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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 8 May 1874, p. 4

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,. THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1874. POETRY. ~ -============== --Hood's Version of Spring. u Conie, yc,~tlc Spring !.ethereal tnil&ness corne!'i O ! 'l'hompson,voiU. of rhyme as well as i·eason , Howcouldst-thou thus poor human nature bulll? There's no s~ch season. / ~-=-~========:;:===========~-==j==============================7'==============r====r=;=========;-============================= {Continued fr om first p.age.) The Spring ! I shrink imd ~hudde r at her name ! }'or ,\vhy, T find her breath a bitter blight t>r '. ed $10,000 for damage done bcr husband, a Aud suffer from her blows, as if they came From Spring, the fighter. physician. Juries always stand by an inHer praises, then, let hardy poets sing, And be her tuneful L'liurea-tes a.nd upholders, 'Vho do not feel as if they had a Sprinv Pour'd down their s4oulders ! aud lives had to pay $2,000 Can1a.ges. Tb is kept .T o's wif~ fro1u the poor-house and frjgten etl four n1m ·sellcrs out of Lodi. lt rnad1:1 it a ternpenuice town. A sob e1·, wellbehaved n1an can g~t a drink there, but boys are safe, and sufferiug,vivos and chil~· ren are not known. Again : In Newark, Ohio, n wife receivw TO THE I>UBI_jIC. WALTER WIGG & SON, I SPLEND.LD NEW HEARSE, DRUGS AND MEDICl,NES at the $25,. BEWAB:O .... jured wife. Jn Hanover township a farmer bad a ' rising. 1 The farmer~ \vent-whiskey was fur nishedi and a 1nnn go t drunk and beat es purporting to be of our make, a.nd to bear our names !;tamped thereon1 we hereby caution the µublic against all such impost'-'rs,as Messrs Ydlowlecs & Quick are our Agent ~ in W est N returning thanks to thdr n umerous custonwri.! t1ind t.h1~ public g1:11erally, for pn!'.t favors, w::i-rrl of $25. is ~er.eby offer· i\TOVT.,D re!::pectfully terid>:ir lii :3 !;i:nccrc Durhain ; and a Itewould respectfully invite their attention to om· present stock of furniture, ~~:-; Wl.l li tn' e httely ·y thanks to his numerous friends trnd ens- \ t'c.1 _fo_r the apprehemrn>n a.Dd . conv1ct1on <·~ all added thereto, that we may thereby be enabled to ~nppl y all part ies who mn.y pleu.~e to fi:ov or tomeJ'i', and to the public genendly, for the su?tl.unpost~rs as ti·y ti) defraud the pubhc by him with a call. Great inducemellti!! held out to those purchasing at ';mr e1>t_ 1ent. Pie· liberu.J. support he has receivc<l since his offering their tr.1.Bh ~ our iur~ke. ' tnres, Looking Glt1isscl:!, etc .. to orUcr, a,nd i n every style. Samples of tlw different very L .AZ.ARUS, !vfORRIS. & CO. kind of Mouldiug-~ can be seed at tbe ware·room. "'\·\te would also beg to infura1 you, tha~, commencing in busines.~ ;-t'1nd hopeij by con· tinued st1·iot J?CrsoIJal attention to b;.il'liness, and ..\fontrcnl, I~ov. 8th, 1871. . n7-tf ha.villg purchased a. offering notbmg but the purest articles, at the · - -- most reasonable µrice s, to cm:inre a continuance of public pat ronage. J. TI. would call specia.I aLtention to his very we shall be rea.dy at a 1 times~ to attend , on sl10rt notice and reasonri.blt:» terms. euperior stock of N. B.