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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 1 May 1874, p. 1

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rHE MERCHANT AND GENERAL [ADVERTISER 01 c lates largely in the To,vnsh1ps of Darling ton Clarke and Cartwright TRMS It is a co1nmon - 30 - WEST DURHAM !tea.m Job P?inting O:Hl.ce ,Knrn STREE1 BOWMANVIE.LE platform open to the free discussion 6f a.11 ques t ons n D:'h ch the general pubhc art" ooncerned l"_,,_,. _. o venty fi va cents per annum in ad va11ce The Merchant and Obser ver' $2 00 R \.TES Oor,, \.1}V tt.RTISIN G AN~ VOLUME V On column Half (lo , J9 JO 35 per n.nnum GENERAL POETRY Oh the Woods AD¥ERT~SER. N"UMBER XXIX POSTERS PAMPHLETS CIRCULARS BILL HEADS CHEQUES NOTES HANDBILLS LABELS .._RDS TICKETS &c &c &c Q l\rter do 'I1 ausieut adve1 t semen ts 5 cts per h ne first in ~e ilo1 and. 9 c. t er hne each subsequent one BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY MAY 1 1874 EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. B, PBA'.l'B, TAI]JOR MADE IN "I'HE Gentlemen s /'/;Boys Garmen ts hEWEST STYLES Bo vmrri ille J ily :Et!lLIANCE ; }. 60!{0BY' zr 1869 Mutual Life Assurance Society w S ESTABLISHED 1840 Oh, the woods the woods the leafy \\oods ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. c .And tho laughing face of Spring \Vhen the bU'dl!I return frotn then· fa.r soJourn \V1th tL.e1r la.'3t r:e v air to e1ng N iD \. CJ:UEF 0Fl"1CEl:! F fove1 pool London ancl Gla3f! ow 131 ST JAMESSTREET MONTREAL OR Tickete or inf(.rmation a.Eply to DIRECTORS W !\.: NEADS. Aqmt W .UT.EU SttA~LY Esq 1\-I P Chrunnaa.n Bo vm an llc Tune 9th 1871 tf 30 Du No \N ~1ACDON.ALD Esq Then let me h o to tLe le&fy "oods And l>B,n1sh my woe and careOh I 11 never repent the d&y I went A.nd learned a av; lcSBou thc10 MAJOR T E CAMPBELL U B St Hila.Ire 'THl: HONOR\RLE JOUN JIAllJJLTO!'\ Hawks ~,l. RRIS1E,R A1 LAW, burg Ont ~OLlOITOR JN' GllANOIJRY &c RESIDENI SECRF'I '\.RY - JAMES GiuT RR LQSCOMBE s !f :M Br1macomb s Dental Room,:i Bowman ville Oct 2711 1868 0.FFIOB -O ver 1'-1c0lung s Store game flat S PECI A L FE AT U RES. lbe E:K'UHE rnoF ts belong t and are d v1d ed amoqgBt the P ol kol leri LIVES DEOIINED BY OTHER ly And all nbout the best of Lime L n1e from the West of tho very best I re£11~ Office pne door east of J Milne s Not beat in any lUarter 1-lnv'ing had selie1al ;i,:eai:s experience rn the J me that 'vill o.h ays st!!.nd the test trade he hopes to satisfy all nho may falior \.Vhen n ak1ng into morta.r h 10 ~cith "calL I v1ll try and keep a good supply For it 1a alway a '\anted ll at wl1eu ~ ou nll come in to buy Yo ll not be d1sappo1nted l3oVi man" lJe S e-1 4tl Yo i w 11 aJ.way8 fip.d it <llj and fresl \.nd that 1s eomcth ng honrue So oome along ant! try th1a Lime But don t fo1get the money li'or the Township of Darlington flours of del ve:1 fro1u N1nea.m toFourp ml., Corner of (.lneen and Ontario Street A'I E. WITH F Y Um\ I l bogs to L form the pubhc genera.Uy tha.t he has com menced b 1s1ness n tl e Shop-"next to the Ex i JOHN L , :B.EYM!l AND LIME · A httlc..Rhy1n_e came Just in time Co:rin· \?HES or OD GOOD FITS GUARANTEED H T PHibbIPS, HA1'.l:00 N l rom1 t attention given to~a-les &c a.Ole tertt'l.a 'l'HOS BOWDEN Bo" man\ 1lle Match- 11th 1871 no24. t{ · on rea.Bou Straw-Cutters, I Grain Grinders ~ the way Please call at. tho L ke banners of old renown ments arc reqn red each payment se<:uxing a. p obey fo1 a au1n assured r roport1onate to the And the south wind ripples aero'"!!! the lake Like a ch me of marnage bellen umber of I l emnuns I aid and free ft om futur Ob I should not grieve 1£ Id never l~a\ t.l ooynicnt of pre niu1 s The~e peaceful woodland dolts ~fODERATE PI EMI M!'l a 1 d most liberal oon Oh the "Woods the woods Canadut s woods d1t ona Al d the swoet :flqwers nounehed there Prospectuses Proposal Fornu1 &c au1 plied 0 n a.1 plication a.t the Head Office or any of The beechen shade a.nd the sylvan mn.1d the Agenmes That decks her golden hall' JAMESGRAN1 Her na 1(, may change v.1th the magic n1 g Res SecrebtJ y But her heart 18 mine for aye In our Bwoet ca.noe there a JUBt room for t"o AGENI F0R BOWMAN VII LE And we gently ghde a.v; ay C BARKER Observer Office King St wh1ch an extra Pre nium. would be rcqu rtrl can be assured at the ord111 ary rates of this Society Oh the \\oods the woods the aut tn n vvods At d the cheetnuts npe and bro~"Jlu tde1 a &pccutl ana 1ycmcnt SPECIAL NON FOFl.:IrADLE POLICIES issued When tlie leaves hang bnght in the changing bght under which only 10 15 or 20 Annual Pay Oh the !IDds the \ oods the summet woods And the toolnesa of their el \"\here In wild wood dell the Graces t1. dl lo' att on a sylvan 1naid I 11 seek for :ffo\li era to deck her bowers At 1 t ine her golden hair And I w61 der much if she 11 think of such As I when tho winters there? 