HOUSE AND LOT in the Town of :Bowma.nville FOR SALE. ATE on Klng Street, nearly opPollite SITU t11e Eastern llotel. is t acre of ln.nd, Thert~ TBOlll!S BATTING bogs to inform his pustomers and the public gcncrnlly, that h o ha" now received his NEWCAS'l'LE, \Yj tth to i11form the puLlic genera.lly, that they have comn1enced the M Mc(Jl1111g Bros.' 1. MEnc11AND1s1~ MovE~IEN1 . . on which are all the acooi:pmodations. the proprietor, 'l he house is of brick, contains 8 rooms,,_ and Vs in good aLate of repair. Terina eaey, Apply to 1 MR. LESSLIE SCOTT, Lot 14, 4th Con. Darlington. (m22·2mo·.) Gi·oce1·y Bi(;siness of IN EJ.e:Phant House! P~TJ)ERSIG.NED in returni ng !..hanks to h1~ m3J1y fri{:lndi; and th e public gen erally for the liberal pat1·011 a,..e extended to hitn dur . ing the 18 years, ·~begs to n.Jmouuce fr01n arid nftoo· the 15th Septembe1·1 Ire will c:tirry on the same bns ineasi but n1ore cxt~nsi Y cl,v under the na.rue and style of Joll:!;l MoLEOD & Co .. Prom:i;.it 1·n.yme1it of all accounts i~ rerlflcr ed 1n1pern.t1v o ?Y tbis bl!sjne!:!B arru.. ug..:uwut, and all per~on ei HHlt!bt ed will p le:\80 ta.liJ' noticu and gvv crn tlit:m &elves acuonli ugly. Bown1anyj1Je, September 4 th, 1873. TIIE THE DOMINION BANK. Notice is hereby given, that a 1 DIVIDEND OF FOUR PER CENT. Upon the Capital Stock of this Institution has - been this day declared for the current half~yottr, and that the same will be payable at the Bnhk. ing !louse in _ this city, on and a.fter FRIDAY, the FIRST DAY of MAYNE:XT. The Tra;1afer Books will be closed from the !~th to the 30th April next, both days inclusl vo. '.!'he Annual Meeting of the St<.>ekbolders fur the election pf Directors f9r . the ensuin¥ ynar "'ill be held at the Ilankiri'g' House in this ofby ...:at rrwelve o'clock noon, on THURSDAY, the :28th day of M"y noxt. J3y order of the Board. DRY GOO D S which OJl GLENDINNING'S BLOCK, --. \vhcre they offer inspection will be A t t r .a ot i v e a n d Ch e a p. --o-'_. All goods marked at the l.uwest . fouucl ~ropamt10n, - . cgnr Dr. J. Il~ttcrs are a purely Vegetable Wfilkei·'s Clil:ifol'llia Vin· made chiefly from the na- CASH, - -o- - R. H. BETHUNE, : - ~aafner, Toronto, Z!Jth 1-Iarph, 1874. _ m2tit( . ··nehester April 15, 1874. ,from w11ich no "h<itemcnt will be rn ad e. - o- - Hoase~ B ow:m.anv.ille. MONEY ! MONEY ! · ~ --:r 1' f rrHE undersigned for from 5 to 20 years, at a Vet'Y. low ra.te o( Jo b;Jately received fhrth er instructions to lend money on Rea.I Est11.i1:J- terest, and, in other rtIBpe1Jts, u,Pon terms lik11ly to suit the wishes of any bonti lid~ applicant , 1'he advantage to bG derived fl'om applviug to the subscriber will, in all cases, be fully 1nade known to the party applying for a lo!W before any expense is incurred. 'V'M. H. Lo\ve 1 Barrit1ter, &c, Office on Silver Street, 2nd door north of J{ing S treet, Bow1ua1lville. Bowman ville, Sep, 18th 187 3. m50mos , J)rneasc.s. · tho ren1arkn.ble g.u a.lit1r.s of Y lK-1:GAll Di l"I'ERS iu hen.ling tho sic.Jr of ovcry <l1scase u1auJ1::i J1cir to. 