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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 8 May 1874, p. 1

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A 1rn t THE MERCHANT GENERAL !ADVERTISER WEST DURHAM c tlates 1a.rgely in the To\ n8htpa of Darling n Clarke and Cartwright It 1s a common platform open to the freed scues1on of a.ll iues t10ns l wh ch the general p tbl care concerned S'liea.m Job Printing O:ffi.ce KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE I 3ennty five cents per annum, In ad vance The Merchant and 'Obser VO" $2 00 TER:i!S R.!.Tll:S OF ADV .t!.RTISIN G AND GENERAL ADVERTISER I ' · VOLUME V BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY MAY 8 1874 '1-I didn t say it excln1med the suffer Mr Bumble wished he had said that they ing ma.n, driven to desperation 1 Youhad more r ghLs now than th ey knew how y 1u in1sunderstand ine, rua am The Beautiful' By and By ' to take care ol but he hnew be hadn t 'Oh, did I I Excuse me, do, pleaded the moial courage to aay an} such thing The "iCow , 'how could I have Leen so mis Ily the s}nn 1ng ahores of I fe s beautiful nver " bere the morrung gleams on lts bright waves widow kept hnn there all the afternoon It taken 1 wM torment to Jnm, but he couldn t get quner Mr Bumble didn t romember tlie rnci A ba.rk lay rock1ng upon the tide away dents of the ""lk very clear!) when he \Ve stood on the white sands John and I ' D ear ' excla11ned the poor man tha.t reached home He tried to shake her off at Dear hen.rt shall wo sail night in the so l tube of bts chamber '1 m And he wluspered the parlor door, bnt sbe wasn t to be got ud t 0 ctht I afraid she 11 get m e cornered up and marry of in that >1ay 11 the long 101 g d.i.J with 1tFS changef11l me 'Come in nnd sit down Mr Butnble, do, weather His sleep was haunted wi th widol\s Ono she urged And Mr Bumble, cursrng him T 11 ¥i e I md by a.ud by on the other s de ? leaned do11 u from the eadboord to pull self all the "h1le !or being euch a fool, al My hen.rt a l<l ITy vo ce S'rl ift reply On colutnn 35 per annum !fol! do 19 Qua.rter do J0 1 1n B ent adve1 t 8ements 5 cts per hne first in rti on and 2c per 1 ne each subsequent one HUMBER XXXI POSTEHS PAMPHLETS CIRCULARS BILL HEADS CHEQUES NO'I:ES LABELS HANDBILLS CA.RDS TICKETS &c &c &e XECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. R. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY' P B A '.I." E , TAILOR POETRY lt lnto the interior, and 1n August reached in due tune redched Z anzibar and after a Lake N gam1by croo,rng ·he Bakalthan tedious JOUrn·) through tho Alucan wilus, desert, \\ h1ch for a. long tune pre~ented met Livingstone at UJ1Jl to No,ember, Tl e JOnrna.l sts rema.1ned "'11h bun 18,_I insuperable obstacle11 to persoas approac} 1ng that dnection The part) returued to about fo 11' tnonth~ ascend1ng the uver KoloUeng ui October and in tl e succe~d1ng Tanganyika to its northern extremity and year L1v1ngstonemake another JOUrney to ·as suhsequently accornpau1ed by Dr Ln the Jal e, but was pre\ ented by the preval 1ngstonc on hie t eturn JOurne), as fur as ence of fever, aud of a spec1ee of fl) very UnJUOJembe In August 1872, Mr Stan · Gentlemen s & Boys Garments MADE IN TH'F. l'IEWEST STYLES Bo maimlle July 27 1860 RELIANCE Mutual Life Assurance Society FALL A?\D '\INTRR TI~H!I T t... DbE Trains 'v1LL lc nve Bo\\manVIlle Station, llo wnun1v1lle tune, as follows ( OING WES!' GOING EAST ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Liverpool London ancl Glasgow to FOR Tic.:ketl:! or inft.rma.tion W A NEADS. A2ent app~y Ef!.1 ABLISHED 1840 c \~A D \ CH!E] 13 1 0FFICE8 sr JAMESSTREET MONTREAL Local 1 xpress 7 2i) a in I Express 8 40 a.. m DIRECTORS "\VAL'.I EH Su \f'."LY Esq MP DUNC.i.l..Y 1\f \ CDONAID EsQ Cl iu i tro\ll leeomc to cattle from proccedrng to ley reached London and the "°rld w·s the nortlrn ard ol it In 1801 m cornpani s on gra ified with ab indant letads of tlie Mr Oswell, he agam started for the north explorers labors duung the )Cars when and pioceed ng in n more easte rly direction reacl.J ed the great river Zambes1t flowing lll M <ed Express 320 pm 9 15 p m 8 40 a m J!iihxed Local · 720 pm 3 20 p m Bowma.nville Tune 9th 1871 tf 30 1n rnost people su pp seU I e was dead Dtu R R LOSCOMBE, ]\.f !