cop10d after the greatest p1ohire of the So tender of her, too, he waE, leavm all greatest parnter that ever lived But thats hlS mates for her if she was alone, and for neither here nor there,-on!J "hen l first ever layrn ~what he meant to do for her set my e)es on Mubelle, sittrn one Sunday when Le "as a man And "hat With bem 1n Deacon Prices pe"' -Mis l:-'nce \Vas so fond aml proud of him, she got to look aunt to Mabelle s mothor,-1 leaned over barrin lier black dress, n.lmost the same as the fornard pew before I thought what I when the cap n 11as ahve Ab, me' Ive was do1n, and \vh1spered to B1Jah Porters thought a 1nany times since ho\v mitclf1l wile, 'Look there I rbere s Parson Ellet, it ism the Lord to let us see so little ways picture stepped out o' the frame l In the best ol tunes, "e ie only ahead ' Mabelle "as as good us she was pretty ·11 ips m a fog, a1 d have to steer by com· I used to tell them that all the Joung men on the co""t JUst stood afar off am! woroh1p !"'"' 7rrhe summer Jock \\a.a 'twel'e ~ea1s old, ped her Tho gnls doted on her, too,-she "aa ama.ui ·ickl; all olong the coast I 0 eemed too dilforent from all the rest to be '\as nigh beat out nura1n 'B1Jah ~orters the least bit Jealous of Old Mr Devereux wife through the tJ phoid, und had come was ma.terly pleased with the Island, and home one We<lnes<lay afternoon to get & I heard him talkm with PaJSon Elle< once httlc rest As I was lJ m on the lounge m at a clam l>ake, about the 'hospitality of a half doze the door opened, and Mis W1l the inbalutants, nnd their remarkable syrn hston come in She nc\i er stopped nor pathj "1th ~n invalid saufferin s, and its spoke, but come straight across the floor, 'bem really rnre, my dear sir, to find with a face 'vhrte a:i a ghost -Then she put suc.:h llelicnte ieelln t.nllong the common her bands on my shoulders, and says she, people, rndecd 1 I ached to speak up right lo\\ e.d to make a good bit out of them for a seemed to 1 now b etter n hat to do Skip odd 1oh., bllt Mabelle and I kupt our own per Gibson declared to !us dyin day that Le counsel believed the spmt of l11s father came back '111abell· and he~ father went home rn rnto Jocks body that day but I thrnk, No\ ember, and a httle \\bile after, Mis rna am, that it \\as anothc1 Spiut that hght Deacon Price told ine they had gone to ened that darkness France 'The fall ol 1874 was a hard one for folks as got their In m by the sea One gale beat cJose upon another and more than one boat from the Island \Vent to pieces Vi7inter came at 1nst, and it was a comfort to ha\ e the lnackerel schoonei;s all rn, and settle do" n a httle Comfort lea.stw1se to son1e, more than to me, for Zebedee \Vas away some,vhere in the north seas, aud mun) a gusty mght I used to lay and never shnt my BJ es hll day break 'Christmas E>e came All da) the Is land had been choked m a cold mist Away to the northeast the gray bank of fog broke a httle ns the sun "ent do" n and ohowed a pile of clond black as m1dmght 'Jock d been stay1n \\Ith me ever since summer He d1dn t seem l!ke himself that uight, so restless and uni;asy like, and to see if I couldn t pacify bim, I got my B1Ule and regun to read Jnst \\here lt opened, \\ b1ch happened to be at the eiJhteenth Psalm He thrn11 himself do" n and listened, but he had such a queer, w1kl look that I sl1ut the Bible after a httle, and told him to go up stairs to bed He started docile enongh, but at the chamber door he