THE MERCHANT WEST DURHAM AND GENERAL !ADVERTISER 01 cul[\tes largely in the Townships of Darling Steam Job Printing Office KING STREET platform O_Pen to t.he free discussion of all ques t1ons 1n which the ga.ue1al pllblic ate .concerned. TERMS Se ~enty five c~nts per annum in ad ton Clarke and CartwJ.'.1.ght It 1s. a common Bo't\~L!.NVILLE nnce The Merchant and ' Obser ver, $2 00 UA.TES OF \DV ~RTISING AND <JENERAL ADVERTI, S ER. ....... r o .;i./ .,. 0 c colum 1 35 per aJ1u 1m Half do 19 QuaLter do JO Tums ent advert se nents 5 cts per line first 1n e tion and 2c per line subseQ 1ent one VOLUME V BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY APRIL 17 1874 NUMBER XXV III POSTERS P AM-PHLETS CIRCULARS BILL HEADS CHEQUES NOTES HANDBILLS LABELS, CARDS TICKETS, &c &c &c EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. ·· i PE rA.TB ', TA IL 0 R lfADJ: JN THE POETRY. [Written for the Merchant] Gentlemen s & Boy's Garments GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY! F \LL AND \\INTER TIME T.!BLE l'IEWEST STYLES Bowmon.,llc July '.tr 1869 BE l.~l AN. 0 E NINA BY ELLlE M HENRY ' I Surrogate Hutchmga that 'tbe rntel one and MnJor Yorke of the 10th H"ssars, er, drew an uumenat croltd t:> w1tnesa the a smaller number, who8e corupla1nta 'i\ ere before elose of the tneettn ~ Another hurdle race not subjected toa s1m1larprocess ofd1lut1on lect of the testatrix was e:rtraord1nal'lly lucid the other, aud said his lordship The k1dnevs, ma lame had iLs share 1n H creasing interest. l:t was Bnt, 1u truth, no one can say "Whether1twa8 and atro·g Even "hen John D Wandell K1 lneys my lord responded the ob not long before Lou saw the elegant form of calculation or r.onstltuhonal indolence that sent in his card she audibly w shed l11n1 10 Mr PilSsmore mounted on his thoroughbred prompted these delay· In this and other the lower reg10ns, regrettmg that be and seq l OU15 servant ways he cooled the ardor of many friends and turned acl1ve friendship into temporary enm1tv '!he preferment of polrncal op poncn!l! over the beads of old fnends, from lime to produced n hke havoc rn the ranka of his friends But the enmities aroused by theso means were seldom long hved Five mmutes explanation generally served to dispel the bad humor. engendered m this way and to rekmdle the old fr1en I they i::ion1ettme'; catne to grief When the ship, though the glow of enthusiasm 1mght last race "as called Mr Passmore proposed be somewhat leas aident Sir J ouh s elec a bet with Miss Leu-if she" on she waa to trte power over men ,i; as one of the great detnand o.nyth111g she saw fit and 9zce we1"'sa causes of his success The bet was dul) registered, and the lady There 1s one quahtym wh1cl the ret1rn g selected Tabitha. Mr Passmore took the Conserv~l!ve leader cannot be too closely re1nain1ng animal, as there were hut two nnitoted the courtesy with "hich he treat entered That race waa watched with more ed eTcn the morosest of opponents I cw 1nt6rest by those two voung people than hy mon have equal command o'er their feel any other persona on the courae Lady lng;i. Nobody kne v h<tter thau he Waahmgton won, and Mr Pasomorc turned did that the first requ site in ibe art with a beammg face to1vard! the blu·hmg ot controllrng others 1s to control ones own Lou, who somehow di\lne 1 what he would temper That he had his \\eak Btde shows claim The young gentleman had the au what an intimate connect1on there may be dacit~ to demand her hand and as the rule between strength. an<l weakness The error of riCe courses are very ex·ct about the pa~ of h!S hie l· that for which he 1s now aton ment of bets Lou had to yield, and grace mgi, by exclusion from office Tt "111 be fully referred him to pa No doubt pB was ua:e'leos to look to lus successor for the one wilhn~ as Passmore l\ as a great favorite of the quahllea by which he 1s d1stmgmsh with M· Merrill, and I strongly 0 nspect a ed-the ab1hty to repair the waste of par~y weddmg will follow aa a sequel to the rnce strengtli by clraw1a1 recruits from the ranks week at Savannah -Wilkts Spirit of the opposrng party The ver) opposite tendency ia somehmea developed v. here conS1de1able po" er of com bmat10n IS asso The Leader~j!lp of the Oppo11tio11. ciated with a clums) talent of Jisentegra A Conaervat1veleaderwbohasbeenable to tlon "hich 1na.kes final success impoas1Ule keep bis party mtact for eighteen years, and The Conservative party is shattered and de the most of this lime m office must have moralized, and 1t 1s not easy to tell what the bad rare quahfieat10ns for the post Now effect of a change of leadership upon 1t will tliat Sir John A Macdonald baa retired be The change ought to have come the from the actn · leadership it JR natural to moment the Allan coireepondence "Ill! pub enqmre mto the cause of h>s long contmned hshed for great as tlte shock of that revel success Of these tLe most conspicuous ntlon must in any have been it might and the most potent was his ability to draw have