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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 10 Apr 1874, p. 4

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POETRY. BEYOND. Beyond life's toile and cares, Its hopes and joys, ita weadness ·and aoi·row, Its eleepleas nights, itl!. da.ys of smiles an<l, \Vill be a long, ewt:et life1 unmatked by yea.ts, One bright unending mon·ow ! Beyond time'!!! troubled stream, Deyon<l. the chilling- waves of dl'lath's da.rk river Beyond life's lowerillg-clouds a® fitful gleams, Its dark rea.litiea :;i,nd br~ghter drea1ru1, - -- #. -- "' THE_MERCHANT, FRIDAY,- ABRIL to, 1874. . · I FARM AND KJ"'FOHEN. A btautiful forev et~ No aching hearts aru t re, No tear.climmed eye, no form by ek:kneaa wasted. No cl1eek grown pal~ through penury or care, No spirits crushed beneath the woes theybcar, No sighs for bli~ unto.sted. No sad fare.wen is heard, No lonely wail foi· loYing ones clepit·rted, No dtiiil2 reroors~ jg there o'er me1norics atirr'd No Mnile of ~oor11, n~r cruel \VOrd To grieve tho brokcn·heartt.:d. SOFT GlNGERDRBAD. - 1 cup butter; 1 cup n1olnsses; 1 cup sugar; 1 cup sour or buttermilk ; 1 teaspoonful soda dissoh·ed in boiling water ; 1 tableapoon(ul ginger j l tea.spoonful cina.mon ; 2 egg~ About five cups of ftour-en · ough to make it thick as cup -cake ba. t ter, per· haps a trifie thi~ker, Work in four cupH first, and D.idd very ca.utiowily. Stir butter, s11gar, m0Jasses1a.nd apico together to a light cream, eet then1 on the range until R lightly warm i beat the eggs light ; add the milk to the "'armed mixture, then tbee{rga, the -soda, and lastly the flour. Beat very har.d ten minutes, .tnd bake at on·ce in a. loaf, or in small tins. Ha..lf a. pound raitens, seeded and cut in half) will improve tbfa: excellent gingerbread. Dredge them well beforl.:l putting tl:em tn. Add them nt the last. SPONGE GlNGERUHEAD {eggleas}.~6cupa 1873. !.O- 1873·. ---o- - - * $26. / :Ei;E!WAB:O. · . -.-. FALL STOOK. :Press G .oods New~st Style. ---o--- · of ~· having come tO our knowledge, tbt\t certain I selling Spectacles and Eye Glass· . · tho e8 purporting to :be of our make, and to ·bea.r our n&mes thercon1 we hereby caution th~ public a.~ainst all such imposters, es MeMJ)s , Yell ow lees ~ Quick are our Agents in West Durham ; and a Re~o,rard of $25, is hereby offer· e<l fOrJhe apprehension and conviction of all such in:ippstcra its tuy t0 defraud the ublic by offering their trMh as 011r make:· l,AZ.ARUS, MORRIS, & CO. Oct. '8 HIT. CHAT.-· lS72. TIM.- ['l'im Dra.dy a.nd Mike :E'lynnJ Oct 1S72 Montreal, Nov. 8th, 1871. n7-tf Have you eeen Cowle's cheap lOct · Cottons? O:P EN ING HOBBIS· fl.Our; 1 heaping tablespoonful butter ; 1 cup sugar; l cr1p milk (sour is best) ; 2 teaspootifula salt!r· atus, not soda, dis$0lved in hot water; 2 tP,a.· spoonfuls singer ; 1 tea.spoonful cinam.on. Mix th~ 1nolas~ei::, sugar, butter, a.nd spice together, warm them sHghtly,and lleat 1111til they No long dark night is there, N:o light frou1 eun or silvery moon is gh·en j are ligl1ter in color by many degrees than when But Christ, the .Lamb of God, all bright i\nd you began. Add the milk, then the soda, and. having mixed all 'vell, put in the flour. Beat · fair, Ilh:rmes th ·1 citv \\'H.h effn\gence raro, very hard fi,·e Jninutcs, aftd bake in a broad 1 Tht1 j;J.v11 .., ,l~ lii:)h~ u f h·.:.l Vl: H ! ahallovl pau, or '·tins. I-Ia.If a pound of seeded :fn.isens cut in pieces, will be a pleasant No mortR.l eye seen addition. · 'Vhe glories of that land beyond tbu.t river, Try this gingerbread for tea or luncheon, It'Scrystal lakei:i, its fields of liviug greeu, 'vith a. cup of hot chocolate to