\.JOH New 'l'a,ilor Shop A'.!E WirH F Y COWLJi bogs to L tnencc 1 business in the Shop next to the R"'" m JOHN HEAL, RHYME AN:O LIME. Not beat m quarter J nne that will alwa.) s stand the t When making mto mortar I will try and keep a goo 1 HupplJ For it is al ays wanted Tl a.t when you all come 111 to buy Y ou II not be chsappo1nted Yn1 will ahva)S fit cl it d11 and f1esl And that is somethmg I o e So come along: :i.n<l try this Lune .But don t forget the moneJ Hour~ of dehve".f from N1ne a.m t o Fourp m Oomer of Qneen and Ontario Stre(lt form the public ge lcrally that h e has com the fuotboard while another leaned ove1 lo lhat b·a tiful by and by I the Side of th· bed and rnqucstet! him, in Ih u bh ~u the day w1t.h its s veet bngl t dulcet tu1 cs to kiss her That woke Mr 0.rFIOE,- O> or McOlung s Store same flu.t S PE CI AL FEAT U R ES. as J ~f Brllnltcomb s Deutal Ro01nr;J t 01 n0 Bumble up and no\ another "mif of sleep I'l e }N[JRJ;: l">J.OlUS belong to an l p. e div I Bowmanville Oct 27th 1868 ly Its fo.rke1nr 0 noon ' 2th its clou ls of \'a.rn1ng cd umongHt tbe Pol c l oldc11J did he get that mgnt Its even n o{ lulling dreamy rest Ob l'rlr Bumble' cried the \\idow, at LIV.ES n:ii:ct.J NEl> DY OTHn Co.Mr HU"ES or on We have breasted tho b llo \ s John and I \\h ch an extra Pu:·rn'ium would be 1equ red can A1 d I whisper Dear ho:i.rt ..... e shall land breakfast Belinda SO) s theJ have the A little Rhyme came Just in time be asgured at t7 c o l nruy rates of tl 1s ooc1cty pretti st \leW from the bill beyond the togetJ e Ard all about the best of Lime Lime from the W est of the -.. e y best w1 der a 8pccutl arranueme1 t U11ha1me 1 and u1 clnlled bJ the char geful 1ncado,v, an d I want to see it 'Von t;,;ou 0 0 CH.J:.: HoNor A LE Jo11:Y Jf o1. 11 'H N Hawks BARRISTER AT LAW, bul'g Ort /JOLICITOR IN CHANCliRY, &c RESIDE!'<'.! SECRF1 ARY -J uius Gr. u~T r E c Ul!'BlH I c :B St llila1re \\ o ill cross together love :i; ou and I 0 er the tide t o the othtr i:!tdo his hair and one shook Ler fist at h1n1 from lowed her to araYi him into the parlor, after the center of Africa In April tbe fashwn of the fly anil the spder and uccompafi 1cd bis wife and cb ldren to Cape iuristone ascertained t hat Lake Tang nn~ 1ka. there he sat and suffered for three mortal rowu and havlno witnessed their d cpar IS not one of the sources of the N 1le and houra More than once hP thought the im ture tor E ngland returned to J{uruman \\ ith di eo'\ erc:l. fine lak es west south '"'" est and Tbcse sheets of portant moment hnd come and bat she was the 1ntont1on of S"lcct1ng a locality for a south of Tanganyika about to propound the awlul quest10n But new etat1on \vh1ch !'ho 1ld be free from he ~o.ter o;i o far as he w u1 nUle to traceJ are something-Providence, he called it~help aunopnce of the Boers - n degraded class conuecte<l by the Lranches of a r1ve1, \\ hich ed him to avert the awful fate which must of wh1ta eettlcrs-who regarded with dis he nn1nea the Lualnba or 1n its fnrtl1 est ex h"' e been hl9 if she !incl spoken, and he favour bis ~fforts to c1vihze the natnc nnd teosron (to Lake Ila11ge\ eolo) the Luapula n g tbe last h>e or. x Jears ot his hte it 1852 I e appears Jru1n th ese occount~ that Dr LI press Office one door east of J Milnes IIa.v1 g 1 ad several yea.rn experience in the t1 he hope :; to satisfy all \\ho may fa> or bn 'U w th a ca.IL GL'"IOD FITS GUARANTEED ]30, manv1Ue Sep 4th 18 ~ m40 tf A LJ C T I 0 N E E RS li'o1 thrs Tow1ish~p of Da1 l~ngton H T PHILLIPS, HAMPTON i:>ro1u pt att.e11t1ou g1.ven to sales &cJ bn reason .able terms \. 1HOS BOWDEN Bo\\ manville llfarch llth 1871 no24 tf NoN FOFEJTA:nLJ PoLrcnrn &med ' ea.thcr go with inc th1s morn ng 1 '"h1ch 10 15 or 20 Annual Pay See our sun goe <lown in a golden west Poor Mr Bllmble con~ente 1, because he ments are req ured ench payment E!c uru1 a The spraJ of the stoun that beat sol 10 h 0 d1dn t Jarc to do otherwise I ohc} for a sum assurc<l piopo:r.tionat e to the H l.S but frost ed the hair and dlDlmed the CJ e 'I n1 in for it he groaned as he \\ent up number of prem urns paid an 1 free f am fu tt 1 A 1 1 lo on thti sands of yon n1ghtlet1s lands stairs to get h!S duster I hope she wont vayment of pre1nlums I our beaut ful by and by propose before wo get back If she - FronL tl e Aldt iefo May ""\foDERAT.E PREM.1UMS an l most l buri l c n d tons shouldMr Bumble w>s horrified at the prospect Prospectuses P1op0Bal Forms &c supplied £\. PERSECUTED MAN OR THE on application n.t the H cad Office or any of He ne\ er had thought of such a thmg be WIDOW AND THE BACHELOR th6 Agencies fore But th1s widow \\as strong minded I JAMES GRANT oud beheved m right· hhght not the lJY Ell.EN E REXFOl.D Res Sccreta.ry SPE CI\.L WD1o Barton, ENNISKILLEN. Sales pro1n ptly attended tG on reasonable terms. Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders ~ JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter, Gla.z1er Paper Hanger, &c &c \.11 kin~ FEED MILLS. ency An..other car load of the ~bo e noble ar t C'les on the way -:-.. : Please call at tbe Gentlemen of :E'a.shion. of \\Ork promptly attended to and eatWr.chon gua.ra.nteE'd. BO'V MAN VILLE Farm Implement Forwardmg · TI W JAMES King St, lXn\ma.nVlile Bowmanville Dec 5 18,...2 nlO Iti::s1dence-~ext door east of the Bible Chris tmn Church I YRO.N E l yrone MMch Stb 1869 22 tf 0. BOUNSALL, ORTER M!l.NUFAC1UR ER I MP DEALER in all the variet es of 'l'o Ma.sters an BL<l:NK i &c &c can be procure l at tlns office at egular rates CERTIFICAES Apphcntions Italian & A.me1can Marble. A large and cho ce eelect 1 on of .Bowmam ille July 7tl 1873 ARRIVAL! AND Monuments.