32 ly I · ' . Bo vmanv11le June 24tl 1870 FEED J\tl:l'.ELS · I mpe ial F1 e Insurance Co OF IONDON LITERATURE SAVED BY A DREAM Permit me to introduce the speaker Mr HackeJl, \lestcln stage dr1\er-a wan n1us culor and with an eye as keen and unftmch 1ng ae. an eagle e - (EstablIBhed 1803 HEAD 0FFIOEa -1 Old Broad St and p all Mall London All kmds of work promptly attel\ded to and satisfaction Stl!arautet>sJ. BO"'\V MANVILLE GENEllAL 4 GI ?'Cl T(J CA.NADA -24 St Res deuce-~ ext door east.of the Bible Chris Fann Implement Forwarding Agenc y er ament 1\1 <.m1rea] t an Churcli TYRONE R W JAMES Subscnbed and invested Cap1tal and Resen e I vro1 e March 8th 186~ 22 tf ]und £1 965.000 Sterling King St llov;mauv1lle Painter G!a,z1er Paper Hanger &c &c Anothe1 oar load of the ·bo' c noble artldee oD 0. BOUNSALL, I MPOR'IER D~ALER in M \NUFACTURER an all the va.riet cs of Italian & Ameican Marble A largu and choice S1Jlcct101 of Monuments & Grave Stones, >lway on had of su1eno , orkm·nship and atlo,cstpriccs 01 W1 oi,glit Gast l1 on Fencco Pieces ler o e1 closui.g but~1ng lots Furniture Tops, Mantel kept on hand or 'vrought to 01 &c A c:\ll is "'Sp6ctfully 1eq rnsted at the vorks King Street Bownianvilk October 1st 186D 1 ti REMOVAL D \. icmovcd re:-) lencc DR and Surgery tu tl e late res1 \et ce of T hn 1'-1 lne Esq on the l\i!arket Sq arc VIDS0~ 1 has hi~ lU n35 tf MARRIAGE t~o LICENSES ISSUED BY ROBERT ARMOUR manville Dec 10 1869 Dil.'C'G CHEMIST begs nnst --~TO:U. NE~··s·TORE M. LO-WRY. ' d DRUGGIST 1 E"" respect!!~ to mform the mbal CHOICEST OF Q-OODS, tauts of TYRONE, and surroun<lmg country, that he has opened a Drug Store in the above n11med village with a well assorted stock 6f Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Patent .ll:ledicines, Perfummy, Bntslws, Combs, Toilet Soaps Horse and Cattle Medicine< He has also Books, Maps, Chm t~, Fram,es, Enq1 avings Strttioncry Sc!iool Book· en es carefully c01nµoundi:.'tl respectfully sol cited T)~"One i%c 0 Plryl:! c ~ s prcscr1pt10ue o.nd ] imily I\Ied1 P ibl c 1 atrowi e Nov l2tL 18 3 m7tf LIME! L:CME! FOll SALE Bo u ai 11 any quantity !l.pElY t W ILI IAM SPEAR CJ urch Strt't1t nea..rly oppos te thi; Al 1 a. Hotel 1llc J ll6 19th 187~ tf MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED B'Y JOHN J WILLIAMS Cherrywooa Post offi.ce Pickering Ont REMOVAL. w $\hes to nfor[)'.\ h s numerous fr1ends ar d c s S. MASON tome s that ht"' hi.Ill rem 'ed to BUCKLER'S OLD STAND wl u e he w 11 bo fvu1 d w tll the n ost com lcte assortment uf Harness, Whips, Trunks, &c 1n town l l1::ase call Bucklers old ata,1 ii one loor east of ~:1ayn::i,rd s Hotel Bo y1na ville Sep lat 18 3 1 o man 11 October 1873 LICENSES SS rvi:--:AiRIAGE WR A.t Jed by CIIMIE the States nan Office 13owman\ 1lle Ilow111·nv1ll· Nov Jlh 1868 I drove the ·tage from New Sharon to Wexford, a distance of thirty UHies In Bown a.nv11le Dec 5 1872 nlO the sprmg and fall when travel WW! bad, I Funde inTested m Canada.- 105 000 al ways tamed over night at Wexford, go I nsura.nces aga nst loss by Fl.l'e are effected on the most favorable terms and l(Jssea prud with icg to New Sharon the next daJ durmg the oummer I only tamed for fresh horses BLANK CERTIFIC,\.ES Apphcat1on s Ollt reference to the Board 1n London. &c &c can be procured at tl i~ office a.t J DODSWORTH there, and roturned by mght I liked that RINTOUL BROS reKUlar ratee Inspector Gen Agents 1¥Iontrea plan better, for it gave me much lctsure to Bowmanv ne July 7th 1873 R LOSCOM.BE Bamster , Agent be with my familJ The night o! which I am gomg to tell for Bowmanv1lle and Vicinity 80'1\-m&nville J ne 4th 1860 36 you, was late m autumn It had been a mo 43 39 4\V up-a mighty tough storm, all the north eoatern,Just ao full of needle JlOlllts as they coi.ld stuff m Fme hail Jou un F 0 R SEED, derstaud, and ram !reezmg hard up and A~D frosting your beard, giving one a rcniark able, it not a pleasing ca·t of countenauce FOR FEED I had but t11 o paseengers up, au old rnan NOT SO FAST. with very wh1te hair and beard, and a John McDougall I have w1 tteu these few lmes younger man with a shght stoop and no :Ho>\rnauv1JJ~ Arr l 16t 1o73 And all I have to ·ay other peculiarity that 1 noticed I took '!'hat you can find mo still \t horn~ the nml bags outside \\ ith me under the I atn 1 ot gone a :va.y I was not a particle sorry when apron So all my k nd old friends m liy mne the village of Wexford blinked at me "1\h And all the .,, oung 01 es too BEAUTIFUL TEETH its nnmerous_.e) es from crevices in the And p:et their garmenbs n 11 ade sho\\ ers of dnvrng sleet In fash101 s tha.t are new J M BRIMACOMBE L D S Where old and i; oung lea. fr1en l 1nay "cdord was d1gmfied by the name of meet \ r~e t.h Extracted at Twenty five Genta village, or South Wexford, more properly. l'too1ns over l\fcCh ng BroB Stores A 1 clcome g cct ng b) R PEA'IE for there was on!