-Coffins kept on hand, and madt; to orfler, at the Bowmanville Drug Store, having come t o our knowledge, that certain l .'l'Pedlars are selling Spectacles aiud Eye Glass- Oct. CHIT CHAT. [Tim :Brady and Mike !'lynnJ J. HIGGINBOTHAM: lS72. Oct 1872 I I J et others eulogize her floral shows; 4 bis wife. She sued that far1ner for personal From me they cannot win a single 6tauza. damages and he settled the claim. I know her blossoms arc in full blow-and so's The law is not liable to abuse. No wife Thri Influenza . Her cowslips, stock s, ru1d lilies of the vale, Her honey-blossoms that you beat" the bees at, Her pansic!!, daffodils, a.nd primrose i,afo, Arc things I sneeze at ! NEW DOAfINION RETAIL FURNITURE WARE-R001ll. Oshawa., Aug. 26th, 1870, TYYE STUFFS which are sure to give the bt.:st satisfacti on. King Street East, Oshawa. · A well sekcted stock of ever con1plains t ill the last n1oment. The damage has to be paid by the le.·t mnn who gave a mnn r um. This is to stop rum-sellers f'ro1n giving rnen liquor when they arc al- Fair is the vernal quarter of the year l And fair its early buddings and its blo\vings- friends while under the influence of run1, But just suppose COnsumption's seeds app1~:\.r A drink or two won't do. He roust be 'Vith other sowings : Fot' 1ne, T fillfl, when eastern win J.s' higL, ·\ Ir.i5i.i_;·, iwt l\. ~y11ifd l:\<i\>irntion ; Nor can, like ~ron-Chcstecl Chubb, defy A.n inflam1uatlon. Smitten bv breeze::i from the 1'1nd of plague, To me vernal luxurie;; na·e fables, O ! where's the Spring in a rhel.nna.tic leg, Stiff as a ta.bleg? ready intoxicated'. It must also be proved that the man did the damage to himself or TI-IE perance case. A rum-seller whom I will call Hi Church, because he was 'high' most of the tiu1e, _ h ad been sued sev~ral t in1es for I liwp in agony-I wheez.c and cuugh; . damage done by his rum on citizens of the ~4..nd with Ague, that grea.t Agitator ; town. One mun ca1nc out <lrunk and smashNor dream, before July, of leaving off ed in 11 Uig gl uss \Vindo,v. Ile was t :>o poor My Resvirato.r. to pay for it, and the owner ca.rue against all drunk. The statu te strikes cluos where men get beastly drunk, as well as common bot-rooms, and it should. If a club beco1nes a drunkard-making rum-hole, it should be close,\ up. In Akron, Ohio, I heard of a fnn oy tem- Most Wonderful Invention of the Age. J : Moses' Electro-Galvanic, Pat. June "-~-2'ndJ 1868. Att"1Ch0d to these 1)il.tP :u.terl Spectaclei.1 are two s~entifically conmtruoted Q;&lv:luic Battcriti~ un~een whco ,,;orri-<lPJivering- thrcugh the - 11crves of the hciid, a soft and continuou~ stream of electricity,'l g1ving healthy action to the entire beautiful systetn of those pa.rt8 &bsolutely an<l certainly curing DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT NIEDIOINES, BRUSHES, COJ;IBS, 1 SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc, Etc kc1Jt const antly on lrnnd . CARRIAGE SHOP {we6t of the Ontario Bank.) King Street, Bowmanvil!e. OILS, PAINT, COLOHS, VARNISHES, nnil WHITE'LEAD at the very lowest prices . i:;ubscriber is to build and reTHE. pan· TIM.- " Good morning, Mike, shure and it is early out ye are. Migh I be bould to axe what started yees this morning." MIKE.-" Jist be. aisey, Tim, an~ I'll tell ye in a jiffy. Ye see, I w11,s tou!;I~ y1sterday, that MISther Gray, ov Tyrorie, had got home an 11hgant new stock av Goods, chape as durt, man, and its meself could hardly slape a wink; all night, thinking av the , chape.goods. .And sure enuff, itS the full store he has-piles and av the natest patterns; and he'd give ye the makin's av an ilbgant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Cints ; Tay for most nuthin, and the Baccy for a triffe less." TIM.-- "An slmre its funning me ye are, ; wouldn't the mnn be afther breaking down." MIKE.