been m1tigatccl h~ prompt ad10n The recru1t.q fron1 the ranks of the enem}, break up of the old part1e1 seems inevitable to repair the waste of partv fr1ct10n one baa already Hrtually succumbllj) ,.ud and the natural decay mc1dent to all gov it remains to Le seen \\ hether the other can ernments by uew access1ous from the other long exiot without the qmckenrng spur o! side There have been very few matances anta~omsm to keep ita ranks clooed -Th· m \\hich he unable to get the right Natw7t man at the right time Mr Mackenzie is onn of the 'ery few \\hom he failed to get A Marriage That Soured a Lite mto harness after havmg made the nal Sometimes m the ebb and flow of party THE WBIMsICALITtli:s O] A CLRRQYMA.N a "iin-MrNISTERS AND La\\YERs H& fortune, he was unable to mduce members TEn'""'IHE WIIL 07 Mns J&NE Aim of hie own party-as once occurrec.l with FOWLER the lath Mr Street-to take a place m the (From the New York Sm I cabrnet But what wos the secret of that The estate al Jane Ann Fowler which mugic power by which he was enabled to baa been in htignhon ever s1n1,;e her d(:ath brmg over old opponents to his st.andard It wlll not do to say 1t was corrupt10n, for B year ago last Dccem ber 1s berng distn many of the men thus won ov~r were quite huted conformably with her last u1tten unpurchasable though others tllay not have wlc:ih The testatrix: \\as orchnarily recog She mamed m been proof agarnst the temptnhons of office mzcd as Mrs Thompson Tne lay 111 his success in the belief 1842 a Presbyter1 m mnuster tl1e Rev Ed that he was destined to govern-a belief ward K Fowler At the end ol the 110ney resting on n canst.ant success1on of 11roof.i, moon she separated fron1 him dropped his continued O\ er a long series of yeara-that ne.u1e an 1 rcta1nc 1 for the rema1n1ng thirty it "as onl~ "8 his nlly and lieutenant that yeurs of her hie a strong and freel) express any one could hope to gratify the laudaole cd nvcr" on to nun1sters of the Goopnl She amb1t10u of t.akmg part m the go>ernment resided in this c1tv and he in the ro inty of of the co11ntry Temporary reverses lie Sullivan u.nd there is no e\1Ueace. to ~bow In Decembe1 met mistakes he made, from tune to hme 1 that they eve1 met agam he w.. neaily ahva) s pla) mg an uphill 1872 she died, at the age of se>ent) five, game the opposition he encountered was strong willed lo the last She had not the always vigorous, often violent But the apnearance of three score~ ears but although game was not so up hill as it appearcrl He losrng otreugth and appetite from the spring was a 010neer m the advocacy of scarcely before her death she rode about m her car one of the many great quest10ne which he r1age to see her lawyero, nud \\as bed ridden ·cttled, but he generally knew when oppo- for only the hnal three weeks The prev10us October she made her last sition to a given change could no longer testament, and a "eek be!or0 death ad.:led ' succeed and when the balance of opimon turned he adJ usted his position so as to codicil 8he bequeathed to the mfe of her square it with the fact In thlB way he eat· old pb)sic1an $0 000 caeh, and a set of East 1afied pubhc expectation by adoptmg the Indian cups and saucers ·o another friend, measures on which the pubhc had become the mother of Mr Gill, Amerrnan Consul at rntent and generall) at about the very time Rheims, $5 000 to her lawyer and execu when they ~ ould be most welcome It is tor: Townsend Wandell, $5 000 to Mrs no part o! his theory tbat great changes Ham wife of John C Ham the carriage should be easily oblamed and he has of· maker, $8 000 to he1 servant Mana $7 ten pointed to the battles, extendrng over a 000, to be mvested on bond and mortgage long penod of tune, by whrnh reforms h·YO by Mr Wandell and the rnt ieot pn l It dt been won m England He never adopted a ) early the pnnc1pal to be at Manas dis~osal pohcy of absolute finality, and took the by will , also to her all the testatrix sward ~round that at no future time could n given robe, bedclothes, and whatever household quest10n become a subject of legislat10n m furmture she chose to select. The testatrix a sense to which he was then opposed He bequeated famil) portraits a duplex repeat made the oppoo1t10n to a given measure er and a thousand dollars apiece to six se which seetl'!ed natural to him at the time, cond cou·ms rn Englund To three daugh and left the future to the care of the future ter. of her uncle Ebenezer Deas she made He moved step hv step, a httle m rear of beq iesta to Ma1y Ehzaheth and Euphe1ma the march et pnbhc opm10n to which be Jane of $4 000 each, and $2 000 to 8usan always m the end bnwed Here, m our Ann, 'her husband berng better off than theirs I give notbrng to his other <laugh opm10n, lay the secret of hrn succesa From errors of 1udgment no man can 'oo ters, because of their rude and ba.d behav The re't of her estate amount expected to be free , and m the course o 10ur to me nearly twenty ) ears Sir J obn Macdonald rng to more