THE MERCHANT . ' FRIDAY MAY22, 1874. ROETRY Story for Birnie. 1.ool{ out o{ th~ wi11dow, Birnie. And t~ll n1e ""·hat you see ! Something nwa.y in the cross J"On.d, FARM AND KITCHEN. How to Oook Potatoes. BY PROF'. fl. TDOll!S BATTING berra to inf01-m his custonrnrs and the public generally, th:tt he has now "' received his · . of DRUGS AND MEDICINES at the $25. IiEW'AiiD. · . ) es purporting to be of onr make, and to bear 0111· nau1ef:! stamped thereon, we hereby ea.ution the public against all suth imposters, as Mesm Yellowlees & Quick arc our A~ents in West Durha1n; and a Reward of $25. is hereby offered for the avpreheueion a.nd conviction of all sµch imposters a..~ try to ~kfrsi..uU the public Py ofiering their trash as our ma.kc. LAZ..<\.:RUS ~rORRIS & CO. ' ' .'iiitlntrca.1, Nov. 8th, 1871. n7 -tf Bowmanville Drug Store, ha.ving come to onr knowledge, that certain I.'rPedlars arc selling Spectacles and Eye Glass- no·r . J . HIGGINBOTHAM tome~, and to the public gcne~a1ly1 ,for tl~e Oct. CHIT CHAT. [Tim :Bra.dy 'a.nd Mike Flynn] lT nder the \flt.lnut tree ; .A Hw.n tha.t reels tind Btaggers \Vith hair a:) whi.te a.s snow Tossing over his wrinkled forehead"'\\7ho is it dear, do you know? Climb up lu my lap, sweet Birnie, And t:lkC a better look ; ]fe stO})S, afraid of the footbridgo rJ~hat crosae ~ Willow Brook. "Old Shaw!" wiU1 a scornful gei;ture, ncl look of proud disdain : .BirniE: turns from the window To the pictu:re-hook again. Look out u.g-a.i.n on tho snow path, 'l'he bard \\·ord must be saiJ ! 8t:le the bnuds that Ehake with palsy, the shatne that bows the head, ~\.ll cold, a.nd da.1·k 1 and loathsorr1e must look fresh, the smaller the eyes for their kind, the better. By nipping a piece with the nail at the larger end, or cutting it with the knife, you can if the potatoes arc sound. They must nOt have decayed !:!pots, a.a this is a sign of dhieaae. The part immediately under tbe skin is the best. tVhen peeled raw, the peel must be gra.te;l away, or cut as fine as possible, a.nd the pota· toes immediately dro11ped in cold water, else, by being exposi.:J to aLtno8pheric air, they turn reddish. 1 1.10 be good, poti~toes most respectfully tender his sincere l WOULD thanka to lll8 nu1nerous friends and eus· 1872. Oct RY GOODS, .which on ·inspection will be found very libPral support he ha8 received since h1s C?mmenci:i1g iu busines:i; a!ld hopes. by con· t111ut1d strict personal attention to busnwtia, and offering nothing but the purest articles, at tlie most reasonable prices, to emmre a continua.nee of 'public patronage. J. H. would eall special attention to hi~ very superior stock of T>YE STUFFS which $Ure to give the best s::i.ti.sfaction. .i\ well selected stock of A ~t r:_a c t i v e a n d Cli _ eap --o-All go0clr i markecl at the lowest DRUGS, · CHE.~fWALS, Hi::! days and nights go by" Old Shaw," that no one cares fcil', Afraid to live or die. You'll a.loiost always seo hitu Half Jrnnk, if h~s 110 'vorse, RiT1 " i n~ a ],nv rmn g. ~nay be, lJ1 i..v:..:...::.· ':' ·. : ith n. Cl1T!i>i.'. 