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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 15 May 1874, p. 3

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· THE 1"fERCHANT! FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1874. . Onta,rio :Ba,nk. DIV:IDEND NO tip --A Hlfl I--lUSH 34 ' ~poo OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, 1'HA.'I' NGa.pita.I a dividend of four per ce»;t. the Stock for thm Inst1tubon, (or thtJ M llc(Jlung Bros.' MERCHANDISE MovEMENT --a-- Just Arrived at tho TIOH!S .BA1,TING begs to inform his customers and the public generally; that h e has now received his PASl:lIION HOUSE a l'.lplendi<l asrsortment of current half year, has this day been, and that the same will b" payable at the Bank ;i.nd its Branches, on a.nd after MO~AY,tho FIRST day of JUNE next . · AT TRELEVEN'S, 16th to the 31st of 1-Iay both days incJus1ve. The 'l'ransfer Books will be cloee~ fro~n the Kotice is also given, that the ANNUAL NEW MILLINERY. Also a lot of NEW SPRING S'I'OCit of of J'[;NE next. precisely. G.ENERAL !YIEETING of the stookholC~r11, Ior tbe election of Directors, ~nd other p~r· poses, v:ill bt:l b~l<l n.t ~he ea.nking.,, Ho~se, 1n Bowm:\nvillc, 'IUESD~i\.Y, the SECOND da.y 'l'he chair to be taken at 12 0 1cl!ick, REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, &c Al~o D R Y GOODS, which on inspection will be found noon, a large stock of Uy 01·der of the Uoard, D. FISHBR. } Stamps fo r Baiding and Em- Cashier. ONTARIO EANK, J/IcClungs' :Multifarous Merc:Pandise and he js determined to continue to sell at these ruinously low prices, cheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do it-first, he buys for, and knows just liow to buy; second,-what he can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures ; _third,-he fa satisfied with small profits; fourth,he sells for cash ; fifth,-he sells at bot.tom prices. -o- broidery. A t t r a c t i v e a n d Ch e a p. --o-All goods marked at the lowest :Bowman ville, April 23,1874. m30·4wks. Manifestly Moves Moneyed FASHIONS for Spring just to hand. CASH PRICE, from which no aba}ement will be ma de. CALL ..A.ND SEE FOB YOUBSBLVBS, . : AND . M ---01--- DBESSMAX.ING aa tuma.L BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. aturc Matrons, Modest Maidens, MRS. A. FLETCHER. :Bo·w1uanville, April_7 _ th ..c,_1 _8_ 74_ . - - -- April 15, Han.ehester House, ~874. --a-- SPRING ExruniRo tbc stock, which comprises everything in the trade, of the very latest and inoat elegant styles and pa,ttcrne, of English, Canadian,_a,nd :Ainerican n1anufacture. . .Announoeme:c.ts. calls attention to his very large Ht: still continues · to -o-()-- manufacture to order, from the best. of workmen kept. uw,terial, nnd nvno but first-class Money-Making Men, Marvellous Multitncles, Mer1·ily Move · Strowger Bros. NEWC.A.S'I'LE, 'Vish Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed. Hehn.sin stock au O)Idless variety of Ladies' and Gents' Saratoga Trunks, Va.liHes &c., a.11 of 1 . \Vhic:h he is selling cheap for cash . -o- Remember the Stand, "BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. Bow1nanville, May 13, 1874. Spring Stock, believing his present assortment exceeds a.ny o his former displa.ya, To hia usually large home yurchases, be bas imported a very bea.utiful McClungs' Most Moderately Marked Miscellaneous to info.r1n the public generally, that they commenced the