& Grave f3tones, ~l vay on hand of rnper101 workmanah p a.nd at lowest pnces W1 WE~ri ~~EgoRN James l't'\D "'~.C:S."~Al.ZA#' ;L o ugnt 01 Gast I1 on Fencco .ri'lm'l"'IBl'lli'1!>. -o-N9 '\\J" , right to propose be one of them 1 And if Mr Bnmble-TimoU) Bumble bachelor, she should propose he knew he never Observer Office Kmg St irom Spa<lunk-sat in l11s roorn the 'er} should dare '") no 3· ly picture of despair That mormng he had If ff\ er any one dese1vcU canon zation ti.a Bo\ 1nanvill(J .June 24th 1870 a1rned at the nrn.nsion of h18 newl~ ma r a maityr Mr Bumble did that day Every ried brother on a 'isit of a "eek or two hour was a week, and she 1ns sted on dra15 He had felt some presentiment of., il from gmg him about the whole forenoon At t the time he began to talk of making tbe last she w\8 readv to gtJ home, and the poor lIBlt , ao n1et11111g had impressecl lum with & bachelor began to rev1ve as the distance be sense of clanger As he ascended tbe steps tween thetn and the house grew less ---that mornrng he had not dreomed what the As the.) y; ere returning across the further NOT SO FAST du.ager conslSted in, nor how near, how V:ry corner a cow aaw them and came running I h ave wntten these few lines near, it \Vas '" toward them Mrs Blake was t·mfied and And all I have to say Now he kne11 tletl to Mr Bumble for protectwn That you can find me et 11 at home Its a widow groaned Mr Bumble She "on t hurt )OU said lrir B1mble, \ I am not gone a\\ ay 'A widow comforllngly edging away from the widow, ~o a.11 my k ud ol<l fr1en ls ma) omo Evidently Mr Bumble hadn t any par who, he was afraid contemplated a 1a1d on ~ d all the y ung ones too Aud ' et then ga.tments nicely run le t1cular lo" e for \\ idow s hun under the plea ol frigbt Shoo, boss' 1 I n f :-.sh1on~ that ::1:re new Here I am an 2nuoce11t unsuspecting Shoo' VY here o and Jo lng de!IJ fl en l 1nay man, went on llfr Bumble dolelully 'John The co" dido t chooso to shoo, but came meet \\ho s pu t lus foot in it by gettmg mall!ed nearer ~welcome ~reeh n g by R PEA'I l in,1tes n1e down to see how much like Oh ·hnekeu Mrs Blako tlmgrng her Do\\1na1' Ile Jt :-:i.e 190 1 ~78 fools he and his 11 ife cau act, and I like a arms about the poor man, 'save me I fool came uown I hardly otep mi foot You old br ite ' exclaimeu Mr Bumble, rns1de the cloor belore John tells me ti at mulong a ternble effort t.o fJ:ee himself1rom there s sou1e one else com1ng-l 1a dear Be the w1do\\ s clu tchea , let us hope for ihe AGENT FOR BOWMAN VII LE C BARKER SO, HO 1 »Ic!eeters. ""I ~ or endos1a.g burying lots FOR FEBD .A call is Furmture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c kept on hand or w10 gl t to order espectfuily ieciuestcd at the works John McDougall. Bow munv1lfo .Ap1 l 16t 18 3 llnda s siste r t \\ ido1v, and such a nice wo man , LJ.11 l I Ree through it all in a minute Its ill a plot I They ve got rue dowu here panv Capital£2 000 000 $150 OOOderomted for her to marr) Yes, for hei to marry v. th the J)omunon Go ernmcnt for the protec icr!! in Cnnada. lrir Bumble shiv01ed at the thought He other I nshtut ons 'viz Tl e QUEEN Fire nnd Life Insuiance Com AGENT For the folio" mg Insnrunce 0 irnpames sake of Ins gallantrJ that his exclamation pn.ny of Co.nado King Stree t Bowrnawilk October 1st 1869 1 ti REMOVAL. R DAVIDSO~ has re1nove l l 1~ residence and S irge1y to the late residence of J hn }.f:1lne Esq 01 tl e 1\f::u ket Sq_ m n35 ti D .BEAUTIFUL TEETH J M BRIMACOMBE L D 8 r e"'th Extra c ted at Twenty fl ve Cent.e MARRIAGE LICENSES Rooms over D-IcClung :Bros Stores. Bowmanville Oct 1st 187() 1 I SSUP:U BY ROBERT ARMOUR Ho vmauv11le Dec 10 1869 Capital o 00 000 - One of the was in a cold sweat all over best and cht:H1;pest Companies doing bus1nes15 1n ' An<l no" she s here I Mr Bumble the Dom n on for F a rniers and I solated Rislrn The CAJ'\AD ~I 'i.l'IDED CREDII COY shook his fiot ut sometlung in the co1ner\ th a S :1. og8 Bank depa1t1uent an 11nag1nary "id ow, p1obabl v she a The UNION HD PERMAN ENT Building h e1e, ana I 11 be per:secuted and pestered and Sav ug H Society l hcfl. lattc1 n ti t tionr; advance Loa1 s on fron1 ru01n1ng to n1ght She knowa. what lie \l on t e1ms unus\utll;¥ ens:} for the John and his" ife hat e get u1to their heads, borrow and is willrng to help em along m their lie l cb Gt! 18 WlCkednesQ I YilSh Mr Buruble waxed eloquent 1n lus gestures with his earnest uess on the snl JC ct ' I "lf'h there was a law abohsh1ng w u:lO\\ ;:i I do I sw\.:ar I do l'be ISOJ AI 1m RISK Fue Insurance Com had reference I 11 see ii you head at me the ammal so to th cow You old brute 1 ll stand there shakmg your and th ercu pon he charged at funo 1sly that she made an 0 inglorious retrea t How shall I ever repay you 1 er ed the I Jee! that I owe you lli) liJe, and my hie long gratitude IS yonrs Don I said Mr Bumble, ev1 lently greatly toncl ed at her exhr bitwn of grate w lduw fnlness Ta1n t worth speaking of You re \\ elcome, I m sure Dana's Patent Sheep Marks ever a.rt: iillSJ M lillKS