0 L A ricl1 manis aon, httle Birnie, He once was brave and to.11, ] ,ots of fine boys in tho village, And be the prid~ of them a11. "l'was wine drank in the parlor, 'Yith ladies young and; 'l'hl.),Y gave hitn the cup of poii:;ou With such a. coaxing air ! · Bright eyes, and smiles and the willR Then brandy with a friend ! And last 'tis i~le and whiskey, And rum, and shame the end! Do :foll think bti is very h:::ippy, \Vith sin grown sick and old'!. So tirBd whh no one to love him, 'rottering on in the cold ? Hun from the first te1nptation, llememher, God ca.n see; And the sin begun in pleasu1·e Shall encl in misery. It is better to stcn.1n thi;i.n to boil potatoes. Being very 'va.te.ry, they more mealy when Ro.cooked; they still more so when Ua.ked or roasted. Every one knows what a potato steamer is. The potatoes should be of a· uni· fonn size to cook 1:1veuly. Those who do not possess o. steamer should, as soon as the pota· toes are boiled (which takes frotn twenty to thirty minutes), turn the water off, coyer the pan well with n. towel and the cover, put it back on the corner of the range or stove for fifteen minutes, and then peel a11cl use i the gent1e beat for t.h1bt period makes them more mealv, as it eve.porates tbe water. CARRIAGE SHOP CASH PR I CE, from which no abakment will be.-inacle. - - 0- - April 15, 1874. Manehesi:er House, Bo'Wm.anville. PATENT JJ.IEDlOINES, BRUSHES, COilfBS, SHOULD.ER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc, Etc. ktipt c.01rntantly,;; o ;.:: n..,h ::: a "' n" d.:.. . _ _ __ (west of the Bank.) King Street, BoWillanville. ci.:rp, Crumbs for Chickens. 'l'he best carital to begin life with- A ca.pita wife . 'l'o prevent yo1u·Ihair from coming out, ne\·~1· - 1 1Ia3l1cd P'Ot~a ~rrake a qua)·t or Jnore of good potatoes, p('cl 1 nnd cut the1n in two or f0ui· l)iecea, which k8ep in cold water until the whole nre ready ; then wMh them and put the1n in a pan, covered with cold water ait~d a. little salt ; set the pan on the fire and cook them. Wlien done, put the pan on the back of the stove or range, take a potato-1nasher nnd in ash them 'veil, then add butter, and mash them well again to mix the butter thoroughly among the whqle. When thi,R is done, add about half a pint of milk, little by ,little, mash· ing at the same time; then add salt and pepper to tnste, and a. pinc]i of sugar. The better and n1ore they are lllA.!~hed, the whiter and better the potatoes are. De prodigal of elbow for mash9d potatoel:!, ...\n i1nprovement is to n1ash them through a. colander before adding the butter, thus preventing a.ny lump that might escape the tnasher. TO . THE I l'UI~I_jIC. OILS, P AIN-'C,, COLORS, VAB.NISHES, and WHU'J<i LEAD, at theYe~·y lourest prices. THE. tiuLscribot- is prer>ared Lo. build and re· v~·1· TIM.- " Good morning, Mike, shure and it is early out ye are. Migh . I b.e bould to axe what started yees this morµing." MIKE.-" J1st be aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a jiffy. Ye soc I was tou!:J: yisterclay, that Misther Gmy, ev Tyrone, had g~t home an 11ligant new stock av Goods, chape as durt, man, and its meself could hardly slapc a wink, all night, thinking av the chape_goods. And·sure enuff, ifa the full store he has-piles and prl.es_ av the natest pattem~; and he'd give ye the makin's av an ilbgaJl~ new gown for Biddy, for Sive.n ty-five Oints; Tay . for most nuthm, and the Baccy for a trifle less." THI.-- "An shure its funning me ye are, Mlke; wouldn't the man be afther breaking down." MIKK-" Breaking clown, is it. Sui'e he knows 11 thrick wurth two 11t that. _!'11 jist tell you what it is, Tim, if ye want to get a grate name when youre decl, and be called a fllantrofized filosifer and 11 pub!ic binifacthor, jist tell all youre nabours, and the ri;t of mankmd, about Gray's chape store, 11ncl~you'll do more for the good av your counthry, than iver St. Patrick did for ould Ireland, when he banished all the toads aud sn11hs out av it that niver was in jt. TIM.