.THE MERCHANT, :FRIDAY, ~IAY,: 1, 1'874. -·· -=== = ==::. . . :. .:_= ···The Power ot' Prayer." DY MRS. H..lIUUET WAHD HOD!:iON. POETRY. Paying An Old Debt. A merchant, very ex.tensivel~ engaged in commerce, n.nd located on Loog \" Yharf, - . I I ~ TO TI-IE PUBI--410. WALTER \VIGG & SON, retuxning thanks to their numerous cus';Qmt;jrS and thP, public g-enorn.lly, for past !a.-vora, I Nwould respectfully invite their attention to our present stock of furniture, as we ha1·c lately DRUGS AND MEDICINES at the lJa.rkness hung o"er the wntera, 'rlw !'tonn-king 11wevt the deep \.Vith such terri!ic fury No liviug thing mightslee-p. · rrJle ten1J1est howled, a1~J~rick~d. and rri/ih.ned f Like some wild tl1i.ng in pain, Lashing the wt. 1.:ve8. to u~addcneil roar, Upon the di:sta~1t n:iain. A .uoble vcs~el born~\va.rd bound, Upon that dreadful night, Now tos.s1;Jtl upon the billowy foam, ~ffW sunk ii"1 depths froin sight ; Its living freig\lt of huruan}?otlll"$, In horror or disma.iy, Lu-ok ou, .~ e..v;Ci:y e;rrthly !to}-IP. Ja·sweDt f{<)tll tllj}ffi 'b,,v;ay. ·· l.TOULD must respectfully tender his sincere ~ded .thereto, thll.t we may thereby be enabled to supply all parties who may plea.se to favor i'f thanks to his numerous friends i1nd i.;uahim \VIth a ~a"lL Great inducetnents held out to tboae purchasing at our esta.b1ishment. Pie· tomers, and to the public generally, for the lo\VS : ) ~~res. Looking. Glaaset:i, etc .. sra.med to order, and in eYery style. Samples of the different very lib~raJ support he has received since Ji.is ' "Notes, due-billti, 3.nd accounti against km~ of Mould1ngs can be scod at tie ware-room. "\\Te would also beg to infonn you, tha~, commencing iu business ; and hope.s by conhaving purchRsed a. tinued strict personal a.ttcntion to business, and sundry persons down along shore. Some of offering nothing but the purest articles, at the them may be got by suit an<iyscvcre dun· most reasonable prices, tO ensure a continu.iLDCe of public patronage. ning. But the people are poor; most ol V.'ti shall be ready a.ta 1 times, to attend fnuero.ls, on short notice and rea.soun.ble. terms. J. H. would ca.Il special attention to his vet'y N . B.-Coffi.ns kept on hand, and made to order, at the ·them have lla1-ffsh~r1neii's luck. My child· . f.IUperior etock of Boston, died intestate, February 18th, 1803, at the age of seventy-five. Aftcr'bis death, a package of very considerable size \Vas found carefully tied up and labeled as fol- Bowmanville Drug Store, T having co1ne to our kno·wledgc, tha.t certain I Pedlam a.re selling Spectacles a.nd Eye Glal!laee purporting to be of our make, and to beAr ow· names stamped thereon, we he1·eby caution tho j)ublie again.st all suchimpostera,a.s )Ieeers Yel owlees & Quick a.re our· Agents in 'Veet Durha-m ; ~nd a Reward of $25. is hereby offerec.l fo1· the apprehension and conviction of all such imposters oo tty ro defraud the public by Offering their tr~sh· as our make. LAZA.BUS, MORRIS, & CO. .\'Iontrea-1, Nov, 8th, 1871. n7-tf $25. , ·:B,E'W -- ARD. . J. WGGINBOTHAM ie72. Oct. CHI'F CHAT~ ['l'im :Sra.d.y a.nd. Mike !'lynnJ Oct SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, ren \.·ill do as they think, with me, that it ia Ue.st to burn this package entire. 