M. TRELEVEN. MILK! NicOiung Bros' HE UNDBRSIGNED begs to infol'm the Jeople of BowMANVILLE, that he intends to Grocery Business IN ASSORTMENT OF HATS, a nd he- calls atteution 'o his Silk, they a.r e s uperb . .His Drab ShcU. thoy just what gentlemen require, his GEN. W 0 LS ELY, AND GLAJ !STONE, CANNOT BE BEAT. His (~ent's furnishing as usna.l, ill replete with 1111 the la.test and choicest hia friends and the public generally for the patronage <ixtended to during the 18 years begs to announce that from and after the 15th Septembei·, he will oarry on the same buaiuese, but rnore extensively under the name and style of JOHN l\.!cL:e:on & Co. Prom{>t payment of all accounts is render· ed jmpera.tive by this buaiuess arrangement, and all persons indebted will please take notice &nd govern tliema:elves aooord1ngly. BowmanYille, Scptenlber 4th, 1873. UNDERSIGNED in returning thanks THB to rua11y liberal him l:JJ.epha,nt Eous e T "PURE THE p~dc\ le Good, Pure l\filk, commencing-oD ?,:ION- M crchandise. --o-Merchr~ndise Movement GLENDINNING'S BLOCK, \\·hel'e thoy offer CASH, D.A.Y, MAY 4th, calling every morning, (Sun· da.ys excepted) and on Saturday evening, Look out for his 'Vagon. JAMES COUCH. Bowruanville, April 30th, 1874. 30-lm Moderate prices, Most carefully selected stock ; Maintaining their reputation ; Making every effort to please ; JOHN McLEOD. STRAW HATS, n every style, 4.$ usu!ll. Don't forget to give 11im a. call if you .a.rt! in \vant of anything i~ his line. Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour, Seeds, New Goods, New Goods. JUST ARRIVED. / La,dies' Cu:ffs and. Collars, with cu:ff Buttons and collar :auttons atta,ohed., THE VERY LATEST NEW YORK STYLE. ............. TOBA COO, CIGARS, PIPES, &o. Their Motto ia His Stock is r..a.rge, His :E'rices r..ow, .aud he is al ways pleased to sho'l· his goods Bowmanville, May 7th, 1874. SEASON 1874. Daily Line to Rochester. .on or about 1st April. E TJohn :McLeod &Co T HLibe1·al Support and H Patronage would s'11icit the same Meeting cash buyers liberally ; M IND! preparation, made chiefiy fi"om tne native herbs found ou the lower ranges of tl:e Sierra N-0vada mountains of California, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, "What is tho cause of the Unparalleled success Of· VINEG,IB BIT· 1"Ens!" Our answer is, that theyremovo the cause of <li.seaso, and the patient recmvenr-hi·· hcaltb, 'l'h&y are the grea~ blood purifier and a life-giving principlo, ~ perfect Renovator and Invigorator of tho system. Never before in the bistory of the world has a medicine been Managing to give satisfaction to all. --o--" FAIR Mourning, PLAY, SMALL PROFITS, AND QUICK RETURNS." J L. ST ROWGER J. D. STROWGER. Ne\\'castl ei !\:larch, Ot'h, 1874. 22. extended so long to John McLeod, · and takes this opportunity of in- forming the public, that they have E egor Dr. J. Wnlker's Californjo. Vin· Bitters are · a purely Vei,etable McClung's Millinery, Mantles, Merchant-tailoring. --o--- The J:rew Stea.mer DISCARDED 'I'HE 1 Mcclungs' Matted Moyuu; , NEW DRESS GOODS the public generaJly, that he has purcba.ise· the stuck and goodwill of the busineea heretofore carried on in the (R. CRAWFORD, Master) '\.V"ill n1ake her 1 ·e.gnlar tripe on thlli route, leavJng Cobo11rg every inorning at 7:30, and P~rt Hope at 9 o'clock, for Rocl\ester, conncct~g there \vi th the New Y ork, Central, and Erie Ra.i i w 11.y~, for all points, East, West and South. 