-" Breaking down, is it. Sltl'e he knows a thrick wurth two at that. I'll jist tell you what it is, Tim, if ye want to get a grate uarne when youre ded, and be caJled .a filantrofized, filosifer and a public binifacthor, jist tell all youre nabours, and the ri;t of mankind, about Gray's chape store, and you'll do more for the good av your counth1y, than iver St. Patrick did for ould Irefand, when he banished all the toads aud snake& out av it the.t niver was in it .'-' ' TIM.-- "~'m much ob~aged to ye, for the bit av advice, and won't detam ye; there 11 shurely be a grate run, and maylfee I'd miss some,bargains. The top av the morning to · ye.»--'-l'm off to ili~s. · Wagons, Buggies, and Cutters, ' of every description, at short notica, ao clo i·eMOnable terms. J(t GB!f, Tyrone.· Noted for cheap Goods. Horses and Cattle Medicines· N . B. -·Country store-keRJ)Crs suppl ied on the most :lilvauta,,i;eous terms. A. ~hoic e selection of LAMPS for :::.ale cheap Bowma.nville. De~. !). 1868. 6rn. \Yhat wonder if in Ma.y itself I lack Church. A boy ~bou t sixteen got drunk A peg for laudittory verse to on?Spring, mild ancl gentle !--yes, a Spring-hetlcd and let a horse ruu a way "'ith him, break- Jack To those he sprang on. ing bis arm. His father made Church pay Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve ·W eak or Diseased Vision, Neura1gia of the Head or Pace, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of the face, Noises in the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, And a host of ~ erVous Diseases, arising from depref!sion of the nervous energy of the system. ContributiI1!'.{ in a most a8tonishing degree, to life, vigor and health. By the 1neans of th~ soft and flowing stream of Electricity, Gh·ing, Brightn~ss to t he nye, Quickness t o t11e Ea,r, and energy to the Brain. 'rhey are set with lenses of the finest manufacture, to suit all sight s,,,.a.nd with glasses fo r those not needing Specta.cls to read with but rleeiring the bene· fit s to be derived from wearing the Batteries; and are only to be.had in this vicinity of ~-~ Carriages Painted and Trimmed. A Blacksmith's Shop In sho1t, whatever ini.negyric~ lie In fulsome odtls, too iuarty to be cited, The tenderness of Spring is i~ll 1ny eye, And that is blighted ! the dan1age. 1\.. m.cchnnic got drunk and 11nd was ki ll cd on the railroad trnck, and 1873. 'l'L e 15ubscribcr would bog- to call attention to his.1:1tock of t he prctn iis~l!I, "'·ere special attention is g:iv c to "11 Cnrriage work, imd General Jobbing. Crumbs for Chickens. Wh11t is the difference between a youug girl and an old hat ? l\Ierely one of time: one ha;i feeling, and the other has felt. A Goon REl'OUT.-" You a. r e very stupid, Thomas," said a i::ountry t eacher to a lif tle l)(~y eiiht old. ·' like~ donkey, and what do they do to cure him of hia stupidity 1,, "Why, th~y feed h'im n1ore, and kick h.imlesH,,, ing. Thon1pson n·as mean, antl when he died of delirium t1·eniens there \vasn't much eaid the urchin. There wosn't anyA coxcomb, t ea.sing Dr. Parr with ;;i..n ac· mourning iu Akron. count of his petty aihuents, complained that he body who cared nough jor Tbom?son to sue never cotlld go out withotit catching cold in his Oburch for datnage done.-So, one day, head. "No ' vondcr/ 1 returned the doctor; Chu1ch 'vent before the Court himself, "you always C"O out vr.ithout nuything in it.:· 'What dones Mr. Church, want 1' asked the An invincible wit a.nd pnnstei· ai:lkeU. the cap· tn,in of a. craft loaclecl ,..,.i~h boards, bow he 1nan· aged to get dinner on the pDsi:;age . "Why," replied the :skippei', "we always cook a.board. ii " Cook n. bDltrd, <lo you?" l'ejoined the 'vit ; co then I see you are well proviJ.ed with pro· ,·ision this trip, at all events ! " " Bill," said Bob, " why is that tl'ee called a weeping willo'Y ?" " 'Cause one of the sneaky, plaguy things grew ne_::t.r our. scboo~;house, nnd tmpplied the master with swit ches. A DIBPUTKD QuESIION. - · ·.