'l 1hcy tLrz: a. gentlo Purgatiyo, a~ \Yell as n. 'J.1onio, roh e v1ng Congestion or Inflammation of th.u Lircr an:l "'fisceral Orgalls, iu lhlious 1 com~<?u11(l~ti.... possessin g the St0rra Nevada mountajns of Califor· nia, tho medicinal properties of which aro extracted therefrom without the UBe of. Alcohol. TlJo question is ulmost daily asked, "What is tho cause of tho tmparallcled sqcccss of VINEGAR BIT· ~·nns ?" -Our answer is, that they remove the caus~ of disease, and the patient recovers hr~ health. 'l'hey are the grer,t blood punfler &nd a life-giving principle, ~ per1ect Hcuorntor and Iuvi"orator of tho system. Nover before "'in tho history of the world has a meclicine been tive 1!crbs fo m1d on tile lower mnges of Groceries, Crockery, Glassware,· McClungs' ·Multifarous Mercbanclise Manifestly Moves Moneyed Jl!l nltitndes. - -- o----- JO:tl.N MoLEOD. Flour, · Seeds, rli 0 B .A CC 0, CIGARS, PIPES, &c. 'l'heir 1'-fo.t to is Mature Matrons, Motlest T Jo~~'1~6~~~~-~'~ Colr lHLibe,·al Support and I { Patronage E ED Maidens, 1 -------- cxtendctl so.l on ti tu .John 1f(. :'l .coJ , ~nd t_ t\l.: t"<; this oppo1t nnity of in: forrrnn g th ~~ public, thn.t t hey hay(~ DISCARDED Money-Making· Men, Marvellous " fAIR \~ · KE?AH ..D1·1"r~ns are .Aperient, :Oiuvhorct,iO Carm 1uatrvc, :Nutritions Laxative Diuretic' ~eduth·c, Co untor·Irrit~t Sudori.tlc .AJtora~ L ive. and ..Anti-BiliV"J~. ' ' . '.l'he properties of DJ<. w.u.KER's AND QUICK RETURNS." PLAY, SMALL PROFITS, Multit1L(les, Merrily Move J J. D. STROWGER. L. STROWGER N..: wcastle, ~I:-..rcb 1 5th, 187,L McClungs' Most l\foderately Oll t hu HILLIAR FLOUR MILLS. returns farmers Aond others.,, for favors received, and that ments. He is noiv pr1;1pared to grind at HE SUBSCRIBER thanks to the T \\' infurm all ne offers further inducu- Grateful Thousands proclaim Vrnl'G-An BITTERS the most wonderful Invigorant that e;-er su.1tained the siukin$ system. "' Marl{e(l I\iliscellan·e ous 30 Cents per :Ba.rrel, and chof as heretofore at 2 ceJlts per bushol. The mil is in splendid order, !lnd satisfaction ·will be given. . CASH FOR WHEAT. H. l'REElflAN, Haydon, April 2nd, 1874. ro26-4,v, FOR Bow manvDle, SALE. T"i'i~ic~.EW cu·rTERS. lnqui'o4l~ttft11!0 · ·Tenr Jan. Sthi 1873. 11 II ---- - - _ G _ ootls, 11.Ta"l·T Good~ 11 '-J I I ~. . . .. s~METHING _NEW Ladies' Cuffs and. Collairs, with cuff in Bowmanville. :Suttons and collar :Suttons ait"" -;o:- JUST A_R RIVED. taohed, Any one wishing to have Photos enlarged fro w old pict11res of dcccn.sed friend s, can get the done at ',; Arthur's Gallery, t hey having gone to gre~t expense in purcb:w;ir1g and fitting up a N E w D R E ss. G. o·oDs' THE VERY LATEST NE\¥ YORK STYLE. No Person can take these Bitters nccordiug to directions, u.nd remain long unwell, provided their bones aro not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, ancl vital organs wasted beyond repair. UF. UNDEl\SIGNED begs t<.