~-----~~--~~~~· -==---~~~~~~'Foii~~El'.~~============;;;::=========~~~~~~1==~==================;:=:== --:=--==-P-= O ==ET = R:= Y= . We Shall Know. flY ANNIE HERHER'I', ~-- FARM AND KITC HEN. High Culture for VegetablesIt 1 n ay be possible to over 1:1 timulate som e kin ds of plauts, but this is so seldom done that itrno,ybeconsidere,lnn cxceptionto a general rule. Big vegetable products, S<> ft'Cr1ucntly nt £ai111, 01' r eceived from n1oro settled regions of country, arc nhvaye t he result of t'ich soils; and wo never heard of big beets or monstrous melons coming from poor ··nd banks or clay beds ; tJnd this fact a.J one is enough t o let every farmer and gardener int o t ho secret of success. We never " '"' t he leMt afraid of overdoing the point in heavy mamirin g I.he veget able garden, even if it w:1s natu rnlly a rich soil. With most kinde of vegetables rapidity of gt'Owth means excellent q uality. Tough, stringy beets canots, and ot her r oots, are mually \ho result of slO\V growth and want Of 1 noisture, ' vhich \VhL·H the n1ist.s h::i.Ne rolled in splearlm', 1-'r01n the bo;;iuty 1.1{ the hills, J\.ntl the sun.ihiu 1:1 , war1u ancl te11der 1 Falls in kif;e~s on the rills, \Ve iccty n'i~1l Lovu'.':'! shining l>Jtt er ln the rai nbow of the spray, 'V c ;..h,1.ll.kuow efl. ch other better \Vhcn the n1isti:1 have clellred aWiLY. \ \7 «: r;hall know· as we arc knowD, N e\·c1·u1m:c to wa.lk alone, I n the d1nn1ing ,,f th+.: 1 uorni.ng, \Vhen. the 1ni::.t::s h ave ulcarod aw;i.y. FA LL STOCK """ress r.!..o.ods ,JJ Newee:t Style - 1873_ . _-p_-1873. - -- o- - ~ · 1 I Pedlars are selling ectacles and Eye Glae11· e· pu rporting to be 0 9ur m.a.ke, and to b ea.r OUT names stamped thereon, we hereby caution the public · g·inst all suoh imposters, as Me·m Yellowlcca& Qufokareour AE?entsin 'Ve11t DU.rham j a.nd a R,eward of $25. is hereby offer- IT having come to our knowledge, t hat certain j Sf $aS. ILEWAILD. CHIT ' e ··. :e: ·. ll .:] ;,. _ · i Oct · 1 '..s ·. " · ,(:;._ · ·· · Oct 1872. [T1m :Sr" .:a"" a."' A ~\4t1 .. w. .... '1!11~·"'] _.....1. ke ~ .,._.. 1 · . , " .. 18"" /Q of the offering their trash as our make. .\fontreal, Kov. Sth, 1871. i'1 11 !~cl~i~!~st~~~~~h~~;ii~ da:f~at~d~hi~t;:bJ.fc ~ TIM.- "Good tnorning, Mike, shure and it is eariY out ye a.re. Migh 1 be bou1a to axe '"hat started yees t his morning." LAZARU S, MORHIS, & co. MIKE.- " Jist b~ aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a jiffy. Ye see, I was n7·tf Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons? If we aH~ in lnnnun hliu clncs~ , A.nd forget t.hu.t we are duEt ; If we miss the l:.i.w of kiDclneflS ' Vhc-n wo ~ truggle to bo just ; Snowy wingr:i of pence :>ball cover All th~ pla:in tha.t hidos awa.y, Wh en the wea1-y watch is o\·er, n ir:i1J! have clean~tl i~wa.y. A.ud t h e 1 \Ve shnll know nis we are knowu, ~ evennot·<.:l lu .\Valk alo1ie, Tu t.hu tlnwniog of the morning, .:'a.red awiiy. ' Vht:n th o 1nititS ha\'O clo GR.EY .COTTON of thfj best lltake, including t h e celebrated "et ·A_ 'I" rlii -'ill .... L .._--!.U O rii ~ .EJ N I N ---- .la "i!'t' . J MO RBI S' QAR RI AQ E S HQP . 1·'1 ·om t he ta~..:):) ut uu~· v 1\."il, Oft we dtJeru their love has fa.i li:d 11:.; 1 )\.ntl we t r!..!ri.d onr pn.th aloutJ ; \Ve f:lbon],J see thum ucn.r an<l truly, \\tc shcJukl"t r ust t h em day by day1 Neilher love n or blamo unduly, 1f thi..