stopped so long that I spoke to him agam Go on, now, Jock-thats my good boy He gave ~uch a start that I 'va.s for a quite loud, "It a com1n t To night ' ' Then he went up stairs ' W c watched them as they made taat to the \Vreck, and then we made out t" o inen cl1n1bln, up the side and into the uggin U/e St\\ through the gl ass one (lark tlnng and then another handed do\ u tuen sonic thin seerned to Jall a nd notlnn \Vq1:1 clear for a little I he boat moved round and round the \\reek and headed fo1 the shore As it cnnre nearer \\ e 1natle ont Ski ppe1 Gibson aud 'BJ th and the others, but no Jock A h md 1cd 1 and, stretched out to pull mu u1 I he skipper sprung over the bo~s ' (~mck qui ck he called out 'Lend a h md o.nd we n1av save them yet ~rvho was 1t 1nuun1 do )OU t111uk that lay wlute and ·t1ll m tl1at boat bottom"/ A \\ oman, and an ol l ni rtu a nd a j oung It 11 as Mabelle, and her father and poo1 Joo!< I need n t tell y ou ho v \Ve worked We that hve he1e, kuoy, } O\V to snatch ]1fe out of the \1:ny ma\V of iLe l un 0 rj sen ].fa belle and 1-It Doverr ux \Vere nigher irozcn to death than drownei The captam of the ship had em luahed to ·he riggm and wrapped round 11nd round with sa1l cloth Only ti it had kept them ail ve, nnd they t\\:o nlouc of all on board saw the sun Il::ie after tbut awful night 'But Jock-m~ Tock Wed a given mmute, then be put up his hand, and said, He chm bed up first the men told 11·, with the skipper alter b1m, and cut tbe ropes himself ?>-Ir De, ere ux. "a.s banded down our hea1ts to sD:ve huu but it 1\asn t to be fir,t, anti. then J ock !Jfted Mabelle m blS I felt arms, but JUSt as the m\'.lri in the boat took ' Someho\\ I coulcln t go to bed as if 'omethmg was gorn to happen The her from bun, her cloak Jell away a1 d show very air \V8.Sll t natural Be101e I kne\v it, ed hct face, \Vb1te and set hk e death Jock Id be say1n' over to myself, 'It a com1ng - to mght Twas no use tr) m to scold my self out of my feehn sand so at last I JUSt lopped down on the lounge "ith mJ clothes on As I laid there, I could bear the wmd r1s1n and the surf pound on the 1ocks out gave a great er\ tbre v np hIS arms and SJde of tho bar I heard the clock strike ten und eleven, and tLen I must a gone mto a heavy sleep, for when I woke up all of a suduen, the last spark of fire was out and the room cold as a W'"" The candle was burnt down rnto the stick, till thete was hardly a gleam of light left I got up !or I \\as sh1ver1n hke an ague ch11l, and as I walked acroSll the floor I felt the old house tremqle m the gale, and the roai of the seu was hke one long roll of thunder Then, all at once-its a dreadful sound ma un1, in a mght like that-I heard a gun, and rn a minute mJre, another, and I fell down on c Mis Da\V!::on my Jocks got the fever' I there, and so.y,' You fool' ao )OU th1nk its my knees and prayed fo1 the poor \\retches penshin out there in the storm I couldn t abear lo stay alone, so I put somethmg around iue and ran over through the dark fell over the slnp s aid e The.) picked h1n1 up in Jess n a ru1nutc, but he must a struck his head someho" for there \\ aa a great bruise ou his te1nple, and he ne'er breathed nor stirred 1 knew "'h en I First set e"\ es on h1n1 that he was dead I mu 1:> t a Jelt after th ey d tI1e<l. for hnl rs to bring Jnm to and g1ven 1p at lu : i t son1eth1nJ ns Elish:i. did when the so11s of the prophet.