'Vill Charlotte (port of Ruehcater) daily a.t 9 o'olook, p. m,, exc!jpt Sl\turdaye, '\·hen she will leave at 211. m. for lkighton. Dlilalerri in StOck. will find thirs the chee.per;t and most expedition" route to .Boston, Alba.ny, E 0LD so~STEM, E " NORSEMAN" 1 l=d~~c~d~t~~~!~~;. t E E p p H H .. ' ALLnesA· acsfoclloow,u: N. 'I'S \'lilt Ile "M E R I D I A N," Merits Mention. B!JSINESS CHANGE. NEW HATS, rrHE begs to a11nouncctd UNDRRSIG-~ED ~ _ NE'W MILLINERY, RE1'URNI~G. RE'NDRRED on tho . are a ~ompoundcd possessing tho r on111rkable quahties of VINEGAR Bnrnns in healing tho sick of ovcry diseMe man is hei1 to. '£hoy gentle Purgative as well a.s a 'fonio, l'elieving Congestion or Inflammation of M Bowmanville, March, 25th, 1874. NEW CASHMERE CAPES --o-E X P E C, T T 0-D .A Y, A let , January, Ne'v York, &c., &c. .For further inforn1a.tion, ad<lree.s 1st May, and 1st September R. CR.A.WFORD, Port Hope, or C. F. GILDERSLEEVE, · KingRton. · & c. Dressmak ing, Miss Heal W 1Jul1l beg to inform the lu.dies of Bowman ville And vicinity. tbat she is prepared to take orders N · T 1 ' d n cac-i an every year. 1 In tho case ot .1,,{e.nufacturers, MeehaWcs 1 and othera:, whose accounts may amount to $50.00 or over, their note, if agreed upon,wilJ be taken pa.yn.blo at the Ba.nk for A N[ T Carn1iuative, Nutritious, Laxa.tivo, Diuretic, Sedativo1 Counter.I1Titant, Sudolific, ..A..lterat.lve. a.nd .Anti-Biliq'}fi. R. J.J. 1'JcDONALD & CO ·· Druggii; l.8 ru1d Gen. A.gts., Sn.n Ft·ancisco, Calif()tnill., &nQ. oor. ofWo!lbington an(l ClnlJ"lton Sts., N. Y. Solf,J. by all Dru~z!SLt an.d D e a.le1'ih / VINHOAR13rrTERs are .Aporient, Dia]1horotic1 Disca.aes. ,. The llFOperties of DR. w.AI.KER'S the !JiYcr ani Visceral Org1.t.n!:i, in 13ilioua as Cabinet maker and Underta.ket, and will continue the bullinesa in the old premises, with full assortme11t -Of first claf'ls Furniture, Coffins, Shrouds, &c., "Till be kept on hand and hopes by strict attention to busincsa, a11ci charges to merit the patronnge of the a, Village ot Hampton, New tweeds, New trouserings, New vestings, New York Laces, New Ready Ja.mes Cryderman, Made Costumes. BY -oAll t11e novelties of the "eason to be found at people. a ·tated period. THE · J. & W. J. McMurtry & Co. SIGN OF THE GOLDEI\f LION, DOWMANVILLE. ~ for Dressmaking,·'!~~~~ the same with despath LATEST FASHION. Th:larket Square . H H 0 Stock r..a.rft'e 0 SOMETHING NEW U Well Assoi:ted !U. Iler experience fully \\o·arra.nts her in promising satisfaction. Prompt Payers credits Cash Purchasers AND on LONDON, QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. short 1874. 'l'EMJ;IJ!:::RLET LINE. com])Ollcd of the following :md other Jirat-claoa Ir.£!1 Ste:unships ·' S'l LA'\VRENCE." 1 1 · , .;:...c:f.;.-; ' I lcut}'INE, aa our great·im will be to court this class of trade . g will always get goods at prices 'l'HE IIEA:EtSJ:l . . .r:,:;l ReB1dence, Corner of Chur<:h Street, an<l Bowmanville1 l>ec. 4th. 1873. I AND "BEL'r A ." 'l1ha first lltea.mer of this Line is iuteuded to "THAMES." I ·'SCO'l'LAND ,.. 