> announcetd the pubJjc gtme rally, tlrn.t h e has purchase. Bilious Remittent and Inter· the 1<tc1ck and goodwill of the business hereto, mittent Fevers, which are so preva. f ot·c C :l·Tl'icd 'uu iu th e lent in tho valleys of our great rivers thrnughollt tho United States, especially those of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Mis.souri, BY Dliuois, ·renncssee, Cmnbcrlxnd, A,rkausas, Hed, Colorado, Brazos, llio Gmndo, Pearl, Alabama, "Mobile, Savannah, Roas C: ~hinc t inn.ker. n.nd Undertaker, aucl will anoke, ~ James, and many other,s, with their vast trib11taries, throughout our couiinue the busin ess i11 the ol<l premises, with ft1 'll -a.<;so1tuwnt of first class Furuiture, entiro country during the Summer and :.\ Coflins , ~lu:ouds, &c., will be kept on hand Autun;m, and remarkably so during sea- . and lio pes by strict attention to busineal'l, aticl sons of unusual heat and dryness, aro modern.Le drn.r~es ~o merit the patronage of the invariably accompanied by oxtel)sive do· people. rangoments of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In thoir treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. Thero is no cathartic for the purpose equal to DR. J . wALK~R'S VINEGAI\ Br£TE1~s, as they will speedily remove tho dark· colored viscid w.attcr with which tho bowels aro loaded, at the same time sti"mulating tho secretions of tho li'lcr, and generally r estoring the he.althy functions of tho digestive organs. having been ]\1erchan(}ise; - o-- B!JSINESS OHAN GE. Mcclung Bros' ~f enlurndi~e 1Vloderate prices, T Most careru11y selected stock; · ~fovcmcnt Nlean s: A N 1st January, 1st May, _ and 1st Sept ember Jn eac.'i ancl ei;ei·y year. Village ot Hamp.ton,__ James Cryderma.n; T · 1\1:ccJ1a11ics, ll.nrl others, whose inay amoun t to $50,00 or over, their note, if ar-.Teed upon will be ta.ken 1'3.Y:tblo at' tl.HJ fora~co unts In t h e case ut a stated 1 1erio<l. H A i,fannfat:ture~s, N T short p Maintaining their rcpnt[1tion; lVIaking every effort to pleaso ; Meeting cash buyers liberally ; Managing to give satisfaction to all. ---o- - - 'l'lIE Cash Purchasers .'\NJJ Prompt . Hl c:nt li l); lo,, as will,, n1:~·~,ys get goo1 l1i :l.t pl'iccr?lll' grea.t ui?n will be t o court tllls cl:l.'18 of ti·n.d e . Payers on credits H M R ~~ D! McC!uug';; Merchant-tailoring. --o--- Millinery, lV fantles, . Mourning, Q u /well Assorted !ij Stocl:1xnI.a1·ge i.\. "lplcud1'1 \ ,\ t iet r of Q/ THE HEARSE Improved and Painted, s now one of t he best in th e County. dcra vron1ptly utti.:ndeU to. . Fortify tile b.ody against disease by Jl!Uifying all its fluids with VINEGAR BITTERS. No epidemic enn take hold of a system tlJus fore-armed. Mccluugs' 1\[attcd Moyune, S S rr 0 V l~ S, s E Jo11N-"i\i~Jr~c;t uoE Cook, Hall, p .,,rJor, n,nd Box · 1 & 1uM BoNnl.tnville, Sq itember 4tl1,'73 1 SOLAR CAllBBA., for the express puTpOSt! of enla.rgiug pho~o· graphs which they inake from the sm~est card 'to life size. 