11 NEW DOMINION RETAIL F'URNITURF; WARE-R0011f. King Street East, Oshawa, Aug. 26th, 1870. T>YE STUFFS \vhich are sure to give the bt.:st sati~faction, A. well selected stock of The captai11's :,io~ sea.rec fiye year8 old, ,~ Prone on the cabin :fl.o.r>r ; 'Vith tight-clwpe<l hands and ~trca.ming Repenting o'er :ind o'er, " 'o ur f11ther who iu Heaveil at>t," "T\vag n.U the prayer he knew, Songht God to i;a.vc his father's ijliip, 'l'hl:l pa.esengei·s D-nd cru.w. a.:l u :;uoit"':~l"l!. on 111<" gloo m, Swift o.,q an arrow's fl ight, That prayer of fa:ith from infant 1ipR Went up to wntlds of light. .1-\ ncl He who Jong ago rebuked ~'he storm on Galilee, Co1nmanded that the &torn1s " bo still,'\ And ca.lmod the troubled 5ca. Uri.(: h~ . ' ... r- i :Kow\ guided by tha.t po\ver DiYi~e, The ship outri<lea the gale; AP,, ·with rcncw. e d hopes 1 her men, l<'or "home ii spread every flail. And soon within the destined port., T Her colors at the mast, She gaily glides, while froiu her deck, "Vlith cheers the anohor'a cast, Oh J mul'iner ou life'i.s dark sea, Featf11l anrl tc1 npest·to·t, , Though fltorins u1ay roar, anrl wa.vea run high Think uot that all iis lvst ; . , Trust thou in fJod, and soon.withi.n Tho port of endless rest, r.!'hy bark tihall glide, and thou sha.lt dwell 1~or1;1ver with th e ble st . About a mooth after he died, the sons met together, when the eldest brother, the admil'istrator, produc~d the packet, , and read the superscripLion nnd asked \vhat course shoul<J be taken in rogaril to it. A.uother brother, , ~'fey;'years younger tpan the eldest, a man of strong impulsive tern· · perament, unable at that moment to express his feeliogs by words, while he ~rushed the tears from his eyea " ·itb one llnnd, by a spasmodic jerk ofJh'tother toward the fire·. place, indicated bis \l'isb to h· ve the packet put inlo rnc! !la _e It W:as .·uggested. by another brother, that it might be well first to make a list of the names,aud of the dates and amo~nts tha_ t they mig~t be enabled, as th[ i_ o.folliled dis.charge was for oll, to io· form such as might offer payment, that their debts were forgiven. \ On the following day they again n~cmbted, and the 'list had been pr<pared, and all the note·, due-bills, an<l acc1n1nts, ,,.. hich, including interest, amou~t . ed to thirty thch1ia~J Ubl1ars, were cOnn:nittcd to the flarbc s. ~ · It was about four months after om· fath· Oshawa. HOBBES' THE Most \Vonderful Invention of the Age. J . Moses' Electro·Galvanic, Pat. June 2nd, 1868. .1.\tta.cb·od to these patented Spocta.cle1 a.re two soienti.ficaJly con1tructed Galvanic Ba.ttericer& unaeen whe11 "\Yorn--delivering .through the nervoa of tho head, a soft and continuou11 stream of electricity, vitalizing and giving healthy action to the entire beautiful system of those }Jart" arbsolutely and certainly curing DRUGS, GHEMIGA£S;PATENT MEDICINES, BRU$HES, GQMBS, SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc, Ete. kept c.onsta.ntly on hand. CARRIAGE SHOP {west of the OntariO Bank.) King Street, Bowmanville. OILS, PAINT, COLORS, VARNISHES, and WHI'fE LEAD, a.t the vei'Y lowest prices. THE. pa.n' ~ubsctiber is prepared to build . and re- TIM.- "Good morning, Mike, shure and it is early out ye are. Migh 1 be bould to axe what started yees this morning." MIKE.-" Jist be aisey, Tim, and I'll tell.ye ina jiffy. Ye see, I was tou!~~ yisterday, that Misther Gray, ov Tyrone, · had . _ got .home an uhgant new stock av Goods, chape as dqrt, man, and it~ meself could hardly slape a wink, all night, thinking av the chape goods. And sure cnuf!; its the full store he has~piles and piles av the natest patterns; and he'd give ye the makin's av an illigant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Cints; Tay for most nuthin, and the Baccy for a trif!e less." TIM.