\.n old toper, after indulging quite fre1;:ly in his o.ccur.;tomed beverage, ainused hi~lf in t tasing a nettle som~ horae. The animal not fancying his familiru'ities, suUUenlv reared, and tllo disciple of :Bacchus founii himself sp1·awlll1g in an ~...Oja.cent mud-puddle. Gathering him.all1£ up as cum· posedly as }1ia situation would a~ 0.w, he s~outed 1 to his son who wns standing by, John , did you 2ee me kick that 'ere boss?" "Why, no, dad; the horse kicked yon ! II u Reckon not, J obn, Onfl or t 'othet· of us got ba<.l h ist ed. Taint me, John, fo·'r I'ni here. i " Justice. his wife sued Church for $2,000 and got it. A funner got druuk and was burned i!.i. his bnrn of hay. Hia son sued Church and recovered. Church got sick of paying out so much nioney for peraonal and property eamages. It ate up all the rum-seller's profits. Scill, he acknowledgeJ the law to IJe a sta tute, and t hat it made him responsi~ ble for all the dernage done by his rum. He used to argue, a~so,,that son1etimes hi::\ rum did people good, and then he said he ought to receive something back. ·One day lawrer Thompson got to drink- · Groceries Dry Goods,· AU w01-k done at this Establishment war1-anted. A call is respectfully solicited. YELLOWLElS &. QUICK. m25tf ,I, :\fORilIS. BowmanvJlle, Oct. hit, 1869, CASH SALE A'l' G1 eat 1 (Jlea1 ing· 1 RICE & BARKER Importers of the Boots &·Shoes DS'l' OBctANS G. D. Lockhart, DEN 'I., IST . etc., et: which fol' I: c 'I t ell yer w.hat, J edge,' comlnenced the runl·sellel', 'when 1ny 1tun killed that thar mechanic Johnston and Farn1er Mason, I cum dowu like a u1 a n. I the damage ANI)ERSON & CO'S :BOOT AN:O SHOE EMPO:a.:nrtvt. manufactured on this Continent, are prepared to treat with · reliable travelling agents on liberal tenns. They are making arrangements te introduce some first class pianos. Ware Rooms at the West Durham Steam Printing House, Kiiljl' , Street, Bowman ville. and squared up like a Christian-now tlidn't I, J etlge 1' 'Yes, you paid the darnage, Mr. Church ; but wba.t th en 1' 'Wall, Jedge, !ny rum ditl a good deal. to'r<ls killin 1 lawyer rrhompson, uo, and it 1 pears ter ine whrn I kill a lawyer I kinder oughter get a re hate !' -l~'li I'erlcins in Dec.Uy Graphic. Felt Goods, :Rubbers and Overshoes Selling at COST, for THIRTY DAYS. ! ' Quality and Cheap Graduate of the Royal College of Dental 8ugeons, Ont. Office over F. F. l!i1cArthur's Store King St.,' ~nvmau,,ille. ' Bowruanville, Oct. 2Srd 1 1873. m3-tf. Must be sold to make room for mOl'e. Don't fail to call and get Bargains AT ' ness, CANO'.!.' BE SURPASSED J . ELLIOTT, TYRON E Deed's old #Stand.. nown1anville1 Jan 1st, 1874. . ANDERSON & co. Stop and Weigly One morning a~nragef Countr;man came into Mr. M.'s store with very ongry looks. He left a team in the street, and had a good stick in his hand. COME and SEE · 1873. -o- 1873. - --o--- '.Mr. l\L,' said the angry countrytnan, 'I bought a paper . of nutn1cgs her e in JOUr A LAZY }IAN ,-·A 'vortby oldcitiY.en of ~ew store, and when I got hon1 c they were in ore port, who had the reputO.tion of bei.n~ the lazi1 est inan amo11g ' the1n h:i llo(Jks/ E!O lw.y, than half walnuts ; and tbat's th e young indeed. that be used to weed his garden in a villain that I bought 'cm of,' pointing to rocking-chair, by rocking forwt:Lrd to take hold John. of the ,veed, a.ncl backwnrd to uproot it, bad a ' J obn,' said Mr. M., ' did you sell this way of fishing pcculiru:ly his ow n. Ile uscU to alan walnuts for nutmegs?' drive his old white-faced mare to the spot ' No, sir,' "'as the ready reply. where the ta.utog (bllick--fish) n1ight be depended 'Yo n lie, you little villai n,' said the counon for any weight, fljPm two to t\v ~lve pounds, hacked hie gig down t o t h e watel'-~1de, put out trym an , still 1nore en raged at bis assure o~e. 1 Now, look h crc,1 John. 