11 .. SEVERN." OIG!NS! Messrs. Rice 8t :Barker Have received another supply of tha.t su1Jerio · claas of Organs known ae the having- been Improved and Painted, . B now one of the beat in the County. ders promptly attended t o. All or h·deapaLdONDON in Bowmanville. -:o:- Any on e wishinA to have rhotOll enlarged from oid pictures of deueased friend s, can get the sa1nc done at S cootAH:~fd~~i~;:ya~dBox S Quebec a~dMontreal ,STOVES, E E Joili·tii~:Liob co. WEDNESDAY, 15th-APRIL, ON Silver 'I'ongue, Al' PRICES LOWER JHAN ANY l'REVIOUSLY IMPORTED. a.ud,ha"\'ing resol\'cd to give the public the ben8· fit of said reduction in cost. they call speei..'IJ. a.ttention to the following Price List for the current mont11. quired, Md repa.frs uca.tJy executed. H ampton, Sep. 18tli, 1873. P. S .-Furniture made to order when re & BoWlna.nvilla, September 4th, '73 during the Sell.son), (To be follov.·ed at intcfvais' of rrEN DAYS .!NDFIWM '!' & Arthur's Ga.llery, they"' '~one to great expense in purch~ing 0 ., and fitting up a Quebec for London ABOUT 7th MAY. Through 'll.ckcts fron1 nil p;inta \V' est. nt RED"{.TCEJ) }{ATES. Certi£cate:.J ~ issued to v.erson~ df'sirou~ of bringing out t heir friends. l'hrough Bills of Lading issued 6'11 the Conti. nent and ill .London for nll pa rts of Canada. and in the U nited Statt's to Detroit, ~lilw au kee, Ohica.;o, and other points in the '\Vest . J.i'ot' reight or l-'as'.~~c, apply to F_ Style 35 ; Seven Stops: Diapason. Violina, Picolo, Principal, Tremolo.Forte. Principal Forte. Price $125. Style 37; Erght Stops ' Diapa8on, Violina, Picolo, Principal, Tremolo, Forte, ·Principal Forte.· Voxhnmana. Price $140. f or the e;q.>ruRs puqio~<i nf cnlari;iog photoo-r<1.oph."'-, whlcb they make fro[n the smallest 0 card to life size. They v:o11ld :ren1ind the public that they are still stri\·· -mg t o impruve their ·work in Photography, :!.nd they nre now turning out Pictures Bible Christia,n S. TREWIN. SPRING, -l~iPO ltTE R. 1'EMPERLEYS, Cl),\l;l'l'ER BOOK ROOM AND & . DRAKE, 21 Billeter Srref.:!t, London ; ROSS & CO.,. Quebec; D-~YID SHA'\V, Montreal.;_. or .JACOB N.l<~AJJS, :Hol"""ffianville. m29·t md. Nov. Style 38 ; Nine Stops,D1apason, V'iolina, Picolo, Principal. Tremolo, Forte Sub·baRe Forte, Sub-base,Vox human ia· Price $180. Style 40 ; Eight Stops, Diapson, Violina Octave, Coupler, Tremolo, Forte, Subbase Forte. Sub·baee. Vox humana, Price $160. but a .set of Rcnbs. 01·' 1874. srr""~PLE THE Equal to Toronto Work. School -:o:- Depot KINC STREET, BOViMANVILLf. -o-'l'he Sub.scriber hru:i onJiaud a FRUIT, AND Cabiuet nud four·fon l'th size iuade equally 8.8 g-ood as their cards. Go and examine speci· mens, and be convinced tliat they d.oing " ·ell. Extra prints can he had off old negatives. They k e('p on hand and for sale, an Confectione_!y Depot. TFIIOLESA LE and RETAIL J~2~ Carpets, Laioe Cu~tains, a,nd :Eouse- Furnishins MAl-IUl"ACTURElt OF & F~t\NOY DllY GOODS, * Vox Humana. in theso Organs, is not a Jan Large stock of ;Books, suited for Sabbath School Libraries, Sa.b bath Presents, and the Study. Dominion Oraa.n Co'y. BOWMANVILLE, Present the following testimonials from com petent judges oi Org_n.ns. Teatimonia.l. from John Camidge, 1\-Ius. Doc., Cn.nluo.t, England. Bo\\'manville, 24th Dec., 1873. 1.'o the lJiana.gcn; Dom hi ion Orgctn Co. GENTLEME::; .-I Fashionable Millinery Mantles,and Gent·s' a.rrivcd, and fur Sale, at the above dP.pot, New Ft'Uit anJ OoTifectionerys, FIVE PER . CENT. OFF FOR CASH The 1'-:In.nufacturers issue but one quality of work, and that i-:1 0 L 0 rr .H I ~7 G Assortment of Frames ILLUMINATED CARDS, Cheap a.s the Chea.pest. J3owmanvill~ . 