~ a meugre collect10n of Bo v1na.n ville Oct 1st 1870 1 Bo" man'\ 11eJune lOtl l E. 3 fi\e oraix houeea and I drnve through this place, usually putting up at tho half way house as it '""' termed Beyond this half "~ way house wa.i:i Wexford nroper with a AGENT bustling bus1nees air in its own hnge sntoke lo~ the follo\ lt'lS' Ins ranee Con 'pa.n es and stack and the row of stores well punctured oth er Institutions viz '[ he QUERN F tij and Life Ii surance Com with the marks ot western c1vihzahon1 ·n y Capital £2 000 000 $150 000 depoSited drmkrng dens The other stage route end wt h the Domm1on Go er111nent for the protcc dera in Oa:nada. ed here o?J account the rout:hne~s uf road...L.... The ISOLATED RISK F re Insurance Com the postman jOl\rng the dIStance between "ELL FILLED WITH THE Y o!Canado Cai ta! 500 000 -One of the est and cheapest Cotnpau1es <lo1ns bus neas ln the half way home and there to connect th· Don ln10n for Ji armers and Isolated Riska the mat! lrne 'I he half way house had a '.I'he C!l.NADA LANDED CREDIT COY sorry reputation on account o! the villam "Ith a Savmgs. Bank department The UNION A>D PERMANENl '.B il lmg ous class of roughs that frequented it to AARON BUCKLER and Sa.vmg ~ Society flas the best and most desirable lot of These latter Instltut1ons advance Loans on have a game ol poker or a lnt of nng light Rea.1 Estate on terms unusually easy for the I had watched the games scores of hm~e, borrower without allowmg myself to bo drawn into Bowmanv1lle ]eh. 6th 1873 of different grades and eurpaoses all othe thew or disturbed by them. ho ieos m town and Country We pnsaed a sociable evenmg The ]) ana's Patent Sheep Marks chatting turned upon practical JOkrng and ~be dauger oftentimes resultmg therefrom AN IMMENSE NUMBEU HESE M:A:RKS ARE THE CHEAPEST the most lasting the least troublesome and Tho 11eraon who participated the least m They used the convel'Bll\mn was my pW!senger upmoot complete tii.:er m.vented ELECTRO:PLATED and recommeiilled by many of tht best Breeders Tea and Goff~e Sets Fruit and mthe Umted States and Canada, such as G B the man with the stoop shoulders I baa While l!ior1ng Salem 1'-1ase Pr11:s1dent l'few England learned lhaf his name was J enke Hemisphencal Dishes Wo ol Grc.wers Sot.'lety John S Roee Henne this cne and that one to!J theit tales, his Professor M. Miles of the State Ag plll Ill 1 ot to be surpassed 1n the Province rteultural College Lansing Mich Hon Geo sharp, downcast eyes would, ID ·p1te ofh1m Brown Ioronto Ont John Snell Edmonton oe!t turn continulilly to tMt corner the 01 t. On each Mark 1s stamped the owner s 'I hey will be room where {had to'3ed mywa1! bags On nrun e a.nd the Sheep s uumbe1 )) ' sent jr(.e b¥. mrul or express for only fourencta the other hand, the old fellow with the long ach and '>vill laat for TWENTY l EAI!S whits hatr was t,be mo5\'boisterous talker of Gr 0Mh must accompany all orders Plated Knives, Forks, &c, ARCIHBALD YOUNG Ja the group His laugh was the loudest, his Sanna Ont Equal i;) a.ny m the Domw1on. puffs of smoke the most frequent and his Orders addressed to the l\'1EltcHNT and OB oice strengthened by the rising spmls lost \ BERVER Office for any 'lua.nt1ty ' 11 be filled at tbe above mentioned price as as the much of the quaver noticeable Ill oldrnh Marks can be llil;t.(le ai d aent persons. C BARKER 1 was both astonrnhed at him and dehgbt Jy m13o Bowma.n'\ ille Dec 28th 1871 ed also To find a man shpprng down the ·hady aide of hfe s hill gay and disposed to Jnakc merry with his friends, ta as tare an 'I he greatest and best assortment eve1 seen lD T vn !ii one to excel lt occurrence as 1t is exhilarating to witness He had o pcculrnrity about the face wh1cli Jou sometunes see, and which gives an el fe.t srngular 1f not pleMmg to the beholde1 BROOCHES EAR RINGS, &C He had vory bright, rapid revolvrng eyes None to surpass them Selected by n yself at rho Subs r ber bay ng sec ued the able serT1Cee under bushy, black eyebrows-brows shu~ t1 e ma.nufa.ctories 1n En lan 1 OF gy enough to suggest mm1ature crow s nests, roughly piled together He called himself Stowell, and I judged him to be a as Cutter s prepared to take ordl:rB for The Choicest of grades Gol<l anU 8ilver frA.mes In truth, he m Lazatus Mor '1S & Cos on hand, to fit all s1ght8 GENTLEMENS CLOTHING stranger m those parts caut10usly mooe mention of the fact that 'Ihese I ill still at rtKluced pr1ces which will be got p in the he \vas on Gove1nment business At n1en A LAHGE SUPPLY OF Fashion, t10n of this l found Jenks furtively and Style stea.<11! y regardmg him lrom the corner of and on the his eyes My feelmge had settled mto fixed MOST REASONABLE TERM/I (ROtlERS M !