'l'hey wo11:1d· re~nnd the llUblic that they are still striving_ to improve their work in rhotography; and they are now turuing out Pictures NEW lllLLl1\IE8f9 NEW HATS, NEW CASHMERE CAPES. - -o - . .AJl or ER~DIAN " . EXPEC T .T 0-D A Y , New tweeds, New trouserings, New· ves· tings, New York Laces, New Ready Made Costumes. · -. -0. -Swoll,i.llg9, U1001'.s, Erysinein.s, Swolleil NeclrJ Goitre, Scroiulous Inilu1 nma.tiou.s, Indolont Iuilu1nmo.tions, Mercurio.I .Affections, Old Soros, Eruptions of the Skiu., Soro Eyes, etc. Iu theso,~ as in n.11 other co11stitutional Diseases, WALKllll.1$ 'Y rNEGAR Bl'l'TERS ha.vo sllow1l' their J;l'Cnt cura.tivo powors in the n1ost -01Jsti.uato an<l intractable cases. Dys~cpsia or Indigestion~ Headache, l'ain in the Shoulders, Cougbs, Tightness of the Chest, Diz.ziness, Sour Eruct(ltions of tho Stomach, Bad Tasto in the Mouth, Bilious attacks, I'alpitatrition of tho Iloat"t, Inlla=ation of\the Lungs, Pain in the region of the "Kid ncy.s, nud a hundred other painful syu;i.p. tonfa, aro t\)o offsprings of Dyspepsia. Ono bottle will provo a !Jotter guarantee or its merits tha;u l1 lengthy advertisement. · Scr ofula, or IUnp;'s Evil, Wb1t~ ' P . S . ~ l!""ul'nitu:rC ·1nalla tu ord~r ,..,,htln re qtril'C (l, and 1·i.:pail"J $ l1e:\tly CXtl CUtcd. fiti.mpton, Sep. 18lh, 1873. It. E:A TE:B.SON. .' . Mentiou. M Bowmanvillc, March, :l5th, 1874. :Sible Christian- " BOOK ROOM AND '· Equa.l to Toronto Work. - :o: good as their cards. Go a.nd examine sp~ci· Jnens, and be convinced that they are d_o1ng ·v.·ti.11. 11~xtni. prints can be had off old negat1 vcs. -:I'bc7 ket-p on band Md for ~ale, au I-I A TS, CAPS All L he novelties of the "cason to be found :tt Cabinet and four-fourth size made equalJy as J. & W. J. McMurt.rY: & Co. ,SIGN: OF · 1 ' .. - For Inflammatory and Chronic AND FURS ! --o.- Sabbath. School KING STREET, EGV!l'l'iJ\ N \lflLf. The Rub~cribt'r ~PHE GO I.DEN L I ON, . ~1 BOWMANVILL E. Rheumatism, Go11t, Bilious, Remit· tout andlutormittont Fovor.o,J)iseascs of tho Jlloo1l, I~~o r, Kiducvs and Il!~dd·r, thes.e Tiittcrs no equal. Such Disea$ea nro caused by vititLted 13100<.1. e :M:ARE:tTS MAYER r cspucth1lly announce:i n - - a- Lns on b u.nd Mechanical Uiscascs.-Pcrsons en· gaged in Paints :end Minerals, such as Plurnl.Jers, 'l'y1,c-sctLcrs, Golll-bcaters, and Mincn;, as they ad\Tauco in life, ! subject to -- paralysis of tho llowols. To g uard against t.llis, take n. doso of' \\T ALKErt's V1w EGAR BITPEUB occasionally. LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT - of- t~ NEW GOODS tmitnh1efor the Jh~ll and Winter trade . stock vf ]!