01(.ANGES TO ARR. VE Soft Shell Almonds,Filberts, Brazil and Wall Eitts, Ke'iller's Marmalade, West India N" ov 12tb 1 187i::I. bp.o43·n16-tf. for Sabbath Schools. _ Prescr·ved Gin9er, Pears, Plums, '.l'o· . niatoes, J; Peaches, G·reen Peas, · Our Books at"e JU.arked low. A apecial disGtee'(I., Oorn ct Lima Beans. - TICKET DATES, FIGS, LEMONS Choice Lemon., a.nd Citron :Peels, DllALER IN SMALL BOOKS, &c., THE VERY BEST their t ... .e fa so s\veet a.Dd sWady. And the v..-ork· excell~nt, like. to play on your Organs and in.every Boots <tnd Shoes, Ready J.lfa<lc Oloth/ing, - - - :o:- -Occupyiucr my New Premises, L.UlGE, ELEG,IN'l' imcl OoNVEKIEN'l' ; Show " Rooms replete with. ma..tHinip :l.Dd sh any I have cvor heard. --o-- extensive particular they are equal, if uot supenor, to Hoping they will meet public apprecit\tion. Hats,, Shirb,, Ties, &c. faciliti e:i aud long experience enable them to produ'ce. JOHN CUHDGE, ' count for Ministers, Teachers, and Habbath Schools. Robert Young, The largast stock of Our Dominion Excelsior Raspberry Vin egar,Sahnon, Lobsters and Sardines Tomato Sauce and.. Pickles They have come and are coming, at t11 e Fruit These I nstrwments a1'e cased·i n solid well seasoned, Black lValnut, elegantly ancl O.aiit·ifully finished by a new French procµs. THE DURABILI'l'Y the Ontario V eterinary College. By appointment Veterinary Surgeon to the \.Vest Durham and Darlington L-niou Agricultura.1 eyer .shown in t11is section of the country; nlso Societies. Agtlnt for the Live Stock B1·anch of th!' Beaver a.ud Toronto Mutual Fire Insurance V Co. P1'ERINARY SURGEON, Graduate of Stereoscopic Views Depot. SHELL & SHELLED OYSTERS QUA l.ITY is the test of CHEAPNESS. '.l'. DARLINGTON. Veterinary 1\.iedicines const!l.ntly on baud. Calh1 froni the coi1ntry pronJptly Lt.ttended to. Office :-Ono door t>Mt of Ji. l\{anning's Fur· nituro V\7 R·re·r oom. . Residence over S. Burden·s store, curndr of l{inganc1Sc11g-og Streets,Bowma.nville. n1ltf. Microscopes, Bo,vm.anvillA, Dec. 4th. 1873. n9-tf :£tea.ding Glasses, · Sea.soned..Lu:m.'ber Wanted etc, etc. APPLY ..i\.'1 r.rIIIS OFFICE, p1il 7, J.874. m27tf. 0. BARKER. J39wmanville, A_ 1 of the ~ 1 Silver Tongue," is one of its most remark able cbara.eteriatice. Their quality of keeping in good t;:>ne, .also is one of t.he rnost practical JIDJ)Ot't.ance. RlCE & }J,tRJ{ER Kiug Street, Bowmauville. Bowmanville, l\farch 3rd t")ii· Vory respectfully. ROSAD'ERINA. Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yr's H, O'HARA. A. M. DARLEY. · Pre.!!ident. Manager Bownui.n\ile .Tanuary lfi J874. bn·o3-ml6, R.ead the fullowing from Ro8a D'El'ina: Bow1nanvill~, J)ece1nber 22, 18iil, 1."o the J'llanauerJJ of tlic Do1ni.nion Orr;c~n Co. GENTLEMEN .-1 have much pieasure in teist· ifying t o the excellent qualities of the Organ .mpplied by_you at n1y concert SaturdnL evening. '!'he tone is s\veet tt..11tl. Vl:lry powerfu , and tht! combination of stops most admirable. I am aure your instrumentl:! will find favor in Churches, as they are singularly a..dapt ed for sacred music. Wishi.iig you every succesa; and hat the public may patronize n ative manufacture, I Gentle1neu 1 LATEST NOVELTIES Spr·inq and Summer 1 lfillinery, ilfantles, Shawl,,·, Trimmings, etc. DRY GOODS and SILKS, a SPECIALITY. W Speci:tl attention given to getting_ up orders for Family Mourning. A Large Stock of Black Lustre Goods at itll times. LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE CLERGY. King St. West, Oshawa, April 9th, 1874. S. TREWIN J

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