<:i came back frora huntin et erywh erc for Elijah and he t old them, 1Said I not nu to you Go not 1 I thought the Lord hutl come so near in tok1n poor Jock th at \\ 8 nn ght a seen the chariot of Israel and the horse n1en U treof' 'He Jouked the 1111age of hi s fa th er in the coffiu 1Ir De\et:eux: conlJn t lea\e lns bed then, nor for weeks and weeks afte1 but ho made Deacon Puce go to Por tland an d get the be"-t that inoney could bu)-all iose wood and e1ll e1 ar a satin and ,, tl"\ et And such a f 1neral never wn s seen on the I sland rose up hke a flash, and pnt my shuwl o\ er for yo?1, that tweutv boats are ready morn1n my head, and" ent home with her And I noon or night, with two or three stout neve1 home, ma am, for seven weeks young fello\vs to each one to row or sail Awesome \\eeks they \\ere, ma ain The yon \\here you hke 1 But I bit my bps n1ghts '\ere 'vorst I used to teel ns if "e and held st 11 "hich "as better for us both t" o "ere fightm Death hand to hand for ' All little clnl<lren and brnLe beaats that boy, and he a tossm on the pillow, Ins loved MuLelle ot first sight an lit was no red cheeks sunk awa; all his cur!J hair wonder that poor Jock took to her, too sha\Cd close to hJs head and mall that time She used to spend most all the pleasant never g1v1n ua one reasonable \\ord orlook days out doors \\1th hc1 father, for Mr I reekoll that a thousand people stood m to BiJnh Porte1 s They were all up and the grave) ard and aronnd the cburch and BiJah and Tom haUJU>t come up from the scarce n. dry eye among them all shpre They eouldll t make out any"hmg 'There was uo end of fine spun talk they said, and f~e sea run ao th~t there was among the docto1 s lbree of en1 ca1ne to notbm to do but wait for hgbt tttlk \nth me one <l"y Reem that Jock had 'To¥.ard morn1n the v;ind went dowlJ, been with me so much to find out all they and v 1th the first streak of dawn, 11 e all co:Jld about lnn1 - tnc nature of bis diseaee, went do,vn to the bench There '\as a great and so on But I 1ust answe1, crowd there a read), and after a good "bile ' 4 Its no use, gentlemen Bcgg1n J our we could JUot make out a big black th mg pardon you \ e no cause to ineddle w1th th s Devere ax, n hen he d1dn t choose to go out lym partly out of the water to the lce"ard tlung Its tt e Lord s do1n s and it s mn1 of Pnate s Rook not more n a q tniter of n veloua 111 onr e\ es mile a\\ av 4 And so they '\cu t a\\ay 'Poor creatures' su.1d B11e, 'they nlust a been nll dead hours ago ' So'mgh the land and Christmas Day ' 'Mr Devereux had the stone set up hut 'twas Maoelle that tolu tliem \\hat to put on said Martha Price, \Vbo \\as a stand1n close to me Then she gripped lU) says she under !\er breath '!\-la in Da\\ son, I dare to Sfq cruel thmg 'I couldu t answer her I felt hke a blasphemer, for tw'8 my on n thought she d voiced It The old gen t l ~ 1nan 1s dcarl, DO\\ but Mabelle is 1na11:1en an l ln es in Boston, arm, and and ever' sun11ner she conies duwn to the I~la.nd and brings her li ttle boy, an<l 'vhen that it a a the nfter1 oons are pl eas ant von can .:iee th etu s1tt1n here m the gt:uteyard on this very seat She tells h d oHr 11 hat Ive becu Lelhn yo Knittmg, Berlm, and other Wools Also latest ~tylcs Dana's Patent Sheep Marks and recommended by many of thf beat Breeders in the United StQteB and CanG.dn. euch a.e G B Loring Salem ~fass , President I~ ew England Wool Growers Society, John 8 Rosa Henne- in RUSHING 5, and other FRILLING BELTS, COMBS, BRAIDS SWITCHES, AND