nl!compally it, Its fadelCBBfio,vers and the uncba.nging !!.hcc m, and v(lu soon repeat the experim.ent. .A round the throne forever. ·GREY COTTON- A u t u m n .. of CARRIAGE (weal SHOP Bank.) th· best make, including th· celebrated STO-RM ONT. ol the Ontario lOct Cottons ---oo-- at Cowle's···Splendid value. THE. snbscriber ia prepared to build "and pauc re~ of unequalled STY:C.:S: a.nd Q'C' A:C.ITY S'l'OltMONT MURDOCH BROS. have opened 0ut _ an.linmenBe St,ock 0£ NPw ·F~JI Goods. Great care has been taken in buying tf1e-Stoc'k "and' ~ll.s '1Qtf, l.iig but First Clnss Goods have been purchfllleq, customers.·.can rely.:. on · .et· ting good value for 1their"mohey. -:' ' ' 0 Wagond, Buggies, and Cutters, o"f every d e1Jeription, at short notice, ando rea.1mnnble terms, "Good morning, Mike, shure and it is early out ye are. .Migh I be bould to axe what started yees this morning" MIKE.-" Jiat be_ aisey, Tim, and_ I'll tell ye 'in a jiffy. Y~ see, I was tou!;I: y1sterday, that M1sther Gray, ov Tyrone, had got home an idigant new stock av Goods, _chape as du rt, man, and it s meselt could hardly slape a wink, all night, thinking av the chape_goods. And sure enuff, its the full store he has-piles an,d av the natest patt()rns ; and he'd give ye the makin's av an ilhgan~ new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Oints; Tay for most nu thin, and the Bucey for a trifle Jess." TIM.-- "An shure its funnina me ye are Mlke · wouldn't the man be afther breaking dow;." ' ' MIKE.-" Breaking down, is it. SL1re he knows a ·thcick wurth two a v thn,t, I'll jist tell you what it is, Tim, if ye want to get a grate name :vhe~ ;i::oure de~, and be called a filantrofized, filosifer, and a public bmifacthor, J!St tell all youre nabours and the rist a v man1dnd, about Gray's chape store, and you'll ,do more for th"' good av your counthry, than iver St. Pittrick did for ould Irafand, wl\en he banished all the toacls aud snakes out av it that niver was in it.n ;o;. ' TIM.- "I'm much oblaged to ye, for the bit av advice and won't detain ye; th.ere'll ~hurely be a grate ru~, and ~aybee I'd miss some,bargams. The top av the morrung to ye."-'-l'm off to Grays. , "';n Ear hnth not heard the song Of rapturous prai:!e within that shiniug l>O rtal; N-0 heart of man dreamed wba.t joys belong.. ·ro that rcde'cmed and 11appy blood·'"tsbed th1"0ng, . All glori(Jl.fts a.ud immortal. - ·Lcul:it$ Repo11ito1 ·y, Crumbs for· Oh.iokens. " .'1argery, wha.t did you do ,.,,-ith the tallo·w tha.t 1'-It·, J ouc!'I greased hia boot! with to-clay ? " u Pleare ma.rm, I tried the-griddle r.akes with it. 11 ' "Lucky for you,-l thought you hn.d 'i'll.Sted it.,, cups mola.saea; ~ cup lard; ~ cup butter; 2 teaepoonfulS soda diasolvcd in hot water; 2 tablespoonfuls ginger; 1 cup of sour 1nilk. 'l'hIBttin with flour to a THE soft dough, Warm the molasses, lard, butter, and giQger, and beat them ten minutes belore a.ddibg the milk, soda·, and flour. Roll out, cut into aha.pell, and bake in a quick, but not too hot ove11. Keep it in a tight tin box. Brueh over with whito of egg while hot. Special Line of COTTONS at COWLE'S. PL.AfN GINGZRBREA.D.-2 Carriages Painted and Trimmed· .J~ GBl.Y,ITyrone. Noted f'or ch.ea1l Goods. COTTdN· BAGS, BEST in the World. D R. E S S G 0 0 · . I · n ·S A Blacksmith's Shop on the prom.lac~ were special attention is gt\·en to all LOAF GINGERBREAD. -1 cup butter; 2 cups u1 classes ; 1 tablespoonful ginger ; 2 eggs, very '\'ell beaten ; 1 tea~poonful ealeratus; 1 cup 'SI milk, sweet or sour. Tf sour, heap your epoon \ with saleratu[ , :Flour to the conaiatency of pound.cake : SrICED GINGERBREAD. - ! lb. flour; l lb: 811· Pfain and figured Lustres, Plain and Tartan:Wool Poplini, ~fetz Co1il, 'F igured Repps, Empress Cloths, and a!