THE MERCHANT C1rculfl.tef! largely n tlie To ~ nsh1ps of Darlh g to 1 Clarke. and Cartwngh It lS a. common r latfor n open to tl o iroe-d sc 1ss1on of all qucs t10 ~ 1n vh ch tl e general _eubhc a1 e concerne I TERM~ WEST DURHAM BmHiIANVILLE AND GENERAL !ADVERTISER Stea.m Job :Printing Office Krno STREET S,vonty five cents per annum m ad vance The Merchant and ' Obser ver $2 00 RATES OF A.DH.R'IISI~O AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME V BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY MAY 15 1874 NUMBER XXXII ) e colutnn :l5 l er annum Hair lo 19 (.) 1arte1 do JO -1o H eut adi;ertiscments 5 eta per hne firat 111 i t1on and 2c pei: line each subsequent one. POSTERS PAMPHLETS CIRCULARS BILL RB AD<I CHEQUES NOTES HANDBILLS LABELS CARDS TICKETS &c &1c &c EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. -' 2 'i\ here such good, or properti shall She tr1ppe<i up st·trs, gaily as a lark-he that the Blmple occupants had never sup ha\ e lost the kev and eam::ot find it to lock I assure l them that you could have been depoS1te<l exprcsslJ f r safo c,. follow ng close at her heels 'be led the "ay posed 1t feaSlb!e for any one to seek ad nus the door tody with such rnnkeeper be depended upon into het n1aster s bed room 11nd polnted sion through auch a dangerous mlet We Reap What We Sow Gentlemen s & Boy's Garments Prov1ded aly;ays that in case of"' 1ch de 'Depended upon [ guess I c·n My out lhe cofler in v; h1ch hls inoney was se Elated '"'h h10 d1Scovery the ruffian re MA..Dl!l Il'i THE turned to the infan t and, tyrng the hands poor dead husband be belonged to the ~ reo poB!I 11 shall be law tu! for such mn keer ·t F01 pleasure or prun fo1 weal or for woe cured l'I E \\ EST - STYLES Tia the law of our being-we resp what we sow Here she said wrench 1t open at once and feet of the child, threw 1t on the ground Masons or anti Masons, I do not know if he tbrnk fit to 1equtte as a con<l1t10n of Mutual Life Assurance Society Bo>1 manv11le Jt!y 27 1869 'Ve n1a.y try to evade them-mity do what we and while )OU are \)mg the money up, I as a butcher would fimg a Jamb destmed winch He used to tcll 11e all the secrets his 11ab1lity tliat such good· or rroprity l \LL AJSD Vi!YTER TIME TABLE will ESTABLISHED 1840 shall JU·t step np stairs to my own apart for slaughter to await bis time for alayrng of the co:icern and when be oh owed me all shall be deposited rn a box ot other recepta But ou1 acts hke our sl adows v.111 follow n1 ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. lra1ns "111 leave BoYLmanv1lle Stat.1011; men! an I get a fe11 tbrngs ready for our He then atole back from the ape1ture by the marks of the gridiron made when he ble fastened and seJl,led by the person depo c \N \DA CRTF.ll" OFFICES still lio :vruarn iUe time, n.s follows fi1gbt as 11ell as my o"n httlc hard savrnga which he hoped to effoct au entrance All was m1tiated and told me ho11 thev fixed 1t1ng the same Liverpool London and Gllisgow 131 ST JAMES STREET, MONTREAL '!he World s a -wou] lful el em 1;d le l!!u 3 It any 11111kccpcr ehal11eluse to rc.ce ve GOING- WJliSf GOING ,t;A.8T this was unaeea by the daunllesa g rl with poor Morgan I never told a hvmg sot l to OR Tickets or nf nnation apply to for the last five years ~ d detects 1 a mon e t the base or the I t.l Loca.l 7 95 a lll Ext ress W A NEADS. Aye t 8 40 a. m DIRECTORS rn Iu the mean\\ bile her n md vas busied his da) If no one trnubles \our closet tu for snfe 1.;trntody aa before 1uent1onc l a ny Tlw rnfilan 11 as thrown J!f hIS guard b) We may boast of our claims to gen us or birth J?iq N~8 8 40 am Mixed 3 20 pm Dowmanv.iUo Tµr e 9th, 1871 tf 30 She clearly find out ) our secrets till I do they Wl 11 lay goods ur propertj t hrn guest or 1l any "ALIE! S IA.."fLY Esq MP Oba nnaan Mxod 320pm J;,ocal"' " 20 p m B t the World takes a. man JUst f r wl at he 3 her openness an l apparent anxiety to ac with a thousand cogitations DUNC.t!.N IvIAODON AJ I F SQ Exprtiss 9 15 p in such guest shall ti ro1gh anJ defa tit ol perceived that no means would be left un there till they rot RR LOSCOMBE company him Like all egotrnte, he decetv worth ~!.AJOR r E CAMPBELL u B St Hilaire BARRISTER AT LAW ' I thought so said the guard1in and I s lch rnukeepet be unable to <lepoo t s 1ch tried to effect au entrance and she knew ed b1mself when self conceit 11 as moat cer lHE Ho~OR\.RLE Joi N HAMILro~ IIawks We &tart 1 th6 rnce f r fo tt 1 e 01 fa uo bur~ Ont SOLICITOR IN CffAhOJi.RY &c that on the exclus10n ot her foe depended wa.nt you to commence 111 that corner anU goods Or property lS for Sal J -aHl moJ CC[ h n e fall U e \'.\old b :us the t1un to be his destruction RESIDEN1 SECRFT \RY -TAMcs G1ANr And the give the wl ole room a decent cleaning now er sh t!l i1ot be en titted to the be1 <fi t of th s Go lass 11 as all he said but do not her O\Vn ex1st~nce ~ thought struck her bla1ne 0.Il FICE,-0, er l\.IcClung s Store same fiat S PECI AL FE A T U RES. 