\KE of Jenks before the evemng "as d1otrusl At ~:Ir Peat s rc1ndeuce 01 K ng Strett half spent on lhe other hand, the entire hu.nd a very full al!sortment of Engheh and On TRESPASS NOTICE, an company, ii I except Jenks mentally pro OTICE is hereby given that all 1 a.rties LOTHS AND TWEEDS nounced tho old fellow JUSt the one to while fow1d tie spasSing on the Fla.ts known a.a a\\ ay a dull evenmg Ranes } la.ts '>Vlll be prosecuted to full extent .After some qmte loud boaetmg of conrage, of la v Bowmanv1llo M·y 17th 1873 tf bp m3·o l\I D WILLIAMS and brave deeds by sever&! of the party, and thrn one tellmg what he could do, and that one affirmmg what he "ould no! do under RADUATE of the Royal Colle11e of ~hy such and snch C1Icumstance·, ~ mohon "as S1CJa11s of E1 gland and Unn crs1ty of Vic mo le for bed The old fellow ·1th a o&par toria. Oollogc Cobo lI'g "G ndcrgrn.duate and ate good mg ht to all "as oh own to hs room of 101onto and RADUArE of the TJmverS1tieo of Trm ty trze man of tl e Unno:rs1 first at Ins O\\ n reque·t, Jenks and myself lllvennty of Queens College Kn gston Mf!m Oollege loronto and"\ ctor a College of of the College of Phys Clans and Surg·om gomg !Mt The glances wh1oh tl is folio\\ Cobourg Licentiate of the College of Phye1ci be1 of,O nta. o Surgery and Ref!ldenc.e oppot1t1 a UI and St rgeons of Ontario caat at the bag,, "" I took them up to my Offi.c6 K1 g Street one <loor west of Mr the ma.rkot room, were not parllcularly re as·urrng I Bowman,1lle Oat ;;>th 1871 Cornish 1 Jewelly Store 130 ~ma.uTille To Ma.stars of L. 0. L ARRIVAL! r. WES TE RN CQR N ""Y SO, HO! CBA.CKBD COBN, of a-entlemen---- Fashion. . - ~i J ames McFeeters. w A T c H -E s CLOCKS ,T of 'I'a,iloring I Gold Chains, Rings, Clothing! SPECTACLES I MR PEAT!:, of SP.O<:>NS. S:E'OONS. FINE CUTLERY, N c T. Paterson. DR. DAVIDSON, W. S. BOYLE, M. D. G G thought at first, to speak of my eusp1cwns the early part of September when the) ams I the krng came<l elephants tads spangled of green, white and red leather Hudo T.'!e muslClans lumps of rock gold hang from ti e r left to the landlord and then I felt ashamed lo become npe The yam, the potato ol the with gold, ~nd fly flaps do so and "ent into my room Turmng Africans oUhe Gold Coast, is planted m eat or stood near the krng playrng on m wr sts At \heir great fost1vaJ , carry on the thieshold I 11 as unpleasantly sur December a)lc,1 d!!g up m the September strument~ plated with gold On the r1 0 ht gold and silver pipes and cane, "t ilc ti ey prised to see Jenks standing outside of my followmg b 1t not eaten till the conclusion and left of the krng s umbrella were placcil b._ang from the1r gold har cled s "orx1s \\ ol ve~ ;ro th s feast all the na the flags of Great Bntarn, Holland, aml and rams heads of gold room and regardmg me with a fixed gaze of the custom The cu rio s Blunderrng fool said l to myself 'if bis tlve caboceers, or petty go\ crnors ar d the Denmark countries winch the Asbantees no shaped blades of tbc.c state s 'orJs are kept The only doubt considered as petty dependencies of encrusted \\ ith enemies blooll the sword mtent10ns are to rob me he has taken the vassals of the krng are rnv1ted mode ot I roceedmg to put me on my guard exceptions m Bowditch· time were the their owp sheaths are made of leopard or fisn skms I closed my door and locked it securely Kmgs ol Inka and Dagwumba (who sent At the top of the un brella of old Quatch1c Their l 1rge \Var drums are E::npported on the dumped the mail bags rn the corner and deputations of their pnnc1pal captams) Quofie one of the chiefs was a small black head of one man an<l b aten bJ t\\O othcri:; berng "eary immediately undressed aud The only ofliccrs of the king "I o are ex wooden doll with a bunch or ru·ty haJr on They brace them " tb the thigh bones of retired I lay for a long tune \urnrng this cused are those absent on government l)us1 its hea<l mten<led to represent the famous then enemies 11.nO ornarr::e11t them \\1th ctr way and that mado restless I suspected ness, 1lucb as ambassador etc This fcst1 caboceer of Akim, whom Q rntch1e bad cles of enemies skulls 'I heir kettla drum· by rnnlrnually thmkrng of Jenl<s and his rnl 1s an uncomfortable time for the Cab1 killed m battle He kept dancmg befJre are covered with leo1 ard eku tl1e wns! s of strange conduct I grew angry at last with net llhmstcra of !\shautee for if the fidcl \Ins fig uc deridmg his dead enemy while the <l uinn ers berng hu1 g with bells and myselt I01 allowmg hun to keep so before lty of a chic! has been suspected, or he hae bis captams bawled out Ins glorious deeds tron ornaments wl d J n ~ le lou lly \\hen my Hslon b 1tthis st·te of mrnd did 11ot committed any offence I e is generally In one group the a1tist bas sketched some they are playrng The smaller dt nns are '!be yam custom .i)..sbanteea dnnkmg palm tree wme a boy suspended lrom ti e r tck bv scarves of rel tend to sleeprness I assure you While I pumsbed at thrn tune lay toss11 g about l beard one alter another reseml !es the Roman Satnrnah· m its h kneels beneath those "ho drmk, holdrng a cloth The war hollls 11 a le of the teeth of the f um!J go to bed Stlll that infernal cense, for neither theft, mlrigue nor assault second bowl to catch the liquor which the of young elephan t lave gold mouthpieces Jenks kept before me I muttered anatlu; can then be punrnhe<l and e· ery one aban luxur10ue