\ endless ;variet:y ·_of other_. fic-W. Dress Goods. Black Alpacca.s, Double Warp Black Lustres,' Blacll;,,Cl\ · bourg, Black Paramatttts, Black Crape QJot@; Blllck· ~etz ·Cgrdil;: r c~.rriage work, :.nd General Jobbing. All worlc doiie at this Establishment READY-MADE CtOTHING and Cheap. MILLI < NcER ·Y ----~ warranted. A call ;s respectfully _ solicited, A little boy some eggl'I home from gar; ~lb. but.ter; lj eggs, ~ tea.epoonful soda tht: grocery, dropped them. ' 'Did you break ~issolved in hot wnter; 1 teaspoonful cream tar· nnv?" Mked hie mother, when he told her of tar; 3 tablespoonfuls ewect milk; 1 large table· 0 'Phe assortment of Millinery and Mi!lin!lry rOoods is var;.: extl)PiiiV:e 1 it. · No," the little follow, but the apoonfnl ginger; 1 tea!!poonful cloves ; 1 tca.and in trimmed or untrimmed Hats and' B(mnets every tastffcan ·be coli~ shell! came off s·)rue.of 't>m." !!poonful nutmeg ; 1 teaspoonful cinnamon. 1ulted as the variety is so gren,t. The ii'lu.werrt·a114. FeiJ.tpers,; " I see," aald a Young lo.dy 1 ,, tha.t some prin · Cre&tn the .sugar and butter, stir in the beat· we claim to hn,ve the largest !l,Bs6rt~ent to b6 founr .. · ters advertise blank declarations for sale ; I . en yolks, the milk and Fipic(', the so.d a,, and wiBll I could get one" 11 Why," BSked the when these are well mixert, tho flour, Bake in ~-----:: i......;_-..n10ther. "Booause,. ma. Mr. G - - ·- h1 too two square'br round loaves. m~leat to mo to mru:ry him ; and p In _ B_ l1fck W)lite real L!(ces 11.nd Lace. Collars, we 'ban a if I could fill a. blank declaration,. ho Would Ti·mot!tg Bloom Giving Hor&M HctK·cs. - 'Vhat - - - - - - - - · l!lign it." next! Mouldy hay will ht:lp to produce heaves, . Nothing thwper lhan the !Oct Cotton· o, 11orti;nent, at prices to s'u it n.11. 0011.:le's. A '\\-"'estern paper says (lf the air, in its re· but almost all diseaaoa of the wind in horses is I have bred horses largely, and lation to a. 1n1iii: " It kisses ftnd blc11ae11 him, hereditary. llut 'viU not obey him." Poor no~bs say15 that ba\'O had knowledg-e of a great deal of breeding Ou~ StJJck of Tweeds, Fancy Coating~, · Pilo"ts, Beavers, in England, and have known nuwerous cases of description suits his wife exactly, J.k~tons; etc,, will be found unUS11fl.lly hwge. . mares having colts by different horses, all of IN , . " "Pa.t," n. traveller, "why tlitl yon which have been 1 ' roa.rer11,,n or brokon·wincled, the stone wall around your shanty fW thiok? " at some time during their existence. All ha.y 11 'Vhy, yet»hfJnor, I bear they h11rve ex· should be mnde from gra@s in bloom. trornory high ,.,..inds in A1neriky, so I thought Deterinininu the .Age of Horsa. -An Illinois if I built it a.1.iont a.s thick ae it was high, if it 1'owmanville, Y:ty 7th, 1872 .. · ~ · · · 11hould blow o\'cr it ·wonld be .inst as high a.8 it fartner is said to determine the age of all· · I - . ~ n1ala over nine years old by the following nbvel wa::1 afore, yer honor." method :-,A.fter the hol'fle is nine years o~d a , I t ' " Does this razor i;o easy?" asked a. barber wrinkle comes on the upper ,c oroer of... the lo,ver of a victim who 'vais wtithing under a clumsy lid, and every year thereafter he baa one well· N. B.---Special inducement given to in!l.truruent, the chief recotnmenda.tion of which defined wrinkle for every l'..ea.r over nine. - If, CASH Purchasers·.,:as a strong handle, "\Vell,'1 replied the for instance, a horse haf!: three wrinkles, be is poor felJow, "that depends upon what you ca.11 twelve, jf he ha.fl four, he is thirteen. Add the thi$ operation. If you are skinning-, it goee 7t.