- "I'm much oblagecl to ye, for the bit av advice, and won't detain ye; there'll shurely be a grate ru;n, and maybee I'd miss some ba.rgains. , The top av the morning to ye."-I'm off to Gray's. · 1 ' } 1872 N. B.-Couutry store-keeper" supplied on tbe most advantageous terms. N i·etm·ning tlia:nks ~u ~h~h- n1;1me1:ous .clliltomt:l'S and thP, public gen~ra.lly, for past favors, A thoice selection of J,A~iPS for bale cheap. would respectfully rnv1te their n.ttent10n to our present stock of furniture, a1:1 we havo lately Bo,·.-manville. Dec. a. 1868. 6m. added thereto, tha.t we may thereby be enabled to snpply a.11 p<'.L:ties wLo may plctt,i:le to £av.or him with a calL Great inducements held out to thost" purchnstng at our est~bbshment. Pie· tures, Looking Glasses, etc .. sramed to order, a,nd. ill evei-y style . Sa.mpl ~s of the different kind of ~Iouldings can be seed at the v:are·room. We would !l.lso beg to 1nform you, tha~. having- purchased n. ,V_A_LTER 'VIGG & SON, Horses and Cattle Medicines· of e\'ery deRcription 1 a.t short notice, :u1clo i·easonable terms. J. GR!f, Tyrone. Noted for cheap Goods. Carriages Painted and Trimm ed. SPLENDLD NEW HEARSE, l'O , 1873. A Blacksmith's Shop the prein iseF!, were special attention is g1Ye to all we shall bt'J ready at it 1 ti1nea, to attend fnnerals, on short notice and N. ll .-- Coffine kept on ha.ncl, and tnnde to order, at the asona.ble Lerms. The l!Ubsc.riber would' beg to c1:1Jl attention to ~s~ stock of _ Cn rriage work, 1md General Jobbing. All wo?·lc done cit this Establishment wa?'?'anted. NEW DOMINION RETAIL FURlil'l'URE WARE-R0011f. King Street East, Oshawa. Oshawa, At1:;.;. 2tith 1 1870. The quantity of butter and inilk sboulcl be according to tasteJ and, if liked, two or more yolks of eggr; beaten with a little milk may Le a.1ded aftel' the butter. Groceries Clearing~ AT let your wife catch you kissing the nu:rs~ ~;\.Georgia editor was bitten by n.'clo6. "being 1~vident]y rnfataken for a bone." r.J.'he Brookly11 .A·1·gus is o{ opinion that a kind word will ahvays go further than a flat-iron A wag ha.ving rr:a11·i('d a. girl named Cburcb1 says he hM eujuyed rnoi·e happiness since Lt: join~d the Clnuch than C V"~l' he did before. " Whn.t kind oi a waist has the ocenn?" a::r.kt·d a fashionable young lady of her lover. "A watery waste, my tleat·." · " Don't a quniker ev er take oif hi8 hat to any ont!, nq1,mma?" " 1\ o, iny der,,r." 11 If he Uou't take his h::i.t off to :.L barl.if:1·, h0~v Uoes he hnvc hiij cut?" "Pleaf:!e don't shoot the cu\\'ij," is the sii;n on a. fartncr's fence down south ; the l:!ign fa iuten· dcd for visitors from the east who go down there snipe shooting. A Y 1JJ1kee, being asked to describe hi& wifo,, "\Vhy, 8 ir, she'd rnnke u. regnlar fast, go ahe~\ll 8teamer, lHY wife would, ~he bas such a wonderful taJ('nt for blowing up." It is vain to stick your finger in the water, itnd, pulling it out, look for o, hule, u,ud (:;f!U!llly vn,in to emppose tbat, however large a space you may oocupy, the world will m.iss you when you die. · 'Hero's yout' 1noney, doit 1 £!.