'But t ne t t ei:; u1 ten t :-i t 1 t:i 1 e seen 'lt WM Sunday she said to herself the don t go mto the closet and be left the 11 o act 111 respect of ~uch g lOJl:l 01 propi;:rty as J lvI Bnmacornb a Dental Roomi! be Ion" awa\ 'Ih1s 1ob will be done lll a Bowmannlle Oct 27th 1868 ty ti e t\\ lnl 111 g 11 e ENTIUE PROFITS belun 0 to and are di I here Ra .screw aomev.he1e loot-le 4 Every mnkeeper sh ill cause to l e kept mill nc\ er \\ orks on the Sabbath suppose I n1an to herdelf ed a1nonge,;t tJ (l Pol c; Zolder lurranna. hne No sooner bad ebe heard the last sound coosp1cuou·ly posted n the oftlce and pub bhe dlBa[ peare 1 at the word· He Hn set the mill agomg now 1 It can be seen Ln ES DEULl~'};:l DY OTHER COM! A.NIES or Ol Aloyouwca e]a 1\ 1n 111thsla1d ea1tlly medrntol) uroke open the chest ·nd was afar ofI "n \ happily my 11aster, or some of of his feet on the stau·s than she cxcl1:um he rooms and ID e\oerj 1 cd room iu his inn \ which d11 extra Prerni tm tvould be reQu. red cain :A httle RhYJne eaint.: JUSt 1n tnr e strife" a copv of the second section of tlus A.ct so0u engaged Jn run1maging its cont~nts Aa his neighbors wondermg at the Btght may ed ATE "ITI-L F Y C::OW_LF b·gs to n And all about the best of Lime be assured at U e ordi iary rates of this Soc etj Do yo l ye11 1 for nffcct on to sweeten J our life prmted m pla n type a1 d be shall be en Don t go rnto the closet I II wmant baste hither to kno" the cause A lucky bE "as thus emplo) cd bowevei;, absorbed form the p iblic generally .that he has com Lure from the \Veat of the V6ry be~t undei a special arrw ueme.nt Remember ti s g1 eat truth l as often been mcnccd b s1ness n the Shop ne:xt to the EY Not beat n any quarter m the eontem plat10n of Im pre) 'and eager thought she exdaune<l ti. Gu 1 ·e1ll 1t to there l:i a gud 1ron or some other nonsen1e titled to the 1 encht of the said 'cct1011 111 SPECiiL Noli FoFEITABLE POLICIES issued 11e~s Office one door east of J l\.l1lne fl I 1oved I 1me that will always stand the to~t JUat like the anti Masons tor all the world, respect of such good>:i 01 l ropertj 011) afS me Ha.v1n.g had se eral ) eats exper:ience in the 1u ler \ hich only 10 15 or 20 Annual Pay When maJnng into 1nortar ' ' e in u:t iuake oursel es lu cable \ ul 1 we ly occ 1p1ed tn securing it on his person the tradt! he hopes to sa.tij!fy all who may favor I will try and keep a good supr ly I II take one veep and no shall be brought to his mu while copy shall I ll be bound ~ o sooner said than done Being all her ments ru-e req ured each pa.yn1ent securing a. bia\ e hearted girl stole down the otairs on be loved him with a call For it is always wanted be posted PQlicy for a B llll assured p t'Oportwnate to the tiptoe Creepmg sof<ly along the passages hfe accuston1ed to tn11l 0 ear it was but the body will be any the w1sor lhat when you all c me i.n to buJI Tl o gl 1 fe may appear as a desolate trat.:k GOOD FITS GUARANTEED n110~1 of trem1ums paid and/1ce/rom fv.tur 6 In the couilruol on of thrn Act tie You 11 not bed sappo1nted Smtrng the act10u to the "onl al e step she speedily gamed the door of the chamber "ork ot a moment for her to set the ma Yet the bread Vve cast uu the' a.ter comeb back You ' 11 a.lwa~ 8 find it dry and fresh f)O;!JfM i.t of pre ll 49 tf '\\ord "1nn inclutlu1 an Lotel inn tu.ven pe<i lightly to the torb1dden clo,et and turn hllll and like\\ 1se unheard It ch1nery in mohou A br1sk breeze v; h1ch 1useen bv Th s law waa cl aoted from Hea.ven a.l)(n e And that IS someth ng bo1 n1e MODERATE P1 E:.UUMfi an l mof!t liberal con 'I hat l ke attiacta like at <l lovc begets love q_o come along and try this L tne was but the "ork of a moment for her to sprung up as it werl! b) specrnl 1nterpos1 ed the button \Vh1ch was no sooner done uubhc house or other pla c of reh~slancnt d1tions Ilut Jon t forget tbA lUOncy went the Billy goat with a the keeper of '"b1d11s1 o \ by la\V respon turn the key m \he wards and wck h m rn Liou of P1ovidence ut once set the au1la lly th m Bah Prospectuses Proi o~al J! onn1:1 &c St 1 pJ P.d '\V are p1oud of our mans ons of mort:.u ~nd Ho Jd of deiive ...r from Nine am to Fourp m spring to regain hia hbcrtv which cnn1e s1ble for the good.and PfO! erty ofhrn 0 iests Th a done she ru·heil forth to the out r ing The arn1s of the huge engine ""h1rled Corner of Qncen and Ontario Street fi'or the Toi nshvp of Dai lington on apphca.t1on at the IJead Office or any of stone near upsettrng her lalyahip Both started and the word innkeeper n1can;.i the keep the mill and ga\ e the alarm door ol the Agencies In our gardens of tlo'\\ era f 'Om every zo1 e round with fearful rap dit), the great "heel _,...... THOS BOWDEN TAMES GHANI But the beautiful graoes that blossom nth n 13owman Ville ~!Rrch 11th 1871 no24 tf Fl) lly she shriekeu to the child her 1lowly revohed on 1!0 axle the smaller gear for the door but it "as filled with house any such place Rea