~mber of wrinkles to nine ~d you will ge~ tolerably easy; but if yol.! are ahaving tne, it .goes rather harcl." :J.'o Exterminate Licc.-A correspondent of .1.\ . little four·year·e!<l girl :rem.arked to her the "Country _ Gentlwnan 11 says :--'fake a, on going to bed, 11 I atn not afraid of quart of strong vinegar and 1ut¥ it well with I the dark." u No, of\coU'rBe you aro not, 11 re· plenty 0f Scotch snuff j steep them together· pli~d her mamma, " for it can't hurt you.." until the strength of the 1:;nuff if!: well out; then " But, ma.mn1a, I wa!! a litlfr afrnid onOf!, wlien wash the animal ,~·ell, 'vhile the vim.~ga.r is .I w~nt to the pantry in the dark to get n. tart." pa.rts where the li~e congregate. war1n, on those _ " 'l.i'hat ,,-ere you afraid of?" asked her mam· It i.-3 sure to kill ull it touches. ·-n.epeat~if the ma. "I wa6 ~[raid I oouldn't find the tarts." nits hatch aud ni.ak~ a new crop. Neither snuff A ,&.entucky farmer refutied to look at a nor cnrryco1ob wiU filcken or harm. Tl1e auLscriber would beg to ca.ll attontion to ~ri.mple sewing J'llll\chine recently, a.she 1~lwA.ys his stock of A Cheap and Uoad J:"'&rtitizer. -A c_yrresponll~· sewed \Vheat by hand." He ia related to the ent of th.I:' ..! ' Maint1 ]'arnier, l ' says :-I no.w use rnan who did not WR.nt o. threslling machine on · It is composed in theiol·. h.i1:1 farm, "for," ·said he, 11 ~ive 1ne a Larnees a cbe:ip fert.ifue1·. lowing nia.uner :Take ch·y old muck aud put tug or a barrel Rtavc, and I ciu1 tU!\ke my. family toe the mark n.ecordin~ to the laN/ and in as 1uuch chamber lye aB it will absorb, t11~n THE mix. with it hlllf tho quantity of ashes, then add Scripter." ha.lf as much plaster as ashes,and mix a.gain; it l\. Detioit street liiHh WOIJ'.L\U FJto.r tcd out of will then be dry and ready to use. I put a. handher house, yesterday, to etone a tlng thllt "'JUI ful in the hill for corn, pt>ta.toes, cucumberfl and J Moses' · Electro-Galvanic, Pat. June, chasi.n.; her cbickun5. JTor li11sband followed tu.rnip~. J. . ast year I UAed it as a, top dressing 2nd, 1868; nud thre'v a. ston1! at th e dug, but it struck his on onions ·when 11.bout six inches high, which - - A-ttachcd to these patented Spectacles arc two wife. Ilia wife th~u pi{.:ked up 1.b 8tono, and added greatly to tho crop, as .was ·pxoved by soientificn.Uy constructed Galvanic Batteriesthrowing it at her husband. mi89ed him and hit skipping so1ne rows. I think if our farmers unseen when worn-delh'ering through the the .<log. The dv.:; one .fea:rful yelp and "'·ould Al'Cll.t01· pa.ins to sa.Ve more of the nerves of the head, a soft and continuous etreato. ran hct·""·ceu the 1n:;1.n's l"gs, apillin~ bitn on the fertjl~ing wMer.i'~s a.bout their pre~e_s, they of electricity) vitalizing and giving healthy actiou to the entire beautiful system of those pa.rte pn.ve1ncut. There is no·.\" one: unhn.ppy family would not be complaining so much aboµt short absolutely and certainly curing on TJckDit fJ~r~et. arups and run-out fields. Good . . - · .T. MORRIS. Bowman,·ille, Oct. 1st, 1869. RICE & BARKER Importers of the Clothing to Order It is a well-known Fact tkat Cowle has tlte best Tweeds in the country. &gc G. D. Lockhart, DENTIST :BEST O~G-ANS <'- and .- Large Variety . · Graduate of the Royal College of Dental 8ugeons, Ont. manufactured on this Continent, are prepared to treat with reliable travelling agents on libera.l terms. They are maldng arrangements to introduce some first class pianos . Ware Rooms at the W est Durham Steam Printing House, King Street, Bowman ville. "· MU.RDOOH c BR,OS ·.~-: .