·nd no\v tell ln why your rnscally ruaster wrote eighteen letters about that Contemptible sum? 1 'I'm sure I can't sa.y, but if you will excuse me, sir, I sup· }Jose it was bcca.use seventeen didn't fetch it.' .l"\ .t an Aberdeen examination of some girla for tl1e rio-ht of confirmu.tiou, in nn.S"wer to the 0 question, " "\Vhat is tue ontward a-nil visible Sign nncl form in baptinm ? " one of them roplied, "The baby, sir!" . An E11gUah judge, Daron Alderi!\oll, ()fl beiug asked to give hifi opinion as to the prop~r length of a sermon, rPplicd, ' 1 Twenty minutt"i:i, with a leaning- to the side of 1nercy." Sixteen yca.rB ago 'l'om Kenyon went to !(.a.ii· sas City with a cent, and thl.) other Uay he Bigncd :.~ check for sixteen thoui:iand clollars. He digned with anothe1· n1an'i:l name, however. A gentleman was coi.fiplimenting a pretty )'Ollng lady in tbc of hi8 :-'ife. a It's lucky '[ did not meet 1Vlis!:! Hoplnns b~f~re I tna.rried you, my dear." " Wdl, ye8, 1t is cx.tren1cly- for her,:' '"·as the clry rejlllnder. Fried Pata~ocs. --Pe~l the potatoes ca:refully, dropping them i11 coltl' na soon as peolod, then cut them either Lu alicoa, c}ice, or fillets, or cut them iu round or oval pieces with a vegetable eipoon or outter, d,ropping the pieces into cold '<l'~ater also. ~"hen all cut, have hot fat on the fire, take the potatoes from the water, thelll in a dry and coarse towel, and turn them into the llttn of boiling fat; stir now and then with a skimmer until done, then turn them into a colander; from the colander turn them into a. clean coarse a.nd dry towel, and 8hakc them in it gently. Dust fine salt all 0\'61", and servo warm. The operation of turning into a colander, and fr01n thence into a t<.)wel. and the salting and dishing, must be done quickly, to prevt1ut the potatoes from getting cold. 1.'liua done 8'nd served, they arc cl1·y, warm, and crisp. CASH SALE I Great cods, · Boots & Shoes A ca.11 is respectfully solicited. ,T, MORRIS. l}owmanvill@, Oct. hit, 1869. G. D. Lockhart, DENTIST RICE & BARKER Importers of the :BEST Oll.OANS manufactured on this Continent, are prepared to treat with reliable travelling agents on liberal terms, They are making arrangements to introduce some fast class pianos. Ware Rooms at the West' Durham Steam P1·inting House, King Street, Bowman ville. ANDERSON & CO'S :BOOT AND SHOE EM:.POit.I'U'M. etc., etc J,ich for Felt Goods,1 ltv..bbers and Overshoes Selling at COST, for THIRTY DAYS. Must be sold to urn.kc room for more. Don't fail to call and get Bargains AT - -- - Quality and Cheap ness, - _ CA NOT BE SURPASSED Heed's oltt Smn.d.. A Short Sermon. 1. Miucl your business. I assume that you a business-a lawful business of so1ne sort. If you are an icllfil, you i.viU Bowmanvilll', Jau l r.; t, 1::i1..i. . Graduate of the Royal Ool/ege of Dental Sugeons, ' Ont. Office over l!'. F. l\fcAl'thur's Store, King St.· 11'owmanville. l3own1anville 1 Oct. 23rc1, 1873. m3-tf. ANDERSON & CO. probably be a buaybody in other men's matters, and have no busiuees in the world. The world wns not made for vagabonds. Adam and E¥e were children, bnt the gar· den was something more than a playground. It was their business to ilresa and keep it. They might attend llowero for beauty and fi:~grance, but th ii·must not neglect the pen· vines and early potatoes. llind your busines.s. Be sure it is some· thing useful. If it is hurtful, it is none of your bnsines~, n.1ul you had better leave it alone. If the thing be wrong, the busier you are the worse it will be for you. · If y;iu do not tnind your business, you may be cer· taiu that Satan j~ contriving