CHIGNONS, a.nd u. largc asc.ortment of Fancy Goods kept 1.: onstantly on hand i AN IMMJ N SR NUMBER CLOCKS HESE MARKS ARE TH:E CHEAPEST T the moat lasting the least troublesome a.nd moat complete ever invented. They are UBed ELECTRO PLATED Tea and Coffee Sets F1 uit and Hernisphe1ical Dishes, not to bti surpassed Ill pin Ill Profesaor M Miles of the State Ag- Particular n.ttention paid to cutting and :fit ng Stamping llo:c.e to order the Province. D' A.SBJ:ON ROUSE MRS A FLETCHER Bowmanville Sept 26 1873 m52 » Plated Knives, Forks, &c, Equal to any in the Dom1n1on ricultural CollegebLans1ng !t:bch , Hon Geo Bro"n 1oronto, nt John Snell, Edmonton, O.ut On each ].lark is stamped the owners name and the Sheep a number They will be sent f1 ec by mail or express, for only fourencts ach, and will last for TWENTY YE.A.RS G8" Cruih must a.ccom1lany all orders LIME! LIME! quanllty App!, to FOR SALE m nnyWILLIAM SPEAR Church Street ncrul:i,; oppornte the Almt\ Hotel Ilowma1n1lle Jnnc 19th 1873 tf for any quantity 'vill be filled at the abpve mentioned pnce a.a qmckly as the }larks can be and sent SERVER Office ARCIHBALD YOUNG, JR , Sanna, Ont Orders addressed to the MERCHNT o.nd OB Bowmanville,Dec 28th 1871 C BARKER, ly ml3o SPOONS. SPOONS. - - - - - -- - - -- - - - Ihegrctitcstand best assmtment cv; seen ln rrown None to excel it BROOCHES EAR RINGS, · &C scums of England, and Unnere1ty of Vic:'"'" tori.a College Cobourg Undergraduate and None to aurpaas them Selected by n1): !ielf flt P!'lZema.n of the Univera1 of Toro1tto and the manuf~ctonca in England Un1venutyof Queens College Kingston ilcm bm of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario Surgeiy and Residence oppoBita the mn.rket The Cho ceat of grades. Gold and Sil,erfr t.mes Bowmanv1lle Oct 5th 1871 Lazarus Th-forris & Co a on hand, to fit Ml aights These I \v1ll sell at rccluced pr1coa G l{ADUAIE of tLo Royal Coll"lle"'f phy_ DR. DAVIDSON, Gold Chains, Rings, SPECTACLES! A LARGE SUPPLY OF 'l'ailoring I Clothing! The Subscrlber haying secured the nble services OF l?EATE, as Cutter, is prcpn.rcd to take orders for GENTLEJ.lfER S CLOTHIRG, which will be got up in the Style of Fashion, REMOVAL. vnsbei! to inform his numerous fuenU.s and tomers that he has re1uo\:ed to and on the FINE CUTLERY, (ROGERS' MAKE l ut1 MOST REASONABLE TERMB S. MA.SON On hand a. very full assortment Canadian At Mr Peat a residence on King Stret:t of Engliish and TRESPASS NOTICE. hereby gn en that all pa.rhea NOTICE fonnd trespassing on the Flats known as lS CLOTHS AND TWEEDS BUCKLER'S OLD STAND Harness, Whips, Trunks, &c. in to\\ n Please ca.J.L Buckler a old atand1 one loor e.wt ot Mtiynard s Hotel- 130\'> man' ille Sep 1st , 1873 Bowm·u ville October 1873 T. Pa'terson. Bowmanville May "7th 1873 tf bp m33o Ro.nes Flats 'vill lie prosecuted to full extent .where he 'v1ll be foun<l with the most com of law plete assortment uf M D WILLIAM6 that ' I Just sunk do11 n mto a chair, and how many tbmgs she made him do for her Sometimes, my brethren, we look world groaned '0 Lord ' have mercy on Ins moth that nobody else would have thought to long for the brightr.ess of that rmng Even er 1 Not that I try mg to make him understand I used to the eyes that watch for the mornmg may ' The Lord d iu have mercy on her, but wonder eometimes if he d had somebody scarce dIScern mgbt from dawn Yet there He took her home that hke her when ho was a little follow, and is no soul but