Secretary Grow flbl \ elled and die 111 the U pa.I:! of Sin ma,te1 a httle boy an mfant fl1 e) ears old turned and creaked, and groaned accordmg cleanmg implements, and all were swept That One Drop V\ e make ourselves be.roes and martyrs for gold the only be1u 0 " thrn sight 01 sound of hei as they came into action-the -mill '\as 1n cleo.r of their pos1hon down the stairs AGEN'l l OR BOWMAN VII LE C BARKER Till beaHh b1..'C1.1n CH brol-:.e1 a.n<l yout1 becomes For ti\ o years pMI I ha\ e beeu labormg The noll!e and confusion caused by eucb Fly tly to tl) father fly on ) our hfo lull operat10n Observer Office King St old After ae\ eral re Tell him we shall all be murdered an he It """'at !hat very mstant that tbe ruf unceremon ous coming dO\'\ll the s a1radraw to Ba\ e an inebnate 32 ly Ah did \\ e the same for a beautiful lo e Bo\\nH\h\;Jlle June 24th 1870 baste not back Fly ilJ liao D1ether bad succeeded m squcezmg half the town to witness Mrs K e efforts to lapses he bccarr1e perfectly sober and ga'"' Ou1 lncs uught be mus c for angels abo'\'e ' lhs "de 1e The child who ""' at play befote the h1moelf through the aperture lil the wall, get from under the pile of pails ·uh· hope of permanent reform \.Ve reap l'lhat -we spw-Oh ""onderful truth doo1, at once obeyed the energetic command and gettmg safely lodged m the mtenor of broon1s and brushes, tn the street marked ' If be falls agau it "ill kill 11 c A truth hard to learn in the days oi our youth otl e1 cae load of the abo e noble articles on Who should be first on the spot but the rlnngs vent on smooth I.) se\ eral n1onths of the bra~e g rl and sped on as fast as Ins the great drum\\ heel Hts dJSmay bow But it shines out at last ltke the hand on the the way After releasrng the That oni..:c darkerlld he me had b1;cnn e once tin~ legs c1u1 l C[Lrry nnn on the road by ever ""' mdescribable "hen he began to be rascall) door keeper l WAll Plo~c call at the ll 1t one cl n: the re "hieli he knew hls parents would retmn whtr!ed about 111th its rotation and found goat which was a cripple for hfe and up tuore a sunny SJ o For the wo1l<l haa ts l:recut u·I t and BOW MANVILLE formeJ man n1et at old fr end wl o inv1tct1 hftrng the rubbish that bound the good lrom church Jenny cheered him onward that hi' efforts to put a stop to the power for nil NOT SO FAST. ·rm Implement Forwarding Agency and mspued I 1s little heart ·' he ran tul machinery which was set in n1at1on, or woman to the earth he a'1x10usl.1 ID'l uued h1n1 to dinner At tl c tulle ~1ne \\as fur R " JA~fES n1shed nnd the e1 tert u ei pressed tl e ic ' Bless tl1ee bo.) }. less thee, she exclaim to extrrnate himselt froni hrn pl:nlous pos1 if ahe had taken the defiCre6" I have wr tten these few lh e13 IGng St Bo' man ville Taken the degreos H you c>ll tum forweU 111ebriate to t;:ike a glt l:iS \\1th h m ed Ill the gluch ess of her heart An mos t1on were iru1tless H1~ cues \\'ere most And all I hve to sai Bown1anv1lle Dec. r.i 1872 110 r_i he 'I hat you can find me still at home ter arrives 111 time I \\ill cffer up a taper appallmg Im ·hn°l<s were truly fea1ful blrng !rom the top to the bottom of ti e He kue v the inan t1 forn c1 hab1t I am not gone awaj 1 l i on the altar of o" blessed lady of Krentz his curses and 1111pri;;cat1ons were horrible to stairs with the den] alter.! ou talnng thrngo unhappy 1na11 sw dlo, eel uile t"Jluss THE MAID OF THE MILL So all n y k nd uld friends ma) oJne bug by Bonn hear Haun hen hastened to the spot and by degrees I have them and as ) e have uncho.1ned the Uen o 1 in a 1nowent } ro1n ~nd all the young: onei:I too LANK OERTIFICAES. Apphcatwns l\f'PORTEn MANUFAGIURER a,n She sat do rn on th 0 etone be1 ch L) the saw him caught like a reptile ns he "as, in frightened me, and hurt to boot 111 "ar that I otr lo this m1 f11end hash crdh s &c &c can l P. 11ocuro 1 at tlus ofti e at And ~et then garments nicely made There 11> u. loncl \ uull close beside the DEALER in ill the varieties of regu ar rates mill door to ea c her O\ er excited sp mt Ina own trap It reed not be added that rant thev w1ll make as n1uch nuH1a as I a soLer U lY ar d T otl 1ng ht t a n nade ol In fnsh1ona that a1e 1 e v 11ltlo hamlet ol Udo1f near the Rinne J3owmam11le July 7tli 1873 God 1l grace will C\er 11ft I un from the bot aud ahe wept assbe eat, at the thought of she did not hberute bun She knew that did \\ here old and young de&. frie1 1 Ina.y shore, between the villages ol Hersel aA Itahan & Ame1can Marble. totnle~s p1t into wh d one h..:nchero t.s ~Ia(:is I hope vo I d1dn t open the closet ma l her happy deln erance meet be would be more frightened ti an hurt if Ursel, on the lcit bank below 13oua The of champagne l uded him in au instant In \welcome greet t g b) R l'E \IE Thark God she CJaC lated thunl lie kept his rotary prison, and she kne\\ uni sm l the door keeper mill is said to have been the scene of the A ll\rg1:: a td chowe selection of Eowman,.1llc