· Office. over F. F. McArthur1s Store, King St., Bowmanville. m3-tf. Bowmanville, Oct. 23.rd, 1873. Wbiceys--a. .:Oea.d Job. BO,WMANVILLE F. Y. Cowie, ·Ma.chine a.nd Implement Manufacturing Co 1873. :M:anufacturers of WOOD AND IRON Groceries WORKING MACHINERY :Ory Goods, Most Wonderful .In:vention of the Age. LB:Pll'EL'S Double Turbine Water Wheels, And ORGANS! Messrs. :Rica & Da.r~er received another supply of that leuperior class of Organs known a.a th . A <loetor crtlted on a. chol6ra. patient and pre· rcribed. Next day found patient Wtoll, " Well~'~ ! 8aid Dr.. ;, the m.erlil.\ine brought you out." ... Noi ~ir. I didn't take it." " 'Vhat did yuu take ? · 11 "I ate ;:riut·krunt nnd tu1·11ip .imuct:!. " So thl.l dGctor wrote in his JD()mori\udum : '" and turnip sauce good for cholera." l;.;:xt week a.uother call. Irishman this time, l ' t · e~rribed snnr-kraut n.nd turnips. Next day l.\:~Jled-found the Irishman dead. Ao . h e wroto opj:ioeitt> tho old memoranUum : 11 Saut·kra.ut and turaips good for a Dutch· rnan 1 but death to an Irishman. 11 Gypsum, in the Stable.-A correspondent in the Maine Farmer, says :- .A neighbor who for sevtiral yelltB past has practiced scattering a. sma.ll quantity of ground plaster (gypsum) be· hind hia cattle1 after bowing thorn up a.t night, for the purpose of absqrbing their. urino,informK 1ne that he has found the ma.nure much more fertilizing than it was .pr evioualy to his adopting this plaf! for sa.'ii~g the liquid voitlings of. h1ia st<ick. 'l'huIA.ster not only a...ves the liquids but retains the ammonia. in the manure heap. etc., which for Quality and Cheap ness, OANNO'l' BE SURPASSED Keep Cattle off tho lD.cado,vs this spring. ia uot good farm economy to feed them. Chas. JaJl1es Fox, the English etatcsmrtn, Sing More. out at Ar;cot rn.cea , ..ith his jntimate com· panion, G·enera.l. Conway, missed his snuff·bol'.:. Cultivate singing in the family. Begin The General "'ti.I'! lucky enough to discover the thief, and seize him befoi·e he could get clear. when the child is yet not three years old. Upon this the nian fell on his: knees, a.nd with The songs and hymns your mothe1 sang, many besought li'ox to po.rdon him, and bring them all back to your memory, ond not expose him to ruin, for he was a po<'lr teach them to your little ones ; the hymn weaver in gre~t destitution, and thi8 was the and the ballad ; funny and devotional ; mix first offence against the laws tlµt he had ever them together, to meet the similar moods, eommitted. Fex was greatly affected, and not as in after life they come .over ue. eo myste.. Only let the o~endcr go, but him a. guinea., Many a !ime atd oft, Shortly after this, hnrYing occasion to use his riously sometimes. box he found no sign of it in his pocket 1 where in Wall-street and Broadway, in the very Le replaced it, and tu:rning to General Con- whirl of business ; in the sunshine and gai· way, said, "1\'[y snuff-box is gone" ety of Fifth-avenue, a.nd amid the splen. dor u Yes," replied the latte1·, ~'I sa.w the scamp of the <lrives in the Central Park, some lit· take it n. second time, when }OU C'S.Vt:; hi1n the tle thing wakes up the memories of early money; but I thought I wouldn't intel'fero vouth-the old mill, the cool spring, the nga:n." And a host of ~ervous, a.r~ing frol!' depression of. the nervous t!D.ergy of the·· system · Contributing in a most astonishing degree, to life_. vigor and health. By the means of the aoft ana fi_Q,viDg _ stream of _Electricity, Giving Bl'ig-htn~ss to the }iJye, Quicknesl!I to tho Ea.r, and enorgy to the Brain, They set .with ]eoaes of the £nest manufactu·r e, to suitaJl sighta, and witb-gla.sses .for thoee not neeingSpectn.cles to read witlL but desiring the beue· fita to be derived fro1n '\\'Caring tlie Bn.tteri~l'I; and nre only ·t o be had in t! vicinity of Partial Paralysis of ,t he_Optlc N-0rve Weak or Dlsea~ed Vision, Neuralgia of the Heild. 