purposely as a great luxury, al and are ornamented ith the JawboneA of dons himself to vice \\ 1thout restrnrnt low to flow over then beards the attend enenues slrnn u battl~ The Asha.nlee war mas and turned over aga1n No v comes the smgular part o! the af On the 5th of Sept.ember the paths lead ante all the wh1!0 blowmg on horns and caps are adorneU with cu 0 les feathers The fair 1 mu,t have fallen asleep for a mo rng to Coomasaie \he capital of Ashantee shoutmg the deeds of the revellers Many kings body guard rn Bo v<l tch · time "ore went [ dreamed that I was m ar'i cro 1 ded by nobles who v e with each Moors were present at these reJ01cmgs that coraelets o1 leopard l:i sk1 covered with that vc1) house m that Yel'J room atlier rn the splendor and vunety of ttimr Bowditch wltneesed, and were distmgu1sh shell ornaments of gol l and bed-that I bad fallen asleep and retmues It is the cruel custom of these able by the huge S!Je of t6e1r turbans One Tl eae coraelets they sllck ft ll of omull woke ip with the irnpress10n that there was caboceei;s or captains to increase the dignity of them pronounced blessings on the pa:;s kmve. \\ h1ch have sl oaths of gold a1 <l some 01 e under the bed and that I knew of theu entries by sacnhcrng 11 sln>cat each ing horsemen who rode hy nn steeds which Siiver and han lies of blue agate 1 heir not bow to ascertam the truth of it without quarter of the town On the afternoon of "ere covered w1 th fet ts h es an d b e11s fl our bullet boxes are of elephants hide also causrng the robber and murderer to sprrng the next clay the Imig recm es all tbe cabo 1Sh>ng their lances, and followed by ml\.SI stutlde<l with gold "h1lo the warriors hang that having a bOJ Iflh ceers m the large area where m Bowditch · cians who played on rude nolms on me una\\ ares The from their a1n s a1 l waist: cloths wh1te trick of stuffing my pockets \\Ith every time the cannons captured at Dunkrara whole a.<Jsembly round the kmg was sur Their long horse tails and Sllk scarves thm~ l felt m there for a marble and used to be placed The crush was tremen rounded by Imes of soldiers, with here Bild 1Dnskets are ba1 ded with gold and the found it-and leamng caut10usly from the dous and the chrnf objects of attraction there a group of musicians, some of whom The stocks arc ornamented with shelle for\\ ard edge of the bed dropped or rolled were U e heads of the km~s and ch refs whom wore old cocked hats and soldiers J·Ckets soldiers" ear caps of pangolm and Ieopar.J. it towards the back side or wall of the th~ lungs of \sbantee bad conquered from and pre·ented a groteaque appearJtnco skrn "1th tbe tail lett o han 0 do\\ n be room thmkmg as I did so that if there \he reign of S ·l Tootoo to that of the reign The next mornmg the kmg wiJ;h 10yul hind 'Ihe1r cartouch boxes are small was no one there, it would roll aeroso and mg sovemgn The dried beads of chiefs generosity, ordered large brass pans full of gourds co>ered " th leopard or i 1g skm strike the mop board with a sharp clink I who bad beea pumsoed for re\ olt "ere riim to be placed m vanous parts of tlic ·IP bossed with red shells and ~ rass bells dreamed that the marble rolled but a little also dwplay e ! by two parties of execution town for the refreshment of the populace Many of the sol hcra wear strrngs of kn 'es ways struck eornethmg and stopped-that crs The \\retches formed t\\ o bands of Vast crowds of slaves freemen, women and on then hips and shoulders Iron cha ns I looked under the bed and Stowell upwarda of 100 each wl o defileu belorc children mstantly collectecl round tbe pans and collars are given to the niost dar1nrr msteacl of Jenks, with murder written upon the kmg Ill a wild dance Some of these and !ought and trampled eoch oth~r under cban1p1ons who prt7." ti en1 1t is sa1d fa.~ bis face rhen there was a conf 1sed plan made tl e 11 o-=t irres1st1blc grimace:, others foot in their ea0 croess to drink In less aborn those of gold of "hat I said and did used the mo t fMghtful grimaces clashmg than an hour excepting a few chiefs, thero I came to fllll onsc1ousness froru this tbetr knl\ es on the okulls m "h1ch spngs "as not a sober person left in Coomassie dream or incubus state and ahewed and of thyrne were ll!serted as charm· to keep Parl!eeof four Ashantees would be seen stag Human Sacrificao and Fantee Super turned over to see 1f I were really a11 ake then spmtslrom troul !mg tbe km Fir germg under the weight of a friend whorn 0 st1t1ons no\\ M\ "hole body damp the s11 eat mg off guns a1 d drmkmg palm wme were they affected to be carrying home Strmgs etandmg m cold drops upon my lace, so the only amusements ol th· people during of women, \\ 110 were covered with red pamt The difference be 'ecn the he 1thco and great had been m· suffering rn that iew mo these ceremomes "bile the caboceern uod and w9.lkod hand Ill hand fell down like our Christian reJ g on may be seen as well ments sleep It 11as so strange, so