- "An shure its funning me ye are, Mike ; wouldn't the man be afther breaking down." · . MIKE.-" Breaking down, is it. Sure he knows a thrick wu-rt)l two at that. I'll jist tell you what it is, Tim., if ye want to get a grate name when youre <led, and be called a filantrofized, filosif~r, and a public binifacthor, jist tell all youre nabours, and the rist of mank;ind, about Gray's chape store, and you'll do more for the good av your countluy, than iver St. Pittrick did for ould Ireland, when he banished all the to!tds aud snak.S out ·av it; that niver 'vas in it." , · TIM.- "I'ni much oblaged to ye, for the bi..t av a,dvice, and \1-on't detain ye; there'll ·shtirely be a grate run, and maybee I'd miss some bargains. The top av the morning to ye."-I'm off to Gray's. . . 1S72 Wugons, Bv,ggies, and Gi1tters, of every de scription, at !!hort 11otict, reasonable ttrms. ando J. Gl!f, 'flfone. Noted for cheap Goods. ==============='==========-==-~-=-==-"-::: ' ========== er':i deatl1, continued qu1· inJofn;iant, in the Partial Paralysis of the Optic N erva. · Weak or Diseased Vision, N eunlgia of the Head or Face, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of the face, Noises in the Head, .Loss of Mental Energy, And a. Lost of :Ner\·oue :0i.seas:es, arising from depression of the nervous enongy of the system. Contributing in a. moat astonishing degree, :to lifeJ vigor and health. By the meaus oI thfl aoft a.ud flowing stream of Electricity, Giving Brightnt!SS to the Eye, Quickness to the Ear~ a.nd energy the Bra.in, They are set with lenses of th· finest manufacture, to suit all sights, and \Vitl1 glasses for those not needing -Spcctacls to read with but desiring the bene· fits to be derived from wearing tho BattedetJ; and are only to be had in this vicinity of Horses and Cattle Medicines. N. B. -Country atore-ke.,pers 8Upplied on the most advantageous term& A choice selection of J;.A~f.PS for b8..l1 cheap. 6m. Bo'vmanvill(', Dec. 9, 1868, Carriages Painted and Trimmed· month of June, tbat' I ' was sitting in my eldest brother's office waiting for an oppor... tuni ty to speak with him, when there ca.me a lrn.rJ.-fnvored little old . man, who looked as if time i:t~d rough \\·e.ather had been to 1873~ '11le i;uhscriber would beg to ca.11 attention to -his Rtock of A Blacksmith's Shop the pre1n i:oJe11, were spocia.l attention i1 g1Ve to all CM·riage work, and General Jobbing. · '° the windw·~ of him for seirenty y~are. Ile asked if my, brother \Vas not the executor. My hrother rcplie<l. that he was administra- Groceries Dry Goods, All work done at this Establishment wa1Tantea. A call ie: re11pectfully solicited. Bow1nanvillt.1 1 Oet. lst. 1869. mbs C...... ,.·.,. ~or .L' c,__ i"oke:tis. up'from ti' ell,' said tb.e stranger, · I have ·~ the C·pe to pay a debt I owed to tor, as our father died intestate. YELLOWLEES & QUICK. m2Gtf CO!l<O .r. MORRIS. Cash on delivery i';'! ;:i. custoiu adopted b)'- phia.se runs, can:i.o b~rd, and seCret1y wisbmodern l ectureni. ed. that the old wan's natne might be tound "I'm particularly tulc H.~Y on this point," on the forgiven list. !