9r Face, · N·ervous Twitches in the Muscles ofth face, r Noises in the Head, Loss of Menta1 Energy, I Ca.stings of a.11 ltinds. REPAIRS done on the SHO:tTES'l' NO'l'lOE, We have now on hand a large quantity of - Silver 'J:iongue., AT PTIICES Common and Gang Plows, that will be sold at Lower than any previou$lyImported, and having t·esolved to give the public the bel!e· fit of said reduction in cost, they Jail spec;al ' YELLOWLEES & QUICK. . . m25 ti LOW PRICES tf AT THE SHOP. Bowma nille, 1.-Iarch 6, 1873. ttenti0n to the following- l:'rice List for the current month. J. ELLIOTT, TYRONE. TO THE PUBLIC \tVIGG & SON, returning thanks to their numerou~ Customers and the Public ge:r;i.erally, for·past fa.vor;e respectfully invite their attention to our prese11tatock Funuture as we have latet)'." I .N,vould added tbereto that may thereb:y: be enabled to supply :parties who m_ay please to h1 ~ith a. Style 9; Five Stops : Diapason, Picolo. Violina, Octave, Tremolo. Price $115 The satisfaction give11 by Style 10 ; Six 6tcrs D!apaso:n, Picolo Violina, Octave, Tremolo, Fort·e and Grand Organ Stop. :Price $130. Sty!e 30; Seven Stops : Dlap;i.son. Vio· Jina, Tremolo, Forte, Voxhml!ana,Sub· base, Octatre Coupler. Price $150. bad DRUGS AND MEDIOINES AT 'rl:i.!C Bowmanville Drug Store, ONE XOR HIB GRACE.-An amusing story of an English nobloma.n, ecently dcceaserl, is told by the Eng'lishSportin{!Ga.zettc ;1'!::.e Duke 'vas once in -church, no matter where, when a colle<::tion. wna announced for some charitable object. '!'he plate, or bag, or· whatever it might be', :b eg~n to go round, and the Duke carefully puE his hand into his pocket and took out n. :florin, which ne laid in the pe\lr before hint ready to transft!r to the plate. De· side him sat a. little snob, who, noticing his action 1 imitated it by ostcnto.tiously laying a sovereign alongsid1J the duc11.l florin. This ·wns too much for hir:1 gr11ice who dipped his hand in· to hie pocket agt\in and pulled out a.noth:or florin which be laid by ths-..filde of his first. The snob followed suit by laying n.nothcr sove· reig~ beside the fi1st. His grace quietly added a third florin, which wa.s capped by a third Out 13 ou the part_ of the llttle snob. caJ:ne a. fourlli florin to sw~ll tho Duke's donation; then the· little anob ttiun1p~tly laid threu sovereigns o.t once upon · the boa.rd. The Duke not to be .bea.ten 1 vroU.uced three florins, Just ~t this moment the i.)lu.te w.·rived. 'l'he little snob took up a ha,ndful of sovereigns and ostentatiously rattltld them into the plate, theu. turni:d dofiantly towatds his rival. M one who ahould say. "I think that tn.kes the shine out of you." Fancy his chagrin when the Duke, lvith a. grim smile, put one florin into the plate and quietly Em··cpt the nma.ining six back into bis pocket. His grace used to chuckle whon he told that story, aud I think, on the whole, Great inducements held out to ~hose purcaslrlng at our Esta.bhshm.ent. Pt<?turca)o Looking Glae:sc~ &c., fra.u1ed to order, and in; every style. SamI?les of the different ~nd O! ia eclipsed by the satisfaction given by S~IALE ;bady tree by the little school-house-und OULD most rcsl?ectfulJy tender his sin- }io!oulding~ can be se.en at the Ware-room. ' ' o would also beg to inform you, that,havmg pur· to his numerous patrons . He is now pleased to announce that he has on hand a large and cere thanks to lus numeroua friends and cha.aecla tbe next instant we aln1ost eee again tbiJ custo1ners, varied assortment of a.nd to tbti public get)crn.lly, for the ruddy cheek, the smiling faces, and the Te1")' liberal support he has received since his merry eyes of scboollnntes, soine grayh~aU commencing in businesa; and lJ.opes by conti· we sh::i.11 be ready at all times, to attend Funerals, on short notice, and reMJona.ble term1J. ,µued strick personal attention ~o business, and N :B. Coffins kept on hand. ri.nd made to order, a.t the · ed now, most' lie mouldering in the grnve. 