THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY 1\fAY 29, 1874. BUCKEYE BELL FOUNDRY. . Eetabllahed bl. 1637. AQEN'l'S WANT:S:O. (iENTS \V .i.\.~-'J']i~D, to cn.n\·a.s!c' ' in the Rotary H1nging_1 1 for CHURCHES. Co1mtv of Durhatn, Ontario and Victorin, SCHOOLS.,_ FARMS, fAOTORIES, COURT for t"wo of th o n10<1t :-;[L]eabl.e, reada.ble 1 and . HOUSES, rlREALARM81 TOWER CLOCKS. valuablu books publisheJ on this continent, viz: · CHIMES, ETO. Warranted. " HO r lfE LIFE Ii'{ TllE BIBLE," lll1UJtrated Oalalogwo Sent }'rec, VANDIJZEN 4 TIFT, . by the well-known author, D~n, i el March, D.D., 102 and 104 East Secon4 Street, l;lnclnno~ . ft.uthor of " N ight Scenes in flible," and '"Our Fatbel"S Hom~e." "lJonrn Lif~" ia the author's NO DUTY ON C.HURCH BELLS. 020 1yr. last and best book. Also that 1msurpassed Farr~ily Hibl!:!, Employment at yonr "PHE PEOPLE'S S!i'A l{DA .nD EDJ!l.'£01'{.i! hollles or trt~vcling. 'l'he ZIEGLER & l\l'CURDY \York is congenial, honor· 518 A1·ch St., Philadelphia, Pa. pays the best of · able, and _ " Adaress in:v. A . RICHAnD, anything C'\O'et before offered. Gash wages; anm. fla,mpton 1 vltia, and complete Qutfit sent/r<'e. Address at Agent Counties Dn1 ham. Ontario, 'Tictoria, once, Clennnont Dalliels & Co., 235 Notre Dan1e .i.n::Jl-4,vka. ' St., :!\fontn:·al. bp lm-m3\lo21. Tin, mounted . v.ith the bo!llt Superior Bel]e of Copper !l.nd A O.UTFITS FREE 0 HcfJlung Bros.' MERCHANDISE M OVEMEN1' -o-- M Just Arrived .at the A BIO- l~lJSI-:I FASHION :.i:ovsE n. splendid a8$urtme1~t of is now rn,:;i.r !l:f 'l1 It l~ L E ·v 1£ N ' S , .! 1 NEW MILLINERY. Al>!o a lot uf I 1 r·i,.1.l I~ ~.Lephant 'l'HE REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS; & A 11:1 1,,1 a large EJt ock of ' HE Subscriber off0re for sale th~ south quarOH. tbti purchase of the whole of the landed ter of Lot l 4, in tbl:! 6th uonceasion of the . propet-ty, belonging to the estate of the late 'l'ownship.· of Dadinl':ton. l'or _particulMis, Obtll:I . 13ow1nan, with all buildings erected ·pply to H. ELLIOl"r;or JQHN ELLIO'l"l', thereon, mill privileges &c.,situa.tediu tlle town Hampton . of Bowman ville, will be received by the sub· ~·.FINN. scriber up to the 15th June next. One fourth m2~tf. ' cash, 'l'hc subscriber does not bind himself to n.ccf-pt the lowtst or n.ny tender. F TEN:OEBS SMALL FA~M FOR SALE. :M:cClungs' Multif'a1·ous Mercl1a1ul is Manifestly Moves Moneyed Multitudes. ---01--- Stamps for Baiding and Em · T broide1·y. . ; _l to h i~ JUM1y frilluth~:tnd the \1ublic ;cnor<1Uy [,,r thu h b~'l ra,l patrona;;c exton 1 ed to li ini ilnr· ill ~r tbe pnct 18 Y'llnl'iJ, ho:.;.; to 11uno1111 ee th ,"·t 11·1110 ;~lJ d after t l1t· Hid\ ~ , ·]' ~ C:i1U _.1·. he wi ll c·.1rrv 1)n tl;t~ ~fllll\'1 hn :-1'. nt·~·. Lin~. n. to n· o.:xt. .cl1 1 :.:.iv 1d~' n:1·1ul·.the n :·l' H ~ :.11 111 xt,vie i·t' .fr11a.~ i\[z.:L nr111 t~ ( ,o, t>r. ·H1)1t. 1·a, , \l 1t" 11 t 1.f aU at.:<.:, HU~h; j ~ l \Jn rf, ·l"· uJ i111 jmrat1·:u _li,\' t;bii:; Li1 ~ "'! 