fright the exec 1tioner1:1 "ere defiling before the ro~ s of cards Slaves and mecban1cs passed fully real that I shifted to the other Slde krng Each of the ch1efa "as announced ftmously declaimmg on state pohey The in our lives and actions '113 in our different liere 1s a statement and as ellcntly a, possible drew my pants with his full titles hke a guest at a Lohden drunken musicians clashed out tipsy music custoins and creeds frotn the narrative of a traveller and felt 111 the pocket My finger touched evemng party and passed round the royal and even the children of both sexes were Hunian sacrifices rire i:;hll freq 1e1 t iu a bullet that was lyrng loose amid other c rcle salutrng every umbrella thnt c<ino lyrng drunk lil the streets The mer. and rubbioh r drew 1t out and w1th such a pied a grandee In the evening \\hen tho woman who at this annual feast usually Western Africa especially rn the neighbor The J 1 Ju re acnsatlon mii I never experienced before and torches \\Ore ht, the effect of the rnce 88 ant wear tbe1rbest clothes trailed their robes hood of the Bonny R ver hgwn 1a to the tulios so111ewhat south o hope r ever to ngam, I prepared for the musketry and clamor says the traveller through the mud in drunken emulation Ashnntce what fet,,h rn to \le natnes of ll e dream test Reaclnug my hand well down whose acco nt we abn lge """' terr ( c and To..,arde evenmg the mob partially gro\\o Coagt 'I he v1ctan gcne1ulli a girl Gold to the :floor, I gave It a roll towards the mearthly lbe urnbrel!W! of the chiefs sober again and tbe_caboeeere agam display back of the bed, it moved a loot or two and could be seen crowd mg 1p all the by streets. their retmues Ill a great procession from the is selected from ti e Lc,t and comeliest-" 1 can not say fu rest though the) ha\ e eha<l<s 1t strnck eomethrng soft and s\9pped The scene resembled one , aat fair and be palace to the south part of the town the The unfortunate My heart stopped beatrng for a mmute, twee11 e' ery mterval of the musket firmg kmg and hlB d1gu1tar1es berng earned on of color aruong them and globules of fire swam before my face, there came the blate of dJStant horn·, and rude palanqurns aJ11o1d a continuona blaze of creature is tied to a slal c 1.t low watc1 if on the seashore for the i:iharks to elt or if in peophng \he darkness with horror There the beat of countless drun s Thia satamc musketry The next day 1s occupied m No was no choice but to fill up the programme carmv!l lasted till lour b the mormng JUst stale palavers the daj alter, the diet breaks the river for the crocod les to de\Our mo lern Perseus has J H been heard of to of the tlream I sprang from the bed before before "hicb hour the k 1 g retued up and the caboccers formally take lea,ve rescue these dusky ~n<lromcdas of the nine my muscles were paralyzed with terror, and An Engh h ttt st ~ho sketched one of At the yam customs about one hundred teenth centnrJ So e culprite: such as in called out Here you Stowell, - I actual these yam custom~ bas cle1 ictell one of t.he peraotls chiefly sla.ves or culpnts, arc sacri corng1b!c thte\ c· re saJd to be pun shed ly mtended to say Jenks but could uotnnt1ve cl iefa of i r porta.nce un ler lus u1n ficed in different parts of the to,vn Several "1th death m 1 · mlar u anne1 b t tt e come out from there and have done "ilh brelln borne on the shoulders of lns ch10f vwtnns are also sacrificed at Banhama over tnore geneial mode of execut on 1s by er lct thlB sort of practlOul jOkmg l'i o so and sla\ e He is salutrng inenda as he goes a largo brass'Pan full of fresh and decayed fix10n on la d !ht· awlnl denth bern accel about the house The stormy clouds tear 0 along and is I receded and surrounded by vegetable matter This /B done to avert e\"<l erated by the wi!J dogs ing away overhead allo\\ etl a 'vatelj tnoon boys who wave ele1 hunt· t·1lsancl fcathera and produce mvrnc1ble fetlBh l>very chlef hght to flood the room His ca1 tarns are httrng ti e swords m the also l!uts some elaves to death, and pours A JU TU HOUSJ!l Stowell I called. agam I am rn no air and balloon g out the deeds o! their then blood mto the holes from whe ice the I mood for this s01t of practical Jokmg The Ju Ju hou.e or chapel at Bo nm tho ch1efe forefathers HIS stool of honor ripe lams have JUSt been dug Thoae who have not boasted of my courage, but I shall interior of wluch is sho\\n 111 !l-Ir IIarr a which is borne close to 111m 1s ornameoted cannot afford to kill shve· take the heada of discharge my pistol under tic bed hit or sketches was a wattle and ] ,b sheJ oblong with a large brass bell Another chief is those alr·ad.Y sacnficed and place them rn rotas in one r..ioment more There was a m form and thuly or forlJ loot m length preceded by a stanJard bearer and followed the Jam gi.ouncl It is cu.stomari also at thumpmg and a rustlmg tho spread was At the upper end was a kind of altar wit\ by immerous attendant· .fie is supported the yam