than the sum of the aforesaid made some conspicuous blunders That leK1cies, she bequeathed equally to the t"o which towers high aho' e all other errors of daughters of Mr J oho C Ham Alice and The Jo.senhme mere strategy is the double shu:tlle She began her w1 ll, ' Iu the n tme of Go I Jaw provides that any mimster might change from one office to another without Amen I Jane Ann Thompson (also called the necemty of gomg back to his conshtu Jone Ann Fo" ler, wife of Ed ward K Fow cnt· provided not more tl1nn a month !er) &c Jane Ann Thompaon s u·~t of kn \\ere elapsed between the resignation of the one ana the occeptance of the other A whole her mother a three maiden sJBtore Pl <ecbe, m1n1str3 having .resigned and anotlier inter Elizabeth, aud Susan Deao, of this city and Jected puor to their rea1gnat1on of office, their brother her uncle Ebenezer of Nev; Her each mew ber aware one day to perform the Jer~ey, with his numerous clnldren duties of an office which he,ntended to ex relatives testified that they trea ed her with change !or another the next Tliat the respect, and \VOoed her with tender kind courts pronounced the trick not tecbmcally ness, but she would not be won She call illegal did pot redeem the pohcy of the act cd her three aunts, ol<l maids old Jevila In this case, and ' the old '1Xens on the ranch on Th1r from the odmm it de>etved it bas always been 88ld Sir John did not teenth street~ and on frequent occas1ons in act on li1s own JU.dgtl1ent but thnt he )ield· seaeon ·nd ou· of season ahe verball) con ed J"eluotantly to'th· peJ1lµaswn of othera. signed them, and all the clerg1 to the de But thlB excuse merely vmdrna!es hJB JUdg touring flames uf Satan s realm und e'ien ment at the expense of his will, which was expresBed a wIBh to see the fire In her codicil the testatrix bequeathed to r.ot orilman)y wanting m vigor It 1s a mild cnt1c1·m to ·lty that Sir John a Fifth avenue frien l the "1fe of a twenty five years retired Front street merohant, hates pree1p1t.at1on with mortal hatred promptitude of act10n is almose equ~lly Mrs A.cton 01v1ll au lndia shawl, to her alien to his feelings He Jias a firm ab1Chng daughte· Magil C1vill an opal and dm faith rn the healmg '1rtues of proerastrnn mond UreJqt pin and ear n11gs and to Mrs. tiob Was there an office vacant, with half B·seett another dallghter a diamond cross a dozen applicants, five of whom must Ile antl earrmg· Yet the testalnx had ·aid d1snppo uted, Ins pobcy \\as to wait till the tt ut A.ct on On 11\ bad mv1ted her to lns nu ubcr swelled to a. hundred ns ifcons,.101ia e< DtrJ scat and that they 'rnsulted au I 'th it a nu nbcr of disappointed su tors for I nlected her there that they ate p a!8 l 1s favor would find n consolation 111 a. coin from morning till r, 1ght and ne'er >sked mo11 misfortune md he Jess clangerou· than her to take one A.nd Acton C1v1ll test1fie I He ·lighted with graceful ease, and givrng the animal m charge _<!f hlB groom, eoon Jorned the ladies on the grand stand and speedily engaged them m makmg cumerous bets with commendable gallantry allowrng them to make the first choice, and they, lmowmg hut little of the merits of the am mals themselves, were guided solely hy their eye, and oelected the Jockeys wearmg the prettiest colors As a matter of couroe 1 . Mutual Life Assurance Society all lus familJ did not land at the bottom 01 the sea when they went to E trope Vi hen Mary fully ber t" ent) years maid and aenmstress \Vas s1tting at her ES'l ABLfSHED 1840 fra1n!) will leave Bowmanv1lle Station, llow1na11v1lle time as follows G-Ol~G ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. .... apply to Fon l'iCk~ts or mkrmatfon W <\. l'1'ADS Age ot Bo vm·nville June 9th 1871 "IES'f' GOiliG EAST Live1pool London and Glasgow tf 30 131 ~::;,.;:;:ut.o;,ET, MONTREAL Ohairm&an Hilaire Nina. lives among the roses ~ here the wild birds 60ftly sing And their voices thnll with gladne~~ " hen tLti ~ cet belb gaily r1u 0 WiiVo their lo ug arms pal< and green llow1ng ever to adore- l er · nark eyed Nina Lo,e8 ovn Queen. Gol<len ID) darling B tressel3 the sunlit clouds a.t eve., Express Express Mixed L cal 7 :>.5 a n1 l Express 9 15 p n1 8 40 a m 3 20 pm Mixed Loco.I . . _ 8 40 a n1 S 20 p m D I R E 0 T 0 JI S WALTER SH INLY E·q J'1 P DUNCAN ?\{ACDONALD JiiSQ ~--1-...:: L :;., 001 ini,: w 1110" s round her cottage 7 20 p_.m 'IuE HoNORARLE JonN HaMILTO~ Hawk1 lJAllRIBTERulT Ll1W burg Ont !JOLIOITOR IN CllANOERY, &o RESID.EN1 SECRFTARY JA>us GRAttT R R LOSOOMBE, er McClung ~ MAJOR T E CAMPBELL C B St New 'l'ailor,S:Q;op ATE WITH l! Y COWLJi beg· to m L for1n tile public generally that he has com menced busmess m th:fj Shop next to the E):' p 1;1gs OHice 01 as J }'.I Brunacomb s Dent&l Bo-..