· mi.;; ts wo_ re cl catctl away, We s h all k no'v af-! '-Ve arc k uown, X evern1ore to walk :'Llo1 ie , In the 'lawning- i) f tlw 1nvr11ing, )Vh en tl1u miBts have clearcJ. n.w~~y. \Vlit'n the 1 nists h:.1.vc ri::1en abo¥o ll.:1 1 A8 our }!'a.tl icr k uo"v~ 1 [ici own , }i' ace to fit.cc wi.th thu"!e t 11:1t love tttl, "\\i c ah all kno\Y ns we a.re known ; Love , bl'yontl the orieilt 1ne<.\dOWB l,.lo~ts the go]Jen fringe of day ; couies u1ai nly from ~· poor sh allow soil . W hen we see poor, snw.ll, h alf-ripened, scr ufy tomatom! in 1 nar ket , we know the man who raised lOct t hem neglected to enrich t he soil. Th e notion, which is fai· too preval ent, that this fr uit does uot Tlo!llll ire :~ d.ch soil, kl a goreat error ; for the b""t tomatoea are always gro wn on good land. t1. 1ew cal'ly r ipe11ed sr ecitncns m ay b e procured UH a light , poor sand j but ~re n ever of good quaJity, an d the plants seldom produce enough to be considered a fa.ii: crop . We do 1 1ot kllO\\" of a plan t th2t will gh·e · mo1 ·e generous re· tm·n for high culture t han the tomato; there· fore, our advice is, put in t h e n1anurc, n.nd in li\mrnl quantities even if it sh ould become n e· ces;sa.ry to p rune t hH vines i n order t o let in t lt11 light and hasten iipeniug. Mclon·.-Whn ever aaw· a good crop of me!· S T Q RM QNT Cottons at value. Cowle's---Splendid · _;! u t . -~- · ',·. u n F a. h-· l·( ,\ ?' ,. ,·. ~ -;~-~.~~ _ P- . 1Y0'; , J-l · ~- ~--1, " ., ,-1 I'. l'IM I .-- t _oul_,d,_y1sterday, that 1ifisther .' Gra . h ., OV Tyrone, had got hmnh ii "" 1 an l~a.nt new stock av Good_s, C ape ·as durt, .m an, and it s meself could hardly sla.pe a w1~k, all night, thinking av t he chape.goods. And sure enuff, its the full store he has-piles and p1l.es. a.v the natest patterns ; and he'd give ye the makin's a.v an illigan~ new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Oint8; Tay ,fi,or most nu!hm, anc.:l the Baccy for a trifle less." A h t8 f Mk afthe~ b~:~king~~~::.'~ne ye are, I ~e ; wo_ u_ I dn't the lllall be a.v · ou a JrnJ ~·.e wan o ge a gratet na.me when y our e ded, and be called a filantrofized filosifer and! W I IS, 1 '° MIKE (west of th e Ontario Bank. ) .-'t'hartea.k1i~llgJ,d s it. hSutr~th.e kT~ow~fa thricktwtur thttwo 1. 80tWtenl,liy B - - -oo-- - Kin., a Street, Bowmanville. PRI Nrns ..L f 0 '·[ il" STYLE a.nd Q'tl' ALJ:TY 11 d unsquo c . . · fi t }" } .f.' N - -- d 'D · b agn l cen , ( I Sll ay O~:- : .~~y ~--~!!: .,;:: -.Jl!l~. _ - G l ' .00( 8.,, -- · . -· ~-- THE .subscriber i· prepared t o build ·n tl re· pair I - . --IVago.is, Buggies, an d Cutters, description, at short notice, ando r easonable t crma. 1".T ' F MlJR DOCH BROS. have opene<l. out.aq imrri e11 se ·tock. O~ J,~ ("W 1 ·:;,U_ Goods. Great care has been t~ken in buyJ11g t}!e ::5.tock l an~ "Qis_"'° lot. -.:_ng a public binifacthor, jist tell all youre nabours· a.nd the rist av ma. n kind, about Gray's cl1ape ~tore, and ~'l'"o ll;_-'11 ,do more for t11e good av your counthry, tbitn 1ver St. P atl'iek did for : ould fre. la.nd, when he baiiish ed all th e t oads aud snakes out av it that r· 11've1·was i'111't." -TIM "I' h bl dt f. } b' - _. .-- -· m muc 0 ,age 0 y e, or t 10 it av advice, a. nd -won't de. tam y e; th.ere 11 shurely be a grate run, and maybee I'd miss some bargams. The top av the morning to ye."-l'rn off to Gray's. · '..! hide the shadows, T ill t he in istt'; have den.red n.way , "\Ve shall k no\V as we ::i.re k now n , Never1nore~ to walk a lone, '\.Y beu tho Day uf J~i:;ht is dawrii ng, ...