son1e mischief, anil will promptly set yon to do his busi- COME and SEE 0 J. ELLIOTT, - - - --- - -- - -- - - - -BOWMANVILLE TYRON HILL'S 1873. -o- 1873. - - -o--- NEW ---:o:--- Ma.chine a.nd. Implement Manufactuing Co F A.LL STOCK. ---o-- Dress Goods Newest Style. of thu A ARGE LOT OF ness. 2. Aiind your business. Have nothing to do with Satan's business, It is al ways in1prope1 \'l'Ork. A certain ma.n, it is said, a fortune by minding his O\Vll busi· 'l'went y·oue fre!:!hrnen were lately suspended ness. Yet your business may have so:me· 'Am I from a.H · ] '!nglii:!h College IJecaust: a. proft:ssor thing to do with yonr neighbor. t.:(iulcln'~ tirul out wlHJ plac~ll a tClt·ounce tack my brother's keeper~' was Cain's question. in bis chair. lie, howevi;.\', knew all aQout who 'Thou shalt in any \vice reprove thy neighr;a.t on it. bor, nor suffer sin upon hin1.' It is part of .. .\. 8111 a11 b(·.Y ju N ew lfa.ven made a. sensation our business to bear one another's infirmities for a shr.11·t tiu1t: by qnietly l,n).nsferring a. card and burdens. The text doe~ not say, mind be:\l'in[; t.hB wonls, "'1'1.\ke one," fro1n a lot of his business ; bllt mind your busir.ess. h~rndbill s in front of a store to a ba~ket of The C !iii..:~.go 1.'1·W1rne prints a poem in wl1id1 tht1 v.'dtl.)1: wishes that 811e had "a heart full of l'l'\".:i.:t yearlings." How tho per.':lecnted author lllUi:!t have earned to furublB arnung thn,t cJom· positor'1:1 hair. A rrmu l1us bct:n fined ten dollars for a.ttemp· tin'" tu n.ssist divine worship in the S('cond Ad· \'ent Church at _Now Britain, Conn., a few 8undays ago, with a jewshnrp, though he de· fonded bhi action )JY quotations froJn the Bible. " T fenr," B[(itl a"" country-triini$ter~to his fiock, "whon I explained to you in my la8t cha.rity 1:1ermou that philantb1·opy waa the love of our ' species,' you must have understood nie to sny 'specie,' which 1na.y ncco\1nt for t};te ~mnllness of the collection. i' · "~:Iisther ! inisther ! what have ye done? n i:;aid a uati \'e of V,Ticklow to an Englishman who bad just tied his horso to a telegrttph pole nu t,he street·. " \Vell, Pat, what's the mo.t· ter? " "Jist thia, yer honor. Ye've hitched your horao to the telegi·aph, and ye'll c~th be in :Uubliu iu two minutes if ye don't look b out." LADIES' aind GEN'l'S' F'O'RS Bowmanvillc. Nov. 1st, 1873. Manv.,fa,cture :J of VERY OI""1EAP. WOOD AND IRON Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct Oottqns? WORKING MACHINE.:: '.L P.A.LL LEFFBL'S GREY COTTON of the best make, iqcluding the celel;lrateU OPENING . NEW GOODS_ My New Goods have U!' &UJ CS. Destroy all the weeds in your field for his sake as for your own. It is not intermeddling to pull his ox out of the -mire. · Christ said, 'I must be about my Father's business.' He made it his own, 3. Mind your business. Study 'to do your own bu~in~e:§I. J{cep yonr mind upon it. Not slothful in business is linked with 'fervent in sp,irit, serving the IJor~.' Push your b n ~iness. Do not suffer it to push :You. Remember the ancient rhyme about the 'lilt lo busy bee.' Do your business with all 1 ·.c-nr migbt. Do not go about it grudgingiy and fretfully. Let your thoughts be, 'I delight to do Tby will.' Do not find fault with Adam. You ought to be more than a P"ir of hands. Keep your mind upoh your business, but reme1nber wo~ry is not work. Be diligent in bu&iness. In one word, bo busy, but not a busyboly.