ARE I HE CHEAl EST T the ruoBt lastwg the le<IBt tro blecorue and most complete nvent ed Tl ey used S'l'ORE. M. LO\iVl~Y. inb~ bi CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, begs 1nost respectfully to inform the tants of NEW STORE, WELL FILLED WirH THE and surrounding couutry that he has openeU. a Drug Store in the above named v Hage. with a. '\\ell assorted etock ef TYRONE, CHOICEST OF OOO:OS. AARON BUCKLER Has the best a.nd most deSJra.hle lot of D1 ugs, :.lfedwines, Clzemicals, Patent Medicines, Perfumeryj, Brushes, Combs, Toilet Soaps, H01·se and Cattle Medicines He has also W~TCHES of different g rades and surpn-Sses a.11 othe houaea in town and Country and recommended by many of tht best Breeders in the Un ted St~i Rand Canada. such a.a G B J.-or1ng Sn.lorn Pras1dcnt he v Engla.nd Wool Gn.. ve:rs Soc ety Joh i S JWSll Henne Pl,/l Ill Profcssoi M. Miles of the State Ag ricultur ll Colkge Lansu g Mich Hon Geo BrQ~\n T ronto Ont J o} S ell ] dmontun 01 t. On each 1\.:fark l'fl stamped the ownc-1 s nawe and tbs Sheer s 1 umber They will be sent/'1'1'.!e by 01 txp1ess for onlyfou1encts ach and will Inst for 1 WE~'"TY 1' l!:ARS W Cash must accompan) all orders Al\CIHilALD YOUNG J c Sarnia. Ont. Orders addressed to the ~1ERCH~ an l 0.Q BEHVER Office fot nny quant t) will be fillea at ti e above tne h u ted pnce 1u1 quickly as the 1\.1ark.s; can be made and s nt C BARKER ly ro13o Bo" manVfll· Dec 28th 1871 AN IMME.NSE NUMBER ELECTRO PLATED OLOCKS Books, Maps, C!ta1 ts, Frames, Eng1 avings, Stationeiy, School Books, <%c Pl 'VS cians prescriptiorns and ] an il) ~fed1 c1ncs carefully compounded Public patronage ree:pect(uUy sohc1ted Tea and Coffee Sets Fruit, and H e?nisphm"lcal Dishes not to be surpassed in the Province 'l'a,iloring I Clothing ! The S lJsc1 bcr ba;-s ng sec txcd the able ser\ ices OF )) l'yrone Nov 12th 1873 m7tl MI?. :a PEATE, as Cutter 1s prep nred to t orders for wh ch will be got up m the Plated Kmves, Forks, &c , GEli TLEMEN S GLOTHll\ G E qual to any in the Doww1on. LIME! LIME! any quantitv .A.pply to 0 WILI I \M SPEAR Chill ch Street n oa Jy U[ r OS te the Alma Hotel Do\ man ll c J tn c 19th 187~ tf R SA].-"E 111 Fist MOS1 Style of , Fashion, o.nd on the REASONABLE TERMS 'I wish you d l et me lean upon your arm smd Mio Blake faintly I feel so \\ eak-I can hardly \rnlk I don t know but I shall farnt Oh ' Mr Bumble " as aghast at the prospect of ' Bravo for you Tim laughed lns He grab brother J obn stickmg lus he>d m ·t the a fa1nt1ng w1do\v on hrn hand s door I ll tell ~ ou ho\\ you can begm the bed oft his s '"" hat and began to fan her Presently she said that she folt reforn1 and abolish this one Just marry fur1011·ly better, and took possession of bis arm, and bet And John withdre\\ laugh mg le you ve made a tool of yournelf by they fiet out&lor home which ~ "as reache<.l getring married and want uther folks to on alter many halts and much suffering on the tbe pnnci::>le that misery loves company, part of llfr Bumble 'Its getting des perate,' sa1d the perse declared Bumble, blo>1 mg his nose ex plosively 'Of course, the first thing when CUted Il18.D to himself, as he re VlAWed the I go do\\ u the) JI mtroduce me Hang it events of the day and looked the s1tuat10n A widow ll brrng all l wish I d stuid to home It does boldly in the face I WIRh I was make me out of patience to aee people make things to a crisis in no tune go1ue, home to mor10\\ s ich fools of themseh es The next even ng there was a party at a John came back pretty soon Are ) on nmghbor s, and John and Belinda and Mra. ready to go down 1 he asked Mr ' Yes, I s pose so, answered poor }Ir Blake and Mr Bumble attended Bumble not very graciously 'But I tell Bu111ble supposed as it WM such a short distance, that they would all "alk home to you what it w, John, I won t marry her' 'J oho laughed outright ' You seem to gether , but Belmda got a chance to nde, thmk get~mg married about the wo"'t fate a and consequently l\lr Bumble was left to man can have happen tu him I thmk it the painful duty of seemg the wulow home 'Such a beautilul mght ehe declared, as, about the best · clmgmg closer than a brother, they sallied ' Yes, you, e~cla1rued Mr Bumble, ex out 'How forcibly I am remmded ol the plos1vely ' Of course ) ou say so no\v , but \\a1t- 1ust \\alt .ery solemnly and tune when <lear !ilr Blake walked home with me from a party, before "'e were mat .. with a.,vful im press1 venesa Well 1 ll wait, replied John 'Come ried The "idow gave signs of bemg about to on it you re ieady dlBwh e rnto tears M1 Bumble conld Mr Bumble groaned and follo"ed his staad anytbrng better than tear,, and he 0 brother down hke a !om b led to the acrt made a desperate effort to ward off the lice He began to tremble before he reach threatened calamity ed the parlor door He rem em bereJ, al 'H"' o you e\Or been np to Spadnnk 1 he tern ard, of seemg eomethmg m tbe shape ""keel, g raspmg at the first idea tha· came probabfo that he had learned