'If you his line, and when the tau tog was sM't"ly liookc1l, bad taken tbe trouble to weigh your nut8 ta.rted the old mare and pulled him out. STRUCK DY l . .JGHT~l~G . -A 1:-.dy Tiding in a megs, you would have found that I pnt in ua.rriagb a. few weeks si.ncc found ht.!rself seated the walnuts gratis. 1 HILL'S BOW MANVILLE Machine and. Implement Manufactuing Co NEW Fall&Winter DryGoods -·---:o:--- FALL STOCK. ---o--Dress Good.s Newest Style. of tho " Manufactures of A A RGE LOT OF LADIEEr and G ·EN'l'S' FUiiS Bowmanv1lle. Nov. 1st, 187i3. WOOD AND IRON Have you seen · Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons? WORKING MACHINERY by tl 1e si<le of au old n111tro1~, wl10 was exceed· ing:ly deaf. · "}la'am,' 1 1:1hc, in :1 high tone, "did you 1 ', \Vhat did you say, ever try electrieity?" mi.Ba? " " I asked if yol.1 eve l' tried electricity for your deafness?,, "' O yes, ind::-ed I did; it's only su1nm ~r I got stru~k by lightning, but I don't. see a.s it <lone me a bit of good . " AN IRISH Gt:"N. 'Oh, you gave them to me, did you ?' 'Yes, sir. I thre\Y in a handful for the children to crack,' said John, lau ghi ng at t be same time. "Vell, no,v, if that ain't a young scnn1p,' said the countryman, bhf features relaxing in to a. grin as he saw through the matter. VERY CI-IEAP. LEPFEL~S GREY COTTON of"the best make, including the celebrated FALL OPENING Much bard talk and bad blood would ba saved if people wonld stop to things before they blame others. 'Think t\yice before you speak once,' is an excellent ·n1otto. NEW GOODS. My New Goods, lmve Double Turbine Water Wheels and STORM ONT. lOct Cottons at· Cowle's---Sp!endid Autumn Fashions! - · --oo- value. ' PRINTS · . of unequalled Castin gs of all Xinds Magni:ficen t clisplay of New and Rich Goods. MURDOCH BROS. have opened ou,t an immense stock of Nf'w Fall Goods. Great care has been taken in buying the Stock, and as " but First Class Goods have been purchased, customers can rely on ,·et· ting good value for their money. --~-o---~ On Il'ieh la.nd, In court dld Btand .A. farm11r whose name wn.s. I'ox : _<\.ccuaed he was.A.buacd b e wase'd stolen, they f!.aid, an ox:. FARM AND KITCHEN. pU,·adiJe Cakc.- Th1·ee eggs; one cup of butter; two and a half cups of sugar ; one and a ha.If cup of sweet milk ; a small tcas'j!loonful of soda; four large <"Ups of fl.our ; one pound of ra.isens ; cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Wli.ite~ Sa~tce, J.11ade lVithout illeat.-2 oz. of buttcr 1 2 e1 nall onious, 1 carrot, fl of a SIDall · teacupful of flou'r, 1 pint of n~w milk~ salt and cayenne to taste.-Cut up the mrions and oarrot very small, nnd put them into a. stewpan the butter; simmer them till the l1utter is nearlY dried up, then stir in the flour and add tho milk ; boil the whole gently until it thickens, strain it, seaaon \Vith, cayenne, nnd it will be rea.dy to serve.-Time1 ! hour. Johnn11Cake1oith Eggs.