Tune 19th J:'\7:1 Open the cluoel 1 Eve ate the apple she th s cace it is not d Uicult to dec1 le \ Lo God for this escape Ob the deadly HI also, that unless he attempted to escape followrng story was forbidden If you '\ant a v,ron1an to do was the greatest s1n11cr Tl c man who 1 rges lam -anu I so fond Qf hi n too Monuments & Grave Stone11, there was no danger of his ialhng ont ot it, It wa· Sunday mornmg ages ·go that A,:!!4i:ill wlustle ftomJhc gtated wrndo\\ even though he '"ece insene1ble and 1nan1 auytlung tell lier not to do it and she will areforncdnelm teto!otcl ad10pot1 t x1 1hc lD11ltr of tb10 111111 and rrf!f wl ofo f.mril 0 ,,Jwa.:y on b:tud of 8Upor'io1 wo1k1nan8hl} and F R EE D , ol the eham uer m 11h1cb she hull:'sh tt the 1~te all the \Vl11Je <lo 1t cert U< l oou J ""' L<."1ld tho temp c ttlng h1 uor. desen. es to I e 11) I Jes U:.fl fOT.. - ~a l west p11ccR. went lorth to hear tbe holy roaes at the Ile I t) not [L i:mfe tation Tho secret 'vas I \\anted ten J ear::; at hard lal.;01 AGENT rnflian llenrid1 ca tght her car an l roaU.e In the meantime the ~heel \\ e1 t 10nnd nearei:t church in the village of IIe1 el Eoi tho lollovmg Insurnncc Oum1an1cs and person to run at large 101 \\he1c rn tl o to know it I opene l the door a id out her start at once to her Jcet 1V10nglit 01 Cast I10n Fenceo and round with its stead) unccus 1og 11 otl er Tnst1tut10ns viz 'I l e nnll wh ch was also ln rcs1dcoce, wa"" D1ether D eLhe1 Hhe hcar<l. huu motion and ronnU \\ cnt the ruffian along po1 pe<l the tarn al .cntter ngl t m my face I moral d. tti;;renco of a~~s~ 1 al on \\ llh Q. l enclos ag l uy1ng lotri fl'ho QUEEN Fm ai d L fo !1 saraJJce Com l+Jit ll.L chargu of a servaut gnl I .au1ed IIaun FOH PEED pany Cap1ta.L£2 000 000 $lo0 000 depo"l1ted thouKht the olJ boy bad 1fie and J b1oke knife 11n<l nssas'-in<lhon \ th a oc 1gla511 shoud cat h tl1e clnl l untl con1e hither I \\1th it and stead1l.1 and un casrnnll too tho Dom1n1on Goverr11ue1 t for the protec chen or Jennl, a stout hearted lLS;i. who Furmture Tops Mantel Pieces, &c John McDougall. with um fast Come 1utber Prrn 0 the boy In vam d d ho promrnc the stout J carted f0r the sta rs v. 1th the cnttor bunhng ine u.t of po1,on I-Dr 0 yler lt1rtJ in Canada k.e1 ton han I or wrought to 01der A ca.11 is ll 'Ihc ISULAll.!:D RISK F1ro 11 ,mance Com had long hved \\1th lmu m !bat capac ty here on<l kill the gul 11 ' l l I fell ovrr the tub and got girl to work her no haru1 1n i.:atn d1<l he C\crv Jump ee1ectitlly 1e1 ested at:t1 e \\orks The Dead Wife 111tl Y of Canado Capita.I v 00 000 - One of the !l.n rnfont clnld of an age unftL lot ch ircb do 1,n stats ae \OU found us all ln u heap She lanccd h t:itlly up u.t the casement bt.:st and cl eapest Compawes lo 11g b 1s1ness in was left lll her char e hkew1·e 0 unplore her to toke pit) on ho belples· lhe f rl King 1'tr"t l!ou rwmzlte 0 tl ll Domuuon fo1 I arrne1s an l Isolated Ru~ks But madatt soid tbe Joor keeper ~on In con1p!lr1~on \ ith tl e loos vt a 1f all llom which the 1wprt0oned v1llarn s band condmon in varn d d he pay to all tbe O tvl or lot )Sv9 1 tf IbeCiliADA L-ANDED C::REDI)'COY '\\as busily employed in preparH 0 d1nne1 J h$ beckoned to <:orn one in the <lfotat ctJ, and pO\lers of hcu\cn nr U fll1Jure tll the IO\tl:rl:l are in po>isess1ou of the great secret of our other bc1ea\cmeuts e1nK into noth1n 0 with a Sa\1ngs Bank departme1 ti ~r the return of her master and hlB fam1l Ihe UNION \ND PEHMA:<!EJS I Bu1l lmf1 then looked anx1ouSl.} after her enu~sur.} of J ell, to Ins aid 8he wo tlll not heal no1 01de1 anU mw:it go to be 1n1t1at!:!U tu1<l 111fe-sl \Ibo hlls ,o large' phe1e n th REMOVAL. w)1j)ll wl:to should enter of a sudden but an and Sav ng s Soo1ct) BEAU'IIFUL TEETH do11e~t1e hea\ en .::ihc o b t..,1ed so u \ l 1 1he!ie ln.tter 1 i;tltt tious a1 ance Loans ofi ol l S\\ ccthcart ol hers named Henrich Bot The ltlLl tuc&let ger helJ on h13 way un heed ann I c wlnrl~ l r und on the untu1ng B'\'\:orn id then go 1n regu lrtr '~ L) l\. DA. Vl])SON 1 a9'. remove Lh ii r 81deuce lleal Estate on terms unm;u Uy eaaj for the Uegular 11 O) exclmmed the lady a 1d el 1n labonng fo1 tl l rec1oi s ( ne.:i a1ot 1 1 ha1111ctl howe\er and she thought to her wheel until at last fcelmg, tbot pcrccr and S irgc1y to the late residence of J hn J M BRIMACOMBE L D S tclor He "as an 1dle gracele·a fellow 1 orro\ er ~f1l c ] Aq o ti c 1'Ia:rkct S iuaro scH th ut the 1luun was a false one raised t1010 fail<d b m and he eaw and hcan! 1 o do you uppose I am gomg near Lhc tarnal her-bitter b tier Jo ll et ar ti at foils on m n31i If ~horn the nn !or had forbidden his boue Bv u ·n Ile !Teb 6th 1871 reeth Exhacted at Twenty f ve Cente Yo 1 ' und beside her u 1 to exe1te her £ear and O\Crcon1e her reBolu tnore He !ell senseless on the bottom of place awl nde that ar ternal cntter \11thout hc1 cold cl y 1Wo1ns over McClung Bros Stores l ut whc m Jenny \\Ith the amiable rerver };o never think of the p :;t It l:i~t:1n un aw Uer to MARRIAGE LICENSES Eo v1na.n\;1lle Oct 1st 18'"'0 l the engine and ev011 then b1i 1nan1n1ate a bndle an l loxly's saddle I s1ty of bcr sex still hked-perhais all the t1on ISf:IUEV BY ho\\ ever as tlie cl tic! 1c11cl ed a hol lo<l' contmued to be whulcl round and I don t want nothmg to do with the men orcd I athWtJ \ 1 t: <:the sun sbo e nn th" Dana's Patent Sheep Marks ~tter becau8e othere grtve h1n1 no counten lo"Just spot J n tLe next f cld-thc channel of a round "befoie-the Iirave girl not danng th'lt r1dee it l d look 111ce l crcl1e 1 tpun a beaul1lul f101>ern 01 th stare gl lt r I o er ROBERT ARMOUR e.nce She \\ <L!