-Advenl and S<ib- Double Turbine _Water Wheels, an cl STD RM ONT. lOct CottonB' at Oowle's---Splendid value. Autumn Fashions! ---oo-- )\Iagnificent display of New aucl Rich Ca.stings of a.ll Xinds. NEARLY ALL C<)ME TO HAND and the assortment will be found REPAIRS done on the PRINTS of unequalled · Goods. MURDOCH BROS. have opened out an immense stock of N<'W l<'i;ll Goods. Great care has been taken in buying the Stock, and a.5 'lot" ing but First Goods have been purchased, customers can rely on <?Ct. ting good value for their money. I ',, STY:t.E a.nd Q'C' A:t.ITY STOiiMONT . VEI{,y COMPLETE AND SltOiiTEST NOTICE, 'Ve have now on hand a large quantity of Common and Gang Plows, that will be sold at COTTON 'l'H E BAGS, ' ·- PRICES MODERATE. ) LOW PRICES BEST . lll the World. Linc of COTTONS at COWLE'S. ·.D: RE S S GOODS Atlvocatc. 'l'he Public are solicited to c:tll Hampton. Sept. 18th 1872 t1UJ see for themselves. H.ELL!OTT JU bp;, J!C]ip>ed by lhesI>tia:(.wtion given by SMALE to his numerouS'ons; - Hi'i is now pleased to announce-that-he has '.001 bancJ a. IAi,-go and . v:ri. ried..,'as~gt~fl~ent pf · ·' . ' I ' I · READY-MADE . Plain and figured Lustres, Plain and Tartan Wool Poplins, Metz Cord, Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, a.rid an endless variety of other m w Dress Goods. Bl:tck Alpaccas, Double Warp Black Lustres, Bfack Co bourg, Black Param11ttas, Black Crape Cloths, Black Metz Cords. One of the acts pas.'lc<l. last year in Paris, that 110 dog i:houl<l go at large without a. JilUZ7lti, a man was brought up for infringing. In 1lcfence he allegci.l that his dog had a. muzzle. " How isthat?"&liid the justice. "Oh," :::a.ill the· Ucfonditllt, "the act f:!ays notliing as to where the inuzzlc should l.Je plucetl ; nR I kuow u1y dog 11ates a n1uzzlc I put it on hil:! t:iil. ·i AN E t OQlJE:-l"r SI!.:-ITJ<:NCE.--" Row I think the wickedest people on earth are those who use a force of genius to make themselves selfish in the noblest things; kecking them·elves aloof from the vulgar, and the ignorant, und the unknown ; rising hip-her and higher in taste, till they sit, ice much bet· upon ice, on the mountain~top of ete1nnl congclat.ion. Now, as we ascend tho hills of irnprove1nent, tho.:ie who are poor and needy arc not to hear our voices chanting ever farthe1· and i'arther in the. distance. No, by our singing we arc to 'vin others up· ward to the sa111e l1eights to which we as· -"- -========== = = To the Inhabi ta.nts of :Sow ma.nville. I ~LIU GLOTHING Good and Cheap. Clothing to MILLINER .Y 'Phe assortment of Millinery and :Millinery Good5 is very extensiw we claim to have the !n.r gcst assortment to be foun<1. about get.ting a B00TS ·-AND .-SI-IOES of the beet q~naliiy; ,.a11J is t~n:xioUs that they ~ sh!'11 set to work a.a "s?..Q.11 M })Qssible. tcr it ,vould have been to have shaken hauds an<l. a.How it '"·a.a all a. tnistake," said a country judge. "Then the lion a.nU the latilb would have down to<.scthel', and white-robuU peace would have fanuml you with her wings and ele· yatcd you with her smile!:! of n.pprobation. But no; you v.ri.:nt to clawing and biting, antl roll· ing- in the mud, aud hero you ani. It's $5 apiece." .li. l~dy in l?1Jrt.la11<l 1 lvlo . , h11ltcd i~ ~rout of a gn:Yacu tl1~ other day nnd accosted a. man nt wol'k oo. so1ne tree::> with : " 'V]lat nxe you do· ing to t11ose trtes?" " Gircliug the1n, u1a.dam, '"iLh p1·inter'::> ink n.ntl cotton tu prevent cank~r worm!:! frolll ascending. 