11 v,.:;: ;1p.·a1.1:~~11 1 ,., 1 1., _ ~ a.nd a l 11l!r"·'llcJ 1111ld.iteU w1U pl ea8l~ tak(~ 11 ·t.,\· 1~n d g·vvc1·11 tl1eJ 11 Ht!h·es ;\c.;Cordiug0'. ,JpIIN McT,EUJ\ Bn wman\"iUe , Septen1bcr 4th, 187:~. · · -UKDJ!;.RSIG::\fED i. n r et u rnin" thanks :House lt. r11. RAYNES, Attorney. P. 0, "Box 738, 1\-Iontreal, P. Q. b-loutreal, l\:fay 20th, 1874; m33-8in. ' FOR SALE. · · FASHIONS for Spring just to hand. as usual, and he is determined to eontinue to sell at these rninotrnly low pricw, cheaper tha?- the cheapest. Why he can do it-first, he buys for cash; and know:s JUSt how ~o buy; s~cond,:--.whn,t ?e mn't buy cheap enough, he manufactures; third,-he is srtt1sfied w1th small profits ; fourth,he sells for cash ; fifth,-he sells at bottom prices. -o- Seasoned I.umber Wanted APPLY A'l"l'HIS m·:z.·rcE. :Sowmmvil1t!, April 71 1874. sent occupied H . Ba."laett, with four acres of laud, outbuilding!'!, &:c., will be sold for cash or on time. :F'or further particu. RESIDENCE at pre· THA'l' DESII\ABLE by 11-fr: W. Matui·e Matrons, Modest lai·s apply to · Maiden~ CA.LL A.ND SEE FOR YOURSELVES, AND MRS. A. FLETCHER. Bown1anvillo, April 7th, 187·!. w27tf Relief, Com· R IL McCAW, Alma Hotel. Bowmanvillo, April 16th, 1874. m?Btf. · BRING YOUR FRIENDS HLibe.·al Suppor t and H .· Patrona,ge _ _ . E lon~ ~n E extended "" and tt~kea t.hiti opportwrity of ili· forming thu public, th n.t t hey have TJo~~"~~:~:~~"'~ ColT to J McLcoc l, n1a or me S te el Spring ooatetl with h::i.rd rub001', hig11ly polii:.hed. :F'rel:! frmn all sottl', rusty, cha.fing, "'lrapping 01· i:rirtJ1ing unpleasantness. Cool. dca.nly, light, anfe aw.l Jurublc . Unaffected by bathing. Always reJiaUlc. Sold by all < lealerH. Estab'ts, 1347 Chost11ut St., l 'hila., and 717J~roo.&way, ~. Y. BxwA1n; of irnitation. C<1-ua<liru1 trade f:mpplied - by :?\:lessrs. l{crry Watson & Co., \Vhvle~ide Druggist:i, i1ontrt1n.l, osbp3m,m27o16. 'l'nusaxs. Cure for J:!· 11R us sE s f~rt an<l Rupturtt. ] . t.J I~UPTURE .'J 8EEI,<Y'8 HAJ<D RUBE~R Money-Making Men, Marve] louse Multitudes,· M tnTny He ha~ in ~;tod\: au endlc::1:-; viw iety of .L adies' and G·e11ts' 8a.t'atu·fa Trnnkfi Vr~lisef.! &c. .:i,ll of wbid1 he is selling cl1cap for ' ' · ' . -o- DISCARDED ·.nm McClungs' I\![ost j\l[oderately SPRING Remember ·the Stand, "BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. Buwtr1a11vi11l', ~lay l ~i , 1~7 1. · Announcements. MABXUS :M:A YERS l\1arked l\![iscellaneons lVlercl·andise. MeClttng Bros' lVI. TRELEVEN. -WOOL. .A.KTRJ) at the Cambrian Woollen i\tliJls, cu.lls attention to hii! very lm·ge i<.:h the 10,000 lbs. goud fl eece wool, for wl1 hhd1e:>t tllarket price will be paid. Fitrmel'" will find it to their interest to sell to the inanuf acturer. . A '\'ell N.l:li:!Orted l:!touk o{ cl oth~, flannels, blankets. sock tarn, &c., on ha nd. believing hia pruireut a,~151.1rtn1e 1 1t excetiilt:.e any o ltoll carrling, spinning, weaving, &c., dvne a.s his former <li.t!playa. To hia usually large hou1e W:I U:-t.l. purdH)Ses, be Juw impo1'ted a very beautiful W Spring ~took, Nl '"""'·' TI-IE Moderate prices, Most carefully hele<:ted stock; Maintaining their reputation; Making every effort to please ;, Meeting cash buyers liberally ; - -- o - - - lia1nptou, 11-Iay 11th, 1874. D. 