-\ u<l the 1nh·ts have clei~red ::\-\Vay. \le 1-Ie:trt to heart Chickens. Ch'Umbs - - ----- ----- ------- -·Speaking of bcco1 ui11g a.tt iril , what t hing is Jun1:1t likely to bL·comu a w on1an '! ,.~l by, /'I, litt le g irJ , of COUl'3{;:. A.Ii daylight ean be seen l h r uugh vcr:/ tHn~U 1101$, so litUu t.hiuga will · i!Iu~tra.t(' a pun1on'e d 1uractcr, Be.dB.- Plo\v deep and make rich Shon itl Le the xule for all kind~ oI root crops, and especiA. Jurkcy ~ives the folluwir1g n:a~on why t he aUy be~ts. \Ve ne \·er could succet:'d with long: t;oJourc d rrice is s11pe1·ior to t he whit e : " }\..11 on n. very ligh t ~oil, however rich ; but t he 1111.:m a.re 1nade of clay, a n d li!{e the tneers1·l1a.nm l urni p-sb ap ecl sort always have <lone \vdll. h ('l' . ·) · " If a naughty girl shoulil hurt you, like a ;..;ood g-id J0 Uwm1 Id fc·rg ~ n.l her, wo uldn't yon ?" ' " y ·cs, n1ar111," she l'('pliod, "if I couldn't catch ons on a. poOr soil? o ~·crcrowd ing- the vlant :-3 a11d starvation h ~s 1no1 ·e t o du with the failnrcfS . ' lha.n all other conditioJH l cou1 bined, at le1otst in ':C. I-I ]~ cli1nrites where t his f1'U it ever succeE:ds. As an iiui tn.nce of what a. inelon vine will do if i t ha.s a chance 1 we may relate one in our own experim1ce : A \Yat er-n1clon vino appeared a fe w years since in one corner of our garden, springing, " prob~~bly 1 fron1 an ncci<lentally sown seed. T he ioui1 where it a.pp t"ared \VM q uite r ich , being t he Special L ine of COT TONS at COW LE'S. site of an 1Jld h ot-bed. Vle 1i~«.l t his vine hoed, ;ind clea.re<l t he groulld a.bout it so that it could · ha.ve t\ fair chanct: to m ak e its way, which i t did to th e t:xtent of about a squa.re rod, givin g us fo u1't(1en melons, the s:ma llest weighing about twenty poun da1 t11e largest nearly thirty , and a.U t he p1oc.l.uch of a single 1:1eed ! There at·e certainly no secrets about euch k ind of 1 nelon culture; th e rich soil an d t he free u se of the hoe did it, an d nothing else. I f the soil is n a· turally too heavy for 1nelons, it is not expensive to plow up ridges to mak e- ]a.rge hills, and even uadd no little ~rn.n d , or light leaf m onld or co1 post, t\t planting time. A liber:tl application ft tl~at of WIJOd ashes to t he hills d uring the growth will also be beneficial. The same sy1:1tem may in the couim:v. also be adopted for all kinds of vines, such as ,,, cucumbers, 5qua.shes an<l pun1pkins. COTTON lll STORMONT BAGS but First Class Goods have been purcLaseth custumers; an r11ly on _ct~ ting goo<l. value fo r then· money. " J GIAf TJPAftA e ' __ " ..- ·. · .,· i ~ . '.-~ ,; . ',';,, ·r ,~ , _~ ·. Carriage& Painted and Trlmmed- B E S T the World. A Blacksmith's Shop on the premises, w eri:. sp ecial attention is gi ven Noted for c1'eap Goods. GOQDS .· · , " .. ' to ·ll Ca.niage work, and General READY-}fADE P la in and figured Lu.ti-es, Pia.in a1;d Tll:~t.'1n ·wool_~opli.. 1s, .,Ml}t~ ~Qrd, Job bing. Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, and 1<ll . cndlc;;s va riety -Of other""!rew Dress Goods. Black Alpa.ccas, Dou bl Warp Black Lustres, J?ll!ck. Co·- All work done at this Establishment bourg, Black Pa.ra.mattas, B!itck Crape ;Oii:itbs,_ Black, Metz Qords. CLOTHING and is a well-known Frtct Cowle has the best Tweeds 1va1 '1'an ted. A ca,ll i" resp ectfully solicited, Good Cheap. Clothing Made to Order -- - - -· -· Bov:ma.n ville. Out, lat, 1869. .T. MORRIS. RICE & Impor ter~ of., th" e 1'.A;RK~R ' ' ·a. D. Lockhart, DENT I ST _____ _ ________ £he l Ocl Uotw118 0. lv...oth·ing chewper lha. "/t -- Oott-le's. p ip~, Lhey n.re ui.ore V!lluable wh~n highly coloured." 