all that he deemed raqnlBlte aucl ""'at Unpnyembe, prmcipal town of the Makololo tnbe, where on his way to the coa>t when a'tacked bv he 1rns kindly recen ed by the Chief and the disease v. h1ch so la1ncntnbly terminated the entire populatwn Departmg thence m bis remarkable care~r Noiember be proceeded up the the Leeam h) e R11 et aud its aflluent, the Lceba to The Damage Temperance Law D Iolo and thence with conSJderable diffi The State Le0 islatur· quietly passed m culty and penl acroes the Congo River to 1 Augolo at the capital o! which country, Act Jaat week w nch wtll do n1orc for tern pernnce than all th e ln ws ever recot ded on Leanda on the wec:itern coast of Africa he our statute books and Gove1no1 Dix: signed anved May 31 1854 and was hospitablJ received by the Portuguese authorities s~ it on Saturday VV liat 1s tlns new law 1 tioned therp Leaving L oanda. in the ensu tn h1.s hands as a. defence against his perse ing September, he reached Linyanh in It is a law n1 aking a hquor seller respou cutor He got up and dressed himself September, 1855, thence proceeded down s1ble for 111 the dam iges whic,h a man doe· 'Im gorng to get out of this, he groaned th e Lceambye ao<l Zan.i.b~si Rivers, \\Inch while under the inti 1ence of tho poison I wont stay another day for any money he found to be Hlent1cal, to Qu1lhrnane on wluch he has sold or g1ven hint It amt safe If a TI) RD is a meet an1v ductor, lawyer the Indian Ocean winch he reaclied May Ten nnnutes afterward BOtne one knock 20 1856 He then toe k alnp for England or laborer and th e rtun seller g1ves or sells ed at John· chomf er door where he ar1n: ed Decern bcr 12 of the same hlm rum till be becon1es a drunkard and ' \\ho a there 1 be demanded lo>)cs Ins pos1tlon then the y; ife child pa year 'Me-Timothy answered Mr Bumble rent guaid1an emplove1, or any person During hie six.teen years aUacnce L1 ving John got up and came to th e door to find whose person or property is l1a11ued 1n tho stone had twice crossed the African Conti out- "\\bat the matter was leas ~ can sue the r u n eeller before a J us nent trom the shores of the Indian Ocean 'I m gomg home declared Mr Bumble t1ce of the P eace if the damage ts under to those of ibe Atlantic, and explored a vast The trarn goes rn fifteen rn10utes I $200, bclore three Ju !tee§ of the Peace if tract of country hitherto unvmtcd by En thought I d tell you I W·s gomg so } ou tbc damage is und er $500 and bef?ie a ropeans The mr.gnrtude of !us labours wouldn t feel alarmed ' Jury it the damages are from $500 to $100, un<l the gteat results atta ned during th10 000 ' But, T1mothy--period were thus alluded to by Sir R Ta1n t no use mud ].Ir Bumble, reso Suppose th e rum seller las no property 1 M irclnsOJI at a m etmg of the Royal Geo Then the person wl o o\\ns the hu1ldmg lutely 'I 11 onldn t stay for anythrng graphical Society, held m 1856 and aL which I m gomg now Take core of yourself "here tl e ru u1 is so lct b hab1e for i he danl Lt\ 1ngstone wae nresent \Ve arc met to ag done If a laborer gets dru nk and Good bye and M1 Bumble wus off getber said that drntiugu1sh ed geonraphe"' He half expecte<l to b~ overtaken by the loMis lns place> his vi:ife cau collect from the for the purpose of welcoming Dr L1vmg wido\\, and didn t feel oafe tJ 11 he had rnm 'eller for ill damages caused itone on bis retu1n home from South Afnca reached home Vi bat effect will this splendid law after an absence of etxteen years dnnng ha ve 1 ' Did you enJ oy yourself! asked th· old which v. hile endeavoring to spread the Wlllle m Oluo l 1 st wrnter I saw its mag housekeeper, M she got him somethrng to blessings of Chustamty through lands never n111 ~nt C'ffect there Tt closed up irrcspon eat 'You look all "j.Orn out before trodden b) the foot ofany Enropean s1ble groggenes and rum boles In fact in I be, said Mr Bnmble 'I tell 'ou be had made geographical dtSco1 eries of m .Betse), I n1 never going away from honte did away with l ad low aud irresponsible calculable in1portnnce In all his various r im sellers altogethe1 It mad c a bar ag".un, unless I kno10 its safe tu do so I ve lourneye Dr fovrn~stone had tra\Clled over tender ref 1se to sell t ) lL mun IIJtox.1cuted been persecuted , yes, BetseJI persecuted no less than 11 000 miles of A fncan tem Mr Bumble heaved an awful sigh of re bo1ste1ou s or" ho \vus on the downwa1d torv a r.u h e had come oack to England as road to ruin It n1 a ]e owners of bu1lchngs hef 'If any women over come here that you the pioneer of soimd and useful knowledge get responsible run ~elhng tc;;nants or don t know, Just lock Uie door and don t let for by his astrouonucal obocr' nhons he has n1ake irrer:1pous1ble iun1 Bcllers give their e1n in for goo lnesa snke Tell em Im deter1nined the sites of nun1erous place<i, bonds to th e 0>1 ner of th e bmldrr g to meet sick or dead , that I ve got the small poxhills, nvers a nd lakes i eaIIJ all of which stuts for the l ersonal dan1ages anytbrng you plcMe