}. glad to see h tn and she I will hearl l a1n \\O 1ld t} I.! ~o 1 lu gcr there natural train then dr; 111th the beats ol to trust to a1 pt:aru.ncee in cunnectl.on w1 th billv goat \\Oul!n t 11 No HEtsE MAHKS ARE nm CHE \PES~ Bov. mani,.1llc DGc 10 18li) the most lasting the le~st Lru Lle1mme and told l un so,too and althou 0 h rn the m1dat .eumtner-shc sat\: another r ff nn start1ng never go n1!:'h 1t ~lgi11u nnd if I can prevent No ti orns re rewct 11 ( r1.:d bo' e that~' er.t s lCh a v1lla1u and being therefo:rc afraid ll otrt complete ever invented They nre uaed of her work she not only got him ·ometbmg a'?d ro on 1nended by many. of thf huat Breeders to eat at once but also found t1Ule to s1L from the bed o{ the d1a n an I catching the to suspci l tie \\ ork1ng of the macuinery it uo " oma.n will ever Jo n the Ou 1 Fel clay sn\e tho e )0\11 land n y l nc 1 r \ the United States a.nd Ganada such as G B Why I cl oooncr be a Iree Mason 11 ittrn~Jy planted Iler 11oblc I ca1t hes ch1ld in tis arrrLs l noten tO\\Ut<l the 1aill1u or to stop the mill gear and tack}· from lo~ s Lpr:ingA Salem ].1a.s1;1 Pritwdent hew Engla.nd do\\n aod have a 0 o·S1p while I e despatch Yu 1 tL il ol and l e botle<l ou a gnd1ron as lo11g as the open to 'otr in1 est t-J,Q;ht uccorda.nce with tbe directions of his nccom ruumng ot their full spee I Wool urvwcr/j Society John S H,osa: Henne ed the forul she st t before him As he ate p1n DL Professior :rvr. M les of the State Ag phce In a mornent she perceivfd her dan t to co ld be ker t umler 1! and pulled from lier no" as all gcr tl121 CSFI nt l Le nL' and ho11 eU>r he let fall hLS kmfe ncultnral Co1lege Lansing Mich Hon Geo A loud kuock1n,., at the loor was shortli: But she is Jea l 1bc , eur I ca ger unc.11 la mornent 1nore she forrned ber garret to cell or J uat at my poor dead I us p tttl) Brown Ioronto Ont Jol n Snell Edmonton after heard aml she hastened hither It ' P ck tbnt up ID) las::;, srud he, in a JO Ont. On each :rt-lark is staror ed the owners future plat.1 at l ruc.:eechng Rtitu~at1ng into band was Aud he l11el over it, bnt I that lmd upon J our l 0><01n re1:;ts 1 1 the name and the Sheer s nun1be They will be kmg wai to the good natured girl WELL l!ILLED \\ITH THE '"'"' ber master aad his famil) accompamed CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, rt c hande never cot ld ln e over "Uc.:b another ride as I da1kness upon a 11llow at cl ) the unll she clou ble locked and bolted the sent free b;) mail o express for only jout cn(:tS by several of their neighbors The unac acl and wdl last for TWEN'IY '\ E \RS. N >eY Henrich, she replied yom back door-the only ·PP¥·nt entrance to the ed1 l:e,..s most 2c1rpectf JJ} to inforzn tl e inlu1b1 that ha"e WIJll8tercu so t nt ringl, u1e took to Jay cuatomed appearance of the null sails i.n $7 CMh must accompany all orders tauts of shouH be more supple than mme, for you lice every other tneans of ol,v1ous access to folde<l \\l 1le and cold lcnoal! the glo t J Al C::ffiBAI D YOU.NG JR full swmg on Sunda) had as she anlicipa have less "ork to make it atiJ! I labor all the rnter101 bemg barred by means of strong portals Tl e llo\\ern sl c ben t OHI ' 11! Sarnia Ont At\RON BUCKLER ted, attracted their attent10n and they bad The New Act Respectmg the Duty and snnles ber d O\ c1 no\ with cur:::1 shaking ;But Jron gratrngs fixed at all the wmdowe-and a.J tl sur1oundrng cou try that he has opened a Orders addressed to the MERCHN'l' and O:s the day long, ar d you do notlnng Has the best and most <l ..irable lot uf · Liabilities of Hotel and Innkeepers Drug Store m tl e above na ite<l v llage BERVER Office fbt a,1 y q 1antity will be filled at never 1n1nd t\vonld go ltarU w1th me an then took her po·t at an upper ca.sement, b.astened home hom church !or the purpose tie dtnv 110111 their p(taJ<: that l} e \CrJ lre w th a wt!ll MSorted stock ef tlze aliove ineutlpned as quickly aB the of Mcertammg the cause of the phenomenon I reflliled to do mote than that for ) ou bad detetmmed to \\ l l l patiently either he> mas 1'-Iarks can be made au l a1:1nt around her may Uc l e1 t ro <:::n n 1 I 1.: l t At the last Sess10n of the Ontario LeglB The father bare h" hLtle boy m bis arms Drugs, A1edunnes, Clwmzcals, though you be. fu[ -W"tllHn ~{, 1ll c BARKER ter s return and her conseq ient delivery of l fferent grades antl aurpasecs all othe be had cut the cords \\herewith the child lature the folio" rng ~ct-the provta1ona of Patent Medicines, Pe1fum· This "as spoken half sporli vely and half from that dangerous position or her own Buwwanv1lle Dec 28th 1871 lj m13o houses Ill town and l ountry was tied, but he "as unable to obtam an ac which are so important to hotel keepers and The Higher Education of Girl· ety, Brushes, Combs, m good earne·t, for, kmd hearted as the death iI it \\ore mevilable count of the extraordinary c1rcun1stances which should be umversally known to tbe girl was and much as she liked the scape Toilet Soaps, Never she said to herself never shall But a great mnnJ pa1cnt& and perli1r s travellmg pubhc-was I M!ed, grace she was too honest aud mduatr10us I leave n1y masters house 11 prey to such that bad occurred from the affllghle 1 1r Ho1 ~e and Cattle Medicine~ AN IMMEN::)Jj; NUMBEli eome guls \\Ill 1nqune Ct 1 bono 1 nocent llau11chon u1 a few v; or Is Lul l A i ,,_,i to amond tie Law mpeohi g ti' herself to encourage and approve of idleness v1llams or permit his property to bo car Ro haB also '-'bat 1s lhe use o{ all tins studi 1 1\ I at all and then the ;pmt which had sustam rights a 1il liabilities of Innkeepers and a susp1c1.ous course of hfe lD any o'.ne ried off before mv eyes, by them, while I ELECTRO PLATED good '"111 it do ? All a " 01uan ~ educnt1on Book5, ed her so long and so well, while the emer Her Miqesty by and w1Lb the advice else, however dear to ber She stooped ha' e hfo and strength to defend 11 J.ea and Oo.ffe,e Sets Fruit Jlfaps, Cha1 ts, gency1lasted forsook her at once as it passed and cono;ent of the Leg!Blatn e Assembly is worth, they "ill ~mj it; to enallle her to down accordruglv to pick up the kmfe As She had barel1 II ue to secure herself He nwphm wal Dishes a\\ ay She fell senseless rnto the arms of of the Prov 1 ce of Ontario enacts as fol n1ak.e her inarkct in l te to w1n a p11v.e 111 .f 1 aine~, Enq1 a rings, ehe v,: as ia the act of ra1e1ng, hoVi evcr1 the \Htbm "hen the i uJliJln fiom \\ 1thout bold Lhe lottery of marrwge , urnl for thrn pur millers ·on, and was w:ith difficulty re 1011 s the not to l c s r1 assed in tl e Provine~ Stationery, fJclwol Book~, treacherous 'illatn drew a dagger from un mg the h~oless child m one hand and a pose a few brilliant nccomphslnnents 11a\ e covered The macbmcry of the mill was at lhe Subscr be1 haymg sec ied tie able sc1'\1cc1 der bia coat and caught her by the n:>_l?· of long Bhat p kmfe rn the otbei assailed the E·ery mnkeeper boardmg house l hyf::I c anis p1csonpti01 s aud FamilJ l\'Ied1 more atLract1011 tlian all 'our hea\ v Jem:n once stopped; 11n<l. the n1an1nia.te ruffian was c1nea c~:-ef llycompoundcl P ulil crat ontt.gc OF keeper and lodging house keeper shall have the neck griping her throat fmnly with his door \\1th kicks and curses and 1mpieca Vie rcpud1ate tl e idea t} at icruale respectf llJ sol mted brought down lrom tie great "heel fhe a hen on the baggage and property of his ing prev~t her ·crenmmg the "h1le fingers to tions of the most dieadful character 1~10 e No\; t2t1 18 .J ru7tl other r 1ffia11 was brought do\\ n from bis guest, boarder, or lodger for the 'alue, or education is only a lure to the gilded boner 'Now la$s said he, sweanng out a bad 'Conlon:id thee he cned applyrng the as Cutter is p ep:.¢cd to take orders fo1 of matumor y lt has nobler and suuluuer Plated Kruves, Forks, &c, oath u.t the tiu1e, where is your rnn.ster s foulest ep tbets of "h1ch the free speakrng prison Both \Vere then bound and sent off price of any food or accommodat1on furmah· ends than tbs -the tle>eloprnent of the no GE'NTLEJfEN~ CLOTIIJ-NG Eq utl to an) 11 tl e Dom1n1q11 money l Ill have that or your hfe 1 so take 'I euton1c languagP-s are so cop1oua, open flo Boun under a stror 0 escort, nnd in due etl to such guest bosrder or lodger and rn blest part of her nature the mtellect the hwe ca1ne under the l1ands of the exccu adcht1on to oil other remedies provided by :\.'h ch \\ill le got up in the your choice the door, ;r ( ll break 11 on thee expansion and cultt re of all the powers and honer law shall have tbe right m case tbe same 1he terrified girl "ould lam have parleJ 'If you t an you ma), wa.s all the noble Fist Style of Fashion, faculties v.1th "h ch v.on1au i~ endowed It" as not long till Haunehon became a ohull remam unpaid for thiee months, to ed "1th tbe ruffian b 1t he wo 1ld hsten to gnl replw1 God lS greater than )OU and Bite\ en 11 nrnr..r1oge were the sole end aud (l.