some t1me-somewbere- not w ID} "ny stands rn the shmmg of th>t Light Every next wrnter, and I ve thought many a time first lost his rnmd if h& µughtn t partly eacufice of self, every victory of love, 1s but that I d hke to a been by when he explam have got it back agarn, after all ' One aftemoon I ·tarted to go down by its brbken reflect10n God forbid that any ed. to her-as I m certain he t'f oul<l-some one of you havmglfelt the d1vme radiance, thmgs that "e down here waited ; ears and the fish house that Tom Porte1 d left there I should go awa} agam mto the ou\!!r dark- for, and n1any more, belikes, that dryrn' and I d promlSed him to see to "e 'e never found out at all went ~o\\nrd ~here De\ereux. 'vas sit ness " 'Poor httl· Jock got well agam-m his tm m his chair, and Mabelle standin by A hymn was sung, the fervent ' blessrng aaked, and, passmg out Wlth tile congrega body-that""" nll His mrnd was clean him There were three or fourspruce look He used to go about gentle and "' young men talkm " 1 ~h them that bad t10n, we turned us1de mto the churchyard, gone Wlnlst his mother come over that day rn a ,aeht from Port to spend the hour of noon day mterm1ss10n harmless o.· a lamb Sholhng about among the q met gro~es,, hved, he d follow her every step she took, land, and a little ""YS off by the side of a many of which, especially the resttag but more hke a dog than a human child If rock, half sithn' and luilf ]~;int Jn the sun places of little children, were strewn bright she sat down he'd JUSt drop down at her was Jock J couldn t hear what the your.g hued shells and pebbles, my attent10n "as feet, and rub hIS head on her knee, hke a me::i "ere saym, but I saw they looked at arrested by the contrast between the low, dumh tlnag Not but that he talked }Cl- Jock, and laughed, and in a m1nu te one of plainly carved stones around me, and a tall, e. good <lea.I sometimes-but all 1n a weak, them stepped up to bun and gave bis chm slender sh oft of the purest Italian marble, senseless fa·lnon, that d half break your a pull ·aym somethrn that set them all ol! I was close by them and a sharp riswg from a sohd gramte pedestul at a bl hca1t. He didn t seem to know the reason agim tie distance beyond Drawmg nearer, I of anyth10g-he might be ball starver! ancl word was on the end ol my tongue, "hen read m beaubfully embossed characters yet never thmk of eatm unless )OU put the eomethrng seemed to stop me, and I looked at Mabelle 0 ma am, Id never seen her victuals befcre }um In memory of like that' So tall and so terrible I Her 'The1e \\as a v;h1le after ~11s W1ll1~ton JOCK WILLISTON died that J bad a httle hopes of him He whole boll; trembled her eyes flashe 1, and Who came to hunself, and to hu; used to v.ander around ns 1f he \Vas scarchm a red spot burned ID her cheek, and tben Fathers Hot ae for somet]ung, and sometimes, all to once, \vent out in an instant and left her face hke On Chrl.'lmas Day 1840 an odd look come into h15 face fo:r ho.lf a ashes She didn ~ seem to walk toward 'They tl!at iat in darkn.t$S aaw a [treat ligld second-Jou d a said, to look ~t him, that Tock-she \\ent us the \\llld go°' She put her hand on h1a shoulder, and be gazed up The brrnf epitaph, beneath whose quamt he \\as Just a go1n to find 1t,whate,er twas mto he. face Ill never forget that sight phrase !somel musual sigmficance seemed It 'Vas then he took the habit that stuck to concealed, aroused ln me a strong des1re to The