°UTS c1nbraccs Large stock of Books, His suited :l oJ' S:iLbaLh School I .. ihra.rit-8, Sabbath Jlrescnts, a.nd the Stu dy. · . ·· , -,: ' ' . .. - ,. ' Ohea.p a.a the Chea.pest. v Alsortment of Frames " :-. tcr, Salt-lthcnm, · Illotchc5:, S1mts, P imples, For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, 'l'ct- ALL THE NOVELTIES, as well u::i ncceio;sn.rics in t h e depn.rttneut . O- ILLUl\HNATED CARDS, .Bowma~villo, Nov 12th, lfrr3. bp-ot3· 1>ustulcs, noils, CaTbunclcr;i, !Ung-worms, Scald~hentl, SQro Eyoi:i, Erysjpelas, Itch1 M esn's. :Rice & Barker Ilave r cc.oi.vcll a.notl 1 -.: r sn:pply of t 11f1,.t clasi:> of Organs known. na the ID.Ip ~ io TICKET SMALL BOOKS, &c., for School;: . ~o-- Scurfs, Djscolorations of the Skin, Humors llis Genb/ Dcparttncnt is eq ually well snp plied with aucl Diseases of ti.lo Skin oi' '"h~tovor nams Qr nature, aro literi1Uy dug up and cr.11·ied qnt of the system in" short time by tbo us~ of lho3e Blttcr3. e Mufflers, Collars, Shirts, Braces, Scarfs, Umbrellas, &c. - Ollis 1Ja.t n,nd CD.ip depa.rhnent, as uaun.l, is roplcte wiLh the - Pin~ '.l'apc, and other Worms, lurkinf;: in the systcn1 of so 1nany thousunU.1:1, uro eflec~u al!y Silver Tongue, A1' PJUOES destroyed and removed. No systctn uf medicine_, no vermifuges, no o.nthclmiuitics will freu the sys tem fl'Olll worms like ihcso Ditters. Our, Dooks Rl'C rna rked lO\\'. ,i.\. 8JH;cial discou nt for l\iin ir;ten~, 'l'e:Lchers n-IHl Sabbath Suhools. ' or old, rnarricd or sin g1o, ltt the dawn of wo1n::i.uhood, or the turn of lifo1 t)lcse Tonio Bittors displi.Lv su clocic.lcd au infiuonco thi1t For Fc1imlc Complaints, in young and llitcnding purcha.sera will find no Letter E:! touk i it tbe country. VARIOUS STYLES LOWEB 111AN ANY PBEVJOUST.Y IMl'Olll'ED. 'l'hc Jargcst stock of hnprovc1ncut 1s soon porCOE,Liblo. ever you find its impurities bursting throug4 Cleanse the Vitiated Blood w].len· A CALL IS ltESPECTFULLY SOLICITED AT THE CORNER STORE AJ.L KIJ\DS OF l'URS ALTERED A:>ID REPAIRED. I an d, ha viHg rcso1vGd i.o give the p\1blic t he beueR fit uf snitl refluct.ion io cotJt, tLcy c~ll spccin.J. :tttcn tion l n tlili f0Howj11g Price List for the . i·111·1cnt month. ever Bhuwn in tLis section of the c :ountry , alsu tbo t;kiu iu l!ilnples, Eruptions, or Sores; cloo,nse it wlicn you :llutl it obstructed ru1d sluggish in the veins; c l oa~1 s e it '\\~IJ.en it is fo ul; your feelings will tell you "·hen. Keep · tho blood pure, and tho health of tho sysLolU ,rill fOllov.·:-' ~ ... · -.o --1 · ......_. for Ba:w :Furs. M.MAYEll. 1J.ow1n·tnville, Octnbcr, 187;,i. Style 35; Seven Stops : Diapason. Violina, Picolo, Principal, Tremolo,Forte, Principal Forte· P1:lce $125. Style 37; Eight Stops : Diapason, Violina, Picolo, Principal, Tremolo, Forte. Principal Forte. * V.ox hmnaua. Price $140. Style 38; 'Nine Stops,Drapason,Violiua, Picolo, Principal. 'l'.remolo, Forte Sub-base Forte. Sub-base.Vox human · ia. Price $180. . Style 40; Eight Stops, Diapson,Violina, Octave, Coupler. Tremolo, Forte, Subbase Forte, Sub·b~se , Vox humana. Price $160. '* Yox Ilu m:.1na iu Llie.~ c Microsco:pes, :Rea.ding Glasees, etc, etc. 0. BARKER. SEASON 1874. 's P:RING, ~ l!il. POP~'l'RR 1 8 74. 