~naimlle1 OF.FICE,-0 Store!! tla.t R-Oo1 hi S PECI AL FEA T URES. lbe .EN:r.urn PROliITS belong to a· :nd 1u1e diT1d ed amo1 get tbe Poi t.! lwklertJ LIVES DECLINEIJ ln: O'IHER COMP..lNI!S or on which an t.ttra PrcmiunL would be requtred'. can be as!ured at th· ordinar.y Httek of thiJ tdoo1ety under a special anangement SPECIAL NON ] OFEIT ABLE Po11ci1ta issued under "hicb only 10 1~ or 20 Annu·I Pay ments requ~red payment secunng · Pohcy for a sum assured proporhonate to the number of premiums paid a.n i/ree/1on1- futur .ioaunient oUrttniu~ _ "" 1'1oDERA.TE PREMJIJHS H <ltl·n from ti e twilight shado~' By the ve l thp1r fingers v. eave J11 my needle work the testatm: deh~hted BUdden ly to roar at her makrng tl e girl JUmp whireat ·he testatrix woul l laugh She hand eel to an old fmud, Mrs. Grim u of Brooklyn a shp of paper on which \vus the name of an intunate ne1gbhor for v.h m she used to send to wmd up her th rt~ daJ clock a 1d aa1d 1f she should disappear sud lenl) arrest h1n1 on su:i:p1c10TI Sne fretted at Oct. 27th .J.868 ly heart she rcig11eth e er 1 SwettOOt blo som pure a.nd fa W 1tl a woI'ld of. teu<ler I lr.ad1ng In her eyeA RO dark and rare JOHN Ha.ving had HEAL, nfIYME ~D LIME. rnucL sugar ID her tea atnd worried with l er about n1011ey refusing to return a loan so that at length hB.t mother for taking too e door east of J. Mllne s L1me from the West bf the \ery best .A httie Rhyrne Just in time And all about tile he~~ of Lime Not beat in any quarter experience in the t ade he hopes to satisfy a.11 who may favor se\:era~ ~ears Can I wonder that the brooklet S1ngs to her itB sonnets ga.y Ana purp1' pru1"e~ gl~dly th old lady "ent to hve w1lh he1 three In fr1endsh1ps ~he was matden siste1.., wotit to be 1ntimaLe ior several mouthc:i, \Vheu suddenly the intuna 1cs ceased for eix months or a or two, and then she June that will Htand the me h m with a call GOOD FITS GUARANTEED no"man-.;1lle Se1 4th .J8"'2 m49 tf AUCTIONEERS For the Township of Darlington That "'hen you all come in to buy You 11 not be disappointed You will always find it dry a.n l fresh And is eomething bonnie So c01ne along an<l try thus L1me But don t forg_et the money Hours of delive...r from ?fme a...m to Four pm Corner of Qneen and Ontario Street. I will try and keep ·good Bnpply For tt HI always wa1 tt!d 'Vhen ma.kins mo1tar )3loeBom in her hghtsoIQe \\ ay ' There 1e such lt shadow often In sweet ?il ina s hazel el eB When they seek the hills all golden Neath the bl usbmg sunset sk1ea tool them up agam In a letter from Sara toga th1s eccentric"' otnan thus expres~ed her command, suggested tJ at b~ 81 oul l orier l.l.Und on the subject of lawyer~ Yes brrng the other kidne\S 'If you plelll!e, my !or I, there are uo more kid ieys (hes1tatrngl) ) The Earl shot a No more k1d11ev· haugl tily reproachful look at the Mlant \\ h) SJr <l1dn tr buy " wl ole sbeep at Balakla\R 1 Yes my lord (very humbly) Well, wl1ere are the kidneis then 1 If you please n1y lord, a sheep I a· only t"o kidneys. T\\o kidneys snarled l 1s !01'1sl11p scornfully Two kidne)s Whv m a 'heep 1s lull of ki<lne) s During the desperate figU-tiog to iepulse the Russian sortie on the 9th of Decen1ber, 1850 Ma3or WolseleJ \\ho vas field officer of ehe t1encbes ol Served the left "mg of the Third Bluff'l, that "e1e actrng as covc1 ing fo1ctl to the ad\anc~tl "01k1ng pa1ties suff~nag severely frorn the enemy s artlll ery fire RJ;d moving i p to the officer in h1s men to he down Excuse n1e I connnaud tills wing dit1ons and ...,_ inoet hberal C< n ,,_~,.... Will I ever bring a. gladness In my darhng s so frur? Cha.ngtng all the pa1n and sadness :i. PrOl!lpectuses Proposal .Forms &c eupplied on $rpplics.tion at the Bead Office or any of the Agencies. ,,,._ II T PHILLIPS, HAMPTON ~ THOS BOWDEN Bowm;nville Mnrcli 11th i871 no24 ti 4 By my tender love and care. -BeecJdol< JAMEBGRANT Ree Secretary iom1 t attl'..nt1on gn en to sales &c on reason able terms Wm.. Barton, ENNISKIUER Sales promptly attended tta on reasonable terms Straw-Cutters ! G_rain _ Grinde:r_s ! l AGENT l'CJR BOV> MAI' VILLE C BARKER 32 ly Observer Office King St. LITERA:]:URE. ,A Love Story of the Races DY · L~DY Bowman' il1e June 24th 1870 When the \\Orld s existence is closed the devil will have hard wor~o know how to dispose of the lawyeri< but tbe devils bon1e is their portion Keep up your spmts b) pourrng spmts down M) appetite 1s much 1mpr0Hd and if l keep on I eball make a fammc m the land The capab1hty of this rntelleotual rich and eccoutnc womau to di,pose o! her pro perty was contested bv the three aunt!ll:1 aud '\\:RS JAMES BIGHAM, Painter 01 ..zier, Paper Hanger &c &c ~ FEED MILLS. Plea.e ca.JI at the lmpe1al Fie Insurance Co OF IONDON (Established 18-03. Hun OFFICES -1 Old Broad St Pa.11 Mall London. "11d CORRESPONDENT the repellant ai SI\ e1 The next mstant the utterer fell mortal!; wmmded Come lads )OUl officer las set you the example he do rn ,.,aitl Wolocley and the Shorlh artern ards a half men compiled troup of Hussian horse irti llery 11 as pushed for\\ard to enfilade the nlvnnomg columns of the French rernlorcement.,led by General Aurclles de Paladmc There s a time for all thrngs boys, said Wolselev, qu et1y,' \time to take rest and Anotl er car load of the above no le articleK ot1 the wa.y - All Iimds of work promptly attended to, a.nd B 0 W~ J.