feast to melt all the king's orna awept s.tnde and God of heavens it was a canouy or eaves of 11 stt 1 g and ,v1th a round the "a1at by a confidential slave ments mto new forms-a eight which 18 Stowell I could see h!S white hrur and concave recess at the back Across the One wnst of the chief is so heavily laden >ery attractive to the popul.ace and the beard Before he ha.J. come to an upr ght front underneath the roof ' ere arranged that the African d1 0 mtary is obliged to chiefs tram a distance, and spreads ·he fame position, for I could d1wly discern the out 1n t\\o rows impaled togethei a nun b.,r of support it on the head of a small slave boy, of the Krng of Ashantees "ealthand power Imes of obJect, I sprgng to the door to shout fteeblese hum an skullo Some ct these As the ' About ten du) s alter the cuetom, says who seems proud of the honor for help were pau1ted or other v1se decorated oni chiefs are earned along they salute their an African travelfer the whole of the roy I had not turned the key "hen I heard a bad a black im1tat10n beard which was fellow peera by a pecuhar horuontal saw al household eat new yams tor the firat;t1me, leap outside and the instant that the bolt doubtless a copy from life Between the llli( mot10n of \he hand Their umbrellas m the market place the krng standing by fell back from the aocket a man sprang rnto t\VO of hnman skulls \vas a hne of ure waved un and t.!own to raise a breeze, The next day ho and the captams set off fo~ the room a pistol ball grazed mJ ear goats heuda, al·o streaked with red and and large grass fans are also kept playing Sarraaoo before sunnse to perform their an another shot and two forms were strugglmg white An old bar ·hot, used pro La bl) "'a round thmr august heads nual ablutions m the river Prah :A.lmoot upon the floor I "ae but a moment ID club to fell the victims hung m a corner In another group the art st has drawn all the mbab1tams follow him and the cap Near the ground \\as fixed a horizontal active the next, and I had planted a blow the chief is follo\\ d \n I 1· han 1,ot 1eot ital appears a:1most deserted the tollo\\ mg with the butt end of mJ p1etol somewhere board or shelf \\ hich was striped like ti c upon the grey head, "hich stretched the sJa, e gul who bears on her head a ,mall day the kmg washes In tlie "1!atsh at the rehcs above A " eep )t loose thatch be red leather tr mk fill of gold ornaments southeast end of the town, the captains 110 1011 this like a lnnge or valance co'8red v1llwn senseless almost rece1v1ng the :ft.ash Behmd follow soldiers mg the otreets leadmg to it on each side of a pistol at the head, w h1cb, had it not and rwh clothe tbe base of the altar but lcit an open space and drummers, the latter grimacrng M they Ho is attended by his suite, bnl he laves providentially refused fire must have ma m the middle "here a round hole or basm tonally mterfered with my future powers throw then drums m the air and catch them the water with his O\\ n haµds oyer himself, wtth a raised nm of clay, was made to re with agthtJ The b6J~ m front carry ele his chairs stools gold and silver plate, and oLnarratlon cc1ve libations and the blood of vict , s phante tails and flappers, while the the \artons articles offurmture, used eepeci Much oonfua10n followed lhe landlord "'here were spare rows of skulle, and others the latter caplams with raised swords are hastenmg ally b) !nm Se\ era! braes pnns are cover separate upon et tkes planted gamst tie rushed m , the landlady also Some ed with white cloth with variouofet1sh un walls about the room however rushed out as quickly when she forward theruus1cuns and eold1era of tliese attendants carry the chiefs stool der them About twenty aheep are dipped beheld my undressed umform Everytbmg What thmk Jou read or as to our dut) rn execution block "hich ia so soaked with (ODO sheep and one goat only nre sacnficed or WM explamed d1recth Jenks was my the way of assietiu 0 th rot gh m1ssionanee. resouer Jenks, \\hom I had so doubted blood that it 1, always usual to co\ er 1t at the time), to be killed m the palace rn tho m openmg the ·J e· of theoe sp!ntually said to me Look here and he ren1ovecl "ith red silk One of the chiefs is re pre afternoon, that their blood may be poured blind people 1 Have \\ e not good reason to the white hair of the roboer and revealed sented as berng earned m a state hammock on the stools and door posts All thedoora be thankful for the pmilege of hvmg under He 1a smoking windows nnd arcooes of the palace are to our sta.i tied gaze the closely cropped hau bound with red taffeta alruly nuder his umbrella the top of which plentifully besmeared with a nnxture of the (more enlightened Christian religion 1 0 of a 'sentenced for life pemten\1ary man And shoulJ we not assist 111 e:xtcnd1ng lls On one eggs and palm·oil as also the stools of the 'He escaped two weeks ago from - - - is crowned with a stuffed leopard b!eSBed enlightenment to others 1- Phreno