1'-funcy cu.n buy ma11y things, ;;ood and evil. A ll the wealth of the world could nu t ln1 y you a friend, nor pa.y you for L he loss of one , The diQ.'el'encc between ht1vlug a to,)th pr·oporly (ln\.wn by n. professional surgeon, a nd ha \'· incr i~ knocked out 1nisc~·llnueously by a fall on th~ pnxcment, is 011l y a. slight J;stinction- one is den t al and the othc1· accidental. It is ple a ~'\Ht Lo sec a you ng cn:a tur1.1 come into a. horse·cu1·, seat hcn~-elf fox admirati· ll1 1 look hnppy fo r tivtl Hl inutcs, an<l the.n wnke up t o the rlismaL con 8ciouf:l11ess that t h en· i11 a rip iu t he n1iddle tiug e1· uf her right glove . "13rcnJda~t ft·1· nin1.JLy-11ine," said a. wt~itt~r to a. Yenln.nt clerk a.ta hoLel not long a-go. " T hunde1· ! "said th~ c]u·k; "we can't do it." T h e waiter explained tL;~t ninuty-u-i ue wns t li e nuru· bcr of the rooin. An a.uibitions young lady \VAS talking very loud.h r :~Lullt· her favorite authors, when a. lit er· n.ry ~·hap asl.:-1.xl h er if sh e lik ed Lainb. V/ith a }()ok of iucJ[ablc disg ust, sh e an8W(.:.fed that sl1c cared ~ it tle abon t wlrn.t sh 1:; at e. co'l'Ppared with knowledgo. '.l'en1per.;u1eo tUld lalJor are tht.: l;e8t p hy$ieians \'f nia.n. Lnbor shn-r1H·111:1 tl w appctiti.;, t~n d teu1pern.nce p1·e v<.2ut :; h i111 fr,n n in dul :;;-ing in t-XCC8S. Onions.-Now a nd rich soils a.re best , but 11he old garden will produce Jiodd crops if fresh, unferinented n1anures are not applied the sam e SC'Rson the seed is sown. An onion patch should be plnced in the ~an1e lii.t with the asparagus bed, rrnd w hen oucc ·well £t tc d with thee:!"' bulbs, kept {or this spccia.l purpose nn d no other; for (lnion s v.·ill grO \\' on the s::i.m e ground a s long ::ia its fertility is ke pt up, bnt not sO with Cabbage .··· I f tlils vegetable is gro" ·n for sev era.I yea-rs in succession on th e san1e l and, the cahbo.ge mn.ggot is likely to becorr1e so abi11:J· dant that \vho.t is termed cl ub-foot wil! render BLANI{ETS IN In Black and White real Laces a.nd so ..rtmen t, a t prices to suit 11,It, Ll\oe: Qollars, W A 1;11.vt.«~ manufactured·on this Continent, ar~ prepared to treat with reliable travelling agents on liberal 'terins. They are making arrangements· to introduce some first ·class' pianos. W are Rooms at the . West Durham Steam Printing House , King Street, Bowman ville. J3li:ST .O~GA~s. Large Variety Our Stuck of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings;":-J>i!ots, Beavers, Meltons, etc,, will b e found unusually llJ,rge, Graduate· of the Royal College of Dental Sugeons,, Ont. [ Office over F, F. McAr thur's Store, King St., Bowmanville. Bowmanville, Oct. 23rd, 1873. m~·\\I. 'Winoeys--a. Dea.d Job. 1 .- ... , ........... liowmanvme, May 7th, 1872 N. Il.---Special inducement given to CASH Purchasers- MU RDO'."OH' ·Bc RQS,.. , __ .. _ ,,~,. .- : ,. -- I ··i · ~- 0 1 t heir cul ture a failnl'C, Of course thcr~ Bl'e lo· calities where t hi s insect (Anthoinyio bntSsica) is ' nnkn own . Best ~faminoth Cabbn.ge are pro· duced oul v on land cont::tining the eltn1ents necessary for riroduciug them. B ut we n eed n ot;.11ccify f uct.hcr. Ora· t·eaders will see the poi nt a.t 'vhich we have nin1ed 1 \'h:. : fl igh cult ure is the ce1-tain i·oad t u great <1 1ttl profi tallltJ rcsults.