\IA.N VIL~~ G:ENEBAL '\. G:E?iCY TCJ C...&~AD.A -'24 St sat11:1fact1on gua1anteed :Residence-Next door ea~t f the Bible Ohr s Farm Implement Forwa.N!Pg .\gency cr,ment ?Yiontre.J.J ban Ohurch TYRONE f R W lrA']<fES ,._, SubsCl'lbed and invested Capital a.nd Reserve Tyrone Morch 8th 1869 22 ti K-tng St :HawmanVllle Fund £1 965 000 Storling 1 &.. o Bov; man-\: ille Dec ~ t IBI..2 nlO FunW. wveeted m CiiiiW!a- J.tIB 000 Ineurances against lose by Fire are effected on the most- f&vorn.ble terms and losses. with. out reference to the Board m London. CERTIFICAES At>phcatione MANUlACTURER an BLAJ'<J{ &c &c can be procured at tlU1 office, a.t ] MPOR'lER DE A.LER in 1.1.ll the i;a11et1es of RINTOUL BROS J DODSWORTH reg,u lar rates. 1 r Bowmanville July 7th 1873 In!!!pector Gen Agent" )lontrea 0. BOUNSALL, 'l'o Ma.~ters_qf l.. O. I. Italian & Ame1can Marble. A larg~ and cho1ce $election of Monuments 8i; Grav.e Stones, WESTERN ;a. ARRIV.AL! ' ' CORN FOH SEED, .AND 1' R R LOSCOMBE, Er.mater, Agent for Bowmanv1lle and V1c1D1ty BowmanVIlle Jnne 4t)l 1860 36 m a 43 39 4,. ' Oh girls, girls Pa says he ~v1ll take uo to the races,' !!ald pretty little Anna Merrill, as !he rushed m the sittmg room, 11 nere her two elder sisters were sitting busily engaged one at her embroidery frame, and the other at her eaself painting a magnolia to serid to a fhend at the North Emma, the stately one of the family, never permitted herself to give \\ay to such exilberance of Joyousness as Anna d1spluyed hut wao qmte w1llmg to a'1m1t her delight at the prospect ot the treat m store !or them The beauty of the family""" I.ou who rehed upon her exqulSlte face and lorm to .arry her through the world without any extra exertion on her part, and who Teceiv "as by the detested ancl abandoned spouse Surrogate Hutchrnge m the announcement of bu; decIS1on, speaking of tho 1n1portance alt.ached to the 1Jecedent' use of strong epithets regardmg her hueband and near kmdred said that 'profomt) aud opprobri ons nan1es m11.y be more st:irthng and abockwg to us \\hen from the lips of a \\O man but had the same evidence been pro 110 meed of the other sex 1t 1s doubtful if so much rt iauce ha.<l. been placed on as evi deuce of an un~ound rr.111d Yet there op pears to me to be no rea'3on why such Ian guagc under excitement should be of n1ore we1;::ht m proof of msamt) m the case of i· a hme to take gun 11 e II have these t"o follow me An I have them le <lid They nay ue seen t? this day on Cltrton Down EnRland with 3rd Buffs scratched at the time of capture on the chase of each piece b, Gar net " olseley s sword point 'I he interval bellveen the lirst ancl sec n~ bomba1dment of Sebastopol affordel ~IaJor Wolseley op portnnilies to d1.st1ng1nsh huuself \\ h1ch h"' "as ll t the man to IJeglect The audacity v; 1th 'vhrnh be thre\V him self with a portion of b s rc~1ment into re \vomen than o· men way on hn.nd of sup<?rior "orkmaJ sh at lowest prices }J a.nd SO, HO! -- W1 oiignt 01 Clist b on Fencco bur~ng CB.ACK.ED COBN, Gentlemen-Of l:'a.shion. FOR FEED. ed h·r sisters communication mlh pamful equammity 'Do qmet dowri a little, said Emma 'and tell us what Pa reully said So httle Anna told them lbat she had Just come from pas store where some mem I am obliged OD tl e evidence befor· lnc to admit to probate the 1nstru111ents of l'nrmture Tops, Mantel 0 bera of the club were talkrng to Ihm about the races and that finally she had heard pa ·ay he would go, and take his daughters ]Jc '.t1,11til l6t[,1$73"' 1n".I l I h·ve written the·· few !me· 1l ;r r;pectfully request;ed at the works, Without Wllltmg to hear any more, Anna And all I have to say I bat you can find me still a.t home had rushed home to 11npart the new·, and Ki'<g Street Bowma iville Ooto b·r l·t 18G9 1 t.f l a.m not gono away to plan over what they should wear So ill ~Y kind old fr1eitds n1aJ. mne It \\as a great tlwappomtment that tbs And all the young ones too REMOVAL rain should cauae a postpotJemcnt, but a$ if And get their garments nic~ly made to make amends afterwards the day proved DA.VIl>SO~ has removed h Ii res dencc J M BRIMACilOMBE L' l> S In fa~hioua tl at are new antl Su1gery to tl elate tcs1dcnoe of J hn j J;-, ~ 'HT bi1gl1t and gemal '"here old an<l young lchi ft end may ?ti! lne Esq on the 1\Ia1 ket S iuare rf!!et.h Extracted at Twenty five Cente Pupa Merrill "ao a gentleman of the old m n3o tf meet Reome O\ er McOlung Broe Stores school, a1 d llav10g made up his mmd that A \ elcome greeting by R PEATE Bo v1uanv1lle Oct 1st 1870 L 1 MARRIAGE Bo\'nH1.n'\i1l1cJ nel!lth If. 3 !us daughters were to go to the races, deter ISSUEU :BY nuned the~ should go m ·· good style "" pqss1ble rndeed P}plk Merrill ha.d good ROBERT reason to be proud of h1· beautiful trio Tio n anVllle Dec 10 1860 Many ad 1mrrng glances were bestowed on AGENT ... ~Qt the follov.:1ng ! Con 1 a.n tis