\1y brother \Vas soon said the fly to t11e young gentleman who stuck him 011 the end of a r1cct.lle. · at leisure, and asked him the usuo.l ques- the old gentleman.' ' The grell.test cornpo?!er- -Sleel_). :.ty brother requested him to take a seat, C01d comfort-lee in August. be being at the desk. The old man . sat A reg·1lar heat- the pen:lulum. down, and putting ou his glasses, dre"' oUt Rooted aorro"'\\-·-An aching tooth. a very ancient looking pocket·book, and hcToo lt:ite for the fu.it· - .d.n ~Id bachelor~ gan to count over bis 1uoney, Prognosty Kate is a. i;ood rin.ine (or a fortune \)-""hen he had finished, as he sat waiting t~ller. his turn, slo\Vly t\virling his thl}mb3 ~vit.b It iS difficult to tbrer1i<l a. n ~~dle that h.:u1 a his old gray, meditative eyes 1~pon ~he floor, tear in its eye. ·he sighed, and ·I kne1v-the money, ae the RICE & BARKER Importers of the Great (Jlearing . A LE CASH S, "" · : l :Boots & Shoes Sli:S'l' ORGANS AT ANDERSON & CO'S· ~ etc., which for G. D. Lockhart, DENTIST A lady ha,·ing remarked tl1at 1:1he thought there should be n t:ix un the i:single ~ta.t~ ; al debt was four hundred and fo1ty dollars. "Yes, n1ud1.~In," rcjoiue<l an o1d bachelor, "as 'it lrn.d otood u. long ti1ne, and with tibe ina nn all other luxuri~s ." terest amomuted to bet\vcen seven and eight An Irish editor, in i; peakiug of tlic miseries tion.s, his na1ue; reeide~·Ce., etc. The origin· :BOOT AND SHOE EM!'Oll.ItTM. ---- manufactured on this ·Co.n~inent, arc prepared to treat with .reliable travelling agents on liberal ·terms. They are making a,rra.ngements to introduce som· first class pianos.. Ware Rooms at the West Durham Steam Printing ·House, King Street, Bowman ville. Felt Good.s,1 :Rubbers and.' Overshoes Quality' aid Selling at COST, for THIRTY DAYS. Deed'1fold. Stand. Bown1a.n\·ille., Jan 1st, 1874. . hundred dollars. :vfy ·brother went to bis _ \ ·· 0£ Irc.-landi says : " Her cup of iuiscry has been desk, and after examining the forgiven list for agea overflowiug and ia not yet full," ··.fohnny, spell effects." "F ·x." "Right. N c.:xt spell seedy." " tJ·ll." " JU~ht ag-ain. ' ' l{-a-x." '~'!'here's a No\v spell cakes. 11 goo<l boy l" said his 1nother, handing J ol1nuy so1ne of the latt~r. A gentleman having called upon a friend, \\'ith whom be fouull two pbysiuians, 1cft at his dcpartun~ the followiug lines, scribbled on the back of a letter : attentively, a sudden smile lit upon bis countenance, and told· me the truth at a single glance. The old man'· name was \here! My brother quietly took a chair by his side, and converaatian ensued between Must be sold to mah room for more. Don't fail to call and get Bargains AT ness, CANOT BE SURPASSED Graduate of the Royal College of Dental 8ugeons, Ont, Office over }~. F. l\fcArthur's Store, King St.' ·wma.nville. Dowrn au ville, Oct. 23rd, 1873. · m3·tf. i ( ANDERSON & CO. them, which I shall never forget. - 'Your note is outla,ved,' aaid he; 'it \\'ll6 dated twelve years ago, pa.ynble in two ye_a1·s ; there is no \vitnesE, and interest has "By oue pliysiciau n1ight your work be done; never been p1.id ; you a.re not Louud to pay tQUt note ; we can never recover tbia Bu.t TWO are like a. double-barreled gun. Frou1 one discharge sometim es a bird has flown, u.1nount/ 1 'l'he sccond 'La1·rel n.lwaya brings it down." Sir,' said tho old nian, ' I wish to pay it. It is the only debt I have in the worid. It ll'ootc being aunoyed by a poor fiddler, 1873. ·0· 1873. istm t "straining ha.rtl discord 11 undl1r . h ~ windo,v, him a ahilling, with a reqw:::;t that h~ would play else"\\.·here, as oue ac1·aper u.t tho door was suffieient. SJ;ei-i.dan, scholilr, wit, u.ntl spenJ.tbrift. being dunned by a tu.ii r to pay at least interest on 11is bills, answered that it WM not bis in· terel:!t to pay the priudpa.1, nor his principle to b:}y tbtl" interest. ... 