'l'AYJ,OR, 1n:i2-21noa. ASSORTMENT OF HATS, and he c:Llls attention to hia Silk, they arc auperU. His Drab Shell, they are ju·t what ge.ntlemeu rcqull:e, hia FOURTH ANNUAL SALE - of the- IE L ~l~~c:d~.ct~~~:~~:. L E E p p Hi J H . !st A Nl th~ T T OF 1 E OLD SYSTE~llJ - .t ness :rn follllw$ : ALL ACCOUNTS 'Will !Jtt l RE:V/)RIUOJ ! j 1st Janu::l"."" 1st May, r and September'A ffr(:!i ln and "ve 1·y year.I 1 11 !!11 10\'t.:t thci;· uotei if ag r~l:'d up011, will he t n.k ton payable a.t tbo Bank for a stated period. l\ledta.nieR, ancl 11thor.9, w·hvse . nccouuts may a1no\111t to t:50.00 or i::n.:;e ,1i:.nufl-'(;Ltu·t!t'1:>, 1N · Willow Grove Herd - of- GEN. WO LS ELY, AND Dominion OrO'an Co'y. BOWMANVI LLE, SlIOl't'I' :EOl'tNS. M .r Jt. BELL,VOOD will cause to be sold at YVillow Grove }'a.rm, on GLA~r~sTONE, CANNOT BE BEAT. Hia G·ellt'~ furnishing i:\S usual, is .replete with all ·the 1atcst and choicest eash Purchasers A.NJ) -o- Managing to give satisfaction to all. Thursda.y, June taoth, , S T RAW HA T S, a paJ.·t of his fine h erd of Short liorna. There every at:yle, &':I usual. J)on't forgot to give will b e offered 18 bead-Cows, Heifl'r.s, and n a cn.ll 1f you at-e in want of nnything in Heife1· Calves- and 6 Bulls. These comprise hin1 his line. eome of th~ best known pedigrees of fashiouablo blood. .AJso 20 Cotswold Rheep, all from im· ))orted stock, nud a. number of pure bred Berk· M IND! McClung's ·Millinery, Mantles, Mcrchan t· tailoring. - - - o -- - Mourning, I'rtJscnt the following tef:!timonials from co1n petcnt judg es of Organs, Testimonial from John Can1idge 1 ~fus. Doc., Canluar, England. Bown1anville1 24_th Dec , , I8·7J. Tv the llfanagers Dmn·i Org(H~ Co . GE:'>!TL1~ME::; . - I likfl to '[)lay on your Organs t :> ~e is~ sweet aod steady, And tho work~ mn.J11:m ip ans\, £1tlsh excellent, . an<l in eve1y pu.rticular they are equal, if not supcrio:t\ to (I.Uy I bavl:! evel' hea.rd. Hoping they will meet public appreciation. 4 · · shire pigs. TERMS: t\IDount, ore<lit will be given until th ~ hit day of Or;:tober, 1874, by purchasers furnishing approv ttd notes_ Seven per cent. per annnn1 will be allowed fo r ca.<Jh for all Rums over $100. Sa.le to c01n1nonco at 1.2 o'clock. T'p, Clarke, l\:lay ]3th, 1874. .A..11 sums of $]00, and under, cash, over tl1at :Eis Stock is Large, His Prices I.ow, ud he is always ph:aaerl to show hiiJ good8 Bowmauville, ~lay 7t11, 1874. · JOHN CAMIDGE. Read the following from llosa. D'Erina: New Goods, .New Goods. ij /WellAssorted !ij . H O/ j· Prompt Payers on i credits 1 short will ahv:~,y" get goods nt pdccs 1.;ut FIN]~, as onr gn~ at a,j111 will b1:1 tu (1ourt thi:}. da,,s of trade. Stoc~NI~arge A ~pleudid variety of H O Mcclungs' Matted Muyune, LONDON, QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. H. 