a.nd them us they drove 1p to the graud r stand other Inetttut1on1:1 v1z Bui the girls had come to see, more than to Pieces, &c kept on land or "wrought to otdcr A call u:1 or eJlclOs ag lota John , McDQ\U?all. NOT SO FAST, fered us the laot will of the decedent A.fies Phcebe Dease, one of the 11untc:i, o.p pealed Jron1 this dec1e1on to the Supreme Court Here the contest stood for another six or eight months The Supreme Court recently confirmed the dec1s10n of Surrogate Hutchrngs Sir Garnet Wolseley 6XETCH O! HI& LIFE AND CARltJ:R D]{ of J;.ul ~ life Not as I\ rtforn.1er In any nnlitarJ i:sc1ence not as a practical ~old tit, day o! the week on board the troop ship but as a n11htnry theorist and tactician In 1804 when the Brlhsh am y distnbut ed m transports "as ho md to the East at the ontbreuk of the war with Rnss1a,a mod erate ~1zell man in the undress of an lnfan se~n doubt Kelah which tie lurls had aban doned, an<l from "hich he held the whole Russian attack rn check u&\Jl Sir nol!n Campbell s brigade had changed trout earn ed bun n1ention in Lord Raglans despatcht?s, ur d the concluB1on of the war found h11n a heutenaut colonel n !{night Com1nnndf':r of the French Leg10n of Honour holder of the V1cto11 i Cross and of the Turkish Order of the MeJidie of the first cla · His subse quent se1v1ccs in Indta. dunng the quak1ng times of the Sepoy mutiny enhanced his reputation as n Jnsh1ng fight1og o:ffi.cer,cool beaded, )et impetuous-too 1mpetuoudor some of his ch1cf'a. With 1870 came the p1prng da)s of 1eace fN E1 gland, and Col onel Vi olseley went oa ball p·) Slrnnge to say, 1t was after a fe\v years of profcs s1onal lnacL1vJtV that tic sul ~ect of thtb no t1ce began to rise above the horizon, try ieg1ment might have been ~ ames lVlcFeeters. F $150 000 depoBlted be seen, and their attention was soon taken up by the hor·<s and the fllnt.istic little Jockey· dreased 1D their bright colors fl'h· ISOLATED RISK Fire Inem&ncc Com p&ny of Qanado Capital 5 00 000 -Ono of the T)lere was great excitement about ·he open CHEMIST and :PRU~IST, will FILLED w!TH T1I'& - best and oheapeA.t Co1npooie1 d01ng in mg race, winch waa to be over hurdles tile IlOminion for Fan:n,rs a.J1.d Isola.ted R1skt: l;egs mo·t respectfully to. wfo1m the rnhabi The CANAD~ I ANDED CREDIT.COY Many of the la.dies had never seen one and with a. Sav1ngs.Ba.J}k de1?artmen~ 1 Our youn![ ladies ha<! Tho UNION AND PERMANENI Buildmg cur10s1ty ran high AARON seen liurdle races and steeplechase·, at Sa· and Savmg a Somety !tnd surrounding country t at he has opened a (.IheM latter mstltutiona a.d-.; a.nee Loana on ratoga the summer previous, and" ere there, Has the best a.n<l nu:>6t des1mblc lot of Di-ug Store lD the above named vlllage RFal Estate on termH unuauv,lly flMY fo.,r the fore qurte posted on the s ibJect 'l'nere lll with a well assorted stock 5f borrower Bowmanv Ile Feb 6th 1873 a sbgbt chance that the horses may stumble JJJ'ugs, Medicines, Chemicals, m JUmp10g overthe hnrdles,and that ma) ac of chfferent gra.dee a' . i..a eurpa&ees ..._all I othe Patent Medicines, Perfumhouses 1n town and Country counl for the great mtere·t the la.dies always ery, Brushes, Combs, Dana's Patent Sheep Marks take m them Wbatner it is, a hurdle day &t - Toilet Soaps, tile North is sure to attract a larger numb·r I -HESE MARKS ARE THE CHEAPEST Jim se and Cattle 111edicines AN IMMENSE' NUMBER the most lasting the least tronbleeome and of VlSl~ors than any other day But no acJle has also They are used cident occurred, and the horses mode all most complete ~ver invented and reoommended by ma.ny of tht beat Dreeden1 their Jumps aplend1dlv ELECT.RO PLATED The other races Books, in the Un1ted Stat61!1 and Canada such MG H. ' and Coffee Sets F1 uit, ana Lonng,. Saiom1 Mass President New England passed off pleasantlv, and our party return· 11faps, Clia1 ts, Wool Urowere SoclEity John S Ross Henne Hemispherical Dishes p1n Ill Professor M. Miles of the State Ag ed home well sahsfied \\ttb their dav s en F1 aines, Enq1 a vings, ricultura.l College Lansing, i\f1ch Hon Geo JOyment, lookmg forward to the next day not to be surpassed in the Proi; 1nce Statione1y, 8clwol Books, Brown 'loronto Ont John SnelJ Edmonton with equal ant1c1pahon The weatbe~ 01 t. On each Ma.rk 11! stamped the owner e Phys crnn$ I reser1pt o s a1 d Family Me h proved propitious, and the ) oung ladiea name and the Sbe~p s number Ibey will be e1nes carefully comvouuded Pubhc patronage sentfrtt by mail m express for only fourenctt "ere ready au hour before pa made his ap respect! tlly sol cited ach and will l&&t for TWE.