same p1t1lul, dazed look that I knew so b1m ever after, of clappm both hands to his \Yell came over my poor boys face once kno" more of the quiet sleeper below The 'Wh·t s head and sayrn, 'Its comm more-hIS hand """t ·lo,,Jy up to his lore \Vtsb must have been unconac1ously betray comm, J ocky 1 I used to say so1Cet11nes, head , Its comm he srucl , Comm i ed in my countenance, for a wrinkled, kind and the poor boy d stare np rnto my lace ly laced old lady, who sat upon a bench she answered, u1 o. low-voice that rung hke with a dazed "ildered look for a mmute, near by, with an open lunch basket and 0 and then bre11k out into one of his \V"eak, a bell,-' Yes, my poor brother I Ye , a two rosy grandchildren at her knee, sud thousand times ' Oom1n' in GciU s time r senseless smiles denly beckoned me to a :t>lace beside her, 'Mabelle 1 Why Mabelle "said Mr Dever "I1iere was little or nothm left to take saying, aa if 1n e.nswe.r to a spoken quea eux, but she did not seem to hear Turn1n~ care of h1m with , b ~t not a man or lvo1uan t10n on the lSland "o\lld ever a let a child o h~lf about, she saw me 'Go now with 'The "ords do llCem odd for · grave l\11s Da,vaon, Jock she sa1d l.ll her old Cap u Vi illtston s come to want, let alone stone, ma am, but indeed the Lord s dealm s voice, and he came to me ma moment We "ith poor Jock were paot findm' out You bis bem' a poor unfortunate like Jock So walked on a Jew steps and I looked around, we all adopted !nm, as yon n11gbt say, and never heard tell of him, I Judge 7 and saw the young men standrn' still with ' N o,-but I have never been here be he u'3ed to go and come from one house to 'All of a sudden I heard a noise bel11nd me hke some on~ runn1n and the crowd parted everJ "ay I turned around, and for an mstant, ma am, I thought the sea d give up the dead 1t swallowed two and twenty years agone ' Wasn t it Cap n W1l hston tbat stood there, with. black eyes fiaehm and the salt spray frozen mto his hair 1 A dozen women screamed auJ old Mis Price fell do" n hke dead "Jock I called out then for I d idn t of hstenm 'Al,vay~ vthen shes done be Eay,s 'So tbat s \vliy 'ou named me Jock, mannna.? ' But bless me there s the bell, ma am Ho\\ I \ e been runnin on But you 11 ex cusc an old woman "hose hfe is mostly ln the past' The Family Hammer There is one thrng no fami!J pretends to do without-that is a hammer And yet know "hat I lvns say1n'-' 0 Jock' is it tlJ.erA ia: noth1ng that goes to come 1 up the eqmpment of a domestic estabhslnrnt that 'He didn't ans "er I doubt if he heard ca.us1.:s one half CLS n1uch ugoD) and profan1 or saw me at all He stood starm out to t.y ns a humme1 It is al\vay~ au old h11m sea with such a face as I ne\er saw on mor mer, with a bandlc tbat lB 1nchned to shver, tal man All to once his voice, tho.t used and al wap bound to sh p The fac~s to be so "eak hke a ctnlds, 111ng out strong round as a. full nloon and ns smootK as glas~ When it st11kes a nail full and square, and clear as a trumpet "lie lowed the hea' enc:i, alt10 aud came ,\btch 1t has been known to do the act \\lll clown, and darkness \\as under hls feet .And be found to rt:sult from a co1nbinat1on of he rode upou a cherub and did flv yea he pure a""c1dent.'3 The tarn1ly hamtner 18 one did fly upon the wmgs of the "md H10 of those rare art1cles "e ne'er profit l>y and tluck clouds of the skies 'c He sent from above,be took rnc he dro\v me out of many waters · , Thou wilt light my