-Rllt'alNcw 1r(ltker. F t y Cow le J 1 BOWMANVILLE jMaohine a.nd Implement Manufacturing Co ---~--·- - -- - ----- 1'o lJt;e 11rood Dccp Blade, throughout., it i::i recommended to sori.k it inn. hot sol uLion of l u~ wood for twen ty.four h ours- one pound of log\Vood to th re e pinto of wat er ; di·J· sup er6dally 1873. T he tiubserib er \\·uuld beg to caU at t ention to his s tock of Manufa,oturers of and tbtin iwu1erse in a boiling solution of cop· peras llJld "W·ell bruised nntgalla- two ounces of copperas to one quai't of water . · W O OD AND IRON A 1-fu.rtfor·d gt·n tlL1n:i11 \~1.o had ta1'1·icd h;.to a.ta wine s u-p111.ll', found hirJ wife ~HYHitb1g his re t urn in a hi g h hi.ate of 11e1·\·ou11no:::;s, 8nid ~he, ' '}[ere I've bc~n ·waitiug and rocldng- in n.. ()}iair t ill u1y l 1et\d swin:1s l\.1uwl liki: a. L op. " ·' J esti bO where T've Lec11,1' 1i:i:ipOn<led he," i V:; iu t he atuiosphCl't'. " A Dau bury ru;1 n \\bO reccutly ]ol:lt }iis wife was a~kt· d by a friuud wheth er i:;lie dit:cl sudde nly. "Ti.di~fd : lw lliJ," }ic t:lX.C.h1iim~d, wit h Jandl fi:lli11:; ; "w hr, (;uly a. week. More th(;:rc " ' Ii,.'> :t man a.ron1itl ht.: rtl tlu~t --.nu1 ~cd t o infmi:c h ct' bu t I never 1]re:~1ned of <.tDyt hing l1 a.pp ~n i11g-1. .t-\.1:d," bu ad1 kd , cipPlv:;titieally, "1 don't lwl it:vo ::u1ybm ly woulJ l1 i"\.Vtl tl1ought it. to l...1ok at lier." 111._d p1·< 1[1;1Hmr on going to hutu;eko.:ev· int{ --.vent lu :i. ftori;i aw..l told t he clerk his wife wrt.)1t.t'd i:ome rice. "How lnud1," al'lked th o clurk. ·' OL , Dot much ; I suppose t hroo or f o.\11· Lu1:<hehi wonld do for tlc present." '!'he i.:'.u1.k \\":\8 vcrv sorry t hey J1a tl n ot so mnch on ; ,t111l, hut Re11i hint twenty lJl)Und~, \..-]1icb he pe1·s11a1k·d t11e l~aniccl geutlt:n1::i.n woultl serve f ..u· n, fe:w do.ys. A yonng man wl10 wa s inarrii:d in Detroit ti.'< u1ouths fl, JO J1::is joined iu the tliscus~ion of thtl q ti esti on of fa1nily economy, but his little (\u11triLution is far fi·o1n satit>factory. ' 1 I do uot ," li e sa.ya, ·· n11de1·stt1 nd how it is. I used tn figtnc it 01.1 t, a-s I sat with ni y ar1n round her waist on Sunday n igh t8, 11.nd a l_l it woul d then cost to Ji \"e would bfl $2. 75 a \veek , and now I spend $15 a.nr.1 a.m h ung ry half the ti me. >< J.,i L tle 'l'on1niy didn't <lisoLey 1narr1mn., and go in swinnn in g, did he~ " H No, inan1ma. ; Jim1ny ]))'own a n d the rei:;t o( the boys \'lent in, but I r enw1nbc-recl what :yo11 said, ancl didn't disoblly yon," "And '1 ,ommy never tells a. lie, dnes he? " "No,1n amn111; I ·w ou l<l n't tell a lie for all tLe ,-.,-odd. " ;' 'l'l1cn h ow does 'fonuny }Ja.ppen to h n.yei on Ji rnmy B rown's shirt?·' T hat con nndrun1 -wo.w too n1uch for '1'01nn1y. _._r\_ Cola->'8 to Barinon,fac w ith ./lf({.hO!](t 11:; .- Th e American Artisan says, "mahogn.uy must not bo m;socicatcd w ith red , scn.rlet or oro,nge,othcrwise its effect is dcRtroycd. It harmonizes with al most every other t int that is used in uphols· tcr y. " Cement for l)o1·cetain.- Ptlrha.ps th l:l best. n1aterial fo r joining broken pocelain i s the fttn1ilial' househ old cement foi·n1ed of 'Yhite of egg (or cheese) and qu idc. lime. \Ve gi vti , however,oue other :- 'l' wn parts of isinglaa~ are waked iu wa.Lc1· ltntil well s wolltHl ; the --.