~nrY TE.A.RS 'lyrone Nov 12th 1873 p·arance Becommg excited with the sport, m7tf ... Cash must accompany all orden ARCHIBALD YOUNG JB. they were quite w1llmg to lay wagers w1tk Forks, &c, Plated Sarnia Ont their friends, and beta of glovea, neckties, Equal to any m the Dom.Inion. Orders addressed to the MEnCHNT and O:aunvr.n Office foz any quantity will be filled at and hon bans were noted do\\ n after great the above mentioned pnce as quickly M the dehbera·10u Papa Merrill caught tlie fever, MarkPJ can be made and e nt and reaolvcd to mvest on one ammal named C BARKER after his old favorite, General Joe J obu ly m13o Bowma.nville Dec 28th 1871 It waa an unfortunate bet though atone as the horse, unhke bis noble namesake, has OR SALl' i a y_quantity Apply to WII I IAM: oPE <\.U an unev1able reputat10n for stubhornnes·, Church Stt~et wb1ch displa) ed itself at most mopportune I he greatest a.nd bel5t a.ssortm-ent e\ er rJC'en }D nearly opposite the .Alma. Hotel TtJwn None to ex.eel it .Bo vmanv1lle, June 19th 1873 tf moments, s.nd so it proved on tbts occasion, o ' aa the bea11t1ful bay refused to run, 1lnd so his baeker lost a llasket of champagne and 0 ... a barrel of orangea Better l rnk next time BROOCHES EAR RINGS, &C papa, said Anna, who, lilung the appear None to surpass them Selected"""'hy myself at The Snbacriber baYJng secured the alile serTlce!ll ance of the httle Jockey named Ghicken the man tl'actor1~s lll En~Ian l OF w1sl ee to inforrn his n 1merous friends and c s who 10d· Wanderer, bad made all her llets t mere tlJat he ha.<c remnved to en him, 11nd pr.ov1ng auccesafnl, was 'ery M,LO~RY, S'l'OBE. NEW "SWORE, ~ht: p~y QUEEN F1re and Life Iosut a.nee Com Oapit·l£2 000 000 '¥o1th the Dominion-Goliernment for the protec a~ in CanadQ. TYR0 NE, ·~~~E-R WAT C_ Ef E"S J CLOCKS CHOICEST .OF CJOODS. service and the action i 1 nom1nnt1ng h1n1 to the con1man<l of the ashantee expedition pounds\\ eight of spa.rt ammunition, and so "as such n departure from Horse GnarJ0 forth so as to allow the lungs free play Lrad1tlons that 1t started pubhe op1n1on in Orontee drilling his company by · Juads, to the d1·gust of the sa1lom and lesa zealous unhtary passengers in out of the 'vay eor ncrs of the steame1 s 1na1n deck There was nothing very iemarkable about this officer he \\as ah,aya sc1u1ulously nent not at all troubled by sea sickrie·s only all!icted by a slecple<s sort of energy that seen1ed rather out of place 1n a soldier 011 sh1pb0ard When be was not dnllrng b10 men or ahoY.1ng sou1e of the rec1u1t~ bow to 'pack up the knapsack with Its forty two Yano~ articles fro1n ]no:i pen upon the sub Jeets of const and urban fortificat1on rem u1t ing, defensl\e and offons1ve S)Sterus of wnr and modern toct1cs and drill made the name of Garnet ~ ol elcy n1ore of ll hou~ehold word ti an any ot his rlee<ls rn the field His pen \V::in for him a Ill3JOI generals comn11ss1on \\hen hts nge \\as far below that at \\ hich the r tak 1s generally attarn ed tn he Briti~h of Mr Cu1d " 11 under the chest atrap he might generally be found m his cabm \\1th I'etchmne s Ker soneoe onh1s kJJeee, and the Adnmalty chart of lhe Euxme spread out for reference That officer was Captam Garnet Wol$eley, the present Commander m Chief m Ashan tee questtomng approbation 1 be days of sen ior1ty 1rrespect1ve of merit e~etned over ) outh was no longer to be a barrier to ca pacit) and the 8ecretary at War rose a peg In England s estnnntion Mr Jones Makes a Mistake T Knives, LIME I LIME! REMOVAL. . S. MASON Arrived at Galhpoh the dmSJou to which Mr Jones recently took a trip to Nev Captam '-' olaeley s regiment was attacted Orleans !\nd whil· m that city called on had a time of muctmty, little of "h1ch fell !us friend Snnth But Jones may tdl bJB to tho share of the snbJect of tb1s sketch O\\ n story I was mtroduced to his wife a fine fot His \\as the pnvilege to mcur an earl) re \\Oman lookmgas tho1gh she lned on laff Alter a buff from the dJvmonal commander, "hose in, her Jaco was ao full of tun faith m the red tapeism of a gone by age \\lnle after wed talked ab>ut my girl, mduced him to fall foul of so starthngan 1J1 about the weather rn came thiee or lour chil<lren laffin and ek1pp o as merry ae no 1 ation "' that t l16 } oung f 11 " lier captam crickets Thero was no candle ht but I wished to tmtlate that, name!)· of allow could see they were tine lookmg fell >we. mg h1a meu to dispense "1th the chokm~ ' ( ome here said I ' you little ·oguc leather ~tock when the glass marked 90 de come here uud tell me "hat your name 1s The oldest came to me and says g reea Farenheit Captam Wosleley how M v name is P~te1 South eve1," as an irrepress1b]e inno' a.tor , check And what. 8 your name su ? ed m one direcl1on this 1mpulee broke out Bob Smith in another,anJ when the d1vis1on was moved The next saHl bis nan1e \\as B1ll Srn1th to Varna his compani.: was throu,...h the nnd the fourth said his nau1e v.;as Tommy Smith I gu\e em sugnr cnnd} and ~Jrs JUd1c10 18 changes effected h) hun Hl tlie Smith was so tickled that she Jaughed all tt'ailoring I I Gold Chains, Rings, Olothini ! " SPECTACLES I MB B PEA 'l'E, anx10us to cheer l!P her chll<lQmfited fathet GENTLEMEN S CLOTHING, The old gentleman did notlnmd the ""Jue where he vall be foun l witU th n oat com Lazarus I\iiorus Cos on ho.nd to fit all sight~ plete assortment vf 'I bcim I