'The old rnan hecau1c i:ilarmc<l. 'I have The foilowini; bill wa::i latt!l.V presenh~1l to a cast simple interest for .t\velve years, and fni:me1· iu SuHSex : " Td haugjng tVl-O barn counted it all over,' said he. 'I will pay doors und myself l!l~~'UU lururs, foul' Kl 1illing::i you cou11Jound interest, ·if yon require it. n,nd sixpence." Curra.n's rnling- IH\Sl:lion \\'.l~S hh j (1ke;.;. Iu his l ast illnt·ss, his physician 0L1:w1-ved iu the n1ot'll · . hig tlu~t he tiee1ned tr1 coug\1 with 1nore <,lifri·. culty, he answered, "'J!hn.t's rath~r surprising, us I bai:e been pra.ivtici.ng all night. j) may be outla.wed here, but I have no child, and my old wom·n and I hope we may have om peace with God, and I wi>h to do so with m1m. I should like to pay it.' And he !aid the bank-notes b"efore my 1roll1er, requ esting J1im to count them over. ' I cannot take th e m6ney,' was the reply ul my brother. · HILL'S · NEW ---o--. Ma.chine and. Implement Manufactuing ·Co FA.LL STOCK. Fall& Winte1~ ·Dry Goods - - -:o:--- Manu£actures of - A ARGE LOT OF ' WOOD AND IRON LADIES' and GEN'l'S' F't1BS ·vERY Have you seen Cowle's cheap !Oct Cottons? . George Co.lumu, getting- out · of :\n hackne.y ""'II coach one night, gave the drh·er a flhilling. 11 This i1:1 a bad l-lhilling," said J~r\· ey. "'!'hen it's all right," sa.id George, with hi:s injmita.ble his children to destroy t:huckle, " yolu·s j g ~L ba<l coadi. ,. ""A i.;ert1tin rt'Verend gentleman of tho c!ty of 1£·dil1bul'gh, <lining \Vitb a. friend, the lady c-f thu house desi.t'ed the ser\'ant to take away the lli ,,h contuiniug the fowls, v,·hich shH pronouneed fooli:> (as is someti1nes done in Scotland). " I prest~rr1e, 1ua<lau1, you inea.n fowfa ," said 1\fr. R - , very po~pot,lS~Y· "Very .'\·ell, be it ~o," said the lru:Jy, "tnke awuy the fowls, and ltit the fool remain." The debt ought to have been paid long ago; uut your father wa.s very indulgent-he knew I'd been unlucky, and tol<l me not to \\."flrry about it. ' My brother tl1en properly set the matLer before him, and taking the bauk-bills, he return ed them to the old m·a n's pocket· book, telling Lim that, although our father left no formal will, he bad recommended to WORKING MACHINERY · OPENING - Bowmanville. Nov. 1st, 1873. CHEAP. QREY COTTON . of the bi!st make, including the celebra.ted · certa. 1n notes, due- S. NEW GOOD My New Goods have Double Turbine Water Wheels, and STORMONT. 1oct cottons at Cowle's---Splendid value. Autumn Fashions! ---oo-- bills, and other evidences of debt, and release those who might be legally bound to pay them . For a moment the old ruan appeared to be stupefied. After be hact collected him- · self'1 and wiping the tears from his eyes, ~ he'" Ca.stings of a.ll Xind.s. }lagnitlcent display of Ne'Y and Rich Goods. . · · REPAIRS PRIN':rs of unequalled attempt to sing. A gentlen1au, ollo of the co1npauy, said to anpther, 1· What does: sl:c call that?" He 1·01llie4.. 11 'The q_'cmpcst, I · think." On which n. seafaring gentlemRn pre· 3ent 1 exclaimed, "Don't he a.la.r1ned, it is- no 'l'EJUP.KS1.', it is merely a. SQUALL, n.ud will sooii Hid: Froru the time I heard of your fathe,;s l . death, I have raked and scraped, pinched a~d spared, to get the money together -for .A. lady~ '"1rho had i1ot been fa.vorcd with the the paymeht of tlie debt. A.Jiout ten aays u1ost ha.r1nonious voice, would; neve1-tboless 1 ago I made up the sum within tweutyJil.i)' dollars. · ~ NEARLY ALL .··.