~··~.ter is then poured off, and the is:lnglass is dissolved in al· coho], by tl1e aid of heat , One pu-rt of llltl.stic : is then difmolved in three parts of a lcohol and nddt:d t o the above solu tion ; and th ~n one part of gu m au1mouiacu'1 n . The sol ution i3 \Vell shaken and evaporated to the con::iistency of st rong glue, when it solidifies on cooling. }'or use, th o cement nnd the a.r-ticl es tbem sel v e ~ inust be warmed. Groceries THE.. Dry Goods, Most Wonderftil nvention of the~ge. · Att l\chcd to t hese pat ent"~ll' Spe ctacles are two scientifically constructed Galv anic 13atteri esun$een when worn-~elivcrin g thr ough the :pqrycs of the h ead, a soft 'ind cOntinuous stream of electricity, vitalizing A nd giving healthy action to the entire l5eautiful system of those part· a bsolutely and Gd"rt~n,Ily curing . WORKING MACHINERY J Moses' Electro!Galvanic, Pa.t. June . - ' 2nd, I ~~s. _ :Soots & Shoes Double Turbine Water Wheels, And etc., etc., whi ch for li:~u Partial Paralysis of the .Optic. Nerve Weak or Dis~ase<F:Vision, Neuralgia ofth~.R!iasl. or Face, Nervous Twitche~ in tlre"Mnscles ofth f face, ""' · Noises in t lie Head, r ~'_,.,., -~ p 1 Ca stings of a. ll Kinds. Messrs. It.ice & J3a,r~er · . ' Have received another r;npply of that !superior class of Organs kn owt1 aa thei ~ ~ '"" REPAIRS Jone on the . Bubstitutcfor D1 ·/i;tla. - T hc fibrous bark of he sug:.\l' p::i.hn (A renga sacch<Jria.) p r oYes to be a goor.1 substitute for brist les and anin1al and h u1 nan hair . 'l'he treatment i!S simple . 'The bark is first iintn~rac tl in water a.ntl boiled fo S'Jme t ime in an alkaline solution ; the fibers t~re then suak od in an emulsion of fat , alkali a.nd water for about 12 hours, aft er which time t hey are sufficiently hard and ela11 tic fo r the ahovc· 11a 1ned use .·-.Ru.ral 1retc Y orker. Quality · and Cheap ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED J. ELLIOTT, TYRONE. Loss of :Me11tal Jjlj~rgy, And a lioist of 1'<! ervoua :Dits,ta.sca, a.rising frolY' d .~_pression of the ner voua- ~ne.f g y: of the ay _:.S t em ContributiJJg in a 1 n ost ·MtQn~\t;hing ,d,egre,e 1 to life, v igo1 · and h ealth. B Y. the- ipeans.of the soft and fl owing stream of 'Efect ricity, Giving Brightness to the Eye, Quic;.kne.ss to the-- E ar, a.nd energy to the B raiJ'!. 1 1'hcy are set with . lensee of t he finest mal) ufacture, t o suit all aigh ts, a nd with glas ses I ol'-' tho s'e'" not neeing Spectacles to r end withL but desiring the 1bene· fit s: to be derived from 'vearing the B atteries; a nd are only to be had in· this ,,.icinity of SltOit.Tli:ST NOTICli:, 'Ve ha.ve no'v ou h a.nd a large q u-:iit ity of .:U.e, Silver 'I'.011S' I · ' AT PRICES ,Common and Gang Plows, that will be auld ·t Lowe than any pevio'tlsl,Y Impoted. . , · ., · ' a.nd having resolved to give the public the ?en~ fit of said r1..-duction in cost, thejj. qall vptclal ttention t o the following Price -~ Liat toe t¥ current mont'b.. ' ~~ ' YELLOW.LEES & QUICK. :· . · · LOW PRICES t.f m 20tf AT THE SHOP. Bo wma.nille, March 6. 1873. An Unwelcome Guest. Our youn g friend Parker went around th e other eveniug to viait the two I\fi as. S n1iths. After con versing \vi th them for ·awhil e, !vliss Susan ex cused herself f or a fc ,v m t)rn enta and \'··-ent up stai rs. Prz:scn tly Parker t hought he heard her cornin g, and sli pph1 ~ bel1ind th e door he 1uggested that th e other Mi" Smith obould tell Miss S usan t hat lh'~ lrn.J gone. But it waslJ'li , Susan i i t \vas ol<l S1 nith, in h js sli ppe rs. As lie en te red he l ooked a round and said t o his daugh ter : TO THE PUBJ_jic· WALTER WIGG & SON, N -eturning tna.nks. to .their Customers an<l the se1,lerally, for past ,vould rea}Jectfully U\Yltb their a.ttent1on to our presentstock } unuture, as we have lateJ)'." I a.dJ.ed that we may thereby be enabled to isupply a:J.l parties who ID!l'Y please to f.avor ht 1 Style 9; Five Stops ' Diapason, ~colo, Violina. Octave, Tremolo. Price',115 1he satisfaction given by Etyle 10 ; Six Stqs Diapason, Pico\o . DRUGS AND MEDICINES A T 'l'H E Violina., Octave, Tremolo,. · l'onii · and Grand Organ Stop. Price $13!!