-'l'wo cups of 1:1weet milk,ha.lf a t.ea·spoourul of,oue table-spoon. ful of sugar, two eggs well beaten, a small teacup of white flour mi."'i:ed vdth a t eMpoonful of baking-powder, and corn-m eal enough to make a batter. So1 netimea I begin with the meal and scald it, and then use only one cup of sweet rnilk and no baking-powder, with no definita proportion of white flour-enough to maku the batter ris-ht. The batter should always be tlticker '.i'hen the meal is scalded tha.n when it is not, because in the la.ttet· ea8e you must allow for the 1neal to swell somE.i. Of course, the milk should bo ad::led to cool the scalded meal before the eggs are put in, or the hot m ush would partially cook the eggs. NEARLY ALL COJVIE rro HAND and the assortment will be found REPAIRS clone on the STYLE and QUALITY I> Ilut h e denkd it, His oaths decided '1'11e mntter in his behalf : "That ox," said hjj, " B~longed to me Ever since it was a calf. " Just after that, Of our friend 'Pat 'l'he trial was begun ; Accused he wa.sAbueed he v.rasHe'tl stolen, thP-y sa~d, a gun. '"Och' no\v," he thought, I've just been taught How this is clear as crystal ; That gun," said he, " Belonged to me Ij~~·er 8ince it iva.s 3. pistol." 11 SHORTEST NOTICE ' We have now on hand a. lal'ge quantity of STORMONT VERY- COMPLETE AND Common and Gang Plows that will be sold at ' COTTON BAGS, THE Ill PRICE S MODERATE The Public rLre solicited to mill and see for themselves. Hampton. Sept. 18th 1872 LOW PRICES AT THE SHOP. Bowman ville, March 6 1873. tf. . BEST the World. DRESS GOODS .Plain and figured Lustres, Plain and Tartan Wool Poplins, Metz Cord, F1gured Repps, Empress Cloths, and an endless variety of other new Dress Goods. Black Alpaccas, Double Warp Black Lustres, Black Co bourg, Black Paramattas, Black Crape Cloths, Black Metz Cords, Speool Li11c of G01'TONS at GOWLE'S. The Satisfaction given by H.ELLIOTT JUN bp- "Did you mean to settl!j the bill at all, eir, when you inade it? 'i said a creditor, in a pa.s· s;ionate manner. '·'Vell, llJY deaL' sir1 I assure you I meant to settle, and when I to settle, t1lat '"·as clearly a. settle mc&nt ! Goocl morning, my friend; I will see you in~he fall. " When the learned pig was in the zenith of his popularity, a wag '\'ho attended the performance maliciouBly set befor e him son1e peas ; a temptation which immediately ca.used the aW.mal to lose his cue. 'l'he pig exlLibitor re· monstrate<l with the author.of the mischief U}lOn the unfairness of the proceeding, when the l:tt· ter replied that he ··merely wished to see 1nhcther the piu knew his P's fl'O'tl~ hiiJ Q'.~." 1'-Iy dear colonel, I ptirceiveU you filopt during sermon time, last Sunday ; it is a. very bacl habit, u said a worthy divine to one of his parisbionera. " Ah, doutor, I could not oossibly keep awake, I was so drowsy." ·1 Would it not be well, colo·ocl, to ta.kc a. little sn.u:ff', to keep you awake?" "Doctor," was the reply. "would it not bf' well to })Ut a. little sn111 tf in the ·1 To the Inhabitants of :Sow manville. I am a.bont getting a ia ~clipsed by the satisfo.ction given by SifAT..1 to his numerous patron[:!. HI;'! is now d t o announC't1 that he has on hnnd a. large and varied aasortment of BARNUM CLOTHING :r. Good and READY-MADE Cheap. MILLINERY .. -' -BOOTS AND SHOES Clothing to Order of the best quality, and is an:douf:! that the y shall set to wo1·k as soon aa pol:IB.ible. ------Gardeners' 'N otea. All l'ices, Al Sizes, Extract Teeth in less than half the usual time --and with less pain to thtl vatient than heretofore, and.J:hat I have procured All E:ind.s by whid;i I cnu """ 'I. DENTAL BURRING ENGINE . It is a well-known Fact that ·r~e as~ortmcnt of Mi_llinery and Millinery Goods is very e:x;tensive