but don t let em m had been lutherto unknown wlule he had Io Illustrate Mr Bum blc couldn t for 0 et lm dream seized upon eveiy opportun ty ofdesc11b1ng In Ashiand Ohio them !11 ed a Dr !or several da) s and kept a constant look the phyeical features c'nnatology aud geo Gibbs He ""'a splendid )ODng plnsician out for the widow but she dido t follow graplncal structure of the countries which him He bas never ventured to '1.sit his he had explored and bad porntcd out many He hsd a Jo, ely \\lfo three beaut ful cbil dren aud as" eet hLtle cottage paid for In brother J obn smce ne"\\ ;:ionrces of co1nmerce as yet unknown 0 congratulated himself, as he reached bl9 chamber, that he wae still spared to freedom a httle "bile He went to bed and dreamed He thought Mrs Blake came and informed him that she "as gorng to marry him the next It "as tcr day at precisely ,half past ten nbly real He woke up ma cold and clam my perspirat1ou Hours passed before he Rlept, and then he dreamed TttS time he thought that he ran o\\B) to escape hts aw ful Joom, and tho "id ow followed him and overtook brm 'Oh, you naughty man I ebe cried, putting her arms s.roun<l. his neck , 'you foohsh man to tbmk )OU could get a.\\ay from s. v;oman so caiulv, when shed made up her mllld to marry you' And then she fell to kisslllg him, and lie "oke up with a scream n.nd fou11d htmself e1ttn g bolt upright m bed, with a pillow clutched his efforts to suppress slavery I\ lnle at Tlu ee \>r inches h e believed to be connected, thrn place ho learned that the Boera liad either through the .A.lbert N yau<t:tt or l1y earned their hostili ty so far as to plunder s01ne more direct con n u111callon with the his house and de\astatethe nnss1onary set tlernent he hau tor ued Being now free fi on1 pastoral care::; he de patted on his n1ost important northern touri and in 1Iav 1853J reached. Linyant1, the sources of the Nile Be111g d1.Ssnt1!!-fied as to bis kno~ ledge of the sourceo ol the Nile, Dr L1 v1ngi:-~ o ne pers1ste 1 in remain1ng until be had made furth er explora wue It ls DAVID LIVINGSTONE This dtstmguJSbed man was a native of Scotland, and was bom at Blantyre, m Lanarkshire, m the year 1817 He WM descended from o family which had for many ge11.eratione been establrnhed at Uiva oue of the He'brides group of islands "here h is grandfather cultivated a emall farm Fmdrng tb1s occupatwn rnadeq uate to the support uf his faro lv, he removed to Blan tyre Works, and wuh his sons rece1 v e l ployment rn the cotton mills cetabh 1 meu l to th e scope and enterprise of t!Je Butrnh merchant an C\ il moment Dr Gibbs co1u1nenceU to drink :First it \'as a social glass thell th'B then The great tr"' ell er· father subse q uentlr became a tea merchant in Hamilton near Glasgow, and was hi~hly respected by his neigh hours, tbougn he never succeeded m acqumng "ealth His son Eatd of !um " He was to'l COhscienhous ever to become nch, but by bis kindness of manner and wm nmg "aye he made the heartstrrngs of bis chil<lren twine around him as firmly as if he had possess10u and could have bestowed upon them every world!) ad' antage Th1S excellent parent, for the last twenty years of his life, was deacon m an Independent church, but in hie younger days be was con of a ivomau rl.Se 11p as theJ SPOONS. SPOONS. At ~jr Peat t:l ret:l1dence on IC1ng Street On l u.i.d a" IJ full assortment of English and Cnn adian cnteze:d the room, and of hearing John say, 'Mrs.Blake, nected \\ith the regular Kirk of Scotland The greatest and best assortment ever seen 1n T >V. n None to excel it CLOTHS AND TWEEDS REMOVAL. w1shes to inform his numerom~ fuend s and cue tome1s that hB ha.Si re1l ved to Gold Chains, Rings, BROOCHES ~one T . Pa:te1;"son. Bo vma.n illc lvlay 27th 18 ;; tf bp m3.,~c.1 EARRINGS &C Imperial Fire Insurance Co OF JONDON (Establrnhed 1803 HEill 0Pl'ICF.S - 1 Old Broad St Pall Mall London GE?IEI L a closer grip oflns ai m But I would like a dove and fo1 ten mmutes thereafter all to so much Behnda says she knows l would was a blank hke i up there \-Vh en he r egained his shatter~d sensos'J d like to h0>e you come up said Mr 1t al'\\ O.J s served him in the same way to be Bumble, at a Joos to thrnk of anythmg else in troduced to a \Vom an, espec1all) a \v1dow - she \vas talkin g away at an a"fi'ful Iate into his head, as drow111ng men clu,tch at !1.t the age ol ten young Livmgstone become straws a piecer m a cotton lactory, and for many mJ brother Timothy And the shape ';:, o ne\ er ' exclaimed Mrs. Bloke, with ) ears was engaged m hard "orkas an opera S\\ oopecl do\\ n upon lnm like a hawk upon tive An evening school fnrnwhed him with the opportumty of acq ui·mg some know ledge of Latm and Greek and finally after gow University,and the theological lectures of Dr Wardlaw, ProfeS8or of Theology to the Scotch Independents be offereu him self to the Londou Miss10nary So 1etv by "hom he was ordained as a mclhcal 1u1a eionaiy m 1840 He rntended that Chma should be the field of his labours, but