01" awl t1ur. "' n.. J-1. l\IcDON,\LD ~ CO., Drugg'illt.s and Gen. 11.!;tS., St1 n I<'r11nd:sco, Co.lifornio., ~old 1)f'\\."11. ~hiuc: Lon un<l Chcu·lt.on ~l..a., N. Y. by .a ll llr1r;o,glsts n.11.d D cu.lcr1h FRUIT·, AND STAPUE & JrANCY J)llY GOODS, f. Just Arl:lived a t t.b'i.: Confectionery Depot. WHOLESALE and RETAIL J :.:;!t 11rri.Yed 1 Daily Line to Rochester. Commencing on or ~LUout 1st A11riL The New Lake Steamer I " Carpets, Lace Curtains, and "!!.'I" "e'I · '1 · . _ , ...,guse . .r; urn1s.n.1ns . , -'.:.!Ai-itr-FACTIJ!!lll\ OF UiDi.l for Salo, at the a.Love <l·~pot, New and Gonfectionerys, ::i, splendid assorttnent of n . Choice Lemon, Orange a.nd. Citron Peels, DATES, FIGS, LEMONS ORANGES W ARR. VE So ft i>lwll Almoncls,li'ilbcrts, Bm,il anrl Wall Euts, Kcillc1"s .J.1!armalacle, f'Vcst lndia, l)rcscrvccl Ginger, Pecirs, Plu ms, To~ 1natoes, cf: l)eaches, Green Peas, Ch·ee:n Com Jj .ii-ma Beans. · · T nE . , ' Fashionable MillinerylVIant l9s,and Gen'ts' Orga-ns, is not((, F<(,n, Domuuon Orga.n Coy. BOWMANVILLE, p_etcnt jud~ea of Org_arw. c ·L . t~.' r 0 T .LJ. []'" I N" .a· - _Jr DEA'LEl\ ~N ·' · : ·· .. _ -. <:.I , NEW MILLlNERY. Also:\ lot of but a set of Beede. · "NORSEMAN" ('.II, CHAW]'OllD, Mastei·) \Vill n1ake h ~r regnln.r trips on this rcufe, leavlllg Cobou1g cve:i:'Y uwruinr;. at 7:30, ~wd Port I-lope at D o'clock, for l(,ochcster, connecting there with the Ne\V YoTk, Oentt'n..1, :i.nd ]~rie ltailw ;;i.yis, fol· all points,,,,.,,.,. est un<l Sontl1 . FiVE PER GH!T. OFF FOR CASH ·rh e l\'Ianuf~tu r1~rs Present the fullowlng; from com· Testimonial from · i ·· ,. , John Ca.midge, 1'-Iua. Doc., Canluai, England. Bowmanvil!e, 24th Dec., 1s1s. To the Ma· 'IH!f)Cf8 Do-niini<Jn Organ Oo. GENTLEMEN.-! " · And the work, ,nan.ship alld fiuieh e~oellcnt, tind in every particular they aro equal, if not snpt:1rioi', to · Bny I have over heard. Hoping they will meet publicaµpr,ciat~QHN CAMIDGE. Road tho to like to play on your Orgaqs_ -- - Boots <I/ltd Shoes, Reacly' Ma<le Olotltitifj, ~- · · . REAL H:AiR. FANCY GOODS, ' &c ~ L ,ois so sweetaud .tea.dy. :Eta. ts,,.Shirts, Collars, Ties, &c. · :o: - - - · . · 'd' «:>tamps f Or Bral lllg an d Efil · . Also·hrg· ·t<.>ckcf . Ou:r Dominion Excelsior RaspberryVin cgar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines Tomato Sauce and Pickles r r lwy b<~-Ve conic and tll'O co1uing, at the Fruit . . Depot. i s:-;ue b11t ontJ quality of °"·ork, and that is · RETUHNING, Occupyin_; my New Premises, LArtCE, ELEG<INT :tnd Rooms replete with J · CoKVEN u:1>T ; Show To ti<· I>fanaom of thcD011union 01·gan Co. GENTLEM:EN .-I mucih p!eBBUre in te1:1tifying t<.