'l'. PJ;IILLIPS, Aue. m32-6in. DOMINION BANK. llOWMAKVJLLE AGENCY. OTICE N tor IS liERllBY GLYJlN 'l'HAT 1874. T:E:MPEEL:SY I.:CNE, cuwpo8ed of the following and other first -class Iron Stearal!hips :" '. l1. J... AWRENC ~ ." ,~G!~A:NI:>-;-11- "-.M ER I DIAN" . ' Mention nowmru1vlllCJ, Decen1ber 221Go. 1873, 1'o llw Alanave1w of tltc DorM,nion Organ G~NTLE;m<.-1 h:w· much pleasure in te·t· ifying to th e excellent qualities of the Organ rrupp1ied by yon at my concert last Saturdny evening. 'l~he tone is sweet and very powerful, Jusr· r A RR _ i ~n~h~11 ;~~i:.~·tf:ti~lll~~f.' ;o.;;n\m"i'r:V~~\~ sacred music. L tidleS · ' T-HE uTHAMES." . "'SEVERN." the ])ominion Bitnk h~ opened o.n agency "DEL~L'A." the transaction of busiuesa in Horsey'.1 Block, two <loors t:'ast of Brodie's Hotel, King The fir~t steamer of thii:< Line is intended to Stre~t. Interest will be allO\\·ed on clepoaits. be despa.t.ched from Drafts issued on all points in Canada, United States and Great Er1tain. 'l'he Savings l3ank department is now open. On a.JI deposits over $4 interest will be allowed at the rate of 5 per FOU oent per annum. Office Hours.-From 10 o'clock a. m .. , to 3 o'clock I:"'· m., except on Saturday~, 'vhcn the Bank will cloHc at J o'clock, p. m., --M Bowmanville, Ma.rch, 25th, 1874. Churches, as thl'y are singularly allaptvd for Wishing you every success, and liat tho public n1ay pa.tronize native manufacture. I remain Gentlemen, V tJry r eHp ectfully, ~ ttons "'"1U cU:ffS and. c011ars, Wl·th CU.u. and co11ar t a,c h ed' 'i3 tt .IJU ons ~ JV]j~D 1' · s E Cook, Hall, Parlor, and Box s STOVES, . wood or Uo,~:1u:inville, '.3cptombcr · Jth, 'i3 J:t: JOHN McLEOD & for coa.1. Co. E at ,. 1 , H, O'HARA. lWSA D'ElZINA. AM. DAJlJ,EY. Everrinstnmreut warran"tedfilr5"Yi"S......._._ President. l\fanage1· llvwmanvile January 15 187'1. uo·o~·ml6. N E w DR E s s GooDs VERV LATEST NEW YORKOTYLE. -~-- LONDON ON _____ _ _ __ _ __ _ " ._...,........... Quebec and Montreal 15th APRIL, (To be followed at intorYals of 'l'EN DAYS AND ]'HOM FRUIT, AND m3.ltf J. H.111cLELLAN, Avent. WEDNESDA~, rlnring the Sea.!:l onJ, SEASON 1874. NEW. HATS, NEW CASHMERE CAPES - -o- WI!OLESALE and RETAIL E X P E C T 'I, 0-D A Y, J ~mt artived, ruu.l fu1· Sale, u.t the ahove dupot, New J?r1iit a?ul Confeationerys, Confectionery Depot. NEW MILLINERY, Strowger Bros. NEWCASTLE, \Viish t o inform tho public generally, that they have co1nmenccd th e IN ~, 1 I Daily Line to Rochester. C.mnnencing 0 11 or about lt:1t April, Quebec .for London ABOUT 7th MAY. Through Tii:keta frou1 all r,oints \Vest, at REDUCED RATES. Certificates issued to pet'Solls desirous of bringing out their frienda . '.Chrough Bills of Lnding iaaued 011 the Continent and in London for a.II parts of Cann.da. and in the United States to Detroit, ~Iilwau kee, Ohica;o, nJJ.d other points in the 1:1st. For Freight or Pa.suage, apply to 'l.'Ell1PEllLEYS, CARTE!