ow ing to the op1um Viar, it was <.leemcd in expedient for him to go there, and accord rngly he "as deSiguated !or the African attendrug a course of med cine at the Glas to say and dete1m1ned that the converse. S. MASON to s i.rpass thern Selected by m" self at the tnan lfactories in Ena:lan 1 and he and -21 St BUCKLER'S OLD STAND where he will be found w1th the n ost com plete assortment of SPECTACLES! Lazarus :Th-foms & Co B ou hand to fit l.11 s1ghtkl 'lhese I will sell at iecluccd prices tJon should not revert to the dear departed sitting before her w itb his Mr B!ake hauJ s fol ded 1neekl', 1n becoming res1gna Would you nowf reall), lilr Eumble 1 t10n At first he cl1dn t dare to look at 'IRS lhe Choice·t of g1ades. Gold and Siherfrnme· Harness, Whips, Trunks, &c. in town Please call :Buckler a old stand ono Joor east of ?viaynard s Hotel Bowma.nv1lle Sep 1st 1813 Bowman . . 1Ue October 1873 A LARGE SUPPLY OJ1 FINE CUTLERY, (ROGERS MAKE her Uut aftei: bis hrct·aw e bego.n to sub side he stole a glance or two at her The c1aiu1::: nt investigation n1ude him tremble She Subscnbed and B vested Capital and llcscrve "asn tone of your coo1n~ gentle "1dows, Fund £1 965 000 Sterlmg but one of the strong mmded class He Funcla investe d in Ca.natl.a,-- 105 000 Jelt sure of it And by and b) -how, he Ina ranees loss by ]ire !ll'e effe<.: ied on ne\er k new-ehe began to talk womans the most favorable terms an l loases paid with rights out 1 efercncc to the Board in L ondon.. ~f:: }.l\ (1 }() C\:NAl A a1:1ked tbe widow, s tnthng into h1s face Yau men are so-so fon<l of tea.sin~ us poor 'There r be smd as we 'valked bv a \Von1en yoll know that we can hardly ever be ,utilul cottage, ' thats tie early home I tell "hen you re u1 earnest :But I do he threw down my throat but, with Gods heve ~ ou re in earnest tlus time I tl'Ould Llesa1ng and my wifes and children s lo\e hke to come up Q.ntl see you, I assure ) ou m1saion-an event wb1ch deter mined the I will some daJ but it back agam And he will do it sure I ve put 111y foot in 1t,th1s time groaned future course o! his hfe In the summer of ed from him nn tll commun1catlone were Another case the bachelor 'She ll propose before "" 1840, alter a voyage of bree months, he II e recept1011 accorded to Lhe great trav ellei at this tmie was >ery cordial His frank, s1mple1 and mnnl) character 1nade him a great fn.vol.lte with the people who were agreeably surprieed to fin<l. ·man in · commercial age . n val in de\otion and se lf sacrifice the great explorerd and nai,; igators of the SlXteenth century In 1857 he pub hshed his ' Mts.10nary Travels and Re \:.Carches in South Africa, a "ork of great 11teres~ and value, form1ng an enduring re cord of hie remarkable Journey In 1858 he returned Rga1n to Africa., having been ap pomted Biitish Consul at Qmlltmane, and soon after hi s a1r1val there departed on another exped1t10n Saihng up the Zarnbes1 be attamed Lake Nyas,. 11 tLcre he made fmtber explorations His wile who had ac con1pan1ed him in many of hls penlous JOUrneys died of fever at Shapann, April 27th 1862, and tbeexpedit10n retirned the year follo1Vmg Dr L1vrngstonc reached England 10 July, 1864, and after givmg m tereshng particulars respecting his discover 1es and publtshmg a book descriptive of i 10 recent tr"' els, he left his 11ative land for the tune 1n 18(Su with the view of con tinu1ng his ex plorations in the u1ter or of ~fr lca flc arrived in Bombay in 1866 and thence 0 ailed for Zanzibar, whence he started for the mter10r by the wav of the River Rovuma \\ h1ch Hows into the In d1au Ocean a t. :rt-11lk1n<lany about five de grees south of Zanzibar In the month of April, 1867, Livrng tone du;covere' Lake Liemba south of 'langanyika aud gorng "estwaitl thence lound Lake Moero on the 8th of September In December, 1867, he """ at the Cazernbe s town After au mef fectual attempt to cross the Lake at UJ J 1 he returned to Cazemhe s in Febrnarv, or Ma·ch, 1868 arnl then went ·outh of Lake Bengeveolo He afternards reached UJ~l on Lake Tangan,1ka, ancl from tbnt uo1nt m May, 1869, be sent the last letter receiv regula r ar pet1zer before breakfast then regular dnnkrng Lhroi ghoul the day then a drm ken heastly <Lupid topei by the \Htysidtl His p atien ts left bun ,.,ife grew pale with anxiety nnd clnldren grew plain then rngge l The pr tty cottage went e\crytb1ng-all g lped do\\n un insane mans tLroat Fuends came to Mrs 01bbr; asSistance 1hey sued the rum seller It "as the first case rn Ashlai d The people looked on in amazernent Lnl\yerspleaded unconshtntiono.hty, \\ant of knowledge, and everything but th eie ""' the statute-the ~ame one that Governor D1x:: s1 0 ned on Sat The Jury \\ent out-a good honest country 1ury-and came back with a verdict of $3 000 damage· The rum <ell er "as fr gbtencd and refused to pa) The JUdg men\ came agamot the bmldrng An exe cuttoo, and the man who had ruined Dr nrday Gibbs and brought lrn lovely wife and beatthlulchildren do11n to po\ertyancl