/ Au old fanuer cmploye<l a ..c:on of Ed 11 to wrn·k for him on hi.s fnr111 . ]:' ;~t Wu.8 const antly 1nill.placi ng t he cn<l l1<1ar(ls iu the cro-t-the front bun.rd belilntl a.ud tl1e tui l boar d in front 1 --.vhicl1 rn a.·lc the o1d gentlcurnJ1 '·er y i t'l'itablc. 'L1o pre\·cut hluudcri:\ he pai nted on both OOa.rds n liwgc ·' 13,'1 tbfH1 calling I'at to h im and sbo\ving hin1 tlie bo~rdf'I, ~tiicl , 11 N ow, you block· head, you need n1akf' JlO mistake, as they are no w both l 11:tTkerJ. Thi5 (point in g to on e board) is ' n ' fo r hefore, and th t~t (indicating the tail lJoard) i~ 1 B ' for behind, ,, wher eu11un the old s·cutlen1an waxchc'l off with great digni t y . U!ll Bl~nAJ.i.A1'I VE!3 nr !11 ·.\H lHAGl~. Bowmanville Drug Store. ~umarou~ '!'be wind \VM da.mp wiLh c01nin:; wet, 'Vh4';n J itll'.l.C8 an d blue-eyed J.Jiz~ie 1nct ; lle h(·hl ~~ goingl1am 0 1er his head, ..4..1id to t he rnai\klJ thus l1e sair.1 : . 1, my 11eart's ::a f'ire '· 0}1, lovel y glr V/iL!t love's unquestion aLfo dci-iiro ; Su.y, di::-u·cst love, ·wilt t hou b1,:1 mine, and t o tht::-t_:>u blic generally, for thC v ery liberal sup port he h as recei ved since his 1opes 1y conti'Ali a So Parker's gout', has l;ie 1 good co1nmench1g in buainei=s. ; an d 1 nued strlck person al att e11tio1~ ,c business, antl we sha.11 be ready a.t all times, to a ttend li'une.rals, on short notice, and reaaona.ble terms. r iddance. I was j ust co n1ing <lo wn to keep offering noth ing but the purc1>. 'articles, a.t the N. B. Coffins kept on hand, tt.nd niade t o order, a.t the Tny eye no hiin. I hope he hasu··t been n1ost reasonable prices, t o en sure a continuan cti NEW DOMlllION RET.1.IL Fl!RNI'l.URE W.A.RE,ROOM proposin' t o y ou l\fary J ane 1 I <l.on'l want of public patron;i.ge. J. H . would call spe cial attention t o bis very any such la ntern·j awed, redb eu<led iUiot a~ superio1· stock of King Street East; Oshawa. that fooli n' arou nd h~re. 1:Ie h asn' t got Oslui\va., .Ang . i 6th, 1810. the se11sc of a r utabaga. tu r ni p, or n1oney en ough t to .. bu y n · cl tan Rhi rt.. He ge ts which aN sure to give th e best satisfaction . 1.\ . well-sclflcted stoc.:k of none of lllY da ughtt! l'8, rll shake t he everp cuBtomen~, W ·th a. caJL Great inducements held out to thoae pnrcaslung at our E stablishment. Pictures, L~oking Gla.saes, &c., fnnned to order, and in every style. _8a.ml?leE1 of the different ~nd of is eclipsed by th e w at iafaetion gi ven by S~!A LE OULD most respectfully tender his sju- ?vlouJdingi,: can be seen at the 'Va.re-room , W e would also beg to 1nform you, tb.at', ha.vlDg pur- to hls numerous patrons. He is: now pleased to ann ounce that he has on ha.nd a. large and cere thanks to h:i s numerous fr iends and chased a. J. HIGGINBOTHAM, th~r et o , Publi~ o~ f~vo ra BARNUM yaried assort ment of Style 30 ; Seven Stops' lina, Tremolo, Forte, Voit huloana.;·SubbaRe, Octave Coupler. · Pr!ce $150. Dia~a.son. V J,. ~ ~· -{ SPLENDID NEW HE.i:\.B.SE, FtYE PER CENT. OFt FOJ ~Sil. · The ~la.nuf:acturer!'l issue but one- quality work, a.nd that ie Boorrs AND SHOES of the best quality, an<l ir; anxious that they shnllset to 'vork M 1:10011 as possiblt1, . D YE S T 1JFFS, DRUGS, GH E11f1CALS, All Prices, All Sizes, All Kinds Ladles .Ppmella. Congress, at 80 cen_ ta " · ·~ Balmorals, extra high cut · .