}d on the bride The bridegroom wus the millers eell by public auction the baggage ancl. pro nothmg sbe could say m him I put my trust 'Cut the orat s goldea grnl ol life rn our con plex modern NOST l1EASO"IVALLE TERM:; Ol\. .o \.LE 111 ar" cmaut ty 1'\11ulv to ' Your ma.ster s money or J our hie, lass throat ' roared. the impnsoned ruffian son "ho bad lo\ ed her long and "ell but pert) of such gueot boarder or lodger giv society a large nn I probaLI) "1th the WILII \M SPE<\R At 1\Ir Peats r(ls:tdcnce on K ng Strct:t with a pao:e1ou previous1) unrrq ntetl 111g one "eek !'J notice by ad vertBetuent in a. was all the an,wer be vouchsafed to her en above ·tJ at "ill Jmng her to reason Ch 1ch St1cet growtl of popula.t on an 1ocreas1n 0 IJ laige On 1 an<l l:I.. \ ery full asi; l b.ne1 t of EI gl sh a1 d uea I? l l OH te tho Alu a Hot~l They hvcl years and died at a good old newspaper uu bhsbed rn the mumc1r ahty treaties and adJtirat1ou ' Choose at once, (1;J,111rl1M1 nuruUer of women n111st ren1a1n uumuriied Sto 1t henrtecl aa poor l-Ia11 chqn \\D.S she r:Ihe grcttteBt and best tasortr ent ever tieen n Du a ille .J u e 1 Otl 18 { tf age, surrounded Ly a ttouris hmg fannlv To m wb1ob ouch 1m1 boardtng house or lodg as the only alternatn e he ofrered to her lov;n None to 'JXccl 1t A 8 lpenor ed Jcahon woulJ h in1sh a I er l ua1led at tlus cruel suggei::iti1on } or a mo CLOTHS AND TWEEDS 11the latest ho u of her lite, thtS lira\ e hearted iu~ house, ts situate or 111 case there sllall the er LVe or the goll petml fuutl. ot iut10nal CDJO) nent mcroased tnent l er r.eaol 1tion ,,a,cred b lt 1t '\",:RB \\omau would shudder as she toll the tale be no ne\\ sr aper published rn such mumc l::ihe saw there was no hope at merer- at oppo1tuu1hes for nsfdulne:s anl often a onlv 101 a inomt:"n't She 9!1W her own of her danger and de ll\ eran e Ilov; ma.1v1llu l\ifa;y 27th 1873 tf bp m3~0 p hty 1n a newbpaper nearest to such ina l11s hands aud seeing it her native reso ineurn of suppo1t to the ~ (;llidcrnned to a. de tth "as CBrtam if he 1ln11tte i the assail BROOCHES EARRINGS &C boar<lmg house or loJgrng house of such luhon awo e iu her bosoin Like the 0 en hfe ofsp1 ster solitude ant ai l she kne» that lier ma,ter "ould be rn\ended sale statrng name of the guest None to s ipass tl em Selected by :iuy~df at of he1 ge 1tler sex she w \.,, tun1d at A Woma,n s Cur10s1ty AuU e'en 111 U e im1 ortant n attcr of rob be l Slie had no re ison ·o hor c tl at Imperial Fire Inslll'ance Co era.hty the man factones n1 EnO'lan l bo1rder or lodge the amount of b!S llldebt tr1ilc~-a scratch was as tl~ect ot iear to w1nn n 0 ah l::ibund its Lra1ns tbtLt "1n after the hlc olthe mlant would be apred ]Jy OF IONDO~ c<lnctJs a deBcriphon of the bagga 0 e or other her a drop ot blood caused her to fa nt )EI Sill VO\\ED t;iHn C ULD .DV: DEPEND s1 es to 1 f ll'.i Ins u unerous fr1en ls and all Men are charmed 1y \ 011 en of sprig] t her con11liance It '\\as to rtsk all agau1st property tu be sold ti o t1me and place of Iv intellect a.1 d 11n1ble wit n1ore th tn Uy t meis ti a.t l fl J aR ie1nn\ed to any unwonted sound filled her soul 111lh EV UPON (Establwhed 1803 nothing 11kc a discrt;et girl she conse e Clo ccs11 of g a.des G lcl anU S1hc1 fiftroe8 fear in the night But 'Ii hen I er cnerg1es \ certan lo lgc of the mdepcndent Order sale at d the name ol the a 1ct10neer and brilliant execut n on U e pian Hun OEFJO"" -1 Olu ,Broad St and ex~ i te ltUCKLER'S OLD STAND '11 i 1e~tly hd 1 fast to bc1 rcsoh e to ab l e il.B Lazar11:1 1\1011 s & Cos or hand to tit nll s1ghtt>. Pall Mall London were aroused bv any ndc iuatc cause she of Odd Fellows determined to ha 1e their after s ch 11.ale a 1ch innkeepe1, boarding fto\\Ct pa1nt1ug 01 1110 t g1aceful da llj rig f These I'\ 111 sell at re(luced pnces she \\as wlnle hfe rc1na1ncd or t I L1l a s1st \ h l 1e 11 be foun l with t1 t:J n o t con1 ~ f.lF!\CY J( l CANADA -24 ._.t pro\ ed Gl;Nl?RAL s her sex ha:'.) cv.e1 done th at in lo<lge 10010 tlone up -.;lean anU n cc 1t '\\as house keeper or lodg ng house keeper maJ accompanwd b) va1t1 c0nver at1on and ance sho 1ld 1eacl1 her l te a.s:sort1nent uf c1~mont ~fontrcaJ A LARGE SUPPLY OF cot rage in endui uwe, iu pre euce o1in1n1 rcsoh ed uuammouBly that Mio h oho 1ld apply the proceeds o! 8uch sale m pap 1ent ch1l<l1sh nnbec1ht\ of nu l Y\ c need not \.n "!ft 11ot open the loor t>hu ted ti e Harness, Subscribed and invested Cnr ital a.1 d n f;Ol \; 0 an l Jn reBources fol ernergenc) !:it o fiUr be employed to do the JOb Alter the meet of the amount die to l 1m oad the cost of Ba) J1ow superior tho 1 lcllcctual 1 al Lt s Fund £1 9tiv 000 Sterlu g 'ilhm1 froni w ithout accompanJ 1ng lus passed the bravest and coolest men rng adJontnccl tbo gu·rlrnn wlio knew the ·uoh ad>ert1srng and ·ale ond sh·ll pay are 1n co1nmund1ng ti t r ;:;I ct \\ itho t Whips, "ords 11 th the 'tlest ab 1se an 1 the f1ercC8t Funds u vel!!te<l 111 CanM.a.- IOU 000 (ROGERt:i )iAKE Well well HeunclJ she sa1<l. lt:~1 0 ued rnqu st1ve chancter of Mrs K prncured a O\ er the surpl s f any) to the I er on en wl 1ch i o tr 1e love is I O>lSible t n l in re Trunks, &c imprecoho1 s Ill I ack this whelp shmb, l) wlmt '"to be mu,t be-Bit 1! yuL lnSllrances loss by FJie ate eff_ecte I on billy goat and I lac· i nm n ' closet LI at t ded thereto on apph atwn berng m tde to ta1n1n 0 U e affect1ons of i1cr v;} er the lU tu n J le \ge c:all :e cklor s old 8t I } 1 -~ the most fa\:orable terms and losses paid Wlth take the money I shall even go along ;n·h to pieces nth II!