Wlll sell a.t retluced pncd of his los·es but he did uotf hke to confess which will be got up in the his judgment waa at fault A LARGE SUl'PLY OF Barness, Fist Style of Fashion, The .next mornt~g it waa rarnmg, aud it 1 Whips, and on the was ·everal days before the race· wero Jesumed, and then th" weather waa oo cold MOST REASOrYABLE TERMI> Trunks, &c /ROOERS MAKE I that our 1iandsome Lou "ould not ventur6' 'U to vn Please ca.U B tcklcr's o1d ata.nd At Mr Peats ,residence on King Street 01 e door east of ?i-iayun.r l s Hotel On hand a. very full af!sortment Qf Engli.ah and qut to ruu the-xJSk of her beautiful com TRESPASS NOTICE, Canadian ))o'""'U'lan ville Sep 1st 1873 plexion b · roughened She waa i.nuch O'IICE " hereby given that all parties CLOTHS AND T~~~DS d1sapp when her slSters returned Bowm:ra.nv1lle Octobt!r 1873 found trespas~u g on the Fla.t~ known M after httul da) s sport to be told that R·nce ] l&to mll Q· 11rosecuted ~o full e:>:tent MARRIAGE. LICENSES Char smore bad JOmed the part), and of law l' Do\\ mrulVlllo. 27th 1873 tf bi>' ni38o '8ued by M D WILLIAMS had e eel m close attendance upon W R CLIMIE th i all day Passmore was the BUCKLER'S OLD STAND lhe Chm"&>st of fades Gold and Silvorframe~ as Cutter is prepared to take ordt:ra for the time Mr Sm th looked on but d1dn t say much 'Why says I Mrs Su11tb I would not take a deal tor them four boys 1! I had em-they are so beautiful antL spr ghtly N 0 said she laffm , · I set , good deal on em but we A' em. too much No, says , they re well behaved children and by grac ou, sa1 s I pre tendrng to be startled by a str kmg re That battle gave Captam Wolsele) Lis ma semblance between the boys and the Mhe1 JOrlt) He had now suJlic1ent mlluence m and I looked at Mr Smuh, 'n°' er did see the regiment to carry through some of the anything equal it, says I 'J our own minor reforms tn the condition of hls com· eves, iuouth, forehead arc a perfect ptcture soldms kit m lighter beavy marclung order than any other m the regiment 1 pan themvestment of Sebastopol, ufter ., 1 h the defeat of tbe R ussians at t h e "'ma Y the com bmed arnues, Captam Wolseley s reg 111ent \\as incorporated v;1th the Fifth (Sir Richard England a) Infantry Dms10u, which wasseverelv handled at Inkerman \ l 1 FINE" :OUTLfJRY, " N T .4111Pat:e.,aon. ;r.Y· . A.t the Statesman Office Bowman' ille Bo ~manv11le Nov irh. 1868. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUKD DY RADUATE of the Royal Collei;e of pby s c1ans of Engla.nd and Uwvemty of :V10 tor1a. College Cobou:rg tTndergradu&te and JOHN J WILLIAMS Cherrywood l'ost office Pickering Ont rested m him than she hked to acknowl· e e\OD to heroelf She determ1ned to go RADUArE of the Universities of Tr1n1ty pnze1na.n of the Universi of TorontoJ,and next day regardle" o! compleJUon A College Toronto and"\ ictor1a College of Un1vers ty of Queens College l{mgatou. Mem her of tlie College of Phy1nc1a;ns and Surg·oo. Cobourg ticent1ate of the College of Phys1ci brighter or more glorious day could not Qnta.r10 Sui gery ru rl Re1ndence oppoute a1 s and Surgeons, of Ontnrio Jia, c been demed and the attractive pro he market square Office King Street one door '\est of Mr grarome,com illncd w1tb the ~harm mg weath Cornish· J owolly St re Bo1,..11·ille Bowmauv1llc Oct uth, lfll DR. DAVIDSON, G W. S. BOYLE, M. D. G tc11 of the season, and Lon was more in· sir tappmg the oldest on the pate I thought Mrs Smith "ould have died lalhu penseil with sbavmg m the rauks,and,when at that the rigors of the Crimean wmter .et m to 'Do you tbmk so Jones l said she look encourage the soldiers to wear sheep akm rng towards Mr Smith and thought shed d b h h h go off m a fit coats an c·p·, w ere J t e reglJllent o , Yes sa)S I, I <lo reallJ tam~d the eobnqu.t of Wolseley s woolly 'Haw, haw, haw, suys Mr Stmtb kmd boys. of half la!lim ' you are too hard on me It "as 10 the wmter of 1805 when the now with ) our JOI cs breakdown of tho comm1·sary and supply ' I arnt JOkm at all soys I 'they ate, band.ome ch1ldr"n and do 1-0ok wonder serVlces ent&1led hardships and privation fully like you · of the mo~t greVJOtlB nature on the British i111st then a gal brougnt a light rn and force, that Major W~seley "as mv1ted to I 11 be darned if the little brats d1du t turn breakfast with Lord Cardigan The td out to be mggers every one of tbem l\1r lo\\ rng add storv is related of the \;real,.. and Mrs Smith never bad any children and -, they sort of petted them mggers as play !ast thmgs I never felt &o streaked as I did Seated m the hght cavalry commanders I\ h n I f und 01\t I o v things stood It I q10rtere, MaJor Woleele) "'th four other badt t krnsrd the rnstv tl mgs I co Id ouest. was oratihed by the unuSJal sight I have got ov<r 1t lmt kissmg them " n [ showed I was 1n nu ne~t B t I left N C\V of t vo plump sheep s lndney·, steamrng Orleans the next da> aud I amt seen Sllllth fraiirantl~ on a s1h er dlllh He received e1nce maad He was the first officer who dis ·