After the and eluded puremt I got on the track of Bide of the picture is a pm10ned slave one cl1tl'erent tribes and fam1he· logical Journal or the mte11ded v1ct1ms, who bas kmvea ceremony of "ashrng 13 over, the prmc1pal him at Detroit und have followed him, off thrust ti rough hIS cheeks an l mouth to eaptams precede the kmg to the palace, and on, ever since He carne up irom New Sbaron purpose!) to rob and ii neecl be prevPnL ,;,ns nttenng curses on the king and where contrary to the usual custou1, none but those of the first rank are allowed to The Biter Bitten to murder you His JOHahty h!B apparent b10 subjects He is earned ao a show pie ;;ood h unor allayed all suaprn10n I could ceded by two uf tl1e kings messengers, who enter to see the procees1on pass The krng a A nan in t1 e dress of a worku an was read h1s plans 'vheu we firist went to bed clear a way for b i In another corner tho fetrnh men walk first with attendants bold lately walking m t11e otreets ol Berlin 1 1th rng haems of sacred water which they spnn He stowed himself in son1e closet or cornet artrst has u tr0<lucc l tl e kmg s fo ir l n a packet Ill hrn han l sealed "'th Jive seals of your room to wait for you to fall asleep guists seated m conver,ation unuer an um klc plentifully over the chiefs with branch and mscribed "lib an address arnl a note I remamed close bv your door, and should brella wht!e a chief is admlmsterrng the es the more supPrstit10us runmng to have tbat it contained one hundred thalera Ill trea have warned you, but feared to arouse the i:iacred oath to a kings n1essenger who ia to a. httle poured on their heada, and even on oury b!lls As the beaie> appeared to be at snapic10ns of the follow, lest I e sho1 Id be sent to ietcb an abaent caboceer,by plac their ton&ues 'I he.kmg and bis attendant· >loss, he was acco·lcd by a paeseuger who mg a gold handled sword between his all wear white clothes on th10 occasion agam make off teeth Three white lambs are led before him, in asked ban whu· be wa.· Iookmg for The Smee I""" rea!IJ sa,ed by a dream 1 tended for sacnfice at hrs bedchamber Ul SI!llple countrJ man placed the packet rn tho At a yam custom wh 1ch llo..,ditch wit conSlder it remarkable I d1strnot remark mqu rer s hands and rquested that he his wives follow, with a guard of archers able Jolly people now and take rnto favor neosed, the pu bhc cners "ere all deformed "ould read the addiesa The reply was A former traveler 1u AshauLee <l.esc11be~ sour sllont appeanng p<1~ous Jen ks 11 as men, who wore cups of monkey skin The made ae with au apf arent surprise the native captaurn as wearmg robes of great a detective krng eat m a cba r of ebony and gold and Why th s letter JS !or rne I I ave ex held up hi. two fingern whenever a chief value, 11 oven from oosU) foreign oilks peeled it for a long time Mannera and Customs of theAshantees came to him to vow fealty and pomttng to which had been unravelled by native "ark The messenger ther 0 1pou den1anded t en men They were all e1zes and pattern· of a distant country with hIS sword swore to incredible mze and weight, and Wfilre thrown !balers lo1 the camuge ol tho picket," b1ch A \Hiier m All th· Year Ro1' id concl11<le· conquer 1l The th1one and evervthmg rhe over the shoulder m the manner of the Ro ""s readily prud 11 itb a liberal add1t10n to a series of articles on the Asbantees as fol round it was glittermg with gold royal stool was thickly cased with gold, and man toga The men wear srnall Sl!k fillets the porter 'fhe new possessor of the pack lo" s Having now completed a bnef sumn1ary near It lay gold pipes and fan· of ostrich round their foreheads, and many gold neck et hastened to nn obscure corner to exannne They are lond his pnze but, on brca 1ong the s<als found oi our former wara "1th the Ashantees the wing feather:; while :from the ca.ptatna laces mtncately wrought ·a' age customs of tins strange people are sword hung golden wolves anu snakes of Moorish charms, "h1ch they enclose m nothmg but a few sl eel· of blank p·r er on Done the next for us to consider It will quick head· a· l trge as hfe rhe attendant girls small square cases of gold and silver or cun -which \\US "r1tte1 1) be ~eer that e have conic into contact earned s l ver bo\ ls fer palm "lne The ous embro11lery They wear long necklaces wllh a I eopl· wealtbJ and powert 1! as the exec 1t1or er wl ose bod1es -were gtotcsqnelv of ·ggry beads and strings of the sane anc cnt Mex ca1 s and cq illy blood thus pu nted kcr t da1 crng up to ht 11 beatmg on rut ml the knee "bile round their ankles Uc l nll mot t ls 15 he l a8 t rn \\ t.r The great an ual fcohval of the Ash 1 man °kulls vlth tie kn ves they earned they wear small gold coms rrngs and fig antees, called ' lhe Yam Custom is held rn The children of tie nobllit) "ho attended ures Qf animals tn gold Their eanclals are deeires the Jen.t ii"' -- l l I 1 ~ "as 1 I a, - -

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