candle , the Lord my God Will enhghten my darkness For pavilion round about him were dark Vinters "Then it ghdes off a nail h ead, and sn1 ashEl:l down a couple of fi.nge1 s "e unhesitating ly deposit it rn the yard and obsen e we \\111 never nse 1t again doors ln Dut the blood h as hnrdli dried on the rng before we are out search of that ba1nn1cr, and reaa.y more, and the "reek v;as 111full \1ew Jock mantel ornaments, an<l. brealo ng the conl tu""nel hke a. 11.aeh, and 'vrench6d the ¥lass ma.ndments, and cutting- up an ussortn1ent out of Sklj;>per Gibson· band He looked of astound1ng and uuiu1tunate anllcs, "ith who is God, save the Lord, and \Vho 1s a to make another tn"l The result rarely , ones, but \\ e never profit by it The rock F>a\e our God 1 a"tVful \'i capon goes on knoolqng ofI our 'The fog lifted up m the east and the nails and mash1ng "hole Joii.;ts and slip clear light touchetl his head A mmnte prng off the handle to th!:' c~nfns10n of for an mstant, tben he dashed 1t down on out let or hmd ranee Anti yet we pt1t The up \vith lt, an<.lput th e handle J on again, the sand, and ran !or the boat hoose men looked st each olher Nobody seemed and la} it a wa) where it won t get lost to breathe Skipper Gibson was the first and do up our 1nuttlated and ~mart1DJ MARRIAGE LICENSES ssued by w CLIMIE, - :-->' At the State6man 0 fice, Bowmanville Bowm11uvillc Nov,ll"h, 1868 another inst rui smted him On the whole, fore he s emed to stick to me tbe most You II 'Likely enough -an l yet ever} child on J{l\,DU \.TE of the Unrve1s.1t1es of Trinrty It "as \\Onder at it mavbA 1 but the poor bo\ 'vas College Toronto o,nd V1ctol'ln. College of tbe coast ould tell J 011 the story Cobourg L1c .. ntiate of the College of Phya1c1 rn tbe Portland papero, too- but-bless me I r eal cun1pau v fo1 Ille, after nll, be1n alone ans and Surge:ena, of Ontario that must a been mgh twenty years ago. so nluch when Zebeaee-that was my ruan Office King Street one door west of bfr - " a':l gone ofI on h1.s "' 'oyagea No wonder you 11ouldn t remember Cornieh a J e\vellr Store Dowmau\ ille W. S. BOYLE, M. D. G , and yet,1f the outrageous thmg should happen todiaappear, wo kick up a cle regular hullnbooloount1l 1t i> iound egnm 'It was like breakm a spell They ian, Talk about thctymnnmag rnfluence ofa they shouted, they pulled down the boat bad habit It isnot to be cooipared to the Jock""' the first mside Si~ tunes the family hammer Dqnbury Nows swell beat her back, but the seventh she N oth1ng 10 so creJulous as vanity or so paosed the breaker Up and down over the their eyes 011 the ground, aud rt-Ir Devereux white caps we couldeeehersprmgto the oars ignorant of what becomes itself lean1n on l\fabelle s, and \valk1n slow Wom en was n ot tu.ken f1 on1 n1an .::s l eud, The men told us alter that, Jock never lJ up the hill Tom Porter and Ben Ent epoke, but pulled 11 ith the strength of three, to rule O\ tr ban 1101 frorr1 h1s feet to be h f 11 h 1 J ton "ere masterly disoppomted that the s s de ancl under Portland chaps ,vent home next inornin 1 n and t u.t t in a t ose "ense essyears w leu tra1npled upon , but trorn l 1 stead o sta' in for n ·week e fisluu as they d he'd been so much upon the $ea, he d made bis urr11, to be protected nn d near bis hea1 t given out the) 11ould The bop hod al tile h~ndlln of a boat a stud), he couldn't to be chensbed und lo' od, that spoke ' 'Men I b,e said, 'Uod calls us b) a nmn finge1~ · I~ -