\ & DRAKE, ' ~l Billeter Sh·eet, London ; ROSS & CO., Quebec; J) .t\." ' lID SHA,V, Montreal; or The J:.rew Stea.mer New tweeds, New trouserings, New ve s Choice Lemon, Orange (}roce·r y B1.isiness tings, New York Lace§~ New Ready . a.nd Citron :Peels, Made Costumes. DATES. FIGS, LEMONS GLENDINNING'S BLOCK. l 'V " NORSEMAN" (R. ORA WFORD, Master) \Vill rnake her regular tr.ips on this route, leav· ing Uobotffg' overy morning at 7 :30, and Port Ropo at U o'l:lock, for Rocl1ester~ connecth1g there with the !(ev.r York, Central, and Erie Railways, fer all points, East, '\Ve8t and South. ORGANS! Messrs, Bioe &; :Barker Have recai Vt'll tmoU1 e1· Sl1p11ly of that tniptll'io cl ae~ of- Organs kno,vn ~s the ORA NGES TO ARB.. VE Soft Shell A.lmonds;Ii'ilberts, Bra;,il ani:l Wall Euts, J(eiller'<J ., 'fVest India J.J·resc-rved Ginger, Pears, Plunis, To· rn-ataes, cf; Peaches, 0 1·ecn Peas, Green. Ouni J; Lima, Beans. -oAll the novelties of the season to be found ~·t whc-l'e they oifer F 0 l.~ C A S I-I, I ~ J .l .JAUOB l'\EADS, J3owmanville, 1n29-t mll Nov. Our Dominion Excelsior Raspberry Vin egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines Tomato Sauce and Pickles They Lave conie ~nd are coining., at the Fruit Depot. J. & W. J~ McMurtry & Co. BOWMANVILLE. SIGN OF 'rHE GOLDEN I_JION, SHELL & SHELLED OYSTERS QUAUTY is the test of GIIEAPNESS. 'l'. DARLINGTON. ntl-tf ANCHOR LINE. Passenger Lt;co11mtodation lhtmryassed. Rates of from Suspension BriJge or Buffa.II) a t 9 o'clock, p. m ., except 8nturdn.ys, w11en ahc will leave at 2 p. m. for Brig-hton. Dealera iu Stock will find this the cheapest a nd most expeditions route to .Bostun, Albany, N fl'V YQl'k, &c., &c. Fo1· furthe1· iuforrua.tion, addrcl::!s S'.rnAMERS FUOJ\1 NEW YORK EVERY \Vill lcave Chal'lotte (port of lk>chester) daily TUESDAY, 'l'HURSDAYandSATURDAY RETURNING, Silver Tongue., Al' PRICES Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour, Seeds, To R CllAWl<'URD., OJ' c. rort Hope, F. C:lLDERSLJ.jEVE, Kiugaton. Cabin $65, to $90 gold, according to steamer .and location of berth. Iteturn tickets iHsued at rtiauced rate!!. Interrneclia.te and Steerage a.s low a.a n-ny other line. }"'or p088ag eJ.. or further info11nt1.tion 1 applr to HENDERSON llnos., 7 Bowling Green, New York 1 ol' their ..<\..g1::m ts, R. & H. O'HARA, Ilowmnnville Fob, 7th, 1874 oG-f>:nos GLASGOW, r.rv:iimrooL, LoNDON!l.!!:RHT, Qui::ENBT01VN or B:BLFAtl'r: LOWRB 1HAN ANY PBKVIOUSLY IMPORTED. and .ha.viug reHolv?U t? gi\re the public the be~e· fit of said reduction 111 cost, th ey call apecml attention to tho following ·P rice List for the current month. '11 0BACCO, CIGARS, PIPES, &o. '£heir ~fotto is Style 35; Seven Stops : Diapason, Vlo· lina, Picolo, Principal, Tremolo,Forte, Principal