~·V-ERY CO~fE_ TO -HAND done on the S'I'YI.E a.nd. QtJ' AI.I'l'"f S'l'OE.MO:N'l' and the assortment will be found · - 'Slt0~TE$'l' NO'l'ICE, We ha.ye now' on hand a. large quantity of MURDOCH BROS. have opened out an immense stock of_ Nf'w Fa.II Goods. Great care has been taken in buying the Stock, and as 'tot" ing but First Class Goods have been purchased, customers can rely on i:ctting good value for thei1' money. · b:iover." 1'he Rev. . Doctors H - and l\.f.- were colleagues in the Old Church of Ed.inburgh. One Sunday, Dr. 1\'I-, after a heavy rain, was standing before the fire drying his clothes, whe11 Dr. H-came in, who1n he reciueste<l n~ver seen the righteous forsaken, nor his to prca"h for 1 1i1n, as he bad escaped the seed begging bread.' i,;howcr. "Oh, by no menns," replied tlie docGiving each of us a shake of the band, tor; "g;nig ye up to the poolpcet. ye'll be dry and a blessing on cur old father's rr1emory, eneuf there.,, Au ll'ishman recently calhid upon a phy~i dan aud recc:iYed a. bottle of medicine fur his !ick '"·ife, and was to1d th at the })l'ice was twenty dollara. " An' it's kill or cure for t\Vl,!llty dollars? " flaid the Irishman. "Ycs," replied Ute doctor. 1~a.t ga.ve it to b ii3 1vife and she died, In due t ime tho l\f. D. presented his bill. 1 · An' did ye cnre her?" ·'No," answered the pl1ysician, "_l\.n' dirl ye kill her? 11 The doctor ai1n1oored and the bill i·e1naina uncollected. the oul<l 1:1ud, \VLU;! engaged by 'a certain party to assist at cutting ice. Eadrly a.ll'ti(~dy a.greed to suc!J. cmµloy1n c11t, concluding that sa.wing ice "\VOllkl be "as aisy M cutting turf.,, He fell in lVit.h his co-labcil'crs, and nw.rched down to th e rivet'. _ .\.n old hand acctiatoined to the work soon chopped an opening, and then the saw was got in .eeadiu~rss. Paddy glanced a.t . the sa"\\', and then cast a woe.be-gono look ttt the hole ID the ice. H1J rubbed his forehead, sci·o..t'ch&I his cranh11n 1 and then ho trcuibleU in evident terror. :F'n1all_ y he pulled :l..- copper nut of his pocket und ci·ied in faltering acceutst "Head oi.· tail, who goes under?" His co1npanio11s burst iuto loud Jaught'-·r, and Paddy .seemed tnoro confu3ed than c·vur, until nt last it was fu1aJ.!y explained to hiin t]iat in euttiug ice in O((.uada it \Vas not necessary that auy one should ":.;u nnder." My wife knew how much the payment of this debt lay on my spirits, and advioed me to sell a cow aod make up the 'difference, and get the heavy burden oir my mind. I difl so ; and now w~at will my old woman say 1 I must go b;ck to the Ci1pe and tell Ii.er this good news. Sh.e'Jl probably repeat the very words she used when she'p11t he~ hand on my sboulder as 1ve parted : '1 have COMPLETE AND Common and Gang Plows, PRICES MODERATE The P,1blic are ~olicited tow · that will be sold at COTTON BAGS, 'l'H E PRICES tf. AT THE SHOP. Bowmanville, March 6 1873. . lD BEST the World. DRESS GOODS Plain and figured Lustres,"Plain and Tartan Wool ~oplins, Metz Cord, Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, and an endless vanety of other new Dress Goods. Black Alpaccas, Double Warp Black Lustres, Black Co bourg, Black Pa.ramattas, .Black Crape Cloths, Black Metz Cords. Special Line of COTTONS at OOWLE'S. to call and see for themselves. The Satisfaction given by bp- Hampton. Sep·t. 18th 1872 H.ELLIOTT JUN BARNUM to his numerous pa.ttons. Ht~ is now pleased to a.nnounce that he has on ha.nd a. large and varied as!!ortment of READY-MADE is eoliPt!ed by the satisfaction given by SMALE he \Vent on his \\·ay rejoicing. · After a ehort 'ilence, taking his pencil and 1naking a cast ; "There/ aaid my broth· er, '.your part of the un1ount would Ue so n1uch. Contrive a plan to convey inc your share of the pleasure derivecl from this operation, and the 1noney is at your ser· vice. ' 'l'o tho Inha.bita.nts of :Sow ma.nville. I am about g~ tting a CLOTHING Good and Cheap. Clothing Ma.de to Ord.er MILLINERY · BOOTS AND SHOES of the lJest quality, and it1 anxious that they s}l.aJJ·~~t to Wofk ~s SQ011.