> the excellent qualities of tho Organ dupplied by_ yon 1\.t n,iY concert SaturdaL evening, The tone LS Ro··:P'Erfo.:., Bowu1anville, December 2"2, 1813, followi~m m · · Sp1':ing aiid Snriiinei· Ahl -mery, ir1Ctnt .es, ' naw s, 1 'l'mvmings, etc. ' DRY GOODS d SILKS SPE,,.IATITY an t , a V JJ · \1 L :A, T E s T EL T i Es ··z· N""o~ l S' l W Special atteution gi.von to getting up or ders for F"mily J'yiourning. A 1'1rge ~tock of Black ;Li.1sLr~ _,; Goods at !Lil tunes. l, f ,A S H I o N S · for Sp1ing just~ to hand. M \l6tWJ. b ."01 .. d. . ery . · THE: VERY BEST thdr ~xt~ntlivc · SHELL & SHELLED OYSTERS QUALITY is the t&t"oj GI[EAPNJ?Sf!. ,, . '.!'. DARJ;.INGTON. n9-tf Eow1nal:lvillt:, D ee. 4th, 1873, cnt~ble fat;ilitics antl l iJng cxpe t·ii.:uc:e t11e tu to Jn:och.1co . Will leave Chn.rlottc (port of lloclicster) daily at U o'clock, p. m ., except8a.tunlays, wLen::ihe will leave a.t 2 p. u1. for :Brighton. Dealer~ in Stock will find this t he chcnpest a nd n1ost expeditions rout e to Bo:;ton, Albany , Nf'-W York, &c.· &u. For furtbe1· informi:.tion , acldl'eAA · Robert Young, SURGEON, Gradu"te of VFTERINA.RY the Ontario \. e.terinl1ry College. By· a.p.poin!Smcnt Vctorina.ry Surgeou to the West 7 These l nslrmnenll! ewe cascdin solid well smsoned, JJ7adc W alniit, elegantly 1t'nd U.eautifully ;i·1vishecl by '" new Frenehproccss. cif the "Silver 'l~ongue. .,1' h ov.e of it,s most re· n1arkablC chirauL eri:5tics. · Their quality of keeping iu good 1.m1e, also i~ one of most iwacticaJ. importance. R Cl\AWl'OHD, I'ort fkrpc, or C. F. GILDllHSLEEVJI,; J{ingston. Dressmaking, &c. Hiss Heal '\Vonld to inform t h e ladies of Bown1anvill e and "icinity. that. she is prepared to tuJ..:e orders for Dres$..'lJaking,and -fill the Blbme with J(,!spath in the b~ g sweet a.nd very pov:erfu , nnd the combination of stop!!! most . admirable. I am sure your in"t1·umenta \will find favor in Churches1 as they are & adapted for sacred music.. Wiehing you every suuc~ss, and ha.t the public may patronize native manufacture, · Bow1 uauville, )'l!RS· Ji, FLETCH:ER. ~<\.1)ril 7th, 1874, I>nrha.m nnd ])al'lington ·union .Agricultural Societies. . . Agent for the ....Livt1 Stock Branch of the Beaver nnd T o1·onto · Mutual Fire Insurance THE D U-H.ABI LI'l'Y ROSA D'EHINA. Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yr's I H, O'HARA. A. M · .DARLEY. J Pl.·e~ideut. ?.-Ianager Bowmanvilo January 151674. by.o3·ml6. I remain Gentlemen, Very i·etJpectfully~ LIBERAL DISCOUNT 'TO THI~ ' CJ~ERGY. ' Kl.J:'l'HER.BY Ent iro Ilorse, 5 AYOUNG ·ld. F or part.iculm·s, appJy to the f e1rs Co. V cteriI1arr Medicinee constantly on hand. , King St. West, Oshawa, April 9th, 187'!. S. TREW IN, owner M r~· :vm. JO'.EIN WILC OCK, · ·it 1,th, 1874. L ot 20,-l:ith Oou. Darlington. Calls fronl the country promptly attended to. Offioo :- Ono door east of R. J.\'Ianning'a Fn11nit11re \V o.reroom. llcsidenct: ove1· S. Burden"s i,tore , corner of ICingD.ndSc ug o:r Str1tetn,Bowroanville. RlOE & BBRKER, Ring Street, Bowman vi ll. Bo'·Nmah,·illo1 :t.'I arc:h 3rd 1874· LATEST FASHION. Her expcl'icnce fully wnrrants her iu pr vmirJing satisfac tion . Residence, Coruer of Church Sh·1tot1 nu<.l M ll.l'ket Sq\w,rc . m24-7in; · mltf, Bowmanville, 1Jec 1 4t h1 18731 ·