Forte· Price $125. Style 37 ; Eight Stops : Diapason, Violina, Picolo. Principal. Tremolo, Forte, Principal Forte, · Vox humana. Price $140. Style 38 ; Nine Stops,Dlapason, Violina, Picolo, Principal, Tremolo, Forte Sub·baRe Forte, Sub-base, Vox human ia. Ppce $180. Octave, Cot1pler, Tremolo, Forte, Sub· base Forte, Su b·base. Vox humana, Price $160 ~ ' 7ox Humana in the;.ie 01·H'ans, U1a <t Jct oj R cer.lB. ;ll " FAIR PLAY, SMALL PROFITS, AND QUICK RETURNS." . SOMETHING NEW 1n Bownianville.J - -:o:- =======:==================::============= J L S.T ROWGER J. D. STROWGER. Newcastle, Marcli 1 3th, 1874 . :Sible Christia,n .i:\ .ny ou e wishing to Jta,,..-e· Phot{li; enlarged frorri vld pictui·et; of Ut:ce:tst!d fricuU ::i, Cl.ill get the H;~rne douu at BOOK ROOM AND s. 22. TREWll\r. B!POBTJm OF ~f ait & Arthur's Q-a.llery, School , :Depot . KING STREET, BllWMANVILLE. --o-'l'he Subscxiber hnt< OH baucl 11 t11ey havi ng gone t v gr1~at cs penf:l c in purchiisiug ru.1tl titting up a nvt c~lo'a.n soLAB CAHBBA, Large stock of Boo~s, suited for Sabbath Scliool Libl'l\.1·icfl, Subbath Pre sent~, i:i.nd the Study. FIVE PER C ll T. Off FOR CASH fl)r the exvl'eHi; ptu·pooe of ui1hw:ging l>huto· g l'tLph!!, wbidi they inake fr01n the sn1 a lest 1 card t o Ji fo sfae. l'bey would r emind the "[!Ublic tha,t they are still <itriv· ing to iwprove their 'vork in Pbotog1·a.phy, v..nd t11ey are now turning out Pictures ILLUMINATED CARDS, TICKET SMALL BOOKS, &c., . for Su.bbath ScLool.8. The Manufnct'nnll'S i'>su~ but ono 1iualit.y of "'"Ol'k, a nd th[·t is preparation, made chiefly from the native herbs found on the lower ranges ot tl:e Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The ' question is almost daily asked, "What is the cause of the unpamlleled success of VINEGAR BITT-ERS T" Om answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient re. covers his health. 'l'hey are the grep,t blooc l purifier aud 1' life-giving principle, n. pcrlect Renovator and Invigorator ·of the system. Never before in tlie history of the world bas a medicine been com:p~un<l~<l quaht11~~ Dr. ;r, Walker's California. Vin· egar Bitters are a purely Vegetable SPRING, 1 1874. S1 APLE & FANCY DRY G ·OODS, Ca,rpets, Lace Curtains, and :a:ouse Furnishins MANUFAC'fUREll ol" BUSINESS OIIANGE. rrIIB UNDBll8IGi£i} begs to an u oonce tll the public geucrallv, thal, he has purchase· tht! atuck and goodwill Of the business hereto .. fore carried on in tb e Fashionable Millinery Mantles,and Gents' Village ot Hampton , BY ' C L 0 T .El I ~I G DEALER IN "" Ca:~~!:~1. ~:~~~r:!~~:.I wil people. oi VI~J::GAR possessing "th~ ren u~k able DrrTERS 1n healing tho B ick of ovory di sease man is boir to. '!'hoy are n. gentlo Pm·gative as '\Voll as u. rronic, Boots <tnd Shoes, lleady ltiadc :Eats, Ca.:ps, Shirts, Collars, Rooms replete with ' ell() fl1/1/Jtg' &c. continue the lnu1in ess in tJ.w old pren1j.:ics, 'vith. n. full o.ssoi·tment of first ]'urniture. Coftlns, Shrouds, &c., '"ill be kept on h a:n d, ;'"l.llli hopeB by stdct attention to businesil , nr1tl n1odcra.te charqes t o lnerit the patronage of tL 'f THE VERY BEST their extensive facilitic::i nnd long experit.