· · · · "\ · ,· · $1..2!) BE:ST THE VERY ' .i. . thii r exteDsi..-e b.ci lities a.nd long enable them to prdduce. ........ . experie~ce · Jastin' li fe ontof hitn if I catch bitn here a2lin 1 :iii nd in e. ' ._. Just :ui h e concl nd {::tl, S u ~an caru t:i Jowu a.1 Hl n ot pe rcei vi ng Pa.r.k er, she sai d . . "l 'bank gooclness_J-c's g~ne ! T hat ruau P ATENT ,~fEJ)I CI1tTES GO r\ND S.E E Nothin.1r 1;p . B eat it.. ·. ·. ··'"' ne i11 the groeery line ? And join 1 repJicrJ, "Ji1 n, hold the umbrella 1nnre n1 y siJe; ?tly b:-a.n new bo1n!cL'8 gettii1g-wetI'll 1nti. rry ycr, y<:r needn't fret. 11 SWl!C:t 'l'h~ m:iia in aeccnts 18 CIIOU~b t o pro1bke Cl. 83.l Dt. { \ \' US aw~ S UPPORTERS, E~ .. Etc. .l\ n,t n Or,n !\<f.~K. -- A venerable gen Llcma.n, T hen Parker didn't knO\V whe the r to kept con~ta.ntlv on ha.nil. V.·bo due~n't want his namQ iuentionecl, had a stay or to bo l t: while !\1a1·y Jan e look ed as reserved scat, fol' t he \ Vrvll aco Sii:iter':. can-can if sh e would like to drop into the ce1Jar. ·OIL S, P .A I NT; show, , veek befor1~ la~t . anr.1. placll1g the ch eck COL ORS, V A RNIIfSES, for the same in h is lia.t linill j;, forg-ot all a.bout But Park er tinnll y \V 'll k cd ou t, l'U!:!hecl toancl WHI'l.'E LEA D , i t tn1t il S unday, when, :i.s li e l:lat in church, he tb.c entry, se ized his hat, shot <lo\vn t.h e at the very lo\1'est prices. d isco\·cred the ch eck rost,i ng serenl"'ly on th~ k,p fl'on t step s, a.nd \\'cnt out, m ed ita ti ng u pon of his h ead. It hMi d l·opped out and bctro.yed the en1pti ness of h u man Lappin ess an d tl1c Hor~es -and C"~tle :Medicines: N. B .- Countr y Sto heepers supplied on the hi~u- ·~·o add to hi:=J rnortifica.t iunJ1 is .wite v.·~~ u nce r tain ty of S1 n it.b. Ile b as not called n.dvantageons ter ~ " · with lnm :ind l'e~w1nbe1·ed the yress1n~ busi- 1 since, and his life t hus far has been un 111 0· moi:Jt A ch oice selection ot l.IAMPS, for ~ ale cheap n ess thot <nlled !um down tow'l'ou the mght 1b / l di. h I l l th S 'ti 1 · '] Bownuui.yillo , Dec, 9, 18138. . fl;w . . este vy t e H !ac o e uu l am1 y. ltj.UCBt1on. fully afraid he was going to stay aud spend the eveni ug. l\'Iary J aut', l 11 ope you Jitlu'·i n£<k bitn t o ca ll 11gain 1" l!R USH ES, CO.Ml!S, SJI 0 IfLDEB-BRACE S, ---- · These I 1isl!1·wnwnts are cased in wiirl u ell seasoned, Blaclc Walnut, e~ gan tly and beaidifully fini_ shed . by a neiv F1·en ch process. THE DURABILITY of the 11 Sil ver Tonbrue/~ is one of its most re. ma.:rkable eha.racteristic2'. _ Their quality of , Jceeping.i n good tone, ~so l8 <JDe of tbe -taost p ractical importance · BATTING'S NEW GEr-.,T'S-BOOTS, Rubber Goods, Felt Goods Trunks, &c. Special <:tottention gh·en to and none but firat:cla.sa~\vorkmcn employed, thus insuring good value in c'very, case. ry Store,J{ing St . , ~an vilh~. S T OR~. FALL AND WINTERDRYGOODS AT THE Kan.oh.es t er Bouse, Bowm:.nville, Sept. 18th 1873. CUTTING AND FITTING RICE &: BARKER, ~Gng Street, Bowmanv ille Bo wmanville. }larch 3l'd, 1874 . ' - One door enst of Cornieh's J ewel- J. S1'1ALE . Bowmamille, S.o ~t. 23rd, 1873 .