1' Ho<V 1nuch does it cost?" inquired the lair)'. ".About twenty·fi\'e cents," was the a.tlS"'--Cr. " \Vhat's your name?" was thti ltidy'a next q11Bl:ltiou. ·1 Ifill," il1e man. "\VelJ, I wi.Hh yon would conic and girdle ours.n 'J'he mall gave an evnsi\'e answer, and the lady went home and told her bu~ba.nd, who went into couvulsious of lu.nghter. '( '\Yhy, what on earth ~u·c you laughing a.t '(" said r.ihe; aud ns soon as the amused husband caught his brea.tll he told hi~ wife that the mau f.!he lia~ at!ked to girdle her trees was no less than . the ltev. Dr. Hill, late· President of Hfrvard DE!NTAL BURRING by which I ca11 ENGINE <L All . ~iQes; It is a well-known Pr.wt t!tat and in trimmed or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets every ta.ste c1m be con _ Cowle lws the best Tweeds suited as the V3;1'iety is so great. 'l'he Flowers and Feathers, Laces, &c. Eitra.ct Teeth in less than ha.lf the usua.l time and with leaa 1min to th !:l patient than heretofore, and th a t J havt> vrom1i-e<l Ne"W And Im.proved A.pparm.i:a.a tor generating Nitrous Ox!de Gas, by which I cnn now Al ' Sizes, All Xind.s Ladies: J;'runella Congress, at 80 cents " ·" Balmorals, extra high cnt $1.25; in t!te countr;i;. Ootule"· pire.--JJeechcr. }.rothing chcnpe1· than the 1Oct Hilly, mnpty, u11blushing ~irl~, just es~ cnped fron1 school, elbowing their mothers into corners, und covering with contusion their fathers aud brothers, do not constitute Nor dbes· a circle of silent, awkward, primltive, gooU·naturrd \, whose vjrtues are only kno\\'n at home. The n1ere presence and assemblage of \VO· men iA nothing without the charm of refine· me11t, knowledge, vivacity, power and in· spiral.ion ; and they are 110t born in a day, and seldorn <.:01ne till u1iddle and matnre life, ns experience becon1es profounJ, and feelings, deeµ, when flippancy ia not mis· tukcn for wit, uoL' irnpcrtineuce for gallant· EXrl'RACT r.rBETH vVITHOUT PAIN. ARTIFICIAL 'l:EETH BJ::ST UPPER SETS, $20:00 GOOD do. $16:00 CASH. In Bktck a.ncl White real Laces and Lnce Colhti'H, we bnvt a large assortment, at prices to suit all. Our Stuck of Tweeds, Fancy Co:tting"; Pilots, Be.avers,~ Pete1t,hanis Meltons, etc., will be found unusually large. society. GFNT'S BOOTS. Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont B WUlMl ville, Oct ol1l~ l' 870. - _Rubb~-Ooods, Felt Goods, .J.. :M:.. :Brimacombe, I LUMBER. YOUHS JrnSPECTFULLY, "to :Bea't it. BLANl{E1 S 1 IN . Large Variety I l1ave Ploughs, Gang Ploughs a11d ' Iron Ra1rows J for sale. JACOB NEADB. Bu-wma.n\'illi.: 1\-I:u·cb 5, 1874 . 'V1 inceys- -a. Dea.d. Job. Bowm11nville, 1ifay 7th, 1872 -: I HE SubRcribcr respectfully -- requests all par- 1 Special attention given to T ties indebted to bun for Lumber, to settle ·COTTING. AND · FITTINGt N. B----Specia I inducement given to · their acr.ounts witho'ut further delay. And he OASH Purchasers. hei-1:iby informs bui1uers, nndothers in want of and ~one .but first· wori~men e1nrtoyea, lumber, that he is i~re pared to ttupply then1 at thui3 inn1r1~g good value lll eye1·y case. · cash rntosfor,CMh. Henooforth he intend· to .du a cash busrness. S'l'ORE.-One door of Cor.nish'u .Tewelry store, King Street, Bowmanville. THOS. SMITH, J. SMALK I.ot 1 ~. 6 Con. Da.dington. 1673. Bgwmanville, R~pt. 23rd, 1873. roStf. _- · Trunks, &c. . MURDPCHBROS. · F i 1 College. ry. (1n22-21no ~ .) Y. Cowle 1 l