1 nothing but the purci ' a.rticle.e, at the of the best quality, anti is an:idous that they shuJ.lset to work as 8oon as posaible. And anon 'the song my mother sang' springs moat l'easonable prices, to ensure a. continuanoe NEW DOMU{ION· RETAIL FURNI'lURE W.ARE-/.WOM of public . . unbidden to the lips, and soothes and sweet· J. H. would call special attention to hie very ens all these n1emorie1S. superior stock of King Street.'East, Oshawa. Oebwa, Aug .. 26tl1, U10 , · J. HIGGINBOTHAM, caJ.L 1 w~ ~l o~ 1 BARNUM BOOTS AND SHOES All Sizes, ~s,vor W SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, FIVE PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH. The ?.-1:.inufacturera issue but Olli) quality ..of ·w ork, ruul that is · All :Prices, THE VERY BEST their extensive facilities and long experience enable them to produce. At other times, amid the crushing mi·haps of busines><, a merry ditty of the olden . time pops up its little head, breaks in upon "'hich sure to give the best A well-selected stock of tho ugly \min of thought, throws the mind into ; light bre_ ak in from DRUGS, ' behind the cloud. in the' sky,, and anew courOHE!.flCALS, age is given to Us.· The honest man goes D. Y E STUFFS, satisfaction All ltinds singing to bia work; and when .\he day's PATENT JfEDlCINES labor is done, bis tools laid aside, and be is JJR USHES, on his way home, w"h'i,re w_ife and ~bHd, a~u COMBS tidy table and cheery fireside await him, he ', cannot help but lF'histle and sing. SHOULDER-BR.AGES, 'l'he.b .urglor r!ever ·!:i~a. ll1oodyailen:·· SUPPORTERS, Etc.,Eto. not the merry song, we>ghs down the dis5 honest tradesman, the rerfid10US Clerk 1 the kept ~O~l ta.ntlv on h:ncl. 1lnfaithful sm·ant, the ·perjm;:ed partner,- · OILS, P .AINT; Hall'· Journ"'l of Healll>. . · .J COLORS, V A:RNIHSES, G_ O AND NEW SE~· Ladles Prunella Congress, at 80 cents " '! Balmorals, extra high cut · · - · · · · · $1.25 These Instrwments are cased in soUti i~ell seasoned, · Black Walnut, · ele- .~otlains to Beat it. gantly and beatu#fully finished · by a new French process. THE DURABILITY_ of .tlJ.e H Silver. Tongue," is one of its m~t remarkable charac..-tei-istice. Their quality of keeping in good\ ~lso is one of the most practtca imports.nee. I I BAT.TING'S·· FALL AND WINTER D RY'G00DS AT THE·ter House, Bowmanville, Sept. 18th 1873. GENT'S SOOTS, Rubber Goods, Felt Goods Trun~~ &c. Special attention given to RICE &; BARKER, King Street, Bow1nanville Bowm nnville, l\o!arob 3rd, 1874 , and WHITE LEAD, Therei· nathing by which I have through life mor> profited than by the juet observa· tion the good opinions, and siµcere and gena.t the ·very lo,Yest prices. CUT.TING AND FITTING and none but first-claAs '\'orkmen employed, thus insuring good value in every casa -STORE. -One door east of Cornleh's Jewelry Store, King St., Bo,vmanviUo. Horses and Cattle Medicines: tle enCouragement p· hod tho host of it. women. N. B.-Cm.m try Storeheepers supplied on the adv:.\ntageou"s terms. of amiable and se.nsiblo most A choice selection of LAMPS, for sa.le cheap , Bowma.nyille, Dec, 9, 1868. fitu Bowmanville, Sopt. 23rd, 1873. J, SMALE.

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