\Yl. pos~ibJ ~ . DENTAL BURRING by which I cau ENGJN E All~ Piees; . 'T Such is the simple tale which I have told us it was told me. To add to the evident moral, \Vould be an ins ult to the reader. Judge before. friendship, then ·confide till Conscience adtnonisbes as a friend before punishing as a j·udge. Extra.ct Teeth in less than ha.lf the usua.l time and TI.ith ltlss pain to the patient tha:n heretofore, and that I ha.vt' vrocured a New And li:lillproved. .Apparatus E3f~tffcYrt '.l~~Tlt~¥sT ~~'.f:ilf 0Ji1$, GOOlil tor generating Nitrous Oxgle Gas, by which I cnn now . ·Al- Sizes ~~! ·lmi]lds · , -. ~ The assortment of Millinery and Millinery Goods is very extensive and in trimmed or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets every taste can be conIt is a well-known Fact t!tat sulted as the· variety is so great. The Flowers itnd Feathers, Laces, &c Cowle has tke best Tweeds we claim to have the largest assortment to be ·founi'. in tlie countr;IJ. Some days a~o a n1a.n, h·esh and green fro1n death. A friend that you buy with presents will betray you for greater ones. ~Ian, J. M. :Brimac ombe, · Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont B wrnanville, Octobtir 8i:S. do. YOURS RESPEOl'l'ULLY fi<ttoN. $16:00 CASH. L~B; Pri,pell~ Qongress; ~ 80 -ce~ts Nothing cheaper than the lOol Cottons Cowlt's. ~· - :· _ Ba.lmorals, extra .hlgh cut · _ $p5: --------·------BLANKETS IN Large Variety 'W inceys··a. Dea.d. Job. In Black and White real Laces and Lace Colian, we havt a large ussortment, at prices to suit all. · Our Stock of Tweeds, Fancy CoatinWJ, Pilots, Beaver$, Peteashams Meltons, etc,, will be found unusually Ia1·ge. Notl\iUa:_to-p~u · ~tr. G "'F " NT'S $00TS. Rubber Goods, · Felt Goods, kno\v thyself; all wisdom centers there. · He who is contentc>tl and · tnaster of him~ self, in a hon1 e]y retreat, witb a little, eu· -· ~runks_." ·&ct joys the wealth aud curiositica of the world better than the rich and powerft1l who pos· sess them. A contented n1ind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this \\'orld ; and if in the present life his happiness arises from the subduillg of his desires, it ·will arise in the ne:i:t from the gratification of the111c PI"OlJG HS. I have LUMBER. IIE ~u°J?suriber respectfully requ·_ gts all pa.r. ties indebted to him for Lun1ber, to settle their accounts without further delay. .And be hereby informs builders, an<I others in want of and none but first-cli\se:' wo~kmen ompluyed, ltunber, that he is :prepared to supply then1 at thus in~uring good value iiJ every ease_ ca.sh ~·a.tes for Cash. Henceforth he intenda to du a en.sh bn sincss. STORE.- One door east of Cornish':! JewelTHOS. SMITH, 1'7 storo, King Stroet, Bo\\-manville. Lot J 9, 6 Con. l)arlington. J. SMALE. 187.J, m8tf. Bowmallville, Sept. 23rd, 1873. Bowmanville, Mi1,y 7th, 1872 MURDOCH BROS. T Ploughs, Gang P'.oughs, and Iron Hairovrn, for sale. JACOB NEADS. Bo\VUJfinvi!le l\'lart.iL. 5, I S·( 4. (ru22·2r.i:r.ol:I.) .N . B.---Specia.l inducement given CASH Purchasers- F I 1 Y. OowleI