·nct: enable thc~:n to produce. Discasos. relieving Congestion or Inilamma.tion of the Liver ani Viscera.1 Organs, iu Ililious Equa.l to Toronto Work:o: GaLiu et and fo11r-fourt}1 Hize made equally a.s goO d as their card~Go nud examine speci· HJens, n.nd be conviuci:Kl that they doing well. Extra i1rints can be had off old negatives. T hey kot'p on liantl n.nd fo1· sale, an --o-Out· Boo~a marked low. A ~pt.-cial <liBconnt for MiniB tcrs, rrcachera, ~1,nd &bb~th School~. VINEG.:!..I~!JrrTERS .a~·e .A_ pcTien !,,, J)iap1?-01·ot!c, Carwinat1ve. Nutr1t1ous 1 LaxuL1ve, Diuretic, Sedative, Colrntor-lrrita.ut, Suclorific, AlteraHv~. l\lld Anti-Bili·:>')~. R. :fl. ]Ji;::DONAL'J) ...~ ( ' a . . 'l'he properties of DR. WaLKEI<'s :o:--Occupyjug UJy New .l:'rcmi"e", LARGE, ELE<.:.A'.'T '"1cl Col\YIO::-HEKT; Show Ti~s, · The largest stock of The8e 1n'trmnenl' are cas<!f.lin soUd ivetl seasoned, Black Walnut, ele- Stereoseopie Views ever shown in this seetion uf tho country j al1m gantly aiul beaiitifiilly fiwislwd by a neiu French process. Drng!rlsts and Gen., Snn F1'.1.ll<'b1;0, C:di(1ll" :l . fl.nd ~1r . or, anti Clmrlt·111 ~t~ .. S. \ Sold by all .11rngg!sts i!.u1d D~ llliq· i . LATEST NOVElTDES Spring and Smmner 11fittfrw1'JJ,Afantles, Shawls, Trimmings, etr,·. A MAN of a 'l'HOUSAND. DRY GOODS and SILKS, a SPECIALITY. Speci>Ll n~tten tion given fo getting up orders for Family Mourniug. A La.:rge Stock of Black, Goods at all times. 'l'HEJ HEARSE haviug b!Jen THE DURABILITY :Microscopes, Bea.ding Glasses, Cheap as the Chea.pest. eto, etc. Assortment of Frames )lowinamillo, Nov 12th, 18i3. bp·ol3·m6-tf. of the ·" Sil vet 'l'ongue," is one of its n1 oot remarkable chara1,,-terh;th:.:i:>. 'l'hei.r quality of keeptug in goud tone, a.lso is one of t.ho most pra1,,-tical im portnnce. RlCE &: B.ARKEB King Street, Bowmanville. Bowmanville, l\farch SrJ 1874- gives th1s recipe free on receipt of two stamps to pny expenses·. HE)1P a.lso cures nightnweais, n~inri ea at the stom ach, and will bt'llak a cold in 24 ho1n·f!', AdrlreRl-1 Cr:iddock & I fresh Co., 1.032 J~ace S_ t ., Phila., U. S., nil.ming thfa \Vhen death was hollrly expected froin CON· SUMP'VION. all remedie111 h aving flliled a11d Dr. H. JAMES 'vaa ~peri1nenting, he acui· dentally 1uade :-1J prevatation of INDIA~ HEl\fP1 which cured hu; only ohild 1 and now « Improved and Painted, a now one of the he;t in the County . .:\11 ol' ders promptly attended t o. C. BARKER. j "algy ht., 1874, bp-lm·o:8·rn30. Ku:ig St. West, Osb1wa, April Hth, 1874. . LIBERAL DISCOU:NT TO THE ·. . Sa TREWIN, CLERGY. Ii. XATERSO:N. P. S. - li'u:.·niture llHHJ.,~ to order ·wh.ou re quired, aud rep1~irs neatly exoctit.etl, .fi1\wpton 1 Sep, l8th 1 ltli;J,