\ kn fe md ti en burn the boney moon spell of glumour I as p t>secl \\as kept tor a. rea rvo1r for secret things h m therefo1 one door of Mayna.r] i,l Hotel o 1t rctcrcnee to the Board in London. T\\otll La a 111e1rv ye rhrn will be no 1 orue for me any more mill over 'o r head I-le tncn inforn1ed t;Je woman ol the v; ishes o )[ o mnkeeper shall atte~ the pass mg It has been said t11at clei:; c1 n en often TRESPASS NOTICE. Bo 1 na.n ille Sep 1st 1873 marr' "81lly '\\omen bcca se thej can not lla e 1 t ro 1 J DODSWORIH RINTOUL BlWS Bnt ease ) ot r gnp of my neck a httleof the lodge anti requested her to come of this A.ct be liable to make gootl. to ar \ fh d senotble ones L t 1hut repro ch of B0 :vm a.n iUe Ootob~r 1873 Inspector Gen Agents 1vlontrea. o IIOE IS hereby gt-ven that all 1 arttf:lt'i _ [ put n j l1 ust 111 (,o l iepl cd the don t .::!). teeze so Jrn.rd I can t mo'\ e you early the next murnu ~ as he \\ o ild then guest of such m:ikeeper any loss ol or m woman} oo ~, if tr'\: e 1 ar y degree t for fountl. trosr ::y.;,'-jJI g uu ti i:l Ela Ls klw\ lL all MARRIAGE LICENSES Neve1 isl all ye set yo ir shO\\ her wl at \\as at d \\hat was 1 at to be l{.anes 1 lats will be prosecuted to full extent R R LOSCOMBE, Barrister Agent hug me so tight anJ if I cant stu ) on dauntle<;ts gul Let worr an aspire to Jur3 to goods or prpouty brougnt to Ins e\ er taken a°" ay ·aue 1 by of l~ i; foot \\1ti11n the::il! wall~ \\h1le I ha\e hie to her ughtful pos1t1on i~ the tr E iegent oi fo1 Bo" manville and V1cm1 t cant get the money-1hat s clea1 you know inu not being a horse or other ln e an101al done ' l\f D " ILLIAMS Bo\TIDl:U Y1lle J nti 4th 1860 36 sometJ Let her seel to en no Ole u e charac w U OLIMI1" :Besides time pr ases and 1! 1t le doue at p e~ent 1e Morning came u1 l with it CRme Mrs K, or o.ny gear upperta1nwg ti ereto or an:;: ter of the oge to mo lu the lash o 1 of the m.o 43 39 4\V Atthe i OUice l3o vma.n \11lle all it mnst be done qmckly as the fauntv 'I he mJturn J 1 d the mfant !or 1 moment w1th brounrn bru.,,he'° l ails etc and at the carnage to a grtnter urnount ban ~ 40 J dol hme after a purer itI d loft er i Ital than Bowma.n \ 1lle Nov lfh 1868 on the swur<l as ht: oougl L for eornli obt)blcs lodge room found the guardrn.n \\R1tlng for !ors exce1 t m the follo\Hng ca es (ll at is to the v; orld l ns i.: ct ~c 1 1eal ~eel Let her will shortly be back tro n Hcrsol RADU \TE of tl1e I oJal College of phy not outrage her entae SEX 1 \ f1 ' ( 1 tv ancl The 11ft1an relaxed h1° gr1r l d hoalh n 11erc :\ th to exP.c1 te hrn latt r thrc lt I her sicians of ~ugland an<l U n1 vcrs ty of \ c say ) sloth b t en lea\ en to le\ tt.: 1t t o n J 1gher tor a. College Cobourg L ndergraduate and let go !us hold Her reaoons 1ve1e all cog Now rna<lom, l I \Ill Lei! yon MARRIAGE LICENSES pnzeman of tho lJn1v.e1~ of Toro1 to ru1d H \.DUAIE of the U tv i . tie· of rnn I> I WI ero ' \Ch goods or pro1 ertv shall place ol l c r g ti J ' lei 'l h 1e uf 11 !lt \\hnt \i;c \\(l t lo e uul hov \Cl Carne to have beer ~to c,n lost or DJ ured ti rough en c An<l Jet I e1 s 'aJ tl l e:urt of 1nan U wveis ty of Queens College Kingston Mem l88 ]J) 1"1 College Toronto n.n 1Y1ctor a College of nant with lns c pid t.) ber of th~ Collegl:l of Physic ans an i Su1g001 s L t.:t!nt'U<to f U ti Colleg"l of Phys1c1 Colt slJe sail ' ] Hok r1u 10k I ode Cl !pl ' VOil fl 0 ] ti Cr! 6U d 1t \aS d f the w1lf 1 act lelault or 1 eglect of euch not 11erl'ly l hc1 cl rn ll of 1 l:TSon ancl JOHN J. WILLIAMS of Onfau1.,o Smgery ra.ud Residence oppoa1t, Cobourg nns and Sui:gconfl of Ontano lay-you will find the money rn master a hcult ti get l 1 vono to do tie Job and not Innkeeper u1 un' f!crvant in bta en1 0races f tnar nc1 b t 1 \ tl e u1ore I otent the market 8 Office IC ng Street o e <loo1 we Et of Mr Cherrywood l'ost office Pickering spell of rntellect al Io' r a1 d moral good. Corn1shrs Jewelly Store Bo\\n1an'\1lle bed room meddle >11th the sccrelo in the clooet we p10y Bowmanvillc Oct oth 18{1 Ont ness -Ladws Repo< zt y Jo Oci be TAILOR R. PEA.TB, POETRY. :Etr:E::C.:CANC:E: F New 'l'a,ila: Shop HEAL, L JOHN :EtHYM:E: AN:O :C.:CM:E:. I AUCTIONEERS traw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders 1 FEED l\1ILLS. SO, HO' Gentlemen of :E'a.shion. ---- LITERATURE. Ma.sters of :C.. 0. :C. I B e, ARRIVAL! WESl"E RN- GORN o s McFeeters. <JBA.CJKED COBN. D T DRt1G -s'I'OBE. M.LO-W-RY, NEW STORE, CHOIO:E:S'l' O:E' ctOODS. TYRONE, WATCHE -S I CLOCKS 'I'ailoring I Clothing! lt l':E:ATE, LIME! LIME! F REMOVAL. S. MASON Gold Chains, Rings, SPECTACLES I Pa.'tsrson. FINE CUTLERY, N G DR. DAVIDSON, W. S. BOYLE, M. D. G =='- - ---·-