and m trimmed or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets every taste can be conCowle has the best Tweeds sulted as the vl1:1-iety is so great. The Flowers and Feathers, Laces, &c in tlte countr;tJ. Nothing cheupei' than the !Oct Cotton' 3ermon 1" Frederick tlo Great was always fond of disputations; but a.a h e. generally terminated the disL11ssion by collaring hie! ru1tugouii:lt, aud kick· ing his shins, few of his gnests we1·e disposed for Ml argu111ent. He asked one of his suite why lie did not venture to gi\ e his opinion on some particular question. "It is impossible, your n1aj esty," WM the reply, ·· to express an opinion before a sover eign who hns such cou· l·ictions, and wears such vc1·y tliick boot$ I" 1 &ot P1·uninu 1.'omatoea. - At 11 meeting of the Alton Horticultural Society (Ill.), Captain F!ollister gave an .ti.ccount of hfa successful method of raising tomatoes, which is briefly M follows :-'I'he seeJ;s are sown iu a, hot-bed, thickly in drills. After the plnnts are uy, they are root pruned by running a kuife between the rows. When rough leaves .appear, they are transplanted to another bed,two 01 t~ee. inches a.part. I f they beeome u drawn," the i·oots are doubled up on the st em, and thus set out in a warm bed. The knife is run r epeatedly between the rows. '\Vben the plants P~gin to crowd, they are transplanted again. into a colder bed, with eight or ten invhes Of earth. Thus they grow strong ar1d ~tocky. The weedf'i are, of course, not allo\ved to grow at all, o.ud the plants ru:e well watered. The knife being u sed as often as once a \Yeck, the roots become short and numerous, and hold the soil when they are set out. Capt. H . thus secures a ripe crop by the 1st of July, n.t Alton, lat. 39~. New 101· generating N 1t,ron1:1 Ox!de Gaa, by wbtefl I cfln now An~ Im.proved A.pp:t.ill."a'tQ.$ - · EXTRACT rI'EETH \VI'l,HOUT PAIN' - ARTIFICIAL 1.'EETH BEST UPPER SETS, $20:00~ . GOOD do. . $16:00 CJASH. Ladies' Prunella Congress, at 80 cent s " " Balmorals, extra bigh cut · $1.2 5; - ----------------Cowle's. we claim to hiwe the largest assortment to be founrl, In Black and White real Laces anti Lace Collairs, we h~vt. a large aBsortment, at prices to suit all. GFNT'S BOOTS. Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, ·Ont B wmanvillc, October 87.'>. · .. Ru~ber Goods, Felt Goods J . :M:. :Srimacombe,- -_ LUMBER. YO U RS RES.PEO'.l'.FULLY, Nothine: 'to Beat it · BLANKETS IN Large Variety Our SJtuck: of. Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beaver11, Peteashams Meltons, etc., will be found unusually large. Trunks, &c. PI"01JG HR. I have ' ' Winceys--a :Dead Job. N. B.---Special ind i:<or 1 1 i CASH Purchasers. Ploughs, Gang Ploughs, and Iron Hai rows, for sale. JACOB NEADS. Bowman ville Mari;b 5, 1874. (tn22·2mos.J none but tirst· Wo).'kmen employe d, lumber1 that he is i:repn,red to supply the . ni at thu f:! in~uring good .value in cYel'Y c·aae. ' cash rate~ for. Oa..~h. lieuceforth he intends to ~ do a cash bmnness. srl'ORE. - One door east of Cornish's J ewe11'1-!0S. Sl\fITII, ry store, King Street, l3owmn.nvi1le. Lot J 9, 6 Con. ])arlington. .J. S1vIALE. · 13'.J · mStl. Bowmanville, Sept. 23rd, 1873, I th eir accounts without further delay. .A.nd he I hereby infor1ns builders, a.ud others in want of Special attention gi\'en to Howmanville, May 7th, 1872 MURDOCH BROS. -. mHr; ~ubscrii..,. respectfully requ·sts .u par· 1· CUTTING .l tIC:s llldcbted to him for Lumber, to i:Jettle ~nd , AND FITTING r 1 ·' I Y. Cowle1 .. · ·

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