de spair )1>d to piy tl e $3 000 Not only this, but it frighten ed all the rum sellers rnAsh land -Poor D1 G1bbs 1r> -va1n crawled int· the bar rooms alter tlus to plead with seedy garments, tremblrng hands and brnken speech, tur tuore ruu1 In a fe,v week s the 1 um h~nd got out oJ l 11n IIe becan1e a i;:.nne n1an Belnnd it looked hke a drearn -house gone, wife haggard, and children ragged Then the old manhood came back 'Vi th new resolutions catne new lr1ends, new patients tnore -work and prospcnty His wife grew youn g agam and agam his children chm bed upon hts knee 'lhat mgbt, at A·hland, Dr Gibbs mtroduced me to the audience, and after the lecture he tolc1 me !b<;Ut lumself and the Oh10 lawabout our Jaw- th e 1011 "~ned b) GO\ernor Dix TRESPASS NOTICE, OIIOE is hereby gnen that all parties N found trespassing on the Flata known aa Ranes Flats \Hll lJe }Jtosecuted to full extent of la\ MARRIAGE LICENSES ssued by W R CL IMIE MD WILLIAMS Att:ae Statesnian. Office BowmanVJ.lle 'B o mn.nv1lle NO\ 1th 1868 MARRI-6,-GE LICENSES I SSUED BY JOHN J. WILL IAMS Cherrywood Post office Pickenng Ont W. S. BOYLE, M. D. G G Io1 onto at d"\ 1ctor1a of Cobou1 of the Collt"Jge of PhJ BADUAIE of the Un1vers1ties ofTnn1ty Collcgef College ccntiate s1c1 ans and Surgecns f Or tario Office K1u0 Street one door ' cat uf Cornlllh s J ewelly Store Bowmanville get home Then aloud be added, ' Yes, I do thmk, declared Mrs Blake, la) rng I cl like to have yon and Behnda come up RINTOUL BROS J DODSWORTH In1:1pector Gen. Agents Montrea. her hand on Mr Bumble' knee b) \\ ay of and stay as long as you like 0 F R LOSCOMBE Bamster , Agent emphasis, and cau rng the poor man to ' What if I should hke to stay for life flmch terribly, ' I do thmk that we poor laughed the widow 'Oh suddenly ap for Bowmanv11le and Vic1mty females have rights wlnch you ruen are pearmg to notice what she hacl said Im so Bo-wma.nvil e J u.e 4th 1860 36 bound to respect Mrs Blake looked Ill 0 43 39 4" nnpulSlve Mr Bumole, th1t I ne\er stop straight at Mr Bumble as she said this, ao to thrnk What can) ou tbmk of me i if daring him to deny Mr Bumble tned to ··) sometbrng but TIADU All ol tl e Roy ii College of phy Un<lo ib teu ly iespon<ld Mr Bumble Viords stuck in hrn throat and prodneed i:iil..iHtllS of J ngland ~Lnd UniveI'b'lty of Vic expected only nn u1 intel1Ig1ble sound toria College Cobot rg: {T dergraduate and feeblv, fee ling that so1aeth1ng of Toronto and of !nm pn.zeman of the Un1vcrsi 'You " 1sh I " ould 1 Was that what) oit Univers ty of Queens College !Gt gst01 l\.-Iein be1 of the College of Pl J5 cans and burgeonti Yes nndonbteulJ repeated Mr Blil < 'al 1 Mr B rn I le 1 ex cl a me<l the w1do11, of 01 ta1 o S u gury an l liesidence or I O!:i t a 01 Mr Bun ble Did you ie!ll!ll'" ' I tlnnk Jon are sens1b e m making that archly the inarket sqiiare adrni·swn, llfr Bumble, and I hke you for mean that 1 Bo'"m anville, Oct. otb, 1871 landed at P01t :Nat·lm South Afqca, and prompl) repaired to K11ruman, where the veteran Africau 1n1ss10ua.ry, Dr Moffatt,had founded a station Here l e met tlie lady -a da1ghter of Dr l\Ioff Ltt-1who four years later bec!lllle lus w"lfe Alter studying for DB. DAVIDSON, '"15 brou~ht home by Mr Stan le~ of the Hera/;l Jo Miller of Lodi was a nuncr-a hard cxpedi\1011 workrng, honest, kmd hearted husband and lovrng lnther The town was full of rum The rnceplion and success of that enter holes for killrng mrners The rum aollero prL'!e are still fresh 1ll the public mmd, and grew red faced and rich bnt the mine· s Observmi:: that the grew pale and died Jo began the race A may be lrielly stated cinhzed world was greatl) concerned re drll1k now and then A holiday epree A f L M J "orkrng day drunk RJm headache, pale ivrngstone, r ames face, and lost time House mortgagedtwo years the 11nguage au<l cu'Jtotns of the gardmg 'he fate 0 \'; ife badly Bak11ams, he iomoved m 1843 to Mabosta, Gordon Bennett, editor of the Herald, detn lost Two children died where he founded a 1n1ss onary station o.»d mllled to send out an expedition at bts uwn treated and To di ui k and sprawled upon <lur ng the next 1!lX J eara 11boured in Jns expense for the purpose of d1aco-.;enng the th e floor Rum runi wo1k gone Pff,. erty I t tra\eller Selectll1g !IIr Stanley of -ueatl After L l e lulleral "l ich 1as paid callmg there l at Kolohcng, a statwn os for b~ thn ro1ne1~ ~I1a l\111ler <on1D1enced the H erald etaff as the l eader 10 th1s enter a su1 t 1ga1nst the run si:llei!': She won 1t;, alJout tiftJ Il.I Ht:S fL1r \. er north In June prise, he 1n ~tructed luru to proceed to .Afnca and the inm aelh i g leech who hnd been 1840, m com pa >V 11 th 0 ·ell an l Murrav, two English gentleman Dr Liv ngotone and r egardl ess of expi:.nse find Ln l 1gstone snckn g 10 the inlnl!I s cottnges 1 nd n 0ney Mr Stanley (Contmue<l on fo irth I age ) started on bis first explorm;i cxped1t10n wh om he felt wa· s!Jll alive I I )

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